FogChapter 2 free porn video

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I turned eighteen in January of my senior year. By the time I graduated in June I had been going pretty steady with one particular boy, Eric, for about nine or ten months. Neither of us thought it would be a permanent relationship. We would both be going to different colleges in the fall and expected that we would remain friends but not more than that. But for the present we both were thoroughly enjoying our relationship. As had almost all teenagers, we had discovered the joys on necking and petting. After a date we would often park somewhere and spend a couple of hours in some intense activity, although we were both still virgins. It wasn’t as though we planned to remain so forever or anything. We just hadn’t decided to take that step.

Surprisingly - or maybe not - we had actually discussed this and even the possibility that we might change that state before leaving for school in the fall. I don’t mean to make it sound like this was a purely clinical approach. Not at all. We weren’t really nerds, but we were both fairly level headed and looked at the world in a realistic way - at least most of the time. We had agreed that we would not set about and plan “to do the deed” at a particular time. However, we also both agreed that it might happen to be that we would decide to change our minds at some time and, if this did occur, as long as we both wanted it, we could do so without worry.

As part of this I had pretty well decided that no matter what happened this summer I would likely change my state sometime during the coming year. As I said, we were both pretty leveled headed and, along these lines, I had started on the pill in late April. Now, if we did decide to do a little more, there would be one less thing to worry about. (We also knew that neither of us could have any STDs since we had had no other contacts, so that wasn’t a major concern either.)

That summer a number of us still met at the beach park for cookouts and games as before. The only real difference was that now most of our group were at least semi exclusive couples. When a girl was caught by a boy, if it was someone other than her regular boyfriend, there would still be some kissing, but not generally as intense. Of course, if it was her boyfriend who found her, it might be a whole lot more intense.

It was a Saturday in late July. Eric and I had gone to the beach for a picnic lunch and a swim. We wore bathing suits but planned on maybe going somewhere else later, so we had clothes to wear over them. We swam for a half hour or so, ate our lunch and then lay in the sun for another hour or hour and a half. Finally we decided to do something else and I slipped a shirt and shorts over my bikini and Eric donned a shirt and jeans. We hadn’t decided just what we wanted to do, so for several minutes we just sat in the car talking possibilities. Finally we agreed on a movie to be followed by a quick supper. Then we would decide if we wanted to do something else.

In a small town there isn’t much choice of movies and the two that were available were totally unknown to us. We finally flipped a coin and chose one. It turned out to be a foreign film, a comedy. However, as with a lot of foreign comedies, it was rather on the sexy side with many romantic situations with young, attractive men and woman, often in revealing clothing. Sometimes in even less than that. Anyway, it was actually quite funny and we enjoyed it. But it also had another effect. It left us both rather turned on.

When we left the theater it was still nearly an hour to sunset. We thought about going somewhere for supper and then probably somewhere to park. However, as we talked about just where we might go eat, we found ourselves verbally teasing each other with double meanings and looks that might possibly have melted the plastic in the car. Finally Eric said, “Look, we’re both too excited to go in somewhere for dinner. Why don’t we pick up a pizza to go and take it somewhere, say, out to Donner’s Point, and eat in the car?”

I looked into his eyes and replied, “That sounds like a great idea. But what are we going to do with the pizza?” I added to this by slowly running my tongue around and across my lips.

I could see Eric catch his breath and I suspect I had a good idea of what was going through his mind. After a second, a grin broke out on his face and he said, “I’m not sure about the pizza but I’d bet I can find a use for the bread sticks.” He punctuated this by slowly moving his tongue in and out, in and out. Now it was my turn to catch my breath.

We let ourselves cool down for a minute or so while Eric used his cell to call for a take out. For the next ten minutes we let our conversation move to topics without so many double meanings. There was still an erotic excitement, but it was held in the background. We both knew that we’d probably spend some time making out after we ate, but for now we’d hold those thoughts just below the surface.

We picked up the pizza and some drinks and headed for Donner’s Point. Donner’s Point is a piece of land which juts out into the lake. It is public land, technically a park, but not really developed. There is a gravel road that encircles it just in from the shoreline. The shoreline itself is mostly rugged rocks, but there are two small areas of beach, one with coarse sand, the other small, rounded gravel. The interior of the point is heavily wooded with a couple of trails but otherwise the only development in the park is a single picnic table at each of the two beach areas.

