RenascenceChapter 3 free porn video

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I could see my hands shake.

I held them out in front of me, watching my spindly fingers twitch as if the tremors of an earthquake had started beneath the surface, shaking until even my blood sloshed. I thought of all the cells and muscles and tissue that my body was made up of, all clung to my bones, holding on even when my bones were trying to say let go. When something brings you down you are supposed to let go.

Emma’s ribcage had never looked like mine. Beneath the surface maybe, but never above it, never like this. I could feel the bones with my hands, count them like I was in elementary school, one, two, three ... I counted and recounted them when I was nervous, and somehow knowing that they were always there was comforting to me. My bones were real, something tangible that I could count and know that yes, I’m still here.

The sleep made me feel groggy, my tongue like cotton in my mouth. My eyes felt too heavy to be mine, like they had been switched in my sleep for eyes that weighed twice as much. I rubbed them, yawning as I shifted in the car—his car. There are few times in a person’s life where one could say they woke into a dream, rather than from one, and this was one of those times.

The interior of the car was as dark as the exterior, like black licorice had been melted and molded to every seat and surface. I was the little girl in the candy shop, and for just this one instance I had it all, every last sweet right at my fingertips. My hands roamed over the steering wheel, my fingers closing around where I knew his would, those slender, musician’s hands. It was like holding the ghost of his hand.

It was five minutes to eleven in the morning. I’d slept almost two hours right there in his car, dozing off, pretending that the seat warmers were his body heat. I thought of how he had carried me, of how he’d confirmed that I really had become nothing but bones, picking me up with such ease that I wondered if a strong wind could just sweep me away if I didn’t have something to anchor me.

He’d done that. He’d anchored me.

I fumbled for my phone, finding it on the passenger seat where I’d left it before falling asleep. Knowing his phone number was in there made me feel like I was having an out of body experience. I had to open my texts just to be sure that they were real, that we’d actually talked like friends—that I actually had a friend at all.

There were two new texts from him.

[Gabe] Text me when you wake up.

[Gabe] Sweet dreams.

Despite my truck being parked in the lot, I doubted anyone but Miranda would even notice my absence. I’d been invisible for so long that I’d probably become like wallpaper to them, like I’d spent so much time in the background that they forgot I existed.

[Me] When’s break?

I struggled with the lever to bring the seat back up while I waited for his reply. I didn’t want to walk in right in the middle of class. I could just sneak in with all of them after break and no one would even notice that I hadn’t been there the whole time.

[Gabe] 11. Now

I got out of the car as fast as I could just in case anyone else came out to the parking lot for their break. I locked the car, pocketed his keys and made my walk to the dumpsters behind the school. My hands were still shaking from withdrawal. If I didn’t have a cigarette soon I would probably lose my goddamn mind.

Unlike my car keys, my cigarettes I always had on me. They were in the inner pocket of my insulated jacket, always pressing up against my ribcage as if they wanted to count how many bones I had too.

The first intake felt so good that it made me dizzy. Nicotine was such a heartless bitch, taking over my body and making me miss it, making me crave it until my hands shook, but we were using each other, nicotine and I. We each took something from the other, like it was some kind of fucked up 21st-century symbiotic relationship.

I leaned back against the brick wall of the school, closing my eyes as cold mists of air and warm wisps of smoke trailed out of my mouth, intertwined. I tried to give life to everything in my mind, making the inanimate animate, making things alive because I honestly didn’t have the courage to talk to people. I made friends with nicotine and my bones, knowing that right now they were the only things supporting me.

“I didn’t know you were a smoker.”

My eyes snapped open. It was Gabe, hands in his pockets, standing just a few feet away. I thought about the scars on his palms, healed but damaged, like they were something strangely beautiful that Frankenstein had put together.

I shrugged, my heart-rate spiking.

He walked over and leaned against the wall beside me. I had to crane my neck to look up into his eyes. I don’t know what I was searching for—disgust, maybe? But his expression was unreadable.

“Are you, um, disappointed?” I asked. I felt embarrassed even though I had no real reason to be. I was old enough to be making bad choices.

“Should I be?” His tone was even harder to read. His voice was still deep, velvety and low, but there was nothing that could tell me if he was disappointed or angry or even indifferent. It felt like a trick question.

“I don’t smoke for attention or to look edgy or cool. I’m just—I have anxiety. It helps.”

“Then no, I’m not disappointed,” he said, looking up into the sky. I followed his gaze. Dark clouds were traveling towards us, threatening a storm that could snow us all in at the school.

