A Horseshoes LuckChapter 8 free porn video

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Aston wasted no time getting on the road the following morning. He had bought a loaf of day-old bread and a chunk of cheese and headed south as soon as he had the horses hooked up and the wagon checked one last time. He made sure the axles were properly greased and the tack tight. This done, he snapped the reins and Frayn snorted to his mares and they started at a slow walk. Once they had cleared the last house on the road out, he picked up the pace a bit. The horses grumbled about it a bit until he tuned them out, hearing them was distracting. He knew he had five or six days of hard travel ahead of him, so he relaxed and worked at keeping the wagon out of the worst of the ruts.

While he had been at this last stop, he told the Brewman about Riversbend and the disaster that had struck it. They would need help and supplies to face the coming winter. He was told they would spread the word and any aid that could be spared would be sent that way. After thanking the man for the hospitality, he had rolled out of town.

Day four dawned grey and wet. He decided that with the rain being so light, he should be able to continue moving south to Tres. He was wet, cold, and generally miserable by mid-day when the clouds broke and the rain stopped. The horses had informed him that they were not overly pleased with the conditions either. He kept them going until sundown and set up camp in a clearing that might have once been a farm. The trees in this area were smaller and provided less cover. His camp soon had a cheerful fire going with meat and vegetables cooking on skewers. He made sure the horses were curried and cleaned as well as he could in the wild. After making sure the fire would continue to burn he settled down to get some sleep. The drive he had been making south was as hard on him as it was on the horses.

The morning dawned clear and cooler. He could feel the first warnings of fall in the air and knew he had to hurry if he was to make it to Tres in time to hook up with the caravan west. He passed several folks going the other way and learned that he was only one more day out if he pushed. The caravan he wanted to meet was several days later due to a damaged bridge slowing traffic both ways, so they felt he would make it. Just before night, he began seeing farms and other signs of civilization. He camped in a clearing that was used often as it had stacked wood and fire-pits set up for travelers to use. Another group of travelers stopped as well and they traded news of road conditions. Word had reached Tres about Riversbend and a supply and relief group would be leaving in a few more days. He was relieved that he was still ahead of the westbound caravan.

He left at dawn after wishing the others well and drove south. The horses had begun to complain that they were getting tired and he told them they might be able to get some rest once they arrived at their destination. They snorted in irritation but continued on. He kept them fed, watered, and cared for, so their complaints were minor at best.

Early in the afternoon, he entered the outskirts of the city of Tres. It didn’t have any walls or gates to protect it from what he could see. As he traveled deeper into Tres, he paused and asked where the caravan yards were located. He was directed to turn east, follow the roads around and he would reach the yards as they were south-east of the city. He arrived just before sundown and was told to park his wagon near a group of stables that could hold several hundred animals at once. He was told to park by the farrier stalls. When he explained he wanted to hook up and head west with the caravan, he was told that was fine. This was just the best place for his wagon to be parked until he was ready to go.

Once he was parked and the horses housed and fed, he wandered around the area. He ran back to the wagon when he found a bathhouse to grab some supplies. After he was clean and refreshed having removed a week’s worth of road dust, he sought out a barbershop. His hair was getting shaggy and he needed a beard trimming. He had decided to grow a goatee and mustach. He thought it made him look older and more refined. The cost here in Tres was higher, but it was worth the full treatment. He felt more relaxed now than he had in days. He took a room at one of the many inns that circled the marshaling yards and began to wait.

He only had to wait one day for the caravan to arrive. It was larger than he had expected and was going to double in size before it left for Fairham’s Cove. He listened at first, getting a feel for what they might need. He spent the first day after they had arrived watching as they got the train sorted out. He could see their on staff farrier was alone and not doing too well. When he approached the man and introduced himself, Berith Griz smiled and said he was hired, go to the front group, and get signed on.

Word had arrived at all the inns that the caravan was looking for another farrier, any apprentice or journeyman that wanted to join was welcome. The caravan had already been in for a full day. Aston wanted to give them time to get settled in before he went to visit the man in charge, Waylon.

“What’s your name boy,” Waylon asked him when he rolled up.

“I’m called Aston Grey, sir. I need work and need to be away from this region. The local Baron has exiled me.”

Waylon narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at him. “What did you do that the locals want you gone.”

Aston sighed, “It wasn’t anything I did or didn’t do. It was that pompous ass of a son of his that caused it. He blamed me for a shoe coming off a horse and making it go lame. My father sent me away to save me. I have to get to Fairham’s Cove and meet up with an old friend of his. Some old guy named Gareth Brizton that runs the Broken Sword Inn.”

