Shoe Shop
- 3 years ago
- 25
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I stood in the street and watched as my two best friends and my sometimes lovers drove off in their mustang convertible, tin cans bouncing and clanging behind them. My job as a Dallas Police Officer demanded that one learn to control their emotions, but I couldn’t help myself. I joined the other ladies at the small wedding in crying happy tears for the young couple.
That night, lying alone in my bed, I thought back to how I’d met Jan and Susan. I’d been on duty, riding my Segway around the small lake near downtown Dallas that was very popular with the locals, especially on warm weekends.
Jan had flagged me down and questioned me about a rumor she’d heard—that the police department didn’t enforce the laws against nudity in public. After I confirmed the rumor, and after cautioning her to use good judgment when there are kids around, we said our goodbyes and I went on my way.
I didn’t know her name, but there was just something about that girl. She had been noticeably checking me out all during our conversation—checking me out in a way I was all too familiar with.
As a thirty-one year old African-American bisexual woman with a sleek body and, so I’ve been told, a beautiful face with bright eyes and a great smile, I was accustomed to getting hit on, even when I was on duty. I knew it didn’t hurt that my 38 D cups strained against the top of my uniform shirt, screaming for attention.
In and around downtown Dallas, there is a large gay and lesbian population, so my getting hit on by other females wasn’t as unusual as one might think. Of course, the second I told them I’m bisexual, the lesbians would turn tail and run like their hair was on fire. Most lesbians, at least the ones I’ve met, and especially those on the police force, hate bisexual women. I’ve been called “Pretender” and “Wannabe” on many, many occasions.
I had no idea if this early twenty something white girl was a lesbian. She was wearing a bikini and sharing a spot on the grass with another girl who appeared to be about her same age. Both were outrageously sexy, so when I saw them getting ready to leave, I couldn’t help myself. I wrote my first name and cell number on the back of one of my cards to give them. While presenting my card to them, I made sure to let them know that I’m bisexual. Neither of them ran away. In fact, they invited me to join them for a drink later that evening.
I joined Jan and Susan at a bar in the Dallas West End. I found them to both be tremendous fun. Susan was extremely sexually bold, even flashing me her tits right there in the bar, and later kissing me passionately at our table.
Even though they’d both been one hundred percent straight until a few weeks earlier, they were light years ahead of me when it came to being open and honest about their sexuality. They were totally in love with each other, but they also both enjoyed teasing and making out with their small group of new bisexual friends. They simply weren’t jealous of each other in the least.
The following weekend, Jan and Susan accepted my invitation to come to my home and enjoy my pool, hot tub, and private back yard. I’d won the place in a divorce settlement, and I loved having friends over.
That was one extremely hot, sexually charged weekend. I’d never had that much sexual fun in my life, or cum so often in such a short time.
Over the next many weeks, they’d been to my home many times. I’d even given them a key to my house, so they’d be able to come over and use the place when I had to work. I trusted them both totally.
I visited their apartment several times as well. During my first visit there, I met their two friends, Sandy and Bren. Sandy was in her early forties, the perfect mixture of classy and sexy, with breasts almost as large as mine, and about the same size as Susan’s. She had a very toned, fit, sexy body. She was married, no kids, and her husband didn’t know about her bisexual side. She’d had a lot of experience with that in college.
Bren was in her early thirties, also married, two kids, and her husband also didn’t know that the other three had recently introduced her to bisexuality. She was blonde, also trim, fit, and very sexy. Her tits were smaller, similar to Jan’s. She worked in a tanning salon, so she sported a beautiful tan.
All four of them loved being naked. They always met at Jan and Susan’s apartment, and they were naked within seconds of the door closing behind them. The four of them teased each other almost constantly, and they weren’t shy about kissing and groping each other.
I learned quickly during my first visit there, that there were no rules. I got kissed and felt up a lot, and if I had an urge to do the same to any of them, I was just supposed to go for it, regardless of what any of us were doing or talking about at the time. So I did hehe.
My second visit was a little different. I was told to show up around seven p.m. and “Bring a robe.” They wouldn’t explain, only promising me that it would be a lot of fun.
When I arrived, nothing was different. All four of the ladies were naked. Jan and Susan were in the kitchen fixing snacks while Sandy and Bren were making out on the sofa.
When I was naked, all four of them stopped what they were doing long enough to greet me with friendly smiles, full body hugs and passionate kisses. Whew! What a way to start the evening.
“Here you go, Pepper.” Jan said with a wide grin as she handed me a Scotch on the rocks.
During my first visit to their apartment with the four of them in attendance, I’d jokingly made the comment that I felt like a speck of pepper in a salt shaker. Jan picked up on it and made “Pepper” her permanent nickname for me. I didn’t take offense. I’ve been called a lot worse.
I noticed that everyone kept checking the time, and that just made me even more curious about what they had planned. When it was almost eight p.m., they all put on their robes and told me to do the same. Then, they pulled three dining room chairs out onto their spacious balcony.
Once we were all outside, we sat sipping our drinks while they filled me in on the guy they called “Cock Man”. I assumed they were exaggerating about the size of his cock and some of the things he could do with it, but I was interested enough to want to see it. I hadn’t had a really big cock since college, but I’d never forgotten it.
When the lights came on in the apartment across the alley and down one floor, Jan handed me her binoculars and said with a giggle, “Here, you can see for yourself.”
“Holy shit!” I exclaimed when I had the binoculars focused in. “He’s fucking huge!”
The other girls all laughed, and Susan told me, “You ain’t seen nothing yet. He’s going to give us one of his special shows tonight.”
“Oh?” I inquired, but they wouldn’t spill the beans.
After what seemed like an hour of watching him walk around inside his apartment and a few minutes on his balcony, he headed to his bedroom. “Show time.” Sandy announced, and they all giggled with anticipation.
