Master! Master!Chapter 6 free porn video

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Chloe whimpered as I used my penis to play whack-a-mole, though there was only one mole and it was her cervix. We were in the missionary position, her small body almost invisible under me. She had her face buried in my chest, letting me smell her hair and nibble on her ears. I had emptied my tank last night, so I decided to top her off before breakfast. She gave her signature squeal, letting me know I could release everything.

I pulled out of her, watching my semen dribble out of her pussy. “So how was that? Did it feel better than last night?”

“Yeah, it kinda did!” She had a smile on her face but was crying for some reason.

“Chloe, are you ok?”

“I’m ok.”

“But why are you tearing up?”

“I don’t know; my eyes are just wet.”

She was crying like this last night. “Are you sure you’re ok? Are you sure it didn’t hurt? If there is anything wrong, you can tell me.”

“I was a little sore, but it didn’t hurt. I don’t know why I have tears like this.”

Crying during sex? Oh well, it definitely seemed like a quirk fitting her. I love her to death, but Jesus, it’s like she’s intentionally trying to be pitiful. It’s not fair how cute she is. The other girls came in, and some kind of canine sympathy instinct must have kicked in with Sonja because she hugged Chloe and licked the tears off her cheeks. Momo’s eyes fell to Chloe’s creampie and her tail began to curl.

“Can Momo have the semen in Chloe?”

Well that’s a new one. I turned to Chloe. “It’s up to you.”

She blushed in embarrassment, returning to her natural, timid self. “I-I-I don’t know! I guess?”

Without word or hesitation, Momo crawled onto the bed, dipped her head between Chloe’s legs, and began lapping up my semen out of her pussy. Chloe moaned from the feel of a feminine tongue slipping inside her, and the sight of Momo going full girl-on-girl brought back my boner with a vengeance. I couldn’t help myself, I got behind Momo and mounted her. The feeling of penetration made her purr and she continued slurping up my cum out of Chloe. I gripped her by the hips, burning away what little morning fatigue I had left, every slam I made pushing her face deeper into Chloe’s flower.

Beside us, Sonja was jumping up and down and clapping with a big smile on her face. “I wanna try! I wanna try!”

She got onto all fours and snaked her way between Chloe’s slender legs. Chloe was covering her face in embarrassment as Momo and Sonja diddled her labia, each taking a lip for themselves and letting their tongues fight for the white syrup trickling out. I was fingering Sonja like I had last night, almost using her to help maintain my balance. When I pulled out of Momo, I plunged into Sonja, and vice versa. I switched after a minute, forcing myself on Sonja and letting my fingers stir Momo’s insides.

Even though I had just blown my load in Chloe, I could feel another shot brewing, and I couldn’t hold it back. I pulled out of Sonja and began jacking off. “Hey girls!” Sonja and Momo turned to me, just as a stream of sperm shot forth, flying through the air and landing on their faces. They both seemed dumbfounded, unable to process this new event, but after a few seconds, the confusion abated as they remembered seeing people do this on those porn videos.

I sat back, nearly falling off the edge of the bed. “Ah, life is good.”

Now that Chloe and I had made the beast with two backs, things seemed to finally stabilize. While hard to properly describe, Chloe seemed more confident than before, albeit remaining shy and pitiful. It was like ... she had finally accepted that this was her home and we were her family, that she wasn’t just a guest or even an intruder. Momo and Sonja had also gotten used to her. In fact, all three had gotten very “used” to each other. I don’t know if they did it out of actual sexual attraction, but the girls had started going down on each other like that morning, especially after I filled one of them up.

Momo and Sonja seemed to do it mostly to drink up any semen I had fired, but also out of boredom when we all played together. If I were having sex with Momo, Sonja would be licking Chloe, and if I were having sex with Sonja, Chloe would go down on Momo. Since Chloe didn’t like the taste of semen, I think she mostly did it as a way to prove herself, to show that she could keep up, and her natural timid nature made her want to please others and make them happy, as well as return the favor.

The colors of fall had met their end, the reds, yellows, and oranges replaced with brown and gray, but that meant it was one of my favorite times of year: Thanksgiving. Normally I’d visit my folks for dinner and have someone cat-sit Momo, but this year was different. I called and told them that I had met a girl and she invited me to her parents’ house for dinner and that I’d try to visit them some other time. Now that I had three girls to take care of, the responsibility was on me to prepare dinner. Luckily, I had the Internet for help.

Momo and Sonja stared at the frozen turkey with mouths watering. Even though it was all wrapped up and turned into a solid block, they knew what it was: meat, countless pounds of glorious meat. I had prepared plenty of chickens before, but they had never seen a bird of this size. Chloe was drawn to the bag of potatoes instead, omnivorous like Momo and Sonja but preferring fruits and vegetables. If only they knew that there was a cake hidden in the fridge...

“Master, is something going on?” Sonja asked.

“Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a special holiday. You celebrate it with a big dinner of turkey and mashed potatoes, so I want the four of us to eat at the table.”

“We’re going to eat this whole thing?” Momo gasped.

“Well I’m hoping we can get two dinners out of it, but yeah, and I’m going to need your help in getting it ready.”

“Yes!” they all cheered.

That next day, I made sure to have a light breakfast so I could stuff my face at dinner. Chloe and I cleaned and brined the turkey while I had Momo prepare a woven blanket of bacon to drape over it. I gave the turkey neck to Sonja, telling her to peel off as much flesh as possible to be added to the gravy. Unfortunately, a lot of the work with the turkey was left with Chloe, as I was constantly turning around to stop Momo and Sonja from eating their tasks. Sonja would be standing over the sink, gnawing on the turkey neck like a bone from a butcher shop. Momo would be chewing on the bacon strips like lengths of jerky.

Towards the middle of the afternoon, I managed to get it into the oven. Next were the potatoes. “Ok, girls, gather around because I’m leaving the mashed potatoes entirely to you.”

