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We did make love two more times before we napped in each other's arms. We awoke about six o'clock and did our cookout. Anna and Abby each wore one of my t-shirts and nothing else. They took to flashing me their pussies and pulling the shirt tight across their excited breasts to tease me. I didn't keep my hands to myself to their delight.

After dinner we strolled down the beach for ice cream. The girls pulled on hot shorts that barely covered anything, and wore the same shirts with only one button holding the sides together. I was sure they'd get arrested for indecent exposure.

When we got back to my house, we made love again in a long languorous session that involved a lot of oral sex and a large number of female orgasms. I couldn't get enough of either woman, or they of each other and me. There was no favoritism, and if anything we each made sure to spread our attention to the other two. I'd never eaten that much pussy, tongued so deep into vaginas, or had two women in my bed with such passion and happiness.

Abby stayed overnight with us. I worried about what her parents would think. She was twenty, and certainly capable of making adult decisions, but still. I wondered if Don and Jean would ever talk to me again. They knew Anna was over. Maybe Abby could get away with the 'I fell asleep on the sofa' ploy.

While the two women went to sleep, I eventually got up. I nudged them into each other's arms, kissed them both, and then went out on the deck as they slumbered.

The Cape house is not near any center of major city lights, so on a clear night a billion or more stars are visible. The Milky Way stands out like a broad brush painted the stars across the otherwise midnight blue night. There's enough starlight to see where you're going. The whole scene makes one feel humble and spiritual.

I was alert and not the least bit sleepy. I was pumped up on some unknown energy. Part of what I felt was the utmost satisfaction sexually. Except for our barbeque and ice cream trip, we'd been making love since I got home from shopping. I'd never had a night like this, and I wondered if I ever would again.

I examined my feelings for each woman. Anna, I had a comfortable relationship with that had been going on for three years. I'd met the young starlet at a party in L.A. We'd hit it off, found each other fascinating, and started to date. She had just had her first major role as one of the supporting actresses in a B-grade action film, but got 'discovered' for better roles and had high aspirations. The day after we met, I suggested the just-named director of Pumpkin Man take a look at her for a role in the movie of my book. He did, and she ended up in a lead role. That cemented our relationship, and ultimately led to romance between us and my being her 'official boyfriend.'

I saw Anna every month or two, mostly on the west coast. I was back and forth from New York often, seeing my agent or her minions, advising on one of the movies based on one of my books, and schmoozing, as well as going to major Hollywood-related events that Anna attended. I became a 'known' on the red carpet, and her 'usual' escort – her only boyfriend too.

Anna told me that one magazine or another pestered her weekly about when we'd get 'serious' or get married or have babies. She had a stock answer that we were exceptionally good friends, and didn't have any plans beyond staying that way. She'd often throw in a teaser, such as, 'Of course, that could change at any time.' She'd laugh and usually change the subject.

Anna and I were passionate. I did entertain marrying her, but she was on her own rocket ship, as I was, and Hollywood marriages were not they kind of things that tended to last forever. I believed in the 'forever' model. So did Anna.

We talked about all these things after we'd been going together for six months. We weren't coy with each other about our relationship. We both wanted something with the 'forever' stamp on it, were wary of a 'Hollywood marriage, ' and wanted to be together on a permanent and forever basis once we did tie the knot. At that point, we were each prone to being pulled into some other part of the world for weeks on end. I even admitted that the temptations might be too much for both of us, and she agreed.

Despite agreeing to see others, neither of us did except on rare occasions when we needed a 'date' for some unique kind of party or event. Neither of us allowed the dates to become sexual. I guess we created a boundary there for ourselves. We were sort of saving ourselves for each other.

As I stared up at the stars, I brooded a bit about Anna's bisexuality – and Abby's too. Anna had talked about other models of behavior, and I assumed that meant she had expanded her thinking beyond heterogeneous relationships to now include sapphic pleasure. Had Anna found something like that with a female friend or two around Hollywood? There was some of that going around according to the tabloids I scanned when in the checkout line at the market. How long had that been going on? I thought Anna shared everything with me, but maybe she didn't count same sex relationships. Was she faithful in that she'd not been with other men, but she didn't count interactions with women?

