Sex Kop 101
- 3 years ago
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December 6, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written December 9]
At the cold-cereal breakfast, Mom said, “Thank you, all, for making Our Man’s 40th birthday such a spectacular event. Charlie, I love you so much. Thank you for making all eight of the women here cum.” She turned to Inez and added, “I hope you have no concerns about Charlie giving you an orgasm. I assure you, I have none.”
Inez shook her head, then replied, “I have no doubt that you have no concerns, given your predilections. I have ... something of a concern, but I’d like to ponder that for a bit. Might I present the results of my pondering to the whole family this evening?”
“Of course. We want you to be comfortable with our lifestyle while you’re staying with us, so please do let us know if ... or whenever something occurs that gives you pause.”
Inez nodded.
At lunch, we freshmen were surprised when the entire set of soccer-team seniors awaited us scattered at our table. Tables. They had pulled a second to butt against our normal table.
“Wow,” Brett exclaimed, “what a welcome surprise! To what do we owe the honor of the presence of all five of the soccer-team goddesses?”
There was some chuckling.
Hope replied, “We’ve not been getting our full FDA-recommended dose of Brett, so are here to remedy that lack.”
The silence was thick until some of us noted Brett’s stunned-ox look as he stood by the table, one hand on a chair back, at which point...
There was much laughing.
Brett responded to the laughter by smiling, lifting his right index finger into the air, and said, “A hit. A very palpable hit.” He bowed over his arm to Hope, stood erect, pulled the chair out, sat in it, then grinned at Hope.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Meka grinning as she slowly shook her head.
Hope returned Brett’s grin, adding, “You really are much more comfortable with us than you were. I think that’s a very good thing.”
“Yes,” Kim responded, “it is. I’ve begun feeling that I wish I were still a freshmen ... or, at least, not graduating this year. If I were not, I might like to see how you would handle a real date.”
Brett’s eyebrows ... and those of various of us freshmen girls rose in response.
Rachel looked at Kim and stated, “Umm ... James?”
Kim shook her head and quietly answered, “Later.”
Any cogitating that we girls were doing over that short exchange was cut short by Brett responding, “I don’t know how I’d respond to one of the prettiest girls in the school ... and a senior at that ... asking me on a date. You might have me quaking in my boots.”
Kim dropped her head a bit, then looked through her eyelashes at Brett, replying, “I’m not that pretty and I’m not ... umm ... built like Hope.”
Liya interrupted somewhat fiercely, saying, “You are most certainly one of the prettiest girls in school. Yes, you’re not stacked like Hope, but then, few of us are. However, you have a lovely body and trust me, I’ve seen all of it, naked, so I know. Any heterosexual guy of any worth would consider you very attractive.”
Kim recoiled at Liya’s response, but then ducked her head slightly, lifted it, then said, “Thanks, Liya. Given ... You would know, I guess, although I’ve never seen myself that way.”
Cera said, “I agree with Liya’s assessment. If I were Brett, I, too, would be shaking in my shoes had you asked me on a date, because you’re just so lovely. I’ve always really liked your hair among other attractive attributes you have.”
“But my hair is so boring; straight and boring.”
“Yes, like Beth’s and Rhee’s, so hopelessly straight and boring ... and beautiful.”
Meka leaned across the table and whispered, “Haven’t I told you the very same thing? All of it?” She leaned back a bit and raised her voice slightly, adding, “Yes, Hope has knockers to die for, but that’s not the only girl part that should interest boys or men of discernment. Your long, straight, pale blonde hair is one of the many attractive aspects of your head, and everything else on your body matches. You’re very attractive and, if that short conversation with Rachel means what I think, I’ll say that I’ve always thought James was playing well above his level.”
Meka stared into Kim’s eyes until Kim lowered her head and nodded slightly.
Meka glanced around the tables, then said, “I apologize for all this. We’re with our friends at the funnest lunch table, so we should be enjoying ourselves ... at least as much as possible while we’re in school.”
Her subsequent grin around the tables was electric, then she turned to Hope.
“This was your idea, so get on with it.”
Meka took any sting out of her words by grinning at Hope.
“It was partly my idea, but Meka fleshed it out.” She faced me and added, “Meka and Katie got to do a long weekend with many of you, and the rest of us feel, well, a bit left out. Nothing this school year has been very enjoyable, outside of soccer and various soccer-associated things. We would like to have a ... sleepover.” She turned to look at Brett, saying, “And, yes, we would like that sleepover to include you.” She returned her gaze to me and continued with, “Meka says that her dad sold their house, which leaves almost no other suitable house to host a sleepover for 14 of us. I thought ... No, I hoped that I could convince you to host it.”
