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Abby and I had frequently eaten at the Beach Shack, a dumpy place with superb cuisine; they understood great burgers and also knew how to make a fresh Cobb salad. Anna, Abby, and I arrived, staked out a worn picnic table in the shade, and placed our orders.

If I'd detected hero worship from Abby now and again in our relationship, she was over the moon eating with Anna Pechet. She asked questions of her nonstop until I held my hand up. "Abby, you've given Anna a thorough grilling. Why not give it a rest? Let her eat."

Anna took my hand and set it firmly on the table with a smile. "I love getting questions from Abby. She's not like the others, and her questions are deep and thought provoking. Go on Abby, keep asking and don't mind Jim."

I made a dismissive gesture with both hands and sat back, content to listen to the two of them talk. Abby asked, "In your training, I read where you were schooled in the Stanislavski approach, yet in an interview in People you commented on using Method acting. Do you contrast those two, and how do you think they differ for you from the Meisner approach? Do you use each for different parts you play?"

Anna praised the question, and the pair was off talking about acting: emotional responses, creative visualization and self-hypnosis, and talking in a vocabulary that sounded like English, but that made little sense to me. I could tell by Anna's responses and looks that the questions stretched her thinking. Abby's questions were often like take a graduate-level exam.

Eventually, Anna started to question Abby, quickly determining that she was far from the ditzy teenager or college girl she might have been. Abby was deep.

After lunch, we wandered around the small town and then walked back home by way of the beach again. Most of the time the two girls walked in front of me, and I followed along behind. The tide was exceptionally low so we gathered many shells that we wouldn't normally see. Despite the beautiful weather, I was surprised at how few people the beach had attracted that day.

Abby said goodbye to us as we passed her house, and then she bounded up the path through the dunes up to her porch, waved, and went inside.

After Abby was out of earshot, Anna said, "That is one smart girl, plus she is hung up on you in a BIG way." Anna squeezed my hand, "And I can't say I blame her."

"She's brilliant, and I do nothing to lead her on about how I feel. I've bluntly told her that we are just friends, quite insistently in fact."

Anna smiled at me, "You may need to rethink that supposition."

I recalled Anna's comments the following summer when she came to visit me again. It wasn't that we were a serious item. She wasn't ready for that. She'd explained, "I need a boyfriend – an 'official' boyfriend who people in the media can see and talk to occasionally. I don't have one, except for you. The fact that we live on different sides of the country, and travel independently of each other is just our way of life, and no bother to the paparazzi."

Thereafter, whenever Anna Pechet's love life became a topic of discussion, I was mentioned as 'The' long-term love interest. Were we in love? Maybe. I was allowing for that possibility.

I recall being in L.A. for some event, and Anna and I went to a large formal awards ceremony that had a red carpet, TV cameras, and the whole shebang. I stood beside Anna as her Trophy Boyfriend in a tuxedo while she got interviewed, taking in the scene and the other glitterati at the event.

Suddenly, the reporter thrust the microphone in front of me and I watched the TV camera zoom in on me. She asked, "So, what's the long-term future of your relationship with Anna? Oh, and did you like her movie?"

I emitted an automatic sanguine smile and turned on my brain. "Well, I see a lot of long-term potential for the two of us – very long-term, and I think she's one of the greatest actresses of our time. Her role of Sybil in the film epitomized the quest for perfection that she always exhibits in everything she does."

The reporter persisted, "And, Jim, you have the sequel to The Pumpkin Man about to be released, do you not?"

I gave that sincere smile I'd mastered, "I do. The book should be out at the end of the month – so put that on your reading list, and Sony tells me the film might be as soon as six months later."

"Might you want Anna playing the lead role?"

"I'd be delighted if that were the case; however, Sony will be doing the casting. I'll make my recommendation, of course." I gave him a grin that indicated my obvious choice.

My sixty seconds of fame passed as we were pushed along the red carpet into the elaborate theater and our assigned seats.

