Mackenzie Mace
- 1 year ago
- 36
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Father and I arose early to bathe by moonlight in the cool waters of the pond behind The Manor. Fancy held an oil lamp and exerted considerable effort to avoid looking at us. I thought it strange she was reticent to see our male equipment when Ebony was anxious to both see and take a man inside herself.
Dawn found us dressed and ready to meet with Overseer Witherspoon, a sour, fat white-man, before our later breakfast meeting with Mary Elizabeth Whitfield. We instructed Patience, Ebony, and Fancy to ready our baggage and all their possessions for the return trip to Ironwood, for we planned to leave immediately upon the latter meeting's completion.
Plantations, successful ones at least, do not begin their day with the rising of the sun. By sunrise, they buzz like a beehive, with all slaves fed and at their work - the field slaves in the field, the seamstresses at their sewing, the cooks in their kitchen cleaning up from the first meal of the day and preparing for the others, and the servants polishing and readying the house for the Master and Mistress. At Ironwood, the blacksmiths sweated in the bright heat of the forge during the dead of night to avoid the added heat of the day. Yet, at Whitlands, all was quiet and calm before dawn, our first sign the plantation was improperly operated.
Witherspoon was waiting for us in front of The Manor, hat in hand and his demeanor shouting his discomfort. Within a few minutes, Father and I had ascertained his management was shoddy and his organization misfitted to the many tasks to be performed. Within an hour, we had a solid idea of necessary changes. We instructed him to have the buckboard loaded and waiting, and Liberty ready for the trip. We then returned to The Manor's front porch to sit and discuss what we had learned.
Father had begun my tutelage in farm management as early as I could remember. At an age when most children played with a nanny, I accompanied him to meetings or to evaluate fields or buy horses or cattle. I was instructed to save my questions until he and I were alone, and I complied, but once alone he never failed to take the time necessary to fully answer all I asked.
My schooling included monographs on farming as well as the classics. More importantly, I did all the farm chores, sometimes working under Father's or Jonah's practiced eye until I dropped where I stood, too exhausted to move. I can remember Father carrying me in his arms when I was younger, to lay me down on my bed as I was dressed and cover me over to sleep. The other sub-overseers, who were also slaves, took an interest in my education as well, proudly sharing their particular skills with me.
I relished it all-the knowledge, the experiences, the challenges, and, most importantly, Father's attention and approval. He did not hesitate to tell me when I erred and when I succeeded, delivering all comments in a positive manner intended to speed my own development. For my part, I was an active and eager student, absorbing instruction like a sponge.
While I had much to learn, I felt confident, as we sat on Whitland's porch that day, in discussing any farm issue with him. We agreed Whitlands was sorely in need of new hands on its reins.
I heard the soft click of leather heels on the porch's oaken timbers and turned to see Jane Marie, who was dressed in white, her black hair bound high on her head.
"Good morning, beautiful lady," I said to her as I stood.
"Good morning, Bobby. Good morning, Mr. MacKenzie," she replied. She took my hands, raised her lips to mine, and gave me a quick kiss. "Breakfast is ready, gentlemen," she said.
We accompanied her inside to the dining room to find Mrs. Whitfield and Mr. Burlingame waiting for us. Each bade us good morning before Mrs. Whitfield graciously asked Father to take the head of the table and I the foot. She placed herself on Father's right and Jane Marie at mine, with Mr. Burlingame on Father's left.
Jane Marie's dress was a simple frock - thin straps over her shoulders, a wide pink ribbon under her breasts that continued around and tied in back, and a free flowing skirt below the ribbon. She was a beautiful vision. Mrs. Whitfield was dressed more formally, heavily corseted to narrow her waist and lift her ample bosom, no doubt to attract the male eye.
As the servants served us a typical plantation breakfast of eggs, bacon, biscuits with butter and jam, and strong tea, we passed small talk. My beloved was sparkling, with bright happy eyes. Mr. Burlingame was reserved and professional. Father was his normal vigorous self.
