Master Tales of Bondage DIscipline
- 4 years ago
- 39
- 0
It had been a long time since I had last flown, and I had forgotten how much it sucked. The flying itself is ok, but airports are in some special circle of Hell all their own. Then, of course, there was the worst part...
I don’t know what was worse, the sound of Lorraine chewing her gum or the sight of her doing it with her mouth open. From the very moment we had gotten into the car, she seemed to make it her mission to annoy me. The whole car ride, we had argued over which radio station to set it to, and whatever was playing, she’d talk over it, battering me with stupid questions or going on and on about crap that I didn’t care about. No, I don’t watch anime, stop asking! After seeing how she normally handled Steve, it made me want to get a handful of saltines and force them into her mouth, preferably with enough strength to chip her teeth. Now we were standing in line to check our luggage, and less than two feet away was Lorraine, chewing like a camel.
“Can you please, PLEASE, close your mouth?” I asked, now able to feel my heart beating in my temples.
“I don’t like to chew gum with my mouth closed.”
I took a trembling breath, trying to hold my temper in check. “Could you do it for me? Please?”
“But then I wouldn’t get to see you pop a blood vessel.”
She’s right, I’m about to have a fucking aneurysm. I’m going to strangle this bitch, and by the time security guards pull me off, we’ll both be dead, me with blood coming out of my mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.
“Spit out the gum or I’ll tell the TSA that you’re smuggling drugs.”
“Jokes on you, getting a cavity search is one of the kinks in my three favorite fanfictions.”
“How the hell did Elise ever put up with you?”
“She didn’t, remember? That’s one of the reasons why she kicked me out.”
“She should have put a plastic bag over your head and finished the job.”
“I tried that once during sex. Great orgasms but it ruined the money shot.”
“Oh, dear God...”
“Yes, all glory to the Deer God!”
Elise, if you watch the news and happen to see that our flight got hijacked and crashed somewhere, just know it was me. You’ll understand why I did it.
Momo, Sonja, Chloe, and Leah sat on the couch in Elise’s living room, looking out the window behind it. They all had the same thought: ‘Lorraine’s car is going to come back up the driveway right ... now.’ Slithering by, Elise stopped and checked at them, overwhelmed by how pitiful they looked. She had just served everyone lunch, and while the girls ate gratefully, they had done so quickly so that they could rush back to the couch and keep a lookout. Maybe keeping them busy would cheer them up a bit.
“I think it’s time for you girls to see what you’re in for. Betty, could you give them a crash course?”
Betty got up from the dinner table and cricked her neck. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. All right, everyone, back to work.”
Elise watched as the eight hybrids strolled outside to the barn, chuckling at the ridiculous sight.
While it took a lot longer than I had expected, we were up in the air on our way to LaGuardia. Lorraine was sitting next to me, finally quiet. Since we were packed together with the other passengers, we weren’t able to talk about our pets and it seemed that she had run out of ways to annoy me. The plane had finally reached its cruising altitude and at last, I could relax. Ah, a window seat on an airplane with a cold drink and Time magazine. It’s blissful.
“So, what was it like having anal sex with my sister?”
I, along with several other people, choked on our drinks, as everyone within earshot turned their heads in utter disbelief that such a question would be asked out loud. I glared at Lorraine, who had a look of smug satisfaction upon finding a new way to embarrass me.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you even ask that?”
“Just tell me whose idea it was. Did you have to dominate her or did she ask for it? I heard you two from the guest room but I had no idea you were taking the dirt road.”
“I refuse to discuss this with you.”
“Did you give her a Dirty Sanchez?”
“I’m not answering.”
“Did she give you a Cleveland Steamer?”
“You’re going to get us arrested.”
“Knowing her, there probably wasn’t any lube. But she might have used something else, maybe ... moisturizer? It was all frothy afterwards, wasn’t it?”
“Jesus Christ, there are kids nearby that can hear you!”
“Oh, that would have been fun to watch. I bet she was really awkward at it, like a newborn horse standing up for the first time. Did you ever bend over those three lovely ladies like that?”
“No, I didn’t, and I really wish you’d shut up.”
Finally, the flight attendant came over. “Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to keep your voice down. Your conversation is disturbing the other passengers.”
Lorraine held up her empty cup. “Sorry, I tend to blather when I’m sober.”
The woman took the hint and gave her some mini bottles. The liquor pacified Lorraine for a bit, giving the passengers some time to try and forget the conversation ever happened. But after a while, she leaned over to me and spoke in a whisper.
“There is something I need to tell you. Meet me in the bathroom in two minutes. Knock on the door four times.”
Oh Jesus, what was it now?
Lorraine got up from her seat and made her way down the aisle to the bathroom. It was vacant and she locked herself inside. Honestly, I really didn’t want to get up. I really didn’t want to hear what she had to say. I would have been perfectly content to just continue reading my magazine, but two minutes passed and I knew I had to go find out what was so urgent. I got up and made the same trip she had, reaching the bathroom. I made four soft knocks on the door and she pulled me in. We faced each other in the cramped airplane bathroom.
“What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Oh my God, you have got amazing pores. What kind of face soap do you use?”
“Get on with it!”
“Ok! Ok! What I need to tell you is of the utmost importance.” She took a deep breath. “I wanna fuck. Let’s join the mile-high club.”
In a flash, her pants and underwear were on the floor.
“I’m going back to my seat,” I growled. I tried to open the bathroom door but she stopped me.
“Come on! It’s been too long since I last got some dick! I haven’t had sex for almost six hours!”
“You have serious issues, you know that? You are messed up!”
“Not to mention horny and bored!” She sat up on the sink and wrapped her legs around me so that I could leave. “If you fuck me now, I promise I won’t say another word until we leave the airport!”