Anna whispered, "You did that so well, and I am glad to be thought of as your long-term girlfriend." She squeezed my arm to her bodice, making her nearest boob almost pop out of the magical strapless bra struggling to contain her femininity. I wondered how many wardrobe malfunctions occurred at events like this.

I had a letter from Abby when I got back to my New York apartment from L.A. One paragraph stood out: 'I saw you on TV at the Awards ceremony last night. You were so handsome and Anna was gorgeous. I felt so special knowing the two of you. I liked that you 'came out' as her boyfriend. I just hope you keep a space in your heart for me. Remember that I claimed you first. [Smiley face] I love you and can't wait to see you this summer. Tell Anna I said Hi and sent my Love. Love. Abs.'

I had to give Abby points for persistence. Since age twelve all she'd ever declared, despite my protestations, was that we were boyfriend and girlfriend in a long-term relationship. She even had used the term soul mates a couple of times. Apparently, others could come along and also hold those designations, but we were the primary relationship.


I had just finished a seven-week European trip to promote my books and the two movies, and spent a week at my Manhattan condo mostly recovering and packing for the summer. I then headed to my favorite place in the world in late May – my summer cottage on the Cape, just in time for Memorial Day. I planned to go to the local parade.

When I got to the Cape house with my usual carload of crap, I found that Abby had left a note on my door: 'Welcome back. Please call me when you arrive regardless of time of day. [Heart] Abs.'

The note actually brought joy to my heart in several ways: she apparently still liked me enough to put a heart by her name and to want me to contact her right away, and that she was here on the same schedule I was. I called Abby's cell, only got to say, "I'm here," before she hung up. Seconds later a beautiful twenty-year-old woman in a yellow sundress came hurtling across the sand and sea grass between our houses and into my open arms.

She was all over me for thirty seconds – kisses, hugs, and words of love and affirmation of her lifelong affection for me. I'd never had such a warm welcome in my life. She was ecstatic to see me, and that made me pretty happy to see her too.

I pulled back and held Abby at arm's length. I hadn't seen her for nine months except in a couple of photographs she'd emailed. She'd morphed again. She was then spectacularly beautiful: trim and perfectly proportioned figure, flawless skin, a face most models lust after, and a smile that lit up the afternoon – especially since it was all for me.

We hugged and kissed again, and talked excitedly at each other for a few minutes. I found myself relaxing in the comfort of her company, and basking in the contagion of her happiness. I let her know that I had missed her too. I wondered why I let nine months go by without trying to see her once or twice – or more.

Abby helped me carry in the luggage and boxes from my car, and opened the doors and windows to air out the stuffy cottage. I resolved to give her a key as soon as I could get to a hardware store.

Abby kept up a steady banter the whole time we were near each other, telling me about college, the courses, the unusual experiences, how she'd tested out of one course after another, and so on. Her voice was like velvet. She'd graduated college in two concentrated years of course overloads, but now planned on continuing for a master's degree – something about bridging the gap between writing (like me) and mass media.

She elicited from me various facts and feelings about my trip, Anna – and her visit in July into August, and what I'd been up to. She seemed to hang on every word I said.

I asked about her parents. Jean, her mother, had been down to help open the house for the summer, but had gone up to the city for a week to be with her dad and some other friends for some event. Abby had the place to herself. Since she was alone I invited her to dinner at the Beach Shack. She looked exceptionally pleased with the invitation and accepted immediately.

Over the past year, I'd remotely poured several hundred thousand into my cape house, making it all-weather and storm proof, enlarging the footprint, creating a dream kitchen, redoing the master suite, and getting some professional decorating. I loved the location on the bay side of the Cape, and always found the atmosphere conducive to writing and relaxing. My best work always came out of my weeks there; after I had left at the end of the season I would hone my work even further, but the convolved plots and detailed outlines I'd work on over the fall and winter always came from my creations and ruminations at the Cape.

