Mistis Adventures Part 113
- 2 years ago
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December 25, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written December 27]
We had an enjoyable, but unremarkable Christmas morning with just immediate family, if by “immediate,” we included all four moms. Sandy did have something of a surprise for the Go5.
“I was going to give each of you girls a small box with a deposit receipt, but decided I’d rather tell you about my special gifts to each of you. Part of the reason for that gift is that I’ve been very happy with what you girls have done for my sex life, both in the slightly more-distant past, but also very much so in the recent past. I’ve put another $500 in each of your sexy-clothes accounts, because I’d really like you five to keep surprising Charlie and the Moms with your outfits. So much so, that I’ve begun thinking that I’d almost like to have you girls partly clothed in the house than nude.”
I looked a thought at Liya, who responded.
“Sandy, even a few months ago, I would have objected strenuously even to having a ... sexy-clothing account, and we all know why. I’ve also recently brought up that very topic ... clothing versus nudity ... with my sister-friend-lovers, as I’ve found it quite exciting to be ... sexy like that. As I told my sisters the other day, I would not have ever considered myself sexy before we began all this. What I didn’t tell them then is that the understanding that, at least, my family considers me sexy has been very good for my ... self-confidence. Because I know that’s an important aspect of personal success, I’m more than happy to continue your efforts to cause your husband’s elevated heart rate ... which I understand is also good for personal health.”
There was much laughing.
Mom stood and stepped over to Liya and gently assisted her in standing, then asked, “May I?”
When Liya nodded without even glancing at Nira, Sandy leaned in and kissed her, although they did not otherwise touch. They continued the kiss for about a minute, after which Sandy stepped back a pace and looked at Liya.
“You are, indeed, quite sexy, as I can tell from Charlie’s response to my various vocalized fantasies involving you and him.”
“This seems as good a segue as I can get.”
We all turned to look at Nira, who, despite her skin tone, appeared to be blushing.
Sandy held up her hand to Nira and pre-empted her.
“You’ve a place in the family awaiting you. All you need do is accept it.”
Nira stared at Sandy for at least a half-minute, then stepped quickly to her and wrapped Mom in her arms holding her for more than a minute.
Nira leaned back, looked in Sandy’s eyes, and said, “You’re truly willing to share your husband with yet another woman?”
Mom quickly looked around at all of us, then back at Nira, answering, “Yes. Beth has certainly suspected this, and Carol knows it, but if it were solely up to me, Charlie would have as many lovers as he wanted, as long as I got my perquisites.”
As Sandy stared deeply into Nira’s eyes, Nira asked, “And what would those be?”
Without batting an eye or waiting even a second, Sandy replied, “I get to watch occasionally, and I get my mouth on their connection occasionally.” When Nira rounded her eyes in surprise, Sandy continued with, “You need to know that just about my favorite act in the world is to feel Charlie’s semen traveling through his cock into another’s pussy and then to eat his cum from that pussy. If I can have that with you, that would make eight women with whom I’ve experienced that.”
Mom kept her eyes on Nira’s as Nira stared with incredulity into Sandy’s.
“Inez told me there were certain ... requisites ... or ... nearly so ... for joining the family, but I didn’t imagine ... that. Is that really all?”
Mom shook her head briefly and responded, “No. The only requirements for you were that you wanted in and requested to join. However, I would be very appreciative if you would allow me to do that. Additionally...”
She flushed, then glanced around at each of us. Liya answered her unvoiced request.
“What Sandy-Mom seemed too embarrassed to tell you is that she is the family’s Sex Slave.”
Nira’s loud inhalation cut Liya off, but she continued with the explanation we’d given Inez, specifically noting Sex Slave’s standing command.
She- finished with, “Despite that standing command to put her mouth on any connection she can reach without strongly interfering with the sex, you can command her not to do it.”
“Why would I want to do that? It sounds ... great.” She turned to Sandy, asking, “Are you really okay with all that?”
Sandy looked steadily at Nira as she replied, “I love it.”
Nira responded with, “Do you truly love it, Sex Slave?”
“Oh, yes, Mistress Nira. My Master and mistresses are so good to me, and that is the single most wonderful command they’ve ever given me. I love to feel my Master’s balls pump his semen through his cock into my mistresses’ pussies. I cum almost every time.”
Nira looked around the family, then asked, “What now?”
Sandy explained that all first times with Charlie were overnight affairs with no one else present, after which Liya said, “Gracey and I were scheduled with Dad for tonight, but we’ll be happy to give you tonight and take tomorrow night if the Moms agree.”
Nira flinched, then said, “I guess you would have to schedule things somewhat.” She shook her head rapidly to dislodge the cobwebs, then added, “This is ... crazy, amazing.”
Right on time, Meka and Jim walked in the back door at 10:30. We girls got a round-robin of hugs with them before Meka introduced him to Inez and Nira. Brunch was just about ready, and the Go5 served it while the rest conversed around and across the crowded dining-room table.
Inez said, “It’s nice to meet you, Jim. Like the rest of the parents here, I’ve been impressed by Meka. She’s a spectacular young woman.”
“Thanks. I kind of like her, myself. I also like meeting Gracey’s and Liya’s mothers, so I can tell them that their daughters have impressed me. In fact, all six of the daughters here are spectacular young women, and I’m very grateful for the five that aren’t mine for helping mine get through what she’s going through. Meka’s told me that she doubted that she’d be in as good a shape as she is if it weren’t for these five girls. I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Williams parents for housing my favorite daughter. From what she tells me, that new house of yours might become the second home of an astonishing number of girls.”
Dad responded, “That’s what we understand, and we’re fine with it. We haven’t spent anywhere near the amount of time with ... the new gang as we have with these six, but our first impressions were quite positive. However, because we don’t know them that well, we’re grateful for Meka and our friend Celeste agreeing to be, in effect, the house mothers over there.”