“I’m letting class out early,” he said. “That doesn’t look good, does it?”

I was still looking up at the sky, my heart beating fast. It rained a lot in Northern California, more than people would expect from such a sunny state, so I was used to clouds, but these were different. They had that unique angry, unforgiving look of clouds that promised more destruction than mere inconvenience.

When I tore my gaze from the sky I saw that Gabe was looking down at me, observing me in an innocent sort of way, like he wasn’t sure what to make of me. The wind swept a lock of hair into his eyes, and without thinking, without using my fucking brain, I reached up and brushed it away.

“I’m so sorry,” I gasped, reeling back. My elbows hit the brick wall, scraping and hitting the bones so hard that I stumbled in pain and lost my footing.

Gabe swore, catching me around the middle before I fell into the snow. He hoisted me up like I was a child, steadying me for what felt like the millionth time that day. Only this time, I didn’t feel warm and happy—this time I felt the burn of humiliation.

My back was pressed against his hard chest. I felt his breaths; heavy, like I’d knocked the wind out of him. He released me and I stepped away, putting some distance between us because I’d touched him when I shouldn’t have. I couldn’t even imagine how uncomfortable he must feel. What the fuck was wrong with me?

“You okay?” he asked.

“Mm, nope,” I said, wincing. My elbows hurt like a fucking bitch, but the shame and embarrassment—yeah, that was a hundred times worse.

He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a sigh like it had been stuck in his lungs.

I knew I was fucking this all up so I moved my arm to get his keys out of my pocket, biting back the pain because it hurt so fucking bad to bend my elbow.

“Here,” I said, handing him the car keys. My fingertips brushed the scars on his palms, and I lingered there for maybe a moment too long, mesmerized. I couldn’t believe that he was so self-conscious of them, that he was always hiding them away; they were beautiful, like intricate lines of linked constellations. I could look at them all day.

His hand closed around the keys—and my fingers.

“Don’t run,” he said, reading my shock. “Let me see your elbow. Are you hurt?”

Are you hurt?

The first words he’d ever said to me, echoing in my ears, taking me back to that night, to the darkness and his hands all over my body, making my toes curl, making me wet, making me fall apart in that earth-shattering orgasm. The image was so vivid that it felt real, like it had actually happened. My stomach dropped as a wave of pleasure hit me, starting right from the fingertips still trapped in his hand.

“Let me go,” I whispered shakily.

But he didn’t and it made me scared, made me confused. We were teacher and student, but somewhere along the last few hours, the lines had become blurred. We touched when we shouldn’t, and we held on when we should have let go.

“Are you hurt?” he repeated.

Fuck it.

I reached out and took a hold of his coat with my free hand and yanked him down, ignoring the pain in my elbow, ignoring everything because I was a fucked up teenager and I was looking for answers. I shouldn’t have had the strength to move him so easily, but for some reason he obliged; for some reason he let me pull him down, let me jerk my fingers out of his grasp to clutch the lapels of his coat with both hands and pull.

And then he let me kiss him.

“Fuck,” he hissed almost immediately, trying to pull back, but I didn’t let him because it was my turn to be stubborn. In seconds I was rising up on my toes and yanking him back down, pressing my mouth back against his, meeting that resistance again, but also meeting that thrilling realization that he was strong enough to evade this if he really wanted to.

But he didn’t move, just let me kiss him, let me move my mouth against his, doing nothing at all until I let out a moan before I could stop myself. His lips parted in shock, swallowing my moan into his mouth, drawing a ragged breath, tasting me completely by accident, groaning before he could stop himself, and then he wasn’t resisting anymore. He was reciprocating, kissing me back, his mouth opening for mine, letting me taste him, tasting me back, our tongues sliding, swapping silent secrets, saying nothing, saying everything.

Scarred palms were suddenly on my back, pulling me like I had pulled him, until my body was flush against his, until he was bending to kiss me—no, bending to pick me up. His hands slid down to cup my ass, hoisting me up, kissing me up against the brick wall as my legs instinctively wrapped around his trim waist, ankles locking. My fingers weaved into his dark hair, pulling by accident and then pulling on purpose because his breath hitched and I knew then that he liked it.

The kiss wasn’t graceful or romantic or tender, but none of that mattered because what it was, was even better—it was rough, heated, frantic and good, so damn good. It was the kind of kiss that got under the skin, the kind that filled the ribs, filled the mind, filled everything until all you felt was the one aching place that wasn’t filled.

