Rock'n'Roll LifestyleChapter 19 free porn video

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Her kisses became insistent, pushing Amanda's head back a bit, and her hands became a little rough on Amanda's titties, squeezing them, rubbing them, and pinching up the nipples.

Amanda was soon wracked by another toe-curling climax. She'd never come with a vibrator before, and it had a certain intensity that was like nothing else.

Soon Cindy was coming too. She wrapped her arms tight around Amanda and held onto her for balance, keeping their loins pressed tight together, their voices rising with their excitement until their cries drowned out the buzzing from the vibrator.

Corey was powerfully turned on by this performance, his cock throbbing achingly. He came over and stood behind Cindy, and caressed the naked cheeks of her ass. He was surprised at how strongly he could feel them vibrating. He slid his hands between the girls and held Cindy's titties. Even they were noticeably vibrating a bit. He though about fucking Cindy in the ass, but decided the leather strap between her cheeks was too tight to push aside comfortably. He thought about fucking Amanda up her ass, but realized she was hanging too low for him to penetrate without crouching uncomfortably. He resigned himself to waiting, knowing he'd be back in the action soon, and contented himself with running his hands over the girls bodies as they came from the vibrator.

Cindy kept herself and Amanda coming for almost fifteen minutes before she reached down and turned the vibrator off. They both sagged in relaxation at the sudden lack of it's sensation. They swayed back and forth a little, panting like steam engines as their climaxes rapidly wound down. Corey toweled them dry as they recovered.

"There. How do you feel?" Cindy asked when she'd gotten her breath back.

"I feel good, Mistress. My pussy feels much better." Amanda told her, still panting a little.

"Good." Cindy said, withdrawing the vibrator from Amanda's pussy and wiping it off with a towel. "We'll rest a minute, and then we'll whip you." she informed her as she toweled of Amanda's pussy and the front of her body.

"Whip me, Mistress?" Amanda asked hesitantly.

"That's what I said." Cindy confirmed. She got herself another big glass of water, then held one for Amanda to drink. "Why don't you tell us what your crime was before we whip you?"

"My crime?"

"Yes your crime. You know, the reason you're here?" Cindy asked sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Mistress. I'd have thought you knew." Amanda said, and paused for a moment to gather her thoughts.

"It all started when I had to go to a stupid Catholic girls' school. I hated it there, it was so boring. The only thing that didn't completely suck about going there was playing field hockey. I like field hockey, it's exciting. And the coach was so cute." She paused, as if remembering. "He was so cute, and he wouldn't even notice me. He wouldn't even notice me! And he put me on the second string, even though I was the best shot on the team. He was always on me for roughing on the play too, and it wasn't my fault, those fat cows were always crowding me..."

"All right, enough with the sob story already." Cindy said impatiently. "Get on with it. What did you do?"

Amanda paused again. "I found out he was failing me in Phys. Ed. I knew if I failed Phys. Ed., I'd lose my scholarship to college, and it was the only way I could afford to go. So I made a plan.

"After school, I spiked his coffee with a drug that knocks you out for about fifteen minutes, then leaves you half awake and kinda drunk for about half an hour. When he passed out, I locked his office door, leaned his chair back, tied his hands to the back of the chair, and... And I pulled his pants down. When he started to wake up, I... I sucked his cock. I made him come. He came all over my face. It was in my hair. I took pictures of it all with a camera with an auto-winder. I made sure it didn't show in the pictures that his hands were tied.

"When he woke up enough to ask what the hell was going on, I told him he'd have to change my Phys. Ed. mark to a passing grade, or I'd give the pictures of us to the principal, and the newspapers, and everyone. Right away he's like: 'Fuck you, I'm callin' the cops! You let me go, I'm callin' the cops!'

"I couldn't believe it. I'd never even considered that he might do that. I tried to talk to him, I explained that all he had to do was change one mark that wasn't even official yet, no big deal, and I'd never tell anyone. He just kept yelling: 'Let me go! I'm callin' the cops!" I got real mad, and I started yelling at him to shut up, cuz I was afraid someone would hear him. He just yelled it even louder. I got real mad. I... I punched him in the balls. I didn't think I'd hit him that hard, but I must've caught him just right or something, cuz right away he goes totally white and starts puking all over everything, and I mean right away! He sprayed puke all over me, and I freaked out and ran back to my dorm.

