Icebound free porn video

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Sally came out of the shower to find that Valerie was still in bed. It being the weekend, there was no need for her to be up right at this moment, but they were planning to visit Charles, their Master, today. As she studied the face of her lover, she detected a hint of sadness there. She didn’t like seeing Valerie sad, and she had a suspicion she knew what the cause was. They still had three hours to be at Charles’, so Sally felt able to take the time to have her shoulder cried upon.

‘Hey there, little lady. Why the long face?’

‘Oh. I’m sorry, Sally. It’s noth…’

‘Don’t give me nothing lover. We’re partners for life. What makes you sad, makes me sad. Out with it! Why the long face?’

‘It’s an anniversary.’


‘Yeah. He proposed today, all those years ago. I stopped celebrating them after he died.’

Mike Burbon was Valerie’s husband. He had died five years ago in a car accident. That was from another time in Valerie’s life, before she discovered her ability to enjoy sex and fall in love with a woman. It was Sally’s total acceptance of Mike that had allowed Valerie to remember those times with the joy as well as the pain they had always held for her. The picture of him and Valerie, once packed away for so many years, had been a prominent fixture in the living room of the house for the last six months.

‘So this is the first time since he died that you’ve let yourself remember it?’

Tears filled her eyes as she answered. They were tears of sadness at the loss, yes, but they were more. There was guilt as well. She had turned away from the memories of the man she had loved with all her heart for so many years. ‘Yes. God, Sally, it hurts so much.’

‘I know it does, dear. It always will. But you can honor him by remembering. I can honor him by listening and committing your memories to my heart. Come on, tell me about it. I want to know every detail of the proposal, the wedding and honeymoon. Let me know the man you loved.’

‘You know we waited until we were married to have sex, right?’ At Sally’s nod, Valerie continued. ‘We were married almost exactly one year after we first met. It was late May when we met and Francine and I were at Schweitzer ski resort thanks to a late season snow fall.’

As Valerie continued to talk, time seemed to roll back and Sally felt like she was there, watching.

* * *

In those days, I was very hetero and very bad at skiing. Francine had browbeaten me into taking some lessons that weekend. I truly sucked! Fortunately, the resort had a good club for après ski celebrations. My butt was so sore that I didn’t want to sit down, so I danced instead. I’ve always been a good dancer and was finally enjoying myself. I had no shortage of partners. Then he asked me to dance.

I knew immediately that we were perfect dance partners for each other. We danced like we had been dancing together for years. Every move I made, he anticipated and matched. I seemed to know just what he was going to do and flowed into it like honey onto a scone. There was an excitement that went through me when we touched. I didn’t recognize it then. After all, I’d never been in love before. I was just enjoying the dancing. I even managed to forget those stupid skiing lessons.

Occasionally, we took a break from dancing and talked. I can still remember exactly what we talked about — ourselves. I was just starting at Bradford and Gashune advertising agency at that time and he was truly fascinated by the intricacies of advertising. He was in construction, a site foreman for Wellington Contractors. He loved his work and could talk about it for hours. Yet, he didn’t that night. He was interested in me in a way that I had never experienced before. It never felt like prying, yet he learned so much about me. I remember how considerate he was of my privacy.

He had asked, ‘So how was your day of skiing?’

I suppose my frown was a dead give away. ‘Oh, loads of fun. Everyone likes to spend the holidays as a student.’

‘You’re not a skier, then?’

‘No. I never liked it much and never wanted to.’

‘Why is that?’

I hesitated. I’m really reluctant to share fears, especially irrational ones. I was trying to decide what lie to feed him when he interrupted. ‘No. That’s too personal. Leave it at ‘I don’t like to ski,’ and that’ll be good.’

I’m pretty sure I blushed at that. As I was trying to regain my bearings, he took my hand.

‘Come on. I want to do something I haven’t done in ages.’

He led me outside onto the lodge’s veranda. It was cold outside, but he didn’t seem to notice. I didn’t notice much either. His presence seemed to be a warm spot in the world. We walked to the back side of the building. The snow around the lodge was well trampled, but you could see the unmarred snow on the slopes in the distance. The moonlight made the snow glitter like millions of little stars reaching out to their cousins in the sky. Then he reached up, broke off an icicle from the edge of the roof, and licked it like a popsicle.