I had no leanings towards other guys at all. I decided it didn't bother me if she liked other women, especially Abby. I didn't think of such relationships with the slightest jealousy. I wondered if she'd had a male friend, if I would feel differently. I'd ask her in the morning about this change in her preferences and what the background to what had happened that day. As a red-blooded male, watching Anna and Abby together was highly stimulating and erotic. I sensed the connection was new for each of them, but didn't want to divert what was going on to satisfy my intellectual curiosity with dumb questions.

I took a blanket to ward off some of the night chill and by starlight wandered down the path to the beach. I kept looking up at the night sky, and in doing so could feel some greater power of love infuse my body and soul.

I sat just above the high tide line wrapped in the blanket. I shifted my thinking to Abby – beautiful, smart, eager, ambitious, loving, loveable Abby. I shook my head. I had done her such a disservice the past couple of years. Tears of regret formed in my eyes.

She'd loved me since she was at least twelve – maybe even before then. Today had been monumental. The old image I had of the 'kid next door' coming over to 'play' with an 'adult' got blown away. She wasn't playing. She'd been in love with me for over eight years, more so with each passing year as she emotionally matured. Shit! I'd been the immature one. I had to admit that was one cause of my failed marriage.

I had kept thinking of Abby as a child and then as a young teen. Until I found her being sexual with Anna, I'd never updated my model of her to give her full adult status. Part of the shock I'd felt in those few minutes when I'd watched the pair was how out of date I'd been in my thinking about Abby. She could be loving ... and wildly sexual and passionate.

I'd watched Abby grow up – snapshots taken over three months or so, once a year in the summers. I chastised myself for failing to keep up with real time. I resolved to apologize to her.

Lastly, and most difficult, I examined my thinking about how I felt about Abby. I again got tears in my eyes; so many that the stars faded into a watery blur. I loved Abby. I really loved Abby, and I wanted her in my life from that moment forward until the end of time.

I felt no conflict between loving Abby and loving Anna. I wanted both of them in my life for the rest of time, until I became one with all the stars along with them. I basked in that love on the beach and just appreciated over and over again where my life had brought me with the two of them.

I awoke to some tender kisses on my cheek. I was on my side, and I knew instinctively that I was outside and not in bed. I was on the beach. The sun was already up, but I'd covered my head with the blanket to try to preserve the darkness and get some sleep. I gradually recalled the night and my thoughts.

Abby knelt by my side. She was wearing one of my shirts, and she'd pulled the blanket back so she could kiss me.

I turned to her. "Abby, I love you. I have thought a lot about us overnight. I need to apologize for..."

Abby kissed me. In a loving tone she said, "You have nothing to apologize for."

"But you've loved me for so long – really loved me, and I was too thick to appreciate it until now. I treated it like a child's crush. I didn't realize the depth of it. I didn't realize how I felt until yesterday – and more last night. I truly love you. I'm so sorry I held you off."

"Come inside. It's still chilly out here. Anna's still asleep, and I missed you in bed with us."

"Are you and she..."

"Lovers? Yes, probably. Yesterday was a first for both of us. I've never done that before, and Anna hadn't either. We were overcome with our feelings for each other. You need to know that we don't exclude you from our feelings."

We trod through the sand, up to the house. I wrapped the blanket around both of us.

Abby said, "Lie on the sofa, and let me snuggle into you." She took off the shirt and yanked off the shorts I'd put on.

We got on the sofa and covered ourselves with the blanket. I felt like I was in heaven holding a nude angel with Abby snuggled against me. Soon, we both drifted off again.

I awoke to some tender kisses on my lips. I blinked my eyes open and stared at the beautiful nude body of Anna Pechet – movie star and my lover – and Abby's lover.

I smiled at her, "I love you."

Anna smiled back. "I missed you in bed. I know Abby went out a couple of hours ago to find you. I fell back asleep, and I guess you two did too."

"I did. We did. I went out of the beach to think about things. I have questions." I sounded uncertain about the responses I'd hear.

"I'm sure, but let me assure you that the answers are all good. I love you very much. I love Abby too."

From beside me Abby spoke, "And Abby loves Anna, and Abby loves Jim, and that's one-hundred percent each, totally and completely, without reservation or mental evasion."

I chuckled as I sat up, "This is a wonderful mutual admiration society. I love the two of you that way. You two were all I could think of on the beach last night. I was so happy, and I am so in love with both of you. I had a religious experience and you two were the center of it."

Those comments earned me several dozen kisses from each nude woman as they sat next to me.

I finally asked, "Is anyone hungry?"

