A Lesson in Propriety
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Ginny shook her head in amazement at the stupidity of people. Three pranksters had taken it upon themselves to terrorize the Ministry with mostly harmless, yet annoying pranks that could take whole offices out for days at a time.
They should have seen it coming.
Different from the twins – she frowned and chased away the melancholy that wanted to creep up on her, even after all that time – well, different from her b*****rs, these people sometimes pulled slightly dangerous pranks with longer effect.
No one laughed at them anymore and it should have been clear to the perpetrators as much as it was to everyone else that eventually, they would be caught and punished severely for slowing down everyone’s work at the Ministry, sometimes with rather grave results. Think international relations, c***d care, or accidental magic reversal. Shutting those offices for more than one day could end in economical crisis, continued c***d abuse, lasting mutilations and even death.
Today, the prank terrorists had finally been apprehended, though, but not before they could set off one last prank firework. Ginny’s floor was now inundated with strange little creatures that would change at touch, and randomly multiply. She was certain those people had copied that effect from WWW. She huffed a little. Such cheek!
But then again, this whole episode had left her with a sudden three day vacation – until the clean-up unit had entirely scoured their offices.
Could have been worse.
Now with a cheerful smile, she apparated home, wondering what Harry might be doing.
She had taken maternity leave when their first c***d arrived, with the second one, though, Harry had taken over. Ginny silently suspected that he was happy to have a break from being the big bad Auror. She knew they had enough money that neither of them would have to work, yet she would never tell Harry to just drop the work if he disliked it so.
Harry had an innate urge to feel useful. Of course, he always had the k**s and her – which was quite a handful, to be sure. However, her mother frequently took charge of the k**s, and Ginny was at work most of the day. Left to his own devices for more than a few hours, Harry would undoubtedly feel that he wasn’t doing all he could.
Hum. Molly might have taken the k**s today, as well. Maybe Harry wasn’t even home, but off somewhere, making himself useful in who knew what way. He always found something, but… it was only going to work for one or two years. Given more time to himself, and the k**s eventually going off to Hogwarts, Ginny could not see Harry being happy without a job.
Ginny turned the key and silently entered the house, thinking that if the k**s were home, at least one of them might be napping. Of course, if that were the case, Harry would be bustling around the house, cleaning this, arranging that… She smiled. Harry always needed to feel busy and in control of every situation. Some people might have been annoyed with that, but she had long ago decided that it was just part of her Harry.
And she loved Harry.
So she could deal with this, as well. If Harry needed to feel in control…
All thoughts left her at the sight that greeted her when she entered the bedroom. She looked, and looked some more, and drew a complete blank.
This…. this couldn’t be true. It didn’t make sense.
Her husband. Her always-in-control, conservative, silent and somewhat shy husband. Was kneeling on the bed, feet tied behind him, one hand holding him up above the covers, a napkin gagging him and his right hand … shoving a fat, steely grey dildo up his own ass.
The man on the bed froze. He looked up at her with wide, panicked eyes and they stared at each other for many seconds, both totally at a loss for words.
Life suddenly came back into Harry’s body. Like a firecracker, his magic rippled around him, dissolving his bonds and causing his wand to fly into his right hand while his left was busy covering him up with the blanket.
Ginny gaped. She didn’t think he had removed the… the thing from his arse, and it affected her quite oddly to know it was still in there while he was stammering excuses, swearing it would never happen again and that he was sorry…
Wait. What?
‘Harry,’ she interrupted him. ‘I admit I am confused by this whole business, but I’ve never seen you looking this… this blissed out after sex with, well, with me.’ It hurt to admit it, but that didn’t make it any less true. ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t believe you would just say ‘That’s it.’ and never do it again, when you so obviously enjoy it.’
Harry was shaking, but he just kept on repeating that he wouldn’t, that if he’d known she might walk in on him, he never would have in the first place and he was sorry for being such a perverted –
‘Harry.’ Once again, Ginny had to rather f***efully cut her husband off in order to make herself heard. ‘Harry, stop it right there. I know what you’ve been about to say, and I told you before and I’ll tell you again as often as I need to: You are not a freak, and fuck the Dursleys who killed your self-confidence!’
‘…them,’ he mumbled.
‘But it isn’t just them,’ Harry repeated a bit louder, not looking her in the eye. ‘The Dursleys called me a freak for having Magic, but… but this… this is different. Not just the Dursleys would think it’s freakish. Other people think so as well. And why wouldn’t they? It’s wrong. It’s unnatural. It’s… Oh Merlin, I’m sorry, Ginny. I just… I swear I’ll never do it again. Just, please! Don’t leave me?’
Ginny was too shocked for words. ‘Why should I leave you? …Harry, are you telling me you’re gay?? Then why did you marry me in the first place?’
It just all didn’t add up.
Ginny wasn’t angry, she was confused. Too confused to be angry. If Harry were gay, then indeed going to bed with her every night would be perverted, wrong and unnatural. And it hurt to even consider it. Had they not always been good for each other?
She knew the sex wasn’t perfect. That certain spark that was always mentioned in novels – well, they were good together, no doubt: She loved Harry, wanted to be around him for the rest of her life, kissing him, touching him, talking to him, doing things together… But still, when they made love, that certain *spark*… wasn’t there.
Before Harry, she’d fooled around with a few guys – Dean, Justin, Colin… She’d never ‘gone all the way’, though. That, she had reserved for Harry. So she had nothing to compare it to. Sex with Harry just was what it was. It wasn’t amazing, but it was good. She’d been content, and she’d simply assumed that the stories of endless excitement, of fireworks and of blacking out were greatly exaggerated.
But what if they weren’t?
What if Harry had found their sex life lacking a lot more than she had? What if he wasn’t satisfied at all?
But he’d always seemed so in love. Ginny had been sure, if he could, then Harry would give her the world.
Was it all a lie?
‘Harry, have you ever been with a man?’
Harry clutched his blanket to himself and looked down at his hands. ‘Yes,’ he whispered.
‘While you were married to me?’
Now his head snapped up and his suspiciously shiny eyes met hers. ‘Never!’
Ginny slowly exhaled. That was something, at least. But… ‘But you want to?’
‘I… I… no.’
Ginny frowned. That didn’t sound too convincing. ‘Harry. I have to know this. If you want to leave me, then bl**dy well say so and don’t keep our marriage going just for the sake of propriety! If you walk out on me, I’ll hate you for it. But if you stay and lie to me, I will never forgive you! I don’t need pity!’
Now, she was angry, after all. Harry wasn’t making any sense, but if he couldn’t tell her straight out that he didn’t prefer guys, then what was he doing, playing happy f****y with her?!
‘Harry, do you love me?’
‘Yes! Ginny, I love you more than anything! Please, believe me!’
‘Do you like sex? What we do with each other?’
‘Yes. You are wonderful, Ginny, and beautiful, I love you and I love having sex with you…’
‘But it’s not enough.’ It wasn’t a question. She had seen, after all.
Harry broke down.
Ginny had not seen him crying like that since that day, three weeks after the end of the war, when he had finally broken and cried for all those they had lost. Ever since, he had always been collected, calm and, well, reassuringly strong, really.
Now, he was just pathetic. It hurt her to see him like that.
Hating himself.
‘I know I shouldn’t want this, and I don’t! But it’s – it’s just … I am weak. I’ve done this only four times since we got married, Gin. And I’ve always regretted it afterwards. And now, now that you’ve seen… I don’t think I could ever do it again.
‘I’d rather kill myself.
‘Please, Ginny, please! I swear I won’t! In fact, you never should have seen that in the first place. Can we… can we just pretend it never happened? Oh, I know…’
He raised his wand, panic and despair haunting his eyes. ‘Oblivi-‘
Harry broke off and huddled further under the blanket. ‘S-sorry.’
Ginny plucked the wand out of his limp hands. She couldn’t believe what was happening and felt totally out of her depth. Why would Harry do it if he was disgusted by it?
‘Do you…umh…’ How could she even ask this? Oh, this was embarrassing! But if she wasn’t enough for him, she needed to know. If she stayed with a man who desired – she wasn’t sure just what he wanted, but, well, desired something, something else, something not her, then she was setting herself up for a lot of pain. Better to have it out in the open now.
‘Do you…. enjoy… being, umh, you know, tied up? And hurt? And to -‘ she blushed ‘-tobefuckedbyaman?’ Oh, this was too embarrassing for words! She knew her face must be red enough to compete with a ripe tomato.
But then she looked at Harry again, his white face half-buried under the blankets, body shaking and pain and anguish warring on his features, and suddenly she wasn’t embarrassed so much as simply worried. Harry seemed too afraid to even answer her.
If this were about him wanting out, wanting to leave her, he shouldn’t have been so terribly afraid. Sorry, for sure – he was a nice person, after all, who wouldn’t want to hurt her. But not panicked as though he feared for his life.
Or feared to lose her.
‘I don’t. I don’t! I don’t!’
Ginny just felt more confused. ‘But then, why would you do this to yourself?’
Harry sobbed.
‘Have you been cursed??’ Ginny jumped up and fished out her own wand to check Harry for curses. If he were made to do this, when he obviously hated the very idea of it… She shuddered.
