E town Dear Anne Landers
- 4 years ago
- 41
- 0
When we got to the lobby, Alan, Tina and Susan were waiting on us. When I saw the enthusiasm displayed by the three girls while Alan and I stood back, I realized that the giggly, happy trio was seeing life as a much broader, brighter path to adventure then I was. Don't get me wrong, but at this stage in life, I was deliriously happy with Cindy as a wife and friend, and I could easily see a path forward for us.
What I was seeing with the three girls was that they were EXCITED about where they were going. They weren't looking for comfort and ease, they were on the path to adventure. Cindy looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. If anything in my life needed to be contagious, it was the joy that I saw Cindy and her 'sisters' displaying.
"Come on, Alan," I said. "We just as well join in. We're here for the ride anyway."
Alan looked at me, amused. "I wasn't that excited when I graduated, Dan. And they're excited about GOING!"
"Tell me: When you left to go to college, it was just YOU, right..."
"Uh ... yeah, as far as going into engineering. There was a bunch from my graduating class, but I was the only one majoring in engineering."
"So you started out on your own. Got friends, whatever, after you got there."
"You did something different?" He asked.
"Nope. Pretty much the way I was. But this bunch ... similar goals, standing at the door together ... I guess they have a reason to be excited." I thought for a second. "Was there anyone in your family that could back you up? I mean, academically?"
"No," he said. "Pop was an operator at a chemical plant. He would've helped if he could've. But all he had was a high school diploma and anything like college math was out of his league."
I pointed towards the three girls. "They have us..."
"If we can keep up," he said. "Those are three bright girls. I dunno..."
"You have a point," I said. "I know my Cindy. It's liable to be a rough time..."
We stopped that conversation when the trio turned around and started toward us.
Alan asked the question first: "Where are we going and what are we doing when we get there?"
"Dinner an' a movie," Tina said. "We wanna see THIS one, an' while it lacks the blood, mayhem and explosions necessary to satisfy the male of the species, we have determined that both of you have the capability to endure temporary privation in the interest of future reward."
I chuckled at Alan. "You married her?"
Cindy jumped in. "Uh, Dan, my SISTER is a woman of much worth. Alan recognizes this. You should learn..." And Tina and Susan BOTH stuck their tongues at me.
Amid laughter we walked out and got in the minivan and headed to the movie theater. Tina was correct. A man WILL endure things in the interest of future reward. Actually, the movie was funny, and the company pleasant, and one can hardly ask for more than that.
The girls' dinner selection was a chain restaurant. Wasn't a big hit on the pocketbook, not that such a thing mattered. Susan protested when I picked up her tab.
"Oh, let 'im," Cindy smiled. "He needs to win every now an' then..."
Susan grinned at me. Pleasant little thing, she was. "Then go ahead. Cindy knows best!"
My little redhead smirked at me. "I know YOU, baby!" Her fingers touched my arm.
"Don't worry about me, cutie," I said. "I've been winning since I met you."
"Awwww," the other two girls said in unison. And Tina patted Alan's arm.
Back at the hotel, Susan came up to the room with me and Cindy.
"Get the cards out," Cindy said.
I got the cards out. The three of us sat cross-legged on the bed, playing rummy, laughing, talking.
"How do you do it, Cindy?" Susan asked. "I catch all kinds of crap at school for bein' smart..."
Cindy shrugged. "I did, for a while," she said. "But I'm helpin' a bunch of kids in math, an' some of 'em are football and basketball guys who NEED to get good grades to keep playin'. I'm kinda 'off limits' to anything other than the occasional strange look." She sighed. "I got more crap from bein' married."
"Really?!?!" Susan said. "How?"
"First, EVERYBODY thought I was pregnant. Had to be, yaknow ... until a few of my teachers met Dan. An' we hang out with Jim an' Ann Hardesty. He's my guidance counselor and Mizz Ann's the music teacher. But one guy made a remark one time when I was trying to help him with math. Said that since I was married, he knew I was 'used to doin' it' and he made an indecent suggestion. I shut my book an' walked away and told the teacher that HE would NOT get any more help from me. He came to me himself an' apologized."
"Wow," Susan said. "I guess, fourteen an' all that..."
"I think that's a lot of it," I said. "Word got out about Cindy graduating high school about the same time word got out about our marriage. That's a lot of stuff to get around a middle school."
