Short Skirt, Long Jacket free porn video

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It was a brisk morning in late December and Jamie was at his normal café, at the normal time, getting his normal order: medium black coffee and a bacon egg and cheese sandwich on a croissant. Jamie had always been one for routine and normalcy and if you’d met him in high school, he would have been the nerd. When he grew out of acne and learned how to dress well, he became quite the catch, although he still stuck to his every day pattern. He worked a high end IT job and hung out with computers all day but he had human friends now too. Standing a few inches shy of six feet, Jamie had slender build with lean muscles. His dark hair was cut short and he was clean shaven, showing off his sharp cheek bones and jaw line.

He gave the barista a friendly smile as she prepared his order. Jamie didn’t know it but today would be different. She was there, a woman Jamie had never seen before. She was petite and wore a long green jacket over a short dress with every color flower printed on it. He watched her out of the corner of his eye and thought to himself, ‘Short skirt under a long jacket? That’s sexy.’ She looked around his body at the breakfast display case and he noted the way she chewed her lip and looked in deep thought regarding her choice of early morning sustenance, which amused him. She had wavy brown hair, deep brown eyes and full lips. She was only about five feet tall but he could tell she had a shapely figure under her coat.

‘That will be $5.75, please.’ Jamie snapped back to reality when the barista told him the cost. He patted his pockets and his jacket, looking for his wallet but coming up empty.

‘Shit,’ he muttered under his breathe. ‘I forgot my wallet. This is just perfect. Happy Monday,’ he said with a mix of sarcasm and disappointment. He tried his pockets again but no luck.

‘Here,’ a loud voice came from behind him. He turned around to see the deep thinking woman holding out her debit card. ‘I’ll pay for it. No one likes Mondays, why make them worse?’ She had a genuine smile on her face, more than happy to give her debit to card over to pay for a stranger’s breakfast.

‘I really couldn’t.’ He tried to push the card away but she moved around him and gave it to the woman behind the counter.

‘Add a medium caramel latte to the order and,’ she turned to face Jamie, ‘whatever he says is good for breakfast. I just can’t seem to make up my mind.’ Jamie stood there with a surprised expression, looking for words and not finding any. After he didn’t speak for several seconds, she turned back and said, ‘I’ll just have whatever he’s having.’

The barista rang up both orders and swiped the debit card. The woman signed the receipt and turned to smile at Jamie. ‘I’m Emma, by the way.’ Emma stuck her hand out to Jamie and he took it.

‘I’m Jamie. Thanks for the coffee, Emma.’

‘No problem, just helping out a fellow Monday morning zombie.’ She laughed at her own joke, a hearty laugh that made customers turn their heads and Jamie instinctively smile. They chatted for a few minutes while their orders were made, lifting the fog from the weekend with their easy conversation.

‘So how can I pay you back for the coffee,’ Jamie asked Emma as he sipped the dark brew in front of the coffee shop.

She thought for a moment and then finally said, ‘How about you buy coffee tomorrow? Same time, same place?’

‘Sounds perfect,’ Jamie said with a smile. Emma nodded and they said goodbye, each walking in the opposite direction of the other.

Jamie and Emma got coffee every day together for two weeks before Jamie finally worked up the courage to ask her out on a real date. She said yes without a moment’s hesitation, beaming from ear to ear at the proposal. They had a nice dinner, took a walk through the local park, and kissed under the stars on a park bench.

He was mild mannered with a quiet disposition but he had a wild side if the moment struck. He always pulled funny one-liners out of nowhere, which never failed to get Emma laughing. Her big brown eyes showed her every emotion and when she smiled it was always with genuine happiness. When Jamie took Emma out to meet a few of his friends for drinks, they told him that Emma was a firecracker that blew color into his gray-scale life.

She was a lighthearted and kind person, always helping out friends and family. More than once since she and Jamie started seeing each other, Emma paid for a stranger’s coffee or helped carry an elderly woman’s groceries to her car. Jamie didn’t know what she saw in an Average Joe like him but she simply told him, ‘You make my heart flutter’ and that was good enough. She taught middle school English, which requires a special kind of person, a person that Emma embodied fully.

