- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
I was sitting on a stool bellied up to the bar in a small neighborhood place near my hotel. I was in Boston; just finishing a deal that would make me penniless and allow me to do whatever the hell I wanted. The trick was to decide how to do that and still be rich. Confused? I hope so. That would mean Roxy's lawyers would be as well. All of this came about because of what I found out about my wife. That knowledge was not something I went looking for, but it found me just the same. It was complicated to say the least and my deal would make it even worse. Worse for her.
The place was almost empty, which was one of the main reasons I picked it. The barkeep walked toward me after the only other customer in the place walked out the door. It was still early so I knew I wasn't holding him up. He stopped in front of me, gave me the once over, then mentioned I had been there for some time. He told me his name was Sam and asked me mine. I figured what the hell and told him, because I was impressed that he didn't look away.
"Good to meet you Sam. My name is Jim, Jim Evans. Thanks for the ear and the beer. I don't want to go home tonight and I don't want to spend the time alone in my hotel room so this is as good a place as any, and probably better than most."
"If you're looking to get lucky Jimbo, this ain't a prime place for it. Might try the sports bar down the street." He actually had the grace not to look embarrassed when he said this.
"Sam, take a look at me. We both know that I look like something out of a nightmare so do you think I expect to get lucky? All I want is a couple of beers and some peace and quiet. Present company excepted of course."
Sam wiped the bar in front of me, and instead of responding, asked if I was ready for another. At my nod, he produced a tall, cold Budweiser. It was my fourth of the night but who was counting. When he brought it, he said I must have a story to tell and if I wanted, he'd be happy to listen. I hesitated: I was trying to come to grips with my problems but they were very personal and I wasn't sure about sharing them with a stranger.
I took the fresh Bud and pushed the empty away. I was pacing myself tonight. I certainly didn't want to keep thinking the thoughts that wouldn't let me be, but I didn't want to get drunk and pass out. The bartender took the empty and put it in an empty case, then swiped the bar once more before going back to leaning and wiping glasses. I finally said "what the hell" to myself and decided to tell him my tale. It wasn't as if he gave a shit, but I felt better talking, and a truly disinterested party was a bonus.
As I readied myself to tell him my tale, I had to admit to myself that I wasn't actually angry. That was the most surprising thing. I should be anxious, on edge, hopping out of my shoes, but I wasn't any of those things. I was just calm and cool. I guess that's what happens when your world collapses. Sam took his rag, swiped the bar in front of me, flipped the rag over his shoulder and leaned toward me. He was ready to listen as only a bartender could.
My Story:
"Well Sam, it begins nine years ago when I was in college. I was fresh faced, believed in miracles and ready to grab for the brass ring. I was smart as hell, eager as the proverbial beaver and ready to make my fortune. I was working on a Master's in engineering and I was in my final year. I was just filling in my schedule since I only needed credits to fill out my minors. My major was Chemical Engineering and I had completed all of the requirements for that and was taking some easy courses. That's when I met her.
"She was an education major and I shared a class with her my senior year; a math class. For me it was a credit for a minor in math. For her it was part of her major. She was failing miserably and she saw one of my papers when the prof handed them back after a quiz. I had a perfect score, of course, while hers was a 60%. I wasn't paying any attention to her as I left class but she was right behind me. As I exited the building, trying to decide whether to head back to my apartment or go over to the student union for a coke, she caught up to me and tugged on my sleeve. I stopped and turned around to see who it was.
"Seeing her almost made me run in terror. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I had always worshipped her from afar, so to speak. Now here she was, right in front of me and apparently wanted to talk to me. This had to be a joke, a cruel hoax to humiliate me, so I stood stock still waiting for the other shoe to drop. I expected she would do something for her friends who were probably watching, waiting for her to humiliate the ugly guy. Then she surprised me even more: she spoke to me."
"Pardon me. I'm Roxanne Bowers and I'm in your class. The one you just left."
"As if I didn't know that, Sam! Of course I knew that! I just couldn't remember my name or where in the hell I was! I swallowed, did it again and tried to find some tiny bit of moisture that would allow my stuck tongue to break loose from the roof of my mouth. Finally, I opened my mouth and squeaked "I know. I'm J ... Jim Evans."
"Hi Jim. I wondered if I could buy you a coke and ask you for a great big favor. Would that be alright?"
"Rather than try to speak again, I just nodded affirmatively. She began walking toward the Student Union and I sort of shuffled along beside her. As we walked, she started talking and telling me about herself. I listened with intense concentration so as not to miss a single word she said. I planned on repeating this conversation verbatim to myself when my right hand and I had a date later tonight. She continued all the way to the Union and I listened just as long. By the time we arrived, I knew all about her.
"I knew her name, where she was from, that she was an only child whose parents died in a car crash when she was ten. She was raised by an aunt and uncle who were OK but didn't really know how to care for a ten year old. She was on her own a lot but she was pretty independent as a result. She did OK in school and her parents left enough in an insurance policy for her to go to college. She wanted to be a teacher, sort of. Actually what she wanted was to meet some rich boy and get married and live the life of luxury. She thought that made her a horrible person but I said it wasn't too unusual for most girls to feel that way. She said she didn't have a boyfriend and couldn't take the time since school was so hard that studying took all her free time and she really did want to complete her education.
"We got our cokes, took a table and she finally asked me if I would tutor her in math and chemistry. She was not doing well in either and she wanted to be sure she could pass. She saw that I always got perfect scores so she decided I would be the best one to tutor her. She offered to pay me the going rate and I hesitated before agreeing. I didn't need the money for a lot of reasons, not the least being I was on a full ride with a stipend.
