Devlin's StoryChapter 55 free porn video

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"Let me get this straight," Krissi said several days later as they shared a dessert in a coffee shop two blocks off campus. "You have no problem going to bed with Danny, but you're worried about going to a party at Emma's."

"Partly," Devlin said. "There's more to it than that."

"So, in clear conscience, you feel you can look at Evan and say, "There's this guy I've been having sex with since I was 14. Don't worry about him as competition, though. He's married." And he'll nod his head and say "That's nice. I understand, and that doesn't bother me at all." Did I get that right?"

"Except I don't think he would have that sarcastic edge to his voice."

"No, that was me. And yet you don't want to say "And there are these parties I've been going to since I was 15 where I have sex with three or four men a night."" She shook her head. "Devlin, why don't you just push him away from you as hard as you can? That's what you act like you want to do."

"But I feel I have to tell him about my past."

Krissi shook her head. "Why? Give me one good reason why you have to."

Devlin bit her lip and shook her head.

"There's a reason why I call some of my heroines 'that idiot', and that's because that's exactly what they are. They do something like what you want to do, and it turns out bad for them."

"Krissi, that's fiction."

"Bull. It might say 'fiction' on the cover, but I write it that way because that's what happens in real life."

"But my past--"

"Is past. Look, kid, there's a reason they say a couple starts on a new life together when they get married. A lot of gals don't focus on that. They're stuck on 'being married', and treat it as an extension of their life, sort of 'Do I have a husband? Check'. The trouble comes when the guy doesn't meekly conform as just being an adjunct to her that she can show off to all of her friends. You should read the letter columns in the women's magazines. I get some of my best ideas from them. I don't know how many are 'he won't change the way I want him to, what is wrong with him?' They don't realize that 'together' means 'the two of them', not 'me, and, oh yes, him'."

"I'm not following you."

"I said that wrong." Krissi sighed. "Focus on the words 'a new life together'. Not your old one. You're not going to see Danny after you get married, are you?"

Devlin shook her head. "No, I'm not. That would be... that would be... that's not..."

"Enough." Krissi held up her hand. "I get the idea. And I assume you're not going to go to Emma's, or Cindy's, or any other lifestyle party after the wedding, either. Just nod or shake your head."


"So you'll have a clean break. A new life, one where it'll be the two of you together, not two single people living individual lives who happen to cohabit the same house." She leaned back, studying Devlin's face. "Now I'm beginning to see why it's a good idea for you and Evan not to have sex until you're married."

"Again I'm not following you."

"Because that way, in that mind of yours, you can separate things: before the wedding you were this wild girl; after the wedding you were the fine, upstanding wife."

"I didn't... not in so many words... I mean..."

"Oh, hush up. I meant that as a compliment. You've always been able to compartmentalize the parts of your life, this is just another example of it. You'll say 'I do', and one compartment will close in your mind, and another will open. That's all there is to it."

"So you really think I shouldn't say anything about my past?" Devlin wanted to say more, but decided bandying words with Krissi would get her nowhere. Krissi was too good with words.

"If he asks, and I'm not saying he will, tell him about Jeff. He'll accept that. In this day and age, if a guy is surprised because a girl's had some experience, then he hasn't been paying attention."

"But what if I run into somebody I met at Emma's?"

"What happens now? Do you say "Oh, I had so much fun sucking your husband's cock"? Or: "Your cock feels so good in me when you cum"? No, you smile politely, just like you would to anyone you'd met socially, and that's that."

Devlin began picking at the coffee cake on the table between them. "Do you think Evan's had a girlfriend or two, ones he's slept with I mean? I know he said something about this one girl he knew."

"Almost undoubtedly. But as long as he doesn't bring it up, neither should you. When you tell people how you met, what do you say?"

"I tell them the truth. You and I were in Florida for Spring Break. We went to a dance, and I met him there."

"And you don't tell people what we were doing during Spring Break, do you."

"Of course not!" She realized she'd raised her voice. She saw heads turned in her direction, but they turned back to what they were doing. "Of course not," she repeated in a much quieter tone. "That would be some kind of stupid."