Surprisingly, Mrs. Whitfield demonstrated a warmth of heart and lightness of spirit I had never observed in her, as if a heavy weight was gone from her soul. I contemplated Father's comments and my observations of her, especially at Mr. Whitfield's funeral where she shed no tears and appeared to be relieved when his coffin was in the grave.
Watching her interplay with Father, I realized they were flirting, and, while she took the lead, he matched her measure for measure, joyfully participating in their play. It dawned on me that he had long lived his life as a widower, seeking sexual fulfillment in the slave-mistresses he chose to warm his bed, and had neither sought nor found a woman of his class to share his life. I had always thought him complete, but maybe he had a void needing to be filled. He certainly had opportunities to find a new wife. His friends often appeared at Ironwood, one or more couples for parties or simply an evening or two, but always with an extra woman in tow to be introduced to him as a possible wife.
When breakfast was over and the sweet cakes served, Father changed the conversation by saying, "We have a wedding to plan. Have you two talked about it?"
"Yes, Father," I replied. "We would like to be married as soon as possible."
"Why?" Mrs. Whitfield asked.
I was not presumptuous enough to say what was in my mind, for that would be, "Because your daughter and I are quite anxious to frolic in bed." Rather I said, "We are ready to begin our life together, Mrs. Whitfield."
She looked at her daughter and raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, we are, Mother. We were thinking of the middle of April," Jane Marie said.
"Oh, my, that is much too early," Mrs. Whitfield exclaimed. "We have cakes to make and The Manor to ready. And dresses? How is Cleopatra doing on your dress?"
"Further along than you realize. If she could devote full time to it, it would be ready in a week," Jane Marie answered.
"She doesn't have that kind of time," Mrs. Whitfield demurred.
"Ironwood and I would happily provide additional seamstresses to speed the conclusion of the dresses, and our house staff could be made available to assist in The Manor's readying," Father said.
"Thank you, Mr. MacKenzie. We accept," Jane Marie interjected before her mother could answer.
"So mid- to late-April is acceptable as a date?" I asked.
"I don't think so," Mrs. Whitfield replied. "You two are rushing things."
"As would I," Father said with a gentle smile. "Relent, Mary Elizabeth, and let them have their April wedding. Surely you remember the terrible impetuosity of youth?"
"Only too well, Bruce." She exhaled and studied the plate on the table before her before gazing at us once again. "All right. April it is, but you three have manipulated me into this and I expect full and complete support in the preparations."
After we all pledged our cooperation, the wedding date was set for the last Saturday in April, a scant six weeks away. When Mr. Burlingame suggested the rapidity of the wedding might encourage some to think the bride was in a family way, Jane Marie bristled and stated time would prove such gossip to be both incorrect and malicious.
Another piece of advice Father had given me on our long ride from Ironwood was to let the women take the lead in planning the wedding and object only if some factor was onerous to me. With agreement reached as to the actual date of the service itself, our discussion proceeded that way, with mother and daughter discussing and Father and I agreeing. The wedding planning was complete as to this part that needed our male input. Much was still to be done, but the ladies and their staffs would deal with the details.
Father started to change the conversation, but Jane Marie interrupted.
"Excuse me, Mr. MacKenzie, but I have one more matter - a very important matter - concerning my wedding, which I feel we must address now. I want Patience, Ebony, and Fancy to be invited."
"No," her mother said stonily.
"Yes, mother," Jane Marie said firmly. "I would rather have them present and no other guests than them not attend."
I knew Jane Marie was a strong-willed and high-spirited woman and felt assured we would clash from time to time as we traveled the road of life together, but at that moment I was proud of her for addressing an issue important to her and doubly proud for her confrontation of her mother. Her tight squeezing of my hand beneath the table told me it was not easy for her. But her lovely jaw was set and the fire in her eyes equaled the storm in her mother's.
Mrs. Whitfield girded her loins and began to speak, her right index finger poised to thrust like a rapier.
"Mary Elizabeth," Father said quietly but with a commanding firmness. "Why don't we defer this particular question until later?"