‘I always loved doing this as a kid,’ he explained. ‘Want a lick?’ he asked as he offered the end to me.

I couldn’t help myself. I just laughed. Then I took a lick myself. I damn near froze my tongue to the thing. We took turns licking that icicle until it was a little stub of ice. He popped it into his mouth and I could hear it crunching as he chewed it. By now, with cold both inside and outside me, I was shivering.

‘Come, let’s get you inside to warm up.’

I responded with, ‘I think I’ll only feel warm under that down comforter on my bed.’

‘Let me have the honor of escorting you, then,’ replied Mike with a gentlemanly bow and a mischievous smile.

He led me by the hand back inside and up the stairs. When we reached my room, he took both my hands and looked into my eyes. I felt like he was looking deep into my soul and, honestly, I was a little scared of how much he was seeing of me.

‘Valerie, I had a wonderful time tonight. I hope we have a chance to spend more time with one another this weekend.’

‘I did too. I would like that. Maybe at breakfast?’

‘I’ll see you downstairs at…?’


‘I can do that. Stay warm under that comforter.’

Then he walked away, not even trying to come into my room with me. At that time, if he had asked, I would have gone to bed with him. While we ultimately ended up waiting until we were married, neither of us was a virgin when we met. It wasn’t that I was casual in my choice of partners, but rather I knew I wanted to sleep with Mike.

As I went in and closed the door, I felt diminished. It was very strange, a feeling I had never had before. In fact, it was the first time that a man had not even broached the idea of getting into my bed. When I started to undress, I realized that the strong feelings I had for him were as much physical as they were emotional. I was in need, of him, yet when he had been around me, that physical need was under the surface, temporarily satiated by his simply being there.

Now, left alone, I found that my nipples were erect and my pussy was damp. I knew that I’d never get to sleep with this much lust burning inside me. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I brushed my nipples. The tingles of pleasure had me gasping. I pictured Mike taking my breasts into his hands and running his thumbs across my nibs. My mental image had me moaning and my juices going from damp to running in short order. That empty feeling down there that needed to be filled started to grow and I was regretting having left my vibrator at home.

I brought one hand down from my tits to my mound, sliding one finger across my lips. I swear I jerked at my own touch. I sucked in a deep breath as jolts of electricity-like charges raced through me. Normally I tease myself a lot when I’m masturbating, but this time I couldn’t. Once I had touched my pussy, the need in me exploded
and I could only thrust my fingers inside me to fill that void. The only way to describe it was to say that I fucked myself, hard and fast. My orgasm hit me like a freight train. I collapsed back on the bed and screamed as my body started to shake. I hadn’t even managed to touch my clit yet.

As I basked in that afterglow, I knew that I wanted Mike to do that to me. As I slept that night, I dreamed of making passionate love with him. In my dreams, he was as perfect a lover for me as he was a dancer. I’m pretty sure that I had a silly grin on my face all night.

* * *

The present reasserted itself as Sally commented, ‘I’ve seen that grin. You have it every time I tease you on the edge of orgasms. I might just think you like that kind of torture.’ continued Sally cheekily.

‘I do. Letting you do that is one of my favorite parts of being your lover.’

Sally stroked Valerie’s leg through the sheet as she asked, ‘So what happened at breakfast?’

The past returned as Valerie resumed her story.

* * *

He wasn’t there at breakfast.. The waitress in the lodge’s restaurant gave me a note when I came down. I left in unread on the table while I ate my Belgian waffle. I was sure that I didn’t want to read whatever lie he was trying to foist off on me. After a little while Francine came down and joined me.

‘So how was last night?’

‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ I obviously wasn’t feeling very good. Oh, I had enjoyed the previous night. I just didn’t want to remember it.

‘Fess up, girl! What is the problem? I saw you having the time of your life. And he took you upstairs. So spill it Valerie, what happened? Did he leave you frustrated?’

‘He didn’t even come in my room. He promised to meet me for breakfast and this was waiting for me instead.’ I handed the note to Francine.

She looked at it and her face took on a quizzical look. She looked at the note again and then back at me. ‘You haven’t read this, have you?’

‘I don’t have to. He’s blowing me off.’