"My point exactly." Krissi sighed. "I know that in the end you'll make up your own mind. You always have, and you always will, which is one of the things I love about you. I think you've already made up your mind, you're just seeking validation for your decision. Who else have you talked to?"

"Danny, a couple of times."

"Good, get the male perspective."

"I've talked to Sue, you, and last weekend I talked to Emma."

"I didn't think there was a party at her place last weekend."

"There wasn't, I stopped at her store after visiting my new sister."

"That's pretty much all of your closest friends. I think you left out your police officer friend."

"Denise. She warned me some time ago to be careful what I told her. She's a cop, first, and she doesn't ever quite go off duty. She knows about Danny, but I think she believes we only started seeing each other shortly after I started attending the University. I don't think she knows I'm in the lifestyle, but I'm not certain. She asked me something recently that made me wonder. She plays her cards pretty close to her chest."

"And so should you," Krissi said, nodding. "I'd say telling her about your past wouldn't be a good idea, just like I think telling Evan would be stupid. Why on earth do you want to, anyway?"

"What if he found out? He'd dump me in an instant!"

"So why tell him in the first place? It's like you've got this deathwish about him." Krissi sighed again and broke off a piece of the coffee cake. "I think I know what part of it is.


"You're caught up in the whole image of marriage. A lot of women have it. It's something you develop when you're a little girl. You see the beauty and the emotions of a wedding. There's the bride, in white, and she's so beautiful. The whole day is organized around her. There are the invitations, the decorations, the dresses, her friends and family, the ceremony as she is escorted down the aisle... everything. The groom is there, sort of running on autopilot. He's necessary, of course, but the wedding day is her special day, and little girls fixate on that.

"As she gets older a girl realizes a few more things about her fictional wedding: there's the living together, and after puberty there's the wedding night. She might give some thought to just how they will live together--believe me, guys think about that more than most gals--but passes it off as "they'll be together" and doesn't give it much thought beyond that.

"Somewhere in there the girl thinks of marriage as the couple "sharing everything", and somehow takes that to mean everything about each other, including their pasts."

"Well, they should, and..."


"But I want him to know about that part of me."


"So he... so he'll know..."

"That you like to have sex? I think he'll pick that up on your wedding night. That you've had sex with multiple partners in one night? I don't see where that's pertinent, unless you're planning on doing that after the wedding night."

"God, no. But..."

"I'm not sure I'm getting through to you," Krissi said. "You still haven't given me a reason why you need to tell him about Emma's, or Cindy's, or even that island in the Keys."

"I feel I have to."

"Ah, 'feel'. You're losing the argument on logic, so now you're resorting to feelings."

"That's not it, Krissi, I just..." She slowed to a stop, trying to think. She felt she had to tell Evan about her past, but if she looked at it logically, as Krissi kept saying, why did she? What would it do to the two of them? She knew right away that it would split them apart.

"But what if he finds out?"

"Deal with it then, but first, how is he going to find out?"

"Well, somebody might tell him."



"And if that happens, who is he going to believe, them, or you?"

"But it'll be the truth, and..."

"He doesn't know that. But you want to do this so you can head off any future trouble. Is that it?"

"Well, sort of."

"Emma's not going to tell him," Krissi said after a bit, "and neither is Cindy. Danny won't, and neither will I. Who does that leave? Your friend Doug?"

"Not him. Right now he wants people to think he's gay. The thing is, Krissi, I don't know who will tell him, but somebody will, I just know it. If you want an example, there was that private eye who was following me around."

"They only way that's going to happen is if somebody's trying to split the two of you up. Unless, of course, you decide to split the two of you up first by telling him about your past."

"Maybe I shouldn't go to Emma's any more. I've already told Cindy I won't be going to her place."

Krissi shrugged. "Maybe you should, and maybe you shouldn't. But what'll you do after Sue has had her baby?" She grinned. "A girl needs some relief, and you've told me yourself you can't always find it with your fingers. If you don't do something you'll suffer terminal meltdown."


"Don't act shocked, especially with me. I remember the two of us on the couch in my apartment. And whether we like it or not, masturbation is a fact of life. I saw you last week. You were practically having a melt down, and then all of a sudden you were the bright, happy person I know and love. It didn't take many smarts for me to figure out that you and Danny had gotten together."

