MageChapter 11 free porn video

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When the door closed all three men stood and looked around unsure of their duties but knew enough to wait for orders. Each of us looked to see what we had caught. The surge in power was caused by fully loaded crystals that had been destroyed by good old human technology. It would normally only effect those that could sense magic but a great many could do this without knowing. It was Hassan that had the chauffeur. He was also a vessel used when the need arose.

Mordock took the power from the man and used it to compel him to remain silent. The rest still were in the dark. Mordock walked over to a drawer and opened it. He pulled out a cut glass bottle that was melted at the top. He had put it there when he came in the first time. He took a piece of cloth from the drawer and wrapped the glass.

Hassan said, "That is police evidence. Give it to me."

Mordock just growled at him and he froze in place as I did. He said to us, "Leave me now."

We both tried to look meek and we left. Before we got to the end of the hall the door opened and Mordock said to the bodyguards, "We don't need everybody." He looked at Ralph and said, "You can leave. You will get your full day's pay."

Ralph said, "Yes sir."

Hassan and I walked out past the guards and I cast a spell for them to see Mordock with us. I called to Sonya, "How are you doing?"

"We got Malochuck into the car."

I mentioned, "Ralph will be out soon. Mordock sent him away as planned."

"Good, we have headaches from being too close to the energy surge."

"I have something for both of you to make the you forget the pain."

Ten minutes later Ralph appeared with one of the security staff. Malochuck was laying on the floor in front of the back seat and the girls crouched down. Ralph got into the car as he waved to his escort. He ignored the two women in the back seat as they cast a glamour over the contents of the back portion of the car. Getting out was not as hard as getting in but it still required one guard.

Some thought had been applied to where to interrogate Malochuck. A hotel or a motel would not give us the needed privacy we would need. We could go out into the country and four more hours we could begin. There was no need for a building but the girls would get cold after the sun dropped. Another possibility was to use Ralph's home as long as we could remove the owners for a day or so. This had the added benefit of allowing me to pay Ralph for his assistance and give him some quality time with his wife and young family.

Hassan and I took a taxi to Ralph's home and found that the man's car had already arrived. Sara was still in the back seat ensuring that Malochuck stayed asleep.

Sonya made sure that Ralph and his wife Irene would want to go for a short vacation and possibly loose a day's pay because it was Thursday. The two children stayed around to see that the young lady had come back. She was entertaining them with her version of a magic show.

When we knocked on the door we were invited in and Sonya said, "The Toopic's just told me that they are going on a short vacation with the kids. When I explained we would be finding a hotel room they invited us to use their home for a few days when they were gone. Isn't that nice of them?"

I said, "It sure is. They know you but not us." Turning to Ralph, I put out my hand and shook his. "Thanks Ralph. It is always more comfortable to stay in a home than a hotel when we can fend for ourselves. When will you be leaving?"

The two adults smiled and said, "As soon as we get the bags packed and the kids dressed."

During the rush we got our own guest out of the car and into the basement. Our own equipment came in too while Hassan went to the airport to retrieve the rest of our luggage.

I used our communicator to call Mordock and I found he was doing just fine. He was going to accept the accolades in Malochuck place and then slip off though that was not usual.

I said, "Better to take some guards and just go somewhere with them so they cannot contact anybody that may know that Malochuck was acting too far outside his normal routines." We discussed the possibilities then Mordock did what he was told.

The Toopic's left soon after and the three of us began our cursory inspection of Malochuck. We had enough charged crystals with us until Hassan got back but the girls wanted to generate fresh power for some reason.

We moved the furniture in the family room to the side and I got some cushions for my girls. All the masters I had ran across had not minded if their slaves were a bit uncomfortable. I seemed to be the only exception.

Malochuck had the same constructs as Mordock but I had to assume that there would be some variation for Maximus favoured Malochuck over Mordock because he was both more powerful and more vicious. This also lead to Malochuck having a more substantial leash if Maximus ever needed it.

We did nothing until Hassan returned but we did have time to make love and this seemed to be even more important to the girls and in a way for me too.

Sonya rode my cock while Sara rode my tongue. They were very excited at what we had accomplished and I think the danger caused them to orgasm even sooner than usual. We shifted around three times before Hassan called from outside, "Can I come in now?"

