NIECE LISA free porn video

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m a photographer and doing extremely well for age thirty. I started in middle school with a little camera. A teacher praised me and told me I had a good eye. I ended up with all the chemicals and was allowed to create a dark room at home and print my pictures. All black and white back then. As soon as digital cameras came along, I got into that. Meantime, I did a lot of photography in high school, even did the Annual pictures. Since I live near Los Angeles, the parents of some of the k**s in school are in the film industry. One father saw my work and asked me to come on a film site and shoot some pictures documenting the work. I did that, which led to me doing more and more.

So, here I am at thirty with my own studio with several people working for me. I do mostly fashion stuff although I still do some documenting of filming. I get a lot of models in my studio doing ads for a number of companies in the fashion business. Some of the designers seem to like them tall and thin like runway models. Some are so gaunt they look like they need a good meal. At the other end, the kind that appear in the swimsuit issue are very busty and earthy. Others are more tall and willowy with lovely bodies. For jewelry and cosmetics and perfume and so on the models are usually beautiful. The most beautiful females in the world. Sometimes they're well known actresses.

Models are used to changing clothes and moving around in almost nothing. So I see a lot of female bodies in my work. Often very gorgeous female bodies. I need to pose them, get them to move a little one way or another, change the lighting, the backgrounds. So its normal to touch these lovely bodies. It's also normal for a photo session to run for hours. All day at times. The photographer and the models get to know each other, become friends at times. Since the females all have hormones like anyone else, sometimes the photographer and model get very intimate and have sex.

The result is, I manage to have sex with some of the most beautiful females in the world. Not every day, not all the time. Sometimes once, sometimes very often over time as our schedules allow. Whatever, I always love it and treat the girls as good as I can. I suspect the word gets around about me so perhaps I get more action than some others might.

I live in my own house not far from UCLA, an easy commute to my studio down town. It's a perfect house for me. Very modern, lots of glass and wood. Most of my sexual activities happen in my own bedroom. Occasionally other places, perhaps on location, but mostly at home.

I was the youngest in my family. A brother and two sisters are older than me. We've always stayed in touch and see each other a lot. My oldest sister called me to let me know that her daughter, age nineteen, was accepted at UCLA and she wonders if she can stay with me while she goes to school. She says all the right things about her knowing it's an imposition and all that but it comes down to money, they can hardly afford the tuition and books let alone room and board. And it's a big deal to get accepted there, most applicants never make it.

I really don't want to. I have a great life. I love my work, make very good money. I entertain at my home. Small parties at times but most often overnight guests that share my bed. I try to explain how it might not be the best place for an innocent young girl and my sister insists that Lisa can manage to be as unobtrusive as possible. I finally agree. It's my sister, it's family but I know I'm not going to like this.

Lisa shows up with my sister. I move her into the guest bedroom and after her mother leaves I sit her down to go over the rules. She's a very attractive girl. Perhaps five foot three and a very luscious and very trim body. Big breasts. Cheerleader type, blond hair and blue eyes. Probably popular with boys but not the kind to be a model. There are no short, fully built models.

"Lisa, I have a life. I go to work, I need to follow my schedule. I bring people home. Well, I better say it, I bring females home to share my bed. You have to let me continue to lead my life and not complicate it."

"I can do that Uncle Ted," she says. "I'll lead my life separate from yours. Can I bring guys home to share my bed?"

Fuck. How do I answer this? "Does your Mom let you bring home guys to share your bed?"

She laughs. "No, of course not. I've had to use the back seats of cars or dark corners somewhere. But I figure it would be a lot better to use my own room."

I have to admit she's right. It's certainly better in a comfortable bed. "How active are you? I mean, would you be bringing different guys home all the time? I don't want my home to become a bordello."

She laughs again. "I don't have anyone to bring home right now. I just figured since you made it part of your talk I'd see if I could, too. I've been with two guys so far in my life and I love sex. I intend to just have one at a time as long as things work out well. And I'll definitely avoid causing any problems when you bring someone home."

I didn't pursue it further. We go over everything about food and hours and keeping the place clean, although I have someone come in weekly for real cleaning. So we settle in and everything goes well for a few days. We have breakfast together several times, talk about how things are going with her getting registered at school. She seems like a bright and sensible girl. I also realize more and more that she's very attractive.

I bring Heather home with me. First time someone else has come in since Lisa moved in. Heather is one of those tall, willowy models with a beautiful face. She gets with me two or three times a year when she's in town. Naturally red hair and very pale skin, lovely coloring. You've seen her face in a number of ads I would imagine. She has just finished a days shooting and wants to shower. While she's doing that, I plan to cook some dinner and then we'll have a drink or two before going to bed.

"Boy, she's beautiful Uncle Ted," Lisa says to me while Heather is taking a shower. Lisa was in the living room when we came in and I introduced her.

"Yes, she is," I reply. "I plan on cooking some food and we'll have dinner and a drink or two before we go to bed. Can you disappear for a while?"

