BounderChapter 9 free porn video

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Life started to return back to normal. Mostly ... more or less anyway. I was still feeling a bit 'off' with myself and had a hard time getting back into a normal routine and returning to business as usual. But I forced myself to return daily to my chambers office and tried to get back into the routine of making money.

Looking out my office window onto Silver Avenue I could see a lovely familiar face pass by each day, usually even every hour or two. Flerrie la'Clerkes, junior patroller with the Riverside Vigiles station had seemingly earned a transfer here and a promotion to Constable-Patroller. The ever familiar Sergeant Wergan was now ever by her side, teaching her the new route and the routine of the neighborhood. She caught me looking down from my window watching her several times, but she always just smiled and kept moving on. I was careful to avoid her while out in the street and if I saw her distinctive vigiles cloak I was quick to hurry in the opposite direction.

I couldn't offer any reason for my reluctance to have her close by my side once more. I yearned for this in fact, the pain of seeing her so close but yet unobtainable to me burned more with each day! I still possessed the fever for her, and I burned ... but not to make her my pet. No, after enduring the touches of the witches' evil thoughts I could likely never again take pleasure by using my gift in that way!

That feeling of misery and foreboding that hung over me only became worse one fateful evening about two weeks later that finally cut away the last thread of my old and formerly pleasurable life.

It was the first evening of summer and almost the first pleasant day of weather that I could remember. There was absolutely no wind or air movement from anywhere and the day had been warm but not hot and as evening cooled the streets of the city a great fog had arisen from the river and the great swamp that enclosed everything around us in a dark but not unpleasant gloom. The mist was cool but pleasantly so and I let the cab driver take me most of the way home, but I decided to walk the last few blocks on foot. When the wind returned it would probably be either from the southwest and be hot and bone dry, or else from the southeast and hot and miserably humid. The odds were about even ... and both insufferable.

I wasn't more than a minute from home, walking down the main sidewalk and just now passing a small alleyway, when the mist swirled up around me, nearly engulfing me in a near physical shroud. I drew my sword cane and swung it wildly around me, but it struck nothing but air and tendrils of mist. Then suddenly the figure of the dead old witch loomed before me, as real and tangible as any being of flesh and bone! I felt her will again touch mine, but in a less tangible manner, lighter of force, but my mental defensives could not repulse her will or deter it any way. My limbs were frozen and my sword dropped from my numb fingers as I heard her ghostly laugh which seemed to come from everywhere. Her voice echoed in the fog all around me and bound me tight in absolute fear and terror for my very soul.

"May yee loathe that which yee'd loved!" The witch uttered, in a voice that froze me with dread, penetrating me right to my very core.

With that utterance, her final witch's curse, she was gone and the mists slowly faded their hold upon me and could now at last behold again the sight of my home doorway, which I lost no speed in racing towards, unlocking and then slamming and bolting the doors tightly behind me, but the damage had already been done.

It could have been worse. To my limited knowledge of the Sylvan Gypsies and their curses, the very worst curse by far that can be placed upon a person is that they might 'Live in interesting times'. To be cursed with that terrible fate was probably unnecessary and redundant. That meant nothing but really bad luck, usually in lingering and extremely unfortunate and wildly improbably ways. I seemed to possess that general sort of misfortune already!

To be effective, curses need to be short and extremely precise! Bad stage dramas are full of long winding poetic utterances that bind multiple degrees of acute misfortune even unto the days of their seventh generation upon their hapless victims, but that's all theatrical horseshit. Curses must be used like the tip of a rapier, and with equally specific end results. Rarely mortal, very finite, but with a definite specific outcome.

"May you hate what you love" is the usual imperial interpretation of the Sylvan utterance, but the two languages don't really translate well or cleanly with each other and the exact terminology of the curse is open for some debate. Still, it's said to be one of their very worst, quite on the level with 'interesting times'.

Once safely home, I tried to convince myself that I'd just imagined the reappearance of the witch. I'd seen her throat cut and I'd even seen the flames from the cellar flowing like a stream into the taproom to ignite her cloth dress, before I'd at last left the inn to safety. There was no way that she could still be alive! But still she had found a way across the void of death to complete her curse against me? She had been a witch of fearsome power.

