Incestuous Harem's PassionChapter 18: Incestuous Meeting free porn video

April 12th, 2027 – Cruzita Martínez
“This is how much you’re recommending for bail?” Ed Thomas said as he stared at the brief. We were inside the courtroom, the judge about to appear.
“It’s the average amount for the charges,” I said, my stomach roiling. “I don’t think we can argue for the full amount given the non-violent nature of the charges.” My words were lies. I had orders to follow. This was one of them. Another was to tip off the media this morning. I trembled, waiting for Ed to tear into me. This was his case. He wanted to sink Clint and his family badly.
“The average,” muttered Ed. He looked over at the other table where a battalion of lawyers was crowded. Clint and his women filled the seats behind them, changed into nice clothing for the hearing. None were cuffed. They were whispering, shifting. Nervous looks flashed across them while Clint sat with rigid inflexibility. “They might get out on this.”
“And?” I asked. “They’ll have to surrender their passports. They won’t be able to leave the country. If they flee, well, that’ll give us an even bigger charge to levy at them. Really lock them up. And imagine all the press conferences you can give.”
He almost smiled. “Fine. It’s not like we have time to prepare arguments for the full amount. Since when did you play so fair?”
“Since I’m going up against half the lawyers in Sacramento,” I added. “They’ll rip apart the max. You want to lose our first hearing?”
It was the next morning after the arrests. They were here to make their plea and receive for bail. Charges were filed. We interrogated them and got nothing, but the evidence from the house was damning. How Clint thought he was getting out of this without making a groveling plea deal, I had no idea. There was only so much I could do.
And so far, average bail.
“All rise,” the bailiff called, dressed in the khaki uniform, a large, Black man with a look that could intimate the most hardened criminal into silence, “the honorable Judge Coburn presiding.”
I stood up with everyone else in the court. The galley behind us was packed with the media. I was surprised to find them with their cameras. It wasn’t often that was allowed, but the judge must have made an exception giving the sensationalization of the case. He looked grumpy this morning, dressed in his black robes, his wrinkled face squinting. He was nearing retirement. Probably wanting to spend his days playing golf and finding himself another young trophy wife since the last past away a decade or so ago.
He sat down and grunted. His clerk handed him a docket as we all sat down. “Okay, let’s get this hearing done with. How are the defendants pleading.” He frowned. “Which one of you is speaking?”
“Me, your honor,” said Elisabet Reenburg. “I’m lead counsel for the family. It’s not guilty, your honor.”
The judge grunted, not surprised. “Then let’s move on to bail now. Ed?”
“Your honor, the state is asking for a bond of $50,000 for Clint Elliston and $25,000 for the remaining defendants. In addition, the State wants a restraining order on all defendants to have no contact with their children.”
“I see,” the judge said, jotting down notes. “And what do you have to say to that, Mrs. Reenburg?”
“Me, your honor,” said Elisabet Reenburg. “I’m lead counsel for the family. We have no problem with the no contact with children save we’d like a provision with supervised visits. We also request for the children to be placed with various family friends instead of into the foster care system. As for bail, that is an outrages amount. My clients are upstanding members of society. Pillars of the community. They are active with various charities. They are no criminals. They have not been charged with any violent crime. The State is being overly malicious with such a high amount for such a victimless crime.”
“Victimless?” demanded Ed, staring at Elisabet Reenburg.
The Blonde, mature woman faced him back with steely, blue eyes. “Victimless. After all, you have all of them being charged, so how can any of them be the victim? Unless you have further accusations?”
“Not at this time,” Ed said. “We think the bail amount is more than fair, your honor. The Ellistons are facing the disillusion of their family. We’re afraid they might seek to flee the country. They may have the capital to do so.”
“Capital? The Ellistons live moderately well, but they are not rich. Your honor, this is a burdensome bail amount. $25,000 for the majority of them. $50,000 for Mr. Elliston. That’s crippling. As the Supreme Court said in Stack v. Boyle, ‘defendant’s bail cannot be set higher than an amount that is reasonably likely to ensure the defendant’s presence at the trial’ and is thus a violation of their Eighth Amendment rights.”
“And what would be a fair amount, Mrs. Reenburg?” asked the judge, staring at her with hands folded. “None.” The judge arched an eyebrow at her. “None? I can’t give them no bail.” “The minimum,” she said. “$5000 each.” “That’s ridiculously low,” said Ed. “They can meet that easily. As it is, they have wealthy benefactors who might post the bail that we require.” “That might seem like a small amount, but there are eleven defendants. That adds up fast.” “Bail will be set at $5000 for all but Mr. Elliston whose will be $10,000. As for the children, that’s a matter for family court, but I will give them my recommendation. Court dismissed.” “They’ll be out in the hour,” muttered Ed as he packed up. “$5000?” “I know,” I said, shocked. I didn’t expect bail that low. Clint owned three houses. He could easily put one up as collateral with a bail bondsman to post those amounts. “Judge Coburn must be going senile.”