Emma’s outgoing, warm personality complimented Jamie’s more reserved and quiet composure. She listened to his stories with rapt attention and he calmed her, just with his presence, after a long day at school. They had quiet dinners, went to night clubs and raves, and took picnic lunches in the park. When they were in bed together, there was an ebb and flow of energy between them. Sometimes they made love and held each other tenderly while other times they fucked like animals and collapsed sweaty and tired on the sheets. They complimented each other and every day was an adventure, a fast paced, whirlwind adventure.

‘I have a great idea for Valentine’s Day,’ Emma said one night. She and Jamie were in bed together, Emma’s head tucked next to Jamie’s and his fingers gently stroking her back. ‘Let’s cook dinner together. I’ll bring the ingredients to make my mom’s chocolate lava cakes and we can have whatever you want for dinner. What do you think?’

‘Can we do grilled steak and garlic mashed potatoes?’

Emma sat up and looked at Jamie. ‘Hell yes we can have steak!’ The look of happiness in her eyes was so pure, and only from the mention of steak, that Jamie immediately felt better. ‘And did you know, garlic mashed potatoes are my favorite kind of potatoes?’

She rested her head back down on Jamie’s chest and snuggled closer. Jamie wrapped her tighter in his arms and kissed her on the forehead. ‘Steak it is.’

Jamie spent all week preparing for Valentine’s Day. He looked up ‘How To Cook the Perfect Steak’ on Youtube, pre-ordered a bouquet of red roses and went to wine shops on his lunch breaks. Emma read poetry books to try and find the perfect quote to express how she felt about Jamie, bought new lingerie that made her feel like a vixen, and went to chocolatiers to find the best blend of chocolate for her cake recipe.

On Valentine’s Day night, Emma went to Jamie’s apartment with a bag of groceries and a bright smile. Jamie answered the door and his jaw dropped. Emma was standing in the doorway wearing a white button down shirt with a high waisted black skirt, black ankle boots and her long coat. Her hair fell down around her shoulders and she had on a subtle but sexy shade of rosy lipstick. He could see her dark bra through the shirt and it gave her a sexy teacher look. Jamie was wearing dark blue jeans with a similar white button down, top buttons undone to show off his slender chest. ‘Short skirt,’ Jamie said with a wink.

‘Long jacket,’ she said back with a smug smile. He pulled her to him and they hugged and kissed in the doorway then Jamie led her into his apartment to start their romantic evening together.

Jamie took Emma’s coat and then put the dessert in the fridge. He poured them each a glass of red wine and gave Emma a medium sized box wrapped in gold paper. ‘This is for you. It’s just a little something I saw and thought of you, especially for tonight.’ Emma smiled and took the package. She ripped the paper and opened the box to find a flowered apron with a cat wearing a chef’s hat on the front.

‘Jamie, this is perfect! I love it. Where did you find it?’

‘There’s a little shop next to the wine store I like that sells cute and weird little things. This apron w
as hanging in the window and,’ Jamie went to the closet and pulled out a matching apron that had a cat with a whisk. ‘I bought one for myself too.’ Jamie put the apron over his head and tied the back. He walked over to Emma and secured hers as well.

‘Perfect,’ Emma said with a kiss on his lips. ‘Now let’s cook!’

Jamie took the steaks out of the fridge and seasoned them while Emma started washing and cutting up red russet potatoes. She put them in cold water then turned on the flame to boil. Jamie put a grill pan over two burners and lit the gas to heat it. ‘You look super cute in that cat apron,’ Jamie commented as Emma stirred the potatoes. He put the steaks on the sizzling grill and she gave him a sexy stare and meowed, making a scratching gesture with her free hand. Jamie laughed and moved to stand behind her. He pulled her hair back and nipped at her neck which gave Emma goose bumps and she shivered. She turned around in his arms and they shared a deep, passionate kiss. Emma could taste the wine on his tongue and Jamie could smell the perfume she wore that he loved. Their embrace lasted several minutes before either of them realized the food was burning.