I watched intently as Cock Man crawled onto his bed and almost immediately began working his huge cock to full erection. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It grew even bigger than I had imagined upon seeing it flaccid.
“No he is not fucking doing that!” I half screamed when I saw him lower his mouth over his incredible cock. Inch after inch disappeared from site. “No fucking way!”
I was leaning forward with my elbows on the top of the wooden wall, and all of a sudden, I felt hands on both of my tits. And then I heard Jan’s voice purr in my ear, “Just watch and enjoy.”
“Is she playing with your tits again?” Sandy asked me with a giggle, but without taking her eyes away from her binoculars.
“Ummmm, yes she is.” I responded.
“Just don’t get distracted.” Susan warned me. “When he starts cumming, he’ll let us see the first couple of spurts so we’ll know he is, and then he’ll swallow the rest.”
And then Bren added, “And he cums ten times more than any man I’ve ever seen, so we know he’s drinking tons of it.”
Jan again purred in my ear after giving my earlobe a wet lick, “Next time, we’ll have to find a way for me to eat your pussy while you watch him.”
“Hey, I wouldn’t mind some of that action myself,” Bren said in a hopeful tone.
Sure enough, it wasn’t too long before Cock Man took his cock out of his mouth and pumped two large strings of cum high into the air. And then he lowered his mouth back over it and kept pumping and swallowing for at least another minute.
“Holy fuck! No he didn’t!” I exclaimed.
“Oh yes he did.” Sandy responded in an appreciative tone.
Back inside, after the show was over, I was sitting on the sofa and still in a daze. My pussy was leaking and it was on fire. Jan got on her knees and began eating my pussy right in front of the others. Always before, we’d only kissed and felt each other up in front of everyone, but this was different. I didn’t know what to do, so I just leaned back and enjoyed it.
“Wow, Jan! You go girl.” Bren exclaimed.
After I came, Jan stood up and looked down at me, obviously very proud of herself. But then I got another shock when Sandy said, “Next! And then she looked around the room and asked, “Any objections?”
When no one objected, she knelt between my legs and began eating my pussy. “Oh wow!” I said as I felt the first stirring of another orgasm building deep inside me.
I opened my eyes just in time to see Bren tap Sandy on the shoulder. Reluctantly, Sandy moved away and Bren took her place. I couldn’t believe this was happening, but I wasn’t complaining either.
Jan and Susan sat on either side of me and began massaging my tits. They took turns kissing me passionately. After a couple of minutes, Sandy took Susan’s place on my right, and Susan crawled between my legs.
I’m not sure how long that went on, but I know each of them had taken at least three turns eating my pussy. And I know I’d cum five or six times. When I simply couldn’t take it anymore, I begged them to stop.
“Welcome to our group, Pepper,” Jan giggled as she handed me a fresh Scotch on the rocks.
I didn’t find out until later that the girls hadn’t done that sort of thing in front of each other before. There had only been one time, after returning from the nudist camp when they were all drunk, that Bren and Sandy had gone to the spare bedroom and got it on. Susan and Jan had stood in their doorway and watch briefly, only because it was Bren’s first time to go beyond their normal making out. She’d never eaten pussy, or been eaten by another woman. After that, they’d reserved that for private time.
The night they’d all eaten me seemed to break down that barrier, because after I made them stop, they all took turns on each other, right there in the living room. Not to be left out, I took several turns on each of them too. I found the whole thing to be hot as fuck.
At my house the following weekend while we were sitting around the table in the shade, I asked them, “So, have any of you thought about going over there and fucking Cock Man?”
Their answers came fast and were unanimous, “Hell no!” and “No fucking way!” And “You’ve got to be kidding.”
When I laughed, Bren said, “He’d split us open. No woman can take a cock like that, except maybe a porn star.”
Finally, I confessed, “I fucked a guy a few times in college that had one. Okay, so not that big, but damn close. I would have married him if he wasn’t a total idiot and fucking every girl on campus that didn’t run away screaming when he dropped his pants.”
“No shit?” Jan asked me. “How was it? Did it hurt really bad?”
“No,” I answered with a giggle, “Like I said, if he hadn’t been fucking so many other girls, I may have married him just because of his cock.”
And then Susan squealed, “Oh my god! You’re thinking about fucking him, aren’t you—Cock Man I mean? You want to fuck him. Don’t lie.”
I cocked my head and showed them all a naughty grin, “Maybe.”
“Hoooollllyyyy Shhhhhiiiitttt!” Bren exclaimed. “I want to watch.”
“Me too.” Sandy agreed.
Finally, Susan and Jan made it unanimous, and then Jan asked, “How are you going to pull that off?”
“I’m not sure yet, but I’ll think of something.”
Later, after all of us had had a couple more drinks, I did something I never thought I’d do. My pussy was already soaking wet, just as it stayed anytime I was around this group.
I got up and went inside, telling them that I’d be right back. When I returned, I had my largest dildo. It was twelve inches long and tapered. At the fat end, it was almost as big around as my wrist.
When I showed it to them, they all let out a collective gasp. “Girls, meet Sir Galahad. I can’t take him all.” I told them, “But damn close.”
Jan spoke up, “You’re just used to fucking those big dick black guys we’ve all heard about.”
That made me laugh for real, so I told them, “Just so you know, the guy in college I was telling you about was white. While it may be true that many black guys have larger cocks than your average white guy, not all do. I’ve seen a lot of tiny black cocks.
“Wow!” Susan said. “Talk about a myth buster.” And we all laughed for a very long time.
When we all stopped laughing, Susan spoke up again, “You’re kidding about how much of that thing you can take, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m not kidding.” I shot back at her.
“Prove it,” Jan dared me.
