Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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When we arrived back at the house there was a welcoming committee. It almost felt a little strange, but it was nice to have three beautiful women greet us at the door.
Tara, Marie and Lisa smiled and came down to help us drag our bags up to the house. We had a whole extra suitcase full of gifts, mementos and trinkets that we'd picked up in the "junk shops".
I was a bit surprised to see Marie and Lisa still there, but it was a very pleasant surprise. I always enjoyed their company. They were not only beautiful women, but also extremely intelligent and quite interesting in their different interests. We never had a lack of something to chat about.
Tara and Dee were hugging each other tightly until Tara pulled away from her and asked, "When will you be absolutely sure sweetie?"
"I'm already absolutely sure mom. I think I felt it the moment it happened, but let's see, this is Sunday so my period should be due Wednesday or Thursday. You know me, I'm never late, so if I'm not bleeding to death by Thursday afternoon, I'd bet some money that I'm preggers!"
Tara smiled at her daughter, "Well. Are you happy? You've only been whining about it since you were sixteen."
"You know I'm happy mom. I've wanted to give Tommy a baby for a long time, and now I will. Oh. I'm sure it's a girl also."
Tara looked at Deanna and nodded her head with a huge smile.
While all of this was going on I had dragged the bags up the stairs and into our bedroom for unpacking and sorting to laundry. I left the bag of goodies in the living room. There was plenty in there to give something to everyone there. It worked out pretty well though because I knew Marie was into the paper maché brightly painted birds just like I was, so I'd have to give up one or two of the souvenirs that I'd picked up for myself and give them to Marie. It's ok there were plenty to go around. There were always more where these came from!
I was also into the carved, brightly painted fish as well which is something Lisa collected. It was good, because we had brought back a little of everything and had shipped even more. Dust collectors to add to the collection already on numerous shelves. I was going to have to hire a maid just to dust.
So we all got some drinks and sat in the living room to talk about the trip. Dee was in full motor mouth mode telling Marie, Lisa and her mom all about Cabo and some of the things we had done. She left out the juicy stuff thankfully, as I'm sure the three of them could have guessed about all of that.
"The first day we got this rental car from the hotel. It was an old beat up Volkswagen bus but we had a blast in it. We tripped all around the place while Tommy showed me all the places he'd lived when he was living down there. They were some really nice places, especially the last one I saw. We couldn't get past the locked gate, but I could see it was a really nice place."
Lisa looked at her questioningly, "Locked gate?"
"Yeah. Most of the houses in that area have strong fences and locked gates, because if the gates were open the cows from who knows where would wander in and help themselves to the landscape and gardens."
I filled in the blanks, "Mexico is pretty much an open range, so livestock wander all over the place. One of "Tom's" rules for Mexico is that you don't travel the roads at night. At least once a week you would drive to town and there would be a dead cow by the side of the road. You can only imagine what that cow did to the car that hit it and people were killed by cows all the time."
"What did they do with the dead cow Tommy," Tara asked.
Dee looked at me and I looked at her and we both began to chuckle.
"Oh no. They don't come out and butcher it on the side of the road do they?"
I let Dee tell them, "No, they leave it there on the side of the road. After about a week it gets really big and bloated, something about gasses as it decomposes. After it's been there for a week or so, someone takes a can of gas out and they burn it right where it lays."
"Ewwwwwww," came from both Lisa and Marie. "That's gross, why don't they just bury it?"
I laughed, "If they buried every cow that got hit by a car on the road, they'd run out of space to dig the holes. It's quicker, easier and cheaper to just burn them once they rot enough they'll burn thoroughly. When the fire's done, someone goes in and sweeps up what is left and puts it in a garbage can, and it's taken care of."
"That's terrible," Marie squeaked out.
"Well honey. It's a third world country and like just about everywhere else in the world they don't do things like we do here." They all nodded at that, "I always tell people that are going to travel to a different country to put their 'western brain' in a dish on their dresser before they leave. Don't expect people in other places to do things or act like we do. You're visiting their house and it's rude to be judgmental of them based on your own house. International travel is a wonderful experience if you can just leave your arrogant American attitude behind. It's far more interesting to get into the local culture and go with the flow there."
To the understanding nods, I finished, "We earn our 'Ugly American' name tag. Believe me, Americans are the loudest, most arrogant, boorish pigs on this earth. We think we have a corner on life and our shit doesn't stink. We only have a corner on our own, and show me an outhouse anywhere in this country that smells like roses." I got chuckles at that comment.
"People don't appreciate it when someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about come to their home and start badmouthing how they live. They fucking do the best they can with what they have and they're proud of what they have. And we should acknowledge that instead of making fun or denigrating them. We just figure that if we throw a few dollars around we'll get respect. Well, it don't work that way!"
"Go into a barrio in most places in Mexico and you will see poverty. You'll see dirt floors in homes, but you know what? Those dirt floors are swept clean. They have pride in what they have and don't worry about what they don't have."
"Then go to a ghetto here somewhere and what do you see? People whining and crying about what a raw deal they're getting when the government is only giving them "X" dollars. Huh? Instead of dealing with what they have and having pride in it, they bitch and complain about what they don't have because the government is fucking them over. Why should the government give you shit? Get off your fat ass and go to work. I'll always help someone who tries to help himself or herself, but if you're only there looking for a handout - fuck you!