‘Fuck!’ Jamie rushed over to the steaks, which were literally on fire, and cut the flames. One side was charred black and the other was barely cooked. Emma stuck her spoon into the pot of potatoes and realized they had gone past the point of ‘fork tender’ and it was now watery potato soup. Emma started laughing, tears filling her eyes as she laughed harder and harder. ‘What’s so funny, Emma? Dinner is ruined.’ Jamie had his hands on his hips and stared angrily at the stove while Emma regained her composure.

‘Babe,’ Emma managed to say after she had wiped her eyes. ‘It’s just dinner. We can order take out and there is still dessert.’ The two of them threw all the food away, called the Chinese restaurant down the street, and cleaned up the pots and pans. Instead of a romantic, candle lit steak dinner for two, they ate orange chicken and beef lo mein out of the cartons on pillows on the living room floor. They talked about their weeks at work, Jamie laughed at Emma’s impression of the art teacher, and Emma almost choked on her food when Jamie told her he got hit on by a man at the wine shop earlier that week. They ate their fill and when they were done, Jamie cleared the plates and Emma got the ingredients out to make dessert.

Jamie took out the recipe and started to read each line from the beginning but Emma dumped all the chocolate and all the butter in a sauce pan and put it on the stove. He shook his head at the disorganization but knew he couldn’t control Emma when she had her mind set on something. She stirred the dark mixture while Jamie measured out the flour, baking soda, salt and sugar and greased the cake molds. Jamie watched Emma melting the chocolate and found it very erotic. She was relaxed but focused on making the cakes perfect after the dinner disaster, he could tell. She took the pot off the stove, added an egg, and stirred. Then she poured it into the bowl of dry ingredients while Jamie mixed the two together. Once it was a smooth batter, Jamie turned the oven and then went back to Emma. She poured the thick batter into the buttered molds. A drop fell on her arm and she reached for a towel but Jamie took her by the wrist and pulled her toward him. He raised her arm to his lips and slowly licked the chocolate from her skin. Emma closed her eyes and moaned, letting the sexual tension in the room finally come out.

Jamie kissed up Emma’s arm and she felt something cold on her neck. Jamie dipped his finger in the batter and spread it over her collar bone then ran his tongue over the sticky sweetness. Emma bit her lip as he made his way up to her face, then taking her cheeks in his hands, he kissed her. It was soft at first, then quickly deepened into something hot and fiery. Emma wrapped her arms around Jamie’s neck and he lifted her up onto the counter top. She wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her back to reach the ties on her apron. Jamie pressed into her, their bodies touching and his hands gripping the tops of her thighs.

Once the apron came untied, they broke their kiss. Jamie pulled it off and started unbuttoning her shirt, letting her lace covered breasts show. Emma reached for the bowl and stuck her fingers in. Once covered in the batter, she let them drip down onto her tits. She gave Jamie a playful wink and he pulled her chest towards his mouth so he could suck on her flesh. He licked the chocolate with his tongue and teased her nipples through the fabric with his thumbs. Emma leaned back on her hands, giving his better access to her open body. Jamie wrapped his arms around Emma’s back and lowered her down on the table while he kissed his way down her body. When she was finally on her back, he took some of the cake batter and spread it down the middle of her stomach. He licked and sucked while he pulled her skirt down to expose the surprise underneath.

Emma was wearing a black lace thong with a matching black garter belt and stockings. ‘Mmm, very sexy,’ Jamie breathed over her mound. Emma tried to sit up but Jamie put a firm hand on her stomach to hold her down. ‘Stay,’ he said in a brusque voice between kisses on her lower body. Jamie rubbed her lips through the lace, feeling her wetness stick to his fingers. He looked up at her but her eyes were closed, lips parted, breathing rapid, and her skin was prickled with goose bumps. He smiled to himself and watched her body as he pulled her panties off and slipped a finger inside her. Her back arched again but he held her down and took is sweet time letting his fingers slide in and out of her. He rubbed his palm against her clit with every motion of his fingers.