I sat them down at the table with a big pot filled with potatoes and water and set out a cutting board, knife, vegetable peeler, and a bowl. “Momo, the first part is yours. Take each of these potatoes and use this to cut off the skin.” I showed her how to use the peeler, letting her watch with wide eyes as a brown and white ribbon began to unravel with the rotating of the spud in my hand.

“Now you have to be careful with this. Never let the blades touch your fingers or you will get cut. Make sure you get every single spot, and if you find any bruised areas or parts that don’t look right, just keep scraping them off with the peeler. Put the peels in this bowl and we’ll add them to our compost pile.

Next, Chloe, your job is to cut them into quarters. It’s easy, just make sure you do it slowly and watch your fingers.” I took the cutting knife and divided the potato into pieces. Chloe was fearful of the long blade, but I made sure she knew where to put her fingers.

“Then you’ll put the pieces back into the pot. Sonja, when all the potatoes are peeled, cut, and back in the pot, you’ll take it to the sink and drain out the dirty water and put in fresh water. I’ll put it on the stove, and when they’re ready, you’ll have the most important job.”

Her ears perked up. “The most important job?” she asked with a joyous grin.

“You’ll be the one to mash them.” I handed her the potato masher, which she received like it was Excalibur. “You’re going to turn them into mush. You have more than enough energy for that.”

“Yes, Master!”

It was dark out, the sun having long since set this deep into autumn. It was just about time for dinner, and the kitchen was echoing with the sound of meat being cut, potatoes being pulverized, and stomachs growling. I was carving the turkey, not wanting to do it at the dinner table. The bacon juice had mixed in with the turkey meat perfectly and the smell was almost making me delirious with longing.


The potato masher knocked against the inside of the pot like the firing pin of an Uzi. Sonja was going wild, her hair almost flapping as she whipped up the spuds. The jiggling of her tits was glorious, to say the least. She didn’t have extraordinary arm strength, but she did have endless reservoirs of canine energy. If I hung a frisbee in front of her, she could run for hours on a treadmill.

At last, everything was ready. The girls all sat at the table and I laid out a platter of turkey meat and the pot of mashed potatoes. I loaded all of our plates and sat down. “Now, before we start eating, it is Thanksgiving tradition for us to each name something we are grateful for. Momo, would you like to start? What is something you are happy to have?”

She rocked on her chair for a couple moments, eyes screwed shut. “Momo is happy that Master plays with her.”

“Thank you. Sonja?”

She jumped up from her chair. “I’m happy that Master pets me and rubs my head and throws the frisbee for me!”

“I love those things too. Chloe?”

Her head drooped between her shoulders, blushing with embarrassment but with a tiny smile on her lips. “I’m happy that Master lets me live here.”

“Thank you, and I’m happy to have all of you girls in my life. Now, let’s eat.”

We dove in, and my hopes were dashed for enough leftovers for another dinner. We ate like lions, leaving only enough for the girls to have lunch the next day. After that, we had cake, must to the girls’ happiness. That night, we didn’t play together, simply because we were all too full to move.

With the arrival of December, gentle snowstorms became more and more frequent, a calm and beautiful precursor to the blustery winter approaching. The final days of the girls’ nudity puttered out like the last coughs of a car out of gas. They had obstinately clung to their animal instincts as long as they could, but even with a fire burning in the woodstove, the slightest draft made them shiver. Chloe was handling the cold better than Momo and Sonja, even though it was her first winter. The dog and cat were used to having thick fur to keep the cold at bay. It was especially bad for Momo, since as a woman and a cat, she was practically cold-blooded. That’s right, I said it and I’m standing by it.

Whenever the snow started to fall, Sonja would go outside and frolic, her face always directed upwards, tongue extended, as if trying to catch Jack Frost’s money shot. In the bedroom would be Chloe, watching the snow as if hypnotized. In the living room was Momo, who had set up bedding for herself right in front of the woodstove.

“I’m home!” I called, stepping through the front door.

There wasn’t really any need to announce my arrival, since the girls always flocked to the door when they saw my headlights and heard the shutting of my car door. Sonja was first, jumping up and down and cheering with her tail shaking even more than her boobs. She came at me and covered me with kisses, telling me how much she had missed me.

Then came Momo, standing behind Sonja, looking kind of out of it with her bedhead telling me she had just woken up from a nap. “Hi, Master,” she said with a yawn. She walked over and rubbed her head against my shoulder, repeating her words in the form of a purr.

In the far back was Chloe, nervous as always, afraid to do anything without an invitation. “Welcome back, Master!” she chirped while wringing her tail. I smiled and waved her over, and she happily rushed and hugged me.

The girls followed me to the couch and we all plopped down. I groaned in happiness, glad that I was finally home. It felt nice to decompress after a long day and just watch the news. The girls all snuggled up, Momo curling into a ball with her head on my lap, Sonja clutching my arm and resting her head on my shoulder, and Chloe sitting on the floor, crossing my legs across her like a seatbelt.

“How was your day, Master?” Sonja asked during the commercial break. I had taught them all to only talk during the commercial break.

“Long, tiring. Everything seems to go wrong in the winter.”

“Can I help? I wanna help!”

I smiled and rubbed her head. “I rely on you to do stuff here. You do help.”

“Momo misses cuddling with Master during the day,” the feline said, purring as I played with her ears.

“And Master misses cuddling with Momo.”

Chloe looked back at me. “Want us to make dinner?”

“Thank you, Chloe, I’d really appreciate that. And I have good news for the three of you: we have another holiday coming. In a couple weeks, it’ll be Christmas.”

They all perked up.

“Christmas?” Momo asked.

