JIMS wanking gets him in trouble part 6
- 2 years ago
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"Yes, I guess you do. The known dead are Erol and Joanne, Chuck and Annie, Joan, Melissa, and Eudora. All four of our teens are seriously hurt but should recover. Also, injured were Mickey and Linda. Missing are Andy and Marjorie, Bill and Elaine, Elwood and Maureen, and Andrew and Mary. Those who are okay except for minor bumps and bruises are Billy and Jenny, Jack and Della, and Ben and Sue.
"We haven't found anything about the missing yet. They and the four of you were in the central part of the tornado. Mickey and Linda had all four teens with them. They were around the edge and the most serious is Shirley. She may have spinal injuries but we don't know yet.
"What's your story?"
"Arnie, tell Doreen while Wendy and I go see our injured, please."
Arnie and Melody stayed with Doreen and told our story to her. Wendy and I went into the hospital proper and talked to our people.
Mickey and Linda had the kids with them when the edge of the tornado struck. They quickly abandoned the horses and wagon and got low. They were injured when a tree fell on their hiding place. Doreen was riding with Billy and Jenny and came out unscathed. They found Mickey and Linda and the kids. They loaded them into their wagon and came into town. After the injured were put into the hospital, Billy and Jenny were ready to head out to search.
We wondered about those on the missing list. I realized there was some realistic hope because of our circumstances. I wanted our missing found, one way or the other. I said as much to Wendy and she agreed.
The hunt was now on. The Antwerp people were helpful though they had their own problems. We borrowed a four horses and Wendy, Melody, Arnie, and I started searching.
We went back to where our party had started to split up because of the storm. Arnie suggested we go just a little further in case someone turned back. I'm glad we did. We had gone around a bend and found the remains of one of our wagons. We found Mary beside Andrew. Both alive but in bad shape. Both of their horses had been killed.
Andrew had been thrown out and hurt. Mary had stayed with him. She had kept him with water to drink and warm blankets. Melody went back to town for a buggy while we helped them as best as possible. Andrew had his left arm and leg broken. We moved him very little and only to make him ready for transport. We told Mary that we had help, a hospital, and Doreen in town. She fainted. We put her beside Andrew under a blanket to keep her warm and comfortable.
We heard a horse and buggy hurrying down the road. Doreen was with the driver and Melody was beside them. Doreen looked at the situation and had us pick up Andrew and get him arranged in the back of the buggy. Wendy shook Mary and she climbed aboard. They headed back to town.
We continued our search for our remaining three couples. We went still a bit further but did not see anything that would indicate anyone back tracked other than Andrew and Mary. We started toward town moving slowly trying to ascertain any indication of a wagon or wagons leaving the road. Melody saw the next trace with a track going off road toward an old barn. We followed the trace and found a wagon in the barn. We recognized it as Bill's and Elaine's. We began calling out their names. At the back of the barn, we found them lying together dead.
They had been shot. We moved more carefully then. I sent Arnie and Melody off to look around and stay out of sight. Wendy and I went back inside the barn and inspected the wagon. It had been lightly looted and the horses were gone. I could see where they were led out. When Arnie returned, I would have him look. We knew the horses that Bill and Elaine had and could identify them if we ever saw them again. There were shovels in the barn. Arnie and I found a spot in a grove of trees and buried them together.
It was late afternoon, but we kept searching. Doreen had mentioned to us that, if there are injuries, they need help or it would be too late. We continued to search but were more careful because we now knew there were murdering looters in the area.
We found Elwood and Maureen next. They were in a barn that had collapsed and were killed by falling wood. Their horses were dead, also. We buried them together quickly and, though it was twilight, continued on searching for Andy and Marjorie, our last missing couple.
Two farms later, we found them. Both by now badly hurt from the shock as well as from their injuries. Melody was sent back again to get help while we found their horses, one dead, and got their wagon cleared off and able to carry them. We cleared the tree limbs off them, covered them with blankets, and fed and watered them. Both were in bad shape from laying on the ground, but alive. Perhaps with Doreen and the other woman ministering to them, they would return to health. That was my hope. Marjorie had both legs broken and Andy's right side was crushed. We could cushion Marjorie's legs and get her into the wagon on their bed. Wendy stayed with her while Arnie and I watched over Andy.
We were afraid to move him until Doreen could tell us what to do. We kept him covered and gave him some water. He was in a lot of pain but it appeared to me that his injuries were internal except for the obvious broken bones in his right arm and leg. I had no idea how to handle it. It took a while, but Melody returned with Doreen in a buggy. She went to the wagon and Marjorie. She looked in on her and nodded. Then, she came over to Andy. She carefully looked him over and then started to gently prod his right side. He moaned as she touched him. She moved back and motioned to me as Arnie covered him again.
