AMOST – Kacy & Molly free porn video

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The third of a series of shorter tales featuring my mind-controlling protagonist. If you want to read about the protagonist and how his powers work, seek out my longer stories.

This story was inspired by doorknob22, so thanks to him for his input.

As always feedback is welcome.

All characters and events are fictional. Many are illegal, immoral and/or impossible. Never try this in real life. You do not have mental powers.


I’m an early riser, always have been. I seem to get by on very little sleep. Which is why, when the sisters leave their rented villa shortly after dawn I have already been up for several hours. Mornings are bright here in Florida so I can see the girls clearly as they exit their building and head for the beach. Or they would be heading for the beach if I didn’t reach into their minds and detour them to my own rented villa across the street.

I study them as they approach. Two young women, both thin and tall, red of hair and pale of skin, both exquisitely proportioned. They open the door to my villa and head for the main room, as soon as the door is closed behind them they start shedding their beachwear (sunglasses, shorts and bikinis), so that by the time they are standing side by side in front of me both are completely naked. Their minds are equally naked to me, but then the minds of other people almost always are.

Kacy stands on the left. A head shorter than her sister, the first thing you notice is the mane of fiery red hair curling around her shoulders, flaked with browns and golds. Her forehead bangs are straight and end just before her gray eyes. Her hair gives her a ‘wild child’ look, which is intentional but misleading, a peek into her memories shows that she’s actually quite well behaved for a ravishing 18-year old. The second thing you notice are the freckles, so many freckles dusting her face, neck and upper shoulders that her otherwise pale skin looks brown in places. The freckles lessen considerably below her shoulders, her perky C-cup breasts are almost porcelain white, areola and nipples a light pink contrast. Looking further down her freckles resume on her lower arms and thighs, her pussy is concealed behind a well-kept but thick red bush.

Where Kacy’s skin is a mottled map, her sister Molly’s is smooth and pale all over. Molly’s face is framed by straight red hair, much closer to blonde than the ruby tones of her sister’s hair. Her round face and straight nose make her an unusual beauty, but a beauty none the less. Molly’s clear blue eyes are staring at me widely. Her breasts are smaller than her sister’s (younger sister that is, by some six years) but this is compensated for by a cute round ass. Molly’s pubic hair is clean shaven, her outer pussy lips peek into view between her legs. A look into her memories brings back images of a steady boyfriend since high school and lots of gentle, caring, monotonously vanilla lovemaking.

I had closed the curtains before they arrived – the street is empty this early but no sense in taking risks. I sit in an armchair that is so roomy it is almost a small couch, in boxer briefs and nothing else. The room is silent, but the two girls’ current state of mind is a lot less placid, filled with equal parts fear and confusion. If I hadn’t removed their ability to talk they would be asking a lot of questions. I decide to answer some of them.

‘Good morning girls. As you can see I have taken control of you. I’ve left your minds intact-‘

(I can change the intensity of emotions, erase memories and project very simple optical illusions. I cannot alter thoughts or memories. But they don’t need to know that.)

‘-but your bodies obey only me. We three are going to play for a while, then you can go and continue with your day. You are going to do anything I want until I am satisfied and there is no-one to stop me. I’m doing this because I can. Yes, that should cover it. You may speak now.’

Molly is quickest to speak, shortly followed by Kacy.

‘W.. what? What’s going on, why can’t I move?’

‘How are you doing this? Let us go!’

Urgh, why did I bother with that speech? I remove their speech once again and they fall quiet mid-stammer. Perhaps they need a demonstration.

I issue the girls mental commands, and they walk towards me, drape themselves on each arm of the chair and start stroking my chest with their hands. As my own hands reach behind them to grope their asses the girls start kissing my shoulders, neck, and face. Their lips touch lightly on my skin, fingertips brushing against me, I am much less subtle with their bodies, filling my hands with their flesh, touching every available inch of their smooth pale skin.

