Victorious - Payback Because Of Daddy free porn video

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Part One

Victoria Vega, Tori to her friends, was getting her things from her locker at her high school, Hollywood Arts, when one of her friends came hopping over to her.

"Hi, Tori!" Cat said in her always chirpy voice.

"Hi, Cat," Tori returned the greeting. "What's up?"

"What do you mean?" Cat asked, sounding as confused as ever.

"I just mean, what's going on, Cat?" Tory told her.

"Oh! Eh-eh!" Cat giggled. "Well, I think I found a job for the summer, singing and dancing."

"Really," Tori cheerfully replies to her redheaded friend.

"Yes," Cat shorted her answer, as she usually always did. "I found this ad in the entertainment section of the newspaper, see!"

The 5'4" redheaded teen then handed Tori the clipping she had cut out of a paper. Tori took it and read the ad for herself.

Singing, dancing an asset
Age doesn't matter
Apply soon
Limited openings
125 Meadow St.

"Wow! That's great, Cat," Tori said, pleased that her friend had found such a good opportunity.

"Err, Tori, could you come with me?" Cat asked somewhat shyly, also one of her quirky characteristics.

"Sure, when do you want to go?" Tori asked.

"We could go this Saturday," Cat suggested excitedly.

"Okay, Saturday it is then," Tori smiled as they headed for their first class of the day.

That weekend, the two 16-year-old students made their way to the address indicated in the ad. It didn't look like much, but the naïve teens thought that it was just a place that had been rented for the auditions. So they pulled the heavy doors and walked right in.

They were immediately surprised that there didn't seem to be any other girls around for the auditions from the ad in the large room. They tentatively walked toward the large desk at the other end of the room.

A few steps into the cavernous room, the heavy doors thudded loudly as they shut, making them jump in surprise. Looking back they were shocked to see a big burly man standing in front of the large double doors, blocking their way to it.

"Err, hello!" Tori called out as she returned her attention to the far away desk. "We're here about the ad!"

"Come in, come in, girls!" A deep voice resounded in the large room.

Tori could finally make out a figure sitting behind that big desk as they tentatively made their way closer.

"My name is Anton," the man introduced himself. "Anton Gorsky. You know of me?"

Both girls shook their heads, indication that they really never had. But in the back of Tori's mind the name did sound familiar to her, but she just couldn't remember where she had heard it before.

Just then, two burly men entered the room from the back and stood on either side of Mr. Gorsky, one of them being a big black man. They could both see that these men were most definitely very muscular under their bulging suits.

'Mr. Gorsky must be an important man, ' Tori thought to herself. 'They must be bodyguards or something.'

"So, you girls wanna dance for my club, yes!" Anton said gruffly.

"Ye ... yes, sir," Tori answered for both of them.

"Well, you look nice," Anton smirked. "Can you dance? Sing?"

"Yes!" Cat chirped in.

"We both go to Hollywood Arts," Tori explained.

"Ah, good school," Anton grinned. "Names please."

"Oh, my name is Caterina Valentine," Cat answered quickly and cheerfully. "But my friends all call me Cat."

"Nice name Caterina," Anton said. "And you?"

He was obviously waiting for Tori to give him her name.

"Err, I'm Tori," she said nervously. "Tori Vega, sir."

"Vega, Vega, why do I know this name?" Anton asked inquisitively.

One of his bodyguards leaned down and whispered into his ear.

"Really?" Mr. Gorsky sounded surprised and then turned his attention back at Tori. "Girly, you know detective David Vega?"

"Yeah, he's my dad," Tori answered, sounding relieved. "Do you know him?"

"Oh, yes, I know detective Vega very well," he smiled devilishly. "Very well indeed."

Tori was sounding more at ease now thinking that this man was an acquaintance of her father. Little did she know that Anton Gorsky was the head man of the local mob, which is where she had heard the name in the first place. Her father had mentioned him many times over the years at how frustrated he was for being unable to arrest this man.

"So?" Tori asked. "So, would you like to hear us sing, or should we dance first?"

"No, no," Anton grinned. "You have job."

Unseen by the two teen girls, Anton had pressed a hidden button under his desk, and a few minutes later three more burly men entered the room, among them was another large black man. Each of these newcomers had a large dog on a leash accompanying them. One was a German Shepherd, another had a large Doberman with him, and the third was holding back a ferocious looking Rottweiler.

Tori and Cat looked nervously at the beasts and them back to Mr. Gorsky.

"Now, you take off clothe, yes," Anton said matter-of-factly/

"ERR, NO!" Tori replied emphatically.

With that answer the three dogs were encouraged to lunge in their direction, while still being held back.

The two 16-year-olds gulped in fear and backed away. Their first thought was to run back out through the door then had come in, but then they remembered the large man guarding it.

"You take off clothe now," Anton repeated.

"Cat, where did you say that you found this ad?" Tori whispered to her petite friend.

"I told you, in the adult entertainment section of the newspaper," Cat replied.