Watching her writhe under his touch became too much. He had to have her, had to taste her after all the teasing during the night: the red wine, the kissing but no touching, and smelling Emma’s amazing perfume. Jamie pulled his fingers out and leaned his head down to press a kiss to her clit and Emma almost jumped off the table. ‘Holy shit,’ she said out loud.

Jamie smirked from between her legs and said, ‘Shhh baby, just relax.’ He put his lips back on her clit and then parted them to let his tongue dance over her. He started with long strokes over her clit and pussy lips, then he circled her opening to tease her and finally plunged his tongue inside her wet hole. He repeated this a few times, taking his time to enjoy her and watch her body wriggle in pleasure. Jamie slid his fingers back inside her, moving them in rhythm with his tongue over Emma’s clit. He paid attention to her body, feeling her breathing change and body tense as she climbed higher and higher. He increased the pressure with his tongue and the speed of his fingers and Emma clamped her legs around his head as she came hard on his mouth.

Just as he coaxed her orgasm, Jamie helped Emma come down slowly, letting her ride the pleasure as long as she could. When she was finally done and her body and legs relaxed, Jamie slowly stood up and smiled down at Emma. Her hair was a wild mess and there were spots of chocolate all over her body but she looked incredible in her lace bra and garter, which were still on her and intact. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw Jamie: his face was content with pleasure and wet with her juices and he was still wearing that stupid cat apron. She came up to her elbows and motioned to him with her finger in a ‘come hither’ motion. He bent over to kiss her, a loving and passionate kiss that lasted several moments before they broke apart.

‘Dinner might have been a complete fail,’ she said playfully. ‘But dessert gets five stars.’ They both laughed, remembering the overcooked steak and grainy potatoes that had been traded for Chinese takeout.

Jamie pulled Emma up into a sitting position. He moved to brush her hair behind her ear but leaned down instead. She closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss but Jamie moved to the side and licked a
glob of chocolate from her ear lobe. Emma laughed and tried to push Jamie away but he held her and smiled. ‘Come on dirty girl, let’s get cleaned up.’ She swung her arms around his neck and he picked her up and carried his chocolate covered lover to the bedroom. He sat her down gently on the bed. ‘You,’ he said and pointed at her playfully. ‘Stay here until I come back to get you.’ Emma saluted Jamie and then he walked into the bathroom down the hall.

He started a hot bath and added some lavender oil and bubble bath. He let the scent fill the air and took a deep breathe. Once the tub was full, he sprinkled rose petals over the top of the bubbles and lit a few candles on the edge of the sink and tub. Then he walked to the kitchen to get the bottle of champagne and two glasses. Once everything in the bathroom was in order, he went back to the bedroom to get Emma.

Emma was lying naked on the bed with her head hanging off the edge, her hair flowing down. She was braiding her hair into elaborate knots but when she saw him, she rolled over onto her stomach and came up on her knees. Her half-braided hair fell over her breasts, barely covering her puckered nipples. She ran her hands up her body, from hip to breasts and into her hair. She gave him a sultry look and said, ‘I’m ready for my close up,’ in a deep, sexy voice. He threw her the same sly smile and she squealed in delight.

He reached for her hand and pulled her off the bed. ‘Are you ready for your surprise?’ Emma nodded I agreement. She took a hair clip from the bed and pulled the rest up into a bun. Jamie turned her around and rested his hands over her eyes. ‘No peaking,’ he said as he started pushing her towards the door and down the hall. When they reached the doorway to the bathroom, he pulled his hands away and Emma gasped at the sight before her.

The air smelled like lavender and roses and the flickering candles cast glowing shadows on the walls. Jamie led her to the bath and helped her in. ‘Oh my god, this is amazing.’ She rested her head back against the cool tile and watched as Jamie began to strip. First his apron, then the shirt and his dark jeans and boxer shorts. When he pulled off his underwear, he threw them at Emma’s face, which got her laughing again. He popped the champagne and poured them each a glass then got in the tub with her. They sat across from each other and held their glasses in a toast. ‘Thank you so much Jamie,’ Emma said with a wide smile. ‘This is the best Valentine’s day ever.’

