Devlin's StoryChapter 54 free porn video

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"I thought you were going to be at Emma's," Karen said when Devlin stopped by for her regular Monday discussion. She had time in the morning, and Karen agreed that it made more sense to meet then than later.

"My mother had her baby," Devlin said. "You can't just say 'Glad you had the kid, Mom, now excuse me, I want to go to a party.'"

"Not exactly," Karen said, laughing. "Did she have a boy or a girl? How is she? How's the baby?"

"She had a girl. Mother and daughter are fine, and they're going home today." It was her turn to smile. "The father is a basket case, though. Yesterday he tried to help me clean their apartment. I finally chased him out so I could get things done."

"And men want us to think they're stupid," Karen said. "See? He got out of housework."

"Karen, all he had to do was turn on the dishwasher and take out the trash. He couldn't even do that."

"So you didn't party at all. Were you even intimate with anyone?"

"Just my fingers. My boyfriend was visiting and, well, I've told you about him."

Karen looked at the list of questions in front of her and put down her pen. "I guess going through the questionnaire isn't really necessary today."

"Not really. I've been celibate for more than a week. And that was by intent, not by accident."

"That's got to be a record... for you."

Devlin let that pass. "How did you like the party?"

"It was..." Karen pursed her lips. "It was a lot more than I thought it would be. Talking with you, talking with Emma and a couple of other people... I thought I had a good idea of what was going to happen."


"There are... there are two other groups of people in the lifestyle that I know, and..."

"I can think of four groups involved in the lifestyle," Devlin said, "and that's here in town and in Champagne. That doesn't count Emma's or the one in Springfield, and another down near Decatur."

Karen thought about that. "How many groups are there in Illinois?"

"Quite a few, actually." She smiled thinly. "Given the nature of the lifestyle, people don't advertise their participation. But you hear things. Emma's is the largest that I know of and attracts people from all over. Most of the other groups are just three or four couples."

"I'd heard about one here on campus involving faculty members." She smiled. "For a number of reasons I haven't put it in any of my notes. Have you heard of it?"

"I know of two groups affiliated with the University," Devlin said. "One of them is some sort of party over on the east side of town. A girl on the floor of my dorm went to it last year. Basically it was what everyone thinks an orgy is: loud music, flashing lights, alcohol, and people ripping off their clothes and jumping on each other."

"Is she still going? I might be interested in studying them."

"She got married over the summer and dropped out of school. I don't know where she is. And I didn't ask her about that group. It's an experience I'm not interested in."

"What's the other group?"

"It's mostly faculty members, as you heard. I happen to know the hostess, and if you're interested, and if she agrees, I can give you a name."

"Faculty. It might be better to maintain plausible deniability."

"Faculty politics?"

Karen nodded. "You wouldn't believe what that can be like."

Devlin digested this in silence. "What did you think you'd see at Emma's?"

"People in the bedrooms, people in the hot tub, that was about all." She shook her head ruefully. "There was a lot more going on than that, a lot more than we saw on our visit a while back. Some of the games in the basement..."

"They're rude, crude, and x-rated, but they're a lot of fun."

Karen laughed, a bit of color coming to her cheeks. "I couldn't begin to describe some of them to somebody who had never been there. You were right about one thing: knowing that my flirting could lead to some hot sex, and knowing that the guy wasn't going to hassle me the next day was... powerful."

"That's one of the things I like about the lifestyle. And you can flirt, and not have anything come of it, too, flirting just for the fun of it."

"I saw some of the most outrageous moves." Karen stared at the wall, smiling slightly. "I saw things there that I would never see anywhere else."

"What about Lisa? What happened with her?"

"I think she spent most of the night in the hot tub. She wandered around, watched things for a bit, and then retreated. I think she was having second thoughts."

"About being with a guy?"

"About doing it with a gal. I think she considers that cheating on Jo."

"Cheating... So let me get this straight. Having sex with a guy wouldn't be cheating, but having sex with a gal would be."

Karen shrugged. "What can I say? In her heart she's a committed lesbian."

"At least she's consistent, then. Would you go again?"

"In a heartbeat," Karen said, nodding. "I had so much fun. The guy I was with was a lot better than my ex ever was. That part I really enjoyed." She dropped her voice. "I know I was just another girl there, but he made me feel special. He paid attention to me! And getting all of that male attention was flattering. Guys I didn't know were getting turned on by me. After these last few years..." She sighed happily. "The memories I'll take away from there are priceless. Just between us girls I was getting a little tired of my fantasies. They were the same ones over and over, and while they were good, I wanted a little variety."

"And this provided it."

Karen nodded. "I just have to close my eyes and see all those butts and hard bodies."

"And other male parts?"

"Certainly those!" Karen laughed. "And if I never go again that'll provide enough fantasy material to keep me going for years."

"So you might not go again?"

"Oh, I'll go. I wouldn't miss it for the world. After this next time, though, I'll have to see what my schedule permits. Students don't realize how much the holidays can eat into a faculty member's time."

"Well, I'm glad you had a good time," Devlin said. She glanced at the time. "I've got to get going. I have a class in 10 minutes. I'll see you next week."

"I'll be here, same time, same place, and the same questions."

Devlin hummed to herself as she walked to her first class. She'd thought Karen could handle the sheer intimacy of a party; she knew that wasn't always a given. Lisa? In a way Lisa's actions were a surprise. She probably needed somebody to talk to. Devlin wasn't sure she could be that person. She was afraid Lisa's questions were going to go a lot deeper than the mechanics of swinging.