The sister’s hands wander down until they reach my boxers, on my command Kacy lifts the band allowing Molly’s hand to reach inside and grab my rapidly hardening shaft. As Kacy moves the boxers up and over my penis and balls Molly gets a firm grip on my penis and starts jacking it off, tantalizingly slowly. Molly’s breath is hot in my ear as Kacy’s lips follow the path her hands took a moment ago, kissing down my chest until her head is hovering an inch above my dick. Kacy’s gaze is wide and fixed on my penis, watching as her sister works the skin of the shaft up and down over the head, at this distance she is almost cross-eyed trying to focus on it. Her breathing is rapid, the breeze in my ear from Molly is mirrored by Kacy’s breath on my penis. I feel like my dick is straining to grow the extra inch needed to reach the cute teen redhead’s freckled mouth. No need for such miracles though: Kacy has time for one short intake of breath before her head plunges down to take as much of my dick in her mouth as possible in one go, while her sister’s hand retreats to the base of my shaft to accommodate her.

The transition from teasing to full-on gratification is shocking even to me, and I ordered it. My attention is focused exclusively on the sight of Kacy’s mouth enveloping my dick, getting a good two-thirds of the way down before clamping lips tightly around the shaft and pulling up again. Her mouth feels warm and wet on me, and as her lips draw back I feel relative coolness of the exposed shaft, coated in her saliva. Molly’s hand has moved to my balls, while Kacy starts pumping her mouth up and down on my dick in much the same way Molly’s hand was doing just before.

It’s an intense feeling and I feel sure that if it continued this way I would rapidly orgasm. But then I think, why not? It’s not like there’s a time limit, I can play with these girls as long as I want. So with a mental command Molly moves down to place her head next to her Kacy’s rapidly bobbing one, allowing her a closeup view of her sister being orally violated. I reach one hand down to fondle Kacy’s breasts as they swing in time to her movements, teaking a nipple between my fingers and feeling that extra little spike of pain and humiliation from Kacy’s mind. Soon I feel my orgasm building, and following a rapid series of commands my dick exits Kacy’s tight lips with a wet pop, her hand takes control of the shaft and starts pumping hard while angling the head toward’s Molly’s face just as my cum starts boiling up the shaft. These actions take Molly by surprise, so both her mind and face display shock as a streak of cum flies out of my dick and hits her square on the lips. Another streak covers the bridge of her nose, and with a small angle adjustment the next crosses one eye and starts to drip down her cheek. Molly hasn’t been ordered to stop fondling my balls, so it feels almost like she is milking the cum out of them to ensure maximum face coverage, by the time my orgasm has subsided and my dick spurts out the last few drops of cum Molly’s face (and Kacy’s hand on my dick) is well coated in warm sticky cum.

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding as the orgasm winds down. I have just enough wits about me to mentally order Kacy to stop jacking my dick before it becom
es painful, instead her head bends down and she starts licking the cum off her hand and (very gently!) off the head of my dick. My immediate needs seen to I decide to allow the girls to talk a little more.

‘Urgh! Gross! It’s all over me, you fucking freak!’

‘Oh Jesus, Mol, I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop. I can’t stop doing this-‘ *lick’ ‘-uh, stop this, I-‘ *lick* ‘ugh.’

‘Let us go, man, please. Just – just let us- oh god no, it’s in my mouth.’

Molly clams shut to stop any more of my cum dripping from her lips into her mouth. Kacy’s protests are frequently interrupted by her licking my dick until they degenerate into repeated ‘no!’s and ‘stop’s and ‘please’s. Unfortunately for the girls, Kacy’s tongue on my dick has started reversing my earlier cooldown, and I feel the blood flowing back into my semi-erect penis once more. I do have certain plans though, so Kacy stops attending to my dick (much to her relief), stands and pads out of the room (much to her puzzlement).

This leaves me alone with Molly, who is kneeling with my cum drying on her face, whimpering through closed lips. I order her to silence, and as her mind registers alarm at no longer being able to talk her body leans forward. She helps me remove my boxers before her lips part and once again my dick enters the mouth of a cute unwilling redhead. I am still somewhat tender from Kacy’s vigorous blowjob, so Molly takes it more slowly, with only the tip of my dick slipping past her soft lips at first. This gives Molly’s tongue space to work, and it duly flicks and flutters around the head in a very sensual manner. It seems Molly has some natural talent at teasing dicks with her tongue, despite her inexperience.