"No you didn't!" Tori gasped. "You just said the entertainment section."

"Oopsie, eh-eh-eh!" Cat giggled.

Unnoticed by Cat or Tori, Mr. Gorsky had made a quiet call in his intercom and another man entered the room and activated hidden cameras strewn around the great hall.

Feeling defeated, Cat was the first to move as she unzipped the back of her short dress. Tori soon followed as she undid the button and zipper of her tight-fitting jeans.

Even before Tori began pulling her pants down Cat had shrugged her shoulders and let her dress slide off her body, revealing to Tori that her redheaded friend wasn't even wearing a bra under it. Her teenaged breasts looked huge with her petite body.

Cat was now standing in the cool hall in only her panties, and shoes.

"And you!" Anton said pointedly to Tori.

Tori kicked off her shoes and then pulled her jeans down to her ankles and then kicked them off as well. The svelte teenager looked fabulous in only a cotton shirt and a pair of g-string panties.

"Top also," Anton urged her.

'Gulp!' Tori thought nervously.

After all, she was still a virgin even though many boys had dated her, and even more had indicated that they too wanted into her panties.

And so, closing her eyes in embarrassment, she lifted her shirt up over her head, her dark hair cascading back over her shoulders as she tossed it to the ground to join her jeans.

"Very nice," Anton Gorsky grinned.

There was a grumble of agreement from his men in the room.

"Undervear also," the man added insistently.

Tori was horribly embarrassed as to what was happening to her and Cat, but she also felt powerless to stop any of this also with all of these muscled men surrounding her. So, reluctantly, she reached behind her back and unclipped her bra, holding it in place with one arm across her chest.

Then together, Cat and Tori pulled down their panties in front of all of these leering men. They then straightened back up, Tori letting her bra fall to the floor in the process. Both girls then quickly tried covering themselves with their hands over their crotch area and an arm across their chests to cover their tits.

"Yes, yes, you will do nicely," Anton said, sounding almost complimentary.

"Everything will be okay, Cat," Tori whispered to her friend.

"Gregor, you bring chair for Ms. Vega," Anton then ordered.

One of the men walked over to the side and carried a large chair and placed it next to Tori, not missing the opportunity to ogle her teenage body.

"Sit! Sit!" Anton told her suggestively.

Tori followed his direction and sat on the cold chair, relieved that she could better cover her naked flesh from these lewd men while sitting.

"You," Anton then said, pointing to Cat. "Go sit over there."

He indicated a row of chairs next to the windows. Cat did as she was told and demurely walked over to one of the chairs and sat there quietly.

"Now, Ms. Vega," Anton returned his attention to Tori. "Me and your papa have had a number of difference of opinion over the years. So today, you will be my message to him."

Tori suddenly came to the realization that she must have assuredly heard her father mention this man's name as a criminal, not a friend.

"You!" Anton said, waving a finger in Cat's direction. "Prepare girly."

Without any hesitation, Cat got up and walked up to Tori's chair and knelt in front of her beautiful friend.

"Cat!?!" Tori shrieked in surprise.

"It's okay, Tori," Cat replied as she looked up at the brunette. "I like it?"

"Wha ... what?!?" Tori gasped as her eyes popped wide open, more confused than ever.

And with that, Cat pulled Tori's knees apart and lowered her redheaded face into her crotch and kissed her pussy. Tori jumped up in the chair unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Cat, I ... I don't understand what's happening here," Tori stammered.

"Didn't you know," Cat smiled. "That's why everyone at school calls me Cat."

"I thought they called you that because you like cats," Tori said.

"Oh, I do like cats," Cat giggled. "And I like balloons, and puppies, and pizza. But they call me Cat because I like pussy. You get it, pussy ... pussycat, eh-eh!"

And with that the redheaded 16-year-old buried her face back into Tori's trapped groin. And before too long Tori began feeling something wonderful emerging between her legs, something very familiar, but now very strange.

'No, no, no, ' Tori kept telling herself. 'This isn't right. I can't let this happen.'

She tried pushing her friend away vainly, but her strength had somehow disappeared under the pleasurable feelings that were now invading her inexperienced young body.

Then men around the room approached the teenaged girls and could be heard commenting and smirking at Tori's vain attempts to stop it.

Tori could hear some of them commenting on how her nipples were stiffening, indicating to them how much she must love getting sucked by another girl. Others also commented on how talented Cat was at eating pussy, recognizing right off that this girl had done this many times before.

Then, with a nod from their boss, Tori and Cat were being groped by many hands. Tori squirmed helplessly as different hands grasped, squeezed and pinched at her now aching nipples. While others were spreading her legs wider apart so that they could rub her clit as Cat continued licking her pussy in front of them.

"Oh! Oh! Oh-h-h-h-h!!" Tori suddenly moaned out loud for all to hear.

They all laughed at her predicament as more comments about her lesbianism emerged. One after another they would joke about how much she must love being with another girl again, even though this was her first time at any sort of erogenous lovemaking.