Now that was an offer I just couldn’t refuse. Plus, an orgasm would hopefully raise my spirits a bit and make me feel better.
“Damn it, fine!”
I then attacked her, one hand over her mouth and the other between her legs. I kept her muzzled, not wanting to hear her voice as I forced my fingers into her pussy. I worked my digits in her with violent force, not for the sake of pleasure, but simply to make sure that she was nice and wet. My aggression seemed to be to her liking, though, as even through my hand, I could hear her moans. Living in a house with four beautiful women, I had mastered the tactic of fingering, pumping my arm back and forth like the firing pin of a machine gun. My efforts sent droplets of her arousal splashing onto my arm.
Once I was sure she was ready to go, I unsheathed my sword. Unfortunately, it was a two-hand job, and as soon as my hand was off her mouth, she leaned forward and forced her tongue into my mouth. She had her arms wrapped around my neck, refusing to let me open up any space. Though my attempts were clumsy, I was able to whip out my dick. I was only at half-mast, as the smell of an airplane toilet and the plastic walls don’t exactly put one in the mood to make the beast with two backs.
I forced myself inside her, and initially, I was just pushing rope, but after a few thrusts, my body got its act together and my flopping worm turned into a rigid drill. I began slamming into her, using all the strength I had as if to punish her for how much she had annoyed me today. The bathroom around us was shaking from my thrusts, the locked door rattling. Lorraine never pulled her lips from mine, her tongue probing every corner of my mouth as if she was looking for something. I moved my hands down, grabbing her ass and lifting her off the sink before I pushed her against the wall. Her legs were wrapped tightly around me, daring me to go deeper and deeper.
She didn’t cum, but I did, and only after a couple minutes. It was rare for me to be that quick, but I just wanted this to be done and over with. I lowered her to the floor and she looked at me with eyes full of disappointment.
“That’s it? That’s the best you can do? I was expecting a lot more than that after the stories your girls told me. Congratulations, I really don’t feel like talking to you anymore.”
She tried to move past me to her clothes by I grabbed her. I spun her around and bent her over the sink, then forced her legs apart. “Damn it, I got enough ridicule from Betty and I’m not going to get it from you! To answer your question, here’s what it was like fucking your sister in the ass!”
I mounted Lorraine from behind, my manhood driving deep into her anus with a single, brutal shove. She cried out, unquestionably loud enough for plenty of passengers to hear, but I didn’t care. I rammed her as hard and fast as I could, ignoring the friction as I sodomized her, using my sperm as lubricant. Again and again, her brown ass clapped against my lap, almost looking like some kind of black and white cubist painting that you’d find in a hipster café.
“Now that’s more like it! Fuck my ass!” Lorraine laughed, pushing against the wall so her face wasn’t pressed to the mirror.
“Just shut up already!” I barked back as a forced my fingers into her mouth.
With the first shot fired, I was now able to last much longer, brutalizing Lorraine, much to her enjoyment. Every few minutes, she would moan from an orgasm and expect me to pull out, but I didn’t. Eventually, she was just leaning against the mirror with a dead look in her eyes, drained of strength. My hand was coated in saliva. At last, I had my second orgasm, filling up her anal cavity with semen. I pulled out of her, leaving her with a double creampie.
“Damn, none of the pillar men have had the courage to fuck me that hard,” she groaned.
I was too tired to answer. I just cleaned myself off with some toilet paper and left her there. When I came out of the bathroom, every single passenger, including the two flight attendants, was staring at me with wide eyes. I was a little proud of that. I ignored the looks and returned to my seat, and a couple minutes later, Lorraine stepped out of the bathroom with a very content look on her face.
Lorraine kept her word, not speaking or making any noise for the rest of the trip. We got off the plane and left the airport without annoyance or incident, but as soon as we stepped onto the sidewalk...
“I hope I get gills.”
“You had anal sex with my sister and she gained a giant snake tail. Now you’ve had anal sex with me and I’m hoping that I’ll transform too. I’d love to have gills or even wings! Actually, what I’d really like is a nice kangaroo pouch that I could keep my stuff in. Maybe ass fucking is the key to all of this!”
“The silence was nice while it lasted.”
“Yeah, but that time is over now. It’s back to annoying you.”
Too cheap to call a cab and too lazy to just walk, we waited for the airport shuttle to arrive and rode it to the nearby Comfort Inn. Our bags in hand, we strode over to the reception desk.
“Hi, can we get two rooms for the next two nights?” I asked the woman sitting behind the desk.
“Actually, just make it one room,” said Lorraine. I shot her a dirty look. “What? I’m just going to end up spending all my time in your room. You should know by now that I need constant adult supervision. Besides, this is cheaper.”
I rubbed my forehead and turned back to the receptionist. “One room, make it a double.”
It was a busy afternoon for the girls, being instructed on how they would be taking care of the cows. They were used to doing chores around the house, but they had never dealt with the needs of other animals before. With the sun setting, Elise called everyone in for dinner. The dining room table was packed, with the girls on one side, the guys on the other, and Betty and Elise at the ends. Dinner for the night was pork chops and mashed potatoes. Elise offered the girls the chance to eat as they normally would, but they claimed they wanted to sit at the table with everyone.
Dinner was noisy and cheerful, several voices overlapping each other.
“So, girls, how do you like the farm life?” Elise asked.
“It’s hard,” Momo whined.
“I can’t believe you and Lorraine were able to do so much on your own!” said Sonja with her tail wagging.
“Yes,” said Steve, “it’s definitely hard, very hard. We get here every day and work and work and work, but we’re happy to do it because Mistress asks us. And we love Elise and we want to help because she’s been so good to us. But it’s very hard work and it’s exhausting and-”
“Steve, don’t talk with your mouth full,” said Elise.