"If I'd have let him go and taken the camera with me, I might have been okay. As it was a janitor heard him yelling, and found him tied up with his pants around his ankles, covered with come and barf. The cops came for me about an hour later.

"They charged me with kidnapping, unlawful confinement, administering a drug in the commission of a crime, assault, assault with intent to injure, aggravated assault, blackmail, rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. Then I got transferred to adult court.

She paused for a long moment. "When I was convicted, I chose the slavery option. I figured if I couldn't have him, I could at least have him rape me." She paused again, her eyes filling with tears. "And now he's sold me. Sold me like a piece of meat." she finished in a voice full of despair, and started crying.

"He didn't sell you." Corey said.

"Wha... I mean, pardon me, Master?" Amanda stammered.

"He didn't sell you." he repeated. "He's a close personal friend of mine. He gave you to me as a gift. He thought I'd enjoy you, and I thought it was pretty nice of him."

"I'll say! She's worth about a quarter of a million on the open market!" Cindy laughed.

"Oh." Amanda said with a sniffle. "Well, at least he valued me for something, even if it was only as a gift."

"Huh." Corey chuckled. "No wonder he didn't want to tell me what you did to him. Pretty embarrassing shit. And no wonder he didn't keep you. If he had, everyone would have been asking what you'd done all the time."

Amanda suddenly remembered what Cindy had said. "Hey, you're not going to sell me, are you Master?" she asked fearfully.

"No, I don't think so." Corey laughed. "I'm enjoying you too much!"

"Hey, I don't know!" Cindy teased. "Some of those Hollywood porno producers might give us half a million for her! They could have her raped and whipped for maybe sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, they'd get at least twenty-one movies a week out of her! Millions of people could watch her getting raped and whipped every day! She'd probably get raped by dogs and bulls and horses too, and they'd shove big live snakes up her pussy!"

Amanda stared at her in horror for a few seconds before she found her voice. "Oh God, please don't sell me, Master! I'll be very very good for you! I'm okay, you can rape me again! Or you can whip me, I'm ready for you to whip me!"

Cindy laughed. "Awww, isn't that sweet! She wants us to whip her! Lift her up some, I'll get the strap."

Corey reset Amanda's restraints back up to the height they'd started at when he'd raped her, and released her legs from the thigh-clamps. He folded the thigh clamps down to the floor and out of the way. She swung around in a circle a bit, then wiggled as she shifted her grip on the handles. He looked at her critically for a moment, then took her shoes off.

"Mmmm, she does look sweet hanging there in just her little white knee-socks." Cindy commented, idly swinging a black, foot and a half long strap. It was a quarter-inch thick, two inches wide, had a molded black handle on one end and was semi-circular on the other. "Would you like to start?" she asked, offering the strap to Corey.

"No, go ahead." he said.

"Thanks. I think I'll start on her ass, just for tradition's sake." Cindy laughed.

They stepped around behind Amanda, Cindy swung the strap lightly against Amanda's ass to get her distance, stepped back a bit more, and let her have it with a full-armed side swing.

The strap connected with Amanda's ass with a loud 'Smack!', making a perfectly horizontal red stripe halfway up the perky cheeks, and she jerked away from it and screamed, twisting in the air like a mad puppet. Cindy had no problem hitting a moving target, and left another red stripe beside the first on Amanda's ass with her second swing. Cindy was unrelenting, whipping her little sister's ass again and again. By the fifth strike of the strap Amanda's whole ass was covered with overlapping red stripes, but Cindy kept giving her more and more. Amanda was freaking out, screaming and crying at the same time, twisting and kicking as she tried desperately to dodge the strokes of the strap, to no avail.

Corey's heart was in his throat as he watched, sipping his drink, his cock standing up in front of him like an iron bar.

Cindy gave Amanda twenty-five lashes before she stopped. She waved the fatigue out of her arm as she inspected Amanda's bright red ass, then went to the table to get a drink of her champagne.

Amanda stopped screaming and kicking in a few seconds as she realized that the whipping had stopped, and just hung there crying, swaying gently back and forth.

"Pretty exciting, huh?" Cindy asked Corey.

He had to clear his throat before he could speak. "Yes. Yes it is."

"I bet you liked it more than you thought you would, too." she giggled.

"Yes I did." he said.

"Good. I thought you would." She turned to Amanda. "How 'bout you, slave? Got anything to say for yourself?"