"ENOUGH OF THAT FOR NOW, BOYS!" Anton Gorsky said aloud.

His men pulled the kneeling Cat away from Tori's now leaking groin and shoved her back toward the chairs for her to sit quietly.

Weakened from her recent experience, Tori looked up groggily at the men surrounding her for a moment before she even remembered her nakedness. She quickly brought her hands up and attempted to cover herself as best as she could under the circumstances.

They all burst out laughing as the jokes continued at her expense.

Tori couldn't help but blush deeply as their taunting of her nakedness persisted. And despite all of her best efforts, her young body wouldn't subside from its aroused state. Her clit remained aroused, and her tits kept retaining their stiffness under their constant gaze.

"Bring Shard to her!" Anton Gorsky commanded.

And with that one of the dog handlers approached the seated Tori along with the German Shepherd.

Tori could see how excited the animal seemed to be as he kept leaping toward her against the restraint of his leash. And all she could do was pull her knees up onto the chair and curl herself up as small as she could.

The closer the dog came to her, the more excited he seemed to become. All Tori could do was tremble in fear as the savage looking beast approached her.

Once the trainer and his dog got within a few feet of her, the trainer released the animal and he immediately scurried to her buttocks, burying his snout between her feet as he tried to reach the aromatic scent that had gotten his attention in the first place.

"OH!" Tori gasped in shocked surprise.

Before she could even comprehend what was happening, Tori felt the dog's tongue lapping away at her pussylips, drinking the leaking juices that Cat had left behind.

"NO! NO! DON'T DO THAT!" Tori pleaded loudly. "I'M ... I'M A VIRGIN!"

The whole room burst out laughing at her announcement. And yet none of the men made any attempt at removing the licking animal from her groin area.

Tori was squirming helplessly on the chair, unable to stop the dog from doing what he was doing to her. And as much as she hated being ravaged in this way by an ... an animal, her body couldn't deny how good it felt.

She could feel her clit throbbing as another sharp orgasm was making its way to the surface. And within moments her body loosened its tenseness and she allowed her legs to fall back onto the floor, opening her legs to the dog's ravenous appetite.

Cat and the men watched as Tori's chest heaved with each deep breath she took. Her nipples poking at the air as she kept gasping with each of the Shepherd's lick.

"Enough of that for now!" Anton commanded.

With that, the trainer took hold of the dog's leash and had to pull hard to remove the salivating animal from the teen's pussy.

For the first time since the two teens arrived there, Anton Gorsky got up from behind his desk and walked up to the exhausted Tori Vega.

"So, you say you are virgin," he said.

"Ye ... yes, I am," Tori insisted.

"We shall see," he smiled grimly.

And with that, the older man pulled his pants down to expose his stiff cock to her face. Tori's eyes grew wide when she came to realize what this would mean to her.

'Oh God!' She thought in panic. 'He must be over 50. And ... and he expects me to ... Oh God! No!'

Without any signals being given, three of the men grabbed Tori and lifted her off the chair as she struggled in their grasp.

Mr. Gorsky then assumed her position on the chair, his cock sticking straight up. The men then guided Tori back down until she felt the tip of his cock rubbing against her virgin pussylips.

"No! No, don't do this to me, please!" She pleaded. "I don't want to do this! Not like this!"

But despite her struggle and pleading, they dropped her onto their boss' shaft and then shoved her down, hard.

"A-I-I-I-I-I-E-E-E-E-E!" Tori cried out in obvious pain as her hymen was ripped apart in an instant.

So painful was her deflowering that she quickly passed out, still imbedded on Anton Gorsky's shaft.

His men had to hump her onto Anton's cock for a good five minutes before she slowly regained consciousness. And by then her body had once again betrayed her as a new and even more powerful orgasm was approaching the surface.

Seeing the girl's eyes flutter open, the men released her and allowed her to take charge of humping her ass to their boss' pleasure.

Tori's instincts seemed to take over at that moment as her betraying body began the sensuous humping motion of a real slut. Her breathing had calmed somewhat now, but she still gasped each time the thick knob of the man's cock went deep into her cunt.

On the sideline, Cat was feverishly rubbing her own pussy in excitement as she watched her tall friend being raped by this man.

This didn't go unnoticed to the men in the room as half of them encircled the redhead and presented her with their stiff cocks. Without any hesitation whatsoever, Cat leaned forward and took the first hard cock into her mouth and sucked him in deeply.

Back in the center of the room, Anton Gorsky reached around and cupped Tori's breast and squeezed them hard, making her gasp even louder. He could feel his balls tightening and plunged his cock as deep as it could go, intending to empty his jism into his police nemesis' daugther's womb.

"Oh! Oh-h-h!" Tori was gasping heavier now as her orgasm approached. "OH-H-H! I think ... I think I'm cumming! OH YES, I'M CUMMING!!!"

At the sound her orgasm, Anton buried his cock to the hilt and released his own torrent of jism into the dark-haired beauty.