But she had barely got five counter-curses in when Harry laid a hand on her arm to stop her.
Ginny got the distinct feeling that they were getting exactly nowhere with this. She dropped her arm.
‘Tell you what. I go and make tea while you take a shower, get cleaned up…’ She blushed at the thought that a certain toy was still fully sheathed within her husband. ‘And, and we sit down together in the living room and talk about this like grown-up, civilized people. The k**s are at the Burrow, I assume?’ Harry nodded shakily. ‘Well, I’m off to make tea, then. Alright?’
Harry nodded again and Ginny left him to it, praying to every deity known to man that he wouldn’t do something stupid while she made the tea.
As she heard the shower drizzling in the bathroom, she tried to gather her thoughts and approach the situation logically. This had never been her strong suit at school – she was a red-head with the temper to match – but even she had grown up in the years since. While she didn’t entirely trust her reasoning capabilities just right now, she figured it was still worth a try.
So. Harry had been pretty much r****g himself on their bed.
He said he didn’t want it.
But he had looked like he was rather enjoying himself – a lot – before he noticed her.
Was he lying to her? If so, what did it mean for the two of them? Or was he telling the truth?
But how could he?
How could he deny being cursed, and yet do something he hated?
Was someone blackmailing him? Or did he have some kind of mental…
She didn’t want to go there. But if this conversation didn’t clear a few things up, she decided, she would. For Harry’s peace of mind as much as for her own.
The noises from the bathroom stopped and Ginny sat quietly sipping her tea until Harry came shuffling in. He was dressed prim and proper in Muggle trousers and a collared shirt. His hair, however… Ginny couldn’t help but smile. A wet Harry was always a fun Harry. Some strands of his hair were still wetly hanging into his face, while others were already dry and sticking up in his usual bed-hair, Potter style. He was cute when wet.
Usually, she would get up and give him a kiss, just for a chance to ruffle that hair a bit further, right about now.
But suddenly, she didn’t dare.
What if he truly didn’t want her anymore and just didn’t know how to say it? She would make herself look a right fool if she went for a cuddle.
Embarrassed and indecisive, she stayed where she was.
Whether Harry noticed her inner struggles or not was anyone’s guess. He kept his eyes on the floor as he silently and neatly sat down on the sofa opposite her.
Silence reigned.
Eventually, it became obvious that Harry would not speak, so Ginny decided to go ahead and just say her piece. She cleared her throat, but didn’t quite know how to start. Come on, just say something, she ordered herself.
‘So. You… erm.’ Good show, girl. Maybe you want to do a little step dance while you’re at it?
Angry at herself, Ginny’s voice came out rather harsh and demanding as she continued. ‘Why did you do what you just did? And look at me, for Gryffindor’s sake!’
Harry’s pained eyes met her furious ones as he tried to find the right words. ‘You know how you sometimes have a scab and you just can’t help but scratch it, even though you know you shouldn’t? Or you sometimes drink those two glasses of wine more, never mind that you’ll be sorry for it the next morning?’
Ginny nodded, her eyes never leaving his.
‘Well, it’s a bit like that,’ Harry explained awkwardly. ‘I could have just not done it, but that urge was always there, and there seemed to be no harm and so I…’ He shrugged.
Ginny frowned. ‘So why are you saying you didn’t want to do it? Sounds to me like you did.’
She felt that it took a lot out of Harry not to lower his gaze, and yet he kept his eyes trained on hers – as she had asked him to. If he didn’t love her, a little voice in the back of her mind whispered hopefully, surely he wouldn’t go through the trouble?
Harry once again had a hard time explaining himself. ‘I do want to, that is, I did – but just like with scratching at barely healed wounds, I know deep down that I shouldn’t be doing it. It feels wrong, somehow. I know it is. So I wish I didn’t feel the urge to do it. That is why I said I don’t really want to.’
Ginny felt oddly relieved. No one had hexed Harry after all. Many years had passed since the war, and eventually all the Death Eaters had been captured and tried. The idea that there might still be people out there who would wish to harm Harry – well, she was glad to be proven wrong on this score. However, Harry’s words had opened a whole new box of worries.
‘What do you feel is wrong about it?’
Harry looked shocked at the question. ‘Isn’t that a bit obvious?’
Ginny was beginning to get a much clearer picture, but she had to be sure before she did anything rash. She had lived with this man for close to a decade now, after all, if she knew one thing, then it was to always ask twice before agreeing with Harry that he was to blame for something. He was rather too proficient at blaming himself, so any utterance of his about him doing something wrong had to be taken with a grain of salt.
Careful questions, then. Guide him through this, and see whether it might not end up somewhere else than what she currently both hoped and feared. Hoped, because it would mean that he did still love her, after all. Feared, because of what it meant for her Harry.
Well. One way to find out about it.
‘Harry, please answer me truthfully and without giving it too much thought. We have to clear this up now. So. Are you gay?’
‘Uh, no.’
‘But you’ve been with other men?’
‘Only once… And that was one of the worst mistakes of my life.’
‘Were you ****d?’
‘I -no.’
‘But do you, in general, like men or women?’
‘I don’t know, Gin. I like you, and beyond that… Maybe I could be interested in both, had things gone differently. I don’t know. But they haven’t and I won’t. Be interested in someone else than you, that is.’
Ginny basked in Harry’s words. She needed them.
‘Okay, so both it is, but you like me. That’s good to know.’ She winked at him, feeling a lot better about this whole thing already. Still, there were issues left to discuss.
‘Okay, moving on. Being tied up. Have you ever tried that before?’
‘And you liked it?’
‘Well, did you?’
‘But that doesn’t make any sense! Harry, why would you do that if you hated it?? Speak reason, man!’
‘I… I thought I-. Well, I liked the idea. But not the reality of it. It’s wrong.’
Ginny closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This really seemed to have nothing to do with her, and she could be rather happy with herself. If she wanted to keep Harry, looked like she could have him. He would even give up this guilty pleasure for her.
Which seemed so much less pleasurable now that he was talking about it.
Ginny saw her own role in this conversation subtly moving from persecution to shrink. Harry had some serious issues. She only hoped she would be able to help him with them.
‘I think I know where this is going, but just in case… All the other SM stuff – being tied up, gagged, and taking it up the- well. Anyway, all those things you were doing just then, you’ve tried them all once before?’
‘You wanted to, back then?’
‘Yes. I’m sorry.’
‘Nothing to be sorry about. But what happened then? You had a bad experience and decided it’s too dangerous, so you gave it up?’
‘Did your partner ignore your safeword?’
‘Oh, Harry…’
Ginny closed her eyes. Just as bad as she had suspected. Maybe even worse.
‘Harry. You know my friend Marcy, from work, right?’
He nodded slowly, unsure where this was going.
‘Well, she’s a bit like you,’ Ginny said, fully aware that this could turn into a disaster if he took her words the wrong way. Maybe it was lucky he was currently too intimidated and down-beaten to get angry or walk out on her, she reflected as she went on and Harry just stayed as he was.
‘She enjoys handing over control to her partner. She enjoys being spanked and flogged, she likes being tied up, helpless, and totally at his mercy. And she’s very open about that.’
Ginny blushed. A bit too open for her taste, at times. But she had gotten over her initial disgust rather quickly. For one thing, she liked Marcy. It was impossible not to like her, she was such a sunshine k**. And as to the other reason – well, it didn’t sound all that bad after Marcy explained that she was not actually being hurt or used in any demeaning way. It only ever went as far as she allowed it to.
And, as she had once laughingly confided, she quite liked not having to work for her pleasure. Being totally tied up came with the added bonus of not having to think about how to please her partner. Ginny conceded that this might have its merits. Harry was often tense, and so intent on her pleasure that she sometimes had the feeling he was somewhat forgetting about his own.
Of course, she’d had no idea how much truth there was in her observations at the time.
‘Well, Marcy told me all about BDSM, about other people who also enjoy power games and a bit of pain in their relationships. It sounds like a fun world, if one is so inclined.’
Harry was eying her suspiciously. ‘BDSM?’ he asked as if hearing it for the first time. And maybe, Ginny realized with a sinking heart, he was.
‘You never heard of it before?’
He shook his head, flushing. Ginny could practically hear him thinking how he was making a fool of himself.
‘Well, I suppose it’s not a very common term,’ she quickly amended. ‘If not for Marcy, I wouldn’t have known either.’ There, that seemed to help.
‘Anyway, it is short for Bondage and Discipline – BD -, Dominance and Submission – DS – and Sado-Masochism. SM. You heard of that one, at least?’
Harry frowned. ‘Isn’t that all about women in leather outfits and spiked collars and what-not?’
Ginny grinned. ‘Can be. First and foremost, SM is about pain, though, with the sadist giving and the masochist receiving it. And BD is the part about tying each other up… Although the terms all blend into each other and everyone is using them a bit differently. That’s why BDSM is such a handy expression, it wraps up many kinks and fetishes that often do go hand in hand, and gives them a name.’
Harry looked stumped. Poor k**. Ginny giggled. ‘You had no idea, did you?’
He shook his head and Ginny was strongly reminded of the lost puppy she had picked up a few years ago which had eventually found a home with Luna. But Harry was her puppy, and she intended to cuddle him right now.
