NedChapter 5: Molly free porn video

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"Time for a break, Ned. I love your cum but it doesn't fill me up. Let's go to the mall and have some lunch."

We had plenty of food in the house, but Mom never made me feed myself, never taught me how to fix a sandwich. I mean, it doesn't take any learning to do that, but she never made me do it. Before we left the house, Carrie and I went rummaging through my parents' bedroom and bathroom, looking for some condoms. We giggled as we searched, but it did no good; they apparently didn't use them.

The mall was a healthy walk, but doable. I kind of liked holding hands with Carrie, swinging them back and forth as we strolled. Sometimes I put my hands in my pockets and Carrie put her arm through mine, like an old married couple. I actually was kind of hoping that some of my friends would see us, would know that I had a girl friend. They might wonder if I was fucking her, which I could at least talk about to them, not like having to stay quiet about Mom.

Sure enough, there were a bunch of them in the food court. I could see their eyes flicking back and forth between Carrie and me, saw them glancing down at our hands clasped tightly, but none of them said a word at that time. Still, I got a hard-on seeing them staring at Carrie's tits, such as they were. They all knew her from school, but there she was just a girl; at the mall, she was my girlfriend, which drove their minds towards sex.

I had a burger and Carrie had a salad. We sat at a table which could have held four, but none of my friends ventured to join us. After lunch, without ever discussing a word about it, we each steered the other toward the end of the mall, the end with a drug store right near the anchor store. We stood outside, looking over the cashiers. Carrie pointed at Register 3, where a girl, obviously in high school, probably about sixteen, was ringing up customers. She looked pleasant but plain, neither ugly nor beautiful, closer to pretty.

"She might sell to you, Ned."

"Yes, maybe she would."

"I think you should go in alone. I'll go back and wait for you outside the ladies room."

The store was impersonal, a branch of one of the big chains. I stopped in front of the condom display. The names and packaging meant nothing to me; my sole experience with rubbers had been limited to one whore in Amsterdam, who had supplied them herself. I felt like a little kid with coins in his hand pressing his nose against the glass in a candy store, unable to decide which candy to buy. Lubricated, ribbed, strong; the words were meaningless. Well, maybe lubricated sounded good. I looked over toward Register 3 but she had a line of people. I went back toward the door, took a basket and headed for the tissues. I took a large box, plenty large to cover a package of a dozen rubbers, and threw it into the basket. Then I walked to the condoms, grabbed the package I had chosen and slid it underneath the tissues in the basket.

With more luck than I deserved, when I got to the back of the line, the cashier reached over a put a 'closed' sign at the end of the belt, insuring that no one would be behind me to see what I would be putting on the counter. Despite all those person to person orgasms under my belt, I was still nervous as the line crept forward. Finally it was my turn. I took a deep breath and put the basket onto the counter, not emptying it as most people do. Cashier 3 smiled at me; it didn't look like much was in the basket. Then she picked up the tissues, looked down into the basket and them lifted her face to look at me.

"I'm not supposed to sell these to someone as young as you." She looked behind me and around as she said it. I had mentally tested and rejected a number of possible responses to that expected remark. Buying for my father or fictional brother sounded like such bullshit, and I went for the truth.

"I couldn't find any in my father's night table and my girlfriend won't let me cum inside her unless I use one of these."

She smiled. "Oh, and how long has that being going on, young man?" As she said it, she was looking at me staring at her tits. The tag above one said Molly; I was too smart not to ask what the other one was called.

"Since this morning, Molly."

Despite my baby face, I am kind of tall for my age. Sort of well built, too. She smiled again, glanced around for store personnel, and quickly scanned the rubbers and threw them into a bag, followed shortly by the tissues. As I counted out the money, she asked me my name. When I told her, she tore a piece of paper from a return pad and wrote a number on it.

"Call me, Ned."

Holy shit, she must be three years older than me. I guess she's a virgin. Well, I missed out on Carrie's cherry; I guess I'll give Molly a call. Holy shit, she must be three years older than me. I guess she's a virgin. Yep, I missed out on Carrie's cherry; I guess I'll give Molly a call. No, that's not a typo; I just kept repeating it to myself.

I stuck the number into a jeans pocket before heading down toward the ladies room. As I approached it, I saw Carrie and nodded. She gave me a big smile and walked toward me, hand extended to hold mine. On the way home, I told her about my experience in the drug store, conveniently skipping the best part, of course. Other than that, the walk was silent; each of us was thinking about nothing except fucking. Except my mind was a bit more varied in its thoughts than hers must have been.