Molly starts bobbing her head, only fractionally at first but soon building up a regular pace. I feel the friction of her soft lips sliding against my shaft, getting about halfway down before rising up again but never leaving my dick entirely. Molly’s eyes look up at me, wordlessly pleading to stop even as her tongue and lips work in concert to bring me to full hardness.

It’s at this point that Kacy returns to the room, to be greeted by the sight of her sister naked and kneeling between my legs, blowing me just as she had been earlier. Per my commands Kacy had visited the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned and douched herself in preparation for her next violation, but for now I am leaning back and enjoying Molly’s mouth, so I order Kacy to silently stand beside the chair and face me. This allows me to reach one arm over and reach between Kacy’s legs, which I duly do. In accordance with my mental commands Kacy’s arousal levels have been raised, so her pussy is well-lubricated by her own fluids, allowing me to slip a couple of fingers between her folds with ease.

My attention has been on Kacy and so I miss the point where Molly has managed to get the whole of my dick inside her mouth, when I turn back to look at her Molly’s lips are kissing the base of my dick, my shaft fully hidden inside her. I feel the tip of my dick just poking into her throat, at this angle all of my (average-sized) dick can fit in her mouth without needing to go down it. Nonetheless she is clearly finding it difficult to breathe. Unfortunately for her the look of discomfort on her face is endearing, and so I mentally order her to hold herself in that position. Her discomfort turns to alarm, then to panic as her air supply is obstructed by the head of my dick. I feel her throat spasm, ticking the head of my dick most pleasingly. Her eyes widen then slowly close as she starts to lose consciousness,

Before she passes out I have her lift her mouth off me. As I remove my fingers from Kacy’s pussy Molly practically collapses to the side, making space for her sister to swing one long shapely leg over my lap and start lowering herself onto my lap. Again the transition takes the girls by surprise, and before Kacy can fully grasp what is going on a good third of my dick has already passed her outer lips and is pushing into her tight teen pussy. Kacy’s mouth opens in an involuntary gasp as she feels my penis penetrate her, sliding smoothly down until she is sitting in my lap facing me, knees on either side and hands on my shoulders. Molly’s mouth was warm and inviting, but pussies always feel different, and Kacy’s vagina grips me firmly as it stretches to accommodate my size. I feel her pubic hair tickle me as she shifts a little to fit me in better.

Even through the curtains the early morning light is sufficient to take in the view before me. Kacy’s body is fit and lithe, skin pale except for swathes of freckles and a growing red flush on her chest between her breasts. Her breasts are pert and round with distinctly raised areolae, my viewpoint gives the perfect angle to appreciate the taught curve of her lower breasts where they meet her chest. Kacy’s face is partly obscured by her hair as she watches me reach up and cup those delicious breasts, I am unable to resist leaning forward and taking first one, then the other nipple in my mouth. Kacy’s own mouth is closed after her initial gasp, her jaw is tense as she mentally processes the fact of having a strange man occupying her pussy.

I enjoy the feeling of being completely inside this fit young woman, and so rather than have Kacy bounce on my dick I instead order her to start rotating her hips. She does so (of course), slowly at first as she gets a rhythm going but soon she is moving with energy. My dick is touching every part of her vagina as it swirls around insider her. The feeling is at once exquisite and subtle, I don’t think I could come like this (espeically after so recently blowing my load on Molly’s face), but it is certainly highly enjoyable.