As I put things away, Abby stayed close by as I gave her a running tour of the changes I'd had made to the place. Whenever we were near each other, there were little touches or intimate glances at each other. I was not immune to her charms.

We walked up the beach to the restaurant about seven o'clock. We held hands the entire way there. She seemed well behaved, and didn't lunge into any further kisses with me after her initial welcome. I kind of wished she'd do it again, and yet I didn't. I was surprised at the conflicted feelings I felt about her.

We talked about her helping me again over the summer as a 'Girl Friday – Assistant – Aide – Secretary – Editor – Etc.' and she accepted my offer instantly and with excitement. She explained that with many of her courses and study, she would be more valuable to me.

One thing I learned that surprised me was that Abby had started to write a novel. After a lot of pleading by me she let me read the first five chapters – about a hundred pages. I was hooked. It was a very good book, and I assured her it would sell well. That seemed to be great motivation for her. I volunteered to write a foreword for the book and recommend her to my agent. The result of that offer was for Abby to get up from her side of the table, come around, kiss me, and then sit again with a huge grin. No one else made any fuss about the event, so I didn't either except to wish she hadn't stopped. I wasn't sure I understood my own change of emotions about her.

I teased her, "You don't know what I plan to say. 'Hey, the smart brat who lives next door to me wrote this book; read it – or not.' Or I could describe what a horrible pest you've been over the years ... or what you looked like with acne and braces."

Abby just kept grinning. Finally, she said, "I trust you more than any man on the planet. I also love you more than any man on the planet too. And, you are being terrible, but I love it." Her eyes saw into portions of my soul even I didn't understand. I woke up a couple of minutes later realizing we'd been silent and staring into each other's eyes. In those second, I realized I wanted Abby to always be in my life.

I had to admit that Abby 'had my attention.' I didn't pledge my undying love or anything even close to that, but I kind of felt it. Abby was like a breath of fresh air in my life. I thought back over the past couple of years. Some of my happiest days when I wasn't on the Cape were always when I got an email, letter, or picture from Abby.

We walked back to our homes along the beach. The moon was nearly full so we could see our path. Abby and I both took our shoes off and waded in the water along the way. I watched Abby run up to her parents' home when we neared my house. I sighed and wished she could have stayed with me.

In the subsequent days, I started to work on my third great novel, and Abby worked on her first novel when she could find the time from doing things for me. At my insistence, I paid Abby, but she accepted only with great reluctance. I knew she would have worked for free just to be near me.

Abby consulted with me about several ideas she had to promote my books and movies, and I gave her permission to play the role of my PR person and to interface with my agent as well. She did a sterling job of this work, even arranging for me to do some interviews to post on a new website, and to begin a blog. She was making me richer, and when something succeeded, she was over the moon.

By this time too, Anna Pechet had become a true A-list star, and I was still noted as her 'official' boyfriend. What that meant I wasn't exactly sure, except that I made sure I was in L.A. to appear with her at special events where she had to make a mandatory appearance: the Oscars, Emmys, SAG awards, and so on. Anna had started to collect her share of some of those trophies.

Anna had a beautiful home in Beverly Hills, and I always stayed with her there, even when she was gone on a job and I was doing my own movie/publishing business. We were close, and I know we both had a great deal of affection for each other. We'd even used the "L" word to describe our feelings towards one another, but never followed those statements with any further commitments or proposals. Anna planned a few weeks off from her busy schedule to fly to the east coast to stay with me at my Cape home. She liked the place as much as I did.

That summer, Anna arrived as planned the second week of July, and I picked her up at the city airport and we had dinner in the city. We drove to the Cape, and made love for hours after our arrival. We were certainly glad to see each other, and as I'd noted we continued to feel both love and lust for each other.