Waylon paused like he had heard something like this recently, then he smiled as he had it. “Andrew, get over here now,” he yelled. “Your folks ever belong to Merc’s?” he asked Aston.

Before he could answer, a very large boy, or more likely, young adult several years younger than himself came over. “Yeah boss?” he asked Waylon. The guard gave Aston a fast looking over then looking back at Waylon.

“Got another of your lost traveler’s here west heading to the Broken Sword,” he said pointing at Aston.

Aston waited then was surprised when this boy or man asked, “Mercs?”

Aston knew he had one chance to get this right, answer with the truth, but how much he wondered. “Yes, both my parents.”

Andrew reached back to the pocket with the logbook in it. He pulled it out and asked for Aston’s full name. “Grey, Grey, ahh, here they are. Ouch, left before the last mission series under less than good terms.”

“They never told me why they left the Merc’s. Just that they wanted to settle down and raise a family,” said Aston.

Andrew smiled, “Hey, it didn’t involve you, so I’m not worried. I see you’re a Smithy?”

“Master Farrier, both hot and cold shoeing. I am also a master of leather so I can make and repair tack. Journeyman woodworking and can ride any horse or mule around.”

Andrew looked at Waylon and nodded. “I’ll see that he gets to the Broken Sword with Brena, Ledger, and myself.” With that, Andrew returned to his duty as day security at the lead wagon group.

“Ok kid, you’re hired for the run. Pull your kit back to the smithy wagon about halfway down the front line. We’re stuck here for three more days.” Aston re-mounted his wagon and got the horses moving and was soon turned around to go to the line he was assigned to. He was about halfway by his estimates when a woman’s voice called to him from behind.

He brought his wagon to a halt and jumped down after making sure the brake was set. When he turned to face her, both froze, eyes locked. Aston stared at this incredible red-haired vixen in front of him. His mouth went dry, his brain shut off, as all the blood needed for it went south. He tried to speak, but only a squeak came out.

He could see she wasn’t in much better shape. Here was a case of pure lust, just waiting to blow up, he thought. She saw, without looking too far down, her reaction to him. Her nipples popped and tried to cut their way through her blouse.

Aston blinked several times as Brena closed her eyes and seemed to gather herself. “I need to get your name and personal information and destination so you can be put on pay,” she said. He gave her the information she needed and she quickly departed for the front of the caravan.

“Oh Aston, this is going to end so badly, I can just feel it,” he muttered and continued to where he needed to go. He got back on his wagon to drive it in line with the current Farrier and stopped. As he set the brakes and prepared to step down, an older man stood up in the back of the other shop wagon.

He looked at the wagon, then Aston. When he saw what was loaded, his face split in a massive grin. He jumped down and stood at the back, looking over the tailgate. “Now this is a rolling shop. What’s your name mister?” he yelled.

Aston finished setting the break, making a mental note to check the ropes. It felt loose and he had to pull the lever further over to get it to set. “Aston Grey and you are?” said Aston.

“Jerrid Holm is the name. I am the only bonded farrier on this lashup.”

“Well Jerrid, I may be the answer to a few prayers. I am a master farrier as well. I’m not sure what you mean by bond’ed, but I can do the job.”

Jerrid lost his smile now, “Around here, you have to be rated and tested to become a master. At the most, if you haven’t been bonded, I can rate you to Journeyman until we get to the Cove. There I know who can run you through the testing to get your masters rating and bond.”

“We didn’t have anything like that up near the Spine Mountains. I have been training since I could pick up a hammer.” Aston felt a sense of depression at this news. He had hoped to be able to really work, now he would just hold things most likely.

Jerrid saw Aston’s expression and spoke up before the boy could go too far into the dumps. “Hey now, I need all the help I can get. Look at the size of this lot and expect it to nearly double in the number of beasts we have to look after. You will be busy shoeing and cleaning until late every night from here on out.” He saw he had gotten Aston out of the dumps with that news. “Now let’s get you set up, we have a lot of horses and mules to check before we get back on the road in three days.”

They spent an hour moving the rolling shops to the corrals and began checking the horses. Handlers would bring several at a time and hold the horses while Jerrid and Aston inspected the hooves and legs for issues. Aton had a total of ten horses he had pulled aside to work on. All needed a shoe replaced. Jerrid had five for shoes and one with some bad cuts that had gotten infected on the first part of the run. He would have a talk with the drivers about injured horses before they rolled out.