Amanda desperately choked back her tears so she could speak. "Oh God Mistress, please don't do that to me anymore! I can't take it! It's too much! I..."

"IT'S WHAT?" Cindy demanded.

"It's too much, Mistress, I..." Amanda sobbed.

"IT IS NOT TOO MUCH!" Cindy yelled.

"You're... You're right, Mistress, I don't know why I said that, I..." Amanda stammered, trying to please, before Cindy cut her off again.

"I'll have you know that this is the most sophisticated instrument of punishment money can buy!" Cindy ranted angrily. "It's composed of nine layers of five scientifically selected materials, bonded with adhesives, because stitches might cause pressure points that could leave welts on your sensitive little ass! It causes ninety percent of the pain of a leather strap the same size, but only two percent of the injury! I'd have to hit you with it fifty times to cause you the same amount of cellular damage as one shot with a leather belt! I could whip you with it with all my strength all day and never give you a bruise! Your master could probably bruise you with it if he really whipped you with everything he had, but even he couldn't give you a welt with it, and scarring you with it is absolutely impossible!"

She paused to drain the contents of her champagne glass, then continued in a calmer tone of voice. "So it's not too much. In fact, it's just right. I'll show you." She set her glass down and dragged the mirror over in front of Amanda. She stood to Amanda's right, got her distance, and whipped Amanda across both titties with the strap. Amanda screamed and thrashed while Cindy gave her nine more lashes across her perfect little breasts with all the force in her arm. Corey couldn't help but thrill to the way Amanda's round little mams shook and bounced as they were whipped with the strap.

"Now watch. WATCH YOUR TITTIES IN THE MIRROR!" Cindy yelled when she failed to get Amanda's attention the first time.

They all watched Amanda's titties. In less than a minute the red marks left by the strap faded completely away.

"There." Cindy said with satisfaction, cupping and caressing Amanda's tit. "Absolutely perfect."

Corey picked up the mirror and moved it out of the way. He held his hand out to Cindy, who put the handle of the strap in it.

"I wanna show you something." he said to Amanda. He began viciously whipping her with the strap, putting everything he had into it. Her screams and thrashing were noticeably wilder and more frantic than when Cindy whipped her. He started on her ass, and after he'd whipped her there for awhile he began walking slowly around her, shifting his feet a couple of inches with each lash of the strap. He whipped her everywhere, from her knees to her armpits, paying special attention to her titties and the front of her pubic mound. Amanda was going out of her mind.

In less than two minutes he'd given her over three hundred strokes. He stopped, raised the leg clamps as high as Amanda's shoulders, and locked her thighs into them. Her legs were spread wide open, her pelvis tilted completely up so that all of her pussy and the split of her ass were totally exposed to him.

"Oh Jesus!" Amanda sobbed as she realized what he was going to do, crying so hard she was barely understandable. "Don't whip my pussy! Please, God please don't whip my pussy!" she begged.

He took a moment to admire her helpless little pussy, so naked and smooth, spread so wide open. He brought back the strap and hit her with an overhand swing on the inside of her thigh, just inside the clamp, then on the same place on the other leg, and worked his way up the inside of her thighs toward her pussy, whipping her just as viciously as before. She could only squirm frantically, screaming and begging incomprehensibly. The first time the strap connected squarely with her labia she couldn't even scream for a second. She just gasped and shook until the second stroke landed exactly where the first one had, cupping her pussy at high speed from her asshole to the top of her pubic mound, and when her screaming resumed it lacked some of the energy it had. It seemed like the pain was so much she couldn't even scream properly.

Corey worked over her pubic area thoroughly. He noticed the rounded end of the strap hit harder than the rest, leaving a darker crescent moon shape at the end of the lighter red of the strap's mark. He used that to zero in on her anus, individual labia, and her clitoris. For the last ten strokes he concentrated on her clitoris alone. In all, he'd dealt her pubic area over sixty lashes of the strap.

He was more excited than he'd ever been in his life.

He gave her a few moments to stop screaming, then grabbed her face, making sure she was paying attention to him.

"There. Now that's too much. I'm sure you see the difference." He told her with an evil little laugh. "Now I'm gonna fuck you." He lowered her knees back to the height of her hips, keeping them spread wide, then stepped up and shoved his cock into her cherry red pussy. They both shuddered as he penetrated her. She yelled and cried, but it hurt so much less than having her clitoris whipped that she didn't even scream as he slid himself all the way into her, until his pubic bone impacted her clit. Then she screamed. He was surprised to find that she was very wet, and completely ready. He gave it to her brutally, though not as rough as before, as he was concentrating on her responses.