‘It’s not over yet,’ Jamie said as he touched his glass to hers. They each took a sip of the sweet bubbly and then Jamie pulled Emma to the other side of the tub to sit in front of him. He put his glass down on the floor and took a lufa, which he dipped in the warm water and squirted some soap on to. Jamie moved the sponge over her shoulders, up and down her neck, and around her breasts. Emma purred as he washed and massaged her body and Jamie could feel his cock getting hard just looking at her bare, soapy shoulders. Emma giggled and moved her ass against his cock, which only made him become more excited. She leaned her back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. She put his hands on her tits and let him feel how slippery they were from the bubbles.

They sat together in the bath for a long time, gently caressing and teasing each other’s bodies. Jamie rested his head on Emma’s neck and she leaned her head back on his shoulder. The water slowly cooled but neither seemed to notice because of the heat that was flowing between them. Finally, Emma opened her eyes and lifted a wrinkled foot out of the bath. ‘I think we’re clean enough,’ Emma stated, wiggling her toes.

‘I think you’re right. And I think it’s time I take you to bed.’ Jamie got out of the tub first and dried himself. He wrapped a fluffy white towel around his waist and took a second one for Emma. She stood and he draped the towel around her shoulders. A few wet strands of hair that had come undone clung to her cheeks. She just looked so beautiful, with her messy hair and giddy smile, and those three little words were out of his mouth before he could think. ‘I love you.’

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She leaned into the car, right in, reaching right across from the driver’s side to the glove compartment. There was a surge in her stomach. Not fear exactly, but nerves, crawling through her intestines.Having never done anything like this before, she wasn’t sure how much the man could see. She couldn’t even be sure he was there, though she was convinced he was. What was really nerve-racking was to think that there might be others looking. It was a station car park after all.She stood up,...

3 years ago
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upskirted in halloween

I want to share my first experience being upskirted. It really changed my life. I am a twenty-four-year-old Peruvian, good looking, slim and with long black hair and light brown tanned skin. My height is 1.65 cms, my waist is 62 cms and my size is US 2 and my breasts are a full B cup. My legs are very sexy, as I have been told so much.I was raised in a girls' Catholic school, and had a very jealous boyfriend who asked me to wear conservative clothing. When we finished high school, everything...

2 years ago
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Caught Upskirting a Granny

So as you can all see i like to get up-skirt. I still consider myself a novice but i try and usually take risks. The penalty for up-skirting is not something i want to face. The two things that get me wanting up-skirts more and more is of course getting to see the ultimate prize of knowing what kind of panties a woman is wearing under her skirt or if she is even wearing any at all. The second thing is the adrenaline rush which comes from knowing you might possibly get caught. It was about a...

3 years ago
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Granny fuck and upskirts

It was really exciting but the thought of getting caught scared the shit out of me anyway I made my mind up I was going to give it a try, I didn't have the best camera phone but I thought anything is better than nothing, I made a point of everytime I was at her flat I would sit opposite her with my camera app on, always pretending to text on Facebook whilst pointing it in her direction, One day I was there I got a couple of great shots as she stood up to do something, unbeknowing to her I...

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A Night at FlirtySkirts

Stiletto heels, ambience music with a soft pounding beat, chocolate treats and lots and lots of champagne. This is not your average "girl's night out." Instead it is a night at an all-girls sex party hosted by Katherine DeCroix, the founder of the already infamous, FlirtySkirts.As a reporter for Girl21 e-magazine, I was more than a little nervous when my editor assigned a strictly straight married woman like myself to this kind of story. I never would have imagined that my degree in journalism...