Be the end of the day, Aston was dead tired. This was the hardest he had ever worked in his trade his entire life. He only finished six of the horses that needed shoeing, so he would be busy in the morning getting them finished. After that, it would be time to check the mules. It was best that the different draft animals were kept separated.

That night the eyes stopped and looked at him then moved on. They didn’t speak to him, just looked. Partway through the night, a woman woke everybody around her when she woke, screaming from a nightmare. Aston pulled on his pants, grabbed his whip, and was ready to lend aid in a fight if it was needed. He made his way to where the woman was and saw in the dim torchlight it was the redhead from yesterday. She was being held by the big guy that Waylon had called over, Andrew.

He listened for a minute and heard her mention green eyes hovering over her in her sleep. He watched as Andrew stood up and cursed. “Brena, I know who that was and will arrange to have a little chat with her about scaring folks in their dreams like that.”

Now Brena looked up, wiping her eyes. She looked around and spotted him. She waved and Aston knew he was going to be in trouble somehow. For what he didn’t know, but things would not go well if he got involved with this girl. Rather than run, he walked over and asked, “You ok miss?”

This time when she looked, Brena did not feel a sudden heat like she had felt the day before. “Yeah, just a weird nightmare.”

“Red eyes, or green?” he asked.

“Green. You’ve seen them before,” she said, a suspicious tone creeping into her voice.

“I have encountered both. The green chased the red off and hasn’t bothered me since. I think I dreamed of them just before you screamed. Did they speak to you?” he asked.

“Not so much speak, more like a chuckle. They were laughing at me.” She paused and looked at Aston then frowned. “I don’t think we were properly introduced. I know your Aston Grey, I’m Brena Sizemore from Planes Guard.”

“Aston Grey, Out from the Northern Spine Mountain’s,” said Aston.

“Andrew Markenin from the Southern Plains.”

None had noticed another smaller figure had come up from the side. “I’m Ledger Fireham. I am from the Forest Plains, exiled by a family of killers,” said Ledger.

“You and I are in the same boat Ledger. I was exiled to prevent a nut case from doing my family and I harm,” said Aston.

Now Andrew spoke, “We are all exiled in one way or another, either because of others or by choice in my case.” He looked around then yelled to the surrounding people, “Nothing doing here folks, just a nightmare waking a girl is all.” The people that had woken at Brena’s scream grumbled and returned to their wagons and tents. “Ok, it’s late and we will have time later to talk, back to bed now. I will have a talk with the eyes, or at least Bloodrend will.” He turned and went back to his tent. Ledger followed suit after a minute.

Aston waited until he was alone with Brena. “Brena, I want to apologize for earlier. Our reactions may have been my fault.”

Brena looked at him and smiled, “Well at least you’re honest.” She sat down in front of her tent and motioned for him to sit across from her, not next to her as he was hoping. He knew he might have been able to influence her, but didn’t want to risk it. “Now, I felt that you were broadcasting your feelings earlier, my advice is, don’t, period.” She frowned and pointed at him sharply and jabbed at his chest, “And should I think for one second that you are trying to influence me, I will personally cut out your heart as a warning to all of your ilk that has the ability to mind talk and influence others.”

Aston fell back and scrambling away from her in fear. “What are you,” he whispered.

“I am several things and am protected for the moment in that regard.” She stood and glared down at him. “One, I am the one called The Queen of Thieves, the head of the Planes Guard Thieves Guild.” Now her eyes seemed to glow in the dim light, “I am also a representative for the Brotherhood of Assassins and a messenger for both, so mess with me and I will know it, are we clear on that Aston Grey?”

Aston scrambled to his knees and bowed his head to her, not looking into her eyes. What he had witnessed there for just a second made his heart skip several beats and his blood run cold. Death had looked back out at him and smiled hungrily back at him. “I understand Mistress.” He did not move, waiting for her orders. This woman was someone to fear and respect at all times.

“Call me that again and I will have Andrew beat you to a pulp. Now stand up,” she snapped at him with serious irritation in her voice. He stood, still refusing to meet her eyes. “Aston, don’t be afraid of me, I just needed to set the rules between us. I don’t know how, but the Goddess warned me about your talent so I was ready to handle you as soon as you thought about it.” She turned back to her small tent and climbed in. “Go back to bed Mr. Grey, we all have much to discuss in the morning.” She pulled the flap shut with a snap.