"Ok. I'm off my soapbox now," I said with a grin.
Marie chuckled, "Shit Tom. Get off the damned fence. Tell us what you really think!"
I looked at her and blushed a little. I'm pretty adamantly vocal about what assholes we are to the rest of the world. Most people can't relate because most people haven't been where I've been.
So Dee continued to tell them about fish tacos and how she'd learned to make fresh tortillas for me, and what a torta was and how good all the food was and how much fun we'd had everywhere we went. She talked about Todos Santos and La Paz, the gold mines in the hills and how they got gold out of the ground.
Everyone got a pretty good picture of our honeymoon!
Another week had passed, and Dee had, in fact, missed her period telling her that she was right and that she was pregnant. It would be another month before she'd go for medical confirmation, but she's studied enough on the web to know exactly what she needed to do in order to make sure our baby had the best chance of being a healthy baby.
Marie and Lisa were still there, and nobody was anxious for them to leave. They had nothing going on at the home front, no pets, no jobs to worry about, no people they had to report in to, just a mortgage check to send off and apparently there weren't many of those left.
From Tara's standpoint it was wonderful having them hanging around. It was like old times, and they could do it with Tom without issues cropping up.
They were all sitting around the living room having their evening drink, except for Dee who was partaking of her usual vegetable juice and carrot sticks. She was on a serious health kick and everyone else was joining in with her for the most part, exercising, and running, eating healthy, the whole nine yards.
Dee and Marie had drifted off again. It wasn't a worried Dee this time; she just wanted to talk with Marie for a little while.
When they got into the side den, she closed the door and turned to Marie with a smile. She slowly walked up to her and kissed her passionately working some tongue action into the mix.
When the kiss ended, Marie looked at Dee and whispered, "Wow. I like that young lady."
"Me too," said Dee softly.
"I thought about all the stuff we talked about before the wedding and I think you're right. I certainly don't feel as insecure as I did then."
With a huge grin, "You're married to him now sweetie. You have your hooks solidly set."
They both giggled and moved to sit in the chair that was in the room. Side by side, they were nearly attached, Dee gently putting her hand on Marie's thigh and looking up into her eyes.
"I want to make love with Lisa tonight if it's ok with you Marie. I want you too, but I think Tommy and you need to work through the emotions that still bum you both out."
Marie looked at her with melancholy eyes then smiled at Dee saying, "Dee. You're just 18. You're not supposed to be able to think in those kinds of terms."
"There are psychologists that wouldn't be able to enunciate that opinion as well as you just did."
Dee smiled shyly, "Well, I just know that the three of you were very much in love and it was very painful when it all broke up. You're all still affected by it, I can tell, and you all really need to deal with it."
Marie just smiled at her nodding slightly.
"I mean, you and Lisa have gone on with your lives, and so has Tommy, but you still have that pain in your hearts somewhere in the background. You need to bring it to the foreground, deal with it and be done with it!"
Marie looked at her and softly whispered, "You're right honey. We really do, but you have to understand, you have never felt the kind of pain we put on each other. Tom really didn't want to leave, and we really didn't want him to, but we all knew he had to go. He needed to get on with his life, because it wasn't going to be with a couple of 'dykes'," she said with a big grin, lightening up the conversation a little. "We knew that Tom loved your mom and that she loved him too, but because of what happened with your father, she immersed herself in her work."
Dee nodded and whispered, "Yeah."
"You loved Tom so she kept him around. I wouldn't say she was stringing him along because I know she really loved him a lot. She just couldn't take time or attention away from her job to concentrate on any kind of relationship. I'm sure she enjoyed Tom's visits; a woman has needs. You needed a male role model and Tom was always there for you."
Dee nodded her head and said, "Mom knew I was in love with him the first time I set eyes on him. I think she just figured it was puppy love, and it may have been at that point, how can an 8 year old really know what love is?"
Marie smiled and gave her a quick noogy before she continued.
"Dee. Your mom loves Tom a lot, and I mean a lot. What I've seen between you and Tom, I don't think your mom could match, but you seem to be ok with sharing him with her. That's a very courageous thing to do honey, especially knowing the love between the two of them."
"I know mom isn't going to 'steal' him away from me Marie, the same as I know that you and Lisa aren't going to do that either. I want mom to be happy, and I know loving Tommy makes her happy. I know she's very happy that he and I have done what we've done. She's said she's not sure she could have done it again after dad. She knows Tom couldn't be that way, but it was one of those 'psych issues' that she hasn't worked through."
Marie looked at her in awe, "Dee. Have you ever thought about studying psychology? You are a natural at it."
"Mom said the same thing. Maybe. I don't know. Right now I want to concentrate on giving Tommy this baby girl," she said before she'd known it, shooting her hand up to her mouth and looking at Marie with large eyes.
"Dee? You're pregnant?" Marie asked.
Dee nodded. "I missed my period last week and I'm as regular as clockwork." Then smiling, "I really felt it happen when it did. I was being inducted into the mile high club."
Marie laughed loudly at that description. "The mile high club, aye? Well that's as good a time as any I suppose. When the baby gets older and asks you about it you can say it happened at 35,000 feet over San Diego or some such thing."
Dee laughed, "I'd never thought of that. That's a good one. I'll have to remember it!"
"Does your mom know?"
"Oh yeah. She knew the moment it happened too. Mom and me are connected that way. I'm not even going to see a doctor for another month, but I don't have any doubt, and I also know it's going to be a little girl."