"Sure can and set the wards before coming to the basement."

"Yes, Master."

The first thing I did after opening our luggage was to remove the Beryllium manacles and put them on Malochuck. Sonya's soiled panties and some duct tape would keep him from mumbling a spell once we started.

With the power crystals in place we formed a circle. A shield went around Malochuck and we now began in earnest to remove his blocks and find out what he was really like.

The crystals helped a great deal and after processing Mordock and all the trainees it was not that difficult a job. It was tedious though and a thousand details could go wrong and I didn't want Malochuck to die, at least until we found out all about him. He was by far the worst one we had captured so far and that was just hearsay.

The bindings on two spells were very intricate and required a long time to find a satisfactory solution. A mistake here would fry Malochuck's mind as sure as the electric chair would.

Malochuck was partially aware of us because we had to integrate the spells with his conscious. Because of the man's power I did one spell at a time then put in my own as soon as possible. As it was, the man was weakly trying to escape even in the condition he was in. This showed this man's determination and drive and I only wished it could be harnessed for something good.

By the time it was getting dark the last of the spells had been applied, Malochuck was awakened. He was questioned for hours with a short time for all of us to have a breather and it was desperately needed. The man was many times worse than what Mordock had been.

He did special jobs for various mages in three universes where even a hardened individual might quail. To do this he needed a large slave population and some very powerful spells to destroy those stronger than he was. This took many forms but usually the most potent was where a person was tortured to death for their life force. Many times it took a considerable number of deaths to assure that his magical target died.

Many runaways had been kidnapped to fulfil this need. Many times it was infants that died. For some reason there was more potential the younger they were. It was well known that a person made more of themselves and lived longer if they were born with more of this essence.

Sonya didn't like going near him but when we saw that he would be able to do nothing we removed his manacles and allowed him to dress in his thoroughly inspected clothing.

He was now compelled to make a listing of all of his defences and all the problems we may encounter when we tried to straighten him affairs out.

Sonya and Sara pulled me aside when Malochuck was busy writing the information we wanted down on paper. Sonya said, "Malochuck is too dangerous and to tell the truth I want to go in there and kill him even if I have to use my own hands. The things that man has done deserve killing a thousand times over. He reminds me of are those that ran the Nazi death camps. Will you get all the information you can then stop his heart?"

Sara piped in immediately and said, "I want him dead too. There may be people more evil than he is but I have never heard of them. He has to die and the sooner the better... Master."

They waited for me and I knew they were right. I had the same ideas and had to restrain myself from just pounding him to death with my fists. The only reason that didn't was because the man's knowledge had to be harvested. It reminded me of the Nazi doctors when Sonya talked about death camps. They killed and tortured many helpless people to find out minor pieces of information like if an eye could change colour. The research though was condemned by the entire world after the war but the research on a freezing body was still studied today but only one step removed from the good doctor's notes.

"It was the personality that did all those crimes. I think that he may suitably be punished by death but if we build a completely new personality then the body can stay alive to mitigate some to the horrors this man has perpetuated."

Sonya said, "The man has to die... master. Not just the man's identity."

I replied, "What happens when some of Malochuck old customers come and find he's not available? They may decide to take over the same way we have. Those same customers are no different than Malochuck. If the man is allowed to live with a new personality then we have a weapon that can be used if it is necessary for our own survival. The reason this planet has so few mages is because Maximus was so brutal in suppressing any threat to him."

"So we just let him live because he can be useful? That..."

I grabbed Sonya's shoulders and looked her in the eye and said, "He will die and only his body will live on. That is the best I can do and if you take the time to think about it then you will know that the body is not the man."

Sonya was angry now and turned away. I had never seen her this way before and it hurt me to see her so upset but there was nothing more that I could do.

Mordock reported in and said he was renting a room in a hotel just to be away from those that intimately knew Malochuck. The excuse being that he was attacked and wanted to think about the situation before meeting with possible assassins. Malochuck was given one of our transceivers and ordered to answer all of the questions asked to the best of his abilities. Mordock knew the man before and now only refreshed his knowledge of current affairs as they had to do with some important employees and acquaintances.

