Superman vs the goddess Callisto
- 3 years ago
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We had eliminated all of the Bustol camps that were close enough to us for our Eagles to hit them without at least one refueling. Unless they sneaked in on us, we thought that we were reasonably safe from attack unless they were willing to spend the money necessary to make a move by transporter. I doubted that the criminal lords would be willing to spend that kind of money, so I didn't worry about it.
Much to my surprise, it seemed that the old military axiom that "You can't win a war without troops occupying the ground" did not fit with the Inglet war against the Bustol invaders. The reasons were probably that the instigators of the war had no grasp of military matters, and that it was just too damned expensive to conquer Inglet. The criminals on Bustol appeared to be content to steal sex slaves on a catch-as-catch-can basis, rather than try to build a real hold on the population. Anyway, assuming that this was true, my job was a hell of a lot easier than any of us had initially expected, and the war could be won essentially by air power alone. The only thing we needed ground troops for was to protect our forward air bases.
I composed a long memo to Gen. Isrult explaining my reasoning and asking him to support my new strategy. Almost by return mail, I received orders to leave Verla in charge and for Hasup and me to report to Gen. Isrult's office in one week with a plan to implement my new strategy.
Ansa, Hasup, and I tore into the planning for our air war with fanatical zeal. I worked out how and where I wanted forward air bases created. Ansa came up with a list of Eagles and Hawks for each base, and Hasup took that list and did an estimate of the logistics involved. Three people could not do the whole plan justice, but we did work out enough for a preliminary presentation. There were some questions we couldn't answer until we had some experience on the ground and in the air, but we had enough to get us started.
The three of us made our presentation and were listened to fairly and impartially. I was surprised at how little negative comment we heard when we finished our presentations. We returned to Inglet and waited for the other shoe to fall.
A week later, we received a visit from a number of people from Gen. Isrult's staff wanting to look over specific items of our equipment and to be taken for flights in the Eagles. They also wanted to fly in the Hawks, but there was no place for them to fit. Ansa took two of the officers over a couple of places where we wanted to establish forward bases, and she even took one colonel on a trip in the spotter plane over a Bustol camp we had not yet attacked so that he could see for himself why we wanted certain things. The staff officers spent six days with us and returned to Arklet. Nobody had much to say, but they were very friendly as they left for home. We were encouraged by that, but we still weren't sure that we had fully made our points.
Oh Boy! Gen. Isrult bought our plan, lock, stock, and barrel. Arklet started shipping us the things we needed from airplanes to tooth brushes. Ansa shifted into a heavy recruiting program for pilots and observers, which she quickly followed up with an intense training program.
Meanwhile, Hasup was getting the ground support and logistics organized. She was going to depend heavily on using the transporter from Arklet to do a lot of the work of moving materials such as food, ammunition, and fuel around as necessary.
I, on the other hand, was pushing hard on the diplomatic front to make sure that the towns that we wanted to locate next to would welcome us as friends and not as just another set of invaders. Some towns were easy to convince and some were hard to convince, but the example we had set in Karak went a long way toward convincing even the hard-headed ones that we had their best interests in mind. The final convincer was the realization that we would do a lot of good for a town we located near, above and beyond the few physical changes we made.
It took six months of intense work, but we were finally ready to hit the Bustols hard and at several places at the same time. The Bustols seemed to be fixated on how they laid out a camp and what size it was. That made it a lot easier for Ansa to allocate her resources and for Hasup to support her. Ansa settled on a standard attack force consisting of 10 Hawks to cover the Eagles, 30 Eagles to attack the base, and two FACs to coordinate the attack.
The attack always followed the same general scheme, since the Bustols just could not find an effective counter. The planes took off and climbed in formation to three clicks altitude. The climb often took as long as it took to get to within a few klicks of the Bustol camp. There was no hurry, and nobody wanted to waste fuel.