"That's so cool," lamented Marie with a far away look.
"You want to have a baby too, don't you Marie?"
"I don't know Dee. I've thought about it before, and it seems like the 'womanly' thing to do, but I'm just not sure."
"Then you should wait," Dee said putting her arms around Marie.
"Oh I know honey. I know." Then looking at Dee kind of tentatively asked, "How would you feel about Tom being a father to my child?"
Without any hesitation, "I think it would be totally bitchen, as long as it's what you really wanted!"
"Like Lisa honey, Tom is the only man I would ever consider doing that kind of thing with. I guess it's something to think about," Then with a big smile, "You planted the seed you little shit."
Both laughed roundly at that comment, hugging each other closely and kissing again.
"So you don't have any problem with me loving with Lisa tonight?" Dee asked softly.
"Not at all sweetie. I'm not sure about handling Tom, but you are right. It's something we both need to face head on. I know he loves me, and I totally love him, so we shouldn't have that big a problem. It's just the emotions of 'parting' again that is worrisome."
Dee whispered, "Maybe we can do something about that too." And just let it float.
She took Marie's hand in hers and they wandered back into the living room to join everyone else.
Tara and me looked up when they re-entered, but we were facing the direction they were coming from. Both were smiling so I figured that Marie took her aside to give her some additional reassurances.
What I didn't know was the overall impact of what she had said. I'd find out very soon, but I gotta admit, it blew me away.
Marie came back and plopped down next to Lisa with a big smile so whatever it was made everyone involved happy. Dee went over to the bar and mixed herself another drink then yelled over to see if anyone else needed a refill. Dee had been pretty much drinking fruit juice, so it wasn't a big deal as far as alcohol was concerned. She enjoyed it once in a while, but preferred just plain juice.
Lisa popped up her hand and said, "Me! I need a refill please. I'll come over and bring my glass."
With that she stood up and went over to the bar where Dee was mixing whatever anyone needed. When Lisa got there she sat on a stool at the bar and handed Dee her glass. "Straight Jack Daniels, please. Same thing Tom drinks."
Dee looked up at her and smiled, "He really likes that stuff, but doesn't drink all that much."
"Yeah. He kind of got me the taste for it a long time ago and I still like it. If you've never tried it, get some Gentleman Jack and try it! Smooth!"
"There's some here if you'd prefer that Lisa. I haven't poured yet," she said smiling.
"Oh. Yes please. If there's some there I'd love that instead."
Dee put some ice in the glass, and then asked, "You want it on ice or straight up?"
"On ice please. I like it cold, and it gets it watered down just a little which is nice."
The ice in the glass, Dee poured her about three fingers and put a sprig of mint in the glass just for looks."
Lisa smiled at her and took a small sip, then smiled widely. She started to stand up to go back to the conversation, but Dee stopped her.
"Lisa, can I ask you something?" Dee asked nervously.
"Sure sweetie, what's up?" Lisa said with a reassuring smile. Knowing that Marie had taken her in to talk about things before the wedding and could see that Dee was a little more relaxed than she'd been before.
"Well, Marie and I were talking a while back," noting Lisa nodding her head. "Well, I guess ... Uh, what I wanted to ... Uh, what I wanted to ask you is if I could sleep with you tonight? I mean, everybody has been so good not to worry about things before the wedding, and now that we're back, I think we can all take care of each other some. If it's ok with Tom, he and Marie can get to know each other again."
"Oh trust me Dee. They know each other very well, but it's nothing that you will ever have to worry about," looking Dee directly in the eyes.
"Yeah. That's what she said." Then very shyly, "Actually I told her that I'd like to sleep with both of you. You're both very beautiful women. Tommy sure wasn't exaggerating any of that!"
"Well thank you sweetie." Then with a snorted chuckle, "It's nice for an old broad to hear that once in a while."
"You're not old Lisa. Aren't you about the same age as mom?"
"A little older, but not worth mentioning," she noted with a smile. Then looking Dee directly in the eyes, "Dee. I'd love to make love with you. You are a very beautiful young lady, and it's been a long time since I've had the opportunity. I think Marie will be able to convince Tom that a romp in the hay will be good for them both."
Then laughing, "She hasn't had a cock in her pussy since the last time she and Tom made love the night before ... well the night before he left." Lisa was starting to drop some tears thinking about it.
"Wow," Dee whispered. "It was really hard on all of you wasn't it?"
Lisa looked up at her and just nodded her head. Looking straight into Dee's eyes, Lisa told her, "We all loved each other a lot Dee. We still do, and it was a difficult decision to come here for this, but because we love him we wouldn't miss his tying the knot with a woman he loves as much as he loves you."
Dee hesitantly whispered, "I'm glad that you all accepted Lisa. I think it's something that Tommy needs to deal with. From what I've seen, maybe you guys too."
"You have to understand, that I have no problems with him loving other women. The problem I have is my own insecurity. I know he won't run away, but it's hard for me to convince myself of that sometimes."
"You don't have a thing to worry about sweetie. He's so attached to you that if he did run away, he wouldn't know which way to go."
"I wish I could convince myself of that at times. I mean I know he's not going to go running around behind my back. Like I told Marie, he gets enough strange pussy around here that he doesn't need to go anywhere else. He always makes sure that I am well taken care of and that I know he isn't going anywhere. He's even said that he would let me do something with another guy, but I haven't ever found another guy that I'd want to do anything with. I have to say though, that Bob was interesting, and Janell was a dream."