"The other thing was who I was. I didn't look any different then as I do now, Sam. I've always been homely; too skinny; too tall; too everything bad. I'm not handsome; hell, I'm not even close to good looking. My face is long and I look like a horse, which was my nickname in high school by the way. And my personality is for shit. I clam up if I meet a girl and in social situations, I suck. As I passed puberty, I started to lose my hair and got a belly. Even though I work out a lot, it makes no difference. God gave me a body that nobody else wanted. When I met her, I didn't go out much, didn't date, wasn't in a fraternity and never left campus to go home. But with all that, and foolish as it probably was, I didn't want to discourage this opportunity.
"We agreed on the deal, she told me to come to her place for an hour each night during the week. I agreed, she gave me her address and phone number and we parted. She smiled at me, held my hand for an extra few seconds before turning and walking away. With her touch my blood had begun to course through my body with a heat that scared me. I remained rooted to the spot as I watched her walk. That was payment enough for me as I headed back to my room, my mind in a pink haze of happiness. Me and my right hand had a lot to do together that night.
"I began to teach her math my way. I think I told you that I was smart? Well, I'm sort of a genius and math was one of my first loves. I taught her tricks and showed her the neat things you could do when you understood that math was something that humans invented and it had rules. She caught on quick and soon began to find that the class was really easy when you understood the principles. Her grades picked up and she did well the remainder of the course.
"Next we took on Chemistry. This was basic chemistry and I simply had her memorize the structures, name scheme, explained the atomic structure and how reactions could be balanced and she began to slowly lose her fear of the unknown. While she didn't do as well in Chemistry as she did in math, she still passed with ease.
"During this time, we began to talk about ourselves and the things we wanted out of life. I found her dreams to be rather simple. She wanted to be taken care of and she liked the things life could offer. She saw teaching only as a means to allow herself to spend as little time working as possible and she hoped to fall in love with a rich man. She wanted freedom to travel and meet people. She was actually very shallow as a person, but I didn't care. The one thing that surprised me was that she didn't seem to realize how beautiful she was. She seemed to think that she was pretty enough but not very smart and that turned guys off. Naïve? I would guess.
"I finally told her about myself, my ambitions to be the best at whatever I tried and my own background. I was the only son of a self made millionaire. Dad had invented several self contained power sources that could be used to provide portable power for all kinds of vehicles. He had patented his ideas and was the owner of Evans Industrial Fabrications, a large factory near Toledo that produced power sources for the military. He had several contracts that were good for many more years and each provided a nice profit. Since dad was always working, mom raised me and was always around to make sure my world was in control and I was safe. She was also very bright and showed me the value of an education. She home schooled me until high school and then when my grades were top of the class, she helped me gain a full scholarship to Ohio State.
"I inherited my brains from both mom and dad. They were both very bright and dad was a genius. The one problem was that my dad was butt-ugly, and so was mom. It seems they were attracted to each other since no one else would give them the time of day, which was fine by them. They were in love and it was solid and real. I was raised in that world, surrounded by love, and it made me a better man and human being. However, along with dad's brains, I also inherited his looks and mom's didn't help out any either. To say I was ugly was an understatement. Always had been and I knew it. But hey, as the bible says: He gives and He takes away. I was content with what I was.
"My world was always solidly in control thanks to mom and dad. I had no thoughts of anything but my education and I pursued it with total commitment. I was happy and I was content until a drunk driver took them both away from me. In one drunken act, he destroyed my safe and secure world and forced me out into the light of chaos which was life without them. I was nineteen at the time and I had just started college but with this disaster, I dropped out and went back home. It hit me hard Sam. Harder than anything else in my entire life. They were my world, my source of love and laughter. When they left this earth, so did most of my will to live. I thought about following them but, with time, I came to understand that chance rules and we have no choice but to live with it. So, I did. Since dad had no will, and mom's will was all we had to go by, hers took precedence and I inherited everything. I was suddenly forced to take control of my father's business interests and try to understand what he did all his life. He had years to grow into what he became. I had days, weeks, to do the same.
"Well Sam, I managed and found I had a knack for knowing what to do and when the best time to do it was. I remembered who was who and whom dad trusted, and I worked with those people until I had the business under full control. I worked my ass off for almost four years until I felt things were beginning to make sense. Once I was satisfied that things could run without my constant supervision, I appointed one of the long time managers to run things for me. Dad trusted him and so did I. That left me time to go back to college. Believe it or not Sam, I desperately wanted to complete my degree. I was rich then, but it made no difference. Education was my goal and I never failed to achieve the goals I set for myself. My full scholarship was still in effect so I returned to Ohio State and began my quest for a degree. I was now twenty five, with an income that guaranteed I would never have to work another day in my life.
"But Sam, that wasn't enough for me. My goal was to be the best and I needed what college could teach me. Even though I was way ahead of everyone else, I took my time and studied all I could while I finished my degrees. I was working on a Master's by then. I also used the labs and the equipment at Ohio State to work on some things of my own. I had several patents by the time I graduated. Education was like the fuel that fired my creative engines.