I didn't sleep well that night or for some time thereafter. My dreams were hag ridden, involving terrible atrocities that both frightened and appalled me, and failed to go away or even decrease over time. It took some time, bribes and eventually a small bag of gold, but with effort I located a dream-witch that watched over my slumbers for three increasingly peaceful nights in a row until the dream hag had been permanently banished. The witch didn't seem to think much of me and didn't volunteer any of her wisdom or advice to me, and declined to point me into the direction of any other witch that was powerful enough to relieve the curse.

For the next month I consulted every witch or Sylvan gypsy woman I could find, and begged or bribed them with purses of gold to remove my curse. Some took the proffered coins and might perhaps have done their best, but the end result was the same. Nothing. Some of the wise-women insisted that I was under no curse whatsoever, that my nerves had overcome me. Other insisted with equal certainty that the curse was quite real but too powerful for all but the greatest of magic to remove, but with the investment of more coins that they would each do their best to find a cure for me, eventually. I paid a few of them, at first, but even with just a hint of my gift I tell that most of the witches and so called wise women were frauds, and merely after my gold.

Eventually I learned of another 'cunning woman' who lived far away outside of the city, and I located with great difficulty in a hut two days travel up the northern rapids of the Orm river, and hearing of my plight she just laughed at me.

"Aye, and yee'll now also love that too that once yee hated too as well, my Lord Bounder, and while a noble cad you'll ever remain, I soon think that you'll find your misfortune rather to be a bonnie blessing in return. Keep your gold as well, for I'll not take profit from a man that shall find fortune from within himself, where he sees only calamity and ruin instead."

I didn't have the slightest idea about what she meant and she just laughed some more when I asked her about cunning folk who might be able to help me instead. Well, so much for that last desperate hope!

A few days later once I was back again in the city, and now becoming more of less resigned to my cursed fate, Sir Adrian sent me a polite note and tended an invitation for the following Friday for us to play cards together at The Crown and I accepted. As far as I was concerned the two of us were quits, any and all of my debt to him now fully discharged, and I hoped that he'd agree.

He won two out of three hands, but the fellowship was pleasurable and no business, past or present was discussed, other than a gentle hint that the Blackguards had tired of involving themselves with current vigiles activities and they had returned entirely to their normal duties, apparently without any further interest in me. The accidental fire at the inn was accepted as an accident, and their new Major-Captain, Sir Helmund, was a much stricter disciplinarian and had put an end to many of the side businesses that the black-cloaks had been involved in. The Lord Coroner was said to be 'amused' by all of the recent past events and while he was apparently quite aware of my active participation, he didn't seem to bear me any specific malice.

At least for now, the Blackguards were being rather thoroughly reined in and some of the worse bad apples were being either demoted, transferred or discharged for cause. Sir Adrian even thought that the Lord Coroner's office might be improving its recent communications with the vigiles, and this would allow more effective and legally proper joint investigations of future felonies in the near future. Excellent news, considering that much to my fears, the guild war within the thieves' guild was significantly increasing crime in the streets, which the vigiles were hard pressed to control.

Thumbs apparently controlled a slight controlling minority of numbers, but not a functional majority over his other two smaller rival competitors. The aggression of Thumb's followers in the early days of the civil war had been nearly overwhelming and currently his two primary rivals had declared a truce with other and formed a temporary partnership together to jointly oppose him. I had no doubt but what these two crime captains would likely backstab each other too, but only after Thumb's was dealt with. This situation created essentially a loud and rather ugly stalemate, with the two opposing armies of thieves a bit too evenly matched now, enough so that both sides were taking a breather from the constant street fighting to regroup and better marshal their forces.

Most of this was my fault. I didn't want Thumbs as the next crime kingpin of the city, but a prolonged civil war lasting for months or even years wouldn't be good for the city either! I'd need to do something about this fairly soon, or it was going to be a long hot and very bloody summer!

The evening was pleasant enough that I accepted the return invitation to come again for cards and cheerful banter again the next Friday. And again the following week as well, until our continued company together became a welcome regular obligation!