1 year ago
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Nice Upskirt! Do you get off to just watching? I’m not talking about porn. You are on ThePornDude, so I know that you jerk off to porn! Oh, believe me, mother fucker, I know.I’m referring to voyeurism fetishes if you haven’t picked up on it yet. Does the thought of watching someone without their consent make you want to jizz in your pants? If so, you are going to love browsing through the raw and uncut content found in the wild on Nice Upskirt. It sounds exactly what it is: pictures of amateur...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Short Skirts Stocking and Public Sex

I know as teenagers go, younger girls can act compulsively and be a bit hair-brained, but we are just exercising our democratic rights, to enjoy ourselves, and that means what we wear is our choice, and to hell with the fuddy-duddies, who moan otherwise.Well, we are a group of teenagers and the event in question, is a party, themed on the 'St Trinians', the school full of provocatively dressed girls, complete with stockings, belts, short skirts, and equally, materially devoid knickers, well the...

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Short Skirts and Selfie Sticks Do Not Mix

My husband would be coming home soon after an extended trip abroad that promises to vastly increase his financial worth. I'll be frank. I love his bank account, but I hate being left alone so often. Damn, that sounded wrong. I honestly like Billy; I wouldn't stick around if I didn't. I'd just do the divorce thing and take him for every penny I can get my hands on. Yes, I hit the jackpot when I married William Boyd right out of high school. (No relation to the Hopalong Cassidy actor!) While...

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SAGN Chapter ThreeThe Oblong Dome

Chapter Three: The Oblong Dome ================================================= The rain that had been plaguing them for the better part of a week had picked up some force while they were inside the station. Mostly it was coming straight down like a curtain with very little wind to blow it in any direction. The runoff was now flowing noticeably wider from the edges of the road as the sewers backed up and discharged the excess water into the street. "If this doesn't let up soon we...

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SchlongChapter 5

I was in my English class and Miss Hulbertson was passing out the papers we'd written as homework the first day of school, commenting on what she liked about some and what needed to be improved with others. She already knew each person by name and could tell each one something specific about his or her paper. She had only one paper left when she came over to me. "Oh, Mark, I can't tell you how impressed I was with your paper about the Empire State Building. You made it seem so real, so...

2 years ago
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This is a story written as if in a dream… a fantasy… a fantasy of a man who has been away from his wife for months together… the man and his wife are working in separate cities… And the man is about to be united with his wife 6 days later… This story of mine deals with the acute physical longings translated into acts of fantasy that the man sees while he is sitting on his porch on a balmy Sunday afternoon… * * * * * Sweet, when I reach there on the long leave that we both have been looking...

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Nightclubbing In A Mini Skirt

NIGHTCLUBBING IN A MINISKIRT By Satinmaid, under direction from Mistress Lisa My girlfriend Jane asked me to wear a skirt for her one day. She just mentioned it straight out of the blue. I was sitting in the living room waiting for her to get ready as we were supposed to be going to a club. I had on black jeans, boots and a long sleeved black top under my leather jacket. The club was a sort of industrial/goth sort of place. Jane came into the living room. She looked great...

1 year ago
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Skirt Day

21: A Long Day Lisa stumbles quickly into Joan's office.  Joan is waiting behind her desk, reviewing paperwork. "Sorry I'm late," says Lisa, panting, looking at the clock on the wall.  Nearly 35 minutes late to her hour-long session, she sits exhausted onto the couch.  Her white pleated skirt flares out beneath her. "It happens," says Joan, as she closes the folder of papers.  "You look exhausted.  Long day?" Lisa thinks back.  Yes, a very, very long day, and she nods.  It is only...

2 years ago
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Seduced In Skirts

Seduced In Skirts a story by Prim One morning in late Spring, Geraldine Courtline burst into her cousin's bedroom, and complained as bitterly as usual as she stood before the full length wardrobe mirror surveying her appearance. "I'm devastated, Sybil. I have absolutely nothing to wear for going into town. You'll have to go without me." Sybil Grange continued to apply crimson to her lips, glancing at her cousin in the mirror to see that today's tantrum...