We three observers waited with baited breath as the combatants faced each other in silent conflict. When I saw her look down and her shoulders sag an inch, I knew Father had won this battle but the war had just begun.
"Certainly, Bruce. It was not I who raised the issue," Mrs. Whitfield said.
All eyes were on Jane Marie. I silently mouthed, "Later" to her, and she said a begrudging, "All right. We can defer it to later."
Father directed the conversation to Whitlands' operations. He made it clear, and Mr. Burlingame confirmed without reservation, that management of Whitlands was his and no one else's for the period of five years as his contract with Mr. Whitfield provided. I had no problems with this arrangement. Father not only shared Ironwood's books of accounts with me, he had taught me how to prepare and understand them. Ironwood was indeed profitable. I had full confidence in Father's ability to manage Whitlands and my ability to do so under his direction.
When questioned as to his plans for the conduct of Whitlands' business, he demurred, saying his plans were incomplete, and the others didn't press the matter.
Father once again redirected us. "Have you told Jane Marie about Edward's will?" he asked.
"I've told her enough," Mrs. Whitfield replied.
"You haven't mentioned it to me, Mother," Jane Marie said.
"Now isn't a good time to discuss it," her mother said.
Father wrapped his large, rough hand over Mrs. Whitfield's small, soft one and said, "I think we should do it now because Stanley is here to guide our understanding."
The battle was shorter this time. She capitulated to Father and instructed Mr. Burlingame to explain the ramifications of Mr. Whitfield's will.
In essence, Whitlands and all its assets, including The Manor, were bequeathed to Jane Marie in trust, with only a stipend from Whitlands' profits and her personal possessions being left to Mrs. Whitfield. Mr. Burlingame was trustee of Jane Marie's estate until she married, at which time the trust terminated and the assets became the direct property of Jane Marie and her husband, which, under South Carolina law, the husband managed. Mr. Burlingame summarized the situation by saying that while Jane Marie owned Whitlands, and she and Mrs. Whitfield shared Whitlands' profits, Father's contract of management gave him sole authority over operations until his contract terminated.
Essentially, Mrs. Whitfield was to be homeless and without sufficient funds to maintain her quality of life, unless her daughter - and the daughter's husband after marriage - provided for her well-being, or unless she remarried and moved to the home of her new husband.
The impact of the new economic relationship between mother and daughter left both dumb as they considered its implications.
I watched Father studying the Widow Whitfield with a singular intensity. I wondered if he played a part in Mr. Whitfield's leaving his wife in this unenviable position, and, if so, were his machinations to bring Whitlands to our family or Mrs. Whitfield to his side? If not, was Father only availing himself of an opportunity?
Father certainly was capable of such shrewdness, although I did not think him capable of a callous disregard for Mrs. Whitfield and her well-being. Mrs. Whitfield was an attractive and socially adept woman with only her vituperous nature against her. Father's comments about her were not unlike my own about Jane Marie, raising the question if he, too, was enamored with a woman and frustrated with her behavior.
For her part, I wondered if Mrs. Whitfield's desire to postpone the wedding was to postpone her day of reckoning, for surely she anticipated maneuvering Jane Marie for her own benefit as long as Jane Marie was single.
"Mother and I should discuss this later," Jane Marie said.
Mrs. Whitfield shivered from the coolness in her daughter's tone. She turned to Father who smiled reassuringly and squeezed her hand.
"It is time for us to depart," he said. "I'll return Friday to begin my management of the operations here. In the meantime, Witherspoon will continue as he has been."
"We'll have the guest house ready for you," Mrs. Whitfield replied. "Will Robert be joining you?"
"Yes, he will."
"And your slaves?" The question appeared innocent, but was not.
"I'd like to see Ebony and Fancy," Jane Marie interjected.
"Then they will come," I said and Mrs. Whitfield's eyes scolded me.
"Robert, shall we take our leave?" Father asked me as he stood.