As far as I was concerned, Carrie was now a woman. Damn it, much as I didn't want to think it, she was my woman. I had eaten her, she had sucked my cock. My cock had been inside her cunt, even though I didn't cum there. Mine was the first; forget that shit with Tommy whatshisname, mine she had wanted in there. All that was missing was an actual cum while I was inside her. Oh sure, there were lots of other things to look forward to: cumming in her pussy bareback, fucking her ass, pissing down her throat — I wasn't sure how I felt about that one - maybe even a threesome with Mom. But all that was for someday. In the meantime, I only needed to cum inside her, even if there was a condom in between us.

My bed was as messy as we had left it. Still, it shocked me that we had left the computer on. I touched the space bar to get rid of the screen saver and saw that the video we had started with was over and the program was blinking away, waiting for another selection. Carrie shook her head.

"We won't need it, Ned. We can just make love without the background music and moaning."

I exited the program and turned off the screen. Carrie now had my undivided attention. We kicked off our shoes and sat on my bed, backs to the headboard, staring at a blank screen. I put my arm around her shoulders and she curled up against me, as though we were sitting in a movie theater. I kissed her cheek and she turned her face to me; her eyes shown with capital L Love, and so were mine. The key word, all the words were unspoken but understood.

Our kiss was soft; we were in no hurry. We knew that we had many hours before our parents returned, we knew that Carrie's official deflowering — the mental, not the physical — would shortly take place, but we wanted to savor it. My last emptying of my balls had been just a few hours earlier; I had enough new cum to fuck her properly, but there was no rush. My hands caressed her tits, again as if we were at the movies. Like a new couple, my hands stayed outside her sweater for the time being.

My friend, my lover, my fuck-mate put her hand on my crotch and rubbed gently. She wasn't trying to make me hard, for I already had attained that condition. No, she was just letting me know that she was there for me and would stay there until we were both fully sated. She slid down and placed her head where her hand had been, kissing my raging erection through my jeans. My hand feathered her tits; she may not even have felt it. When I saw her eyes close, I shut my own, though each of us continued to gently fondle the other.

I moved Carrie's head off my lap and slid down so that my head was even with her. She smiled.

"Your jeans are getting tight around that tent, aren't they?"

She was right, of course. Why are girls so fucking smart? I opened my belt and top button, then pulled down my zipper. I left Big Guy inside my shorts — Mom's panties, actually. Carrie placed her hand on the outside of the remaining tent — not so painful now — and continued to caress. I put my hand under her sweater, in back, and massaged her back, making no attempt to unhook the bra. Other than that one question from Carrie, it was silent in the room. The only words I heard were the silent ones in my mind, telling me how I felt about this girl-woman in my arms, in my bed, in my heart, damn it.

After a while, ten minutes, an hour, I had no idea, Carrie snuck her hand through the leg hole of the panties and took out my cock, bending to give it a light kiss and a sideways lick across the slit to catch the pre-cum there.

"I think its time, Ned." I could barely hear her but I knew what she said, what she meant. I pulled her head back to mine and we kissed again, this time fiercely. Our tongues fought, our hands pawed each other, on her tits and my ass. I pushed the cups of her bra up to expose bare nipple and began to suck like a starving baby.

I wish these tits were as big as Mom's.

Carrie grabbed my cock tightly and began to stroke rapidly, too rapidly.

Hey, this is foreplay, not a hand job.

I jumped off the bed and began to shuck my clothing rapidly. Carrie raced me but I won, naked while she still had her panties on. I guided her back to the bed and she lay down demurely, on her side, knees together. I rolled her onto her back and reached to ease off her panties. She lifted her ass to help and I soon saw again that beautiful sight from before lunch, pink glistening lips awaiting my kisses, my fingers, my cock.

But first my mouth, as I licked and sucked, concentrating on her clit, which peeked out at me.

"Don't make me cum that way, Ned. I want you inside me right now."

I slid up until I was hovering above her, leaning on my elbows. I used one hand to spread her lips and took my cock with the other, aligning it for entry. Quietly, calmly, she slid her hand over the entrance to her tunnel of love. Again she spoke in a whisper.

"Aren't we forgetting something?"