As I packed up, Elisabet Reenburg headed over to the table and leaned in, “Could we talk, counselor?”
I nodded.
As she headed down the aisle, I went to follow. Ed grabbed my arm and said, “If she’s shopping for a plea deal, hear her out but stonewall. I want them desperate. I’m not going to give them something simple. They have to pay. I want prison time for at least Clint.”
“Okay,” I said and then broke away.
I followed Elisabet through the galley, the media calling out questions to the Ellistons. Elisabet smiled and said her client would make a statement after making bail. Then we were out of the galley and I led her to my office. It was here in the superior courthouse. Prosecutors worked out of this building. At least we didn’t have to go far, and with the number of cases we had on our docket, that was a good thing.
The moment the door was closed, Elisabet cupped my face and pushed me back against my desk. I gasped in shock at what she was doing. There was a wild look in her eyes. “Aren’t you a sexy thing?”
“Elisabet?” I gasped; my ass pressed into the edge of my desk. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Yes, yes, you’re just ripe. My son is going to love you.”
“Love me?” I asked, confused.
“I’m bringing my son and daughter over to your house tonight. We’re strategizing how you’re going to help us.”
A flutter of panic washed through me.
“Now, now, we won’t have you do anything that will get you in trouble. No tanking the case. Just guiding it. Pointing your boss in the right direction. We don’t want you getting in trouble. We want you to be free, too. We want you to have that world where you can eat out that pretty daughter of yours whenever you want.”
A shiver ran through me. “You know?”
“Of course I know.” She pressed her lips on mine. She kissed me with hunger. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Her tongue brushed my lips. I opened wide, scared not to and also turned on all at the same time. Her perfume filled my nose.
My eyes closed as I kissed her. Her hand slid down my back, caressing me through my blazer. My pussy grew hot. My nipples throbbed. I found my own tongue playing with her. There was something freeing in surrender. They had me. I had committed incest. A lot. And they had proof. I didn’t want to go to jail for it. I wanted to keep doing it.
I loved eating out my daughter. I wanted to meet this boyfriend of hers who fucked his mother. I wanted to have a threesome with them. A foursome. Get his mom in bed and swap children. A fire burned through me.
Elisabet broke the kiss. “Mmm, I can’t wait to see you cum on my son’s cock tonight, Counselor. You’re going to look so sexy as he pumps you full of cum.”
I shivered. How far had this incest spread? Elisabet broke the kiss and said, “Now, let’s pretend we’re having a discussion on pleas. How desperate do you want us to sound.”
“Very,” I panted. “Ed wants to destroy you.”
Clint Elliston
The sergeant slid over the evidence back that had my personal effects in it. I opened it up and pulled out my wedding band, watch, wallet, pocket change, as well as a few receipts I didn’t care about. I slipped them into my pockets and then signed the itemized release form.
He nodded to the door. I marched to it. A buzz growled as it unlocked. I opened it and stepped into the lobby. My family waited. Alicia threw herself at me first, hugging me tight. She pressed her face into my chest, trembling in my arms.
“It’s going to be okay,” I said as my women moved around me. Zoey and Stefani held hands. I felt bad for Stefani. She wasn’t even committing incest as far as the authorities were concerned, but she knew about it. Participated in it. Pam and Melody hugged me around Alicia. Our mothers stood behind them, looking exhausted.
Guilt rippled through me. I put my women through so much. The interrogation yesterday had gone late. It felt like they would never end. I closed my eyes, wanting to apologize to them. If I never went public, never tried to change the world, we might have passed through life unnoticed by the authorities.
But I didn’t.
I had to be selfish.
“Don’t even think of apologizing,” Melody hissed in my ear. “We’re in this. We’re committed. We need you to be strong now, Clint. You’re the man. Be that.”
I gave a slight nod.
They broke away so I could hug Lee and her mother. Then my mother and Pam’s. Even Zoey and Stefani I swept up into my arms. No kisses. It didn’t feel right sharing off our intimacy in the lobby of the county jail.
Through the glass doors, I could see the media waiting. I took a deep breath and held out my arms. Pam took my right, her wedding ring glinting as she rested her left hand on my wrist, and Melody took the other. The rest of my women flowed behind me as we headed outside. Elisabet opened the door for us, giving us a nod of support.