"That was my life until that final year when I met Roxy. That began the greatest time of my life. She and I worked together to get her grades up and while doing it, we sort of began to see each other socially as well. I was constantly surprised when she would call me on the phone just to talk and share her day. I listened to every word she spoke and filed it all away in that place in my heart I kept for just her. I was constantly on the alert for that innuendo, that uncontrolled remark that would indicate she felt as everyone else did: I was too ugly. But it never came and I began to believe that to her, it didn't matter. I convinced myself. She changed my life that final year in college. After her, Sam, I could never again face the prospect of being alone.
"As the year progressed, I finally asked her out on a real date and to my surprise, she accepted. We went to dinner, a movie where she let me hold her hand, and then I walked her back to her dorm. At the door, she reached up and kissed my cheek before slipping in the door. That was the beginning of a dream for me. We went everywhere together and when the inevitable looks came when people saw her with me, she simply ignored them. To my surprise, I don't think she even noticed them. How rare was that?
"We dated all that year and just before graduation I decided to ask her to marry me. It would mean she would continue her education but I would buy a place in Columbus and she could live at home with me and I could help her as much as before. I made up a plan and memorized all the questions she might have when I asked her. I even considered that she might not want to marry me since she was so beautiful and I was what I was. She might just want to remain friends. But she had never mentioned anything like that before and I had the courage to think that she could overlook that. In my heart, I knew that might be the deal breaker, but I had to try. That was who I was. I always went for it regardless of the risks.
"Sam, can you imagine my surprise when she said 'yes' when I proposed? I mean, for damn sake! Look at me and then look at her. She's hot! She's everything I'm not. She's beautiful, built like a brick shithouse, a natural blonde with blue eyes that you simply want to dive into and a personality that makes everyone love her. Me, I'm a nerd, a clod, butt ugly with a homely face and a body that needs work. Most people's eyes just roll over in their heads when I start to speak. Look at you for Christ's sake. It's all you can do just to pay attention when I order a beer. Have to ask me twice just to be sure you even heard me."
Sam was wiping that glass in his hand as if he had to rid it of some infestation. He was leaning toward me, trying to pay attention, but you could see it was hard. His eyes tended to wander away every few seconds before sliding back to meet mine. The place was empty but it was still an hour and a half to closing. He had little choice but to stay close. To make his job easier, and to insure he might give me a few more minutes before becoming terminally bored to death, I showed him her picture. It was the one I kept in my wallet: the one of her in a bikini on the beach during our honeymoon. I was also in the picture but few people even noticed that. I watched as his eyebrows rose and his mouth fell open.
"Holy Shit! Is that your wife? She's fucking incredible! You lucky bastard!" He had trouble keeping his hands on the glass, wanting to grab the picture for himself. Not going to happen. I was used to that reaction.
"Yeah, that's her. That's my lovely wife. My life partner. The woman of my dreams. Actually, make that nightmares. She's a fucking slut and soon to be ex-wife. When I'm finally divorced, I'll give you her number."
He was no longer fixated on the picture, the idea of having her number and that she was a slut more important, so I put it away again and watched as his eyes slowly clouded over as I once again began to talk.
"So, now that you know what she looks like, and the proof of what I am is right here in front of you, I see that you know where this is heading Sam. Of course, I treated her like a princess and let her have anything she wanted. I bought her a car, more clothes than she could ever wear, diamonds, fur coats, anything at all she expressed a desire for. And I never tried to prevent her from doing whatever she felt like. She did very little at first: always home in the evening when I came in, always had dinner on the table and cold beer waiting when I came in the door. And at bedtime, the sex was incredible. She couldn't do enough for me. Anything I asked, she did. And she allowed me to do anything to her I wanted. She told me that she never knew it could be so good. And I believed her Sam. We shared everything. It was wonderful.
"It was three years later, and after trying for some time to have a child, we went to see a fertility specialist. We found we couldn't have children. It was her, so the doctor said, and that made her very unhappy. I told her we could adopt, select any child she wanted but she wanted none of that. After that, she began to withdraw from me, only not physically. Not then at least. Sex was still as good as ever but she seemed to withdraw from me in other ways. We stopped laughing together; going out less, spending time together, and she seemed uninterested in my work. She simply stopped caring about my life in general.
"I tired on several occasions to talk to her about it but she claimed nothing was wrong. She would pretend things were back to normal but within a day or two it was the same as before. What bothered me the most was why she would be angry at me for something that wasn't her fault. I never blamed her, never mentioned that it was too bad we couldn't have our own child. I told her time and time again that I loved her and not being able to have children didn't change that. She seemed as if she accepted that but she continued to withdraw from me. And she began to find places to go and things to do that kept her out until late in the evenings. I was not happy with that and I did put my foot down, promising her that if she couldn't be home in the evenings to be with me, we had a problem that would have to be dealt with. She slowed her behavior some but not completely.
"Then the sex started to slow down. It happened so slow that I never noticed until one day I couldn't remember the last time we made love. When I mentioned that to her, she became angry and accused me of trying to remind her of her sterility. We had an awful row and nothing I said could calm her down. She was yelling and crying and I had no idea what to do. It ended with us not speaking and then soon after that, she started sleeping in the spare room and our sex life didn't exist.
"Then all of a sudden, things around the house began to change again. She started laughing again, she took more time fixing meals, she began to want to spend time with me in the evenings and she began to ask about my work. It was almost like it used to be in the bedroom and she moved back into our bed. The sex was again hot and heavy and as often as I liked. But her interest in my work and my business increased until I became concerned. I knew her interest up to then had only been concerned with how much money I was bringing home and what she could buy with it. Now, she wanted to know more: how I deposited the money into our accounts, how I got the money if I was the owner of the plant that supplied it, and other questions the old Roxanne would never worry about.
