Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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The Mental and Physical Destruction of Josh
Josh was a 20-year-old junior in college studying psychology. Josh was thoroughly enamored with the field of psychology, specifically as it related to self-worth and status within society. Josh always had a nagging feeling that he was beneath the status of human. He used the knowledge and experience gained in his studies to reaffirm his beliefs that his life as a contributing member of society was worthless. As supporting evidence, Josh hated that he was gay, skinny, non-athletic, awkward in social situations and had no real friends. Josh was far too embarrassed to ever come out of the closet and remained firmly mute about being gay. Josh’s hobbies included watching science fiction movies, reading in the library and on-line gaming. Each of these hobbies required minimal contact with other people, just the way he liked it.
Josh was a loner in college, didn’t go to parties, didn’t belong to any clubs or attend any social functions. He moved out of the dorms after his sophomore year and moved into a 4-student apartment near campus in August last year. When he signed a contract with the apartment owner, he indicated he had no preference in roommates and the company hooked him up with 3 friends who were looking for a fourth roommate to finish out their rent. The three existing roommates were very social, partied both in the apartment and away and quickly discovered Josh was not someone they would bring into their circle of friends. This didn’t bother Josh in the least bit; he was quite content being alone, immersing himself in research and literature dealing with the lowest forms of human life. The four have lived together for a couple months.
Josh also hated his immature body. His 6’1? 125-pound lanky frame looked nothing like he believed a 20-year-old should. His arms, legs, fingers and toes were all long and thin. His dick was average at 6? long and thin, but his balls were fair sized and hung down a couple inches. He had no nipples to speak of; his chest was flat. He had a baby face with no definition of his post-teenage years. His hair was short, brown and slightly wavy. He kept his hair clean, but didn’t particularly care how it looked. Josh was totally self-conscious about his youthful appearance. The only thing separating him from his younger self was his intellect; Josh is intelligent, grounded and very aware of his surroundings.
He As Josh progressed through college, he sexual fantasies turned dark. He found web sites and porn that dealt with degradation, submission, loss of control and eventually pain. Josh had taken a couple GenEd history courses and he’d recently been exposed to various cultures throughout time that used pain, humiliation and body modifications to ?cure? societal misfits. He’d read about burning witches at the stake, putting convicts on public displays (usually naked and bound), castrating suspected gays, destroying fingers, hands and feet of suspected thieves, removing the tongues from liars, etc. These brutal examples of man’s answers to fellow man’s transgressions fueled Josh’s fantasies and he eventually convinced himself that he needed to be severely punished for being the worthless human anomaly that he knew he was. After months of reading, fantasizing and planning, he decided it was time to act.
He started down the path of converting fantasy into reality on his 21st birthday. That Friday night, none of the people he called friends knew it was his birthday, much less threw a party for him. Josh convinced himself that since he had reached 21 years and hadn’t physically matured, was still ashamed of being gay and saw no value in his life, it was time to pay a painful price for his meager existence. Armed with his Internet-driven submissive mind, he stripped naked in his apartment, headed to the bathroom and shaved what little hair he had (very little pubic hair, some hair on his balls, ass and underarms). The only hair remaining on his body was on his head and eyebrows. Josh told himself he would maintain a hairless body from nose to toes from now on.
After Josh returned to his room meticulously shaved, knowing his three roommates likely would not return anytime soon. His other three apartment roommates were out partying. Josh remained naked and decided it was time to punish himself. He first set out to remind himself of what he was. He picked up his black permanent Sharpie marker and returned to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Using the attention to detail that naturally accompanied Josh, he carefully wrote three large letters across his chest that read ?F A G?. Each letter was meticulously written backwards and upside down so it would read normally when read by others. Each letter stood approximately 8? high and the lines were colored in thick to ensure clarity. Anyone who happens to see his bare chest will now know exactly what kind of worthless person he was. Josh deep down knew there was nothing wrong with being gay and had absolutely no ill feelings towards the gay people he knew. However, he hated that he was gay and felt that labeling himself with a hurtful word like FAG was an appropriate way to illustrate his position at the bottom of the human chain.
After he finished labeling himself with a permanent marker, he ventured naked into the living room and sat on the couch with an array of implements. He thought for a moment about his roommates coming home and seeing what was about to happen, but Josh ultimately figured it would be a fitting price to pay for being what he was. He started by tightly wrapping a lace from his boots around the neck of his balls. This resulted in an immediate pain by the lack of blood flow to his balls. However, Josh’s balls weren’t hurting enough for his liking. Therefore he retrieved the second boot string and also wrapped it above his balls, further pushing down his nuts and causing a new pressure associated with the stretching. Josh’s balls now extended a good 3 inches below his dick. Satisfied that his balls were hurting both from lack of blood flow and the stretching, he moved on.
Josh applied a pair of metal hand cuffs to his ankles and tightened them as much as possible. The unforgiving metal immediately dug into his skin and Achilles tendons and created a sharp pain. Josh further tormented himself by twisting his feet around causing his skin to rub against the insides of the metal cuffs. As expected, this definitely hurt as scrapes and cuts started to form. To ensure no quick or easy escape, Josh deliberately left the keys in his bedroom. Walking from the living room to the bedroom would hopefully cause some more much deserved pain.
Josh knew that the real places he deserved to be punished were on his nipples, cock and balls. Not only are those conveniently painful locations, but they are the root of sexuality and were thus justly the subject of torment. This experience wasn’t meant to be sexual; instead, this was about hurting himself. Josh removed a straight pin that had once been located in the collar of a dress shirt he purchased a few weeks ago. Josh had a couple dozen pins in his possession. He immediately set to locating it near his left nipple. Josh’s face reddened as he was reminded that his nipple has no definition and was almost completely flat. Josh took the pin and started to scrape the dark brown area around his nipple. This action caused immediate scrapes, so he continued until the entire area around the nipple was scraped up. He repeated this action on his right nipple. Unfortunately, Josh didn’t feel the pain he desperately craved and deserved.
Therefore, Josh upped the game by poking the center of his left nipple with the pin. Rather than puncturing the skin, this simply pushed his left nipple into his chest cavity. While the point of the pin hurt worse than scraping, it still wasn’t satisfying his need and he was growing impatient. He took the needle, held it parallel to his left nipple and pushed hard against his skin at a slight angle until the pin punctured himself, causing him to immediately yelp in surprise and pain. However, Josh was disciplined and didn’t immediately remove the pin, which pleased him. Now that it was in, it didn’t hurt as much so he left it in and started to move it around. That caused a definite sensation and he wondered for a moment if he was tearing anything important behind his nipple. But, just as quickly as the thought entered his mind, he dismissed it as entirely appropriate if he was being torn up inside. Josh left that pin alone and grabbed a second one. He again positioned it parallel to his body, but this time next to his right nipple. He then stuck it into his right nipple and out the other side, again causing a grunt to escape his lips. But this time he was prepared for the pain and was craving it, thus his endorphins were elevated and the pain almost became pleasure.
Leaving those pins in place, Josh pulled his metal-cuffed feet off the floor and onto the couch directly infront of his tied up balls. His legs were pressed up against his torso, his knees were pointed up and his feet rested on the edge of the couch. Josh took a new needle and, without any thought, stuck it into the bottom of his big toe on his right foot and kept shoving straight up until the pin impacted bone. This time the pain was so intense, he let out an audible high-pitched screech. He inhaled and quickly took in the pain. However, Josh’s attention quickly turned to his aching balls. It has been 10 minutes since he wrapped them tightly and they were really starting to produce an intense discomfort. He felt them in his hand and they were hard and cool and noticed they were starting to turn a darker color. Josh immediately recognized the signs of disrupted blood flow. Rather than return blood flow, he knew he needed to continue to suffer. And his balls were certainly not done being tormented this evening. However, before he focused on his balls, he returned again to his toes.
Josh continued the process of sticking a single pin into the bottom of each of his toes until each pin met bone. Little drops of blood formed at each puncture site and, where visible, Josh wiped the blood with his finger and licked off the blood. Throughout all of this, Josh’s dick remained soft. He wasn’t getting excited by the process so much as he was fascinated by what he was doing to himself and the satisfaction that he was finally starting to pay the price for being a worthless human being. He knew tonight was the beginning of a process that would take him to an unknown torturous conclusion.
As Josh finished with 5 pins in his right foot, he repeated the process on his left foot, again licking up all blood that formed. Josh now had a pair of metal cuffs around his now scraped up ankles, had a pin sticking straight down out of each toe (preventing him from placing his feet on the ground) and a pair balls tightly wrapped and slowly dying. Josh extended his legs out, resting the heels of his feet on the ground infront of him, careful not to press the bottoms of his feet into the carpet. Josh grabbed one final pin in his right hand and held his flaccid dick in his left. Josh pressed the pin against his circumcised dick head waiting for a pain reaction. It didn’t hurt that much so he proceeded to shove the pin into his worthless dick head, which did hurt like hell. However, rather than stop, he grunted and willed himself to push the pin completely through his head and out the other side. Once he opened his eyes and looked down, he was satisfied that his dick was paying the price for betraying him all these years by getting hard at the thought of guys. His dick head also bled from the two punctures more than anything else up to this point.
Josh now returned to his noticeably painful balls. His balls were definitely cool to the touch and a nice dark shade of red at this point. However, Josh was especially pleased that his balls were hurting more than anything else. But, they weren’t hurting enough. He was determined to make them pay a heavy price for a lifetime of causing him so much misery. The last instrument Josh brought with him was the 2-foot long plastic rod that typically is attached to the mini blinds in his bedroom. This clear plastic rod is used to twirl the mini blinds open and closed. Josh knew he wanted to beat his worthless balls, but read plenty of stories about guys who couldn’t maintain a pace of hurting themselves because they would collapse from the pain. Josh had another idea to overcome this.
Josh lifted up his ass and put his left hand under it and beared down so his hand wouldn’t move. Josh spread his legs as wide as he could and slouched down in the couch a bit so his dick would rest on his stomach and remain out of the way. In his right hand, Josh held the 2-foot long plastic rod. His plan was to apply a single hit with the rod as hard as he could. Josh knew he would only get one hit and that the pain would be excruciating, but this is what he needed.