“I just find it so weird being on the other end, to now be the farmer instead of the animal,” Betty lamented with a glass of wine in her hand. “To think I’m now taking care of the boys and girls I grew up with, not to mention the boys and girls I gave birth to.”
“It’s nice that you can tell us what they like and don’t like,” Chloe squeaked.
Betty leaned over and ruffled her hair. “Yep, and they definitely like you.”
“Elise, do you ever think you’ll be able to come outside?” Tobi asked.
Elise sighed. “I don’t know if I have it in me to move my body across that disgusting ground. My house is literally surrounded by cow shit. I think it’s just better that I take care of things in the house.”
“Please come outside!” Sonja pleaded. “I want to see how fast you can go! I want to run around and chase you!”
Elise chuckled. “Maybe someday.”
All attention was drawn to the kitchen as the phone began to ring. Begrudgingly (due to how she had to untangle herself from around her chair and the table legs), Elise got up to answer it.
“Hello? Oh good, you made it safe and sound! I was just wondering when-”
Elise was knocked to the ground by the four girls as they all clambered for the phone. “MASTER!” they all cried.
“Hey girls, how are you doing?” I asked from my hotel room.
“We miss you!” they said. For Leah, it was just a wordless whimper.
“I know, I miss you too. I definitely wish I was home right now, I miss feeling your soft heads and rubbing your ears. I also wish you were here with me. I’d love for you to see the city.”
Elise got up and snatched away the phone. “Is my sister there with you?”
“Heeeeeey! Guess who just emptied the minibar! Glad I’m not paying!”
This time it was the pillar men who ran over and clambered for the phone. They swarmed in like they were chasing a football, unintentionally knocking the girls over and piling onto Elise. “We miss you, Mistress!” they howled while shedding manly tears.
Completely buried under the girls and the pillar men, Elise struggled for freedom, feeling like she was going to suffocate. “Betty, a little help!”
Grunting in annoyance, Betty got up from the table and flipped the clamoring pile off Elise with one of her hooves. She helped her up and handed her the phone. She had to catch her breath before she could say anything.
“So, I’m assuming you’re in your hotel room and everything has gone fine?”
“For the most part,” I replied.
“Hey, Elise! Guess who just joined the mile-high club!”
Elise covered her hand with her face. “Oh dear God...”
“Yes, all glory to the Deer God!”
“Sorry, it was the only thing I could do to shut her up. Do you have any idea how much effort she’s put into being a pain in the ass?”
Elise shuddered as childhood memories filled her mind. “Yeah, I have an idea. I guess I should have warned you, but I thought you would be able to handle it.”
“She tried to have a detailed discussion about sodomy on the plane. One of the flight attendants had to bribe her with liquor so that she wouldn’t make the passengers throw up. I didn’t sign up for this.”
“Yeah, well, she’s your responsibility for the next few days. If she gets too annoying, just pinch her hips or the backs of her arms, that usually crushes her spirit.”
“I was thinking of something more like a silver stake through her heart. Can you put the girls back on the phone?”
It was early to bed for everyone, though after a day on a farm, that’s easy to adhere to. The pillar men were sleeping in Lorraine’s old room, while the girls were sharing the parents’ room with Betty. Leah was camped out in Elise’s bathtub, wrapped in wet towels. The house was filled with the sound of teeth being brushed, every sink occupied. With their mattress on the floor, the girls all stripped down and prepared for bed.
“Just to warn you, I snore,” said Betty, sitting on the guest bed.
“Master does too, sometimes,” Sonja replied.
Chloe gave a small sigh. “I miss Master.”
“Momo misses Master too.”
“He’ll be back before you know it. Goodnight, girls,” said Betty as she turned off the light.
Elise groaned and turned off her alarm, waking up before there was even a single glimmer of light on the horizon. She was used to getting up well before dawn, though it had become much more of a hassle as of late. The reason? Even if she was awake, her tail remained asleep. Her upper body, her human body, was still warm-blooded, but her long snake tail had an entirely separate metabolism and needed to absorb heat to be usable, so unless she kept her tail warm, it would be limp and useless. It was ok during the day, but it was always cold in the mornings.
With great effort, Elise crawled out of bed and towards the bathroom. Dragging behind a giant length of sleeping muscle made it an arduous adventure. In the bathroom, she found Leah sleeping in the tub. Elise drained the water and turned on the shower. As hot water sprayed Leah, she began to rise, cursed with a cold body like Elise.
“Can you help me get in there?” she asked.
Leah hurriedly obeyed, climbing out of the tub and then helping lift Elise and her tail inside. She groaned in bliss when the hot water poured on her black scales, reawakening the cold muscles. Once she was warmed up, she dried herself off and headed downstairs with Leah, to find that Betty had already woken everyone else up and helping prepare breakfast. Normally Elise would have finished milking the cows before having breakfast, but she and Betty decided to be lenient on the new arrivals.
“Ah, there she is,” said Betty, handing Elise a hot cup of coffee. “I was about to go up there and get you myself.”
“I wish you had transformed a long time ago. You are a lifesaver,” Elise replied as she took a deep drink.
“You like it? I added the cream myself.”
Elise nearly choked on her coffee.
In the dining room, the girls and pillar men were eating breakfast, all of them utterly exhausted. Never before had they woken up so early, at least not since they transformed. Momo was suffering the most, used to a very slothful lifestyle. She became a little more active once her stomach was full, but the fact the sun had yet to rise was really raining on her mood.
“Ok, everyone, let’s move out,” said Betty.
Leaving Elise in the house, the hybrids headed outside and into the barn to begin tending to the cows. First came the milking. There were more than two dozen cows to take care of and everything had to be done by hand. The girls had already been shown how to do it the previous afternoon and the pillar men were well used to working on the farm, so they jumped right in, each with varying results.