"Now Sam, I told you I was very smart, a genius to be honest. It took me about a heartbeat to put two and two together and come up with one hundred. Consider as I did: no sex, then back on again; a change in behavior; questions about the plant and where the money came from; treating me like a king. Make you wonder Sam? Make you think something was rotten in Denmark? Well it did make me think and it took me all of two seconds to come to a conclusion. My beautiful wife was cheating on me and had decided to try to skim what she could from me without making me suspicious. Maybe she had more planned, but this was enough to get my juices flowing.
"Someone who looks like me is always ready to accept that someone else may try to suck up to me for my money. If someone was nice to me, I questioned it. Roxanne's interest in me had always surprised me but I did understand that I was what she always wanted: someone to take care of her and provide her with all the money she needed. That she was able to put aside my looks was just a bonus, or so I convinced myself when we were married. Now, I had to accept that all she wanted was my money: she didn't want me any longer. I had to admit, I had always loved her for accepting me, but that was before she decided to betray me. Now, while I still loved her as much as before, I was saddened to know she was no different than everyone else I had met over the years. I just had to be thankful for the time I had with her. She was beautiful and everything any men could ever hope for. I had her for almost five years, four and a half of them good ones, but now it was over.
"It took me almost a month to get over it Sam. It hurt at first; the anger began to build and I screamed at the fates that made me who I was. Night after night I lay in bed and asked God why he gave me hope and then took it away. It was cruel and inhuman. He took my mother and father and left me to survive. Now he was taking Roxanne. But finally, the man I was took charge and the heartache began to fade. One day, after waking from a restless sleep filled with questions and self-pity, I simply gave up. I had been a fool and I had deluded myself into thinking that someone like her could actually love me for who I was. Fine! I would do what I had to do.
"I won't bore you with the details Sam. Just know that I used one of my own inventions, combined with one of dad's power supply sources to find out just what she had going. Everything she said or did during the time I left for work and the time she or I came home was recorded and stored in a small memory cube, no bigger than a pack of matches. I placed it inside her purse, the one she never left home without, sewed inside the lining where she would never feel it. It had a range of one hundred feet in any direction even with the purse closed. I had invented it to go with one of the power sources we manufactured for use in satellites. It would take input from any number of devices, including a miniature microphone. Size and weight were critical parameters so this one was as small and as light as our capabilities could make it. And that was damned small!
"All I had to do when she came home was go to my laptop, power up, activate a program which sent a query signal to the small self contained device in her purse which then downloaded all of its data to my computer. Took all of ten seconds to finish. Wiped the drive and made it ready to collect again until the next download. It worked perfectly and I was in business. She had no clue that I could do this or that I would ever question her activities. Her life with me had convinced her that she was so beautiful she could get what she wanted from any man she met during her privileged life. I was no exception or so she thought. Too bad for her, my experience was just the opposite. I had to work, struggle, or beg for what I wanted. Humiliation was no stranger to me. I was a lot tougher than she was. I could accept the pain I knew was coming. I had become used to pain during my early years.
"The truth was exactly as I suspected. She was seeing a guy named Roy during the afternoons when I was at work. She met him one or two times a week, never at the house, always at his place. Since the download also gave me the GPS coordinates of everyplace she stopped for more than thirty minutes, I could combine that with the voice data to determine where he lived. My computer gave me the address and I did a reverse search with Google to determine it was an apartment building.
"I listened to the voice download and what I heard was enough to confirm my worst fears. She and this Roy were having sex, and it sounded like they did it several times. At first, it was difficult to listen to; knowing it was my wife that was making those sounds. But the thing I noticed later was that while Roxy met him one or two times a week, over the six week period I listened in, they only had sex twice. The other strange thing was that when she was talking and saying things like "yes!" or "harder, harder!", she didn't sound like she did when we were together. I have to admit, when Roxy and I made love, she was quite vocal and she always had a massive orgasm every time. I could tell when she came since she was what they call a 'squirter' and she couldn't hold back her screams. We were always reluctant to have sex when we had visitors since she was very, very loud.
"I listened to the voices again and again and finally came to the conclusion that Roxy was withholding sex as much as possible and then when she did give in, faking her orgasms with this Roy guy. Which then led to the question of why she was having sex with someone when it obviously wasn't satisfactory to her. Why was she cheating on me with someone who couldn't satisfy her? I had no answer. Genius or no genius I couldn't figure that one out. But it made no difference. She was cheating and that was that.
"Over the next two weeks, I located the apartment, found out Roy's last name was Baldwin and that he was a lawyer with First National Bank and Trust, a bank I dealt with for most of my business. And finally, I found out that he had the numbers of my company accounts. He told Roxy that he had used an accountant friend of his to open a bogus account under my company name using the access number that he controlled. You see, Sam, he could transfer funds from the other accounts to the bogus one without my knowledge since if an audit of my accounts were made, the totals would remain constant.
"Now I understood Sam! She had decided to use Roy as her weapon to take my money and leave me high and dry. The sex was her tool and she knew that Roy could deny her nothing if she offered him what all men desired. When they were ready, he would empty my accounts into the bogus one and then withdraw those funds. I understood immediately what he meant and I knew he could do exactly what he claimed. And my problem was that Roxy seemed to be not only aware of it, she was part of it. Her betrayal was complete!