Josh pulled back his right arm and took a couple practice swings in the air. The last thing he wanted was to miss or, even worse, partially hit his balls. He wanted the tied up, meaty part of his nuts to feel the full force of the rod. The audible swish through the air was intoxicating. After doing this full speed several times, Josh took full force swings and hit a pillow on the couch. Josh was surprised by how much the rod indented into the pillow and how much dust flew up. He knew this was going to be bad. For the first time that night, his heart started to race in anticipation of what is to come. The slight fear he felt turned him on and his dick actually twitched and started to harden. Josh was finally ready. Josh extended his arm back and as far away from his body as he could reach and, with a moment’s pause, brought his arm in as fast as he could muster.
The practice swings paid off because he made perfect impact with his tied up balls. The noise of the impact came first and sounded like a high-pitch slap and the high velocity of the plastic rod managed to push the centers of his balls in at least a half inch. It was immediately followed by the most gut-wrenching torturous pain Josh had ever felt. He immediately dropped the rod, bent forward and fell to the floor clutching his nuts with his both hands. Josh rolled all over the floor howling in pain.
His entire world was focused on the unbelievable pain he was feeling. He started retching and coughing as he was howling. He somehow managed not to vomit all over the carpet. The intense pain that Josh felt just wouldn’t let up. He kept rolling around and unbeknownst to him at the time, the thrashing ripped the pins out of his toes. Each pin individually tore out of the undersides of his toes, leaving small trails of blood on the carpet. Eventually Josh stopped rolling around and stayed still as his mind tried to cope with the pain he was feeling throughout his body. After about 15 minutes, Josh wanted to see what damage he caused to his balls. He sat up on the floor and placed his back against the couch. It was then he realized 10 pins were on the floor and there was blood starting to dry on the bottoms of his toes.
As Josh slowly removed his hands from covering his balls, he saw his balls were now twice their original size and had a nasty looking black contusion where the plastic rod made impact. He also realized they were still tied up and continued to be deprived of blood. For the first time, he started to fear he might have done some permanent damage to his balls by either the impact or leaving them tied up so long. So he quickly sought to untying them. Unfortunately, the swelling in his balls made untying the knots difficult. He needed a knife or scissors. As he started to get up, he remembered he was not only handcuffed to his ankles, but also had bleeding toes. He could crawl to the kitchen to retrieve the scissors, but remembered why he was in this predicament – to suffer. So he forced himself to get up, feeling the horrible pain as his balls touched his thighs. When his toes touched the carpet, they too were very sensitive.
He started the familiar jail-bird shuffle to the kitchen to retrieve a knife. During the shuffle, Josh’s balls bumped around, his toes continued to hurt and the skin contacting the metal cuffs was starting to tear. Josh never knew so much pain in his life. Josh eventually reached the kitchen and retrieved a steak knife, which he immediately put near his dick. He thought just for a moment about just sawing his whole cock and balls off, but thought better of it. Josh easily cut the boot string and started to unravel both lengths. Once they were removed, Josh was treated with a new intense pain that accompanied blood flow resuming to the area. This intense pain, accompanying the already present pain from the impact to his balls, brought Josh to his knees with a scream. Once again, his hands cupped his balls and he attempted to comfort himself, but nothing he could do would help; he rightfully suffered.
After several more minutes, Josh was finally ready to rise again and put an end to the evening’s ordeal. He shuffled to the bedroom and continued to see the skin around his ankles cut and bleed. Once he made it to his room, Josh retrieved the keys, bent over and proceeded to unlock the cuffs and remove them. Once he did, he witnessed the extent of the damage. A ring of skin was missing wherever the cuffs came in contact with his legs. He also had slow bleeds occurring in that area. When Josh looked down, his eyes caught the glimpse of metal and realized each of his nipples still had a pin in them. Josh sat down on the end of his bed, removed the two pins from his nipples and also the one still lodged in his cock head. Each removed pin was accompanied by a point of blood which he meticulously licked up.
Josh was a mess. His ankles were torn up, the bottoms of his toes had been bleeding, his nipples were bleeding, his dick was bleeding and his balls were growing in size almost before his eyes. Josh wanted to inspect his balls to see if he could feel for any obvious damage, but refrained given their extreme sensitivity. As Josh sat on his bed contemplating his situation, he started to get turned on by what had just occurred. He realized he did exactly what needed to be done. His body needed to suffer for being a disgusting fag and worthless human being and he got exactly what he deserved. In fact, he was getting so turned on, he decided he would jerk off and cum on himself. When he saw what was written on his chest, he also decided that, for the first time ever, he would force himself to eat his own cum. That would be a fitting end to the evening.
Josh laid back on his bed with his legs and feet laying over the end. He placed his dick in his right hand and started to jerk off. He was immediately introduced to a pain each time his balls moved around. Josh didn’t care, convincing himself he needed the pain. He kept thinking about the punishment he put himself through and the pain that resulted. He got off on the fact that he was able to hurt himself so exquisitely. He knew he wanted more. He knew he wanted it harder. He knew he wanted to continue to suffer. He knew he wanted brutal torture. These thoughts caused him to cum in just a couple minutes and, again, his balls reminded Josh how unhappy they are at being messed with. It was a fulfilling cum all over his stomach, but it hurt like hell and his cum was mixed with hints of blood. Josh didn’t care; tough shit.
After he recovered from the exhaustion and new pain, Josh scooped up the cum from his stomach and belly button, a finger-full at a time, and placed it on his tongue, swirled it around in his mouth like the fag he was and swallowed it. Josh was disgusted by both the salty taste and the act of eating his own cum, but he did what was necessary to fulfill his label as a filthy cum-sucking fag.
After Josh finished, he cleaned up and realized there were blood stains on the living room carpet. He attempted to clean them and removed what he could, but some discoloration remained. He wasn’t sure how he would explain that one. Josh remained naked the entire time and decided it was time to take a bath and soak for a while. When Josh entered the bathroom, he was reminded by the permanent marker label on his chest. Josh lowered his head and reaffirmed in his own mind how truly useless he is. He beat himself in the worst way and jerked off thinking about it; how much more disgusting can a human get?
Josh soaked for a half hour and was a prune when he emerged and dried himself off. He made his way out of the bathroom, still naked, wondering if his roommates were home and would see him like this. Fortunately (or perhaps not), they were not home. So he went to his bedroom, crawled under his covers and fell asleep accompanied by the dull pain that remained in his very swollen and striped balls. A very interesting 21st birthday and beginning to a painful 22nd year of his life.
Josh slept soundly that Friday night and did not wake up at all overnight. Instead, Josh snapped awake at 10 a.m. Saturday morning. He quickly realized he was sweating, as hard as a rock and his heart was racing. He had fleeting memories of a dream where he was nailed to a cross being humiliated and flogged by an angry crowd. Josh quickly covered his face with a pillow and tried to stay in the moment. This was a very hot dream and he didn’t want to lose it. Josh focused on being nailed to the cross, thinking about the terror he must have felt when the spikes were driven into his wrists and ankles, shattering his bones. Unfortunately his mental vision was quickly fleeting and image he tried to hold onto all but disappeared. Josh was pissed, but that was life.
As Josh lay in bed, he contemplated last night’s events. His balls still hurt and, upon inspection, were still swollen and discolored. The stripe across his balls was very pronounced and still dark gray in color. Josh was finally able to handle his balls and roll them around in his hand. They were definitely sore and he was careful as he meticulously inspected them like a wide-eyed school child. Other than the unusual squishiness that accompanied swollen balls, they were still intact and ready for more abuse. Josh knew pain, humiliation and degradation were absolutely in his future and Josh eagerly spent the day on the Internet doing research about new ways to fulfill his newly-assured destiny.
Josh visited all manner of sites dealing with bdsm, cbt, dom/sub, human slavery and sites with personal ads. Josh was thoroughly fascinated and inspired by the wealth of ways he could slowly destroy himself. He so desperately wanted to live a life of suffering and the Internet was empowering the desire. Josh spent the remainder of the weekend planning out his next adventures and this time, he would tempt his roommates into unknowingly helping him fulfill his fantasies. Josh selected his roommates because he knew they were typical college jocks who drank all the time, ripped on fags all the time and could be easily tricked into doing what Josh wanted. His roommates were all athletic, in shape, ranged from 6’0? to 6’2? and always seemed to get pussy whenever they wanted it.
The following week began the downfall in Josh’s academic career. Josh was so consumed with what was about to happen that he got a D on one exam because he forgot to study and failed to hand in a research paper. In fact, this previous week represented Josh’s highest academic achievement for the remainder of his time in college. It was strictly downhill from here.
As Friday’s classes concluded, Josh set to put the upcoming weekend’s plans into motion. As usual, he secluded himself in his room for the evening and his roommates left together for their typical Friday evening of partying. Once the roommates were gone, Josh emerged from his room, naked. He presented himself in front of the bathroom mirror, touched up his chest markings with the permanent marker. Josh was meticulous with the writings; he wanted the three letters prominently displayed on his chest to look as perfectly crafted as could be. He also ensured he was fully shaved from the face down. This wasn’t a particularly challenging task since he spent the last week trimming his few wisps of hair.
Josh knew the theme of tonight’s torments would be pain coupled with humiliation, embarrassment and degradation. Tonight would also be the night he unveiled himself to the world that he was not only gay, but a worthless human being deserving of severe abuse by anyone who wished to inflict it upon his thin frame. Josh collected what he needed and proceeded, still naked, into the living room. He moved furnishings out of the way and created a large clearing in the middle of the room. He retrieved 4 metal screw-in eye bolts and proceeded to screw each one into the baseboard around the room. Two were located along one wall about 10 feet from each other and the other two were located on the opposite wall, also 10 feet from each other. In essence, a rectangle was formed by the eye bolts with the clear living room floor in the middle.
Josh secured one end of a 6-foot-long nylon rope to one of the eye bolts and tested the strength of the knot and the bolt’s hold on the wall by tugging firmly on the rope. Neither the knot nor the bolt gave. This was a good sign. Josh repeated this process on each of the other three bolts. Josh now has 4 lengths of nylon rope securely tied to the walls and each length of rope was set on the carpet facing towards the center of the imaginary square.