After all four girls convinced me they really wanted to see how much of Sir Galahad I could take, I got up and went inside for my lube. My pussy was already wet enough to take most of my toys, but not Sir Galahad. I needed extra lube for him.
When I got back outside, I pulled one of the lounge chairs over close to the umbrella, turning the foot toward the table. I positioned it into a semi sitting position and then covered it with a towel.
Finally, I sat back and drew my knees up and apart. The four of them had eaten my pussy, so I didn’t feel the need to be shy about spreading my pussy open. I positioned Sir Galahad’s head at my opening and worked a couple of inches inside me.
When I was comfortable with his girth, I began applying the lube to the remainder of his length. When I was ready, I pushed him in until half of him was inside me.
Next, I began slowly and deliberately fucking my pussy with the monster dildo. And then, every few strokes, I pushed him in a little more and a little more.
I had about eight inches of him inside me. That was about right for me to get myself off, so that’s where I usually stopped, but I knew I could take more. I pushed harder, and another inch disappeared inside me, and then another. I could feel my pussy being stretched to its limit.
All the while, the girls were gasping their amazement, “Holy fuck!” and “Oh my fucking god!”
I fucked myself like that for another couple of minutes before doing something I’d never done before. I pushed even harder and finally took in another inch.
When I stopped and held him there inside me. There was only an inch of him showing.
In a raspy voice, I asked them, “Well, believe me now?”
“That doesn’t hurt like hell?” Jan asked me in an amazed tone.
“It’s not comfortable, but it doesn’t really hurt.” I told her, underplaying how much it really did hurt, both the length and the girth.
Jan shocked me by saying, “I want to try it.”
“So, what are you waiting for?” I challenged her. “Come get it.”
I watched as Jan took a deep breath and reached down to pull Sir Galahad from my pussy. “Go slow.” I instructed her, “you can’t just yank it out.”
“That would cause a giant fucking pussy fart.” Sandy giggled.
When Jan was in position, I told her, “Just use a lot of lube and go slow. Let your pussy adjust to it one inch at a time. The girth will get you before the length does.”
We all laughed when Jan patted and stroked the big, fat dildo before saying, “Okay, Sir Galahad, wanna fuck?”
When she had about four or five inches inside her pussy, she pulled the dildo out some and smeared some more lube on it. And then she went back to slowly fucking herself with it.
Jan had been at it for almost ten minutes before she’d finally managed to work about seven inches of Sir Galahad inside her. “Okay,” She panted, “It’s starting to hurt really bad.”
I told her and the others at the same time, “It’s the girth. If it wasn’t so fat, I’m sure she could take more.”
Jan agreed, “The girth, yes. I feel like it’s ripping me open.”
Susan spoke up, “Hey, don’t hurt my pussy. I’m going to want some of it later.”
Everyone laughed, and then I asked them, “Anyone else want to give Sir Galahad a go?” There were no takers.
After a playful swim ... a sexually playful swim, we got out of the pool and had lunch. Later, we just sat in the shade of the umbrella and chatted about a variety of topics. They all seemed very interested in hearing about some of the situations I’d had to deal with on my job, so I told them about a few of the more memorable ones.
Another hour passed until Sandy and Bren took their towels, dragged the lounge chair back to its place beside the other one, and lay out to work on their tans. They didn’t need lotion, and truth be told, neither did I. So I helped Jan and Susan lotion up. Then the three of us spread our towels out on the grass and relaxed in the sun.
Sometime before dark, I sprayed Susan and Jan down with the water a hose to get the lotion off them before we all got into the hot tub. It was fun watching them jump and squeal under the cold spray.
Sandy and Bren thought they’d escape the cold water since they hadn’t put on any lotion, but they were mistaken. “I don’t want all that sweat fucking up the chemicals.” After spraying them off, they delighted in spraying me down with the cold water.
We were relaxing in the hot tub and sipping our drinks. We weren’t playing around at all, which was uncharacteristic for us when we were in such close proximity.
For some reason, I just felt the need to say something to all of them, so I did. “Girls, there is something I want to say.” When I had their attention, I turned off the loud jets and told them, “I just want to say that I’m really, really flattered and honored that you’ve let me into your group. I can’t imagine having a more wonderful group of friends. I just really love you all, and I wanted to say ‘thank you’.”
After a long moment of total silence, Jan spoke up, “You don’t have to thank us, Pepper. We should be thanking you. After all, you’ve invited us over to your wonderful home, your pool, this hot tub ... and besides, I was watching Fox News the other day. Their Medical A Team said that eating some dark chocolate now and then is good for your health.”
At least two minutes of wild laughter followed her comment, and then when I could, I told Jan, “No! Fuck no! You didn’t just say that.” And then I started laughing again.
I wanted to show my guests a special treat and give them something I was sure they wouldn’t experience anywhere else. I waited until I thought we’d all been in the hot tub long enough, and then invited them into the house.
I pulled my two inch foam pad from the closet in the guest room and then spread it out on the living room floor. Next, I went to my bag of toys and searched through them until I found my two strap on dildos. I chose the smaller of the two. It was seven inches long, not too thick—only about as wide as the first five inches of Sir Galahad, and it felt very realistic.
When I showed it to the group, the reaction was mixed. Sandy was excited, but the others didn’t really know what it was.
“Who wants to wear it first?” I asked them.
Susan, the boldest of the group volunteered, “I’ll do it.”
“Okay,” I asked the other three, “She’s the fucker. Who wants to be the first fuckee?”
I thought Jan would be the first to speak up, but it was Sandy who threw up her hand. “I’ll do it.”
I pulled a pillow from the sofa and had Sandy lay down on the soft pad and put her head on the pillow. And then, after helping Susan put it on, I smeared some lube on the business end of the strap on.
Susan, still standing, was having fun with it. She shifted her hips, making the fake cock swing back and forth. And then she began dancing in front of Jan and Bren, “Suck my cock.” She teased them.