"At home, I worked hard to keep my knowledge of Roxy's betrayal from her but brilliance does not bestow indifference, Sam. She continued to try to keep up appearances but I became withdrawn anyway. I was not socially adept and my broken heart was all too painful to allow me to pretend to be content and happy. My behavior was getting to her and I saw her frowning more and more. She questioned me about it but I just told her I was tired, and work was getting me down. I also mentioned that business was not going well and that things might begin to slow down. I knew she was becoming worried and I assumed her guilt was making her question my behavior. She became a tiger in the bedroom and honestly, it almost made me crazy! It was amazing Sam, how much it seemed that she really cared. She was very good."
My throat closed up then with the emotions I thought I had under control. To give me time, I stopped for a minute, held up my empty Bud and Sam took it and got another cold one. He made his inevitable swipe over the bar, sat the new one down on a clean paper coaster and took up his towel and another spotless glass to polish. He looked thoughtful for a second and finally looked up at me to ask a question. This surprised me since I thought he was just tuning me out as I droned on and on.
I posed naked on the bed. Having forgotten to refresh my music, I listened to the same old shitty dance tunes through the laptop speakers. Despite the music grating on my ears, I smiled and hummed along with the bland lyrics. Legs spread, I rested my head in my hand while doing my best to appear interested. Pouting like the whore I was, I’d part my pussy lips to show off my healthy inner pinkness. Gazing into the laptop, I watched IrishRover5 wanking in front of his camera. My eyes felt tired,...
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Each week I would deliver her groceries, leaving them on the kitchen table, and then slip into her bedroom and make straight for her underwear drawer. It was like a smorgasboard of panties, bras, suspender belts and roll-ons. Sometimes, she would have dropped her dirty ones on the floor and sometimes not. This day I had to make do with her pretty clean ones and I was a bit disappointed -- but still excited as I took my pants off and softly rubbed the crutch of a pair of beautiful peach coloured...
CHAPTER 2: Sylvia left me to investigate my new home. I told her not to worry about the cart. I was very capable to walk to the barn area from here. The two bedrooms were identical, each with its own bathroom with shower and tub. There was a door on the side of the bathroom and I peeked outside. There was a shower outside, too. It was surrounded by foliage, but otherwise completely open to the world. I was sure it was intended for showering off sand and grime from the beach. I knew I was going...
By : Sexyjattboy24 Hi I am Dilmeet and I am fron Amritsar Punjab meri age 27 years hai. Aje me aap ko apna frist sex ka bara me batana ja rah hun bat un dino ki hai jab mena meri 10th passe kar li thi. Mera papa ka dost city me rhata tha unka bar bar khana par papa na muja unka pase aga ki study ka liya city baj diya unki family me uncle, aunty, beta or beta ki wife thi unki beti ki shadi ho chukyi thi. Uncle bank me job karta tha, Aunty Houewife thi or unka beta army me tha. uski duty Assam...
I managed to wake up in time to go out and help my mother set the table for dinner. My dad wasn't home yet, and I took some time to actually have a real conversation with my mother. It confused her, and made her wonder what had happened for me to suddenly want to know what she thought about things. We talked about the move out to California, and about how she felt about having my father always getting his way with things. "Jimmy, your father and I fight enough already, without me trying to...
She stepped from the train, and hurried to the station's bathroom. Checking herself in the mirror, she took some deep breaths, and tried to tidy her wild hair."You can do this!" she told her reflection. She left the train station and made her way to a nearby park, full of nervous excitement.That morning she had woken with the urge to do something different, something that would take her out of her comfort zone. For many years the fantasy had been only in her mind. Why she had decided that today...
My drive home was full of thoughts about the weekend. I couldn't get the salty taste out of my mouth. I stopped at several gas stations for coffee but the taste was with me still.I arrived home and got naked before calling my wife. She told me that as soon as I had left, Brian told her to get naked. She had been in the nude, ever since I left them at two fifteen."Wow," I giggled, "How many times have you been up to dad since I left?""Twice, I was nude when I took his lunch to him," she replied,...
IncestI had a boyfriend at 18....and this was the only time i cheated on someone. i cheated with this older guy named Damien. he was 25 and so seductive and he had been trying to get me alone with him for a long time.....finally one night he convinced me..... Once we were at Damien’s he had his first drink of the night. He sat across from me and I couldn’t help but think about what might happen next. We talked for about 20 minutes before he made his move. He looked at me, took my drink, sat it on the...
They slept for two hours and, as sometimes happens, woke up about the same time. Neither seemed to feel like talking, but the tension was gone. Lunch was quiet, too, but again, there was no strain. Jennifer seemed a little distracted, as though she was thinking so much that she forgot to eat, once in a while. And, now that she had calmed down, it just seemed natural to go from the restaurant to the hospital. Jennifer walked into her parents' room and went straight to her father. She hugged...
Hi mera name viren he me ek shadi suda hu or meri age he 25 or meri biwi ki age he 24 or hamare sath mere papa or meri maa sath me rahti he ye un dinoki bat he jab meri biwi ka ek akasmat huwa tha mere papa meri biwi meri maa wo bahar mandir ja rahe the us time ek trak ne jordar takkar mari or meri biwi or meri maa ko bahut laga tha or mere papa ko kuch nahi huwa tha q ki driver ke samne ki side me acsidunt huwa tha or ha jab muje pata chala to me office se jaldi hospital pahucha phir pata...