Josh proceeded to clear off the counter that divided the kitchen and the living room. Upon the counter, Josh lit two candles in hopes these would draw the roommates attention and cause them visit the counter and the contents he set atop the counter. Josh further placed a carefully typed note and several implements including the familiar plastic mini blinds rod, 2 dozen straight pins, an empty 20 ounce cream soda bottle and a key. On the open floor space in the living room, Josh unpacked and laid out a 10 foot by 10 foot plastic tarp that recently purchased at a hardware store. Josh learned his lesson from last week when he bled on the carpet. With the impermeable tarp in place, none of his bodily fluids will get on the carpet and likewise, anything his roommates chose to do to him involving liquids will not be an issue.
Josh knew his roommates would not return for many hours, but knew he wanted to start the suffering now. However, he didn’t want to hurt so bad as to dull his senses. He wanted to be fully ready to receive whatever the three roommates felt like dishing out. So, Josh decided on two self-inflicted torments to hold him over. First, Josh proceeded to the bathroom where he located and opened a new bottle of Ben Gay. Josh took liberal amounts of the cream out of the bottle and applied it to his entire crotch, covering his cock, balls, asshole and areas in between. Josh took a second glob and used a finger to push some of it up his virgin asshole. Josh read this treatment would progressively worsen as time progressed so was eager to try it on himself. Josh washed up his hands and put the bottle away.
Josh went to his bedroom, retrieved a skimpy pair of unwashed underwear, turned it inside out so the fabric that came in contact with his ass faced out. He crumpled up the underwear being careful to keep the slightly soiled part facing out. When it was tightly bundled, he opened his mouth was wide as he could and shoved it in, ensuring his tongue licked the foul fabric on the way in. Josh was slightly disgusted by this new taste, but suspected there would be much more of this as time went on. Josh then took a length of nylon rope and tightly tied it around his head and over the underwear partially sticking out of his mouth. Once secured, Josh tried to force the underwear out of his mouth, but was unable. He was pleased. He also retrieved a simple blindfold he recently purchased on-line for just this occasion. He placed the blindfold around his forehead.
Josh returned to the living room and began to feel the heat building in his crotch. It was definitely becoming uncomfortable. He knew he needed to get himself restrained in short order so he couldn’t remove the cream if it really got bad. Before he proceeded to tie himself up, he took two of the straight pins off the counter and carefully inserted one through each of his nipples, the pin emerging on the other side. He not only craved the pain this caused, but hoped seeing the pins would prompt his roommates to use the remaining straight pins in creative and painful ways. The stage was set; Josh was ready.
Josh turned out all lights in the apartment. The two lit candles provided enough ambient light for him to work, but would require his roommates to turn on the main living room light when returning. As Josh positioned himself in the middle of the tarp on the living room floor, he paused and pondered his situation. He knew what he tied himself up, there would be no backing out. His roommates would find him; they would react in an unknown way; his secret about being a gay pain-craving submissive would be out and he would likely endure unspeakable torment. Josh knew this is what he deserved and set his mind to the final task of securing himself.
Josh had spent a few hours during the previous week carefully planning this phase of this plan – tying himself spread eagle on the floor. He calculated the proper location of each of the eye bolts; he knew how long each rope needed to be to ensure maximum stretching of his four limbs; and he determined the proper order for securing himself to the floor. Josh tied a loop on the end of each of the four lengths of rope that were tied to the baseboard of his living room. Each loop was approximately one inch in diameter. When finished, Josh removed his final implements for the evening – four sets of steel handcuffs. Josh was pleased with the minor skin damage the handcuffs produced on his ankles last week and was eager to see further pains resulting from their continued use.
Josh placed one half of each pair of handcuffs on his ankles and left wrist. Like last week, he secured them to his skin as tightly as possible. The remaining cuff he secured through the loop that would eventually hold his right wrist. Josh chuckled to himself as he realized being a skinny, limber freak was paying off in this exercise since he effortlessly bent forward down his left leg and attached the other handcuff loop through the one-inch hole in the rope. Josh proceeded to bend down his right leg and realized stretching his legs wide enough to properly secure them would be challenging. Josh again smiled to himself and congratulated himself on creating an environment that promised to hurt. Josh struggled to reposition himself on the tarp and used his hands to pull his legs as wide apart as possible. Finally, after a couple minutes and increasing pressure on his muscles and tendons, Josh succeeded in securing his right leg to the waiting rope. He also immediately felt the steel of the cuffs dig into his helpless ankles. Josh also looked down and stared in awe of the glistening gel that was causing heat to build throughout his entire midsection. His entire crotch and asshole were really starting to burn. He continued his work.
Josh laid back and extended his left arm with attached handcuff above and to the left of his head. Using his right hand, Josh easily secured his left cuffed wrist to the awaiting nylon rope. Josh extended his right arm and knew this last piece would be tricky. Trying to remain in the moment of securing himself to the floor, Josh’s mind nevertheless drifted to the predicament he was about to be in and how his life would forever change just one week after his 21st birthday. His pulse was racing and he was genuinely scared. But, he convinced himself long ago that pain and humiliation were the necessary outcomes for his worthlessness. Josh took a deep breath, held it and slowly let it out. This settled his mind long enough to continue his final task. Josh lowered the blindfold from his forehead to its normal position, robbing him of sight.
Securing the last wrist provide to be as challenging as predicted. Josh knew he had no other limbs to assist in the effort and had to rely solely on his right wrist, hand and fingers. That’s why he secured one half of the handcuffs to the loop in the rope first. He figured he could more easily wiggle his wrist into the awaiting cuff than any other alternative he could devise. He also knew that he could not make his arm stretching as painfully wide as his legs; he needed some slack to maneuver the last cuff into place. Josh used his fingers to carefully open the second half of the cuff and lay it on the tarp in such a way that would welcome his wrist. Josh easily inserted his wrist into the awaiting cuff and set out to close the loop, locking himself in for good. This took several minutes to accomplish, but Josh eventually figured out how to wiggle his wrist and drag the cuff along the tarp forcing the loop closed. He used whatever leverage he could to tighten the last cuff as tightly as the previous three. The job was done.
It was about 11 p.m. and Josh was hopelessly tied naked, spread eagle on the floor in his apartment. As he lay there, he struggled against his bonds to see how much play he had. For his legs, he had none. They were stretched to the max, wide open and had nowhere to go. His arms, on the other hand, had a few inches of play, a necessity that annoyed him. Instructions in the note would hopefully fix this temporary inconvenience. Soon, Josh’s thoughts returned to his cock, balls and asshole. This area felt like it was on fire with no signs of letting up. He wondered if he put too much cream on him, but knew it was pointless now since he was incapable of doing anything about it. The area throbbed and completely overshadowed the comparatively minor pain resulting from his pin-pierced nipples.
As the next couple hours slowly unfolded, Josh wondered what time it was and when his roommates would ever return home. His mouth had dried out, he was having trouble swallowing and he continued to be robbed of sight by the blindfold. His hearing was working well and naturally compensated for the loss of his other senses. His balls and the inside of his asshole provided constant pain and Josh had yet to deal with it; it hurt like hell. Every 15-20 minutes, Josh would hear a car door close and sounds of laughter. His heart raced every time this happened and he figured the fateful moment was at hand. Alas, he was disappointed each time. Until, at one point, he heard a key enter the dead bolt of the front door and the handle turn and the door swung open. Josh’s heart skipped a beat and he heard three loud, laughing voices enter the apartment. He knew his roommates were home and they would find him any second. His pulse was absolutely racing and he broke out into a sweat. He was actually scared to death.
Out of the corner of the blindfold, he could see a sliver of light and he knew the overhead light was on. And then he heard Jason, a 21-year-old party boy, say ?What the Fuck!!? as he entered the room. Michael and Scott both chimed in with similar expressions of absolute shock and they stared at their skinny, naked, tied up roommate on the floor with FAG written on his chest. Michael immediately went to Josh’s side and asked who did this to him and if he was alright. Josh didn’t utter a noise through his gagged mouth, fearful Michael might actually release him from his binds. Josh immediately smelled the unmistakable aroma of alcohol on Michael’s breath. He knew the guys were drunk, exactly as he had hoped.
As Michael was starting to develop a plan to untie Josh, Scott gravitated towards the candles and the items lying on the counter. He found the note, picked it up and tried to read it in his stumbled state. He managed to yell out to his roommates: ?Hey guys, listen to this? and read the following aloud:
Tied up and laying on the floor is your roommate, a faggot whore. He wants and needs to be punished for keeping this fact from you and for infecting your apartment with this faggot ways. Do whatever you want to him, so long as it meets at least any of the following criteria: (1) It’s extremely painful (2) It humiliates him (3) It degrades him as a human being. He will take whatever you see fit to dish out to him and there will be no consequences, legal or otherwise, to your actions. He only asks that he remain alive so his punishments may continue. On this counter, you will find items to assist you in your task:
Place these pins where you see fit on or in his body Use this rod to beat him wherever and for as long as you want This bottle belongs in only one hole ? his hole is virgin, so ensure he’ll never again want another thing up his faggot assAside from the implements on this table, feel free to hit, punch, kick, squeeze, twist whatever you want. Put anything else in or on him as you see fit. If you happen to hear a snap and break a bone, so be it. Think of the thing tied up before you as your consequence-free fag bashing boy.
When you’re done with him, you decide if you release him from his bonds. The only key to the cuffs is on the counter.
Yours truly,
Your Faggot Roommate
p.s. The ropes tying his arms are loose. Please tighten them to the point of nearly ripping his arms out of their sockets.
After Scott finished reading the note aloud, the three stopped dead in their tracks and remained completely silent. Their drunk minds were desperately trying to comprehend what they just heard and what the see sitting before them. Finally, after almost a minute, Michael broke the silence.
Michael: ?You mean he did this to himself??
Scott muttered: ?It seems that way?
Michael: ?And how did FAG get written on his chest? Did he do that to himself too??