She shook her head, giving me a look of caring disgust. I’d seen that look before, every time I made assumptions about other people. ‘Dear Valerie, I received a call from my brother early this morning. My brother’s been on the waiting list with the National Organ Registry for a new kidney and one has become available. I need to take care of his family while he goes in for the operation. I hope I can get a rain check on breakfast. Mike.’

Needless to say, I was feeling pretty stupid and petty. That’s not the kind of thing you make up to blow a girl off. How can you hold it against someone that he puts family first? My waffle didn’t have much taste after that. The rest of the weekend also seemed bland. This was caused in part from his not being there and in part due to my own judgmental attitude.

* * *

Summer is always busy for the advertising business. Christmas season shopping ads are planned and produced months ahead. Our company’s connections with television and radio stations put us in high demand. I was working ten hours or more a day that summer. You might remember that year. It was the year that Macy’s and Sack’s had their Christmas jewelry price wars. In the middle of all that, Mike called.

June, my secretary, buzzed me. ‘Ms. Glascow, there’s a Mike Burbon on line 2.’

‘Thanks June. I’ll take it.’ My heart leapt at his name.

‘Hello Mike, this is Valerie. How is your brother?’

‘He’s doing great, The new kidney is working well.’

‘I’m glad. What can I do for you?’

‘I know it’s not the breakfast I promised, but can I take you to lunch?’

‘I’d love to. When and where?’

‘I can pick you up outside the agency at noon.’

‘Okay. I’ll be there.’

I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to hear his voice. I had been so busy that there was no time to take the initiative and call him. A lunch date would not last long, but I really didn’t care. I didn’t get much work done the rest of that morning.

By noon, I had been standing out in front for five minutes. Mike pulled up in a battered pick up truck. Definitely out of place among the BMWs and other high class cars that were common to this part of downtown.

‘Mike, it’s so good to see you.’

‘It’s great to see you too Valerie. I hope you don’t mind something fast. I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of time for lunch, but since I had the chance, I did want to spend it with you,’

‘I want to spend this time with you too. I have just as little time for lunches as I suspect that you do, so fast is great.’

‘In that case, how about Mexican?’

‘Mexican is good.’

* * *

Valerie came back to the present as she sat up and took Sally’s hand

‘I tell you Sally, I would never have thought that lunch at Taco Time could be romantic, but that’s the way it felt. He bought me lunch and we spent the entire time just talking about ourselves. At some point in time, our hands started touching when we weren’t using both to eat. I couldn’t take my eyes off him and his eyes seemed to be looking at me as well. It wasn’t that lustful gazing at my breasts, though I certainly would not have complained, but he was looking at ME, into my heart and soul through my eyes. I so badly wanted him in my life.’

‘I know the feeling. I felt it for you shortly after we met the first time. I was sure you loved me too, but was terrified that I was imagining it.’

‘That’s exactly what I was feeling then. I thought that he really liked me. But what if I was deluding myself? I was afraid of looking like a fool. So I didn’t say anything then.’

Valerie continued her narrative, painting the past, in vivid detail, once again. ‘You know how I love hot food, Sally?’

* * *

We were heading back to his car after Mike had refilled his drink to take with him, and I was fanning my mouth.

‘A little too much salsa, Valerie?’

‘No ‘little too much’ about it. I love the stuff, but it doesn’t like my tongue.’

‘Here, try sucking on this.’

Mike had pulled a chunk of ice from his drink and held it to me.

‘This is the second time you’ve given me ice. I should call you the Iceman,’ I said, with a laugh, as I sucked on the soothing cold.

‘You can call me anything you want.’

‘How about ‘dance partner’?’ I asked as we climbed in.

‘I would love to dance with you again. Are you going to have any evenings free this month?’

‘To dance with you, I’ll make one free.’

‘Great. I’ll pick you up Saturday at 6:00.’

Just like that, we had our first date. He took me to the Gotham Club that night. I don’t know how he felt that Saturday night, but I felt like life was perfect. I was at home, in the place I was meant to be, with the person I was meant to be with. We danced for hours. My feet were in even better shape then than they are now and I could stay on them for the whole night with no trouble. I think we danced for three hours before we even found a table and had something to drink. I had never had a more perfect dance partner before.