Momo was doing quite well with her cows, drawing milk from their udders with natural talent. She simply imagined she was giving the cows very gentle handjobs. She certainly had plenty of experience. Sonja was having a little more trouble, often working her hands too vigorously and causing the cows to groan and stomp their feet in annoyance. It took her a while to find a steady rhythm. For Chloe, the issue was that she was being too gentle, always doubting herself and afraid of hurting her cows. She would have been at it all day if not for Betty giving her some advice. The cows that Leah worked with were very happy, appreciating how the slime on her hands acted as a lubricant and cut down on the friction.
Once the cows were milked, then came the feeding. All the cows were served a special mixture of hay, grain, soy, and various vitamins and minerals. They came prepackaged in large feed bags which had to be hauled over to the feeding troughs. Sonja, Momo, Chloe, and Leah could each only carry one at a time, though Chloe and Leah actually had to work together. Betty could carry two at once. And the pillar men? With all the muscles they had been born with, they were like living forklifts.
With the adult cows fed, now came the calves. Each one was bottle-fed warm milk, with the girls fawning over the small creatures.
“I want to run and play with these guys! Can I? Can I?” Sonja asked Betty, hugging a calf and nuzzling it with her face.
“Sorry, but they’re not quite ready for that, and they’re a little too timid.” She then spoke directly to the calf. “These are the nice girls I told you about, remember? They’ll be helping to take care of you for a few days. Don’t worry, they’re perfectly safe.” She eyed Sonja. “Except for that one, she’s a little rambunctious. Other than that- Hey, cut that out!” She turned her attention to Momo, who was sneaking a drink from the bottle she was supposed to be giving her calf.
Nearby, Chloe was doing quite well, her calf snuggling right up to her while it fed. Next to her, Leah was giggling as her baby cow licked her hands and face, much more enticed by the fluid on her skin than the milk in the bottle. And of course, there were the muscular pillar men, feeding and holding their calves and looking like something out of a farmer-themed Abercrombie & Fitch catalog.
Whether it was staying in their pen to continue eating or going out into the pastures to graze, the cows were left to enjoy their day, while everyone worked to clean the stalls, shoveling out manure and soiled bedding. It was hard for the girls, who all had a sharp sense of smell. Tobi was the same way.
“Damn it, why can’t you just crap in the corner?” Betty barked, arguing with a bull napping on a rubber mat in his stall. “No, that is not a lot to ask for! It’s pretty damn easy to just stand in one spot and do it! What? Of course I did! I was always very neat, but you’ve always been a messy son of a bitch! Really? You’re seriously bringing that up now? We agreed never to talk about that. Don’t you put that on me! You were the one that started the fire! No, it was you! I did what I had to do!”
Everyone just did their best to ignore the argument, though once they heard Betty drop her shovel, they rushed over and pulled her away from the bull before she could take a swing at him. Cleaning the stalls took up the entire morning, followed then by another round of milking. Afterwards, Elise called everyone in for lunch, and then it was back outside for jobs like fence maintenance, rearranging the cows’ food, and other outside chores. Inside, Elise was taking care of paperwork and doing everything she could to make sure no one came up the driveway.
Lorraine and I got up early the next morning. We were going to hit the Bronx zoo and spend the whole day transforming the animals. We were both nervous as we rode down the hotel elevator.
“I’m not sure I can do this,” said Lorraine.
“What, are you chickening out now?”
“No, I mean I really don’t know if it’s physically possible. You did it to that salamander but I haven’t had a chance to try it myself. What if it doesn’t happen?”
“Just work the shaft.”
Lorraine’s face scrunched up in snorting laughter. “Ok, that was pretty damn good.”
“Look, there’s no point worrying about it now. We’ll just see what happens when we get there.”
“Maybe I could practice on a rat or a pigeon.”
“Knowing you, if you did transform a rat, you wouldn’t be able to tell his dick from his tail. They’d probably hang at the same length.”
“See, why couldn’t you be like this yesterday?”
We ate breakfast at the hotel and then took a cab over to the zoo. We arrived at the Dancing Crane Plaza but found it much more crowded than we thought we could. It was the middle of the week, but families with kids of all ages were having the time of their lives. All around me, food stalls were packed, souvenir shops were being raided, and the trash cans were overflowing with garbage.
“What the hell is going on? I expected there to be people, but not this many.”
“Maybe everyone is taking advantage of a teacher in-service day or something. Besides, this is a good thing. More people will see the results of our work and we can blend in with the crowds.”
“I guess so. Let’s check a map.”
We got a map and looked it over, choosing our path for the day.
“The children’s zoo is nearby, should we start there?” Lorraine suggested.
“Nah, I know this is a weekday, but I don’t want you traumatizing any kids. A little girl could be petting a coat, you transform it, and bam, she finds a giant kielbasa dangling over her head and she’s scarred for life.”
“Oh please, like you’d do any better. A little boy would be petting a pig. You transform it. Now he’s got a giant pair of titties in his face and he’s catapulted into puberty before he’s even lost his baby teeth.”
“Let’s do the mouse house first. We can start on the small stuff there.”
We waded through the crowds to the rodent exhibit. Unlike the homes of the larger animals, the mouse house was an enclosed building, using controlled lighting to comfort the nocturnal creatures. Each rodent had its own enclosure, similar to its natural habitat.
“So, should we just do all of them?” Lorraine asked as we passed by the display pens.
“Nah, that would draw too much attention. Anyone watching the security footage would realize that we were present at every transformation. I was thinking we’d zigzag and hit the same areas more than once.” We stopped at one of the enclosures, holding a chinchilla. The little ball of fluff was rolling around in dust to clean its thick white fur. “I got to pet a chinchilla once at my birthday. It was like petting a cloud. You wanna try?”
