The Old Brass Bed
- 3 years ago
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Frank had just hung up the phone after a conversation with Paul Riley at Citicorp. His bank had some preliminary interest in funding the bridge financing for the R&D projects, but they wanted to see the 10-Q before committing to anything. Frank was hearing that message over and over from each bank he contacted. That suited him fine because the 10-Q report would be in the hands of the SEC by the end of the week, and therefore in the public domain. Frank knew what the report said, so he was sure that after publication it would be on to the next step.
As soon as he hung up the phone Jeannette buzzed him on the intercom. "Mr. Lowell is here and insists on seeing you," she said in her normal, smooth voice. It didn't matter how her voice sounded, Frank knew there was trouble outside his closed door. When Jeannette used the word 'insist', Frank knew what it meant.
Frank could have put Lowell off with one excuse or another and he was tempted to do it. It was eleven already, after all, and Frank would have preferred to avoid the distraction. He realized that the idea was wishful thinking. In a tit-for-tat world Frank knew that Jason would ice Aaron and the forecast, and that wasn't acceptable. He drew a deep breath. He was about to walk to the office door to greet Jason, but he thought better of it.
"Tell him to come in, Jeannette." he answered through the intercom.
Jason Lowell was a slender man, and that gave him the appearance of being taller than he was. His wavy, reddish hair was a little longer than most, combed thoughtlessly to the side—no doubt, a holdover from his days in academia. He had pale skin to go with his red hair, and the Texas sun had turned it blotchy. It all gave him a boyish look, but actually, he was two years older than Frank.
Frank remained seated as Lowell marched across the room. Jeannette closed the door behind him. He stayed silent until Jason stopped in front of his desk. He looked the intruder over; Frank couldn't see the floor just in front of his desk, but he wouldn't have been surprised if the young VP was tapping his foot.
"What's up, Jason?"
"It's that guy of yours, Fishberg; you've got to get him off my back," Lowell blurted out.
Frank didn't answer right away, and Jason jerked his head from one side to the other in search of a chair. He found one and dumped himself into the seat.
"Let's go over to the alcove where it's more comfortable," Frank said as he rose from the chair behind his desk. Jason bounded out of his newly-won perch and followed his reluctant host.
"I'd offer you something," Frank said, "but it's too early for something hard and too close to lunch for anything else." He waited for Jason to seat himself. "Maybe we should have had this conversation over lunch."
"Maybe next time," Lowell answered in a squeaky voice that cracked.
"I could get you some water," Frank offered as an afterthought. "How about some water?"
"No thanks," Jason replied.
"It's just that your throat sounds like it's a little dry," Frank observed.
Jason didn't answer this time. He sat motionless, arms crossed, in the leather chair. Frank thought that his blotchy forehead appeared damp, despite the air conditioning.
"Fishman," Frank said.
"Huh?" Lowell grunted.
"His name is Aaron Fishman," Frank repeated. "It wouldn't normally be important for you to remember that, but since you'll be working so closely together over the next few days, I'd thought you'd want to know his name."
"I don't have time..." Jason began to protest.
"He won't mind if you call him Aaron," Frank interrupted.
"It's not up to me to do this," Lowell shouted. "It's your forecast! Put your own numbers to it. I didn't take this job to be a bean counter."
"Not a chance, Jason. We're talking about your projects and hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm beating my goddam brains out to get you the money you need. I can't do it without that forecast and I won't settle for a bag of garbage tied up with a pretty ribbon."
"We had a plan for the money," Jason reminded him. "Somehow, that all crapped out."
"That question's been asked and answered," Frank lashed back. "We're moving on. Did you meet with Blake Hart about the commercialization?"
"Well, uh..." Jason started to answer.
"No! I know you didn't because I spoke with Blake this morning. He's waiting for you and you're not even on his calendar."
Jason looked out the window and then down at the floor. "I guess I didn't know the process around here," he mumbled. "Couldn't the three of us meet around a table and..."
"No, you've got to work with Aaron on this. I'm busy arranging the financing. I should be doing that right now. It was what I was doing before you barged in here."
"Sorry," Jason uttered, averting his line of sight away from Frank. "I don't see how you can bring a guy up from the fifth floor and put him an office up here and expect us to just to be comfortable with him."