We dated regularly after that. It wasn’t always dancing, though that was at least half of our dates. He took me to Six Flags, the amusement park, one weekend for the entire day. I had to diet for a week to undo the damage to my caloric intake from that one day. Even when he took me someplace that I would never had gone to on my own, I enjoyed myself. Just being with him was so perfectly enjoyable. My desire for him grew with each date, yet he never made a move to take me to bed. Even when we went to the beach, when I could see his cock’s rigidity in his suit, our kisses were only enough to fuel the fire inside me. The fact that he wore t-shirts to protect against sunburn meant that I was even denied his bare chest. As time progressed, my feelings for him grew even stronger. By the time the first snow had fallen on Halloween, I was in love. Madly, passionately
, irresistibly in love with Mike Burbon. I so wanted to tell him, but I was still scared that he didn’t love me.

Looking back, I know it’s stupid, to think he didn’t. However, he never actually said he loved me. It was only much later, after we were married that he confessed the same fears about me, because I never said that I loved him. Can you imagine that, two people desperately in love and neither one actually takes the five seconds it takes to say, ‘I love you?’

* * *

‘Is that why you were so quick to tell me how much you loved me?’ Sally asked, momentarily bringing the present back into focus.

‘Yes. I loved you so much six months ago and I wasn’t going to let you get away. I was terrified that it was just sex for you, but I had to let you know that it was so much more than that for me.’

‘I’m so glad you did. I don’t think I could have done it myself. You mentioned Halloween. Why?’ she asked, turning the focus back to the past.

* * *

Bradford and Gashune had done very well that year, landing three new major accounts. The president, however, was totally against Christmas parties, so we had a Halloween party instead. Of course, it had to be a costume party. One of the Batman movies had come out that year, I don’t remember which one, so the people in charge of planning made it a superhero theme for the costumes. It was the first time that I asked Mike out. He usually did the asking. That’s one of the things that made him so special. He had that old fashion type of romanticism.

He thought the idea of a costume party was great. Wanting to surprise me, he kept his outfit a secret, It turned out we had similar thoughts. I wasn’t a comic book buff, so I had had to check out some of the shops and bug the staff for ideas. In the end, I went as Emma Frost, the White Queen from Marvel’s Hellfire Club. Technically, she’s a villain, but the name Frost was perfect. Once I saw Mike’s costume, I realized how much alike we were starting to think. He went as the X-Man, Iceman.

It was so perfect. I had been calling him the Iceman for months now, ever since the Taco Time ice cube. It was like he was telling me that he was proud to be whatever I wanted him to be. I was beginning to believe he actually did love me. The party itself was like all office parties. Nervous employees trying not to insult their bosses and no one actually having much fun. Possibly, Mike and I were the only one having fun, though, to be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention to the rest of the people there. We could have had a visit from a real superhero and I would have been oblivious.

It was at the party that Mike asked me to join him and his family for Thanksgiving. He knew that my family was across the country and that, as busy as I was at the agency, I would not have the time to go home. His family had a farm about 25 miles out of the city and he wanted me to meet them. God! Meeting your boyfriend’s family? Even as adults, that’s such a big event. I almost said no. How could I though, given how much I loved him, the entire person that was him? Not meeting the parents who raised such a man was unthinkable. Little did anyone know that he was setting everyone up, me, as well as his parents.

* * *

Sally interrupted, ‘You don’t mean to tell me that he…’

‘Yes, that’s exactly what he did. He didn’t tell anyone what he was going to do, except maybe his brother. He may have, however, just figured it out on his own. Anyway…’

* * *

He picked me up early on Thanksgiving. I hate getting up early. That I was willing to get up at 5:00 AM on a holiday for him says a lot. Snow had fallen the previous night and only Mike’s truck had any chance of driving through it. We didn’t talk much on the way. He had to concentrate on his driving too much. I was at home from the moment I got there. His mom, Stephanie, welcomed me like I was her own daughter. That meant, of course, that I was drafted into dinner preparations. I wasn’t any better at cooking then than I am now. Apparently I do make a mean deviled egg, once I learnt how. It also turned out that it’s really hard to screw up a turkey dinner, or anything else for that matter, when Stephanie is within 100 feet of it.