“I’m glad you introduced the subject, as Celeste is someone that Meka’s been mentioning of late, and in very favorable terms. She’s a student at the university?”
“Yes,” Sandy replied, “and our...” [she glanced at me] “preferred pizza purveyor; she delivers for our favorite pizzeria. Beth proffered the first invitation to dinner, and we found her so enjoyable that we now have a standing invitation for Thursdays. Perhaps we can arrange for her to visit the next time you’re in our neighborhood.”
The Johnsons stayed for a couple hours, then departed to prepare for Jim being picked up and returned to the care center. Kim had beaten us to the punch a while back and invited Meka for Christmas dinner with her family. At the time, Meka let us know, telling us that she wanted to reconnect more fully with her other friends and that this would be a good time to initiate that effort.
In early afternoon, Brit confirmed her availability and Cera’s for Friday, as well as the rest of the weekend, and asked us to contact Brett in that regard.
When I texted Brett about his availability for Friday, he responded, “Probably, particularly if someone can pick us up.”
I texted back, “Oh. Lana? That would be great!”
However, I was unsure that it would be great.
“Umm, Lana’s coming, too.”
“Oh, boy,” Heather replied. “We meet her when we’re doing something that might be very sexy. Can...”
Liya interrupted with, “Can we meet her before then? I’d like to have some idea of ... who she is before ... Friday. What if she’s really a ... stick-in-the-mud?”
Heather responded, “Could we set something up for tomorrow afternoon? He doesn’t live that far away. Oh! Could we meet the two of them at The Cold Sweets? That’s sort of close to midway between our houses.”
Rhee chimed in, saying, “That sounds fine, and, if I remember correctly, the weather’s supposed to be nicer on Wednesday, so how ‘bout then?”
I looked around and realized that we had agreement, so I sent a text asking him if I could call. On the call, we got introduced to Lana and they agreed to meet us at the ice-cream parlor on Wednesday. We girls spent most of the afternoon reviewing videos, except for Liya, who waded into the task of cutting out the parts we wanted to save. If the videos I reviewed are representative, we’ll be freeing up a lot of space in the archive.
At 4:30, we girls opted to take a break and deal with dinner. We dallied a few minutes in the living room as our parents were cavorting on the Monstrosity. Inez was riding Dad’s cock and Nira was perched on Dad’s face. Carol added hands and mouth to various parts of the mix while Sandy was on her belly between Dad’s legs trying to do what she could for Dad and Inez. Since Heather was the only one of us that had her phone in hand, she stayed behind when the rest of us headed to the kitchen. We had decided on scalloped potatoes with sausage and, of course, a diverse salad, so divvied tasks and got going, Heather joining us after a few minutes.
“This review process has convinced me that we don’t need to video every minute of every ... opportunity, so I got a few minutes of the five of them, mainly as documentation of our newest full family member on her first day.”
We variably snickered and chuckled at Heather’s comment. She looked around and jumped in helping me with the potatoes.
At the dinner table, Inez said, “This is the oddest, but most enjoyable Christmas I’ve ever had. Thank you, my crazy family.”
Gracey stood from her chair, stepped over to stand behind her mom, put her arms around her, and leaned over and kissed her right cheek.
“And I thank you for allowing me to have what I have here. This whole thing is nothing I could have imagined even five months ago.” She stood, stepped over to Sandy, repeated the actions she had made with her mom (hug from behind, kiss), and said, “And I thank you for being one of the primary movers in establishing our crazy family.” She repeated all that with Carol and then with Nira, to whom she said, “And thank you for allowing my wife to have what she has and what she and I have here.”
She ended her trip around the table by forcing her way onto Dad’s lap where she sat sidesaddle and plastered her mouth to his. The two of them kissed aggressively for a few minutes, Dad moving his left hand onto Gracey’s right breast and fondling it. They continued heating up. I noticed motion out of my right eye, so turned to look at Rhee two seats down and directly across from Dad. She had begun moving dishes and stuff from the center of the table and quietly handing some to Heather between us, and some to Inez on her right. Heather handed the first items to me, and I placed them in front of my place. In not much more than 20 seconds, the table between Dad and Rhee was bare, and Nira, at the foot of the table, was looking a question at Inez to her left.
Quietly, Inez answered, “Just wait.”
I think Dad heard Inez. He backed away from Gracey’s face and looked across the table. He shoved his eyebrows up his forehead, then smiled.
“Merry Christmas, Gracey.”
Gracey looked like she was going to say the same to him, but she stopped trying to respond when he stood while holding her and laid her onto the table in the gap Rhee had created.
“Oh, god. This is the best Christmas, EVER!”
Dad proceeded to table her, and she was moaning from the start. I glanced down the table to see Nira’s eyes wide as she watched, her mouth hanging open in surprise. I don’t know if she knew, but Inez was holding Nira’s left hand in her right on the corner of the table as she explained.
“Apparently, Sandy and Charlie have always done this. Beth and Rhee caught them at it, unbeknownst to them, before any of this family thing had gotten going. They told the others and, given that all the girls wanted Charlie, this became something of a ... deep want, a goal for all of them. The choice of when is always up to Charlie, and he tries to make it a surprise, particularly for the girls. Unless you really don’t want it, you’ll get your chance sometime.”
That broke Nira out of her reverie, as she turned and asked, “Why wouldn’t I want that?”
Nira was beginning to add to what she had said, but Gracey started up the Stairway.
After she had gone up and over and was coming down, but still in the panting stage, Gracey said, “Merry Tabling Christmas, Dad. Thank you.”
Heather’s phone giving out it’s incoming-text sound caused most of us to startle. Heather took a deep breath and stood to retrieve her phone from the kitchen.