I wasn’t thinking when I rolled my hips against him, practically creaming when I felt the bulge of his arousal, my jeans dragging the delicate fabric of my panties, sending jolts of pleasure from the friction, making me want to scream, making me want to—

“Fuck,” he said again, and this time when he pulled back I didn’t fight it. His pupils were blown wide, those beautiful hazel eyes darkened with lust. The look he gave me felt like an electric charge, frying every nerve in my body, rendering me speechless.

We were both breathing heavily, our eyes locked in an intense stare, neither of us ready to say anything. I kept waiting for him to drop me, to run like I had run that first day, but his hands were still splayed out over my ass, holding me up. His lips were swollen, his hair even messier than usual, sticking out where my hands still gripped the thick locks of dark brown hair. He had the look of someone who’d been kissed half to death. I wondered if I looked the same.

“This was not ... smart,” he finally said.

“No,” I agreed, because it wasn’t; it was positively suicidal.

“I—I have to go dismiss the class,” he said, looking up at the sky again. His darkened eyes followed the direction of the storm clouds, headed straight our way.

“Okay,” I said, uncrossing my ankles. I slid my legs back from his hips and reluctantly withdrew my fingers from his hair. He was gentle as he helped me down, a far cry from the man who had kissed me roughly against the wall just moments before.

“Uh, here,” he said, bending down to pick up his car keys from the snow. I hadn’t even realized he’d dropped them.

“What?” I asked as he put the keys in my hand.

“We have to talk about this.”

“Noooo,” I said, backing away. “We really don’t.”

“I don’t have time to argue with you right now, Grace,” he said, checking his watch. “Wait for me in the car.”

He didn’t give me the opportunity to argue anyways; he just ran a hand through his hair in some silly effort to fix it and walked away. I stared after him, my legs trembling as I walked back to his car, trying to figure out how the hell I’d lost control like that. I’d never been so reckless before, never done anything remotely out of line—hell, I’d never even gotten a parking ticket before. I doubt I would’ve picked up a pack of smokes if I wasn’t old enough to buy them myself, and I failed my classes with the understanding that it was my own future I was fucking up so I had the right.

But I had no right fucking up his.

I walked back to his car, climbed into the passenger seat, got the heater going and put my face in my hands. The more I thought about it the worse I felt. We’d crossed this line together, and now he was going to walk us back behind it and probably pretend that it had never happened. I wanted to feel grateful that it had happened at all, but it was hard because I wanted more and that made me feel like a fucking asshole. I hadn’t expected to force myself on him like that, making him take it until he couldn’t help matching me touch for touch, moan for moan. We’d both done this, but only one of us was truly going to regret it.

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Christmas present for my aunt and mom

100% fiction! This story begins 5 years ago at christmas. Christmas has always been a small affair for our family. Me 18yo, my mom dad aunt and uncle all sleep over at my grandparents house for the small family get together. Me and my aunt have always been close. I tell her about all the stuff i do good and bad. We have always flirted a little bit over the years. Mostly just patting each others butts when we walk by. I always thought my aunt was sexy. She was 45 at the time. She has a well kept...

3 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 8

I felt even better this morning when I woke and I could tell for sure that fucking was good for me. I don't know if it made me sleep more soundly or what, but after a good workout on the sheets, the next morning seemed grand. For breakfast this morning the girls wanted me to fry some of the bear that they'd cut into strips for drying. What the hell, it looked a lot like bacon so I gave it a try. It turned out to be delicious, with eggs and toast. I liked it so well I went back after my...

2 years ago
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This story contains material that could be deemed offensive. If you are under 18 or easily offended, stay away. ----------------------------------------------- Letters ------------------- By Darkside. (c) [email protected] Comments to [email protected] After the horror of Incubus and the sweeping epic of Fury I've decided to write something a little lighter and shorter. Besides I owe Vickie Tern this story as part of a bet I lost :-( Before you ask, I know the...

1 year ago
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Laura Beth and Brad

Recently when I was crossed at my lover Brad, I told him in my next life I was going to be a lesbian, he laughed saying could he watch which gave me a wonderful idea. Lucky I had a great friendship with a girl who was BI. Beth was tall and slender with wispy blonde hair that just touched her pale shoulders. I asked her to help me out of course this was also a fantasy of her to have me Laura as her lover. I told her my plan, to have Brad watch us this turned her on and she whispered to me she...