We drove around and parked above the sand covered beach area. This is located near the end of the point and is thus quite isolated. The parking area is off of the road, set back behind a thick screen of trees, and is located some fifteen feet above the water, By the time we stopped, the sun had just set and a nearly full moon was climbing up from the east. The air was still quite warm. It had, after all, been above ninety that afternoon. We were going to eat in the car but I suggested we might want to move outside since it was so nice. I had taken the pizza and Eric had pulled an old blanket out of the trunk and used it to wrap the box to keep it warm. Now we took the blanket, along with the food and drink, down the short trail to the beach area.

This wasn’t normally a beach used for swimming or sunning. I had heard that it was sometimes used as a nude beach because of its isolation, but in general there were better places to swim. But it did make a nice picnic area that provided a lovely view, the pleasant sound of the small waves, and isolation, provided by the fifteen foot cliff we had descended.

We spread the blanket, settled cross legged side by side on it and began to finally eat our supper. I was afraid the pizza might have cooled off too much but the blanket had kept it quite warm. While we were eating, Eric and I once again began to verbally tease each other with the result that by the time we had finished the pie we were both quite worked up.

We piled the food to the side and immediately stretched out on the blanket and in seconds were locked into a nice French kiss. Over the next hour we continued to neck and pet, making ourselves more and more excited. It was still quite warm out and while our clothes stayed on, we did somehow seem to find our shirts open, but I still had my bathing suit on beneath it. By then the sun had fully set and not even a red glow remained in the west. However, the moon had risen and, as I said, was nearly full, so the silvery light lit the lake and beach if not the shadowed places along the rocks and in the trees.

We broke from an especially torrid kiss and, with our breath coming in quick, shallow drafts, pulled back slightly, just looking into each other’s eyes. I felt Eric run his hand over my shoulder, down my side and on over the curve of my hip. This did nothing to cool me off. Or to cool off Eric, for that matter. I know I was on the brink of making a move to go further and I think Eric was also, but I also think he saw the uncertainty on my face. Either that or he was feeling the same uncertainty himself. For whatever reason he suddenly said, “Want to take a moonlight swim to cool off a little?”

I guess I was a little apprehensive because I immediately agreed. We stood and dropped our shirts and then Eric pulled off his jeans while I removed my shorts, leaving us both in the bathing suits we had been wearing all day.

There was nothing new about seeing each other like this, after all, but maybe the moonlight or maybe just our excited state did seem to have an effect. I looked at Eric. He stood almost six feet tall, medium length light brown hair. He was nicely built with no extra fat and well developed muscles. I knew he had a summer job doing some construction work and it showed in his arms and shoulders. His skin had a slight sheen, either from the warm air or from our earlier activity, and it reflected the silvery moonlight. He, in turn, was staring at me. I know I’m not too bad. I’m not fat but have enough flesh to cover my bones so I’m not skinny. I have blonde hair down to my shoulders, now pulled back in a pony tail. I’m not a double D on top but there is enough there to definitely tell that I’m a girl and my waist is fairly small. I have been told that my ass and legs are pretty good and from Eric’s stare I think he agreed with that. The suit I was wearing was not a true string bikini, but it was fairly small. As he looked, I swear I could actually feel his eyes slide over my skin and that seemed to raise my temperature several degrees.

We were both breathing quite rapidly, in short, shallow breaths. I started to take a step towards him and then I think the uncertainty hit me once again and I suddenly turned and dashed into the water. After a fraction of a second, Eric followed and splashed in just a second or two behind me. Lake Michigan is not the warmest even at that time of year and the cool water was almost a shock as it hit me. But it wasn’t so cold that I wanted to immediately leave and instead started to swim out for fifty yards or so. Eric is a strong swimmer and was soon right alongside me. We stopped before getting too far from shore and turned back towards the beach, moving slightly more slowly this time.

Here the bottom shelves quite rapidly and we were only twenty feet out when we could again stand. I used my hands to wipe the water from my face and when I lowered them Eric reached and took me in his arms and we came together for a deep kiss. Within a few seconds the lake no longer felt cold. Another few and I was somewhat surprised that the water around my hips hadn’t started to boil. My arms were locked tightly around Eric and his around me when his right hand began to slide down my back and was soon cupping my rounded bottom. Eric’s hand is sufficiently large that it extended beyond the suit bottom and I was sure that steam should be coming from the points where it touched my skin. His other hand moved from my shoulder downwards and began to stroke the curve of my breast above the small suit top. My own hands dropped and grabbed Eric’s ass, pulling him tightly against me. I could definitely feel his hard manhood pressing against me through our suits.