"I bet," Susan said.
"Oh, it was VERY interesting," answered Cindy.
"Well, I remember the 'she's pregnant' talk about Tina when she showed up with a ring. And now, six months later, she's NOT and some people had to eat their words." Susan smiled. "Mom was one of 'em. But it didn't take Mom six months. After she met Tina 'n' Alan..." She sighed. "But I know some of the stuff that was said about Tina, so I can imagine..."
"Oh, it's been quite a ride," I said. "But Cindy's worth every bit of it."
Cindy smiled. "And Dan's worth it. Even if we were livin' under a bridge somewhere..."
Susan took that opportunity to lay down her last card, ending the hand, catching me with a handful of cards, and she and Cindy giggled as my score went negative.
"I finally got used to the distraction of playin' cards with a cute little redhead," I said. "You're a new distraction, Susan."
The cute, plump blonde giggled. "Tina says that if I keep my head about this stuff, I can find a guy like you or Alan. And maybe HE can play cards."
Cindy laughed.
We continued playing, the two girls running neck and neck, me trailing badly. The room phone rang.
"Dan an' Cindy's room," Cindy answered. "Hi, Sis!" Pause. "Sitting in the bed beatin' Dan at rummy." Pause. "Yeah, here she is..."
She handed the phone to Susan. "Hi, Tina," Susan said. "Yeah, we're havin' fun!" Pause. "Okay, I'll be up there in a minute!" she hung up the phone.
"You goin' to Tina's room?" Cindy asked.
"Uh-huh," Susan said. "For a little while. You know..." she smiled at Cindy knowingly. "Later. Call..."
She left the room.
"I take it this is all one of those plans?" I asked Cindy.
"Uh-huh. I get Dan time. Tina gets Alan time. And we all get to spend time with Susan." As she was talking, she was shedding clothing. "Big shower, baby ... me an' you..." and twinkling green eyes.
I undressed and as soon as my feet came out of the pants at my feet, she was up against me, soft, warm, eager.
"Oh, NOW I remember..."
"Remember what?" she asked.
"What these weekends are for..."
Giggle. "Oh, me? Naked? You get ME all the time. I'm YOURS, remember..." And we kissed. Then she started the shower.
We spent a long time savoring each other, lathered, wet, happy. Rinsed off under unlimited hot water, I knelt and suckled her delicious young breasts, then I stood and she knelt. I thought my knees would buckle. I enjoyed my Cindy's enthusiasm. I wasn't so experienced as to be able to comment on skill, but every time her mouth closed on me, I was transported.
We got out of the shower and attended to our respective tasks, her hair drying, my shaving, then we headed straight for the bed, still nude, and tossed the covers back to clear the playing field. And we played.
The playing over, we washed our faces and she bounced back into the bed and grabbed the phone. She dialed Alan and Tina's room. "Hi, Alan! Where's Susan?" Pause. "Hi, Susan! Whenever you wanna come back over. We can play another game of cards!" Pause. "'Kay, See ya!" and she hung up.
"Tonight she sleeps in this room, so Alan 'n' Tina can have a night. Tomorrow night, we get the room to ourselves."
"Ooooo-kayyyy," I said.
"You don't mind, do ya, sweetie?" she questioned, smiling at me. "We're forever ... an' we still get to snuggle, just have to wear clothes, okay?"
"Okay, kitten," I said.
"This is gonna be good, you know ... We, you an' me, Alan 'n' Tina, and now, Susan. We're going to do wonderfully. Just wait."
"Okay, sweetie," I said. And somehow, her enthusiasm was contagious.
I heard the knock on the door. Cindy let Susan in. The two of them exchanged knowing glances before they jumped on the un-used bed.
"Get the cards, baby," Cindy said.
"Just one hand, then I gotta take a shower," Susan said.
I lost another one, then one went my way when Cindy and I played while Susan was showering. She came out wearing pajamas and looking quite cute. The three of us played another couple of hands and it was bedtime. Cindy and Susan found a channel suitable for setting the sleep timer on, and we went to sleep.
I don't remember ever sleeping with Cindy with my pajama bottoms on, and the only time SHE wore panties under her nightshirt was during her period, but tonight we slept like that, cuddling wonderfully, her hand exploring me gently, mine savoring the wonders of her body. We were quiet, in respect for Susan sleeping in the adjacent bed.