"OH, YES!" Tori cried out. "YES! YES! YES-S-S-S-S!!!"

Moments later, Mr. Gorsky pushed the exhausted teen off of his lap, and onto the floor.

"Well, that was good," he said with a grin. "All right, boys, she's all yours now. Have fun."

Lying on her back on the floor, Tori could only look up as seven very muscular men stripped off their clothes, each of them sporting an impressive and frightening looking hard-on. But she was still much too weak after having lost her virginity just minutes before to do anything but lay there and watch.

One of the black men then laid down on his back next to her, his cock pointing straight up. Next thing she knew, two others grabbed her by the arms and placed her above him and then guided her down until she felt her pussylips unfurl and accept this new spear into her cunt.

Having just been deflowered, her pussy was still elastic enough to give the man now inside her some measure of pleasure as he plowed his way up her love channel.

Once he was completely inside her, he pulled her by her shoulders until she now lay flat across his chest, her teenaged breasts crushed by the pressure of it.

Seconds later, Tori felt another presence behind her. Looking back over her shoulder she shuddered as she saw the second black man positioning himself between the parted legs of his compatriot.

"OH NO!" Tori shouted. "NOT THAT!"

Then, before she could utter another word, she felt the cockhead of the second man pressing against the entrance of her sphincter. She closed her eyes tightly, clenching her teeth hard to endure the pain she was sure to feel.

She then felt a pair of hands grasping her around her slender waist and then pulling her back, back toward the spear that wanted to bury itself in her VIRGIN ass.

Slowly, inexorably, the thick cockhead squeezed its way past her resisting asshole. Slowly, inch by inch, this second cock invaded her virgin hole.

The whole time the man under her was humping slowly, making her feel a little better as his friend's cock made its way into her bowels.

"Oh-h-h-h-h!" Tori's voice quivered as she now felt the presence of two stiff cocks in her once virgin body.

Then at a wink, both men began humping her fully from both holes. While one pumped in, the other would be pulling out, and vice-versa. And with each mid-thrust, Tori could feel the two hard cocks rubbing each other through the thin membrane that separated them.

Within moments, Tori was gasping and moaning in full consent of her double-penetration.

This was the signal that the other men were waiting for. Lining up they each presented their cocks in turn to her face.

Young Tori Vega didn't know what to do now. She had never sucked a cock before, just as she had never been fucked before. That is, before today.

The first man, growing impatient at her delay, grabbed a handful of her hair and shoved his cock hard against her lips.

Tori could only keep her teeth clenched as her body enjoyed the full penetration of the two cocks already spearing into her.

She then received a slap in the face to gain her cooperation.

This time when his cock pushed against her lips, Tori obliged him by parting them. The thick cock then buried deep into her mouth and she then got her first taste of a cock.

The man wrapped his fist at the back her head and lunged deep and hard down her throat, making the inexperienced teen girl gag repeatedly.

And so, while she was being ravaged by three hard cocks now, Tori could feel numerous hands pulling and pinching at her tits.

After a while, Tori learned how to breathe through the mouth-fucking she was receiving. And once she had mastered that, she could allow the man's cock to go further down into her throat, effectively deepthroating the 16-year-old.

Cat kept an eye on her friend as she accepted the three cocks easily, despite her earlier protest. The young redhead was pleased that her friend was enjoying herself as much as she was.

But Tori wasn't really enjoying the experience, even if her body kept telling her the opposite. She could still rationalize that she was being raped, nothing more.

The man fucking her mouth suddenly let loose and Tori had to swallow hard and fast, or drown in his flooding jism.

As soon as he vacated her mouth, he was immediately replaced by another. This same pattern kept repeating itself over and over again as she was forced to suck and swallow all of the men one after another, except for the two buried in her ass and pussy.

And when those two finally released their sperm into her holes, she thought that she was finally done.

If only that could have been true.

Part Two

As the men tossed the exhausted 16-year-old off of their dicks, they got up and rejoined the others standing around her.

Mr. Gorsky approached her slumbering body and nudged her with his shoe.

"Wake up, girly," he said. "You are not done."

Groggily, Tori lifted her head, still unsure that she had heard correctly.

'Did ... did he say that I ... I wasn't done?' Her mind tried to grasp his words.

"SHARD! ALEXI!" Anton commanded.

Instantly, the German Shepherd and the Doberman heeled at his side.

Tori stared at the two muscular animals and cringed at their presence.

"FEED!" Anton commanded.

The two dogs instantly lunged forward and began licking Tori's cum-smeared body with their tongues. They were trying to get at every drop of cum they could find, including the residue in her pussy, and ass, as well as the smell that still lingered in her gasping mouth.

Tori squirmed helplessly on the hardwood floor that these animals' tongues ravished her from every angle, seemingly at the same time. One moment she would be pushing one away from her tits, only to have the other shoving its snout in her pussy. And when she pushed him away, the other would be trying to force his tongue into her mouth, frenchkissing her in some weird bestial fashion.

