The Three Signs - Book 4 - LisaChapter 5: Living With Lisa free porn video

“That brings me to a question, one I’ve been wanting to ask for a few weeks,” Lisa said. “Just where do you think we stand, you and me?”
I wasn’t quite sure how to answer her.
“I mean, we’ve known each other for, how long is it? Almost six months?” she continued. “We seem to get on well together, we go on a dinner date almost every week, we know almost everything about each other. When we are together, we have a great time, but ... you’ve never even tried to kiss me. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought you might be gay, but I know that’s not the case. Is there something wrong with me, or ... is all you want for us to be friends? That’s what I want to know, Will.”
In my desire not to move too fast, had I erred the other way, and gone too slow? Was I at risk of losing her before anything even started, because I didn’t judge the situation properly? I really needed to explain just how I felt about her.
“Lisa, I think I need to explain my actions. When I first met you, the day I managed to destroy the fence between our places, I thought how lovely you were, and I wanted to get to know you a lot better. But I didn’t want to make the same mistake that I had made with other women, going too fast, and moving to a sexual relationship before we had really go to know each other. I think when I told you the story of my life, I mentioned how I was trying to change my behaviour, developing that emotional intimacy, and making sure that before I pushed a relationship too far, and into a physical, sexual relationship, both the woman and I had the same level of expectations, the same understanding.
“Maybe I moved too slowly with you, and that’s why you are confused about what it is that I want for us. But ... let me make my feelings perfectly clear, I think you are a lovely woman, not just beautiful and attractive, but intelligent, and great fun to be with. I always enjoy spending time with you, talking or whatever we choose do to.”
“Somehow I feel there’s a ‘but’ about to come,” she said, looking sad.
“The only ‘but’ is that I feel now that we both know each other quite well, we should take our friendship to the next level,” I said. “What is the expression that they use these days? Should we start going steady? Would you like to be my girlfriend? That all sounds a bit corny, but...”
“I think you should kiss me now,” she said, stepping towards me and putting her arms around me.
She pulled us close together, and tilted her head up. Her lips were slightly parted, and I saw the tip of her tongue flick across them, moistening them. I looked down at her face, all I could see were her deep brown eyes, looking back at me, and her soft, moist lips. Her lips slightly parted, and the pinkish tip of her tongue was visible ... I wanted to feel those lips pressed against mine, to have my tongue against her, while she pressed her body tight against mine. I started to feel light-headed, almost dizzy, I could feel myself being drawn into her eyes, those deep, dark pools.
Our lips brushed together, barely touching, twice, three times, then she pulled me tightly to her, I felt her hand on the back of my head, pressing me to her. My tongue flicked forward, between her lips, touching her tongue. It was like little tingles of electricity flowing between us, I could hear her whimpering softly as our mouths pressed together. I could feel the hardness of her nipples through the fabric of her ball dress; her breasts were squashed against my chest.
It had been a long, long time since I had experienced a kiss as powerful and as emotionally connecting as this one. Is ‘emotionally connecting’ even a phrase? I don’t know, but I could feel, through that kiss, Lisa and I had a strong connection. I didn’t count the kisses with Jillian, or actually, the ghost of Jillian, since she used her paranormal abilities to enhance the connection between us. But with Lisa ... there was something quite different to the kisses with Fiona, Allison, or Mary Beth.
Eventually, we broke apart.
“Now, take me to you bed,” she said.
I didn’t need a second invitation; I lead her by her hand into my bedroom. A thought crossed my mind, just as well it was Saturday, laundry day; and the bed had been remade this morning, with clean sheets. I turned on the gas fireplace, with the flame down low; we didn’t need the heat, but the effect of the flames looked good.
“Can you undo the catch at the top?” she asked. “I can’t quite reach it...”
I had her dress undone quickly, and put it over the back of the chair in the corner of the room. She was completely naked; she had removed her underwear before putting the dress on; and for the first time, I could see her stark naked. She was stunningly beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Small breasts, with perky, erect nipples, small areolas around them. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed; she wasn’t completely bare, there was a tuft of light brown hair at the top of her mons. I was transfixed by her beauty.
