I Am So Lucky!Chapter 9 free porn video

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When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Johnny gazing at me and I felt this surge of love flow through me as our eyes met. "Oh, Johnny!" I cried and reached out for him, pulled him to me, and covered him with kisses. I just knew, without a doubt, he would be my husband and the father of any children I had. I also knew that while we were definitely destined to be together, that he wasn't my true Master. I wasn't sad about that though, because I knew Johnny served him too, which made me happy. I don't know how I knew those things, but I did.

Johnny kissed me back just as passionately, and soon climbed back between my legs. It was uncomfortable at first, but I didn't let that stop us as I pulled him to me and ground myself against him moaning, "Oh, Johnny! I love you so much! Fuck me! Fuck me, Johnny!"

He fucked me to three more orgasms before finally cumming with a roar and collapsing on top of me. Then we finally slept.

I woke feeling very relaxed the next morning. Not needing to be anywhere for a while, I snuggled back down and started to go back to sleep when I heard the toilet flush, then the sound of running water. A moment later Johnny appeared, said "Good morning, Beautiful," and it all came back to me. Johnny had proposed and we'd spent a most wondrous night together.

I sighed happily, and lazily stretched my arm out to him, "Morning, my Love. Last night really happened, didn't it?"

"Yes it did," he beamed back at me, taking my hand as he climbed onto the bed and leaned down to kiss me.

"Oops!" I said, and covered my mouth. "I haven't brushed."

Johnny took my hand away and kissed me anyway. You got to love a guy who'll kiss you before you've brushed your teeth.

"I've got the bath ready for you," He said softly and I smiled. He thinks of everything.

I started to get up, but my body said, "No, you don't!" and I flopped back with a groan.

Concerned, he asked, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, "I'm sore." Then I groaned again. I was thoroughly convinced that I would never be able to close my legs again. "I think I'll just stay in bed today."

Johnny laughed and said, "No, Dear, we've got places to go."

I frowned, "I don't wanna."

"Come on, Love. We've got to go down for lunch."

Something clicked inside my head as I realized where I'd spent the night. "Ohmygawd!" I gasped, starting to panic.

"What is it?"

"I didn't go home last night! That's what! Mom'll freak! And everyone will know that we ... that we..." my voice trailed off, as I blushed clear to my toes.

Johnny chuckled and kissed me. "Don't worry, my Love, everyone already knows and why would they freak out? They know we're engaged. They were there, remember?"

I nodded.

"So don't worry. They'll be happy for us, and if I know my family, they can't wait to swoop down on you to get all the juicy details."

"Ohmygawd! Ohmygawd!" Before I could say it a third time Johnny kissed me, silencing me. He continued kissing me until I kissed him back and let my hands roam over his body. When they reached his cock, I was surprised to find it hard again.

"It's hard again. Doesn't it ever go down?"

"Not with a beautiful girl in my bed. Especially when she's nude."

I blushed again, but was pleased. Then I remembered the ache between my legs and groaned. "We've really overdone it so I can't take care of it that way."

"Sorry, my Love."

"It's okay. I like this way too." I said pulling him by his cock, up to my lips.

"Mmm, so do I!" Johnny said, as I took him into my mouth. When he came there wasn't very much to swallow. I guess he still hadn't completely recharged from earlier. There was enough to enjoy though, and I did.

While I sucked him, he'd started to reach down to play with my pussy, but I warned him off and he contented himself to playing with my breasts, which I didn't mind at all. He continued to play with them after as we snuggled some more.

Then there was a knock on the door and Susan poked her head in.

She saw us and smiled saying, "Oh, there you are. We'd all wondered," as she entered the room.

When I saw her, I gave a surprised, "Eek!" and pulled the blanket up to cover myself.

Susan came over, sat on the side of the bed, and reached over to lightly caress my cheek. "How was it, Dear? Did he treat you right?" she asked softy.

Blushing, I nodded. "Y-yes, but I'm sore now."

"That's to be expected," she said. "You must have enjoyed yourself though. You're glowing."

I put my hands to my cheeks as I said, "I am?"

"You are, so it must have been good."

I nodded. "He made me made me feel so good, I passed out." Then I blushed hotly, "N-not the first time b-but later."

"Oh my!" Susan said, smiling brightly, "That explains it then."

She flung the blanket back, making me gasp, "What are you doing?" I gasped, as she placed her hands on the inside of my knees and pushed them apart.

"I'm doing what all good mothers do, Dear, cleaning up after our children." Then she bent down and began to gently lick me.

My hips bucked as I arched my neck and gasped, "Suss ... oooh!"