Her last morning class ended at 11:30, and her first afternoon class didn't start until 2:30. She was still humming as she made her way past the students who were sitting on the lawn enjoying the autumn sunshine. It wasn't quite warm enough for shorts and sleeveless tops--she'd worn her little flip skirt and a short-sleeved blouse--but Winter was right around the corner, and everybody was seizing these last few weeks of good weather.

There were a lot of people on the streets surrounding the University. She pushed her way through the crowd, smiling politely. When she got to the building where she had her cubicle she tossed her books down, rifled through her mail to see if there was anything important, got a snack from the vending machines, and let herself through the door to the freight elevator.

The door to the studio apartment was slightly ajar. She closed it firmly behind her, and made sure that it was locked. She kicked off her sandals, knelt in front of Danny, pulled out his cock, and sucked as much of it as she could.

"You don't know how much I've been looking forward to this," she said around his balls as she licked them. He was stiffening up quickly against her cheek, which told her everything she wanted to know about his physical state.

"You're lucky," he replied. "You don't have to try to walk with an erection."

"No, I'm just wet all the time, and my nipples get where I'm going five minutes before the rest of me." She took a moment to glance down her front where her hand was already squeezing one of her breasts. Her nipples looked like a pencil erasers beneath her blouse.

"When do you have to be back?" she asked him as she resumed licking. It really wasn't like licking a lollipop, she decided. It was more like licking an ice cream cone. You had to lick all of it, and move your tongue around. And you had to get your lips involved, too.

"I told people I have some paperwork things I have to do for the hospital," Danny said. "I told them I should be back about mid-afternoon."

"And do you?"

"They're already done." He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the chair behind him.

Devlin unfastened his belt. She kept sucking as she pulled his pants off. That done, she began to jack him as well as suck. One hand caressed his balls, while the other cupped his tight butt. She could feel the tension filling him. She occasionally reached up and felt his tummy--rock hard--and chest. She inhaled, smelling his male odor, glutting herself on him. She could taste the first of his pre-cum drops on his tip. She swirled her tongue around it, coaxing out a second drop.

Danny certainly knew how to enjoy a blow-job. He had his hands on her head, rocking back and forth in time with her sucking. It was like he was screwing her mouth. She smiled around this, and sucked even harder, trying to suck the cum right out of him.

She could feel him getting harder. He took up more of her mouth, now, filling her all the way to the top of her throat. His balls were gradually tightening, she could feel the sides of his butt dimpling in, and his stomach was growing even harder.

He suddenly inhaled sharply, arching slightly into her, his whole body rigid. He groaned, filling her mouth with one spurt after another. She swallowed his warm salty offering, spurt after spurt, till finally she felt him begin to relax.

He pulled out of her mouth, a little saliva and cum smearing across her cheek. His chest was heaving from his exertion. Gradually he calmed down, taking a few final deep breaths.

"You are so good at that," he said thickly. He pushed her onto the bed, flipped her skirt up, and pulled her panties down.

"You were a good teacher," she said. She scooted forward and opened her legs.

"Only part of it was the teacher," he said. He wet his finger and slipped it between the puffy lips of her sex. He delicately parted her folds, circling around her clit. "A willing student helps, too."

She squirmed a little as he began to rub gently. Her hands went to her breasts, cupping them. At times like this they felt so full. She flicked her thumb back and forth across her tense nipples. She could see the ceiling through her half-lidded eyes. How many times had she stared at a ceiling while Danny's mouth slowly worked its fiery way up her thighs? She knew she could look it up in her day planner, but somehow that didn't seem important.

She pulled her knees back to her waist, resting her ankles on his shoulders. He sank a finger in her up to the second knuckle. It scraped every sensitive nerve in her entrance. He breathed across her thighs, sending little tremors through her. His tongue barely touched her... it was like an electric spark shot right to the mouth of her womb. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. He did this so much better than any other man she knew.

His mouth circled her center, finally settling against her cleft. His tongue flicked across her hot little bud, and she almost came from just that touch. He moved his finger, his tongue brushing her in the same rhythm. It was a sudden burst of feeling, and she came quickly, a hot flash of pure feeling that made her hungry for more.

He swept down to her entrance, one long hot tongue caress that left her quaking. His tongue probed her entrance, feeling like a totally flexible, totally agile cock that slipped and slid against the most female parts of her. She strained, trying to rise to meet him. The world narrowed to just that point. There was nothing but his marvelous mouth, his tongue, and the hot feeling that kept building and building. She could feel it approaching. She could feel herself rising to meet it. She tried to hold back, but her body was no longer hers to command. She rose, she opened, spending against him in one long heated wave after another.

He held her as she slowly drifted back down. Slowly, gently, he pulled her skirt away. Then his hands were pushing her top up over her breasts. She took over long enough to pull it off. Danny went to her bra, unfastening it, freeing her breasts.

He kissed his way across her tummy. He circled her breasts, nibbling and sucking at her woman-flesh. He flicked her tight aching buds with his tongue, then slowly, torturously nibbled around them. He suddenly took her hard nipple in his mouth, sucking her deep. She cried out at the flash of feeling. He alternated back and forth, drawing her nipples out into long dark spouts of tightness. She cradled his head, watching him as he went back and forth. She felt like she was giving her womanliness to him, and it was a rush.

Finally he kissed her neck, her jaw, her mouth. She could taste her juices on his lips, and knew he could taste his own juices. He cradled her, his body pressing against hers, his arms around her, holding her. She finally had to break to take a shaky breath.

"Let's get a little more straightened out," she said, her voice thick with desire. She pulled herself into the middle of the bed. He followed, bending down to kiss her again and again. She hooked a knee on his hips, opening herself to him.

"Go ahead," he murmured as their legs intertwined. His put his hand in the middle of her back to make it easier for her.