The men standing around her just stepped back, giving the dogs all the room they could need to ravish this teenaged beauty.

As obscene as this new attack was to the confused 16-year-old, it too was causing her body to betray her morals. Once again Tori could feel an orgasm surfacing, one that would seem to be even more formidable than all the others she had experienced thus far during this debauchery.

"OH! OH-H! OH GOD!" Tori could be heard moaning loudly as the canine tongues continued to assault her.

As the two animals licked the lust fevered teenager, their penises began protruding from their sheaths. At first, just a pink tip would appear. But soon, five, six, ten inches of hard doggy cocks was pulsing under their hindquarters.

"Turn her over!" Mr. Gorsky said once he saw his dogs' readiness.

Three of his men reached down between the licking dogs and lifted the lust-dazed teenager onto her hands and knees. And once they were satisfied that she would remain in that position they stepped back.

The two animals immediately recognized the bitch position that Tori was now in and began circling her like wild predators. And at each pass of her rear, one of them would lick his thick tongue across her tender pussylips.

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Introduction: In the several days following her own abduction and rape (which she coincidentally ended up enjoying) at the hands of her mother and her mothers boyfriend, Max, Katie had been coming up with a plan to allow the 3 of them to kidnap her bitch of a friend named Stephanie. She thought the best way to get Stephanie would be to invite her over to walk their dogs together and catch up, then they would drug her when she arrived so that they could take her to Maxs sex dungeon without any...

3 years ago
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Payback Bitch

I look up from my counselor disbelief on my face “So that’s it he raped me and just because I was to scared to report it the police are not going to do anything about it?” Why did I bother, wrapping my arms around my chest. “I’m sorry Lisa but that’s how many of these type of cases go!” Marie does everything but look me dead in the eyes “There is just not enough money to investigate every accusation made here in Holton County!” “Then what should I do?” I know she was just saying the truth but...

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Chapter 1: the kissing man He’s kissing me. He saw me, grabbed me and now is kissing me. And I don’t mind, the moment his lips touched mine it was instant gratification. This complete stranger, whom I’ve said all of five words too, which included 'hello, I’m Sophia and nice to meet you,' now is dancing his tongue around with mine and I find myself leaning into it. My hands slowly grabbing his forearms and then sliding around to his back to hold on so that this kiss will never end. And then he...

College Sex
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Jessies Time for Payback

After Dan left me with his cum dripping out of my ass, I kept replaying his words before he left. “Jessie, you were amazing! I can’t wait to tell all the guys at work about this!” It was Friday night. Dan was the first one to make me feel like a woman, but now I had another dilemma. How am I going to face him and all of my co-workers if he indeed tells everyone about me? I woke up Saturday and took a nice relaxing lavender salt bath. While soaking and exfoliating my skin, I reflected back on...

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Payback Can Be A Bitch short story

There was this hot little bitch named Missy that I used to go to high school with that thought she was such hot shit. She wouldn't give any guy that didn't drive a BMW the time of day, even though she lived in a trailer park herself. We all used to fantasize about her and there were a lot of us that used to jack off to just the thought of her magnificent tits.Well, the years go by and we all get on with our lives and pursue our own careers. I just happen to have gotten very lucky and made my...

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Payback Time

Hi everyone! My name is Jill. All my stories are true. Usually my stories are about the fun that i have when i get away from my hometown and have hot sex without anyone in my hometown finding out about it. But this story about my weekend of December 11-12, 2010, is different.That weekend wasn't about having fun. It was about settling a score. I am almost never a mean girl, but i was mean on that weekend. Sometimes, as the saying goes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Payback can be...

3 years ago
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Whoops Payback

Whoops Payback By Marina Kelly For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story 'Whoops'. This story was previously posted on FM; but has been heavily edited and rewritten, thanks to the creative mind of Monica Rose. The ending is a drastic change from my last version. Marina J @ @ @ @ Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phil's favorite...

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Twisted payback

© Graymangazer 2012                                                                    Twisted Payback.   Graymangazer.A wife wants payback for her husband’s cheating.Please feel free to comment, good or bad, I only know if my writing is any good by your feedback.I also welcome E-mails to [email protected] and will always answer.                                                                              Part 1.?The black Basque, with stockings and your five inch heels,? I told...

4 years ago
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Betrayal and Payback

Part 1 - The Betrayal "That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it." Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom. "YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt." Gail recognized Paula's voice. "Lick it up - slave - lick it all up." Gail froze in her tracks as she first heard Paula announce her orgasm, then the words that...

3 years ago
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Time for Payback Ch4

Freddy walked out of the airport the Californian sun hit his face. Ok so what to do now Freddy thought to him, how about a car. He made his way to the parking lot. In the parking lot Freddy saw a women who looked to be in her mid thirties getting out of a red BMW he watched her throw her keys in her suitcase and that is when Freddy jumped on this opportunity. He paused time and went through her suitcase and found the keys, Freddy thought about doing something to her but he did not want her to...