Waking was a function of simply yielding to bladder pressure for me. I eased out of the bed as stealthily as possible, but my movement woke Cindy. She pursed her lips to send me a kiss as I headed to the bathroom.
I relieved my bladder, then washed my face, waking myself up completely. I walked back to the bed, bent over, and kissed my redheaded kitten.
"Guess I should get up," she said.
I grabbed my clothes and dressed in the bathroom, then came out and sat in the chair and watched her dress. After she pulled a sweatshirt over her head, hiding my view of a pair of cute titties, she walked to the foot of Susan's bed and jiggled her toe.
"Hey, Susan! Wakey time!"
Susan sat up for a few seconds, gaining her bearings and parsing the unfamiliar inputs. "Oh, hi, little sister," she said. "G'mornin', Dan!"
"Mornin', Susan," I answered. "How'd you sleep?"
"Oh, really good," she replied as she got out of bed.
"Bathroom's yours," Cindy said. "I'm gonna call Tina an' we'll go find breakfast."
"'Kay," Susan said. She took a travel bag into the bathroom with her.
I watched her disappear, a pleasant young thing in her own right, but the impact of a hundred-odd pounds of wiggly redhead in my lap reminded me that I already had far more than I'd ever hoped.
Cindy wrapped her arms around my neck and we kissed.
"I love you, Dan," she whispered. "Good morning! I love you some more!"
"That's how I know I'm having a good day, baby! I wake up and YOU love me."
She gave me one more little kiss and then picked up the phone. After she dialed, she flashed those green eyes at me, smiling.
"Hi, Alan! Are ya'll up?" Pause. "Us too! Susan's getting dressed. We'll meet you in the lobby in a few minutes."
Susan popped out of the bathroom, brushing her hair. We put on shoes and went downstairs and out to breakfast.
Banter. Happy talk. Plans. Back and forth between Tina and Cindy and Susan, the conversation was about apartments and 'going to school' cars.
"I won't be able to drive for two more years," Cindy pouted.
"If only you were normal, then you'd be right in the middle of your middle school class, worrying about getting a 'B' in social studies and who was going with that new cute boy and stuff like that," Tina said, BEFORE I got a chance to make a similar comment.
"Cindy, between Tina an' me, we'll make sure you get to where you need to go, if Dan can't do it..." Susan said. She looked directly at me. "That's one of the things about our little community, Dan." (Now I was "Dan" to Susan, too... ) She continued, "We'll have that 'diversity of scheduling' thing going, so chances are better that we can support each other for transportation an' stuff."
Alan looked amused. "Diversity in scheduling?"
"Yeah, you know, baby," Tina said. "Chances are good that of the three of us, with a little planning, at least TWO of us will need to be at the campus on any given day of the week, and if there are TWO of us, then by inference, at least ONE of the two will have a license and a car."
And Cindy finished the discussion, "And it might not be exactly as convenient as if all three of us had licenses and cars, but we're still willing to put up with a little inconvenience, you know, waiting for a class to start or end, so we can ride together."
I looked at Alan. "That's what we talked about. You and I didn't have that. We had to figure it out on our own. They go in with a built in support group."
"Yeah," he said. "Big problem is to find housing for US that won't be surrounded by the party kids from college..."
"That is a problem," I said.
"We'll get it figured out. But I think we should be, like, CLOSE," Tina said.
Cindy's eyes mirrored agreement, as did Susan's.
"So," I said to Alan, "What's our business going to look like? Seems like the girls have the social and housing angle worked out."
"Working it out," Cindy said. "But ya'll talk. We can handle this."
The waitress came by, cleared the plates and refilled the coffee. Alan slipped her a ten dollar bill. "We're gonna be here a while," he said.
"Ya'll go right ahead, Hon," she told him.
We talked business. "We need a few GOOD technicians that aren't afraid to think on their feet and don't mind hands-on, either." I was thinking of a couple of names. I'd already talked with one of my guys. He's my lead tech, and he's thinking about it."
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Suzie got home in late July. She arrived without calling ahead, and with no fanfare. She had a week before she needed to be in Kansas City to find an apartment and get ready for med school. She stopped at the Chumley manor first, though no one in her family knew that. She thanked them again and they kept her there for over an hour as she described what their scholarship had meant to her. She left stunned. No student loans for medical school would be necessary, if she agreed to come back to...
