Random ConnectionsChapter 4 free porn video

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The phone rang:

Frank hit the pause button on the game then, glad of the interruption as his best friend Joe was wiping the floor with him at fifA2005, hit the speaker button on the phone, laughing away his friends protests. Both were soon stunned into silence by the visceral noises that filled the living room.

"What the hell is that?" Joe whispered.

"Hello... er, who's there?" Frank asked, glancing nervously at him.

A guttural moan answered his tentative enquiry and the noises increased in volume.

"Come on man, it's just somebody jerkin' around. Let's finish the game." Urged Joe.

They giggled and Frank was about to comply with his friend when the moan became a groan as the noises increased and decreased in speed.

"It sounds like someone getting fucked to me." Frank replied, finger poised uncertainly over the button. "Listen to that!"

They listened, bug-eyed at the sticky sound of hot sex, until the game became forgotten as their interest grew. "Fancy playing a new game?" Frank asked, rubbing his crotch suggestively.

"Are you crazy?" His friend replied. "Won't your dad be home soon?"

"Don't worry about it. He'll be out getting drunk until the cows go home." Frank said, patting Joe's knee.

They'd enjoyed mutual masturbation before, usually after a few drinks themselves but this time they were cold sober, and Joe looked uncertainly at the hand on his knee. Frank encouraged him by squeezing his thigh while unzipping himself, sitting back to unbutton his jeans and allowing his semi-hard penis room to grow.

Joe licked his lips a the sight of the swelling ebony staff jutting proudly upwards and unzipped himself. "You persuaded me." He said, reclining at the opposite end of the sofa to enable them to get a good view of each other.

Frank grinned and slapped the head of his cock into the palm of his hand. "Like you needed much persuading. Have you been exercising? It looks bigger?"

"No more than usual." He smiled in that lop-sided way that Frank found so endearing. "I'm still six inches and If I keep to my daily routine for ten years it'll never get as big as that beast between your legs!" He looked ruefully at his own phallus which he knew was two inches shorter than his friends, pale as milk in comparison, but just as potent when it came down to it.

They chuckled amiably then concentrated on achieving a full erection to the accompaniment of the rude noises emanating from the speaker.

"Who do you think it is?" Asked Frank, nodding in the direction of the slapping, squishing sound of wet flesh-on-flesh.

"Dunno." Replied Joe. "Maybe it's Coach Jones!"

They laughed to think of their rugby master like that and Frank peeled the skin from the head of his cock like some exotic fruit, stroking the shaft luxuriously as Joe spat in his palm to aid his hand-over-fist action.

"It still looks to me like you got a couple of coconuts hanging down there." Joe smiled, leering at Franks pendulous balls.

"I got plenty o' milk in 'em too. I've not cum all day."

"Well don't blow that stuff everywhere. I've got to clean up you know!"

"No worries, I figured a way out of that. Want to see?"


"Watch this." He said, pulling his jeans free and sitting in a lotus position, elbows braced against his knees, hands behind his head, pulling himself down until his mouth was almost touching the head of his cock. He stuck out his tongue and lapped around the glans, grunting with the effort of contorting his body and the pleasure of tasting the hot, hard meat.

Joe looked on in awe as Frank's head dipped lower, his lips wrapping around the plum head of his glistening cock. "Oh my fucking God!" He whispered, squeezing his own erection.

"Pretty wild huh?" Frank boasted, relaxing back into the soft cushions, stroking his slick shaft that glistened where his lips had been.

"How the fuck did you manage that?"

"I just gave it a try and it worked out. Want to give it a go?"

Joe licked his lips nervously. "I dunno. I never thought about it." He lied, eyeing the thick black serpent cautiously.

"It's real easy man, just lean down and open your mouth."

"How does it taste?"

"Suck it and see!"

They grinned and jerked off together until Joe plucked up courage to lean in, grasp his friends cock and quickly kiss the tip where a dewdrop of clear liquid pooled.

They both gasped.

"Hey! I meant suck your own cock!" Frank cried.

Joe smiled and licked his lips, finding the salty juice not too unappealing. "Oh! Sorry man." He apologised. "But there's no way i can reach mine."