Aston returned to his tent and climbed under the covers, shivering, but not from the cold. ‘The Death Goddess had glanced at me for an instant and found me wanting,’ he thought. ‘I must never show interest in that woman.’ With that last thought, sleep claimed him.

Andrew sat next to his tent, holding Bloodrend, conversing silently. “Ok, who the hell is she Bloodrend. I have seen the eyes in my sleep a few times since the history lesson, but they have stayed in the background.”

“Well master, I have had a few chats with them. The being the eyes represent isn’t the one you will need to meet. The mortal they are bound to, she is the one to worry about,” Bloodrend said. “In fact, you have met her already.”

“I have? Who ... Wait, the redhead at the weapons shop?”

“That’s the one Master. From what I have been told, she is at this moment packing up shop and her entire estate and family-clan of the half-elven will be following us in another day.”

“Why would she do that?” asked Andrew. He was startled when a woman’s voice answered.

“Because we have been part of the guardians of this world since the vampire was imprisoned, that’s why. Now that it is awake, we must fulfill our family duty to destroy it once and for all.” The eyes settled down next to Bloodrend in his mind. “Mind you we have only mortals, for the most part, I am a special case, being bound to one of the beings of chaos from the before exodus.”

“I will not ask then,” said Andrew, “Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I am guessing you will be about two weeks behind us then.”

“Something like that. We won’t be moving much faster than you though. Slow wagons with families and inventories of supplies and all,” said the eyes.

Now Andrew felt a twinge of irritation, what do I call you, I can’t just keep calling you eyes now can I.”

The voice chuckled, “Call me Tara.” The eyes rose up and merged, changing shape until it was the redhead from the weapons shop standing in front of him. Once the transformation was complete, she faded away.

Andrew sat in the dream world, feeling bemused at what he had just witnessed. “Ok my friend, we have others that will join us when they catch up.”

“Well, at least we know she won’t be a threat to us,” said Bloodrend.

“We can only hope. You told me about the elven race. Is she descended from that one man?”

“She would have to be, Master. I can’t fathom any other way one of her races could be on this world at this time. From what I have been able to piece together over time, only humans arrived on this world,” said Bloodrend.

“Then we will wait and see. I am off to bed for some real sleep. I have a mid-morning watch.”

Andrew opened his eyes, glanced around, stood up while stretching his back and legs. He entered the tent that the guard used and lay down on his cot. He was asleep in seconds.

Morning came with the slow rising of sound as people and animals began moving around. The horses that needed shoeing still were brought to the Farriers and taken care of quickly. The rest of the yard had men and women going from place to place, loading and unloading wagons as needed. A Passenger wagon was added to the train and Brena moved her personal effects there for the remainder of the trip. Ledger checked his wagon over and found a worn axle bearing that would need replacing before they rolled out. He sent the request for work and in an hour a group of men checked the spot Ledger had seen and agreed that it needed replacing right then. The team had the wheel off and the axle bearing replaced in under an hour, They took the time to teach Ledger how and where to grease the bearing and axles each morning before they rolled out. The team leader made sure Ledger had a small bucket of the thick grease then moved on to the next job on his list.

Ledger walked around then lot, not looking for anything in particular. Near the stores and shops on the city side of the yard, he spotted a red and white pole. ‘I need a hair cut and a good shave,’ he thought. Checking to make sure he had his money pouch, he headed to the barbershop. He waited his turn not paying much attention to what was going on until he noticed a girl slip up under the sheet of the man getting a trim. He knew what was going on when the sheet began to bob up and down. Now he looked at the price board to see what options he had and how much they would cost. The full treatment, trim, shave, and relief only cost seven gold coins. Those he had in plenty. He would throw in a good glowstone as well as a tip. When his turn came, he sat in the chair and the sheet was placed over his front to keep the hair clippings off his clothes. When asked what service he wanted, He said the full treatment and handed the woman doing the cutting the gold and a small glowing stone. She looked at the stone, then at him, then back at the stone. She pocketed the stone and dropped the coins in the dropbox. She waved one of the girls over and whispered something in her ear that he couldn’t hear. The girl nodded and slid up under the sheet and went to work. Ledger was trimmed, shaved, washed, and blown most completely, twice by the time the barber finished her job. He was a bit wobbly when he left the shop, but he was more relaxed and happier than he had been when he woke that morning.

