House call
- 1 year ago
- 17
- 0
Life started to return back to normal. Mostly ... more or less anyway. I was still feeling a bit 'off' with myself and had a hard time getting back into a normal routine and returning to business as usual. But I forced myself to return daily to my chambers office and tried to get back into the routine of making money.
Looking out my office window onto Silver Avenue I could see a lovely familiar face pass by each day, usually even every hour or two. Flerrie la'Clerkes, junior patroller with the Riverside Vigiles station had seemingly earned a transfer here and a promotion to Constable-Patroller. The ever familiar Sergeant Wergan was now ever by her side, teaching her the new route and the routine of the neighborhood. She caught me looking down from my window watching her several times, but she always just smiled and kept moving on. I was careful to avoid her while out in the street and if I saw her distinctive vigiles cloak I was quick to hurry in the opposite direction.
I couldn't offer any reason for my reluctance to have her close by my side once more. I yearned for this in fact, the pain of seeing her so close but yet unobtainable to me burned more with each day! I still possessed the fever for her, and I burned ... but not to make her my pet. No, after enduring the touches of the witches' evil thoughts I could likely never again take pleasure by using my gift in that way!
That feeling of misery and foreboding that hung over me only became worse one fateful evening about two weeks later that finally cut away the last thread of my old and formerly pleasurable life.
It was the first evening of summer and almost the first pleasant day of weather that I could remember. There was absolutely no wind or air movement from anywhere and the day had been warm but not hot and as evening cooled the streets of the city a great fog had arisen from the river and the great swamp that enclosed everything around us in a dark but not unpleasant gloom. The mist was cool but pleasantly so and I let the cab driver take me most of the way home, but I decided to walk the last few blocks on foot. When the wind returned it would probably be either from the southwest and be hot and bone dry, or else from the southeast and hot and miserably humid. The odds were about even ... and both insufferable.
I wasn't more than a minute from home, walking down the main sidewalk and just now passing a small alleyway, when the mist swirled up around me, nearly engulfing me in a near physical shroud. I drew my sword cane and swung it wildly around me, but it struck nothing but air and tendrils of mist. Then suddenly the figure of the dead old witch loomed before me, as real and tangible as any being of flesh and bone! I felt her will again touch mine, but in a less tangible manner, lighter of force, but my mental defensives could not repulse her will or deter it any way. My limbs were frozen and my sword dropped from my numb fingers as I heard her ghostly laugh which seemed to come from everywhere. Her voice echoed in the fog all around me and bound me tight in absolute fear and terror for my very soul.
"May yee loathe that which yee'd loved!" The witch uttered, in a voice that froze me with dread, penetrating me right to my very core.
With that utterance, her final witch's curse, she was gone and the mists slowly faded their hold upon me and could now at last behold again the sight of my home doorway, which I lost no speed in racing towards, unlocking and then slamming and bolting the doors tightly behind me, but the damage had already been done.
It could have been worse. To my limited knowledge of the Sylvan Gypsies and their curses, the very worst curse by far that can be placed upon a person is that they might 'Live in interesting times'. To be cursed with that terrible fate was probably unnecessary and redundant. That meant nothing but really bad luck, usually in lingering and extremely unfortunate and wildly improbably ways. I seemed to possess that general sort of misfortune already!
To be effective, curses need to be short and extremely precise! Bad stage dramas are full of long winding poetic utterances that bind multiple degrees of acute misfortune even unto the days of their seventh generation upon their hapless victims, but that's all theatrical horseshit. Curses must be used like the tip of a rapier, and with equally specific end results. Rarely mortal, very finite, but with a definite specific outcome.
"May you hate what you love" is the usual imperial interpretation of the Sylvan utterance, but the two languages don't really translate well or cleanly with each other and the exact terminology of the curse is open for some debate. Still, it's said to be one of their very worst, quite on the level with 'interesting times'.