“You’re ... you’re ... so beautiful,” I stammered, my throat feeling dry.
“Thank you, but you are still dressed,” she said. “I expect to see you naked as well.”
I quickly removed my clothes, tossing them on the floor in the general direction of the chair; and I pulled the bedcovers back. She looked at me, smiled, and lay down on the bed, patting the mattress next to her. I lay in the bed next to her, and she pulled the covers up over us. She lay on her side, facing me, and I did the same, and put an arm around her, pulled her close to me.
“I guess I’ve probably left this question a bit too late, but ... birth control?” I asked.
“I’m on the pill,” she said, “and besides, I’m right at the beginning of my cycle, my period finished on Thursday. So everything is safe.”
“Nice. I guess I should have said something earlier.”
I kissed her lips, and started working my way down – he chin, then her neck, until I was kissing and sucking her sweet nipples. She moaned softly, and slowly rolled onto her back. I moved with her, keeping my lips locked around her hard nipple. My hand slid down, over her stomach, and she parted her legs, letting my fingers brush over her soft pubic hair, to touch her pussy. Her lips were barely moist, not very wet at all, and as I pushed a finger between them I gently rubbed around her clit. She sighed softly as I fingered her pussy gently, I could feel the bump at the top of her lips where her clit was starting to swell. She still remained barely moist, certainly not wet enough for me to try to slide even a finger inside her.
I moved around on the bed, sliding down so that my head was between her legs. I pushed her thighs apart, and pressed my lips to her pussy, letting my tongue lap between her labia. Lisa moaned softly, and pressed her hands on the back of my head. I could feel he soft pubic hair pressing against my cheeks, and I pressed my tongue into her opening. I could feel her squirming underneath me, and as I licked up and down, her wetness started flowing. When I felt she was sufficiently wet, I slid a finger inside her as I continued licking.
“Mmmm, yeah, that’s the spot,” she moaned. “Oh, don’t stop that!”
As I kept licking, pushing the tip of my tongue around her swollen clit, I rubbed the tip of my fingers against the inside wall of her vagina. Suddenly I felt her tighten around my fingers, they were locked inside her. Her body stiffened, and she cried out.
“Oh YEAH! NNNGGGGHHH! Oh fuck, that’s so GOOD!”
She was now very, very wet; once she had finished coming, I slowly withdrew my fingers from her vagina. I slowly slid up along her body, so my face was above hers, and I could feel my knob pressing against her pussy.
“Do you want me to... ?” I started to ask her.
“Dammit, Will, stop teasing me! I want you inside me, right now!”
She spread her legs a little wider, and pushed her hips up. I felt my knob start to enter her, so I finished the job, pushing quickly into her. I felt my knob open her up; she was tight, very tight, but wet enough so I slid all the way into her.
“Ummph!” she grunted. “Yeah, that’s what I want.”
It felt so lovely being inside her; I lay there, not moving for maybe twenty or thirty seconds, just savouring the sensations of her lovely vagina around my prick. I then started to slide in and out, moving very slowly and deliberately, pulling my prick back so just the tip of my knob was inside her. I would push slowly inside, allowing my prick to slide inside her again. Lisa moaned softly each time I would move in and out; I wasn’t in any great hurry, the sensations were so fantastic I wanted to take my time. After a few minutes, she wrapped her legs around my thighs, and held me tightly to her.
“Oh yes! YES! Oh God, don’t stop!” she cried out as she came.
I kept sliding in and out, stepping up my pace as I felt I was getting closer to my own orgasm. I shifted my angle slightly, so there was more pressure on the underside of my shaft, some fast, deep strokes, and that was it. I gripped her shoulders, kissed her lips and thrust all the way inside her. I groaned loudly as I exploded inside her, burst after burst of my hot come. When I had finished, I collapsed against her chest, panting for breath.
“Oh, my ... that was something wonderful,” she said, stroking my hair with her hand. “Thank you for that, I have never experienced anything like that before.”
“You mean, that was your first time?” I asked her, rolling off her onto my side. “But I thought you had...”