Susan licked me to a nice gentle orgasm and then moved up to look down at me. Smiling she said, "There now, all clean," and kissed me.

I kissed her back, tasting myself on her lips. I heard Johnny moan, and I looked over to see he was stroking his hard cock.

"Oh, Dear," I pouted playfully. "See what you've done? You've got him all hard again, and after I've taken care of him too."

Susan looked and then grinned. "Would you like me to help you with that, Dear?"

"Would you? I'm too sore."

I suppose it's weird to ask my future mother in law to take care of her son's erection, especially after she just licked me to a nice orgasm, but I didn't think anything of it. I also suppose it's weird that I wasn't jealous seeing Johnny with another woman, or shocked that that woman was his mother. It just feels natural to me to share him, and that they should be together. Besides, I know he loves me, so I didn't have any problem when Susan straightened up and flung off her robe, revealing her nude body, and resumed her position over me on her hands and knees, adjusting her knees so she straddled me. In fact I was eager to watch!

"Come on, Johnny. It wouldn't do for you to go down to lunch like that," Susan told him.

Johnny eagerly replied, "Yes, Mom!" and moved behind her.

Susan closed her eyes and moaned as Johnny's cock sank into her. They soon had a rhythm going and both of them were moaning and gasping with pleasure. Susan's breasts were rubbing against mine with every thrust, sending sparks through me. Wanting to be a part of it, I reached up and cupped her breasts with my hands.

It was the first time I'd held another woman's breasts. I'd limited my groping in the pool to sides, back, and butts. I liked caressing her breasts. It was kind of like feeling my own, but different. Susan's breasts, being bigger than mine was a lot of that different, but still ... you know what I mean.

I guess I was doing something she liked, because Susan moaned, "Oh yes!"

Suddenly curious, I scrunched down, captured a nipple with my mouth, and began to suck. Susan gasped, "Yes Baby! Oh yes, that's it! Suck on it," as she held my head to her breast.

As I sucked the hard nipple, I reached between her legs to feel that strange, similar, difference again. I could also feel where Johnny's cock split her and feel him thrusting in and out, his testicles slapping my hand.

Johnny grunted at the contact, while Susan gasped. "Oh, that's it! Rub my clit, Lisa! Rub my clit!"

I did, and a few moments later, she let out a scream as she came. Her upper body collapsed onto mine, our breasts flattening against each other's, while Johnny continued to thrust into her. Finally he let out a grunt and went rigid for a while, before flopping back on the bed. Susan rolled onto my other side and said, "Thanks, I needed that," her fingers trailing over me, making me shiver in delight.

When they caught their breath, Susan said, "We really need to go before someone comes looking for me. Johnny's bed isn't big enough for all of us."

We laughed and she said to Johnny. "Why don't you run a bath for her?"

Johnny smiled. "I already have."

"Isn't he thoughtful?" Susan smiled. "Then let's get cleaned up and go downstairs."

I started to panic again, "I can't! Everyone knows! What'll they say? What'll I say?"

"Don't worry, Dear. We're all very happy for you. Now go take a bath. Johnny?"

"Yes, Mom," Johnny said with a grin, and gently scooped me up.

I gave a startled cry and held on tight as he carried me to the bathroom. Johnny's bathroom is the size of my old bedroom. There was a big Jacuzzi tub that could seat two at least, a shower for four, in addition to a sink with a big counter top. He even had a urinal next to the toilet!

Like Johnny had said, the bath was ready for me. He carried me over to it and gently lowered me into the water. I winced when the water hit my pussy. For a bit I didn't want to stay in, but I knew I needed to.

Susan added some bath oils and turned on the water jets. "There you go, Dear. Take your time and have a nice soak. I'll let everyone know you're okay, and don't worry about what to wear. I'll have something waiting for you when you come out."

Then she and Johnny had a quick, playful, shower before giving me a kiss. Then she headed out of the room. As she left, Susan dimmed the lights and turned on some soft music. Johnny really does have a terrific bathroom!

By the time I got out of the bath, I felt almost normal again. I still walked a little bowlegged though. After brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush and brushing my hair. I put on the sundress Susan had laid out for me and went back and looked at myself in the mirror. Apart from the glow, I didn't look different from before. I felt different inside though. I wasn't innocent any more. I was also loved and owned. Losing my innocence had been painful, but it was more than worth it. When I left Johnny's room I was smiling, even though I was terribly nervous.

Johnny met me coming down the hall and hurried over to give me a hug, lifting me off my feet. "I love you," he said, setting me back down. I smiled more and told him I loved him as we went downstairs. I had to walk a bit slower, but Johnny didn't seem to mind. The closer we got to the family room though, the slower I walked as I was still nervous!