She took his length and moved it back and forth, pressing it against her heated folds. He was so big, so big and hard. She was moving her hips, rubbing against him, even as she rubbed his delicious hardness against her. His mouth went to her breasts, sucking her tight buds between his wet lips.

Enough was enough. She canted her hips and guided him to the right place. He pushed, lodging just the thick head of his cock in her.

She closed her eyes, exhaling sharply. This was what she'd missed these last two weeks. This was what she needed. She bit her lip. He was so big, he was so hard, and he was filling her depths. She took her hand away, resting it on the strength of his shoulder. He kissed her, and thrust again, lodging more of his hot length in her. She pushed back, and after a few seconds they caught it just right, and he slid the rest of the way in her. It was like a hot iron bar pushed all the way through her, so hard, so hot, almost scalding, and so deep. For just a moment she had the fantasy that he was going to penetrate all the way through her and fill her mouth from the other end.

"God, I love this," she croaked when she could catch her breath. She began to move. He answered her, the friction from their bodies lighting a fire right at her entrance. She closed her eyes as the heat filled her. She was so wound up, she knew she was going to go over the top. She didn't want to fight it, she wanted the heat to fill her, sweep her away and consume her.

She must have already been primed. She felt it start deep within her, an irresistible wave that swept her away with its suddenness. She cried out as it took her, cried out as all her control vanished and there was nothing but the moment.

She was eiderdown, a feather drifting back to earth on the soft breezes of pleasure. She was cradled in his arms, her legs open. He was inside her, but he wasn't moving.

"Back with us, I see," he murmured, kissing her. He smiled. "You're really worked up today."

"I've been without it for a while, and I've been burning up."

He began to move, pulling out very slowly, then pushing back in just as slowly. "Is that better?" It was like he was pushing a wave of heat through her.

"Much," she gasped.

He started moving again, and, after a bit, she began to match him. After a few minutes the pleasure took her, and she gasped and cried out, clinging to him in her intensity. It was too much for him. He began to speed up, and moments later he completed deep within her, groaning through it all.

They drifted, their needs momentarily sated. She kissed him, brushing the hair back from his sweaty forehead. She was absolutely filled with peace. There was no outside world, no crowds of students, no studies, only the aftermath of their pleasures.

After a bit he began to stir. He kissed her, nuzzling that little spot just beneath her ear. His tongue trailed down, finding that sensitive hollow where her neck and shoulder met. As he kissed his hand caressed her breasts, and then slid across her body and between her legs.

"Um, nice and wet. I like that."

"You should know. A lot of that's from you."

"Yeah, I know."

She began to fondle him. There was much more to his body than his cock, but right now that was what she wanted. Later, if they had time, she'd appreciate the rest of him.

His cock was wet and still relaxed. She scooted down to lick it. She rolled their combined juices across her tongue. He smelled of sweat, cum, and her. She smiled at that and began to seriously suck him.

He applied himself to her, but no more than to make sure she kept wet. After a bit she reached down and began to rub herself. When he was hard she got on her hands and knees.

"Put it in," she said, looking at him over her shoulder. She slipped her fingers between the lips of her sex, holding them open as an invitation.

He got between her legs. She smiled as the head of his cock pressed against her entrance. She pushed back against him. His cock hung up right at her entrance, and then slid home.

She caught her breath as she felt him reach her depths. She clenched her muscles around him. He drew out a little, and pressed in again. Another thrust, and another, each slow and steady as he made sure she felt each glorious inch of him.

She wanted more, though. She began to move, and he responded, finding her rhythm through the familiarity of long practice. She could feel the warmth where they were joined grow more and more intense. She whimpered a little at her need as the intensity grew. She tensed, feeling it steal over her limbs. Every muscle went taut, her whole attention was focused on the moment. Everything vanished into that one incredible moment when there was nothing but the feeling.

He held her all through it. He held her as she slowly regained her focus, aware, once more, of him against her, him within her, him around her. He held her as she slowly relaxed, safe in his arms, safe after having expended all of her tension in one wild moment.

"Better?" he asked.


He rolled her onto her back and kissed her. Automatically her legs came up, her heels digging into his hips. She stared up into his eyes, feeling his hardness drill all the way down into her. She felt him brush the mouth of her womb.

He began moving, burying himself within her heat, withdrawing just enough to prolong the pleasure before he thrust into her again. It was an old dance, one they were both familiar with. She could sense the subtle shifts and needs of his body, he instinctively knew her reactions and encouraged them. Their bodies merged into one, giving, taking, pleasuring, their mutual need carrying them away from the mundane and into a world of pure pleasure.

He kissed her gently as she drifted down, the urgency of their joining having satisfied something within her. He cradled her in his arms. She held him in her arms and body, sensing his need for this time when there were no barriers between them. He was still hard, still ready, but he didn't have that driving need for completion.

She reached up and brushed the hair from his forehead. "So how've you been?" she asked quietly.

"Tolerable," he said. "How have you been?"

"I've been worrying about my boyfriend," she said.

"Problems? Is he seeing someone else?"

"No," she said with a slight shake of his head. "I--I haven't told him things about me."


"You, swinging, things like that."

"But you love him."

"Um-hmm. How do I tell him about everything?"

"I'm not sure you can, not the way you feel you have to."


He put his finger against her lips. "Trust me, there are times when you have to let the past be past."

"But... isn't that wrong?"

"Would it cause any pain?"

"Well, there have been a lot of men. And I don't know... how do guys react to that?"

"Most don't like it. They want to be the only one. It's a guy thing."

"So... I shouldn't tell him?"

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying it's something you can't make an instant decision about."