"Coffee, please," Anna pleaded. I noted that she'd brought with her another of my shirts. She slipped it on, only using one button. God, these women were sexy.

Abby said, "Let's walk down to the restaurant for breakfast. We can talk along the way. I'm sure none of us feel like cooking and cleaning up."

A few minutes later, the three of us left the house and started to walk slowly along the tide line towards the boardwalk and concessions.

I turned to Anna as our footsteps reached the beach, "Bisexual?"

"Yesterday – a first, and only with Abby. I couldn't resist her. I took the initiative in case you're wondering. Does it bother you?" I caught Abby leaning in to hear my reply. She was truly concerned.

"Not a bit. I love her too." Abby squeezed the hand she was holding to show approval of my remark.

I turned to Abby, "How about your bisexuality?"

"A first, although I thought a few times about experimenting at college. Anna was so easy to love and be with. It all seemed so natural and right. I worried about what you'd think, and whether I'd done something irreversible with you."

I asked Abby, "What about your parents? What will they think of me ... and you?"

Abby smiled, "They'll be happy for me ... my mom especially. She's known for years how I've felt about you, and how I've wanted to give myself to you. Don't worry. It's fine with them. I'll see them after we get back from eating."

I glanced at Anna. "What will they think about Anna and your feelings for her – our threesome?"

Abby responded, "They're pretty modern. They have lesbian and gay friends in their circle, so my feeling amorous about a woman won't be a cause for trouble. They had a woman they deeply cared for when I was little too, so I suspect they might know part of this landscape. I'm not sure they were intimate, but she was like a member of our family for years. I'm sure it'll be OK."

I glanced back and forth between the two of them, squeezing the hands I held. "I want to marry the two of you."

Anna laughed, "That's illegal, although I want to marry the two of you too."

Abby said a humorous tone, "That does raise some concerns, and polygamy is illegal in this country."

Anna said, "We just do our own ceremony. I don't need a piece of paper from the state to make a commitment to both of you."

I spoke, "Anna, that could hurt your career. Think of the front page of every tabloid in the world."

Anna laughed, "It'll boost the amount I get for each film from this point on. Everyone will want to see if living with two other people has made me grow horns or warts or a second pussy. All I will be doing is glowing in the love I feel from the two of you."

I probed, "You and I had agreed that we'd just float along as special friends with benefits. Are you really ready to change that?"

Anna stopped us in the sand and moved in front of Abby and me. "Yes. Let me be clearer, I love you, and I want to commit to you, so YES!" She yelled out her answer to the morning, her shout carrying out across the water. "I love the two of you. I feel this is forever, but I've met dozens of other Hollywood types who said 'forever, ' and are now divorced. I also don't need a piece of paper to say 'forever.' I tell you both now that I will love you forever."

Anna kissed Abby, and then kissed me. I pulled Abby to close the circle. I said, "Yes, I confirm my love for both of you, and my commitment for forever to each of you."

Abby said similar words and we started to walk again, now with my arms around each of my new wives.

I said with enthusiasm, "Let's go out later and buy rings."

Anna smiled, "Oh, that'll be so much fun. I can hardly wait until someone asks me what that ring means."

Abby bubbled, "What will you tell them?"

Anna laughed in her sparkly way, "That I got married over the summer."

"To whom," I probed, acting like a member of paparazzi by holding my cellphone in front of her face like a microphone.

"To the most wonderful man in the world AND the most wonderful woman."

"WAIT, Miss Pechet, do you mean to tell us that you are in some kind of plural relationship that's romantic AND sexual?" Abby probed, also role-playing.

"YES," Anna shouted again in glee. "Miss Reporter, I am in a beautiful and loving relationship with a man and woman, and we love each other all to pieces."

I laughed, "Well, that'll go over like a lead balloon over a glass greenhouse."

"Or a fart in church during the silent prayer," Abby chided.

Anna responded, "Oh, it'll be such fun. I propose we just tell it like it is. We don't need a story, only the truth."

I adopted the famous misquote from A Few Good Men, "You want the truth! You can't handle the truth!"

We reached the breakfast place, and got sidetracked with menus and ordering.