Scott: ?Fuck if I know. I didn’t even know he was a fag.?
Jason slurred: ?I totally hate faggots and can’t believe I’m living with one. This is totally disgusting.?
Scott: ?You’re not kidding. This skinny little bitch has been living with us with these past couple months and probably lusting over us as we came out of the showers. Fuck man, this is nasty.?
Michael: ?I can’t believe this. This just can’t be right. Look at him; he’s as smooth as a baby. Did he do that to himself too??
Jason: ?Oh my God you’re right. He shaves himself smooth too. As if his skinny little fag body wasn’t bad enough, he had to go and make himself look even more like a bitch.?
Jason was so enraged by this point he reared back with his right foot and kicked Josh and hard as he could in his left ribcage, almost as if he was punting a football. Josh had no idea this was coming, grunted, pulled mercilessly at his bonds, tried coughing and catching his breath. His breath definitely escaped him and he tried to gather as much oxygen as he could through his nose.
Michael said ?Whoa dude, why’d you do that??
Jason: ?Cause this piece of shit has been lying to us all this time and he’s totally asking for it. He wants us to beat the shit out of him.?
Scott: ?Jason’s right. Look at the shit on the counter; it’s all here. I can’t believe it. This fag has been right under our noses all this time and we didn’t know. I say we give him exactly what he wants.?
Jason: ?Fuck yeah. Michael, you in??
Michael: ?Why the hell not. I haven’t been in a good fight in a long time and if he truly did this to himself, he totally deserves this.?
With that, the three roommates, driven by their shared hatred for gays and fueled by their drunken haze, set out to beat Josh senseless. Michael kneeled down again, curious about an odor he smelled.
Michael: ?Do you smell that??
Jason: ?Smell what??
Michael: ?Oh my God. It’s Ben Gay. And look, it’s all over his cock and balls. This little shit put Ben Gay all over himself. That’s it, this fucking faggot is going to regret the day he ever met us.? Michael was now fully on board.
Before Michael got up, he balled up his right hand into a fist and drove it straight into Josh’s tightened stomach. Josh let out all the air from his lungs via his nostrils and some even managed to escape from around his underwear-stuffed mouth. Josh completely struggled against his bonds at this new assault and tried desperately to get enough air to breath. The pain in his abdomen was so bad because Michael followed through on his punch and tried to drive his fist through the floor. Scott saw Josh’s arms flailing and said ?Hold on. We need to tighten his arms up.?
Michael got up, lightly kicked Josh in the same ribcage previously hit by Jason and that caused Josh again to flail and grunt trying to protect his bruising rib cage. Jason was eager to help and jumped up, ran over to Josh’s left side and dropped straight down, implanting his knees directly on Josh’s forearm. Josh screamed into his underwear gag at this new intense pain, but was unable to do anything about it. Jason dug his knees into Josh’s forearm not only to keep it still while Michael tightened the rope, but also to cause Josh pain. Michael untied the rope and loop from the handcuffs and tightened the now straight length of rope through the closed loop of the handcuff. Michael bore down pulling nearly as hard as he could. This pulled Josh’s left arm as tight as it had ever been pulled before. The metal cuffs also tore into Josh’s wrists causing his skin to tear open around his wrist, resulting in a slow trickle of blood on his left wrist. Josh screamed into his gag as he felt his left arm being pulled from its socket. Once Michael couldn’t get the arm to budge anymore, he proceeded to tighten the rope to the handcuff. One down, one to go.
Jason raised himself off Josh’s forearm and was ready to hop over to the right arm, but Scott had beat him to it. Scott already planted himself on Josh’s right arm to keep it from moving once the rope was removed. Michael undid the rope from the handcuff and proceeded in the same fashion to loop it through the cuff and pull with all his mite. This time, however, Josh was securely stretched in three other directions so there was little give with his right arm and hand. That didn’t stop Michael from trying to rip Josh’s arm off. Josh was screaming like mad, thrashing his head back and forth and Michael pulled that arm away from its rightful place and feeling the skin around his wrist tear away thanks to the cuffs digging into his tender flesh. Content he could go no further, Michael tied the rope to the cuff and Scott got up. What the three roommates saw before them was a beautiful sight – their fag roommate completely spread out, ribs exposed, stomach sucked in and Josh writhing in pain just from the bonds alone. They hadn’t even started hurting him yet.
While Josh was writing in pain on the floor, the three roommates huddled at the counter to see what all Josh left for them to use. Scott picked up the plastic mini blind rod, located himself over Josh’s chest and swung down with all his strength directly on Josh’s chest. Scott hit Josh so hard that the rod broke in half. Josh buckled at the brutality of the strike, cried out into his gag and tried to protect himself, but he was so thoroughly tied spread eagle that all he could do was hurt his wrists and ankles as they continued to scrape against their metal cuff bonds. A beautiful red line appeared almost immediately across Josh’s upper chest, extending from the center of his chest, covering his left nipple and extending slightly down his left side. The pain was excruciating and was amplified by the wrist and ankle trauma he subjected himself to.
Josh actually shed tears at the assault and began to wonder what he got himself into. He hurt so bad over so much of his body and was so helpless to do anything about it, yet he knew this was only the beginning. However, Josh was able to center himself enough to refocus on the pain and humiliation he so richly craved. He remembered he was receiving exactly what he wanted and actually started to get hard only moments after being stricken on the chest with the brutal plastic rod. The three roommates saw this and became both surprised and enraged.
Scott: ?Look at this shit! I beat this fucker on the chest and he gets hard. Who the fuck gets hard after having his chest nearly ripped open??
Jason looked down at Josh’s hardening dick: ?You have got to be kidding me. This fag is sick. I’m going to beat that hard-on out of him.?
Michael: ?I did feel sorry for him at first, but not now. No mercy. Let’s beat the shit out of him. Kick his balls!?
Jason was the former soccer player among the group so quickly stepped between Josh’s legs, extended his right leg behind him, swung his foot leg forward with as much speed as he could muster towards Josh’s unprotected, Ben Gay-covered balls. Jason Nike-covered foot hit Josh’s nuts dead-on and the follow-through shoved his balls directly into his pelvis. Josh’s firmly tied up thin frame provide absolutely no give, so the energy had nowhere to deflect. Josh reacted immediately with the most gut-wrenching scream imaginable that made it seem like there was no gag in his mouth. He swung his head back and forth, pulled as hard as he could against his cuffed bonds (ignoring the pain in his wrist and ankles) and started retching in his mouth. He wasn’t vomiting, but he was close. He tried desperately to get enough air through his nose, but it wasn’t enough. Josh was panicking and started hyperventilating. Josh was truly becoming terrified by the pain and the inability to get adequate oxygen. Jason was fixed on Josh’s reaction, but not only didn’t give a shit that Josh was struggling to breathe, but was fueled by it.
With Josh’s reaction, Scott reared back one more time and kicked Josh square in the nuts one more time. Josh had no idea this was coming and screamed out one more time, felt an indescribable pain in the pit of his stomach and pissed all over himself and onto the tarp below him. He continued to struggle in his bonds, shaking his head back and forth, desperately trying to get his roommate to stop the brutal assault. Scott was absolutely enthralled by the power of destroying his roommate that he reared back for another brutal kick. Before he could deliver it, Jason pushed him out of the way and said ?Hey, you don’t get all the fun. Give me a chance.?
Jason positioned himself between’s Josh’s legs and before he swung back for his kick, said ?Well look at that – his hardon went away. Guess he doesn’t like getting his balls kicked afterall. Who knew?? The three roommates laughed but were in no way done brutalizing their roommate. Jason still wanted his kick and Michael eagerly awaited his turn. Josh screamed and thrashed his head trying to get Jason to not kick his sore, bloated balls. Jason smiled, carefully positioned himself between Josh’s legs, reared back his leg and unleashed the most powerful kick yet. Josh immediately got white in his face and started to vomit into his gag. The vomit had nowhere to go so stayed in his mouth and clogged his throat and seep out of his nostrils. Josh was choking on his own vomit and couldn’t swallow as he simultaneously was expelling more stomach contents into his full mouth. Josh was absolutely terrified because he knew he was choking and could do absolutely nothing about it.
Michael: ?Listen to that. Sounds like he threw up and choking.?
Jason: ?Haha! My kick totally owned your kick Scott. My one kick will kill him and you just made his balls swell. You kick like a pussy!? The guys laughed as Josh continued to struggle for life.
Eventually Michael knelt down and said: ?If he dies, so does our fun. I guess we ought to save this little faggot.? And so Michael set to the task of untying the cord around Josh’s head, holding the gag in place. Once he did that, Michael pulled the underwear gag out and half of the vomit quickly flowed and spurt out. Michael fell backwards and said ?Shit!? as he tried to escape getting hit by flying vomit. The other two laughed at Michael’s less than elegant fall onto his ass. Josh started openly coughing and turning his head from side to side trying to open his airway. Eventually he cleared the contents enough by spitting them out and swallowing them. Chunky, slimy vomit was all over Josh’s face, up his nose and dribbling down his cheeks. He was a disgusting mess. He also took the first deep breath he had taken in hours and the added air to his lungs felt amazing, but not enough to overcome the unbelievable pain in his balls.
The pain in his balls was so bad he couldn’t utter a word. All he did was grunt and cry. He wanted to ask for mercy, but couldn’t form the words. His whole world was consumed with agonizing, crushing pain in his balls. He completely forgot about his bloody, torn wrists and ankles. While Josh’s mind was preoccupied, he failed to notice that Michael lined up between Josh’s legs and was preparing to deliver another devastating kick to his already tortured balls. Josh’s focus on his pain-ridden body was interrupted when Michael’s foot came in contact with his extremely tender balls. Josh let out another full-volume screech followed by another emptying of his stomach all over his face. He managed to yell his first word of the evening ?Noooooo!!!? but that only caused the roommates to laugh at his predicament and pain. Josh’s balls were now easily twice their normal size thanks to four brutal kicks. They were also turning dark red and black in some places, presumably due to some internal bleeding. Josh could see none of this but he certainly believed his balls were hopelessly destroyed.