“Is it male or female?”
I checked the description. “Male.”
“Ok, then this will be good.”
She leaned in towards the glass, staring at the furry creature, focusing on it with all her might. It happened in an instant, the tiny rodent instantly expanding into a full-grown human. He had thick white hair and large, flapping ears like a chinchilla, as well as a long tail. But unlike the pillar men, he wasn’t huge and muscular. Rather, he was short and scrawny, with androgynous looks that would let him pass for male or female. It was shocking how much he looked like Chloe, and despite his size, he appeared to be an adult, or at least a young adult. He was sitting in his enclosure, eyes wide with surprise.
“Huh, so I guess all rodents look like that when they transform.”
“Actually, I think I did that on purpose,” said Lorraine, leaning towards the glass. A perverse grin appeared on her face. “It’s a bit of fantasy of mine, a small, effeminate, shy-looking guy that I can dominate. And he’s young, too, like he just graduated high school. Oh, but he was too nervous to ever get a girlfriend, so it’s up to me to pop his cherry and turn him into a man.” She paused to wipe the slobber from her lips. “I’ll dress him up like a pretty little doll in my clothes and watch him squirm as I tickle his prostate with my-”
“Ok, I have heard way too much. Time to move on.”
“No! I want to have a trap of my very own!”
I had to physically pull her away, wanting to be off in the distance before anyone saw the transformed chinchilla. We moved further on down the exhibit, but in just a couple minutes, I heard a woman scream behind us as she found the naked chinchilla man that we had left behind. I was feeling bad for the poor guy. This would certainly be scary and confusing for the animals. We moved on to an enclosure holding a fennec fox, a tiny canine from Africa. It had massive ears and a bushy tail, with its fur resembling a toasted marshmallow. It was only about eight inches tall and about a foot and a half long. I really wanted to pet it. According to the info board next to the enclosure, she was named Lola.
“Ok, this one’s a female. Your turn.”
This is the first time that I have tried my hand that this form of story. I hope that it is to your liking. I am hoping that this may turn into a set of stories. Please take a moment at the end of your read to cast a vote. I do know that it has been a long time since I have posted but writing is something that is never rushed and always savored.*It was a fairly warm January night here in Texas when I pulled my car into the new club in town. This was just the second time that I had come into...
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Part 1: That fluffy tail in my face was familiar, sweeping against my nose over and over again, smelling like dust. As a cat owner, I was used to waking up in this way, my furry roommate, Momo, sprawled out on my chest, waiting for me to feed her. But only the tail was familiar, the actual weight seemed way off. Whatever was on top of me was making it next to impossible to breathe. I raised my head as much as I could, and looking down my chest, my eyes fell on a very unfamiliar sight. Instead...
It was obvious from the moment they arrived that this was not an ordinary medical practice. First, it was located in a large house with a very long driveway. A tall fence surrounded the entire property and it was miles from anything else. Within the fence it was almost like a forest. There was no way anyone would see inside the house without permission. The front gate had an actual guard stationed 24 hrs a day. Honestly it gave Pixie the creeps, but she trusted her Master enough to have...
Note from the author: After reading through all of the comments on part 1 I couldn't resist sitting down and continuing this story! Thank you very much for the kind words and helpful suggestions everyone! This part is hopefully improved over the last, but with the same theme that everyone seemed to enjoy. I hope you like it! Feel free to comment and make suggestions and I will happily take them into account for part 3 :) Master part 2 Would work never end? Time seemed to slow down...
"Didn't I tell you I was feeling sick yesterday? What do you mean you don't remember? I definitely remember telling you. Well look, I'm not coming in today. Whatever I ate, it's coming out both ends. I'm glued to my toilet. What are you, nuts? I don't even want to get in my car, let alone my cubicle. Yes, I swear it's the truth. Ok, hopefully I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up the phone and Momo pounced on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and purring like a Ferrari. "My boss...
Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...
After having yet more disappointing sex with my husband I roll off the bed when he starts to snore and I look down at him, casting my eyes over his body. Bob is still sexy with his medium build and brown short hair but I know that need more. I grab my phone and send an email to my Master explaining what has just happened. I tell him in detail about the frustrating and unsatisfying sex I have just had and although I know that my Master won't get the mail as he's away on business, I have to send...
BDSMMaster PC: the Urge for Self- Loving By Aphotic Disclaimers: If you're under 18, leave now! This story ain't for the faint of heart. Go find Disney. Com or something. My thanks to: J R Parz, the inventor of the Master PC universe, one of the better class of MC stories. My heartfelt appreciation to J R D author of the magnetically compelling Witch Chronicles series. Xanthos Pendragon , his Master PC Eclectic's Edition reminded me of the consequences of messing about with...
Jenny gasped and panted as I pierced her, sheathing my manhood deep within her slender form. She was pressed against the shower wall, her long ears hanging down over her face from the weight of the water. Her parted lips drew me in and I joined them with mine. My hand slipped down her smooth thigh and I lifted her leg, granting me an angle with more room to maneuver. Her moans came in tandem with my thrusts, her body welcoming my cock as our tongues danced. She wrapped her arms around me and...
The phone rang and i jumped out of my seat. I had been waiting for a call from Master all day and i hoped this was he."Hello?" i said."Be at my home by 8PM and be ready to be used really good" said my Master, and he hung up before i could speak.I was so happy when he called and felt so wanted when he gave my orders.It was already 6:30PM and i decided to get ready. In the shower all i could think about was what master had in store for my tonight. I didn't care, all i wanted to do was, please...