He was still so turned on by the vision of him whipping her, and her reaction to it, that he came inside her after only six minutes. He fucked her hard as he came, squeezing her titties, thrilling to her cries and squirms, and glorying in the feeling of having absolute power over her bound and helpless little form.

He couldn't believe it when she came, reaching a moderate orgasm as he finished his, and he pumped his cock into her for a minute or so after he was done to keep her going.

"You better get her down from there." Cindy said amidst their panting when he'd stopped moving. "She's been hanging there quite a while."

He withdrew from Amanda's pussy and unclamped her legs, then unhooked her manacles' chain from the ceiling bar. She groaned in soul-felt relief as he lifted her weight from her aching arms.

He carried her over to the bed and sat down with her curled up in his lap, unlocked and removed the manacles, and began gently rubbing her arms and shoulders as she cried.

"Man, she's a firecracker, isn't she?" Cindy said, sitting down beside them. "I'd never have thought she could come so soon after all that pussy whipping.

"Me neither." Corey agreed. "But she likes being whipped."

"Does she?" Cindy asked, surprised.

"Oh yah. She was wet and ready when I fucked her." Corey assured her. "Next time, I'm going to have you rub her pussy while I whip the rest of her. I bet she comes the whole time."

"Well, that should be fun. The idea of it turns me on." Cindy said. She reached between her legs past the dildo and turned the vibrator on. She was coming after less than a minute. She laid back on the bed and played with her own titties, letting the vibrator do it's magic on her pussy. She let it buzz her out of her mind with pleasure for fifteen minutes or so while Corey comforted Amanda.

Corey rubbed Amanda's arms and shoulders for five minutes, then just held her and rocked her till the last of her sniffles were gone. He dried her tears and kissed her gently, then held her and rocked her some more while they watched Cindy squirming and moaning in ecstasy on the bed beside them.

Finally Cindy reached down and turned the vibrator off. She lay there breathing hard for a moment as she came down to earth. Finally her eyes focused, she smiled at them, and sat up.

For the next two hours, she'd turn the vibrator on and blast herself off to a quick but incredibly intense climax every time Corey was fully occupied with Amanda.

"You ready to keep going, cupcake?" she asked Amanda.

"I'm ready, Mistress." Amanda stated calmly.

"Good. Next up we have forced oral sex. Put her on the skeleton chair and strap her down." Cindy said briskly, standing up and walking over to the table.

The skeleton chair was called that because it looked a little like a stick man, or a skeleton. A segmented framework of square steel tubing shaped roughly like a human being, it had lockable joints that corresponded with all the major human joints, and three joints in the 'backbone'. It which was supported by a single leg that bolted to the floor. It had oval pads of various sizes that could be moved, removed, or added for extra support, with generally as few as possible used under the body's orthopedic rest points. It had handgrips, padded stirrups, movable seatbelt style straps, and could be set to support a person comfortably in any position the mind could think of; sitting, face up, face down, kneeling, upside-down or standing, while leaving the absolute maximum of that person's body exposed for stimulation.

Corey picked Amanda up, cradling her like a baby. He carried her to the skeleton chair, which was already set to the desired position, and set Amanda down on it on her back. He watched her curled-up body unfold like a flower as she relaxed into a spread eagled position, with her arms, legs, and head hanging lower than her body, her back arched, her hair hanging down, with her titties the highest point on her body. He strapped her down to the chair at the wrists and ankles, and tightened a strap around her hips.

"We'll need another one here." Cindy said, and bound Amanda's head to the headrest with a strap around her forehead.

"All right Fucktoy, you're not going to be able to talk for this one," Cindy instructed, "So if you have to breathe, tap once. If you have to stop, and I mean have to stop, tap the handgrip three times. Got it? If you have to stop, tap three times. And no crying wolf!"

"Yes Mistress." Amanda answered.

Cindy looked her over, and a smile lit her face. "Mmmm. You look so good I could bite you. Actually, I think I will!" she giggled. She cupped Amanda's right tittie and gave it a little shake. "Now, where should I bite you? "Maybe on your perfect, round, firm boobies? Hmm?" She leaned down and nibbled Amanda's tits. "Maybe on your sweet little cunt? Hmm? No. I think I'll bite your right breast." Cindy decided. She sucked the nipple for a moment, then opened her mouth as wide as it would go, and sucked as much of Amanda's titty into her mouth as she could get. She bit down on it until Amanda was yelling but not quite screaming, and squirming but not quite thrashing.