Witherspoon was in front of The Manor holding Liberty's reins. Father spoke with him before mounting. A slave held the reins of the buckboard with our three acquisitions, their few possessions, and our own baggage aboard. To Mrs. Whitfield's chagrin, Jane Marie rushed to Ebony and Fancy and whispered something to them. When she finished, I kissed my intended good-bye, climbed into the driver's seat, and took the reins.
Father doffed his hat and bowed to Mrs. Whitfield, received a sincere smile tinged with concern and a nod of her head in return, and spurred Liberty down the road. I popped the reins, called to my team, and followed.
We maintained a hard and steady pace for several hours before Father signaled a halt and dismounted beside the road near a small pond. He instructed the slaves to water the horses. As they lugged the water bucket to and from the pond, Father and I walked a bit to both ease our backsides and distance ourselves from their ears.
"Have you divined my intentions?" he asked.
"It may be presumptuous of me to give my thoughts," I replied.
"Presume," he commanded.
"You are going to marry Mrs. Whitfield, move her to Ironwood with you, and leave Jane Marie and me at Whitlands."
"My God, was I that transparent?" he chuckled. "I think not. I think you are that shrewd," he complimented. "What else?"
"You know I need a good and strong hand to assist me, so you will provide a new overseer you trust for Whitlands."
"Who will oversee Ironwood?"
"James," I replied, referring to the assistant overseer.
"Well done. You are correct on all counts," he said. "Now let me tell you why I want to wed a shrew like Mary Elizabeth Whitfield."
His desire to wed her did not surprise me, although his voicing the desire did bring me to a halt for a moment. He turned to face me and his face was intense.
"Edward and Mary Elizabeth had a marriage made in Hell, as I am sure you are aware. Their mutual dislike began early and grew until it was a venomous hatred. I, more than anyone else, knew the depth of their feelings for they both chose to take me into their confidence. Because our fathers were friends, Edward and I knew each other since childhood and we shared the common bond of farm ownership. Mary Elizabeth had no other ear to bend and I was a good listener."
Father stared at me with such intensity and for such a length of time as to bring me severe discomfort. "I think I can trust you with these confidences, Robert, which I share only to explain my position and clarify circumstances impacting you."
"You know me better than to question my silence," I said. I was wounded he thought me unworthy of his confidence.
"I'm sorry," he replied sincerely. "Yes, I know I can trust you." He looked away to gather his thoughts. "Do you understand the implications of adultery?"
"Other than 'Thou shall not commit adultery, ' I do not," I answered.
"The ancient Israelites were given that dictum, passed it on to us, and the State of South Carolina, indeed most of the states, have carried it into law and provided severe penalties for those who violate it. Juries have further modified the law until today men are never prosecuted for adultery unless issues of class and race impact the situation. For women, the law provides severe retribution and the juries have gone farther. No man has ever been punished for any action taken against his wife for her adultery and only a few times has the husband been punished for actions taken against his wife's lover."
"He can do anything with her?" I asked.
"Yes, from divorce to whipping to killing her. Legally, it is a one-sided issue, but the emotional penalties are as severe as the legal ones and as varied as the participants. Adultery can quickly drain the heart, leaving it dry and brittle or worse, make it a continually bleeding and festering sore."
Father hesitated, as he is prone to do in these revelations, and I patiently waited.
"Edward believed Mary Elizabeth was an adulteress and he believed it for years."
"Was she?" I asked.
"She was not. I'm sure of that."
"Then why did he think it?"
"He told me she possessed a large carnal appetite and a ribald enjoyment of pleasures of the flesh. He believed no woman of her position could be that sexual and remain loyal to her husband, which is, unfortunately, a commonly held misconception. It is a foolish untruth because neither race nor class dictates enjoyment of one's sexuality, and the notion presupposes the woman has no honor or strength of will, but Edward believed it and that was enough for him."
"Why didn't he divorce her or turn her over to the authorities?"
"He did not divorce to avoid the embarrassment of appearing to be a cuckold and he did not call in the authorities for he had no proof. Instead, he punished her in his own cruel and insidious way."