She said, "Jim, it's not good but we can't leave him here. We need a back board to slide him on and then put him on the wagon and get them both into town."
"Go back to him. Arnie and I will figure something out." She moved to Andy. When Arnie came out, I said, "Arnie, we need to put together a back board." He nodded. We went over to the farmhouse and found some wide boards to make a six foot long, two and a half foot wide, back board. We carried it over to Andy and Doreen and carefully slid him onto it. We carried him to the wagon and slid him in beside Marjorie. He was still breathing though you tell he was in serious pain. We hooked up their remaining horse and mine and I drove the wagon into town with Doreen and Wendy in the back.
When we arrived, people helped us move him out and the other nurse took Marjorie into the hospital with some help. We moved Andy in on the board and Doreen took us to the x-ray room. Power could be made for emergency use by running a motor that powered a generator. It was cranky and gasoline was running out. She wanted to take x-rays of his side. Broken arms and legs were now routine but his injuries concerned her a lot. We placed him on the table, board and all. The motor was cranked after a number of tries and some tinkering. Doreen lined up the machine, and started taking pictures. After five, she went into the dark room and developed them. She came out even more concerned. She motioned me outside leaving Arnie with him.
"His back is broken. This is beyond my skills. I will talk to Angela and see what she knows. I am not optimistic. Even if it heals, he may not walk."
'Please talk to Angela. Should we get him into a room?"
"Yes, put him in eight. Keep him on the board. Angela and I will be in later."
We moved him into the room laying the board on the bed. Doreen and Angela came in and began to cut his clothing off. They put his arm and leg in splints. They checked his reactions at his feet and didn't look happy. One of the ladies from Antwerp came in to sit with him.
I was waiting outside the room. They came out and Angela started, "Jim, he has some paralysis. I don't know how to handle it. I will have to read up but I am not hopeful."
Doreen said, "We have a doctor back at the Woods. Jim, can we make contact by radio?"
"At this time, no. Arnie and I will go out with a wagon to Fort Wayne and look for a radio and determine how to make enough electricity or get what they have here a little more reliable. Wendy and I had the radio equipment in our wagon and it's all gone. How's my grandson? If he can travel, it would help."
"He can't travel. His legs were broken. I don't want him moved for another week at all. Even then travel, unless he's on his back, will be painful."
"We will have to make things work. I guess I can talk to him?" I questioned. They nodded and told me his room number.
He and Jeremy were roomed together. I went in and was greeted. Joanna was there with her arm in a sling and a bandage on her head. She was at Tom's bed. "That's interesting." I thought to myself.
"Tom, how are you feeling?"
"Okay, Granddad. It doesn't hurt too bad."
"We have a problem. The radios are gone along with Wendy's and my wagon. We need to contact the Woods and talk to Doc as well as report."
"Then we will have to find new radios."
"Correct, you will have to explain to me what I need to find and all. We will obtain it and bring it back. I am guessing that producing power is the most difficult issue. Is that right?"
"Yes, Sir. Most decent sized cities will have stores or hams. Before the power died, Uncle Ed downloaded all the hams and stores divided by state and then zip code. The list of stores is not very good. However, if you can find a ham, you can find equipment there. Then we can hook up some power. Some of the portables are okay and will help but their range will not reach to the Woods."
"Where is the list?"
The list was in his baggage which he pulled under him in the storm. He knew that that piece of knowledge might be very important. He's a smart kid. I found his baggage, a large pack, and went through it finding the list, thick and closely spaced. I found out some local zip codes and looked up those codes. I found the names and addresses of four local hams. There were a number in Fort Wayne, but I hoped we wouldn't have to go into the city. I took my list, found one of the Antwerp people, and showed them the list explaining what we wanted to do and why. He knew two of them. They were dead but he agreed to take us to their homes.
We went to the first. We could see antennas still in the air and probably there were some on the ground, too. I saw wire on the ground. We went inside and found the radio room. I wrote the names of the radios on a sheet of paper and described in writing everything I saw that might be radio related. Outside, I wrote descriptions of the antennas still up as well as tried to describe those on the ground. In looking in the barn, we found a gas generator but no gas. There were two cars parked there, also. There were also electrical testing tools. I wrote descriptions of everything for Tom.
At the second house, we saw a lot of destruction from weather. We found the radios but I doubted if any were usable. However, in the garage, we found some batteries, what was left of solar panels on the roof, and a hand generator. That was something I could put to work with a bicycle. We did not find anything much for antennas.