1 year ago
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Sophies Revenge Part 2

My name is Sophie, and this is the story of how I first gave in to my feelings for my boyfriend's friend. Now, I don't want you think that I found any of this easy. It really first started when I saw that my boyfriend, Jon, had been flirting with girls on Facebook.I had just gotten home from work and I'd gone to our desk top computer to check my emails, when I noticed Jon's Facebook page open. I was about to close it when I saw some messages he had been sending to a couple of girls he had been...

1 year ago
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Fear of Falling ApartChapter 5

Shane was sitting in the living room, watching Saturday morning cartoons and eating cold French toast. He heard the noises coming from Jessica's room, and he was fighting the urge to go look. Whatever was going on was their thing, and it would stay that way until they asked him to join. "Damn, I hope they ask soon." He heard them scream together, and then the noise died down. "At least I know Kelly will have someone to pass the time while I'm gone," he chuckled to himself. He heard a...

3 years ago
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Mysuru Guy Mom Hungry Tullu Pussy 8211 Part 2

Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here. Please read part 1 of this story. I am a story writer with . I am writing this story after a break because there was nothing horny/wild in my life to be written. My dearest sex story readers, you can message me if you have come across or experienced wild, unique encounters. I will be happy to write the story in your stead and publish for others to have a shag or fingering. About Me: I am a Madhan of 27 years, 6″ tall, south Indian...

1 year ago
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My neighbor oriya

Hi main aaj pehli baar apni story sunane ja raha hoon maine aajtak kisise kaha nahi story aaj se do saal pehle ki hai main naya naya job pe laga tha isliye jaldi ja ke roj late ghar ko lautta din raat ke dus baj gaye the mare pados me ek oriyani ladki rehti thi use dekhne ke baad mujhe kuch ho jata tha.sorry uske aur apne baare me to maine kuch bataya hi nahin.main ek seedha saadha 29 saal ka jawaan 6ft ka hoon aur mera woh kuch khas bada nahin hain sirf 6 inch ka hai.isise main...

2 years ago
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Cumming at a glory hole near you

I had been going to the glory holes for quite a while, but stopped about a year ago. Recently I’ve felt the urge more to play since my friends with benefits moved away. There was an ABS about 25 minutes west of me and a quick stop off the h-way. I went there a couple of times and I didn’t have much luck. Except for that encounter in the parking lot. There was another ABS one exit more and about another 15 minutes so I decided to try this one. I had been there before and I had a good time. At...

2 years ago
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From German Teacher To Class Slut2

“It was an eventful week!” I thought as I entered the class in the clothes these guys had suggested. Well, demanded rather! I had to change in the railway bathroom (the newly built AC one at Thane station for those of you know the area) before coming to class.There was no way I could leave home dressed like that! I had to go to various unknown places alone and shop for the clothes they had specifically asked. The most difficult was buying the ‘G-string panty’. You don’t get that in every...

1 year ago
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Wolf and the Cat 7Chapter 3 Wolf and the Cat Pursued

Veenalara Thersin was spending her fourth tasin this hakin at the Temple in the neighborhood she was living in. It had been six tasin since she had arrived on the planet Elishen with Eric Wolf. In that short amount of time, however, she was the happiest she had been in her entire adult life. She had never even had a full hakin to do what she wanted since she had been eleven cyankas old and her powers had begun to manifest. Now she was spending several tasin doing the one thing she had so...

3 years ago
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Mindfuck Paradise

60 years ago, a strange phenomenon swept over Earth, sparking its transformation into a world of free sexual use. The phenomenon turned humankind into a sexually-focused society, and a wide array of mutations have created new groups of humans with features and capabilities far outside the previous norm. All humans are essentially immortal; their aging slows to a near stop around 30, only progressing if they want to become older, and they'll regenerate from any injury - even total destruction -...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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The Thing in the Basement

Katrina wasn't sure what exactly had awoken her first, the faint, pungent scent in the air, the soft, disquieting sounds, or perhaps the vague feeling of something simply not being right. Slipping out of bed, the thirteen-year-old girl winced a slightly at the chill she felt as her bare feet touched the hardwood floor. Silently she then crept from her room and glanced around the darkened hallway beyond. There was silence now, no wind outside, no snoring from her parents room, no strange...

2 years ago
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National Guard Training Part II

Life in the National Guard was always exciting and fun. As an officer and a Company Commander, I had my very own driver assigned to me. Weekend drills were mundane, consisting mostly of inspections and classes in the Armory. I usually secluded myself in my office, signing paperwork and reviewing plans for planning future training activities and just goofing off in general. Every now and then, I’d purposefully make myself look unusually busy, just for show and if we had a visitor to the...