Putting her tea down, she stood up and nudged Harry until he made room on the sofa. She lightly sat down, then wrapped her arms around him. ‘Looks like there are some gaps in your education, dear husband mine.’
And she proceeded to tell him everything Marcy had ever shared with her about BDSM.
Harry took some time to simply process what she was telling him, finally cluing in that she was not leaving him, nor was she even particularly disgusted with him. By the time she was just about to stop explaining, he had thawed enough to start asking questions. Were there really people out there with the same urges he felt? And they considered it normal? Was Ginny interested in that kind of sex?
That one caught her up short.
‘I don’t know. I never gave it much thought. See, I didn’t think you would want to…’
Harry smiled shyly at her. ‘But you’re not freaked out by the idea?’
Ginny grinned. ‘Well, the idea of having you at my mercy does appeal, Mr. Perfectly-in-Control.’
Her smile showed teeth and gave her a predatory look.
Harry gasped. He’d never seen Ginny like that, and it made him feel…aroused, he noticed, totally amazed. ‘You… you would do that for me?’ he whispered.
Harry’s hopes sank.
‘I’d do it for me. I don’t think it can work if one partner is just indulging the other. That can’t be very satisfactory. But, well, I loved that totally blissed-out look you had when I walked in on you. I want that. I want to give you that. And I want to feel that.
‘I can’t promise that I’ll really enjoy hurting you. Ever. But I think tying you up, at least, that, I can do. I want to.’ Her grin widened. ‘Marcy had no idea that when her stories made me flushed, I wasn’t exactly following her line of imagining someone tying me up…I just never thought I would one day have my very own victim to practice on. To me, it was always just something other people did. Sort of like a magical world apart from ours, you know?’
Harry laughed. It felt good to talk to Ginny about this. Never would he have imagined that she could be so relaxed about the issue. He loved her all the more for it.
‘But Harry,’ Ginny said and he could tell from her suddenly serious voice that he would not like what she was going to say next. ‘That man you were with… before we got married… Was that the first time for him, as well?’
Harry gulped. Yup, his intuition had been right. He so didn’t want to answer this question!
But Ginny had been wonderful. She deserved to be told.
‘It was hardly his first time, no.’ He was surprised himself by how bitter his voice sounded. ‘He knew all about toys and ties, all about humiliating and ordering someone around, too.’
He shivered. ‘I was such a naive little idiot.’
‘He abused you.’
‘He did that. At first, it was everything I had ever dreamed of, and more. But then, when it was over, he….’
Harry hung his head in shame. ‘I thought he wanted me as much as I wanted him, you know? To explore together, to find out more about …this…. But turns out all he wanted was to get one over on me. To humiliate me – in front of everyone. ‘
‘Everyone?’ Ginny asked weakly. Just who had Harry been seeing?
‘Everyone. I begged for him, let him insult me, hurt me, use me…. and I loved every minute of it. Until he took off the blindfold.’
Ginny hugged him tight.
‘It was Draco Malfoy, Ginny. My sixth year. And he got a whole room full of Slytherins to watch!’ Harry burried his head in her chest and cried.
Ginny hugged him to herself and ran soothing hands down his back. She wanted to kill Malfoy. How could he do this to Harry? How could anyone…?
‘Harry? How can it be that I never heard of this before? I would think that Malfoy would have happily told the whole school…?’
‘Snape,’ Harry simply said. ‘Snape walked in on it all. Never have I felt so dirty, so used… But he’s the one who ultimately saved me, you know? Told them they were breaking school rules and if it came out, they’d have to be punished. So he worked some magic to make sure no-one could tell.
‘But they all knew. Every day for the rest of that year, I could feel their eyes on me, judging me, ridiculing me… And I wondered, had Snape not come in, what else would they have done to me?
‘That was part of the reason why I decided not to come back for my seventh year. There was a time when I would have considered finishing school before I went on my mad quest with Hermione and Ron. But after this, well. I just wanted out.’
Ginny held Harry silently after he had finished his story. There was nothing for her to say. Then a thought occurred to her.
‘Harry, at the battle of Hogwarts, you told me later that you rescued Malfoy from the Fiendfyre. Why? Why would you rescue him after he did that?’
Harry seemed to consider this at length. ‘It was… I think it was just a reflex. It could have been Voldemort himself, and I might have tried to save him. When there’s a danger beyond human powers, I tend to snap into what Hermione calls my ‘hero-mode’. All I can think about is how to save as many people as possible. Stupid, eh?’
Ginny kissed him on the tip of his nose. ‘Nope. Cute.’
Harry smiled and kissed her lips. They opened up for him.
No more words passed between them for the next two or three hours.
Neither Ginny nor Harry really knew what either of them would be comfortable with, and Harry had no desire at all to naively rush into things a second time. Therefore, their love-making that day stayed strictly Vanilla.
Since Gin’s whole office was currently out of commission, though, it was easy for her to invite Marcy and her partner over for tea. After some initial reluctance on Harry’s part, their interest in the other couple’s love life was out in the open and Marcy pounced on it like a cat on a mouse.
‘Oh Gin, this is so wonderful! You must join us at the party next month, oh, and how about we also introduce you to…’ And she was off.
Ginny surreptitiously watched Harry out of the corner of her eye while nodding in all the right places to Marcy’s stream-of-consciousness monologue. At first, Ginny’s husband barely seemed to hear anything over his embarrassment, but like the day before, once he realized that these people really didn’t mind his ‘kinks’ and actually very much supported them, he loosened up and soon was eagerly firing questions at the couple.
Ginny smiled at seeing her husband’s face glow in anticipation. It also made her nervous as hell, though. She had no idea whether she would actually enjoy all that stuff, after all. Some of what her friends were talking about sure sounded like fun, but some of the other stuff…. She shuddered. Why would anyone want to be strangled during sex? Or cursed?
Harry must have seen the doubt in her eyes, for he silently reached out and squeezed her hand under the table. It would be alright. They were in this together, and Harry was already delirious just because she didn’t hate him for his desires. So what if there were a kink or three they did not share? They had gone years without any kinky sex at all, and while she did look forward to something ‘more’, Ginny couldn’t exactly say they had been boring years, either. She smiled at Harry and squeezed back.
Two years later.
Ginny pulled the strings tight on her corsage. Her short leather skirt and high-heeled boots made her feel sexy, as did the heavy make-up she wore for the rare occasion of going out in public. Despite Marcy’s constant invitations, this was only the second time she and Harry ventured out to socialize with other folks in the London scene.
There weren’t enough magical sado-masochists for a big party, so they had carefully joined their Muggle b*****rs-in-thought in this. Meaning her wand was down her boot, while Harry’s… She smiled over to where her husband was currently lacing up his own low boots.
Harry’s wand would be strapped onto his upper arm, just so hidden by his mid-length sleeves. His boots were too low, and he couldn’t very well stick it up the legs of his hot pants, now could he? Back and stomach were out of the question as well as that would hurt or look odd were he required to bend over. Which he just might…
She played with the leash in her hand, then gave it a playful tug when Harry had finished dressing. Following the pull on his collar, he happily came over to kiss his Mistress. They helped each other into some more civil looking overcoats, just to appease the neighbors.
Wrapping their arms around each other, they apparated.
As they stepped out of the convenient dark alley beside the club, they could already see some similarly cloaked people walking past and lining up outside the establishment. With a smile toward her husband, Ginny took the lead and made for the end of the line. They would not get any special treatment, because here, no-one knew them for the celebrities they were. Gin had changed her hair colour to blond while Harry’s scar had been hidden underneath some heavy-duty make-up. Both sported pretty, dark blue eyes.
Once inside the club, Ginny made a bee-line for the buffet. She knew where to find her colleague, after all.
The brunette woman turned around at Ginny’s call and came over to hug her. Her partner watched with some hilarity as Harry’s leash got in the way and Marcy nearly ended up strangling Ginny with it. There were many reasons why he preferred to tie her up – but clumsiness on her part was definitely one of them.
When Harry and Ginny had first joined Marcy and Stephen at the club, Marcy had parked her patient partner at the bar and taken the couple in hand. She’s shown them where to get food, explained the dark room and forewarned them about the performance later that night.
At some point, Ginny had dragged Harry into the dark room and he had promptly safeworded out. Public displays were just not on, after what Malfoy had done to him.
Just as well, Ginny decided. More time to talk to people and watch what other couples or threesomes were doing – some ideas really appealed and she remembered them for later use. This time, both were on the same page from the moment they set foot into the club. They were here just to watch, and to socialize.
It felt good to be among like-minded people, where a double entendre would not meet with total incomprehension and where teasingly smacking your partner’s ass was not seen as something offensive.
Today, they had a live buffet. Ginny daintily plucked a cherry out of the girl’s navel and fed it to Harry. She left figuring out what to do with the stone up to him. Meanwhile, Marcy was introducing yet another friend to them both. Ginny shook her head in wonder. Since Marcy took them under her wing, the number of Gin and Harry’s Muggle acquaintances was rising exponentially.
As was their experience.