"Yeah, sure. I need to get started on some books anyway." And she does exactly that. Neither Heather or I see her for the entire evening. Heather is always good in bed and far from quiet. She has a truly gorgeous pussy that I love to taste and it drives her nuts. That's probably why she keeps coming back. Next morning we have breakfast, Heather and I, and Lisa doesn't show. I then drive Heather back down town to where she's modeling.

That evening, after I come home, Lisa grins and says, "She's a real screamer isn't she?"

"Yeah, I guess so. She really likes sex." We go on as usual for another four days and then I bring home Alexia. Alexia is dark, noticeable eyebrows that are her trademark. Truly gorgeous woman. She's Argentinean. We ate out so we plan to come into my house and go to my bedroom. Again, I introduce her to Lisa on our way in. Alexia would probably rather suck cock than fuck and I apparently have the right size cock to fit her mouth as far as she's concerned. In between, I eat her and she loves that, too. I do manage to get my cock in her vagina at one point but she insists on finishing me off in her mouth. This time when we come out for breakfast, Lisa is there. She asks Alexia about her background and they have a very friendly conversation before I take Alexia back down town to where she's staying.

"Why is someone that gorgeous fucking around," Lisa asks me that evening. "She could marry some super rich guy, couldn't she?"

"I don't think I can answer for her. My guess is, she loves cocks and wants to experience as many as she can before she finally settles down. When she does, or if she does, yes, I imagine it will be someone that can support her in an elite way."

"How do you get these beauties?"

"I'm a photographer. I do a lot of fashion business so I work with beauties. They travel a lot and are human and like sex and when they're in L.A. some of them decide to do it with me. When they're somewhere else I'm sure they do it there, too.

"So all of these gorgeous models I see in ads are fucking around with guys all over the world?"

"Well, some are. Some are married and very content. Some are very particular and only have sex with people that meet their needs. Sometimes that's me. Sometimes not."

"It's a lot different life than I've been used to." she finally says and the subject doesn't come up again.

In another four days I bring home Carla, a sexy blond Croat. Again, Lisa sees us as we come in and I'm sure she hears Carla's sometimes loud reaction to orgasms. With her appetite, I'm sure Carla occasionally has two or three males around to service her. She's insatiable but I do my best and it seems to work. She comes back whenever she's in town.

Two nights later, it's Alison that comes home with me. Alison is another beauty. Blond hair, green eyes, perfect face, long, lithe body. She's from L.A. and would prefer to always work here and not travel. When she does travel she usually lines up a couple weeks work to make it worthwhile. From what she says, I think I'm the only guy she's having sex with. At least right now. She's always available to me so we get together three or four times a month. I think she'd like to make a more permanent arrangement with me; move in or perhaps even get married. That might not be a bad idea, she loves sex, is great in bed and fun to be with. Always willing to try something new. Here, living together for years without marrying isn't all that odd. Michelle Triola, after breaking up with Lee Marvin with her famous lawsuit, lived with Dick VanDyke for something like forty years before dying.

Lisa has now started classes. For a month or so life goes on normally. I bring home females and she is never in the way. Yet we do sit and talk every once in a while and I think she's getting used to college life. Then she starts dating. At least I assume that's what she's doing. She goes out and comes back late or just doesn't come home until late. I don't want to be nosy so I don't ask any questions, she's old enough to decide how to live her life. This goes on for another month. She's been with friends or dates at least a dozen times.

I'm sitting in the living room, reading the paper. It's roughly nine pm. Lisa comes in the front door. She has a boy with her. She introduces us, "Uncle Ted this is Boyd. Boyd, this is Uncle Ted. We'll go into my room so we won't bother you." He seems normal enough, says hello. He's perhaps five foot nine, not short but not tall, and appears to be fairly stocky. Not heavy but muscular. Nice face, hair cut shorter than most his age. Looks to me like a wrestler. I'm in the living room for perhaps another hour before I head to bed. I hear a few noises from her room, not loud. Perhaps a moan, some giggling. Well, if they're having sex at least they're enjoying it. When I get in my room, I hear nothing.

The next morning I get up and go into the kitchen for some breakfast. Lisa is there, barefoot in a robe and Boyd has on the same clothes he wore last evening. She's drinking a cup of coffee with a smile on her face and a look as if she's somewhere else, probably remembering last night. Almost as soon as I come in Boyd says," Sorry, I have an early class and I have to get home and change." He heads for the door. Lisa goes with him. I get some coffee and put some English muffins in the toaster.

In a minute she's headed back. I notice she's walking a little odd. She has her legs spread wider than usual and takes almost as much a step to the side as she does forward. The other thing that's impossible to miss is that her robe has pulled almost off one shoulder and her left breast is fully exposed. A very lovely, very full breast. "Lisa," I say to her," Its a gorgeous breast but maybe you should cover it."

She's still smiling and off in lala land. She makes a little 'oh' noise and moves the robe to cover her. "He wanted one last taste before he left," she says.

"It looks like you enjoyed last night," I tell her.

"Oh, yeah," she says. Her eyes sort of light up and she looks at me, "I've never spent the night with someone before. It's terrific. I mean, we had time to do everything we could think of and then when we woke up this morning we could do it all over again."

"You're walking like you're a little sore."

"Oh, yeah, I guess so. Down there got used a lot more last night than it's used to. But it's a nice sore, well earned."