"Aw, come off it, Jason. That's uncalled for. I brought him up here to make this whole thing move faster. It was my call—and a good one. And don't think I can't read between the lines," Frank added as he pointed his finger at Jason. "I'm going to let it pass because nothing is more important right now than getting this forecast done."
Jason said nothing, just glared at the floor with his arms folded across his chest.
"I'll walk you to the door," Frank said, reclaiming his calmer demeanor.
"Never mind," Jason replied. "I'll find my own way."
Frank watched him walk to the door. As he reached out to open it, Frank stopped him.
"Hey, Jason," he called to him, "come on back at five and we'll have a drink."
Lowell paused and started to speak, but then turned and left without answering.
Frank shook his head as he watched Jason leave. It was nothing that he hadn't encountered before, and scientist-types were the worst when it came to forecasting and budgeting. They whined and moaned, but in the end it was a job that had to be done.
Frank was displeased at Jason's comments about Aaron. He hadn't really expected it from Jason, having come from liberal academia and all. He hadn't come out and said the 'J' word, but the edge was there and Frank knew what it meant. That was personal, though, and could only be important if it had an effect on the forecast.
I can't save the world," he sighed out loud, "just this forecast."
When he was sure that Jason had departed the area he went to Jeannette's desk. "Would you find Aaron and tell him to plan to have lunch with me? And, make reservations for two in the Executive Lunchroom for twelve-fifteen."
Frank was waiting for Aaron outside his office as lunchtime approached. "I'd give you that extra hour today, Jeannette, but I can't afford to be without you," Frank told her.
"Stop worrying about it," she replied. "I only think about it when you bring it up."
At that moment Aaron appeared from around the corner, looking a little nervous.
"I hope you're hungry," Frank said as he pressed the 'up' button for the elevator. The Executive Suite was a floor below the Dining Room. Aaron didn't answer. "They always push the salads," Frank joked, "but don't let them get away with it."
"I've never been in the Executive Dining Room," Aaron pointed out as the stepped into the elevator car.
"No, I wouldn't have thought so," Frank replied. "I don't go up there much, myself. More times than not, I have them bring me a sandwich to my office."
"We could have done that," Aaron volunteered.
"No, not this time," Frank replied. The elevator door opened and they stepped out. The Head Waiter greeted them and then escorted them through the crowded dining room and showed them to a table by the window. "Charles, have you got a table in the middle of the room?" Frank asked.
"Sorry, Mr. Bennett, they're all for parties of more than two. You usually ask for the window table. 'Sales' has a big lunch on today for..."
"It's alright, Charles," Frank said. "I just had a thought that didn't work out."
The two men sat down; Aaron was busy rubbernecking around the room and catching the view of the city from the top floor.
"Why do you think I asked you to have lunch here today?" Frank asked.
Aaron thought a moment. Frank watched him and he was sure that the young man was searching for a tactful reply. He wasn't annoyed. It might have been him sitting in Aaron's place a dozen years ago. That is, if any VP had ever been in the mood to treat him to lunch.
"I guess it's in lieu of overtime," Aaron guessed.
"Beats getting money, doesn't it," Frank joked. Aaron forced out a strained laugh. "That's only part of the answer," Frank said. "Let's face it; if it were just that, I could have taken you somewhere a lot more interesting."
"This is real nice," Aaron countered. "I was just going to get a bowl of soup in the downstairs lunchroom."
"I ate a lot of meals in that lunchroom. I should go down there sometime, just for old time's sake." Frank thought it over for a second. "Probably not," he recanted. "I doubt if the employees could relax over lunch with the brass at the table next to them."
"I'm sure everyone would be happy..." Aaron tried to console him.
"Don't worry about it, Aaron," Frank interrupted. "I was there once. I know the score."
Frank let the point sink in while he paused to look over the menu. He took his time, waiting for the suspense to have full effect.
"I wanted you to be seen up here with me so that everyone knows that you belong in the Executive Suite while you're on this project and that the reason that you're there is because I said so. It's the reason I was hoping for a table in the center of the room."
Aaron took a gulp of his water. "I see."
"It's not that I don't appreciate the job you're doing or that I'm not enjoying having lunch with you," Frank said. "I've got to make sure of this other thing, too. I'm short-handed with the Controller's position vacant. We can't let that be an excuse. Nothing can get in the way of getting good performance on this forecast. I'm pulling out all the stops."
