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Chapter 1

I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics.

Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My eyes felt tired, there is only so many ginger pubes that you can take in one night. Still, he was paying me £5 a minute. So I lay there, fingering my clit, until he fired cum all over his laptop.

How did I end up camming? Well, I simply searched online for an easy way to make money. I’m not a natural cashier, or bargirl. Hello..? I’m studying to be a doctor. You’re not going to find me stacking shelves in some discount shop.

I know camming is a risk to my future career, but as well as clever, I’ve always felt free spirited... or if you want a more exciting phrase, slutty. The feeling has always been there since I started puberty, like an itch waiting to be scratched or a clit waiting to be tickled.

The thought of being a doctor has never excited me. It’s my father who chose my career path, he is a heart surgeon and wanted his little daughter to follow him into cardiology. Don’t for one minute think I’m a pushover, but I can’t exactly say, hey dad, I would rather be dancing poles and getting my arse felt by random men... could I?

It’s not that I didn’t try and get a normal job to get me through uni. When I first arrived in London I got a job at as a waitress in a high-end Indian restaurant, where I worked for a month. But I spent more time turning down dates from my colleagues than I did waiting tables. That’s when I realised that I attract South Asians like a Dog would attracts fleas. It was not just the restaurant, it was uni. They chase me all over the campus. I’m not kidding, after lecture there will be a queue, ten deep, offering me proposals and questions. What are you? Where are you from? Please meet my parents. Will you marry me..? Fuck sake, it’s endless. They’re obsessed with me. They treat me like some kind of deity, so I started calling them pilgrims.

The problem is, technically I’m one of them. I’m mixed race, half Bahraini, yes I’m as hot as the desert and half English – hence the foul mouth. I dress in Western clothes and possess a liberal attitude. The whole package drives my South Asian classmates mad.

It’s not that I have a particular problem with my South Asian pilgrims either, they’re usually good looking, kind hearted men, who are for the most part very clever. But they want to marry me.... right away!

Despite changing careers, it was no different while camming, where I get bombarded with emails asking my ethnicity. Of course I can’t tell them the truth, Bahrain is a small island, not to mention highly conservative. If word got out that I was an online stripper, I’ld be stoned to death on my return from London. So, usually depending on what I want for dinner, I tell them I’m Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Iranian, oh and if I fancy a Sunday roast, then I’m British Asian.

Anyway, I packed away my work clothes and got ready for bed. I had an early morning, the Border Agency was coming for a visa check, so all foreign nationals had to attend. Sometimes it really does feel like a Nazi state. I wouldn’t really mind, but I look like shit on my ID card. Plus I needed an early night because I felt my period coming on, so I was going to be that little bit bitchier in the morning... God help anyone that crosses me.

Chapter 2

I woke with my stomach turning, and felt angry with the world and everything in it. Angry, I wanted to share the pain... my pilgrims were going to suffer.

Weighed down with attitude, I slumped onto the bench seat in the lecture theatre. Within a minute the daily pilgrimage began.

“Hello Madam.”

He was a fresh one. “Fuck off.” It may seem harsh but I don’t like my new pilgrims feeling too comfortable.

“I like you.”

“Not the only one. Just look at the six creeps behind you.”

“May I...”

“No. If you want to become a pilgrim, you need to come bearing gifts.”

His face suddenly lifted that he had lasted this long. “My name is Ashvin.”

“Ashvin, I don’t want to be a wife, I can’t make chapati, chicken korma or even a fucking pot noodle. As far as I know, the kitchen is somewhere where I store my white wine and dark chocolate...” Ashvin was still standing there like a door knocking Jehovah. It was time I gave him the infamous Roxy scowl. “Go and find a woman who wants to live a life of servitude.” I gestured towards my tits, “This, right here, isn’t what you’re looking for”, then gave him the Bahraini finger. “Now piss off before I give Immigration more than a few reasons to deport you.”

“I just want to be a follower.”

“You mean, pilgrim, not follower. You need to come bearing gifts. Report tomorrow with the most expensive chocolate you can find... if you can’t afford it, then you’re not my type.”

“Yes madam. Thank you, madam.”

“Now fuck off and don’t disappoint.”

The next pilgrim took his place... it was going to be a long day... But fucking them off let me release some periodic tension. “Next.”

“It’s me Sunny.”

“What have you got for me today?”

“Dark chocolates like you asked for.”

“Still a virgin?”

“Yes madam. But it’s even more frustrating being so, now that I am a pilgrim.”

I fingered through a fashion magazine, not even bothering to look at Sunny. “Leave the chocolates... I’ll eat some and let you know if you’ve pleased me”

“I do hope I have...”

“I very much doubt it. Bring me some sparkling white next time... always puts me in a more, willing mood.”

“Absolutely. May I?”

I placed the magazine on the bench, then raised my hand as Sunny kissed my ring. “Now be a good boy and disappear... You’re already outstaying your welcome.”

Finally alone I could concentrate on what really mattered. Taking out my vanity bag, I fixed my makeup. My lips are full and luscious, good for blow jobs, so I’ve been told. They are backed by a row of straight white teeth meaning I possess a Bollywood smile.

Slouched on my bench seat I doodled onto my pad as the lecturer seemed intent on boring me to death. Suddenly my mobile vibrated. My first thought was it was just another friend request on Facebook from a wannabe pilgrim. But it was my father, Pappa.

Dear little Princess.

When can I expect my loved one back here for the festive season? We all miss our little doctor in waiting. I trust you still have the money I sent for your flight home? Plus how is the love life? Your mother and I both miss you dearly. Mother spends more and more time tending the garden, I guess she is passing the time until you return.

Hugs and kisses.