At first, both had been a bit unsure how to go about things. Ginny had ended up practicing knots and other details with Stephen while Marcy advised Harry on what toys to get from what online shop. Visits to Marcy and Stephen’s soon fell into a regular pattern with some work/learning first, then cake and coffee with a side of sex-talk, and eventually a little stroll through the park. Odd, how much harmony one could gain in taking up a hobby that involved pain and humiliation.
Speaking of which…
‘Hey, look at that blond guy,’ Marcy suddenly frowned. ‘He sure has a patient sub.’
Ginny turned her head to see what her friend was talking about. Sure enough, there was a man standing with his back toward her – and he was standing on his kneeling partner’s fingers! The woman didn’t complain, just meekly kept her head bowed and her back straight.
Just then, one of the people the blond was talking to pointed out the woman’s squished fingers. Turning around and further hurting the woman in the process, the man finally noticed what he had been standing on. Those fingers might very well be broken after he turned on his heel while standing on them. Instead of apologizing, though, the man just grinned and patted the woman’s head. She seemed to take it all in stride.
Ginny, however, didn’t.
When the man turned, she had gotten a good look at his face.
The man who had spoiled SM for Harry for over a decade, by making him feel dirty and sick because of his desires – that very same man was himself enjoying the colourful life of the London BDSM scene.
How. Dare. He.
Heads turned all around the establishment as Ginny Weasley, shrieking like a banshee, tackled Draco Malfoy to the floor and furiously slapped him across the face, three times. The last slap echoed loudly in the ensuing silence.
Harry, whose leash Ginny had dropped in her anger, slowly walked over and pulled her off the utterly baffled Malfoy. He frowned down on the supine man.
‘I’d say sorrry, but then you really deserved that.’
His foot twitched, but Harry refrained from kicking Malfoy in the groin and merely spat in his face instead. Then he calmly wrapped his arms around Ginny and dragged her back over to the buffet.
They had not gone five steps when a growl stopped them.
‘What the FUCK was that about!’
Harry and Ginny looked at each other. Harry nodded to his wife: ‘Your call, darling.’
Ginny slowly turned around, her glare piercing Malfoy’s angry grey eyes. ‘That, Malfoy, was about you spoiling SM for my husband for over ten years by playing against the rules. ‘SSC’ ring any bells, Malfoy? Safe, sane and consensual’?’ She went back to tower over the now sitting man and for once, she actually looked scary.
To everyone’s surprise, Malfoy just looked confused, whereas his formerly happily suffering sub suddenly got to her feet. ‘You… you… ‘ She was agitated, but apparently lost for words.
‘I?’ he questioned, regaining some of his usual cool.
‘You ****d a man?’ she suddenly shrieked.
Malfoy got to his feet and grabbed her chin. ‘Slave, you forget your place! Apologize right now.’
Malfoy’s nostrils flared, but he let go of her at once. Then he turned his back on her, visibly straining not to lose his temper. ‘After six years, you safeword out for the first time – because of this??’
Tears were running down her cheeks, but she firmly stood her ground. ‘If I cannot trust in you to honour the rules, always, I am not sure I want you to keep control over my life.’
‘I always honour the freaking rules! Did I not just respect your safeword? Why would you believe a stranger over me?’
‘Because you would not answer in the negative. Have you ****d that man?’
‘Hell, I don’t even know that man!’
Harry stepped forward and took Ginny’s hand again. ‘Sixth year, Malfoy,’ he said calmly, but with a voice laced with a steely edge of resentment. ‘I did not consent to being made a spectacle for our yearmates. I did not consent to being turned into a freak show for all of them to watch. And I am firmly convinced that, had a certain teacher not walked in on your little party, involuntary exhibitionism would not have been the only non-consensual action on your and our spectators’ part I would have suffered that night. Do you deny it?’
Malfoy gaped at him ‘Po-‘
‘Stop!’ Ginny cut him off. ‘Must you ruin this life for him, as well?’
Malfoy’s mouth snapped shut. He glanced at Harry’s invisible scar, at the couple’s blue eyes and the not entirely Muggle company they kept. ‘Can we discuss this further in private?’
Harry couldn’t help it. He laughed. Though it might not have been a very pretty laugh. ‘Coming from your mouth, the word privacy just really doesn’t scan…’
Ginny hugged Harry tight, glowered at Malfoy and finally snapped: ‘Come outside. You have five minutes. – Bye, Marcy, Stephen,’ she added in a somewhat friendlier aside. Harry also nodded to the couple, then they were off.
Malfoy looked a bit lost all of a sudden, but luckily for him, his partner didn’t. The formerly oh so very passive girl stood behind him and pretty much pushed him towards the door.
Silence engulfed the place for a few more minutes. Then, a loud groan was heard from the darkroom. It broke the tension, and suddenly, people were laughing and chatting happily once more.
Outside, though, the mood was somber.
‘How much does she know about your school?’ Ginny asked, pointing at Malfoy’s partner.
‘Enough to talk freely,’ he answered politely. ‘She went there herself, graduated four years after us.’
‘Alright,’ Ginny said. ‘Mind if we apparate somewhere private for this talk, then?’
‘No, that’s alright. Your place?’
‘I don’t want you there,’ Harry said coldly.
‘Fair enough. Leaky Cauldron?’
‘Dressed like this??’
‘Our place?’ the girl offered quietly.
‘No,’ Harry once again vetoed. ‘I don’t trust him.’
Ginny frowned. This was harder than it should be. Suddenly, she brightened. ‘WWW!’
Harry nodded slowly, while Draco scowled and the girl looked confused. Taking that as consent, Ginny nodded decisively, then took Harry by the hand and apparated to Diagon Alley. They had already rung the bell to George’s shop when Malfoy and his partner cracked into existence behind them.
‘Who’s there?’ George’s voice greeted them from behind the door.
‘It’s us, Gin and Harry,’ Ginny whispered back. No need to advertise it to all and sundry. Malfoy’s girl, however, had heard. Weasley and Potter? Her lips asked. Malfoy nodded at her and made a sign for her to hush.
Well, at least he has some brains, Ginny thought caustically.
George opened the door and stared at them. Gin belatedly remembered that her f****y knew nothing about her and Harry’s new affinity for BDSM. Their clothes must be a bit of a shock.
George gazed at them wordlessly for a good minute or two. Then, his lips twitched. ‘I feel quite the story coming up. Do enter. Bring the Malfoy if you must.’
A short while later, the two couples were seated uncomfortably around the coffee table in the messy living space above George’s shop.
‘Tea, anyone?’ George offered, happily waving a slightly greasy tea pot.
Harry and the girl accepted, while Ginny and Malfoy were too involved in a glaring contest to even notice. George shrugged, filled three cups and then leaned back to enjoy the show. When no-one spoke for the following three minutes, George eventually got bored and decided to get the conversation going himself.
‘Sorry to interrupt your harmonious glaring, but could someone introduce me to the lady?’ he asked cheekily, eying up the pretty woman sitting next to Malfoy.
‘Her name is Cylene, and she’s with me,’ Malfoy promptly warned him off.
‘That remains to be seen,’ Cylene snapped. Then she turned to George: ‘We are sorry to be troubling you at this late hour, but I desperately need clarification on a certain issue, and only H-Harry and Ginny?’ – she glanced nervously at the two war heroes, who shrugged ‘- can give me the answers, I fear.’
Harry’s face was stony as he addressed Malfoy. ‘She’s right, you know? I would never have agreed to talk to you, were it not for her. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt by your Slytherin ways like…well.’
Malfoy stared at him with an odd mixture of regret and loathing. ‘I would never do that to her! You can say about Slytherins whatever you want, but I will not have you insulting our sense of honour.’
Harry barked a short laugh. ‘Where was that sense of honour when you decided to entertain the sixth year Slytherins by …by…’
George growled. ‘Has the bastard hurt you, little b*****r?’ Cylene sat at attention on the edge of the sofa.
Harry visibly deflated. ‘Of course, but he hasn’t done anything I didn’t want him to do. Except that I had not planned on doing it with an audience. Or being ridiculed for how I feel.’
Ginny hugged him tight, while George just looked confused. ‘You wanted him to hurt you?’
Ginny rolled her eyes at her older b*****r. ‘It’s called masochism, b*****r. Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of it, either.’
‘Well, heard of it, yes, but… Umh, why ‘either’?’
Ginny’s glare became several degrees deadlier. ‘Because Harry here also hadn’t ever heard of it before he ran into Malfoy. He thought he was a freak for feeling that way. And Malfoy made sure that was all he ever saw it as: a perversion, unnatural and wrong. Something to hate himself for.’
Cylene gasped, and even Malfoy looked a touch uncomfortable. ‘You… you were not exaggerating before? When you said you had given up on SM for- for ten years?’
‘What do you think?’ Harry barked.
Stunned silence reigned for a few minutes. Eventually, Ginny was the one to break it. ‘He still wanted to, you know. And he was disgusted by his own needs. He… sometimes did things, alone, secretly. He was really hurting himself with his self-denial. Well, until I walked in on him two years ago…’ Harry blushed, and Ginny smirked.
‘Details, details,’ George happily sang.
Harry blushed a bit more.
Cylene smiled sadly. ‘You really aren’t the public type, huh?’