Our present guest reminded me of Mordock when we first took him. Even with all the preventative measures I could not trust our present captive's condition though Mordock looked to be coming around.

Malochuck was six foot even with wide shoulders and a handsome face. I could see how he would go far on his features alone. His age was a hundred and seventy three but looked a respectable forty five. An impartial observer would think the man possibly a military officer with the best thoughts of his country in his mind. A knowledgeable person would want him put to death as soon as possible.

Every few decades he willed all his visible valuables to himself with a younger looking body and found somebody or a doppelganger to die for him. Some mages just called themselves mages and flaunted their abilities but Humans had increased in their ability to kill and in Malochuck's case he thought it quite counterproductive.

His assets were very amazing considering the time he had to accrue them. He owned stock in many multinational companies and some of his own were employed for consultation purposes. He gave his own input to individual politicians and even world situations. Much of this was simply to stir the pot and make more money from hysteria. The scramble for petroleum reserves and the terrorist campaign were fabricated by him and he was quite proud of the fact.

When Mordock was finished asking questions, I had our man again start to scribble down all the pertinent data that had been of lesser importance like the three trainees that he was currently teaching. These three individuals in Malochuck's opinion were strong but not driven very much. In this case I had to assume that it was all comparative. Even a quarter of Malochuck's ability would be a serious threat to us.

We slept fitfully. One was always watching Malochuck. He was busy with his notes and getting more tired by the moment and this is what we wanted. We ate in the kitchen and I was the only one that would feed our guest. My slaves were getting restless and I had to tread lightly. This was quite a change from what it had been like even two days before.

Mordock called us on my communicator and said, "Master, the first of the trainees has been captured. A second one is in transit from Mexico City and the third cannot be found."

This could be bad. If this third one was just incommunicado but aware of us then this could cause some very active resistance to our plans. "He may be at the ranch. What does Malochuck think?"

"The relationship is loose. The trainees have questions and Malochuck tells them or write them down and at a convenient time they are answered but always at the price of doing some tasks for Malochuck."

I asked, "Is there a safe and easy way to get the trainee to us?"

"The easiest way is to keep him semi-lucid and send him over with two security people in one of their cars. Malochuck's people know about magic but not the details. Everyone of those has a spell on them to keep quiet about it."

I thought of our own security and that of the Toopic family. Ralph seemed to be a conscientious person and I may as well hire him. "Send him over then. We will process them like the rest."

"Yes Master. He will be there in a half hour."

I informed my ladies about the new developments and they seemed to be getting over their miff but there was still some lingering effects.

The rest of Saturday and Sunday we processed as many employees that were free to wander into our clutches. When it looked like there was nothing more to be gained by waiting, Mordock came over with his ever-present security. It only took a moment for Mordock to return to himself and the real Malochuck to start parroting our orders.

The penthouse was the first order of business. The entire building was warded with magical traps and it was a very good that we had burnt out most of them with our crystals. Those spells remaining were nullified or altered to allow us to work in this building.

The condo was as beautiful as money could buy. It was larger in area than many homes. Art was casually displayed throughout and after some questions it was learned that not all of this came from honest sources.

There were three servants in attendance. The cook, butler and the chauffeur were all males. This didn't seem right but then again I had found out about a major improvement in transportation. Malochuck had tried to keep this a secret but I doubt if he could against his master Maximus but Maximus was now dead.

The three came at a command and the five of us worked on them to remove their old conditioning then replace it with our own version.

Malochuck found a way to making a short tunnel from any two places. This had been done before but now the tunnel stayed open until it was closed thus making it a two way affair. It could be used by anybody as long as it had been opened by magic first. It required a large amount of magic to place the original construct but little in the way of maintenance. This was different than the vertical tunnel between our world and the area under Mordock's home in that it didn't leach as much power.

We found a hidden door in the kitchen that led directly to a magical realm similar to the one under Mordock's home but considerably smaller. It did though have thirteen women and two infants. The former were very subservient in every way and trembled when Malochuck was seen. The slaves were released and given to me and again we put our own spells into place.

Slaves here were treated as lowly animals and it was easy to see the physical abuse these women had to live under. Like Mordock they were restricted in where they could go even in the magical realm. I had seen similar situations with the slaves serving the trainees but not on this sort of scale.

