06 HomeChapter 36
- 3 years ago
- 22
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"Shhh, it's okay, calm down..." Both girls immediately began soothing Corey's anxiety with soft voices and gentle massaging caresses.
He relaxed, and rubbed his eyes, catching his breath while his heartbeat returned to normal.
"You're okay?" he asked, after a moment.
"Sure." Cindy re-assured him contentedly.
"Wow. That was scary." he stated quietly. "How long was I out?"
"Twenty seconds. Maybe thirty." Cindy told him calmly. "That's what you get for hyper-ventilating and then holding your breath, silly."
"I thought I was going to squash you. What happened?"
"No problem. Amanda was right on it. She had us flipped over before you were totally unconscious. Three seconds, max." Cindy told him.
He gathered them gently in his arms.
"Thank you. Thank you with all my heart." he told them sincerely. "For the lovemaking, and the help."
"You're welcome. That's what we're here for." Amanda re-assured him.
"And thank you." Cindy purred, snuggling even closer in his embrace.
Amanda kissed Corey long and softly, while Cindy basked in contentment, her loins still so full of his manhood and Amanda's fingers.
When Amanda pulled free from his kiss, Corey commented;
"Do I ever feel drained, like I've given all I had to give. I'm not going to able to get it up till tomorrow, maybe the next day. You girls are the best, the very finest. I hope it's always going to be this good between us."
"You haven't seen anything yet, lover." Cindy told him. "But for now, rest. We could all use some more sleep, and I'm going to love sleeping with you."
"Ya, rest sounds good." Corey nodded, stifling a yawn with a grin.
Cindy groaned as she slid herself off of his cock, and Amanda's fingers slid from her bum.
They gave each other a quick wash before cuddling together with a final kiss.
They slept for three hours. Amanda awoke first, and watched Cindy and Corey sleep for a few minutes, her smile one of contentment. Then Cindy woke, and shared her smile silently. Moving slowly to avoid waking Corey, Amanda hugged Cindy and they shared a sisterly kiss. Amanda pulled back and smiled again, then leaned in for a very un-sisterly kiss, their mouths open and their tongues tentatively caressing.
This was what Corey saw when he opened his eyes. He smiled at the sight, and after a moment Amanda broke the kiss enough to whisper, her lips brushing Cindy's as she spoke.
"I love you, Cindy. As my sister, my friend, my guardian. My guardian angel. And I love you as my lover. And I want to love you as your wife."
"I love you too, Amanda." was Cindy's whispered reply. She smiled and raised an eyebrow. "But my wife?"
"Two wedding dresses and a tux, remember?" Amanda said with a playful tickle at Cindy's ribs. "If we have a group marriage, I would be your wife, you would be my wife, we would both be his wives, and he would be our husband."
This gave Corey a little giggle. They smiled at him, and leaned over to share a three-way kiss.
Cindy pulled back first and spoke while the other two were still kissing. "You know, I never considered what I would want in a relationship with you and Amanda. I only let myself consider what I wanted with Corey if you two didn't make it. When you told me how it was going to be between you and Amanda, and asked me how I wanted it to be between us, I thought I'd have to reconsider. But now that I have, I find I still want the same things. I don't see any conflict with what you'll have with Amanda and what I want to have with you. I love Amanda, and I want to keep being her friend, her big sister, and her confidante. I hope the way we feel about each other right now doesn't change because we're both in a relationship with you, or because we'll share each other physically. With every passing moment I find that to be more important to me, and I can't shake this feeling that I've set this all up subconsciously, just so I could have free sexual access to my baby sister, and not even realized it. I don't think so, though."
"I love you, you naughty incestuous seductress you." Amanda told her with a giggle. "I'm yours any time you want me, at least any parts of me that Corey's not already occupied with."
"You know Amanda," Cindy said after a pause, "You're pretty nasty sometimes."
"Am I being too nasty, Cindy?" Amanda asked with an evil little chuckle. "Maybe I deserve for you to give me a good spanking. What do you think? Would you like to teach me a lesson? Hmm?"
Cindy paused again, and chose to ignore Amanda's teasing.
"What I want with you, Corey, is this: I want to love you completely, with all the affection and respect I can, and I want you to love me the same way. I want to have fun with you in lots of ways, skiing and surfing and whatever else seems like a good time at the time. I want to share long hours of interesting and stimulating conversation, and romantic encounters by firelight, starlight, sunlight, and candle light. If we don't work out I won't want a cent from you, and I'll put that in writing, but in the meantime I hope to earn your trust, not only for my honesty, but for the effectiveness of my business thinking. I'm very good at what I do, and I think my investigation of you is a good example of that. I hope you'll think of me as your equal, trust me with all your business knowledge and ask my advice on decisions. Eventually I'd like to be your lawyer. No, that doesn't quite say what I mean. There's an Italian expression, I think it's 'Councilliatore de la Familia'. It means 'Lawyer of the Family'. Like when a girl gets in trouble with the law, and she goes to her mother with it, and her mother says: 'I love you child, but why do you bring this problem to me? Go see your Uncle Franco; he's the lawyer of the family. He will help you with this and make it better.' That's what I want to be. The lawyer of the family. And I want us to be a family. If everything is going good in a couple of years, I want to have your baby, and bear you beautiful children. One of us girls will always be able to make love to you when the other is near term, so you won't have to deal with that frustration. On the other hand I think it would be so fun to be pregnant with Amanda, to both be having your baby at the same time. We'd make you the world's proudest poppa, and probably drive you crazy at the same time. It would be so beautiful. And yes, I need the security of a commitment. I can't enjoy your love if I can't be confident that I'm not going to lose it. It's important to me that you can stand up in front of those you respect and care for, and state proudly what we have together, and declare your love and commitment to me. As you say, a tux and two wedding dresses, or something like that. And of course, I want to be your lover. I don't have a burning desire to be your plaything, like little miss sex toy here..."
"That's me!" Amanda threw in.