Once safely home, I tried to convince myself that I'd just imagined the reappearance of the witch. I'd seen her throat cut and I'd even seen the flames from the cellar flowing like a stream into the taproom to ignite her cloth dress, before I'd at last left the inn to safety. There was no way that she could still be alive! But still she had found a way across the void of death to complete her curse against me? She had been a witch of fearsome power.
I didn't sleep well that night or for some time thereafter. My dreams were hag ridden, involving terrible atrocities that both frightened and appalled me, and failed to go away or even decrease over time. It took some time, bribes and eventually a small bag of gold, but with effort I located a dream-witch that watched over my slumbers for three increasingly peaceful nights in a row until the dream hag had been permanently banished. The witch didn't seem to think much of me and didn't volunteer any of her wisdom or advice to me, and declined to point me into the direction of any other witch that was powerful enough to relieve the curse.
For the next month I consulted every witch or Sylvan gypsy woman I could find, and begged or bribed them with purses of gold to remove my curse. Some took the proffered coins and might perhaps have done their best, but the end result was the same. Nothing. Some of the wise-women insisted that I was under no curse whatsoever, that my nerves had overcome me. Other insisted with equal certainty that the curse was quite real but too powerful for all but the greatest of magic to remove, but with the investment of more coins that they would each do their best to find a cure for me, eventually. I paid a few of them, at first, but even with just a hint of my gift I tell that most of the witches and so called wise women were frauds, and merely after my gold.
Eventually I learned of another 'cunning woman' who lived far away outside of the city, and I located with great difficulty in a hut two days travel up the northern rapids of the Orm river, and hearing of my plight she just laughed at me.
"Aye, and yee'll now also love that too that once yee hated too as well, my Lord Bounder, and while a noble cad you'll ever remain, I soon think that you'll find your misfortune rather to be a bonnie blessing in return. Keep your gold as well, for I'll not take profit from a man that shall find fortune from within himself, where he sees only calamity and ruin instead."
I didn't have the slightest idea about what she meant and she just laughed some more when I asked her about cunning folk who might be able to help me instead. Well, so much for that last desperate hope!
A few days later once I was back again in the city, and now becoming more of less resigned to my cursed fate, Sir Adrian sent me a polite note and tended an invitation for the following Friday for us to play cards together at The Crown and I accepted. As far as I was concerned the two of us were quits, any and all of my debt to him now fully discharged, and I hoped that he'd agree.
He won two out of three hands, but the fellowship was pleasurable and no business, past or present was discussed, other than a gentle hint that the Blackguards had tired of involving themselves with current vigiles activities and they had returned entirely to their normal duties, apparently without any further interest in me. The accidental fire at the inn was accepted as an accident, and their new Major-Captain, Sir Helmund, was a much stricter disciplinarian and had put an end to many of the side businesses that the black-cloaks had been involved in. The Lord Coroner was said to be 'amused' by all of the recent past events and while he was apparently quite aware of my active participation, he didn't seem to bear me any specific malice.
At least for now, the Blackguards were being rather thoroughly reined in and some of the worse bad apples were being either demoted, transferred or discharged for cause. Sir Adrian even thought that the Lord Coroner's office might be improving its recent communications with the vigiles, and this would allow more effective and legally proper joint investigations of future felonies in the near future. Excellent news, considering that much to my fears, the guild war within the thieves' guild was significantly increasing crime in the streets, which the vigiles were hard pressed to control.
Thumbs apparently controlled a slight controlling minority of numbers, but not a functional majority over his other two smaller rival competitors. The aggression of Thumb's followers in the early days of the civil war had been nearly overwhelming and currently his two primary rivals had declared a truce with other and formed a temporary partnership together to jointly oppose him. I had no doubt but what these two crime captains would likely backstab each other too, but only after Thumb's was dealt with. This situation created essentially a loud and rather ugly stalemate, with the two opposing armies of thieves a bit too evenly matched now, enough so that both sides were taking a breather from the constant street fighting to regroup and better marshal their forces.