They looked into each others eyes, deliberating whether or not to cross the line of friendship. The sounds of sex seemed to goad them on. Their raging hormones demanded satisfaction and they willingly crossed the line, closing the distance slowly until their lips brushed together, swapping hands and tentative, tender kisses that became passionate as they explored the new world opening up before them.

'Jacking off is one thing. But... ' Joe thought. "... Is this gay or what?" He gasped, finishing the thought aloud.

Frank sucked on his friends bottom lip, tasting the faint tang of himself. "So what?" He murmured. "You don't have to suck it if you don't want to, but keep stroking my cock like that. It feels fucking great."

Joe had to admit to himself that it did feel fucking great stroking each other off like this and moaned with approval as their kiss ripened. He'd snogged with a few girls but felt nothing like this before. Their hands wantonly explored each other, teasing an erect nipple, clasping a hard cock, squeezing full, soft sacs of sperm, boiling with vitality, bringing them to a gasping peak of excitement.

"I want to suck you." Frank pleaded, licking a bead of sweat from Joe's flushed face. "Let me suck you off. Come on man. Who's to know?" Before his friend could deny him he ran his tongue down to play with his nipple, pushing him back before carrying on lower, sinuously trailing down the smooth surface until the hot, musky aroma filled his nostrils.

Joe wanted to say something, anything, but couldn't. The erotic sensations welled up as he felt the warm, wet breath washing over his skin, going lower, lower until it caressed his cock and balls. His head was adjacent to the phone and the sounds of sex swept him away as Frank's tongue bathed his swollen shaft until he thought he'd burst with pleasure. He arched his back and groaned deeply, his body taut and tingling. Frank placed a hand on each of his buttocks, holding him up as he set to work on Joe's balls, sucking, licking and kissing them, lovingly caressing him all over before taking a deep breath and plunging onto the stiff shaft, sucking it softly then more urgently as the taste appealed to him. He felt his head being guided deeper onto the hot spike of solid flesh and he opened his mouth wider in response, taking it into his gullet with surprising ease. He choked once as the shaft flexed reflexively and dribbled more spit along it, basting the meat to ease him in further, deeper until, oh yes! All the way to his juicy balls.

"Oh fuck yes!" Joe went a little crazy as he felt himself being swallowed up, looking down at his friends head bobbing up and down he held his thick curly hair and stroked it. None of his girlfriends had done anything like this before. He wanted the feeling to go on and on but knew he wouldn't last much longer if he stayed like this so, regretfully, he tugged upwards to urge his fuck-buddy to stop.

Frank had no intention of stopping now. He could feel the hot juice bubbling up and wanted to taste it so bad, holding his mouth tightly around the swelling nob and sucking harder, moulding the soft flesh of Joe's buttocks in his hands, digging his thumb into the tender pucker of his arse which brought a fresh burst of precum onto his tongue that was swallowed with a happy moan from both of them.

"Oh fuck no!" Joe cried, in complete contradiction to the cry of his body that simply succumbed to the wondrous emotion overflowing him. Franks moan of encouragement vibrated through his cock, triggering an explosive splash of spunk to erupt from his balls. He half expected him to move away but his lips remained locked onto the fountain of flesh despite his bucking body writhing ecstatically in the iron grip of his hands, the thumb digging deep inside his arse, cajoling more spunk than he'd ever blown off before. He took it all, every hot drop bursting into his mouth and sliding down his throat in sticky waves of exuberance until the flow slackened and slowed to a trickle of clear fluid that dripped onto his tongue.

Joe flopped back onto the cushions, gasping for air, drained of energy and emotion. He opened his eyes to see Frank peering shyly upwards. "You like that huh?" He asked, licking his lips. He simply nodded, lost for words, assimilating the experience, looking down at the solid black pole pointing directly at him, enticing him, wanting him, needing his lips, his hands; coming closer, closer, touching his stomach, sliding up and up, around his nipple before moving onwards, upwards, across his chest, becoming more massive as it filled his horizon, the huge head glistening, a deep purple mushroom seeping with lust. The tangy aroma made his mouth water and he opened up slowly as it made its way in, lapping tentatively at the dripping slit then more eagerly as the salty-sweet texture filled his mouth.