I stared incredulous at Hope, then glanced around the tables, then replied, “Ummm.”
I was thinking to myself that I was incredibly erudite with that response when Hope’s face fell.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean you to think I meant to answer negatively. I’m just thinking about the mechanics of a sleepover for 14. We have four beds in the house, although all are at least king-sized. If we needed, we could bring the spare mattresses from the other house. We’d also have to ask our parents to vacate the premises so we could use their room.”
Hope shook her head, then said, “I’d hate to kick your parents out of their own house. Could we use the other house you mentioned?”
There was a clamor of us negating that option, but the message might have been lost in all the words and headshaking.
“No,” Meka said in the clear. “Single bathroom. That’s where I live, so I know.”
“Ah,” Hope responded with sadness.
“Our house can work, Hope, so don’t get down. When were you thinking?”
“Umm, next Friday or Saturday. Before Christmas break, and next weekend is the final weekend before break.”
I looked across the table at Rhee and saw her micrometric nod, so looked at each of my other housemates and got agreement in varying levels of obviousness.
“I think we could make that work, but we need to discuss it with our parents. I also suggest Saturday night, which would enable many benefits, including getting weekend homework done on Friday and being able to start the get-together much earlier in the day. It would also enable our parents to spend some of that day with us, something that would almost certainly be involved in getting permission to kick them out of their own house.”
Meka and some others responded to the last by laughing heartily. Hope looked at Meka, who responded.
“Yes, they were present at the beginning of the long weekend and hosted lunch for all of us and our parents on the last day of it. They are really great people and parents. In fact, I doubt they’d do much more than raise their eyebrows when we ... when Beth tells them that the participants would be 13 girls and one boy.” She looked around, then added, “In case anyone is wondering, the 14th would be Civia. It would be wrong not to invite her. As I’ve heard someone else here say, Civia is 11 ... well, 12, now, only in years lived, not in maturity. Although, you should have seen her at her birthday party. She acted a bit more her age then, but I don’t blame her for that at all. As recent experience suggests, some people seem to digress at least a little on their birthdays.”
The Go5 reacted to that last sentence with small smiles all around.
Liya grabbed the floor by asking, “BBC, could you get permission?”
I could see Brett look between Brit and Cera, and when none of them seemed like they were going to respond immediately, he said, “After last weekend, I’m sure I’d be allowed, although I’ll have to reassure my parents that despite that I’d be spending the night with 13 very attractive women that I wouldn’t forget my upbringing.”
Rhee and Liya snorted, while the rest of the Go5 ... and Meka ... chuckled.
“I think I can get permission,” said Cera, “particularly if Meka’s there.”
Brit looked at her, then around the tables, and replied, “I would have to creatively avoid letting my parents know that a boy will be there, but I think I can manage that. They never came to any of the games, and I’ve never mentioned Brett to them.” She turned to Brett, adding, “That’s not because I’m ashamed of you or don’t like you or whatever negative reason you might entertain. Ever since my mom remarried, I’ve felt I’ve had to keep some aspects of my life from her, and I don’t want to get into why here. Brett, please believe me that I consider you a friend and I value that friendship. You’re the only boy I’ve considered a friend since I was six or seven. From what I’ve heard from the others here, I’m very much like most of them in that regard.”
He looked at Brit for a few seconds, then nodded with a small smile. Brit covertly exhaled slowly.
I wrapped things up, saying, “Unless there’re plans of which I’m unaware, we can probably make this happen. I ... we can probably have a definitive answer tomorrow.”
We had our usual Wednesday weights workout, after which Meka took the BBC home, and Dad took the rest of us home.
When we walked inside, Rhee said, “I’m the stripper today. Where’s my music?”
There was much laughing.
She followed Dad into his bedroom and lovingly removed his workout clothes from him while adding in lots of free fondling. Because the stripping occurred in the parents’ room, all of us were there when Dad was naked. He proceeded to strip all of us, including Inez. After last night, the “extra bits” that Carol had mandated had become more expansive, and Dad’s face time between the legs of each of us had been expanded well beyond a quick one-way lick of individual pussies. He spent at least a minute with each of us, again, including Inez, lighting fires in eight pussies.