"Look at our three slaves," he continued. We both turned to watch those women. "Fancy is a sexless and frightened little mouse. Ebony is a wanton. If she were white, she would be a courtesan or a prostitute, depending on her status and circumstances. Patience is a beautiful lady with a well-developed sensuality she understands and, more importantly, enjoys. If she were white, men would make a week's ride to court her and lay fortunes at her feet as an incentive to wed, but she is black and a slave. She understands her slavery, accepts it graciously, and is fulfilled being the mistress of a white man she trusts to protect and provide for her.
"While Patience's body is slave, her feminine heart is free. Edward made Mary Elizabeth a slave, binding her feminine heart with society's mores and the web he wove around her to restrain her more tightly than steel or ropes. Surely, her unhappy prison makes her poorer than the slave-woman he threw in her face, for Mary Elizabeth must face the world appearing to be free yet shackled beneath the scold's mask she wears. Despite the years of her husband's treatment, I believe Mary Elizabeth's heart is not empty, but contains an untapped store of love and desire only waiting for the right man to insert the key and partake of her bounty. I want to be that man."
Father studied me as he spoke and, while I tried to affect a blandness of expression, I had not yet mastered my face's reflections of my thoughts.
"Go ahead, Son, say it," Father said.
"How do you know she didn't commit adultery?"
"Two years after your mother's death, I offered myself to her. I even proposed that I approach Edward about a divorce, buying her freedom if need be. She rejected the idea, saying she would not seek divorce no matter how difficult her circumstances and she would never stoop to adultery. I believed her. And I admired her for upholding her high standards in so onerous a situation. Now she is a widow and free to marry whomever she chooses. I will see she chooses me."
I pondered his comments as I watched the three slaves idly chatting beside the buckboard. It seemed Father was correct, for they appeared freer and happier than Mrs. Whitfield. Certainly, Ebony enjoyed our couplings with an uninhibited lust, and I suspected Patience did likewise with Father. This morning at breakfast as Mrs. Whitfield flirted with Father was the only time I could remember seeing joy on her face.
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Gay MaleThe next day was pretty normal. I was better able to concentrate in class. I guess I’m getting used to being a part-time whore. Stacy and I met up at our lockers after our last class and headed for Mr. Todd’s house. As soon as the crowd thinned out and we could talk she asked me if I was nervous. I was surprised to realize that I wasn’t. I suppose I should have been. But there were no specific threats hanging over my head and I figured I could handle anything that Mr. Todd could throw at me...
As Aric and Brianna made their way downstairs they headed to the den and saw Galen sitting in a chair at his desk making some notes with his back to the doorway. Just as Aric was getting ready to knock on the door frame Galen said "About time you woke up boy. We need to have a talk. I should have had it with you long ago, but I put it off thinking that what I was seeing couldn't be true. But now I understand it is." As Aric and Brianna came into the room and took a seat on the couch...
Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby In Part 9 you Read Zeenat returned with Sanjeev to Guruji Chamber and Guruji Asked Sanjeev to make arrangement for stay of Zeenat in Guest rooms outside Diksha area. As After Dikhsha zeenat can enter ashram main area. Since Anita had already taken Diksha she...
Jane waited. Inside that office her mind raced through a thousand different things. How long would he be, had she been right all this time, all the signals, the knowing looks, they were all for her, weren't they?Suddenly she heard the footsteps. Her heart raced. She moved back towards the desk and waited.The boss entered the office and closed the door. Without saying a word he walked across the room and switched on the desk lamp which shone a warm glow onto Jane. She was wearing a simple white...
Office SexI was in my office one day and I was looking on craigslist at ads. So I thot I would put on on there. I get a accountand think what do I want to write. I decide to see who wants to be fisted and I put a ad on for it. It go ( is there any women that want to be fisted) .if you look Im assuming you want to be! so dont leave hit me up and Ill fist you! must be white and ddf put yes in the subject line. I wait and I get a nibble but there bots . Then I get you . Im excited to get a real girl this...
