Rise Of Roxy Ch. 04 free porn video

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Mrs Smith looked up as Roxy entered and said, ‘It’s about time you showed up.’

‘Then if I’m not welcome I’ll go.’

The tutor shuffled papers and muttered, ‘And how would that rebellious comment look on my report?’

‘Oh so you spy for your masters?’

‘I’ve heard you referred to as a hot little bitch. Silly me I thought that referred to your acting ability.’

Roxy grinned and said then Mrs Smith should do her job and ensure Roxy was steered in the right direction to earn accolades for her acting ability. ‘I put in the work, I listen and respond to you and I attempt to attain your high standards.’

‘That you do darling, and perhaps you are the only actor with ability I’ve ever had who puts in 101% efforts and laps up my guidance so diligently. I should be grateful to have you.’

‘So since when have you recognized I have ability?’

Mrs Smith sighed and scolded herself, ‘Oh Mary, sometimes you open your mouth once too often.’

‘Is your name Mary?’

‘God girl, before you went to Italy you used to engage in interesting conversation. We should turn back the clock. Come on, we are going to have a look at production in Studio A. You take the part as guest actor next week as an imposter to claims to be Lionel Dearborn’s illegitimate daughter conceived twenty-four years earlier when he was an art student roaming Italy the summer after her graduated from art school. I requested the walk-on role be written especially for you so that my masters, as you call them, can ascertain whether you have what it takes or whether you should be banished to become a weathergirl.

‘Omigod, Mrs Smith, Mary, you are brilliant.’

Roxy rushed into Mrs Smith and hugged and kissed her, with Mrs Smith saying not to pester her like that and to stop smudging her lipstick.

‘That stuff you smear over your lips isn’t lipstick, it’s a coating to suggest you have blood in your veins.’

Mrs Smith cackled and said Roxy was such an idiot.

‘I’ve never known anyone to take liberties with me like you do and get away with it.’

‘Not even Mr Smith?’

‘No, especially not Mr Smith. God there you go again encouraging me to talk about my husband when it’s well known I don’t talk about him here at work.’

‘Mrs Smith you really ought to relax more and not be dictated by behavioral rules. Now come with me before you forget what we were about to do. You’d said we were going to Studio A.’

Mrs Smith cackled and said, ‘Come with me you delinquent.’

The stage crew was changing a set so the actors were hanging about. As soon as Mrs Smith entered Bert Clew rushed over and said, ‘Hi Mrs Smith.’

‘Good morning Lambert,’ she said and he winced. ‘How is your stage mother?’

‘Well tempered today for a change,’ he grinned. ‘Hi Roxy, you are to play against me. Perhaps I should explain…’

‘That you play the suave Lionel Dearborn, a hugely successful art dealer with a weakness for weak women. Your off-stage wife is Veronica who actually is an art dealer and your children are Mike who is fourteen and blonde bombshell Lilac is a four-year-old and your on-stage wife is Merrill Stone who is a philistine when it comes to art, her only interest being ‘how much’. Your charismatic on-stage mother is veteran character actress Vivienne Hall is having a real ball playing this part because she loves verbal fighting and this script for The Dearborn Family was written for her and your character is a person who can’t stand being told what to do. I think I should stop there.’

Bert looked at Mrs Smith who shrugged

‘So you are a regular viewer and read the women’s gossip magazines.’

‘Not really on both counts. The TV drama drags too much for my taste and I glance at women’s mags to keep up to date. No when I received a job at this TV station I researched all the regular productions just in case I was placed with any of them and I read up on all the regular actors, presenters and anchor people on news. That sort of stuff.’

‘That’s unbelievable.’

‘Well in the case of your series Lambert, I only told Roxy about her walk-on role with you guys fifteen minutes ago and she has been with me all the time since, so couldn’t have gone off to cram up about your show.’

‘Jesus you ought to relax Roxy. You’ll blow an artery if you keep up that pressure.’

Bert introduced Roxy to regular members of the cast and to the producer Tony Hopkins who smiled and said he looked forward to working with her.

‘Oh thank you and it’s so interesting in meeting you. I had the part of Caroline at high school in your play The School Delinquents. Your interweaving of characters kept us on our toes and was good experience for us.’