As Josh continued to struggle and howl in pain, Scott, Jason and Michael worked their way back to the counter where Josh had piled up implements of torture. The guys took the needles and spread them among the three of them but before they head back to Josh’s broken body, Michael wanted to try something.
Michael: ?Hold up guys; I got an idea. This little fucker wants to be hurt and humiliated. We’ve hurt him and will continue to do so, but let’s humiliate him.?
Jason: ?Awesome dude. What do you have in mind??
Michael: ?See all that piss collected on the tarp? Let’s find a way to collect it.?
Scott: ?I know.?
Scott went to the kitchen, opened the utility drawer and took out the turkey baster.
Scott: ?How about this??
Michael: ?Perfect. Grab a cup.?
The guys headed between Josh’s legs and used the baster to suck up the piss accumulating around Josh. Every time they got enough piss in the baster, they squirted it into the cup. Satisfied they had enough, Michael took the cup and knelt down next to Josh’s vomit-covered face.
Michael: ?Listen you little shit. You pissed all over the place and now you’re going to clean it up. Open your fucking mouth and drink it all down.?
Josh was still completely lost in the pain of his balls and was unable to concentrate and did not comply. Scott saw this, bent over Josh and slapped him in the balls. Josh yelped and that yielded a yelp and a focus of his attention.
Michael: ?Did you hear me? Open your fucking mouth and drink down your piss.?
Josh did not hesitate this time and opened his mouth and Michael carefully poured the cup full of piss into Josh’s waiting mouth. Josh had never tasted piss before, let alone his own. However, this new experience was to his liking, not only because it was degrading, but because it took the attention away from his balls, if only partially. Josh eagerly sucked down his salty piss and used the opportunity to periodically swish it around his mouth to clean out the stomach contents that had accumulated there. This was also an excellent opportunity to relieve the dryness in his mouth brought on by hours with a gag in his mouth. Once he finished, he swallowed it down without much thought to the revolting nature of what he was doing.
Scott just shook his head: ?No matter what we do to this twisted fuck, he likes it. Well ya, except for kicking him in the balls.?
Michael kept pouring the piss in Josh’s hungry mouth until it was all gone. Josh had no idea there was no more and kept his mouth wide open for more.
Jason: ?He wants more. Let’s give him more.?
Jason unzipped his fly and released his dick. Jason was still buzzed from his night of drinking and could care less that he was showing his dick in front of his roommates. Jason positioned himself between Josh’s legs with his dick facing towards Josh’s chest and face.
Jason: ?Listen up. You want more piss and you’re gonna get it. Keep that fucking mouth open and swallow everything you get.?
Scott looked on in amazement that Jason was doing this, but figured what the hell and started to fumble with his own zipper. While Scott was doing that, Jason’s bladder finally opened up and a thick stream of yellow piss escaped his ample dick and landed on Josh’s throat and splashed around. Jason adjusted his aim and got the stream to land directly in Josh’s mouth. Josh eagerly kept his mouth wide open and genuinely welcomed the warm piss that came from Jason’s alcohol-filled bladder. Every now and then Josh closed his mouth to swallow what had accumulated. When this happened the first time, the stream bounced off Josh’s mouth and went straight up his nose. This caused Josh to gag and struggle as, one again, his breath was cut off. Josh quickly swallowed, opened up his mouth again all the while trying to clear the new obstruction from his nose. Josh was unable to negotiate this balancing act and Jason’s piss flew everywhere. Jason was not happy.
Jason yelled: ?Listen you little fucker. I don’t care if you can’t breath or even if you die right here tonight. Maybe we will torture you to death; who knows. But before then, you WILL drink my fucking piss. Now open your God damned mouth and swallow!?
Josh snapped to attention at this stern order and immediately managed to clear his mind and nose and proceeded to start the process of filling his mouth with Jason’s warm piss. The process of filling his mouth, closing and swallowing repeated itself a total of three times. The second and third times, Josh managed to keep from getting too much piss up his nose, but some still trickled in. When Jason’s stream dwindled to a trickle, he moved out of the way and Scott moved in, dick in hand. Josh closed his mouth and lay there exhausted, in pain and ecstasy at what was happening to him.
Scott: ?No you don’t. Open that fucking mouth. You’re not done drinking piss. Open back up, now!?
Josh slowly opened his mouth, not quite as eager to take another healthy liquid feeding from his roommates. Josh’s stomach was starting to fill up, though you could hardly tell it because his skinny mid section remained completely sunken as a result of his body being stretched so tight in four directions. Finally Scott’s stream started and, enjoying the struggle he saw with Jason’s piss, Scott aimed directly for Josh’s nose and the stream started to go directly up Josh’s waiting nostrils. Josh immediately reacted at this attack and swung his head to the side. Obviously Scott would have none of that.
Scott yelled: ?Hey! Get your fucking head back straight. You do not get to avoid my sweet piss.? Josh, as he had done repeatedly tonight when given a strict order, snapped to attention and immediately put his head back in line, opened his mouth and awaited whatever was to come his way. Scott immediately repositioned his stream and aimed directly for Josh’s nostrils. This time, Josh did not move, but did cough and he struggled to breathe through his mouth. This became increasingly difficult and eventually impossible as his mouth also started to fill with piss. Josh did the best he could to rapidly swallow the piss so he could steal a breath in his mouth before the back of his throat filled up with Scott’s warm piss. Scott absolutely loved watching Josh struggle and didn’t care that all it was not going into Josh’s stomach. This was far more rewarding. Since Scott also had a beer-filled bladder, he pissed forever. Josh was forced to figure out a balance between breathing and swallowing piss. Eventually he did, but by then, Scott’s flow was running dry. Figures.
Scott: ?Oh my God that was so awesome. I think he totally got off on drinking our piss. What about it Michael? Are you ready??
Michael: ?Hell yeah I’m ready, but I’m going to see how much of a cock sucking faggot our roommate really is.?
Michael opened up the fly on his cargo shorts and fully removed his cock and balls, again unconcerned that he was exposing himself in front of his roommates. Josh, of course, remained blindfolded and has seen nothing up to this point. Michael got in between Josh and tried to figure out how to position himself to best shove his dick down Josh’s throat. Michael was, of course, soft and was not at his full 7.5?, but rather remained a healthy thick 4?. Michael could have placed his knees above Josh’s shoulders thus straddling his head, but Michael had a better idea; he knelt on Josh’s chest. Of course, there was no way he was going to put his bare knees on Josh’s disgusting chest that was covered in piss and chunks of vomit.
Michael: ?Scott, throw me a towel dude. This kid’s a mess.?
Scott threw Michael a kitchen towel and Michael proceeded to wipe down Josh’s chest. When he did, that beautiful red line from earlier shown through and Michael just couldn’t resist the chance to drag his fingernails directly across the entire line of the cut. Josh grimaced and struggled and, of course, Michael smiled in pleasure. Once cleaned off, Michael knelt his entire body weight directly on Josh’s skinny body. All 185 pounds of Michael’s 6’ frame landed on Josh’s shoulders and this caused him to grunt in pain. He felt like an immovable mass was crushing his body and he wanted it off. Josh tried to struggle and free himself, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. Michael was pleased.
Michael leaned forward, placed his hands above Josh’s heads on the tarp and lowered his flaccid dick towards Josh’s mouth. Michael told Josh to open his fucking mouth and Josh complied without hesitation, even though he was in so much pain on his frail, battered body. Scott and Jason watched with drunken fascination as Michael’s dick approached Josh’s mouth and eventually came in contact with his lips. Michael knew he has good alignment and just fell straight down in a prone position. No longer did Josh have 185 pounds on his shoulders, but he had that pain replaced by Michael’s mid-section laying on his face with his dick fully inserted into Josh’s mouth and nose covered by Michael’s smelly bush.
As Josh struggled with this new discomfort, Michael’s flood gates opened and piss freely flowed into the open mouth. Josh again had difficulty balancing breathing with swallowing, but quickly compensated as he was becoming an accomplished piss drinker. This time Josh had the added complication of a dick in his mouth, but he absolutely loved it. He was gay afterall and this truthfully was the first time he ever had a dick in his mouth. Josh was awash in a new wave of horniness that accompanied the situation. For this moment, Josh almost forgot the torturous pain in his limbs and balls. As a result, at exactly time Josh was swallowing Michael’s piss, his own dick started to get stiff once again. Scott noticed this first and commented on it.
Scott: ?Dude, he’s fucking getting hard again! Ahahaha he’s getting off on having your dick in his mouth. Guess that confirms he’s a fag.?
Michael: ?What the fuck! He gets hard when we kick him in the balls and how he gets hard when he drinks piss. What a complete sick fuck.?
Jason: ?This just means he’s getting off on what we’re doing and we’re obviously not hurting him enough. We’re really going to have to kill this guy before he stops getting these fucking boners. We just need to beat the fag out of him.?
Scott: ?Right on! Michael, hurry the fuck up. He may not let go of your dick when you’re done pissing and is bound to suck you off.?
Michael: ?No way is this dude sucking me off! ?
With that statement, Michael finished his pissing and Josh dreaded his first dick leaving his mouth, even though his stomach was painfully full of yellow nectar. Josh once again lay on the floor contemplating what happening to him when the pain in his balls, wrist and ankles catches up with him. The pain in the pit of his stomach comes back and Josh dreads the renewed agony, but prepared himself for even more torture. Like a good submissive that he’s becoming, he doesn’t say a word to his roommates. Even though he’s in unspeakable pain, he craves it and deep down wants more; although his body most certainly disagrees.
The guys reassembled at the counter to resume their previous attempts to use the needles when they were rudely interrupted by their bladders needing to empty themselves. Each roommate took about 10 needles and headed back to Josh’s bruised and battered body.
Jason: ?Let’s see if this little shit’s hardon comes back when we fill him full of holes.?
Michael: ?Haha no shit. This is gonna be fun. Where do you wanna put them??
Scott: ?Well, they gotta go wherever it’s gonna hurt the most?
Michael: ?Well no shit Sherlock. I know his dick and balls are obvious targets and he’s already got them in his tits. Where else??
Jason: ?How about in his fingers and toes??