I think it was probably in that second that I decided that this was the time, but before I did anything to indicate that to Eric, his left hand began to slip lower, going from the exposed top curve of my breast into the suit. In another second I felt his fingers touch my nipple which by now was rock hard. I moaned into his mouth and suddenly moved my own hand from his bottom upwards slightly before letting it slide down inside his suit, cupping his bare ass. This action did nothing to cool either of us.

We pulled slightly back from the kiss for several seconds and without removing our hands just stared into each other’s eyes. I knew that both of us had blue eyes, but in the moonlight all we could see were deep, dark pools. Pools that I thought I might get lost in and never worry about finding my way back. After what was probably only a few seconds but which seemed much, much longer, I whispered, “Yes, Eric. Let’s.”

Much to his credit he managed to say, “Kristen, are you sure?”

“Yes! Definitely. As long as you want it too.”

With that he again pulled me into a tight kiss. His left hand left the inside of my suit and returned to my back while his right continued to rub against my ass. My own hand remained cupping his firm bottom. Then suddenly the top of my suit came loose and Eric was holding it in his hand as he pulled me against him, squashing my breasts against his hard chest. I think I cried out into our kiss but he didn’t seem to notice. We were standing waist deep in the water and suddenly he picked me up and began to carry me to the shore, our bare flesh rubbing as we moved.

As soon as we were again on the beach by the blanket he dropped my suit top and stood me back on my feet, His hand went immediately back to my breasts and while my one hand stayed tightly clasping his ass, the other moved to the front of his trunks and began to tug them downwards. This must have given Eric the idea and in seconds my suit bottom joined the top on the ground beside the blanket. Eric’s trunks were only a second or so behind them.

We stopped and looked each other up and down. I could feel myself quite wet on the inside and I knew it wasn’t from the lake water. Eric’s cock stood straight out, firm and hard, and I looked at it as my eyes slid up and down his body. Then my hand followed my eyes, grasping him. His own hands slid from my shoulders down to cup both of my breasts and I felt my temperature go up another degree or so.

We were soon stretched out on the blanket, hands and lips exploring. We had petted quite a bit before, but never like this. I constantly found my hands going to Eric’s shaft and his balls while his wandered all over my body between thighs and breasts. His lips sucked on my nipples, making them ache even more and his fingers traced my lower opening, occasionally moving slightly inside my now quite wet lower lips.

We both knew what would be coming but surprisingly we weren’t in a tremendous hurry to get there. Maybe it was just that we knew we were isolated and could take our time without being really concerned about anyone happening by. Or maybe it just seemed an extension of our previous petting, but for whatever reason we spent at least an hour exploring each other. Eric licked and sucked my nipples. I did the same to his and to his cock, even taking it into my mouth for a bit but not enough to make him come. We definitely didn’t want that too soon.

When I had decided that I was probably going to lose my virginity sometime in the next year or so, I had also decided I wanted it to be a most pleasant experience. I had masturbated since I was about twelve and had no hesitation in pleasuring myself quite often. Thus I had decided I wanted to remove anything that might detract from my first time, so, with the aid of a couple of candles, my hymen was no longer a barrier. Now there was definitely excitement, but no real apprehension as the ultimate moment neared.

Finally it came. We were both so excited neither of us could wait any longer and as Eric rose above me I reached and pulled him into position, rubbing the head of his rampant tool against my opening to make it slick and then aiming it to the right spot. Eric didn’t hesitate and pushed, but not violently. Instead he slid slowly inside bringing loud moans from both of us. Eric was somewhat larger than the candles I had experienced, but the stretching was incredibly pleasurable.

When he was fully inside we both froze, trembling with the fantastic pleasure of this wonderful experience. Then without any conscious thought we both began to move and the pleasure increased once more, bringing us to new heights. It felt incredible! I had often imagined what real love making (If I’m honest, I should say real fucking) would be like, but it was far more than I had dreamed.

Since this was the first time for both of us it wasn’t surprising that we only lasted a couple of minutes. I felt as though I was climbing higher and higher, the pressure of pure pleasure filling me until I was sure I would burst. Then suddenly it reached a peak far beyond anything I had ever imagined. I was no stranger to orgasms but I had never experienced anything even remotely like this. I felt like I was starting to fly apart into a million bright spots and for some time - which really wasn’t very long, but seemed it - I didn’t really exist as Kristen, but just a bunch of scattered sparks. When I did come back together Eric had just thrust hard into me and I could feel his hot juices flood me in spurt after spurt.