After another minute of dancing around, Susan finally crawled between Sandy’s legs. She didn’t put the fake cock in her right way. Instead, she began kissing her boobs and sucking her nipples. Finally, after moving up and kissing her passionately, she asked Sandy, “Wanna fuck?”
Sandy answered simply, “Fuck yes! Do it already.” And she reached between them and guided the head of the fake cock to her opening.
After several minutes of Susan slowly moving the cock in and out of Sandy’s pussy, Sandy moaned loudly and half yelled, “Do it, god damnit! Fuck my pussy!”
And with that, Susan slowly increased the tempo of her thrusting until she was slamming the fake cock into Sandy’s pussy with everything she had. Sandy was thrashing her head from side to side, “Oh God! Oh Fuck! Oh God!” She kept gasping over and over.
After ten minutes or so, Susan was obviously getting winded, so Sandy rolled her off and mounted her. She fucked Susan for at least another fifteen minutes before collapsing on top of her. Then she rolled onto her back, gasping for air and grinning like the cat that just ate the canary.
Bren and I went to the kitchen to fix everyone fresh drinks. In as serious tone, she said to me, “Molly, I can’t do that. I’m sorry, but I just can’t.”
I showed her a smile, “Too much like cheating?”
She just nodded, so I went to her and hugged her tightly. And then I whispered in her ear, “It’s okay, Bren. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I won’t let the others put any pressure on you.”
Bren smiled at me, and then she kissed me passionately. When she backed off, she showed me another huge smile and said, “Thank you for understanding.”
I grinned and slapped her hard on the ass. “Now help me carry these drinks.”
When we got back to the living room, Jan had donned the strap on, and she was fucking Susan like there was no tomorrow. The rest of us just sat and sipped our drinks while watching Jan and Susan go at it. Susan kept urging Jan on, “Harder, baby. Fuck me harder.” And “Ooooo that’s it, right there. Now you’re hitting it. Fuck me like you mean it.”
After what had to be over twenty minutes, I looked over at Bren and Sandy and shook my head. It was obvious from their expressions that they joined me in my disbelief of how long Jan was lasting at such a frantic pace. I was in great shape, but I knew I couldn’t match that.
After almost another ten minutes, Susan hugged Jan to her, forcing her to stop. The fake cock was still buried to the hilt in her pussy. Jan was panting loudly, and Susan was just whimpering and gasping for air.
I couldn’t hold my tongue any longer. “Wow! I know who I want to fuck me when it’s my turn.” Everyone laughed, even Jan and Susan through their panting and gasping.
When Jan finally got to her feet, I stopped her and slid off the sofa. I knelt in front of her and began licking the fake cock. Then I turned and grinned at Bren and Sandy. Licking my lips, I said, “Damn, it’s drenched with cum.”
Hearing that, Sandy crawled between Susan’s legs and began lapping at her pussy. Susan giggled and said, “She prefers getting it straight from the source.” And we all laughed again.
It was three weeks before I managed to get another weekend off from work. I’d had to trade my morning shift on Saturday morning with the officer who was supposed to work the midnight shift on Friday night. Of course, that was a trade most officers would jump at. Early shifts on the weekends were highly sought after.
The girls showed up at my home at ten a.m. and helped me get the basket of snacks and ice chest loaded. And then we crowded into Jan’s Camry and headed out to Lake Ray Hubbard, a fairly large lake a few miles east of Dallas.
I’d heard about a secluded spot way off the beaten path that had a small beach and very few visitors. It was rumored that the local police never went back that far, and people were known to go nude there ... among other things. We figured there was safety in numbers, so we weren’t too worried. Still, I packed my personal firearm and credentials in the food basket. I was out of my jurisdiction, but no one would know that.
It didn’t take us long to find the place, because there were three cars parked out in the middle of nowhere. You couldn’t even see the beach from the small dirt road for the trees and bushes. There was, however a noticeable foot trail through the bushes and weeds.
Bren and I carried the ice chest while Susan carried the food basket. Jan and Sandy had their arms full of beach towels and a volleyball. Because we weren’t sure what to expect in the sand and under the water, we’d all purchased boat shoes to protect our feet from glass and other sharp objects.
When we emerged through the bushes, we found just what I’d heard about. There was a small beach that spanned about fifty yards along the water’s edge. It extended about twenty-five yards away from the water until it turned to grass and knurly weeds.
There were three college age boys frolicking naked in the water and two couples lying nude on their towels, one of which was making out hot and heavy. One of the boys yelled out, “Come on in, ladies, the water is great.”
Bren said just loud enough for us to hear, “He could have at least called us girls instead of ‘ladies’.” We all chuckled at that.
We wasted no time spreading out our beach towels and popping the tops on a beer for each of us. We’d only brought a twelve pack for the five of us, so there was no chance of getting drunk.
“WooHoo!” The boys shouted and shared high fives when they saw us all strip off our bikinis.
The next thing I knew, the boys were walking our way. “Here they come.” I said to the others in a low voice.
Susan spoke up, “I’ve got this.”
A few seconds later, all three boys were standing shoulder to shoulder in front of us. They all three had nice looking cocks dangling between their legs, and they weren’t a bit shy about displaying them to us.
We played along when they started introducing themselves while they soaked in our nakedness. The introductions complete, Susan spoke up, “I hate to break this to you, boys, but we’re lesbians.”
I almost laughed out loud, but I managed to restrain myself. We could see the air flow out of them like Susan had just punched all three of them in the gut.
Finally, one of them regained his composure enough to say, “Well hell, that’s too bad for us, but I hope you don’t mind if we still look.”
I had to laugh at that. “Hell no! Be our guests. If we minded that, we wouldn’t be naked.”
“Cool!” One of the other boys exclaimed, and then they turned and went back into the water.