I buttered my muffin and started eating it. "Is he coming back every night, then?"

"Oh," she seems to be waked a little. "No, I don't think so. I would like that and so would he but I want to keep it something special and not just routine every day. Besides, the anticipation will probably make it even better. In between we can spend some normal dating time and get to know one another better."

She does as she said. For perhaps six months, until the end of her second semester, Boyd comes about every third day and spends the night. Lisa always has that dreamy smile on the mornings after. I guess she's getting used to living here. The last couple months she's in her skimpy underwear more often and every once in a while I get a glimpse of her naked body flitting from one room to another. A very trim and sexy body it is.

The semester ends and Lisa signs up for summer school. She claims classes can be hard to get so she needs to get everything she needs whenever she can. Boyd isn't here for over a week. "What happened to Boyd?" I ask one day.

"Oh, he flunked out. He's gone."

"That's too bad, you two seemed to hit it off really well."

"We did. But he was never number one. I mean the perfect one. I probably won't meet number one for some time if ever. Boyd was sort of tame. I mean, I felt safe with him, he wasn't going to get me in trouble or do something crazy. Down deep I guess I'm tame. That is, I don't want to get in trouble, I just want to have a nice, happy life. It might take a little while but I'm sure I'll find another sex buddy."

I was relieved to hear her. She seems grounded. And with her looks and figure I'm sure she can find another buddy without a lot of trouble.

That day, I was photographing a very successful actress. She's the spokesperson or model for a line of French perfumes. The ad agency involved had an art director there to supervise the shot. She was a model before becoming an actress. I knew her back some years when we were both starting out. She quietly lets me know that she wants to relive some of our in-bed experiences, today.

There undoubtedly are paparazzi outside waiting to get pictures of her. They always follow her around. So, as usual, I arrange for a local shop to bring in sandwiches and salad for lunch. We already got the shot we need, both she and the art director are happy. I ask the shop to have Maria make the delivery. Maria is the shop owners daughter and is roughly the actresses size. When Maria gets there with our order, I talk with her about my plan and she smiles and agrees. She trades clothes with the actress. The actress, now looking like Maria complete with head scarf, and I go out back and get into the shop's little Toyota. We drive off and no motor bikes coming whirling out of the alley behind us so we succeeded.

I drive to my house and we go in, get undressed and proceed to have several hours of activity in bed. She has a dinner appointment so at almost six in the evening I drive her to her hotel. When we come out of my bedroom, Lisa is sitting in the living room and looks at us. I say nothing, just get the actress out without the press learning anything about it. I then take the Toyota to the sandwich shop, park it in back and drop the keys through a mail slot in the door. I catch a cab to my studio, get my car and go back home.

As soon as I walk in the door, Lisa is there and excitedly almost yells, "Wasn't that . . "

I interrupted and said, "Yes, it was."

"You spent the afternoon in bed with . . ."

Again I interrupted and said, "Yes." Then after thinking for a couple moments I went on, "Five years ago when she was nineteen, or maybe still eighteen, she had a couple first roles in film but was still a model. I was fairly new in business, trying to get established and I did a session with her for an ad agency. One thing led to another and we got together often. We just clicked. I really liked her a lot. She had her career and I was trying to build my business. If we both had normal jobs maybe we would have stayed together, maybe not. But we both had careers in the way. As you know, she's been very successful, gets millions for each picture."

"She found her husband, her fairly new husband, having sex with another girl. So she's divorcing him. She's really ticked about it. I think she was, in a way, looking for revenge. Plus, she hadn't had sex for about a month so she was horny. And there I was, so we revisited some good old days. That's probably it. Maybe, if she ever loses the paparazzi we'll meet again. I think she'd like to be a normal woman with a family on one hand but has this booming career that gives her a lot of pleasure and ego boost as well as tons of money so she'll probably have to put off the family for some time yet."

The next day, when I got home, Lisa was waiting and indicates she wants to talk with me. "Ted," she starts. Not Uncle Ted, just Ted. "I've been with three guys. I mean I've had sex with three guys. I love it, every moment of it. But I realize, I really don't have a lot of experience and I don't think any of the three did, either. The first was both my first and I was his first. We really didn't know what we were doing. I've got a lot of life ahead of me and I hope it will include a lot of sex. If there's some way to have better sex, to experience even better, for me to become good at it, I want to. Oh, that's dumb, I'm not saying it right."

"I think I need to have sex with someone that's really great at it so I can learn what good sex is and then enjoy it even more for the next sixty years or whatever. It's extremely obvious that you're unusually good at it. Gorgeous women choose you, women who have a lot of experience and know what they like. They like you. So what I would like, please hear me out, is to have sex with you."

I start to say something and she cuts in. "Don't tell me about i****t, that's old. That taboo was because inbred c***dren would result. Well I'm on the pill. Sex has nothing to do with procreation for me right now. I also agree to not interfere with your life as you've lived it. I don't need to become your full time lover. You can still have as many girls as you want. Just include me occasionally. I don't know what you do but I know it must be terrific for all these women to choose you. I want you as a learning experience. I've watched you looking at me. I purposely let you see more than I should. I know you find me attractive and I love sex so I'll do everything I can to make sure you enjoy being with me. How about it?"