“No, sorry, it wasn’t my first time, but the other two times were nothing like that!” she said. “I thought I had told you about them ... Anyway, are you interested in hearing about my previous experiences? There’s not a lot to tell.”
“Sure, whatever you’re happy to share with me.”
She sat up on the bed, her back leaning on the headboard, and she drew her knees up in front of her, and wrapped her arms around them.
“Well, the first time, that was just to finish the list of things we had set up at school, stuff to get done before we finished year twelve,” she said. “You know, stuff like smoke a cigarette, get drunk, go to an R-rated movie, smoke a joint, sunbake nude, have sex with a girl, have sex with a guy. A bunch of us had worked out the list, just stuff that we felt we should experience. It was only a month before the end of school, and there was just the sex with a guy that I needed to check off, so a friend lined me up with her brother.
“It was a disaster; I guess you know that I take a while to get, um, to get properly lubricated, well, he didn’t know what he was doing, just stuck his cock inside me before I was ready, and it hurt like buggery. At least he only lasted less than a minute, but it wasn’t enjoyable at all. So that was my first time; afterwards I thought that sex with guys was a real disappointment, why was everyone so hung up on it?
“The second time was a guy at work; he was married and said that he was going to be leaving his wife, and I was silly enough to believe him. We had been flirting for months, and eventually one lunchtime we went off somewhere to have sex. He didn’t take the time to get me properly wet, either, so it was just as bad as the first time. Then a week later he told me that he would be leaving work, as he had been offered a more senior job up with the Coffs Harbour city council. I felt completely used; he never intended to leave his wife, he just wanted some fun on the side.”
“So, all the other things on the list, how many have you done again, or would you want to?” I asked.
“Getting drunk, and smoking, either regular tobacco or marijuana, I can live without ever doing that again. The r-rated movie, I guess it depends if it’s any good. The nude sunbathing, I want to do that again, Fiona has told me how in the summer time you all go out on a boat to a deserted beach, I would want to do that. Sex with a man, I want us to do it again and again.”
“The sex with a woman?” I asked.
“Well, that was with a friend from school, George – Georgina Gilchrist – a good friend from school. Yeah, that was pretty enjoyable, actually, that was far more enjoyable that sex with a guy, at least until just now with you. I mean, she would go down on me, well, we both did, and she knew exactly how to touch me, how to get me wet, and how to give me orgasms. Does that disgust you, that I have had sex with another woman? I mean, you told me about Lori and Megan, so I assumed you were okay with that.”
“I’m probably the least judgmental person around,” I said. “I’m not going to cast any judgment on you for having sex with another woman; if that was what you wanted to do, and enjoyed it, then my personal views have no bearing on it.”
“Good! I was hoping you would be like that,” she replied. “Well, I was pretty sure you would be completely cool with it, from what you had told me about previous relationships; and if I find the right person, I might want to do that again; if you’re happy with that.”
“I’m not going to tell you what you can and cannot do with your life,” I said. “Just because you and I have slept together and made love, that doesn’t give me any right to tell you what you can’t do.”
“You’re different to most other guys,” she said. “Most would say that once I would be their girlfriend, I couldn’t do anything that they didn’t agree with.”
“Now, I’m not wanting to kick you out of my bed, but will I have to get you home sometime soon? We should have a shower, so you don’t get home smelling of sex.”
“No, I don’t have to go home tonight, unless you want me to leave. I told Mum what I was planning on doing, in fact she gave me some advice on what to do and what to say.”
“Really? And you father will be happy? I don’t want him to pull out a shotgun next time I am over there!”
“He will be fine, Mum will tell him what’s going on. He always listens to her, at least as far as us kids are.”
“Well, as long as he won’t blame me for somehow corrupting you.”
She laughed, a soft, tinkling laugh.
“If he tries that, Mum will set him straight, tell him to stop being a hypocrite! Don’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, but my parents have never got married. Dad was married to his first wife when he came up to Brisbane during the war; she remained in Sydney. My uncle, Esmond – everyone called him Ossie – they were shipmates, and he bought Dad home one weekend, and as soon as my mother saw him, they fell in love. Anyway, after a while his wife came up to Brisbane, to see how he was and surprise him; well, she caught him and my mother in bed, having sex! She created a huge uproar, and my grandmother, my mother’s mother, well she threw a fit. She was a very strict Catholic, and told him to leave, and never come back.