I’m Jim and I’ve had an office job at a company for about 4 years now. I’m 36 and over the years, young ladies in their 20s have come and gone. The ladies that have worked there have mostly been temps that work there for a few months and never return. I never got the opportunity to be with one of them. They have been with someone or just not interested in someone who is in their 30s, but I’m successful financially anyway. My love life was way down, but about a year ago now, they hired a nice...
Yvette looked around her with no small amount of concern. This downtown pool hall was full of well-dressed men, most of them in suits. She couldn't see any women besides the scantily clad servers. Some of the men looked her way. The ones who did not were engrossed in games of pool or in talking to their friends. The men who looked at her grinned and poked each other with their elbows as she walked past in Stuart's wake. These men were quite used to seeing strikingly attractive women....
InterracialMy mom is a blond girl in her 50´s with a nice mommybody, she lives alone in an nice apartment.Its been over 15 years since she left my dad, and i have never seen her with another man.Im in my 20´s and have always feelt drawn towards women in all size and age, and as many other men have had some toughts about our moms and other family members.So yesterday i was at my moms place, she had some problems with the internet and asked if i could try to fix it for her, so i brought my pc and went over....
Author's note: This is my first venture in the genre. If you like it please leave lots of feedback. I have an idea for a sequel. Please read it carefully, some of the changes are a little subtle. I wish I had some illustrations to go with it. I hope you enjoy it. Time for a change By XrissXroosKid Even though I've been married for fifteen years my wife and I don't have any kids. It just seemed to happen that way. It wasn't anything that we planned. My wife came from a large...
I used to love to eat at a small mexican restaurant that had great authentic food. Not only was the food great, but the hostess was very hot. She was a latina about 5 foot 3, barely 100 pounds, with nice tits and the sexiest ass ive seen in a long time. She would always smile and giggle and flirt a little whenever she would see me. For months every time i would eat there i would find myself thinking about all the things i would love to do to her. She always dressed very sexy, short skirts, low...
Tina told me she'd always felt sorry for Jackie "I think she was more than one boys "first time". Her parents aren't much better than mine were. I don't think they beat her or anything but I got the impression that she doesn't get much affection at home and looked for it by sleeping around." Rhonda asked what Jackie was like and Tina laughed "she's shorter than you, but taller than me. Her hair is the same color as yours, and her face looks a lot like yours too. She's also really...
This one is compliments of John A. The dishwasher, the dog & the parrot. Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called in a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, "I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a cheque. Oh, by the way don't worry about my dog Spike. He won't bother you. "But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot! "I MUST STRESS TO YOU:...
Hi dosto main sachin ek bar fir se hazir hu apni ek new story le kar sorry for the delay…pehle main ap sb ka bhut dhanyawad karta hu meri pichle story ko itna pyar dene ke liye. Agar meri yeh story apko pasand aye please coment at Pehle jo log mujhe nahi jante main sachin gurgaon se hu meri unar 25 saal hai aur kund ka size apko santusht karne ke liye bhut story ki heroine hai hema fig toh uska qatil karne wala badi gand badi badi chuchi…38-34-40. Rang gora tha uska… Toh baat aj...
Jason opened the door with shyness and apprehension. The schoolroom was much different then he was used to. The desks were all gone, the floor was covered in blankets of different sizes and colors strewn about as if it were only met to cover the floor, no matter in what fashion. The large oak desk was cleared off and the 6 foot long, 4 feet wide top was also covered in padding. These blankets were all thick white bed sheets, neatly placed so that the entire area of the desk was covered with the...
First TimeI am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahemdabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion and I have curly hairs. Please read the incident and tell me how was this desi tale at yahoo. in. Harpreet uncle ab dhire dhire apna poora lund meri pussy mein andar bahar karne lage, unke har dhake pe mein “uummhh, aaahhhh ummmhhh aaahhh” kar rahi thi. Ab woh mere upar let gaye aur apne dono hath se mujhe kass kar apni bahon mein pakad liya, taki mere dono breast unki...