The women would not be made healthy in any short time and would require a great deal of assistance. That help was in Toronto though they were already overloaded with frail or mentally crippled individuals.

The two infants were all that remained of a previous consignment purchased by Malochuck for a complicated spell used to destroy a strong enemy of one of his customers. I had known of this on Saturday and I was only just able to not side with Sonya or Sara on killing the animal as he sat on his heels in front of us.

Malochuck cringed at our apparent anger but didn't seem to think anything was wrong in what he had done. Maximus had continually pushed him to do even more. Now he saw that because of a change in masters that he was doing just something that was just unpopular with the new management. I knew the fate that awaited him and didn't lash out.

The average age of the women was higher than other groups we had run across and I already knew why. Malochuck had his own view on eugenics. He had a great many women at his beck and call. He used them like cattle with him being the prized bull. The offspring would be assessed for certain strengths and the rest culled and sold. At least he didn't kill his own children. I didn't think I could even hold myself back then.

These women here would provide a source of power and a chance to get pregnant again. Only two of the youngest had not caught yet.

I felt extremely sorry for what had happened to these women and I was not sure how much I could help them with all of the scarring in their minds. The link in the grid though would allow them to see that they were not as forlorn as they thought.

Sonya called the girls at our base in Toronto to get ready for more refugees while Sara got the women to form a circle. This time we used all the available cushions and even mattress pads available to make the women comfortable. All of our depleted crystals were put in the centre and I began to make love to Sara with my hands and mouth. The rest just looked at us wondering what to make of this. They did start to join us as Sara pulled them in one at a time. Soon Sonya came back and she too joined the grid.

I continued to please Sara and in the best way possible to pay her back in part for all the things she had done for me and the people we had rescued. It was later that she pulled my lips away from her opening and me into what she considered my proper place.

"I love you Sara. Just let it happen and it will. We have all the time we need."

"Oh, Master it has been so long."

"For me too Darling."

It took a considerable amount of time to get Sara to orgasm with the blocks I had put on. Only Sonya and the two youngest members though contributed to the power generated because they were still too stunned with the changes in leadership here.

When I pulled out of Sara I introduced myself again to each of the girls on a one to one basis. When they saw that I was doing something both different and nice they started to respond. Sonya worked hard to bring this group together for me with Sara assisting where she could.

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The next week flew by. Work was just something to pass the time between interludes with Kari. We spent every night together and developed an amazing sexual relationship, as well as a deep personal one. I fell harder for her in a shorter amount of time than I’d ever done before. She confided in me that she felt the same. She’d had a series of what sounded like pretty lousy boyfriends and I was the first one who really got who she was as a person. She was sweet and kind and really wanted...

3 years ago
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Naked Truth

Naked TruthBy: Londebaaz Chohan Being a man, Father Nelson was at least shocked but not tempted by the girl’s confession. According to her own admission, she was only a few months over 18 years of age but she had done unbelievable sexy things with men of elder age and even boys of her age; Father could ever imagine. She had attended parties and had been fucked with a cock in her mouth, one in her dripping teen pussy and one in her deep ass and even holding, gratifying, masturbating a couple in...

4 years ago
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Mala The Village Lady 3

I and Gopi gave birth of our son in same month. I named my son Rahul. Jai named his son Gyan but Jai always called him Gogo.Time passed very soon, with next 16 years, I bought nearby land of my fields which belongs to the lonely old farmer. And moved to the city where Rahul completed his primary education. I owned a small flour mill too. After some time, Rahul took admission in Mumbai College for study.My landlord was the alone, so I fulfilled his sexual needs and mine too. After sometimes, we...

2 years ago
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Alan Ch 02

Chapter 2 Connecting the Dots Alan and his parents arrived home, and his mom heated some leftover chicken for dinner. There was little conversation at the dinner table. Alan’s grandfather was deteriorating rapidly. The doctor had spoken to them while his grandfather was sleeping, telling him that Alan’s grandfather had told the medical team in the CCU that he did not want any heroic measures taken to prolong his life, and by the doctor’s estimation the end could come anytime from within a few...