2 years ago
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She Hooked Mepart two Your Blood is Mine

As your memory floods back like a river bursting its banks, questions start forming in your mind. What does this mean? Am I a Vampire now? When will I see her again? Oh God, I want her to bite me again! Half of your brain is saying no, you don’t want it again. But the images of the night before are like a disease spreading through your body. That thought fades as you remember her lips on your neck, the tingle as her teeth touch your skin. Your body starts to crave for her, she is like a drug...

3 years ago
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She stood at the partially opened door looking in, she seen my long thick cock trailing between my legs and seemed to grow larger. The sight got to Katie as she pressed against her panties where her clit is covered. The slight pressure made her want more. Katie had a profile view of me walking to the bed. She pressed at her clit harder when she saw that my cock was growing larger. The growing cock is swinging freely between my legs. Naked, I sat down on the bed, she watched me pull at my...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Dad Banged His Secretary

Hello guys and girls this is my first story on ISS, my name is ankur, i belong to a high class family, my dad is a business man. We r family of four, Dad, Mom, me and my sis Tamanna. Females in meerut contact at We were living a very good life. I was 19 years old. I am single, no girlfriend. I had earlier but now i am single. From last 3-4 years i always found unusual msgs at my dads mobile but never doubt him. Recently i started going to office with him joining his business. I met with his...

4 years ago
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Mature Mom Starts a New Life Part2

I woke up late missed breakfast on my second day, I made my way to the shower cleaned Jake's smell off my body, I dried myself off put on my new Blue Bikini and headed out for a different pool than yesterday. Not sure if I just wanted to stay away from Jake and his buddies or just wanted new adventure! Once I arrived I found a chair took my cover off and lay down. It was another glorious day the weather was sunny and hot. The woman next to me started a conversation with me asking if I was here...

3 years ago
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Walking in on Daddy 3

My brother is 22 and very handsome. He is about 6'5" and works out all the time so his body is as close to perfect as I'd ever seen. He was heading to take a shower before he stopped to talk to me so he only had a towel wrapped around his waist. "Sis, what is that on your legs?" he said waking me up. "Um I must not have rinsed all the body wash off," was the best I could come up with. I reached around and wiped my towel between my legs to clean up the mess dad left in my pussy. The towel didn't...

2 years ago
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The Bong Housewives 8211 Part 1

My roommate told me about the neighbour bong housewife who lives in the nearby building when I first came to settle in Calcutta. I was really eager to see her as my friend had already described her beauty in detail and how she responds to his gestures. I came to Calcutta looking for a job from a small town. I have had relationships before but never had the opportunity to loose my virginity due to small town upbringing. I was very excited about my new beginning in a new metropolitan city and...

1 year ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 09

Very few stars were visible in the blackening sky, and when the heavy fog accompanied it, the entire setting became somewhat unsettling. The fog set in once they entered Down, passing the city limits littered with bodies. Driving through Down was even worse, the bodies were mangled in an even worse fashion than they had been in Aftersun, and what with the fog and the ever threatening heavens, Nick, Matt, and Michelle found themselves shaking a bit. ‘God damn,’ Michelle uttered from the back...

2 years ago
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Slippery When WetChapter 3

The farm was prospering and they needed more help. Rod’s younger brother Andy had just turned sixteen and he was hired part time. Also a farm boy, he was a big help right away. Like she had done with Rod, Martha took charge of bringing him up to speed. After a while the family got tired of getting dressed when Andy might come to the house so his big brother clued him in. Like his older brother, he was a shy virgin. It took lots of reassurance for him to be OK showing his unavoidable teenage...

2 years ago
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Evening At The CastleChapter 4 My Initiation

"Alright, now it's your turn, Alex," Marianne said. "Are you ready?" she asked, smiling wickedly. "God yes, I'm so hot at this point I'm ready to take on your entire membership, one at a time or all at once," I replied in a voice husky with barely suppressed sexual excitement. "It will only take a few moments to reset the stage, so let's get you ready now. Surely Dianne's debut has gotten our members into the proper frame of mind to make this an experience to remember,"...

2 years ago
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my first gay experiance

My first time with another man was when I was only 16.I had always been shy round girls and still am.One day when I was in town I went in to the toilets and sat down in one of the cubicles and I was in there for a few minutes before I hered someone go into the next cubicle, I did not think much of it and just carried on looking through some of my school work when I looked over to the wall that seperated the 2 of us to see his 9inch cock sticking through a hole.At first I did not know what to do...

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