Then blushing, "I'll admit though that on the flight back while Tom was in back with Leslie I gave the copilot and the pilot a good blow job."
Lisa looked at Dee very seriously and said softly, "Me neither Dee. Tom is the only man who has ever touched me intimately. He'll also be the only man who EVER touches me intimately. He is a very special man Dee, and you are a very lucky young lady, but I'm sure you already know that."
Dee nodded her head and whispered, "Yeah. I sure do." Then looking up at her with eyes that were dancing and sparkling, she chuckled, "I wanted to fuck him when I was barely thirteen, but mom wouldn't let me." Then chuckling even more, "She said I was far too young to understand the consequences."
Lisa looked at her with a smile and asked, "Well?"
"She was right," then quickly added, "But don't ever tell her I said that!"
They were both laughing about that.
"How old were you when you finally 'got him'?" Lisa asked.
Dee smiled and replied, "Fifteen. But I was almost sixteen. I sort of forced mom into leaving me with him when she had to go over to Asia to work for a year." She paused to take a sip of her drink, "Mom knew what I was after, and still did it."
Dee laughed, "She said she couldn't believe that he'd held out as long as he had." Then looking at Lisa deeply, "Mom and me are connected Lisa. I'm sure she knows what we're talking about right now. I know her feelings and frustrations too. It's really weird. Two days after we made love for the first time, she called. I knew who it was, and I always do. Tommy laughs because I always pick up the phone when it's her and say, 'Hi mom. How are you doing?' before I say anything else. I just know it's her, but that morning when she called the first thing she said to me was, 'How was it? Was it as good as you had always dreamed it would be?'"
Lisa smiled at her and nodded.
"I mean, how would she know? I'd been after him for 6 months and I guess he'd finally had enough of the teasing and was going to try to scare me or something. Well, he found out that it was what I wanted all along and that I didn't want to do anything else in my life except make him happy. I knew that the first time I ever saw him when I was 8."
"He'll return that happiness in spades Dee. In fact later, when we're in bed, I'd like to talk to you about something and ask you some questions."
Dee just nodded her head and whispered, "Ok." She had a fair idea what Lisa wanted to talk about but Marie had said not to tell anyone, so she was just going to play it dumb, and let Lisa ask."
Dee had moved around from behind the bar and sat on a stool next to Lisa for some of their talk. It was suddenly silent while they both internalized their own thoughts.
Lisa was looking forward to a special evening with this young woman. She knew her instructor and had great expectations in her abilities to please another person. Tom was an incredible lover, so incredible that she was going to ask Dee for permission to make love to him with intercourse, intercourse for the first time in her 34 years. She was more scared he'd turn her down than scared of the act itself. She was actually looking forward to it to see if it was the empty feeling she's been having all these years.
Dee was looking at the beautiful woman sitting next to her. She'd never had sex with a "lesbian", a woman that had never had a man, well except for Heather, but that had changed too. She knew that it might change while she was here and conceptually didn't have any problem with it at all. She knew Tom would take her very gently, and probably rock her world. We'd see what the conversation was about later tonight when they're in the complete privacy of the bedroom. She chuckled to herself when she thought about it, but she couldn't wait to get Lisa naked and make love with her.
They both left the bar and walked back to the living room where everyone else was still sitting, listening to music, and talking quietly. Lisa went and sat next to Marie, nearly attaching herself to Marie's body. Marie looked at her with a grin, and Lisa leaned in and kissed her tenderly. They looked lovingly into each other's eyes giving each the messages they had intended.
Marie smiled, and gave a little shrug, but she leaned in to kiss Lisa again and placing her mouth at her ear she whispered very softly, "Enjoy her Lee. Don't worry about anything else. Just focus on loving Dee tonight. I'll get my turn, but I'm in no hurry."
Then she pulled away momentarily to look into Lisa's eyes again and give her a quick peck on the lips then moved her mouth to Lisa's ear once more, "Have you decided?"
Then she pulled her face back again to get her answer from Lisa's eyes. She smiled at what she saw. It was hopefully only a matter of time now before Lisa knew what a man's penis felt like pushed all the way inside of her. She'd feel that warmth when his sperm splashed its way into her womb in search of a fertile egg.
She gave Lisa a knowing smile letting her know she understood then kissed her letting her know that she not only approved, but felt excitement for her life partner.
Dee had set herself onto Tom's lap gently, and putting her drink on the table wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. It was a kiss full of love and affection. When she pulled her face back and looked into his eyes, hers sparkled. She kissed him lightly on the tip of his nose.
Her mouth touched his ear. He could feel the warm breath and the flick of her tongue while she teased him a little. Then she whispered so softly he nearly didn't hear her, "I'm going to sleep with Lisa tonight if it's ok with you Tommy."
She moved her face back to look into his eyes, which showed surprise, then mellowed into acceptance and love.
He whispered to her, "Are you sure baby?"
She nodded and said very softly, "I'm really looking forward to it." Then putting her mouth next to his ear again whispered, "I think Marie would like to reminisce about old times if it doesn't cause emotional turmoil, but that's something you will both need to talk about and determine."