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I turned to Twitter to help find a hottie I could beat my meat to. I was hoping for some sexy amateur MILF. I’d been following an “Uber Driving Slut” lately. She looked a lot like Karen McGifford the woman we saw at Minerva’s market only younger. She would make it appear her tits fell out of her shirt to boost her tips or even suck cocks and fuck guys if she thought they were cute enough and then film it and put it on Twitter. Her husband knew all about it but he wasn’t submissive. He just...

2 years ago
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Notebooks on GirlMaking part 1

Notebooks on Girl-Making by Salomeee Notebook I: Close encounter Chapter 1 It was almost a year since I had moved to Boston, and I wasn't yet fully engaged with the city. It is really a nice and cosmopolitan town and I had lots of things at hand that should have been enough to make me happy: several art galleries beside the one I was working for, museums, exhibitions, and other art schools like the one I was attending to. I felt however that something was lacking in my life, and...

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Accidental Hero Chapter 12 A Most Amazing Rehabilitation Program

One week after my release, I was called back to the hospital for an examination to see how I was progressing. The stitches in my head were fine with no sign of infection. I was assured that my hair would grow back and cover the scar to the point where it wouldn't be noticeable. The leg was another matter. "We want you to start physiotherapy tomorrow, Ian," the doctor said, finally showing a slightly human side. "Our facilities are quite modern and trained therapists are there to guide...

2 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 6

“Thank you for standing up with us, Dr. Goldman and Ms. Clarke, but I think that now, I need to just lay down at home and rest. You two have fun if you want. What do you want, girls?” I asked my ladies. “I want to hang out with my new boyfriend, but Mom and Dad are already worried about me, so I’ll head home for now. Still, see you in the morning and I’ll try to put out for you at last if I can. If not, we’ll find another time, but I am going to give you my cherry, papi. Count on that, mi...

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The Girl in the Gang Bang

Sometimes with Craigslist, you strike out.  Sometimes, you get lucky.  Some "events" are real disappointments, others deliver.This one delivers.They promised "gang bang", and that's exactly what's happening.  There are eleven men in the room, an even dozen if you count the woman with "DYKE BITCH" tattooed across her shoulder blades and wearing a strap-on that wouldn't look out of place on a plow horse.The other woman in the room is a girl, perched up in the sling, and Dyke Bitch is feasting on...

2 years ago
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Chut Me Lund Ka Ehsas

Sabi lund valoo ko ek baar fir amrit ki or se helloo.Or hot chut mumme gallo or gandoo ka lund jo mera diwana he oski ek or hot story ke sath mai apko gram krne ki kosis ke sath apni real story sunane ja rha hu. Mai punjab se hu.Bohat si girl ke sath sex kr chuka hu or ek do bar boy ki gand bi marne ka anubav prapat kr chuka hu.Mere lund ka size nine inch he.Jo kisi bi chut me apni mjudgi ko beann chut marvane vali ki awaz see jahr kr deta he. Punjab ki girl hot hone ke sath sath barpur chudai...

1 year ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 5

The woman who opened the door to my knock early in the afternoon on January 2 was clearly surprised to see me. "Mister Sterling," she said coldly, holding the door open two feet and no more. "What can I do for you?" "I came to ask a favor, Mrs. Palmer," I said. I'd dressed nicely, in the same outfit I'd tried to wear to church before Jeanne shot it down. I figured if I'd dressed in church clothes — which I hadn't managed to buy yet, anyway — Mrs. Palmer would have been a little...

3 years ago
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Harry Comes To AmericaChapter 3

Harry and Ron made their way back to the train. Harry had quidditch practice scheduled for the afternoon. He was about to leave when Hermione came into the compartment. She was carrying an ibbum in both hands as if it might shatter at the slightest bump. "You'll never guess what this is," she announced breathlessly. "It's an ibbum," Ron said casually. Hermione looked disappointed for about a second, but then she said eagerly, "Yes, isn't it wonderful?" "Hermione, only you would...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Elder Priya

Hi, this is Gauti I am reading iss for past 4yr and am a regular reader, I am very shy to speak to gals I don’t want to bore u by writing a long story. This story is how I lost my virginity to my cousin Priya. Let me describe myself Gauti doing final yr colg in Chennai, and my gal Priya (name changed) aged 26 unmarried. Me n Priya are gud frnds and we use to share all our personal. She was in a relationship with a boy for past 2yrs and few times I saw in her mob tat erotic chats with her...