“Dad,” Heather said, “we need a sixth in the shower to make teams of two. Come on. You can be on my team, although I might have to jump to wash your upper back.”
All three parents rolled their eyes, and we five grinned. Inez looked confused, so Gracey explained, or started to explain.
“Mom, we do team washing, and it requires even numbers. We start...” She stopped, frowned, then continued. “Why don’t you just come up and watch. It’ll be easier than explaining. Please.”
When the six of us exited our shower, Inez was shaking her head.
“Once again, you have made me aware of how close you girls are. How long have you been doing this, showering this way?”
Gracey responded, “Beth and Rhee started it when they were ten. While Liya and I had showered together somewhat frequently before this summer, we didn’t do it as a team; we learned that here. And while Beth and Rhee devised it as a time-saving endeavor, it doesn’t really save much, if any, time. However, it has become a way to express our love for each other. While there is an occasional sexual component to it, it is but it’s much less important than the bonding aspect. In fact, Civia is our most frequent sixth, and she’s taken to it with ... joy. Somewhat like Heather, she grew up rather isolated until meeting us, and she is a strong proponent of team showering.”
Inez shook her head slowly, then said, “I could see the bonding aspect of this quite easily. In my experience, Heather is the most ... umm ... aggressive of you in expressing a desire for sex, despite that she also seems the most ... umm ... submissive, although that’s not quite right, when it comes to the actual sex. I thought I would surely see a sex show between Heather and Charlie, but that didn’t happen. Like I said, the bonding aspect is very obvious, and I’m amazed once again at the closeness of you five girls.”
At dinner, I broached the idea of a partial high-school soccer team sleepover next weekend.
Dad asked, “How partial?”
“The five of us; the five seniors; and Civia, Cera, Brit, and Brett.”
As I expected, the last name caused some elevated eyebrows. Unlike what Meka expected, there was more response than simple eyebrow-raising.
“I’ve been wondering about Brett,” Sandy said. “Do we need to have the discussion with you girls about extra-family sex?”
I bridled a bit, but contained my internal response, answering, “While we have occasionally pondered on a ... beyond-Dad sexual life including a male, we have not considered starting such anytime soon. Most of us are fairly strongly on the lesbian portion of the sexual continuum, but, as is obvious, certain males ... strike our fancy, even the fancy of those of us farther out on that continuum than others, like me. Of course, Brett is one of the few males that strikes that fancy, but none of us, including, I think, Brett, is even close to ready to begin pondering that possibility in more than future generalities.
“The whole idea of the sleepover is as a bonding event for some friends that have become closer to us than to various other members of the soccer team. Our five seniors seem to be feeling the end of their high-school lives and recognizing that those lives will change soon, although I doubt they understand how much. Except, perhaps, for Meka, who already has far too much experience of life changing dramatically. Two of the three seniors with whom we’ve spent the least time seem to be most interested in ... I think ... re-assessing those lives. One who seems to have played the field with boys has become more open with us, and another seems to be re-assessing a somewhat long-term relationship with a boy. I think they’re both beginning to regret not spending more time with their female friends, and they seem particularly interested in being friends with us beyond being simply teammates. We like all of them and would really like to take advantage of this opportunity to get to know better the three of them with whom we’ve spent little time.
“Our ideas on the mechanics of the sleepover, given how many participants we’re discussing, would obviously include needing to use your bathroom, if not your whole bedroom. That seems to suggest that, if we do this, that you do as you did for the Veteran’s Day weekend sleepover and abandon your bedroom to the invading horde.”
There was some chuckling.
“We’ve talked among ourselves, and we believe that forcing Brett to sleep by himself while all the other beds are crammed with multiple girls isn’t fair ... for anyone. So, we decided if you’ll allow the sleepover and the mixed-sex sleeping arrangements, that we’d put Brett on the Monstrosity with four girls and spread the others among the other three beds. Before you ask the obvious questions, we would, of course, wear appropriate clothing in the Monstrosity, although that would be a requirement only for the Monstrosity. We would explain that to him and tell him that any purposeful fondling of any of his bedmates would result in the end of our friendship and his removal from the house at the earliest reasonable convenience. As we all know, one is rarely fully aware of where arms, legs, and heads wind up in sleep, such that we’d also tell him that an arm casually draped over a bedmate in a boy’s ... or a girl’s sleep would not be considered a cause for a change in friendships.