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I arrived at the massage parlour eager in anticipation. I did not realise it then, but what lay ahead of me was going to be more than I had anticipated.I rang the front doorbell and a very neatly dressed woman opened the door. “Good evening. I am Grace, the receptionist. How can I help you this evening?”“I would like to have a massage, please.”“And you are…”“Oh… Angel.”“Yes, you have certainly come to the right place. Just follow me.” The receptionist led me to a small sitting room where she...

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DanielleChapter 10

Maggie was beside herself with joy upon hearing that her son was going to marry the very beautiful Danielle Gray. She reminded Maggie of a little cupie doll one would win at a carnival or circus. Mort had won her heart and she didn't have to worry about her shy son becoming a mama's boy living at home. He was her only child and now the widow would have grandchildren to visit her and she in turn would spoil them. The ringing of the bell brought her out of her trance as she walked over to...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Brings A Mom And Son Closer

Hi ISS readers, this is my first story. It is a story about how the Lock-down keeps an Indian mom and son together for an extended period of time leading to wild and erotic sex between them. So. let’s directly come to the story. It is a story about me and my mom. My mom’s name is Sakshi, she is 38 years old and is slim. She looks like a model and has great assets since she does gymming every day. I am Prakash, aged 18+ years and I also do gym exercises every day with my mom. My mom is like my...

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Seeking Twilight Ch 03

Tuesday, May 24 The Kings of Minnesota Bad press had never been a problem for Carl Fenton. As Minnesota’s most prominent, most successful, most expensive criminal defense attorney, he had always experienced the best publicity money could buy. Always, until this morning. This morning, for the first time in his life, Carl Fenton was reading a news story with his name in it that he didn’t like, in fact it was very upsetting. The last twenty-four hours had been very upsetting for Carl Fenton....

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Rob and LoriChapter 4

I hit the city limits at six in the morning and slowly drove through town looking for the changes that must have occurred during my two year absence. I noticed that Charlie Farrow's gas station was gone and a McDonalds sat in its place. Alice's Diner was now Suzie Q's Café and Apex Appliances had boarded over windows and a For Lease sign. There was a touch of irony in that the Super 8 Motel was the only motel I could find that had a vacancy and the way things were going for me I almost bet...

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Married SisterChapter 7

Gail lay naked on the floor, listening to the sound of the door slamming a doomsday note in her brain. It seemed as if the sound went on and on, growing louder. The whole building, the block, the city, the whole world would know of her incestuous behavior. When Lee had come into her room bearing drinks, she knew what was going to happen. He had undressed in front of her until he stood naked with his huge cock held in one hand, a drink in the other. Even before he spoke, she began taking off...

3 years ago
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Betli Must Be PlayedChapter 3 The Betli Play

John: There were more than three weeks until the closing of the plant when I had to go to Atlanta for a day so that my direct supervisor could inform me about the details of the closing. He told me that I was to go to Arizona for the weekend, while a team would come from Atlanta with my direct boss and they would start sending away the employees and organizing the final closing on Monday. I could take my two key colleagues with me, but the following week I would have to investigate which of...

1 year ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 5

We stepped into a small foyer. Trefual pointed up to a cupboard. "There, you'll find some robes. Be sure to change into one every time you come in to do some work. It'll keep you from messing up your street clothes. We won't bother with that now because we're just taking a look see." He opened the door at the other end of the foyer "Through here." "Oh My God!" I just stood and gaped. The room was enormous. White columns went from dark marble tiles etched with intricate gold...

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One Suite Cruise Pt 2

When I woke up the next morning, I stretched and the blanket fell away from my naked breasts, nipples stiffening in the cool air of my cabin. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, recalling the events of yesterday.Dawn, the sexy brunette who liked to be tied up... and that sexy blonde with the devil-may-care attitude and flirty smile. Choices, choices...."Well," I said out loud to myself, "I can't make any decisions until I get dressed and head out there." So, after I showered and dried...

2 years ago
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The joy of the job

The weights clinked into their cradle as he added more to the bar, this scenery was HEAVY damnit and the little lady running the get-in was making him sweat for his time. At first on paper, it had looked like just a few fly bars hung with scenery backdrops and a bunch of lights. Now, 6 hours in to the get-in, he and the other men (and women) were busting themselves to complete the set up and rig, Ryder was left cursing his own optimism. At least there was eye candy. The tour manager had curves...

