My Own Fucking FaultChapter 2 free porn video

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The morning had started off typically enough. Darcy and I had driven over to her mother's place for a quick early breakfast. Maxine had called us earlier asking if she could drive Darcy to the floral shop as Chris had stated the need to use her car to run some much needed errands. Once again, it wasn't unusual that we did that and had readily agreed.

The one thing about Darcy's younger sister Chris that drove me absolutely nuts was the fact she dressed ... or rather undressed so provocatively around the house whenever she was there. This morning was no exception as Darcy and I walked in, the smell of fresh baked rolls, scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee waiting for us when we did. By now, the sight of Chris wandering about in little more than a white "wife-beater" tank top that looked painted on, and a pair of panties which most of the time barely even covered her ass was an almost normal occurrence to see her wearing first thing in the morning. And as usual, I always tried to avert my eyes and keep anyone from realizing I had ever checked her out. It was hard not to however, especially when her usually braless breasts with hard stiff nipples stood staring at me whenever I looked up. Just like they were now as Chris scooted back in her chair standing up.

"Refills?" She asked heading back towards the kitchen counter, her tight twin ass cheeks winking at me as she crossed the room.

"Yes, please," Maxine said holding up her cup as Chris made the rounds filling everyone's coffee. She filled mine as well, leaning slightly over my shoulder in order to do so. I felt the graze of her breast just barely caress my shoulder as she did. It's not the first time that had happened, and had been the topic of conversation in the past between Darcy and me. We both knew Chris enjoyed teasing me, though she appeared to do so innocently enough. Knowing full well it wasn't going anywhere, but she tended to make a habit out of doing that just for the hell of it.

"Why don't you just stick one in his mouth?" Darcy said dead-faced, not at all angry or upset with her sister, they had gotten well past that stage. Now it was more of a running joke between the two of them ... and me the joke, whenever Chris purposely did anything like this.

And as usual, Chris just laughed it off, retaking her seat moments later but I again noticed her nipples if anything where even more prominent and harder than they'd been a moment before.

"I don't know what all the fascination with breasts is anyway," she said forking a mouthful of eggs. "We all have them, not like he hasn't seen them before anyway ... you, mom and I are pretty much the same size, so like I said, seen one pair ... seen 'em all!"

Even Maxine laughed at that. "Maybe you two look similar now, Darcy's still young enough that I'm sure her boobs are still a bit perky, fuller ... but not mine. Especially at my age, gravity and all," she said looking down at herself. And of course when doing that, forcing my attention towards her. Maxine as usual sat in her robe, and as I had also learned a time or two, with very little on underneath it. Even as she sat there now, I could clearly see the hint of her cleavage peeking through the opening of her robe.

Now even my wife was getting into it, enjoying my sudden discomfort as the conversation got a bit more risqué, though I think she along with her sister where enjoying this at my expense.

"Let see mom," Darcy quipped surprising me, though I now had a pretty good reason as to why she might even suggest this. It certainly hadn't been planned, but Darcy had decided to use her sister's inadvertent teasing to her own purposes and advantage.


"Oh come on ... not like Jack hasn't seen your tits before," Darcy joked. "I've seen him looking down the front of that robe you're wearing enough times, so not like he hasn't." Maxine looked towards me, my face beet red. I had of course, but up until now it hadn't become the topic of conversation it now was.

"He doesn't want to see these old boobs," she said looking at me, though her eyes were already hinting at the fact that I obviously had enjoyed seeing them ... even coming on them in fact, giving me a quick brief secretive wink when she did so.

All the chatter of course had been just that, no one had any intention of actually showing me their boobs, with the exception of Chris of course, who might just as well have. The tank top she had on molding her own large breasts quite revealingly, the curvature of each easily seen, not counting or including the dark coloration of her large nipples pressing against the front of it ... still hard and erect.

"Wow ... I need to get moving!" Chris suddenly exclaimed looking up at the clock. "I told Rachel I'd meet her by nine at the mall!" She exclaimed, and then hurriedly ran down the stairs to her room in order to dress.

"I probably should get dressed as well," Maxine announced likewise pushing away from the table, though addressing me when she did.