“Nice asses.” Bren said in an appreciative tone.
Sandy added, “There isn’t anything wrong with their cocks either. I hope looking at us gets them hard.”
“I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that.” Jan said with a naughty giggle.
Finished with our beers, the five of us went into the water and began batting the volleyball around. “Hey, can we join you?” One of the boys asked us.
I figured Susan would brush them off, but instead, she asked us, “What do you think, girls? Should we let them join us?”
I spoke up, “Sure. The more the merrier.”
Within seconds, the boys were batting the ball around with us. After maybe thirty minutes, the other two couples on the beach left. We returned to our beach towels to take in the sun. Susan, always the instigator, invited the boys to bring their towels over and join us, saying, “Hell, boys, you might as well come on over so you can perv on us easier.”
We all giggled while the boys whooped and hollered. “Hell yeah!” And “WoooHooo!”
No sooner had the boys sat down on their towels in front of us than Bren shocked me by starting to make out with Sandy.
“Wow! That’s fucking hot!” One of the boys exclaimed.
“Just ignore them.” Jan said, “They’re new lovers.”
Susan looked at the boy named Jason and said, “Stand up for a minute.” His cock was fully hard and twitching in front of him, but he didn’t seem a bit embarrassed about it.
And then she moved closer to him and gave his cock a good look. Finally she returned to her previous position and giggled, “Girls, his cock is almost exactly the same size as our strap on.”
Jason sat back down and asked, “You all use a strap on to fuck each other?”
I piped in, “Of course. We all love cock, just not the men they’re attached to.”
Jan spoke up, “None of them can fuck as long as I fucked Susan last time we got together.”
We all laughed. Susan squealed and exclaimed, “Holy shit! I couldn’t walk for a fucking week.”
Mike, the quietest of the three boys, finally spoke up, “You are all having fun fucking with us, aren’t you?”
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Group SexBy : Handsomevinay Hey everyone on ISS, I am Vinay from the fabulous city Indore. I am here to complete my studies from an engineering college. As this is my first story then please mind my faults and proper explanation of various stages. Let me tell you that this is a true story out of my life. I am Vinay Achar. Age 21 and fairly well build. I have biceps as I prefer regularly visiting gym. While rather to it I have engaged myself to music. While let me tell you that my awesome body attracts...
I had slept in this morning after coming in on the late flight to DFW from being in San Francisco for the last three weeks overseeing the biggest project I had landed since opening my own security business four years ago. After getting up and having me a shower. I wandered down to the kitchen and found a note from Beth Ann, saying that she had to run an errand and would be back about 10 O'clock. I figured since it was just about nine now that I would fix me some toast and juice then start...
Chapter 4When I returned on Thursday evening, I found a troubled man. He had stayed motivated through Wednesday morning, but had spent the past day in a funk."This isn't bad," I said as we ate another excellent dinner of venison tenderloins marinated in Teriyaki sauce and served over a bed of noodles with asparagus on the side. This time dinner was accompanied by a Cabernet Sauvignon. "Injections every three days is not a horrible thing. If we had to, we could resort to weaker daily injections,...
Love StoriesWhen MILF Mindy Mink busts her eighteen year old step daughter Samantha Hayes at her secret job giving massages, she blackmails the teen into giving her the ‘schoolgirl special’ but Samantha turns the tables on Mindy by recording the entire session and threatening to show her father! Mindy is disgusted that little brat Samantha would dare do something so disrespectful. Samantha uses the upper hand to demand a massage from her step mother. Mindy straps on Samatha’s oil belt and...
xmoviesforyou"What are we going to do now?" It was three days after the action in the gorge and Anastasia had come over to chat with me after supper. As always she started our conversation with what was starting to be her personal catch-phrase. I tried to ignore it. During those three days my people had been training the recruits with a little more diligence. While all of them could use a bow their skill and accuracy was still not strong enough to employ them against anything other than slavers. If I...
Secret Moments 3 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...
On a hot summer day the pool was my favorite place to be. Myfriend, John, always let me use his since I don’t have one. I was swimming laps one day when John joined me in the pool. He jumped in and stopped me from finishing my work out, not that I really work out. I usually just want a reason to be in the pool. “Hey!” he said enthusiastically. “Hi John!” I said as I returned the enthusiasm. “You look really nice today,” John admitted to me. I blushed and realized I was wearing my new hot...
Jessica strolled into her super-market ready to do some food shopping for meals for the super bowl party she was throwing this weekend. The supermarket’s Deli had a TV playing the news. All everyone could talk about these days was The Perv. Women all over the country magically changing into over-sexualized bimbofied versions of themselves in the blink of an eye. The news report was showing closed circuit TV footage from the set of the new Super Mutant Heroes movie. Quick Shot was everyone’s...
Mind ControlHow I make my videos:First, I need a really nice, hot and sexy picture.Meaning, if what I see doesn´t turn me on, it´s a no-no.No fucking F-Book/I-Gram pics!!!This is a porn site. If I would look for "vanilla" pics, I could easyliy take one from a "sfw-network" jerk away.I am here for the turn-on, I am here for the naugthy, I am here for something that turns me on enought to shoot a video of me cumming.If a picture doesn´t turn me on, then it doesn´t turn me on and I am not willing to force...
I was just a regular kid. But at age sixteen, I was still a virgin. I was a little bigger, weighing at around 200 pounds, but as most kids at that weight range, they are all muscle, whereas there was some muscle, you could still see part of a belly when I took my shirt off. Now I honestly didn’t think I was ugly, but I was way to average in the looks department. Every day in school I would look at every single girl with a sense of longing, knowing that no one would ever so much as kiss me....