I sighed out loud. That money for the flight was well spent on cocaine and expensive dinners. I could have used the phrase wasted, but I had a bloody good time... fuck, that’s an understatement. I woke up on so many different beds I thought I was a mattress tester. However, what freaked me out most was Pappa asking about my love life... he wants me married. Typing on my phone I sent back a reply.

Dear Paps

Studying hard, grades are hitting the high eighties, so still on for that first. Sadly I have no time for men L

Love and hugs

Your little Doctor

That wasn’t far from the truth, with all the dildos I ride there wasn’t much need for a cock. I usually just pull a guy during the end of term celebrations or if I go on a sex binge... which happens from time to time. Pappa must have been bored as the phone vibrated straight away.

Dear Princess

I miss you terribly. I also worry about you being single and alone. I am sending you a spread sheet of men that I have personally vetted since you turned eighteen. It contains their names, ages, occupations and pictures. Let me know who you like and I’ll put you in touch.


A worried Pappa

Fuck sake, what is it with men? If it’s not pilgrims doing my head in, it’s bloody family.

Dear Father.

I appreciate the offer, but I’m really not interested in getting married. I like being single and carefree. If people are talking about me, let them. No need to worry about me, I have met plenty of people.

As soon as I sent the email I realised my mistake. My phone vibrated with a reply.

What do mean met plenty of people?

Chewing my nail I formulated a reply.

I have joined social clubs and play an active role in student union.

The fact Pappa didn’t reply showed me that he knew I was jumping cocks. Oh, well what can he do? He’s ten thousand kilometers away and I’m no longer financially dependent on him.

Suddenly the lecture was interrupted by the boarder agency officer, who was a tall blond man in uniform. Normally I’ld look forward to flirting my way through the formalities, but I didn’t feel in the mood... Bloody monthly cycle was in full swing. Taking out my card I waited for the usual cheeky comments about my ID picture.

The officer sat the lectures desk. “Roxy Ahmedi.”

“Sure.” I strutted to the officer and passed him my visa documents. I watched his raised eyebrows and guessed that he spotted my ID picture.

“Bloody Hell. I’m surprised they let you in the country with a picture like that... shocking.”

His lame joke was predictable, but I humoured him. “Oh, not heard that joke before.”

“It’s not a joke... you look diseased.”


“Dengue fever, maybe?”

“Dengue..? Of course not.” Fucking dengue fever, was this guy serious? I felt like telling him to fuck off, but feared the consequences of being deported. So I tried to explain why I appeared to be suffering from post diarrhoea sweats. “I was still in Bahrain and about to file for my UK Visa. As always, I was running late and the UK embassy was about to close.”

“Well you defo weren’t late because you were putting make up on. Just look at that skin.”

“No...I wasn’t. At peak hour, Manama traffic doesn’t exactly move very quick, so I had to run three miles in the height of summer. Hence I look like crap when I had my photo taken. Happy? Or do want to know what bloody route I took?’’

“You’re quite feisty for...”

“For? You obviously don’t know many Arab girls, do you?”

“I’m married to one. Jeila, she’s Jordanian.”

I hissed through my teeth. “A visa chaser?”

“You must have a very understanding boyfriend.”

“You must have a death wish.”

“Is that a threat?”

I realised I had crossed the line. “No, sorry. I’m single... and very bitter.” I hung my head back, then glanced at him. “It’s also the time of the month... Sorry.”

“My wife uses the same excuse.” The officer passed me back my visa. “Anyway, everything is fine here. But I’m going to book you an appointment at the hospital of tropical medicine.. just to make sure you’re clear from your fever.”

“I got checked out last week!”

“What for?”

I whispered, “Crabs... Not the type you eat.”

Chapter 3

New week and a fresh problem.

I could just tell by looking at Professor Graham Shaw that he was a dirty old pervert. He had that leering look about him. You could just tell that he fucked hookers on weekends and wouldn’t care if they hadn’t washed in a week. He was probably into all kinds of kinks too. The kind of guy who would ask to be bummed with a strap on.

As Graham handed out our marks, I smiled at him as if he was my favourite. Yes, I’m two faced, so get over it. But one look at my paper changed all that. I suddenly felt like slapping his pasty face. “Fifty nine percent?”

“Got any complaints, see me in my office.”

“I’ll be there alright. Don’t you worry.”

“Good, I look forward to hearing your excuses.”

“I haven’t got any.”

“Then you’ll have to show me how you’re going to fix them.” The pervert’s voice was layered with dirty undertones. I’ve never fucked an old man and I can’t see it being much fun.

During lunchtime I usually spend my time in a riverfront bar, hoping for a rich footballer to whisk me off my feet... before laying me on my back. But today I have more pressing problems, like Professor Graham Shaw.

I had nipped home and got dressed in some adequate attire. An old pervert like Graham probably gets his hookers to dress young and school girly. So I had dressed myself up like an innocent choir girl from the American Bible belt... as you can see I take my slutty image very serious. I stepped into his office. The pasty faced freak sat behind his desk, wearing a perverted grin while glaring at me from behind his round spectacles. He gestured for me to sit. So on the chair, I crossed one leg over the other, making sure my pleated skirt rode as high as possible. It was my way of showing that I was ready to negotiate a better grade. “So, about my low mark?”

“I’ve already marked it twice. All those shifts on BabeCam are taking their toll.”

“What did you just say?”

“It was going to come out one day. I found you online.”

I tried to hide my shock of being found out, by veiling it behind my charm. “Well I hoped you tipped me well.”

“I like your double penetration show. Your almost swallow that butt plug whole. I think you’ve found your true calling.”

I felt flattered that he saw my potential, then realised he was taking the piss. “I need that First, Graham.”