While business slowly began to return to normal around me, I kept pondering the fateful words of my curse. "May yee loathe that which yee'd loved!" This was very direct, yet annoyingly vague as well!

For the most part, I'd never actually loved anyone or anything in my entire life!

Being a bounder and a cad, it took me a while to discover the rather peculiar manner in which my curse had at last settled upon me. In truth, the only person I really actually loved was myself! I respected Mumford ... and continued to do so without any apparent change in my attitude towards the old thief, or his young apprentice nephew either for that matter. Nor did the presence of Koch disturb or annoy me in any noticeable way now either. I continued to respect them, but I had never loved them.

I had no girlfriends either, or even any whores that I was particularly partial to. I'd never allowed anyone to get that close to me. I certainly didn't have any fondness either for my far distant family!

But I was narcissistic enough to think rather highly of myself, in the past ... but now at the moment, not so much so. I wasn't possessed now with self-loathing really either, but I certainly didn't think of myself in quite the same way as I had done before. I couldn't really put my finger on what the real difference, the actual change in me was now ... but the old self-satisfied smirk was gone completely from my face when I looked in the mirror now. The arrogant spring in my step and the nose in the air was missing now as well, and everyone noticed it ... even Sir Adrian, much to my continued misery!

Worse, the real power of the curse now began to become apparent! For awhile, to my horror and dismay, my gift seemed to be entirely gone! I could feel it there, lurking deep within me, but it no longer had the same sort of effect when summoned. In fact, when I was enjoying myself at a brothel, sporting a little with a whore and attempting to induce her into a few additional formerly pleasurable acts that she had declined to perform even for extra coins, I found that my gift backfired completely upon me, inducing her livid anger rather than her meek compliance. Nor could my gift then sooth either her or the burly house guardian, and rather than calming his anger, I enraged him and if I had not fled immediately upon my feet, a severe beat down would certainly have occurred.

I repeated my efforts to use my gift, in different ways and manners great and small, almost always with unfortunate undesired effects. Soon I realized that more than anything else in life, I had only truly loved using my gift, invariably for self-interest and personal gain and profit! In fact, nearly always for some dishonest or sordid purpose!

I was still a rogue, and a cad, and perhaps even still a bounder, at heart ... but my gift was now gone. I'd been effectively and nearly utterly defanged! Now even petty theft gave me no pleasure at all. I kept trying anyway, but instead of the joy I used to feel at connivery, I instead began to feel physically sick inside. Business, my real former business ... blackmail, burglary, theft and fencing stolen loot started to suffer nearly at once. The slightest dishonesty now gave me intensive cramps of nausea and soon almost unendurable physical pain. The once delightful thought of a clever petty theft now nauseated me, physically and mentally and even giving simple instructions to my henchmen could now cause me uncontrollable agony and vomiting. Soon, I couldn't even manage the simplest trivial burglary anymore! The curse upon me had been complete!

The final straw had been trying to handle the last final details of a rather clever robbery we had indulged in right before the affair of dealing with the Weir family. We'd learned that a particularly valuable set of pearls would be on display at a high society function and I'd allowed the thieves' guild to spread some very carefully crafted rumors across the city of their interest in obtaining them. That rumor now heavy on the streets by the day before the grand ball, the lordship of the estate himself had sent for me to consult about how the threatened theft could be avoided. I inspected the household and told him that the matter was beyond my mortal abilities, that not only could the necklace be stolen, it undoubtedly would be taken ... and by at least three different means that I could already divine, by just my casual examination. I refused his heavy pouch of silver and declaimed any further interest in the matter with a grand theatrical flourish that Mumsford the old actor would have applauded.

Of course, I had already placed a charm upon the nobleman that while he would ensure that the necklace was under double guard at all times. After the ball was over he would take the pearls from his wife's hands and hide them into his own pockets, rather than the secure strongbox where they kept their other valuables. He then would pretend to place the empty necklace box into the locked box, leaving a guard there all night long, seeming undisturbed until morning. I had also charmed the night cook's helper into placing a sleeping draught into the weak watered ale for all of the guardsmen and the rest of the household staff that night.