“Well, Mum turned on her mother, and said that she was going with him; she ran away from home with him. Now, she was twenty-two at the time, so it wasn’t a huge legal problem, but for a few years they lived in Wagga Wagga, where Christine was born, and then they heard his original wife had died, they moved back to Sydney. Eventually, after my grandmother had died, they went back to Brisbane, to see my Uncle Ossie again, and I’ve been there a few times, I have four cousins up there. But Dad’s not likely to get fussed about us sleeping together. Mum will make sure of that. Anyway, I should tell you the advice she gave to me earlier today.
“When I told her about the dress fitting, she asked me ‘how are thing going with Will?’, and I said they were going fine, but she asked me again, and I said ‘are you wanting to know if we are sleeping together?’, which is what she was really asking about. I told her that I was unsure where things were with us, pretty much what I said to you earlier. She told me that you were probably taking things slowly, and I would have to push it along if I wanted that. Her last words to me as I left just after dinner were ‘if I don’t see you home tonight, then I know my advice would have worked’. So, don’t worry about what they will think about me spending all night here with you.”
“That’s good, I didn’t want to get you into trouble. Or get myself into trouble!”
“Well, you are going to be into trouble if you don’t make love to me again! And go down on me again, first.”
Her suggestion was an excellent one; I went down in her, giving her another two powerful orgasms, and then we made love, we started with me on top of her, then we moved around so she was riding me, and she had me finish off doggy style. She had left me absolutely exhausted! We curled up together, and slept soundly, at least until six in the morning, when she woke me up demanding more sex, a demand to which I readily acceded.
“So, what would you like to do today?” I asked her. “I think Wendy is coming over just before lunchtime to see what adjustments are needed on that ball dress, but apart from that, do you have any ideas?”
“I really need to do some study,” she said. “Accounting and Intro to Law. The exams are only two weeks away, after the long weekend.”
“Sounds like a good idea, I need to study too. How about we start with a shower, then have breakfast?”
After a nice long shower together, we had breakfast, and when she went back to her place, to get some clean clothes, and her books for the study session, I stripped the bed and put the laundry on. I also opened the doors and windows to air the room out. When she returned, she told me that her mother had asked how things went, and she simply replied that everything was going very well.
“Of course Mum knew what had probably happened all night, but I didn’t need to tell her any more. I told her that I would be going back and studying there, but I would be home for dinner.”
“So they are cool with things, with us?” I asked.
“Of course they are, that’s why she pushed me to confront you.”
We headed up to the study area of the studio; I sat at one of the desks and pulled out my Signal Analysis notes, while Lisa spread some of her books and notes across another desk. We worked through the morning for several hours until Wendy and Patrick arrived; we took a break and Lisa went back to my bedroom to get the dress that she would wear to the ball. Meanwhile, Wendy set up her dressmaking basket and tools on one of the desks.
“I think if we can get Lisa to stand up here, on this box, I can move around her and make some measurements.”
“How do I go about wearing a bra with this dress,” Lisa asked Wendy. “The back is cut so low, a normal bra would have the back of it showing. But if I go braless, my boobs will be flopping everywhere!”
“With those neat perky breasts? I don’t think so,” Wendy said. “It’s not like you have big floppy tits like me! But I’ve got something that you can wear, it’s like a double set of pasties; they are a soft silicone, let me show you how you put them on. Take your shirt and bra off, and you can see what they do.”
Lisa stripped down to her panties, and Wendy got the pasties – they were two round silicone cups, I guess, that would sit over each breast, joined at the bottom. She pressed them onto Lisa breasts, making sure they were positioned evenly, and stood back.
“There they are; because they are joined at the bottom, and the silicone sort of sticks to your boobs, it stops them moving around too much. Just make sure your skin is dry before you put it on, and they will stick there. Plus, if your nipples start to get erect, they will disguise them, so you’re not walking around with your headlights on high beam!”