Ginny turned on her. ‘Well, would you be, after an experience like that?’
Cylene’s smile wavered and died. ‘No, I suppose not… Harry, may I ask you a question?’
‘Why did you go with Draco in the first place? I always had the impression you guys hated each other. And Draco, why did you do it?’ She looked from one man to the other expectantly.
Draco shrugged. ‘He’d been stalking me all through sixth year, and I just really, really wanted him to stop. I figured I’d scare him a bit and he’d be off my case.’
Ginny snarled. ‘So you decided to publicly humiliate him?!’ Ginny knew the whole story from Harry’s perspective, but had never been quite sure about Malfoy’s motivation. Openly hurting the Boy Who Lived seemed too foolhardy for a supposedly sneaky Slytherin.
George, however, was confused by something else entirely. ‘But, Harry, how could you not have seen that coming? You know Malfoy!’
Harry sighed tiredly. ‘Or so I thought. At the time, I was always after him, suspecting – correctly, as it turns out – that he was up to something. He did nearly kill Dumbledore, as you recall.’
‘Like I would ever forget that!’ George looked to be on the brink of jumping up to tackle Malfoy as his s****r had done. But Harry stopped him. ‘He also saved my life, later on, so let’s not talk about the war, alright? The important point is, Ron and Hermione were always telling me to drop it, that I was paranoid, yadda yadda. So when Malfoy cornered me and made advances, I decided against my instincts that maybe he really was simply out for a good time. I know, not my brightest moment, but I was also highly frustrated at the time, besides, you know logical thinking was never my strongest suit…’
George nodded slowly. Yes, he could perfectly see their naive little Harry getting into that situation head over heels.
‘So what happened next?’ Cylene asked, hesitantly.
Harry and Malfoy looked at each other.
‘Some playing,’ said Malfoy.
‘My first time,’ said Harry.
Malfoy gaped. ‘No way!’
Harry quirked an eyebrow. ‘What, you think I’m just naturally slow and clumsy? Let me tell you, I seriously had no idea what I was doing.’
He was as surprised as everyone else when he saw Malfoy dropping his head into his hands and mumbling: ‘Oh bl**dy fucking hell, you just have to be k**ding me.’
Slowly, the blond looked up again. ‘When you agreed to go with me, when you turned out to be so happy and eager to submit to me, your sworn enemy, I took it for granted that you had done this before. I keep forgetting how different Gryffindors are from us Slytherins. Where we would only ever put ourselves in a position of dependency and weakness after five times evaluating the risks against the gains and covering our asses in advance against any possible hazards, you people tend to rush in, live life to the fullest and count your losses at a later time.
‘I am not saying either way is preferable to the other. I just believe that, were we not so different in nature, this misunderstanding need not have happened.
‘As it was, I assumed that if you were so eager to crawl and beg for me, you must be unconcerned about the damage your image might take from this. It puzzled me at first, but then I decided that Granger and Weasley must know about your inclinations and support you, else you would not have taken the risk. You must have known, I thought, that you could not trust me to keep this to myself.
‘Maybe you would have later unveiled some unexpected threat to keep me silent, that was a gamble I was willing to make to see you on your knees before me. I had a lot less to lose than you did. So I figured you must be secure in the knowledge that your friends would have your back no matter what. If the press got wind of it, they would be able to protect you as they have done previously. I envy you for that. Don’t think I didn’t notice the bug that Granger kept carrying around in a glass after the end of fourth year!’
Malfoy paused, an odd smile playing around his lips as he reminisced about their school days.
‘But wasn’t it risky for you to pull your whole year into it?’ Ginny asked with narrowed eyes.
Malfoy sighed.
‘It was. But it was less of a risk than most other things in my life at that point. The Dark Lord-‘
‘Voldemort,’ Harry threw in tiredly. He wished people would learn to speak his name already.
‘- had given me the task,’ Malfoy continued as if he had not been interrupted, ‘to kill the Headmaster. If I failed, my parents would die instead.’
Everyone gasped, they had not known this part of the story. The Gryffindors had always just assumed that Malfoy had been proud to do his Lord’s bidding, but had chickened out when it came to actually committing murder. Cylene had simply accepted what little her husband would tell her and had let it rest, for the sake of both their peace of mind.
‘I was desperate. I tried and tried to repair the connection between the Vanishing cabinets, and I kept failing. I was, of course, blaming the Dark Lord and you, Potter, in equal parts for my misfortune – the one for giving me this task in the first place, the other for always trailing after me and killing any hopes of success.
‘And suddenly, here was my chance to stop you. To scare you away so that I could finish my task in relative peace – undisturbed, if not exactly with graceful composure.’
He looked Harry in the eyes with a serious expression.
‘I originally just intended to scare you by playing the dominant, imagine my surprise when it turned out you wanted just that! I admit that I soon came to enjoy what we were doing, and though the knowledge that it was you I was paddling, and fisting, and making gag on my cock-‘
Ginny grabbed Harry possessively. But he noticed that her hands were sweaty where they touched the bare skin to which his scant clothing provided easy access. It seemed that Malfoy’s colourful account of that night was rather stimulating her imagination.
Malfoy didn’t seem to notice.
‘- was an added bonus, I soon stopped thinking of what we were doing in terms of humiliation or scaring-off. It was fun. Nothing more and nothing less.
‘Then Theo walked in.’
Malfoy stopped his account to tiredly rub his face with one hand.
‘Theodore Nott, at the time, had never met the Dark Lord personally and still was an ardent supporter of all things Dark. I knew the moment he saw us that he would report the incident to his father and word of it would soon travel all the way to the Dark Lord’s ears. As I saw it, I had only two choices: try and shut Theo up, or present myself in a truly Dark light.
‘There really wasn’t much of a choice when you think about it. If I chose to shut Theo up, I would have saved my arch enemy’s reputation, still have said enemy stalking me, one way or the other, endangering my mission and the lives of my parents, I would have to constantly be on my guard against Theo – or shut him up permanently.
‘I am not good at obliviating people – I’d have had to kill him. I didn’t think I could do that. And Potter had proven such a wonderful submissive – by no means slow or clumsy, obviously your memory is lacking,’ he sneered, ‘I was quite sure his inflated ego would not suffer so much as a scratch if I fucked him in front of flashing camera lights.’
He was still sneering, but now it seemed to be directed at himself and his poor judgment rather than at Harry. Who was trying to recover from the shock of receiving a compliment, however underhanded, from Malfoy.
‘So I made a split-second decision to add a deafening charm to my current spellwork and check up on the charm keeping your blindfold securely in place. Then I leered at Theo and invited him to get anyone who wanted to watch Potter being humiliated.
‘They all came.’
Silence reigned after Malfoy finished his account. Cylene seemed torn between disgust and compassion, she was still holding on to Draco, but her hand on his back had stopped moving in soothing circles. She was sitting quite still, as if in a daze.
Finally, a sigh broke the silence. ‘I really am a naive little -‘
Ginny, on his left, and George, on his other side, simultaneously thumped him on the head.
‘What was that for?’ Harry fumed, while the Malfoys were openly gaping at the three of them.
‘You were going to say ‘freak’, admit it!’
‘I was not!’ Harry huffed indignantly. ‘I was about to say idiot.’
‘Oh, that’s alright then,’ George said and leaned back into the sofa again.
‘Naive does not equal idiotic,’ Ginny lectured, but she, too, seemed mollified with his answer.
Cylene could no longer watch silently. ‘You agree with the man who defeated the Dark – ‘ she shot Harry a glance ‘-Voldemort-‘ a pleased smile rewarded her effort – ‘when he calls himself an idiot?!’
Ginny grinned a little sheepishly while George looked unconcerned. ‘Harry knows he’s not stupid. If he were, he wouldn’t have survived this long.’ The three Gryffindors looked down, all of them uncomfortably aware of the absence of another red-haired prankster.
‘Staying alive has nothing to do with intelligence,’ Harry said silently. ‘Only with the dumbest luck.’
‘But being intelligent helps,’ Malfoy pompously interjected.
Harry smiled a little. ‘I’m not saying I’m stupid. I couldn’t have brought down the Evil Git without Ron and Hermione, but neither could they have done it without me. And that has nothing to do with a stupid prophesy, but with my instincts and my very own brains, thank you very much!’
They all grinned a little. The atmosphere was noticeably lighter than just ten minutes ago.
‘I think I never actually said it, Potter, but: Thank you for killing the Dark…Git.’ A smile accompanied Malfoy’s words, but there was also honest gratitude in his eyes. ‘My father might be in Azkaban now, but at least my mother is free, and we are all alive. I have a lot to thank you for.’
The word Fiendfyre hung between them unspoken.
‘So do I,’ Harry finally accepted grudgingly. ‘You bought us time by failing to identify us when we were captured, and your mother did as much and more when she proclaimed me dead. I, too, am indebted to you.’
‘But you are not even,’ George stated with a frown.
‘No, that, we are not,’ Malfoy quietly agreed.