"Talk it over with Krissi, with me, with Sue, and with whoever else you trust who knows and loves you."

She thought about that. He might be right, but he might be wrong. He'd made an important point, though: she should talk it over with him as well as the girls she'd talk to. She needed a guy's perspective, and she wasn't going to get that from Sue or Krissi. She could talk to him right now, and he'd tell her what he thought, but... She knew she'd talk to Sue and Krissi several times. She'd have to talk to him several times, too, if for no other reason than to accept whatever answer she finally came up with.

"How's Sue?"

"You should call her, and not just to announce that your mother had the baby."

"Yeah, well, I've been a bit busy."

"Not too busy to call." He moved slightly, stirring himself in her. That made him move again, thrusting a little. But after a moment he stopped.

"Sue's fine. The doctor says he's happy with the way things are going, and the other doctors aren't worried about what it's doing to her back. She said her feet hurt all of the time, though."

"My mother said the same thing. A woman is carrying a lot of extra weight when she's pregnant."

He moved again, and she smiled. She liked the way he felt when they were together like this. She was just so aware of him. She knew he liked the way she felt around him, as if it was the most intimate touch possible. There weren't any barriers between them, not even the usual ones between men and women. It was a metaphorical joining, not just a physical one.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Oh, a lot of things. The way your body feels, the closeness, things like that. I never got this close with Jeff."

"We have a bit more history together."

"A bit more intimacy, and I like that."


She hugged him, running her hands over his shoulders and back. "It's a girl thing."

"Actually I remember reading about what we're doing. It was some book called The Harrad Experiment."

She frowned. "I remember seeing a reference to it once, but they didn't go into what the story was about."

"It was a college where couples were roommates. They went to other schools around their campus, and they had one course in human dynamics or something."

"So they had sex all of the time?"

He shook his head. "Not really. Oh, there was sex, but there was a growing together, too. And one of the things couples would do was this. They'd have sex, and then they'd stay joined afterwards, and just talk. I have the book at home. I'll loan it to you."


"Of course they made one point that was pretty valid."


"A couple couldn't stay together like this for too long. Things... happened."

"Things... ?"

He began to move, little stirrings, moving around inside her, tiny thrusts, tiny withdrawals, little twists that touched all of her secret places. She squeezed her muscles, nibbling at his length with the muscles around her sex.

"You mean like this?"

"Exactly like this." He nibbled at the flesh beneath her ear, tracing maddening little patterns with the tip of his tongue.

She ran her hands across his shoulders, feeling the firmness of his muscles as he lifted himself above her, braced himself, and began to move.

His thrusts got a little sharper, he wasn't pulling out very far, but when he thrust it seemed to hang up for a moment, then slide deeper into her, rubbing the raw nerves on her insides in a different way each time.

She pulled her hands down to his bottom, feeling his muscles clenching as he moved and thrust. She was getting wound up. Her nipples were taut and scraping the hairs on his chest with a maddening itch that sent little jolts of electricity deep into her.

He was pulling almost all the way out, and thrusting all the way in, now, shaking her body each time. His balls nudged her bottom as he reached her depths. She moaned, wanting to pull him deeper. She was getting hotter and hotter.

They kissed as their bodies began to move of their own accord. She ran her hand through his hair. She loved it with her legs up, guys could get deeper that way than almost any other way she knew. But this way, with them stretched out full-length on the bed, it was like a giant caress, his whole body touching every point of her whole body.

They explored the nuances of each other, kissing, touching, feeling, lost in the wonder of each other. Her fire passed to him, and suddenly their movements were frantic as they strained for that completion they both felt.

With a cry she arched up into him, surrendering, lost in the overwhelming moment when all the world came down to those few moments of just them. And then he was joining her, his muscles tightening, clinging to her as he lost control. She felt him pulsing deep inside her, and that set her off one last time.

This time they were slower coming down from the peak. They drifted, half dozing, touching, murmuring wordlessly, enjoying the moment that found the two of them here, alone, with nothing between them.

"Umm, God, this was so good," Devlin murmured, kissing Danny's ear. "I needed this."

"We both did."

After a bit he slipped out of her. He rolled over and cradled her against him. She snuggled back against his warmth. Her skin was slick and her hair was probably a mess. But for the first time in more than a week she was relaxed. She knew they should be getting up, cleaning up, getting dressed, and getting on with the day, but right now she'd rather just drift with him.

"Three times, I'm impressed," she finally said.

"That's because it's been a while."

Eventually Danny sighed. "I have to get going."

"Can you even move?" she joked. "I thought I took all your strength."

"That's not the point. I have to move. I have a meeting to attend in... 40 minutes."

"Will you make it? That isn't much time to clean up and get dressed."

"Only if you move your beautiful little body out of the way."

"Parts of it aren't little."

He leaned over and kissed her nipples. He slowly circled her breasts with additional kisses. "I know." He kissed her lips, briefly, affectionately. "Now move, I have to wash and get dressed, and so do you."

Devlin laughed and slid to one side. Danny got off the bed and began collecting his clothes. She lounged on the bed, watching his naked behind.

Danny came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. He was fully dressed and looked every inch the professional banker. "You're making it hard for me to think about that meeting," he said, smiling at her.

She was facing the door to the bathroom and was rubbing herself with one hand, while the other played with her breast. Now she took the finger from between her legs and ostentatiously licked it.

"I'd be disappointed if I wasn't." She got off the bed and stepped into his arms, kissing him. After they slid apart she reached down and fondled him through his slacks. "Are you sure this thing can't get up for a while?"

"Devlin, you hot little thing, you took all the starch out of it. I think it'll be tomorrow before it'll work again."