She pulled her face away to look into his eyes again and quietly whispered, "They both still love you a lot Tommy. I hope you can return that love without causing yourself any emotional grief."
He looked at her with far away eyes. She'd seen these eyes before. He was no longer with them for the moment. Where he'd gone, she couldn't predict. She just knew he was no longer there.
She wrapped herself around him lovingly, knowing that he'd be back soon, and wanted to make sure he knew she loved him when he did return. She didn't know what the outcome of all of this would be, but she knew he needed to deal with it once and for all. She was now his woman, and there was no need for emotional pain surrounding either of his two old friends. They should be able to be just that. Friends. She actually hoped that they would be extremely close friends and maintain the deep love they'd always felt.
Tara had prepared her for the emotional turmoil she'd be witnessing and perhaps some of the emotional turmoil she would feel inside of herself. Tara was not only her mom, but also her very best friend, and in the past couple days had been being only best friend.
Mom knew what her daughter needed. She didn't need a mom right now introducing mom shit into her mix. She needed a best friend and confidant to express her deepest fears with. She knew that Lisa and Marie were going to be there a couple weeks before the wedding, and now that they were actually here, Tara did everything she could to assure Dee that everything was going to be fine.
Tara knew that neither Lisa nor Marie would cause or wanted to cause any problems with Tom and/or Dee. They were honored that Dee would have asked them to be bridesmaids. It meant a lot to them.
Tara also knew that the wild card in the whole scenario would be Lisa and what she wanted to do. If she truly wanted to have intercourse with Tom it threw a whole new dimension into things, though it wouldn't change any of the overall outcome. She smiled to herself when she thought about Lisa finally feeling the warm cock of a man deep inside her pussy. The only man she would ever let touch her was Tom, so if he wouldn't do it with her, she'd truly die a virgin. The only man she ever trusted was Tom.
Tara was trying to figure out what she was going to do with herself tonight. It looked like Marie and Tom would be getting reacquainted. Dee wanted Lisa, so that kind of left her by herself. Maybe she'd call Carol and see if she wanted to come by and maybe stay the night.
Dee gave Tom a goodnight kiss with sparkling eyes. He knew she was going to grab Lisa and head off to bed. He also knew that he and Marie would be doing the same and hopefully it would all work out.
There was a quiet knock at the garage door into the kitchen, and Carol popped her head in and said, "Anybody home?"
"Nope. We all left," Tara replied.
"Oh bummer, and I came over hoping to get some lovin'," Carol said with a grin.
Dee moved over in front of Lisa and put out her hands inviting her to stand and join her. Lisa looked up at her with loving eyes, and turned to kiss Marie before standing, putting her hand in Dee's, and walking with her to the bedroom that she and Marie have been sharing.
Almost as soon as Carol got there she and Tara went off to Tara's room, leaving only Marie and me in the living room. We looked at each other, both feeling a little uncomfortable at our situation.
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College SexMarie 8950 wordsIt was hot in Savannah, and the humidity madeMarie's simple muslin dress cling. She held Mr.Marrow's hand and tried not to step in the horsedroppings with her bare feet as they made their wayto the hotel. Inside, after visiting with the deskclerk, he led her up two flights of stairs to a room. It was the first time Marie had visited Savannah, thefirst time she had seen a building so big, and therewere so many white folks. Mr. Marrow was takenaback...
MarieMarie, eine wundersch?ne 19-j?hrige junge Dame, wurde mit allen Attributen eines Models gesegnet. Bei ihr musste der liebe Gott ein Auge zugekniffen haben, als es hie?; Bitte anstellen, Sch?nheit, Anmut und Grazie werden verteilt. Die junge Frau musste mindestens zweimal in jeder Schlange angestanden haben, so perfekt war sie gebaut. Sie war 170 cm gro?, hatte K?rbchengr??e 75c, leicht gebr?unte Haut und schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die Sonne darauf viel, glitzerten ihre Haare wie ein golden...
"Timothy, no. I don't have ti," Marie's complaint was cut short.She was still getting used to Timothy's youthful eagerness and energy. Adjusting from not having a man for ten years of what seemed a permanently hard cock pointing at her, took some getting used to.It was only a few minutes since Timothy was grunting and filling Marie with his cream, and he was ready again.When he arrived, Marie had warned Timothy he couldn't stay long because she was going to a friend's."Just a quick...
MatureSeven Months With Marie- Part Six: “The Challenge” Fall 2004 Marie and I were approaching the five month mark. She was the kinkiest girl I had ever met by far and away. Our first sexual encounter had been a threesome with our co-worker (and my land-lady/next door neighbor) Karen. It had started as a joke, and Karen had started filming me walking around her house drunk and naked. Then things got heated and the whole thing ended up on tape. After that Marie and I were together...
Marie arrived home two days after she'd left school. She went straight to the front door, figuring she could grab her luggage later. She wanted to get the confrontation with her parents out of the way.Their contact since she had left for school had been limited to a few text messages and an occasional email. She walked up to the door and tried to open it, she was surprised when her face slammed into it. Her parents were home, both cars were in the driveway, but the door was locked which...
College SexMarie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Marie was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, “Good morning, little one. I’ve arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag, with enough for overnight, and we’ll head up to the top deck.”Marie blinked her eyes slowly, and looked up...