"Yeah that's it, just like that." Frank urged, groaning deep in his throat as he watched his cock slide back and forth between his friends lips. It looked like he was eating a chocolate log, inch by inch until his nob popped all the way in. He pumped his hips slowly forward, fucking his mouth gently, feeling his hands reach up to caress his clenching cheeks, stroking along his hairy crack before gripping his balls, squeezing them as he sucked harder. Frank hissed between his teeth and tried to think of something to prevent him cumming but the noises from the phone flooded his mind and he knew he couldn't last long. The hot taste of spunk was fresh on his tongue as he licked his lips and watched him gobble it up, gagging on an inadvertent spurt of cum that heralded the full flow building up a head of steam.

Joe loved this almost as much as getting blown. The fresh, clean taste of the meat filling his mouth made him hornier than ever and he felt himself respond naturally, rising phoenix-like from the ashes of his first fiery eruption of lust. He couldn't tell who was making all the noises now as his head was pushed right back, becoming impaled on the hot, throbbing spike that warned him of the imminent explosion building up as a splash of spunk smeared his tongue. He tried to shake his head in denial but merely accelerated the onrushing flow and realised he was going to get it whether he wanted it or not. He'd licked his own juice up after cumminmg but this was way different. But, as Frank couldn't prevent his passion spilling over, he couldn't deny a certain piquant interest in finding out what it was like. He didn't have to wait much longer. It flowed into his mouth as though his suck-buddy had turned on a tap, pouring in a constant stream of milky goodness that he drank down, gulping the hot load with increasing ardour. He experimentally slid a finger inside as he sucked more meat and gagged on a longer, hotter spurt that almost drowned his senses. It was with regret, rather than relief when Frank pulled out, jerked off a few more drops onto his face and sat back, panting with pleasure, the sound almost drowned out by the sexual crescendo building up on the other end of the phone.

"Christ! You still horny?" Frank gasped, looking at the obvious arousal jutting from Joe's crotch.

He lifted his head and looked down at his cock, stroking it meaningfully. "That wasn't as bad as i thought it would be." He admitted, smiling shyly.

"Hey! My coconuts have tasty milk you know." Frank hefted them up in his hand, jiggling the bulging sacs playfully.

Joe giggled, wriggling closer until his cock rubbed against them, fencing with Franks stiffening tool. "Can you believe that guy is still going at it?" He asked.

"You know Coach, he's got plenty stamina. Have you seen him in the shower? He's packing heat!"

"You don't really think it's him do you?"

"Why not? Anyway, I'm getting off on the idea, so don't spoil my fun." Frank said, laughing at the comical look of surprise on Joe's face.

"But he's married!" He protested, shocked at the idea.

"Have you seen the way he looks around when we shower?

"Well yes, but that don't mean he wants to do anything. Does it?" He concluded.

"Maybe. Maybe not."

The sounds went on as they thought about his well muscled, hairy body, arousing them into a fresh desire to taste each other again. Frank shifted position, laying alongside Joe in a timeless pose to take him into his mouth, moaning as he felt himself taken in the same way, with no more need for words to express their feelings they let their bodies do the talking.

The noises became a sexual symphony, rising in pitch and falling in tone as they took each other with increasing confidence, the aromatic odour of arousal exciting their tongues into a frenzied tempo, licking, lapping at the hot flesh, wet lips blowing a merry tune on each others length, taking as much as they desired.

Joe felt himself lifted and rolled up until he lay astride Franks slick body, still concentrating on eating the fat mushroom head of that big, black cock, stroking it hand over fist, moaning in delight at the sensation of his balls getting sucked then gasping in surprise as he felt his arse getting rudely rimmed.

Neither of them took any notice of the lewd, wet sound bursting from the phone - or the fact that they were being watched.

All Frank could see was the pink pucker of Joe's arse and he set to work on it, literally drooling on it as his tongue delved inside the tight ring, giving him a lip-smacking French kiss while using both hands to part his cheeks to feast on the tender meat, while Joe had his hands, and mouth, too full of hard, hot cock to notice anything else.

Both of them were making too much noise of their own to heed the silent phone - or hear the soft click of the front door opening.