"I understand," Aaron assured Frank. "It's going a little slower than I thought..."
"That's because not everyone thinks they have to work with you," Frank said. "I just had a visit from Jason Lowell this morning. I know he walked out on you earlier."
"Actually, he didn't walk out; he didn't show up," Aaron explained. "I sat outside his office for a half hour. We were supposed to meet at nine. His secretary finally ran him down and he said that he forgot. He was across town in the Polymer Lab checking on an experiment."
"That's even worse," Frank insisted. "I don't think he's held a test tube in a dozen years. He was just hiding out."
"He called me later and asked me what I needed him for. I told him and he said he didn't know what I was talking about. Then he said he'd have to get back to me."
"That must have been when he marched into my office," Frank said. "We had a good exchange. I doubt if he'll put you off again."
"I'm happy to hear that," Aaron admitted.
"But if he does," Frank warned, "you have to come to me right away. I know why you didn't. You didn't want to come running the first time someone kicked sand in your face."
"I thought I could handle it. You were busy with other things," Aaron pleaded.
"I understand," Frank continued, "but I can't condone it. This forecast is more important than personal pride. You've got to understand what's at stake."
"I think that I do," Aaron assured him.
"Well, let me make sure you do," Frank said, leaning forward. "This company needs to invest in R&D in a big way to keep up with competition, and that means lots of money. The stock offering is off the table for the time being, so that means debt financing. To get lenders on board, we need a forecast they can hang their hats on. If we don't get the financing, we won't be able to keep up. We'll lose market share and margin. It won't be right away, but it's sure to happen."
"I understand," Aaron said.
"I'm not finished," Frank said. "If we float a forecast that we can't live up to, we'll lose all credibility. Our stock price will tank. Our investors will lose their shirts. Western will become a takeover target and some outfit like KKR will pick us up for a song. Then they'll milk us until the company folds up piece by piece."
"I really do understand," Aaron tried to assure him.
"Jason Lowell called us 'bean counters' this morning. Guys like him think this is some kind of silly exercise to keep us busy. It's not; it's serious. Every employee and investor is counting on us. Neither you nor I will drop the ball."
"I won't let you down," Aaron promised.
"Aaron, if I thought that there was anyone in this company who could do this job even a smidgeon better than you, that person would be doing it."
"Except for you, of course," Aaron said with a deadpan expression. Frank paused and then slowly started laughing. Aaron laughed with him. "It's my Jewish sense of humor," Aaron explained.
"Don't be a wise guy," Frank countered. "That's not allowed in the Executive Dining room until you reach Pay Grade 9." Frank laughed some more. "C'mon, let's enjoy our lunch."
After they finished eating they were waiting for the elevator. "When you see Jason this afternoon, try to line up his numbers ahead of time as much as you can. Make it 'fill in the blanks' as much as possible."
"Thanks for lunch," Aaron said politely.
"Thank you," Frank replied. "Consider it a down payment."
"C'mon, Bren; it'll be fun. Just wear jeans. I'm in the car now; I'll be at your house in less than ten minutes."
It was Gloria's latest command. Brenda couldn't see why Gloria felt she needed an escort and she'd planned on spending the afternoon by herself, getting ready to go to dinner with Blake that evening. As it was, her nails were still wet.
Brenda sighed and put on her jeans and a pair of loafers. She didn't want to, but hadn't figured out a way to refuse when Gloria insisted. And, she reminded herself, one never knew what new developments might take place when Gloria was out and about. It was best that she be there if anything needed to be handled. Brenda sat waiting at the window, wondering what the upcoming excursion might bring her way.
Gloria pulled into Brenda's driveway in her silver Beemer, which meant that the company car, complete with chauffer, was assigned to Alvin for the day.
"This is starting out bad already. I don't even know if I'll make it back in one piece." Brenda had been in the passenger's seat of Gloria's car before, and it was always an adventure. She consoled herself with the knowledge that the German-engineered luxury car must have all the latest safety amenities. "I'll just have to figure out a way to buckle my seat belt without hurting her feelings."
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The Fappening“You`re sure madam? We can really fuck her?” Madame De Voillet stood in her drawing room before the semi-circle of seated guests and smiled. “Yes, Sir Edgar. She is 20 years old and the daughter of one of my most valued friends. And might I add, one of the most licentious. The girl that will shortly stand before you, is the result of an overprotective father. A man who knows nothing of his wife`s wanton ways.” A chuckle of delight rippled around the room. “And do we get to fuck the mother...