Scott: ?What about in the bottom of his feet??
Jason: ?How about we shove a couple straight down into his nipples and right in his chest?
Michael: ?I know. How about we remove his blindfold and shove as many needles as possible into one of his eyes, fucking destroying one eye.?
Scott: ?Whoa dude. That’s a bit extreme?
Michael looked down: ?Yeah, I was just kidding.? He wasn’t. His heart raced at the idea and was serious.
Jason: ?Okay I’m shoving some in his nipples. I don’t care what you guys do.?
Jason knelt down besides Josh and got a close look at his smooth flat chest and nipples that were only slightly raised because they had needles under them artificially pushing the tips up. Jason knew he wanted to shove a needle straight through the center part of Josh’s nipples, but couldn’t because the needles Josh already inserted were right in the way. So Jason unceremoniously pulled both nipples out and Josh gasped as a sharp pained greeted him. The pain was short-lived and a small drip of blood appeared at the two point around each nipple where the needle had pierced the skin.
Scott: ?Watch it Jason. Don’t get any of his AIDS blood on you. You know this faggot has AIDS and he’s probably secretly hoping to infect us with his gay blood as we beat him.? Scott got on the other side of Josh’s body from where Jason was located and kicked Josh right in the ribs out of disgust. ?Stupid fucking faggot! God I hate fags.?
Jason: ?Watch it. I’m trying to work here.?
Michael laughed: ?Yeah the doctor’s trying to operate. You know what happens if he touches the side with the needle? Josh goes buzz and Jason loses.? The guys laughed at the subtle reference.
Jason got back to work, needle in hand, and lined it up directly above Josh’s right nipple. Jason pressed straight down and ran into the same problem Josh did when he tried the same thing the week before. Josh’s nipple simply compressed into his chest and Jason was unable to penetrate the skin. However, Jason was persistent and used two fingers on his opposing hand to stretch the skin around Josh’s nipple so the needle would penetrate easier. Jason stretched with all his might while simultaneously pressing with his other hand. Eventually the needle broke straight through and Josh screamed as his extremely sensitive nipple head was split in half. Josh kept screaming as the needle pressed further into his chest cavity. Jason stopped when the needle was about 1? into Josh’s chest. He wiggled the needle around mostly out of curiosity if he would feel the needle run into anything but was pleased by the painful reaction Josh gave.
Satisfied one needle was in place, Jason switched to Josh’s left nipple and started the process by tightening the skin around the nipple before applying pressure with the needle. Once he was set, he gave a rapid forceful push straight down with the needle and it punctured his nipple with no problem. Again Josh screamed out as his left nipple was also cut in half by the intruding needle. The pain was sharp and intense and absolutely would not let up. Josh struggled, but again was met with tearing on his arms and legs as the metal cuffs reminded him they were in charge and not Josh’s whims.
Jason got up and looked at his handy work. ?Two down, 28 to go.?
Scott: ?My turn.?
Scott positioned himself at Josh’s left foot and decided this would be the target of his needles. Scott took the first needle in his right hand and secured Josh’s big toe in between his thumb and forefinger of his other hand. Josh instinctively tried to wiggle his toe free, but Scott had a firm grip and it wasn’t going anywhere. Scott took the needle and positioned it underneath his toe nail and pressed it against the sensitive skin that formed the barrier between where the toe nail was connected to his body and where it grew freely. Scott dragged the needle the entire length underneath his nail forcibly scraping the skin along the way. Josh let out an intense scream as this very sensitive area was being tortured by the very unforgiving needle head. Pleased with the reaction Scott saw, he dragged the needle back and forth a couple more times. Before he took the needle out, he decided to push the needle straight in along the underside of the toe nail. Scott did this and watched as the needle separated the toe nail from its ultra sensitive flesh directly below it. Josh let out a blood-curdling scream and thrashed again as this new torture ravaged his big toe. Scott was further encouraged by Josh’s screams and pushed on until the needle travelled the entire length of the nail and disappeared into his foot. He left the needle in place, admiring his handy work and watching blood start to trickle out of the affected area. Josh kept screaming and just wouldn’t let up as he tried to will the needle out of his toe.
Scott decided he liked this so much, he’d continue. He secured Josh’s next toe in line and Josh gave the biggest fight he could muster, but it was no match for Scott’s grip. Scott started again by scraping the sensitive skin underneath the toe nail and, when he bored of that, shoved the needle straight into Josh’s toe, watching it travel on the underside of the doomed toe nail. Once the nail was travelled the length of the toe nail and was buried inside his foot, Scott moved on. All along, Josh was desperately screaming and even blubbering in incoherent pain. His two toes were the absolute embodiment of pain and there’s no way he could have anticipated this kind of agony when he innocently set all those needles out those few hours ago. Four down, 26 to go.
Scott continued the effort until all 5 toes on Josh’s left foot had needles buried to the hilt with their ends sticking out of their respective toes. When complete, Scott moved to Josh’s right foot and repeated the procedure. Scott so enjoyed dragging out the agony and wanted Josh to feel every ounce of pain that was coming to him. By the time all 10 toes were identically treated, Josh was sweating profusely, had a dry hoarse mouth from screaming so much and was dizzy with pain. Josh was so delirious he had no idea what was going on. His mind would only focus on the unbelievable pain his entire body was being subjected to. Scott stood up and admired his handy work. He saw 10 needles sticking out of Josh’s toes and admired an accompanying trickle of blood, nodding his head in self-congratulation that he managed to avoid touching any of Josh’s obviously infected blood.
Michael: ?Damn fine job Scott. I would have never thought of that.?
Scott: ?Why thank you; it is a rather fine piece of artwork if I do say so myself.?
Jason chuckled in agreement.
Michael: ?Well, what I had in mind wasn’t near as inventive, so I’m going to steal your idea.?
With that assertion, Josh managed his first coherent words of the evening.
Josh desperately whispered: ?Please guys. No more. You’ve hurt me enough.?
Michael: ?So, the fag boy decides to speak.?
Jason: ?Indeed. Let him plead his case.?
While Josh couldn’t see it due to his persistent blindfold, Jason winked to both Michael and Scott and quietly chuckled under his breath, clearly indicating he had no intention of letting up now.
Josh: ?Guys, I am a fag. I’m so sorry I kept it from you all this time, but I am so ashamed of who I am. I did this to myself. I need to be horribly punished for what I am and you’ve done it.? Josh’s voice starts to break up as he holds back from crying. ?I’ve never felt such unbearable pain. I hurt everywhere and it’ll take me forever to recover. But come on, I don’t think I can take any more tonight. Save it for another time. Please.?
Michael was actually moved by Josh’s words and was starting to remember his roommate was underneath this torture and not just a piece of mal-nourished meat. Scott and Jason, on the other hand, were still buzzed and had no intention of letting up.
Jason: ?Listen Josh. You’re right. You did this to yourself and you clearly thought about ways for your misled roommates to hurt you. You obviously wanted this and we’re such as fuck not going to stop now. Scott, take his underwear, soak it in as much vomit and piss as you can and shove it back in his mouth.?
Josh: ?Please. No!! I can’t take any more. You’re killing me.? Josh tried to struggle against his bonds, an exercise that was of course futile. Before he uttered any more words, Scott mixed Josh’s underwear in a disgusting mixture was ready to shove it in Josh’s mouth.
Scott: ?Now open that little fag mouth of yours. Come on. You know you want it.?
Josh resisted, shook his head back and forth and would not comply.
Scott: ?Jason, get over here and kick his balls again.?
Josh screamed in terror: ?No!!! No more to my balls!!! I’ll do it. I’ll do it.? Josh immediately opened his mouth as wide as he could.
Scott smiled and shoved the soiled underwear into Josh’s mouth. Josh’s taste buds immediately tasted the piss-vomit mixture and he was revolted by the now cold texture and taste. He instinctively tried to move his tongue out of the way, but there was nowhere for it to hide. Josh gave up and his tongue laid directly on the soaked underwear. Scott completed the task by tying the rope back around Josh’s head tightly securing the underwear in place.
Jason: ?Now Michael, don’t be a bitch. Get down there and shove those pins in him. And you better fucking make him scream.?
Michael was going back and forth tonight and delivering this devastating torture to Josh and the persistent alcohol buzz was not helping him think clearly. However, Jason’s eloquent words refocused him, laughing, straightened his right hand, raised it to his eyebrow and said ?Yes, sir, Jason, sir.?
Michael knelt down by Josh’s right hand got a good look at the dried up blood surrounding Josh’s wrist where the metal handcuff continues to tear away his skin. His arm looked so tight against the bond that he was amazed Josh’s arm hadn’t ripped out of its socket. Michael repositioned himself and placed his left knee directly atop Josh’s stretched out right hand, holding it steadily in place.
Anticipating what was to come, Josh’s heart rate and breathing increased. He continued sweating with fear. He knew this was going to be awful and wondered how long he’d be without the use of his fingers. Jason and Scott were once again fueled by Josh’s fear and egged on Michael.
Scott: ?No backing down now Michael. Give it to him! Destroy his skinny little fingers so he can never jack off again!?
Jason chimed in: ?Definitely man! Fuckin’ waste him dude.? Jason went to the kitchen, took out 3 beers and handed one to each of him roommates and cracking one open himself. No point in this ending anytime soon. Michael took a big swig of beer and focused on the task at hand. With his knee holding Josh’s hand firmly in place, he grasped Josh’s thumb and held it firmly in his left hand. With his right hand, Michael held a pin and brought it towards the tip of Josh’s thumb. Jason and Scott watched intently, beers in hand.
Rather than scrape the skin underneath the nail as Scott had, Michael tried a different approach. Michael rapidly jammed the pin straight into the fleshy part of the thumb, quickly removing the pin and jamming it in again, in a slightly different spot. Michael did this four time in about two seconds, each puncture site producing a large drop of blood. Each pin prick caused Josh to squeal into his gag, but the pain was at least tolerable compared to other torments suffered this evening. As Michael finished off his beer, he was getting his buzz restored and was getting back into the thrill of hurting his roommate.