Joe could only hear the beat of his passion for sucking that beautiful cock. He loved the way it throbbed powerfully in his hands as he took it deeper, stretching his lips around the thick bulk of it, wriggling happily on the tongue in his arse, gagging as the hot muscle flexed in his mouth but refusing to relinquish his prize, gobbling greedily at the precum seeping from the slit, sticking the tip of his tongue into it as his hands milked at the full sacs beneath. He jumped as a finger slid into his arse, replacing the tongue which slid delicately along his crack, flicking over his churning balls, seeking his cock, finding it hard and ready to be sucked inside Franks mouth. "Oh fuck!" He groaned as it slid down into the wet heat, sinking inside effortlessly until he could go no further. Another finger slid in-between his pumping cheeks, adding to the delicious sensation of fucking his friends mouth.

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Random sexting with my GF

so then i flip over... takeing over the kissing and feeling... massaging your sides, running my hands through your hair... moving down to your pussy, doin my usual kiss n nibble all the way down... down one leg up the other... stopping at your pussy. grabbing the sides of your panties with one finger and pushing the center down with my tounge... Then licking around it in circles getting smaller and closer And then licking up the center, moving my tounge side to side as i go up... using my...

1 year ago
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random family orgy

it was my daughters friend Maggie. Her and her parents were nudists, Emily knew they were coming over she came down stairs but naked, and dragged her friend up stairs and they started talking about what just happened between me and her, I was downstairs with Maggie’s parents. I apologized for being rude so I striped but I still had Emily’s juice on my dick so Helen and Joe saw this so I called Maggie and Emily downstairs, they came but they had had cum on their faces “what have u been doing?” I...

3 years ago
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Random Encounter

My boyfriend and I had recently split up after only a few months of dating. No matter how long we’d been together, I was in serious need of some dance therapy. Clark, one of my good friends, offered to take me out one night… a hard opportunity to pass up. Clark didn’t drink much, and he never had issues taking care of me if I accidentally drank myself silly. After agreeing to go out, I put some real effort into myself while I got ready. I straightened my hair, fixed my make up quite nice, and...

1 year ago
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random sexy questions to ask yourself

-if you could have any piece of medical equiptment what would it be? who would you use it on? and what would you do to them? -what part of the body (other than penis vagina breasts etc) turns you on most when touched? -what part of the body (including penis vagina breasts etc) turns you on most when touched? -what object do you use (if any) to masturbate? -where is the weirdest place you have ever had sex? -how many times (be honest) have you had sex? -if straight have you ever had a homosexual...

1 year ago
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Random stories

As the name indicates, this is going to be the place where I post short stories or one-shots that have either no place yet in my other works, or simply don't belong in there. Postings will be sporadic, since these things happen only rarely. Feel free to join in if you have something to add but don't think it will fit yet in the main works. Cheers.

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Random Titbits

An unending universe. An unending possibility of stories. We live in a world where there are so many stories to tell, with as many emotions, feelings, yurning, fantasies and pleasures. So many people, so many tastes. Nowadays we can tell these stories to a much greater amount of people. One of these places you can visit for this kind of stories is the tavern of Chyoa. Some come here to listen, some come here to tell. What do you come here for? Are you after fantasy stories about knights saving...

1 year ago
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Random Meeting for Car Fun MF ExhibitionVoyeu

On my daily commute home, I usually stop on a dead end road in Golden Gate Park to check messages, before continuing on down the Peninsula.While I was parked and reading emails, I observed a car drive past me slowly with a dark haired woman driving, wearing dark sunglasses. She parked behind me, got out of her car and went to the tree in front of my car and began taking pictures of the tree. She was a mature Philippino woman in a black leather skirt, dark stockings, black heels, and a red...

4 years ago
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Random Building Maid

Her name was Apsara (name changed). She would have been around 37-40 years when I first saw her. Slim female with nice curves and small boobs and a nice ass. She would always be in a saree with a bag in her hand and that saree would show her figure perfectly.She was a sight to behold. Now to the story. So I would just see her and probably go with her in the lift at times. She would just smile and I was unable to start a conversation. As it was a 16-floor tower, the lifts went up quick. So...

3 years ago
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Random stranger in a park

Let me first start by introducing us. We are a happily married couple. No one is here to read about me so I'll skip that and describe her for you. She's a stunning 5'8" redhead who's now in her forties but was in her mid 30's when this incident took place. She's fit and always horny and to help fuel the fire I often send her on little adventures. The following is one. As I wasn't there with her I had her write it all out for me afterwards. We hope you enjoy it and look forward to hearing your...