"We did." Devlin cocked her head, looking at her friend. "So what do you do when Steve's gone, like now?"


"And you don't tell him?"

"He doesn't own me, and I don't own him. We're not married, and neither of us has given our word about being exclusive for each other. We've agreed not to discuss our pasts, other than what we voluntarily share. The nice thing about Emma's is that nothing comes of it. The party's over, you leave, and that's it. That's one of the things I like about the lifestyle. You can get close, share, even have sex with someone, and do it in a safe environment, emotionally as well as physically."

"Are you suggesting we should go to Emma's this weekend?"

"I'm going, even if you aren't."

"How long is Steve going to be gone?"

"Nearly a month. He has a chance to do advanced work at the University of Chicago's School of Economics. That isn't something he can pass up."

Devlin digested this in silence. She knew what Krissi was saying, but somehow still felt it was wrong.

"Should I wear white?" she asked around another nibble of coffee cake. "At the wedding, I mean."

"Should you wear... ?" Krissi laughed. "Of course you should wear white. White symbolizes purity, and the bride's intent. It certainly doesn't represent chastity, not in this day and age."

"That's just it," Devlin replied. "I've not been chaste. If anything, I've been a slut, and a slut--"

"Oh ho," Krissi said, cutting her off. "It all comes out, now."

"What? What comes out?"

"So Jeff's mother got to you after all."

"What? What does she have to do with this?"

"Almost everything. Why did she have those detectives following you? No, don't answer, I remember it from the trial. Jeff's mother said you were a slut, and you believe her. You were happy with Jeff, at least the Jeff who wasn't near his mother all of the time."

"I was not. I thought he was too much a Momma's Boy."

"Yes you did, but that was after your freshman year. You've told me all about your first year here, how the two of you were practically living together, how the two of you were inseparable, even a little about how happy you were.

"Then she did a surprise visit. I remember you telling me about it. Things began to go downhill right after that. She decided you two were sleeping together, and when you couldn't be dragged to her church for a brainwashing session, you had to go. You were a threat to her control over her son. That's when those private eyes started following you."

She folded her hands and smiled. "Tell me that isn't true."

"Well... it's not."

"It's what you told me. I remember you practically crying your heart out about it. You told me everything, and the timeline wasn't hard to put together after that. She got you to thinking you were a slut."

"I am. Look at all the guys I've screwed."

"And that makes you a slut?" She tilted her head and cocked her eyebrow. "A slut, if I recall right, likes sex. Nice girls aren't supposed to, which is probably news to every woman. And you like sex, we both know that."


"Well, nothing. You do. I seem to recall an essay you showed me once, something you wrote back in high school. You went on at some length about how you liked everything about sex, and you went into explicit detail, too. I've gotten to know you well enough in the last few months to know that the real Devlin wrote that, not the one who's been moping about for the last two weeks, wondering if she deserves to be happy and have a guy like Evan."

"But I don't want to marry him under false pretenses!"

"And you won't."

"But he'll think I'm a nice, normal girl, and I'm not."

"No, you're who you are. You aren't some image of a girl cut out of a teenager's magazine. You've had some experience, true, but when he slips the ring on your finger that's past. Jesus, Devlin, how plain do I have to make it?"

Devlin started to say something, but couldn't. Somehow Krissi had captured what she'd been agonizing over. She'd hated having to keep secrets from everybody, especially her partying. Doing so felt wrong, and she liked the idea of airing it all out. But if she did, Evan would dump her, she was sure of it. And she didn't want to lose him. She hadn't met any other guy like him. Of course she hadn't dated all that much, so she didn't have much in the way of comparison. When the other girls on her floor were going out on dates, she was going up to Emma's to screw her brains out. Or Cindy's.

"I... suppose," she said, grudgingly. "I suppose I won't tell him."

"You'd better make up your mind to do more than 'suppose'," Krissi said.

"But I'm acting. I'm not who he thinks I am."