"Let me show you something in the sewing room that I've been thinking about adding," Maxine stated. "See what you think before I get dressed."

I nodded, standing as Darcy began clearing away the breakfast dishes intending to wash them while her mom dressed and while I followed her up the stairs to check out this new idea she had. "What do you want to add now? Or change?" I asked as we climbed the stairs up to the second floor, and then down the hall towards the sewing room, which was just across the hall from her room.

"Actually ... I don't want to change anything," she grinned mischievously. "But I did want to tell you what I was hoping you're planning on doing for me," she grinned.

By now, I had a pretty good idea what that was of course, and had been half expecting it.

"Remember what we talked about?"

I nodded my head yes. We now stood in the doorway of her sewing room, and as I turned to look at her, I noticed she had undone the sash on her bathrobe allowing it to fall completely open. Not unexpectedly, she was entirely naked beneath it. Contrary to popular belief and earlier discussion, Maxine's large full breasts were indeed still very beautiful. Maybe they didn't sit up off her ribcage as high as they once did, like Chris's most likely did ... but they were indeed damn fucking gorgeous. I felt my cock actually twitch in recognition of that, though I again also realized I shouldn't be standing here doing this either.

"I shouldn't be gone any longer than an hour. After I drop your wife off at the shop I'll head straight back here. What I want to see ... expect to see when I do, is you standing here just like you were yesterday. I want to walk in just like I did before, see you standing here ... naked, stroking yourself off. Oh yeah ... and with my panties. I've left some new ones for you to abuse yourself with," she chuckled hotly. "You'll know where they'll be."

She turned then heading into her room to dress, leaving me there with a partial erection already. I knew of course, I'd do exactly as she'd asked me to do, still trying to figure out how the hell I had gotten myself into this mess, but now actually starting to like the fact that I was. I mean after all, it wasn't all that bad now was it? Just jerking off for her while she watched? Wasn't that bad of a thing to do ... not that decadent, and besides ... in a way, I really did have my wife's permission to actually do that. Didn't I?"

I began work on the room though checking the time. When I was fairly sure that Maxine would be returning any moment now, I went back into her bathroom. Sure enough, she'd placed a new pair of panties for me right there on top. Red ones this time, a bit more silky feeling as I picked them out, already imagining what they actually might feel like as I stood there stroking my cock with them when she came in. I quickly left heading back into the sewing room, undressed and stood there waiting for the sound of her car to pull into the driveway. Sure enough, I did ... and then just as she'd asked, I proceeded to stand there slowly stroking my cock, amazed to find I was as aroused as I was. I lifted Maxine's panties up to my face, I could smell her ... smell her musky aroma, it was intoxicating, and immediately sent a nice pleasured jolt down to my cock.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

It was de'ja'vu. Only this time ... it wasn't Maxine's voice that I'd heard. It was Chris's!

I spun facing her, my hand still on my prick, though I managed to tear her mother's panties away from my face ... already too late of course as she stood there wide-eyed gawking at me with the most surprised look I'd ever seen. That look however soon turning into a more curious ... interesting one as she then turned her eyes down between my legs.

"Darcy wasn't kidding ... you really do have a gorgeous cock!" She stated.

"Listen Chris ... I can explain," I began already knowing I couldn't. How the hell could I reasonably explain to her what I was standing here doing ... but I had to try. But then I had heard her words, only then registering. "Is that all the three of you do? Sit around and discuss my cock?"

"Lately ... yes," she laughed still looking at it, though now she walked into the room closing the distance between us a bit uncomfortably. "Before now however, all I could do was wonder what it actually looked like, now I know!" She grinned her hand coming out before I could react, grabbing it.

"Shit! Fuck! Chris!" I said dancing away forcing her to release me. "What are you doing?"

"No ... the question remains, what are you doing?" I hadn't realized it, but as I attempted to move back and away from her, she'd managed in the mean time to grab her mother's panties out of my hand, now twirling them around on her finger in front of me. "With these?" She then added leering at me. "And how many times have you done this anyway?" She continued to press, though at the moment ... words failed me. "Ever ... jerked off with any of mine? Would I find any of my panties missing perhaps? Or at least all crusty, sticky with your semen?" She asked once again stepping closer towards me, now damn near having me cornered and unable to retreat against the windowsill. Which is about the time we both heard another car pulling up into the driveway.