‘Goodness, I’d almost forgotten I’d written that. I guess you were the only high school to perform it.’

‘I think we were the fourteenth school to have taken it to the stage.’

‘Good heavens.’

As Bert took Roxy back to Mrs Hall she said, ‘Is Tony gay?’

Bert laughed and said, ‘You are rather bright Roxy’ and she took that to be approval.

Back at the office Mrs Smith unlocked a drawer and took out two copies of the script for Episode 111 of The Dearborn Family to be filmed Wednesday and Thursday of next week, with Friday set aside as a spare day in case of problems.

‘Well with probably less than ten minutes before the cameras I can’t see myself being any problem to production efficiency.’

Mrs Smith said, ‘You might care to substitute 48 minutes for ten minutes. The entire episode is shot around you and involving all the regular characters as you move in to disrupt their lives.’

Roxy turned a little pale.

‘Darling be not afraid,’ Mrs Smith smiled. ‘I described your personality, some characteristics including your shortness of attention span and liking for humorous interaction with touches of tease and your tendency to sniff and your habit of scratching under your left armpit to the team of three scriptwriters. Further, Tony Hopkins style is to lightly direct and I’ve told him to allow you to get on with it. So, all in all, this should be a real breeze for you.’

‘I sniff, oh god. And scratch under my arm like a drain layer and I have a short attention span. Omigod. No I’m not afraid Mrs Smith. You have me terrified.’

‘Right that’s enough bellyaching. The episode opens with you looking across the street at Dearborn Art Gallery. When filming the crew place a temporary sign over the sign on Robinson Art Gallery on Walton Street. You walk into the gallery and ask the only occupant is he your father. The guy smiles and says that’s unlikely because until three years ago he’d lived in South Africa and anyway he thought he was no more than fifteen years older that Zoë, which is the name of the character you will play.’

‘Oh god. I’m to play a dumb blonde.’

‘You are under immense pressure to confront the person you suspect is your father and make a reasonable error in confronting the person before identifying who he is. You won’t be wearing a blonde wig so forget about dumb blondes. You will be a 25- year old natural chestnut beauty with a masters in cosmetic science and you drive a battered yellow Porsche.’

‘Oooh and do I end up seducing Lionel Dearborn?’

‘Oh if you find that offensive I could get the script changed.’

‘No Mrs Smith, that will be quite in character for Zoë I guess.’

Roxy called Anne Baxley that evening and told her she had a part in The Dearborn Family next week that would screen on Saturday at 8:00.

‘Omigod, Tom and I watch that series. How big a part?’

‘Quite big. I gather it is the TV station trying me out in drama.’

‘Oh darling, this opportunity is so wonderful for you. Now just keep calm and do your best. I’ll make sure we are home next Saturday and you must come for dinner at 6:00. Do you promise?’

‘Yes that would be lovely Anne and the altern
ative would be to watch by myself. I will of course have seen previews but it’s not the same as watching it on TV at home.’

‘Watching by yourself. Oh god darling that’s not…’

‘I’m off guys at the moment Anne. My career is on a boil right now. I am making friends with females and they tend to be less disruptive.’

* * *

‘Is it the house with the big party?’ asked the cabbie and they turned into Tom and Anne’s street.

Roxy went to say no but then said yes. Oh no, Anne was determined to place her niece in the limelight.

Hired students were pouring and serving drinks and females in cute bunny costumes were serving nibbles. There were perhaps sixty people in both rooms.

‘Hold up everyone, here’s my niece,’ Anne shouted excitedly as she spotted Roxy coming in through the kitchen door.

‘Everyone this is my niece Roxanne,’ she said. ‘It is a great honor to have Roxanne here as our special guest this evening when she will later unleash her acting talents on to us.’

‘Hi everyone, please call me Roxy,’ Roxy interrupted. ‘Please don’t over-expect when you see the show. I was just lucky to be given the chance to jump in front of the cameras with a formidable team of actors and the support team who’ve carved out a special niche with their show, The Dearborn Family. I learned today that the show is currently being screen in thirteen countries and that’s pretty awesome for a TV station based in this city. Thank you everyone for coming. I know that my aunt can be pretty persuasive. Now where’s a drink?’

Later when everyone sat watching one of the two big screens as the show ran, it didn’t require next day’s TV critics to announce that Channel 8 has developed yet another new outstanding actor.