It is also pretty strenuous for Kacy, after only a few minutes her skin starts pricking with sweat and her breathing starts to be ragged as she strains to maintain the pace. But that’s okay, I had other plans anyway. Molly has recovered enough to pick herself off the floor, and I order her to kneel in front of me. Kacy then raises her hips, and as my dick pops out of her pussy Molly takes hold of the shaft. My dick is wet and glistening from Kacy’s pussy juices, and although Kacy’s body is blocking my view the wave of disgust from Molly’s mind as she places my dick into her mouth is strong enough to guess what her expression is right now. Molly adds her own saliva to the mix, before my dick leaves her mouth but not her hand. Meanwhile Kacy’s hands have moved to her ass, and her mind radiates confusion as she takes hold of her own ass and pulls her cheeks apart before slowly lowering herself back down to my lap. Kacy’s confusion shades into horror as, with Molly’s help, my dick touches her puckered anus. She has guessed what’s coming next, but she cannot stop herself from stretching her ass as open as possible and lowering herself onto my waiting dick. Momentarily I wish I could see through Molly’s eyes as she gets a close up view of the head of my dick pushing against her sister’s asshole before disappearing inside, followed by my shaft, dripping with Kacy’s pussy juices and Molly’s saliva.

Kacy is an anal novice, and it is clear from both her expression and the feelings roiling around her mind that this experience is not at all a positive one. I regret not giving her back her speaking ability before the initial penetration, oh well, maybe I’ll remember when I fuck her sister’s ass later. In the meantime I relish the feeling of being deep inside Kacy’s ass, as she settles down in my lap once more. This time, I do want Kacy to bounce, and so she removes her hands from her ass and leans back to place them on my knees behind her. She spreads her legs at the same time, and I can now see where my dick has entered her ass, only about a quarter of an inch visible when Kacy is resting on my legs. As she raises her ass more of my dick comes into view, but it is again hidden as she drives her body back down, before repeating the move. And again. And again, impaling herself on my dick and causing her whole bod
y to shake with each downstroke. The hot young redhead is effectively fucking my dick with her ass, and it feels exactly as wonderful as you would expect.

Molly is extra to requirements right now, so I order her to the bathroom. Kacy doesn’t notice her sister’s departure, her mind is fully occupied simply enduring this latest violation of her body. I have no intention of causing lasting damage, so after a few more piledriving downstrokes I let her settle into a slower, more managable pace. To compensate I have her pause occasionally on the upstroke with just the head of my dick inside her, and swirl her hips around. This produces an intense friction as the head of my dick is rolled around her anal ring, more than once I react by thrusting my hips upward and deepening the penetration, before Kacy once more lowers herself down and the cycle starts again.

By the time Molly reappears – pussy and asshole thoroughly cleaned, but face still streaked with dried cum – Kacy is exhausted and I am very close to my second orgasm of the morning. I’m tempted to come in Kacy’s ass, or maybe treat Molly to another facial, but I don’t want to miss out on fucking Molly again and I feel like if I come now it may be a while before I’m ready for the next bout. So with a great effort of will I have Kacy stop and lift herself off my dick. Kacy’s feeling of relief as she flops onto the floor is the reverse of my own emotions, I have to almost force myself to sit still for a few minutes and let the urge to stick my dick in either girl and fuck them ragged subside.

Kacy is lying on her back, chest heaving most attractively as she starts cooling down from her exertions. Molly had not been given any more precise commands than to return to the room, so she stands still as a statue, facing me, eyes to the side where she is just about able to see her sister’s prone form. I return speech to Molly, but speak first before she is able to form a sentence.

‘Your sister left a bit of a mess, babe, how about you clean that up.’

‘F.. fuck you. I’m not your fucking slave, I don’t have to… to… no!’

Molly’s protests are spirited but ineffective. No amount of willpower can counter my mental commands, a fact made clear when, despite her vocal resistance the attractive redhead pads over to me, takes hold of my knees, parts my legs and kneels down between them. She starts to interrupt her own litany with gentle licks to my thighs, hips, balls and eventually my semi-erect dick, cleaning off Kacy’s pussy juices and sweat.

‘Mmph! Urgh, fuck no, I-‘*lick*’-gah no-‘*liiick*’-thi-‘*liick*’HELMMpph!!’

Molly’s tongue feels good, but the denial of climax earlier has paradoxically numbed me to further stimulation, so I do not regain my erection. After five minutes or so I am acceptably clean.

‘Nice work Molly. Your tongue work is good.’

‘Fu…fu..fuck you.’