Shit, what do I say. How do I explain this to her mother? Well, she's never going to tell her mother and neither am I. She's going to be living here for perhaps three more years. Can I handle that, can I sleep alone knowing she's in the next room and would like to be in my bed. Do I end up with her in bed all the time instead of my constantly changing line up like I now have? Oh well. "Lisa," I finally say, "If I go to bed with you and we both love it we'll want to repeat it often. That would change my life. I'm used to variety. It would change your life, too. You should be dating and flirting and having sex with fellow students your own age. Is it possible for two people to enjoy sex with each other and live in the same house and also have sex with others whenever they choose? That could be tough."

"Yeah, I understand everything you're saying. I agree it could be tough. But I also think it can be done. I could have slept with you in between sleeping with Boyd. I would probably have put Boyd off another day or something."

"You could handle having sex with multiple people?" I ask. "I don't mean at once but interspersed with each other, sort of like having a harem lined up or something."

"Why not? You're doing exactly that now. I don't see why I couldn't do it. You have a couple different people every week, most of the time people you've had before. I think I can handle that, too."

"You may discover that I offer no more than the guys you've been with. Perhaps I'm just the available cock for these women. I have to admit, though, you're gorgeous. Those breasts alone can hook me. So, o.k., lets' do it. Do we eat dinner first?"

"I'm so anxious to get into this, I couldn't take time to eat now. Let's go into your bedroom and get started. Maybe I'll just have you for dinner or maybe get something a lot later."

"You want my bedroom not yours?"

"Yeah. I think it will be even sexier to be someplace else than my room."

We go into the bedroom. She says, "We just get naked, huh?"

I reply, "O.k. if that's what you want. We could take time to disrobe each other, though." I kick off my shoes and she does, too.

"Fine, let's do that. But it can't take too much time. I always start by sucking cock. For some reason I'm just nuts about cock. It's like what sex is all about. I'm anxious to get at you."

I go to her and put my arms around her and hold her close and kiss her. I kiss her again, moving my hands down onto her butt and pressing her against me. I step back a little and start unbuttoning her blouse. She helps when I start pulling it off her arms and shoulders. I kiss her again and reach behind her and unfasten her bra. I step back again and the bra comes off and her large, round breasts are right there, nipples a medium pink, aureolas a darker pink. Extremely lovely. "You have perfect breasts, Lisa," I say to her and use my hands to caress her breasts and pinch lightly on her nipples.

"Oh fuck," she says, reaching to my shirt and starting to pull it over my head. I help and it comes off. We're both bare to the waist and we hold each other and kiss again, her bare breasts against me. "This is all so sexy," she says as she starts undoing my belt. She gets that done and unbuttons the top button of my trousers, unzips the fly and starts pulling them down. As they get loose and down to my hips, she grabs the top of my boxer shorts and pulls them down and then pulls both down to my feet. As I step out of them she has one hand grasping my cock and the other fondling my balls. She's on her knees, facing my cock. "I love your cock," she says and gets her mouth to it, opening wide and taking the head into her mouth.

"I don't want to tell you how to do this," I say. "Do whatever you feel like. If you really love cock you might want to sort of make love to it, lick it, be nice to it. Or, if what you really want is a mouthful of cum, start working hard right away and get me there as quick as you can. Or something in between, whatever suits you. Just don't bite."

She has half my cock in her mouth and her eyes flick up at me and I think she's grinning. It's hard to tell since her mouth is crammed full of me. She pulls back some and leans her head and licks my cock along it's length. I don't have a record size cock. Perhaps a half inch more than average, perhaps not, a little thicker than some. It stands up nice and straight, though. Then she moves her head slightly and does the other side, then licks around my cock head. "Maybe I should take longer and maybe some other time I can but for right now, I really need this," she says and opens wide and sucks about half of me into her in one stroke.

"You're young and anxious and that's fine. A dozen or so times from now you might do things different." She really works hard, licking, sucking, sliding her lips back and forth as they grip me tightly, her fingers following behind and masturbating me as she sucks. Her other hand is playing with my balls, almost like rolling marbles around in a bag, like she's learning how they feel. I last a couple minutes, not real long. Regardless of what she thinks, I'm just another guy, human, I can't last forever when a girl hungry for cock is working me to orgasm. "I'm going to cum," I say and she just keeps on doing what she's been doing and then I shoot a load into her mouth. She stops for a moment to swallow and then slides her lips up my length as far as she can, getting most of me into her mouth, and licks and sucks as I shoot of a couple more times, pretty much right down her throat. She uses those lips to milk me of whatever I have left and then licks around the head, gathering whatever she's forced out of me.

Still holding my cock but not my balls, she sits back on her haunches and looks at my red, well sucked cock as it deflates. "I love to do that. If there was such a job I think I could suck cock all day long. And you have a really nice one, Ted." She stands up and I hold her tight and kiss her again. I'm naked and she still has on her skirt and panties. Now it's my turn and I want her but I'm not as anxious as she was. I suspect I like eating pussy as much as she likes sucking cock. But I might like fucking even more.