1 year ago
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Random Fuck Of A Nice BBW Woman In South West Lond

I had been out at a friends house doing some work on September the 12Th, and celebrated my birthday there with a quick drink.Which turned into many, in fact I had a great night. Met a woman who is a friends Friend who turns out to all so like women too. I noticed this a few times during the night. the way she would look at the bar maid who was sexy. And my friends other half would go into this zone and she couldn't hide it, subtle movements of her body were quiet a turn on.Well I will keep this...

3 years ago
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Random Fuck Of A Nice BBW Woman In South West Lond

I had been out at a friends house doing some work on September the 12Th, and celebrated my birthday there with a quick drink.Which turned into many, in fact I had a great night. Met a woman who is a friends Friend who turns out to all so like women too. I noticed this a few times during the night. the way she would look at the bar maid who was sexy. And my friends other half would go into this zone and she couldn't hide it, subtle movements of her body were quiet a turn on.Well I will keep...

4 years ago
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Random Encounter

My boyfriend and I had recently split up after only a few months of dating. No matter how long we'd been together, I was in serious need of some dance therapy. Clark, one of my good friends, offered to take me out one night... a hard opportunity to pass up. Clark didn't drink much, and he never had issues taking care of me if I accidentally drank myself silly. After agreeing to go out, I put some real effort into myself while I got ready. I straightened my hair, fixed my make up quite nice, and...

2 years ago
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Random Ex Hookup

I got pretty lucky this weekend. I hooked up with an ex that I've wanted to fuck againA long story short, she cheated on me at the very end but I was already out of there. I was involved because I helped set her up with a guy on xhamster. She was anti-porn but I caught her on here cruising pics, vids and the dating sites. So, I wanted to see if she'd cheat and helped a guy hook up with her in exchange for some pics and eventually he did something similar for me.Anyhow, I was meeting a buddy...

3 years ago
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Random Taxi Fuck

The trip had been long and I was on the last leg of my book signing tour. I was going to have to talk to my assistant about setting up so many cities in such a short timeframe. What was she thinking? All I had seen the past week was hotels, airports, taxis, and bookstores. Well, at least this was my last city and she had booked a suite at the Waldorf Astoria which was a nice touch. I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was climb into a hot bath with a large glass of Chardonnay. By the...

1 year ago
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Random Casino Fuck

I was so bored Saturday night that I decided to try my luck at the local casino to see what kind of mischief I could get myself into. I had a feeling this would not be hard since I was dressed in something short and provocative with five inch stiletto heels. I thought to myself that these heels needed to be wrapped around someone’s neck tonight.As I enter the casino, I noticed a gentlemen who, come to find out, had been gambling at the casino all afternoon and things had not been going his...

4 years ago
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random guy at the bar

I was up town at a bar. It's a well known fact that the owner of the bar was out. One of his boyfriends was bar tending one night and actually threw a chair at somebody lmfao!!!! Anywho on with this story. So I'm at the bar having me a few cold beers on a tuesday night watching baseball. When I walked I saw scooter with this new young guy on his arm, and damn he was cute! He was all of 23(Scooter was probably 38), about 6 foot tall, dark hark kinda thrown back over his head, he was skinny and...

1 year ago
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Random Building Maid Part 2

Hello guys, so this is a continuation of my earlier story. I’m sure you guys must have read it. In case you haven’t, I suggest you guys do that to get a feel of the build up till now. So now continuing the story. Next day I get home about the same time and quickly change and get to my plan. I see her sandals outside the same flat and keep waiting for her. This time she gets done in like 5 minutes and gets out. I just throw the condom and wait for her again. She is getting out alone and I see...

3 years ago
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Random Building Maid 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, I’m back here after 2 long years for another story. These past 2 years have been really eventful and have had various sexual encounters with different women. I’ll try sharing them with you guys. Well, so this story has a really long backlog. The star of this story was spotted by me nearly 6 years back in my society. First time I saw her I did not get a good glimpse of her. But the next time I saw her I fell flat for her. I couldn’t believe my eyes.  The only way I realized that she...