‘You will soon, just let me get my breath back. In the meantime, you missed a spot.’

I wave an arm in the general direction of Kacy, lying on her back legs splayed. Molly doesn’t take my meaning at first, but as she starts crawling over to her sister she get’s the picture.

‘What? I… oh. Oh no, don’t. That’s disgusting, please. It’s not, it’s not right. Oh god not with Kace, please!’

I allow Kacy to turn her head and watch as her sister comes over to her, she’s phased out from tiredness and hasn’t been paying attention to recent events, but nonetheless her eyes widen in panic as Molly places her body over Kacy’s, knees on either side of Kacy’s shoulders. Kacy would prefer to keep her head to the side, but a mental order from me and she turns her head to see Molly’s pussy approaching her face. Molly is still begging me to stop, but her voice is soon muffled as her head buries itself between Kacy’s legs. For fun, I allow Kacy to talk as well, and soon the room is filled with the sounds of indistinct gasps and moans and squeals as the two redheads lick and probe each other’s pussies. Looking into their minds, arousal is very far from the primary emotion generated by this act, but there is still enough for me to work with. I dial up the girls’ arousal levels as much as possible, which isn’t very much under the circumstances but I’ll be damned if their moans didn’t take on a slightly different tone…

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Pictures of Molly

I’d been friends with Molly for a couple of years at least, mainly because our desks were situated close to each other at work.   We got along very well, but that was it really.   Despite my finding her incredibly attractive, she never really showed any interest in me, so we stayed “just friends”. Once we’d gotten to know each other about as well as platonic friends can, we started to discuss ourselves in a little more intimate detail.   It was nothing more than exciting conversations...

3 years ago
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A Jump With Molly

Jamie was like most men and could be talked into almost anything by a pretty girl.  That was never more evident than now—sitting in a small plane, looking at Molly with her beautiful, bushy brown hair sticking out under her helmet, blown in the fierce draft of the open door.  Her smiling features looked excited, not frightened, and her incredible body looked ready to go, as always.   In a few moments, she would jump out of this, perfectly functioning, plane, and he would follow her.  Other than...

4 years ago
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Amazing Molly

Sarah was slut and that was just the kind of girls I aimed for, girls you could fuck and fuck until you were bored fucking them and the dump them without feeling bad, and then a week later I'd find a new one. That night was the last night I last fucked Sarah, she came over dress in a small white mini skirt, and a blue tank top fully exposing her hard 36' B's, She just walked in and started yelling at me for smelling like pot, I was really pissed, for I was almost sick of fucking her and...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Molly

My name is Molly and i'm a career driven lawyer who as just recently turned 30. As a result of being career driven through my late 20s, I have sacrificed relationships in order to acheive being a successful lawyer on partner track at my firm located in Newport Beach California. For most of the last 5 years I have trived in the high stress environment, however everyone in a while a girl needs to unwind. Today is Friday afternoon of the last longweekend of the summer and i just completed a big...

Group Sex
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Kaci at the Beach

Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance. As I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the easy up sun shade and approaching me remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her with a smile as I continued to move down past where they were to set up. I quickly set up my umbrella, a beach chair, and I laid out a towel for my dog. As I sat there soaking in the sun and the waves. It was hard to not...

3 years ago
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Rape of Molly

He had been stalking me for almost four months now. My whole life had been turned upside down. I slept all day, fearing the nights. I had my phone number changed so many times it was ridiculous. My own mother couldn't keep track of me. It started innocently. Met him through a friend. At some stupid country western bar one cold January night. He said hello and I said hello back. Just being friendly. I left a few hours later, having only said hello. He wasn't even in my thoughts....

3 years ago
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Meeting Molly

The world was a shitty place. Not only was my sister on my case in the worst way, but I had a headache like someone had been testing nuclear weapons in my head, courtesy of a monumental hangover. The way Alice was going on at me it was hard to figure out which was worse.  “You insulted my friend,” my sister Alice was saying for the hundredth time, loud and angry. “You were pissed and you insulted her. You embarrassed me you cretin. Look at you… you can barely open your eyes you were so pissed...