I reach down and help her up, hold her close and kiss her. I kiss down onto her shoulders and move around behind her and get both hands to her front, cupping those lovely breasts. I kiss her shoulders a little more while using my hands to fondle her breasts. "Lisa you have a lovely, trim, sexy body and it would be so even if these babies were a couple sizes smaller. But with them the size and shape they are, you have a real treasure. I'm sure that everyone that sees you notices them and is interested in getting at them." I tweak her nipples and then move my hands to unfasten her skirt and start to get it to drop. I kneel behind her and get hold of her panties and pull them down as her skirt drops. She steps out of both of them. I move my hands to her butt, her lovely, firm, round butt. "You have a great ass, Lisa. I've noticed it over and over." I kiss it and feel it, then stand and start walking her over to the bed. I get her to sit on the edge of the bed, facing me.

Kneeling between her legs, I lean into her to get my mouth and hands to her breasts. I lick and suck on one, then the other. "These really are fabulous breast," I tell her and then start kissing down her stomach to get at her pussy. I use my hands to pull her open a little. "Lisa, remember Heather, the first woman I brought home after you moved in? I've always thought she had the most beautiful pussy ever. Your coloring is a little different but yours is just as beautiful, it's probably a tie. But both of you are extremely edible and I'm sure you're delicious." With that I quit talking and go to work. licking inside her. She is delicious. I have to admit every pussy I've eaten has been delicious, just some more so than others.

She reacts as I would expect. Once I get my tongue flicking on her clit and a finger sliding into her, her legs start to close on me and she starts almost jumping and moaning, then into low screams. Her legs tighten and loosen on either side of my head. She gets juicier and juicier. I get my hands around her ass and hold on as I try to almost devour her pussy, pulling out my finger and sucking the whole thing and then sliding it back in and pulling her clit with my lips. Then putting another finger into her, moving them constantly as I work on her clit. She cums. Really cums, puts out enough for me to get my fingers out and my mouth down a little to suck up a lot of it.

She says, "Fuck me, Ted, fuck me," and I get my mouth back to her clit and three fingers into her vagina and start working on her all over again. She's screaming and bouncing, her legs waving around, clamping my head between her thighs at times. She cums again and this time I pull back and quickly rise up enough to get my cock aimed into her and then shove it all the way into her in one long, slow stroke. Her legs come around my back. While I shove into her, I also shove her whole body back onto the bed more until we're in the standard missionary position and I can get some good leverage to continue pumping into her.

She moves her feet off my butt and onto the bed so she can start pushing her hips back at me, fucking me back as I fuck her. This goes on and on, I can see some perspiration on her forehead and I'm sure I'm perspiring, too. It's great but it's work. She's tight. My cock is held tight, grasped by her insides. She starts to use internal muscles or something because I can feel her insides sort of rippling on me, hugging me tighter and then loosening a little, milking my cock to help get me to shoot some sperm into her. While I love the feeling and I'm sure she does, too, it reminds me that the true reason behind all of this is to reproduce. I've assumed she's on the pill, but is she?

"Are you on the pill, Lisa?" I ask.

"Yes, yes, just fuck me, fuck me," she answers, almost yelling. So I do. I pound into her as hard and as fast as I can. She's really screaming, making unintelligible, guttural noises, her hips pushing back. Then she cums again. I can feel it. Her insides really grab me tight and as I continue to move inside her they work at milking my cock until I cum, too. I push in as far and as tight as I can and hold it as I shoot off several times. As hot and as hard as we were working a moment ago all of a sudden we both relax, almost collapse. I pull out of her and roll to the side. She rolls toward me and gets one leg up over me. I can feel her leaking onto my thigh, her one breast pressing against me. "Oh, wow, Ted," she says, "that was great."

I get my arm around her and roll slightly so that we're facing one another. Her one leg is still up over me, my flaccid cock is against her pubic hair, her breasts are both against my chest and we kiss and hold one another. I slide one hand down to feel her butt. "Once we rest a moment or so, would you like to do it again?" I ask.

"Oh, again and again and again," she says, grinning and then kissing me and holding me tight to her. After a couple of minutes, we both head to my bathroom. She sits on the toilet and tries to clean herself, I wash my cock and face at the sink. I have to lean over her slightly to put a towel back on its bar and she grabs my cock and brings her face to it. She's sitting on the toilet, licking my cock and getting her lips around it while I'm almost sideways to her. I'm not erect and I know I'm not going to be for at least a few minutes, even if she continues to play with it.

"I will get up again but not right away," I tell her. "Maybe we could make some sandwiches or soup or something." That seems o.k. because she lets go of my cock and stands up, flushing the toilet and the paper she's been using, and we head to the kitchen, still both naked. I have my arm around her shoulders, she has her hand on my butt. We both use the kitchen all the time so as I get the bread and lettuce out she grabs the mayonnaise and sliced sandwich meat. We make fairly simple sandwiches in not time and sit at the kitchen table to eat them.

"Its interesting," she says, "that in one way you did exactly what other guys have done but you do it differently so I get even more aroused, I think. Whatever, it was really great."