4 years ago
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Random Encounters 8211 Drunk Threesome With Cousin Sisters

I had been busy the last few months and could not finish off the last part sooner. Please go through the and hopefully this would make more sense. Ramya and I shared a ‘friends with benefits’ relationship and we continued to be friends even after she got a serious boyfriend. We landed up in the same city and it was usual for me to party with her. She used to stay with her younger cousin sister, Riya. And as fate would have it, I ended up being attracted to her. After one such party, I and Riya...

1 year ago
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Random Encounters 8211 Bachelorette in GoaPart 1

This is the second of my stories in Indian sex stories dot net and probably my hottest sexual experience till date. This happened when I was visiting one of my friends in Goa and it could not have been a luckier coincidence. I was roommates with an exchange student from Europe for a brief while and years later, he happened to visit Goa for work. I was then based out of Mumbai and decided to visit him in Goa for a week. Both of us were active on Tinder and we used to discuss how Indian woman...

3 years ago
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Random Encounters 1 The Cute Bihari

It’s somewhat strange to write regarding my sexual experiences. But having been an avid sex story reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net for a long time, I feel this is the right time to talk about my encounters. I am 36, 5”5 and educated at one of India’s best institutes (Indian women love fancy educational qualifications, trust me). Looks do land you girls, but then in India, so does being well educated and being nice. I lost my virginity fairly late when I was 25 and I always felt that the...

1 year ago
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Random Theater Fun

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam riya arora h. Main rajasthan se hu. Mujhe sex krne ka boht jyada shaunk hai. Shaunk hai ya fir shaunk ho gya . Kuch b keh skte hn . Mera figure b boht accha hai . Bade bade boobs aur badi gaand. Merre boobs ka size 36c h. Jinhe dabwane me mjhe boht maja aata h. Gand p thapad marwane m b boht maja aata h. Main thodi si chhubby hu. 36-32-36 . Mjhe violent sex pasand hai. Baandh ke or thapad maar maar ke karne me boht maja aata h. Mera ek dost h....

4 years ago
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Random Unexpected Threesome

Hello Readers, This is Rahul, I was working in Bangalore with a multinational company and was living alone. This happened A few weeks ago when I was bored stiff alone at home and I went to a pub to watch the IPL.I went to the pub just to spend some time and grab a few drinks and well, lady luck smiled at me and brought e a surprise. Sometime later, a well-dressed man and his wife walked in. He looked to be in his mid-fifties, and she looked to be in the late forties. They seemed to be from out...

3 years ago
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Random Encounters

So I was alone and horny on a Friday night. No prospects in sight. Wasn't dating anybody. My main friends were out of town and I typically don't go to bars. Especially alone. So there I was. On the wordlwide classified ads to see if someone, anyone was nearby. Didn't matter. Girl, guy, group, I just needed to get my rocks off. I guess I was a bit luckier than some in that for me I was open to all.I saw an ad in the "men seeking men" section for a self described "fuck party." It was...

2 years ago
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Random Sinful Thought

It is in the arms of intense passion, whoever it may be, I often think about the naughty things I would want to do to u. Not in the sense of "dirty" but more like erotic. It is well known that I have a desire for you, that I crave you . . . and that I have this need to want you. And with that being said:“We are in your kitchen making a nice quiet dinner. Occasionally, I move behind you like I am grabbing something in front of you. But really, I am gently pressing against you so you can feel the...

4 years ago
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Random Weekly Market To Bed

Hi ISS readers !! Thank you for the response you gave me for my last story. I am back for you again with my latest experience once again for you. I hope you enjoy this story as well and won’t forget to provide your feedback @ Now coming to the story, in the month of January I got to know about a new born’s family function that is going to occur in the coming weekend and as usually happens in all the families, a cious originated as what to gift for the same. As it got sorted, I was being given...

3 years ago
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Random Dream

So my horoscope said to write down my dreams. So here's one I had the other night. It started as a nigh of me, Rich and Courtney drinking at my place. We are sitting on the couch watching something lame on tv, talking and drinking. I'm sitting between Rich and Courtney with my back more towards Rich. I notice that he's more drunk than he normally gets when the three of us hang out. I realize this when he starts rubbing my back. He is very discrete about it so Courtney doesn't notice. Courtney...

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