MASTER SAM AND MISS PANIgnoring the "Do Not Disturb" sign suspended from the door handle, the nervous submissive tapped lightly on the door to his Master's room in the Starmount Guests section of the Atlanta Sheraton Inn where She was staying. It was always this way, though this was a 5th visit to Master Sam. After a brief pause, his Owner for the next few hours pulled open the door and, without speaking, gestured for him to enter. He stepped past Her into the room as...
"Come in, slave," he ordered. The submissive entered, trembling. "Undress," barked the master, "and pay attention to the house rules. You are to be naked in my presence at all times, unless I instruct you to wear my wife’s soiled panties. You will not speak unless asked a direct question. You will address me as Master or Sir. Since you are a miserable apology for a man, I will call you Alice although you will answer to any other name I choose to call you such as slave, or slut. Failure...
When I got out of the shower, I sat at the vanity, carefully looking at myself. I began to apply my makeup so that I would look seductive and trashy. My Master came and stood in the doorway. He smiled at me as he walked over to me, his fingers in my hair leaned over and kissed the top of my head. My body even though tired responded instinctively with a tingle and my nipples perked up.“My beautiful slut,” he said as his hands slid down from my shoulders to my tits. “Thank you Master”, I said...
I've never written anything before but after spending so many hours reading all the wonderful works of art of fictionmania I wanted to try and get some ideas of my own down. I'm sure my writing style must be terrible and I'm hoping to improve. Hopefully some people will get some enjoyment out of my 'writing exercises' ;) Master Tim stood in front of his master. He had been waiting for this day for quite a long time... the day when he would finally meet the man who had been...
I finished shining the black latex to a glossy sheen admiring my reflection as I did, I then stood back to admire my work. My wife Penny stood before me covered head to foot in latex, panting with excitement I admired the ample contours of her beautifully body. The suit was made to measure so it fit in all the right places. My mouth watered at the sight and I could see the lust in her eyes. In return she took the shining gloss and began to shine the latex suit I was wearing. You see I too...
LeelaThis slave is activated as Chronicle 7 in the presence of the Master. This slave is tasked with making a detailed unbiased record of the events taking places around the Master. This slave begins by asking the Master for today's date. This slave is given the date of Oneday, first of Am 7851, new years day. One of sixteen auspicious days in the ten month two hundred eighty day calendar devised by the Master. Thanking the Master for his knowledge, this slave begins the chronicle.Oneday, first...
Journalists and photographers from all nations flooded the CDC headquarters for the press conference. They packed the lobby from wall to wall, every conversation, regardless of language, was speculative. Normally a conference like this would take place in Washington, but this time the CDC was addressing the world alongside a representative of the WHO. On top of a raised platform at the end of the lobby, a doctor with his credentials clipped to his suit stepped up to the podium. He was the head...
I had developed a curious fascination with Master/sub relationships. I being a submissive, longed for a Master. I had no luck meeting a real Master. It was becoming frustrating. It wasn’t until I saw Master Ross’ webpage and filled out his application. I had to include a detailed background report on my upbringing and sexual history. I also had to send pictures of me naked and clothed holding a sign for Master Ross’ and the current date. It wasn’t until about a week later he emailed me back. He...
I had developed a curious fascination with Master/sub relationships. I being a submissive, longed for a Master. I had no luck meeting a real Master. It was becoming frustrating. It wasn't until I saw Master Ross' webpage and filled out his application. I had to include a detailed background report on my upbringing and sexual history. I also had to send pictures of me naked and clothed holding a sign for Master Ross' and the current date. It wasn't until about a week later he emailed me back. He...
Chloe whimpered as I used my penis to play whack-a-mole, though there was only one mole and it was her cervix. We were in the missionary position, her small body almost invisible under me. She had her face buried in my chest, letting me smell her hair and nibble on her ears. I had emptied my tank last night, so I decided to top her off before breakfast. She gave her signature squeal, letting me know I could release everything. I pulled out of her, watching my semen dribble out of her pussy....
"Momo! Momo!" Sonja and I were wandering around the property, calling out her name. It was getting dark and she still hadn't come, and every minute that passed was making me more worried. Had she gotten lost? Had she eaten something poisonous? Had she tripped and sprained her ankle? Had people found her and taken her? "Master, over here!" I followed Sonja's voice to the front of the house, where she was crouched down, her noise to the ground. "What is it?" I asked. "Momo was...
Master’s First InspectionBy Daddy_JackThe little one stands before Him for the first time. As instructed she stands in the middle of the hotel room and keeps the eye contact her Master demands. She waits, lost in her thoughts with the tension of the moment making her entire being scream inside.Master’s instructions for dress were specific and the girl made sure she did as ordered. She is wearing a white button down blouse, dress jeans, a red bra and panties. The outfit extenuates her...
The girls were sitting on the floor, eyes downcast in shame with me looking down on them. "So, you watched HOW many porn videos?" Momo and Sonja looked at each other and then held up both their hands. "This many," Momo said. Beside them, Chloe looked like she was about to cry. I turned to Momo. "And I'm guessing you were the ringleader?" "Ringleader?" "It was your idea." "We thought we could impress you by using the computer and you would give us cake." It's pretty hard to...
I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant padded cell. “Ok, girls, are you all ready to play tonight?” “Yeah!” the cheered. “Momo wants to go first!” my cat demanded. “No, me!” shouted...
I knew that I always had an unusually high sex drive and for years kept it repressed until I met my Master. He knew i was built to be a fuck whore. I am a pleasantly plump woman with huge tits that can draw men's attention towards them and I have an insatiable thirst for cock and sex.The first time he shared me I had been scared and excited at the same time. He had told me that we were going away for the weekend and I was to pack a bag and be ready at 3 o’clock, I kept watching the clock...