Lady Georgette Lockwood was bathing on the orders of the voluptuous Madam De Voillet. The maid Maisie caressed her sperm encrusted skin with a soft cloth, washing away the sticky essence with perfumed water. Georgette lay back and gave a soft sigh, reliving the events of the last few hours. When she awoke this morning she was an innocent virgin, unaware, and ignorant of, the ways of men and women. And now, just a short while later, she had masturbated a cock, tasted sperm, and been...
‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
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Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping mall. No one else seemed to mind either because I never interfered with their activities. I usually just sat there and listened to them gossip or complain about boyfriends. I liked to imagine I was a sheikh and they were all my harem girls. Occasionally one of the girls would ask my opinion about something they were talking about, something they were wearing or a boy one of the girls liked. I was...
My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the...
Over the Christmas break, Blake Hartley had calledMonica up. He managed to get some guys to pony up for one of Monica’s stripping parties. She hardly talked about them anymore, but part of the attraction was the infrequency of the event. Once every two months. Otherwise, it became routine. But this was a different situation. Monica hadn’t danced in months—well, she hadn’t danced for any of the boys for a while. Once a month, after school, usually on a Friday, Houlihan had her strip for him....
Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...
I awoke to find myself in a soft bed, a thick, comfortable blanket pulled over me. The walls around me were wooden, but looked very solid. Sunlight washed into the room through an open window. I could hear children playing outside. My body felt sore and complained as I tried to move. "Rest," an enchanting female voice said to me. Another elf woman stood not far from the bed, wetting a cloth in a bowl of water that sat against the wall. I laid back down, heeding her instructions. "Where...
George Foster was determined to make this evening memorable. It wouldn’t be his final night with Sylvia, physically at least. It would be their final after-school evening, and he had run out of excuses. He would have to tell her tomorrow that he had decided to take the job in Canada. It wouldn’t be their last night in the same apartment, their last night in the same bed. It probably wouldn’t even end their sex together. Sylvia enjoyed that as much as he did, and it wasn’t as if he was...
Sylvia Jennings thought that George was utterly transparent. Intelligent, yes, but she could read all his thoughts from his actions. She soaped herself slowly under the shower and thought about him. For all his talk about ‘celebration’, for example, he wanted morning sex. He thought that spoiling her the night before would get her in the mood this morning. And, of course, he was right. Not that getting her in the mood took as much effort as he put into it. She enjoyed the sex, and she didn’t...
It was eight thirty in the evening on a Friday but unfortunately for Bridgette she had to stay to finish the project in the laboratory she and colleagues had started earlier in the week. The vaccine had proved a difficult one to manage but success had been accomplished and she just needed to ensure all the proper documents were straight before they presented their accolade to the many ministers, heads of departments and other dignitaries at the forthcoming press conference on Monday...
"I'll be home when I'm home" Bridget screamed, looking back at her mother as she slammed the screen door behind her. Bridget's mother threw her hands in the air in total frustration, knowing full well she had lost her young girl and was now looking at a very confident and independent young lady. Bridget walked down the front yard to the driveway where she met her friend Mike in his 1995 Mustang convertible and hopped in, ignoring her mother as she looked out the window. "Drive!!" Bridget...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThe following new character appears in this and other chapters: Phara Hemsamahan, Governor of Korat Province, Sonsri's father, 5'-7'' tall, 165 pounds, 45 years old, Black hair, brown eyes Keofeh house owner, Amulet devotee, an older woman about 5'- 0'' tall and rather thin. Black hair and brown eyes "You cannot do that! She is dedicated to the Amulets and is also my friend," Sonsri told him in a loud voice. On hearing this, the new guards shrank back in fear of touching one...
COL Page had returned to Lop Buri late on Friday and arrived at his office at 0900 hrs on Saturday morning. LTC Hawkins was waiting for him, as their quarters are next to each other, and he was aware that his boss was back. "Here you are, sir," LTC Hawkins said, as he entered his boss's office. "The top report is from last year and the bottom one is from March of this year. After you look them over, I'll tell you what was left out and why." "Left out? Do you mean that these reports...