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ "Surprise..." my uncle and I hear from the door. I cover myself quickly and look at the door. I knew that quiet voice as my cousin's who was currently in college. Well now I knew he was home as he stood in the door frame with a few bags in his hands. His facial expression was unreadable. I didn't know if he was surprised, scared, turned on, or calm. That scared me more than anything. I didn't want this secret to leave the room. I could feel tears slowly...
It all started one Saturday evening when my husband, Jason, and I were taking a short vacation with our best friends, Charles and Caty Grey. We had met Charles and Caty two years previous at a small business owners’ convention and had immediately hit it off. It didn’t hurt that both sets of couples were the only small business owners at the convention who ran comic book shops. They didn’t live real close to us, but they didn’t live ridiculously far away either so we were able to meet up with...
Group SexIt was hot has hell that day. I was driving my Toyota paseo over to a coworker/friends apartment on this very hot Sunday to watch the game. His name was Jack and he was a huge raiders fan. “Come by and have some cold ones man we’ll party and watch the game!” “Sounds good to me Jack” I said.I parked my car just in front of the huge laundromat. Jacks apartment was located above the laundromat. It was a big studio type apartment. I got out of my car and headed to the security gate around the side...
Jahke stretched, arms above his head, pulling his muscles out from their soft sleep. Vertebrae cracked and Jahke purred, feeling the warm burn in his crotch, the hot satisfaction of a good fuck. Sitka reached out and wrapped a long arm around the boy's torso, pulling him back against him with a soft possessive growl. "Not yet," The demon's arm tightened around him, "Five more minutes." Jahke sighed and let himself be hugged, enjoying the heat of Sitka's muscled chest against his...
Introduction: A realistic take on fantasy. read and enjoy Barry with his briefcase in one hand and the other on his tie went upstairs to fresh up and get packing for his trip. Ill cock something honey, come down when you are done I said, not knowing what else to say, the practice of being a wife comes in handy when situations like this happen and your sub-conscious takes control. Barry just looked at me funny and left. I walked in all my senses, making up my mind to be strong about things,...
As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 18 - Proxy Poor Jules was once again almost a drooling zombie, being swamped in Empathic power, only this time she had requested it. I had already...
Dear Indian sex stories dot net Readers, I’m Gurmeet Chaudhary, 33 y/o management consultant in Gurgaon. Recently, my wife Deepali and I decided to buy a new house, finally having pooled in enough money to buy a luxury penthouse somewhere near our workplaces. Deepali is a fashion designer and she insists we both remain fit. Well, that was never a problem for me, since I used to be a fitness model back as a 19-year-old in Chandigarh. I work hard to maintain an eight-pack physique with a hectic...
The huge buck riding my back had a dick that was like someones arm stuck up my butt. I was trying to get away from each lunge of that gigantic mammoth of a fuck tool. How had I got myself in such a predicament? I had went to the last basketball game of the year, my high school team had the lead, fourth quarter twenty seconds left on the clock. The other team was at the foul line, the brute in front of me was yelling to the top of his voice. I had to challenge 'If my team loos I'll be a fuck...
"And, you got it all done in less than an hour?" Melanie asked, looking out the window. "Yes." Ilsa sat on the bed in their dorm room, then flopped down on her back. She was relieved now that she finished telling Melanie all about the meeting. "What are we going to do, Mel?" Ilsa's lover turned to her. "Ilsa, you have to do what Ms. Crow says. Otherwise, we're doomed." Ilsa nodded, and sighed deeply. "What about you? I wonder if she's going to have a meeting with you,...
Tonight way going to be awesome. I just got home from work, took a shower, and now i was putting on my favorite outfit! It was Friday night and no one was going to stop me from having a good time tonight. I met up with some of my friends at a gas station down the street. We decided to hit a few clubs, then afterwards, if we didnt hook up with anyone, we were going to go to our favorite bar "Shouters". We had the whole night planned out. We were planning to be feeling the effects of tonight...
GayI was up pretty close to the crack of dawn Friday, eager to get out and test my brand new Liberator. I'd dismantled, cleaned and packed up the printer the night before, putting everything neatly back into the boxes; no point to leaving housekeeping evidence of what I'd been up to the day they'd been forbidden entrance. By the time they saw the room again it'd show nothing but two days' worth of being lived in. Eager though I was, I made myself go down to breakfast and then wait a while...
Reed Thompson was a real estate developer. Among the properties that he owned was the "Golden Sands Motel," located on old route 1 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Like all business owners, he had a hard time keeping help, especially for the evening shifts. Today, he was interviewing a woman for the ten PM to seven AM desk clerk position. The woman, Mary Jo Snyder, showed up right on time at two PM. Reed checked her out as she entered the office. He noted that she had a very pretty face, with...
Hi friends this is raj again this is the story which is sent by one of my friend so please read stories. Life in a small town where everyone knows everyone can be like living in a fish bowel. For instance Mary and Joe Martin had a big fight one night about eight o’clock and by eight o’clock the next morning everyone in town knew about it and why. Joe had made a pass at the new waitress down at the hotel lunch room-bar. So when my Dad got sick and his time on this earth was limited everyone knew...
IncestMy second wife Madeline had a little money, a drinking problem and two daughters. We were doing pretty well. My contracting business kept me busy and Maddie’s money meant we could live well and spoil the girls a little. The three of them were a tight unit, since they’d been together alone for years before I met them. They had their secrets that I didn’t share; they shopped and lunched together and they all slept together in a king bed in Madeline’s room. I had my own room so the three of them...
We watched as Tom continued to caress her. She moaned loudly as his fingers pressed against her crotch. We could see her panties dark with moisture around her most intimate part. Tom rubbed the silky material: ‘ Rachel, your knickers are just as wet as we were when we came in. I think I should take them off and dry them by the fire. Stop me if you wish.’ He began to tug them down. She wriggled a little, saying no, but her body movements were saying yes and they were soon down to her knees....