Quickie Sex
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The weekend

Let me tell you about my weekend.My girlfriends friend, in the past while we are all having more than a couple of drinks, has regularly blurted out the joke “ Let’s all go and have a threesome. Or I thought it was a joke.Now I’m not the biggest fan of this girl but we do get along easily when we are together, for my girlfriends sake. Last Friday night we were all having drinks, probably on my 8th beer, when the girlfriend decided it was time to start her buzzed sexy dancing to the music we were...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 11 The Dragons Pain

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Eleven: The Dragon's Pain By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Knight Angela – Dominari's Lair, The Despeir Mountains Lady Delilah's draconic jaws opened above me. My arms burned. The power of Gewin's blessing buttressed my limbs, keeping the immense weight of the dragon from crushing me as her claw pinned me to the cave floor. But as I looked into her open jaw at the sharp teeth dripping, the reek of sulfur of her breath, I saw my death. I had...

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REBIRTH ADVENT Chapter 1 I sat at the bar, alone, just enjoying the dim lighting, the cool air, and, most of all the quiet. It should be quiet; it was only 1o'clock in the afternoon, after all. I have always enjoyed this place because it was just a bar; in a world of specialty drinking houses, sports bars, strip bars, pick-up bars, you name it, it was pleasant and relaxing to find a place without pretention, without ambition, that just is what it is and is content with that. The...

4 years ago
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Opening Night

"You fucking whore!" Brian's face reddened with rage as the blue carrier bag fell from his right hand, the condition of its contents causing him no concern whatsoever, transfixed, as he was, by the scarring scene before him. His entire being emptied of reason, understanding and, with a painful jerk, love, the vacuum they left being immediately occupied with searing anger and deeply entrenched hurt. In a flurry of flailing limbs and flung bedclothes, Kathy came towards him, dressed in nothing...

Straight Sex
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 81 It Never Ceases to Amaze Me Part I

December, 1983, Milford, Ohio The drive from Chicago was a bit slower than usual and I pulled up to the Spencers’ house just before 6:00pm. Bethany was there waiting for me, and dinner was nearly ready, so I put my bag in my room and came back to the kitchen. The six of us - Frank, Trudy, Pete, Melanie, Bethany and I - sat down to eat dinner. “How long are you staying in Milford?” Melanie asked. “Until the 26th. I’m driving back early that morning because I need to pick up Jennifer at...

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NewSensations Octavia Red Octavia Cheats Right Here Right Now

Beautiful and busty wife Octavia has flown in for a second fling with her new big cock stud Alex. As soon as she got to the hotel Alex was beyond eager to get his hands on her big juicy tits as they both teased each other on the phone, making their plans for the evening. Octavia dressed in her red sexy lingerie and as soon as Alex walked in the door they wasted no time getting down to business with her legs spread wide and his tongue deep inside her hot cheating pussy. Octavia could not wait to...

3 years ago
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my wife and pantyhose

This story is true. My wife accompanied me on a trip to Puerto Rico in October. I had to work a lot so she spent a great deal of time on her own. Rita is in her mid 40s, 5’4, dark hair and about 135 lbs. She has small tits, but a great ass and nice legs. We have a good sex life and recently began discussing the possibility of her having sex with other men while I watch (and maybe join in). Until our trip we hadn’t done anything about it. One other thing, she loves to wear pantyhose (nylons) and...

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My Delhi Girl Friend

Hello , my 1st story, my English is not so good, please mail me if you like my stories to [email protected] am Maddy and I’m form Delhi doing my engineering and this is my first story in xhamster. I’m a regular reader of this site. This happened about 2 months back with my girlfriend and this is a true story.Well am 5'7" with athletic body and a 6" cock and my lover is 5'2" tall with good structure whitish colour and her structure is 34 b 28 35 she lives in a laxminagar and me in...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 1 Seven Hole Washout

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter One -- Seven Hole Washout My wife's mother called to tell her she wasn't feeling well and she wanted my wife, Kay, to come up to Chicago to be with her. She is a hypochondriac and it's not unusual for her to interrupt our vacation, or whatever we're doing, with her demands. I was hoping to play golf this day but it was getting cloudy as I drove my wife to the Fort Lauderdale Airport. As I kissed her goodbye, I told her to give my love to her mother....