"So hint a little," Krissi said. "Don't come right out and say, 'oh, by the way, I've slept with a couple hundred men'. That will turn him off faster than... faster than anything. Hint at it, if it'll ease your mind. Not on the phone, God no, and not in your letters. You have to do this in person so you can judge his reactions."

She shrugged. "Who knows, perhaps he'll be excited by having someone with as much experience as you have."

"No he won't, I can tell that already. I'm part of the baseball dream, the supportive wife and mother of his children. I'll have a job outside of the home, but since it's in selling bras to women with medical problems, that fits the dream, too. A lot of the wives get involved in charity work or some other good cause, and my lingerie business will be seen as more of the same."

Krissi looked at the clock on the wall behind the cash register. "You have to get to class. We can't spend all day unraveling your psyche."

Devlin broke the last piece of coffee cake in two. "I know," she said, wanly. "I keep coming back to the idea that I'm not what he thinks I am."

Krissi began gathering her things together. "So find out what he thinks you are. You'll have time before the wedding to change that perception. You'll have to do it gradually, of course, no big announcement, but it can be done."

"I know." Devlin looked at her watch. "Jesus, I'm going to be late. Thanks for hearing me out."

"Even if most of it was me lecturing to you. So, Emma's this weekend?"

"Maybe," Devlin said as she got up. "I'm still wrestling with these internal demons."

"Internal demons, Jeff's mother, and too many magazines as a young girl. I'll give you a call on Friday afternoon. We can sort it out from there."

Devlin nodded. "Yeah, let's talk some more on Friday." She sighed and headed into the afternoon. For all of her questions, she still had her classes, which was why she was here at college.

"I'm ready for another lecture," Devlin joked as Krissi opened the door of her apartment.

"Let's talk on our way to Emma's," Krissi said. "You might not want to party, but I do. You can always go sit in the hot tub or something."

They were on the freeway before Krissi spoke again. "So, are you still confusing sex with love?"

"I have to," Devlin replied. "Most people do, and I have to assume Evan does."

Krissi nodded. "Part of that is cultural upbringing. A girl is taught, not openly, that she uses her body to hold a man." She snickered. "The people who say that obviously never think that love can do the same thing. I was surprised to discover that there are married couples that don't make love."

"They don't... ? But..."

"They don't," Krissi said. "I know that's hard to believe, but it was in some study I read. For them marriage is friendship, companionship and partnership. Sex is somewhere down near the bottom of the list. I'm told that as you grow older, and have kids, the fire dies down a bit."

"Not between the ages of 14 and 20," Devlin said. "We both know that."

"Boy, do we. It took me a while before I learned that I could have sex with a guy and not have to fall in love with him. But I was lucky, I grew up in the Netherlands, well, except for a year in Iceland. They have a whole different attitude over there."

"Oh? In what way?"

"In Iceland it's not uncommon to have a child before you get married. I don't speak Icelandic, but fortunately English got me through. And the girls I hung out with were quite frank in their approach to sex. It was part of growing up, and they spent time talking about it." She chuckled. "At times their discussions were as frank as Amnita's."

"Whoa. She's pretty explicit."

"There was an awful lot of 'what did you do when you encountered X?', and 'how did you deal with Y?'. I learned a lot, and when we returned to The Hague I was a lot more comfortable with my body and my feelings than before we left."

"And yet you didn't actually do it until you got to college."

"That was because of my mother. I've made up for lost time since then. But the big thing I learned was that it's just sex, a physical act between two people. Love can figure into it..." She patted Devlin's knee, "but for the most part it's just something that's fun to do."

"If I didn't feel so... so guilty about doing it," Devlin muttered.

"See? That's society and culture talking. You're supposed to go to your marriage bed an innocent blushing virgin with no idea what's going to happen that night. That way, if you happen to get knocked up, there won't be any question about the identity of the father. You should see what it's like in some countries. The girl has to be a virgin. If she isn't, the girl's father owes the groom or the groom's family, a bunch of cattle and some other recompense. In some places the girl can even be killed if she isn't a virgin. That attitude, by the way, goes as far back as inheritance."

"You're kidding me."

Krissi shook her head. "Some cultures are still tribal. I won't name names, but they're really backward about such things, more than a thousand years backwards. If history's any guide, they're going to cause problems before they're yanked into the 20th Century."