Most of this was my fault. I didn't want Thumbs as the next crime kingpin of the city, but a prolonged civil war lasting for months or even years wouldn't be good for the city either! I'd need to do something about this fairly soon, or it was going to be a long hot and very bloody summer!
The evening was pleasant enough that I accepted the return invitation to come again for cards and cheerful banter again the next Friday. And again the following week as well, until our continued company together became a welcome regular obligation!
While business slowly began to return to normal around me, I kept pondering the fateful words of my curse. "May yee loathe that which yee'd loved!" This was very direct, yet annoyingly vague as well!
For the most part, I'd never actually loved anyone or anything in my entire life!
Being a bounder and a cad, it took me a while to discover the rather peculiar manner in which my curse had at last settled upon me. In truth, the only person I really actually loved was myself! I respected Mumford ... and continued to do so without any apparent change in my attitude towards the old thief, or his young apprentice nephew either for that matter. Nor did the presence of Koch disturb or annoy me in any noticeable way now either. I continued to respect them, but I had never loved them.
I had no girlfriends either, or even any whores that I was particularly partial to. I'd never allowed anyone to get that close to me. I certainly didn't have any fondness either for my far distant family!
But I was narcissistic enough to think rather highly of myself, in the past ... but now at the moment, not so much so. I wasn't possessed now with self-loathing really either, but I certainly didn't think of myself in quite the same way as I had done before. I couldn't really put my finger on what the real difference, the actual change in me was now ... but the old self-satisfied smirk was gone completely from my face when I looked in the mirror now. The arrogant spring in my step and the nose in the air was missing now as well, and everyone noticed it ... even Sir Adrian, much to my continued misery!
Worse, the real power of the curse now began to become apparent! For awhile, to my horror and dismay, my gift seemed to be entirely gone! I could feel it there, lurking deep within me, but it no longer had the same sort of effect when summoned. In fact, when I was enjoying myself at a brothel, sporting a little with a whore and attempting to induce her into a few additional formerly pleasurable acts that she had declined to perform even for extra coins, I found that my gift backfired completely upon me, inducing her livid anger rather than her meek compliance. Nor could my gift then sooth either her or the burly house guardian, and rather than calming his anger, I enraged him and if I had not fled immediately upon my feet, a severe beat down would certainly have occurred.
I repeated my efforts to use my gift, in different ways and manners great and small, almost always with unfortunate undesired effects. Soon I realized that more than anything else in life, I had only truly loved using my gift, invariably for self-interest and personal gain and profit! In fact, nearly always for some dishonest or sordid purpose!
I was still a rogue, and a cad, and perhaps even still a bounder, at heart ... but my gift was now gone. I'd been effectively and nearly utterly defanged! Now even petty theft gave me no pleasure at all. I kept trying anyway, but instead of the joy I used to feel at connivery, I instead began to feel physically sick inside. Business, my real former business ... blackmail, burglary, theft and fencing stolen loot started to suffer nearly at once. The slightest dishonesty now gave me intensive cramps of nausea and soon almost unendurable physical pain. The once delightful thought of a clever petty theft now nauseated me, physically and mentally and even giving simple instructions to my henchmen could now cause me uncontrollable agony and vomiting. Soon, I couldn't even manage the simplest trivial burglary anymore! The curse upon me had been complete!
The final straw had been trying to handle the last final details of a rather clever robbery we had indulged in right before the affair of dealing with the Weir family. We'd learned that a particularly valuable set of pearls would be on display at a high society function and I'd allowed the thieves' guild to spread some very carefully crafted rumors across the city of their interest in obtaining them. That rumor now heavy on the streets by the day before the grand ball, the lordship of the estate himself had sent for me to consult about how the threatened theft could be avoided. I inspected the household and told him that the matter was beyond my mortal abilities, that not only could the necklace be stolen, it undoubtedly would be taken ... and by at least three different means that I could already divine, by just my casual examination. I refused his heavy pouch of silver and declaimed any further interest in the matter with a grand theatrical flourish that Mumsford the old actor would have applauded.