Abi was lay on the couch, long tanned legs propped up on the back, "I know baby I miss you too, college gets so boring on my own..." Abi smirked to herself, the last couple days had been anything but boring. She talked on the phone to her boyfriend in another state, the boyfriend she'd cheated on 3 nights ago...and every day since. She'd felt bad at first, guilty, but it hadn't stopped her. Hadn't even slowed her down, she'd been sharing her roommate Jessica's boyfriend, Markus, for three days....
One Friday morning, last winter, I was running errands while the kids were in school. It was cold out, and a light snow was falling. As I was driving to the store to do some food shopping, I noticed this guy hitchhiking on the side of the road. I normally don’t stop to pick up guys thumbing, but he was young, maybe 20 or 21. I could tell that he was freezing, and, being a mom, I felt bad for him. When he got in my car, he was shaking, and his face was red from the wind. ‘Cold out, huh?’ I...
Chapter 19 Tiffany's life was becoming exciting even beyond Melissa's wildest dreams. Tiffany was followed by fans wherever she went and as she became accustomed to the notoriety she also was becoming more at ease with being Tiffany. Who is Tiffany Rollins asked the news rags? Where is she from, how much does she weigh, is her hair naturally blonde? What kind of makeup does she use, and on and on. As unnerving as all this attention was Tiffany was beginning to like it. What next she...
Kassie was taken on a Tuesday morning. Coming out of the grocery store, she was unlocking her car when she was grabbed from behind, chloroformed, and pulled into a van, her shopping cart full of groceries abandoned. She woke up in a hospital bed with tubes up her ass, warm water blasting her colon clean. "What is going on?" she cried, but no one answered. The high colonic continued and she passed out again. The next time she woke she was in a different bed. Warm comforter, soft pillows. A voice...
FetishThough twilight quickly yielded to darkness, Jakal did not stop to light a torch. The moon glowed full and bright, illuminating the path he traveled. In the Spirit World his senses, including his eyesight, were heightened, were he not completely familiar with the lake’s location he still could have found it. It lay so close now he felt its moisture upon his skin. He could even smell the water, its cool crispness mingled with the scent of mixed leaves. The signs grew ever fresher as the Tracker...
our friend, Tyrell giving Dawn her first ever BBCThis is a fantasy about how I would have liked things to have gone if Dawn was still with me. I like to think that she would have been very excited,hot and turned on getting her first black dick from my friend Tyrell from Xham. On several occasions Dawn and I talked about what it might be like for her to get her first black cock ... and I after meeting and talking with Tyrell I'm certain she would have loved getting fucked by him while I watched...
I’m five feet eight, slim, a little too slim in the breast department for my own liking but I hadn’t had any complaints. My eyes are brown as is my hair which is cut short. I live in my own house and have done ever since my divorce ten years ago. I’ve had a couple of flings but nothing too serious. About nine years ago a nice couple moved in next door. They had a teenage daughter called Julie and one night she knocked on my door saying she had forgotten her keys and could she come in for a...
... Dark clouds Mondified As much as I want to pummel the lost boys some more, I don't. Once more I have strange feeling a tingle that tells me there is more going on here than meets the eye. My only source of information is currently laying on the ground in pain. I stalk back over to Brin's brother. "Billy, why Nimrod?" I ask. He whimpers and tries to crawl away. I catch his leg and pull him back to me. "Billy," I say sweetly, "I went easy on you this time. I am still debating on...
The three families gathered around two large tables in the cafeteria the next morning. The camp’s cooks had fixed them a large breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon, and pancakes. They were all talking merrily as they eat their morning meal. Lois finished eating and excused herself to go to the restroom. When she came out, she found Mike waiting. “Care to take a walk with me?” he asked. “Where to?” Lois replied. “Nowhere really. I thought it would be nice to get to know you a little...
Mera naam vikrant hai main meerut ka rehne wala hu.Yeh baat un dino ki hai jab main apni 12 class k examm de chuka tha aur garmiyo ki chuttiya chal rahi thi,main apne bade bhai avdesh aur unki patni ragini yani meri bhabhi k sath rehta tha. Bada bhai mera army main tha to woh aksar 2-3 mahine k liye bahar duty p he rehte the aur hum do yani main aur meri sunder bhabhi ek flat main meerut main rehte the.Bhabhi meri itni chikni hai unki abhi abhi he shaadi hui thi 6 mahine hue honge,itni sexy...