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1 year ago
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Dream of Souls Ch 01

For someone who inspires me… His hand trailed up the inside of her thigh, tickling the soft skin there. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into his body. A small sigh escaped from her lips at the delicious feel of his hard body against hers. Lips wrapped around her erect nipple as his hand continued to slide along her skin, moving ever closer to the wetness that had been increasing with every touch. ‘Yes, God, yes!’ fell easily from her lips as his very skilled fingers found her...

3 years ago
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Piano LessonsChapter 5

Joe quickly pulled out of his sister's well creamed pussy, and hid in the closet. The closet was small and cluttered, so he had to knell on his sister's clothes just to fit inside. To make matters worse, the clutter caused the door not to close all the way. Joe had about an inch of daylight shinning through, and he could see his sister from about 5 feet away. When the door suddenly opened, Joe, and Kristy both felt like they were going to be caught. Kristy was on the bed and only had...

4 years ago
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A Ride To The Lake

Just as Lynn was daydreaming about that hunk she saw at the gym last night, she hears the phone ring. A little annoyed, because it was just starting to get steamy, she shuts off the water and hurrily wraps a towel around her tanned, curvy body. She answers the phone, in a bit of a huff. It is Glen on the other end, her good friend and sometime lover. He tells her that he just bought a new Harley and wants to take her for a ride. She loves bikes, so tells him to give her about fifteen minutes...

Straight Sex
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Monica MechanicChapter 11 A Damsel Is Rescued

Damsel Trudi’s rescue was surprisingly straightforward. Pēteris and his Companions circled the expected village so as to approach from the same direction as Demon Devin and his gang. As anticipated, but not guaranteed, the three warriors arrived well before Devin and his captive and took up residence in the small inn. Upstairs, the inn had two small rooms, each with two beds, a stool, and a washstand. Its custom was to rent bed or space, but not a whole room. The food was actually much...

3 years ago
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Pinky Ho Gyi Raj Ki

Hello,friends main Raj arora aj apni nayi story lekar apki seva main hajir hua hu lekin usse pehale main iss ka thanks karta hu jiski vajah se mere kai frds bane or muje ek or nayi chut marne ka moka mila to dosto ab main apni story pe aata meri pehli stories to apne pedi hi hain kafi dino se main apne online frds se baate kar raha tha unmain se muje mumbai se pinki jo meri ek bahut acchi frd bani uski age 22 ke laghbhag hogi main usse kai baar cam pe dekh chuka tha Or vo dikhne main bahut...

1 year ago
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MrPOV Liz Jordan I Wanna Use Your Dick

Before we made this video, I asked Liz something along the lines of, “can you have a real orgasm on camera?” Liz replied, “my real orgasms are kinda boring, to be honest with you.” Here’s the thing bro, I love crazy loud orgasms on camera, but a lot of times I can tell when they’re fake. There’s nothing fake about Liz Jordan. Which is to day, Liz is The Real Deal. I had Liz open this scene with exactly how she masturbates at home. No cameras. No...

2 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 7

Victoria looked out the window of the hotel room she was sharing with Jack. She could barely keep her mind on one thought or worry, it was like trying to grab snakes while pumped full of Novocain. Playing in her mind over and over like a Youtube video set to repeat, the scene from the garage haunted her like the guilt of a crime. Her emotions were a sea of confusion, struggling to define her feelings for Jack. After seeing what he was capable of, she felt fear; after realizing the secret...

2 years ago
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My Son And Me Having Sex At Night

Hello freind mera naam ruhi azmi hai, mai bhopal ki rahne wali hu, mere sahur ka intkaal mere sadi ke 1 year baad hi ho gaya tab mera beta meri pet me tha ,ye ghatna mere sath 4 month pahle ghati,mai 36 year ki ek bhot khubsurt mahila hu mera figure 36-26-38 hai colour bikul fair hai eyes ka colour blue hai hight 165 aur weght 55 hai mere boobs kafi bade aur rounded bikul tane huye hai meri gaad kafi badi hai bhot muskil se panty me chup pati hai ,mere sauhar ke intkaal ke baad maine apni sari...