Of course, I had already placed a charm upon the nobleman that while he would ensure that the necklace was under double guard at all times. After the ball was over he would take the pearls from his wife's hands and hide them into his own pockets, rather than the secure strongbox where they kept their other valuables. He then would pretend to place the empty necklace box into the locked box, leaving a guard there all night long, seeming undisturbed until morning. I had also charmed the night cook's helper into placing a sleeping draught into the weak watered ale for all of the guardsmen and the rest of the household staff that night.
The nobleman handed off the necklace as commanded in his trance to Mumford, who was in disguise as a footman serving at the party and one of the very last staff to leave after the domestic clean up. The lord would only remember falling fast into a few sound sleep that night and would recall nothing of his charmed activities in the morning. Such was the case. The disappearance of the necklace was a mystery to all, until I suggested (after being hired once more for an even richer fee) that the thief had served at the party, drugged the household staff and then made his escape across the garden and over a stone fence, where a small ladder was found nearby. The footprints suggested a tall thin man, much unlike Mumford who had left a helpful trail of false evidence for me to 'find' and report.
We'd all been rather clever and now had I had been consulted and hired to find and return the very same stolen necklace that we'd taken. For a remarkably large finder's fee that was nearly a third of their appraised value.
Now, here in the lord's study once more, staring upon a sack of gold for my fee of a size that even I had rarely seen before, I found myself at once awash with a sense of nausea so extreme that I quite collapsed onto the floor and only just barely avoided soiling the noble lord's fine carpet. Fat reward fee or not, pissing on the lord's rug probably would have seriously annoyed him. A little pear brandy calmed me enough to regain enough control to choose my next words with extreme deliberation and caution.
"Sorry my lord, the generosity of your kindness quite overwhelmed me, or perhaps the eggs I enjoyed this morning were not quite fresh, but I'm afraid that you are in no such debt to me! I obtained your necklace from the very hands that took it, but the method of my seizure did not incur any outlay or even personal inconvenience upon my part. The thief has already been induced to never bother you, or likely anyone else ever again and was more than willing in return for our forbearance, to quit his claim. It pleases me to deliver them back to you now ... and instead of your coin, I would instead prefer your good word."
These were very carefully chosen words. All technically true as well. My curse would not allow or tolerate me to profit by my crime, or even dishonest deceit, so there must now have never been any such crime committed at all!
Getting this powerful lord's good will and praises might earn me considerable honest business, I hoped. My days as a confidence trickster and roguish scoundrel were apparently over! Most unhappily and lamentably so!
Honest business did come, but slowly, and certainly not to the former levels of prosperity that I had previous enjoyed as a rogue scoundrel and a thief. But with time, meditation and the application of appallingly sincere motives, I learned that my gift could still be used (carefully) for situations that did not directly (or profitably) benefit me. With practice, I was starting to learn just how far I could bend that rather flexible concept of 'self-interest', but if focused for an honest purpose, my gift still seemed to be there ... ready for use.
For as much as I now loathed that which I had once loved, the reverse was now somewhat still attainable. Being 'good' and worst of all 'honorable' had irked me to my very core once, but if I carefully applied my gift to those wholesome aims, I could cautiously use it ... and with pleasure. Sometimes, even with a very liberal definition of expenses, I could collect some reasonably exorbitant but 'honest' consulting fees.
It was still a living, but I wasn't going to be getting rich anymore or at least anytime at all soon!
Worse, handling or even possessing most of my prior ill-gotten gains or other sources of treasure didn't give me any delight and pleasure at all. I had been something of a greedy bastard, but those days were apparently quite gone as well. I didn't feel a burning need to give away all of my plundered loot to worthy causes or charity, but I'd lost any pleasure at all at owning it or even spending it. The goal of being obscenely rich had little if any appeal for me any longer.