Hi my name is John, I am an 18 year old boy who loves blowjobs and when I found a strange looking golden coin on my way home from school one day. The coin felt strange in my fingers, but when I saw this small thing beautiful Spanish girl walking down the street, I said to myself " I wish I could get a blowjob" and then my world went black, waking up some time later on the sidewalk, I had a very odd and strange feeling that I needed to give someone a blowjob, I craved giving many blowjobs, to...
TranssexualA day on the ranch Rough_riding_tender_cowboy Dust rolled up from the pick-up tires as it tugged a rusted horse trailer down a winding South Dakota back road. The sun was already high in the sky as the rancher headed out to check the water supply and some fences in the north pasture. As the truck bounded across another cattle crossing, a late model red mustang convertible came into view parked to the side of the path, top down and empty. He stopped to see if he could find any sign of the...
Later that morning Celeste was once more dressed in her male garb as Terence addressed her. ‘We still have funds for a week or two, perhaps we need not look to our trade for a while.’ Celeste retorted hotly ‘We need money for our own purposes also. Remember that I at least don’t intend to remain in this profession all my life!’ His relaxed, to her eyes lazy, attitude provoked her to her old independence. She would not be told how to conduct their affairs if it was so clearly ill-considered....
The time for Kaylie's assessment was getting close, and her training was becoming more intense. Madeline continued to provide opportunities for girl experiences. This weekend included another sleepover night at Hillary Lee's house. The three girls headed for Hillary's room. Hillary immediately suggested starting with a makeover party. Soon Kaylie was the focus of the beauty treatments administered by the other two girls. Eventually Kaylie was admiring her face in the mirror when...
Today started like any other day, except for one thing. My husband informed me as he brought me morning coffee, "Sweetheart, tonight when you come home, go straight upstairs, cleanup and put on the outfit I have laid out on the bed." He said this with a grin on his face. You know that grin like the one you see on a child's face as you enter the candy store. "But what if I need something?" I began to ask. "No, dear!" firmly he stated and then again with that smile.With a firm embrace and a...
CrossdressingI had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn’t get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...
A Girl Has To Do What a Girl Has To It was a matter of principle mainly that I went with Charley to the party in a hotel because it concerned his job, and that is what he said like I was expected to go with him. Okay so I was a trifle too encouraging maybe when dancing with a few guys, but all the time Charley had his beady eye on me so if I did want to have a sweet kiss on the quiet it had to be well out of sight of beady eyed Charley. I guess he loves me and that’s what it is all about and...
I went out hoping to meet some of my friends out I stopped by this club where I knew there would be someone I knew. It’s not your ordinary club let’s call it a mixture of ppl…straights bisexual and lesbian. Since I’m straight maybe a bit curious but no lesbian I went in.. The club was crowded but not that crowded where you couldn’t walk around. I got myself a drink and sat down taking in the scenery.. I’m dressed a short mid thigh skirt boots a nice top and...
I had known him for the longest and also knew he had the biggest crush on me. one day riding in a school bus, we were playing cards. angry that I had won, he told me to suck his cock. I playfully responded "pull it out" and he did exactly that. his hugee cock was rock hard ! his big black dick stood invitingly before me, the veins all popped out jus the way I liked it ! however at the time I was way too young and felt disgusted. as I grew older, I began to fantasize more and more about his huge...
Ever since I can remember I have loved being feminized and being made to wear very slutty clothing. This is a true story of my first experience at a glory hole and a coming of age for my sissy self. I had many female friends who loved to dress me up in their sexy clothes and strut me around in front of their boyfriends. They thought it was cute to see me in full makeup and a wig wearing a sexy nighty or a micro mini with fishnets and heels. I loved every minute of it and learned a lot about how...
CrossdressingHi friends.. This is Rahul. I am a reader of iss from so many days. I want to share a fantasy story with you people. I’m studying xyz in Bangalore. My tool is 6’ in size. Once i went to my brother’s home on account of holidays. My brother is a senior manager in a company and he needed to travel for some place for 10 days. He told to stay with her wife and left on his tour. I liked my bhabhi very much. She was good looking but i never thought of having sex with her. But when only both of us...