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Meine Mutter ist besoffen

Es war im Sommer. Nachdem sich meine Eltern an einem Nachmittag fürchterlich gestritten hatten, hatte mein Vater meiner Mutter gesagt, sie könne ihm gestohlen bleiben, und wenn sie noch irgendwelches Geld von ihm wolle, dann solle sie doch lieber auf den Strich gehen, um sich etwas selbst zu verdienen. Wutschnaubend war Mami abgerauscht und hatte ihn noch angebrüllt, sie werde sich jetzt amüsieren, und ihr sei es scheißegal, ob er das gut fände oder nicht. Ich hatte mich in mein Zimmer...

3 years ago
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Are you still watching

Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. Now originally it was all going to be 9 parts, but… Someone said the first one was too long, so I’ve decided to split all of these up into smaller posts. I thought I’d try a different look and sentence structure for this chapter, please let me know how you guys...

4 years ago
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My Aunty Taught Me Masturbation

My first masturbation was when I was 12 years old and it was done to me by my aunty (my father's cousin sister) Her name is Sellamma. She was about 35 years then. She was married for nearly 15 years but did not have any child. It was said she had several miscarriages. Her husband was not employed but was well do to with income from ancestral property. He had some chronic disease and though he was taking treatment he did not get well and died later. I had heard her many times speaking ill of...

3 years ago
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Catching them at it

Mum and dad had clearly intended to ensure the pair of us were exhausted and not likely to stay awake too late. The evening's activities included a long walk blackberry picking and what felt like hours of frisbee in the local park before some enormous servings of fish and chips that we picked up on the walk back to the house. We were tired and full and even two energetic young lads like us could only stay awake chattering about the kids we hated in school and the girls we wished would notice...

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Taking One For The Team 2 On Tour

Introduction: Whatll happen when the Cobras go to Sterling? This is a little longer than the others…. Bear with me though. I promise its worth it Part in Allison, part in Dave. ( So dont get confused) After the, um, events of the shield, things starting speeding up for the Cobras. Due to two teams forfeits, we were catapulted into the semi-final, and without much effort, found ourselves with a ticket to Central Stadium. Id never seen Mick Pierce work us as hard as he did in the fortnight...

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Before my boyfriend and I met and became a couple, my boyfrend lived in a collective. First in one with seven others, both men and women, also one with three girls. When my boyfriend moved for himself, he moves into an apartment with seven others. Many worked, some commuted from house, family and to work. The first time he had sex with just one man was one who lived there for only weeks for work, but had houses and family outside the city. He had had sex with men before, but only in groups....

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The Sain School Showcase

The lights were on, the stage was set, the audience mulled into the auditorium, murmuring and laughing, talking about what they expected to see tonight. The Sain School for the Technically Gifted was one hell of a place after all. It provided special resources to people with special talents, promoting the young and brilliant to the forefronts of scientific and technical advancement. The audience was composed of friends and family members of the student's who would be showing off their...

2 years ago
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Sams Place

                                               Sam's Place Mark was a black man from the east side of New York. He had recently moved to a suburb of Chicago. One day a friend took him to a certain night club in a shanty part of town. Since then, he had been visiting this pub more than usual. It wasn't that he liked the beer they served or anything else about the place. It was just that he had an interest in a lusty little blonde dancer who worked there. Ever since she first danced closed to him...

2 years ago
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And there was Laura Chapter 4

Laura took to sex like a duck does to water. She had been introduced to cock and learn`t how amazing it is to have her clit stimulated. Hopefully, it would be the start of many sexual adventures for her. Why, after discovering sex, wait to reach 40 and have years of inhibitions behind her? Why be like Brenda?..... A couple of days after being in bed with Brenda she unexpectedly called me. " Hello" I said " Hello, it`s me Brenda" "Hi Brenda, you OK?" I said. She didn`t ring often. She normally...