I will graduate today. Almost it did not happen. I have given some of my on-line credits to the college over time, but there were too many; I used only the ones needed for me to take higher-level courses. So this semester, when my schedule was set so that they couldn’t restrict my classes, I gave them all of the others at one time. The dean was very unhappy about it. He called me in to tell me he did not believe it was “appropriate” for me to graduate after only two years. I told him that I...
Tuesday was a bonanza! Not only did Will LaFrance show his face at the Lucky Horseshoe, but another kidnapper by the name of Jack Weimar was with him. Weimar operated south of here according to the word from Jesus Lopez, so I wondered if he and LaFrance had something big planned. Well, we would find out if we could capture LaFrance, and we hoped to pick up Weimar at the same time. They both headed to the rooms with whores the moment they showed up in the saloon. I hoped that his whore would...
It was time to take a break from paddling. We had been in the canoe for a few hours and needed a place to stretch our legs and relax before continuing on our journey. I had a stringer full of fresh fish to cook up for lunch and just needed to find a suitable place on the shore to do it.For years my wife Anna and I had discussed exploring this chain of lakes and had finally found the time to do it. After a four-hour drive and a short portage the day before, we were on the water. The first lake...
OutdoorMelanie had finally forgiven me, but I don't think I've forgiven myself yet. I was also pissed at Julie. It was bad enough that she seduced me, but to drug me as well really threw me over the edge. It seems that she had decided to become friends with my daughter. That means that I will be seeing quite a bit more of her than I would like. At least it keeps me in touch with how my new baby is doing. I still didn't know how to feel about this situation. I had gotten up for breakfast and felt...
Sunday Dad was none too happy when I explained what went on at the new product fair, but he understood that I was only trying to be nice when I sent the girls for a break, and I had no way of knowing that the man hater, Elizabeth Tate, would be covering the event. After I finished up my phone call with him, Tiffany and I got dressed and headed to the airport to pick up Mr. Gifford. If my plan worked like I hoped by this time tomorrow we would be rid of Derek Brown once and for all. It was...
Jeff smiled as he sat down in the recliner and turned the television on, especially when Lucy ran over and hopped on hip lap. "You're not helping with dinner", he asked, although he definitely wasn't complaining about the young girl sitting on his lap. "They told me to come in here with you", Lucy said, winking her eye, then snatching the remote. She turned the TV to a channel that was showing teen movies, causing Jeff to roll his eyes. But then she started grinding her little ass...
This is a story about my sister Anita and me. I am Anuz, a young and impressionable male, and was eighteen when my parents divorced six years ago. My sister Anita was a little girl twelve years old at that time. After the break up, I went to stay with my father, and Anita went to stay with mom. Six years later my mom passed away and my little sister came to stay with dad and me. We met after six years and now she is longer the little sister that I knew. She is a young and sweet lady of...
IncestYe story aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai. Main us time 22 saal kaa tha aur ghar se durr ek MNC mein kaam karta tha.Ye December ki baat hai ek subah mujhe ghar se phone aaya. Mujhe pata chala mere pitaji ko heart attack aaya hai aur unki maut ho chuki hai. Mere pairo tale zameen khisak gayi! Maine turant apna samaan pack kiya aur gaon ke liye nikal gaya. Jaise hi main ghar pahuncha charo taraf rone chikhne ki awaazein thi. Meri maa ne jaise hi mujhe dekha woh aake mujhse lipat kar rone lagi aur main...
It was a monday afternoon, the sun was out but I was tired and frustrated after not having sex for weeks. But my car was going in for a service, and the good thing about that was, my hot mechanic Mike. Gorgeous, with a firm body, he drove me wild. Id never told him how much he told me on, just behaved like a good girl, but the fantasies I'd had, him bending me over and taking me then and there.I left and arrived at the garage, wearing a skirt, black bra visable through my tight white vest top,...
He took the bus back from school as usual on a typical and boring Thursday with nothing particularly interesting or out of the ordinary happening at all. Tom sat at the back of the bus chewing his gum to the beat of the music that blared out of his headphones connected to his iPod. He stared out the window seeing the same sights that he saw every singing week day afternoon. He let out a gentle sigh as he glanced across at the rest of the people in the bus, after checking out every single fellow...
Mind ControlFemale led relationship, FLR is becoming the common, accepted life style. Girls are born with a natural instinct to be care givers and mothers which in a way makes them natural leaders. Boys on the other hand, come into the world as wild a****ls. They have to be domesticated. In their formidable years their mothers domesticate them by giving them spankings. As the boys mature most of their teachers are women who discipline them. By the time a boy becomes a domesticated man, he is very...
Group meetings usually conclude in a rapid exodus by the participants, eager to resume their individual lives, with but a few stragglers. This was no different, and Igwanda strode purposefully out the door. But as he passed through the media contingent that waited patiently outside to press the crew members for information, declining to even recognize the shouted questions, he was followed closely by Meiersdottir. He deliberately took a detour to the exit and then, when she still followed,...
Andy left Candice while he asked the management about their facilities and how he could use them. For five minutes after he’d gone, she stood at the bar and watched the room. Client number two was still talking avidly to his companions. Was he telling them?Candice nodded to the barman to top up her wine with sparkling water and drifted over to a vacant table, hoping it was close enough to catch a few words. What she would do with anything she heard, she had no idea, but there was a strange...
Novels***Well, I have come across a story I wrote YEARS ago and while it is non-erotic, I am not sure if it is really that good…If I took the time to sit and edit and re-write, it might not be too bad of a story, but for shits and giggles I am going to post it, chapter by chapter. I am not looking for votes or feedback, but if you feel it necc. to do so, feel free…Also, please take a look at some of my other stuff (better stuff) and enjoy for what it is worth…*** * ‘Hey Alex,’ Sara Clemmins called....