The way my household income had now suddenly decreased, I was going to need that nest egg to keep my small but well-paid crew employed in the months and years ahead.
One last sudden source of income also gave me a bit of trouble now as well. Edwina had told me where their family treasure was kept hidden, a fortune obtained by smuggling, highway robbery and murder, which had been buried under that copse of trees near the inn. Business with the Blackguards had been good, as had been the profits of their innumerable crimes. The strong box I dug up was quite worth the time and effort to claim. While this was more than enough wealth to compensate me for my time and considerable inconvenience, the chest of gold and silver felt black and dirty in my hands, it's very touch almost burned me and it seemed to possess a thoroughly evil aura. It was a fortune to pass up, quite nearly more hard coined wealth than my own deposited accounts and strongboxes could claim to possess, but after a long minute of running a thick stream of the coins through my fingers I decided that the blood curse across this wealth was far too potent for me to keep. I pulled up the buried chest out of the ground nevertheless and loaded it up upon a small wagon I had rented and ported it back home, into the city, but not before I placed a heavy fistful of this tainted silver into Tywusa's offering bowl by the bridge crossroads. I considered it a late repayment for the apple I had taken.
Kristen on the other hand was your usual prep, beautiful redhead, she was about 5'6, 36 c tits, a size 4, and had the most juiciest ass you could think of. Perfectly round, not one flaw, and word was, she had the baldest pussy in our high school. When me and hre boy would be in shuffle, she had this thing for staring at me, and literally laughing whenever her man was getting fucked up, i never really thought much about it until one day after me and her boy, fought see, he had this thing...
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TranssexualVictoria and I were ready to go to bed when I saw her eyes narrow and a thoughtful look cross her face. She grabbed her robe and put it on. "Come on, we have to go talk to Julie again," she said as she headed to the door. "What? Why? Let the poor girl get some sleep. Hell, let poor me get some sleep. We've had a long day, honey. I'm tired. Can't it wait until tomorrow?" I knew I was wasting my time. "She's not telling us everything. She's hiding something. We need to talk to her...
“Maybe I will! Maybe then I won’t have to deal with such an asshole!” “So you admit it? You admit you’re a fucking cheater.” Matt planted himself on the edge of his bed and crossed his arms, his face twisted in anger. Jessie rolled her eyes. “How many times do I have to say it?” “Keep saying it, I’m not gonna believe you.” “You don’t have to, but I’m telling you the truth. That guy came on to me, not the other way around. He bought me a drink that I didn’t want, and -” “Y’know, you...
Hi readers, this is Ranjith with a new story with a new cute virgin girl Swati. She is around 20 years of age, not beautiful but very attractive. Her eyes were so emotional that you can read her mind from it. She is the only daughter of her parents, who came to stay very recently in my apartment. There flat was just next to mine and soon her parents and I became very good friends. Her father was a Government officer, aged around 45 and her mother was a school teacher around 38 years. The couple...
When I was just a little girl, I told everyone that I was going to marry a cowboy and live on a ranch in Texas when I grew up. I grew up and married a Connecticut Yankee but I still loved everything cowboy/cowgirl. I loved country music. I loved to go square dancing. I love to go horseback riding. I loved to go honky-tonking. With my Connecticut Yankee I never got to dress western, listen to country and western music, go horseback riding, or go to a honky-tonk. As the years passed, I thought...
Sex With Aunty In Aurangabad Hey everyone, This is Sam from Aurangabad. First let me tell you about myself, i am 20 years old and basically a person who wants to satisfy women, specially married women. Anyone interested can ping me on my email, privacy guaranteed and pleasure at its best. That is my assurance. My email id is Secrecy maintained. I respect girls and their wants. Plus Aurangabad is such a place that if secrecy isn’t maintained then you are actually fucked by society. So trust me...