All our lawyers were on our side. They all had something to gain from our victory. A few fathers who had nubile daughters. A young man who had a hot mother. A wife who enjoyed sharing her daughters with her husband while he shared her with their son. They would do everything to get us free.
So would I.
Our friends and supporters were out there. Politicians ready to pass laws if we could turn public opinion. We couldn’t run from these charges. There was no denying them. No excuse we could give. We had to gamble on one way out of this: jury nullification.
Twelve individuals we would have to convince that though incest might be illegal, it shouldn’t be. Twelve people we had to convince to acquit us even though we were guilty of breaking an unjust law. A moment when things could change. A flashpoint that would have our family at the center of it. Proof that there was no harm if it was consensual.
I had no idea if we could do it. Twelve people who would be drawn from the 115,000 registered voters of Yolo County. Twelve people who would come from different backgrounds. Different religions. Different views on sexuality. Who knew what sort of people we would get.
I stepped out before the media. The microphones were already waiting for me. Pam and Melody clung to me on both sides. I stood before the podium and gazed out the sea of reporters, cameraman, and photographers. Flashes burst from all directions. Even in daylight, it was dazzling.
“I have a brief statement to make,” I said, staring out at them. “Yes, the rumors are true. My lover, Melody, and my wife, Pam, are my half-sisters. We share the same father.” That had leaked this morning, Cruzita’s doing on my orders. “I love them both. I love all the women in my family.”
I boldly faced the cameras. Pam and Melody stood straight-back at my side. I felt my family around us. The TV was capturing this. Our public admission to incest. I let them record it. Let them show the world how normal we looked.
“We’re united. It’s consensual. Beautiful. And we believe that the people of California will see the truth in that. They will understand that there is a great injustice in our laws. Some might even wish to experience familial love. Bigotry about sex has gripped our nation for too long. We have been slowing escaping our puritanical past. Now it’s time to remove this stigma, too. Love is free. It can be shared between any groups of individuals, even if they’re your mother and father. Brother and sister. Why are we shackling those who only want to share their passion with those they are closest to? Thank you.”
The questions barraged us. The hired security pushed into the lawyers to clear a path for our women. Elisabet Reenburg led the way, smiling at the cameras. She reached the door and opened it. My women ushered in. I stood on the other side, making sure they got in. Lee had a huge grin on her face, drinking in the attention while Alicia appeared almost like a rabbit. I wanted to pull her into my lap and cuddle my little princess.
Elisabet slipped in then I gave a last look to the camera before sliding in after them. I slammed the door shut and pulled Alicia onto my lap. She pressed into me and started to cry. Her little body shook in my arms.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “I just ... This is ... It’s all so overwhelming. Our children, Clint. Are we going to get to see them?”
“Coburn will make sure they’ll get to stay with our friends,” I said. “He knows how important that is.”
“So Leyla informed me,” Elisabet said, sitting across from me. “She and her mother gave him quite the reminder last night. They filmed it. it’s quite a ... stimulating video to watch. The judge’s daughter is a passionate and submissive one.”
“Good,” I said, stroking Alicia’s light brown hair. “We’re going to get through this together. Okay? They’re going to find us innocent. Pam’s going to guide our jury selection. Cruzita understands her role in it.”
“I’ll make sure tonight,” Elisabet said, a large grin sliding across her face. “My son will enjoy her. She’s quite the looker.”
“Yes, she is,” said Stefani. “The Campo sisters just adore her and her daughter.”
“Lucky break for us,” Melody said. She closed her eyes. “Will we get the visitations? I want to see my daughter.”
I wanted to see all my children. The house would be so empty without them. This was the worst part of the plan. They were all so young, even the oldest. Would they understand why we disrupted their lives? Forgive us for this?
Delilah Midgley
“Why are we shackling those who only want to share their passion with those they are closest to?”
I glanced at the photo of my son, Ian. His smiling, youthful face hung on the wall. Handsome. Too handsome. The lust for him, the ones that terrified me, surged to the forefront. I closed my eyes, wanting to just suck on his cock once again. I loved doing it to him when he was passed out drunk. When he didn’t know what a terrible mother I was.
Clint’s words echoed in my mind. His life was being destroyed. He would be going to jail for loving his mother. His sisters. I couldn’t do that to my son. I couldn’t take us down that road, but I wanted to. I missed him. I hated myself for driving him out of my life.
I wanted to call him. To beg him to come home. To confess to him that I loved him. That I wanted to make love to him. I wanted to lie beneath him, to feel him back in me. I closed my eyes on my couch, rubbing my thighs together. It would be incredible to be with him.