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My First School Skirt

MY FIRST SCHOOL SKIRT - By Satinmaid under direction by Mistress Lisa This story is loosely based on a true event. I wasn't involved but it is similar to something Mistress Lisa did while at school, long before I met her. I hope you enjoy it, please let me know what you think. * * * * * * * I was fourteen the first time I was made to wear girl's clothes. I have been forced to many times since then but you never forget the first time do you? Okay, I'll admit that some of the...

1 year ago
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The Shortest Skirt in School Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 I guess that it started when puberty hit me when I had just turned 14. Yes, puberty hit me much later than all my friends at school and I was so relieved when I woke up one morning and realised that blood was seeping out of my vagina. I had started to believe that my parents or maybe my brother had been sneakily giving me some puberty blockers. Anyway, I was having my first period and I was happy. I was also in some pain. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs...

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office upskirt

I'm honestly not sure why I decided to look for a job in the first place, probably just bored I guess. After all, my husband makes more money that I could ever spend, but he's such an ass I can't stand to be around him anymore. Maybe if he'd spent more time giving me his dick and less time being one... oh well, such is life and I had decided to look for excitement elsewhere. I mailed my first application to a local advertising agency and after a phone call the interview was set. Just a little...

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Panties upskirt and stocking fetish beginings

It all started years ago, I guees before I even remember. I used to watch my eldest sister get ready to go out. I guess I was about 9 or 10, she would be about 24 or 25, she would parade around the house doing hair and make up in just a bra and her slip, under her slip she often wore stocking suspenders and panties... and they could clearly be seen through the slip. I would sit uncomfortably nursing a little hard on (I was young it was only that is where the stockings and...

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Granny upskirt and and sex story

I was in my 40's and found myself always masturbating over my Gran after catching a glimpse of her naked in the bathroom, she always wore loose skirts and dresses and I was always trying to look up them to get look at her knickers or even pussy, I used to see a lot of upskirt movies on porn sites which turned me on greatly and thought I would try to get some upskirts of my gran, she was about 67 I think and quite plump but the thought of having sex with her used to get me off quite...

4 years ago
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Tornado Upskirt

It is a Thursday during my senior year and my lunch has just ended and we hear the tornado sirens go off. Some people though it might be a test but the school officials knew that test are done on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. So they have us all sit in the inner halls of the school with the lockers to our backs. Everyone has at least two lockers to their back. Of course there is the occasional student that has 4 lockers to their back either because they are quite strong or just fat....

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The Skirts of God

THE SKIRTS OF GOD by Howie Reid Copyright 2001 by Howie Reid. All rights reserved. (This is a semi-autobiographical story of an 8-year-old boy confronting the extremely rigid clothing conventions in America circa 1950, whose chance encounter with cross- dressing develops into an unfulfilled passion for male skirt-like garments. Although the story involves cross-dressing, its theme is not sexual transformation, but rather a boy's desire to expand male clothing to...

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Lifting Hannahs skirt

I had just come in from running when my girlfriend, Hannah, arrived. She had on a short pleated schoolgirl skirt and a simple white blouse. I love skirts, especially the rear view, and Hannah is tall and can, in my opinion, really hang a skirt from her hips. My penis was already a bit hard from the shapely female sights I had seen during my run and because my running shorts hid nothing, I needed to make a quick exit. "Hi, I need a shower, I just got back from running," I said as I turned toward...

Straight Sex
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Do you want to wear my skirt

As I sat in the meeting I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was young and so cute and she was wearing a short pleated wool skirt. The skirt was a pink and light blue plaid color. She would cross her legs and pull the skirt down being sure not to show too much. When we went on a break many of us went outside. It was a nice comfortable fall day. I watched as she came out and stood by herself. She took out a cigarette, lit it and started to smoke, just enjoying her break. I was surprised she was...