Today was the most horrible day of my life. It all started a couple of days ago. Master Paul and I had been having problems for a while – no matter what I did, it didn’t seem to be what He wanted. After being chewed out, and being told I didn’t do this right or didn’t do that right, I started getting fed up. Can you blame me? I mean a sub can only take so much! So I started messing up on purpose – I figured if I was going to get blamed for it anyway, ya know? But I guess Master Paul had finally...
I'm kneeling by the door and it is five minutes before my Master is due home. I run my hands over my short skirt making sure it's hanging down smartly. My stockings are black to match my skirt and my pink heels combine with them perfectly. My heels match the pale pink; almost see through, strappy vest top. I am not wearing a bra as Master loves my breasts so they must be easy for him to get to, and my nipples are just visible. Neither am I wearing panties. My blonde, shoulder length hair is in...
Oral Sex"Don't think you'll be able to break me so easily," Betty scoffed. Her pride was admirable, considering her position. We were in Elise's guest room and I had Betty tied to the bed with a bandana covering her eyes. Her legs were in the air, forcefully spread with ropes leading to the headboard where her wrists were bound. With her body in such a position, her titanic breasts looked even more magnificent, two avalanches of flesh just begging to be manhandled. Her pussy and anus were on...
Having been a slave for nearly 6 years, I am now convinced of the fact that once you fulfill a fantasy in the Master/slave relationship, you will always try to top it. Just when Master and I didn’t think we could out do ourselves, we suddenly did.I sweated thru my black cotton dress in the heat and humidity of the city. Master and I met, crossed the street and ducked back into the porn theatre we had visited 2 years ago for public sex. I remember it exactly the same way; smoky with a musty...
Master’s Double Subbing Part 8When Master seen the slave looking He got upset and told the slave that He had something to keep that from being a problem. He pulled out a blindfold from His box of goodies. This was something new that Master had never used with slave before. It found out later that Master had bought it for just this occasion . Master instructed the lady to place it on the slave and to make sure that it could not see. Oh she listened real well cause the slave could not see...
I wake up and look at my clock, surprised by the fact it’s almost lunch time. Normally even on a day off I never sleep this late. I lay there and stretch, thinking about what I’m going to do for the rest of the day when my phone beeps, letting me know that I have a new message."Good morning My slut, I trust you are well. You will meet me tonight at 7pm - the normal place. Tonight you will also meet your new sister." Master.I read the text about four times, a big smile spreads across my face,...
BDSMNext morning I woke early. Master was stirring beside me and soon he nuzzled against me. My arse and pussy were tender, but recovered. My nipples were swollen and sore, full of milk and ready for milking. Master released me and we showered. I sucked him to hardness and allowed him to fuck my mouth hard and long in the shower. He was firm with me, pushing me against the wall and down to the floor. I knelt in front of him, bringing his cock to attention with my hands and mouth, then allowing...
Chapter Two. How long I waited I do not know but suddenly I heard the front door being unlocked. A well-built black man entered the kitchen and when he saw me he smiled. "Follow," he commanded curtly. Obediently I stood and followed him out of the kitchen. Not outside, no further into the house. As he exited the kitchen he pulled off his tight t-shirt and threw it on the floor. "Pick it up." I obeyed, but inside I was seething I wanted to tell this guy to fuck off and...
Me: “I’m not going to submit to you so easily this time, Jon.” I curl up in a ball in the corner refusing your touch or words. Master: I run my fingers through your hair and lovingly lift your chin. My lips meet yours and my tongue slides in your mouth to meet your tongue. My fingers scratch your head slightly and I slide in closer and closer. Me: I let your tongue enter my mouth and meet it with my warm tongue. My arms still holding my knees close to my chest I start to let go, but catch...
Me: “I’m not going to submit to you so easily this time, Jon.” I curl up in a ball in the corner refusing your touch or words. Master: I run my fingers through your hair and lovingly lift your chin. My lips meet yours and my tongue slides in your mouth to meet your tongue. My fingers scratch your head slightly and I slide in closer and closer. Me: I let your tongue enter my mouth and meet it with my warm tongue. My arms still holding my knees close to my chest I start to let go, but catch...
BDSMSuzy sat in the drawing room her petticoats in ice blue and chiffon white lace underneath Beautiful black stockings and sling backs in shiny black leather ooohhh the fragrance and beautiful design showing her reinforced heel and peep toes showing the blackness of her toes..He wanted her the moment he laid eyes on his dungeon slut...Black silk gloves held her champagne the maid Sonia had provided as Suzy licked her lips as a beautiful insatiable slut seeing the two of them her Master and his...
Master is pleased that His slut has been blogging and posting comments but He thinks that perhaps the post have been a little too tame. Master says that from what he sees alot of the people on xhamster are freaky perverts and if this blog is to gain a readership it's going to have to be dirtier. So here goes. Blog posting day 5 on xhamster, wherein the slut does anal.When the relationship first moved from normal lovers to Master and sub, the whole topic was thoroughly discussed and the rules...
The soft sunlight shining through the curtains wakes me and I stretch in my little bed by the window. Turning my head, I look at the clock on the bedside table and see that it’s ten minutes to six. I always seem to wake up the same time each morning. I lean up and look at my Master Matt laying in the big double bed across the room and I can see only his leg sticking out the covers and just a little of his dark blue boxers showing. I swing my legs and stand on the thick pile carpet, stretching...
BDSMAs the slave waited for Master in the hotel room, the conversation that T/they had in the beginning of their relationship was repeating in its head. “If slave is going to be my slave then it will eat another woman’s pussy,” Master had told slave. Then Master asked the question that slave knew He would next, “Is slave willing to do this for Master?” The slave wanted to say no but it knew that it couldn’t do that. All slave wanted to do was please Master and it knew that this was something...