LesbianMarie's bag was packed and in her car. She took one more look around the house. Everything was good, so she set off on her short break. Marie had booked herself in a five-star hotel. It was a gift to herself for being a bad girl.After checking in, Marie went straight to her third-floor room. It was better than she expected.Marie bounced on the bed, 'Oh, yes,' she said to herself.She hadn't gone there to pick a man up, but if she did, her bouncy bed would be a great place to fuck.Marie...
MatureMarie Ormond was glad to be leaving for college. She was tired of all the gossip, and not having any friends. It was a small town populated by smaller minds. Marie loved to write fiction, especially erotic fiction. She had hundreds of erotic stories on her tablet, which had been stolen five months ago. Whoever stole it had edited some of the racier stories so they appeared to be diary entries. One day she was a popular cheerleader, who all the boys wanted to date and all the girls envied. Then...
„You told her? Are you crazy?“ Jenny can’t believe what her step-brother is telling her. How does he not realize that this was a bad idea? “Of course I told her.” Steve says, “You don’t build a relationship on a lie.” In comparison to his sister, Steve seems pretty calm about the fact that he could have scared Marie of for good. And that after only one date. At the very least he is confident that he made the right choice in telling Marie about him and his sister. “Lying is completely...
Marie's Mom For the past two weeks Marie noticed when she got home that her mother was already there, locked in her bedroom. She could hear sounds on the other side of the door but was unable to clearly hear what was going on, and it bothered her that Mona was keeping something from her. The next week, when she got home from work, again she heard Mona in her room, and this time the door was not locked. Quickly moving to the end of the hallway, she turned off the hall light and returned to the...
Marie was back in her room. She went straight to the mirror and looked at herself. There was a smug, but confident look on her face.A smile broke out, "You've just been fucked in the ass," Marie said gloating to herself.Marie was a little tender, but she thought it was a small price to pay. Now she had the evening to look forward to.Time went slow. Marie couldn't wait for nine when she was meeting Tom and Ruth. She had dinner, showered, and it came time to chose her outfit. Black nylons and...
MoneyMarie woke at three in the morning, still on top of the bed and naked.Naked except for her garter belt and nylons. She had a pee and got into bed.It was after nine when she woke again. The air was full of the musky smell of sex. Or more accurately the smell of Ryan's cum Marie had rubbed into her skin. Rather than a shower when she got out of bed, Marie went to the kitchen and made a coffee.The phone buzzed. Marie had a text.It was Timothy. He wasn't going to make it today.Timothy didn't...
MatureOver time, their role-playing evolved from a niece and uncle scenario to Bonnie pretending she was Marie and started calling Mark daddy. Telling him how she wanted her daddy to fuck her hard. To grab her from behind and fuck her like a little bitch. Telling him how much she wanted to suck on daddy's big hard cock. When Bonnie first accidentally used the word daddy, one may call it a Freudian slip, she noticed how Mark became more aggressive in his actions. He grabbed her hips and started...
I peaked out of the curtains and saw that the day didn’t look too bad, a little overcast, but patches of blue shining through, and decided I would wear jeans and a warm, black long sleeved top. In my heightened state I picked out a matching pink lace bra and pantie set and put them on. As I slid the panties up, I was thoroughly aware of my wetness and, if I had been alone I would have done something about it, but then if I had been alone I probably wouldn’t be in this state anyway. I put my...
Lesbian176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...
It was just after five on what had been a really hectic week at work and, as I was making my way home, I decided to pop into ‘Fredericks’, a new bar near the office, and have a relaxing drink. The weather was turning cold, it now being late October, so my plan was to have maybe a couple of glasses of wine and then catch a cab home. If any of my friends were there maybe we would go and get dinner in town somewhere. I was in my work clothes, but I’m pretty relaxed about dress code in the office...
LesbianNext chapter will be the end of this series. It is close to being finished. Please let me know your thoughts, good or bad. I love constructive criticism as long as you give examples. How can I improve my writing if you mention it but not give an example. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------- On their final day, the girls got up in the morning and were happier than Rob had ever seen them. Both girls came down holding hands and looking hotter than ever. Where Sarah...
DANIEL, MARIE, & THE HERMAPHRODITE Of the few experiences we've had with others sexually, this one is the topper! I've only seen a couple pictures of a natural hermaphrodite. A girl with a large dick in place of their clit. They even have balls inside them, so they can cum like a man! Otherwise, good looking lady's that I've seen thus far. Just the thought of it opens up several possibilities! Certainly gives me a chubby thinking it over! One day, Marie and I were on our favorite sex...
I kissed Marie and asked her to snuggle up to me again. She asked if I would 'Save her place' while she went to the potty. She promised to be right back. While she was gone I undressed, it was warm in front of that fire. Marie trotted back, she was shivering and cold, she threw her self on those quilts and pushed a freezing cold butt into my crotch. " Could you help warm me please, it is freezing cold in the master bed room and bath" she said. I promised I would light the heater in...
Seventy-one-year-old Marie was watching Timothy mowing her lawn. He was nineteen and did odd jobs for Marie. The son of Marie's friend Margaret.Marie smiled and thought to herself, "If only I was fifty years younger."She caught herself holding her breast. A finger on her nipple."Act your age," Marie said out loud.There hadn't been a man in Marie's life since her husband passed ten years ago. She had always been a sexual woman. Now her only pleasure came from ever-decreasing moments with...