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I wanted to be a woman

It had been about six months since my stepdad caught me dressing up like a girl and gave me my first taste of cum. I had sucked him off about once a week since then. I sucked him in many different positions since then. Sometimes I was on my knees. Sometimes he laid down and I took control of his dick. Sometimes I would lay down and he would fuck my face. Sometimes I could tell it had not been that long since he fucked my mom because I could taste her pussy on his dick. Most of the time he came...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Massage That Had Gotten Out Of Control

It all started back when my wife and I had taken a trip to the mall. We were just spending the day walking around from shop to shop when we came upon a shop that offered massages. They gave massages ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length. The massages were also very expensive. A gentleman at the front of the shop offered my wife a free one minute massage. He was hoping to drum up business by offering her the opportunity to try a free one minute massage. My wife immediately said yes as he gave...

3 years ago
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A Visit from Vanessa Hudgens Ch 01

It was late Friday night and I was enjoying a quiet evening in my apartment when I heard a knock on the door. As I opened the door, I was amazed to find none other than Vanessa Hudgens stood before me, wearing a large pair of sunglasses. Vanessa Hudgens was my sister, and some would say I was the luckiest brother in the world. The unfortunate truth was that my sister and I didn’t get on very well, and six years ago I’d moved to London to get away and pursue a career as an accountant. I was...

2 years ago
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Take Three Theyre Small

Take Three They're Small Drabbles by Abner Whateley 1. Back to the Future Sister! Marty Long's plan was perfect, though the use of a machine that he had invented he would be able to send his mind back in time to possess an unwary victim and use their body to destroy his enemy before he had even meet him. His deed done Marty returned to the present to find that his actions had results he did not anticipate. It seems that the person he had killed had been the person who...

4 years ago
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Second time great head

This story isn't really erotic by any means. Just a one night stand kinda story. About 3 weeks ago at around 3 in the morning I was getting tired and wanted to get a little bit of sleep before I had to leave for work at 5 in the morning. I was downstairs on the computer chatting with a few friends. Then a friend whom I had met just recently suggested we hangout. We hungout before and we fooled around a bit but nothing too serious. I didn't want to at first because I needed my sleep. But...

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Alan was an ex-marine. He was big, brawny, and immensely tough. During his marine days he had acquired his nickname, Force. At the age of twenty-nine he was working as a bouncer at a nightclub. The reason for his change of profession was; that eighteen months before after he had been a little too close to an exploding bomb, and spent a month in hospital. He was severely scarred, but fortunately there wasn’t any permanent damage… well… almost. Problem was, that his mobility had become somewhat...

Straight Sex
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Billy and the Chisholm TrailChapter 3

The Chisholm Trail was a well known route from San Antonio up into the Indian Territories. It had been used for a trading route since the 1840s and was well known to many people, but it had not had much use as a cattle trail until Mr. McCoy had opened his cattle-buying operation in Abilene, Kansas. The trail kind of petered out somewhere in the middle of the Indian Territories, so Mr. McCoy had marked an extension with white flags on stakes to lead them into Abilene, Kansas. Therefore, most...

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Sugar and Spice this girl is really nice

I could feel his eyes on me, 'Fuck I must be getting desperate', went through my mind. Here am I shopping in the local supermarket, looking for something they dont sell, I'm horny as hell and thinking about having a quickie, with anyone who is up for it.Now before you get carried away wondering who I am, I am not a middle-aged woman in a loveless relationship, a nymphomaniac, or something like that, no I am a girl, under the age of consent, but in the body of a woman, desperate to fuck a man, I...

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One Massage Made Me A Cuckold

I am Vinod, now married for over 7 years with a lady, not beautiful but certainly having an attractive figure. 5 ft 5 inches tall, fair to very fair having statistics of 34-inch breast, 24-inch waist, and 34-inch hip. Her hairs were dense, dark brown and grown long coming below her waist. But she did not have which any lady should have for being called as beautiful. She has a stony face, no smile. The smile was very hard to come on her face. On bed also, though she was agreeable for sex every...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 197

The following are compliments of a Friend of J & G. An Indian walks into a trading post and asks for toilet paper. The clerk asks if he would like no name, Charmin, or White Cloud. “White Cloud sounds like good Indian toilet paper” says the Indian. “How much is it?” “$1.00 a roll” the clerk replies. “That seems pretty expensive” responds the Indian. “What about the others?” “Charmin is $2.00 a roll and no name is 50 cents a roll.” The Indian doesn’t have much money so he opts for...