As soon as she started to speak, I knew what she was going to say. All I could think of was where I could find a hole to crawl into, to hide from my own stupidity. The condoms, bought so recently and forgotten so quickly, were in my jeans on the floor. I heard Carrie giggle as I left the bed and bent over to pick up my jeans. My ass was to her and I felt totally ridiculous. Carrie held out her hand for the box, opened it and took one out. Our first condom, the safety belt of our first real love-making.

Damn, I hate to call it love-making, I'd much rather call it fucking. Once you say love, the girl begins to get possessive. We're not like that. Our cocks are for fucking, for getting our rocks off, emptying our balls, nothing more. If we like the girl, fine; if we love her, even better. But a guy doesn't care where his cum goes, whose cunt or mouth gets it, as long as it goes someplace warm. Monogamy is for monogamists, whoever they may be, not for the healthy male of the species.

Anyway, she tore the wrapper open and began to roll the magic garment onto me. The lubricated sheath went on easily; it wouldn't be until later that I would remember from Amsterdam the annoyance of my pubic hair being pulled as I rolled the used rubber off my cock. I looked down at the funny sight of shiny latex hiding that so very useful toy that hung suspended between my legs; the picture actually made my cock go down a bit, but Carrie's hand quickly restored the blood filling to bring it to working position.

I went down on her again, an unnecessary step but enjoyable nevertheless, until she again laid down the ground rule: "Now, Ned."

On top, on the bottom, alongside; which will she prefer? I can't ask, I'd feel like a little child.

Since she was on her back already, I crept up atop her, my knees between her outspread legs and my hands supporting me on either side of her. We touched only at our lips and tongues, and I guess also at our souls. Then she took me in her hand and guided me to the promised land. Rubbing the sheath up and down her slit — jeez, that friction on the head was incredible — she spread her portals of joy to let me in. With her maidenhead a matter of history, access was easy, and I hit bottom instantly.

But I didn't move after that; I was just suspended over her, attached at the groin and with our eyes glued to each other. My cock had been inside her earlier, it was not a new experience for her in the afternoon, yet we both knew that it was different. This time, when I sounded the claxon to announce the spurting of my semen, it would be inside her body. Sure, the condom would prevent the joinder of sperm and egg, if it was that other 'time of the month', but my orgasm would be an expression of one-ness, as would be her reception of the pulsations.

And the damn one-ness continued to bother me. I loved her, still Love her, but my cock is a social animal and it refuses to stay 'at home' with anyone. I've read Sue's story (A BUSY WEEK) and I know that Sue threw her lover out of her bed, out of her life, because he couldn't keep his cock idle when he wasn't with her, but if Carrie wants to do the same thing to me, that's a risk I'll have to take. Or maybe it's a risk she'll have to take.

I moved my lips to the underside of her left tit, resting my face on her chest. I could feel the thump thump of her heart. It wasn't the rapid beat of excitement but the slow cadence of relaxation. My mouth moved to her nipple as my hips began their slow rise and descent, always keeping the head of Big Guy inside, barely, and then plunging, still slowly, into the warm, soft and — as I remembered it from the morning — wet depths of her cunt.

He sighs were soft, unhurried; her eyes glistened with pleasure. She was still far removed from any orgasm and didn't seem to care, so long as I was inside her. She knew I would shortly make her cum, probably had figured out that in the months of my fucking Mom, I had learned to hold back my own cum until she was ready. She was right about that part; not only did I hold back to please her, but I myself enjoyed more that friction of sex than the release even of an orgasm.

My hands continued their job of support. I had thought of using one to diddle her little man in the boat but decided that the rubbing of my cock would do a satisfactory job. It always does with Mom.

And so I rose and plunged, rose and plunged, until Carrie's breathing became ragged again, until she began to mew like a cat. Then I roseandplunged, roseandplunged, roseandplunged, faster and fasterfasterfasterfaster until her now familiar scream of satisfaction. I let go with a moan, felt my cum rush from my balls through that dark tunnel of my cock and out into the oblivion of a scumbag, that anonymous receptacle for unwanted sperm. I felt the throb and so did my Carrie as her arm shot around my neck, pulling my head tightly against her pubescent tits.

"I Love you, Ned, I Love you." There it was, that capital L again; I could hear it. I didn't want to respond, not with the capital anyway, for that would be like putting a chain around my leg, for then any fucking around I did would have to be cheating. No, I wanted to be free to screw at will and come back to Carrie whenever the two of us were so inclined, but I knew that if I didn't say it, and say it the right way, it was all over. I chickened out.