“Mom, we’ve all spent a lot of time with Brett these last few months, and he is not only a perfect gentleman, but still very much ... shy with girls. He would not, will not push anything in even the tiniest way. In fact, we might find it impossible to convince him to sleep in the same bed with some of us. Finally in this vein, we would not even consider this for... ANY... OTHER... BOY!”
The other girls and I looked around the table at the four adults seeking their reaction; Mom supplied it.
“Okay. What about the rest of the ... mechanics?”
I surreptitiously released the breath I’d been holding, then continued ... after I made a little dig.
“Thanks, Mom. However, I should let you know that if any of the Go5 were ready and interested in having sex with a male other than Dad, Brett would be that male!” I followed that statement with a large grin aimed at the Moms, then seriously added, “None of us is, but Brett does remind us much of the best aspects of Dad.”
I let that all percolate with the parents. Dad raised his eyebrows at me, but then gave me a small smile.
“We would like to have the arrival of everyone occur before lunch and we’d like all of you there for that lunch. Meka has agreed to pick up the BBC that morning and drop them off on Sunday. We would do that, and not invite their parents to drop them and pick them up, primarily for Brit. Her family situation is, at least from our standpoint, very strained.” I turned to Inez, saying, “Her mother remarried, and she’s now got two older stepbrothers that leer at her when neither parent is around. We have inferred that they say or suggest inappropriate things, so she hates being in the house alone with those boys. Meka knows one of them – he’s a senior – and said he is not to be trusted. Period. That’s why Brit volunteered to be one of Coach’s assistants – in order to stay away from the house after school until at least one of the adults was home, although she’s come to enjoy the job. That’s also why we invited the BBC to join us in our off-season workouts.”
I looked around the table then, finding furrowed brows and concerned looks on the faces of the women and virtual steam coming out of Dad’s ears; he was very angry, and spoke up.
“I hope you told her that she’s welcome here anytime she feels concerned or, particularly, threatened.”
Heather answered, “We have. Many times. Meka also insisted that Brit call her if she ever needed help. Beth told her the same thing. We’ve gotten her to accept as much ... overwatch from us as I think she can stand, although we all wish she would permit more. If and when her eldest stepbrother leaves the house for good, I think she’ll be, if not fine, at least in better shape. I think she can handle the younger boy.”
“Please, when it seems appropriate, tell her again that we will help whenever she needs it.”
The five of us nodded at him.
Dad sighed, then said, “I know that the law would consider me in the same vein as those boys, and that I have nary a leg on which to stand. I’ve told all of you that the law is written for the worst-case scenarios, because it simply has to be. Exceptions provide for unenforceable law. It makes me angry that there are so many men who would do with girls or women whatever they wanted were they able to get away with it, and some that do even if some wind up paying some sort of cost! I would be even more concerned about Brit if that older boy had any kind of history of cruelty to animals, as that seems to be some indication of at least the possibility of cruelty to fellow humans. You might suggest to Meka to ask about that specifically.”
Again, the five of us nodded. Dad closed his eyes, inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled.
“Please carry on with your mechanics plan.”
“We’ve about covered it, although, if you’re willing, we’d appreciate the parents being here for lunch with everyone on Sunday. Oh, and we’d like to do home-made pizza on Saturday night.”
All four parents had a short discussion in front of us, then gave us a tentative okay and said that we could continue planning and announce that okay to our friends.
After dinner cleanup was complete, Inez said, “I’ve completed my cogitation on the ... concern I expressed this morning. Could we gather in the living room to discuss it?”
“Absolutely,” responded Carol
Sandy added, “Why don’t we take ... libations out there with us and, perhaps, get any bathroom breaks out of the way?”
Almost 20 minutes later, the nine of us were scattered around the two couches and the love seat, although Heather sat on Dad’s lap, as there were only eight comfortable seats on the three pieces of furniture. At least, that was her excuse for climbing into Dad’s lap. We girls each had Irish Cream-laced chocolate milk that we were nursing when Inez took the virtual floor.