“It’s a day where we all give each other presents. I want each of you to make things to give as gifts. It could be drawings, pictures, or something else, but you have to keep them secret so it’s a surprise when we exchange them on Christmas. So, Momo, you’re going to have to come up with gifts more Sonja, Chloe, and me. Sonja and Chloe, you’ll have to do the same. You all get the idea?”

Momo sat up and leaned over, her face very close to mine, as if she was about to kiss me. “Will Master get us cake?”

I laughed and gave her a peck. “Yes, of course I’ll get you cake.”

The girls spent the rest of December working on their presents. I had to hope that they actually did understand the purpose of giving gifts to each other. Naturally, I was taking advantage of eBay. A quiet weekday found Momo lying on her stomach in front of the couch, legs kicking and tail curling as she worked on a picture. Peeling crayons and stubby colored pencils littered the floor around her. She heard the door open and close and Sonja strolled in. Seeing Momo, her tail began to wag.

“Wat’cha doin’?” she hummed.


“Can I see?”

“They’re for Christmas.”

“I wanna see!”

Sonja came over and Momo used her body to cover the picture. “No! Master said it’s supposed to be a surprise!”

“But I can’t wait that long!”

Sonja got down on the floor and tried to worm her way under Momo, to which Momo replied with a hiss and a swipe. Sonja backed off but her tail was wagging even more than before. She was on all fours and started bouncing on her hands, the way a normal dog might try and wake up its owner. Sonja pounced, not even aiming for the picture anymore. She and Momo collided and rolled across the floor, grabbing and slapping each other. Sonja had a big goofy smile but Momo was scowling and hissing. They continued to wrestle like this, with Sonja pouncing on Momo whenever she tried to get away.

Drawn by the noise, Chloe came downstairs, and, of course, broke out the waterworks. “You two shouldn’t fight!” she cried.

They finally stopped, Momo on top of Sonja. “Tell her that!” she replied.

“But I want to wrestle and play!” Sonja said as she wrapped her arms around Momo’s waist and rolled the two of them over to the side. “I want someone to play with!”

Neither Momo nor Chloe envisioned sex after hearing that word, as the three of them naturally knew that “play” was a vague term. To them, “playing” included cunnilingus and throwing frisbees.

“We could play hide-and-seek,” suggested Chloe, the small creature instinctively pulling her ears down over her face as if expecting to get yelled at.

“Yeah! Let’s play hide-and-seek! Come play with us, Momo!”

Momo groaned. “Momo doesn’t like the cold.”

“Just one round? Please?”

“Fine,” she huffed.

While Momo and Chloe ran through the woods, Sonja stood in the kitchen, watching the ticking egg timer. Well, technically, she was jumping, bouncing back and forth like a rabbit. She couldn’t contain her excitement, wanting to run out there and chase them down. One minute went by. It had just snowed the night before, so there would be fresh prints for her to follow. Two minutes went by. Momo would probably just run without realizing it, or at the very least look for areas where her footprints would be harder to see. Three minutes passed by. Chloe, having the instincts of prey, might prove cleverer, perhaps even backtracking to throw her off. Four minutes passed by. They would be smart enough not to actually run through the woods, at least not in smooth areas. They would probably try to stay in areas with underbrush, where ice couldn’t form on the ground.

The egg timer ringed and Sonja rocketed out of the house, the door closing behind her only because of how hard she had opened it. She ran around the house, searching for prints that weren’t her own. Who should she go after first? She found a set, smelling like Momo and too large to be Chloe. She took a moment to jump up and down and cheer in happiness, and then followed the tracks into the woods.

As a fellow meat-lover, Sonja could read the intention of Momo’s prints. She didn’t know how to run away from things since she was always the predator. She could only try to apply those instincts to what she was doing. Whether consciously or subconsciously, she always walked along ridges and raised spots, instinctively wanting to get the highest view she could, even if she wasn’t looking for anything in particular. She had also avoided almost all manner of visible twigs, focusing on silence, even though it wasn’t needed.

The tracks stopped at the base of a tree and Sonja looked up. Crouching on a branch and trying to hide behind the trunk was Momo.

“I found you!” said Sonja.

“Momo doesn’t like being followed,” she pouted.

“Let’s go find Chloe!”

Momo jumped down and they made their way back to the house. They searched the area, at last finding Chloe’s prints leading in the opposite direction from Momo’s trail. They dove into the woods, keeping their eyes peeled. Chloe had taken a different strategy, dragging her feet along to make one big messy trench through the snow. Sonja realized why when Momo called out to her. Sonja was ahead of Momo but was turned around, seeing what Momo was pointing at. Sonja had missed a footprint going off the trail and into an uneven thicket where snow hadn’t completely covered the ground. The messy footprints she left had made it that much easier to simply turn around and backtrack.

They followed the new path, keeping a closer eye on the snow. Chloe used that trick another two times. They soon spotted her standing in a clearing, not bothering to hide or anything. She was crying. When Momo and Sonja came up behind her, they saw why she was crying and both their tails dropped. A girl lay dead in the snow, frozen solid, her skin a frightful cerulean. She had pointed ears on the top of her head, like Momo’s, but longer and skinnier. They were brown, matching the color of her hair. She also had a furry, leaf-shaped tail, about twice as large as a human hand, the back of it brown but the underside white.

Momo and Sonja leaned against each other and pulled Chloe in. It took their breath away to see another girl exactly like them, who simply hadn’t been found in time. This deer, had she simply been closer to the house, they maybe could have saved her from the cold. She would have lived with them, played with them, exchanged gifts at Christmas. She would be a huge part of their lives. Now they would never know. When Chloe was found, she had already been suffering from frostbite. To think that she could have so easily ended up like this, it was no wonder she was crying.

“We should tell Master about his,” said Chloe.

“I don’t want to tell Master. I don’t want Master to be sad,” said Sonja with a tearful sniff.

“Let’s wait until after Christmas.”

The three of them nodded and proceeded to bury the girl in snow and underbrush, if only to make sure no one else could find her.