2 years ago
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payback is a bitch 2

I remember it was about a year after me and my sencond wife had gotton married. We were young and bored. We had already fucked twice. We decided to go online and find a chat room. We hand found one, it was the couples truth or dare room. There must had been a lot of bored horny people online because the room was full. We anounce are selfs to the room, young couple here bored and horny. We got a warm welcome from everybody. We were curious to how it worked do we dare each other and tell them...

1 year ago
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Victorious Corrupting Cat Part 4

Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 4 by KOP Cat was what some might call an early bird, which was a fun phrase which made the little redhead giggle softly. She quickly quieted herself though because while she had been awake for what felt like hours and hours, because of the whole being an early bird thing, Jade was still very much asleep and Cat remembered the Goth telling her never to wake her up. Ok, so she hadn't exactly remembered it at first. She just kind of got caught up in...

4 years ago
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Victorious Corrupting Cat Part 3

Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 3 by KOP "Jadey, what's a lesbian?" Despite the fact that she was driving her car Jade couldn't help but blink and briefly look at Cat. The redhead's face was a mask of innocence and sincerity. The same could have been said for the tone she had just used, Jade having no doubt that her friend was in no way being sarcastic or passive aggressive, just genuinely curious. Turning her attention back to the road Jade said, "Cat, I've told you a...

2 years ago
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Victorious Corrupting Cat part 1

Keywords: Ff, Oral Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 1 by K.O.P ([email protected]) "Why are you so mean to me?" Cat asked in a small voice. Although the sound had been barely above a whisper it sounded deafening in the lightless room. Those words were the first Cat had uttered since Jade ruined the redhead's spontaneous bedtime story video. Of course Cat had expected Jade to be mean, but she had been hoping for funny-mean, not mean-mean. And then Jade had pretended she had...

1 year ago
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Victorious part 1Repost

Victor had that one word to go by as his ‘hello, good morning, or happy Thursday’. He stared at the items before him, and moved it all to his file cabinet behind him. His office life with her was not unlike ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ except he was black and she was beautiful and a few other things. His boss’ actions had long ago cost him the respect of his colleagues. She was beautiful and he was her big black guard dog. They figured Victor to be impotently gay, twisted around her finger...

3 years ago
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VicTORIous Prison Edition

(Note: This story is based on the actresses, not the characters, so they are all of age) Everybody knows about the huge success of Nickelodeon's hit show VicTORIous. The show was an instant hit to its teen audiences, and it launched the careers of its four stars, especially that of Ariana Grande. What nobody knew about was the secret criminal organization led by those stars. Let's quickly profile the actresses/criminals: First was Victoria Justice. The beautiful brunette was the leader of the...

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Victorious Toris Plan for Punishment

Victorious: Jade's punishmentTori Vega was standing in front of her locker at her high school, Hollywood Arts, when her older sister, Trina Vega, came over to her.''Hey, Tori'', Trina greeted her sister. ''How is your coffee?''''I hate this bitch'', Tori hissed. ''What do you mean?, Trina asked her confused.''Sorry, i meant Jade...this bitch trapped me again with a garbage coffee...what's her fucking problem...i mean.. i'm always kind to her.''''She was really mean to you in the last time.'',...

2 years ago
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Victorious Jades punishment FULL STORY

Victorious: Jade's punishmentTori Vega was standing in front of her locker at her high school, Hollywood Arts, when her older sister, Trina Vega, came over to her. ''Hey, Tori'', Trina greeted her sister. ''How is your coffee?'' ''I hate this bitch'', Tori hissed. ''What do you mean?, Trina asked her confused. ''Sorry, i meant Jade...this bitch trapped me again with a garbage coffee...what's her fucking problem...i mean.. i'm always kind to her.'' ''She was really mean to you in the last...

4 years ago
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Victorious Girls Take A Trip

"Finally we're here!" Daniella exclaims pushing by her friends carrying her bag and heading straight for the couch she grabs for the remote at the same time as Liz. "Hey bitch, I had it first!" she says grabbing it out of her grasp and flipping through some channels. Daniella sits on the couch complaining whenever her co-star stops to watch a show."We came all this way and all you do is watch T.V?" Victoria snickers as she turns to thank the woman helping to carry their bags."You would think...

2 years ago
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Payback is a Dick

Introduction: WARNING… this story contains a lot of rape.. punishment. This story is about one girl that gets to payback those that have abused her Everyone thought they knew me, but they didnt. For as long as I remember I hated who I was. When I was younger it was never an issue. I played with the boys and no one said a thing, but when my body changed, everything changed with it. First the people around me changed. They told me what to do and when to do it, and then the boys around me changed,...

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In a matter of seconds, one’s life can change forever. This is the story of how precisely that happened to me, when a dream I didn’t even know I had, had just come true. This transformative experience befell me on what might have been a typical Sunday afternoon, a day that actually started off quite dull and frustrating… I had spent most of my only day off doing outdoor labor, singlehandedly preparing the entire house and garden for the oncoming winter. It wasn’t so much the manual work that...