3 years ago
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The Vengeful Wife

Before we married I had lots of men. And many were married. I knew the rules and so did they. No changes at home. No unexplained changes in the work pattern. It's easy when you know how. On the 15th January two years ago my husband broke the rules and I knew, instantly, that he was fucking somebody else! He showered as soon as he got home with no explanation. He didn't fuck me that night nor for the next five days! He started working later. A week later he had a sudden, over the weekend...

3 years ago
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New guy to play with fiction soon to be reality

He arrives, a little nervous as we exchange pleasantries. We shake hands as if just two guys meeting at a ballgame or something. I invite him to have a seat and offer him a cold drink. He accepts and I grab 2 beers out of the fridge. I return and sit near him. Hand him his beer and we pass some idle chat back and forth. I see he's still a bit nervous, probably not knowing what to say or how to get started. I go off of what was said to me on my first real encounter. I ask if he would mind...

3 years ago
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Black Email

Sandra Noce was working at her desk in the accounting department of Jones and White Inc. She had worked at JWI for the past eight years working her way up from AP clerk to assistant controller in charge of cash management. She had worked her way through college while working full time and was proud of her skill in the day to day management of all of JWI's bank accounts, and investments. She was well paid but felt that she was worth more, but then what employee doesn't think they are worth more...

2 years ago
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Lucky David 5

I felt as though everyone was staring at me however quite shortly we arrived at Miss Susan's. When she answered the door I thought she looked really nice, middle aged with a pleasant face and dressed in a really pretty long dress in a multi coloured style. "Do come in i am so looking forward to this afternoon I just know we are going to have so much fun together." Aunty and Miss Susan exchanged greetings then Aunty told me I was to be the perfect young lady or suffer the...

1 year ago
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Double TearsChapter 138

“If you want to find the real competition, just look in the mirror. After a while you’ll see your rivals scrambling for second place.” —Criss Jami, Killosophy 23 FEBRUARY 2021 I believe the flute is the most sublime instrument in the orchestral family. When Cindy plays, the world goes away. It makes no difference if it is ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’ or ‘The Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun,’ Piazzolla or Mozart. There is something so primal about the sound, it reaches into my...

2 years ago
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Caught Masturbating

Caught MasturbatingThe house was empty and I was the only one at home. Dad was out and my older sister was about to leave to go visit a girlfriend. It was 10 am and I slept in and got up just as my sister was about to leave for her girlfriends place. She told me dad had gone out to town and I said ok and headed off to the bathroom. When I went in, I knew my sister just finished having a shower, as her hair was still a bit wet. Having a fetish then of wearing panties, I looked in the clothes...

3 years ago
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Dee Maple My hot coach training session

It was my last year in high school, the magical summer was over, I still spend some time at casper house and especially enjoying my anal romance with ram who kept delivering amazing orgasms, feeling me up with his greasy cum and humping me day in day out when the family was out, he was doing my biding and i liked it, but still i needed someone to dominate me and make me feel like a true whore, an anal slut, a dirty cum filled bitch. As it happened a new coach was hired and we saw him during...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 13 How Gebhardt meets young Marja

Leaving the castle after visiting with Ingeburg, Pelle strode for Tilke's forge. He found his friend and the mason Wenzel waiting for him. For the next two hours, Pelle tried to explain to the mason what he wanted and how he wanted it to be built. It turned out that the master mason had seen permanent kilns in his young years when he had been a journeyman mason in southern lands. They compared what they knew, and agreed on a construction similar to an oversized beehive. Pelle wanted to have...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Dost

Hi mera naam Anirudh hai mai 25 sal ka hu. Mai dikhne me sidha sadha hu mera lauda 7inch lamba or 3inch mota hai. Ab mai sidha story pe ata hu. Mere chacha ke saamne ke ghar me 1 aunty rahti hai, jinka nam Rita hai, wo 42 saal ki hogi unke 2 bacche the. Unka bada beta 21 ka tha or chota beta 12 saal ka, unki figure kafi aachi thi 35 30 38 ki hai. Mai jab bhi chacha ke ghar jata tha unko dekhne ki koshish karta tha or ghar me jake unko yaad karke mutthya marta tha. Muze unko chodne ki bahot...