Thursday, 9:34 am His fingers fumbled with the lid of the bottle of water. Eventually, they managed to open it and pour the cool liquid down his throat. As Andrew Hargreaves swallowed, he noticed his wife watching him. ‘Save some for me,’ she said. Andrew screwed the lid back on and handed it to her. ‘So, having trouble keeping up?’ ‘Me? No – I’m just enjoying the view back here.’ He replied, smirking. ‘Your bum does all sorts of wonderful things to me.’ ‘Cheeky,’ Leah quipped, handing him...
Hi, I’m Tanishq. Back with another streak experience after ”Me and satakshi in my car” . I’m 24 years of age. I had a friend whom I was not very much in talks with, but as my life got boring with the routine, I wanted to get along with someone I wouldn’t have much to take care about. I had a friend Garima, a professional and doing good for herself. She was hot, had a great pair of boobs with a great colour complexion and lovely waist. Looked so hot in casuals. Anyway we got talking somehow and...
My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. However I believe Kate, our friend Dean and I have a good idea for a fictional story. I don't really know what to put it under because it will include many kinds of sex. One other thing we saw was...
Harry O’Hern was rather depressed. He couldn’t back down as if they married which was an outside possibility, it would be disastrous if Sierra Bycroft noted any weakness in him over this impasse as Sierra being Sierra would exploit it. He was sure Sierra had intended to give him a wrist slap, almost in jest, about his crudely written desire but somehow it just ran out of control – they were both to blame. Up to that point of her so cruelly calling him a creep, eyes blazing in contempt, he’d...
I was sent a message to meet up and fuck from a black guy. At first I didn't think much of it, but he tempted me on by sending me a picture of his big black ass. It made my cock rock hard instantly. It was so big and round. Probably twice as big as my gfs. I wanted it. I went ahead and decided to respond and after some messages , I went on my way and found myself standing outside of his place. A really sketchy neighborhood and that itself made me almost turn around. I saw a group of guys...
Hello friends, mera naam virat he or me 24 ka hun or me delhi me rheta hu ye meri pehli desi sex stories he hope ki aapsabko aachi lagegi ab jayada derna karte huye story pe aata hun.. Ye baat kuch 3 sal purani he jab me 12 exam ke bad ghar pe tha, tabhi ek neya family hamare bagal ke ghar me rehne aaye as paying guest usi din mene use dehka kya figure tha uska age 28 pura gora badan size 34-28-36 blue colour ke sharee me ekdam mall lag rahithi wo me hamare chaat ke upase dekh rahatha upar se...
Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her. He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note. A few times he called her, and she spoke to him; with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn't like it when he cried, but sometimes...She offered him no hope, but at least she didn't...
Love StoriesA side note before we begin the story: I would like to send out a special thank you to a special Lush member (who wishes to remain nameless for now) for help in editing this story. I usually do not have a problem editing, but I am not sure of myself when writing from a man’s point of view. Yeah, I know, sounds weird since I am a man, but thanks to her help, she made it flow even better. Thanks so much! The Limp Factor: Part One I was so fucking nervous. Here I was, sitting on my next door...
Her darkest hour ... Her recollections. My Master Bill has told me to write down my recollections about the night I was my natural self and a whore of the worst kind; so here goes. As you know he took me to the woods where I was bound and gagged and fastened to a tree; well the simple act of being bound in the manner he did made me feel so sexually alive my cunt betrayed me by flooding with juices before he even touched me, I can still recall the way the binding on my wrists to my elbows...
We went inside. He had me make some lunch. After we'd eaten we went to one of the bedrooms. He took a black babydoll and thong out of one of the cases and told me to put them on. When I changed he picked up the camera and took some photos of me. After 10 or 15 minutes there was a knock on the bedroom door. He opened the door and a man came in. They shook hands. He was Gary and in his 40s. A little taller than my husband, he had fair hair. "Come here slut." I went over to them. "What are...
i was with my boyfriend skip and he had this friend flanders who had been dying to be with me forever...(if you read my blog you know we finally did...but htis was before)....we were all staying at a cabin in the mountains and had been drinking a lot...skip and i were staying up watching a movie and he ended up going back to bed and i was sleepy and drunk but wanted to watch the end...flanders' and his girlfriend went to bed too and it was just me watching the movie...i had a long t shirt on...
Part 10 His powerful, muscular body pressed my voluptuous curves into the mattress. In perfect rhythm, he thrust his vast, rock-hard cock in and out of my glistening pussy. He'd started slowly, entering me with only a portion of his dick repeatedly, the huge, bulbous head producing the most pleasure. Gradually, he increased the depth and power of this assaults on my delicate flower. "Oh Robert!" I cried as my French-manicured nails dug into his back, encouraging him to fuck me harder...
Chapter 3 The newly Christened Pansy lifted himself from the fateful sitting room armchair, from where all of his troubles had begun, and teetered out to the kitchen, heels click-clicking, lashes fluttering, nails flashing and petticoats swishing. The other occupants of the room watched him leave, grinning broadly. Ten minutes later Pansy returned tottering on his stiletto heels, with a tray loaded with three bottles of wine and five glasses. Debbie looked at him reproachfully and...
The MaidFriday evening, as part of my cleaning business I arrived at a large residence. You opened the door and welcomed me. You then went off to your desk and back to your work. Meanwhile I took my coat off and got all my cleaning things out. I finished cleaning your bathrooms, hallway and started cleaning the rooms. I walked into the living room in my maid outfit and began cleaning and dusting off the bookshelves. You peaked at me from other room without me noticing as the clicking...