"You have a gorgeous body, Lisa, I just want to appreciate it and make sure you know that I appreciate it. Yes, there are only so many things two people can do together but there are different ways to do them. I try to make sure that I let the female know that she's special, that I want to make her happy as well as satisfy my own urges. I think some guys are so busy meeting their own needs they may not try and meet the girls needs, too. But it all works out better if you both try to make the other one enjoy it all. " We finish our sandwiches.

"How about dessert?" I ask. As she ponders it for just a second, I get up and go to her and help her stand and then lift her slightly to get her to sit on the table. I then get between her legs, sit down on a chair and get my face to her pussy. "You're delicious so I think you'll make the best dessert possible," I say as I get my tongue into her and start licking.

As I lick her, she asks me, "Which do you prefer, fucking me or me sucking you?"

"I like them both," I tell her, interrupting my tongue working on her clit.

"So do I," she says. "If I should do things that make you happy, I'm just trying to decide, when you finish eating me to orgasm, should we fuck or should I suck you to orgasm? I'll be very happy with either."

"Then make it both. I'll last quite a while this time, so suck me for ten minutes or so and then we can fuck from then on. Or maybe fuck for ten minutes and then you suck me to orgasm. Do you want me to finish up in your vagina or your mouth?"

"What a delectable choice. I guess this time I'll say mouth."

I slide a second finger into her while I keep my tongue working her clit. Her vagina is really tight but then she's a relatively small girl. She's done talking, too busy moaning and making odd noises. I think it might be hard to tell from a recording whether a girl is having an orgasm or is being hurt, both bring uncontrolled loud noises. Maybe the difference is that she never yells 'stop' during the orgasm. Anyway, I'm soon getting a very sticky face from her. I straighten up some and get my cock aimed into her and push my way through that tight canal.

She wraps her legs around my waist. Pushing as far into her as I can, I grab that lovely ass of hers and pick her off the table and almost stagger over to the refrigerator. I push her back against the stainless steel and start to pump into her, holding her up with my cock and pressing her against the door. Her weight causes her to drop slightly on each of my out strokes so as I push back in I'm forcing my way back into her tight, warm, moist vagina but also lifting her some with my cock as the lifting tool.

I remember being told to use my legs and not my back when lifting a heavy load. That's what I'm doing, to some extent, while fucking Lisa standing up. I'm bending my knees and then straightening them as well as shoving with my ass. I like this. I've been having all of my sex in my bedroom, almost always on the bed unless we roll off onto the floor. But this standing up is very sexy. Our main torsos are tight against each other, I can feel those large breasts against me. Her legs are wrapped around me, partly holding her up and partly making sure I don't pull out too far. She uses those legs to help pull me in while I'm pushing in. I guess she likes this, too.

After a couple minutes, I pull out completely. "Turn around and lean against the door with your hands," I say to her, "and push your ass out at me so I can get in you again." She does exactly that and I manage to shove my cock right back into that lovely hole. I lean over her slightly and get my hands to her breasts and hold them and feel them as I continue to fuck her. In order to get at it faster and harder, I straighten up after a while, hold her hips, and bang into her as hard as I can. She shoves back at me. I can feel her insides grabbing me. I've managed to get her to another orgasm. I pound into her another short time and then pull out and back up and sit on a chair, my cock and balls hanging out into space, my legs spread. "Your turn, now," I say.

She grins big and gets down on her knees and gets her mouth open wide and swallows as much of me as she can get in one movement. She goes to work with her mouth and hands. Nothing gentle and sexy now, just working me hard toward orgasm and a mouthful. I last a little longer than I expected but finally shoot off, giving her a much smaller load than the first time. I get up and help pull her up, put my arms around her, hold her and kiss her. "I'm done for awhile," I tell her. "Time for some sleep. Do you want to go back to your bed or come to mine?"

"Oh, come to yours, for sure. I'll sleep, too, but when we wake we can do this again." Which is exactly what we do. Some hours later I'm, awakened by her sucking on me so I move us around to get at her also and we 69 for ten minutes or so and then she climbs on me and rides me cowgirl style before we both take a shower, get dressed and set out for the day.

The next night she comes home late, out on a date I assume, trying to line up her next lover. The following night, we spend together. The night after that, she's again out late but I have Alison with me. The night after that she brings home another young man, not a whole lot different than Boyd. This one is named Corey and also looks to me a little like a wrestler. I guess she likes muscles and maybe likes guys who aren't real tall. They disappear into her room and I never see them again. He's apparently gone by the time I have breakfast the next morning. She has that same self satisfied smile on her face so I assume the night was a success. I'm just glad that she's found some one else to have sex with, it frees me to continue my pattern.

The next night, Carla comes back and Lisa sees her but doesn't have a date herself. The next morning, Carla has breakfast with me and I drive her back to where she's staying and I go to work. That evening, Lisa and I have dinner together at home. "Ted, you didn't use a condom with me. Do you ever use a condom?"

"Yes, for sure. I didn't with you because I know I don't have anything and I know you don't and you're on the pill. I definitely do with Carla, she's way too active and while I don't think she has anything, she might. I do with Alison, too, mostly because I suspect she might want something more permanent with me and might risk a pregnancy to achieve it. So it depends who I'm with whether I do or not but I do a lot. Why? Are you thinking about it for yourself?"