"I have some time tomorrow," she said. She grinned salaciously. "If you want, we could find out. I wouldn't expect three times in two hours, but..."

He fondled her breast with one hand while the other slid down to her bottom. "What time?"

Devlin laughed again. His hands were very warm, and she was getting warm all over again. "Let's plan on a late lunch. I have time in the afternoon."

"I can do an afternoon meeting," he said. He slid his hand up between her legs, slipping his finger into her for a moment. "I like what I'm feeling here."

She took his finger and sucked it. "So am I. How does 12:45 sound?"

"It sounds like a good way to spend the afternoon."

Same as Devlin's Story
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Lost Sister

© Copyright -- All rights reserved This story is old, I know there are mistakes in it. Hi, my name is Jerry, I wanted to tell you a true story about me and my beautiful sister, Betty. Betty, my sister, is twenty years old and in college. She loves teasing me about my age. I just turned eighteen. My sister is a total babe at five foot and six inches tall. She's built like a gymnastics athlete, her body is one of the best I had ever seen. Her breast are a firm 34c with the most perky...

2 years ago
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Shaila turn into a 100 euro slut

Hi readers this is Amit again, haven’t posted for some time since “Shaila and the Sex Cinema”, but have been keeping up to date with all the stories posted. We have now been married for 21 years and during that time have enjoyed a strenuous sex life. Shaila is a very beautiful pale skinned Indian 42 year old 36/27/38 48 kilos and is always being leered at by other men. Just thought I’d let you know of a recent experience whilst we were on a short city break. We were in Hamburg, Germany for a...

2 years ago
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Lolas Punishment Essay 4 Gingham GIrl

Lola's Punishment Essay #4 One of an occasional essays that I write when bidden by E. I had been complaining about my look and was asked to write a thousand words about the details of my look. She asked me if I felt uncomfortable with my look, or embarrassed, and to write 1000 words about it. I don't know if this is a prelude to changing my look (hope so) or if E is looking to "rub my nose in it" a bit. With her it is hard to tell sometimes. Maybe that's the attraction for me,...

2 years ago
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Going Green

Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he'd received yet another new toy that he'd ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along...

4 years ago
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Naked stepdaughter

This is a true story that happened yesterday, I have been separated from my second wife for 10 years, she has a daughter Shelley who is now in her early forties , we keep in touch regularly through Facebook.One night earlier this week we were chatting and Shelley asked if i missed living in my old town i replied not really but what i do miss when the weather is nice like it has been this week is the countryside which surrounds the town to which she replied yes my mum told me that you liked...

3 years ago
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My perfect life

This is my first time writing anything like this. This happened to me early in the summer of twenty nineteen. My husband and I have been married for six and a half years, we have a rampant sex life and, I have never thought about straying. I am thirty-two and Kevin is thirty-six. Kevin is a service director for a car dealership. I am a freelance hairstylist. I am slim, thirty-four-inch bust and, shoulder-length brunette hair, I weigh just one hundred and twelve pounds. My piercing green eyes...

Wife Lovers
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Dexters RenaissanceChapter 9 Taking a Chance

That May picnic was the beginning of a series of dates that Michelle and I enjoyed. Sometimes to a movie or play, often for dinner, occasionally for a ballgame. It was on one of those dates that there was a distinct shift in our relationship. Until then, we had held hands, kissed lightly and generally behaved ourselves. I think we both could feel the pressure building. It changed after we had spent a pleasant evening at a local play. We were in her late model Lincoln and I was driving. In...

2 years ago
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A Series of TabooChapter 12 Sweet Dreams

Josh woke to a sudden breeze that swept across his body as his sheet was suddenly pulled away. As he opened his eyes, he could see the room was dark, but he could also make out that it was his mom standing beside the bed. “Mom? What’s going on?” Josh felt his heart speed up, “And why are you...” Josh blinked a couple of times to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him, “ ... naked?” His Mom, Lisa, didn’t reply. Instead she crawled up on the bed and, before he realized what she was...

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Donnie And Eric

"Oh, fuck James, Donnie, fill up my glass," I whined, putting it out."Gwen, I know you're hurting," Donne pointed out, slanting the bottle down and pouring the wine. "I'm just saying, don't go nuts.""I'm not going nuts, I'm getting drunk, there's a huge difference, Donnie," I groaned before turning my head. "You get me right, Eric?""He kind of has a point. We're on our third bottle now, and you've drunk most of the first two," Eric reminded me, rubbing my arm.Then they both...

3 years ago
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Work LIfe Chapter 2 Caroylns freedom

David pulled her tighter to his chest, "Blow me." She groaned, "You are such a pig. I can't wait for January." she pushed at his chest trying to remove his arms from her. David frowned at her, "Do you really think I'll let you just up and quit?" "You don't have a choice David. I'm married to your brother. what he wants goes." "You are just a whore." She pushed harder breaking his hold. she moved to get out of the bed. "Get over yourself. you know maybe find a new bitch to...

1 year ago
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 5 FutaCutie MindControls the MILFs

Chapter Five: Futa-Cutie Mind-Controls the MILFs By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford If I could curse out loud, I'd be spitting vitriol. Fuck, fuck, fuck! screamed through my thoughts as I stared through the louvered slats of Mildred Dean's closet. I was trapped in here. Stuck with the panties that I so desperately wanted to don bunched in my hand. I had to pull them on and gain my own futa-cock. And have my own mind-controlling...

2 years ago
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My Wife Maryanne Ch 4

My Wife Maryanne – Ch. 4 New Years Day was now a few days behind us, but the memory and emotional distress was as strong as ever. It seemed that Maryanne was still consumed by the experience of her first gangbang, and couldn’t stop thinking and talking about it. If she had any regrets they weren’t readily apparent. The first day back at work my friend Don picked me up as he usually did if we were both working the same schedule. It was somewhat awkward being with him again, as he knew...