Same as Ned
Chapter 5: Molly Videos

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A strange story about breasts

Candy was smiling angelically at us having finished the story of how she developed her massive bust and the effects that that growth had on her life. “Candy, are you happy now with how things turned out? An “L” cup is really large! I’d thought of maybe an “F” cup but I may set my sights higher now that I’ve seen how you look so, well, radiant and serene and so, so, well, LARGE!” “Not an “L” cup now. I grew more after that...

3 years ago
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Columbian Drug Lords revenge part 2

“My friend,” he coughed between great mouthfuls of flesh,” I have a new assignment for you.” The Hawaiian shirted thug rocked back in his chair smirking. He was Cesar’s fix it man, one of the few of his people not incarcerated. “Off course Don,” he said solemnly. His last assignment the hot brunette lawyer had please his boss very much. Since her sudden flight out of the country the prosecution has become fractured and now all that was needed was for the judge to abort this fiasco...

1 year ago
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Breeding Season

Your name is Jade Tarska, your a 18 year old human girl who has wanted to be a breeder ever sense she was little. Now you have bought yourself a fresh plot of land and have to breed creatures to make money, and become a legendary breeder. You walk into the city of Talfruk and find the creatures shop. You are met by a a women with short shorts on and a red apron, she had huge K sized breasts, and short brown hair that stopped at her neck. She smiles and said to you. "Hello, my name is Roxy, I am...

4 years ago
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SacrificesChapter 6

"Thanks, Trisha, you've been a big help." After clearing the doughnut shop of sightseers and media snoops, Gina had taken down the girl's statement as her deputies interviewed the pedestrians who had seen the pickup. The girl and her parents left as Todd and Sam walked over to Gina. "White Chevy pickup. Old. They thought maybe a '72 or '73, but couldn't see any plates," said Sam reading from his notes. "Couldn't give much of a description of the perps, other than that they were...

3 years ago
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"How about here?" Simon Laws looked at the building his friend, Stephen Clark, was pointing at. Lurid red and blue neon tubes ran along the fascia of an otherwise innocuous old warehouse building. The same tubes twisted into the shape of a heavy breasted girl twirling around a pole. The name, "SATAN'S HOLE", was emblazoned above a narrow doorway. Subtle, it wasn't. "Looks a bit tacky," Laws said. The vodka buzz was fading a little and he wouldn't have objected to heading back to the...

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I have always been attracted to black men. I had a rough life growing up and ran away from home and got in trouble. At 19 I started to strip a bit and had a black boyfriend. Thats 30 years ago And I still think of him. I remember every part of his body. I masturbate to the memory of our screwing. We would fuck all day sometimes- in all positions- he loved hitting it from the back he'd say because i had a perfect meaty white girl ass - he fucked me doggy for forty minutes once and i came so hard...

4 years ago
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I have rather large titties and what’s annoying is that guys rarely look me in the eye when they talk to me. On the plus side, a guy staring at my tits makes my nipples grow hard and my pussy start to tingle, which is never a bad thing. I reciprocate, though. If I see a large bundle straining against some tight jeans, my eyes are riveted to it and it’s all I can do not to reach out and touch. Size doesn’t matter, but it sure catches my attention. It was Saturday night at the Hexagon and my...

Oral Sex
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Anal Fun in the Back of the Bar

She stood up from her seat at the bar and stared at me. “Follow me and you won't regret it,” her eyes said. I stared back at her and then dropped my eyes to her ass as she turned and walked towards the back of the bar. She had to be twice my age, but damn was she sexy.“I'll be right back, guys,” I said, leaving behind my friends to follow her. She looked over her shoulder as she walked towards the back of the building, and our eyes met again as I followed her around the corner to the...

1 year ago
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Im the Big Sister

I'm the Big Sister By Karen Elizabeth L. Until a few months ago life was pretty boring for me. I was a twelve year old guy with a nine year old little brother. My brother was mom's favorite from the day he was born and since dad died a couple of years ago he's wormed his way even further into mom's heart. Don't get me wrong, Rich is a nice kid most of the time but occasionally he gets to be a real pain in the butt. He wanted to spend time with me but I didn't want to have a little...