Once over the enemy camp, the Inglet planes went into a wide orbit flying over the camp and carefully looking for any defending fighters. By now, they were not paying much attention to the AAA, since it was so ineffectual. If protective bogeys were found, then the Hawks would attack; otherwise, they would fly top air cover for the Eagles.
The Eagles went in as three squadrons flying in echelon with the lead Eagle on the extreme left and the next one in line behind and to the right so that the observer would have a clear field of fire without having to be concerned about making mistakes with friendly fire. The first echelon attacked the AAA installations and started as many fires as possible. The second echelon tried to destroy as many buildings and other facilities as possible. The third echelon finished up with targets of opportunity and tried to kill as many troops on the ground as they could find.
The Hawks made a strafing pass if there was enough left of the base to warrant the effort. There was very seldom any need for the Hawks to make that final run.
The Bustols were getting chewed up pretty bad. We were hitting a multitude of camps each week, often more than one on the same day. One day, just to see if we could do it, we hit five camps on the same day. However, that was our maximum effort and was never repeated. There did not seem to be any reason to strain ourselves to do that.
The third week of the intense air campaign, we started to run into meaningful resistance. The Bustols had tried to match us with ultra lights, but our people in our planes with our weapons just plain out flew and out fought them. The Bustols did not need long to realize that we could not be beaten if they tried to match us with ultra lights. They had to do something different or admit defeat.
Well, they tried to do something different. The Bustols brought in eight planes similar to the spotter planes, but these were armed with machine guns and rockets. One morning, the radar early warning system squawked an alert that most people had figured they would never hear.
We scrambled two squadrons of Hawks to fly cover over the base at Imjon. These 20 Hawks were ordered to orbit the base at three and a half klicks altitude, which was pushing things with their full load of weapons, ammunition, and fuel. The radar had no trouble following the incoming bogeys, so the Hawks and FAC had plenty of warning as to altitude and direction.
The bogeys were approaching from the northwest at three klicks and 135 KPH. Shit! There was no doubt from the radar report that these bogeys had greater capabilities than the Hawks, but the battle might well turn on the flying abilities of the locals. The Hawks were certain to be more maneuverable than the faster and heavier bogeys, so that might be enough of an advantage for our side. The FAC, who was now functioning as a warning voice rather than as a controlling figure wished everybody good hunting and backed away to give the Hawks plenty of room to fight.
sex. Chapter 3 is filled with lot of sex. **************** Please rate wisely,you will surely like it when you will read future chapters. **************** Chapter 2 - The explanation *************************** Luthor laughed and said "You don't know how often I have wished for this moment and now that it has occurred, I don't know what to do. Well, let me answer your questions by asking a question. What is your name?" The woman grimaced as she said "You know who I am....
Chapter 3 – Loiss story Fucking Luthor. He cant do this to me. My head was hurting and I felt funny. As I opened my eyes, I saw my body on the medical bed. I knew it was me but it couldnt be me. I am lying here on the floor. I look down at myself and see a mans body instead of my normal sexy womans body. It is Supermans body. I look back at the bed and it is my body on the bed. With my new super hearing, I can hear the heartbeat and know that my body is still alive. But what has happened to...
Something went terribly wrong in Metropolis. At least it did for six of its citizens. And Lex Luthor was one of them. His plan was simple. He wasn’t even TRYING to destroy Superman this time. He was just feeling a little bored and thought he would use a recently invented machine created by S.T.A.R. Labs---a machine funded through his company LexCorp---to cause some minor trouble for the Man of Steel’s marriage to the Daily Planet’s star-reporter Lois Lane. But when the trap was set for Superman...
Superman was getting a stirring in his groin, and it was getting hot!Perspiration was developing around his forehead, as he recalled to himselfhe had not had sex in three weeks, and all because of his excessiveschedule as Clark Kent, besides his duties as a superhero. The feeling wasoverwhelming, because it seems that every time he's sees a nice round tush,his hidden gun develops a longer barrel. That gun of his was ready for somewild west rock-a-thon, but he wasnt quite sure what to do about...