"But I have a strong sexual appetite, and I enjoy almost every fantasy, as long as we know when a game is a game. I'll want to make love a lot, every day at least." Cindy continued, then suddenly stopped as Amanda's fingers on her clitoris distracted her from what she was saying.
"Don't you love his muscles, Cindy?" Amanda asked in a sudden change of subject. "So manly. I can't help but think of them as lumberjack muscles. Big, but natural looking. And I love that he has some chest hair but almost no belly hair. Have you ever been with anyone this big before, Cindy? I mean his body all over, not the size of his thing."
"Yes, I love his muscles, and no, I've never even hugged anyone as big as him before." Cindy giggled. "It does give you quite a feeling, doesn't it? His sheer size, I mean. His shoulders are so wide and muscular. He's so handsome and... big."
She and Amanda leaned down and shared another long, glorious three-way kiss with Corey.
"Yes." he told them with a smile when he finally broke the kiss.
Cindy's face blanked as her heart soared with hope, but Amanda didn't understand.
"Yes what?" she asked.
"Yes I'll marry you. Both of you." he told them with a grin. "Will you be my wife? Wives? Whatever?"
The girls looked at him, looked at each other, and to his surprise threw their arms around each other and began to cry with happiness. Then Amanda jumped to her feet on the bed and pulled Cindy to hers, and they held each other and jumped in a circle on the foot of the bed, laughing and crying at the same time while Amanda chanted:
"All our dreams have come true! All our dreams have come true!"
Corey pulled his feet up so they didn't get jumped on, and watched the two petite women cavorting naked on the bed with amusement, a huge silly grin on his face.
Finally Amanda stopped and held Cindy's hands.
"How 'bout it Cin'? Will you marry me?" she asked with a smile.
They hugged again, and Cindy answered, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Yes I'll marry you. This is as crazy as life gets, but I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"So I take it that's a yes." Corey said with a laugh. Both girls rushed to hug him from either side.
"Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes!" they laughed as they showered his face with kisses.
"Yes, I'll marry you, and be your wife." Cindy said.
"And yes I'll marry you, and be your wife." Amanda said, and they shared another deep kiss.
"I wonder what my mom's going to say." Corey mused, and they shared a laugh. His cock was almost totally hard already, and Amanda began rubbing it with her open hand. Corey gently pushed her hand away.
"Sorry, but I have to check in with the outside world, and we're already way past check out time for this dressing room." he said. He leaned over to the phone, switched it to speakerphone, and dialed the code for the security office.
"Security." A man's voice answered.
"This is Corey Michaels. Is Markus Roberts there?"
"Just a minute." the voice answered, and a moment later Markus's voice.
"Yah Boss?"
"Any news of immediate importance?" Corey asked.
"No Boss."
"Have a limo ready in thirty minutes. You can give me a complete report then."
"Thirty minutes, check."
"Talk to you then." Corey said, and ended the call.
"Well, ladies, I suggest we go for some lunch and discuss what our next step is going to be. You'll need to grab your travel gear and mothball your lives here, we'll have to discuss travel arrangements, all of that.
"First though, last one in the shower has to scrub my back!"
There was a mad dash for the shower, both girls reaching it well before Corey, though the back scrubbing was a co-operative effort anyway.
They dressed quickly. Cindy hadn't brought make-up, and Amanda didn't need any. While they dried their hair Corey hurried through the suite, throwing clothes into duffel bags and items into suitcases.
When he'd finished filling the first bag and laid it on the bed to close it, Cindy said: "Leave it. Just pile your stuff on the bed."
Corey shrugged, and turned to gather the rest of his possessions.
Cindy finished her hair first, as the volume of Amanda's curls held a lot of water. Then she began folding Corey's clothes and organizing his possessions with quick and efficient motions before re-packing all the bags. Amanda joined her as Corey laid the last case on the bed.
"Thanks." Corey said. "I've always meant to start doing that."
"You sure travel with a lot of stuff." Amanda commented, surveying the pile of three duffel bags, a garment bag, two suitcases, a large briefcase and a portable stereo.
"And that's just my personal gear." Corey agreed. "My wardrobe girl has two closets worth of my stage clothes in flight cases. That all gets packed while the concert's still starting."
To the girl's surprise he hung all four of the bags over his shoulders by the straps, picked up the two suitcases in one hand and the briefcase and stereo in the other, and stood expectantly. He carried the huge pile of luggage effortlessly.
Cindy and Amanda smiled at each other.
"You've gotta love a big, strong man." Amanda said as Cindy gathered her toque, mitts and scarf under her arm.
"I never bring more than I can carry." Corey said with a grin. "We'd better get moving, girls. If the roads to Seattle get cleared in the next two hours I'll still be able to do the concert there tonight, and I'll really have to move fast. Can you get the door for me?"
He stopped as he was going out the door and looked back at the room; the rumpled bed, the empty containers and trays.
"I don't think we forgot anything." Cindy said as she and Amanda followed his gaze.
"This place will always be special to me." Corey said wistfully. "What you girls gave me last night... was so beautiful. It was a turning point in my life, and everything is new and different now. Yours too, I guess. I just wanted to make sure I remember it all, and what this room looks like."
There was a moment of silence as they looked into the room and shared these feelings, remembering, then Corey led the way out the door and down the hall, and Amanda shut the door behind them.
As they walked down the hall, Corey found his gaze drawn to Cindy's face. She noticed.
"What?" she asked with a smile after a few moments.
"Nothing. Just that you have a very powerful look without make-up. Very beautiful."
She blushed. Without make-up her eyelashes and eyebrows were white, her skin a very light pink, her lips only a little darker, contrasting with the bright blue of her eyes.
"Doesn't she look angelic?" Amanda commented. "Like a queen of the elves, eternally youthful yet timelessly wise in her maturity, ethereal and haunting in her beauty."
Cindy broke out laughing.
"Well, aren't we poetic today?" she laughed. "I'm going to feel especially regal getting into a limo in my parka and boots. At least you guys are dressed for the occasion."
Amanda wore her black skirt outfit from the night before. Corey wore white Nikes, black jeans, a light blue dress shirt and a white jacket.