“You need to focus, despite being a goodtime girl, you do have a brain on you. Your previous results are evidence of that. Concentrate on what matters.”

“That job earns me a good living. It also gives me the time to study.”

“Your grades are slipping for a reason.”

He had a point. But my grades were slipping because I was lacking the motivation. I find wanking and making money more interesting than learning about best surgical practices. “I need you to help me. If I don’t get that first, my average will slip and I won’t get my preferred placement. My father will disown me.”

I felt his stare falling onto my upper thigh, I slightly parted my legs, showing him that I was willing to do whatever it takes. Graham took off his tie then made eye contact. “Then show me how dedicated you are.”

“I have a hundred percent attendance... how much more dedicated can I be?”

“I’m sure a girl of your particular talents knows how to squeeze out that extra twenty percent from a red blooded male.”

I stood from the chair and unbuttoned my blouse, exposing my cleavage. “If you want me to earn my First by fucking you, just say so. I could be riding you to the best orgasm you’ve had, since the first time you splashed your bed sheets.”

“We have to both be sure that we are on the same wave length, I’ve seen too many colleagues fall foul of the governing body. Safe to say they’re taking all the fun out of this job.”

I closed the door then behind me. “Are you ready to fuck?”

“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t talk like that.”

“You love it, you dirty bastard.”

Placing my hand on my outer thighs I ran them up to my arse, lifting my mini skirt up and showing my white cotton panties. “Like what you see?”

“You look better on cam, but go on.”

Pulling my panties to one side I exposed my shaven pussy. “There are certain advantages of not being behind on camera.”The cold air tickled my outer lips. “How long have you wanted this?”

“Since you first sat on my front bench. You have a habit of showing your knickers while you take your notes.”

“It helps me think.

“Most people chew finger nails, play with their hair or roll their tongue... But yours is definitely more interesting. Keeps the boredom of lecturing at bay.”

I strutted up to Graham and climbed on him while he sat, straddling his waist. “Now, how exactly do you want me to earn that first?”

“Make me cum.”

“I expected nothing different for you.... you old dirty bastard.”

“It won’t be too hard. You’re a slut, so just do what comes natural.”

I hate the word slut and being called it stings my ears... But they always say nothing hurts more than the truth. “I’ve always hated you from the moment I first set eyes on you.” Framing Graham’s head with my hands I forced it back onto the headrest and pinned him there by his ears. His pasty face began to turn a healthier pink. I stared into his weak and cloudy eyes. “You have pervert written all over your face.” I snatched his glasses and tossed them onto his desk. “I’m going to give you the angriest fuck you have ever known... and I hope your pacemaker can’t keep up.”

“I like it rough... I like it dirty, and that’s why I always liked you.”

Reaching down between us both, I unzipped his trousers. My hand entered his sweaty boxers and found his rigid manhood. “Big words for a small man.” A smile crossed my face as I wrapped my fingers around his pecker. “I knew you didn’t have a big cock.”

“What is it about sluts and big cocks?”

“I never forget a man’s name if he can make me scream.” I began wanking Graham. My hand sliding up and down his moist cock, I wondered if it was piss or sweat... probably both. “I like to feel what it is that I’m fucking. Tiny cocks like yours doesn’t do anything for me... but you can only work with the tools you’re provided with.”

“I make up for size with my experience.”

“I hope so... But I doubt it. I’ve never been with a man over fourty. Never mind seventy.”

“I’m sixty three, next week.”

Taking my hands off his cock, I massaged his forehead with my thumbs, stretching his loose skin. “The wrinkles are already out in force. With that green pullover of yours, you look like a turtle.”

“Mock me if you want, but I was well into my fifties before I got my tree rings. But with your lifestyle, you’ll no doubt drop a few kids before thirty, have the stress of bringing them up on your own. And end up with more wrinkles than me before you hit the menopause.” Graham smiled. “I’ve seen it time and again.”

I slid down Graham’s body and dropped to my knees. Gripping his thighs I lowered my mouth over his cock. My taste buds told me that his cock was moist because of piss rather than sweat. Not that it was overpowering, he must have been well hydrated. Also, I guess a man of his age can’t help a little leakage.

The beauty of small cocks is the blowjobs are effortless. I slid up and down like it was a hobby of mine... well I suppose it actually is. Anyway, I wasn’t choking, that’s the point I’m trying to make. It felt good because I only like choking on cock when the guy deserves to be slobbered on. However, I spoke too soon and the bastard pushed down on the back of my head with both of his hands, forcing the cock deep into my throat. My face was up against his soft bed of grey curls. I began slapping his skinny thighs, but he still wouldn’t release me. So I dug my nails into skin. He released me, but not until I vomited a mouthful spit over my blouse.

I fell backwards, covered in the sort of mucus only your GP finds. However, rather than feeling defeated, my depraved lust kicked in and I felt ready to get my sexual revenge. I climbed to my feet. My blouse felt drenched and clung to my skin. He sat there on his chair, wearing a smile on his decrepit face. It made me hate him even more. He was going to get it... big time. In fact, I was going to retire the bastard... permanently. “You want it rough?”

“I think I have made that perfectly clear, my dear.”

“Your cock is going to be so sore, you’ll feel like you’re wearing a catheter,”

Pulling my blouse over my head, I let it fall, before unbuttoning my black skirt and stepping free. Kicking off my Sunday school shoes, I launched them at the bastard. I then ran in my white school socks, and threw myself towards him. Our bodies collided and sent us rolling on his chair, crashing into a bookshelf. Text books and journals clubbed us as they rained to the floor. A weighty contacts book smashed me in side of the face, but I couldn’t care less as I went about ripping that fucking awful green pullover over his head. I pulled it over his face and watched it get caught on his hooked nose. He screamed as I pulled ... so I yanked it even harder.