Skylar Snow and her boyfriend Quinton James wake up in each other’s arms. They may be wearing underwear to keep them just a little bit separated from skin to skin contact, but that can’t keep them from getting nice and intimate. Soft caresses are just the beginning as the lovers indulge in sweet touches that rev each other’s engines. It’s not long before Skylar has been relieved of her bra so that Quinton can open wide and take her tits into his mouth. Skylar lets her...
xmoviesforyouWorking for a large company can at times be a lot to handle and that is why I no longer work for a very large company. My name is Tom Conroy and I own a modest size company and I have about sixty employees and it matters little what my company does so for now I won't tell you just take my word for it that the small company is doing well. The time of the year is summer and as I did every year since I started the company I close the place down for two weeks in the middle of July but before the...
Hi guys, my name is Anirudh, 22 years old. I’m from Vijayawada. My height is 5’10 average body. My tool dimensions are 6 inches tall and 2 inches wide when erect. I’m currently living in Jalandhar pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree. This is a real story and happened 1 year ago in summer. I went back to Vijayawada(home) for a summer vacation for 2 months. I live with my family of 4, i.e my father, mother, sister and me. So in the summer, I used to watch porn a lot in my room and masturbate 5 times a...
ALTERED FATES: A CHRISTMAS TALE by BobH (c) 2012 Ed Geraghty sat down heavily on the changing room bench and sighed. He felt every minute of his fifty-six years, and then some. Any positive effect on his health of thirty five years pounding the streets delivering mail had been more than offset by the same number of years spent drinking hard liquor to excess. Not that this was an option open to him any more, given the precarious state of his liver. He was not a bad man, and had...
Introduction: The story of parents that love their daughter a bit too much Most would say that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I grew up in a gated community in the hills above Newport Beach California. I am a 57 girl, with a slim waist and long legs. My tits are small but perky with puffy nipples. I think Im cute, in a girl next door kind of way. Maybe I am a bit too much of a tom-boy for some, and while I may not win a beauty pageant, you wouldnt kick me out of bed. At least no...
I'm sitting here in my hotel room waiting for you. I am waiting for you to come and dominate my mouth. My cock slowly grows inside my pants. I rub it as it swells and gets stiffer in anticipation. The door opens and you walk in. I stand up quickly. My cock throbs with anticipation as I wait for you to tell me what to do next.You command me to take my clothes off and I obey. I throw my shirt off and then unzip pants and let them fall to the floor. I then slowly slip off my briefs exposing my...
Chapter two – Becky returns A few months later, and I was enjoying my new life. Not at first I have to say. The old routine of getting out of bed at six-thirty in the morning, showering, shaving and getting ready for a day’s work was hard to break, and being honest I was quite depressed for a month or so. What we do, defines us as people, and I no longer had that definition. I adapted though, I started writing the novel that I had been thinking about for years. I decided on a complete makeover...
Oh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her. Texas. The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here. And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special. Her parents were in America on a...
It’s been a while since we last related one of our sexual adventures so with some free time this lazy Sunday afternoon and my awesome husband’s encouragement, not to mention several glasses of wine, I thought I would tell you all about our latest adventure. Because we’ve both been busy these past few months we haven’t had any time to indulge in our rampant sexual fantasies but both Jim and I decided it was long overdue so we went on the hunt for a new fuck buddy for me. If you have read our...
I wish to show my gratitude to all my readers for their love and feedbacks. Also thanks to my close friend S. who edited this part to perfection. I was now on an island wandering along the shore, alone. Lost. How did I end up here, I wondered. Then suddenly fire alarm broke my chain of thoughts. It was loud sound for a fire alarm, coming from my right directly into my right ear. I sensed some danger in the Island, it shuddered me. All of a sudden I was shaking vigorously. “Turn off that fucking...