She returned saying, “Civia wants to know if now is a good time to call.”
I looked around the table noting that none of us was quite done. I held up my right hand to Heather with my fingers spread wide. She nodded and sent a text back. We girls quickly finished and were waiting when she called.
“Merry Christmas, Civia. We’re all on the Monstrosity and on speaker.”
“Merry Christmas. I really miss you guys.”
We chatted for more than ten minutes, which probably makes it the longest phone call we have ever had with her. Her voice was a bit liquid when we said our good-byes.
Liya said, “Poor Civia. While I would have been fine seeing her most days this week, their family going to visit family for the holidays did enable us to do the various things we’ve done and planned for this week.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “We’ve already fallen far behind in what I thought we’d be able to accomplish with the videos, but we’d have gotten even less done if she were here all week. I feel a little bad about being ... relieved that she’s not here, but I do miss her. She really is fun.”
I got a bunch of head nods in return, and we returned to the kitchen to find various cleaning efforts underway.
Mom said, “You girls made dinner; we’ve got this. How ‘bout Uno or something tonight?
As I was pondering an answer, my four sister-friend-lovers cackled, after which Heather asked, “So, we’re teaching Nira everything about the family tonight?”
“Well,” Sandy replied, “it seemed an appropriate activity given the circumstances. Oh, we have makings for hot-fudge sundaes. We can do them soon or after the game.”
The consensus was after, so I hunted up two Uno decks, one each with red and blue backs. Playing with so many makes for a long game, so we played to 300 and took a break for sundaes when the first player broke 200. The sundaes were yummy and fun. When we returned to the game, Liya won.
She said, “Monstrosity.”
The ten of us decamped to the living room while Mom explained to Inez and Nira about the prize for winning Uno. Heather still had her phone, so set her timer for five minutes. Liya immediately ensconced herself on Dad’s lap and pasted her mouth to his, all while moistening his cockhead by rubbing it through her slit, then slowly lowering onto it. I looked at Nira, who was watching with eyes wide as her daughter posted on Dad’s cock. By two minutes, Liya was breathing heavily, and by three she had gotten them repositioned so that he was on top and pounding her as well as he could. She went up and over before reaching the four-minute mark, so Dad slowed, then stopped his thrusting, although keeping their mouths together to the end of five minutes. Liya rolled her head to her right, closed her eyes, and continued to pant.
After nearly a minute of silence in which most or all eyes were still on Liya, Nira quietly said to Inez, “You weren’t kidding. There’s a lot of ... public sex in this house.”
Carol responded equally quietly, saying, “There is, and that’s something that surprised Sandy and me when we got this started. We hoped that we’d get to watch Charlie with one of our daughters every so often. What we got was ... what you’ve seen today. Charlie’s pounded your two daughters to orgasm in front of the whole family. It looked like he was happy and relieved when Liya came. He’s got a particular thing for her, and I suspect he was close to cumming, but managed to hold off because she came. Given that he will want to give you, Nira, a spectacular night tonight, it’s good that he didn’t cum with either of your daughters. He ... and the girls ... are very ... accommodating in that regard.”
“I’ve ... never seen sex ... first-hand, and ... never had ... sex with more than one person before today. I was incredulous when Inez told me on Friday night what was what in this house, but I ... still didn’t expect anything like today. Hell! I almost can’t believe it. I can’t believe that I shared a guy with my best friend ... and with both of his wives. I ... can’t believe I watched my new lover ... fuck my daughter ... and it turned me on. Well, turned me on even more than the general nudity and remembrance of this afternoon did.”
Liya interrupted with, “Are you sure you’re okay with that?”
“Yes. At least as long as you’ll be okay with him doing me like that. God! That must have felt wonderful.”
“Oh, it did. It did. But wait until a night when Heather wins Uno. You’re in for a treat if you’re ever here for that.”
Nira looked around not understanding.
Carol said, “Heather’s been known to cum three or four time in five minutes of Charlie pounding her.”
Nira whipped her head around to look at Carol with surprise, then turned to look at Heather.
“Oh, yeah,” Rhee confirmed. “We call her easy. It’s not that she’ll do anyone; she won’t. But it’s easy to get her going and she cums readily.” She looked at Heather with a loving mien and added, “However, she cums so easily only with people she loves and trusts. If you asked, she’d tell you that she had only rarely orgasmed before she began hanging with us, and always in the shower at her mother’s house. She’ll also tell you that, while enjoyable, those orgasms were just pale copies of her orgasms now.”
Heather took a short, running leap into Rhee’s arms. Rhee caught her as Heather wrapped her legs around Rhee’s waist and kissed her, then turned to look at Nira.
“And there is no one I love and trust more than Rhee ... and my other wife, Beth. I trust my other sister-friend-lovers, Gracey and Liya, and love them only slightly less than my two wives, although that difference has been getting smaller and smaller.” She turned back to Rhee, stared into her eyes for a few seconds, then said, “God, I love you, Rhee.”
They kissed briefly, then Heather slid down Rhee’s front to plant her feet on the floor, but stayed in the embrace, where I joined them. Shortly thereafter, I felt Liya and Gracey add themselves to the scrum.
Although most of my being was focused on my wives and lovers, I did hear Mom say, “It’s probably time that you and Charlie were starting your night together.”
With my forehead still resting on top of Heather’s head, I said, “They can have our room. It’s looking like a Monstrosity night for us.”
December 26, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written December 27]
We got a great night’s sleep after a long Monstrosity romp, then spent much of the day in video review. We touched base with Civia in late morning, then, after lunch, with Brett to make sure we were on for tomorrow’s meeting. Although the five of us were upstairs for much of the day, our various parents seem to have had a quiet day. At least, we did not hear any orgasms. The probable reason for that quietude became apparent as we sat to dinner.