1 year ago
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Heros RewardChapter 3

As he sat in the waiting room, Jeff tried to keep some spark of hope alive. Sarah obviously had feelings for him. The way she returned his kiss left no doubt about that. The problem was getting past the wall she had built up over the years. She had evidently made up her mind that she would be better off without him, or maybe she thought he would be better off without her. Either way, he resolved to not give up without a fight. A pleasant looking young woman sitting behind a desk caught his...

3 years ago
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Bua Ko Choda

Hi friends this is Sunny back again with a new story but first I would like to thank you all for your appreciation I didn’t expect such a good and warm response for my earlier story. This is the my real life incident in which I fucked my Bua this incident took place in 2010 when I was 18 years old and was pursuing my class exams. My Bua lives in the same city just a kilometre away from pursuing my house and please allow me to continue the story in Hindi which will add spice to the narration. To...

2 years ago
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Strangers Ne Diya Pahela Charamsima Anubhav

Mera naam Komal hai, me paheli bar ye story share kar rahi hunye ghatana koi pyar ki nahi par bewafai ki hai,sex ki hai. Meri age 32 hai aur me ek married woman hun, mere do bete haiaur meri jail jesi shadi ko huve 14 sal ho chale hai, mene apane pati ke alawa kisi ke sath rishta nahi rakha tha, socha tha pyar karane wala pati hoga, parivar hoga par aesa hota nahi jese hum chahate hai. Mere dono bachho ko hostel me padhane bhej diya hai mere pati ne aur vo kabhi muje waqt nahi dete. Ghar me...

4 years ago
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Will Wild

I am a naughty girl when I was in teen age. But I was married to an old man. He gave money to my parents and brought me into this hell i.e. his life. He spoiled my life too. He can’t do anything even his things because he was handicapped of his both legs. He brought me to help him always. I thought very much to fuck my husband much more times a day when I was in teen age. But now it was impossible to fuck even once in my life time. It all happened when I was at the age of 18yrs, now I was at...

2 years ago
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Finger Fucked On 1st Date

Hi, I am a regular reader of iss from last two years, after reading stories from so long, I thought today why not I also participate in uploading my real sex story here, before I start posting my story, let me introduce myself first, my name is Sanjay (real name), I am 43 years now, residing in Ahmadabad, I am married and a Casanova, flirty by nature. Now, over to the story, It is a real story which took place in the year 1997, at that time I was doing business from Kolkata to Bangladesh, I...

4 years ago
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A Boys LuckChapter 3

I took Mansi by her waist and help her sit in the same position where I had been sitting so far. Mansi sat at the edge of the bed with her legs astride exposing her mouth watering hidden mound of love to my lusty vision. "It's my turn l'il sis..." I sank to my knee in front of him and brought my head near her crotch. I knelt between her legs and inserted my fingers inside the elastic of her panties... gently pulling it along her thighs. Mansi watched me intently and lifted her ass off...

1 year ago
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How I became Gay

My friend Ron and I were taking a short cut thru the woods to get home one day and as we got to this log laying on its side, we sat down to rest. We started talking about girls and after a while Ron asked me if I ever had sex with any if the girls in the neighborhood. I said no. Then he said do you jerk off? I said not much (but I actually do it everyday) Out of nowhere he stood up and pulled his pants down. He had a big cock. I felt funny because I never seen anyone else naked. Ron said touch...

3 years ago
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Allie the Bratty Sub gets properly punished

Allie could feel the heat between her thighs so intensely, she swore she could light her lace panties on fire if she were allowed to rub her legs together. Every nerve ending in her heated aroused sex was ready to explode. She wanted to cum, no… she needed to cum, so fucking badly. But she had no way to voice her opinion, or close her legs now for that matter.She groaned as she bit down harder on the leather sandwiched between her teeth. The buzz from the round egg vibrator stuffed up in her...

4 years ago
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Sexy Reunion With Virgin School Friend

Hi, I am Kunal (name changed) who just started his first job in Pune. I am not a tall guy but my complexion is good and blessed with big dick. A few days before joining my job, I was traveling by bus as my bike had some problems. I was cursing the heated bus but had no choice. I saw one of my old classmates traveling. Anjali (name changed) left the school after 10th standard and I was seeing her after 5 years. She was a real sex bomb. She was around 6 feet tall with big boobs and hot curvy...