2 years ago
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77 North

He sat in his rental car, the engine idling. His green eyes focused on the screen of his cell. ‘It’s up to you, baby.’ He could hear her soft, southern voice as read the text. Turning left would take him back to his life before it was too late. Back to the oranges and browns of the Mojave. Right would take him to the red clay of the Carolinas. The land blanketed in a lush green forest. It would take him to her. The only woman he really loved. It wasn’t supposed to happen. He wasn’t looking...

3 years ago
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My first 3some

Tina was quite recently. She was gutted that I had discovered her bi-sexual fantasy and was embarassed by the fact that I knew. It didn't matter now - it was all out in the open. I was working late when I first found out - I arrived home and discovered her and her friend Emily kissing and caressing each other's naked bodies...

2 years ago
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my Neighbour Black man 1

‘That fucking bastard!’ I screamed at my computer as the Find My iPhone app confirmed my darkest suspicions. ‘That lying sonofabitch!’ ‘I’ll be working all night on that merger project and just be able to catch a couple of hours sl**p at the office before my 9 a.m. meeting,’ my husband had said so convincingly a few minutes ago. He didn’t know I had activated the GPS tracker on his iPhone. This was the third time this month he’d pulled this shit, but this time I had the new Find My iPhone app...

4 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 8 Insatiable

Saturday, May 18, 1996, Sanford Maine I was dripping sweat and panting hard; my muscles were pleasantly sore from exertion. I was pushing it; I wanted five more on each of my last reps, and I grunted my way through my final set. I was hoping to add ten pounds of muscle before training camp started in August. This season we wanted to make the playoffs, and the coach, Jacob Myers, thought that we had a good shot. Biking home would be my cool down today, and I figured that a dip in the pool and...

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A Modern Bards TaleChapter 4

I woke up myself about 6:30. And the bed was full. Maeve was on my right; Chyoko had her head on my left shoulder. Astrid and Dorothy were behind her, and both Heathers were snuggled up behind Maeve. That was all I could see without raising my head too far. I managed to wriggle out from under the ladies and down to the foot of the bed without waking them. As I had expected, all of her friends were snoozing on the ample mattress. I noticed that Molly was almost off the edge. I gently rolled...

3 years ago
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Meddling with Mandy

MEDDLING WITH MANDY By ANNE GRAY This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone or promote any activitythat is not entirely consensual! I waited, watching closely as Mandy's chest rose, straining against the multiplerestraints, to inhale air through the hollow nostril tubes. As soon as I judgedher lungs were as full as they were going to get I abruptly hit the computerkey that activated the program and closed the air intake of the gas mask clampedover her face. No air could pass through...

3 years ago
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Secrets of an Officers Daughter Part 7

Recap: Cody was empowered with the knowledge that his 5’7”, 115 lb, 34-c cup breasted mother was fantasizing about bedding him and Cody wanted to see how far he could push his mother. With Mark his father on his way to the airport to pick up Terri’s father Tom and his sister and Terri fast sleeping upstairs Cody took full advantage of the situation of being alone with his MILF of a mother. Cody woke early Sunday morning only to see his mother dancing alone in the kitchen preparing breakfast....

4 years ago
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How It All Started With Me

Hello everyone! I am Sachin, 21 years old student and job aspirant. I am back on ISS after 2 years. My previous story was on a gay theatre in Bengaluru. This goes back a couple of years back. I and my parents lived in a colony kind of building where there were say..15 families living together. I was a very active boy, everyone’s favourite. I was very active in my studies too – a typical student with very good grades, good in sports. Every evening, I and a bunch of boys in the colony used to...

Gay Male
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Hot Hard Sex With Nris Wife

Hi ,Friends, Gals,bhabhi n aunty aoor sabhi ko meri oor se hello n very 2 thanks , jin hone meri last story (Hot manju sharma ka hoot 1st real hard sex experience) ko bhut zabardast response diya, mere pass kaafi e mail, aoor phone call aaye, jiskie karan main iss main meri 9th story present karne jaa raha hu , I hope yah bhi aap sabhi ko pahle se bhi jayada jarur pasand aaye gi. Ek baar main aap ko wapas apna introduction de dena chata hu , mera naam manoj hai . hight 6 feet, body fit n fine...