"Yes," she says, "I haven't up to now. My first two guys, I knew had never been with anyone else. For some reason I felt safe with Boyd and didn't. Now I'm not with Corey but it's making me wonder if I'm tempting fate. I'm certainly not his first just like he knows I've been with others. And I'm pretty sure he's o.k. but how can I tell for sure? I mean, you never can be sure, can you?"

"No, you can't. No one can. Someone can have something and not know it, pass it on without realizing it. If it's some things that are easy to cure it wouldn't be too bad but, boy, there are other things out there that are pretty scary, like AIDS."

"Yeah. I guess I'll have to stock up on some condoms for use from now on. But you don't have anyone tonight and neither do I and we don't need them with each other, do we?" We spend our third night together and it's every bit as good as the first, better than with some of the models I get with.

The next night she's out late and I have no one with me. The following night, when I come in with Alison, Lisa and Corey are sitting in the living room so we join them. We each have a drink. Lisa and Alison go into the kitchen to make the second drinks and come back. I think I see a sort of little smile on each of their faces.

That night, Alison , the truly beautiful blond model, starts by sucking me to a climax. I then eat her to one and by then I'm ready again and we fuck. And fuck. Nothing is actually routine but to some extent, this is routine between us. We've been together often. After we fuck, she goes into the bathroom to clean herself and get ready for the next round. I wash myself a little, also. But then she goes back into the bedroom and instead of getting on the bed, she goes out the door. She looks back at me with a grin and closes the door after herself.
What's this all about? I lay down on the bed. It 's probably three or four minutes and the door opens and Lisa comes in, completely naked. She grins. "Alison and I arranged to switch off and while it surprised Corey he seems very happy with it. Is it o.k. with you, too?" She comes over to the bed and climbs on and nestles up against me.

I put my arms around her and pull her close and kiss her. "It's always good to be with you, Lisa, so yes, it's o.k. with me. I'm surprised about Alison, though, I thought she was only interested in me. "

"I thought you'd be surprised about Alison. It's probably good that you've chosen to use a condom with her. I suspect she's been a lot more active than you think. From one thing she said, I think she's been earning a good part of her living doing porn films. I pointed out to her the drawer I keep my condoms in."

All I can do is think, wow, I really have been wrong about her. Am I that wrong about all of them? But I don't think long because Lisa has my cock in her mouth and it sure gets my attention.

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My Aunt Lisa

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My Life with Lisa

Some have asked me about Lisa, and I can assure you that she is fine. As a matter of fact, she seemed a bit flattered that others would ask about her. I got her permission to tell you about her and our relationship. She said 'What the hell, if your willing to tell them you wear pretty panties for me, than I don't mind if you tell them I wear diapers.' Wow! She also gave me permission to tell you a little about our sex life, so let me tell you about Lisa and I. Mother did her best to...

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Finding Lisa

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Wife Stories Lisa

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Wife Stories Lisa

IntroductionThis hot tub feels amazing. The warm water, bubbling, gurgling all around my naked body. I close my eyes, lean my head back, hearing the sounds of my three beautiful daughters loving on a black man. They are sitting across from me, Angela, Alice, Jules, along with TJ.I hope my eyes, watching them run their hands over his huge black muscles, kiss at his face, shoulders, chest, and take turns sucking and stroking the monster cock poking out of the bubbling water. I moan, thinking...

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Niece Beth Confesses

Niece Beth ConfessesBy billy69boy(Sequel to “Creative Nieces Get Punished”)“Goodbye, dear, we’re going over to the pool now,” my wife yelled down the basement steps to me. “Okay, darling, have a good time, see you later,” I replied. “Beth doesn’t want to go with us. She’s still in bed, is that okay with you?” she asked. “Yes, that will be fine, I’m not going anywhere,” I offered. My two favorite young nieces and their mother were staying with us for a summer weekend visit. I looked out...

4 years ago
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When I first saw Lisa, it was one of those jaw dropping, eyes bulging moments. She walked into the refectory and sat down opposite me; my lunch now all but forgotten. She wasn't a slim girl, if anything, few pounds overweight, but the overall effect was simply stunning. The girl with her, I found out later, was called Carol, and she was a stunning girl in her own right, but her beauty paled when she was with Lisa. Lisa introduced herself, she was never backward when coming forward, and said...

2 years ago
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NIECE'S NOOKIES (mf, ff, inc) by Studs Manley After my third, and messiest, divorce, I had no place to live, no car to drive and few clothes, even. Fortunately, I did have my older sister, Linda. She and her husband had a house with a basement that had a room with a foldaway bed. They said I could stay with them till I got on my feet. Thing is, my nieces lived at home. Oh, they were out of school and working, but they figured they might as well pay rent to their mom and dad as to some other...

3 years ago
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My Friend Lisa

It was the end of the summer. Mike was to be shipped out to college in two weeks. It was Friday afternoon and he was home alone, as his parents were gone for the weekend. He was contemplating the street from his bedroom window and beginning to develop an unexpected nostalgia for the place. He had partied plenty, but he was not complete, he was not ready to say good bye. He decided to go out for a walk. Several blocks away, he saw her again. Lisa, the girl who had openly expressed attraction to...