"When we see what it's like outside, I'll bet we'll wish we had some snow boots too." Corey laughed.
Outside, the sun was shining, and the snow was a foot and a half deep where it hadn't been cleared.
Markus had been sitting in the front passenger seat talking to the limo driver, and he got out when he saw Corey and the girls emerge from the arena. He had the trunk open as they approached, and helped Corey load most of his gear. He slammed the trunk lid and held the side door open. Corey threw the rest of the gear in the limo and straightened to introduce the girls, who had waited beside the car.
"Ladies, allow me to formally introduce Markus Roberts, my bodyguard. Formerly Lieutenant Markus Roberts, U.S. Marines. He oversees security as it affects my personal protection, and scans my information for mail bombs and obsessive letters, that type of thing. He's sort of worked into being my personal assistant. He keeps me up on developments, and protects my private time from unwanted distraction. He has my complete confidence. Anything you need, he can get, discretely if necessary.
"Markus, it is my great pleasure to introduce my fiancé Amanda Thomas, and my fiancé Cindy Thomas. They'll be traveling with us from now on. They have my full authority, anything they want goes the same as if the order came from me, and I'll want you to include them in your security considerations. Their safety comes before mine, absolutely."
Amanda leaned past Markus's outstretched hand and stood on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek. She stepped back and took his hand in both of hers.
"You saved Corey's life?" she asked seriously.
"Yes Ma'am." he replied with an easy smile.
"Was he hurt?"
"No Ma'am."
"Were you?"
"Yes Ma'am. Took a bit of knife wound, Ma'am."
She looked at him silently a moment, then smiled.
"Thanks." she told him. She released his hand and climbed into the limousine.
"Just part of the job, Ma'am." he told her.
Cindy shook his hand like a man would, surprising him with the confident strength of the gesture.
"Mr. Roberts." she said with a slight inclination of her head and a little smile. He returned these as he said:
"Ms. Thomas."
"I know you're loyal to Corey, Mr. Roberts, and extremely competent in the disciplines you've trained in." she said, "And I want you to know that I wouldn't risk offending you by bringing this up if the subject were not his security. But I did get two of us past you last night, Amanda with planning while the building was full of your personnel, and myself on the spur of the moment while it was empty. Granted you were onto me, but you must admit that if I'd had a gun and bad intentions you'd have been too late.
"Furthermore, you're not providing him or anyone close to him with any real form of informational security. I compiled enough of Corey's private information to undetectably destroy his life if I had been so inclined. I'll be of particular assistance in that area."
"What kind of private information are you referring to, Ms. Thomas?" he asked with an easy smile.
"Mr. Roberts, you are wearing Calvin Klein briefs, and you have a silver flask of tequila in your jacket's breast pocket with your bank cards' privacy number etched into the inside of the case. You prefer to receive oral sex only after coitus, and I have video footage of you performing sexual acts illegal in the state of Utah. I'll return it to you tomorrow."
Markus's eyebrows shot up. "Whoa. Ouch. That hurt." Markus said with a shake of his head. "Yes Ms. Thomas, I'm quite sure I'll be able to find time to discuss these matters with yourself and Mr. Michaels."
"Thank you, Mr. Roberts." Cindy told him with a smile, and ducked into the limo.
Corey and Markus stood and grinned at each other a moment.
"They're really something, aren't they, Markus?" Corey asked.
"Yes sir." Markus replied with a nod. He leaned on the open door a bit. "So let me get this straight, boss. These two broke into your dressing room last night, they both slept with you, and now you're gonna marry 'em both?"
"Damn right." Corey told him with a grin. "Wouldn't you?"
"I probably would." Markus admitted. "But isn't that illegal?"
"Love will find a way, Markus." Corey said as he turned to enter the car. "Love will find a way."
Markus closed the door and got back into the front seat. As the limo pulled away Corey activated the intercom. The window was up behind the driver, and Markus's voice came over the speaker.
"So boss, I take it that the news of your impending marriage won't be made public immediately?" he asked.
"That's right, Markus. For now, it doesn't go beyond us four. I'll put Amanda on the pay-roll as my personal physical trainer, and Cindy as..."
"Security Consultant?" Markus suggested.
"Security Consultant. Excellent." Corey said. "By the way, who's our driver today?"
"Guy from the limo service." Markus said. "Don't worry, I've got him listening to my Walkman. Real loud."
"Cool. So what's our situation?"
"The bad news is, right now Seattle's getting the storm that was here last night, so it's cancelled." Markus said. "The crew's heading north and then west through Canada, and Vancouver's still solid. The good news is the boxcar's finished. It can be here tomorrow."
"Excellent. Have them bring it up." Corey said with a huge grin.
"Where are we driving to, boss?"
"Where do you want to go for lunch, girls?" Corey asked.
"Our place." Cindy answered immediately. "Markus?"
"Yes Ma'am?"
"7258 Oakview."
"Yes Ma'am. Anything else, boss?"
"Yah. Have Gormann cancel my PR for Vancouver. That's all."
"Right, boss."
The indicator light on the intercom went out.
"Can I use your phone, Corey?" Cindy asked.
"Any time." Corey said as he took it from his jacket pocket.
Cindy dialed and listened, spoke when her call was answered, pausing between sentences to listen.
"Paglianni please. Thanks. Hey, Paglianni. I'm doin' great. Listen, I called because there's a couple of things I've gotta tell ya. One is that I won't be in tonight, because I quit. Yah. Just like that. Yah. The other is that you suck, 'cuz you're a low life piece of shit. Yah. You're fuckin' welcome."
Cindy handed the phone back with a huge self-satisfied grin.
"Christ, did that ever feel good!" she said, stretching luxuriously. "I'm finally free of that pig! Free of that fucking job! Free!" She lay back on Corey and Amanda's laps and kicked her feet in the air and giggled. Corey kissed her, happily teasing her for a moment before kissing her deeply, while Amanda's hands cupped and gently squeezed her breasts.
"I really love you both." Cindy said as Corey leaned back. "How about you Amanda? Are you gonna call up and quit your job?"