After Michael produced four puncture wounds in Josh’s right thumb, it was time to replicate Scott’s technique. Michael took the pin, steadied it against the underside of Josh’s thumbnail, directly in the center of the nail and began to push. Josh let out a pre-emptive cry knowing the horrible pain that was to come. Michael didn’t let up; he pushed the pin straight into Josh’s thumb, directly on the underside of the nail, following its course all the way in, stopping only when the tip of the pin was no longer visible. Poor Josh was screaming and crying simultaneously, shaking his head back and forth, desperately trying to free his thumb from the onslaught of pain.
Satisfied with the results, Michael moved on to the index finger. Retrieving a new pin, Michael punctured the tip and surrounding area of Josh’s right index finger a half dozen times, each hole drawing a large drop of blood. Wasting no more time, he positioned the needle underneath the nail, as close to center as possible, and began the familiar motions of meticulously pushing the pin into the nerve-filled region directly below the fingernail. Josh renewed his screaming and thrashing, wondering how much more of this brutal torture he could take. His mind was once again reduced to elemental feelings of pain. The piss and vomit-soaked gag was doing its job by muffling the gut-wrenching screams emanating from Josh’s horse throat.
Michael continued his effort until all 5 fingers of Josh’s right hand were impaled with pins in the same manner as the rest. Michael repositioned himself to Josh’s left side and again set out to place his knee on Josh’s hand to secure it in place. However, Josh wanted to try something a little different. Before he knelt down, Michael decided to fall on Josh, landing his knee and all his body weight directly on Josh’s left hand. Michael didn’t really give this action any thought beyond thinking it would cause just a little more pain. So, he did. Michael crouched over Josh, positioned himself, and fell straight down, landing his knee perfectly on Josh’s left hand. It was perfect. Not only did Josh scream out in this new assault, but the three roommates clearly heard something crunch. Michael didn’t feel any pain in his knee, so he knew he didn’t break any bones, so it must have been bones in Josh’s left hand.
Michael immediately moved off Josh’s hand and surveyed the hand for obvious signs of damage. He roughly used his hands to feel around and rub Josh’s left hand and Josh screamed in protest. Michael felt Josh’s right hand for comparison and sure enough, there were a couple loose bones in Josh’s left hand. Michael really broke Josh’s hand. He swelled up in power and self-congratulation that clearly wasn’t there after Josh’s little speech a while ago that almost secured his release for the evening. Not now. Michael actually broke Josh’s bones and the feeling was intoxicating. All Josh could do was suffer and realize that he was now possibly damaged for good and his sick roommate was getting off on it!
Michael: ?Oh my God guys. That was awesome. Did you hear his fucking bones break??
Scott: ?Hell yea dude. You did it. That was too awesome!! Now what??
Michael: ?I’m going to fucking break his fingers, one at a time.?
Josh heard this, broke out into a new sweat and yelled ?Noooooooo!!! Please!!! Noooo!!!? at the top of his lungs into his gag.
Jason: ?Now that’s hard core. You deserve another beer for that dude.? Jason fetched another beer and gave it to Michael. Michael cracked it open and drank half the can down. He put the can down and repositioned himself next to Josh’s left hand. Fueled by this new power and an alcoholic buzz, Michael held Josh’s 4 fingers and thumb against the floor and grabbed Josh’s left pinky finger and slowly bent it straight back until it reached its natural resistance. But he didn’t stop, even when Josh screamed and begged into the gag. Michael kept being the defenseless digit straight back towards the back of Josh’s hand until, ultimately, the joint connecting the finger to the hand snapped, breaking his finger. Josh let out another blood-curdling scream and Michael was immensely satisfied with himself.
Scott: ?You actually did it! You sick fuck, you did it! Right on man. You are hard core.?
Jason: ?No shit man. You just had to outdo Scott and his pin trick, didn’t you??
Michael: ?Well, the little fuck wrote in his note that he didn’t care if he broke a bone, so he’s getting exactly what he asked for and deserves. Only difference is, I’m not stopping at one.?
With that, Michael latched onto the finger next to Josh’s now-ruined pinky finger and began pulling it backwards. Again, the finger met a natural resistance, but he kept pulling until it, too, met with a familiar audible snap and the resulting deathly scream from Josh. The finger, now being separated from its joint, just hung there. Michael saw this as a toy and twirled the damaged finger around watching it move in completely unnatural ways. This caused Scott and Jason to laugh in encouragement. Michael move onto the middle finger of Josh’s left hand and started the same treatment of bending it backwards. But, before he fractured it, he wanted to try something new.
Michael: ?Do we have any pliers??
Scott: ?I don’t. What for??
Jason: ?Yeah I have a pair. Hold on.? Jason searched through a box in his room and returned with a well-used pair and handed them to Michael.
Michael: ?Thanks dude. I wanna try something.?
Michael had been handed a regular pair of pliers with a set of teeth that was one-half inch wide. He slightly opened the handle and carefully placed the opening between the two surfaces over the end of the fingernail on Josh’s left middle finger. When the surfaces were adequately covering the fingernail, Michael bore down on the handles, fully gripping the end of the fingernail in its teeth. Michael firmly held the rest of Josh’s finger for support and slowly began to pull up on the captured fingernail. The roommate saw what he was doing and stared in awe and silence. Michael continued to pull against the resistance, determined to rip the fingernail off Josh’s middle finger. Josh renewed his screams until they started to become choppy from screaming so much. His throat was finally giving out on him. But, the torture of having his fingernail forcibly removed from his finger was unconscionable. But Michael relented. He continued to pull until the fingernail began to separate from the skin below. Michael used the opportunity to get a better grip on the doomed nail and continued his pull.
Josh continued to scream and beg into his gag, but to no avail. Michael was a man on a mission. Little by little, the nail was tearing away from the fleshy skin below. After nearly a minute, the fingernail was almost completely removed, yet a portion remained attached at the base. Michael examined the area and noticed that the nail actually retreated into the finger, extending past the nail bed. Michael stared like he was looking at a science experiment, oblivious that he was actually torturing his roommate. Michael continued to pull and was impressed with how much more nail was coming out and eventually how much meat hung on the end of the doomed nail. Confident he had most of it, Michael gave one last rapid pull, ripping the nail and the small chunk of flesh from the doomed finger. There was some bleeding at the separation site, but not nearly as much as Michael suspected. The skin beneath where the nail had just lived looked extremely raw and tempting for additional torment. But, for now, he was intrigued by the nail and dead skin currently being held in the teeth of the pliers.
By this time, Josh was actually shaking from the pain his body was undergoing. His mind was swimming in pain and he could no longer form a coherent thought. His body was attempting to compensate in whatever way it could. Unfortunately, his skinny frame was no match for the terror the roommates forced upon him. The shivering seemed to be an instinctual last act of desperation to fend off what was happening to him. Meanwhile, Michael stood up with Josh’s fingernail with attached chunk of flesh securely held by the pliers. The other two roommates gathered around and were totally enthralled by the visual in front of them.
Scott: ?Damn that must have hurt. I can’t imagine the pain he must be in.?
Jason: ?No shit. Fuck him though. Get back to it Michael.?
Michael: ?Haha you do want him to suffer forever don’t you??
Jason: ?Hell ya I do. Look at him. This fag deserves everything that could possibly be done to him.?
Michael put down the eviscerated nail on the counter and knelt down to Josh’s side once again. He picked up another sharp pin and decided it would be good fun to play with the newly exposed area under where Josh’s fingernail recently rested. When Michael closely examined the area, he saw a raw red and white puffy area with little drops of blood covering the area. The skin looked so soft and tender to Michael’s gaze and he knew any touching of the region would hurt like hell. So, of course, that’s exactly what he did. He took the needle and poked right on top of the exposed fleshy skin. Michael didn’t get the reaction he expected from Josh. Michael expected a blood curling scream, but instead Josh just twitched. So, Michael kept poking and went deeper with each successive poke. Josh just twitched but made no other audible or physical movements. At this point Michael figured Josh was pretty much out of it or maybe even unconscious. So Michael got up and told the guys that Josh has had it.
Michael: ?He’s done.?
Jason: ?Shit, that’s too bad.?
Scott: ?He’s not done yet.? Scott ran between Josh’s stretched out legs and kicked him right in the balls as hard as he could. Josh let out a grunt, but didn’t give any other response. Sure enough, Josh was done.
Scott: ?Fuck man. That sucks.?
Michael: ?What the hell are we gonna do with him??
Jason: ?I don’t know but we can’t leave him here. I mean we broke his hand, his fingers and fucked him up pretty bad. I’m not going to jail for this prick.?
Michael: ?Oh shit. I didn’t think about that. Even if he asked for it, we’d be screwed.?
Scott: ?Let’s drive his ass into the country and dump him there.?
Jason: ?Good idea. If someone finds him, they’ll think he was gay bashed. We gotta get our stories straight though. You know the cops will come here asking questions.?
Michael: ?Okay, so here it is – we all went out to this party (everyone saw us there so we have like a hundred witnesses) and when we came home, his door was closed and we didn’t bother to open it to see if he was here. Last time we saw him was earlier in the day.?
Scott: ?That’s cool. And when they ask, we didn’t know anything was wrong with him, didn’t know he was gay, he gave no signs of being moodier than normal.?
Jason: ?Right. So where do we take him??
Michael: ?Let’s dump him a few miles north of campus.?
Jason: ?That works. Get the key to get him loose.?
Michael grabbed the cuff key off the counter and proceeded to unfasten the cuffs on Josh’s wrists and ankles. They came off and revealed four very raw and torn joints. Entire layers of skin were scraped away and dried up blood was readily visible. Michael made sure he didn’t touch any of the disgusting blood. Josh didn’t move. His limbs were completely incapable of moving, even if he were awake. Scott removed the pins he had earlier placed in Josh’s toes. Michael also removed the needles in Josh’s nipples and the few remaining in his fingers. Before Michael got up, he removed the gag and blindfold from Josh, liberating Josh’s eyes for the first time this evening. Unfortunately, Josh’s eyes were closed and his head lying to one side. Josh was out cold and free of his bonds and torments. He now lay naked, still spread out on the tarp.