1 year ago
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7 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 7 Stacys turn

——————-—-—— Part 7: Stacy’s Turn ———————-—— ... I was still sitting on the floor, with my pants down to my ankles. I saw Stacy jump into the pool, and Cindy strip off her sweater dress and follow her into the water. It seemed to be an excellent time for a swim... I took off my pants and joined them.    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Although the patio lights were off, the pool lights were on, so I could see the girls...

2 years ago
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Friend whoring me out bareback

This story is the same as my other story, completely 100% true.One night when I had the house to myself I decided to text a regular fuck buddy called Brian and asked him if he wanted to come over and have some fun. After a few minutes he texted back saying he was up for some fun and had a kinky idea, I asked him what his idea was but he wouldn't tell me. All he would say was "I'm coming to yours, wait outside. You'll thank me for this later". As I waited outside my flat many fantasies were...

4 years ago
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Just another early morning

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP I awoke with an annoyed groan, leaning over to hit the “dismiss” button on my alarm clock. The luminescent green numbers shining through the darkness, heralding the start of my usual 7 am day. With a huff, I slipped back onto my pillow, willing myself not to surrender to the lure of more sleep. My mind started to drift a little, slowly becoming aware of my surroundings as my senses roused themselves, discovering, with a light smile, my left hand was nestled between my legs,...

2 years ago
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Lactating Hot Wife Chapter 2 The aftermath of my first threesome

Previously: As you read in chapter one, my husband's best friend and college roommate, Glenn, stayed with us at our home in Aurora, Colorado during his internship during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier, and was breast feeding her. Soon after Glenn's arrival, I became aware that he had discovered some naked pictures of me that my husband, Chris had taken when we were still students at Penn State University. While embarrassed, I was also...

Wife Lovers
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In Your EyesChapter 3

They walked to the front door of the Winery the next morning, hand in hand. Amanda was practically bouncing as they walked into the reception area. "Hi Cheryl!" Amanda said excitedly. "Oh, uh, hi..." "Amanda. Amanda Wilcox at your service! This lug is with me. He is doing the software integration!" Cheryl looked at John and remembered him from yesterday. "Oh yes, Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Phillips is expecting you." John started chuckling, and Amanda knew why. "Cheryl, please call him...

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This is not my story I just wish this could happen

I've been an owned slave to my master for a few months after I met him via a scottish transvestite website and when I first joined I didn't know just how much of an impact it would make on my sex life and whilst I wanted to find local contacts for me in glasgow little did I know I would get into the BDSM sceneShortly after joining the site I was contacted by this master and over a few days we had various emails going between us which ended up with us meeting up and since then he's been training...

1 year ago
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PhoenixChapter 5

I went home in an absolute funk. We'd worked hard to keep Claiborne secret. But now it might all come unraveled. We'd hidden the code and modules, but if these people were as good as Jared thought, that wouldn't do any good. I lay in bed that night, the window open, listening to the traffic on US 101 and the sound of the waves. Those can be very soothing sounds, but right now they didn't bring any sleep. Maybe I dozed, maybe I didn't, I'm not sure. But one thought managed to worm its...

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Her Ghost

She saw him across the room. His white shirt was open at the neck and she could see his tan skin beneath. His smile was one that could melt a woman's heart. His eyes were pools of blue ladened with something mysterious and unknown. His dark hair was thick and unruly. She ordered herself a strong drink and went and sat at a table on the outskirts of the dance floor. She searched the crowed to find him and gasped when she did. There was a blonde headed young woman with her arms around him. They...

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MY COUSIN part 2

........After that very hot morning we had, Mike and I just grab the whole afternoon doing same things we did before. We went to play basketball, take the usual computer games and bringing up our usual hobby which was painting and drawing. Mike was all too exhausted after everything so he asked me for him to take a nap while i prepare our dinner. As i finished settling the food, i went to check Mike if he had fallen asleep. I tried walking slowly when i noticed that he haven't closed the door...