2 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 173

“Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.” —Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City 20 OCTOBER 2021 I’m ready to volunteer and go into service right now. Not because I’m looking forward to service, but because I’m so frustrated with all the crap I have to deal with. Christ, I sound like a teenager. It’s school, mostly. I have Livy home for one week before she heads to Virginia and I’m in school all day. Then running after school. Thank God, my viol...

1 year ago
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The New Year

It's a new year and a new(ish) me. I have always been confident and self aware, that is not my problem. My problem is that I always doubt my actions especially when they are, how to put it, questionable. Like what happened at the Christmas party, for example. The next day I felt so embarrassed at how I'd acted. I had fucked someone I didn't know, again. I don't want to feel like this. I want to be bold, fun and honestly I just want to let go. After all, I only have myself to answer to which is...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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From Soccer Mom to my Pantyhose Slut Part III

It had been a little over a month since our adventure with Bob. He had sent me several emails asking when we could meet up again. Finally I sent him a reply I told him I needed him to do some recruiting for me before we met up again. It took about another month before we had our recruits and plan in place.I had told Lori I had a special trip planned for her and we packed up all my favorite outfits and plenty pairs of pantyhose. We drove down to a small hotel in the Carolinas. When we were...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 28

Earth time: Saturday, March 30, 2019 5:51 AM Central Standard Time Aina time: 1:50 PM, day 243 of 1418 H.E. I love my weekends. I love working out. My routine is to take Route 61 southeast from home at Minneapolis Minnesota and drive out to the Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest. A huge place, thousands of square kilometers of virgin forest, and with all the preoccupation with the plague, almost deserted. I love turning my body loose to run. I locked my car and looked around,...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Exchange Student Seduction

It was Kate's first night living in our home. She was our new exchange student. Because she and I are both 16, my mom wanted her to get along with me very well and become good friends. I had two beds in my room. One was a queen bed and the other was just a twin bed. It was 10:45 pm. Kate was sleeping in the twin bed and I was sleeping in my queen bed. "Goodnight, Kate," I said as I was turning off the lights. "Let me know if you need anything." "sweet dreams, Miley," Kate replied in a soft...

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Ancient Gifts

First Name- Main Character Last Name- Main love interest Writer's notes: see guidelines Somewhere in Chile... "Look at this!" my colleague said excitedly, holding the torch to the ancient stones surrounding us. "An ancient text I guess, seems to be preceding the Incas! It looks like an animal of some sort is depicted, so maybe a farming manual or agricultural record?" I glanced at the letters, using my natural gift for languages combined with my major in South American Ancient Cultures. They...

Mind Control
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Finding BathshebaChapter 21

Abigail shoved the last thick file folder into the overstuffed drawer, then plopped down in her desk chair. She fantasized about working in a paperless office, and wondered if she should ask about that when she interviewed for jobs in Seattle. It was hard to believe that she and Jack—and hopefully, Allison—would be moving in less than a month. She hoped that something would pan out with one of the interviews she'd been able to line up. She checked her desk calendar. She would be flying out...

2 years ago
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Saving a RelicChapter 10

“So, what are we going to do today, especially, while naked Nadia is here?” Brendan asked. “Don’t forget about our LARPing event tonight.” Colin said “Oh, how could we forget?” Cam said as he laughed. “Yes, and Nadia could be our naked elf.” Dwayne said The guys all said, “Awesome.” “Unless you don’t want to, Nadia.” Cam said he with a smirk. I look at them and I could see they would really love for me to go to this LARPing thing, and to be a naked elf would be cool, so I said, “Yes,...

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The Good YearsChapter 57

I first began re-emerging on August 11, 1995, with the help of Dr. Brenda Fellows. More than two and a half years had passed since that day in late October in 1992 when I voluntarily ceded control to the alter ego I had always thought of as either "Bad Kenny" or "Strong Kenny". I have a personality disorder they refer to now mostly as dissociative identity disorder, or DID. Earlier, it was most commonly referred to as multiple personality disorder. It isn't a disease, it is a...

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Tonys AdventuresChapter 4

A New Life It was only when they got to Barons Court her country home. Set in the middle of a large rambling country estate. Which had been left to her by her first husband, and maintained by the money left to her by Bertie her second husband, who had tragically died "on the job", that Tony began to get an inkling of what it was all about. It was later that evening, that the full story gradually came out. Tony realised that he was now in much deeper than he had originally realised. He was...

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My meeting with trannymilf Sandy 54 part 2

So I see she said when she saw it rise underneath my skirt. She kicked off her right shoe and stroke my dick with her white nylonfeet on the outside of the skirt. It felt so good I started to groan! "Fuck me" I suddenly screamed! Not yet hun she said and smiled first I wanna undress you! Stand up she said! I did so and she took off my black leatherskirt then she stood up and took off my red bra and started too squeeze my big trannytits she took of her white dress and then her white bra so there...

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Her Mother pt 1

Cindy and I had been going out together for about a month and things were going pretty smoothly between us, except for the fact that we had not slept together yet, which bothered me more than it did her, but I really liked her so I was prepared to wait until she was ready.The first time I saw Cindy I was truly amazed by her beauty and I knew that I had to ask her out straight away and was a little surprised when she said yes. She definitely has the model look about her, tall, slim and very...

4 years ago
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Accidental CousinsChapter 2

I had just found out that the hot girl I fucked over Spring Break was in fact my cousin. Now sitting at my Aunt’s house trying to listen to conversations and answer questions was really trying. After about an hour, my Aunt emerged from the kitchen and asked Cara if she would run to the store since her car was easiest to get out. Cara agreed and went to get her shoes and keys. When she returned, she looked over at the group and asked “Anybody want go with me?” I noticed that my mom was...