And so wrong. Clint was a fool. Look what incest got him. His life destroyed. Those of his family, too. I couldn’t do that to my son. I clicked off the TV and stared at the wall. I hadn’t seen him in two years. Not since he woke up just as I was about to blow him.
He’d almost caught me. He must hate me now for how I treated him. That was only right. He deserved to hate me. He should keep that fixed firmly in his mind. He should never be allowed near me. I couldn’t be trusted around my son.
I was such a terrible mother.
Cruzita Martínez
“Mmm, look at this cock,” cooed Elisabet Reenburg.
She stood over my bed staring down at me as I lay naked on it. Her son, Sean, stood beside her. A tall man in his mid-twenties, with light-brown hair and a fit form. Muscular. He worked out. He had a gorgeous body. My pussy clenched. I hadn’t been with a man since before I divorced my husband. Since before I found out he’d been fucking the slut next door.
“I made this cock,” Elisabet continued. “And it gives me such pleasure. My son knows how to use it. you want this in you, don’t you, slut.”
“Yes,” I moaned. I had utterly surrendered to being Elisabet’s bitch. The Ellistons owned me. Why not enjoy it. Maybe, just maybe, Clint had a plan that would make this all work out. I didn’t see it. His press conference upon making bail torpedoed any chance he had of getting out of this without prison. “I want your son’s cock in me.”
“Of course you do,” Maria Reenburg said. The daughter was a year younger than the son, a blonde and nubile beauty with her mother’s blonde hair spilling around her sensual features. She looked like her mother, the pair almost sisters. She slid her hand up to my breast and squeezed it. “I’m going to sit on your face while my brother fucks you hard. Mmm, he’s good at it. Took my cherry.”
“He seduced me from my husband,” added Elisabet. “Now William just sits in the corner while a real man fucks me.”
“Mother of God, that’s fucked up,” I said as the daughter’s pale finger played with my brown nipple.
“Mmm, isn’t it?” asked Maria before she darted her head down and sucked on my hard nipple. The White girl sucked with hunger on my nub. I groaned, my pussy clenching as she suckled.
“¡Mierda!” I gasped, slipping into my native Spanish as the pleasure shot down to my dick. So far, our private strategy meeting was off to a delicious start.
“Yes, yes, beg for my son to fuck you,” Elisabet moaned. She and her son moved onto the bed together. He was aimed right between my thighs. They spread apart further for him.
“I want your son to fuck me so hard!” I moaned. “Please, please, share his cock with me.” This was so much easier than stressing. Than worrying. I just had to let them dominate me. Control me. Give me pleasure.
Then I would have my daughter. I would lick out cum from her pussy, cleaning up what her boyfriend dumped in her. Maybe he would be her husband. She would have a grandson for me to teach. For us both to teach when he grew old enough. Or a daughter who needed to learn how to please a woman.
I would be such a wicked grandmother.
“Please, please, led me your son and his big dick,” I moaned, staring at the White boy’s cock. “Don’t make me suffer.”
Maria sucked hard on my nipple while Elisabet cooed, “Well, he’s the man of the family. He fucks who he wants. That’s how he took me.”
“Yes, yes, yes!” I gasped. “Take me. Fuck me! Please, Sean. I need a man. My ex wasn’t one. So fuck your dick into me. Pound me hard!”
Sean smiled and moved to the bed. He slipped onto it, his cock bobbing and swaying before him. He licked his lips, hunger burning in his eyes as he stared at my body. He moved closer, his mother stroking his cock the entire time.
“I love it when a MILF begs,” he said.
Maria popped her mouth off my nipple. “Mmm, it’s so sexy, Sean. Ooh, we should meet her daughter.”
“She’s got a boyfriend,” I panted.
“And?” Sean asked. “My mom has a husband.”
“Aren’t you a cocky one,” I gasped.
He grinned at me and winked. “You’re the one panting for my dick.”
Maria shot her hand down and shoved it between my thighs. She rubbed through my bush to find my hot flesh. Tingles raced through me as she purred, “Oh, she’s dripping for you, Sean. She wants your cock in her cunt bad.”
I gasped as the White girl parted my pussy lips with her thumb and forefinger. She exposed my wet depths for her brother’s cock. His sexy mother guided him to me. She hugged him from behind now, rubbing those big boobs of hers into his back as she nibbled on his ear.
“Fuck her so hard,” she cooed. “Mmm, just plow into her. Make her cum on that big dick of yours. She needs a cock in her. Make Mommy proud.”

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