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My InheritanceChapter 45 Programming Lisa

The three of them were sitting, holding hands. Then, Andy looked at me, realized I was there, and blushed. “He is watching us,” she whispered. All three of them looked at me with sheepish expressions. I grinned at them and rose to go outside to retrieve the liter bottle of chemical and the measuring cup. When I returned, I poured fifty cubic centimeters into the cup and set it down. “Andy and Mary, go outside and wait. I will call you when I am ready.” After they left, I motioned Lisa to...

3 years ago
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Niece Beth Gets What she Asks For

Niece Beth Gets What She Asks ForBy billy69boy(Sequel to “Niece Beth Confesses”)By the time I got down to the basement, Beth was already fiddling around with a musty old length of thick, rough rope. “Find something you like?” I asked her. “Hmmm, it smells kind of funky, but it’s real scratchy,” my adorable niece replied, in all her naked splendor. She handed me the rope and presented her wrists to me. I spun her around, and bound her wrists behind her back, then threaded the rope down...

2 years ago
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Niece Katy Plays Hostess

Niece Katy Plays HostessBy billy69boy (with special thanks to Nastydaddy2)(Sequel to Niece Katy’s Surprise Visit)I got up off the patio, and helped Katy to her feet. I walked her into the house and laid her on the couch, and cleaned her up with a towel. She was drunk and exhausted, so I let her sleep while I took a shower and changed my clothes. A few hours passed, and night was beginning to fall, when she stirred, rubbed her eyes, and sat up. “Hi Uncle Billy, what time is...

2 years ago
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Awakening Lisa

I love all women. I truly do. Every woman has at least one attribute which is beautiful and usually there are several. It could be a curve of form or face or the softness of a look. The way she wears her clothes or the way her foot looks in a shoe. Hair is beautiful as are eyes, necklines and voices. Personalities shine as do caring and kind gestures. Not to forget soft hands and their caresses. I love women. As well as being attracted to women I also appreciate and respect them but...

4 years ago
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A Patron of the Arts Part Two Lisa

While my wife and I were certainly supporters of the performing arts when she was alive, I would not have necessarily put us in the “patron” classification. However, due to her and my daughter’s untimely and unfortunate deaths in an auto accident, the charitable foundation that I was able to establish with the various insurance settlements enabled me to offer financial support, as well as other-source fund raising help that garnered me some level of notoriety. It also meant that all number of...

2 years ago
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Abduction of Lisa

Abduction of LisaBy: Taylor.M        It was a beautiful day, bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky, on a slightly breezy afternoon.  Lisa decided to go to the coffeehouse to study. Lisa loved this coffeehouse because at the back, there was a table just off the street. It is a quiet spot and she could study without disturbance from the hustle of all the patrons and shoppers. Ordering her favorite mocha hazelnut double espresso latte and venturing out to the empty table along the back of the...

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How do you tell your best friend that you're in love with her? For a week now, I've been thinking constantly about that question. About a week ago, Lisa called me to tell me the good news. We hadn't talked for about six weeks, and for us, that wasn't atypical. We had that special, intense kind of relationship where time and distance stopped mattering almost from the outset. We could go weeks without talking, and then pick a conversation up where we'd left off, as if we'd only been apart...

4 years ago
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That afternoon with Lisa

It all started that summer. Catching that seductive look and smile while she tried to make it innocent. She knew exactly what she was doing. I knew then life was about to change!That day i was messing about in class - nothing major, just talking and not really paying attention. The room went deathly silent as the teacher paused in mid sentence “Can you tell me what is so important that you feel you have to share it with everyone?” Taken off guard i did not know what to say - instead i just had...

2 years ago
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The Necromancer and Lisa

Lisa is actually based on a semi-real character. On another erotic stories website, I had become a fan of an erotic author, who was also into lots of blowjobs. He retired due to ill health, and I was contacted using his account by his girlfriend Lisa, who said she was really into being facefucked and mouth-raped. For a few months, Lisa and I were in close email contact, but I never met her, and in the end it turned out that she was in fact an ugly woman who wanted to fantasise that she was...

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Daddy and daughter Lisa

She saw me looking at her one time and commented, "You look sad dad." "Yeah, a little." "You miss mom don't you." She knew me. "Yeah I do honey," I confessed, "you remind me of her at times." Lisa came over and gave me a hug, a warm, tight, close hug, "I miss her too dad." We held each other and I realized it was something else I missed - the closeness, the physical affection. I was suddenly aware of her breasts pressed against me. I didn't back off, maybe I was...

3 years ago
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About Lisa

I met Lisa in my final year at uni I was working in a community mental health home. Lisa floated between two houses, one with two males and the other with two females. Wednesdays were when she was supporting the females, one of which was involved romantically with one of the males at the house I worked on a Wednesday. As Lisa and I got to know each other I was offered more work. She recommended me highly to her managers. Typically I'd take the lad shopping and then take him to the gym. At the...

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