This story is true. I promise. How can you tell? Because it contains humiliating details.I was 22 and a chronic virgin.A mixture of being somewhat timid and overtly religious until that point had prevented me from advancing far with the opposite sex.Of course, being religious didn’t mean I had been a good boy the whole time. I had had my fair share of sexting with strangers I had met in chatrooms, hours of porn surfing under my belt, and many, many more hours spent tugging my cock to the...
First Timethis is my first attempt at writing about my experience with the girl next it was summer last year and we haven't long moved in to our new house.Its been about 3 month and since we moved in i cant help notice the girl next door her and my parents are best friends and have known each other for years, she is 26, 5ft9 slim but has curves in all the right places shoulder length red hair and stunning blue eyes, she doesn't have huge tits but they are just perfect and her arse looks firm but...
He knocked on the motel room door, his heart pounding, a cold sweat breaking out on his neck. He was nervous, but his dick bulging in anticipation. He had set up the meeting from his hotel’s phone, after finding her ad online. She was described as a ‘hot 23 little platinum blonde vixen who will satisfy your every desire. Few restrictions.’ Her measurements promised her as a full C cup. Her photo had made his dick instantly hard, which had led him to this motel off the busy interstate. He was...
Maeson had no intention of letting Kimber orgasm and had every intention of leaving her a quivering mess of pleasure right on the brink of a blissful explosion. “Do not,” he ordered her firmly, “touch yourself. Not for the rest of the day. Bad girls don’t get to play with their pussies.” Specifically, he did not tell her she wasn’t to orgasm. As he figured it, there was a pleasure for both of them, if she could figure out how to finish getting off without touching herself. After all he could...
When Lisa opened her shirt Hopefully you’ll like this story – a true story from just a very few years ago and reposted for your enjoyment …. Please comment as you see appropriate ……… I have known my wife now for the best part of 20 years. She is a school teacher and even now is a very attractive lady. I guess the closest look-a-like I can think of is that she looks very much like an English version of the gorgeous Kim Delaney from NYPD.The thing that attracted me to her at he time we met was...
The waiting room was rather small. As you entered there was a large window with floor length dark purple drapes and four cozy looking black leather chairs in front of it facing the door. To the right was a leather black sofa with a dark purple accent wall behind it and a small black coffee table in front as well as four more black cozy leather chairs to the other side of the sofa to create a “U” shape seating area. The reception desk was to the left built into the wall, and a door to the right...
First TimeThe evening went on quite well with Claire and I performing our demonstrations, and then Jimmy taking over for the rest of the hour. While dancing, I talked to Claire about learning more than Jimmy had asked of us and she asked, “What specifically do you want to learn, X-man?” I spoke to her quietly, “There’s a very difficult dance called the Quickstep. It’s much more challenging than anything we have learned so far, but it looks like fun. I want to learn it without anybody knowing it. I...
I was 17 when I went to work for my father. I'd had other jobs before - I had delivered newspapers for about six months and I had a small time lawn care "business" I ran. I cut grass and shoveled snow for people in my neighborhood, but it was nothing too serious. To be quite frank, I was having too much fun now that my school career was coming to a close. I was in my senior year of high school, set to graduate that spring, and my father had the idea that I should probably start thinking of...
TrueAnother extract from the story about the time when I was seeing Kath, the married lady. By now Kath had become quite friendly with Lin, and when it was our shift's annual Xmas piss-up, Kath, who was invited to the do, suggested that Lin could come and meet up with us.The piss-up went as so many do as a trawl around the city centre pubs on Mad Friday. Of course Kath and I had to keep our distance as we were still keeping our affair secret from the lads at work. By ten o’clock we were all...
I, Anand quiet a handsome guy with a perfect athletic body, I am here to share my wonderful experience with Priya, my classmate, that is the day when I went to my house after having party with friends, and I was fully drunk, when I reached house, that day my parents were out of station, and my classmate Priya came for giving company to me. After listening to the story please write your comments to I entered my home using my set of keys, I looked around and there was no one around but emptiness...