"I already did." Amanda said, looking wistful. "Quit, that is. I left a letter of resignation on Cathy's desk when I finished my shift last night."
"You were that sure you'd get me?" Corey asked with a grin.
"Of course." Amanda said teasingly, and she and Corey shared a kiss as well.
"Not really though." she said as the kiss ended. "I knew if you didn't accept me I'd have to find another job. I stole Stanley's key. Stanley the janitor. He's a friendly old guy, and he was always nice to me. Stealing the key was the only part of the whole plan that bothered me. He might get in trouble for losing the key, and I knew I could never look him in the eye with a straight face ever again. So I had to quit."
"Isn't she sweet?" Cindy asked as she caressed Amanda's face.
"She sure is." Corey said, running his fingers through Amanda's luxuriant curls. "And she's really given no thought to the power at her disposal. You still have the key, Amanda?"
"Yes Corey."
"Give it to me. I'll send it back with Markus when we get to your place. If your friend Stanley is in any trouble, we'll get him out of it. Believe me, if I say that a janitor at an arena where I play shouldn't be in trouble, he won't be. I can make sure he gets a raise, if you want."
Amanda looked up at him in surprise, and for the first time she did realize the power he could apply on her behalf.
"Oh Corey, you're so beautiful, you'd do that for me?" she said as she buried her face in his chest.
"Any time, Amanda. I'm happy to do it, and besides, it won't cost me anything, and it'll give Markus something to do for a while besides casing your place for prowlers and waiting in the limo.
"Now, my schedule's clear until my Vancouver gig, day after tomorrow. Today we should get you packed, prepare your house for vacancy, and call a real estate management company to keep an eye on it and keep it maintained while you're gone. That'll be at least two months, till I'm done with the North American leg of this tour. Then we'll have a month off before we start in Europe. I've never been outside the States and Canada before, and I'm looking forward to it.
"Tomorrow morning we'll go see our new home. Then we'll go shopping for furnishings and stuff, and hopefully it'll all be ready to go by about five on Saturday."
"Our new home?" Cindy asked.
"I'll show you some pictures of it when we get to your place." Corey told them with a grin.
The three snuggled and rode in silence until they reached the girls' house, each comfortable with their thoughts.
Cindy and Amanda lived in a fairly old middle class neighborhood on a street whose tall hardwood trees shaded the street in summer. Their house was built in the thirties but was very well maintained, a two bedroom with the loft converted into a third.
Corey stepped out of the limo and remarked: "This sure reminds me of my mom's house. 'Course she doesn't see much snow."
The girls hopped out behind him as Markus was unlocking the trunk.
"See ya later, Markus!" Amanda called with a wave as she headed up the walk.
"Later, Miss Amanda." Markus called.
"Mr. Roberts." Cindy said crisply, with a smile and a nod.
"Ma'am!" He replied with a grin.
"So, whatcha think of them?" Corey asked as he grabbed luggage from the trunk and watched the girls let themselves into the house.
"Miss Amanda's so cute she makes you wish she was your kid sister." Markus mused. "Ms. Cindy's good officer material. Hell, I almost saluted her a minute ago! And they are both definitely babes, of the highest order."
"That about says it all." Corey admitted with a grin. "Here, this key's for the dressing room back at the arena..."
Amanda had left the door ajar for him, and Corey pushed it open with his foot, closed it the same way, kicked off his shoes, and dumped his luggage by the couch.
"We're getting changed! We'll be with you in a minute!" Amanda called down the stairs.
Corey wandered around the living room, taking it in. There were two tasteful landscape paintings in oil, many framed family pictures, some thriving house-plants, and small collections of porcelain figurines. The furniture was an eclectic mis-match of well worn but well cared for pieces that somehow went together. Cindy's framed birth certificate hung above Amanda's on the wall. It had the feeling of home that a house only gets when the same family has lived there for many years. It gave him a momentary sad feeling to think of it unoccupied, probably for the first time in decades. Again he had a flash of deja vu, it so reminded him of his mother's house.
He browsed through the CD and cassette collections, the videotape collection, the book collection.
He took out his cell phone, speed-dialed, spoke quietly. "Markus? Man, do I ever have a challenge for us this time..."
He was just finishing the call when the girls came downstairs. "Thanks Markus. Later.
"Well girls, let me guess. The comfiest clothes you own?"
"You bet." Cindy told him as she and Amanda curled up on the couch on either side of him. Cindy wore a pair of blue jeans that had faded to almost white, were patched in a couple of places, and fit like paint, with a white T-shirt. Both the shirt and it's pink teddy bear decal were worn almost to transparency.
Amanda wore a red half tee shirt so tiny it barely covered the bottoms of her breasts, and knee length black sweats so tight the outline of her pubes was easily visible. Both girls wore white knee sox.
"We had a hard time deciding, but we thought we wanted you to see us the way we usually look at home." Amanda told him.
"You both look delicious." he assured them. "And speaking of delicious, what's for lunch? Or is it dinner, seeing as how it's past four?"
"It's lunch, seeing as how we've only had breakfast." Cindy told him with a laugh. "How 'bout you tell us about our new home that you've hinted about, while we cook something up?"
"Sounds good." Corey opened his briefcase and began rummaging through it while the girls headed for the kitchen.
"Coffee?" Amanda called as he snapped the case shut.
"Sounds good." he answered, and took a seat at the kitchen table.
"These are from the last progress report." He told them as he opened a folder. "This project's been on-going for three months, and that's paying extra for hurry-up time. Check this out."
They each leaned on one of his shoulders to inspect the eight by ten photo he was holding.
"I had planned for this to be my new home." Corey said proudly. "Now, it will be our new home."
They gazed at the picture a moment.
"We're going to live in an airplane." Cindy stated in amazement. "I knew you were making payments to an aircraft company, but it just looked like another investment for your portfolio."
"Mm hm." Corey agreed.
"Why's it so... thick looking?" Amanda asked.