I had spent a wonderful week end visiting some old friends in Savannah. Now I was returning home, where Victor was not waiting for me. He had just left for a full week trip to Chicago.I had already driven for three hours, when a sudden storm broke in the middle of the highway. Then I decided to keep safe and pulled over to a rest stop; to take a break and wait for the weather improves…Grabbing my old laptop and purse, I headed inside the little restaurant.I walked through the small lobby to the...
My friend Jan came over last night to visit. She is a lesbian and I usually like men but she has a great set of tits and is a fantastic pussy licker. She soon sat on the couch with me and began to tongue kiss me and take her top off showing off those huge knockers. I soon had my top off and she was sucking my nipples half way down her throat as I rolled her nips between my two fingers. She put her hand down my pants and was finger fucking my cunt with three fingers and I was cumming fast for...
One of my most vivid memories of high school, i was a freshly 18 yo girls and always had this crush on ine of my teachers, a PE teacher: he was around 60, tall, with a muscular body that was aging but still really hot, light brown hair, green eyes and big hands the kind of big hands you can just love. And he had one more detail, and it wasnt a small one, when he was wearing sweat pants (which was 90% of the time) you could see a bulge, a big bulge in his pants, and there were rumours around...
~~Natasha~~ It wasn’t the first time Tash had been close to an explosion. Working for the Invictus, they had all sorts of toys for dealing with the Carthians. They weren’t allowed to kill other vampires, lest they trigger a war, but sometimes blowing up a car, or a cellar, or even a whole building, was required to send a message. She was familiar with the kinetic punch, the wave of force that hits the body, and then the following wave. It was nothing like in the movies, where you could just...
I had an appointment for the doctor today, and I wanted to arrive early. When I arrived, the secretary had asked me to fill out these forms thoroughly. She asked me what kind of insurance I had. I gave her my Empire card out of my wallet. I had a seat, and started to fill the forms out to the best of my knowledge. About five minutes later I was done. I got up and gave the secretary the paper work. ‘Okay no problem, you can have a seat again Steve.’ I sat down and began to look at the new...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: The horse and buggy caravan had one helpful aspect. It focused attention on the preparations. Once again, owning the caterer proved useful. Dad went to work on Thursday prepared to do damage control. Instead, most of the reporters wanted to talk to the Events people. Jeff Winston appeared on the morning shows, since Mom would not even consider it. Rick Williams made the media contacts that started his career in politics. Sean: If I were to choose a...
This is a recollection of one of my recurring wet dreams I’ve had throughout my life. As per my Storyteller friend –Amigo’s – advice, I’m spicing it up a bit. Maybe I’ll even elaborate a little, making my story more sexy and interesting. Please enjoy at your leisure, and let me know what you think. (This is also my first time writing a story to public.) One summer morning, I was hiking alone in the woods of Black Mountain, Vancouver, enjoying the beautiful weather and the great scenery. A...
Another frickin snow storm! What a cold frozen winter we are having. After spending two weeks in Jamaica in December the frozen cold of January and February have me chilled to the bone. Six fresh new inches of white frozen hell glued with a nice layer of ice to the driveway was making me dread going outside. The driveway had to be cleared as another foot of snow was on the way that evening. The hubby and I usually tag team all the snow removal but I just was not into it today. He must...
Wife LoversI will be the first to admit, I have always been a little wild and out of control, My parents spent years of therapy and whatever else they could find to try and make me behave. Not that I did not want to behave for them, it was just that I could never bring myself to do it. Even when I told myself I was going to be good for the day or make changes, something happened that pulled me back into my old ways. So here is where my story begins, but first let me go ahead and tell you a little more...
ReluctanceThen some ago while we were at a five-day trade fair, on the first night we became lovers. In the afterglow we confided we both have a fetish for hung men, eight inches is our benchmark. And watching hung men masturbating. And lesbian sex, we both love being licked and teased. We slept with each for the next three nights and had wonderful lesbian sex. On the last night we decided we would invite one of the men at the fair who had been chatting us up to join us in our room. “If you want to...
Lyra Law is watching porn in the kitchen. When her stepmother, Mona Wales, walks in, she slams the laptop screen down and pretends to look preoccupied. Mona is so happy to see her but Lyra is so embarrassed at almost having been caught. She tries to find any excuse to get out of there and tells Mona she’s running late but promises her they’ll have dinner together later. The girls escape to their respective rooms and get undressed. They sit on their beds and open up their laptops...
xmoviesforyou“Come on Abby,” daddy said, “he will be back in a month.” With a last look at the ferry I turned away from the dock and followed daddy back to the car. I had just seen my husband of six months get on a ferry to France where he would start his new job as a bio mechanic. Whatever that was. Mike and I had known each other since early school but it had only ever been a casual thing. When mummy died last year I just seemed to lose it. I don’t even know why really. My parents were very Victorian...
I am Jenny, and my husband Craig have been married for 18 years, and we have not explored too much outside of just us, but recently we had a really hot experience, quite unexpected actually. We had a party at our house some friends and neighbours came by, it was great. It went really late and we all had quite a bit to drink. As the night came to an end, everyone left, all except for one of our recently divorced friends who Craig works with Katie. I am about 5’1” 129lbs 34b sexy rounded ass,...
The group kept walking and eventually found a path breaking through the dense woodland. They hadn’t seen anyone for miles except each other. One of the other girls, Katie, was as petite as you could imagine. Blonde, almost white hair, and so small, maybe 5ft tall or probably less. Her chest was nearly flat, but her ass was a tight little bubble butt, which you could just see depending on the rise of her skirt. Robin had been speaking to Katie along the way and had learned that she too, had...