Rather than cutting a real one down, I set up my tiny plastic Christmas tree, a symbol of my fixed-income bachelor lifestyle. Momo had seen it in years past, but now that she understood what it was for, she gazed at the synthetic decoration with wonder. I had it set on the coffee table with all of the presents around it, the presents I had bought and the presents they had made. I had gotten each girl a large gift, while above the wood stove, I hung three empty stockings waiting to be filled with goodies. I couldn’t help but spoil them. Of course, they were anxious on this Christmas Eve, overcome with a childlike greed for the presents awaiting them. I kept a rolled-up newspaper handy, ready to swat anyone who tried to peak. Even the normally obedient and submissive Chloe ended up with a couple whaps to the head after picking at the wrapping paper.

It was a very cozy evening, with a fire burning in the wood stove and the radio playing Christmas songs, while outside, a light flurry of snowflakes reapplied a frozen gloss to the still woods. We were all in the kitchen, preparing dinner. I was working on a ham while the girls prepared mashed potatoes. Keeping them busy was the only way to protect the gifts.

“So tomorrow we can open our presents?” Sonja asked for the umpteenth time.

“Yes, Sonja, like I’ve told you a hundred times before, yes. But we all do it together. I don’t want any of you girls sneaking downstairs before dawn and going crazy, understood?”

They all nodded.

Once the ham was put in the oven and the peeled potatoes were set on the stove to be boiled, we retired to the couch in our usual positions. Perhaps it was excitement, but Momo seemed to be purring louder than usual as I rubbed her ears. On the other side of the couch, Sonja was rolling over again and again, as if unable to get comfortable, or perhaps she wanted to make sure every side of her head got to feel the warmth of my lap.

We were watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas and the girls were showing much more attention than they normally would to the TV. Chloe, especially, had eyes as wide as her ears and was mesmerized by the old-school animation.

“Master, the Grinch isn’t going to steal our presents, is he?” she asked.

Sometimes I’m almost infuriated by how goddamn cute she is.

Sonja perked her head up, her canine instincts on high alert. “The Grinch isn’t coming to our house! This is our house!”

This was why I didn’t bother telling the girls about Santa Claus. Sonja would just end up freaking out and spend the whole night patrolling the house for the big red invader.

I gave them both a reassuring head pat. “No, the Grinch isn’t real, you don’t have to worry.”

One of Momo’s eyes opened. “Master, what does Who Hash taste like?”

Even after a big dinner, Christmas excitement gripped the girls, so there was only one way to tire them out and put them to sleep. And that was a jog around the house. Just kidding, I fucked their brains out. The four of us were in bed and Chloe was currently on top of me. Her small body rocked from side to side with my cock stirring her up like a blender. She was giving tiny whimpers of bliss tinged with just a tiny spark of pain, while her eyes watered as if she was chopping onions.

Sonja was sitting on my face, moaning as I slurped her love syrup. She gripped the headboard for support, the movements of my tongue overpowering her. The feeling of her naked body completely smothering me was beyond words, the near-suffocating effect of her pussy against my mouth and nose, the softness and heat of her bare thighs against my cheeks. Beside us was Momo, pleasuring herself as she waited for her turn. Chloe soon tagged her in, unable to focus on riding me with Sonja’s fluffy tail swatting her face. As per routine, Momo first cleaned me off, using her tongue to lap up every drop of Chloe’s essence. She then got on top of me, purring as my manhood penetrated her. She had her back to Sonja and I, leaning back and forth against my cock rather than bouncing on it. She groaned as she moved, bobbing her ass with her tail reaching out and curling around Sonja’s like a vine. I could feel my cock tickling every secret spot she had, causing her hair to stand on end and her back to shiver.

A howl echoed through the house as Sonja came, offering me a flood of arousal to quench my thirst. She rolled off me as if my face was a bike seat and she had just finished the Tour De France. I gasped for air and stretched the stiff muscles in my face and tongue. Beside me, Chloe kneeled with a look of adorable uncertainty on my face. She wanted more affection but she saw my fatigue. Seeing her inner conflict, I smiled and invited her over. Our lips joined and I licked all the soft corners of her mouth, inviting her to do the same. While we made out, my fingers found her slit and probed her interior. I broke our kiss and moved my head down, this time letting my lips meet her flat breasts and the little pink bumps that were her nipples. The feeling of my fingers sliding in her body like tentacles and my lips pulling on her areolas made her whimper in bliss.

Momo’s gyrating on my lap robbed me of my control and I came, flooding her womb with my cum. She purred from the warmth of it in her body, and while I was losing my erection, I had yet to lose my desire. I pulled Momo onto me and sat against the headboard, holding her on my lap with my hands under her knees. I flaccid cock slipped out of her, my semen following suit with the removal of the meaty cork.

“Could one of you girls help me out?”

Chloe crawled over, seeing an opportunity to be useful. She rolled my cock around in her mouth, trying to return it to its former glory. More intrusive than helpful, but still quite welcome, Sonja forced herself in like she was trying to retrieve a tennis ball that had rolled under the couch. Since Chloe was providing cleaning fellatio, Sonja’s goal was the semen trickling out of Momo. She slurped it up the way only a dog could, bullying Momo’s pussy with her mouth and nose and making her moan.

Once I had regained my erection, Chloe guided me back into Momo and I began bouncing her on my lap.

“Master, you’re so deep in Momo!” she cried out, the expression on her face one of lustful intoxication.

I was driving myself into her as hard and fast as I could, subjecting my balls to almost painful whiplash. Every impact weakened Momo’s sense of reason, her words degenerating into animalistic meows and growls. Santa could have downed a six-pack and had an eight-reindeer pileup on my roof and even Sonja wouldn’t have heard it over Momo’s orgasmic cries. She collapsed on the other side of the bed, her inner thighs gleaming from her dripping arousal. She was down for the count but I was still full of energy and Sonja hadn’t yet gotten her turn.