Roxy played the part of a feisty young woman on a mission dynamically, mostly with impeccable timing and expressions and as the hour-long (including ads) show progressed she endeared herself to viewers as she recovered from her initial bad showing to the Dearborn family to gradually win their respect and admiration for gaining an education and the start of a promising career for herself after being abandoned by her solo mom when she was seven years old and her mom took up with an older man who didn’t like kids. Against the family’s wishes, Zoë talked Lionel Dearborn into having a DNA test and that proved that no way could he have been her father although he admitted having had an affair with Zoë’s mother when they were at art school together.

Finally after three days super bitch, Lionel’s mother, gave Zoë an attaché case full of money and ordered her out of the house. Zoë left town and when Lionel arrived home that evening he was furious with his mother for ordering Zoë out of the house. He calmed when his mother yelled she’d Zoë $20,000 but that relief turned to dismay a few minutes later when a courier called with the attaché case. Lionel grabbed the key off his mother and unlocked the case and held it up and out spewed bundle after bundle of $100 notes.

‘Mother you are corrupt and heartless,’ he sobbed. ‘You attempted to buy off the only woman I’ve ever really loved. You have your damn money and at least Zoë found that I wasn’t her father. Because of you I have a broken heart and that agony is I know I’ll never have Zoë in my arms again.’

‘Oh get over it Lionel. Would you like coffee?’

Anne and most of her female friends were crying or at least looking somewhat shaken while the men were either looking awkward or grinning.

‘Gee looking at those women,’ Roxy said to the group of men she was sitting with. ‘You’d not believe they had just been watching fiction TV.’

‘Was that on-screen sex real or phony Roxy?’ asked a guy and a lively discussion followed.

There was a studio photo on the front page of the newspaper next morning of Roxy under the heading, ‘Last Night’s Magnificent TV Weep’ and the lead story of the Entertainment section was: TV8’s Roxy Lifts ‘The Dearborn Family’ Even Higher.

It really pleased Roxy to read that.

The huge smiles and cheery greetings Roxy received as she arrived at work thrilled her and she almost swaggered into Mrs Smith’s office. She was informed, ‘Mr Smith really liked your performance and on the train coming here this morning I heard several people talking about your performance. You must be good.’

‘Mrs Smith as you know one swallow…’

‘The mayor’s wife, who happens to be my sister-in-law, called me not ten minutes ago to ask me to get you to be guest speaker at her annual fund-raising dinner.’

‘Oh no thanks, tell her no. I’m really not interested.’

Roxy saw the horrified look on Mrs Smith’s face and she did and abrupt switch. ‘On the other hand, I suppose I owe you a favor or two. Yes if the mayor’s wife really wants me to speak I’ll do it.’

Mrs Smith’s face ceased being so red.

She shuffled papers and said Mal wanted to see her.

‘He’s never in this early.’

Mrs Smith sighed and said it was interesting to find Roxy now thought she knew how the TV station ran.

‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’

‘It’s Budget Meeting Day, the day twice a year when departments fight for a greater share of funding.’

‘I know I’m a wind-up model rather than a fully featured intelligent woman like you Mrs Smith but I fail to see how Budget Day has any link with me.’

‘Well some people around here dream and scheme and that why Drama is dubbed a creative art through and through, unlike Entertainment or News or Shows. Ever since the unedited shoots of Chapter 111 were thrown together the rush was viewed by Mal and his handpicked team and they were put to work once it was agreed you had it.’

‘Had what?’

‘If you find someone who knows, then tell me sweetheart. In the meantime it means undefined qualities.’

Roxy asked suspiciously, ‘Why are you calling me sweetheart?’

‘I suppose I’ve become emotional and you’ll know that simply is not me. I’ve always been successful with new talent and understudies and this time with you I know you have taken me over the bar.’

‘What bar?’

‘Darling you just continue being nice and looking pretty and when a director says act you just act your little heart out. Off you go. Mal will be on edge as he and his select team have been working long hours on this.’

‘I suppose it’s useless asking working on what and what is ‘this’?’

‘Off you go means exactly that you upstart.’

Well Mrs Smith had really fired her up. Roxy walked off holding great expectations.