We headed back to the hospital with the information. Return visits with a buggy would be in order, I thought. Tom agreed. He marked off a few things at first and then said to bring everything from the first house. We went back out with a buggy and loaded everything up and brought it to the hospital. We decided to use the building next door to avoid crowding. We set the radios up as I had seen many times before. We found a big tree and mounted an antenna from it. After charging some batteries, we tried to contact the Woods. We could hear them but they couldn't hear us. I talked with Tom and he asked about some of the test equipment. He had us check with it. When I came back with the results, he gave me specific recommendations for modifications that I made. My next attempt was successful.
I told Ed to get Paul and Doc to the radio because we had been in some bad weather. The sound was scratchy, but readable. Paul and Doc arrived and I explained everything to them and anyone else listening. I told Doc what Doreen and Angela told me. He asked for one of them to come to the radio. I sent Melody for either one. While she was fetching one of them, Paul and I talked updating him in more detail and getting current information on their contacts and happenings in the Woods.
Both Angela and Doreen arrived. They talked with Doc who was not optimistic either but gave them lengthy detailed instructions on what to do. He also went over what they had done with the other injured and approved their efforts.
Doreen and Angela worked over Andy as the rest of their patients healed. Andy was in pain from his injuries and, other than his leg and arm, not getting better. Angela and Doreen had been in frequent contact with Doc and were doing what they could but a small town clinic was not a big city hospital with a trained medical staff. From what I heard, Andy needed a major operation that still might not be successful.
a'so do i need to go and check the laundry basket or have you been behaving yourelf ?' amanda asks jim'please mom some of your knickers are covered in cum but its not mine mom''really so who's cum is it ?''uh its darryls cum mom''really and why would darryl feel the need to wank off onto my knickers ?''please mom i don't know mom but i'm telling you the truth mom its not my cum i didn't do it mom''well darrly was here to keep an eye on you and you were supposed to do as you were told so if its...
j'jim wake up' amanda says nudging jim'huh what whats happening what time is it ?''its 3am i bought your cup come on get up sit on the side of the bed and wank off for me' amanda hands him his cup'please mom no its really early you know i like my sleep please not now''you know my rules so come on stamd up get those pj's off wank into your cup don't keep mommy waiting' amanda smiles 'and in future i want you sleeping in the nude understood ?''yes mom' jim stands and takes off his pj's 'please...
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'jens on the way round jim here take your cup start wanking i'm not sure if she's coming alone or bringing her sons with her but i want you in front of the door wanking off when she comes in ok''but mom please she may not be on her own i don't want to wank off in front of anyone else please mom''so you don't mind wanking off in front of your mom and your aunt but not anyone else ?''uh no mom i don't like wanking off in front of anyone mom''well if you don't like it why does your cock get hard...
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The next few days went by in a whirlwind. Shirley and I worked on details of the house making it our home. Janice came over for a while every day to help out. We talked to the guys on the radio in the evening. After the radio talk, Shirley said, "I talked to your mother today. Day after tomorrow, the whole family is coming over to celebrate the newest Mathews home with a pot luck dinner." "Okay, dear. Do I need to do anything special to prepare?" "Just help me prepare." "I can do...
The storm blew itself out during the night and the morning was bright and clear. Shirley and I woke up together. We lay snuggled in each others' arms. "Today, we move into our own home." I said. "That sounds good. Let's invite your parents over day after tomorrow, and Mary and Janice, also. We can have all the family over after that." "Suits me." "So, we had better get moving. We have to move this bedroom to our house and the one from there back here. We also need to get the...
Hello, My name is Krish from Bangalore. I am good looking and always want love, lust and much more ;) . I am going to write a few sex stories from now on which happened already and might happen in near future hope you guys masturbate a lot :D . I love sex and evening thinking about sex makes me hard. I am not so jolly type and not so gloomy type. This story is regarding how I made a girl who met online on facebook to sleep with me. Here we go.. I usually send random friend request on facebook...
Shirley began calling "CQ" on HF but received no answer. She said we would try off and on during the day and evening. "Jack, there are a number of bands and frequencies on each band. It's not surprising that we didn't get a reply on our first try." "I understand, Shirl. It would have been nice to have made a contact." It was quiet and I heard a rhythmic grunting from another room. "Ed and Janice seem to be making contact." Shirley said and giggled. I looked at her and gave her...
I finished Mary's grave putting some flowers over and along it and went inside. Joan and Doris hugged me and we all cried for a bit. They went back to their husbands who were weaker than before. They were fine men and I was rapidly losing hope for them and my little granddaughter, Ann. I decided that my office was not that important any more. Preparations for the future needed to be considered and this was my place to plan and work. I went to my study, opened a pad, and started making a...
Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...