"Fuck! Maxine!" I stammered out, just managing to grab the panties back and away from Chris as she turned towards the sound.

Rushing past Chris I sprinted across the hallway, once again heading into Maxine's bathroom where I immediately replaced her panties, and then back into the sewing room again, where Chris continued to stand there laughing at me.

"Oh this is too good!" She giggled.

"Please ... Chris, please, don't ... don't say anything, don't mention this ... please!" I begged as I hurriedly dressed again.

"Ok ... I won't, provided later on, you do something for me."

"What? Ok ... anything, whatever you want, just please ... please don't say anything about seeing me like this."


I should have known better, but as I could now hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I didn't have time to think it through before agreeing to that.

"Ok, I promise!" Chris smiled.

"I'll collect later then," she added, and then turned just as Maxine entered the room. "Hi mom!"

I had bent over now kneeling on the floor smoothing out some more tape along the floorboards trying to act as though I'd been doing that the entire time. Only glancing over and up briefly towards Maxine as she gave me a curious inquiring look, though speaking to her daughter instead.

"Thought you were meeting Rachel at the mall."

"I was ... but then half way over there she called me, said she couldn't make it after all. Figured there was no sense going there all by myself, so I came home again. Anyway ... thought I'd come up and see if Jack needed a hand doing anything," she smiled demurely, and then turned to look at me with a lusty grin on her face. "Looks like he's about ready to start painting, figured I might as well help. I'll ah ... go put some painting clothes on and come back," she said slipping past her mother out the door and then headed downstairs again. Maxine and I stood listening to her leave before turning to me.

"Damn ... shitty timing huh?"

"You might could say that," I said without telling her why.

As it appeared we couldn't do much but paint the room now, Maxine too went into her room in order to change into something she could likewise paint in. Chris returned moments later, ready to "lend a hand" as she said, giggling softly as she reached down cupping my cock through my cut-off jeans.

"Jesus Chris ... your mom!" I whispered softly once again pulling away from her nervously glancing towards the door.

"This ... is going to be interesting," she said as she walked over and began putting on one of the new rollers I had purchased onto the handle she'd picked up. Interesting was right. She didn't look much different than she had this morning. She had chosen as painting attire, a pair of worn out cut off jeans that had more holes in them than material remaining. Most, if not all of her ass was sticking out the bottoms of them, if not through a fairly large hole on the left side of her ass. Even worse however, was the cut off tee she was now wearing as well, barely covering the bottom portion of her once again braless breasts, which she'd proven out to be as she leaned over when picking up the roller. Both breasts stood dangling there momentarily as she did that. "Well ... where would you like me to begin? Up here?" She asked reaching towards the ceiling, and of course while doing so ... both of her tits immediately popped out from beneath the tee she was wearing. Which was also of course when Maxine once again came walking in.

"Maybe you should do around the baseboards," Maxine suggested, though she at least didn't comment on her daughter's obviously exposed breasts. "Leave the ceiling for Jack to do ... he has longer arms than either you or I do," she stated.

The thing was ... Maxine was almost as bad as her daughter in her appearance. Not quite ... but all most! Maxine too had an old pair of shorts on, not nearly as short of course as her daughters were ... but she had also put on an old dress shirt, most likely one of Fred's. She'd tied the front of it in a knot just below her breasts, both of which were threatening to force the buttons to pop off, obviously braless as well as evidenced by the deeper than normal cleavage I was staring at.

Tearing my eyes away from her, and from Chris as well, I was determined to focus my attention on painting the room. If I didn't ... I'd soon be in obvious trouble and unable to hide it when I was. Little did I realize this was going to turn into a titty-teasing fest of unbelievable proportions!

As small as the room was, it soon grew to be uncomfortably hot, especially with the window open, as we needed to do that in order to air the room out some. That, or be overcome with the paint fumes. The problem was ... with three of us working together side by side, the heat of the day ... it grew uncomfortably warm, and before long, the three of us were actually sweating profusely.