Mal looked at her and yawned. He looked terrible and reached for his coffee mug.

‘No you don’t,’ she yelled, snatching the mug from him and called to his PA.

She came running.

‘Linda take this and please fetch me a hot towel and then go to the café and get a long glass of warm milk with the yolks of two eggs with the whites discarded whizzed into the milk and a dash of sweet chili sauce added and grab a big pot of plain yoghurt. I’ve had guys look like this when they’ve over-stretched on sex but Mal is just plain exhausted.’


‘Do what she says,’ he said to the mother of two teenagers. ‘I’ve not known Roxy here to not know what she’s doing. How do guys manage to get that much sex?’

Mrs Rogers looked very embarrassed at that comment and hurried off with the coffee mug.


‘Ah-ah. First you drink a big glass of water.’

‘Whisky might be better for me.’

‘God your wife married an idiot. Now drink all this before you speak to me.’

‘But I never drink water.’

‘Mal do you want me to fetch Mrs Smith in here?’

Roxy stood behind his chair massaging his neck muscles while he drank noisily.

‘God you must have been a real devil when you were a boy.’

Turning his head, Mal beamed at her.

‘When you finish with my neck you may start on my dick.’

sorry Mal I can’t touch you sexually out of respect for your wife.’

He scowled and said she didn’t know his wife.

‘Yes and that’s why I have so much respect for her.’


Linda hurried in a put down the milk and yoghurt and said in surprise, ‘Goodness you are looking better already. How has Roxy managed that?’

‘She reminded me that I must have been naughty when I was a boy and reminded me to respect my wife.’

‘I don’t understand Mal.’

‘I don’t either and I don’t know if even Mrs Smith really understands Roxy. But what she has and dishes out seems to work, doesn’t it?’

‘Well be a good boy and drink your milk. Roxy is stimulating you with protein and I wish I’d thought of doing that. Good girl Roxy.’

‘You two are a scream.’ Roxy laughed. ‘The studio should build a 30-minute Theatre around you two.’

Mal and Linda looked at Roxy unsmilingly.


‘Who told you?’ Mal asked. ‘Mrs Smith wasn’t briefed fully and the proposal has been under tight security.’

‘Well if you give me some details I would know what we are talking about?’

‘Close the door Linda and return and hold Roxy by the shoulders.’

Roxy complained that Mal shouldn’t waste his energy playing silly games.

Linda returned to stand beside Roxy, but not touching her.

‘Nick Robbins has demanded we push you into something immediately while you are running hot.’

‘Me running hot? Mal we ought to get you medically examined. The only thing was those couple of pieces in this morning’s Herald and…’

‘Your office is half full of flowers already and…’

‘Mal you are ranting. I don’t have an office. I hang out with Mrs Smith.’

Linda smiled, ‘You have an office now on the Production floor. It has its own shower and toilet. Radio talkback is going crazy about you this morning. It’s been all about you for more than an hour on Radio Limelight. And you are to be Lola Young’s guest at 10:00 on Channel 8 this morning.’

‘You guys are crazy,’ Roxy snorted. ‘Nothing happens that fast apart from vomit.’

Linda shifted away from Roxy but Mal grinned.

‘That’s my girl, expect the unexpected from Roxy,’ he said. ‘Linda, see how good she is off camera chatting spontaneously?’

‘Yes but talking about vomit…’

‘Yeah, originally spontaneous eh? It’s a natural reflex with Roxy. She didn’t say I looked over-exhausted from too long at the office. She likened it to a guy who’d ground into his woman one time too many and…’

‘Yes, yes Mal. I get the picture. There’s no need to embarrass me.’

‘Oh my apologies Linda. Roxy you’ve obvious heard the whisper that we are planning a comic series with you in the lead role called simply The PA?’

Roxy appeared momentarily shocked and then ran before Linda could move to hold her. She raced around the desk, pulled Mal on his chair out from his desk\, sat on his knee and kissed him, all of that accomplished in flash action.

‘Omigod, how did you accomplish that? Seconds ago you were standing here beside me.’

‘It just happens Linda and I’m not meaning to embarrass you. Do you sit on Mal’s knee often?’

Catching the change in Linda’s appearance, Roxy jumped off Mal’s knee and yelled she was just joking.

‘You must think I’m a real slut Linda?’