‘Would you want to be?’ Ginny’s voice addressing Malfoy was cool, her gaze calculating. Harry suddenly sat straight at attention. This was Ginny calculating perfect torture. Harry was exceedingly glad for his suppressive underwear at the moment. His Mistress scheming usually resulted in some fun hours of exciting new experiences and just seeing that look on her face made his body twitch in anticipation.
But why was she now focusing all her devilish attention on Malfoy?
The other man seemed as uneasy as Harry at the thought. He had not failed to notice Harry’s reaction to his wife’s tone and was seriously afraid of what it might mean for him.
‘What do you consider ‘even’?’ he asked cautiously.
But Ginny merely waved him off. ‘This is not about me. You boys might feel even when Harry no longer feels like a **** victim and you no longer feel guilt-ridden for spoiling SM for Harry. But how you get there, well, that’s really up to you, isn’t it?’
Draco didn’t buy her innocent act for one second. ‘But you do have a suggestion.’
‘Well, yes…’ Ginny said and looked at Harry a bit anxiously.
‘Well?’ he asked, one eyebrow raised in an attempt to look unconcerned.
Ginny still seemed a bit undecided. Eventually, George came to her rescue.
‘Little s****r is probably even now becoming aware of the fact that her lovely plan of revenge can only backfire.’
Ginny glowered at him, but didn’t deny the accusation.
‘Weasley temper,’ Harry explained with a grin. ‘Very predictable, especially for f****y members. Gin is often fighting it, but not always successfully…’ He trailed off, noticing a warning glimmer in his dear wife’s eyes.
‘Oh oh, someone’s going to pay for his words before the day is over,’ Cylene stage-whispered.
Harry winked at her. He and Ginny had both been waiting for a worthy occasion to christen some new toys. Looked like an opportunity had finally presented itself. They really should go out in company more often.
‘So what was that ‘plan of revenge’?’ Malfoy asked, still rather uneasy with the situation.
‘Why, to reverse roles, of course!’ Ginny spat.
‘And you can surely see where that would go awry, can’t you, s*s?’ George asked pleasantly.
‘Too many problems to count,’ Ginny admitted gloomily. ‘First and foremost, Harry, being not only a submissive, but also not a vengeful person by nature, would not enjoy humiliating Malfoy in any way, shape or form, then, we don’t exactly have the equivalent of a group of Slytherin yearmates here to watch, also, I dare say Malfoy’s self-confidence is a lot bigger than Harry’s and wouldn’t actually suffer much, no matter how one might humiliate him…’
Ginny trailed off, admitting defeat. It had seemed fair at first, but it really was quite a useless idea altogether and would certainly not help in setting things to rights.
‘Draco should donate a goat.’ Cylene’s matter-of-fact statement left them all flabbergasted.
‘A goat?!’, Ginny asked. ‘Why the hell would we need a goat?’ She could just see the headlines if Harry Potter, protégé of the late Albus Dumbledore, was known to possess a goat.
Potter upholding Dumbledore f****y tradition
Boy-Who-Lived accused of inappropriate charms on a…
‘I like the idea of Malfoy buying a goat’, George declared, ‘but I fail to see how it solves our dilemma.’
Cylene rolled her eyes. ‘He would not be buying it for Harry, but, as I said, donating it. If I understand you all correctly, Harry does not want revenge so much as justice. So I am assuming that any large enough gesture of Draco’s that could be interpreted as repentance would be adequate. Correct so far?’
‘Yes’, Harry conceded. That was pretty much how he felt. He admired Cylene for reading him and both Weasleys so well as to have come to the right conclusions about his character just on the basis of their words and interactions. ‘I do not want anything for myself, really. I just want to know that he damn well acknowledges that he was wrong in what he did! And, well, I suppose I do want him to suffer something for it. But not… not really pain, or humiliation. Just some money would be fine, really. – But I don’t want it’, he hurried to add.
Cylene smiled. ‘Then I guessed correctly.’ She looked around at the still blank looks of the four wizards and witches at the table. ‘I am myself not well-acquainted with Muggle culture, but I have heard that donating is a very big thing in the Muggle world. If Harry wants Draco to … to repent…, but he doesn’t want to get anything out of it, then I say let him donate. Someone will be happy for it.’
It made sense. It was too tame, Ginny thought, Malfoy should be made to truly suffer. But she knew Harry wouldn’t stand for it. Worst case scenario, her dear husband would end up blaming himself and feeling all guilty about it. So what Cylene was suggesting actually sounded pretty good. But still… ‘A goat??’
Cylene smiled. ‘A friend told me about this Muggle organization that donates goats to poor families. See, by donating clothes or food, you help just the once and may also be destroying the local economies, but a goat can give milk for a long time and needs very little feeding. And if there’s a male goat around somewhere, the goat may even have young after a while and it can all become quite lucrative.
‘Then there’s another organization that buys donkeys for midwives in poor, rural areas where they have to travel far between births and often don’t get there in time to…’ She trailed off when George started laughing. ‘What?’
George wiped away a tear and tried to speak through his laughter. ‘It’s just… I suddenly had this really weird mental image of Malfoy riding on a donkey.’
Harry couldn’t help but laugh a little as well, while Ginny got a rather speculative look in her eyes.
The next morning, Ginny woke up fairly early, while Harry was still sl**ping the sl**p of the mentally exhausted. She quietly slipped out of bed. Harry turned around, mumbled something, but fell asl**p again at her quiet ‘It’s early yet. Go back to sl**p, love.’
Ginny fire-called her mother, also an early riser, and promised to pick up the k**s in the afternoon. Then she went to prepare breakfast. She made all of it bite-sized and handy, put it on one large plate and carried it back to the bedroom. Humming quietly, she put the plate down on the nightstand, then opened the coffer of toys at the foot end of the bed and took out some ropes and leather. Getting back in bed, she snuggled up to Harry, then happily tied his hands behind his back.
‘Ginny, wha…?’, Harry asked sl**pily, but not truly disturbed.
‘Just tying you up, love’, Ginny said soothingly.
‘Ah, that’s alright then’, Harry murmured before finally starting to catch on to what was happening. ‘Umh… Gin?’, he asked uncertainly. ‘Should I call you Mistress now?’
‘In a moment, love’, she answered while stripping him of his sl**p pants. ‘You just lie there and maybe finish waking up.’ She gave him a little smack on the arse to help him along. Harry groaned, but then obediently snuggled more deeply into his pillow. He watched lazily out of the corner of one eye as Ginny neatly folded the blanket and stored it somewhere out of his line of sight.
‘Enough with the observations’, Ginny decided and put a blindfold on him. She lovingly ran her fingers through his hair and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips. Ginny was fiercely proud of what Harry and she had achieved in their marriage. Harry trusted her so completely that he even let her blindfold him, despite his previous traumatizing experience with Malfoy. He knew that Ginny would never do anything like that to him.
Finished with her preparations, Ginny slid off the bed to admire her work. Harry lay on his belly smack in the middle of the bed, naked, blindfolded, with his hands tied behind his back. Just waiting for her to try out the new toy they’d gotten!
Ginny smiled and pulled on a rubber glove. She squeezed some lube into her gloved hand and approached her husband’s rear. Harry moaned deliciously when the cold, lubed fingers touched him and he poked his behind out to grant her easier access. Ginny laughed, delighted, and slapped his bare arse cheeks with her free hand. ‘Eager, are you? You’re such a slut, Harry.’
‘Yes, Mistress’, he agreed meekly.
‘Am I supposed to reward you, then, for such wanton behaviour?’
Harry’s lips curved into a smile below the blindfold. ‘No, Mistress. I beg you to please punish me for my misbehaviour.’
‘That, I can do’, Ginny purred. Her fingers roughly entered him, making his body twitch in
[I puzzled over where this story belongs. I’m pretty sure I got it right, even though some readers may disagree. It’s not about having sex. Not even a first kiss, most of us got our first kiss on the day we were born. Mark was forty-six when he got his first introduction to ‘loving.’ Enjoy.] * ‘We want to get married!’ She stood in front of me and it was pretty evident from her body language and her tone that she really wanted to scream it out. She didn’t. The man standing beside her was not...
“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...
“Are you sure you should do this again?” Gina asked me over lunch a couple of weeks later. Lia and I had gotten together nearly every night during those two weeks and it was like it used to be. Fantastic sex at night, friendly acquaintances during the day. “Why not?” I took a bite of my burger. “I just thought you . . . I don’t know.” Gina shook her head, then pushed her brown hair back behind her ears. “I don’t know either,” I admitted. “I don’t know what I want, or what she wants, but maybe...
LesbianLesson Learned! I learned my lesson early as a young man to be honest with myself and any potential romantic partners about my inner sense of femininity. I learned it the hard way. The only girl I ever got really serious about, to the point of borrowing money to buy a three hundred dollar engagement ring, I wasn't honest with. Her name was Cynthia. I should have told the truth to her, and maybe things wouldn't have happened the way they did. Or maybe it would have never begun. We...
I had just parked my car on the 5th floor of the car park when I saw in the rear-view mirror how a lady, dressed entirely in black nappa leather, got out of the Mercedes behind me. Wearing a fitted leather blazer, gloves and tight leather trousers, she strutted along the corridor on the probably 10 cm high heels of her knee-length leather boots. Strictly tied back long black hair framed her beautifully cut, stylishly made-up face, whose dark glowing eyes sparkled. In her mid-40s her body was...