The nobleman handed off the necklace as commanded in his trance to Mumford, who was in disguise as a footman serving at the party and one of the very last staff to leave after the domestic clean up. The lord would only remember falling fast into a few sound sleep that night and would recall nothing of his charmed activities in the morning. Such was the case. The disappearance of the necklace was a mystery to all, until I suggested (after being hired once more for an even richer fee) that the thief had served at the party, drugged the household staff and then made his escape across the garden and over a stone fence, where a small ladder was found nearby. The footprints suggested a tall thin man, much unlike Mumford who had left a helpful trail of false evidence for me to 'find' and report.

We'd all been rather clever and now had I had been consulted and hired to find and return the very same stolen necklace that we'd taken. For a remarkably large finder's fee that was nearly a third of their appraised value.

Now, here in the lord's study once more, staring upon a sack of gold for my fee of a size that even I had rarely seen before, I found myself at once awash with a sense of nausea so extreme that I quite collapsed onto the floor and only just barely avoided soiling the noble lord's fine carpet. Fat reward fee or not, pissing on the lord's rug probably would have seriously annoyed him. A little pear brandy calmed me enough to regain enough control to choose my next words with extreme deliberation and caution.

"Sorry my lord, the generosity of your kindness quite overwhelmed me, or perhaps the eggs I enjoyed this morning were not quite fresh, but I'm afraid that you are in no such debt to me! I obtained your necklace from the very hands that took it, but the method of my seizure did not incur any outlay or even personal inconvenience upon my part. The thief has already been induced to never bother you, or likely anyone else ever again and was more than willing in return for our forbearance, to quit his claim. It pleases me to deliver them back to you now ... and instead of your coin, I would instead prefer your good word."

These were very carefully chosen words. All technically true as well. My curse would not allow or tolerate me to profit by my crime, or even dishonest deceit, so there must now have never been any such crime committed at all!

Getting this powerful lord's good will and praises might earn me considerable honest business, I hoped. My days as a confidence trickster and roguish scoundrel were apparently over! Most unhappily and lamentably so!

Honest business did come, but slowly, and certainly not to the former levels of prosperity that I had previous enjoyed as a rogue scoundrel and a thief. But with time, meditation and the application of appallingly sincere motives, I learned that my gift could still be used (carefully) for situations that did not directly (or profitably) benefit me. With practice, I was starting to learn just how far I could bend that rather flexible concept of 'self-interest', but if focused for an honest purpose, my gift still seemed to be there ... ready for use.

For as much as I now loathed that which I had once loved, the reverse was now somewhat still attainable. Being 'good' and worst of all 'honorable' had irked me to my very core once, but if I carefully applied my gift to those wholesome aims, I could cautiously use it ... and with pleasure. Sometimes, even with a very liberal definition of expenses, I could collect some reasonably exorbitant but 'honest' consulting fees.

It was still a living, but I wasn't going to be getting rich anymore or at least anytime at all soon!

Worse, handling or even possessing most of my prior ill-gotten gains or other sources of treasure didn't give me any delight and pleasure at all. I had been something of a greedy bastard, but those days were apparently quite gone as well. I didn't feel a burning need to give away all of my plundered loot to worthy causes or charity, but I'd lost any pleasure at all at owning it or even spending it. The goal of being obscenely rich had little if any appeal for me any longer.

The way my household income had now suddenly decreased, I was going to need that nest egg to keep my small but well-paid crew employed in the months and years ahead.

One last sudden source of income also gave me a bit of trouble now as well. Edwina had told me where their family treasure was kept hidden, a fortune obtained by smuggling, highway robbery and murder, which had been buried under that copse of trees near the inn. Business with the Blackguards had been good, as had been the profits of their innumerable crimes. The strong box I dug up was quite worth the time and effort to claim. While this was more than enough wealth to compensate me for my time and considerable inconvenience, the chest of gold and silver felt black and dirty in my hands, it's very touch almost burned me and it seemed to possess a thoroughly evil aura. It was a fortune to pass up, quite nearly more hard coined wealth than my own deposited accounts and strongboxes could claim to possess, but after a long minute of running a thick stream of the coins through my fingers I decided that the blood curse across this wealth was far too potent for me to keep. I pulled up the buried chest out of the ground nevertheless and loaded it up upon a small wagon I had rented and ported it back home, into the city, but not before I placed a heavy fistful of this tainted silver into Tywusa's offering bowl by the bridge crossroads. I considered it a late repayment for the apple I had taken.