3 years ago
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Sweet Father8217s Cousin Sister

I’m Prakash in late 40s pretty fair and hansom man from Ahmedabad and own a dyes manufacturing unit. This story is about my FOI (father’s younger cousin sister). Actually she is not real sister of my father but some distant cousin, who don’t have any near relative in her family. My father was the only person who accepted her as cousin sister. She is married and in late 30s no kids. Even though she’s in late 30s she looks much younger, slim but fair like me, nice but not big boobs, and no shag...

2 years ago
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The Internship Pt 1

I had first met Joe Bass my senior year of highschool during a career fair and he immediately offered me his summer internship opening. He was a kind person and not bad looking for a middle aged man so I took his offer and came to work for him the summer before I started college. The Job mostly consisted of answering the phone outside his office and amusing him when he would come out and make small talk with me. I had just turned 19 and there was no question my figure had responded well to...

2 years ago
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Watching Caught

While I was in high school I was horny all the time. The hormones gave me a perpetual hard on. Fortunately I had everything well in hand. After graduation I only came home on holidays and summer vacation. Well one holiday I was home and I had gone to a party with some friends. After the party I was pretty horny and had no relief. It was a little after midnight and I went into the house expecting everyone to be asleep. As I walked down the hall I saw a light coming from my parents bedroom...

2 years ago
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Bucket List Face Sitting

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list.We take turns to choose from our listsFantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like.If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them.If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night!If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No.No involvement of other people without mutual agreement.Safe...

Oral Sex
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Girls Next Door 8211 Part VI

It’s me Rupert Ravi from Madras once more. I simply have to put this down in writing as this was the most outstanding experience in my life. When I feel like foreign pussy, I usually take off to Mahbalipuram which is close to my city of Madras. As everyone knows that this is a place where you find no shortage of foreigners, and I look for foreign women tourists who are in heat and are looking for sex. Normally I prefer Japanese or Chinese tourists or even women from Nepal or North East India as...

4 years ago
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Fun With a Black Couple

A Few years back I had an internet site ad seeking sex it said... White male in panties wanting to service hot married and or straight black studs on a local website. had a few replies mostly just flakes , The usual types who include pics and say like.....Don't have a ride come get me and spammers for cash and replies from small cock white guys looking to have their lil cocks sucked claiming their wife's don't please them good and send lil small cock pics claiming they are packing big cocks...

2 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 11 Lisa

Andy and I, as part of our training mandated by Uncle Bert and given by Madame Delilah who ran the best call girl service in the country, had been playing whore-john on the streets of San Francisco. Andy was dressed like a street whore, not a classy call girl which is training we did with Rebecca, but a cheap whore: tank top, super high heels, super short skirt, way too much makeup, and chewing gum popping like machine gun fire. When she was propositioned by a movie star (no, I will not...

3 years ago
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Her Weekend Sex Seminar

Cindy Davis stood by the foot of the hotel bed watching the man she would spend the weekend with making love tip the old bellhop, lock the door, then turn and move towards her. What the hell had she gotten herself into? Wordlessly, Ray Mitchell, took the purse from her numb fingers and tossed it toward a chair. He missed. Neither of them noticed. For a moment they just stared at one another. Then with a quick movement, he gathered her into his arms and crushed her against his chest. It was a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Satisfaction Guaranteed

"Satisfaction Guaranteed" I looked around the office as I waited. The large Grandfather clock along the wall clicked loudly even in the thickly carpeted room marking the seconds as they ticked by, the sound of time passing echoed past the elegant walnut bookshelves lined with richly bound books and past the elegant furniture and room appointments all the way to the heavy green velvet curtains that framed a large glass window. I studied the view impressed by the clinic's large estate...

4 years ago
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Wife gets even on cheating husband with gangbang

I guess I have always been a pussy hound, I always liked to spread myself about and when I got married I saw no reason to change, that was until my wife found out and decided to teach me a lesson!I had been at a local sports bar having a few beers with some buddies on Saturday afternoon and got home at about 6.00, to my surprise and joy I was met at the door by my wife and she was wearing the short short checkered mini skirt that didn't even cover her butt cheeks and a lacy push up bra that...