To my despair Graham wore a sky blue shirt with small vintage aircraft flying over his torso. A sure sign of questionable kinks. “Is your mum still alive?”

“What the hell has that got to do with this?”

“I’m sure she still dresses you.” Pulling my panties to one side I sat on his cock and slid it in deep. I’m easily excited so my pussy is constantly lubed. It would take more than a badly dressed dirty old man to cause a drought in my pants.

I pulled at Graham’s shirt, popping buttons, ripping it down over his shoulders. It didn’t get any better as he wore a discoloured string vest. But I was too far gone to give him a lecture on his choice of clothes. Grabbing the back of his neck I began grinding my hips into his pelvis. I stared at him for point blank range, causing us to share the same air. My screams were an act, but my enjoyment was clear for him to see. Sex is never a choir, not with strangers anyway.

As the sexual tension rose I began to tear at his neck with my nails, and smiled as I left rivers of red skin. I cried in agony as he tore at my bra, snapping the clasp and threw it to the floor. This was getting serious, that bra was a present from one of my favourite cam clients.

I felt we needed a new position. Shifting my weight I span the chair around, then kicked off the desk, sending the chair falling backwards onto the hard tiles. My pussy has quite a grip, and never let go Graham’s cock during the manoeuvre.

My bubble butt is a favourite feature of mine, and I’m always showered with compliments when online. So in the hope of finishing Graham quick, I thought I’d give him some reverse cowgirl. Feeling him slide out, I quickly spun around, then impaled myself back on to his cock. Whirling an imaginary lasso, I began pounding him.

All the while I was sliding his modest cock, all I had to gaze at was his tired slippers. The worst thing was the faint smell of vinegary feet. This was a new low for me, but if it gets me my grade it will be worth every inch of his dirty, repulsive cock.

I suddenly lunged forward and shouted out, “Hey.” My face was perilously close to his pungent feet. Graham had plugged his thumb into my arse. I closed my eyes as I felt him corkscrew inside me. It’s not part of my repertoire so I leaned back and slapped his hand away.

Jumping up from Graham, I quickly whipped off his sweaty slippers and grabbed the bottom of his slacks and pulled them off his ankles. Graham remained on the tiles. He didn’t put up any resistance, in fact he boxers came off with his slacks. All the while he was too busy sucking my arse juice from his thumb. Shaking my head I frowned. “You disgust me.”

“Why, you’re about to do the same.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Want that first, clean my bottom.”

“You’re filth.”

“No, you’re filth.” Grabbing the back of his knees he lifted his legs and mooned a greying hairy arse. “Now, earn that First.”

“But there’re bits of tissue stuck in your arse hair.”

“Well make sure it isn’t there when you finish... Now, chop chop, I want my pilchard sandwiches before my break is over.”

My stomach somersaulted like a Russian gymnast. Settling down in between his legs, I wretched as I breathed in the odour of unwashed skin. Sticking out my tongue I closed my eyes and leaned forward.

I once wanted to be a nurse, but I was immediately derided by Pappa who didn’t want his daughter cleaning sick pensioners while only earning a modest wage. Well, here I am, half way through medical school, licking an old man’s arse. If only Pappa knew.

As I neared his stench emitting backside, my fingers brushed the floor, and found a stray pen... I was saved. I opened my eyes as I picked up the pen. Knowing men well, I knew he wouldn’t mind. So I thrust it into his anus. Twisting it, I listened to his lustful screams, and shoved it deeper. It was clear to me he was enjoying it. The fact was then certified as he cock jettisoned his cum, showering his hairy belly with salty white raindrops.

Feeling that my job was done, I pulled my white panties up my legs as Graham pulled out the glue stick. He tossed the stick into the bin. “Good job the lid didn’t come off.”

“What goes up must come down.”

“That was the best student sex I have ever had. Well done.”

I threw him by broken bra. “You can have it as a memento.”

“I’ll put it with the rest of my mementos... I’ll EBay my collection one day.”

“Have I got my First?”

“Damn, right... if you piss your panties and give them to me.”

Nothing shocked me anymore. Plus I needed my post-sex piss anyway. “Sure. I always need a leak after sex.”

“And let me watch.”

“Didn’t think I was going to do it alone, did you?”

“The socks too... you wore them when you were at school right?”

“Of course.”

“Great... Take them off now. I’ll wank in them later.”

I pulled my socks off, their frilled edges spoke of an innocence long lost. “Enjoy.”

Graham took out an old newspaper from his satchel, then scattered the pages on the floor. “I have a bucket for such occasions.” Opening his cabinet he lifted out a large steel bucket and placed it in the middle on the paper. “Stand in it and take your time.”

Stepping in the bucket I waited for the moment. But his intense stare pushed back the tide. “I can’t go while you watch.”

Graham handed me over a glass of water. “I have a meeting in five minutes, hurry up.”

After downing the glass in one, I closed my eyes and thought of running water. I dreamt of waterfalls, rivers and broken mains pipes. Fuck, I even dreamed about the shit nineties film called Waterworld.

The dam finally burst. I felt the piss gush out the legs of my panties and trickle down my thighs and calves. Rivers of hot golden urine flowed down my legs. The sound of piss hitting the bucket took me back to my childhood when the cyclone rained on the corrugated roof of my nan’s house.

I’m not shy by any means, but being watched while pissing myself made me feel humiliated. Still the thought of my First made me turn the piss tap to full.

Pulling down my panties, I stepped out of the piss bucket on to the newspaper covered tiles. I left them in the bucket just like Graham had asked. Soaked in piss I pulled my dress over my head. “So I got my First?”