Mature“Why sure, you may sit here, Sir.” Marie Clair said to the kind-looking, middle aged gentleman. She was glad to have a “gentleman” sit next to her on the train, considering there was some “riff-raff” getting on behind him. She sure wouldn’t want to sit next to one of them. Her aunt had warned her about some of the people who might be on the commuter train. “My name is Marie Clair, and I’m on my way to Saint Catherine’s School for Girls in town. I’ve never been to the city...
The next morning we had to be up early so my Bio-Dad (BD) could drive us over to our cousin Jennie and Amy's house. Their household was just getting moving as we arrived, we dropped our stuff off in the spare room and went to join the family for breakfast. Neither of us had seen our cousins in a few years and yet it seemed like not much had changed. Jennie had definitely gotten taller and was developing quite well. She had a nice set of breasts, not quite as big as Marie’s but quickly...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Introduction: This one happened a few years ago. Only read it if you like slutwife stories..if not..move on. It had been about four months since my wife Anne Marie had taken a cock other than mine. Her latest sexcapade was a doozy, so I thought I would share it with you. It involves some aspects of American Baseball, so I apologize to our European friends if you have no idea what the fuck I am talking about. First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she...
This was not the family that I spent most of my time with, this was my biological fathers family, when I was born my Bio-dad (BD) ran and hid and forced my mom to reach out to his parents so they knew they had another grand child. He finally came around and would spend occasional time with me, but there was always the feeling that he despised having a child so young. On one of these visits I had rented some movies and was hanging out at my aunts house to watch them while BD was off working. ...
First of all, let me tell you that in her late thirties, she is as hot and sexy as she has ever been. 5'7" and 135lbs of pure sex appeal. Her legs and her ass are still those of a 25 year old, and her 34B boobs are as perky as ever. She still possesses traffic-stopping beauty and is always turning heads when in public. She has recently added blond highlights to her hair, and the effects are simply stunning. She is the classiest lady you will ever meet, but every once in a while she will act...
Some years ago a group of us through an internet chatroom used to meet up usually once a month at the London fetish fair and other fetish events in the general south east area.This meant that as we were real friends in kink the chatroom had a friendly welcoming respectful atmosphere generally. Newcomers could easily be welcomed and looked after.One of these newcomers was a guy called Chris. Like many of us he was based in the south east. The guy had lots of questions and as with many of us at...
…...The next morning…..waking up I could still feel the sticky residue of cum on my cock, the light of the morning was just streaming through the window. Looking over at Marie, her eyes were closed, my eyes roamed lower and I noticed areas of her shirt were stuck to her body where my cum had dried to her skin. I still remember the feelings going through me that morning, watching her sides rise and fall with each breath, my hand shaking as I raised it up, grazing my fingertips across her...
It was Monday evening, almost dusk, and I was home alone. My husband had left early in the morning for a week long business trip and I was missing him. Although we have been married for over twenty years, I still enjoy the pleasuring of his cock and his tongue. I was anticipating a frustrating week. Also, my two teenaged sons were away, having gone to summer sports camp. But I wasn’t just alone, I was lonely too. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my next door neighbor, Marie, calling. We had...
LesbianIntroduction: Another, more recent sexcapade of my fabulous slut of a wife You guys all know that Anne Marie is a self-admitted slutwife. You know that she very rarely misses the opportunity to get her mouth, pussy and ass stuffed with new cock. Most of the time however, her sexploits are planned out in advance (such as when she gets together with my best friend) or at least when we go out looking for action. Some of the hottest times though, seem to come completely out of nowhere, and that was...
At 39, Anne Marie is stunning. 5’7” or so; 123 lbs; long wild brown hair with blonde highlights. Her lips were made to suck cock and her shaved pussy tastes like peaches (no lie). If you ask me, she looks hotter today than when she was 25, and her sex drive is insatiable. For the last few months, Anne Marie has really started craving young cock. She usually talks about finding a 24 or 25 year old to service her every need; but finding the right “boy” had proven to be a challenge. ...
The sun was just beginning to rise over the resort roof, the pool was still in the shade as I swam back and forth enjoying the quiet surrounding me. My mind was revisiting the events of the night prior, the feeling of that initial push, feeling Marie welcome me back into her. I quickly learned that, while we had to be quiet in all previous encounters due to the risk of family hearing, when privacy was available, Marie was loud. Feeling my cock bottom out inside of her, feeling my balls...
Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...
Seven Months With Marie- Part Five: “The Hurricane” Fall 2004 It had been a month since two of my good friends and I gang banged Marie (see previous story). She was so grateful for me returning the ‘group sex’ favor that our sex life was getting more and more wild and uninhibited. Stopping by Michelle’s house for a threesome had just about become a weekly thing. Our plans for the upcoming weekend however would be drastically different. The news stations had cried wolf so many...
Training Marie Training Marie ??????? When Richard decided it was time to marry, he specifically went to a smaller quiet town. A place where he could find a woman to mold into his idea of a perfect wife.? He moved into a good home on the outskirts of the rural town. Making it a habit of attending the social functions, Richard can meet the local young women.? His striking strong features were just one of his quality attributes that women saw the twenty-eight-year-old man. A tall handsome...
Enjoy and let me know what you think. ______________________________________________ The following morning Sarah seemed to be in a better mood. They met Rob down in the lobby for breakfast before heading out of the day. Marie felt better knowing that Sarah was in a better mood and hoped she was okay with what had happened between. They were sisters and the last thing she wanted for was for things to be awkward between them. They would need to talk about it, but at least she seemed to be...