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FUN to the MAX Daddy

This story is 100 percent fictionThat day was an exciting day for me. I was excited because it was my 18th B-Day party and my Daddy had a super, secretive surprise for me. He said it was something only I could do once in my life and he wanted it to be as special as possible. My Daddy was drop dead beautiful. He was 6ft 2, 224 pounds and went to the gym every day. Because of his workouts, he had a tasty six pack I would have loved to put some chocolate on top of so I could lick it off and oh,...

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I want you to lactate for me, but more importantly I want you to love it as well. It will feel so good to squeeze your big brown nipples and watch the milk flow out, the relief of being drained combining with the increased sensitivity pregnancy has gifted you to create a pleasure hotline between your tits and your pussy. Even better will be the sensation you get when I latch onto one of your heavy mammaries, my tongue flicking around one of your engorged nubs and drawing milk, your milk,...

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Shadow of a Doubt Ch 04

Chapter 04 I was standing in front of the mirror shifting my weight from one foot to the other and debating whether to lift the hem of my thin, white cotton skirt with my trembling hands. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to check what I looked like. I just knew it would only make me feel worse. My hands froze and I looked up into my face. My sunglasses were perched on my head, holding my hair behind my ears and I was blushing madly. It suddenly struck me that I was so excited I could hardly...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Cameron Canela EX Boyfriend

You just broke up with your hot girlfriend Cameron Canela because she doesn’t want to have sex just yet seen she is a young little girl but after few days you realize how much you love her and you can wait forever because she is your dream girlfriend. You go back to her house and beg her to get back with you, she instead has a surprise for you. She is ready to fuck for the first time with you. Cameron even decided to make a sex tape out of her first sexual encounter. Watch Cameron Canela...

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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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Her First Lesbian Lover

Fran and I had been married only a couple of months, but our sex life was very good, we would always chat in bed about our sexual fantasies. The more we talked about it the more Fran got turned on and one day after we had made love she told me that she had been on a girly night out and had touch Andrea’s pussy while they were in the toilet cubical, and said that she would love to have a women some time. My cock got hard again at the thought of Fran rubbing Andrea’s pussy and I ask her what it...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 3 First Impressions

Sophia looked down at the round platform in front of her with a strange mixture of hope and trepidation. It didn’t look like much. It was perhaps a quarter meter in height and maybe 3 meters in diameter. Lit a soft white by some light source within it, its upper edge was lined with a light green light. Sophia had seen the ring change to red as it was transporting others up. It was probably large enough for three to five people to fit upon it with little problem, but while Calix had been...

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Sex ExperimentChapter 8

Adam stirred inside the control booth. He shook his head, alarmed that he had actually been able to fall asleep while an experiment was in progress. He was weary, however, and his eyes felt as though they had stones in them. Nonetheless, the dedicated scientist inspected his instruments and peered into the two-way mirror to see what was going on. He sincerely hoped that it was almost over, for he wanted to get back home. Back home to Helen. Maybe he could convince her that he still loved...

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Saturday, August 24, 2019... Around 3 in the morningLOLA: Daddy, daddy... oh daddy... Yes yes yes, fuck me daddy.DADDY: Fuck, you filthy whore. I am going to breed you.LOLA: ohhhhh.. hmmm mmhmm hmmmm.DADDY: Fuck.. I'm cumming whoreLOLA: Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddyyyy!!!DADDY: Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!! Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!!* Daddy CUMS. Daddy pushes me off him *DADDY: Damn, your pussy is damn good. So much better than my girlfriends.LOLA: Thank you daddy. I love making daddy feel good.DADDY: Good. Now leave...

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Aftermath fantasy

Donna came to Dave's office door, "Your wife is on Line One."Dave laughed, "Which one?""Oh, yeah. Alice."Dave picked up the phone and hit the right button to connect. "Hi darling. What's up?"Alice was laughing, "You ruined our temporary nanny.""Whoa! How'd I do that? I made love to her.""Ah, that's the problem. You not only made love to her, you sent her to heaven. She really thinks you are a god, and that you took her on a fabulous journey all through the stars and the universe, showing her...

3 years ago
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LA FunChapter 75

Waking up somewhere different is always disconcerting. This was even more so as Janice was slowly moving up and down on me. I looked at the beautiful brunette with the rounded tummy as she shivered through a delicious climax every few strokes. Janice was shuddering through another orgasmic experience by the time that I had put where I was and who I was doing what with together. Danny replaced me in Janice when I had expelled all the juice that I had stored, and he was busily sliding in and...

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The Troubled Celestial RiverChapter 8

The new Imperial Japanese Army was working hard to train a new battalion of soldiers, which was a difficult task given that no outdoor maneuver areas were available on Kuniumi that wouldn’t require the soldiers to wear breathing apparatus. Helmets could be fashioned to include them for operations on Kuniumi, but their deployment on Rek wouldn’t require them. “Yakazuki-san, what are your thoughts about conducting the training for our soldiers on Rek, where the environment would perhaps be...

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Truth Or Dare

It has been eighteen months since my dad left me and mom for a girl I was dating in high school. Fortunately, she had already turned eighteen… But that isn't what this story is about.I couldn’t believe my dad would leave my mother. She was a little overweight I will admit that, but holy cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful. She carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so, I never could...