2 years ago
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Sissy Education Dates Hand up the Skirt

"Sissy Education - Date's Hand up the Skirt" My Mistress Elena told me that my "sissy" education would continue tonight! I was to go out with a date (chosen by my mistress) and show him that I know how to let my date have a "sexy" time with me. I was to be a good "sissy" and make sure my man was pleased because if not, Mistress Elena would have 4 hulks waiting to ram their 10" cocks up my ass and down my throat. It was my choice. Be nice to my date or else. Elena helped me dress. I...

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The Shortest Skirt in School Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 After a while of comparing the guys and what they’d done to us I noticed that it was getting cooler. “Fancy another swim before it gets cold?” I asked. “Shall we go and tell the guys that we’re going into the pool?” “That depends on if you want them to start grabbing your tits and pussy.” Lizzy smiled and replied, “I’ll go and tell them.” A few minutes later Lizzy came back out followed by the 3 guys, Duncan and Luke having put their shirts on. “Not coming for...

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The Shortest Skirt

Jasmine: That skirt is really short; I wish I had one that adventurous. Rebecca: Yeah, I bet you wish! My sister got it for me, she said it would work wonders on getting the boys attention! Sasha: I want one that short too! Rebecca: Well, we were going to do an arts and crafts part of this party, but I guess we could improvise, how about we all make skirts of our own that would drive the boys wild? Sasha: That’s a great idea! Then we can all wear them and be just as sexy! Rebecca: Very...

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Davids Ordeal under Hen Party skirts

David’s Ordeal************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan September 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************LADIES NIGHT OUT......... David was having a quiet drink in a local club one...

4 years ago
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Skirt Shortener Part 1

Skirt shortener. Part 1 Brett always thought of himself as a ladies' man, others thought that he thought he was God's gift to women. The latter case was probably more accurate as Brett did have this way of thinking the mere sight of him made any woman fall head over heels. For women who were nymphomaniacs this may have been true, but then, nymphomaniacs will pretty much fall for any guy. Any other girl was actually repulsed by his antics; and...

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Umbrella Skirt

Lyodor Tolstoyevski is man of honor. If you want in contact, I am being reached at [email protected] This story is in the archiving at If want archive on your website, please be in contact. Lyodor does not like men who steal. Men who steal do not like Lyodor. All parties are comfortable with this relationship except for those in hospital. Umbrella Skirt He looked perfect. Like a motivational speaker. Maybe that's what he was. I didn't much...

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Long Skirts and Short Shorts

I began scooping grain in bins on the farm, which would be used for planting the next year’s crop. Wheat and barley was bad enough, but scooping oats was an itchy bitch. The husks were sharp and would break in your skin, causing constant irritation. Oat dust was worse on breathing, too. The second year, I graduated to driving an old dump truck, loaded with grain, to the elevator. I could barely touch the pedals, but once I got the hang of it, they turned me loose. Over those years, I...

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Longly Prep 2

Introduction: This part may get a bit confusing. There are flashbacks which are marked with * , but so are texts and notes. I tried my best to use the criticism from the last part to make this one better. I woke up in my den. I felt really warm. I slowly opened my eyes and my head started pounding the second I did. I sat up and realized I was naked. I wrapped the blanket around me and opened a window. The door was still locked. I noticed my clothes strewn across the floor. I started to dress...

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Bicurious In College No Longe

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

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If Its Skirts that You Like

If It's Skirts that You Like... By Jackie I was just riding the subway home one afternoon when I made the mistake of my life...I checked out a skirt. Now mind you, I had always had a healthy appetite for the ladies. And at age 32, a single, successful attorney who stood 6'1", a trim, athletic 160 pounds, with a full head of close-cropped brown hair, the ladies sometimes looked back. But it was always in good, innocent fun. Until her... I preferred to stand on...

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Which skirt should I wear

Kylee bends her ass towards her brother, giving him a shot at her panties under her daring mini skirt. That’s much too short, go change into something else. Are you sure? This is the longest skirt I have! I never got new clothes after that growth spurt. Well, you can’t wear that. Go change. Ok She comes back with an even smaller skirt. The way it was tied at the sides makes it look like a loin cloth. She wasn’t even trying to hide her panties this time. Kylee, that’s… Ok, I get it....

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