“Before discussing what I wanted, I want to say this. Thank you, all of you, both parents and daughters, for inviting me to spend my non-traveling time over my ... unsettled time here in the comfort of this wonderful house and with this wonderful family. I have enjoyed virtually every aspect of being here. That includes the various aspects of my ... two daughters’ love lives of which Nira and I had been unaware. I have learned more about those two daughters, even the genetic daughter, in the past month or so than I imagined I could learn. I’ve learned that they are both fine young women, the sorts of young women that I’d hire in the department with absolutely no qualms. I’ve learned that the five of them are creating a life for themselves that beggars my imagination of what is possible, particularly for young women. Neither Nira nor I could have given them ... this, and that’s discounting the obvious pleasure they get from their sex lives. This ... house, this family is special, and I greatly appreciate the look inside it that I’ve gotten the past few weeks. And that is why I’ve asked to address you all.
“Sandy, Carol, Charlie, what do I have to do to be a full member of this family?”
The proverbial pin dropping would have been deafening in the silence that ensued for a few seconds after Inez’s question. I noticed that all of us girls had wide eyes and raised eyebrows, but that Sandy looked serene. She responded.
“Inez, you’ve just done it. Welcome to the family.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Heather look down into, no, through her lap, then she looked up at me and said, “I think Dad’s all for it!”
There was much laughing...
and that laughter broke the ice. Inez stood from between her “two” daughters, stepped over to the couch with the other parents, leaned past Heather and latched her mouth onto Charlie’s. I smiled a bit when Heather took that opportunity to fondle Inez’s breasts. After a minute or a bit more of kissing Charlie and having Heather fondle her, Inez stood, then stepped to her left and leaned in to kiss Sandy. Heather reinitiated fondling Inez’s breasts and added a hand onto Inez’s ass. After another minute or so, Inez repeated her actions with Carol ... and Heather repeated her actions with Inez. After about a minute, Inez stood, then addressed all of us while facing the parents.
“Unlike Beth and others here, I have little interest in females in a sexual fashion, although I must admit that Heather’s efforts just now did feel very nice. Before that, I thought I had nearly no interest in sexual activity with females. I may have to reassess that. Of course, now, I might have ample opportunity to perform the ... experiments that could generate data to allow for that reassessment.” She looked around, grinned, then added, “How’s that for the response of a biologist to new behavioral data?”
There was much laughing.
Gracey and Liya took that opportunity to stand and step over to Inez and wrap her tightly between them. After some five minutes of high feelings, Sandy interjected.
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Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...
The new co-eds couldn't believe their eyes when they glanced through the course directory and saw that a class called Sex 101 was being offered! By the hundreds they raced to sign up, convinced this would be the class of a lifetime…. When Andy and I walked into class on the first day, we were met with an overwhelmingly large audience - the room was absolutely overflowing its capacity – filled with hundreds of eager young minds just waiting to soak in all that we had to offer. We looked at each...
EroticI have to lean into you just to breathe, as I can no longer do so with my mouth closed. You lean over just enough so I can bury my face in your shoulder. I bite you as I can't handle how much I want to cum. I tell myself not to, as I just want to feel you for just another minute. I am dripping, my clit swells and I am unable to hold back Movie night 101 .... Usually I wear jeans to the movies on a date, you know the kind that hug a woman's ass in all the right places? My favorite ones have some...
SecretSteve Lucent burst across the starting line at the sound of the gun like a madman. He drove his toes into track with the fury of an animal. But to the spectators in the stadium, his tall, athletic frame and his long blonde hair flying in the wind without hiding his handsome face, Lucent seemed very much like the ideal man. Behind him, a swarm of the fastest runners in the world pursued him. Lucent’s speed was unmatchable and he had no trouble leaving them behind. But his mind didn’t wander...
I looked for Terry out the small window of the huge C-141 Air Force aircraft as it taxied up to the crowd of people. I thought I saw her but I wasn’t sure. After the plane stopped they wheeled those of us in wheelchairs down the rear ramp. There was a little welcoming ceremony for us. We were their men from Miami-Dade County coming home wounded from the Gulf War. I still didn’t see Terry and was getting worried when I saw my brother Mike waving at me. He hurried over and said he had his van...
One day while I was at my friend Mark's house, only his brother Jacob(20 at the time with a 8in penis), him and I were at the house his parents had gone out of town and would be back the next night. We played video games for a while then he asked me if I wanted to play truth or dare, I said ok. We played for about 8 or 10 min doing silly boy things and messing around. Then one turn when i said dare he told me "I dare you to take off your shorts and show me your underwear", I was a bit...