Our New Life Part 4: Stimulation By Charli The sound of the door closing behind them echoes through my head. Are they actually going to leave Roberta and I alone in our helpless state? I am totally paralyzed and unable to move or even breathe. I am more severely paralyzed than any polio or spinal cord injury victim. I am totally dependent on the Iron Lung I lie strapped in. If it stops I will die. The only person with me is as helpless as me. It must have an alarm on it....
Hello guyss this is my first story. I’ll describe my story in Marathi language. Kahi chuki zhali tar maaf kara.Sarvat aadhi me tumhala maazhi didi mhanje aatyachi mulgi ticha introduction deto. Naav- Rasika Age- 20 Medium size stan (boobs)Full sliky smooth skin aani milky white body.Aata mazha intro deto Naav- sirish Age- 18Average body normal fair.Aata me mazhi story sangto. Mala porn baghaych bharpur ved aahe me naahi nahi mhanta dar divshi new new hd madhey porn download karun baghaycho....
My name is Finn, and my life is pointless. At 27, i have an associates degree in liberal arts, a dead end job, and live alone. I haven't had a date in 6 years, and never even kissed a girl. Three months ago, i decided it was time to see the world so i planned a trip for australia. As soon as i'm on the plane i sit in my seat and fall asleep. I am abruptly awoken by massive turbulence. Everything is shaking and alarms are going off. Suddenly the plane breaks apart and my seat falls from the sky...
Group SexToga party. Sally Findley was not having a particularly good time. She had come to the party because Greg had asked her, and the idea of going with him was slightly preferable to staying home alone. But shortly after getting here, Greg had spotted a blonde with big boobs and a low-cut bodice who had absorbed all his attention since, leaving Sally to wander about on her own. How typical of him, she thought. He insisted she come, and then when she finally did, there she was, dumped on her own....
"I hate you, you know that!?" you half-yell, trying to get over the sound of your own laughter as you close the door of your apartment behind me."Yeah, yeah." I throw back at you over my shoulder as I look around the place, checking random doors. "You can say that as many times as you like, but you very well know your mind and body are saying the exact opposite - especially the latter.""Psh, yeah ri-..... Hey! Where're you going?"In a surprised yell you follow me as I've disappear into the...
Straight Sex“You rang, oh mighty leader?” Octavia laughed as she marched through the door. Major McTavish pushed back in his chair in surprise. Octavia had always been pleasant – but she was downright happy right now. Her face beamed, her eyes were bright. It was – off-putting. “Did you get laid or something?” Dervish asked, shaking his head. “Nope,” she replied, almost dancing up to his desk and then plunking down in one of the chairs. “Better.” “Better than sex?” Dervish asked in disbelief. “No...
Tate Benedict was correct: Meredith Anderson, aka Shawna Young, was no dummy. She wasn't the best student in her high school class but she was close. Just as she was not the best athlete in her school but she was near the top. She agreed with Tate that a group of starlets had little reason to offer to spend time with her. They had been very polite and, if she were honest with herself, they were nothing like she expected them to be. One by one, Meredith was introduced to the rest of the...
I am Robin and I am from England and arrived in Dhaka 3 weeks ago and was staying in a Hotel. One clear evening, I stepped out of my Hotel around 8:30 pm and headed towards the farmgate area in Dhaka. I took a rickshaw and got off near a walking bridge. I stood there taking pictures and videos of the surroundings when two girls wearing black burkas and their heads covered in red scarfs were waving at me. I was pretty excited to see two beautiful Bangladeshi ladies approaching me after quite a...