Bill awoke the next morning with his usual morning wood, and smiled thinking about what he was in for as the continuing education of his twin sisters. Anna and Louise had really gotten into it yesterday and he felt like it would be better today. He tried to compose himself and went to the shower to ready himself for days adventure. Anna and Louise awoke with a yell from their mother that breakfast was almost ready and for them to get up and get going. The girls looked at each other and...
By the time I was approaching my seventeenth birthday I had been with a couple of girlfriends and fucked a few other girls. All around my age. Quite frankly that was all I was hoping for until one day when I was returning home from my girlfriend of the time. Just as I neared the flat I lived in with my parents I was passing a lady who lived two doors away from us. She was about mid fifties I would guess and although I only knew her by her surname I knew that she knew everything about...
Like I said, I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak, so my man and I came up with a vague plan of action during a very satisfying session one evening. It would probably take three or four sessions to teach Rick the lessons we'd identified, but as he was just twenty-three, we figured he'd have the stamina.Lesson One was set for the Wednesday evening.Answering the door to Rick, he was suitably nervous but managed to appreciate my skirt and shirt combo. Offering him a drink, my man tried to calm...
Wife LoversLesson Surprise part 2 To find out how I ended up in this situation read Lesson Surprise Part 1 ...... I looked at the clock on the wall - it was only 5 pm - it was going to be a late night. After all, during the last 4 hours I have been fucked twice by Brads 11 inch monster. I was standing there with huge EE false tits in a black lace bra, Black lace suspenders and fishnet stockings, red G string with black trim, a tiny black mini skirt and tight black top that enhanced the...
Valerie Parker sat in her car outside the coffee shop trying to stop the tears that were falling freely from her swollen eyes. As her sobs slowly subsided, a knock on the side window brought her back to reality. Standing beside the car was Jim, a boy she dated from time to time, giving her his usual big smile. As she slowly rolled down the window, Jim could see her tear stained face, as she tried to return his smile. Seeing that something was bothering her, Jim quickly went to the other side...
What follows happened - about three hours ago. I have changed the lady's name, but should anyone who knows either of us read this, the game - as they say - is probably up.I teach EFL at a number of companies here ('here' will be obvious if you've read "Oh, Canada!") - have been doing so for thirteen years - and have had several hundred students in that time. Until today I have never had anything more than fantasies about a few of them......... At the turn of the year I started a...
I’m Ivan, a brand new airman on my first assignment in the USAF. Yes, my name gets commented on a lot, but with my grandparents being from Russia, it’s a family name. In fact, I am expected to name my own first son the same — when I get around to having any.So, if you’ve ever had a 'first' assignment, it’s a lot like having a first job. There is a shit-load of stuff for you to learn and this story is about one of those lessons. About me, I am six-foot three-inches, 160 pounds, and in pretty...
CheatingThe Lesson My name's Joe, and yes I'm bisexual. I have a friend named Tom who's also bisexual. Were in the electronics business together. We do very well, well enough too not have to work. We have a huge house with our own little dungeon. That's where we give our "lesson's". We have 4 special friends that come over and give the lessons. We've been doing it for a few years now, and so far we haven't got caught. Both Tom and I work out on very regular basis and are quite strong....
Lesson Surprise - Part 1 I was a completely straight guy, and used to have a different girl every week. Now I am the different 'girl' every week. I met Brad and everything changed to where I am now. He had made heaps of money and said he was "out in the mountains looking for a new opportunity." Here is my story. Brad had booked me for a week of private ski lessons. It was the first day and a bad weather day and Brad decided that he had had enough skiing and wanted to return...
Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...
Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...
Living in the rural area around Winston-Salem allowed him to hunt and fish when he wanted and still be able to go to town and have all the amenities of the city. Plus North Carolina is famous for being loaded with very attractive ladies who are extremely friendly and fun loving. Not that there weren’t a lot of wonderful ladies at school, it just seemed like they had a different attitude. Bill had a couple regular girls he dated and fooled around with, but he had not met anyone that really set...
LessonOfPassion, aka LOP Gold! Porn isn’t all about watching videos and jerking off to them for years on end until you can recognize most famous pornstars at a glance – there’s much more to it than consuming overly-stimulating visual content on a daily basis and getting so addicted to it that your social life falls into shambles and you don’t know how to talk to women anymore. There are lots of different, healthier and more interactive ways to consume porn – and by interactive, I don’t mean...
Best Porn GamesShe offered to give me a ride home but we stopped at her house first. Maybe if I hadn't been so excited to be near a girl like this, I would have realized sooner that this was a bad idea. I foolishly followed her in, admiring her long blond hair that went down to her well shaped ass. "You can have a seat Matthew, I'll be right back." I sat down on the couch, peering around the room, looking over the many family photos across the wall. To my surprise, Brad and Andy walked through the...
Introduction: Alyssa gets more than one lesson from her big brother Alyssa walked into the house, throwing the keys, along with her backpack, down on the kitchen table. She smiled, satisfied with the jingle they made, as she had just gotten her license two days before. Just then she realized she heard music from upstairs. Brad?! she cried, racing toward the stairs. She ran up them with her long honey colored hair streaming behind her, thinking this was way too good to be true. Her older brother...
For a week or so after our encounter with Rick, my man and I would debate whether there was more to teach the youngster. His oral skills had been improved, he'd had tips for his self-control, and there was nothing to improve in regards to his cock. During many sex sessions, we debated and reminisced.Then decided. Rick arrived one Saturday afternoon, looking a couple of inches taller and a lot more confident. He told us he'd been practising what we'd taught him with a girl he'd met the day...
Wife LoversWe were out one night, having a nightcap in a busy hotel bar, when a youngish lad tried chatting me up at the bar. Pretty average looking but had a sparkle in his eye and his cheek; had me shaking my head in wonder. He couldn't have been above twenty-five at the most, and I was approaching forty.I've never had a Mrs Robinson streak so I just gave him cheek back and headed back to my man. As I sat, my mister told me the lad hadn't taken his eyes off my rear the whole way back to our table. I...
Wife LoversThe last thing you can remember was the wine, and how it went to your head so quickly. But now, as you wake there's something wrong. Very wrong. Where is this? You are captured within a strange device made of steel pipes bolted to the floor. It is a series of clamps that hold you completely immobile. Cold metal holds you down at the ankles and wrists. The wood under your hands and knees is rough and hard. As you try to look around the room, you see that there's is really no escape from this...
SpankingThe last boyfriend I write about was a special person. Jack was a lover, a friend, my disciplinarian [when I needed it] and a gentleman. He’d had a good marriage, with a loving woman but, told me several times that, I was more female than she was. After being together [but not living together] for about six months; he not only started telling me that he loved me but…proposed.He could be very strict with me, as I said above, when I needed it.He was one of the three or four guys that, after being...
The wife and I have been married for twenty years. It has been good. But like most of you all I have long fantasized about my wife, Susan , fucking another man. Susan has always been very conservative, the way she dresses, the way she acts, everything. She has always been happy to spread her legs and take my seed, but a wild and crazy fuck she is not. But over the years I have pestered her about taking another man and she always blew it off saying that is gross or she is happy with me. The way...
This afternoon my ass still hurts. Ken calls and asks if I can prep a larger dinner as he is bringing a friend home.Sure. Veal Marsala for 3 versus 2 is no big deal.Thank god I do not know this guy. A c***dhood pal I'm told and I swear he was around 350 pounds. I clean up after dinner, come back and I don't see him. Bathrooms empty too and Ken is putting on his hat. "Ken, I didn't hear him leave. Are you guys going out?". Ken says "You still need to learn. This is the last lesson. He...
Another lesson.Being bi-racial, I grew up in two cultures.I recently discovered that two cousins of mine (same ages now in 50s) have always liked me, especially one.She is a bit chubby, but with a nice face, a nice girl in other words.But her hubby was a player with younger women at his business and divorced her.She spent last summer with me and we went out and pretended to be man/wife, boy/girl friend etc, as a woman had dumped me and was at same places. After a few drinks one night we danced...
“You sure talk a lot of shit,” Ronnie chided as she took a long sip of her martini. Her eyes were deep green vessels that poured forth cool, unwavering judgment. I was taken aback by her direct confrontation, and confused. I was a reasonably experienced date, enough that I at least knew how to be a little charming when I needed to be and very persuasive when I chose to be. But Ronnie had been combative all evening, and I was beginning to find it difficult and frustrating. I hadn’t made her...
Doctor John Holcomb turned away from the old gentleman in the hospital bed. Intern Holly Jackson could see the sadness in his eyes. It's never easy to tell someone they are dying, and it is especially hard when the man's wife of fifty four years is in the room. John turned to her in the hallway. "That was a tough one," he said. She nodded. "I felt sorry for his wife," she told him. John nodded and smiled gently. "You handled it well, though," he told her. "A lot of interns...
Jack grunted and stopped, looked at her. He had been in a bad mood for the last three days. Half buried memories had haunted his dreams and even being on the road for eight hours straight yesterday had not helped blocking them out. He had planned to travel on, spend the night at a bus station and take the first bus available to anywhere. And now, at just three in the afternoon she wanted to stop. “Come on, a real bed, pizza and some beers. You look like you need it.” He grunted again. What...