Of course, we forgot about the rest of the world and the usual routine again the next morning. We were both wandering around the house naked when Abby waltzed into the living room. With the new open floor plan, there really wasn't any place to hide downstairs except a powder room by the front door or a race back to the master bedroom.

Abby gave a cheery, "Good morning everyone. Welcome back, Anna." Only then did she become aware of the lack of clothing by two of the three people in the room.

Abby joked as she turned her back on Anna and me, "Sorry, I didn't get the memo about the dress code. Don't mind me. I'll pick up some stuff and be gone."

Anna moved behind Abby, "No. Don't go." She pulled Abby into a hug and kiss. "I missed you, Abby. Let me throw a robe on and then join us for breakfast or coffee." The sight of Abby in shorts and a crop top kissing a very nude Anna about exploded my head.

Abby looked uncertain. She cast a glance at me, obviously zeroing in on my tumescent cock. After all, one of the most gorgeous women in the world stood a few feet from me nude and willing, and next to her, in hot shorts and a sexy top stood another beauty.

I smiled, "I think I'll slip into something too." I turned and went to the bedroom realizing the double entendre I'd made as I left the room.

Anna said to me as I left, "Bring me a robe, please; or better yet one of your shirts."

A few minutes later, I started to back to the living room barefoot. My presence was not sensed by the two women and I slowed as I heard them talking. I even felt guilty for eavesdropping.

Anna was holding Abby, and they kissed again. I noted the kisses were anything but chaste. I listened. Anna asked, "Abby, you have all this unrequited love for Jim. Doesn't it frustrate you?"

Abby laughed, "Yes, but I've grown up with it, so I guess I'm used to it. I love Jim more than any other person from the depths of my soul – mind, body, and spirit. I dream of being his everything, but I know I can't be. He's a complex man and he's made himself unattainable to me. Maybe that's why I care for him so much, and always have. All that, and I have to admit that I care for you too. I'll watch the two of you and be genuinely happy that he's with you."

Not giving up her curiosity, Anna prodded, "Little girl crush?"

"Once upon a time," Abby recited. "The last few years, it's become a pretty adult set of feelings and emotions. He once asked me if I understood love. I do, more than he realizes. He has my heart."

"You've been out with others?"

"Oh, yes. Jim would worry if he thought I was pining away for him at college. I don't, but I do. I guess I'm complex too. I've been a bad person, because I've used my dates to take me places and provide me experiences that intentionally make me a better person for Jim."

Anna said softly, "I've noticed the changes in you each year since we've met. You certainly appeal to me more each year." I looked out at the two of them; the two women were holding one another – Anna nude and her breasts prominent. She stroked Abby's cheek in a tender way.

Abby admitted, "I've followed your every move too. I think I might be your biggest fan ... and I care about you a lot too. I love you."

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Precious Memories Part Two Mutual Seduction

We moved upstate just in time for school to start. I began the seventh grade in a completely new setting. Country life was all I knew. Life in the suburbs was a huge culture shock. On the first day of school I was dressed like I was ready to buck some hay into the barn. Picked on and humiliated, I spent the remainder of the day after school in my room crying. My ass-kissing brother fit right in. He was instantly in the “popular” crowd and was out with his new friends. My mother, Anna, came...

1 year ago
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Jo A new nurse at the retirement home

At first she’d been very apprehensive. Not about the work so much, but about her uniform. Seamed black fully fashioned stockings with black patent high heels. An old fashioned blue nurses dress compete with watch fastened to her chest, white apron and a little white hat. It seemed terribly old fashioned and she was unsure of the attention it would bring, especially as this was a predominantly all male institution. But the days had passed and the patients had been lovely. They made her feel...

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Looking Through the Eyes of Love

Have you ever looked at someone and thought they were the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen? When you’re in love that’s what you see every time you look at your partner. You want to study them and memorize the way they look and feel so that you can see them even when they are not with you. This story is about a woman who used a very creative way to memorize the way her lover looked and felt when they were together last. The story goes something like this. She had spent the day doing...