3 years ago
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Payback Can be Fun

Payback can be Fun I was sitting in my home office, working on the laptop that I use for work when suddenly my personal computer ‘dinged’ indicating that I had a new email. I was not in the middle of anything too involved, so I slid my chair back over to the desk where my personal computer sits and moved the mouse to wake up the screen. Sure enough, the top listing in my Inbox was in bold, indicating that it was a new email. I studied the email address before opening it as I did not immediately...

2 years ago
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Payback in College

His roommate, Carl Branson is a sophomore and a major douche. He has no respect for Wolf and acts like a complete bum rather than a decent roommate. He eats all of Wolf’s food, “borrows” his stuff without his consent, leaves the dorm a complete mess, etc. All of this stuff bugs Wolf and every time he confronts Carl on this, he gives him a fake apology followed by a half-ass excuse. Something like "Oh sorry bro, I had to borrow your notebook for my class." or "I figured since you packed the...

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Time for Payback Ch3

It had been a month since Jamie was given the remote and she had been having so much fun with it getting payback and making enough money to be set for life. Jamie went to school again and stopped time to have a little fun then a message appeared on the remote that said your month is up please pass this remote on to someone who deserves it. Also once you have possessed the remote you will no longer be able to tagalong with the remote. Jamie was a little disappointed but this was the best month...

1 year ago
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Time for Payback Ch2

Timemaster This is the second chapter of the Time for payback series I recommend you read the first one but if you don’t want to I’ll catch you up. Jamie, the main character is not named in first story because it was told in 1st person and I forgot, got the ability to stop time and now she is out for revenge. Ch1 she put a bitch in her place. Now your caught up. After all the fun of putting that bitch in her place Jamie felt a rumbling in her stomach. She realized that she had been so...

3 years ago
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Shopping Spree Refund the Payback

Shopping Spree Refund – The Payback Several weeks after he had hired Brooke, Will heard nothing but rave reviews from her immediate supervisor. At first he thought it might be because she was putting out but since her supervisor was a female and a little on the hefty side, he dismissed that possibility. But then he started hearing rumors from people in several departments that she was doing well. She was hired as the receptionist in the main lobby but had been promoted and was now secretary...

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Jessies Payback Continues

It was turning into a wild night, and I was the party favor. After Zach and Aaron had their way with me, I thought I was done for the night. But I couldn’t have been more incorrect with my assumption. As I was getting ready to leave the living room, Dan tugged on the chain that was attached to my neck choker. I went to my hands and knees much to Dan’s pleasure. Zach, and Aaron had been giving each other high fives for their conquest, and commenting about my need to be a sissy and a cum slut. I...

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Sethy Part Eight Paybacks a bitch

AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-7 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman who is an active member of the XHamster community, and much of Sethy reflects the true woman. The photos included in this story of Sethy are of the real Sethy and are here with her permission. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author. ...

1 year ago
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Shopping Spree Refund the Payback

Shopping Spree Refund – The Payback Several weeks after he had hired Brooke, Will heard nothing but rave reviews from her immediate supervisor. At first he thought it might be because she was putting out but since her supervisor was a female and a little on the hefty side, he dismissed that possibility. But then he started hearing rumors from people in several departments that she was doing well. She was hired as the receptionist in the main lobby but had been promoted and was now secretary...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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A Little Payback

We had a afternoon free where our daughter was with my husbands parents. It wasn't long till my husband and I were naked in the room and I had got out two of his ties to tie him up. I tied his hands to the headboard and then sat on his chest and asked are you ready for some payback after the last time that you tied me up and punish my bum? Yes I am he replied and I said good as I slapped him once on each of his cheeks. I then moved to kneel over his head and started rubbing my pussy up and down...

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Pleasure Payback

I had been spoiled a bit by my lovely wife lately and it was high time that I return the favor and give her a bit of pleasurable payback!I got her to lie on the edge of our bed and told her to relax and let everything go as I was going to give her a night she wouldn't forget. I started her pampering with a slow sensual massage which totally relaxed her, then turned my attention to her striking mound. I grabbed the electric razor and rubbed over her pussy shaving her smooth like the rest of...

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Chapter 14 Chrissie Gets Some Payback

Chapter 14Chrissie Gets Some PaybackIt was late Saturday afternoon when we finally arrived home. Mommy was ina wicked state of sexual bliss brought on by the humiliating session shehad forced me to go through with a professional mistress. Her beautifulface was flushed with desire. Mommy had grown to love putting me throughdegrading experience after experience but this time she had gone way overthe edge. I had been forced to service over two dozen faceless men in afilthy glory hole in a sex shop...