I was thinking to myself one day while lying in bed. If men think with there dicks, what do women think with? I realize that not all girls have this nympho desire or nothing. But, you see, I know some who like to be bad, do bad things. Are we just that type? I was trying to come up with a story to write. A good one. Then what do I think about doing to someone. But noooo. I go start to the sex. It was like saying: heyyy, no waiting here! And hurry up I need some! Went to this chat room. And...
By: YT Chapter 1 Houston, Texas Monday, June 23rd, 2016 9:00AM Roger Healy pulls his car up in front of Maj. Anthony Nelson’s house in Houston, Texas, on a beautiful sunny Monday morning. For years Roger and Tony have been riding together to the NASA base several times a week. Roger sees that Tony’s car is gone so he figures that he’s already left but he decides to go inside anyway and maybe score a cup of coffee from Jeannie. “Good morning Jeannie”, he calls out as he walks...
Well, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...
In each shed, contained some kind of torture, or breaking machine. Designed to break the will of the boys or girls he took, he didn’t care what happened to them so long as he got his money, that’s all that mattered. Most of the kids wouldn’t last out the year, supply and demand. Some of them did, and they were the ones who were returned to him, in trade for new ones. On this particular evening, Michael, was down at the pub, getting a drink, everyone here knew what he did, they didn’t try...
Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...
This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...
Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...
I was sixteen, an awkward teenager that wanted to do the things that any male teenager would want to do, but shy and nervous around women. I was not too bad looking, being tall, blondish, and evenly featured. But I suppose I was a bit of a geek, being scientific- minded and wedded to my schoolbooks. I'd also been a bit socially handicapped by the fact my father's job had us move to a new town every year or so, which is not really enough time for a teenager to break into any really cool social...
Lessons in Lust From Allison Part 2 Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily. She moved up the couch until her lips were on my cheek. Her hand ran gently through my hair as she whispered, “ I think you’ve earned a reward for all your work tonight Greggy. You like the sound of that?” I nodded...
IncestLessons Inspired by a movie, a husband tries to paint his wife's nails. He's not very good, so he ends up with a very public lesson in the proper technique. Don't try this at home. That's the disclaimer they give on those extreme stunt shows. Maybe they should have put that in the movies, too. For when I tried to copy a scene in one movie, things just got out of control. My story begins happily. I was in my mid twenties, employed as an advertising copy writer and already...
Lessons Learned (day one) Disoriented and with a pounding head ache, I attempt to open my eyes, Twisting my head side to side I begin to panic as I see only darkness. My jaw throbs as I realize there is something hard between my teeth. My arms stretched over my head. I tug hard, my scream muffled as my wrists pop, but remain in place. Thoughts are running wild, "where am I? Why can’t I see?" My breathing becomes ragged, as I try to breath around the thing between my teeth. It catches, and...
Introduction: A new slut to use, told from his and her view point, first time posting a story all critque welcome ((story unfolds from his and her view)) Lessons Learned (day one) Disoriented and with a pounding head ache, I attempt to open my eyes, Twisting my head side to side I begin to panic as I see only darkness. My jaw throbs as I realize there is something hard between my teeth. My arms stretched over my head. I tug hard, my scream muffled as my wrists pop, but remain in place....
Lessons in Submission Lessons in SubmissionCopyright Ed Edas 2006 All rights reservedPrologue ???? ?Emma was lying on her front on her bed, she was watching TV, naked apart from a pair of brief panties.? The door was flung open, she smiled at Kurt?s somewhat dramatic entrance, and then realising that he was in a serious mood, she got quickly off the bed and knelt before him.? She spread her knees wide apart and with her arms behind her back grasped one of her elbows in each hand.? This...
Lessons Learned Lessons Learned The phone rings and I sleepily reach over to answer it. Who would be calling me at this hour? I looked at the clock. It read Five AM. I pick up the receiver and answer with a half asleep tone in my voice.?Hello???Slave I want you prepared for my return. Do I make myself clear?? ?Yes Master.? I reply. Now fully awake.?Good.? He says and hangs up. I could not have gone back to sleep if I wanted to. The tone in Master?s voice had been very harsh. He did not...
Candie stood 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighed a mere 110 pounds. Her lightly tanned face was accented by deep blue eyes, a button nose, full lips, and was surrounded by long blonde hair. She was just past her eighteenth birthday, and her class had recently graduated from their small town high school. Candie had been an early bloomer. Her breasts had started developing while she was still in elementary school. By the time she started her freshman year of high school, she had a firm set of...
Lessons Learned When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing...
Lessons Learned When I walked into the club for Gina’s bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I’d left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music...
LesbianI was just beginning to learn about sex, discovering my cock and learning to masturbate, when my good friend Jerry told me about a fantastic weekend he had enjoyed with a friend of his mom's who had stayed with him while she was out of town. The man had shown Jerry his cock and they had done all kinds of neat things together. I had to laugh when he told me this because I had enjoyed a similar experience. I told him it was with an adult male also, but I was fibbing, as you will see in a...
Lessons Learned Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I walked in the house and saw my parents sitting there, you could have killed me with a feather! They weren't supposed to be home, so I had gotten dressed and gone out with my best friend to a show. We traded stares for a moment, then I started for my bedroom to change and go to bed. Wait a minute young...lady" came dad's voice, "come back in here right now!" Now, since I am their son, you can guess how I was...
Lessons Learned Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I walked in the house and saw my parents sitting there, you could have killed me with a feather! They weren't supposed to be home, so I had gotten dressed and gone out with my best friend to a show. We traded stares for a moment, then I started for my bedroom to change and go to bed. Wait a minute young...lady," came dad's voice, "come back in here right now!" Now, since I am their son, you can guess how I was...
She laughed naughtily as her eyes met mine. Her tongue emerged and starting at the base went up the full length of my engorged member, and traced a long slow circle around the tip. An intense shudder of pleasure rocketed through my body, and I sighed deeply. Her mouth wrapped around my cock and slipped down my shaft as her tongue kept working on my tip. She began gently massaging my balls. She stopped occasionally to stroke my cock. I thought my eyes would roll back in my head. I was grunting...
Michael – Compound Owner, 46. Edward –Potential Slave, 12. Jessie – Edwards Brother, 7. James – Slave to Jessie, 9. Lessons Chapter Two – Stay within the Confines. Edward and Jessie sat at the kitchen table, having survived, relatively unscathed from their first ordeal with Michael, Edward was still running over the events of the day, aghast at the fact that he had kicked that boy, even if he hadn’t put his entire effort into it, he had still caused harm, something he was glad his...
Our family grew up in the rockies in BC. we lived in a tiny village way up north. It was remote. We had to take a plane to go into the main town so we had to be careful and make sure we always had enough supplies to get by.So our life was quite different from most.My mother home-schooled all 7 of us k**s. Sex education was given to us by my father. It had always been this way.When a girl turned thirteen she would get to go into Duddy's big office for the very secretive "birds and bees' talk....
LESSONS AT THE EDGEByWILLIAM GAIUSPART ONEChapter 1RoseAnn Perez had been my mother’s best friend since I was in elementary school. More important to me, she’d overseen my graduation from teen-aged fumbling to adult sex, and surely accounts for my fascination with tall, assertive women. After a short-lived marriage in her twenties, she’d been inducted as an honorary member of our family and I’d been encouraged to call her ‘Aunt’. She paid special attention to me, bringing gifts at Christmas,...
Jerome’s mind often toyed with him like a cat with its prey/food. He was powerless to stop it, so he just let it happen. He’d become a passenger in his own head; someone else was at the wheel. In a way, it was less exhausting this way, even if he wasn’t in control of the journey. Sometimes they were speeding down a bumpy road on the way to places they shouldn’t be, and his stomach began to summersault like when on a rollercoaster with lots of loops. Other times the ride was smoother and the...
Megan's bikini bottoms were soaked as she unfolded her chair and laid down on her back, out in the sun for the first time in five days. This part of Texas got some pretty big storms from time to time and the one that had blown in out of the gulf the last five days was no exception. She had spoken to Betina a couple times on the phone over the last week, but she hadn't seen Jamal since he had graciously taught her how to give blow jobs. Megan wanted to tell him that Harold really loved them...
I heard my mother and Kit clamber through the front door. They were laughing and shhh’ing each other. The office that they had both worked at had closed and they had been out on the last who-rah with their ex-coworkers. ‘I’m home, Paulie honey! Goodnight.’ My mother lovingly slurred. I then heard the door to her room shut. My mother and Kits talking eventually slowed and lowered until I did not hear them anymore. I went back to watching my homerun highlights. I was camped out on the family...
Chap 1 THE TRAINING POOL Yoruichi woke up early that morning. That wasn't hard since she only took cat naps. But, this was not the reason, she was starting to get perturbed from both the complaints of others and her observations that Ichigo was becoming more and more arrogant, and at the regret of those close to him. "What can I do" was the question she pondered. Every solution so far had someone ending up with hurt feelings, no matter how many scenario's she ran thru. It would...