2 years ago
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An Empty Nest Filled

I was just puttering around the house per my usual when the phone rang. The phone started ringing. I stared at it like a foreign object. I'd gotten my number on the No Call list way back when the law first went into effect. I was an old guy caught puttering around his house. My phone could go a week without a peep. But not much more than that, because I was one number off from a nearby chain restaurant popular enough to encourage reservations. Usually I politely informed them that they've...

4 years ago
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Hallelujah Ch 01

Note: There really is a Blackbird studios in Nashville, and I used it (or my memory thereof) for much of the physical description of the studio here. However, the characters I placed within it are in no way representative of the people who actually work(ed) there, and are in fact partially inspired by individuals I met at an entirely different time and place. ‘I remember,’ says August Cooper, the weathered lines of his face framing a red-rimmed stare. His lips are pulled back a little,...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Hazel Moore Stepsister Snatch Snaps

Cute brunette Hazel Moore is just like any teenage girl. She likes showing off her body on the internet and making all the boys at school go crazy. But when her annoying stepbrother walks in on her snapping some naughty pics of herself, he lays his card on the table. He is going to tell their mom unless she takes her top off and shows him her bouncy tits. She finally agrees revealing her pink nipples and perfect porcelain skin. Her stepbrother is so turned on, he gets a raging boner. Hazel...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Angelika Grays 2 BBCs Convince Angelika Grays to Stay Home

Ukrainian bombshell Angelika Grays needs her oven fixed, but her asshole ex-boyfriend can’t be bothered to come over and help her. However, Angelika is in luck because her neighbors – two black guys with massive cocks – are willing to help her out for a small fee. Upon entering her home and examining the oven, Joss Lescaf quickly identifies the issue and fixes it. Angelika is ecstatic! After making a bit of small talk, Joss and his friend Darrel Deeps find out Angelika thinking of selling her...

2 years ago
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Roses Video Chapter 5 Maria Catches Her Mom

I went up to the front door and opened it. "I wonder what mom is doing," I said, walking towards the living room. I peeked in there. 'On the laptop again, she has been in love that lately,' I thought before I strolled in there with her. "How was your night without me, Mom?" I pondered, sitting next to her. "Fine, Maria, I did miss you," she replied before she smooched my cheek. "How are Wade and Tracy? Are the sparks still flying for them?" "Yes," I answered, leaning back....

3 years ago
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5 Sunnigalai Oothu Kanjai Kudithen

Coimbatore hotel il vibachaaram seiyum naan 10 aandugalaaga sex seithu sambathikiren ippozhuthu innum ingu thaan thangi vibachaaram seithukondu irukiren. Ithuvarai naan enil ila aangalai oothu thirupthi paduthi irukiren. Avargal ennai oothu mudithu meendum hotelil thangi sex seiya vendrum endraal ennai matume azhaipaargal. Naan ingu sex seithaalum ennku athiga panam kidaikaathu, oru nabaruku ivalavu endre irukum pinbu oru naal muzhuvathum ennai vaithu seithavargal ellam irukiraargal. Aanal naan...

3 years ago
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Used Wife

I would like to tell you how I turned my loving wife in to a cock sucking, cum drenched whore. She is aged 46 size 14/16 with a voluptuous figure, long legs and lovely tits. She has hazel coloured eyes and long brunette hair.I have always wondered what it would be like to watch her being used by another guy or a group of guy’s. She would never agree to what I had in mind unless I sprung it on her or it just happened. It did happen!So here is our story.One evening as I travelled from a pub just...

1 year ago
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Dear Adelle

The other night, after our exchange of e-mails, I asked my daughter Beth if she ever thought about sex. She said, in typical teen fashion, "Mo-om!!!" But then she admitted that she had become interested in her developing body and had played with herself a little bit. I asked if she would mind showing me her body, and she giggled, but eventually lifted up her t-shirt and let me see her young breasts. They are still cone shaped and pointy at the tips. . .a lovely mouthful to be sure. I got...

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 8

Jason could not muster the will to throw off Heather's influence in time to stop Richie from leaving the room. When Richie exited through the back door, he harnessed his growing anger with the Sovert girls to emerge from the thick pall of induced desire. He took a deep breath to steady himself as he turned to Heather. "That was not nice." Heather stared at him. "Huh? What are you talking about?" "What you just did to Richie. You practically pretended he wasn't even there!" "Yeah,...