JIM I could hear the coffee as it completed perking. I also had to piss. I gently moved away and got out of bed. I smiled down at her and went into the bathroom. While in there, I cleaned up. When I came out, I put on clothes and went downstairs. I noticed she had left, also. When I got downstairs, she was heating frozen pancakes for us and was dressed. "Do you want butter, syrup, or both?" "Both if the butter's still good." "It is for now." We ate together in a companionable...
Monday morning, I drove the four miles to Ed's house and picked him up. He threw a small case in the back of the cab for clothes where mine was. We had put the guns on the floor in back and were not wearing our pistols though they were in easy reach. Ed and I had decided on our route a few days ago. We would take the interstate to town. I-85 would take us by the airport and we could see if there was any activity there. Going through south Atlanta should be fairly safe with all the sickness....
We drove into town slowly and carefully. The roads were deserted. We saw no one or even any sign of anyone. We went to the local shopping center with our current needs list. Doris told me on the way in to take everybody with me as she needed to go to the drug store and fill prescriptions and pick up some simple medical supplies. We pulled up at the local grocery store and went over our lists. The girls were after fresh fruits and vegetables. Charlie was after canned goods and bread. My...
We took the freezers to the Stover house and hooked them up in their old living room. We then went home. I said, "We just met the kind of people we don't want but we don't want to hurt them either. We will have to watch better in the future as more survivors will be on the roads. Some will be ax murderers." We decided to take it easy for the rest of the day and use the time to put together a new set of priorities. After a bit of discussion, gunnery practice wound up as the first thing....
I woke up that morning naked with a naked body next to mine. I kissed Shirley's forehead and her eyes opened, "Good morning, Mrs. Mathews. Did you sleep well?" She grinned at me. "I slept very well. I knew we slept together okay but it's better, much better, naked!" We kissed again. "What time is it, Dear?" I looked over her shoulder at my clock and said, "Just after eight." "Time to get up and greet our public." She said grinning. "I hope we weren't too noisy last night. My...
Mickey and I finished our classes that Spring and managed to graduate, each with a degree in Engineering. With his grade point above the clouds, Mickey finished first in our class of Engineers, graduating with high honors and all the accompanying publicity. We had both received several job offers which we carefully scrutinized and rated over numerous beers at a local pub. Although we were in different areas of engineering, we shared a mutual interest in automotive engineering, and especially...
It had been two days since I had buried Joan's and Doris' husbands. We were starting to get our emotions under control. The girls each had a child who needed care and watching all four of them gave me something to do. When I got up, I went into the kitchen and started making coffee. Joan walked in and said, "Dad, I think it's time we started to do something though I'm not sure what. Have you any thoughts?" "Yes, Joannie, I have. As much as we love this house and all its memories,...
Dad and Mom were glad for my return. We had dropped Ed and Janice at his house on the way, so they were also presented with Shirley. My mom and dad were welcoming to her. She was invited to use the guest bedroom for as long as she wanted. We sat down in the living room with Shirley and me on the sofa. Dad brought me up to date on the details of happenings here while we were gone. He and his brother, Tom, had done what I suggested. They also set up a food depot with freezers and secure...
JIM After we finished picking out clothes and vehicles, we went over to my house for supper. Doris, Joan, and Anna made me proud with their cooking. Dinner was excellent with wine and lots of polite conversation. Wendy and Addy had helped with the dishes with Doris. We continued our conversations. When they returned, Doris looked at me with a look I knew. There was something important to be said. Wendy came up to me and said, "Addy and I talked to Doris. We don't have anyone anywhere. We...
As we went out my parents' drive to the road, Shirley explained to me why we were looking for a house. "We need to start a family eventually and, for that, will need a house of our own. Also, as a matter of policy, our community needs to spread out and grow." "Okay, what are we looking for in a house?" "We need a place big enough for us to have a family, it needs to be off the road a bit, and it would be nice if it were on a hill or close to a hill for the radios." I thought for a...
Chapter Three – The Burrow Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, nc-cons, inc, magic Harry and Ron couldn’t stop smiling, even after the unfortunate and grisly attack the previous night by a group of Death Eaters. The Quidditch match had gone so well, with Ireland beating Bulgaria, and Krum catching the snitch. The unwarranted attack by a group of death eaters...
The idea behind this story actually came from an episode of a show I watched almost 10 years ago. I remembered it last night, and wrote it this morning. Comments, questions, or criticism can be directed to [email protected] or [email protected] The Sketchbook By Allison Voorhees I was drawing a portrait of Christy, my girlfriend, in art class. She was standing over my shoulder as I shaded the strands of honey-colored hair that ran down her shoulders. "Are...