1 year ago
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BangbrosVault Vanessa Leon Eager Vanessa Leon Fucked

Damn! Did BB vault come through today fellas! We came across the super adorable and very sexy Vanessa Leon in one of her first shoots. We found her poolside and fell in love and in lust right away. With her fresh personality, winning smile and tight little body, it’s no wonder she became a huge star in the adult industry. After peeling of her shirt and little shorts, we were also amazed by how busty this little girl was. For sure, the perfect pair of tits. Tony Rubino then showed up and...

3 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 42 Wendy Comes to Play

The next morning, when Nina returned from her run, she found Scott packing his suitcase in their bedroom. She gave him a quick kiss then pulled off her running clothes and headed for the shower. She showered very quickly, wanting to have a few more minutes with Scott before he left. She didn’t notice Scott watching her as she got dressed, once again in her allowed slave outfit, meaning easy access to her charms and few buttons to undo. She was checking her appearance in the mirror when Scott...

1 year ago
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First Cruise of Lt StewardChapter 3

One-hundred and thirty-seven minutes after we entered the system designated Katar/75-Hath (Eddie the AI insisted on Tuull designations, don’t ask), alarms sounded on the bridge. Eddie had detected some sort of technological activity in the system. “This is the first sign of technological activity we’ve seen on our cruise,” said Eddie, “Should I blow up now?” “Since you can only blow up once,” I reasoned, “Let’s make sure that it’s called for.” “Good call, Steward,” Eddie crowed, “That’s the...

1 year ago
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Elise Ch 02

It is to be assumed that you have already read part 1. Everyone in this story is over 18. We awaited eagerly the arrival of our first clients at the Abadía, and were excited when a limousine bumped its way up the stony track, a uniformed chauffeuse opened a rear door, and out stepped an elegant lady, wearing an obviously authentic mink coat over a black trouser-suit and patent heels. Her black hair was coiffed in a sophisticated chiñon, and her make-up looked immaculate. As Judith and I...

3 years ago
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Pretend Prostitute

Pretend Prostitute By Kachakali This story is based on an anime picture I found. See it and other works of mine over on my hobby site Enjoy. I got the frantic call from Mom a few days ago. My sis, Pamela was gone for far too long and Mom was getting worried that she wouldn't have enough food for Becky. Sis barely left enough money for mom to get some diapers. Looks like sis dropped her off on purpose with her. Surely my slut of a sister is...

2 years ago
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Ladies Love Country Boys

This week, he drove up on his usual 3 hour trip straight after work, so he was still in his field Army uniform. What a sight to behold. No woman can resist a man in uniform. At just a quick glance, I was at his mercy, weak-knees and all. I could smell his heavenly scent before he even made it into my front door. I can't remember the name of his cologne, but one whiff was all it ever took to make me fall unto his spell. As he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, I wrapped mine around...

2 years ago
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Perchance To Dream

Today was shaping up to be like most any other Thursday; pretty boring. My daughter Alice turned 21 today and, despite promising me that she and I would go get her first legal cocktail together, she was going out after work with her new friends from the law firm where she just started interning a month ago. Since it was about 4:30 in the afternoon, I figured my wife Suzie had cracked open that new box of chardonnay by now. Yeah, I know. Wine in a box. At least it’s cheap that way, like a volume...

3 years ago
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RUNAWAY Chapter 11 The Person in The Mirror

Joseph noticed that Sammi was smiling and seemed more upbeat. Before long they were talking about the truck wash, how much Ol'Jack loved water and how much fun they had playing in the water. They were both laughing really hard about it when the waitress brought their food. As they were eating he said, "There's something I need to make sure you are aware of. Now that I've made my delivery what I typically do is pick up a load and transport it back East and after dropping it I try to...