4 years ago
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We start part 2 with Pauline having to make her mind up to suck a 12 year old k**s cock or to lick a 12 year old girls pussy .Dci Pauline Adams was being held by Jess a 36 year old black guy who Pauline had fitted up with a d**gs charge and he was now out of jail wanting payback .Pauline said no way am i doing that ok Jess said guys get Amy who is Paulines 14 year old gran daughter up here get her naked .No please Pauline cried dont do that you going to do as your fucking told then Jess shouted...

3 years ago
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A Simple Payback

A Simple Payback by Kristen Kitty Kyle shivered as he continued to wait for his school bus. The pre-winter breeze bit through his jacket cut to his skin, making it feel as if he were without any covering at all. He hated waiting for the school bus, it felt as though it would be hours before it finally arrived to take him to his next day of class at Kennison High. Suddenly, in the distance, he could see it. Two minutes later, Kyle was stepping up the steep sloped stairs into...

2 years ago
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SoCall Friend Payback

So-Called Friend - Payback Time By Jennifer Allison It all started one afternoon ten years ago. When my so-call friend talked me into some man with man sex. As I was being butt fucked by John, my stepmother and John's parents walked into the room. I had been setup. I was then sent to Miss Singleton's the very next day. A school where you enter as a young man and leave a young lady. A young lady in every respect. Six months into the program I was sent to the hospital for a...

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Payback for Franco

This story takes a slight detour from my previous styles and into the realms of magic, I hope you like it :-). This story is set after my story 'Be Careful What You Say' and involves Eryk the mage. This was to be a longer story but I have left is as a short story. Payback for Franco By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: A Lesson Learnt Eryk was a local mage of some renown as well as a practising transvestite; he owned a small cottage and grounds outside of town as well as a 'mage...

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Payback for a Big Mouth

Payback for a Big Mouth By Margaret Jeanette Steve and Sylvia Strong were married five years, and things weren't bad, but they could be improved. Sylvia was the strong one in the relationship both leadership and strength-wise. Steve had a habit of continuously cutting down women. His slim five foot six stature didn't match his mouth. Sylvia told him more than once it wasn't nice to keep cutting down women the way he did. He didn't listen. It was his one big bad habit, and it was...

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Paybacks A Bitch

Payback Is A Bitch"So Denise how was your trip?" Amy asked as she opened the truck out and got Denise's suitcase."It was ok. I mean I am so damn horny I was thinking of him the whole time I was out there. I bet he missed me a lot. At least he better have," Denise said with a hearty laugh as they went into her house. Denise put her bags down and kicked off her sandals and went in and poured herself a drink. She sat down on the couch and Amy followed her on it. She knew she had to tell Denise...

1 year ago
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Whoops Payback

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is a story about the aftermath of a wife's conduct toward her husband continuing my story Whoops. If you haven't read that this will not mean much. Please take a few minutes and read that story. ;-) I would like to thank Matty Caff for her help in editing my story. She is a classy lady and a good friend. Carol had just arrived home from her office, poured two glasses of Phyllis's favorite white wine, and waited for...

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Payback Bitch part 1

First Story.Megan had long flowing blond hair, she was top cheerleader, huge round tits, everything a normal teenage boy would expect from his dream girl. and yet so much more.Ashley was about the same but less then Megan she had black hair, nice round tits, but lacked the sparkle or sexiness that Megan had.But Ashley knew how to take payback after she had seen Megan blowing her boyfriend, and she intended to enjoy every moment of it.The plan was set she had the sex toys because her mother was...

2 years ago
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Chrissie Gets Some Payback Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Chrissie Gets Some Payback It was late Saturday afternoon when we finally arrived home. Mommy was in a wicked state of sexual bliss brought on by the humiliating session she had forced me to go through with a professional mistress. Her beautiful face was flushed with desire. Mommy had grown to love putting me through degrading experience after experience but this time she had gone way over the edge. I had been forced to service over two dozen faceless men in a filthy...

4 years ago
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The Violateds Payback

He probably should've realized something wasn't quite right when he came home and she was waiting for him in nothing but a sheer top in a candlelit living room. It wasn't totally new to find her this way. Tonight something felt different? Maybe it was that she was wearing a new top he hadn't seen before? But what really caught his attention was that she was playing with the new dildo he bought specifically to tease her ass with the night before. "I didn't think I'd enjoy last night quite the...

Straight Sex
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Payback is a Slut Part I

Payback is a Slut, Part I By Limbo's Mistress "Sorry, babe," I said into the phone pressed against my cheek. "I'm way too sick to come with you." There was a pause at the other end of the line, only about two or three seconds in length. Keeley weighing her options, most likely. For a moment, I was worried she was going to take the "concerned girlfriend" route and insist on coming over to play nursemaid. However, as I was already working on a good reason why she shouldn't, she...

1 year ago
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Pledge Class Payback

This is a true story of an embarrassing incident from college and it happened to me Pledge Class Payback, A True Story By SirBosk1? 2005 SirBosk1 The following story is true, or almost completely true. Names and specific locations have been omitted to protect the guilty. It contains scenes of non consensual exhibitionism, bondage, kidnapping and erotic themes but no sex. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. This work is...

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