She was laid out on her side with her tail wagging as if expecting a belly rub. I raised her leg and slid into her, making her wag her tail even harder. I began my thrusts, listening to her gasps while my eyes burned holes in her jiggling breasts. I lied down beside her, the two of us making out as I fondled those two glorious gifts from the Almighty. Beside us, Momo remained passed out and Chloe had fallen asleep without realizing it, giving Sonja and I a little bit of alone time. I was so used to having all the girls together in a harem, I forgot how nice it was to play one on one with each of them.

Sonja fully rolled onto her back, letting us get into the missionary position. She had her legs wrapped around my waist, her breasts heaving with each breath she took. We continued to kiss for several minutes, my thrusts now slow and gentle. As my speed picked back up, I pulled my lips from hers and began nibbling on ears, pushing her over the edge. She arched her back and cried out with a blush as she came again and again. I held myself over her, just smiling as I watched her settle.

“You girls are the only Christmas presents I need, including you, my sweet little puppy dog.”

She laughed and pulled me in for another kiss. “Merry Christmas, Master!”

“Master!” x 10^it’s too early for this shit

I felt three pairs of hands rocking me like a paint stirrer.

“Master, Momo wants to open her presents!” the cat whined.

I pulled the blankets over my head. “Girls, what was the rule I told you?”

“If you’re in the bathroom, we’re not allowed to bother you?” said Chloe.

“I meant the rule about waking me up today.”

“Not until it’s light out?” said Momo.

“Exactly. Now, I’m going to go back to sleep, and you had better not wake me up until the sun has risen.”

The girls all looked at each other and nodded. They knew that there was only one way they would get me out of bed. They dove under the covers, and before I could stop them, they pulled away my boxers and I felt my cock enter someone’s mouth. I groaned from the sensation, as whichever girl was sucking me off did so with great enthusiasm. Her head was bobbing and she was drowning my member in saliva and then slurping it back up. So aggressive was she was that all flaccidity was forcefully removed as if I were using a dick pump. Someone else then took it, her tongue licking from a new angle. I watched the blanket rise and fall from her efforts as she tried to milk me like a cow. She was pulling up, exerting as much pressure as she could as if she were siphoning gas.

Same as Master! Master!
Chapter 6 Videos

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Master Master Part 11

Part 1: That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust. As a cat owner, I was used to waking up in this way, my furry roommate, Momo, sprawled out on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. But only the tail was familiar, the actual weight seemed way off. Whatever was on top of me was making it next to impossible to breathe. I raised my head as much as I could, and looking down my chest, my eyes fell on a very unfamiliar sight. Instead...

3 years ago
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Master takes slave Pixie to the Doctor

It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...

4 years ago
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Master part 2

Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 21

"Didn't I tell you I was feeling sick yesterday? What do you mean you don't remember? I definitely remember telling you. Well look, I'm not coming in today. Whatever I ate, it's coming out both ends. I'm glued to my toilet. What are you, nuts? I don't even want to get in my car, let alone my cubicle. Yes, I swear it's the truth. Ok, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up the phone and Momo pounced on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and purring like a Ferrari. "My boss...

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Master Karl8217s dog

Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...

4 years ago
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Master Takes Me Away

After having yet more disappointing sex with my husband I roll off the bed when he starts to snore and I look down at him, casting my eyes over his body. Bob is still sexy with his medium build and brown short hair but I know that need more. I grab my phone and send an email to my Master explaining what has just happened. I tell him in detail about the frustrating and unsatisfying sex I have just had and although I know that my Master won't get the mail as he's away on business, I have to send...

3 years ago
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Master PC: the Urge for Self- Loving By Aphotic Disclaimers: If you're under 18, leave now! This story ain't for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something. My thanks to: J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories. My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series. Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic's Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with...

2 years ago
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Master Master Part 14

Jenny gasped and panted as I pierced her, sheathing my manhood deep within her slender form. She was pressed against the shower wall, her long ears hanging down over her face from the weight of the water. Her parted lips drew me in and I joined them with mine. My hand slipped down her smooth thigh and I lifted her leg, granting me an angle with more room to maneuver. Her moans came in tandem with my thrusts, her body welcoming my cock as our tongues danced. She wrapped her arms around me and...

2 years ago
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Master and His friends

The phone rang and i jumped out of my seat. I had been waiting for a call from Master all day and i hoped this was he."Hello?" i said."Be at my home by 8PM and be ready to be used really good" said my Master, and he hung up before i could speak.I was so happy when he called and felt so wanted when he gave my orders.It was already 6:30PM and i decided to get ready. In the shower all i could think about was what master had in store for my tonight. I didn't care, all i wanted to do was, please...

2 years ago
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Master Sam and Miss Pan

                       MASTER SAM AND MISS PANIgnoring the "Do Not Disturb" sign suspended from the door handle, the nervous submissive tapped lightly on the door to his Master's room in the Starmount Guests section of the Atlanta Sheraton Inn where She was staying.  It was always this way, though this was a 5th visit to Master Sam.  After a brief pause, his Owner for the next few hours pulled open the door and, without speaking, gestured for him to enter.  He stepped past Her into the room as...

4 years ago
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Master and slave0

"Come in, slave," he ordered. The submissive entered, trembling. "Undress," barked the master, "and pay attention to the house rules. You are to be naked in my presence at all times, unless I instruct you to wear my wife’s soiled panties. You will not speak unless asked a direct question. You will address me as Master or Sir. Since you are a miserable apology for a man, I will call you Alice although you will answer to any other name I choose to call you such as slave, or slut. Failure...