I obviously had one distinct advantage. I could at least remove my shirt, which I now did, so I was at least a bit cooler than the two of them.

"Fuck this!" Chris said. "I'm taking mine off too! It's too damn hot in here!" And then just like that ... she did. Maxine looked as though she were about to say something, but Chris cut her off, perhaps making her rethink her concern. "Oh for hells sakes mom ... like we were talking about earlier, he's seen enough of both of us before now, what difference does it really make anyway? They're just boobs after all. And I sure as hell am not going to stand here and sweat to death when I can at least be a bit more comfortable!" To my surprise, Maxine laughed, and then began working on the small knot keeping the front of her shirt tied together.

"She's right ... what difference does it make anyway? We're all adults here ... and not like you haven't seen tits before ... so why not?"

Suddenly I was standing there looking at two naked pairs of breasts as the two of them began painting again. The problem for me was ... I was starting to get hard again, and had no way in hell of trying to hide the fact that I was. And worse ... as only moments later, wearing a tight pair of cut off jeans, I was far more than just a little uncomfortable because of it. It was downright ... painful! And ... to make matters even worse than they already were, it was clearly obvious as well, which Chris managed to dutifully point out.

"Jack's got a woody!" She snickered looking over towards me. "How the hell can you paint like that? Doesn't it hurt?"

Perhaps it was indeed the pained expression on my face that gave truth to that. It did ... almost more than I could actually bear in fact.

"Maybe ... you really should take care of that," Maxine said in a voice that sounded more far away, than she'd intended to voice. Almost breathless as she spoke.

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Lockdown Adventure With Uncle

Hello ISS readers, I am Suhani and I am a big fan of ISS. I have been reading stories on ISS for a long time. Friends, today I am going to tell you about my steaming hot sex episode that I had with my uncle during the lockdown. OK, let me first tell you about myself. My age is 23. I am a college student. I live in Bengaluru with my mom and dad. My dad is a businessman and my mom is the principal of a college. I have a cute face and fair skin complexion. My hairs are jet black in color and they...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Mili Kaamwali Ki Nayi Chut

Hi friends! Toh kaise ho aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer- IIT Bombay) fir se hazir hu aapke samne. Meri pichli kahani agar aapne nahi padha to please padhiye. Ab kahani pe aate hai. Maine bataya tha ki main lockdown mein ghar pe fas gaya tha. Par Pooja aur Aarti, dono behano ne mujhe chudai ki kami nahi hone di. Ye bhi lockdown ki hi bat hai ki mujhe ek kaamwali ki chudai karne mili. Mere papa ka accident ho gaya jisse unka pair tut gaya. Papa kuch kar nahi sakte the. Toh mummy humesha...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Maine Ma Ko Choda 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, this is Abhi. Today I am gonna share with you about how the corona lockdown led to me having sex with my mom! Before starting the story, let me tell you about myself and my mom a little bit. I am 21 years old, 6ft tall and athletic body. My dick size is 7inch. Now about my mom. Her name is Vidya. She’s 42 years old but looks like 30. She has a very curvy figure of 34 30 38. She’s 5.5 ft tall, has black hair. She generally wears a western dress and occasionally wears sarees. Now let’s...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Daughters Story Synopsis

During lockdown I got very frustrated and the only sexual satisfaction I was getting was from Patch licking my pussy through my knickers. This had to happen before I went to bed because Patch wasn't allowed to sleep in my bedroom, he always had to sleep in the kitchen. I have got this changed, and Patch is now a regular sexual partner in my bedroom. He often licks my wet cunt which I now offer to him, whilst I enjoy wanking him off, gathering his cum in to a glass which I then drink. I am...

3 years ago
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Uptown Spunk 3 Pt 2

Athena’s eyes couldn’t move fast enough reading the email she received. Her heart was beating wildly, she was hyperventilating, and tears began to fall. When she finished the message, she sobbed uncontrollably.“Oh!, Oh! I can’t believe it!” she stammeredRobert had finished his shower. The naked, muscular stud-c***d headed for the bedroom to get fresh underwear. Knowing that with White Castle murder burgers digestion took extra long, he perversely considered bending his illicit lover over the...