Jessica, in her bed with a fever, rolls over, then falls onto the floor. The crash wakes Ellen, who runs into her room. As she helps Jessica off the floor and onto her bed, she asks: "Are you all right?" "I dunno, my thigh hurts," Jessica moans. "Let me look." Jessica pulls up her long nightshirt to reveal a black and blue mark on her right thigh. Ellen looks at it then says, "It look's okay." Jessica moans, and Ellen feels her forehead. "You've got a fever, let me go get a...
The second night home I had came back to my parent's house where I had stayed when on break. I had just been out at a local club and managed to catch up with one of the old flames and ended up back at her place. It was pretty late when I finally got home so I was respectfully quiet as to not wake up the house. Well after inside, there was no need for real quiet as my baby sister, then a senior in high school, was having slumber party with about four or five of her friends. My parents had...
I was seventeen the year it happened. I had known Cheryl for several years, it seemed like she had always been around. We grew up across the street from each other on the same cul-de-sac. We were the only kids on that small street so it was like our own private playground. Our folks were good friends so we were always at each other’s houses. It was a pretty wonderful childhood. Childhood grew into the teen years and grade school gave way to high school. We took some of the same classes and...
My name is Candy, and Brandon and I, have been married a little over a year now. At first, our sex life was great. I think it was because we were so new to each other. Nowadays it has become more of a chore, and the sizzle is definitely gone. I find Brandon so sexy, so I am not sure what the problem is. We have tried renting porn. We will get hot, and fuck within the first half an hour, and then it is over. I long to have Brandon, run his long tongue between my pussy lips, and suck on my...
It was a typical day in college. Well at least thats what I thought… I hate these required courses in college, they are so pointless. But the girl I met that day was far from pointless. I sat down at my desk, towards the back of the lecture hall. This amazing looking girl, walked in a few minutes late, and sat right next to me because that was the only empty seat left. In my head I kind of thanked myself for sitting there. I just wished that I had worn something more attractive than jeans and a...
“Jessica, spread your legs,” Ms. Reynolds ordered laying her hands on her thighs. She moved slowly. “Come on now don’t be shy. He’s seen it all before I’m sure.” Sighing a little, she parted her legs wider. Michael stared between them, eyeing the flame of red hair trimmed into the shape of a heart offset by the snowy pale skin around it. He lowered himself gently to the floor, feeling Ms. Reynolds hands on his shoulders guide him down. When he reached his knees he reached his hands out towards...
It was the year I graduated from high school. I had been horribly sheltered. My parents were very strict and religious. I had been controlled and told what to think my whole life. This was my big chance. I was doing orientation at the college I had chosen. I was terribly nervous and wanted to make a good impression. I wore my prettiest skirt with the flowers on it and brushed glossy brown hair. I put just a dab of pink lipstick on and I looked at myself in the mirror. I studied my reflection. I...
Dear Diary: May 30, 2018I am devastated. I was so in love with Max. I waited for sex with the right guy and it was awful! Awful! It hurt like hell. And then he dumped me, saying I wasn't good in bed. What did he expect? I had not done it before. I thought the man of my dreams would help me with my first time ... show me ... and if we loved each other it would be awesome!I can't believe this was my first-time experience. Isn't a first time supposed to be amazing? He lied to me. He told me he...
Straight SexThe structure of this story will be a bit eclectic. The KINK department offers several classes, each addressing a different topic, and I'm planning to write up ~1 semester of each class. If you want a specific kink, you can skip to the class for that kink. If you want a narrative structure, you can follow the classes sequentially. There will be reoccurring students and references to other classes, but if you're just here for the porn (which is entirely respectable) then you shouldn't miss out...
FetishWhat was I thinking? I am happily married and I was finding this hunk of an eighteen-year-old sexy kid, attractive as hell and I didn’t know what to do. I mean really.I was teaching physiology and kinetics at a local junior college, while I was still working on my Master's degree. I am twenty-six, almost ten years older than John, who was a student in my class. I didn’t set out to have an affair with John, it just happened.The first time I felt really attracted to John was after his first...
First TimeI was 21 and just entering my fourth year of college, a dull prospect I'm sure. I have been a Sociology Major so that I could advance in a failing drug and alcohol counseling company. I will tell you though, my real interest was learning how to get people to do anything I wanted them to do. Take Tara Jones for example, a cute little cheerleader that had no time for any male that wasn't a jock. She has DD+ tits and a nice round, plump ass. God, What I would make that girl do! I digress, because...