3 years ago
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Master and His slutThe Weekend PART FOUR

When I got out of the shower, I sat at the vanity, carefully looking at myself. I began to apply my makeup so that I would look seductive and trashy. My Master came and stood in the doorway. He smiled at me as he walked over to me, his fingers in my hair leaned over and kissed the top of my head. My body even though tired responded instinctively with a tingle and my nipples perked up.“My beautiful slut,” he said as his hands slid down from my shoulders to my tits. “Thank you Master”, I said...

3 years ago
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I've never written anything before but after spending so many hours reading all the wonderful works of art of fictionmania I wanted to try and get some ideas of my own down. I'm sure my writing style must be terrible and I'm hoping to improve. Hopefully some people will get some enjoyment out of my 'writing exercises' ;) Master Tim stood in front of his master. He had been waiting for this day for quite a long time... the day when he would finally meet the man who had been...

2 years ago
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Master STanleys Rubber Slave

I finished shining the black latex to a glossy sheen admiring my reflection as I did, I then stood back to admire my work. My wife Penny stood before me covered head to foot in latex, panting with excitement I admired the ample contours of her beautifully body. The suit was made to measure so it fit in all the right places. My mouth watered at the sight and I could see the lust in her eyes. In return she took the shining gloss and began to shine the latex suit I was wearing. You see I too...

2 years ago
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Master at Meridian Manor Part 1

LeelaThis slave is activated as Chronicle 7 in the presence of the Master. This slave is tasked with making a detailed unbiased record of the events taking places around the Master. This slave begins by asking the Master for today's date. This slave is given the date of Oneday, first of Am 7851, new years day. One of sixteen auspicious days in the ten month two hundred eighty day calendar devised by the Master. Thanking the Master for his knowledge, this slave begins the chronicle.Oneday, first...

4 years ago
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Master Master Part 13

Journalists and photographers from all nations flooded the CDC headquarters for the press conference. They packed the lobby from wall to wall, every conversation, regardless of language, was speculative. Normally a conference like this would take place in Washington, but this time the CDC was addressing the world alongside a representative of the WHO. On top of a raised platform at the end of the lobby, a doctor with his credentials clipped to his suit stepped up to the podium. He was the head...

4 years ago
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Master Ross

I had developed a curious fascination with Master/sub relationships. I being a submissive, longed for a Master. I had no luck meeting a real Master. It was becoming frustrating. It wasn’t until I saw Master Ross’ webpage and filled out his application. I had to include a detailed background report on my upbringing and sexual history. I also had to send pictures of me naked and clothed holding a sign for Master Ross’ and the current date. It wasn’t until about a week later he emailed me back. He...

2 years ago
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Master Ross

I had developed a curious fascination with Master/sub relationships. I being a submissive, longed for a Master. I had no luck meeting a real Master. It was becoming frustrating. It wasn't until I saw Master Ross' webpage and filled out his application. I had to include a detailed background report on my upbringing and sexual history. I also had to send pictures of me naked and clothed holding a sign for Master Ross' and the current date. It wasn't until about a week later he emailed me back. He...

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 6

Chloe whimpered as I used my penis to play whack-a-mole, though there was only one mole and it was her cervix. We were in the missionary position, her small body almost invisible under me. She had her face buried in my chest, letting me smell her hair and nibble on her ears. I had emptied my tank last night, so I decided to top her off before breakfast. She gave her signature squeal, letting me know I could release everything. I pulled out of her, watching my semen dribble out of her pussy....

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 3

"Momo! Momo!" Sonja and I were wandering around the property, calling out her name. It was getting dark and she still hadn't come, and every minute that passed was making me more worried. Had she gotten lost? Had she eaten something poisonous? Had she tripped and sprained her ankle? Had people found her and taken her? "Master, over here!" I followed Sonja's voice to the front of the house, where she was crouched down, her noise to the ground. "What is it?" I asked. "Momo was...

3 years ago
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Masters First Inspection

Master’s First InspectionBy Daddy_JackThe little one stands before Him for the first time. As instructed she stands in the middle of the hotel room and keeps the eye contact her Master demands. She waits, lost in her thoughts with the tension of the moment making her entire being scream inside.Master’s instructions for dress were specific and the girl made sure she did as ordered. She is wearing a white button down blouse, dress jeans, a red bra and panties. The outfit extenuates her...

2 years ago
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Master Master Part 5

The girls were sitting on the floor, eyes downcast in shame with me looking down on them. "So, you watched HOW many porn videos?" Momo and Sonja looked at each other and then held up both their hands. "This many," Momo said. Beside them, Chloe looked like she was about to cry. I turned to Momo. "And I'm guessing you were the ringleader?" "Ringleader?" "It was your idea." "We thought we could impress you by using the computer and you would give us cake." It's pretty hard to...

2 years ago
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I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant padded cell. “Ok, girls, are you all ready to play tonight?” “Yeah!” the cheered. “Momo wants to go first!” my cat demanded. “No, me!” shouted...

3 years ago
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Master and his slut The Weekend PART ONE

I knew that I always had an unusually high sex drive and for years kept it repressed until I met my Master. He knew i was built to be a fuck whore. I am a pleasantly plump woman with huge tits that can draw men's attention towards them and I have an insatiable thirst for cock and sex.The first time he shared me I had been scared and excited at the same time. He had told me that we were going away for the weekend and I was to pack a bag and be ready at 3 o’clock, I kept watching the clock...

1 year ago
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Master and Mr Sybian

Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while – no matter what I did, it didn’t seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out, and being told I didn’t do this right or didn’t do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose – I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally...

2 years ago
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Master and His two Friends

I'm kneeling by the door and it is five minutes before my Master is due home. I run my hands over my short skirt making sure it's hanging down smartly. My stockings are black to match my skirt and my pink heels combine with them perfectly. My heels match the pale pink; almost see through, strappy vest top. I am not wearing a bra as Master loves my breasts so they must be easy for him to get to, and my nipples are just visible. Neither am I wearing panties. My blonde, shoulder length hair is in...