As she pulled her chair in at the head of the table, Carol said, “ToC immediately after kitchen cleanup. Dress appropriately.”
“Oh, sure,” Liya said with eyes flashing and a grin, “rather than let us get more videos deleted, you want to add to our workload!”
There was much chuckling.
“Uh, wow,” responded Nira. “I heard about ToC only this afternoon.”
Liya replied still wearing her happy face, “We’ve all told you we have a lot of sex here.” She moderated her look to one of a little concern, asking, “Are you really okay with all this, Mom? You’re allowed to decline, although you’d have to spend that time upstairs: no non-participating observers.”
Nira stared at her daughter for quite a while, then replied, “Mostly, although I thought I was the one of Inez and me most interested in ... sex and ... the most ... liberal of us. Just this afternoon I learned about ToC and that Inez had already ... taken part in it. I was surprised by that, as I never got the idea that she was all that sexual.”
“Nira,” Inez replied, “I was, and I wasn’t. I’ve been ... sublimating my desires for a while, though I’ve had what I thought were lurid fantasies. This family has ... reactivated my libido and taught me that ... I had no concept of what lurid was. I still find it hard to believe that I took part with eight other women taking turns bouncing on Charlie’s cock in front of the picture window, and with Sa ... Sex Slave licking my pussy each time.”
“And I thank you for that, Mistress Inez.”
Inez nodded at Sex Slave, then added, “To finish, this family not only restarted my libido, but elevated it to a level I’ve never known. While I don’t understand it, I’m greatly enjoying it!”
Gracey said, “Social facilitation. That’s how it worked for ... Liya and me, then for all of us. We started into this with ... public sex among us five, then added Dad and the Moms. Every step has added more ... sex, more exhilaration. Now that Sandy helped Beth and the rest of us to understand more fully the difference between the family’s ... overall sex life and making love with just one or two special others, we’ve ... We now recognize when we need lovemaking rather than just sex. And thanks, Moms, for kicking Dad loose for more one-on-one and one-on two times. I think we were getting ... We were drifting toward less soul-satisfying lives.”
“You’re welcome,” Carol responded. “However, we’ve told you girls more than once that your sex lives have a positive impact on our sex lives. If we add too many more lovely women to Charlie’s plate, we may have to convince Charlie to retire ... or, at least, take a long sabbatical.”
“That’s my dream, my ultimate ... hope, that Charlie spends most of the rest of his life making love with his lovers.”
Dad finally spoke up, saying, “If the mindsets of incoming freshmen continue to decline, I might take you up on that offer. Teaching used to be nearly equal with learning for me, but it has become less satisfying over the years. I’ve said it before, but it seems apropos to repeat it here: If even a quarter of incoming freshmen had the interest in learning, really learning, that our girls have, teaching would be more enjoyable.”
I was sitting next to Dad, so I quickly pushed back my chair, stood, and then forced my way onto Dad’s lap. I kissed him intensely for a half-minute, then curled into a ball in his lap, my head on his left shoulder.
“You say the nicest things to us, Dad.”
Vocal silence held sway for quite a while as Dad lightly rubbed my naked back and the others began eating. After something more than a minute, I kissed Dad’s cheek, then retreated to my seat.
Dressed in ToC clothing, the family aggregated in the living room. Although Nira did not, yet, have a family G-string, Liya had loaned her a thong. A quick glance at Dad showed that he was already half-hard, but that his new-and-improved family thong might be able to do its job of corralling Dad’s cock as it enlarged much better than the previous version.
Carol, still standing, announced, “With another addition to the family, I’ve decided to change things up a bit. The first, and most major change is like that of seating at the dining-room table: No more assigned seating order, so we’ll each have to learn a new order ... every game. Please, everyone stand and fill in the seating as I call your name starting with the couch seat in the southwest corner of the room, north through that couch, then to the west and then east ends of the north love seat, and on around through the east couch and the south love seat, three to a couch, two to a love seat. I know the new couches have more room and could seat more, but I want to leave that room for ... any commands requiring it.”
She called us in the order of Sandy, Liya, Gracey, Heather, Rhee, Inez, Beth, Carol, Charlie, Nira.
“Liya kindly shared her randomization spreadsheet, and the order for tonight’s ToC is the first use to which I put it. Liya also helped me make the new changes to the presentation on the TV, which now has a quick synopsis of the rules as well as the explanations of the, now, 30 die rolls. She has also altered the program so that when the die is rolled, it will highlight that roll’s explanation and the name associated with that roll for all rolls of 20 or less. We did that to make it easier on, particularly, us old folks given that our seating is different than we’ve known.
“Nira, you’re our newest member, so you get the honor of starting us off. Simply distinctly say ‘Roll die’ once Liya activates the system”
Nira stood from her seat at the west end of the second love seat, stepped over to Liya in the middle of the first couch, pulled her daughter to her feet, and hugged her.
“You really are the family’s software guru. Aren’t you?” When Liya nodded her head against Nira’s left shoulder, Nira added, “I’m so proud of you. You ... and your various sisters are so much more mature and capable than I was at your age. It’s no wonder you five can handle such ... multi-level loving and sexual relationships so well. I almost can’t wait to see what you and your sisters will do as you get older.”
We had to put the game on hold for a couple minutes while Liya wrestled with control of her emotions, but we did get going when Nira rolled a 6. She studied the screen for a bit.
“Inez, what do you anticipate will happen here tonight?”
“Sex. Lots of sex.”
Sandy rolled, then asked Liya, “What do you want to happen here tonight?”
Liya broke out that smile and answered, “Sex. Lots of sex.”
There was much laughing.
Gracey rolled a 14, then looked across to Heather in the love seat and said, “You get to start the sex off. Get on your knees between mine and lick my pussy for three minutes.”