2 years ago
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Little Mistakes Ch 1

‘Dear Journal Girl, Life sucks good bye forever’ That’s how I should write it, short, sweet, and to the point, right? Well, wrong I’ve never been accused of being short and to the point, I am long winded in my suffering. So here goes the real writing. ‘Dear Journal, I have been on this planet for all of 17 yrs, and ever since I’ve grown out of my childhood it’s been nothing but pain. To have to fake happiness one more day is impossible. No matter how deep the razor cuts it never seems...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Elizabeth Jolie Trouble Maker

Ryan Driller has let Elizabeth Jolie stay with him, but this cum crazed coed has been nothing but trouble for him. Despite knowing that Ryan has a girlfriend, Elizabeth decides that the solution to their unhappy roommate situation is to seduce Ryan. After establishing herself as Ryan’s new and better girlfriend, Elizabeth convinces Ryan to spank her big ass and then rage fuck her. Pushing her down onto her hands and knees, Ryan slams his cock deep into Elizabeth’s greedy twat. Her...

2 years ago
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Grendel and Beowulf

This is the ninth story in my Legacy Universe, with the previous stories listed below for those who haven't read them. Like the others this is a stand alone story, though it might be helpful to have at least read the first, The Miracle Legacy. The Miracle Legacy Change of Heart Hardshell The Praxis Crossing Mannequin The Vengeance of Lady Hexx Glamour Girl Counterweight Grendel and Beowulf By Morpheus I walked down my long driveway with a scowl on my face, miserable...

3 years ago
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Der Hochzeitsempfang

Meine süße jungfräuliche Braut Bridget und ich hatten erst vor einer Stunde geheiratet und gingen zu unserem Empfang in einem netten Club. Wir waren beide immer noch in unsere Hochzeitsklamotten gekleidet. Bridget hatte ein langes, luftig fließendes weißes Hochzeitskleid, blondes Haar in einer Hochsteckfrisur und blaue Augen, die vor Glück und Liebe funkelten. Sie war eine atemberaubende, schöne und sexy 23-jährige mit einer dieser fantastisch verführerischen Figuren. Ihre Maße waren eine...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Sophia Grace Making Her Girlfriend Jealous

Slender blonde hottie, Sophia Grace, visits Lucas Frost to make her girlfriend jealous. The skinny babe has had enough of her cheating girl, so she plans to get back at her with the help of her best buddy. The naughty besties send selfies of themselves kissing and doing foot worship to Sophia’s girlfriend. Lucas can’t help but feel shy and horny while kissing and licking Sophia’s sexy feet. The tattooed blonde also feels the same way as she feels Lucas’ soft lips...

1 year ago
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A Really Special Birthday Present

It was my birthday and I was sitting in the lounge of my neighbour, Hazel's flat. She'd called and asked if I'd pop up as she had something for me. When I'd arrived, I'd found the door open and when I knocked, she'd called out for me to go on into the lounge. As I passed the bedroom, she called out again. "Happy birthday Mike, I won't be long. Make yourself comfortable." Hazel and I had been friends ever since I'd moved into the flat above hers six months earlier and although we were...

2 years ago
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Mature Mukta Ki Chudai

Hi people…I’m Pink. I have this amazing real story for you guys…sometimes aunties are so stupid…or they pretend to be so? Anyways, this story is about. Sex bomb called Mukta. That’s her real name. She is a mother of two…fare, huge jugs, believe me, they are so big…you can’t take them in your one hand…and her waist is very slim…this doubles her sexiness…She is my colleague…I eyed her from day 1…I Got lucky after 7 months…I discovered that she was interested in acting also…I thought of a game...

1 year ago
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My hung boyfriend has a brother

When my husband answered the doorbell late one friday evening he was surprised to see Dan, my boyfriend and another guy who he introduced as his brother Markus.I became the hostess and brought drinks and they told me Markus was down visting friends and they had gone out on the town for a drink and whatever else might come up. They told me there wasn't any talent out so Dan told him about Me and Mick and wondered if we might like 2 visitors.I was quite happy to take their banter while they...

2 years ago
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A fun little story I wrote awhile back for a friend of mine. It is purely fictional …… or is it? Anticipation, the wait is making you doubt what you are doing. It is still early and you are sitting in front of your vanity looking at yourself as you apply just a little makeup. Can you really go through with this? Can you really do what you have planned for all week long? The idea has kept you excited all week but now that the time is here you wonder if you will be able to go through with it. You...

3 years ago
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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 17

The bomb killed me instantly. Both Wayne and Erika died with me. The blast completely disintegrated Wayne's house and severely damaged the neighbouring houses. Based on what Sherwin said, the police believed in the involvement of terrorists. Since Sherwin never knew about Erika, everyone thought only Wayne and me died. Fiona never told the police what I told her, but she unsuccessfully tried to tell Sherwin. Since Erika's presence was only acknowledged in the minds of a two people who saw...