"Cuz it's a cargo plane. Or it was. It has a ramp in the back so you can drive vehicles into it, so the landing gear has to be short. Because it's so low to the ground, the wing is on top so there's propeller clearance."
The photo showed the gleaming white plane in sunlight on tarmac in front of a hangar. It had four engines mounted in pods, two on each wing.
"How big is it?" Cindy asked. "There's nothing in the picture to give it perspective."
"Have you taken any airline flights?" Corey asked.
"Sure. We flew to Phoenix to visit our aunt and uncle. I was eleven, Amanda was seven." Cindy explained.
"Do you remember what kind of plane it was?" he asked.
"I think it was a Boeing, wasn't it?" Cindy said, looking to Amanda, who shrugged.
"I don't know." she said.
"Six seats wide, three on each side of a center aisle, about thirty five rows long? One big jet engine on each wing?" Corey prompted.
"That's it." Amanda stated, and Cindy nodded.
"Boeing 737." Corey said with a nod. "This is about ten feet shorter than that, and about four feet wider. Here, here's one with me beside it with my Hemi 'Cuda. And this one's taken inside, from the cockpit doorway looking back, with the 'Cuda inside the plane and the ramp down. Before they built the interior.
I guess it came from Kentucky. When will I learn to say “No” to whiskey? Ugh. Mark slipped the flask back in his pocket. I wasn’t sure if I was going to retch, so I set my red cup next to Katie on the railing and quickly went inside to find the toilet.The party was in the backyard with the keg on the deck, but the bathroom was inside, naturally. I slurped some water from the tap and checked myself in the mirror. My tummy settled down.It wasn’t until after I came out of the bathroom that I...
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Wilma had just gotten out of the shower and was wearing a short, sheer robe that barely covered her body and left absolutely nothing to the imagination, her 38C breasts and red haired pussy were very, very visible. This was one of the best parts of having the place to herself; she could indulge her nudist tendencies. Wilma Flintstone loved sex. She was a very sexual creature and having Fred away for the past week had left her horny. Whenever Fred would go away on a bowling trip with Barney...
Introduction: a shy girl learns a few things and trys them out on her man What would you like to do tonight honey? Her boyfriend Travis always wanted her to pick the activities. He said she needed to assert herself more, be more domineering. Well tonight she had a surprise for him. After a couple Gals nights out with her more adventurous friends, Susan was ready to try some new moves for her man. I figured we could stay in and entertain each other O? Travis was intrigued. Susan was a nice...
After our missed date of the last chapter I was lost. I felt angry with MD, disappointed, lost I didn't want to feel angry but she had left me out in the cold without even a txt. Standing me up had left me alone and feverish. Standing me up had meant I was left all dressed with no one to use me. Standing me up meant I had jerked a cock through a hole in the wall and it had cum all over me. Standing me up had made me a complete slut. I resented her so much for forcing me to do that alone. I...
So, you’re sick and tired of shitty subreddits that just don’t give you the content you need to get the best wank of your entire life? I get it; I know the feeling. I always find that some of the subreddits here just don’t give us the same level of content that porn tube sites do! Well, then, how about a subreddit that is literally run by a porn tube site? I think that this might have a lot more merit than what you’re usually used to when it comes to NSFW subreddits. Anyway, the sub is called...
Reddit NSFW ListJane was lying on the beach when she heard her mother calling, “Jane, we’re going into town now. Do you want to try to call Peter again?” She certainly did. She felt as if they’d been apart for weeks. She jumped to her feet. “I’ll be right there!” She grabbed her blanket and towel and took off for the cottage. The path meandered around the dunes but she was in such a hurry that she ran right up the dune in front of her. As she neared the crest there was a sudden excruciating pain...
Clang! The metal pail that Dominique threw onto my lap reminded me of one in my parent's garage. The one that's been hanging on the wall next to dad's tools, since mom's perennials were replaced with the rock garden a few years ago. When I was a kid, mom would hand me that bucket full of weeds she'd collected, and I'd carry it out to the woods behind the house. I tried to hide the sudden flash of emotion that the thought of my parents brought on... "If you're good, I'll let you out...
It had been a difficult past three years for Steve since his wife Amy had left him. She had left without warning. She just picked up one day and took off without even a final goodbye. And she left their daughter Jen with him to raise. Well, that wasn't exactly the story. There had been hints of Amy's frustration for years. At some point, she must have cared for him, but for so long she had lost all feeling for him. After their marriage, Steve had become boring. He gradually didn't want to do...
I wanted soft lights, soul-stirring music, and a good, strong cocktail or two… or three, so I decided to go to The Social. I had never been there on Valentine’s Day before. The occasion had always taken me to other places, so I decided to switch things up and give it a try. I wanted something different than a standard fancy restaurant. I wanted to feel a little bit of magic, and on any given night, The Social was the perfect place for that. For decades, it had been a haven where some of the...
iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 5Freddie woke up, startled as he inhaled some hair, but his freak out instantly ended when he looked down at Jade, fast asl*ep on his chest. Apparently, she had slipped on one of his button up shirts during the night, but didn't bother to button it up. Something about this sight made him feel something really spectacular- he wondered if he might actually be in love with Jade... he'd never felt this way with anyone but Sam.Freddie kissed...
I wish to thank all who have offered feedback to make this a better series. A.M. Pastor Sarah and Barbara talked about what life was going to be like now that she wouldn’t have to worry about money to be able to provide for Jason. They had been watching the TV coverage and laughing about how frustrated the reporters were when they couldn’t find out why Jonathan Anderson, Jr. was handcuffed to the bed. Either no one at the hotel knew or would say anything that had happened. He had met a...
Copyright (C) 2004 - Karen Virginia This story deals with adult situations and subject matter. If you are not of age, do not continue reading. All characters are fictional and do not represent anyone living or dead. This is my second attempt at writing (and much 'darker') so I hope readers can forgive any errors I may have made. Authors are always advised to "write what you know" -- so although this is fiction though... much of it all of it is based on personal experience...