Mind ControlDonna sat across the kitchen table from her step-brother, Todd. “What a nerd,” she thought to herself. “He wears glasses that look like coke bottles, reads computer magazines and prefers playing on-line games better than most anything else,” she thought.Donna and Todd had become step-siblings five years ago when their parents married. Their birthdays were only a few days apart, so they had a lot in common. As much as Donna didn’t want to admit it, she was as much of a nerd as Todd. Maybe...
First TimeNAMES Have been changed for those that wished to remain kinky behind closed doors or in this case while out on a trip to the Islands...Cathy is secretly pissed at Michael and gets revenge fucked by two island boys.We heard Tiger’s boat before we saw it. We had neglected to bring anything to wear when we headed to the bow so we all headed to the cockpit and below to put something on.The girls grabbed their cover-ups while Mike and I pulled on our trunks.We were covered up by the time Tiger...
Let's start off by saying, don't believe everything you seen in a porn video. The man manages to slip his hand right in on the first try? No, not quite. Remember that's a porn video, those ladies are primed and ready to go and have practice. Their muscles are used to the torture and torment of the initial penetration, it's unlikely your partner is accustom to that - yet!I can not stress enough that patience is a virtue. You must be a patient partner, the female body is a marvelous thing. It can...
My name is Candy, and Brandon and I, have been married a little over a year now. At first, our sex life was great. I think it was because we were so new to each other. Nowadays it has become more of a chore, and the sizzle is definitely gone. I find Brandon so sexy, so I am not sure what the problem is. We have tried renting porn. We will get hot, and fuck within the first half an hour, and then it is over. I long to have Brandon, run his long tongue between my pussy lips, and suck on my clit....
Wife LoversNow I know what you're thinking. But everyone should know when and where to scream the word Nigger. *NOT YOU CUCKY!* This story is about this red headed slut of a freshman I had to teach a lesson to. This rich bitch would fuck anyone that gave her attention, and she was out of her mind. She would throw a fit if you didn't fuck her when and where she wanted on the spot. She would even go as far as threaten to kill herself. And honestly the slut pissed me off. She was the choir whore but had...
I received an education when my husband and I began dating that has taken me and our sexual relationship to a different level and knocked out some old myths for me. I enjoyed watching X-rated movies with him and thoroughly enjoyed the rewards afterwards and I have a few toys in my collection that get occasional use, but had no idea of the adventure I was about to encounter. I had always thought of myself as being a little on the wild side, but I have since figured out my idea of wild was really...
Written to entice the physical feelingsThe classroom was hot and the air stagnant. Once again I found myself slipping in and out of sleep. The lids of my eyes felt heavy, and my arm didn’t seem to want to hold my head up with much strength.The chemistry teacher was going on about important things that would probably be on the test. But after an hour of the mind numbing explanations that didn’t make sense, and wouldn’t make sense until I reviewed after class, my brain was full to it’s maximum....
Quick and simple guides to help turn that selfish and controlling man into a loving affectionate slave Training his mind is just as important as his body. He will need encouragement. Constantly remind him how he's given himself to you and how you cherish the sacrifice -- but he needs this training to really become yours. Associating arousal with pain and frustration is vital.There are some things that are mandatory tools to train your mate. These fall into the core categories below. These are...
There are many people who have never heard of fisting, or have no idea what is really involved. There are two types of fisting, vaginal and anal, this article is focused on vaginal fisting. First off, I would like to bust the biggest myth about fisting. It is NOT true that your partner must be "well used", or "worn out" in order to insert your fist. The art of vaginal fisting is one that is quite gratifying for the fistee in most cases. There are a lot of women out there that love the feeling...
Well, there's no "proper" way to give someone a blow job, I mean, blow jobs are like pizza, even if they're bad, they're still pretty good, according to the boys who helped me in my quest for the perfect blow job techniques. So ladies, (and guys, if you're into that sort of thing), pull up a chair & take notes. First of all, think of the head of the penis like your very own clitoris. The clitoris and head of the penis have the exact same nerve endings and are made of the exact same tissue....
Wife and I have bantered back and forth with good friends of ours, Ozzy & Pat who are black, or as Ozzy says his ancestors are from "darkest Africa", because he's very dark about Ozzy impregnating my wife for an interracial baby and I impregnating Pat for their interracial baby. This remained friendly banter for probably 5 years, until the two wives hatched a plan. Both wives turned 34 and decided their eggs will soon become old. My wife is a magnet for black men, she's always being hit on...