3 years ago
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Miss Molly

Das habe ich nun davon Eigentlich hat es mich nur mal gereizt, wie es wohl ist, eine sehr mollige Frau zu sein. Wenn ich die dicken Frauen so beobachtet habe, wie sie ihre Gew?nder tragen, wie sie mit ihren strammen Schenkeln laufen, wie ist das so? Wie f?hlen sie sich dabei? Meine Neugier, einmal solche Kleidung zu tragen wurde immer gr??er. So beschloss ich, mir bei Ebay eine Ausstattung f?r mollige Frauen ab Gr??e 60 zu ersteigern. Eigentlich klappte alles auch ganz gut...

3 years ago
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Mollyann makes a videoMollyann finished her moves in front of the camera, then straightened up and walked round behind it.She hit playback, her large blue eyes studying the small screen at the back.“Oh shoot!” she swore, tossing her long blond curls in frustrationIrritated, she cleared the video and prepared to do another shoot.She was trying something new, making an aerobics video for her channel. So far it had not gone well, she was trying to do it alone, and had her camera on a tripod – but...

3 years ago
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Barb and Mollie

The two had made it a day together. They turned a quick trip out to the mall into a girl's brunch that morphed into something else. They wanted the time away from things back home and the dreariness of domestic life. There was catching up to do; catching up on one another more precisely. One had moved in just down the street from the other and the two old gal pals could not have been more pleasantly surprised or happier.Barb and Mollie walked along through the promenade between the shops. They...

2 years ago
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The Orgasmic Adventures of Maggie and Mollie

The two lovely young women had met each other at their belly-dance class and they decided to become roomies. The shared a nice two bedroom apartment. Maggie was a striking beauty. She stood 5'7" tall and measured 38-24-36. Her near-black hair fell to her shoulders and she had it permed into a flip. Her face could have belonged to a movie star. She seemed to combine all the best features of Penelope Cruz and Angelina Jolie. Mollie was beautiful in a different way. She was a rubenesque...

4 years ago
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Taking Kaci

It was winter break and I went with my boyfriend (Mark) to his house to meet his family. Little did I know what was going to happen? I was wearing a tight black tank-top and a pair of my tight jeans. From the second that we arrived at Mark’s house his family was really nice. Looking back I guess a little too nice. His mom was a heavy set lady with short blond hair. Mark’s dad (bob) was about 6’4” and other than his big beer gut he was a semi- muscular man. His balding hair and...

4 years ago
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Blog 3 1979 2000 Dont judge a book by its

After meeting Reinna when I was 19 yrs old and later some of her girlfriends. I had the opportunity to spend time with them, would go to The Motherlode during the daytime and spend hours with them. San Francisco is multicultural, girls either moved there or would visit. San Francisco was very optimistic and a safe haven for TSs, Transvestites and Crossdressers whom experienced discrimination or came from homophobic and transphobic locations.In the Tenderlion District they were embraced and...

2 years ago
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culotteculotte mouilleculotte porteacut

Je m’appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j’adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d’y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d’un délicieux nectar … C’est un moyen pour moi d’avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l’érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d’ouvrir l’enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

2 years ago
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Forced To Suck Cock Part 2

I had no plans on showing up but about two hours before I was supposed to be there I got a text message from them that said I had better be there or I would be sorry. I thought about it for a little while and decided it would probably be better for me to show up. I drove out to where I was to meet them and just waited and they drove up exactly when they said they would. They walked to my car and told me to get out. They said we were going to walk out a little further so there would be...

4 years ago
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QVC Julia The Affair Part 3 The Threesome

From the view of DaleI had a call from Julia to drive down to her house. It seemed like a lifetime ago she had her sexy knickers on, and I was having annal sex at that Christmas party. I was so excited to get there, especially to her house. So was a fair bit older than me, a cougar I guess, but she was highest earner at work and had been there for 17 years. I expected her to be have a nice place. All I knew about it was that it was rented.As I drove into her driveway, I saw her sports car...