Same as Bounder
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Matilda In The Sand 1

It’s cooler in the bazaar.Over the years and even centuries, layers of desert sand have been shaped by hand to make the domed roofs and the thick walls, so that generations of sellers and buyers could trade in the cave-like coolness of the market labyrinth.Matilda savours the sound of the call to prayer coming amplified from high on an unseen minaret. It’s Friday. The beautiful mosques will soon be crowded.She has arrived, at last, and she is not going to leave in a hurry.Ah, Le Maroc. Matilda...

1 year ago
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Im Club begattet

Ricks Hände umklammerten das Lenkrad so fest, dass seine Finger rot wurden. Er suchte nach der Adresse, die er aus dem Willkommenspaket, das ihm der Club letzte Woche geschickt hatte, ausgedruckt hatte. Jen saß nervös auf der Beifahrerseite des Wagens und versuchte, die Adresse auf den Gebäuden zu sehen, als Rick langsam die Straße entlang fuhr. "Es ist das nächste Gebäude, Liebling. Bieg doch in die nächste Einfahrt ein." Rick nahm den Fuß vom Gaspedal und bog in die nächste Einfahrt ein. Die...

4 years ago
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BethChapter 16

July 1, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written on July 2, 2017] [Wow. This catching up on the diary is quite the time sink. I’ve been at it all afternoon after the girls left today around noon (July 2). I just checked: Yesterday’s entry was nearly 10,000 words! Wow. I think that this entry will not be nearly so long, what with no peeking in on parents sexing each other in the kitchen, no bedroom love scenes, no tender shower scenes. There is one ... emotional scene that needs replaying, but first,...

2 years ago
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2 put a guy like me 2work n a invioment were there r thousons of beautiful woman is HEAVEN-i hate d work im doing but OOoooohhhh how i enjoy d senusious viewing pleasures i get 2 c woman of all shapes n sizes some so young i only dare look,some so old yet still maintaining there sexual glow,some so sexy thy make your dick automaticly start to grow;-))mmmmmm,n i most tell u ladies those white shorts r killing all d rest d way thy show off your ass n pussies d best i thought once it was a...

1 year ago
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The MistyChapter 2

Nevil Danton was a very subdued young man when I first met him. The transfer had gone off without a hitch. He understood I would be taking him the rest of the way, and promised to be no problem. Right... and pigs fly. He took to his new surroundings like a duck to water. He tried to run a line of credit, but had none. I refused to advance him anything beyond that which came with his accommodations. He somehow got hold of a fifty credit piece, and had entered a game of poker (which is...

4 years ago
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Monster 3

It was early evening when I arrived at the crappy little house, a three bedroom shithole with half the siding off and a sagging front porch. I could hear children crying, and a muffled, but loud voice yelling as I walked past three Harleys toward the front porch of the battered place. As I walked across dead grass and weeds, two oversize men – one with a wild head of shaggy dark hair and a matching full beard, the other bald as a cue ball - in “Purple Pranksterz Motorcycle Club” jean vests...

1 year ago
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The End of an average day

“We shouldn’t” you whisper as you grind your ass into my crotch . “We will” I respond gently in your ear just before I nibble on your ear lobe. “Here?” You raise and lower your ass against me, slowly forcing the towel to the floor. “Yes.” I cup and slightly lift your 38C tits. You’re not wearing a bra and my thumbs flick across your pert nipples. “But the kids” you say, not doing anything to stop me. “Are sleeping” I pinch your nipples, rewarding me with a gasp of...