“I need that at times,” she said. “Particularly when it’s cold! Damn nipples have a mind of their own, I’m sure. But these seem good, they hold my boobs in place.”
She jiggled around, seeing how much her breasts did – or didn’t move, and she seemed happy with the result. She then put the dress on, and stood on the box Wendy had set up. Wendy crouched down, and slowly moved around her, drawing chalk lines at various points on the dress. She used some pins to pull the dress in around the bust and hips, and stood back to check how it appeared. After a few more adjustments, Wendy seemed happy with the result, and she helped Lisa out of the dress.
“Now, let me tack this, and we can see how it appears,” she said.
She set her sewing machine up on a spare desk, and worked on the hems that she had pinned. After a few minutes work, talking to herself all the time, she had Lisa put the dress back on.
“Much better, much better,” Wendy said, looking at the fit. “How does that feel around the boobs? Do you feel like it’s holding them in now?”
“Yes, it’s much better, I don’t feel like I’m wearing an old sack.”
“Okay, now let’s get it right around your hips and bum.”
Wendy made some more chalk lines on the backside of the dress, did some more pinning, and once the dress was removed, sewed where she had pinned. A final fitting, and both Lisa and Wendy were pleased with the results.
“I could adjust the cleavage a bit, make it more open, if you want to show some more flesh,” Wendy said.
“No, I think this is enough; I don’t want Will’s workmates to think he’s dating some cheap exhibitionist!”
“You might give some of the older faculty members a heart attack!” I said.
“No, we don’t want that,” she said. “Thanks Wendy, this looks really good now, it’s a perfect fit!”
“No worries, at least we didn’t have to adjust the length; it’s perfect for you.”
Lisa removed the dress, putting her jeans and shirt back on; I thanked Wendy for her work, and she asked if she could check out progress on the basement of the house. Since it was just about time for lunch, we all headed back to the main house; where I showed Patrick and Wendy what the latest progress on the basement was. They walked around what would become their bedroom, and Patrick made a few measurements of the size of the closet. They then looked around the family room, and the storage area under the stairs.
“Would you object to us moving our living room furniture into the family room?” Patrick asked. “That way, we won’t need to worry about putting anything into storage.”
“Not a problem, the whole idea is to have you move in here so you can save money, why do that if you only have to rent a storage unit? That’s crazy.”
With the dress fixed, and the rooms checked out, Wendy and Patrick headed back to their place.
“What would you like to eat for lunch?” I asked Lisa.
“I want to eat you!” she replied.
I laughed, “Maybe afterwards, we could have a break from the study.”
We went to the kitchen, and we made lunch; toasted ham and cheese sandwiches. Afterwards, it was back to my bedroom for some more love making; again, I went down on Lisa first to make sure she was wet enough, then she rode me; she had several orgasms before I came again. It wasn’t just that the sex was out of this world with her, as we were making love, I felt an incredible emotion connection between us; something that I hadn’t felt for quite a few years, not since some times with Lori and Megan.
It did make it hard for me to get my head back around fast Fourier transforms, but with the exams only a few weeks away, I had to buckle down if I wanted to continue to get top results. We worked through until close to dinner time, then we packed up our books.
“Thank you for the last twenty-four hours, Will,” Lisa said, wrapping her arms around me. “Once my exams are over, do you think I might move in with you? If I’m pushing things too fast, I won’t be upset if you say no.”
“I think that sounds wonderful,” I said. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to move in with me; there will be some nights in the next few weeks where it makes sense for you to stay over with me, but what if we plan for you moving in before the end of the month?”
“Yes, please, I would want that. The others wouldn’t mind? Fiona, Mary Beth and Chris? I don’t want to upset anyone.”
“That won’t be a problem, my house, my rules,” I said. “And you can set things up in the new downstairs study for your college work, too. We can share that study, the room is plenty big enough.”
Tuesday evening, I met Mary Beth as usual for our dinner at the Kensington Thai restaurant. We sat at our usual table, and when we had ordered out meal, she took hold of my hand.