Cindy let go and inspected the ring of tooth marks she'd left, then tenderly kissed them. "Well, I could do that all day, but back to the matter at hand." She held out her open hand, so Corey could see the object therein.

It looked like a transparent, thin plastic set of false teeth, with the top and bottom set both made from one piece of material so that the gum areas behind the back teeth were connected, with the teeth in a wide open position.

"Mouth guard." Cindy explained. She turned to Amanda, whose head was strapped back as far as it would go without strain, forcing her mouth open. Cindy put the mouth guard into Amanda's mouth, and had to push fairly hard to get it to click into place around Amanda's teeth. "It holds her mouth completely open, so she can't bite you. It has just enough flexibility that if she does try to bite, voluntarily or involuntarily, she won't hurt either one of you. And it's smooth, so it completely eliminates scraping your cock on her teeth.

"Okay, come stand right here, above her head. All right, put your big toes right on top of these two pieces of black tape, and put your hands on her hips."

Corey had to look hard to see the black tape against the black velvet floor drop in the dim light, but took the position indicated.

"Alright. This'll only work if you maintain the perfect angle." Cindy stated. "You can't move your feet or your hands, and you can't bend your knees or your elbows. That way you can only thrust into her mouth from the correct angle, and it'll slide straight down her throat without jamming against the sides or going down her windpipe.

"Just a sec." she said, as she kneeled down beside Amanda's head and checked the alignment between Corey's cock and Amanda's mouth. She nodded in satisfaction, and stood. "She doesn't have to concentrate on anything this way, so after the first couple of minutes you can pinch her titties or whip her pussy or whatever."

She put her finger in Amanda's mouth, to make sure it was moist, bent down and licked her sister's lips, then guided the head of Corey's cock between them. Amanda immediately began sucking on it.

"Alright, shove your cock down her throat." Cindy told him.

"What, all the way?" he asked.

"Sure, if you want." she assured him. "Fast, slow, shallow, deep, whatever feels good."

"You're sure this is safe?" he asked, sounding a little dubious.

"Yup. It's just like intubating a stomach pump patient. It might be uncomfortable, but it won't injure her. The surface of your cock is soft and pliable, and the angle is right, so the only discomfort she'll feel will be from stretching of her esophagus, and that won't be enough to injure her. She may gag a bit, but that's okay. I've given her something to suppress that some, so she won't puke. Just remember she has to breathe, and listen in case she taps."

Corey absorbed that for a moment, then said: "Okay. Get your breath."

Amanda took three deep breaths through her nose, and held it.

Corey pushed his cock into her mouth with a steady motion, being careful to feel with it for any obstruction or resistance. He didn't meet any except for her squeezing tightness until his cock was as far down her throat as she'd previously taken it voluntarily. At that point the mouth guard was firm against the thickening base of his cock on top and bottom, and he was having to push harder to get the head any farther into the tapering passage of her esophagus.

He chuckled evilly, and shoved it all the way in, till his pubic bone met her bottom lip firmly, and his balls hung against her face, covering her nose and most of her cheekbones. She spasmed in her bonds a bit, then squirmed as she struggled to control her reactions. He pulled out halfway, then shoved it into her face again, chuckling at her reactions. He gave her five more strokes like that, then withdrew the head to her mouth to let her breathe.

"This is very cool." he said nastily. "Oral rape. I'd have never thought of it."

"Thank you." Cindy said proudly. "I think every guy that enjoys having his cock sucked has wanted to just shove it down her throat every once in a while. I think I did pretty good to find a way to make it practical."

"You sure did." he agreed, and resumed thrusting himself into her open mouth.

By the time he paused to let her breathe for the third time, she was taking it with only mild squirming.

"You know, this feels great, and she looks totally sexy and vulnerable this way. But it's not doing it for me." Corey said. "Let's move on."

"Okay, but I'm kinda curious." Cindy said, unbuckling the strap's at Amanda's wrists. "What don't you like about it?"

"I can't see her face. She can't make any sounds. I think if I really hurt her or make her come, she'll lose her ability to hold her breath. One time my brother made me laugh when I was eating smokie sausage on a bun. It got stuck after I'd exhaled, and my lungs were empty. I tried not to inhale while I was trying to get it out, but I didn't get it out in time, and I started trying really hard to breathe while it was stuck in my throat."