Stick your rod of steel in my ass hole, Superman, fill me up with your super hot jizz you dirty fucker, Wonder Women said, looking over her shoulder as the camera zoomed in to record the hard member entering her ass hole which had already been stretched earlier by her friend Supergirl’s fist as they waited for Superman and his friends to turn up. Bracing herself on the cushions Wonder Women's ass cheeks spread as the rod of steel entered her brown stretched ass hole.Up to the hilt in one swift...
Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...
Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...
Hasup was flabbergasted when I told her that, back in my time line, a subordinate of the opposite sex is not automatically married to his or her superior if there is no previous attachment which would make it awkward. "That explains some of your confusing comments earlier in the day. You seemed to be oblivious to some of the things that I would be doing for you, from fixing your breakfast to sleeping in your bed. Well, John, do you find me acceptable, or do I need to find you another...
I took the opportunity to examine the enemy trucks. They bore a close resemblance to the 6x6, 1,000 Kg (2½-ton) truck that the Earth armies have been using for years. The main difference that I could see from a quick glance was that these trucks had a longer body. The bed must have been about 30% longer than the ones that NATO used. I guessed that the load capacity was around 1,200-1,500 Kg. From the smell, they were not powered by gasoline, but I couldn't tell what the fuel actually was. If...
I had the new troops, I had stopped calling them recruits, practice diligently with their shotguns over the next week. By then, they were about as accurate with them as they were going to get. We were delighted to find three who looked like instructor-grade material. That would take a tremendous load off our shoulders if we had a local cadre that we could depend upon to do the basic teaching while Hasup and I went on to other things. I wanted my people to have a speaking acquaintance with...
Sort of "by return mail," we got the 40 mm cannon. It was on a fixed mount, not mobile, so it was up to us to figure out how to use it. I thought of putting it on a truck bed and knock down the truck's sides so that it had a 300 degree traverse. Only the truck cab would provide a problem. We had to work fast, but we managed to get the work done in time for a little practice before we had to take it to war. The gun closely resembled the Bofors pom-pom AAA gun of WW2. This particular...
At last! We had finally been spotted by the Bustols. Their security was so lousy that I almost thought we would have to send them an engraved invitation to the fight. I could only assume that their contempt for the local Inglets was such that they expected never to be attacked. We had stopped in a campsite about 20 klicks from the enemy camp. That morning we formed up into our loose groups of 34 men and women, each. We were not in the conventional military order, but standing in almost...
I wanted to hit that camp with the captives as soon a possible, before they could be shipped to a slave auction somewhere or somewhen; it was logical to assume that the auction would be held on a different time line. Our job was to mount the rescue before the auction could take place. Working on the assumption that the larger the attacking force, the more likely was the attack to succeed, we loaded our entire little army into our trucks and headed for the Bustol camp. We used the same...
Since the FAC had a lot to do under Ansa's strategy, she decided that an Eagle would be sacrificed as the FAC vehicle. Actually, her thinking now was for three squadrons of nine attack planes plus an FAC which could be used as an emergency backup in case of need. For the attack sweeps, Ansa wanted to use three flights of three planes attacking in echelon with the lead plane on the extreme left and each plane of the flight in line 20 meters behind and 20 meters to the right of the plane in...
OK, it's now worked out. The ground crew came up with a set of mounts that would let the pilot change ammunition drums in the AA-12s without having to move around too much in his seat. The bigger problem was working out how to store the drums so that the pilot could reach them without being a contortionist. However, they came up with that solution, too, so it looked to me like we were in business. We were anxious to have our fighters fly their first cover mission. Training the fighter...
A rectangle of off-color light showed up in my tent near my desk. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. Pretty soon a voice was emitted which talked gibberish for a moment, then I could understand every word. "Hello, can you understand me?" The voice was that of a young woman. "Yes, Ma'am, I can understand you with no problem. What is going on and what can I do for you?" "Aren't you a nice man! My name is Anna Hobarth, and I represent a trading company that would like to do...