“So, how are things with the lovely Lisa?” she asked. “I’m glad you finally made a move on her; she’s a really lovely girl, and I’m sure she will be good for you”
“Yeah, she actually had to push me, get me to take a step,” I said. “But I am really happy with how things are, making love with her somehow feels right, if that makes sense.”
“I’m glad, you deserve some happiness for a change, things have been pretty shitty for you over the last few years, Jillian dying, Megan leaving, then my sister being a complete bitch ... and Janelle. But since you and Lisa have been checking each other out, I’ve noticed a change in your behaviour; you’re not as emotionally unstable as you have been.”
“I’m not emotionally unstable!” I said.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that. But also, you’ve been doing a lot of work to the house and the yard, it’s almost like you are ‘nesting’, making a desirable place to attract a mate.”
“So, are you saying I’m like a bower bird, or something?”
“I think subconsciously, most people act like that. I’m not criticizing you, I think it’s a good thing. I just hope that everything works out with Lisa, have the two of you talked about any plans, like her moving in?”
“We have,” I said. “Once her mid-year exams are over, closer to the end of the month, she will move in with me. We will fit out the basement study with two desks from the studio, so we both have a place to study that’s in the house. You don’t mind her moving in, do you?”
“Mind? Of course not! With Patrick and Wendy moving in, plus Lisa, it will start to feel a bit like things were back at Erko, in the terraces. I like living with a bunch of people around us. Now, maybe you should speak to Fiona, just let her know what’s happening. I don’t think she will be upset, but you know she still has a crush on you.”
“That’s a good idea; I’ll talk to her tomorrow evening.”
After our meal, we walked hand in hand back up to the campus; I gave my final lecture for the semester, then it was time for the tutorial session. Afterwards, I had several of the students asking if I could go over some aspects of the course, things that the felt they needed some revision on before the exams. I was still going over things with them when Mary Beth returned; I told her that I would probably be another hour. I heard her on the phone, she gave a message to Fiona to let Chris know that we would be late home, and not to worry.
I didn’t mind giving the extra coaching to the students that requested it; far better I spend an hour or two with them, helping with things they weren’t completely sure of, than have them fail some questions in the exam. Particularly for the part-time students, their options for repeating classes was very limited, without them having to pretty much repeat a year, or have their course delayed by a semester. With an introductory subject like Computing I, to take additional, higher level units in subsequent years, they needed to get at least a solid pass; anything less wouldn’t meet the prerequisites for the second and subsequent years’ subjects.
When all of the students were happy with my explanations, we left to go to the car.
“Sorry about that, but they wanted me to go over some of the programming stuff,” I said. “With the exams coming up, they had some things that they didn’t quite understand.”
“Will, no need to apologise; you’ve got a job to do here, and that’s all part of it. It’s neat just listening in to hear how you explain things, and the examples you use. Do they all centre on cooking and food?”
“Maybe there’s some subconscious link there,” I said. “But it’s something that most people can relate to, I guess.”
We walked up to the car park and Mary Beth took hold of my hand; the way we would often do when we walked together. As we drove back home, Mary Beth asked me how I really felt about being with Lisa.
“Well, it’s early days, of course, but there was something different, something really special about making love with her over the weekend; there was that strong emotional connection that I haven’t felt for a long time; not since Lori and Megan.”
“What about that time with us?” she asked. “How we had that really special, close connection?”
“That was different, we had spent the whole day, the whole weekend in fact, concentrating on building that emotional closeness.”
“True. So how was it with Lisa? And what made it different from Janelle, or Karen?”
“There were some times with both Lori and Megan; and to a lesser degree with Jillian and Allison where during the love-making, I could somehow sense an emotional connection with them. Don’t ask me to explain it; but on occasions it was as if I was also able to sense what they were feeling, too.”
“Kind of like that time with us?”
“Yes, but not to the same extent, remember, we had spent a few hours trying to get our bodies completely in tune with each other. Imagine something like that, but not as intense. Funny, but as intense and as wild as the sex was with Janelle, I never felt that degree of emotional connection.”

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