"So you decided to come..?" "You know what it is what I want from you?" "That it's nothing like "fifty shades", or anything like that soft stuff?" "And the pain I'm going to give you very probably is not like you dreamed it will be?" "Fine. We'll see if you still think so after this evening." I swallow. I feel a blush coming to my cheeks. I thought I was sure about this, but looking at the grimm, slightly amused look on her face gives me a knot in my stomach. And a raging...
After spending several days at my brother Benny’s place following our disastrous two-day vacation on an island that we got chased off due to a hurricane, I rekindled my love for cock, and, my love for my brother’s cock every day without my wife ever being the wiser. Benny had asked my wife if it was ok if the two of us went on a fishing trip together and of course my wife eagerly said, “yes!” I know my wife would be happy to have the house to herself for a week and Benny, of course, would be...
IncestAs I was leaving work, a car stopped at the corner in the drivers seat was the most sexiest woman that I have ever seen. She had a pair of breast that was to die for, and legs that seemed to stretch for ever, and a smile that would bend steel. She saw me looking at her, probably with my mouth hanging open, she smiled and sorta of waved than drove off. I could not get her out of my mind, when I got home I jerked off thinking about her. Two nights later I was at the corner waiting for the light...
Hello to all the ISS readers, I am Rohan and I live in Bangalore. This is my first story in ISS. I have been following ISS for a long time, but never thought of sharing my story until now. This story is the one in which me and my classmate from college, Nisha, got into a sexual relationship in the final year of our graduation. This incident dates back to 2008 and extends upto 2012, when I was in the final year of my engineering. About me, I am an above-average looking man with an athletic build...
© Copyright 2003 Kelly Logan drove home from an all day legal seminar, and was upset by what happened at the end of the seminar. Kelly thought back to when she went to get some finger food, and a glass of wine after the seminar ended. Kelly tried to forget the nerve of this D.A. out of some insignificant flea spec town. He stood very close behind her, and Kelly felt crowed. She tried to ignore him, but standing in line he would constantly tap her on the shoulder, and kept up his inept...
@_Dirtyporn! Porn is one of the top sources of joy to modern man. It is a cold world for men as they work their asses off for the benefit of their family.I know feminists with would argue that both men and women work hard for the sake of society and their loved ones. They often point out that they have fought for equal opportunities for both sexes. Yet, you don't see them advocating to work at mines, construction sites, and other jobs that keep our civilization running.Men have little to no...
Twitter Porn AccountsI can’t believe where I am and what we’re about to be doing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I’d be lying on this four poster bed in this gorgeous hotel deep in the Dorset countryside. To be honest, never in my wildest fantasies did I think that I was the kind of girl ever to agree to something like this! But the crazy thing is I don’t mind that I’m here. I don’t mind that I’ve agreed to give it a try. In fact…if I was completely honest with myself I think I’d find that I’m actually...
Chapter 1Today was the day, John had spent months getting ready and preparing for what was going to happen today and finally today was the day when he would put his plans into action. John was 17 years old and in his final year of high-school. At 5' 11? and 130 pounds with medium length brown hair was completely average, he did well in his grades, not bad enough or good enough to get particularly noticed and was liked by everyone but friends with few. He did however have a secret, burning...
When my parents announced that we were to go on holiday to France and stay on a campsite I was not very impressed! The also told me that my cousin Tabitha and her parents were coming too. I didn’t like the sound of that either. I didn’t really know my cousin as I had only met her a few times, usually at weddings and the occasion family party. My opinion changed rather quickly once we arrived at this brilliant lively campsite which had a swimming pool complex, waterslides, shops, bar, and loads...
LesbianBill"Hi, Bill. Listen, I'm going to spend the night at my girlfriend's place. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry. I'll see you tomorrow."Bill had listened to Beth's voicemail message last night, after he woke up in his living room. He had fallen asleep watching TV, waiting for his daughter-in-law to come home from her night out. As soon as he got out of bed this morning, he went to her room to see if she had returned. Her bed had not been slept in.Bill's first reaction upon...
CheatingThis is my first story, comments and critique is welcome. I plan to make this a slow burn. Hope you enjoy it. Prologue Jesse - My brat brother Alex has gone too far! Not only did he borrow my brand new laptop that I got on my recent 16th birthday without my permission, but after I stole it back I was unable to use it from the massive amounts of viruses from his porn watching. Not only did the twerp break my computer but he had the nerve to call me a bitch after I tattled on him...
Ivy Lebelle takes on her BIGGEST cock yet, do you think she can handle the girth? Ivy Lebelle hasn’t been in the industry long but is making a name for herself as a talented size queen with bombshell looks. She’s looking super sexy in red leather lingerie and matching red fishnets. With her piercing blue eyes, perfect round ass, legs for days, and giant rack, this whore is sure to make you pitch a tent. She plays with herself in front of a mirror and shows off those amazing curves...
xmoviesforyouHarry was woken not by his trusty alarm clock, but by cries of alarm coming from somewhere outside the officers' quarters. Razor Sharpe sat up in his bunk. "What time is it?" he demanded sleepily. Harry consulted his watch as he stood up. "Just past three in the morning." "Oh," Razor replied noncommittally. "I wonder what Whitefeather's doing this time." "It can't top last night's entertainment," Harry replied. As he reached for his housecoat, he added, "Might as well see...
It was my birthday and what a wonderful day I had experienced. Arriving home from work, where I was been spoilt rotten with flowers, a luncheon out with my colleagues and numerous phone calls wishing me, to the single red rose with a note, from Craig, insisting that he would be here at seven to pick me up for dinner. What a lovely surprise, as I had not seen Craig since he was last in the city on business three weeks ago. I had often thought about him and the wonderful times we had together and...
Straight Sex