We'd just walked in when Joan saw me, let out a scream, and came running. The others looked, screamed, and ran over too. Before I knew it, they were dragging me off to the kitchen to talk all about it. So all of us; Me, Mom, Susan, Joan, Justine, Natalie, Beth, and Anne sat around the counter, each talking about our first time, while Mom made tea and sandwiches.

They wanted to know all the details. I was totally embarrassed, but they got them out of me. They were sympathetic when I said how much it had hurt at first. Several of the others said their first time had hurt too. When I'd told them he'd made me pass out, they all let out another scream and gave me a hug. Then they started talking about how fantastic their experiences were, being fucked until they passed out. I was surprised Johnny had been with all of them, especially Mom, and that he had taken Joan's and Natalie's virginities, but in a way it made sense for him to be their first, and to be with all of them.

"Doesn't Michael mind?" I asked.

"Of course not. He couldn't be happier," Susan told me. "He sleeps with all of us too. Besides it's not as if he isn't getting any on the side," she added, hugging Anne to her making her blush.

That's when I learned Michael had been Justine's first. I looked at Mom and she smiled and said, "Last night."

That surprised me. I thought that if she'd spent the night with anyone, it'd have been Hank, but I didn't say anything.

I asked when Mom had been with Johnny and she said, "Just after Susan hired me. The charmer took advantage of me when I was insensible."


Susan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Lisa. Lauren wasn't complaining a bit. In fact she was begging for more!" She and the others laughed as Mom blushed.

"But what do you mean insensible?" I asked.

"I was a bit shocked, so Susan gave me a drink to calm me down and it went right to my head," Mom explained.

"And he took advantage of you?" I asked shocked.

Mom blushed, "It was more like we took advantage of each other. You don't mind do you, Dear?"

I shook my head. "Not as long as you're okay."

"Honey, he made me pass out with pleasure, how could I not be okay?"

I gasped, "So that's why you were glowing when you came home!"

We all laughed as Mom blushed.

"But wait! I thought Johnny was in Texas? He said he called from there."

"He was," Anne said. "We just didn't take off until your mother had worn him out."

They laughed again.

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That afternoon I sneaked through the blinds and saw Oliver was stroking his huge black manhood at his house as I peered out my bedroom window. I was spying on my hot built black neighbor, attempting to see more of that ever rising bulge in his shorts that had ignited a deep burning fire in me... Carefully I opened a few slats on the blinds fully, as I allowed the towel to drop to the floor. Fully naked, I stood there wanting him to see me touch myself, as I was so aroused imaging about being...

1 year ago
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Shilpa Her father

Shilpa awoke in the middle of the night. She couldn’t get back to sleep no matter how hard she tried. It was a week since her mother had left her and her father, and she knew deep down inside that she wasn’t returning. She stifled a sob and tried to fall back asleep to no avail. Maybe some warm milk would help. She padded softly downstairs and prepared her milk in the kitchen. Unbeknownst to her, her father also had insomnia and he was sitting in the darkened living room watching his...

2 years ago
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The Realtor

My name is Paige, I’m twenty-seven, and I have brown hair. I’m 5’5, and I just happen to be a lesbian with c-cup boobs. I actually never had an experience with a guy, because I just wasn’t interested. Anyway, I just had a four year relationship with a girlfriend suddenly end. I found her face buried in another lady’s pussy, and that was that. Anyway, I had been using this realtor, who happened to be a woman, named Dina. She was smoking hot, and she always managed to get my panties wet. I...

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Cassidy and I2

Hello my name is Nathaniel but everyone just calls me Nate, I'm 18, I'm about 6'1" I have light brown hair with grey eyes. My step sister is Cassidy everyone calls her Cassi or Cass, she is 17, she's about 5'5" she has dark blonde hair with bright blue eyes. My dad and my step mother Lauren are going on a cruise for a week for their tenth anniversary and during that time I'll be looking after Cassidy. Before they were set to leave I was given a list of what i could and couldn't...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumWashington DC

Despite the early and cold morning, Kelly drove me to the train station to catch the Empire Builder. Loyalty and love were among her greatest qualities. Somehow they were greater- and rarer- than the things her colleagues worshiped her for- incredible intelligence and a knack for instilling knowledge into the world around her. I was running away from home for a bit, and she felt the need to be there to see me off. It made me feel guilty. My whole family loved me, but she ... loved me more....