We started driving towards downtown. We got onto the freeway, and I was at least glad we had some clothing on, so we would not run into anymore trouble, like we did the night before. I tried to keep my eyes forward while we were on the freeway, lest I be spotted by someone I knew. It didn't stop me from peeking every once in a while, as, one time, we passed an elderly couple. The man driving seemed to oogle at my wife, then, looked right at me. At first, he had the same look. Then, realizing...
She closed her eyes and opened them again to view the lush scenario of the Hotel Margo, and in doing so she realized for the tenth time that morning that every eye at the pool was upon her. Poor suckers, she could almost see their cocks straining against their bathing suits in anticipation. Just because the Hotel had a reputation for beautiful women, everyone assumed she was fair game. Well, she wasn't. She was exhausted keeping these oafs at bay. And Maria, at twenty-five was...
This is actually sort of true. I actually once knew a biology major with an oriental girlfriend who separated from her for a while because he entered a distant study program, and years later I saw a photo of them together in a group at a dinner of a scientific society. So I imagined them taking up where they left off... *********************** When Naomi Hatara graduated from high school, she wanted to attend the University of Maryland at College Park, but her parents were urgent about...
I had just returned home from my morning workout, when Mom made me promise that instead of swimming at Beth’s I would go with her to the hospital. I’d been putting it off. Every time I thought of it, I would see Terri in my mind’s eye, the girl Mom was friends with at the cancer center at Stanford, and the girl who passed away. What finally convinced me was when Mom said I knew one of the children. As we parked, Mom gave me some pointers. “This is a traumatic time for these kids. Be patient...
If you have not read my other stories, please check them out, they will give good insight for this story as well. This story is about 3 days after my last story. My girlfriend and I had gone to a local sex shop and bought a few things including a remote controlled vibrating egg and some vibrators. We were playing with them when we got home. She loved the vibrating egg and was getting really wet when she asked me if she could invite John over. I agreed willingly and she started texting...
It’s been fourteen months since Angie imploded my world. I’m laying here next to my wife rubbing her swollen baby bump. No, it’s not Angie. My wife, Ellen. Yes, she’s expecting our first child together and my third. I knew that Ellen’s clock was ticking and she wanted a child so for her, I endured the pain and misery of reversing my vasectomy. It apparently worked well. Eight months after I left Angie’s house, I had a knock on my apartment door. It was Ellen. She said, “Hi, Cowboy, I told...
Introduction: A story of my favorite Fuck Toy Friday. Chocolate Cake I picked up my phone as I drove and dialed the number. Hello he said. Im on my way Good was his response. I turned onto his street and into his open garage. He shut the door behind me as I got out of my car. I walked to him and he reached out and patted my ass as we walked together into his house. This snowy weather sure sucks, and just listen to that wind I said to him. Yes he agreed its a good night to stay in...
On the far end of the Galaxy, our intrepid hero Dirk Starkiller is on yet another mission of dire importance. “Aw shit, hang on to something!” Dirk ordered a second before the shuttle collided with the surface of the moon. The hull slid along an ancient sheet of rock and ice for eight hundred meters before finally shuddering to a halt. Dirk exhaled slowly as he opened his eyes. He blinked, taking in the field of white that filled his vision before realization dawned. “Whew! Snow must’ve...
Fantasy & Sci-FiTomozo Onishi delivered a report to Hiro the next day, which had likely been the product of many hours of work through that previous day and night. In it he detailed the options for the intelligence-collecting ships that would be required for the tentative plan that the Emperor wished his military advisors to evaluate. The start of the report described the tremendous resource constraints of Kuniumi, and how large ships such as carriers were simply not feasible given the colony’s current...
There is a lot of timing and luck involved in getting the chance to watch your normally reluctant wife suddenly turn it on for another man. But John, a 40-year-old contractor, had that chance to see his 31-year-old wife perform at a convention last summer at an upscale hotel in New York.Cindy wore an unusually revealing red dress that evening. It was shorter than anything John had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential professional contacts,...
NOTE: I wrote this story in 2007. The ages reflect this. *** When I went to bed the night of my birthday, I was as happy as I’d ever been. The girl of my dreams was now the lady in my life, and I wanted to make sure it stayed that way. She was even giving serious thought to having my child, which was more than I had dared to dream with any other woman since I became an adult. I hoped that the rest of Cami’s visit would follow the pattern of the first part of it: sex, sightseeing, sex, sleep,...
As a teenager I would go to my Aunt's house once a week while I was taking drivers education classes in the evening. I would have dinner there and then walk back to class as my parents lived in the country about eight miles.My Aunt was quite a bit younger than my parents and had been married and divorced. At the time she was in her late twenties and was quite attractive. She worked at a clerical job during the week but would get home shortly after I was there after school.I had been stopping on...
Hello guys of indian sex stories dot net , this is aditya form satna mp I’m an engineering student aapko sb ko toh pta h kitne harami hote h hm bt dil bhi hota h hamare pass log khte h na ki pyar ki koi umar nii hoti h abhi jyada bore nii karuga … So guies abhi main story pr aata hu ye story tb ki h jb main 12 me tha main thoda sa padaku typ ka tha mere jyada dost nii the Mere pitji mining department me h unka transfer recently satna me ho gya tha wha pr hm log govt. House me na rhkar ek ghar...
For those who didn't read here is Part 1Read this firsthttps://xhamster.com/stories/my-6-month-affair-with-a-72-year-old-real-story-9996736So Now that you have read it Lets got to part 2So we landed at approx close to 8 PM and it was already sundown in the night. I was bit drained out in the flight but atleast for once i asked Jerry to finger and in another instance when the lights were dimmed to get a good lick of my vag. So the night was just us check in to a suite, unpacking stuff and by the...
"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be landing at Honolulu International Airport in about 30 minutes, so please return your seats to their upright positions and make sure tray tables are secured. Welcome to Hawaii, and enjoy your stay!" Andy looked out the window, and became mesmerized by the view. As the plane descended through the clouds, the vast expanse of the brilliant blue ocean greeted him, dotted by islands covered in sandy beaches and lush greenery. He...