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Downsizing Ch 05

Monday Morning rolled around way too early for Dani. She got dressed up in her normal attire, put on her make up, and was waiting impatiently for Stacy to finish getting ready. Dani made the comment, ‘You know, you should be quicker than me still.’ Stacy was kind of hung over from their last night as a man and a woman couple. They both knew that the new position would require that Dani be in character all the time from now on to support the company in his new position. When they arrived at the...

1 year ago
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The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...

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Lockdown Changes

It was lockdown and Hannah was in her bedroom having first checked that Liz, her landlady, had gone out for a walk.Hannah was twenty-three-years-old and almost qualified as a solicitor. She was living away from home because the only job she could get was in a different town and so she rented a room from Liz. Liz was forty-five-years-old and so her mum’s age, and often looked on her as her mum, albeit she was actually her landlady.For years Hannah had fantasised about being spanked. It started...

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Lockdown with Daddy Ch 3

The drive home did nothing to calm Ann, her brain was whizzing at one hundred miles an hour. She couldn’t believe she had done what she had done with Julia. More to the point, she couldn’t believe she had lain back and allowed Julia to do what she did. As she parked the car in the drive she suddenly had a flash back to how she had felt when Julia’s fingers had made her cum, it was the first time in years that she had cum other than the few times she had masturbated. She felt a warm surge...

2 years ago
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Lockdown with Daddy Ch 1

Harry entered the bedroom, Ann was already in bed, reading her book. He slowly removed his clothes then pulled back the quilt.“I do wish you would wear something in bed,” Ann said, “it’s not decent, especially men of your age.”“You never used to complain when we were first married,” he said.“Yes well that was a long time ago,” she replied, “you should act your age, let’s face it you’re no adonis, l for one don’t want to look at everything you’ve got.”“I’ve never worn pyjamas and l’m not...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Maine Ma Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is Abhi. Today I am gonna share with you about how the corona lockdown led to me having sex with my mom, Vidya. Din normal hi beeta, bas fark itna tha ki hum dono hi apna kaam nahi kar pa rahe the. Mera coding mein dhyan nahi tha, galtiya kar raha tha aur ma ka kaam bhi pura nahi ho raha tha. Mujhe aaj kuch bhi karke ma ko sex ke liye raji karna tha. Mujhe uske bina chain nahi mil raha tha. Sham tak sochne ke baad, maine socha ki direct bolna hi sabse accha hoga. Jab ma ne khane...

2 years ago
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Lockdown With A Young Neighbour Girl In Mumbai

Day 1 of the lockdown happened without warning. She rang the doorbell 5 times to wake me up. As I groggily opened the door in my track pants and t-shirt, she was standing in her usual immaculate style. Almost perfect figure, neatly dressed in a white churidar and yellow kurta. Her big black eyes were rimmed with kajal, thick silky hair in a loose braid till mid-back, perfect lips with only lipgloss, simple rings in her ears and a smooth complexion that closely matched the golden color. She...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Lullabye Part 2

Sorry I haven't got around to adding this sooner, other things to do I'm afraid. I got asked to add to it, so here goes! Thanks for all the positive comments and suggestions, I really appreciate them. Not all have been added yet, but I will try and add more of them in as the story goes along xx -------------------------------------------------------------- Lockdown Lullabye II It had only been a matter of a few hours, but the conditioning that Nanny and her partner, now my Aunty...

4 years ago
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Lockdown with Daddy 3

She checked herself in the mirror, seeing how flushed she looked. She took a couple of deep breaths, hoping that would calm her down. She saw Jenny watching her from the kitchen window, she knew she couldn’t sit there any longer. She climbed out of the car, retrieving her shopping and entered the house. “Are you alright Mum?” Jenny said as her mother placed the shopping bags on the worktop. “You look upset.” “Oh….Er….l’m just in a hurry, l got held up at the supermarket,” Ann replied. “Oh...