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 469

When I turned into Summers Road three hours later, it looked like a truck convention in the right of way, plus there were several cars and pickups parked by the box with Bob and his electrician. I had stirred up a hornets nest so I walked over to Bob. “Here is the big boss, now you can talk to her personally,” Bob remarked. “Ms. Jones; Harry McAlister I want to apologize for a mix-up in our office, it seems that the application for service was assigned to a person who was off for several...

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PetuniaChapter 6

Lewis was having a bad day. Hell, he was having a bad life. First that bitch had threatened him with Assault and Battery charges unless he paid for her medical care. Fucking bitch! It wasn't his fault. Sure he had knocked her around a little -- she liked it rough -- they all did, but it was her fucking jaw that got broke, not his. The fractures on her arms where he had dropped the barbells on her weren't that serious, either. Now the fucking bitch wanted fucking nurses to fucking care for...

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Meri Zindagi Ki Pehali Chudai

Hi mera naam Lucky hai aur mai Raipur C.G ka rehane wala hu aur ye kahani jo mai aap sab dosto ko bata raha hu wo meri khud ki hai real hai toh maza li jiye. Apne bare mai bata du mai abh 27 year ka hu ye story suru hoti hai 6 saal pehale jab mqi 21 ka hua mere ghar k pass ek sexy ladki rehati thi uska naam Ritu tha fair colour tha uska boobs bhi ek no the usko maine pata k chodne ka plan banyan toh holi pass mai thi toh maine usse baat ki aur kaha ki Ritu tujhe bahut din se kuch khenana tha...

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The SisterhoodChapter 26

When Marion awakened the next morning, she stretched and felt that she had never felt so good in her entire life. By now the light was streaming in the window; when she and Don had gone to bed the previous night, they had left the curtains open so they could enjoy the storm. It had passed through during the night and the morning was incredibly bright and clear. As she stretched, she looked at her arm and screamed. Donald was instantly awake and asked, “What’s wrong, darling? What...

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Hiding in Plain Sight

Hiding in plain sight Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Tom and I went all through school together, but we were never close friends. It was only when we found out that we were both attending the same college we decided to room together. He seemed fine at first, then he began to change. Tom's moods would swing from high to low then back again, plus, he developed an ugly temper. It wasn't pretty, and it became harder for me to be around him. He also developed some kind of...

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Ryan and the Red Heads

Introduction: Ryan builds a harem, Red Headed twins and his 14 year old niece Just a word before you start, its long, ninety pages. You may want to take a chapter at a time. Ryan and the Red Heads (Chapter one) I got home to learn that we are getting a visitor, a visitor that will be with us for two months over the summer taking in the big city sights with my wife as her tour guide, museums, galleries, plays, in the evenings well be visiting a variety of restaurants so she can sample the...

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My First touch to thickness

But...I went to her and put my arms around her thick and curvy thighs.There were two big and huge thighs in front of me and i felt suffocated when she opened her legs and allowed my face to get between her thighs.At this time i also felt the warmth of her fat pussy on my neck as my face was down.She bent down and picked me up pulling my hairs and stared in my eyes with anger and lust.I did'nt knew what is going to happen now.As my breath was stopped,by the time she yelled like a tigress and...

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Hanging Drywall

It was the middle of August and the summer heat hadn’t yet arrived. It was beautifully warm, and indeed, very warm if you were working, but the mind-numbing stifling heat that usually arrived toward the end of summer hadn’t yet made an appearance.Logan Ellison was a relatively young entrepreneur who believed in sustaining the past as he pushed ahead to the future. He’d bought this 1930 era house built in the style of Le Corbusier but left to deteriorate until it was almost a ruin.He was...

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A New Portal CrossroadsChapter 2

As she walked toward me I was lost, forever and ever. I would NEVER be able to look at another woman without comparing her to Ellen Caretaker. She wasn't what is sometimes referred to as a BBW, but she sure as hell wasn't skinny either. At 5' 8", she looked to be about 170 pounds but with her bone structure and bone density she was actually closer to 220 pounds, and those beautiful lavender eyes, just like Chris had. She almost seemed to bounce as she walked toward me. Then I remembered...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 16 Never to Part Again

Christine acted almost as if she were in a trance. Upon completing her lament for her father, she quietly returned to the circle of Erik's embrace. He trembled slightly as she pushed her body tightly against his and Erik had to lean forward a bit so she would not press into the part of him that would show her just how much he desired her. He longed to take her, there and then. His body, while virginal, knew something and as the heart wants what the heart wants¹ so too, did his body it...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Six

Becoming Brandee Chapter 6: I don't think many people have any idea just how hard it is to become a bimbo. These last four weeks have been a lot of fun but sometimes it has even been painful. While the laser hair removal sessions are a "snap" (Giggle) I made a joke...the proceed...er, proceedture?....no, that's not it...anyhow, the machine that removes my hair feels like someone "snapped" me with a rubber band. See right there? That was the joke. I know, not too funny but I just...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter V

Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2006 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER V The hard soles of my Mary Janes clicked on the wet blacktop as I ran to catch up with Terri. When the damp breeze picked up, I thought I recognized the stink of gas fumes and burnt motor oil. My pulse raced in my throat as I tried not to imagine a leaking gas tank bursting into flames with my mom trapped inside. Ahead of us, Aunt Joan was leading Cori by the hand across the dark parking lot towards the...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 79

Jokes for children A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer; bartender says “sorry, we don’t serve food here.” Why did the Clydesdale give the pony a glass of water? Because he was a little horse. What do you call a fish without eyes? Fsh. What do you call an alligator detective? An investi-gator. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. There are two muffins baking in the oven. One muffin says to the other, “Phew, is it getting hot...

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The Matinee

The Matinee God how Steve hated the snow! It made it difficult to go anywhere and now he was probably going to be late for work. Again. He almost wished his boss would fire him for being late so often, but he couldn’t afford to lose his job this close to Christmas. It’s just that the job was so damn boring. Day after day of running the movie projector at the local movie theatre, seeing the same movie repeatedly. It got tedious after a while, especially when the movie was terrible. The current...

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Controlled Ch 02

‘Hi Kirsta, glad you got back to me. I thought you might. Now we’ll see what kind of slut you’ll become I want you to enjoy yourself as much as I’m going to enjoy seeing you do what I command. Hubby Boy must be one kinky sad bastard for letting his wife do whatever some stranger tells them too. I hope he likes to be humiliated by having his wife become a slut, because that is what is going to happen. Now to business as they say. I hope you kept that card from the taxi driver on the weekend...

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My Best Friend 6 The Sleep OverThe Conclusion

Disclaimer: She asked me a serious question. How was I going to respond? If you haven't been reading the previous stories of 'My Best Friend' then you might want to go back to find out what has been going on. And now I bring you the conclusion to The Sleepover.... I pulled her out of her crevice and laid her completely on top of me so her whole body would be pressed against mine. I smiled at her, “Since last year I’ve wanted to move beyond friends with you.” I watched her facial reaction as it...

Love Stories
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The Whore part two

Part twoThe dog farted. “bloody hell Lucy!” Amanda waved away the aroma with her paper. The fire needed making up, but she couldn’t muster the energy to get out of her chair and do it. She logged onto the railway web site, and booked her ticket for London the following morning, then checked several more emails Izzy had sent her, using her work I-phone, complete with tracker, in case she needed to summon help. Izzy was insistent, wherever she went, the I-phone went as well…..Amanda walked into...

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Taking panties as payment for sucking cock A delicious arrangement

As you all know, I love stuffing my cock into panties and I love sucking dick. My lingerie collection is pretty big now, but I cannot seem to stop expanding it. One way that I have managed to keep my collection growing and ensuring that I have plenty of cute outfits to wear on my dicksucking expeditions is that I developed a very convenient relationship with a very generous sugar-daddy. That arrangement is fairly straightforward. He takes me to Victoria’s Secret and I pick out lingerie sets...

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Little Mary

‘Man I don’t want to be here.’ I groaned as I arrived at a friendly restaurant downtown with my boyfriend of 6 months, Trevor. ‘Relax, it’s going to be fine.’ he assured me with a supportive smile. ‘You know how I feel about that woman and her daughter.’ ‘And by that you mean your mom and your sister.’ ‘Okay who’s side are you on?’ I asked accusingly as we finally got out of the car and headed for the restaurant entrance. ‘Yours of course. I just-‘ ‘You know what, I’m going to go in here...

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The Game Part 1

One thing you have to know: he loves me. And I love him. Love has led us into an arrangement of mutual satisfaction, and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.He is never rough unless he knows I need it, nor crude. He would never hurt me, and I trust him completely. I am his for whatever purpose he needs, because he is the only man who has ever truly understood the desire, the craving, the hunger in me that's never truly satisfied.He keeps me in a bra and pantyhose most of the time,...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 6 Kimber gets punished

She lay there, feeling her body, safe under the covers, but squirming around as she moved her thighs like he ordered. When he leaned in, whispering, telling her to substitute themselves for Lee and Grey, she smiled a bit to herself. She had been way ahead of him, already imagining a better ending. One in which she was feeling all that Lee felt. Her lips parted, her breath started to come a bit faster as she moved faster and faster. Her hand moved down to lightly play with herself through her...

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