IncestThe twelve chimes of the clock tower heralded the top of the hour. It was noon, and a large crowd had gathered in the town square outside the courthouse. A crowd this big could only mean one thing. Today was Spanking Day.A large wooden platform about three feet above the ground had been erected in the town square outside the courthouse. Judging from the number of cushioned mats that were brought out with the horse, it looked like about a half a dozen women would be spanked today.William...
The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode One: The Audition Chapter 1 I'd forgotten what it was like to audition for something. Not the preparation, the worry and anxiety, the learning the pages, the decisions about how to do a scene. That I hadn't forgotten. But the act of walking into a room, facing two strangers and being on, transforming instantly, delivering everything you've got and then, just as quickly, it being over. That I'd forgotten. How fast it is. How quickly it seems...
I was taking a risk with the undies because as I’m sure you’ll remember (strange how men seem to remember these things) my uniform called for me to be wearing plain cotton knickers in dark bottle green and although a plain bra was acceptable, what I was wearing was not what could readily be described as ‘plain’. The reason for this infringement of school rules? The usual of course! After school I had a hot date with a rendezvous on the back row of the cinema. I was looking forward to...
They finally found a narrow land bridge that spanned the chasm, six days south of their original route. With Kat driving, and Bob walking ahead, scouting and guiding her, they were able to get the mule across to the other side though not without a puckered sphincter or two. Twelve days wasted. The rest of the trip was anti-climactic and they were able to find the mining town of Champlace only two days later. The town was much smaller than the Port. It had two primary streets that met in a...
Hello friends.mera naam raj he or meri age 25 years ki he me Gujarat ke Ahmedabad me raheta hu.me iss ka regular reader hu.muje sex kahaniya padne me bahot mazza aata he.fir khayal aaya ki me bhi apni stori aapke sath share karu.ab apka or samay barbaad na karte huye me apni stori batata hu. Bat 1 sal pahele ki he yni meri age us wakt 24 saal kit hi.navratri ka samay tha mere mobile par eak anjan number se missed call aaya to mene khas dhayn nahi diya to fie thide der baad fir se ring baji to...
Life In The Country (Part 1 of 2) "If you wanted to try on my things why didn't you ask?" a slightly miffed Madge asked Timmy as she sat beside him on the bed looking him over. She'd entered the room to see him mincing in her best heels, wearing a pair of her nude support pantyhose, pink lace trimmed nylon panties and a matching vintage layered nylon chiffon baby doll nightie and robe. He'd even dabbled with her gloss red lipstick but hadn't done a very...
The world is such a strange place. Seriously. Human beings simply can’t seem to get along. And nowhere are human relations as complicated as they are within the United States of America. Diversity exists here, or so they say. In America, you see such a mix of people. And power changes hands more often here than anywhere else. Where else could you see the wonders and the horrors that I have seen? My name is Steve. A six-foot-one, big and bulky, openly bisexual Black male college graduate and...
Our stud is confused. He walks into an empty house looking for Linda, but cannot seem to find her. He walks around with a vacant look on his face, calling her and calling her until he finally enters one of the bedrooms. To his surprise, he sees some girl, not Linda, tied down and topless on the bed. He finds a note from the mysterious Linda telling him he can do whatever he wants to this knotted nympho. She confirms the message, so he makes his way over, and starts playing with her pussy. Then...
xmoviesforyouIt seemed as if she'd been asleep forever, but Amber finally woke up in a hospital bed. She tried to move but felt so sore. Her arms showed many bruises. She looked around and saw no one in the hospital room. She tried to remember what had happened last night but her mind was blank. Her body shifted in the bed since she needed to go to the bathroom. As she tried to move, her body hurt more and more. "You need help?" She heard a soft female voice call out. Amber looked up to see a...
As a general rule, Jason kept to himself. He had a few close friends at school—Matt, a tall, gangly, Marilyn Manson look-alike and Ron, a stocky, bearded outcast who wore Rob Zombie t-shirts, but mostly listened to Pink Floyd. Jason himself had been labeled a Goth kid, even though he didn’t see himself that way. He didn’t wear eyeliner or paint his nails, and if pressed he would say his favorite band was Led Zeppelin or Nirvana. He figured the classification must have started because he was...