1 year ago
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Rene and Martine

I would like to tell you about the most exciting experience of my life. Recently, I visited a local bar. I went with the express intention of being totally and completely fucked. I was dressed to the nine's ? from the outside in: black strapless evening gown, floor length with a revealing slit on the left side and extremely low cut (in fact the nipples on my 40D tits were just slightly exposed), black patent 5" heels, sheer nylon stockings with a sexy seam down the back, a black garter belt,...

She Males
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Fucked Auntys Daughter In Pune

Hi friends,I am jivan from pune.Good looking ,5″9,24 yrs old ,well built boy.Please feedback dena ki aapko desi hot sex  kahani kaisi lagi.Email id- Jyada bore na karte hue hum kahani pr chalte hai. Baat 1 saal pahle ki hai,tab mai pune me clg ki padhai ke liye aaya tha.Aur mere aunty ke yaha kuch dino tk ruka tha.Jab kad mera admission aur room ka sab thik thai nahi hota tab tak.Aunty ko ek ladka aur ek ladki hai.Rakesh se meri bahut acchi banati thi.Pr apurva mere se jyada baat nahi karti...

2 years ago
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HH Porn

I felt every ounce of my agency drift over to this tall beautiful woman. She was twice my size, but the reigns of my person were in her slender hands. She was so much taller than me, even as I floated a little off the ground. She held me firmly and tenderly, shoving our breasts together. A hell flame burned along my flesh, too smart to burn my angel skin, but it burned my clothes to ashes. The fire flickered hot around and around my nipples at her command. Forcing them into hard points....

2 years ago
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Pets New Life Part 4

(Late afternoon back in Doc Susie's Clinic) Hi Sis, sorry so late back, thanks for making a slot available for me. Oh, do I look flushed, maybe a little too much wine over lunch. Yes, maybe a coffee would be good to calm me down before I meet Pet. New heels since I went out? Well yes, I have been so fed up with wearing flats or low heels since I married that sissy, I wanted to feel like a sensual woman for once. For so long I have worn flats so I didn't look taller then Pet and...

4 years ago
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The center cushoin

Introduction: How could such an incredible night of sex,,ruin my sofa? Incredible Night What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex. I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of...

4 years ago
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GILF sex

I still find it hard to believe that I could find myself in the situation that I'm in. A month ago I was a happily married fifty-two-year-old mother and grandmother who doted on her husband and family and would never in a million years imagine doing anything to put their happiness at risk. Today I am an unfaithful wife who has fallen under the spell of a man young enough to be my grandson who revels in making a cuckold of my unsuspecting husband.It all started about a month ago, when my...

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Lawn man and the hot tub

For the sake of this story and age restrictions on this site, lets go with the participants age as 18. Yeah that works, but use your own imagination and deduct two. I have an above ground pool in my back yard and earlier this year I added a hot tub on the deck. My oldest son lives with me and I do get to play when he is working or at his girlfriends house. Most of the time I am home alone. Although my house is in a sub division, my backyard is rather private and away from prying eyes. I prefer...

3 years ago
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Lost in Lonely WorldChapter 2

Roger sat down to read the last letter that his father wrote to him before he died. It had been a week since he was buried. Roger and Sue, You are reading this and it means that I am no longer in this world. You must be wondering why I wrote this letter even after dismissing all of you that Saturday. You must have some idea why I did what I did that Saturday. I was dying and I did not want to go from this world longing for another minute, another hour with my children and grand children. I...

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My Second Affair Part I

Several year ago my hubby and I lost the lease on our business at the local mall. Having worked all but three days a year and missing out on a lot of sex, he told me it was time for me to have some fun. What kind of fun? The kind he thought I would enjoy with someone else. Another man? That was exactly what he meant. We talked about it and I admitted that I would not object to having sex with someone else. Hubby was and still is fantastic in satisfying my needs but a lot of our sexual...