2 years ago
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The Classes Day Trip to HIS Dairy

The Classes Day Trip to HIS Dairy!It was spring time and the c***dren of Lory's class were supposed to go on a nature day outing.All the class were excited about it and they desired to visit Lory's FATHER'S Dairy.They all remembering the cool exhibit that Lory and her DAD put on earlier in the school year.Ms. Appleton's sudden departure afterward had necessitated her replacement by Mrs. Gunther, but no one blamed that on Lory. p**o files are everywhere, who would of guessed.So Lory's...

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My car experience

I looked in the rearview mirror. Yes, there he was, coming up to pass me again. We had been playing this little game of leapfrog for some miles now, and it had somehow taken on a life of its own. It had started innocently enough; I noticed him slowing a bit after we made eye contact on the second pass, and the game had begun. It was now the sixth time we had passed each other, and our gestures had gone from eye contact to casual flirtation. He blew me a kiss as he overtook me in the left lane,...

Straight Sex
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Hot Wife Spit Roast

Hot Wife, Hot LifeSpending the entire summer working far away from home wasn’t unusual for me, as I work in the Gas and Oil industry. What I was really dreading though, was the fact I would be away from my gorgeous wife so soon after we’d finally tied the knot. Carol and I weren’t exactly the typical newlyweds as we’d already lived together for several years but we’d finally made it official in May in front of our many friends and family members.In June my company was awarded a very lucrative...

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With My Young Sister In Chennai

Hello friends, I am Shankar from Chennai and my age 23 now it’s my real life experience happened before few months. We have stayed 4 members in my home, me and my sister and my parents. I’m going to tell my real happy experience happen with my sister. My sister name ‘santhiya’ studying BE (CSE) with age 21 I have completed B.TECH and working in Software Company. I love my sister a lot like anything because our age difference is only 2 years so we were nice friends from childhood. We share...

4 years ago
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Nature Preserve

There is a nature preserve near where I live in Grand Prairie. It’s a large area near Mountain Creek Lake that the city allows to grow wild. No planting or mowing or any help from man. Its riff with wild life and migrating ducks use the wet land. There are also walking trails through the morass that are known as a pretty good cruising and hook up place. I was craving a nice hot load of cum so I decided to head out there and give it a try.It was easy to find. I just drove out Beltline road past...

Gay Male
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My SisterInLaw And Her Sexy Legs

Note : This story is completely fictional! Story begins fifteen years ago, my then wife and I visiting her parents at their home. Besides my wife's parents, also home was her sister, Jean. Jean was a sexy 18-year-old senior in high school. She being very pretty, was of course very popular at school. She was 5’6”, 125, brown shoulder length hair, blue eyes, and had a models face with perky breasts. What I really noticed were her legs. They were the longest, sexiest legs I had ever seen. Several...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 51 Freshman Year Starts Now

I was pretty bummed when Grace left. I think she was the first girl I had my dick notched in her pussy ready to make her a woman that ended up walking away a virgin the next morning. I mean sure, I understood why after we talked this morning, but it still had me in a funk. I was so obsessing about it that I failed to make myself not see the door when someone rang the bell. I guess that explains why I was waking up in the hospital a little later. "David," someone said from next to me. I...

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They had set me up! And they had done it so neatly that there was no way out. I stared at the two women in shock and dismay. There was no alternative – I was going to have to do whatever they wanted – anything at all.I was fifteen and a half years old, although I looked two or three years older – a fact which caused me a lot of bother, with older boys and men constantly making passes or dirty remarks. The reason for this was partly my height – I am five foot nine inches – but most of all my...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 13 How Gebhardt meets young Marja

Leaving the castle after visiting with Ingeburg, Pelle strode for Tilke's forge. He found his friend and the mason Wenzel waiting for him. For the next two hours, Pelle tried to explain to the mason what he wanted and how he wanted it to be built. It turned out that the master mason had seen permanent kilns in his young years when he had been a journeyman mason in southern lands. They compared what they knew, and agreed on a construction similar to an oversized beehive. Pelle wanted to have...

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MyFriendsHotMom Ryan Keely 24549

Ryan Keely’s just minding her own business watering her flowers and shrubs in her backyard when– INTRUDER!– man in black pops up out of nowhere! Luckily Ryan’s cognizant enough to spray water at the trespasser, but eventually she lets up, as she realizes the interloper is Mike, her son’s friend! After he tells her that he was looking for a lost contact lens, Ryan, feeling bad about the situation, takes him into the house to put him in some of her son’s dry clothes. And lucky for the MILF, her...


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