Grasping her throat Linda said, ‘Well no. You are just a little too wild for me but actually I think you are very attractive and basically a really nice person.’

‘Oh Linda, thank you. That declaration means so much to me. You are very sweet.’ ‘I believe we’ve had enough femininity for just now. Roxy before I take this proposal to this morning’s haggle meeting…’

‘Yes Mal, I’ll do it providing I can be myself, you know, sexy, a little foul-mouthed, provocative, whimsical and warm. The sort of stuff viewers warm to.’

Mal nodded and said, ‘But what about the guys?’

‘Just ensure that I appear before camera dressed to have them all wishing they could fuck me.’

‘Omigod,’ Linda groaned.

‘Acting is all about make-believe Linda. I don’t mean I wish to be dressed like a slut, just provocatively. That will be sufficient to hold male attention. As you know when they relax they become so uncomplicated.’

Linda smiled weakly, nodding.

‘Right boss show me the story line.’

‘How did you know we’ve got that far?’

‘Well I don’t believe you have become exhausted driving you people to get this proposal to presentation stage by sitting in that chair sucking your thumb.’

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risedale secrets 3

Kim smiled her knowing smile as we walked out of the workshops, the last hour played over my mind as I walked with her. The kids around me seemed lost in a haze, all my attention was focused of Kim as her lush hips swayed as she walked. Her sweet taste still lingered in my mouth as she took my hand and led me towards an empty class room, opening the door she pulled me inside, pushing my back against the wall she kissed me deeply on the mouth, her tongue seeking out mine in passion. Running...

4 years ago
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risedale secrets 2

“howz your day been then?” I asked as we existed the corridor. Smiling her dazzling smile she replied her day had been shit, but she could think of a few ways it could get better. She was always a tease, even when she was younger and still is to this day. She had the all knowing smile that not many girls had, no matter what you are thinking she somehow knows when its about her. Finally they reached the wood work department, I quickly stepped ahead of her and opened the door, holding it for...

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risedale secretsedited

Well this is were my story begins, it was a Monday first lesson of the day and i was already bored to death, mr jordy are geography teacher was once again ranting and raving about us not having completed homework......bla....bla. Who cares. I noticed a girl opposit me shaking a little, i had a look over to find her desperately trying to hold a laugh down, now im not a pervert but my eyes didn’t follow her shoulders or head, but her perfect round tits jumping about like a dog on speed. While I...

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risedale secrets

Well this is were my story begins, it was a monday first lesson of the day and i was already bored to death, mr jordy are geography teacher was once again ranting and raving about us not having completed homework......bla....bla. Who cares. I noticed a girl opposit me shaking a little, i had a look over to find her desprately trying to hold a laugh down, now im not a pervert but my eyes didnt follow her shoulders or head, but her perfect round tits jumping about like a dog on speed. While i was...

1 year ago
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Sirprises come in all shapes and sizes

Story Time - truth or fantasy?Time year place not importantMy first love was as a result of an advert placed in local magazine to which surprisingly enough many in fact too many replies were received.Some honest, some not so honest, some totally nude ( these were suspect? why? because how many had been there before and what had they left or deposited !)My army mate shared many of these letters, others were given to unit members.Mine came from a young lady who seemed to be really ok and when on...

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RepriseDont Talk to Strangers

FUCK!PLEASE DON'T......." That was all I could say for now. Tears streaming down my face,body covered in blue and red bruises. How in the hell did I end up this way. Shit!I didn't even know the answer to that fucking question. I feel like i'm going to black the fuck out. My head feels light and I swear my whole body is numb.Earlier tonight..................................................."Hey guys I will be back in a few hours," I explain to my roommates. Before I leave I take one last look...

2 years ago
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Supprised by my Bosss 19year old son

This past weekend I was invited to a party at my Boss's home which was odd because he never throws parties so I decided to go the invite said it was a costume party so I had to find myself a costume I found a costume of a Female Devil but it was so thight that I wasnt able to wear any panties and or a Bra it came up just above my knees and had a tail on it and a heard piece with horns on it so I did my make up and went to my Boss's house when I arrived the party was underway there must have...