I did not resemble a slave that day, no collar, no chain; Master requested professional attire. As I stood on the street corner in my black business suit, black bra and stockings underneath, along with my black stilettos, I felt anxious and very submissive. A new fantasy was about to come true; a visit to a sex shop was in order today, complete with a dungeon below. I watched as Master got out of His blue jeep; He was strikingly handsome as always in a dark blue shirt and black pants. The...
Today was Thursday the 31st of August 2017; Dylan’s birthday. He didn’t like his date of birth, as it meant that he was the youngest in his year at school. The sun was streaming from behind his blinds into his bedroom, and now he was ready to get up. Normally his weekend and school holiday mornings were spent jerking off, but today he wanted to get up to open his presents. Dylan and his father lived alone in a reasonably small house in Cardiff. Dylan’s mother died when he was little, so...
This is the story of Master T and me. Master T and I had been together for over ten years and married for 8. We shared a pretty normal sex life, which over time got a little boring. It was several years ago that we discovered BDSM on the internet. My curiosity slowly got the better of me and before I knew it we were watching Bondage movies and I was reading all the stories I could get my hands on. I never had any intention of trying anything I read about, but eventually after all my...
Lorraine, Dr. Lawrence, and I were walking down the halls of the CDC hospital. CDC employees were moving in and out of patient rooms with armed guards stationed throughout the building. In every patient room was a hybrid, either lying in bed or staring out the window. They were all dressed in bleach-white clothes. They appeared well-fed and well taken care of, but seeing them, there was still a knot in my stomach. They were miserable. “They don’t belong here,” I said. “This is the only place...
“Mr Malfoy! Mr Malfoy!” “What it is now, you know I’m beginning to grow sick at the sight of you?” “I have something that belongs to you” *Hands over the diary* “I don’t know what you’re talking about Potter, I’ve never seen this book in my life.” “Oh I think you have Mr Malfoy. I think you snuck Tom Riddles diary into Ginny Weasley’s cauldron, that day in Flourish & Blotts.” “Oh you do, do you? Why don’t you prove it?” *Lucius throws the book down the corridor, watching it slide away from...
I knew what I was going to find on the other side of that door, but I still didn't have the guts to open it. Sonja had just come into the kitchen saying that there was someone in the shed, and considering the strange phenomena that had been happening to me lately, the circumstances of this stranger's presence were obvious. But I knew I had to face this new trial. Behind me were Momo and Sonja, Momo's ears twitching from her curiosity and Sonja growling and fighting her instincts to bark and...
Jenny gasped and panted as I pierced her, sheathing my manhood deep within her slender form. She was pressed against the shower wall, her long ears hanging down over her face from the weight of the water. Her parted lips drew me in and I joined them with mine. My hand slipped down her smooth thigh and I lifted her leg, granting me an angle with more room to maneuver. Her moans came in tandem with my thrusts, her body welcoming my cock as our tongues danced. She wrapped her arms around me and...
Happy Easter, everybody! I’d just like to thank all of you for making it to the end and giving me your thoughts! Enjoy the finale of ‘Master! Master!’ I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant...
For several days, the whiteout continued. I was learning to live without TV and Internet, though the itch never went away. It was certainly nice to have a vacation and rest with my girls, but that wasn't to say we weren't busy. My driveway was bound to get plowed sooner or later, and when it did, all that snow would be pushed up right in front of my house-if the plow could even get that far. In preparation, we spent countless hours shoveling the snow, trying to get as much of it off the...
Both of us drunk and sweaty already from a night of dancing at the club. Stumbling into the house, Master and I are ripping each others clothes off. Frantically pawing at each other. Wanting every part of our bodies touching. Master wraps his hand in my hair and pulls me in for a kiss. Mouths open, tongues battling each other, lips pressed together hard. He pushes me to my knees by my hair. I look up at Him silently asking for permission. Master nods a yes. Smiling, I pull His pants down,...
“has she been introduced properly?” the man in the chair asked. He stroked his chin, the small stubble of two days’ growth scraped against his fingertips. “No master, I have left her mostly untouched, for you.” The red haired woman responded. She shifted her weight, the chain swayed in her grasp, but the girl didn’t make a sound, only her heavy silent breathing. “Becca, bring her closer.” He beckoned to her. She moved forward, tugging on the chain and the girl...
He’d just finished eating lunch when there was a knock on the door. His father went to answer it. “Oh hi girls,” Gareth said. “Hi Mr Davies, is Dylan here?” Olivia asked. “Yeah. DYLAN! Becky and Olivia are here!” Gareth shouted. Dylan emerged in sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Oh, hi girls,” Dylan said. “You were gonna show us that new computer game, right?” Rebecca said. Dylan just stared for a moment, before realising what she meant. “Oh! Right! Yeah, come on, it’s, uh, in my room…” Dylan...
“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning. “It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?” “No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise. “What’s wrong?” Gareth asked. “Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with...
“This slut is wet!” a man said as he shoved his finger into my mouth to lick my juices from him.“I suppose that means she is more than primed and ready for use” said another chuckling. They talked about me as though I weren’t there as they were feeling and exploring me. I truly felt as though I were a piece of meat and a sex toy. My role was becoming clearly defined in my mind. The conversation continued amongst the men.“Her tits are amazingly good for bondage” said a third man who was feeling...
Calling a Sissy's Bluff I am a sissy slut. Once upon a time I was just a sissy slut wannabe, but that has all changed now. You see, I had posted some online ads, saying that I was hoping to meet a dominant Master who would come claim me and turn me into his own personal sissy slut. That was certainly my fantasy, but I hadn't ever met anybody who wanted to really make that fantasy come true. Truth be told, I wasn't sure that I wanted it either, so I must admit that when the Master of...