Two weeks passed before Marie heard from Hiroshi again. During this time, she did not tell Jane about the video she had made with Hiroshi in the warehouse. She tried to find out what was happening with Brad, but Jane replied that she had not seen him or heard from him for some time. Marie wondered if she would ever hear from him again, and also began to think that it was time for her to return to Dubai. However, she put that thought out of her mind when her husband told her in a phone call...
We didn't marry young like so many of our friends had; we were both twenty-five. We did well too, I worked an hourly blue collar job; made good money. She was little miss stay at homemaker. I'd thought we did good. Fifteen years worth of "I'd thought." Well, I'd thought wrong. My wife not only didn't love me, as I discovered; she'd actually held me in contempt, had for a long time, I guess. Worse, she still does; though now "I'm" in the driver's seat. Hell, looking back, maybe I...
Today was one of the rare days BD didn't have to work, normally that would have brought me great joy as in past trips those were the days where we got to have the most fun. This...however was a different trip, and my focus was most certainly elsewhere. BD not having work meant that Marie and me “Play” time would be zilch for the daytime at least. We went out for breakfast, discussing what we were planning to do that day. BD talked about wanting to take a trip down deeper into Mexico than...
Introduction Harvey, relaxing in the hot tub, moaned at the work Marie was doing. She was under water sucking on his still working, nearly 60-year-old cock. His 33-year-old lover came up for air, laughing at the older man. Marie ran her fingers through her short, blonde hair, slicking it back. She straddled Harvey, guiding his cock into her. “You know, I’m surprised this thing still works,” Marie smiled, kissing Harvey’s balding head, her breasts dangling against his...
The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...
Carol and Sheryl were standing near the doorway with their mouths wide open looking almost in shock. I guess they had heard Marie's moans and screams and came in to check on her. I mean, this was a house full of girls and there was a man in their midst. None of them trusted men at all, so from their perspective I could have been causing Marie harm. I understand that, and I have no problem with it. I would hope they would all look out for their "sisters". I looked over at them and nodded...
Aunt Marie My Dirty Girl After many years of being away I came back to my hometown and looked up my Aunt Marie. I was sixty-two and she was sixty-nine years old. She looked fifty and she was a very doable sixty-nine too. She sure liked her wine though. She offered me some but I told her that I no long drink, having given it up many years before. I spent an hour mostly complimenting her on her beauty and talking about all of her husbands, her two children, and her grandchildren....
George Jones was unemployed and having trouble finding work. George and several other employees were part of a layoff. George had previously worked twenty years with an investment banking firm. He was offered a severance package. After he was let go, George took his wife and stepdaughter on a cruise. He enjoyed several weeks off, but when he tried to look for work, he ran into some problems.Most companies would rather hire young adults rather than mature adults with experience. George...
TabooAfter my girlfriend had walked in unexpectedly and caught me sucking Sonny, following a night of sucking and fucking, where I did the sucking and Sonny did the fucking, Sonny fucked Marie brutally. Sonny had ordered Marie to sit and watch as I sucked him off and got yet another huge load of his cum. Then he proceeded to fuck Marie brutally and unleashed another huge load deep in her pussy. Her pussy had never been so filled, and she loved it. Marie and I had never experienced a cock quite like...
BisexualIntroduction: And yet another true story of my Hot Insatiable Slut of a wife My wife Anne Marie and I have the greatest relationship in the world. Granted, many find it, well, unconventional to say the least, but great just the same. We have the deepest love and respect for each other, and are both very secure people. This allows us to explore some fantasies that other less secure couples would have a hard time with. First of all, Anne Marie is hot. She really is. She is 57 and 125 lbs. She has...
I've known her for a long time, around 9-10 years. Her name was Marie (name changed). She was tall, athletic, thin and had very light, almost white skin. Her brunette hair was only slightly longer than shoulder length. There was something about her, something that few had. A kind of aura, a feeling you had when she walked into the room. It was not so much what she said, no, she said very little. It was simply her presence that made you fascinate, even at this age. Back then we were actually...
Wait! What? She was going to do it again? She hadn't even barely talked to Tracey since she'd jumped his bones. It was about as close to rape that a girl could ever get to with a guy. She never asked, just took from him what she wanted. Not that he'd complained or fought her in any way. Still, her constantly weeping pussy, now staying wet so often that it was becoming an annoyance, told her, in no uncertain terms, that it wanted, no, NEEDED to feel that huge black cock pummeling her...
My wife Anne Marie and I have the greatest relationship in the world. Granted, many find it, well, unconventional to say the least, but great just the same. We have the deepest love and respect for each other, and are both very secure people. This allows us to explore some fantasies that other less secure couples would have a hard time with. First of all, Anne Marie is hot. She really is. She is 5'7" and 125 lbs. She has light brown hair with blond highlights, big brown eyes and a truly angelic...
This happened many years ago when I was 16 and Marie was about 28, My mother took both my brother and myself on holiday to see our grandmother, we lived in another country and had'nt seen them in a few years.When we were introduced to Marie as a horny teenager I found it very difficult to keep my eyes off her, she was so beautiful and sexy I found myself thinking and dreaming about fucking her.My uncle and Marie only married 18 months earlier and they had a baby together just 6 months earlier,...