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TripinChapter 59

When I woke up Saturday morning, I checked the computer to get the details of my life. I had been able to keep the broad strokes in my memory the last few days. I was thrilled. I felt that even waking up just knowing my name was an accomplishment. So knowing my name and the name of the woman who was driving me to a party later was great. Okay, I did have to check the computer to know what she was doing before the party. I also had to check the computer to find out the details about the butt...

1 year ago
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Film nightrlm

You me and dad were in the lounge and it was movie night. Horrayyy - - Not.Dad had rented a silly "one of dads films" and you didn't seem to interested. You were sat on the couch wearing a modest skirt and a nicely fitting white blouse. You looked up at me and smiled a sweet yet naughty smile that made my dick instantly twitch.I sat at the other end of the couch and we all started to watch the film... about 15 mins went by and I was bored. I looked at you. We held a long, loving stare. You...

2 years ago
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Day of Destruction AftermathChapter 3

Ed knew the shopping center that Janice's mother was going to visit. He gave directions and I moved out. We had gone about half a mile and I saw a small body with a bright green top and dark blue pants at the side of the road. I slowed and said, "Janice, what was your mother wearing?" "A green blouse and blue pants." She answered. "Not good. Everyone stays in the truck. I will check." I pulled over to the side of the road close to the body. I opened the door and got out carefully and...

3 years ago
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Sex or Suicide

Sex or Suicide "Damn, I am so bored," I groaned as I leaned back in the kitchen chair. "Well, what game do you wanna play, Derrick?" Nicole asked me. I made a face. "I'm kinda getting tired of drinking games," I told her. "Me too," said our friend Cory. "We play the same stuff every week, and I always kick both of your asses at quarters every time anyway." We were sitting in Nicole's apartment at the kitchen table, with shot glasses and red plastic cups in front of us. There were ping pong...

1 year ago
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Eris Goddess of Discord

Chapter 1 – Athena’s Birthday ‘Today’s the day Athena!’ Zeke said happily, giving his favorite girl a tight hug. ‘I know, I can’t believe it’s been a year already…Well more than a year but…’ Athena started. ‘But you did die and so I count from there.’ Zeke said, poking her in the nose gently. ‘You’re still incredibly strange to me Zeke.’ Athena chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her. The two of them were standing on the roof watching the sun fall. It was a beautiful sunset on Athena’s...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehta Ka Sexy Chashma

Hello friends, I am Lovebird. I am from Punjab. And doing my B-tech. Any girl in Punjab who wanted sex can contact me on my email id : Privacy is guaranteed. Now i come on my story. I am bit imaginative in writings. This you will see while reading my story. This story is based on the very popular TV serial “Tarak mehta ka ooltah chashma”. Coming to the story ( now in Hindi): Aap sbne tarak mehta ka ooltah chasma to dekha hi hoga. I m a big fan of it. To hota yuu hai k tarak mehta aur jetha...

2 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 21

Alan feels like he is in a dream lying on the bed, waiting for Victoria to return. She comes back to the bed, chewing on her lip while holding up a bottle of lubricant. “I was trying to see if I could take a go at without, but I brought a bottle just in case.” He looks over to where she dropped the robe. The woman was prepared, hiding the bottle in the front pocket. He figures that she has been in conflict with herself over tonight, and he completely understands. “We could have, but it...

1 year ago
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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 4 Excursion

Once again, Schaffer awoke to a face full of fur. Sometime during the night, a pile of aliens had crept up on him, burying him at the bottom of another dogpile. They were so damned heavy, their oppressive weight squashing him down into the mattress. He was learning to identify the pack members by their unique markings now. Like a fingerprint, each alien had subtly different spots that patterned their coat. He recognized Osha lying beside him at the bottom of the mound, she had one long,...

3 years ago
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Living Kinky

Sitting on the edge of the bed watching Jodie get dressed, my mind rambled back to how this all got started. As my mind was wandering she walked over to me and said ‘How do I look Honey?’ I looked from her 6 inch high heels with the double ankle straps up her shapley legs, encased in her usual thigh high stockings. This time they were two tone, sheer white with red cuban heel and backseam. I could see the bottom of the red stocking tops peeking out from under her short black dress. It was the...