“Thank fuck for that.”

Graham took a bite out of his pilchard sandwich. “Now get out and leave me alone with your delicious panties and socks... I think I might force out a quickie and unload in your left sock... while smelling the right one.”

Finally on my way home, I stood inside a packed tube train. All I could smell was piss, and for once it was me. My mouth tasted of ass and all I wanted was to rinse my mouth with mouthwash then stand under a steaming shower. Picking my phone out my bag I noticed I had a message from Pappa.

Dear my little Princess

I cannot rest while worrying about you. I fear that you’re at risk of being misled by these randy westerners. I have secured a job at a London hospital and will now rent a two bedroom apartment for you to live with me.

Good news?

Fuck sake... Now I need an Asian boyfriend before he arrives. Otherwise I’m going to be stuck being Pappa’s Princess. A thought worse than Graham... well, not quite. But you get my point.

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Spontaneous Public Nudity Towel Drop 1

Since my late teens I have been obsessed with presenting myself naked to women and mixed audiences. I like to present as a submissive, vulnerable and non-threatening nude. I started by allowing myself to be seen naked through my front window. I was sexually and socially inexperienced and immature. The experience with Pat, which I have written about previously ("My First Sexual Relationship", and "Femdom - the next stage"), made me bolder and determined to find new and equally exciting ways to...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 47

It may have been late spring in Fort Lauderdale but it’s still winter in Wyoming ... and not late winter. Winter. This year wasn’t as bad as last winter ... last winter was a disaster. Governmentally wise, last year ranked right up there with the Blizzards of 1949... 18 monster “Grey Wall of Snow” storms in 27 days. It was 83 degrees when we left Fort Lauderdale, 80 in Jacksonville, 56 in Columbia, and minus 14 in Sheridan ... with a gentle snow ... not more than a quarter inch accumulation...

3 years ago
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Straight No More Gay

I knew this was the only way I could go through with it. As I stepped into the unlocked hotel room, I could still feel the shudders of fear, and excitement, race through my body.The hotel room was empty, just the way He said it would be. I closed the door, and fought the urge to lock it. That was harder than I thought… one flick of that little knob, and nothing would happen this afternoon. But, I didn’t. That wasn’t why I was here. I wasn’t here to be safe.I looked at myself in the mirror over...

2 years ago
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The AuraChapter 5

“Christian ... Christian...” Chris awoke to Carmen calling his name. “Mmmph...” He sat up. He could see the silhouette of her nude body standing in the bedroom doorway. “Good morning, sleepy-head,” she said. “What time is it?” Chris reached for the nightstand lamp and switched it on. “Eight ... or, are you accustomed to sleeping in on a Sunday?” “No ... no, I’m usually up before this. Daylight usually wakes me. These drapes are really dark.” “I need it dark when I meditate,” she...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 8

Mom was sitting on the couch when I came in. “Can we talk?” she asked as I was hanging up my jacket. “Wait your turn,” I said. “I have to go wreck Lilly’s day first.” Her eyes widened and she followed me upstairs. I knocked on Lilly’s door and waited for her to answer. She opened the door and looked at me. “Yeah?” “Don’t worry. This won’t take long,” I assured her. “Three months ago, I found out Mom and Dad were getting a divorce. You knew way before that. You never told me. That crushed...

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KellyChapter 9

(Mike) I woke up feeling better than I had for a long, long time. The reason I felt so good was still asleep, spooning her cute butt into my waist. Ever since Lisa and I started college, I wake up every morning at five thirty. This morning was no exception, but I don't feel the need to inflict early wake ups on others. I extricated myself from the bed without waking Kelly, so I could take care of my morning needs. After making sure Kelly was well tucked in, I padded naked, to the...

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Sally Sally PumpkinEater

Sally Sanderson was not exactly a pretty child growing up and when she reached the ripe old age of eighteen; there was not much noticeable improvement in either her looks or her disposition. Her parents never really noticed that she didn't have very many friends because they were so proud of her straight "A"s in school and the fact that she kept her room exceedingly neat and clean. She had a little dog called Dodo who had a short curled tail and seemed to be interested in sniffing...

4 years ago
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Then while my man was away for a short business trip he emailed me: “You are to pleasure and be pleasured, the thought of a threesome situation with a third man (toy boy) for your sexual gratification and enjoyment has strong appeal.” He took the trouble to provide a list of three-way scenarios and asked me which ones I preferred, which really piqued my interest and I replied with a short list. To make sure we were on the same wave length he set out his rules and expectations and asked me...

4 years ago
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Landlord Left His Wife Desperate

Hello all, I hope everyone is doing good and staying safe. Thanks for your response to . It motivates me to post another real incident with the landlord’s wife. I got the job in Pune, and the company provided two weeks of accommodation for me. During that two weeks, I met another two guys Swaroop and Dilip. We three decided to stay together and took a two-bedroom flat. Post-one-week, we found that the flat was not good and we were dissatisfied with the house. We were frustrated and raised our...

3 years ago
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Young and horny work place fun

My first job out of university was in an office that had a real mix of young, old, females and males. I was only 21 at the time and most of the guys in the office would head down to the local bar after work and have a few. Sometimes too many. This was a daily ritual. Occasionaly a few of the women from the office would join use. As one of the youngest in the mix and horny all the time I would try my best to get one of the ladies in bed. The first was a beautiful young one that had the most...