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Adventures Of Sarah 8211 Part 4

Disclaimer: This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the sex story are fictional. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Please don’t ask for personal details. I prefer my private life to stay private. Also, don’t ask for pics or video chat, such emails will not be entertained. (). This story is the second installment of the series. Here I explored my sexuality and...

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Belle Meets Master

Belle Meets Master [part 1 of 2]By: Belleerotique ([email protected])Belle was raised as a good little girl in a small southern town. She had alwaysdone as she was told to do, always been the "good girl". She had always feltout of place though. She had always had dark thoughts about sex and about whatfelt good. She never realized exactly what though until she met her Master.Belle was a tall girl, 5'10" and weighed in at about 165. She looked likea tall curvy amazon, but she never felt...

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She Said Shed Never Do Black

Hi i'd like to relate an experience we had last night. Me and my wife are what you'd call seasoned swingers. We've had sex in ever kind of group you could come up with. We done couples, 3somes and even orgies. But my wife has always said she'd never do a nigger. She says there nappy hair and big lips just turns her off. I think she'd look awesome with a brother but i didn't think id ever see it happen.My wife is a very sexy older girl. She has the full hips and wide ass of a woman of 41 years...

4 years ago
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Marking An unexpected fetish Part 1

Before this story took place Michelle had decided that she was tired of letting preconceived ideas, friends, family and society tell her what was acceptable, what was "right" or what she could enjoy. She was now choosing to give everything a try, as long as it wasn't impractical or highly illegal. At worst she'd discover some things she didn't care for, at best she'd find new things to enjoy or make her cum. Part-1 deals with the path we took and challenges we faced as we worked to make...

2 years ago
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My Negro Slave Story

My Negro Slave story Slave Auction year 1650 MR & MRS Dow Rich White w Slave owners My story begins in the Deep South Mississippi delta. In a Church on a bigplantation a group of Wealthy White People all church members from 1 exclusivechurch all couples gather together for a special event. The selling of Blackslaves is to take place today and this is an invitation only event. At thisauction the buyer will be allowed to handle their slave anyway they want too.The best breed is brought here...

1 year ago
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Something to be Thankful for

She had just turned eighteen and she was smoking hot. Long, wavy black hair than hung halfway down her back, plump lips, sexy brown eyes, an adorable little button nose, little B cup titties that would just be enough for a handful, a slender waist, and an ass that looked very spankable. He walked downstairs and found his mom in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. "Anything I can help with", he asked after hugging her. She handed him a bowl with potatoes that needed to be mashed and pointed to...

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Kaun Thi Wo

Hello Friends this is Rocky Kumar from Mumbai . First I will tell myself. I am a Businessman in Mumbai and my aeg is 25 and I am Single . My email id: Now I Start my story in Hindi. Ye eak sacchi ghatna hai jo mere saath hua. Mera Mumbai me Business. Kuch Business ke kaam se mujhe Nashik jana para. so hum morning me Mumbai se Nashik train se chale gae . Hum 10 am ko Nashik ke bus stop pe pahuche . Actually mujhe Nashik se aage Dhindori ko jana tha so humne bus ke bare me pucha to pata chala...

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Confession and Passion

It had been by the first post that the letter had arrived. Abbot Deaglan had sat at his study desk,after breakfast, and opened the envelope.The rain was tapping at the window ,it was set to be another cold,rainy,winter's day,but Abbot Deaglan took comfort in his private study among his books and memories.Now in his sixty eight year and his forty second year as a Monk he felt very content with what he had achieved . He had become Principal of St.Birchwood's Monastery of Repentance fifteen years...

4 years ago
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Erin Go Boom Tale of a Pius Man

Father Francis X. Williams watched the fat man walk into the gift shop alcove in the back corner of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and slowly, quietly, pursued him. Francis, though he preferred Frank, didn’t know why he followed the man. There was nothing particularly interesting about him. It was hard to tell what ethnicity he was, since his face was covered in half green and half white makeup, and his hair was dyed an obscene orange—which is what one expected to see on St. Patrick’s Day. The rest...

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