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SRU A Drabble

SRU, A Drabble By Bashful "Hi, I got this card in the mail and it said I won something," the young man said. "Yes, Larry, you won this ring," the Old Man said. Slipping the ring on, Larry felt his body shift and change. His shirt ripped open and displayed his new possession, a monster set of breasts. "Guys don't have tits!" he shouted. "Good point Lori," the Old Man agreed as he solved that little conflict with a wave of his hand. "What kind of prize is this?" SHE...

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Please dont report me to the District

From TheKawaiik**:Okay so, this is my first story I've written so I know it isn't going to be perfect in any way. My apologies in advance if it sounds long winded, but I truly hope you enjoy it, and please, creative criticism is always welcome. May not be 100% true to the characters but let's face it; you're reading this while having a wank to the attached picture, so the smaller details aren't massively important. Hope you enjoy it, my fellow randy fuckers :)"Please don't report me to the...

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Family vacations

You and your dad are finishing to pack up the luggage of your family in the small plane your father has rented. Eric, your father, is the CEO of an important telecommunication company and, exceptionally, has decided to take vacations to celebrate his 42nd birthday. At 1 p.m. your family is ready to go. Your father takes place in the front row of the plane beside your mother, Rachelle. Rachelle is a 37 years old "MILF" who looks more like a 30 years old. She has long brown hair that stop in the...

1 year ago
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FlintkoteChapter 65

On that fateful day, Tyche unassed herself from Edgar’s aging SUV, threw me a hug and sprinted for the bathroom. “Hold it ... hold it ... hold it ... winter clothes ... arrgh.” “AHH...” When she was finished, she ran out to the SUV and hauled in the last suitcase. Edgar had hauled the rest. “Thank you, Edgar.” The whirlwind coasted to a stop, handed me an envelope and wound up again ... kitchen ... refrigerator door opened and shut and mayhem in the kitchen commenced. She came out with a...

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Dipakl8217s 8211 My Sexy Neighbor 8211 Part III

I am Dipak now settled in Mumbai narrating the story how I introduced to adultery and sexual intercourse. I was brought up in dharwar, near hubli. Mine was a middle class family which encouraged me to work in neighborhood family. My neighbor family consist of husband , wife and a daughters and a son. I use tp call the lady aunty and her hubby uncle. I was 18 and feeling the sexually turn in my life chupke chipke mai auntyka sexual body ka observation karata tha aur raatame mai muth marata tha....

1 year ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 5

Thankfully, by the time Betty had decided that there might still be some clothes left in a box that her son had left behind, and that they might fit Bob, and June had found a blouse and a pair of jeans that fit her, and Bob had managed to drink two more cups of coffee, his penis was behaving itself again. With a stern warning directed at June not to “do something stupid” Betty marched out the door, presumably to go get the clothes she hoped would fit her father. She left Fran there saying,...

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a naughty school girl

My alarm woke me for school, stretching, spreading my legs. I ran my hand down my body, across my firm tits, nipples hard from the hot horny dream I had just hand, I ran my hand down my stomach, down across my panties, feeling them wet beneath my fingers. I jumped out of bed and headed into the bathroom, turned the shower on and got in, that morning I made myself cum three times just over the one thought of that dream. I got dressed for school – a short black skirt, tight white shirt, tie,...

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Chris ChrissyChapter 8

I had us get off the bus, while traveling through downtown. We walked into the drugstore together and walked arm in arm, until we saw the 'Family Planning Display.' As we were looking through it, a lady employee came up to us and asked, "Can I help you find anything specific?" "Yes, what's the difference between all these, anyhow—isn't all you need is something that fits?" I asked. Both she and Chrissy giggled. "Actually, this one here is thinner, to give you more pleasure, this...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 123

As a woman passed her daughter's closed bedroom door, she heard a strange buzzing noise coming from within. Opening the door, she observed her daughter with a vibrator. Shocked, she asked: 'What in the world are you doing?' The daughter replied: 'mom, I'm thirty-five years old, unmarried, and this thing is about as close as I'll ever get to a husband. Please, go away and leave me alone.' The next day, the girl's father heard the same buzz coming from the other side of the closed...

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Hospital Fun

English is not my main language, sorry for bad spelling As people often say, one thing leads to a other.. But sometimes things come.. or let me say cum out from the blue. This is from some years back when i was 25, and stupid enough had been involved in a accident which made me fracture my ankle and in need for operation. Since I'm not in too good connection of my family I didn't really care too much about it, and as my mother told me on the phone, boys will be boys. But anyhow I got told that...

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