2 years ago
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Erotic Essay 2 Find Favourite Feature Fetish

EROTIC ESSAY 2: FOR FINDING FAVOURITE FEATURES & FETISHES OF READERS' CHOICESI FIND FINDING by SEARCH, Even I try find back certain Story, I Wrote Myself, NOT EASY Here.I FOUND FINDING a Single STORY, rare only one, with Unusual Feet FETISH Particularly HARD.I only remember HER NAME But Not Sure if I Use In that Story Lost From my Sight. She Tried. I APPLY ALL TRICKS & TIPS I know. She 'Dresses': 'Short Sexy Skirt' 'Net Nylons' 'High Heels'.I TAKE An HOUR @ Each SERIOUS SEARCH. TOOK ME...

3 years ago
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Ladies in Waiting Game DayThe Slither in the Dark

& “We could go a different way, perhaps?” Randia asks nervously. The dungeon down here was less worked hallways, and more natural tunnels. Much of which had obviously been widened to allow easy passage. Ahead of the group stood a cavern. In the center of which were some large boulders and a handful of huts. Around a dozen goblins milled about. Tending to daily chores. The six women watched from the shadows. Each reduced to merely their lingerie. Except for the rogue who still had soft...

2 years ago
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PrincessCum Haley Reed January 2022 Flavor Of The Month Haley Reed

Haley Reed believes she’s an ice princess and that she can get her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, to do whatever she wants. She begins her quest to get into Nathan’s pants by blocking his view of the television. When she finally gets out of the way, Haley insists that she’s going to use her ice princess powers to get him to fuck her. Nathan blows her off, so Haley heads back to her bedroom to change into her ice princess costume. Returning to where Nathan is still trying to...

4 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 10 Sorcerer 2

Savren sat upon the cold stone bench outside one of the many empty chambers of the Tower. Beside him sat his Master, dressed in her finery with a small box resting in her lap. His robes were immaculate in their finery, suitable for this most auspicious day. In the chamber, she waited. He knew that the room was near the apex of the tower, and that in the ceiling above the room had several windows that would allow for the marking of the stars above. The day he chose for his Offering was special...

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How I Fucked My Maami At Her Home 8211 Part 6

This is your friend Sameer again and I am back with the sixth part of the series. I had never thought you guys will love this series so much. Thanks for your love and support. Till now, you are aware of how mami and I take our relationship to the next level by doing anal sex. You read how we lost all inhibitions and we would fuck wherever and whenever we got a chance. Read the previous parts if you haven’t so far, for context. Now, coming back to the story and taking it forward. We were...

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A Trip To The Pub

We've gone out to a pub. It's fairly quiet. We chose a table near the window... a round table. We both sit on with our backs to the window, with the rest of the bar area in view, so we can see movement and who may be approaching us but we're close together. This allows us to talk quietly and allows me, Bad Man, the opportunity to say what I want.I have planned this. The seemingly innocent drink is going to involve some risky behaviour. I have some ideas, but I haven't told you any detail....

2 years ago
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KinkySpa Kay Carter Hot blonde Kay Carter fucks her new boss at the Kinky Spa

Kay Carter is excited to be going to her new job at the Kinky Spa, especially since her new boss is a smoking hot Spaniard! The only problem is she hasn’t ever given a massage before. Her new boss says it’s no problem though, why doesn’t he give her a massage and show her the ropes? Things start off normally, just some nice sensual rubbing, but it’s not long before he shows her what the “Kinky” is all about. Next thing you know his hard cock is down her...

3 years ago
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Son Cuckolding Mallu Mom Revathi

Hello all, Thanks for your response to the earlier story, Actually, Vishal was in touch with me before he started banging his mom. More than the desire to fuck his mom, his fantasy was to watch his mom getting fucked. After discovering his mom’s secret affairs, he discussed with me about going ahead. I suggested that he shall confront her with the truth. But he moved a bit ahead to an extent to blackmail her. However, later on, he discovered her slutty side. After his fuck marathon with his...

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Animal InstinctsChapter 6

The following weeks were a combination of torture and numbness for Maria. As more and more men (and women) used her for their sexual satisfaction she agonized with herself about how she could go on. In order to cope, she developed that wall, that shield, that numbness that prostitutes everywhere acquire to protect themselves from having to face the ugly realities of what they do and who they are. And then, there was that Thursday. Seemingly like any other day, Maria had already serviced two...

1 year ago
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Nature night

It was a warm spring evening. The sun had almost set when Sarah came out of the little bar. She'd had two glasses, and was feeling a bit dizzy. She looked around the street, there were few people around. Seeing a cab near the end of the block Sarah started walking towards it. She opened the door and got in. The driver gave her a head to toe look. She didn't say anything. "Where to?" asked the man. "North street," Sarah answered. The driver turned the keys and the car pulled out. Sarah took off...

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The Wonderful World Of LADYBOIS

Oh god - I'm just sitting here, thinking about how lucky I am to have been born a femme! I love everything about femmes. Of course, getting to where I am today - a totally sexy and girly ladyboi - took a long and sometimes circuitous route. Being born male, and coming from the time and place I came from, announcing to the world (or even to yourself!!) was probably not the wisest thing to do. All I ever heard growing up were extremely negative things about anyone who wasn't straight sexually. It...

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An hour, a whole hour! For what? You weren't being "inattentive", you were paying a LOT of attention. OK, so maybe ogling the teachers breasts wasn't the right kind of attention, but it's still unfair. Now you're stuck here with her for an hour, and only 5 minutes have passed. The teacher you were staring at was Miss Locke. She wasn't what you would typically consider hot. For a start she was much older than you, maybe 50? Yet sometimes you struggled to keep your eyes off her. Her large milky...

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Kythes Romp at the Blue Voile

Kythe's Romp at the Blue Voile by Kythe Larsen Marilyn parked her car next to a towering snowbank that was colored red and blue by the neon lights of the club across the street. The Blue Voile appeared from the outside to be yet another trendy night club capitalizing on the current interest in the American forties and fifties. The exterior of the club was done in sheets of corrugated steel hung vertically beneath the pitched roofline covered with hummocks of snow and ice. Long...