Heather, the Queen of Cunnilingus, had Gracey panting by the end of the three minutes. After she returned to her seat, she rolled, and the original eight family members all gasped.
“Holy shit,” Heather exclaimed.
Carol said, “It seems only fitting that you get the first Special, as you were the one that asked for more Special chances and, particularly, asked for a Special in the early-game options.” She glanced around with something of a smirk, then added, “Assuming that you’ll hold the Special...” She nodded when Heather nodded at her, then continued with, “I also like that you’ll have that hanging over all of us, as you tend to come up with the most interesting and sexy multi-person commands. However, this does throw a monkey wrench into things.”
“Yes,” Heather replied. “Nira will be here for only a few more days and won’t return until April.”
When Nira looked confused, Carol explained more completely about Specials, particularly that all present for the rolling of a Special must be present for the redemption of that Special.
“Also, we’ve talked among ourselves, and Heather has a particular interest in this aspect of a Special: The anticipation as to when Heather would claim it. She made an eloquent argument that the family would be somewhat on edge ... further on edge knowing that someone is holding a Special and could claim it at any time.”
“Oh. Then she shouldn’t have to wait until April or claim it in the next couple days. Can we please fudge the rules this time so that I don’t have to be here to ... activate it?”
“Thank you,” Carol replied. “Since I’m the rule-meister, I hereby make a one-time exception to the rule to allow Heather to claim the Special without Nira’s presence.”
There was much head-nodding.
“In that case, Heather, what’s your no-limits command for today?”
She held up her right index finger as she obviously cogitated, which took a while. Eventually, the light went on.
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Sister Lily, My dear, dear child. I knew from counseling Alexis and Jen and now Laquesha that some concubines had suffered greatly under bad owners, but I cannot imagine how it must have been for you. I'd like to be able to claim that your first statement surprised me, but sadly, unlike the younger concubines in this household, I've seen what the promise of power can do to many men. Some can be stronger than it, like I'm guessing Will tries to be. I'm afraid I have never been formally...
The Irish Priest An Irish priest was transferred to Texas... Father O'Malley rose from his bed one morning. It was a fine spring day in his new west Texas mission parish. He walked to the window of his bedroom to get a deep breath of the beautiful day outside. He then noticed there was a jackass lying dead in the middle of his front lawn. He promptly called the local police station. The conversation went like this: "Good morning. This is Sergeant Jones. How might I help you?" "And...
Regan felt a weight on her bed and turned away from her iPad. She had been looking through the pictures it held of the best month of her young life. "Why hasn't he called?" she asked her mother in a pleading voice. Rita ran a hand through her daughter's greasy hair and used a finger to push a tuft of it away from Regan's red and puffy eyes. "I don't know, Honey," Rita admitted sadly. It had been almost three days since the blow up and Regan had barely gotten out of bed for anything...
ATLANTA, GEORGIA — LATE WEDNESDAY NIGHT Art Hanes woke. His mouth was dry and he felt extremely lethargic. Struggling, he finally managed to open his eyes. The world swam into focus, but then it kept on swimming. His stomach rebelled. "I'm gonna..." he croaked as his stomach heaved. "Easy. I've got you," Sandra said as she put an arm around his head and back, gently raising him forward as she held a small plastic pan under his mouth. There wasn't anything in his stomach,...
Adam hated the fact that he had a schedule for every facet of his life. Having one for school was enough. But he had one for almost every moment of his free time too. The last week of May ran into the first week of June and classes started in a couple of days. For the next 5 weeks, almost every second of Adam's waking life was accounted for. He had class every morning from 9-11 a.m. Then he planned to spend an hour at the library to make sure he was caught up on his class – and away from...
The next two weeks were purest heaven for both of them. Laura spent most of her off-work hours at Trina's apartment. They cooked together, Laura helped Shawna with her homework, and Shawna began to call her Auntie Laura. In the evenings, they made endless love in Trina's bed, taking care not to wake Shawna. The only thing either missed was the chance to really surrender completely, letting everything go, which they could not do with a small child in the next room. Laura realized that Trina...
Mike had just put the dogs away Sunday evening, and was settling down to watch the TV news when he heard a knocking on his front door. He got up to answer it, to discover Heather Sanford and John Pacobel standing outside. "Can we talk to you a minute?" Heather asked, subdued and a little downcast. Both of them looked bedraggled, and a little tired, like they hadn't been getting much sleep. "Sure, come on in," Mike said. "Can I get you some coffee?" "That's be nice," John said....
“So Senone was razed to the ground?” Mage Sofya asked at a Council meeting to discuss the actions taken by us and our allies. “Mainly the military and commercial premises. The housing and residential areas suffered some damage, mostly because the Tuathans tried to use them as strongpoints,” Morgana replied. “Casualties?” “None on our side. The Murians suffered nearly 30% losses. Gorian casualties remain unknown but we suspect they were very high in their military and the haut-Magicien...
Compliments of Pepere The Golf Trip A woman and a man are lying in bed next to each other when her phone rings. She picks up, the man looks over at her and listens. She is speaking in a cheery voice, “Hi, I’m so glad you called. Really? That’s wonderful. I’m so happy for you. That sounds terrific Great! Thanks. Okay. Bye.” She hangs up, and the man asks, “Who was that?” “Oh,” she replies, “that was my husband telling me about the great time he’s having on his golf trip with...
We ran for an hour. The girlie girl had expected to run three miles and bury me, but she was shocked that I kept running. I think she felt it necessary to uphold the honor of the Swamp, most likely her arrogant attitude kept her going, when she should have stopped. Either way she was pretty worn out when we got back to the Cabin. I was so out of breath I couldn't speak. I was happy to see that the Girlie Girl was just as bad. I had worked with the female agents before, but they had always...