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Trouble Part 2

Chapter 5 As Flora was enjoying the day with her new class, Fiona had an entirely different experience over at the middle school. She was introduced to her new teacher, Ms. Putnam, and told what they were doing in class and what to expect from everyone there. She was less than thrilled to tell Fiona that she was going to be assigned to be the new partner of the other new girl, Maisie Campbell, and that she didn't want either of them in her class at all but had to put up with...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 14

I was very mellow as I headed for the Schuylkill Expressway. We weren’t doing anything special. We were just heading back to campus together. I was thinking about some of the things we might do together at school. Jeff was quietly enjoying the journey as well. Wasn’t he? I couldn’t tell from the look on his face. He looked like he might be distracted. Was I just thinking too much? I needed to get a little perspective here. Despite all the supposedly fabulous men I had dated, I had never...

3 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 31

Although said partly in jest, Denae decided to accept what her father had said and she walked to the infirmary. She was surprised to see Jorgarn sitting up in the bed and the room empty. He smiled as she entered. "Good day, Princess," he said with a nod of his head. It did not appear to cause him great distress. "Good day to you, Sir Knight," she said with a bow and a grin. "You appear well." "My head no longer feels as though it was stepped on by an elephant," he said. "Now it...

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Jack Hakwens Space Ranger and Womanizer

The blue sun reflected off a lone man's visor as he sat on the top of a mountain, his mech-suit adapting to the planet as it's wearer of it enjoyed the early sun rising into the sky like a Phoenix. It was always a lovely site as he relaxed. Reminded him so much of home. "Jack? Jack, are you there?" a female voice said into the intercom in his helmet as a small screen appeared to the side. The voice belonged to Rose Maria McDowell, a fellow ranger like him and the one under his command. She was...

1 year ago
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Aunty Ka Pyaar

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston ye kahani tab ki hai jab main naya naya jawaan hua tha. Baath tab ki hai maine graduation main admission liya tha aur ek girlfriend banayi. Main usko chodne ke plan banata rehta tha. Phir wo din aaya jab mujhe apna plan poora tha. Ghar ke sab log vacation pe naani ke jaa rahe the aur mere sessional exam they to main ghar pe hi ruk gaya. Mummy humare pados ki aunty ko mera khayaal rakhne ko keh jaati thi. Aunty ek widow thi aur unki ek 18 – 19 saal ki beti...

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Claras Catastrophe

Clara Ridings, a girl of exceptionally good looks and stunning figure. She was flirty, humourous and could make any boy drool. Most girls would hate boys constantly staring at her body, but not Clara. If anything, she craved it. The attention made her feel good about herself, making her body confident and happy with how she looked. She had a small group of friends, which she didn't mind a bit. She might have liked the attention she got, but wasn't very good in terms of social ability. Also, her...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - The First MasterYolanda led Shanika down the steps to the front of the platform. The chain connecting her ankles clanked on the steps. Her new owner, her new master, was facing away from her, signing a slip of paper.He turned to face his purchase, his new black slave girl. Shanika was relieved to see it was Roy. Yolanda handed him the chain. "What do you say, girl?" she whispered to Shanika."Thank you for buying me, Master," she said to Roy, eyes downcast."It's my pleasure," he...

2 years ago
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I Took Control

I wanted to try something different and since he always had control of me I figured tonight I would take control of him and see how well he could take orders for once. So I put on my cute little police officer out fit and I called him and invited him over then I called a friend who was gay and I told him I have someone who would be a great fuck for him, guaranteed!! They both arrived at around the same time and I introduced them before telling them what the plan was: “I will be giving the...

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The Calendar

It came into being at the same time as humanity. God thought that the best way to go about his plan for humanity would be to create a magical Calendar to help him plan, create, edit and keep track of the holidays and events that he created. Then, after remembering his omnipotence, he chucked it down from the heavenly realm to earth and promptly forgot about it. This Calendar that has taken many forms through the ages, and passed through many hands. Though through all that time it's power has...

Mind Control
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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