4 years ago
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We recently visited my sister-in-law and spent 2 weeks there at her place in Tampa, Fla. They have pretty big home and have a woman come in everyday to tidy up the place. She actually prepared our rooms for us. She was about 45ish and in pretty decent shape. We had been there for the first week and i noticed the cleaning lady's schedule was pretty routine. Right down to catching her sniffing my underwear. She didn't think i saw her, but she would go in to get the dirty laundry and when she saw...

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They say it began, almost ironically, on the 14th of February 2019 but that was not entirely true. In fact, it began at Sunset on the 13th, and by midnight the domination was almost complete. By the Dawn of the 14th only a lucky few were not taken, and these few, may yet turn out to be the unlucky ones. Chapter 1 Claire Jubb was a solicitor, who was sick of the boring day to day business of writing wills and conveyancing and had decided to study to become a barrister and move into criminal...

1 year ago
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Planetrise and MoonfallChapter 2

Marriage Year 20 R (Republic Era), two weeks ago Following her prophetic revelation, Lil spun around on her toes and stepped through the yawning deck hatch to the main deck above, leaving me alone in my reverie. Lil’s mother, Gillian, formerly my step-mother, and previously my once-beloved Aunt Gill, the sister of my deceased mother, was a posthumous hero of the Glorious Revolution. You can read about her in the history readers, how ‘the Noble Duchess of Merciant, the former Archduchess of...

3 years ago
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Planetrise and MoonfallChapter 3

Cadet Academy Imperial date 7933 E The next day, when I reached the showers at my cadet dormitory, my friends who gleefully stripped me of my clean clothes and dragged me into the showers, were stunned into shock and marvelled at the shredded finger nail scratches on my back, the hickies littering my neck, shoulders, thighs and nipples, and the lipstick marks up and down every inch of my penis, fast made me the most respected ex-virgin in the cadet school unwritten record. Now I remember...

2 years ago
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Planetrise and MoonfallChapter 4

Rebellion Imperial date 7938 E, 23 years ago Even before that fateful day when the Empire fell, the Rebels were making little waves in some quarters, one of them relatively close to our world. We were taking a little holiday on the extreme edge of our arm of our galaxy. Even the zulons cannot travel to the next galaxy, but the views from the very edge seem like the edge of blackness with just the odd smudge of light here and there in the black above, below and outward from distant, fleeing...

2 years ago
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Planetrise and MoonfallChapter 5

The Treasury Year 20 R (Republic, Imperial date 7961 E) Mylon took the penultimate wormhole leap into the orbital path of the inner gas giant and the alarms of imminent collision which had been going off solidly for the last twenty terran-hours suddenly stop and we are eerily silent. According to the radar we have arrived in an area of space almost at the heart of this triple-sun-system with no debris, none at all. Which is eerie. ‘What’s happening?’ Kelvin is the first of the crew to ask,...

4 years ago
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Planetrise and MoonfallChapter 6

Epilogue New Imperial date 7962 NI My learning curve in becoming an Admiral, a Rear Admiral in fact, after leaving my last Imperial service as a Second Lieutenant, and Militia as a Lieutenant-Commander, as my father Duke Jolyon was never one to promote even his own family members until time and experience served, was an extremely steep one. Fortunately, as Velda had so astutely assessed, my Vice-Admiral Alana was supremely efficient, ever-ready with advice, and she actually made me look good...

2 years ago
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Enterprise Shoal Leave

Lt. Christopher's personal log. August 10th, 2151. The Enterprise is due for a maintenance overhaul that will take three days. The maintenance will take place at Outpost 212. The Outpost is currently under expansion itself, soon to become a Starbase. Due to its proximity to the pleasure planet of Risa, Captain Archer has stated that any personnel that has any shore leave owed them may take it during the maintenance period. I have a few days saved up, but I'd rather hold onto it and use it in...

2 years ago
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Rise and Shine

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen, and the thief’s Happy Bits will fall off. I love to watch you sleeping. I don’t do it on purpose, and not in a creepy way, but I love to watch the rise and fall of your chest, the gentle line of your soft lips that press against me so passionately in waking, the flickering underneath your eyelids as you dream about… whatever you are dreaming about. I like to think you might be dreaming about me, and...