Friday night I managed to lose the Secret Service agents in the gym. I had told them I would be in the gym for several hours with my JBG security. I did an hour workout then went to my office. With the office’s limited access, the agents stayed in the gym looking at the sights. trying to score some eastern shore ladies. I went down the elevator to help the girls, Dad and Jake stack the last of this month’s gold bars in the gold room. They were nearly finished and it only took an hour to...
“The gods do not protect fools. Fools are protected by more capable fools.” —Larry Niven, Ringworld WE WERE OUT OF CAMP by six Monday morning. It was a long drive to Fort Wayne and we all had things to get done before school started on Wednesday. We loaded our four vehicles and were through Louisville before rush hour got too intense. Brittany was humming happily in the middle seat next to me. We hit the Starbucks at Columbus for bathrooms, sandwiches, and coffee, then we were back on...
I saw several things in Sara's face when I told her I needed a hug. Strange how a simple show of affection can do that. She brightened up, of course. But there was more to it than that. It was as if she sighed, deep down inside. There was some hesitance, as if she was afraid the girls wouldn't allow it. There was also some joy; someone felt she wasn't completely worthless. I stood up and she came over to me, enfolding herself in my arms. Her face lay on my chest as we each put our arms...
Liz was still steaming when the SUV pulled away for the southward drive. “This is what I was talking about,” she said (apparently to me – but I wasn’t sure). I didn’t get the chance to respond anyway. “I’m so tired of people putting their agenda ahead of mine. I thought we were pretty clear about what we wanted. I’m sure Phil was equally clear about our expectations when he made contact for us. Instead of getting the chance to look at something remotely close to what we want ... we waste two...
Present – Liz and Jens – The wedding I can’t believe it! The day of my wedding is finally here even though I know it’s the right thing to do, I’m still nervous. I begin to put on my wedding dress but my hands are shaking so Jens helps me and says, “Liz, this wedding dress is beautiful and fits you perfectly.” I complain slightly, “Well, I have gained a little weight so it’s tighter than I would like.” Jens counters, “Liz, you’re so lucky to be having this baby, I only wish that...” I...
I didn't know what to expect from traffic, but the drive from Bywater to our headquarters near the UNO took less than half an hour. The drive gave me time to reflect on what had happened. Now I was away from the provocative influence of her nubile body and the aroma of sexual readiness that pervaded her apartment, I could think with my brain instead of letting my cock make the decisions. I had fucked - no that wasn't right - I had made love with my sister-in-law, scratch that...
We had only been at the biker party a few minutes when my wife and Bobby locked eyes. I saw the look he gave her and I knew he was going to fuck her. She knew it too. She gives off a certain vibe when in the presence of an alpha male, and I sensed it and could tell he felt it also.She was dressed very sexy, with seamed stockings and garters, no bra and a see-through top. Her skirt was barely long enough to cover the tops of her stockings, and when she sat a certain way one could see she wasn’t...
CuckoldI was speechless when Crystal walked in to say that Raina and the babies were fine. She was the woman in the crystal ball. I guess Zara had known that she was to be my paramour. But I think something did change. I don’t believe Zara saw me as an Empress in the other version of our future. I drank in Crystal’s beauty and felt myself harden at the sight of her. I knew she was still to be mine in this version of reality. I had no problem with that at all. I glanced at Storm’s other three...
Something was coming, she could feel it. Ariel Starr stood up, scared yet ready to confront whatever it was waiting outside for her. The loud bang at the door made her heart jump. She had no idea what was going on outside and the yelling she had heard downstairs had her nearly paralyzed with anxiety. J-Mac, her new boss and famous rap sensation had simply put the gun on the magnificent CEO desk, then told her to use it if necessary, before locking her inside the state of the art studio. ...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I work for an interior designing company. My company has got a project from a businessman to decorate his yet to be opened coffee shop. I went his home with my plans to elaborate the interior designs. He greeted me and we sat on the porch. He, his wife and I started to discuss the designs. His wife was so much active in the discussion and kept suggesting many ideas. I came to know that she is the one who is gonna manage the...
[Preservation – Janice] At Cincinnati, we crossed into Kentucky following I-75 across the river and moving pretty much south. We came to Boone County and Bennie expressed an interest in seeing something having to do with Daniel Boone. I gave him my best withering look and suggested that we really didn't need to make this trip longer than it already was. We celebrated the first of September at the point where I-71 peeled off to the southwest. We continued to follow I-75. This point was in...
Trixie and one of the other bikers drove the car East while Rolf and the others headed South. After driving to the other side of town, Trixie abandoned the car and rode back with the other biker to rejoin the main group. After almost five hours of hard riding the group pulled into a deserted rest area. Kimmie was at last allowed to use a restroom. Twice while riding, Rolf had urinated into her rectum, telling the frightened girl to hold his urine in her or face severe punishment. She could...
I managed to get through the next four or five days without coming unglued and then one night I got a phone call from my mother. "How have you been sweetie? I haven't heard from you all week." "Not good momma. Gail walked out on me." "When did she do that?" "Last Tuesday." "What in the world happened?" "I don't want to go into it momma. It is kind of personal." "You didn't go messing around behind her back did you?" "Damn it momma, you know me better than...
After about ten minutes or so, I really lose track of time, Tommie is gasping. "Oh, Dave... Please... Whatever you're doing... Please... Don't stop... Make me... Oh, God... I'm close... Oh... Oh... I'm gonna..." As her vagina clamps down on my finger, I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and rolled it between my lips. She's gone completely silent, her back arched up off of the grass and all of her muscles are taut. Finally, she drops her back down in the grass and screams, "GOD!" so loud that it...