3 years ago
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Basic Parameters

The game always took place on the outer rim of the scorched city. An abandoned manufacturing facility long since left to decay by the authorities, far enough out that it was deemed too costly to demolish or protect from squatters, the dust, vermin and time allowed the privilege of sealing its fate. That's why it was perfect. Out of sight, out of mind. Those that picked up the coded messages advertising the date of each game knew the challenge was not necessarily winning. It was getting there...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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An Unusual Hotel

Introduction: My second story, a bit longer than the first. I hope you like it An Unusual Hotel….. As she drove out of the city, Sarah Dalton was angry. Shed just spent much of the afternoon arguing with men in caravans, and she still had a long drive home. Shed had to come out to the site herself, to see why the construction was so far behind schedule, and shed gotten good and mad at the Site Engineer and the Works Foreman. Theyd initially been patronising towards her but she was used to...

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A Brothers Wife

She was eighteen and cuter than hell. Hair so dark it looked coal black with eyes to match. Eyes that sparkled with devilment and sexual desire. She was slender, small petit tits, and only five foot tall and weighed about 100 pounds. She knew that I fancied her, she had caught me looking at her enough. She seemed to enjoy giving me a flash of her bare breast, or her soft satin thighs with a flash of her hairless pussy. I tried not to do anything, but a man can only take things like that so...

2 years ago
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the new student

she started talking to me about this boy cody. i questioned? cody? who's that? he's that new kid in our english class. he just came here 3 days ago. i had just remembered i wasn't there the day he arrived, or the day after because i was sick. rachel was telling me about how perfect he was for me. he had dark brown hair rising just above his shoulders, hazel eyes, side bangs, and was a total rocker hottie, i overheard that he plays the bass. i licked my lips, and thought to myself, bass...

1 year ago
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Fun Size Exercise Time

Fun Size - Exercise Time By Apple Step up. Step down. God, I wish I hadn't said that about his late daughter... I couldn't have known he'd hear, and I guess he'd still have lost it, but I figure it would be someone else here right now. Step up. Step down. I'm doing step aerobics, it's that time of day again. I stand, facing him, him facing the TV. He mostly ignores me and just watches the TV, but it's still humiliating. Step up. Step down. My breasts... Yeah, that's...

1 year ago
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Nangi Chachi Ko Choda

Mene apni chachi ke boobs bachman mein dekhe the jab wo apni beti ko doodh pila rahi thi kya boobs the black areola wala bada nipple maza a gaya tha. Meri college ki chutiya ho gai thi or ghar wale sab shaadi mein gaye hue the 4 din ke liye. Mene socha kyun na chachi ke ruka jaye chachu bhi abroad gaye hue the 5 dino ke liye to mein bina call kare subah surprise dene chala gaya 10 baje hue the. Door khula tha mein andar gaya to paani ki awaaz a rahi thi dekha to room ka darwaza khula tha or...

2 years ago
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The Mind DrugChapter 7

I spent a little more time with Barbara, making sure that she believed me that she wouldn't be exposed to the shame and humiliation that she feared. She went home feeling terrible about what had happened to her, and I knew exactly how she felt, but I also knew, and told her so, that the feeling would pass and that she was not to upset herself unduly. The pictures and videos I had copied on to my hard disk were of Ian abusing his girlfriend Janice, and I could compromise him by exposing what...

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(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional. This story takes place on the date that Madison, the younger of the two, turned of legal age.) “It’s okay, I know you’ll be allowed in. The club is eighteen and up,” Victoria Justice told her s*ster, Madison, as she parked in the lot next to the Pangea Lounge in their home-town on Hollywood, Florida.“Awesome! I've...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 3

I headed back toward town and stopped at a small business that rented canoes and other types of water craft. On my way down, I had made a mental note to check it out. The yard was strewn with kayaks, surfboards, and wind-surfers. I picked out a boat that had a streamlined shape and appeared to have a comfortable seat. "Do you have any suggestions on where I can go?" I asked the young man who was helping me. "Your plates tell me that you're not from here, so I'd suggest the lagoon to...