2 years ago
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Rise of the OBots

The year is 2020. Advances in sex toy technology have given birth to the ultimate in self-pleasure technology. Unfortunately for mankind this new brand of sex toy is even more advanced than intended. Too late it is discovered the machines are sentient and self-replicating. The machines, now known as the O-Bots, choose not to use violence in their mission of conquest. The battle never even begins, society is secretly subverted before anyone even realises. By the time the O-Bots announce their...

3 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 11 Rules to Live by

They both began to study the obsidian board written on it in what was clearly a magical text and in elven runes were a set of rules to define how they would live until the mistress returned divided into two section called ‘rules’ and ‘maintenance’ Rules Elf Slut and Orc Cunt may communicate about current or future matters so long as they follow the correct format of speech. Each of Orc Cunt and Elf Slut must be brought to Orgasm by the other slave once before each meal and during the sleep...

2 years ago
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Sunrise at Pittcon

Like many of yours, my job involves travel, and most guys and women I know complain about the same thing -- we have high-energy days but at 5:00 PM, unless we have arranged a business dinner, we retreat to our hotel rooms, alone. Guys have an advantage, they can go to the hotel lounge and have a drink. A woman alone in a hotel lounge is often taken for, well, you know.I attend PittCon, an annual technical conference and exposition, because one of the professional societies I am in has its...

3 years ago
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Suprise Visit

Suprise Visit A story with two perspectives By oseame22 and lata54us I go to your house to drop off a letter that came to my address by mistake. Obviously you are expecting someone else because when your door opened you are wearing leather boots, a leather thong, leather skirt and a thin white tee shirt. The first thing I do is smile ear to ear. Realizing then that you weren't expexcting me, I ask if you dressed that way for me to break the tension of the suprise. Before you...

4 years ago
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Suprise Visit

Suprise Visit A story with two perspectives By oseame22 and lata54us I go to your house to drop off a letter that came to my address by mistake. Obviously you are expecting someone else because when your door opened you are wearing leather boots, a leather thong, leather skirt and a thin white tee shirt. The first thing I do is smile ear to ear. Realizing then that you weren't expexcting me, I ask if you dressed that way for me to break the tension of the suprise. Before you...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1105 Proxy

Jen, Court, and Sam stayed with Rhonda Friday evening when I went off to see my teammates play against Valparaiso. Whitney and Liz rode with me and we were picking up Rose at the game to bring her home. The girls had decided it was casa night. Cassie, Nicki, Mary, Sora, and Elaine were planning to get to the house sometime during the evening. We'd all be together except Donna who was already in her Winter Flex term. Well, I suppose Rhonda wouldn't come upstairs with us either. But I was...

3 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 9 Seduction and Suffering

Iliafray was thrown through the door into the east side landing in a sprawling heap on the floor. In the west side of the cell was the other inmate a tall blonde elf with piercing blue eyes, most unusually for a prisoner of the drow she was unshackled and still dressed in tunic, trousers and mail shirt clearly her weapon belt had been removed and her feet were bare . This was Iliafray’s first sight of the paladin and she was forced to admit the elf was striking being one of the tallest elves...

2 years ago
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Sunrise to Sunset

Chet frowned at his laptop, although in a general way frowned more at the world, not the little bit of frustration he was feeling over the limitations of the graphics function of his spreadsheet program. It was Friday, mid-morning already, heading into the weekend, but he was quite frankly pissed off and frustrated at Oana’s sulkiness lately.Her latest tirade, just as he was leaving for the train, was minor, but yet another stone digging into his shoulders, added to the weight of what seemed...

3 years ago
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Enterprise went on a mission to explore some clusters in space. T'pol spoke againts it because she needed to study it more. Archer thought she was wrong. The study said it had no bad affects. It was safe to explore it The humans were jumping up like happy puppies at the wonderfull lights of the clusters. They also like the way lighting flash around them. T'pol was uniterested at the childilish display. She went into the room to mediatate. Unknown to her the clusters did have affect but not on...

3 years ago
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Rise of Roxy Ch 08

Roxy waiting with her overnight bag packed for two nights away, imaging Shaun would arrive in a red Ford 1-ton truck and pulling on the brim of a black Stetson as he saw her. Almost right. He arrived in a metallic blue truckie thing he called a regular cab 1500 Silverado. He wore black jeans, black embroidered shirt, black boots and black Stetson. Oh god. Had he ever been on a ranch? ‘God look at you,’ he said, frantically pushing at his mustache. Perhaps the hair rose outwards when he was...