Oral Sex
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Master Master Part 11

"Don't think you'll be able to break me so easily," Betty scoffed. Her pride was admirable, considering her position. We were in Elise's guest room and I had Betty tied to the bed with a bandana covering her eyes. Her legs were in the air, forcefully spread with ropes leading to the headboard where her wrists were bound. With her body in such a position, her titanic breasts looked even more magnificent, two avalanches of flesh just begging to be manhandled. Her pussy and anus were on...

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Master misty Return to the Porn Theatre Ju

Having been a slave for nearly 6 years, I am now convinced of the fact that once you fulfill a fantasy in the Master/slave relationship, you will always try to top it. Just when Master and I didn’t think we could out do ourselves, we suddenly did.I sweated thru my black cotton dress in the heat and humidity of the city. Master and I met, crossed the street and ducked back into the porn theatre we had visited 2 years ago for public sex. I remember it exactly the same way; smoky with a musty...

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Masters Double Subbing Part 8

Master’s Double Subbing Part 8When Master seen the slave looking He got upset and told the slave that He had something to keep that from being a problem. He pulled out a blindfold from His box of goodies. This was something new that Master had never used with slave before. It found out later that Master had bought it for just this occasion . Master instructed the lady to place it on the slave and to make sure that it could not see. Oh she listened real well cause the slave could not see...

4 years ago
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Master and us part 1

I wake up and look at my clock, surprised by the fact it’s almost lunch time. Normally even on a day off I never sleep this late. I lay there and stretch, thinking about what I’m going to do for the rest of the day when my phone beeps, letting me know that I have a new message."Good morning My slut, I trust you are well. You will meet me tonight at 7pm - the normal place. Tonight you will also meet your new sister." Master.I read the text about four times, a big smile spreads across my face,...

3 years ago
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Master Goes Away

Next morning I woke early. Master was stirring beside me and soon he nuzzled against me. My arse and pussy were tender, but recovered. My nipples were swollen and sore, full of milk and ready for milking. Master released me and we showered. I sucked him to hardness and allowed him to fuck my mouth hard and long in the shower. He was firm with me, pushing me against the wall and down to the floor.  I knelt in front of him, bringing his cock to attention with my hands and mouth, then allowing...

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Master Voodoo part 2

Chapter Two. How long I waited I do not know but suddenly I heard the front door being unlocked. A well-built black man entered the kitchen and when he saw me he smiled. "Follow," he commanded curtly. Obediently I stood and followed him out of the kitchen. Not outside, no further into the house. As he exited the kitchen he pulled off his tight t-shirt and threw it on the floor. "Pick it up." I obeyed, but inside I was seething I wanted to tell this guy to fuck off and...

4 years ago
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Master Jon and I

Me: “I’m not going to submit to you so easily this time, Jon.” I curl up in a ball in the corner refusing your touch or words.  Master: I run my fingers through your hair and lovingly lift your chin. My lips meet yours and my tongue slides in your mouth to meet your tongue. My fingers scratch your head slightly and I slide in closer and closer. Me: I let your tongue enter my mouth and meet it with my warm tongue. My arms still holding my knees close to my chest I start to let go, but catch...

2 years ago
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Master Jon and I

Me: “I’m not going to submit to you so easily this time, Jon.” I curl up in a ball in the corner refusing your touch or words.  Master: I run my fingers through your hair and lovingly lift your chin. My lips meet yours and my tongue slides in your mouth to meet your tongue. My fingers scratch your head slightly and I slide in closer and closer. Me: I let your tongue enter my mouth and meet it with my warm tongue. My arms still holding my knees close to my chest I start to let go, but catch...

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Master Maid Use Suzy

Suzy sat in the drawing room her petticoats in ice blue and chiffon white lace underneath Beautiful black stockings and sling backs in shiny black leather ooohhh the fragrance and beautiful design showing her reinforced heel and peep toes showing the blackness of her toes..He wanted her the moment he laid eyes on his dungeon slut...Black silk gloves held her champagne the maid Sonia had provided as Suzy licked her lips as a beautiful insatiable slut seeing the two of them her Master and his...

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Masters Cumslut Takes Anal

Master is pleased that His slut has been blogging and posting comments but He thinks that perhaps the post have been a little too tame. Master says that from what he sees alot of the people on xhamster are freaky perverts and if this blog is to gain a readership it's going to have to be dirtier. So here goes. Blog posting day 5 on xhamster, wherein the slut does anal.When the relationship first moved from normal lovers to Master and sub, the whole topic was thoroughly discussed and the rules...

2 years ago
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Master Matts Whore

The soft sunlight shining through the curtains wakes me and I stretch in my little bed by the window. Turning my head, I look at the clock on the bedside table and see that it’s ten minutes to six. I always seem to wake up the same time each morning. I lean up and look at my Master Matt laying in the big double bed across the room and I can see only his leg sticking out the covers and just a little of his dark blue boxers showing. I swing my legs and stand on the thick pile carpet, stretching...

4 years ago
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Masters Double Subbing

As the slave waited for Master in the hotel room, the conversation that T/they had in the beginning of their relationship was repeating in its head. “If slave is going to be my slave then it will eat another woman’s pussy,” Master had told slave. Then Master asked the question that slave knew He would next, “Is slave willing to do this for Master?” The slave wanted to say no but it knew that it couldn’t do that. All slave wanted to do was please Master and it knew that this was something...

2 years ago
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Master takes misty in the Dungeon February 2009

I did not resemble a slave that day, no collar, no chain; Master requested professional attire. As I stood on the street corner in my black business suit, black bra and stockings underneath, along with my black stilettos, I felt anxious and very submissive. A new fantasy was about to come true; a visit to a sex shop was in order today, complete with a dungeon below. I watched as Master got out of His blue jeep; He was strikingly handsome as always in a dark blue shirt and black pants. The...