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Wife Swap I

My wife and I have been married eleven years and while we have a good marriage, the bedroom activities have lessened over time to a point where it is either just a superfluous act, or one of us got tipsy and took advantage of the other in a moment of weakness.Sitting at the coffee table one day a few weeks back, I looked over at Danny, which was short for Daniela- name she hated and asked her what would really make her happy.“Oh you know,” she said flicking her long brown hair back over her...

1 year ago
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Ma byhotpup©A 23 year old guy shouldn't have to move back home with his parents but that is exactly what happened. At least, the move wouldn't be a long term thing as it was only five weeks while I was waiting for my new condominium to be ready after my apartment lease ran out. I had an excellent relationship with my parents calling them Ma and Pa even though I didn't grow up in the country. Home was the bustling town of Kansas City.I would shortly be moving into a condo in Crown Center a very...

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Picture Perfect

I'm 24 and a professional photographer. I lucked into taking erotic photos after a model I had photographed as an "audition" for a website made it big.After that, I was flooded with requests from websites to photograph models in erotic poses. Needless to say, I enjoyed my work. If there was a downside it was knowing I could hurt my reputation by having relationships with the models I photographed.Even though I'm concentrating on my work it's not easy to get through a shoot without getting...

2 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 41

An astonished Beth asked, "Was that Becky screaming that she was cumming?" Holly said, "Yes it was. She is a loud one. She eats pussy like you wouldn't believe, too." "No way!" "Yes way! Surely you've seen the moon eyes that she makes at Laura all the time?" "Yes, I have. So what, Laura is her Master?" I stepped in now, "Actually, the word is "Mistress", and yes, Laura is her Mistress. I am Laura's Master. So, what does that really make Becky, Red?" "Yours?" "And...

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Ranch Hand ch1

By ldtexas My name is Cris, and this is my story... I was 18 and had spent five of the last six years in and out of foster homes, jail and halfway houses. My parents were killed in a car crash when I was 12 and there were no relatives to take me in. I admit that I was a handful at that point, was very mad that my folks left me all alone and I guess I let it out by being a pain in the ass to those foster families that took me in. It took going to juvenile hall for six months on an...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 26 Mere Mature Teacher Ke Sath

Hello dosto, kaise ho aap log. Asha hai sab log thik honge aur jamkar lund hila rahe honge. Main aapka dost Kartik ek bar firse meri Mallu mummy Leela ki ek aur chudai story leke aaya hu jo ki mere mature teacher ke sath hai. To dosto aap log jaante hi hai ki meri Mallu mummy Leela ek mature south Indian maal hai. Unki size hai 36-34-38. Unke is size ko banane mein bohut logo ki mehnat lagi hai jo aap pichli stories mein bhi padh chuke hai. Meri Mallu mummy Leela jab bhi chalti hai to unke...

3 years ago
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A Beginning

Something wrote for a friend, comment if you wish. Perhaps I could continue this story? Please critique and comment, then I'll know if I should.....your Boy secured naked to the wall only allowed to observe your pleasure, and wait in anticipation to be released to be used for Master and his girlfriends pleasure. While watching I am desperate to be involved, to have release from the pressure building in my penis and balls as I watch Master and his girlfriend indulge in such amazing pleasure....

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Mere Samne vali Khidki

Hi all I am a regular reader of iss but not posted any stories so far. I am going to tell my true story and I can even provide address (not in this website though) if you wanna sex with me. My name is Vijay (name changed) 24 years old and live in Kolkata. I live in apartment kind of community. There are 4 apartments in each floor. Opposite to my apartment there lives a family of three people (mom and 2 daughters and their father died long time ago). The elder daughter’s age is 33 and the...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 39 Tami and David

Tami: I saw David as he walked out of the terminal and into the pick-up area. I waved, and when he saw me he gave me one of his dazzling smiles. I was sometimes amazed I knew this boy who was in all the magazines. I'd not been prepared for how good-looking he had become. He had really grown into a sexy young man. Before the summer of his growth spurt, he had been a slightly pudgy nerd. David was now six-four and a hunk. He had a lean, muscular build and a noticeable bulge in his loose...

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The Incest Makers Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The amazing part of the makers of Incest Isabel stood in the doorway shocked--to say the least!--to find her brother with his erect penis buried deep inside their own mother. "Wh-what are you two doing?!" she gasped in both shock and horror at what she was seeing. Rooth slowly stood up as Lijin slowly took his dick out of her. Both mother and son stood next to each other and faced their accusing daughter and sister. Isabel had grown up to be quite a...