This was going to be kind of a catch-as-catch-can sort of war, since we planned to depend as much as possible on the local people to do the fighting. Since we could move anywhere we wanted to by means of the TWT transporter gates, it made no real difference where we started from. Therefore, we just made Hillora, the town where Allor Insrullor came from, as our main base. This town happened to be about 100 klicks from the ocean, so it was not an obvious place for an invasion to start. This...
The Bustols were such creatures of habit that it was boring to fight them. It was one of those things like "if we did this, they always did that." We got into a bad rut with our campaign. Step 1 was rescue the Inglets in a base. Step 2 was to bomb the shit out of them. Step 3 was to look for the next place to hit. The only time there was any fun was when we were able to bust up a "harvesting" trip. We were not able to capture anybody who could give us the schedule for those trips, so we...
We now had an SOP (Standing Operating Procedure) for attacking the walled towns that the Bustol bases had turned into. It took another year to clean out all of the remaining Bustol bases on Inglet. The operation had settled into a routine that really didn't need me for more than an occasional boost in morale. Ansa had stopped using birth control and was now pregnant, though Hasup said that she was hoping for more excitement, so she was still taking her birth control pills. Verla's baby, a...
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Scarsdale, NY: Friday 19th December 2014:With Donovan having flown off to college in the UK, Sue threw herself into her community work with a vengeance to help fill the hole left by our only child leaving home. Donovan, Sue and I normally volunteered at the local shelter and soup kitchen on Friday’s, and Sue was now doing an additional two evenings a week, which were usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. And this is where she met the man who was about to have a major impact on our marriage and...
Wife LoversKatie Kush trusts her stepbrother, Brad Stirling, so she comes to him when she needs help. Brad is initially open to helping his stepsis out, but when Katie starts giving details about the sexperiments she wants to try, Brad becomes a little bit more hesitant. Katie insists, so Brad helps her put on a blindfold. Katie then gets Brad to hand her an ice cube that she uses to make her nipples nice and hard. Brad is a bit shy about watching his stepsis in such a position, but Katie really wants his...
xmoviesforyouWaking up about 6:00 a.m. I feel a real need to empty my bladder. When I get out of bed I notice I’ve an interesting arrangement on the bed. I’d gone to sleep with Jeri and Fiona on each side of me and I woke with the same set up, but I find Ellie is on the outside of Jeri, so it’s good thing this is an extra wide bed. Also, Denny, Mary, and Teri are asleep across the foot of the bed. They’re lying on top of the quilt on the rest of us, but have a second quilt on them. I smile while I think...
“Are you sure you are OK to drive?” “I’m fine, I can make it.” “ You have had a bit much to drink tonight. Maybe somebody should drive you home and we can get your car to you tomorrow. I do wish you could stay tonight.” Betsy really didn’t want her on the road and was going to insist that Sam take her home. “Sam, you take Sara home, please.” Betsy said in a very demanding way. “I am perfectly OK to drive but if Sam wants to take me home – fine” Sam took her by the arm and...
JJ and Caleb were tired from the night before, so after an hour, they agreed that a nap before getting to Phoenix would be a good idea. Anyone that has ridden a Greyhound knows there is no way to get comfortable in the seats. They aren't as bad as the baby seats on airplanes, but nearly so. Also, as any good soldier knows, a person can sleep anywhere, if they need to. They just don't sleep as well. Caleb lay back in the seat, reclined as far as it would go, with his eyes closed. He had to...
The Ultiplex exploded into life with a flash of lightning, an arc streaming from the blade and turning its foes to dust. Death boiled the blood of its enemies and fear clouded their minds, despair broke apart their morale and wisened the youth of their stature. Within moments, they were gone, their presence altogether stricken from the lands, and so it was that Aeva LeVeaux stood panting, clutching the hilt of her monstrous blade. The sounds of battle rung out all across the camp, and as Aeva...