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND IS BARELY IN PLAYABLE CONDITION WITH ONLY A COUPLE SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE. PLAYERS PLEASE CHECK BACK IN, LIKE, A MONTH OR SOMETHING. (prospective writers may read on to get a feel for the style of the game and inspiration for content to contribute) This work is intended to be experienced as a game, rather than simply read in any old order. If you do not follow the limitations of the game, you will surely see chapters that will not make sense with...
FantasyMax walked into the house leading the two new temporary additions to the household on their leashes. Hearing the plaintive cries of his step-mother, he went to see how his father had fared with her once he left her nicely broken in for him. Stepping into the room and seeing Cooper and Carol in the obvious aftermath of a canine fuck, he smirked at his father. “Seems I was right, it does run in the family. She obviously loves doggy cock as much as Niki!” Stepping into the room, he could see...
True FriendsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Though Isadore never told Jaden but most of his gay fantasies did include Hamilton. The information of Jaden going to gay bars with his brother Hamilton, turned Isadore on for some strange and unknown reason. Years passed and both Isadore and Jaden fell into their respective life both known and being straight heterosexual men. Isadore and Jaden were friends since they were in the elementary school and lived couple of streets away. Being at almost 26, they knew...
Passegiatta I have no words — alas!– to tell, the loveliness of loving well! Poe, Tamerlane [Log entry of the SailingVessel Springer: 31 October, 0920 hrs local time. COG: at anchor, SOG: 0.0 kts, Temp: 41˚ f, Winds: NE at 12 knots, viz +3 NMI, Barometer 29.91 steady since 2300 hrs last night, GPS: 44°18’11.36’N by 9°12’35.24’E. Just anchored in the main harbor, Portofino. Am tired, have grabbed a mooring buoy and raised the Q flag — waiting for Customs now. Cold out, feels much...
Day oneA co-worker who was to be on vacation the whole week before Memorial Day called me up at work Friday morning, telling me that her family had to cut their vacation short due to a family emergency on her husband’s side. They had rented a spot for their camping trailer for the full week & she wanted to know if I wanted to stay there until Monday morning when they came to pick it up. I said sure as the only thing I would have done was gone shopping or bar hopping.Friday after work she...
Es war ein Empfang wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Als Anja ganz braungebrannt mit ihrem langen, blonden Pferdeschwanz und mit ihrem großen Rucksack auf den Schultern zusammen mit ihren Begleitern durch die Tür des Flughafens trat, waren wirklich alle versammelt. Die gesamte Verwandtschaft, die stolz ein großes Willkommen-Plakat hochhielt, Bekannte, zahlreiche Mitglieder der Hilfsorganisation, sogar einige Reporter von der lokalen Zeitung, die eifrig Fotos machten, und auch ich, Anjas Ehemann, der...
“Serra, what’s our status?” Malik asked. “Just broke through the atmosphere, but Imperial fighters are hot on our tail.” “Rex, let’s man the guns,” Malik said. “Better idea: Rex and Laranth. I need you here, Malik,” Serra replied. “Good call, that girl’s a sure-shot.” “I’ll fetch her,” Rex said, jogging out of the cockpit. Down the hallway, he saw Jax consoling a very distraught Laranth Tarak. “It’ll be ok, Laranth…” “NO!!! I want to kill those bastards for what they...
My first real cock sucking adventure happened when I was in between my freshman and sophomore year. I went riding on my motorcycle going nowhere in particular and soon found myself by the truck stop about ½ mile from my house. I was really feeling horny, I then thought of the rest stop on the other side of the road that had dirty writing on the walls and where I'd heard of nefarious activity in the past. I wondered if it was possible that guys actually met there for sex, well I decided to check...
When my wife was 19, we decided to have a new yrs party at our duplex and invite a few close friends. my wife(girlfriend at the time) had heard her first boyfriend from highschool was in town and she thought it would be nice to see him again. she also invited 2 other guys who she had dated for a little while in highschool befroe she met me. she had 2 girlfriends invited but one was sick and declined to come over. Her other friend was in town staying with us over the holidays, and was more...