Adult Humor
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BlacksOnBlondes Carolina Sweets 02062018

Carolina Sweets has a couple problems. First is her “man”, Timmy. He’s really not a man if his dick is small and he’s a “two-pump chump”, right? Carolina’s second problem is her obsession with her father’s best friend. Carolina can’t stop thinking about him! He’s a Black Bull who’s dominated her fantasies, and he’s on his way over to play golf with her dad! What Carolina isn’t telling him is Dad’s on a...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 6 Undressed

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Béma is the Rohirric name for the Vala Oromë.] In a burst of frustrated energy, he flew at Éowyn, whipping her around and flinging her onto the bed. She did not resist. He’d excited her, he’d given her the orgasm she so desperately needed and so many more, all the while playing her body like master might play a finely tuned instrument. But he was still Wormtongue, still her...

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Benefits of a smallish cock

I was awidower of some three years, and concentrated on my office job. Because I had nothing better to do, I often worked late, and rather than go home to make a meal, i regularly ate at a restaurant near my office.On this occasion, i needed a pee after my main course, so visited the toilet. I noticed another chap looking at me, but thought nothing of it, as my equipment would not warrant a second look - its very thin and not longer than seven inches on my best day.I returned to finish my...

2 years ago
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Ms Charlie and Angela

CHARLIE AND ANGELA Charlie pushed back from the table and gave a self-satisfied belch. ?Your niece is a wonderful cook,? she said. ?Thank you,? Aunt Mildred said, ?I taught her myself.? ?You did a fine job,? Charlie said. ?There was just the right amount of tartness in the apple pie.? ?I told Angela, you didn?t like your pies as sweet as we do,? Aunt Sophia said. ?Mildred is partial to a sweet pie.? Sophia reached out, took Mildred?s right hand and gave it a squeeze....

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Earning a raise

My boss sat on the edge of her desk. Her tight blouse straining to contain her breasts. The tight knee length skirt that made you look down to her small feet in the high heel shoes. I stood at the open door watching her, looking through the office window at the vast warehouse. "Ms Fox could I come in?" "Yes Jamie take a seat" she pointed to the one directly in front of her. I am 21, over 2 metres tall, 120kg of muscle play lock in a semi professional rugby team, working part time. I squeeze...

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Our first time

On my desk my phone buzzed, excitedly I grabbed it and read the newly received message; it simply said “meet me in the green room”.Hurriedly I got up and walked over to the mirror to check myself, I gave my breath a quick test for freshness and immediately headed for the door.As I walked through the what seemed to be many miles of corridor I could hardly contain the feelings of excitement and anxiety, I pictured her soft features, ample breasts and beautiful glistening pussy in my head, I head...

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Kate and LynChapter 3 Tomorrow

I went inside, my mother was sitting crocheting on the sofa. "Have a nice time, dear?" I nodded, too aware of the fact that I hadn't gotten my bra back on. She didn't look up, and I went straight upstairs and closed my door with a sigh. I stripped out of my clothes and tossed them in the dirty clothes basket. Even my panties; they were still soaked. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and sundry personal places, staring blankly at myself in the mirror, moving by rote. I didn't...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 84

Jeff was right. So much of that stuff seemed stupid and almost pointless. Was it possible that in all those countless weddings before ours nobody had questioned them? We heard the band leader introduce us. "Do I wave like a political candidate or a beauty pageant contestant?" "Don't you dare. Just smile and walk to our table." I don't think he would have done his wave. I suspected he was joking. We walked to our table for two. Jeff got a funny look as he saw the table. "We've...

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Sex with a virgin boy

I had been fucking with a number of guys since long time and always had a fantasy to be fucked by a virgin boy. I mean a boy who is virgin in all the possible ways who had never touched any girl anytime. And one day I found that type of boy to my wish. I met this young boy, Manish of nineteen years of age in one of the family function at my aunt’s house. The function was supposed to continue for four days and I made sure that he notices me during those four days. Every time I would find myself...

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Angels Of London

Some of you old-timers remember when banging a hooker meant trolling the seedy side of town, trying not to get shanked by a bum while getting a toothless beej from a crackwhore. The Internet has sure changed things, huh? These days, it’s safer and easier to find a girl to give you a handy for money. The girls at Angels of London are more than a few steps up from the local lot lizards, too.AngelsOfLondon.com operates under the motto, “Maximum Pleasure Very Discreet”. It doesn’t take a fucking...

Escort Sites
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tim and i and mom and dad

We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...

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