MatureGoddess: First Contact By OblongMilk Part 1: The Anticipation: I sat in a very hot bath, soothing my prickly nerves. Relax the body, relaxthe mind, and it is easier to take heavy torture. The warm water worked itsmagic while images of Her danced through my head. A rigorous scrubbing, cleaning,and preening session followed in an attempt to get this body in shape for anaudience with a Goddess. The pictures of Her staring at me from printed photosscattered on my bed caught my eye over and...
MOTHER, MY MILF, and me, ……from Basmman85……. Page 1…. I publish this story and leave it with you to wonder, whether or not……??I also apologize for the length of the intro. as I seriously need to set the scene.Sadly photos included in original file were not allowed here, please see my Mother photo file. Not sure where to start this, but here it is, the date being in the mid 60’s. I was in my late teens, nearing 20, living at home and working as a trainee in a London Architects office. Dad was...
NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 3: Us Girls Synopsis: Mike Caldwell wakes up in a place and a time which are completely different from the ones he went to sleep in. Once more, he is forced to reevaluate his identity, his memories and his conception of reality-- and maybe clean out his closet as well. ***** This is finally it. I've waited for this for so long, all through those untold days and hours, yearning silently for just this moment... He enters the room,...
My plan worked perfectly. We left Monaco just before eleven the next morning with Vannie almost fifty thousand dollars richer, thanks to a generous casino roulette wheel. Naturally, she repaid my investment in her good fortune. I had made a few side bets, but nothing had come up the way Vannie’s good fortune did. I was probably down a couple of hundred. We stayed at the very nice Principe De Savoia in Milan. In fact, all the hotels her company’s travel agent had booked for her were excellent....
"OK, now it's time for you to get on your back and spread your legs," Aaron informed Samantha. "Oh, I like spreading my legs for you Aaron." When Aaron gave her a stern look, she quickly added, "I know, I shouldn't say that to any guys I happen to be on a date with." "This is serious though," Aaron warned. "This is going to feel way better than anything we've done so far, so we have to be ready for that. The first way I can press my shaft up against your pussy is to use what...
HENRY (Monday 12/12) Sunday night, Bellana and Lucia spent the night at their place, while Janet and I slept in my room. We just slept most of the time, but we were busy outside looking around, playing in the moonlight, investigating the night life in the hills and, in general, being nosy. About a half hour before the alarm would go off, we came back home, nudged our bodies awake and made slow, gentle love. Janet felt wonderful inside without a condom, and we came gently while we kissed and...
It was late morning when Beth awoke, as she took a shower she thought of the events of the previous night. She was shocked at how she'd let her lust drive away any common sense, however the sexual side of her mind pointed out that she'd happily do it all again and even more. In the bedroom she quickly made the bed before pulling on a short silk robe and heading downstairs. On her way down she checked her son and daughter's rooms to see if they were about. There was a note from her husband...
Getting a Boyfriend Transexual fiction by [email protected]. The following story contains descriptions of sex between young men and transgendered men. If you are offended by such things, or live in an area where such things are illegal to read about, or you're too young to be reading adult fiction, please stop now. I was born in San Jose, California. My name is Sam. I have two older (by 3 years) sisters, twins, named Melissa and Miranda. My parents are both engineers....
It was my first night as a runner at babestation, which you could say is any guys dream job. Surrounded by stunning women all night, talking about sex and seeing them naked for 8 hours a night what could be better. I wandered round the small studio trying to get my bareings and see where things were kept. The girls changing room was a mess full of clothes make up and other things. the studio was tiny just 3 small sets and a camera on each one not very glamerous when you look at it from behind...
Hi dosto me sandy fir se aap ke samne meri story ka agla part leke aya hu.. Aap logone meri story tarak mehata ka hot chasma ke sare part ko achese padkar bohat sara pyar diya is liye me aap ka dhanya wand dena chata hu. Aur un ladies ka bhi jinone mujse dosti ki hai aur muje mile bhi me unka dukh sunkar bohat hi bura lagaa . Bagwan n aaisa kisi ke saat bhi na kare .. Jo unke saat hua hai .. Muje bohat sari gujju bhabio ne bhi friend req bheji hai wat up par aur fb par me sach kehta hu sabse...
After a rest and a cold drink we decided to help Gan to her room and to bed. She was very wobbly but had the same 1000 watt smile of here daughter. As I caried her up the stairs and into her room she was smiling and whispering to me that I could fuck her anytime I wanted. she even asked me about my pool and if I swam naked. I told her I had a pool and yes I swam naked and sun bathed as well. as usual my cock was hard and bouncing off her naked ass as we traveled. I carefully placed her on the...
It was the beginning of April. There was a party, again. Doesn't this seem to center around the parties or what? That's because that is where all the excitement happens. We were not going to be spending the night together this time, because all the girls were doing stuff at some point early in the day, except for me and Kaitlin. We had voted not to spend the night together, just to make life simple. We figured that we may end up sleeping over at each other's house or whatever, but we...
Maya Bijou gets horny as she looks at herself in the mirror. She decided to go play with her little pussy and get off. After some time, she realizes she needs more to cum. She calls her boyfriend Mike over and tells him that she fantasizes about been tied up and fucked. Soon after Mike comes over to grant her wish. After he gets her bound to the bed, he licks her sweet pussy as she moans in delight. Then he puts his cock in her mouth and deep throats her. Mike then moves to fuck her hard in all...
xmoviesforyouThis is the eighth part. Please read the previous parts to understand the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses, so think of someone when you read it. I will continue the story where I left. In the last part, I fucked my mom (Vidya Balan actress) with my sister’s (Samantha actress) help. My sis told me to fuck my mom till she can’t live without my cock. That’s was her next big step in our plan. Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and I went behind her, hugged her. Mom:...