2 years ago
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Mosi Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hi readers me Vrinsh from bilimora. Aaj me aapse apni life ki sacchi ghatna btana ja raha hu ki kese mene apni mashi ki ladki ko kese choda. Phle me aap logo ko apne bare me btata hu meri hight 5.11 inch hai or normal indian body hai. Or mere ghr me mere papa mumny or 1 bhen hai. Or mashi ki ldki mujse 10 km me rehti hai uski age abhhi 17 ki hogi or figer 30 26 30 hai koi bhi dekh kr use chodna chahe ga. To ab story pr ata hu. Baat aaj aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai jb. Mere ghr wale dashere ke...

2 years ago
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Girls Soccer CoachChapter 2

The Walker Hill High School soccer team had a reputation. Everyone considered it a loss if they couldn't win a game against them by four goals. We won the game five-nothing. I finally saw happy faces after the whistle, a relief after three straight losses. This was good for us, as it was a Sunday afternoon, and we had more spectators than during weekday games. Glenn Harrison and I made sure all the girls had been taken care of before we left. I was preparing to make a turn toward...

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Dear DiaryChapter 7

We arrived back at the farm with no fanfare, except from Bob who smelled the meat in the wagon and was trying to get some. Billie gave him some of the less tender parts, and he was happy. We set about preserving the meat. We canned some and dried most of the rest of it. We ate some fresh for a couple of days. The beef stew with some of our grits was very good, but the steaks were a bit on the chewy side. While we were waiting for the fields to dry and get ready to harrow and plant, Billie...

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William and Ann Ch 8

Chapter 8 Larry and Ann were still in bed snoozing after that exhaustive and intense sexual session when William returned. He had taken a trip to the “other side of the tracks” where he found an adult toy store. Will was happy to go shopping with his dad’s money, especially since it was to please him and his sister. When he walked into the shop, he noticed it was divided into three sections. One portion had racks full of magazines, another section had dildos, vibrators, pumps, and...

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Grandmas Secret

It takes time ti write a good story.Follow me on instagram @raqm0900 and tumblr quemmysissy.tumblr.comIntroduction:A grandmother’s untimely demise brings to light an unexpected story about an apparently normal family.Grandma's SecretEarlier this month, my grandmother passed away in her sleep. Nan had been only 66 years old when she died, but it hadn't happened unexpectedly. The doctors had given her two months when they discovered the cancer that was slowly destroying her body, and that was...

4 years ago
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Amy 2

We really didn't talk about it Saturday all day. But it was all I could think about all day long. That night when we got in bed I didn't bring it up once. We ended up having really good sex and after it was over Amy laid in my arm next to me. I kissed her and then told her she wasn't near as swollen or wet as the night before. Amy didn't say anything and I said the teasing really gets her worked up. Amy giggled and said it is fun teasing someone and maybe it does get her going. I told her it...

1 year ago
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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 10

"Zeus? You said you wanted to wake up at 0200." Io's voice was quiet in the darkness, but it was loud enough to bring me to wakefulness. "I think we are all still here, so let us drive home now." "Io, can you still hear Martinez? Or was that another figment of my imagination?" "I do not know, Zeus. I have not heard from him in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Correction. I have not heard from him in about 2 hours." "He said he wanted to sleep, so I've been quiet. Can you hear me, Io?"...

3 years ago
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After School Sex

It was after fifth period that I bumped into Alan, It was totally by accident and there was no ulterior motive, Alan was a senior and I was in the tenth grade. Alan looked at me all annoyed and aggravated, 'watch where you are going, dumb ass', Alan said. I looked in to his eyes and sudden there came over me a strange weird feeling. Alan's eyes were full of hate and then slowly turned into a kindness glaze. Alan spoke 'I know you, you're that k** name Davy', 'No', I answered 'I am David and...

4 years ago
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Dianas Plan

Diana's Plan Tom was an engineer for a second-tier architectural firm. Mainly restrictedto scoping out refurbishment for county or city bridges, a once promising careernow was another 8 to 5 job. He now regretted never being married, there alwaysseemed time enough for that. Now 42, he still enjoyed playing the field, butit was getting harder to find a field to play with. He was a handsome man,not overly good-looking, with a 6'1" frame and a slim, athletic buildthanks solely to genetics prior to...