4 years ago
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One Helluva DayChapter 3 Cleanup on Aisle Five

Tom sat in his car for a few minutes, even more puzzled and confused than he had been before. Spontaneous sex with two women, and it wasn't even nine o'clock yet. He grinned, and made a mental note to buy some lottery tickets before the day was over. His first thought was to go home and go back to bed for awhile, but he still needed some groceries. He normally hated to go to the grocery on Saturday morning, but he didn't want to come out later. Reluctantly, he drove to his usual...

2 years ago
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My little sister

I was 20 years old, working but still living at home with my parents and my 18 year old sister Rachel. Ever since she was small she would have a bath, then come downstairs and get dried in front of the fire and then put her pyjamas on. One night, our parents were both out (as happened about 3 times a week), and I was sat watching TV. My sister was having a bath, and as usual came down stairs to dry off. Now up till now, I had never EVER thought of Rachel in any way sexual, but tonite, looking...

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To cuck or not to cuck

My young fiancee and I have been together for a few years. We are both Chinese Americans. She is petite around 5 feet and has angelic face, gorgeous body, long silky hair, sexy legs, and babyish feet. Friends think she looks like twin to a famous Chinese idol actress. I am lucky to be her first and only man so far. She had never dated before we met and I popped her cherry three months later while she was still in college. Outside she is beautiful, charming, intelligent and conveys an aura of...

1 year ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 29

Lt. Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork 9 pm November 2nd, 2006 2 pm November 3rd, 2006 (local time) I caught up with Ashley as she was leaving the gym. "Did you think any more about what I said about Jacob?" "No!" Ashley snapped. "No? Why not?" "Because I've bigger issues to deal with than some guy." she said with some anger. I finally turned to look at her. Ashley had a look on her face that reminded me of the time I had to tell my husband I smashed the Trans Am into a china shop. It...

1 year ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 8

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 8 - Thomas Third Visit. Beth was still trying to wrap her arms around her mother's description of her dream about Thomas the Angel and his message that Beth's body was now inhabited by the soul of a former man. Her dream had to have been real, it would be too much of a coincidence to have been just a dream. Going on the premise that the dream was real, Beth asked herself over and over why did Thomas say those things to her mom? And did...

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CruisingChapter 7

We spent the day idling along. There were a few islands visible here and there, the Bahamas I think, and a couple of ships in the distance. I kicked back and relaxed. Over breakfast I'd gotten permission to stay out later than normal; I'd be 'dancing' at the club. I think 'last-night' nostalgia overtook my folks. When I asked, they readily agreed, and my heart sang. I'd be 'dancing' all right, the two-person tango. I made a point of going through the picture gallery. I found the one...

3 years ago
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Hardon Family 01 Seducing the Twins

SEDUCING THE TWINS John lowered himself into the hot, steamy tub. Mario had just left the house and John needed to clean his sticky, cum- and ass-juice covered cock. And the rest of him wasn't much cleaner. Mario was one hot stud! He was a big-dicked Italian, mar­ried, with four kids, and a mistress, but what he really craved was having stiff cock rammed up his butthole—the harder the bet­ter! And he wasn't any passive fuck, either. He loved starting out the fuck on his hands and knees,...

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The Chapman Curse Part 3

There I was in full colour and high definition, sitting between Chad and Dean as they scribbled the images that came into their heads down onto the paper. I could almost remember every detail as it happened, but recalling it didn't seem to give me the same excitement as it did when I watched it. The entire journey home it was all I could think about, watching the pair of them screw me while I recounted how it felt. As my right hand slipped into the water, I watched Dean reach over and...

2 years ago
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Ways for Use and Abuse a faggots

Men are entitled to use faggots as a source of pleasure, entertainment and service. It’s a basic law of nature. And yet, some Men are not fully enlightened about the ways in which fags can be utilized and leveraged. To assist them in their exploitation of faggots, therefore, i have compiled a list of 115 ways for Tops, Alphas, Doms, Superiors, Masters and Sirs to use and abuse faggots, bottoms, betas, omegas, pigs, slaves, sluts, pups, subs and all other variety of inferiors:Sit back and make...

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Sex Encounter To A New Level With Geeta 8211 My ISS Friend

Hello every one, this is AriTuffy again with my new story where I encountered sex to a whole new level. I have never thought ISS would give me so much, and all thanks to this platform. Here is my store… It was around 8 months back when randomly reading some stories I read a incest story where a girl was fucked by her uncle and the story was so beautiful that I mailed the girl and from there our chit chat started. The girl in that story was Geet (name changed) and also she is main character of...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 26

Settled in, I guess you could say that’s what I was, felt good to me. I was actually getting a little better than minimum wage at the HH, nine bucks an hour, and I got breakfast and dinner included in the deal. And the food was a whole lot better than at state. I had people to see of course, chief among them was Jenna. I needed to talk to her about keeping up the fiction we’d created between us that almost seven years ago now. That figured to be no problem unless there was something I was...

1 year ago
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Sex with my boyfriend at home

It was 10th of July, and the weather was extremely hot. I was getting bored and my parents and my younger brother went out on a tour. I wanted to join them but my college classes were on. I decided to call my boyfriend. I called him on his number. He said," Hey sexy!" I replied eagerly, "Hey darling, i was thinking if you can meet me at my place after 9pm and we can do all you want, If yes then please bring me a beer can." He replied, "Oh! I've been waiting for this day from last 3 weeks. I...

3 years ago
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Behan ki chudai

The people my brother didn’t get along with were my parents. Yes he was living at home, but he hated all the rules and restrictions they put on him. So he was out with his friends mostly when he wasn’t at class. Anyways, back to the point. I’m still a senior in High School at this point. I came home from school on a Friday and no one was home, which wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. I knew my parents wouldn’t be home for at least three more hours and I figured my brother may not even come home...


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