3 years ago
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The First Little Steps

He didn’t see her for the next two days. He assumed she wouldn’t be sitting in the shop over the weekend. He went about his business on Saturday and Sunday. Monday afternoon he went back, but he didn’t bother buying any coffee. He looked around, saw her sitting at a window table, and went to join her. ‘May I join you,’ he said, smiling at her. She looked up and returned his smile. ‘I wish you would.’ He sat down. ‘No coffee today?’ she asked. He laughed and she responded with one of her...

2 years ago
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In FluxChapter 10

Connie’s recovery was fairly swift. Perhaps it was because of her attitude. She didn’t seem to go through the useless business of wondering why it had happened, or the ‘if only I had paused a moment somewhere along the way, somebody else would have been hit”. She just accepted the fact that it had happened, completely bypassing the depression stage, tacking the job of recuperating as just something that had to be done. She was released from the hospital two days later and sent to a nearby...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Two

Taylor sighed in resignation. “Can we go back to factorials?” she asked, her voice strained.She wasn’t understanding permutations at all. We were hitting a bit of a roadblock - while we hit it off well in our first week, all things considered, there was a factor in our arrangement we hadn’t considered: I may have known the math, but I did not have the communication skills to teach them.“Well, we have n and we have r, so we just need to take n factorial and divide it by n times r factorial,” I...

1 year ago
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Joy of a BBC Find Another Cock

Jessica had been a slut for Marcus the rest of the weekend. She had sucked his cock as they showered together, and sat on his massive cock in front of Jim while they nibbled at breakfast. Out by the pool, he fucked her oiled tits and blew his cream all over her face and chest, which Jessica proceeded to lap up. Jim heard the springs creaking, the head board banging the wall and all the moans and screams as they went upstairs for a "nap." And Saturday night, Jessica dressed like a real tramp in...

4 years ago
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sisters turned lesbian PT 3

sisters turned lesbian PT 3THIS STORY IS A FANTASY AND ONLY A FANTASY. I DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY SUCH ACTIVITIES. I sat in my room waiting for my mother to come in.I'm in big trouble, caught performing 69 with my little si(s)ter, calling her a slut and telling her to eat me out bitch.What can I say? How do I justify what we were doing?I heard the door knob turn, here goes.Debbie, what in gods name were you doing?You saw what we were doing mom.That's not what I mean and you know it! WHY were...

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A surprise for Sir

She had known him online a long time. He was one of those guys you just couldn’t help but to notice. She had never imagined anything would come of it, but to her great surprise, he noticed her too, and over time, things blossomed. He saw sides to her she didn’t even realize was there and as her eyes started to open, he became her lover, her Dom and her great love. One day she jumped on a plane to go see him and from then on there was no going back, She could no longer live without him, and as...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 3 Inauguration

Hannah called Liz back the following day. "I've had a chat with the others," she said. "And?" Liz responded. "I take it you're still interested?" Liz thought back to yesterday afternoon. She had spent the entire afternoon trawling the internet to see what she could find. Some of it had been fascinating; some of it horrific. Some of it she'd found a real turn on. "Yes," she said determinedly, "I'm still interested." "OK. Well here's what folk think. They are a bit nervous...

3 years ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 22

THE rash exploit had been accomplished; and for an hour Passepartout laughed gaily at his success. Sir Francis pressed the worthy fellow's hand, and his master said, "Well done!" which, from him, was high commendation; to which Passepartout replied that all the credit of the affair belonged to Mr. Fogg. As for him, he had only been struck with a "queer" idea; and he laughed to think that for a few moments he, Passepartout, the ex-gymnast, ex-sergeant fireman, had been the spouse of a...

4 years ago
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Vigilantethe Beginning1Chapter 16

I decided that I needed publicity in the Atlanta area if I was going to get a range of clients. I knew that the FBI would continue to call on me occasionally for help with cases, but I would need civilian clients if I wanted to keep busy. Therefore, I asked Agent Jones to make sure that my name was mentioned in connection with any publicity on the "moon killer" case. As a result, I got some splash in regional newspapers and the New York Times, as well as mention in a number of radio news...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch09

Chapter: September “The Glow of the Moon” * Decisions vary in scope and importance. We make them all the time; their making defines us as people, tells others who we have been, what we are, what we might be. Maybe you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, or hot summer nights with a tall glass of cold lemonade. A slender girl with legs that climb all the way to heaven, or one with curves that don’t quit, promising to send you freefalling into love. The high-paying stressful job that...