Ritika,ek hardworking woman,jo apne sath sath apne pati ka bhi bojh uthati hai (including financially).Prakash uska pati jo ki mentally sick hai.Recession ke time uska naukri chale gaye,aab iss umer mei (at the age of above thirty) use koi naukri bhi nehi mila,frustration mei uska mansik santulan kho baitha.Ritika pahele housewife the pad aab use ghar chalane ke liye choti moti naukri karne lage. Pati ka treatment,ghar-bar aab sab use hei dekhne padte hai.Un dono ke 8 saal pahele shadi hue...
Andrew leaned back on the couch feeling the warm cum had just let loose in his panties beginning to cool and a stain become visible on his slip. "Looks like you will have to clean up and change," Lacy said with a smile. "Looks like," Andy responded. "Shall I pick out something or would you like to?" "I would like you to." Andy headed to the bathroom where he removed his cum soaked, stained lingerie and then cleaned himself. Lacy knocked on the door and handed him one of the most stunning...
Crossdressing“Oh, fuck me harder, Jon! Damn, oh, fuck ... Dan, Jon’s really fucking me good, but I want another turn with you when he’s done, please!” Mireya urged us both, even as I rammed Chrissy harder than ever from behind. “I think that she wants a baby, too, don’t you?” Chrissy teased Mireya a little, even winking at her, but Mireya never denied it ... she was far too busy taking it deeper from Jon. “Fuck, yes ... take me! I don’t care if you knock me up, or if Ernie does, or Jon does ... or my...
It was around 7.40 when Deepa silently crept back to the gate, made some noise as if she was locking away the cycle at the shed and rang the bell. Ratna, by now, properly dressed, opened the door and let her in. Deepa asked her, "Amma, enna 'velai ellam' mudinjudha? Appa enge? Ravi vandhuttaana? Neenga rendu perum enna saapitenngala? Ille, engalukkaaga kaathikittu irukeengala?" "Mom, have you finished all your 'work'? Where's dad? Has Ravi reached home? Have you taken dinner or just...
I got divorced from my first wife in 2007 and went through a bit of a dry spell afterwards. I had a brief fling for a few weeks with a nurse that I knew from work, but she had a boyfriend and we cut our relationship short after just a few hot weeks of messing around. After that, it was just porn and masturbation until early 2008. I’d started hanging around with a couple of women I worked with. Both were older than me – at that time, I was 28 while they were 35 and 38. The 35-year-old, Tommie...
Hi ISS readers. Thanks a lot for all your mails for my Part – 1 story. Your appreciations & the feedback were really encouraging. As promised here is my rest of the story for all of you. (From previous post) Before proceeding further, I asked her,” Mini, shall we?” She replied,” I don’t know.” The tears fell out of her eyes & she pressed her lips against mine. I didn’t wait & slide her track down getting it off her completely. Now, she was standing stark naked in front of me & my…. my….I was...
How do I get my hot Mum to fuck me? I'm 31 years old and my dad is probably about 50 by now, we haven't been in contact since he left us for some little Asian slut he met on a job in Singapore twenty or so years ago. Mum was clearly devastated but I stood by her and, despite my young age, provided encouragement for her when she felt low, old and unwanted. A very attractive woman at 49, mum has always had a petite, tight little figure, no doubt due to being very active during her younger years....
I re-read your electronic messages a dozen times imagining your voice, the way your lips move, your hands stretching over your face, removing your glasses, rubbing your eyes. The notes allow me to imagine that we actually spoke, in person. Another chance to be near you, to smell you and watch your hands dance in the air as you talk, move close to me and then pull away. When we’re together, each gesture you make is exaggerated, twisted to satisfy my desire for your touch — a simple move to...
We started chatting about general stuff at first and we really got to know eachother.She told me how she went to an all girls college and that her parents were very strict.They would take her car away if they even suspected that she was doing anything out of the ordinary.I found this odd cause she was 21.wow i said my parents dont do anything like that they dont care as long as i dont get into trouble with the law. We talked for a bit and she told me she was going to sent me a picture of...
Narrated by Akash Hello friends, it’s me, Akash, who recently arrived at Shobha’s house, and was giving a helping hand to her. In the last part, you read how I went to the apartment gym with my sister-in-law Shobha. Later I met her hot sexy friends. After Shobha’s friends left, I was having a high tide of reaction in my balls. It was difficult for me to take out her hot friends’ images and the way they talked, especially Bhawna. I thought to get in my washroom and jerk off. But then realized...
IncestConnie felt the little tug at the back of her mind that it might have been weeks, months, or even years since she’d thought about how or what Betty Stapleton from next door was doing. This surprising thought occurred when, as she was about to bid three no trump, her partner, Amy Gaines, pointed toward Betty’s back yard beyond Connie’s glass family room doors. There an unusually large flock of red birds, cardinals, Connie assumed, were furiously kicking up the first week of the new year snow...
Becky Lynch's night has already gone well. It is the night of another NXT taping and she has just finished competing in a hard-fought battle against Alexa Bliss where she walked away victoriously. With St. Patrick's Day only a day away, the environment in the locker room tonight is unlike most other nights.As the action in the arena comes to a close, several of the women are hanging out in the Diva's locker room - chatting to each other in what could be described as a slumber party-esque...
Dear readers I’m a fan of this site being an Indian I have read a lot of stories in this site. Some of them are mere fiction which are unreal some are interesting, some is real. Now let me describe about me I am 5’6 in height with a plump look. My mother’s cousin sister is living in Kerela the state of God’s own land. She is 5’4 with 34-26-34 excellent structure with her ass and breast most attractive. She is married for the past 10 yrs and has two children. Her husband works abroad so she...
IncestI’ve been seeking some spiritual awakening lately. So the last thing I was looking for was to connect or reconnect with anyone. I didn’t expect to run into Lisa Marie at church of all places but there she was. I hadn’t seen her in more than 10 years. Her brother and I had been the best of friends growing up, so I knew Lisa Marie since she was about 10 years old. Both of us seemed surprised to see each other and we managed to get by with some small talk. She told me she was separated and had two...