2 years ago
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Lockdown with Daddy 1

“I do wish you would wear something in bed,” Ann said, “it’s not decent, especially men of your age.” “You never used to complain when we were first married,” he said. “Yes well that was a long time ago,” she replied, “you should act your age, let’s face it you’re no adonis, l for one don’t want to look at everything you’ve got.” “I’ve never worn pyjamas and l’m not starting now,” he replied, sitting back and reaching for his iPad. “Why don’t you read a book instead of tapping away on that...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein 2 Bheno Ki Shararat

Hello dosto mera naam Sarah (name changed) hai, aur mai pehli baar yahan pe aap sabke liye likh rahi hu. Agar kuch galti hojaye likhne mein toh please mujhe maaf karna. Shuru karne se pehle mai aap ko apne bare mein batati hu. Mai 19 saal ki hu aur college jaati hu. Mera rang thoda sanwla hai aur height 5’4 hai, mere baal bohat lambe aur straight hai meri kamar ke niche theek mere hips tak aate hai, mere stats 34-28-44 hai. Mai ek bisexual female hu jis ka ehsaas mujhe abhi thode time pehle hi...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Neha Kaki Ka Asli Roop Dikha

Namaste dosto mera naam Pratik hai. Main 25 saal ka hu. Meri athletic body hai thode gym karke muscle banane ki koshish ki hai. Main Mumbai mein ek MHADA society mein rehta hu. Hamare yaha bahar se aye hue bohut se log rehte hai. Jyadatar rent pe hi rehte hai aur waise hi ek Mahesh uncle hamare niche wale floor pe rehte hai. Mahesh uncle mujhse 12 saal bade hai. Jab woh hamari building mein aye tabse hamari jaan pehchan hai. Mere gharwalo ke aur Mahesh uncle ke acchi jaan pehchan thi. Pehle to...

4 years ago
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Lockdown sex with an old friend

Hello everyone, I am Kishan, back with . During the pandemic lockdown, this story started in my life and went on for many months. I thought it would be nice to share it with you all. During the first lockdown, I received a text message from an unknown number one day. It turns out that person was my old acquaintance. She asked how I was, and we slowly talked about many things. Soon we were talking about our love lives, how we are alone etc. She had a boyfriend and was just broken up. Therefore,...

1 year ago
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Lockdown with my SIL 8211 Part 2

Please read the previous story for the whole experience. Massaging her feet, I slowly moved up. She was wearing track pants. I moved my hands to her calf muscle over her dress. I started to knead them softly and then increased the pressure slowly. Her eyes were glued to the TV, and she was sipping her drink. I asked her where else does it hurt? I wanted her to point at her thighs so that I could touch her more. She did the same, raised her hand and pointed at her thighs. I kept both my hands at...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Sex With Married Elder Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello! This is Rajeshwar Rao, 19 years, hail, healthy and happy living boy. I belong to a village 80 miles away from the city. Ours is an agricultural family. This incident which I am writing now did take place on the first night of the lockdown period. Though I am only 19 years of age and grew up in a village atmosphere, I was tall and strong. After passing my Inter II year, last year, that was in 2019, I came to the city to do graduation. My elder sister lived in the city. My elder sister...

1 year ago
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Lockdown fun with neighbour savitha aunty

Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident… Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident took place few days back with my hot neighbour her name is savitha aged around 32 yrs very fair with dickraising asset 34-32-34...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Fun With Neighbor Savitha Aunty

Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident… Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident took place few days back with my hot neighbour her name is savitha aged around 32 yrs very fair with dick raising asset 34-32-34...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Fun With Neighbor Savitha Aunty

Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident… Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident took place few days back with my hot neighbour her name is savitha aged around 32 yrs very fair with dickraising asset 34-32-34...

3 years ago
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We are in a taxi. I am snug and warm beside you. On this occasion, I am wearing a long black hooded cloak. That's all - just a long black cloak. I'm sure this means that a nice surprise is awaiting me.I'm leaning against you, resting my head on your lap, feeling your wonderful fur coat soft against my skin.The taxi driver is used to our evening excursions and pays us no attention. He drives silently through the dark streets.We're nearing the centre and entering the quiet Soho backstreets...