Michael: ?I’m not picking this fucking dirt bag up the way he is. He’s disgusting. Get a towel, wet it and bring it here.?
Scott complied and returned with one from the kitchen. Michael cleaned up the vomit, piss and Ben Gay that still clung to Josh’s body. Once Josh was fairly clean, the guys were ready. It was now after 4 in the morning so hardly anyone should be around to witness what was to come. Scott and the boys contemplated rolling Josh up in a blanket so no one would see them carry him to the car, but they thought better of it. The sooner this little shit was out of their hair, the better. Scott picked up the lightweight, unconscious Josh, threw him over his shoulder and stood there as Michael and Jason collected all the evening’s evidence. They collected soiled towels, all the pins, Josh’s note, the broken plastic rod, the unused soda bottle, the candles, the handcuffs, the handcuff keys, rope, the underwear gag, blindfold, even the eye bolts from the walls, everything they could find and threw it in the middle of the tarp. Michael wadded up the tarp, Jason opened the door and headed out.
They agreed to use Scott’s car since it was the largest and had a big trunk. Scott threw Michael his keys and Jason hurried outside to unlock and open the trunk. Once it was open, Scott looked around, saw no one and hurried out the door with Josh’s naked, limp body bouncing on his shoulder. Once Scott reached the rear of his car, he unceremoniously threw Josh into the trunk where he landed on a variety of bags, shoes, soda bottles and other random crap collecting there. Josh made no indication he felt the impact. Michael shoved the tarp of goodies on Josh and Scott slammed the trunk lid shut and the three roommates got in the car and took off.
Their university, while large, is located in a fairly rural setting, so it took 10 minutes of driving before they were in the middle of nowhere. Scott made a few turns and found a desolate looking bridge overlooking a creek bed. He pulled over, the three guys got out and removed Josh from the trunk. Scott again threw Josh on his shoulder and carried him down the embankment, under the bridge and threw Josh on some rocks and softly flowing water. It’s possible Josh broke another bone when he impacted the rocks, but Josh only grunted when he eventually came to rest on his side, somewhat in the fetal position. No cars driving by would find Josh here.
The roommates felt absolutely no pity for what they saw in the creek bed and honestly felt they were doing him a favor. He wanted to be fucked up and Scott, Jason and Michael were only too happy to oblige in their drunken state. After a few seconds of staring at their broken roommate lying on the rocks, they re-entered Scott’s car and before driving off, confirmed their stories once again.
Scott: ?Okay, let’s get this straight. We last saw the little fuckwad this morning when each of us we got up ? he was acting as normal as usual, said nothing ? he was sitting in front of the TV watching old episodes of M*A*S*H while eating a sandwich. Then we each took off our separate ways and did whatever this afternoon. When we each wandered home and ate dinner, Josh was presumably in his room, cause his door was closed. That much is all true.?
Michael: ?Right. Then we took off, what, about 9 p.m. for the party at Rick’s place. We’ll have to admit we drank. No point in lying about that, but it’s no big deal since you two are 21 and I’m 22.?
Scott: ?Exactly. If we lie about drinking, the cops won’t believe anything else. So, we leave the party about 1:30 and got home like 15 minutes later. All true. Then, when we went in the apartment, we’ll say we saw his door closed again and each of us went to our rooms and off to sleep. We never saw him. Sound good??
Michael: ?Right on. Jason??
Jason: ?Yep, I’m good with that.?
Scott: ?Great. Let’s take this tarp to some dumpster behind the grocery store on the other side of town and get the fuck home and to sleep.?
It was set. They drove to the other side of town, found a big grocery store and deposited the tarp in a dumpster that was pretty full. They went home, looked in the apartment for any more signs of the evening’s activities and found a little blood on the carpet that was underneath where the tarp was located. They didn’t know where it came from, but got a little worried so rearranged furniture so the spots were covered. Everything looked good so they went to bed.
Back at the creek, Josh was unconscious. He was lying on a bed of rocks, under a rural bridge, with water slowly flowing under him. Fortunately it was a warm night or he might have succumbed to hypothermia. To look at him, you’d wonder how he could be alive. He had wounds everywhere. He had been tortured to the point of unconsciousness. His left hand and two fingers were fractured, his ankles and wrists were a torn up mess. His middle finger on his left hand was missing its nail and a chunk of flesh. His toes and right fingers all had marks of blood on them where pins violated his sensitive skin. His nipples were torn and his balls were still swollen from repeated kicks. Fortunately, or perhaps not, the night came to an end, the sun slowly rose, birds chirped, and no one found Josh.
Introduction: Young love … theres a glorious, fleeting beauty about it, one a heart does not understand until years pass … … This story takes a while to build up, and the sexual scenes are very detailed, which might not be everyones cup of coffee. Enjoy! Sexual characters are eighteen, of course. ********** I lay on a towel in the scorching sunshine. It was hot enough to be almost uncomfortable. The tip of my left bare boob itched, and I rubbed it absently. I hated tan lines. Luckily the...
Introduction: giving credit where credit is due, this story is from a person that goes by the name Lowlandriders his currently stopped the continuation of this series and I want people to see how good of a writer he is if you enjoy the story send me a message and I'll give you the origial place where you can contact this person. It was late in the morning when Josh woke to the sounds of workmen plying their trade.Still sore from the 16 hour flight despite travelling first class, he yawned and...
Still sore from the 16 hour flight despite travelling first class, he yawned and stretched trying to get some more sleep. The noise was too loud to ignore and after a few moments he gave up and got up. He navigated his way through all the boxes and unpacked furniture to the bathroom. One of the few good things to come out of this Trans Atlantic move, he thought, that and the huge house his father had bought. Relaxing a bit under the steaming shower he glanced around, taking in his new...
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It was a Friday night and I was home alone. My mom, ant, and cousin had all gone to disney world. They had been saving up for this trip for the last 7 months. They had all tried to persuade me to go, but I steadfastly refused. Disney world held no appeal for me. They had finally given up and they just told me to be good and not to burn the house down. It was about 6:00 in the evening and I was floating around our pool in the back yard, with my friend josh. smoking a cigarette. Josh was a 18...
It was a Friday night and I was home alone. My mom, ant, and cousin had all gone to disney world. They had been saving up for this trip for the last 7 months. They had all tried to persuade me to go, but I steadfastly refused. Disney world held no appeal for me. They had finally given up and they just told me to be good and not to burn the house down.It was about 6:00 in the evening and I was floating around our pool in the back yard, with my friend josh. smoking a cigarette. Josh was a 18 year...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestJosh and I had known each other for years. We had both just gotten out of a bad relationship and decided to transform our friendship into a friends with benefits relationship. I was 23 at the time, and Josh was 28. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and perky titties. They are small, size A, but they go perfectly with my slim figure. Josh was always staring at my ass, so it must have been great to him. Since I got a new job, John and I no longer work together. The last five months...
Quickie SexMy thoughts that morning upon waking were private. Nicole was shielded, concentrating, doing what she had to do to be all she could be. Sandy and Darren were asleep. Gloria, too. Sandy's bed could sleep four, so the three of them slept in comfort. I don't know if I'd have pushed the mother/son sex like Sandy, not that she had to push all that much. I'd have just let it happen. I was doing a lot of that lately - letting things just happen. There were times when I enjoyed being alone, and...
Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
You wake up floating. Puffy, white clouds are below you, blue sky all around. In front of you stands to blue-skinned people clad in long robes. One male, one female. The male has long, tall, white hair. The female has a long, white ponytail, ample breasts, and a seemingly plump ass, though it is hard to tell because of the robe. Both of them wear purple lipstick. "Where am I? Who are you?" Are the only words you are able to utter with how much information is flooding through your brain, the...
Chapter Six The sun warmed Luciel’s flesh as she ran into the cool waters of the river. She dove beneath the glittering surface once the water reached her waist, and then resurfaced with a gasp, rubbing the water from her eyes. The chilly water caused her nipples to pebble and raise goose bumps on her skin. Closing her eyes, she let the sunshine warm her face. The heat didn’t last very long, though. A shadow coming over the source of light, had her opening her eyes once more, expecting to see...
SupernaturalShe raised her eyes to his. Immediately, her pupils dilated more, until the black nearly obliterated the icy blue. Her nostrils flared, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. The tension in her legs abated, and she actually leaned back a little more, and widened them Yes. “Touch yourself,” he hissed. “I want to see you pleasure yourself.” Another breathy whimper passed through her plump lips, as her fingers dipped into her wet slit. Her back arched, and her eyes closed to glittering slits. Her feet...
SupernaturalI come into the room and find you kneeling in front of the door. I look at you, gaze over your entire body as you wait, trembling in front of me. Your eyes are down to the ground, your hands submissively at your sides, and you await my command?? You came here of your own free will, paid for this hotel room, and surrendered yourself to me for the weekend. You are here because you posted an add on a bdsm personal site requesting extreme abuse, humilitation, and torture. You stated you would...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Josh and I had known each other for years. We had both just gotten out of a bad relationship and decided to transform our friendship into a friends with benefits relationship. I was 23 at the time, and Josh was 28. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, long legs and perky titties. They are small, size A, but they go perfectly with my slim figure. Josh was always staring at my ass, so it must have been great to him. Since I got a new job, John and I no longer work together. The last five months...
I waited until she was home before I called her because the crimes I wanted to report weren't time critical. "Hi, Dot," I said when she answered my call. "Thank God," she said. "I thought after the fiasco in Greece that you'd decided to find another contact or give up on helping the authorities, period." "My problem wasn't with you, but with your boss, and I need to apologize to him through you. I threatened him, and that was unconscionable. I was at a bad point in my life, and...
This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
So there I was. Detention. As usual. Girls like me ended up there a lot. I'm your stereotypical punk rock fuck up, a troublemaker. And so at 3:38, as usually, I was in room 204, Detention. I sat there looking down at homework, pretending I was doing it. Just then, Heather Sanchez, the feisty Hispanic homecoming queen came waltzing through the door. She took a seat down next to me, and I gave her a shocked look. I mean, who'd imagine that the perfect teenage girl would end up next to me? There...
Lesbian(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...
Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife Lovers