4 years ago
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Rise and shine

Kate slipped out of bed and moved around the room picking up the clothes from where they were dropped on the floor the night before. As she bent down to pick up the last one, she felt her husband standing behind her, his hand moving up the soft pale skin on the back of her thigh, over her bum before settling between her legs. She sighed as she felt his fingers stroking her lips, spreading them, circling her clit and moving to feel the wetness growing from within her.As she opened her legs wider...

Wife Lovers
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Rise of the Phoenix Part 1

Author's note: Author's note: Okay... there are a variety of things I want to say before you start reading this story. Firstly, this story is set in the near future, contains elements of satire and might not be seen as some to be particularly realistic on a few levels though the characters are generally representatives of particular types of people that exist in reality. Bear with this and consider the story set in an alternate reality if you have to. For my money Christopher Leeson's...

2 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 2 Punishment and Penetration

With the whip trailing to the floor the Matriarch circled Iliafray finally coming to a stop behind her to increase Iliafray’s uncertaintly before starting, twice Iliafray heard the crack of the whip as the matriarch made practice strokes before the first blow cracked across her back , not quite breaking the skin but certainly raising a viscous welt and drawing a brief cry of pain, before the matriach got serious the first dozen strikes crisscrossing Iliafray;s back each raising a viscous welt...

2 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 4 Sex and Sensuality

As she came down to earth from the crashing sensation she felt Sophia pulling herself up and then felt Sophia’s lips against hers with a kiss that tasted on Iliafray’s own juices. “What has got into you this morning my pet, you really are being naughty.” “Does that mean my Lady will have to punish me ?” came the reply at the same time she felt Sohia’s cunt pressed against her right thigh rubbing up and down leaving a wet trail “Assuming of course that my lady can stand up” Sophia was panting...

3 years ago
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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 5 Decisions and Demons

Iliafray awoke to the not unfamiliar sensation of a tongue lapping at her cunt, reaching down she felt Sophia’s head resting on her thighs while her tongue lapped away as a wake up call, she pressed Sophia’s head down encouraging her in her efforts. Sophia was leisurely in her efforts trying to slowly build Iliafray up to a climax licking around her labia and clitoris with slow deliberate motions finally as she felt Iliafray approaching her climax she nipped reached up and thrust three fingers...

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Rise of a MatriarchChapter 8 Matriarch and Mission

As always the matriarch was seated on her throne with the usual pair of hulking porcine orc bodyguards behind her “Ah yes Iliafray you are here, I received your note and I agree that you would probably do a better job if you were temporarily transformed into a surface elf. Remind me of what is needed for that ritual to work, I believe that you need a surface elf and a few other things” Iliafray nodded “Yes Matriarch, the basics of the ritual could work with just a surface elf however with...

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Rise of a Matriarch Chapter 10 Brutality and Bonding

Iliafray looked up and the drow and replied “Orc Cunt confirms her mistress’s explanation and begs for her Mercy” as she said this both she and Xanaphia assumed the present position kneeling in front of their mistress. The drow smiled down at the two “Well if I can’t arrange the first time for Elf Bitch to have sex at least I can be the first to experience her talents and you Orc Cunt can help to motivate her” She pulled the pain wand from her belt and pushed Iliafray backwards with her foot...

1 year ago
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RiseChapter 4 Opus Amarum

In the darkness of the night, after I meditate, and seek my center. After I make peace between the man I have become in The Abbey, and the man I am forced to be in The World After. I dream. My dreams are never haunted by the men and women I am forced to bring The Peace of All. The choices they made, and the actions they took, all lead them down the path to their own ruin. Instead my dreams are often visited by those I was unable to save, but only able to avenge. The night after we welcomed...

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The gritty surface of the roof dug red pinpoints into her bare thighs, but she hardly noticed. She brought the bottle of Jim Beam to her lips for another searing gulp and hissed as the burn turned to numbness in her belly. Her sigh came out as a sob and she let her head fall loose on her neck, her face twisting into a grotesque mask of pain. Fuck. Fuck him. Fuck them all. She was done. Out of here. There was no way she was going to put up with this bullshit anymore. People walking all over...

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