I’m a little embarrassed to tell this story, but my justification is that my “then” current boyfriend had been a real asshole to me. We’d broken up two nights before my best friend, Beth, was due to give a party at her house, and he had the gall to bring that slut, Carla, to the party. Here I was, alone and still grieving over the breakup, and there was Martin, kissing and feeling up Carla in front of everyone. I hated them both, and was extremely annoyed with Beth for...
Sally came out of the shower to find that Valerie was still in bed. It being the weekend, there was no need for her to be up right at this moment, but they were planning to visit Charles, their Master, today. As she studied the face of her lover, she detected a hint of sadness there. She didn’t like seeing Valerie sad, and she had a suspicion she knew what the cause was. They still had three hours to be at Charles’, so Sally felt able to take the time to have her shoulder cried upon. ‘Hey...
100% fiction! Main Characters: Daniel Robertson: 24 / Narrorator of the story / Happy being male, but has a cross-dressing fetish / son of Jason & Heather, brother to Selene / Currently living on foodstamps and unemployement Jason Robertson: 44 / Father of Daniel & Selene, husband to Heather / Engaged in a secret sexual relationship with Daniel / Computer Software Programmer, works from home Supporting Characters: Heather Robertson: 46 / Mother of Daniel & Selene, wife to Jason / Stay at home...
IncestHello all me mirza apni pehli chudayi ki kahani apse share kar ne wala hun it’s my own story happened dis year chalo story pe chaltey hai. My socha ni tha ki apni maami naam tha simran ko chodunga it’s like a dream come true simran maami ki age hi 32 aur unke 3 bacche b hi aur woh dikne me gori thi aur shape tha 36-28-36 aur thodi height km thi minimum size k boobs perfect hip aur back damm hot jab b wo chalti thi tight salwar ya nighty me uski chuttad idhar udhar tumke laga ti thi.Ok now story...
Everyone was excited to escape the city and enjoy the next three days on the lake boating, fishing, jet skiing, and drinking a lot of alcohol. All the guests arrived early Saturday morning, went to their rooms to settle and unpack. My wife and I were on the second floor and shared a jack & jill bathroom with my friend Anthony. We didn't mind sharing, but it did make me think of the time about three months ago when Anthony came over to the house and we all got so drunk. That was the night the...
Ross Herweg was standing by the classroom door in his trademark pink and black. The senior who was waiting on a friend, Jordan Kerr, had always wore those two colors when he could. If those colors were good enough for the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be in wrestling then they had to be good enough for him. Those colors were great on him because they brought out his confidence. He was assured of himself since kindergarten to wear his favorite wrestler's...
I thought I would tell you of a really horny event that happened to me on Friday. I am married to a lovely guy who loves me to fuck other guys. I am forty two, size ten toned body, with a 36d2435 figure waxed smooth, leggy and very highly sexed. I have a real thing about younger muscular, athletic, very well hung black men. We have lost count the number of black guys who have fucked me. On Friday I went to meet a friend for a drink at a local bar that tends to attract a lot of younger black...
Some guys keep their ladies on a string. Adonis keeps the lovely Joana Bliss on a leash. She’s not likely to stray too far from his side with a collar around her pretty neck. Adonis commands Joana to take her world-famous tits out of her top and bra so her can have the pleasure of sucking her nipples and she can have the pleasure of having them sucked. He orders Joana to tease him with her tongue and jack his dick, then give him a blow job and suck his balls. He returns the pleasure by...
xmoviesforyouHi…iam ranjith 26 from tn.its an incident happened in dec 2008.i and my cousine x(not real name).abt her she is 23 30-28-30 sexy,weatish..we both traveling from trichy to chennai for a marriage.parents left early its almost 10.30pm,winter cold.so i dint take the window seat.x was sitting just beside me. Till tat time i have no desire or intention towards her.on be half of every 1s request the t.v was stopped..so its totally dark inside i thought of going for a nice deep sleep, and when i...
IncestI try to move a little and holy fuck a coursing pain runs right through me. I groan loudly and something stirs at the bottom of the bed. “Robbie?!” my eyes are better focused now but I could tell that voice anywhere. It’s Stacey. “Oh, thank god you’re awake!” She shuffles her seat closer up to me. I guess she must have been sleeping. “What... What happened?” I speak out but with a little difficulty and pain. My face aches. “You’re in the hospital. You look and are in a pretty bad shape! We...
The viewing is one which Elena has seen before. Only once, two days ago, but it is unique in several respects. It is the first vision in which she's actually seen herself. The hair, the face, the pink bathing suit she's wearing, everything the same as today. This alone would have ordinarily been enough to rivet her attention--like having a twin sister, albeit one who's forever out of reach--but Gavin is there as well. A thrill runs through her as she watches. She's seen him countless...
Whenever Marica Hase makes the long flight over the Pacific from Tokyo to the United States, she spends some time over at Prince Yashua’s bachelor pad. It’s an incredible place, and one of Marica’s favorite rooms is the Movie Room! Why? In addition to the big, comfy chairs and huge screen, Prince almost always is playing porno flicks! And Marica loves porno!! She loves watching it…and she loves playing with her tight, little pussy while she watches! Today, in the middle...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: 2 Preteen boys, 12 years old, get to know what their cocks do I was 12, in my first year of secondary school. I was 46, slim build, and twinky look. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and an awakening 5 erect penis I was just figuring out the joys and pleasures it had to offer, the same as every normal boy. I was always quiet, in a family of 8, quiet was the best option I didnt mind I read, listened to music, played Lego, and met up with my best friend Mark. He was also 12, we were next door...
I caught my older sister Mithali Didi on a Sunday afternoon in her marital bed that she had shared with my angel Jijja. Rohit Jija was away, it was his business trip. He left early on a Monday morning and returned four days later. The trip of Jijju meant that Mithali Didi was free to live her life in any manner she chose. Unfortunately for my Mithali Didi, my mother needed some money and she sent me to ask Mithali Didi to lend us that money. This led to me discovering her secret life which we...