3 years ago
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Riley takes a year out Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 When I woke up the sun was bright and it was already getting quite warm. As I reached for the bottle of water I started thinking about the previous evening. I remembered walking around wearing my boob tube as a skirt and that it was so short that my slit and clit were on display most of the evening. Then there was the two men called Dave who had offered me a job at their strip club. I thought about becoming a stripper and again decided that I wasn’t ready for that,...

2 years ago
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Four Minutes In Heaven

Four Minutes In Heaven The three of us were standing in the hallway against one wall as the rest of the students changed classes. Jimmy and I had our backs against the wall and Mary was between us and she was facing us. She was closer to me so no one could see that my hand was up under her miniskirt. Jimmy was blocking the view from the other side so no one could see what I was up to. Mary was standing there with her feet about shoulder width apart. Her panties were in my pocket and...

1 year ago
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Indian Princess Learns From Couple

Esara was 22 years old at the time and living in the bid city Jhb for 2 years now after moving in with her fiancé Anesh who was 24 and both in love with each other. However, she was introduced to drugs, namely khat, a month back by her white girlfriend Anneline and her husband Jacque who were a 42 and 46 year old married white living in the plush suburb of Sandton after she went home to their flat one evening to stay over from the work function. She remembers in detail how she knelt down on the...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Kira Perez Letting My New Pervert Stepbro Use Me

I can’t help staring at her. My stepsister Kira Perez is an absolute vixen. She shakes her little booty while she showers, soap running down her body. She isn’t pleased when she catches me. Later that week, she is listening to music and wearing tiny shorts. I can almost see her pussy as she stretches, bends & lays on the bed. She doesn’t seem very pleased when she catches me staring again. Now she wants to talk about it. I admit I like staring at her ass. She thinks...

3 years ago
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Tamil Couple In USA Part 3

The next day being a Monday, I had to get up and rush to work. But my mind was tormented by the sexy dance that I had seen, especially the part where Gayathri locked her legs around his waist. I had a very distracted day and returned home early, not knowing what that evening would bring to our sexy drama. At home, everything appeared to be normal. Gayathri was in a saree – nothing fancy, just a normal cotton one, with a tight blouse. She seemed to have lost that horniness that I had seen the...

3 years ago
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A Mine Truck Driver And A Load Of Sex

I worked in IT on a remote mine site. The position required you to Fly-in – Fly-out (FIFO) due to the remote location. I worked the 2/1 roster. Two weeks on-site and one week off.Our accommodation was within a kilometre of the office. All our communications were through satellite.Our accommodation was a single-person apartment, single rooms in line along a verandah with a bed, and a small en-suite bathroom. They were blacked out so people could sleep during the day as shift work was required....

Straight Sex
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The Kristal Chronicles Story I Chapter 4

The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 4 - The Shared WifeWith Krystal clearly ready for another round of fun, I nodded to Roger, and said, “you’re up again, she drained me and I need to recharge.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, pondering the next activity...and then the light turned on, and he broke out in a big smile. He took Kristal by the hand and led her to the sofa. He sat her down, spread her legs apart, and then knelt down in front of her. I knew where this...

3 years ago
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Hot F A M I L Y Fucking Part Three

-= Chapter 13 =-"Unh... Unh! Oh, yes, that feels so good!! Ahhh, shit, my pussy's so wet! Gonna cum... oh, fuck, really gonnacum!" Kathy's younger sister Debby was sprawled naked on her double bed, her firm-tited body writhing as shepounded two fingers in and out of her dark-furred pussy. Debby was much wilder than most other women, andthat included the times she had to jack off by herself, when she didn't have a long, stiff cock to satisfy her. Her slender, delectably formed thighs were now...

2 years ago
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New ArcadiaChapter 6

"Introducing untrained people into the New Eden culture must be done with care. The newcomers must have a open minds, receptive to new ideas. They must be willing to adopt new methods of relating to each other sexually and socially. Above all, they must protect the organization from unwarranted outside interference, which means respecting the confidentially of the organization and its members. The transition, however appealing, is not without its difficulties, and one must give them love and...

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