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I smiled as you popped yet another White Rabbit into my mouth, those milky, rice paper covered sweets that the chinese so enjoy. We had spent the morning wandering around the streets of Chinatown, breathing in the smells and enjoying the curious little shops, overflowing with an amazing assortment of foods, Chinese sculpture, art, magazines, videos and music. Eventually, you took my hand and pulled me down what first seemed an alleyway, but was, in fact, a very narrow street lined with yet more...

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Ok, this is pretty sick lemon, I admit. But…. I was comissioned to do this and it's my policy to never turn down a comission. Not even the ones I would hate. Fat clown: "Hi Kids, I'm Bonko, it's time to start this birthday party! So what's your name B-day girl?" Girl: "Ann!" Bonko: "Hi Ann, are you having a good birthday? Hehehe!" Ann: "I had, but then something happened...." Bonko: "What?" Ann: "I saw you and I lost my will to live." Bonko: ".........Well I can turn...

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COUNTDOWN Twenty minutes… I glared at the clock by the door, and shuffled back to the kitchen, thecuffs on my rest snug and locked together. I knew that there would be a phonecall within ten minutes, and I wanted to be close to it. She had kept me like this for three days now, monitoring my well being throughall of the damned electronics, and having me keeping that idiot clock running. I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering how it started. "Do you trust me, slave?" she smiled and dangled...

1 year ago
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Lockdown time

Hello guys am karthi . How is lockdown going for you guys?I am a new author in the field of sex stories, so please forgive any mistakes, have chosen to share an encounter of mine with my friend’s mom. I trust you folks like it and would comment.I am 28 years of age, and I live in one of the party cities of India, Bangalore. I work as a Engineer for an top MNC company. I won’t bore you frnds by giving too much all the more concerning myself.It all started in Jan 20th of 2020, I had come home...

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Lockdown Advantages

Who would of thought that being lockdown could make something good come from it? I rent room from my long-time friend Fran. It more of a place to store stuff as I often away for work. With this virus going around I have been on lockdown like everyone else and have been home for several weeks.Most of the time when I there Fran makes sure to dress modestly, keeping her fine little body cover. Over the last several weeks she become more relax and self-impose dress code has become more revealing by...

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Lockdown Lovers

Life in viral lockdown isn’t all bad, I’m thinking as I lie in the half light of the morning sun filtering through the bedroom curtains. There are no planes rumbling overhead straight out of London Heathrow, and no traffic on the road outside. I’ve still got a job, I’m working from home and instead of standing on the station platform I’m here in bed naked with an iron bar of a morning woody sticking out between my legs. I reach down and run my fingertip slowly up my straining shaft and across...

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Lockdown Mein Maa Bete Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Hi guys, ye mere mom ke sath sex karne ki kahani ka agla part hai. Pichle part mein apne padha ki kaise lockdown ke karan maine apni hi ma ko choda. Ab iss part mein aap mere mom ke saath kiye kuch special sex ke bare mein jaanege. Kahani shuru karne se pahle main aapse kehna chahunga ki agar aapko mere mom ke jawani ki sex ki baato ke bare mein jaana hai to mujhe pe email kare. Iss part mein maa bete ki chudai ke kuch special raato ke bare main likha hoga. Incident 1. Humare apartment mein...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Chudai Ki Kahani

Hi friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (IIT Bombay) fir se aapke samne hazir hu. Karib ek saal pehle maine apne share kiya tha. Thanks to ISS, mujhe kafi jyada response aaye. Kerala se lekar kashmir, Rajkot se lekar Assam tak. In mein se kuch ki chudai karne ka bhi mauka mila. Kota se bhi kafi students ke message aaye jisme kuch IIT preparation aur kuch chudai ke liye the. I hope maine sabko satisfy kiya ho. Ab story pe aate hai. Ye kahani mere neighbour Pooja aur uski behan ki...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Sissy part 1

Author's Note: Thanks to those who have reached out to me with story ideas. It's been difficult to get any writing done these past few months, but hopefully my head is finally back in writing mode. I hope you enjoy this nasty little fantasy. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas--either here in the comments or directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque Lockdown Sissy- part 1 I made a resolution to become a better sissy in 2020. It's something that has...

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