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PortalsChapter 6

"When they were through torturing her, and Gran was dead, the warlords cut her throat and drained all the blood into a large iron bowl"--The Story of Gran Ch. 25 lines 13 &14 Krinan strode into the anthropology building with clenched fists and gritted teeth. How dare Dahra disappear off the face of the planet for ten days without notifying her. She was her superior, damn it! It was especially despicable, since Dahra had promised to give her a full accounting of her activities, the day...

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Summer School Part 4

They met early the next morning. Despite the visibility to their neighbor’s homes, they shared a quick kiss. Both of them were filled with excitement over what they were about to do together. They were also each a bit worried. They were nervous that one or the other might want to back out. When they got to the library, it was empty except for a couple of older people reading magazines and newspapers at the front. They slowly walked up and down the aisles pretending to look at books until...

2 years ago
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NaughtyAmerica Giselle Palmer VR 22305

It’s raining today and Giselle Palmer just doesn’t know what to do with herself. She had planned to go shopping and to brunch with her girlfriends, but the wet gloomy weather has her wanting to cozy up inside, and wanting you to cozy up inside her! With her pillowy natural tits and big bubble butt for days, Giselle will float you to cloud nine in no time. She wants to knock rain boots with you. The only question is: it’s wet outside, but can you make her wet inside? Would you be willing to come...

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The Fireplace

It was late morning and the sun had finally inched its way in through the soft curtains at the window. Jennifer lay snuggled close to her pillows not wanting to move or even open her eyes. It was Sunday and this was her day to sleep in. She rolled over on her back and ran a hand down her silky negligee. She felt so cozy in bed she wanted it to last. Stretching her arms over her head she took a strand of her hair and played with the end of it. It was so smooth against her face. Closing her eyes...

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A Summer Job

Sarah was driving home from a date in her brand new Toyota 86 GT. It was a graduation gift and the 18-year-old was in love with it. She had gotten it in Oceanic Purple to match her long, dyed hair. She couldn't wait to start college in the Fall and show her baby off! She had gone out with her boyfriend Ryan and while in a secluded parking lot, they had broken in the backseat. They had made out and she took off her top and bra to give Ryan access to her large, F-cup tits. He loved to play with...

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Watch me come again

I awoke on a sexual high knowing what kind of day awaited me, my pussy was already throbbing with excitement. I stepped out of bed still naked and stood in front of my french doors which led out onto my balcony, remembering two mornings ago when I had fist fucked my pussy in front of my stranger. A strong urge came over me to do it all again but I knew I didn't have time so I stepped away from the doors and made my way to the shower. It was Friday and I had planned a weekend away with a friend...

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Franks Inner Woman

Frank had taken the opportunity of his wife being out of town to visit Manhattan and the porno parlors, telling himself that he wouldn’t visit a shemale prostitute again. But the fever was in him and the martini was lowering his resistance. ‘Of course I was going to do this, that’s why I took all the money out of the bank.’ He found an ad that looked appealing and retrieved a couple of quarters of the bar, and went to the phone in the back and called. No luck. Try the next one, again no...

2 years ago
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Whoring For Abdul

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); In my last story I recounted how, during a visit with my husband to Birmingham’s seedier quarters in search of some adventurous sex, I was propositioned by an Asian man who assumed I was a prostitute. Going along with his understandable misinterpretation of events (he had watched me give my husband a blow job in a factory doorway on the street), I offered to suck him off for a tenner and then let him fuck me for...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 16

On Thursday I followed what had become the new norm. After school Keith and I went over to his house and got his stuff, then drove over to my house to get mine. Then around the block to pick up Linda and Holly at Holly’s house.Shortly after we were at JD’s house, and everybody was doing the usual creating a new party shuffle, while trying to pump me for information.Yes, it’s going to be starting in a city. Yes, only 1 character each. Yes, level 5 through 7. Multi-class so long as the totals do...

3 years ago
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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 7 Decisions and Celebrations

In the hallway, Grandpa Watson stopped everyone. "I'd like to thank you for agreeing to this, Dale, Roger. What do we do now?" "First, we take Melanie home and let her pick out some clothes for the next couple of days. She's not enrolled in Bell Elementary just yet, so she'll need some clothes until we transfer her over." "Thank goodness tomorrow's Friday," sighed Emma's mother. "It gives us time to THINK." "We still have practical day-to-day issues to address. Felicity's...

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First Date

We had been dealing with a lot of issues lately that had been keeping us apart. So she and I decided to meet, even if just for a night. AND, because of the nature of how we met, we never actually had a real “first date”, haven gotten to know each other so well by phone and mail long before we met in person. SO… we decided to make this our actual “first date”. Richmond, Virginia just about halfway between us, so we made plans to meet there at the Copper Grill – a very romantic restaurant. ...

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Arabian Nights Part Three

Arabian Nights Pt. 03 "Only one word of advice I can give you; don't resist them," Sarina whispers into Michele's ear. "Thank you Mistress," Michele responds. "You won't thank me when they deflower your tight little arsehole," Sarina responds. Although obviously American she uses the English word arse, rather than ass. "I can't and won't help you once we are inside. You need to know I am not your friend; I am your Mistress. In fact I'm going to rather enjoy watching them take...

5 years ago
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Tanya finds a girlfriend pt3

Carlo almost flipped to Carol in that moment. Almost. "I can't have what I want Mrs... Tanya!" he/she stumbled. The words came out in a rush, a tumult. "How can I have what I want? I don't know what I want. I want to look like you, but I'm a boy, well, a man, I suppose.. I don't think I can NOT be what...... What do I want? How am I..............? What do you..........? Why did you kiss me like..........? I look good to you? Like this? I'm a pervert, aren't I? How can any.....? How...