2 years ago
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Perfect Opportunity

I began watching her every little move. Something was just slightly off about her behavior and, being a curious person; I wanted to know what it was. Later that afternoon a resident asked for her pain medication and I watched the nurse prepare it and take it to her. An hour later the resident was still requesting her pain medication. I found out after watching the nurse that she was taking the resident’s medication. She went into the resident’s room and told the woman to shut up and if she...

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My grand dad

I do not feel ashamed in the least to say that this did in fact happen. It took place this past June. Allow me to describe myself. I’m now 20, I weigh 125 lbs, I have no tan anymore, and I keep my pussy trimmed to a neat yet natural look. My hair is still long and brown, but a little straighter than it was a few years ago. My Grandfather is now 68, in good health but age is definitely taking it’s toll on him. He’s 5’7″, about 160 lbs, and balding with a little hair left. Ever since I was a...

1 year ago
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Holy threesome at Hosur

Hello ISS lovers! Sex is to life what onion is to Punjabi dishes. Everybody cannot be a vatsyana overnight and at least not me. Although like an average Indian, my tryst with sex continues all the time exploring more and more avenues to taste sex in every form possible. This time around, I have attempted to narrate another threesome experience which I hope you would enjoy. I still remember with passion the few days I spent with my aunt at Ambala where I was lucky enough not just to fuck her but...

2 years ago
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Submission Fascination Chapter 1

The tight, leather collar pulls around my neck hard as the end of the cold, steel chain it’s connected to becomes taut. At the other end, is a delicate, yet firm black, glove covered hand which belongs to a leather corset bound woman who leads me towards a dimly lit room. I have no choice but to follow behind on my hands and knees. While I can’t see her face yet, I can see her long, brown hair teasing down her back, the shape of her hips and full breasts accentuated by the corset. Her thighs...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 66

Adam was besieged with questions as soon as they got in the elevator. He smiled and shook his head, while miming buttoning his lips tightly. About halfway there, they broke him down. "I told you," he tried. "I just want to see something. I promise – by the time we leave there – you'll have all the answers I can provide. Is that good enough?" "It is a shame the utilities are off," Allie said. "We could just crash there tonight. The bed is there, right?" Thankfully that got them off...

2 years ago
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Anne and the Affair

My name is Max Irving. I'm single and 22. I work as a security guard, so I have to keep pretty fit, and, well, I must admit: I'm not a bad looker: but I just can't seem to have any luck with chicks. Not that I don't try, I regularly have girlfriends, but never very serious relationships. That all changed on one fateful day. My friend of many years, Kevin, had to go on a business trip to some way-out-there little tropical island. He was an expert on natural disasters, earthquakes in particular,...

3 years ago
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A Part Time Job

Number 21 of a series of individual stories. A Part Time Job - by SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) Chapter 1 - The Request I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did, I loved it! Sally Anne's partner at work, Stacey Smith, was...

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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife

In the Amazon Empire: an Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Two by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Antonischard, focus of the story Hemia and Uther, his parents Dr Gertrude Hagelaur, teacher of the demanding comazon-prep phys-ed which prepares school boys to become wives Reverend Portia, a priest of the Goddess who serves as a match-maker Nanette Penthesilea, an Amazon noble who wishes...

3 years ago
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Wife delivers for the Pizza

My ex wife, Sheree, and I loved to role play and experiment. We were out of town visiting my parents and stayed in an extended stay motel for the weekend. We ditched my parents one evening and were playing in the motelroom when I hade Sheree, who is VERY limber. tied to the bed with her arms up to the corners of the head of the bed and her legs up and spread wide and her ankles hooked to her wrists so she was laying there with everything in view and everything wide open. I was playing with her...

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Chacha And His Slutty Bhabahi

She is a very beautiful, pink complexioned woman of 45 years of age. Big juicy boobs that are slightly sagging with pointed nipples, a curvy waistline with a deep naval and two round foot ball like tight buttocks. My dad had some agriculture property in his village and my dad’s younger brother, my uncle, used to look after the property. But once in a while my dad or my mom used to go to the village and get our share of the property. As my dad was always busy with his office work, it was mostly...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 67

We didn't call my father and ask him to come home. There had been enough challenges to his authority. We waited for him to return. If he didn't ask what we had discussed I would bring it up. When we were most of the way through dinner it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to bring it up. He had relented and agreed not to use my wedding as a commercial promotion. What more could possibly be expected of him? He didn't say that; it's how I interpreted his silence. I'd had time to think...