Love Stories
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Chubby Girls Need Love Too

As a young girl she was teased. She had always been considered the “fat girl.” Things did not get much better for her as a teen. Nobody asked her on dates. She would soothe herself with food. It was not that she was not pretty. She had a beautiful face. Why do people always say that? Abby Nelson was pretty. The fondest memory Abby had was when everybody in her house was asleep. She would put her bathing suit on and would float in her parents in ground pool. She enjoyed the peacefulness of the...

2 years ago
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Mack and Me

 I am a 36yr old black crossdresser who only came out the closet about four years ago going to cd bars and clubs to dance and so forth but this is about a dream I had reasonly about a guy I’ve been chatting with online, now we never have met yet but I do know its just a matter of time anyway here is my dream.  I was out for a night of fun in one of my regular clubs dressed for the kill in a short red pleated skirt red top and four inch open toe shoes, I was having a drink with one of my regular...

4 years ago
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TRANSFORMERS Sort Of Conclusion

Chapter 5 Now, I could tell you all of what was said in that room that night, and all the technical stuff that they tried to drum into my head about the changes they'd managed to make in the suit so I wouldn't get any rashes or like that, but it would just be a meaningless jumble of words to you, much the same way it was to me. Oh I remember all that they said, but not much of it made any real sense to me right then. The only thing I could concentrate on, the one thing that kept...

2 years ago
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The Hurricane of 2020Chapter 8

I called Beasley on my personal phone and worked through his receptionist. Before I got to him, I had formed an opinion that he was a nasty individual. When he picked up, he said, "This is Beasley, who the hell are you." "I'm Bill Anderson as you well know." "Well, I'm tired of your threats to my client." "It's no threat. Richard, if he made that deal, was way beyond the scope of his authority. He's dead, there's nothing in writing, and we, meaning Eve, will have nothing to do...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Alicia Williams Stepbrothers Little Dicky

Alicia Williams and her stepbrother, Anthony Pierce, get into it over the last cupcake. Alicia grabs it first, then taunts Anthony by telling him she saw his little dicky in the shower the other day. When Anthony tries to argue back, Alicia smears the cupcake’s frosting on her nipple and orders him to lick it off. The stepsiblings are interrupted in their bickering when Alicia’s mom comes home, but Alicia isn’t done with Anthony. She waits until he’s in his room and then...

4 years ago
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The Thrill of it All

The Thrill of it all Janet L Stickney [email protected] Just being able to get dressed up always sent shivers down my spine, a feeling that never failed to wash over me; just the thought of it was almost enough. I had kept my secret close, not allowing anyone to know, but the urge to leave the safety of the house was starting to overwhelm me in every sense of the word. Soon it became a daily occurrence, that when got home, I would quickly put on a dress, or skirt and blouse...

1 year ago
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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 17

"What do you brats want now?" Emma Worthington did not bother to hide her extreme dislike of the Larsen twins. Why should she? It was clear they were over-privileged, smart-mouthed little brats, spoiled rotten! The fact that she knew they managed to pull the wool over practically every teacher's eyes in the entire school only added to her desire to treat the boys with the ill- humor she felt they truly deserved. "Teachers' pets!" she thought ruefully, thinking of all the special...

2 years ago
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Miss Kelly Johnson

“I can’t believe you.You’re such whore. My mom and my dad? Really? I can’t believe you’d fuck them, they’re my parents. You’re meant to be my best friend.” I was reckless, I sneaked a kiss from Sara and Kelly walked in on us. She saw us kissing, she saw my hand up her mum’s skirt. She could see what was going on and was not happy. After all, I had lost my lesbian virginity to her. We were sitting on her bed in her bedroom. She looked close to tears. It’s not as if we were exclusive lovers, we...


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