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WildOnCam Kat Chase Wild Newbie Kat Chase Can8217t Get Enough Of That Cock LIVE

Beautifully tall and sexy as hell newbie hottie Kat Chase will have you chasing after her! This babe loves to fuck and will not let Oliver get away until she gets all that cum and even then she just wants some more. Never let a hard cock go to waste! Kat purrs in your ear and grinds down all over that cock getting sloppy and wild. This girl knows what she wants and will not stop or slow down until all your cocks are cumming! Oil up those tits and pound her pussy hard. If you are nice she will...

2 years ago
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Border Adventure Ch 5

Laurie and Frankie eased open the hotel room door and stepped quietly inside with their shoes in their hands. Neither one wanted to wake Natasha, so they knew they could step much more softly without their pumps on. The window shades were open and just enough morning light shown in from the city that they were able to see Nat sleeping with one pillow and a rumpled sheet in her arms. ‘Looks just like an angel, doesn’t she,’ Frankie said. ‘Uh huh,’ Laurie agreed. ‘I’d love to do a few not so...

3 years ago
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Herbal Remedy

My wife and I met when we were both in our mid-thirties at a convention in San Francisco. I lived in New York and Leah lived in London. We soon figured out that both of us were recently divorced and therefore available. We immediately hit it off, and I was very pleased when she accepted my invitation for dinner. Three things attracted me to Leah. I am short, but she is much shorter. less than five feet tall. Secondly, her chest is out of proportion to her height. She wears a 34E bra, and her...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jolee Love DP Threesome

German porn babe Jolee Love looks sensational in a fishnet top and tight booty shorts. The outrageous vixen pours liquid over her plump rear and bountiful boobs. After an epic striptease/masturbation session, Mr Longwood and Aaron Rock get down to business. Jolee slurps on their big cocks to start, and then bends over for intense anal sex. She sucks dick while she’s sodomized; she moans through serious double penetration! Heated buttfucking comes with raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjobs and...

2 years ago
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When no better word than profane language applies

When I was 22 and a senior in college I had the great fortune to go out with an 18 year old named high school senior named Julie. Julie was tall, 5'7', and buxom. She had at least C-cup breasts with a nice, curvy ass in perfect proportion. The most memorable thing about Julie, however, was not her height, age, or Amazonian build, but her labia minora. I have always avoided the use of this term as it is really too profane for polite company, but here on xhamster, I will tell you that these...

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The Boarding School Years

YOU NEVER GET A SECOND CHANCE, TO MAKE A FIRST IMPRESSION... The cocksure troubled teen, Justin Barker, was taken to his bunkroom in the boarding school by a senior student. "Okay, well... welcome to your bunkroom. You will get to meet the rest of the group later..." Justin looked around the bunkroom. It had 4 army-style bunk beds and some lockers. At the foot of each double bed, there were 2 lockable footlockers. Peter continued: "You must know that this institution has some stringent rules,...

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How do you define horror, dear reader? I mean true horror, the kind that rips a mind and soul apart. Is your horror supernatural, with extraordinary creatures lurking in the shadows and mystifying forces overwhelming us, but beyond our ability to comprehend? Or is horror more banal in its origin, stemming from human weaknesses and failings, from generations of damaged people handing down their ways. Maybe your flavor of horror comes suddenly, with dramatic and deadly confrontations or from...

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Jane Peppers is 28yrs just got a new job as a check out girl at Rudy's Food Mart. She just moved here from her parents house. Moving out on her own she needed every thing for a home but her money was tight. She window shopped a lot and the shoes at Ginger's shoes were the best she had to have them, but at *0 dollars they would have to wait if she wanted to eat. The shoes were to good though so she bought them. Now hungry at work she stole a meal and drink and Wendy saw her. Wendy is the...

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Divorced Indian Roommate In USA

Hello ISS readers, My name is Bobby, from USA. I’ve living here for more than 5 years, did my education work in IT industry. I work in projects a lot, so moved a lot across USA. These incidents happened last year. I completed a 2 plus year project in a city and I moved to a new city in the East Coast region. For more than 2 weeks I could not find proper accommodation, finally saw a posting in Indian classifieds by a female named Arpita (name changed for obvious reasons) who was looking for a...

4 years ago
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BDSM by the Book

BDSM by the Book By Stefani Moore I was rather slow when it came to dating. My love life moved at glacial speed until I met my wife. In high school I was skinny and too short to be any good at sports. At school and in the town I grew up in, outside Sioux City, I got pushed around a lot by other boys, all of which translated into a lack of confidence. Particularly around women. When I got to college I felt like I was the only virgin on campus. I heard other...

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