4 years ago
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Robin helps out a judge and a young man too

The Judge asks a favor of Robin By Robin Young As my salon's reputation grew the first three years our clientele of wealthy women also grew. Houston has some very wealthy areas of the city where the men drive Mercedes Benz automobiles and the women stay beautiful, well dressed and perfectly coiffed. We specialize in pampering our clients with champagne and fine wines while we attended to their beauty needs. My lead stylist Andie has gained a reputation for giving the full treatment. By...

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PORTAL By Orlando Stuck ................................................................................................................ Why me? What the hell - shit, shit shit - why me!?! All I wanted to do today is get in a little hiking, get a little exercise, and clear my mind - now some stupid chemical spill or something has my shoes pinned to this stupid spot. I thought it was an ice patch and marched right through it - slick as glass and all - I slowed down - now...

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Game Of Thrones A Better EndChapter 2

Disclaimer: this is a parody, farce and covered by the rules of satire. It is loosely based on the books and show known and loved by fans as Game Of Thrones. However, just like the show and characters I do not own, the plots will differ from the actual plots. There is no financial gain in the writing or posting of this story. All characters are eighteen years-old or older in this ongoing story as new chapters are added in the future. Votes and Comments: Please read and vote and realize as an...

2 years ago
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The Holmes Files Roller Skate RoundupChapter 6

I actually only had one other idea and it didn't involve any associates. In fact, it didn't even involve going to Ohio again. Plan E required that I spend a day—and it took all day—limping carefully from one pawn shop to another, until I found a pair of white leather roller skates with red wheels. They were a little worse for the wear, but that was to be expected of something at least fifteen years old. I didn't know how old these skates were, but they looked like they could be more than...

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Mile High Club Part Two Anticipation

Liam groaned on waking and went to the bathroom before climbing back into bed. Sleep after two days without was a relief and a shower was next on the agenda. Picking up his phone, he flicked through Facebook and noticed a post made by Cara expressing her delight to be back home. A thought crossed his mind and with the mirror framing his body from upper thigh, he took a photo and sent it through. Getting into the shower, memories from the flight came to mind and he felt his cock grow stiff. He...

1 year ago
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Never in a million yearsChapter 5

Chrissy and Sean had been together for a while now and lately, all of their sexual encounters had been of the sweet, loving type and Chrissy was getting restless. More than anything in the world, she just wanted to get fucked... hard. So that night, Chrissy's mom went out to a work party and Chrissy decided to have Sean over, but she wouldn't tell him about her plans until they arrived at her house. The whole night had a little risk to it because Chrissy knew around when her mom was getting...

2 years ago
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Hawaiian Lover

I was told to meet my mistress here behind our hotel in a remote location in Hawaii. I find her car and search where she told me to go. I finally find her at a pool and waterfall off the path I have been searching on. She is standing under a waterfall, the water is rushing over her body, making her swimsuit very clingy. I dive under the water and swim over to her. Under the water I begin kissing her legs, thighs, and sides. I come out of the water licking my way upward, up over her breasts,...

3 years ago
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Buyer Beware

I was a bit early. Forty-five minutes to be exact. But I'd done that on purpose. The listing I was interested in was clear across town from where I currently lived. Not only was I unfamiliar with the area, as far as ever having gone there to see it, I wanted to get a look at the place from the outside myself first. If I didn't like the way it looked from the outside, there was still plenty of time to call the realtor and cancel my appointment. I'd recently been published, my first novel. My...

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How I Started With My Sister

Dear friends, I had read lots of mastrams in my hostel and main topic in those was how a boy fucked his sister or bhabhi or servant, etc. I had just started staying in hostel and was enjoying these stories and also could sleep naked with my tool up or down without any hesitation. But I always thought that these are only stories and nothing else. Till I also became a part of this club. I went home after about six months in hostel and without seeing even a single girl. When I reached home, it...


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