Margaret was feeling down when David came over to put a smile on her face. He had a surprise for her... Grabbing her by the hand he lead her to his car, a sporty BMW made just for two. He said he was taking her on a magical mystery tour! This was just the boost she needed, she's had a lousy day up until this point!He smiled to himself as he thought about the treats that lay ahead. As she pondered excitedly about where she might be taken she looked down at her clothes and realised she wasn't...
Hi as previous sexcapdes my wife is getting even more surprising and daring, the last one started unexpectedly as I was late home and we were talking and I was telling my wife that on the train home I had heard a group of young women discussing open and frankly there sex lives and what they liked and wanted to do of have done, well this seemed to turn her on, and was soon asking me to tell her more as she played with her pussy, then she said why don't we try and see if we can pick up one of...
The next Morning "God dammit, STOP THAT PULSING!" Carter exclaimed to the thumping bass of the club. Inside one of the rooms in the club, he had a throbbing headache. Obviously hung over to hell and back. Blurry eyes looked around the room with a look of survey, scrutnizing to figure out which room he was in. The broken vase on the floor of cupid told him all he needed to know: He was in the third room on the left. Second floor hallway. The owner had to know this shit, but how did he get here?...
SupernaturalMu bidhaba. Mo bayasa setebelaku 35 pakha pakhi heba. Raju just class 7 exam deithila. Sedina lunch khaiki Raju study room re basiki padhuthila aau mu mo room re kantha ku aauji tv dekhuthili. Garam Dina. Bahut garam heuthila. Mu kabat jharaka sabu close kariki basiki blue film cd dekhili. Foreign tukankara jeu banda. Dekhila bhali heithila. Aau jete bele kamsin tukinku genhuthile aaaahhhhaaa uhhhhhh mo bia mo bia bia aaaahhhaaa heuthili aau doodha sahibia ku daluthili. Semanaku dekhiki mu...
I had met Melanie a few years previously in my home town when she was just sixteen, i was five years older than her and now here i was round her bedroom in my Uni town. I had just graduated, she was a fresher and 18. She was a very slightly built blonde, very petite features and a very sexy voice. Needless to say I'd wanted to fuck her for some time, her telling me she considered me like a brother had just made things worse! So we'd had a few drinks, and were sitting on her floor listening to...
Hoofdstuk 1. Ik heb een baan. Bij een accountantskantoor. Zoiets van onderaan beginnen. Ik ben ook pas achttien jaar. Middelbare opleiding gedaan. Er zit wel een maar aan. Het is in Den Haag en ik woon in een klein dorpje een stukje buiten Arnhem. Ik heb wel al gezocht naar woonruimte in Den Haag, maar dat is tot nu toe op niets uitgelopen. Dus reis ik elke morgen van Arnhem naar Den Haag en aan het eind van de middag weer van Den Haag naar Arnhem. En dat doe ik nu al twee...
Here are the last few entries from the 2007 diary: December 12th, 2007 8:34pm Baby has a couple of promising prospects at the runaway shelter. She is working on one in particular. A blond with a streak of black in her hair. Nice body, attractive, very bad attitude. She has three or four piercings, dresses in black and is a real tough 'Nobody-fucks-with-me' hard-ass. Right up my alley She told the girl she was going to go live at her uncles house and that she would talk to him...
__________ It wasn’t exactly how I’d been dreaming I’d spend my spring break, but then again, it was better than anything else I had planned. Adjusting my nametag with “Lara Baines” spelled out in bold letters, I hurried after the group of students beginning the opening tour. The college I’d chosen to attend, crazily enough, was having a three day “college days” event and they had invited the local high school seniors to attend. The purpose was to get them familiar with the college, the...
Arriving home, Paul found that his mother was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner, Karen was out by the pool again, and Janet was in her room. He had wanted to catch Janet alone, and this was perfect. First, he went to his mother to ask a question that might solve his problem. "Mom, the other night when you explained to me about the family fun, and got my promise not to tell anyone, does that include other people that you can trust and have witnessed committing incest themselves?" he...
We flew in a charter first to Montgomery where I picked up my car and drove around to the general aviation side and picked up Eve and the three grandchildren along with my suitcase and Eve's. I also loaded some of the kids' luggage, too. We all got in my car and started the trip to the farm after watching the small jet take off for Luverne. The grand-kids were excited to be riding with us after the jet flight to Montgomery. Soon they fell asleep as the miles rolled under my tires. Eve and...
I woke up the morning after my parents' Halloween party, where I had been seduced by two older women, one dressed as a Princess and the other as a German Bier Maid. We all had our faces covered so nobody knew who the other person was. These two ladies hit on me and then we sneaked into my parents' bedroom and had the most amazing sex. After fucking both ladies and cuming in one of them. I had found out that this woman was my mother, Mary! I might be a sick guy, but it really turned me on and I...
Loud footsteps echoed amidst the quiet late evening... A person walking... and dragging a luggage... Footwear? Sandals... thin, with flat soles... Pace? relaxed but hurrying... Jiggling sound... must be bracelets... A woman... Without taking his fingers off the computer keyboard, Tamers averted his eyes towards the glass front doors waiting to confirm his guess. Three seconds later, she appeared out of the corner. The woman was Caucasian. Her long dark hair was tied into a bun with a...