IncestI have just returned from an amazing holiday in Italy and I want to tell you about it. We’d planned a short family break away together, my husband Richard, our son Jack and myself. We had been having quite a stressful time as Richard was setting up a new company and this had resulted in him devoting his attentions 24/7 to the business. Things seemed to be coming together for the firm and it seemed Richard could have a little more ‘chill out’ time. In order to kick start a settling down period...
MILFThe room where Shantar stood was about three times as wide as he was tall, roughly cubical in shape, with walls and ceiling of gleaming white. There were no windows, but it was brilliantly lighted by glowing patches set into the walls and ceiling. The air was fresh and clean after the reek of filth and fear that had pervaded Khamul's dungeons, though there was a faint odor that reminded Shantar of summer lightning. "Is everything ready?" Nurm question brought Shantar's attention to where...
One morning at the breakfast table Jackie and Tom were discussing their sex life. Well said Tom, Still no sign of my extra lady? No we still have not hooked up on the same shifts said Jackie. Been waiting a while now said Tom. Yes I know replied Jackie. But I have been having some thoughts about it, and as I am anxious for a return bout with George I have an Idea. Go on said Tom. Well you know Mary next door? Yes said Tom a little anxious. Well I know you fancy her I see the way you look at her...
Erotic FictionCRASH LANDING by Eric Thanks to Steve Z for editing Episode One: The Flight RICHARD My name is Richard Yokum (No Dogpatch jokes, or I'll bust you right in the kisser! I wasn't a heavyweight champ in the Navy for nothing!) I scowl at my approaching charter. They - especially the man - were the kind of people I can't stand! He was a Boston Dodge - filthy rich and a Brahmin - very effete and super condescending. He treated me like I didn't really exist. She was the...
Sunday morning we awoke to the smell of pancakes. We probably would have slept in a bit longer if Francine did not start banging pots and pans three inches from my head, but I guess she wanted us to enjoy the breakfast she'd made before it got cold. My arm was rather sore from Catherine using it as a pillow all night, but I readily decided that she was worth it. She nuzzled against my chest and refused to get up until Francine came back to pull her off of me. Jimmy staggered out of the...
Disclaimer:I do not own this story it is merely a fan favourite and intend no monetary gain. I intend no copyright infringement!Watching My Crush Get Crushed11 minute read0 Comments (0) 7382 ViewsI watch my crush get her brains fucked out by her new boyfriend.Julie was my dream woman - intelligent, gorgeous, the same age. She recently moved to my town, immediately becoming one of the most desirable women in the entire region.She looked like an early Wynona Ryder, a curvaceous brunette with an...
naughty, sex-related websites. During my conquests, I came across numerous adult chat sites. I created a profile (ModernRomeo), listing me as an 18 year old male, on my favorite site. I started talking with women of various ages, working on becoming competent at cyber roleplay. I was finally able to virtually live out a number of my fantasies. About a month later, I did a roleplay with KatieBelle34. Her profile said she was a 34 year old divorcee. I played an innocent young...
“G’day Hannah, jump in,” I said to her as I pulled up at the bus stop. “Thank you again, Will, for driving me with you,” she replied as she settled into the passenger seat. “I’ll give you money for the petrol, too.” We had to be at the University by 8:30 for the first day of the vacation computer programming school. I had been looking forward to this ever since Mr King had told me that I have been selected for the five day course. I was surprised about Hannah; I hadn’t known she was...
"You'll never guess who I ran into this afternoon," I said to Andrea as I arrived home that Saturday afternoon. "Who?" she asked disinterestedly. "Janice LeDane." I'd no sooner got the name out of my mouth when Andrea's head snapped around and gave me a look I don't think I'd ever seen on her before. I'm not sure if it was fear or shock or what. "Oh," Andrea stammered. "What did she have to say?" She looked worried now. I really couldn't understand her reaction. "We sat...
So, here's what happened after Ms E spanked me with that giant dildo.After she licked and kissed my tears away, she said "Now, I'm going to use this the way it's supposed to be used."I nodded and she bent me over her bed. I was nervous, wondering what she was going to do. It was soooooooo big! I felt it rubbing against my pussy (which is totally shaved and bare, all the time!) and then it started pushing in. I groaned because it was enormous! I was being stretched open. I reached back to try to...
I came out of the bathroom with this huge dildo strap on dangling between my thighs. I saw my beloved hubby onto our marital bed, naked and lying on his back, showing me his huge erection.I hissed I loved his dick, as I approached him. Victor smiled at me.I propped his ass up on some pillows. Now I had him at an angle that allowed me to easily plow my fake rubber cock into his ass making direct contact with his prostate on every plunge. It also allowed me to grab his cock and jack it towards...
Dear friends, I am going to tell you an interesting [which is for you] but at the same time a shocking incident that happened in my marital life. My wife is Padma and we got married 3 years before. We are living in Chennai. We were a happy couple for the first year of our marriage and then slowly she lost charm in sex but I remained the same. I couldn’t arouse my wife’s sex feelings and in fact i must admit that i have failed. She justifies the height and weight of a woman of 30 years and I...
I started having sex at an early age, I dont have many lines I wont cross. My husband and I swing, I am bi, I even had sex with my brother. However despite all that most people I know in my day to day life have no idea I am a total slut. A couple of years ago a girlfriend of mine was about to get married. We all decided to meet on a Tuesday at a sports bar then head off to a downtown Vegas strip club that has male dancers. The day of the arrived, I dressed in a black thong and bra, tight jeans...
Drunk sexMy name is Nancy I'm five foot four inches tall and weight about one hundred and ten pounds thirty eight D size xxx tits and a nice tight ass. I have been a closet whore ever since ( ken) neighbor boy asked me to suck his cock. I was three years younger than him but I was curious as hell after listening to my three sisters talk about there boyfriends and their cocks. So I asked him to show me his cock he said that I should show my pussy too. I thought it was OK so I dropped my shorts and he...
Group Sex