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The Witchs Circle

The Witch's Circle Before she married him, she'd insisted on full disclosure. He was a romantic, and this made him a lost soul in her eyes. People would do uncharacteristic things under the spell of love. For example... marriage. She wanted to make sure he knew what he was in for, not a rough ride exactly, but not exactly a normal one either. His disclosure was minimal. Hers was more eventful. As always, when one attempts to deliver weighty news, the buildup, the prologue is a...

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She Is The One

This is my first paranormal erotic story that I have ever written. I’m not usually a writer of paranormal erotica, while I’m a fan of good vampire erotica. I was moved by an author who has submitted several erotic stories to another site. I decided to write a vampire erotic story, and I am unsure of creating a sequel , since I intended to create a short vampire story. However, I was respectively inspired by this song and video: “Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor)” by Pitbull featuring T Pain...

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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.” He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the...

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Dinner Conversation Started the Fun

“So honey, how was school this week?” he asked. Tommy interrupted saying: “She’s got a BOYfriend in the 9th grade!” he exclaimed. “Shut up you little prissy!” she said back. “Wait a minute you two. Dad works hard all week long and I should be able to come home on Friday night and not hear you both screaming at each other all the time. That isn’t fair. Please pass me the wine cooler Kylie.” Before passing it to her Dad, the girl began to examine the bottle closely and asked: “Is 12 %...

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Naughty Things With My Neighbor School Girl

Hi ISS readers, I am Siju here again, hitting you with my next real incident. Hope you don’t need me to introduce myself again. First of all let me thank all those who comment my last story, specially to those aunties who are keep in touch with me. This story is about me and my neighbor Vidhya . We are of same age and when this incident happens we were of age 18.she is having a awesome figure of 34, 28,36 and 5.5″. After my 10th due to financial problems we sold our house and moved to a rental...

2 years ago
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Cute Audit Girl

Hi Friends, Danial from karachi, 30 yrs old, working as Head of finance in a reputed company. I am a qualified Chartered Accountant. I was working with an Audit firm as manager audit and we use to go to client site for Annual Audits. Any cute giel wanna be my friend can contact me at [email protected]. This is one of the experiences when I went to audit the accounts of a Computer Institute. The first day when I went there, the Vice president of the institute introduce me with the...

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The paramedic and my rectal temperature

The paramedic and my rectal temperatureI was alone that long week end; Victor had flown away from town and would come back on Tuesday.By Sunday evening I felt my corporal temperature was burning me to flames; I decided to call a doctor to come home to check my warm body…By midnight somebody rang the doorbell.I stood up from the bed; I was little bit flimsy, but I made my way to the entrance. I opened the door and found there a young paramedic… a very young and handsome one.I let him in and...

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What Are You Thinking

Friday night was a Technicolor blur, a hot and dirty frenzied fuck that spilled hungrily over into Saturday morning. She had met him at the motel door with a lopsided smile and a rodeo hug and a long sloppy wet kiss that lasted only until he had time to lift her and turn and throw her at his feet. He fell on top of her and closed the door with a clumsy kick. They fucked ravenously on the hardwood floor, trying to kiss as they fucked but unable to meet each other’s mouths in the feverish...

Straight Sex
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My InitiationPart16

I wanted to stay and listen to the two girls making love in the bed, but I was running behind again and I had a couple more rooms to do. I was getting tired and didn't want to screw up. The next two went very well. Again the girls were sleeping naked, but there was a definite difference from these two to all the others I had done. When I looked at the first one in bed, she was sleeping on her side. The one thing I noticed was the way her breasts literally took up quite a bit of area under her...

4 years ago
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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 14

Did you ever notice how life never gives you straightforward, black-and-white situations? Everything is always shades of gray. Or worse, plaid. Take waking up, for instance. When it comes to waking up the bad way, it's hard to beat being jolted awake by a nightmare so horrible that you're glad you can't remember the details and wish you also couldn't remember that it had been a nightmare that horrible. When it comes to waking up the good way, it's hard to beat opening your eyes and...

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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 6

Charles withdrew his hand from Diana's panties. He lifted himself and knelt beside her, unzipped his pants and shoved them and his underwear over his hips and ass to his knees. He kicked them off his legs while he leaned down and grasped her slip and panties to peel them off her hips. Diana groaned softly. Oh ... my ... God... ! Your cock is so big ... so long ... so beautiful... His hard shaft sprang back up when it emerged from his underwear as he pushed them down. When her panties and...

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Solo HMT Adventures 04

Jun 16, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventures #4 Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on May 2009. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature...

2 years ago
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i Stripper? Well, it's good old VirtuaGirl (2) and their virtual desktop strippers! What do you do when simply watching porn is no longer enough? When you’ve seen all the sites, played all the games, jerked off to every known porn star in the industry? Sometimes simply watching porn when you have the urge just doesn’t cut it. Wouldn’t it be nice if you never had to stop looking at sexy ladies on your computer, even after the porn has ended and you’ve closed out all the tabs on your...

Useful Software
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The Voyeur In Me

Back from an early morning jog, I quietly slipped into your bedroom as the morning light began it’s dance across the bed. Slow slithering shadows seemed to caress and lick at your near naked body. You laid there spooning your body pillow, with one leg draped over it. Warm yellow rays of light appeared to focus on your open thighs and revealed your glistening swollen lips. I noticed your fingertips nestled between your outer lips and your inner thigh, as if readied for duty. The soft cotton...

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