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Sharing the moment

I was just texting my friend that a woman I’ve been wanting was coming over. She asked if I was going to get lucky; I replied: “I hope so!”Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I set my phone down and answered. She was smiling and seemed to be more ready for me than I was for her. This was Katrina. We worked together and always seemed to be flirting, even when it was a little inappropriate. She was wearing a tank top and a plaid mini skirt. As I invited her in, I heard my phone go...

1 year ago
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The Dance Teacher

Hello my name is Anna I’m a 35 year old dance teacher, I’ve been teaching dance of all types since I was 28, I used to be a professional ballerina but various injuries put paid to my career and I was forced to retire, I have no regrets I had a long career spanning over 10 years and I travelled the world performing with Some of the greatest dancers male and female.I run my own dance school and teach all ages from 5 up to 18, ballet is still a passion of mine I made some good friends and also had...

3 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 46 Law

I must have asked her four times, "You can see them?" and each time she nodded or said yes. I didn't think anyone else would ever see the marks that bound us all together, but Renée could. Not only the marks on Alexandria and Mandy, but those amber streaks of not-really-light all of us had. "When did it happen?" "I first noticed Alexandria's and Mandy's after you finished in each of them. Then I looked and found the same mark on each of us." She sounded as amazed as I felt....

3 years ago
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Tales of a HustlerRequim for a Welterweight

Tales of a Hustler---Requiem for a WelterweightSunday morning had finally arrived. It was time. I sat at the coffee table sipping on coffee, and thumbing through the hundreds of pics from the last four years. Tommy, Kyle, Rick, Hunter, and now Joey, and the twins—Cole and Cody, and of course me and lil bro, Dustin. Lots of fine young meat, I added one day over 6.5 ft of dick ! With an average daily spillage of over 24 oz of the finest young jock jizz money could buy. But more so—some fine young...

2 years ago
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Double Dare Part3

"So, what's dare?" asked the young redheaded Katie staring at us."Err?" me, my blonde haired cousin Josie, and her hot ebony friend Emily, replied not sure how to reply.Then our college professor Mr Mane stood up and said "Okay, people. We're nearly at the farm. So, make sure you've got all your belongings, because the coach isn't stopping with us, it'll be back later to pick us up!""Oh thank god!" exclaimed my cousin, and quickly the three of us got properly dressed again, and as the coach...

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A Dark Night0

But for some reason, going down this street tonight just seemed a bit too … sinister. She was convinced that someone … or some people were watching her; following her every move; waiting to capture her. Then she heard it. A loud Crack! And before she knew it, she was running away, screaming at the night. She had no idea who or what was following her, and she didn’t care, she just needed to get away … to get home. That was her last thought before she tripped, colliding into one of the few...

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My first experiences page 6

I want to say that all these stories are 100% true. I am writing them exactly how, and in the order that they happened. I'm not adding or changing anything, except maybe some of the names. This is exactly how I remember the a nd the feelings that I had.I must admit, I thought to myself that maybe "Lorence" or "Eric" would recognize themselves in the stories and reach out to contact me. Maybe I'm just a silly romantic! Now back to my experiences...I stopped going to see Mike shortly after the...

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RIBBON.TXT by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation You are a closet crossdresser. You are too embarrassed to dress publicly, so you satisfy your urges during the working day by tying a little ribbon to your cock and wearing it all day at work under your suit and underwear. A harmless little ribbon. In fact the cheapest article of feminization there is - 15 cents for a tiny piece of ribbon. But you can feel it all day, and it makes you feel wonderful and sinful that you can wear it and nobody...

1 year ago
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My Innocent Mom

My name is Mark Lynn. I am a typical 18 year old High School jock. Despite of my 6 ft. and 5 inches of height, wavy blonde hair, prominent blue eyes and ripped physique, I am in a constant state of turmoil. I was born lucky in many ways but there wasn't a day that had gone by when I didn't thank God for my sweet innocent mother... Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn was everything you ever wanted. She was simply angelic, a figure of pure beauty. Every person in town knew my busty mother because she was like...


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