3 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 01

Today was Thursday the 31st of August 2017; Dylan’s birthday. He didn’t like his date of birth, as it meant that he was the youngest in his year at school. The sun was streaming from behind his blinds into his bedroom, and now he was ready to get up. Normally his weekend and school holiday mornings were spent jerking off, but today he wanted to get up to open his presents. Dylan and his father lived alone in a reasonably small house in Cardiff. Dylan’s mother died when he was little, so...

1 year ago
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Master T and Me

This is the story of Master T and me.  Master T and I had been together for over ten years and married for 8.  We shared a pretty normal sex life, which over time got a little boring.  It was several years ago that we discovered BDSM on the internet.  My curiosity slowly got the better of me and before I knew it we were watching Bondage movies and I was reading all the stories I could get my hands on.  I never had any intention of trying anything I read about, but eventually after all my...

4 years ago
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Master Master Part 12

Lorraine, Dr. Lawrence, and I were walking down the halls of the CDC hospital. CDC employees were moving in and out of patient rooms with armed guards stationed throughout the building. In every patient room was a hybrid, either lying in bed or staring out the window. They were all dressed in bleach-white clothes. They appeared well-fed and well taken care of, but seeing them, there was still a knot in my stomach. They were miserable. “They don’t belong here,” I said. “This is the only place...

1 year ago
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Master Dobby

“Mr Malfoy! Mr Malfoy!” “What it is now, you know I’m beginning to grow sick at the sight of you?” “I have something that belongs to you” *Hands over the diary* “I don’t know what you’re talking about Potter, I’ve never seen this book in my life.” “Oh I think you have Mr Malfoy. I think you snuck Tom Riddles diary into Ginny Weasley’s cauldron, that day in Flourish & Blotts.” “Oh you do, do you? Why don’t you prove it?” *Lucius throws the book down the corridor, watching it slide away from...

3 years ago
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Master Master Part 41

I knew what I was going to find on the other side of that door, but I still didn't have the guts to open it. Sonja had just come into the kitchen saying that there was someone in the shed, and considering the strange phenomena that had been happening to me lately, the circumstances of this stranger's presence were obvious. But I knew I had to face this new trial. Behind me were Momo and Sonja, Momo's ears twitching from her curiosity and Sonja growling and fighting her instincts to bark and...

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Master MasterChapter 14

Jenny gasped and panted as I pierced her, sheathing my manhood deep within her slender form. She was pressed against the shower wall, her long ears hanging down over her face from the weight of the water. Her parted lips drew me in and I joined them with mine. My hand slipped down her smooth thigh and I lifted her leg, granting me an angle with more room to maneuver. Her moans came in tandem with my thrusts, her body welcoming my cock as our tongues danced. She wrapped her arms around me and...

4 years ago
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Master MasterChapter 16

Happy Easter, everybody! I’d just like to thank all of you for making it to the end and giving me your thoughts! Enjoy the finale of ‘Master! Master!’ I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant...

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Master Master Part 8

For several days, the whiteout continued. I was learning to live without TV and Internet, though the itch never went away. It was certainly nice to have a vacation and rest with my girls, but that wasn't to say we weren't busy. My driveway was bound to get plowed sooner or later, and when it did, all that snow would be pushed up right in front of my house-if the plow could even get that far. In preparation, we spent countless hours shoveling the snow, trying to get as much of it off the...

4 years ago
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Master Fills His Pet

Both of us drunk and sweaty already from a night of dancing at the club. Stumbling into the house, Master and I are ripping each others clothes off. Frantically pawing at each other. Wanting every part of our bodies touching. Master wraps his hand in my hair and pulls me in for a kiss. Mouths open, tongues battling each other, lips pressed together hard. He pushes me to my knees by my hair. I look up at Him silently asking for permission. Master nods a yes. Smiling, I pull His pants down,...

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Master and Pet0

“has she been introduced properly?” the man in the chair asked. He stroked his chin, the small stubble of two days’ growth scraped against his fingertips. “No master, I have left her mostly untouched, for you.” The red haired woman responded. She shifted her weight, the chain swayed in her grasp, but the girl didn’t make a sound, only her heavy silent breathing. “Becca, bring her closer.” He beckoned to her. She moved forward, tugging on the chain and the girl...

3 years ago
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 03

He’d just finished eating lunch when there was a knock on the door. His father went to answer it. “Oh hi girls,” Gareth said. “Hi Mr Davies, is Dylan here?” Olivia asked. “Yeah. DYLAN! Becky and Olivia are here!” Gareth shouted. Dylan emerged in sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Oh, hi girls,” Dylan said. “You were gonna show us that new computer game, right?” Rebecca said. Dylan just stared for a moment, before realising what she meant. “Oh! Right! Yeah, come on, it’s, uh, in my room…” Dylan...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 02

“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning. “It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?” “No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise. “What’s wrong?” Gareth asked. “Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with...

2 years ago
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Master and his slut The Weekend PART TWO

“This slut is wet!” a man said as he shoved his finger into my mouth to lick my juices from him.“I suppose that means she is more than primed and ready for use” said another chuckling. They talked about me as though I weren’t there as they were feeling and exploring me. I truly felt as though I were a piece of meat and a sex toy. My role was becoming clearly defined in my mind. The conversation continued amongst the men.“Her tits are amazingly good for bondage” said a third man who was feeling...

2 years ago
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Master called my Bluff

Calling a Sissy's Bluff I am a sissy slut. Once upon a time I was just a sissy slut wannabe, but that has all changed now. You see, I had posted some online ads, saying that I was hoping to meet a dominant Master who would come claim me and turn me into his own personal sissy slut. That was certainly my fantasy, but I hadn't ever met anybody who wanted to really make that fantasy come true. Truth be told, I wasn't sure that I wanted it either, so I must admit that when the Master of...

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