I was at work the week and I made a bet with a female co-worker on the Nebraska v. Virginia Tech game, I wagered that Nebraska would win. She asked me what I wanted to bet, I told her that she could decide. I’ll tell you at lunch what the bet is going to be. We met at lunch and she told me that since we are friends with benefits, that if you win we can fuck in whatever position you want. I immediately said “BET”. Don’t you want to hear what I will win? Whatever, I’m not going to worry...
I was seventeen the year it happened. I had known Cheryl for several years, it seemed like she had always been around. We grew up across the street from each other on the same cul-de-sac. We were the only kids on that small street so it was like our own private playground. Our folks were good friends so we were always at each other's houses. It was a pretty wonderful childhood. Childhood grew into the teen years and grade school gave way to high school. We took some of the same classes and...
BisexualI was at a very tender age of 10 years when my story begins. I was born male. With all physical parts in tact. But there was something deeper which was unfathomable. I was a very lovable sweet k** just entering fourth grade. I studied in an all boys school. On the out set I knew I was a bit different from the others. I had to much love and care than what a similar aged young boy would do. People thought I was to mature for my sister age. Least did they know how I felt within. Let alone others I...
My Wife and the Pizza Guy - My husband reads this blog alot and so I thought I'd contribute to his favorite sites. I want to tell you how I have come to love ordering pizzas. After being married for several years our sex life was becoming alittle boring. One night after many night of talking about different fantasies one stuck in my mind. So one night after getting rather horny we decided to call for a pizza to be delivered. While we waited I got naked except for a bath robe. I told my husband...
Now this is 4 the niggas that eat pussy (or at least try to lol).......let me start off by sayin there is a rite & wrong way to eat pussy.....if a girl ever say it hurt while you eatin her out you doin sumthin wrong (how you can make it hurt idk....but sum females have told me that sum niggas made they pussy hurt while they was eatin it lol) you cant juss move your tongue up &down & actually think you doing sumthin cuz you not especially if you not in the rite spots....take...
It was the fall of my sophomore year in college and I had just moved into a new apartment and I had put up an ad for a room mate to help cover the expenses. A number of girls had called but the one I settled on was a girl named Alicia who was just a freshman but her parents were well to do and she didn't want to live in the dorms. Most of the other girls I either knew by name or reputation and I really didn't want my pad to become party central. Alicia was a small town girl, who was still...
I was over at the college dropping off Maggie, my daughter, for her late evening class when I saw a young-appearing woman trip and fall, spilling the contents of her carry-all as I was leaving my parking space. I hopped out of the car and rushed to assist her, making sure she was okay and helping her gather her things. It turned out this was her first-year as an instructor at the college and she was from out of town. I thought she was very pretty - she had sparkling green eyes and deep...
Well, there's no "proper" way to give someone a blow job, I mean, blow jobs are like pizza, even if they're bad, they're still pretty good, according to the boys who helped me in my quest for the perfect blow job techniques. So ladies, (and guys, if you're into that sort of thing), pull up a chair & take notes.First of all, think of the head of the penis like your very own clitoris. The clitoris and head of the penis have the exact same nerve endings and are made of the exact same...
It was a typical day in college. Well at least thats what I thought... I hate these required courses in college, they are so pointless. But the girl I met that day was far from pointless.I sat down at my desk, towards the back of the lecture hall. This amazing looking girl, walked in a few minutes late, and sat right next to me because that was the only empty seat left. In my head I kind of thanked myself for sitting there. I just wished that I had worn something more attractive than jeans and...
First TimeI'd been there maybe two hours, and I still didn't think I'd be leaving anytime soon. Across the room was my clothes, heaped in a pile with the original $75 still in my pocket. I was naked and although hesitant, I agreed to being tied onto this padded workout bench so the guy who hired me could use my mouth. To me it was just another blowjob. He took his time and finally erupted down my throat. Quite helplessly I swallowed every drop. I usually didn't swallow, instead I usually let the...
It was the year I graduated from high school. I had been horribly sheltered. My parents were very strict and religious. I had been controlled and told what to think my whole life. This was my big chance. I was doing orientation at the college I had chosen. I was terribly nervous and wanted to make a good impression. I wore my prettiest skirt with the flowers on it and brushed glossy brown hair. I put just a dab of pink lipstick on and I looked at myself in the mirror. I studied my reflection. I...