He slid his cock out of Amanda's mouth and picked her up as Cindy finished unbuckling the ankle straps. "Anyway, my mom Heimlicked me, and I was okay. But it's not a sexy feeling. Not sexy at all. So, If I can't see her face or hear her voice, and I don't want to whip her or make her come, I'd rather move on. But I'm glad we did that. It was cool."

"That makes sense." Cindy agreed. "Well, I've got something I was keeping in reserve for just such an occasion as this. I'll need her tied face up on the bed. How would you like her tied?"

"The leather cuffs and the bungees I think, I think they're a really good idea. They'll allow her more freedom of movement, so she can squirm and struggle more, while still holding her securely. And I think spread eagled, at the foot of the bed, so her legs are really wide."

"Good." Cindy giggled. "That fits perfectly with what I want to do."

She popped the mouth guard out of Amanda's mouth, and Amanda wiggled her jaw around to work out the stiffness. Cindy took it to the table and wiped it off with a black napkin, then selected the implements she wanted from the table and returned to the bed, and handed Corey two of the cuffs. They were two inch wide black leather bands that closed with buckles. They had a quarter inch thick black bungee cord attached, with a sliding lock connecting it to a similar bungee that had a Caribeener type locking loop on the other end.

She shortened the bungees on the two cuffs she had to the minimum length, buckled them onto Amanda's ankles, and hooked them to the steel loops at the corners of the foot of the bed. Corey had extended the bungees on the pair he had to maximum, put them on Amanda's wrists, and connected them to the corners at the head of the bed.

"Okay, I want to show you something, and I want you at maximum hardness for it." Cindy said. "Here, stand beside the bed and whip her on the titties while I suck your cock. That should do it. Let me know when you're fully hard."

"All right." Corey said, fetching the strap. He stood beside the bed while Cindy stood beside him. She bent down at the waist and inhaled his cock, slowed a bit as it worked past her choke point, but didn't stop until she reached the base of his cock.

He shivered a bit. "Damn you're good at that." he breathed as she started bobbing up and down on him a bit. He enjoyed that for a few moments, then raised the strap and brought it down once on Amanda's left breast. He watched carefully as she thrashed and screamed a little.

"That's about as hard as it gets." he stated with certainty.

Cindy pulled her mouth off his cock and wiped her lips a little. She picked up a white ribbon and a thin black felt pen she'd set by the foot of the bed. She wrapped the ribbon around the very base of his cock and marked the point it overlapped with the pen.

"Okay, that's the diameter of the thickest part of your cock." she said, and wrapped the ribbon around his cockhead. "You'll notice it's just a little more than the biggest part of the head. Now watch this." She bunched the straightened fingers of her left hand together, tucked her thumb into her palm parallel with her fingers, and wrapped the ribbon around her slim little hand, starting at the knuckle at the base of her thumb. "You'll notice that the diameter of the thickest part of my hand, when held like this, is only a tiny bit more than that of your cock. I'm sure the implications aren't lost on either of you." She laughed nastily.

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I’m Cindy and my best friend Betsy and I have been lovers since High School. We not only were lovers, but we shared our boyfriends, as well, Now, we are both married, and yes, we share our husbands.Betsy is a short beauty with huge tits that seemed too big for her sexy tight body. While I was taller with nice sized tits (34C) and long slender legs that go all the way up to my ass. We both have very tight pussies that when well lubricated would stretch to accommodate bigger cocks.I met my hubby...

Group Sex
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Night With The Most Wonderful Couple

By : Avindia Hi all my lovers. Thanks for all you sexy men and women who responded to my previous stories, you can reach them on: As mentioned...

3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 23

The first night surveillance revealed absolutely nothing. Some people came to both building, but they could not be identified. The most likely was the vacant house, but the team couldn’t be sure. Gray brought me the news before I left for my hike. “So how was your night?” I asked. “I’m going to have to take a shift on the surveillance team,” he said. “Just to keep from going mad.” “She didn’t calm down after the sex?” I asked after pulling on the long sleeved, light weight sweat...

4 years ago
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Rachels Shaved Pussy episode four

It still wasn’t quite enough, though, so I would masturbate several times an evening, between getting home from school and going to bed. I think my brother may have watched me once or twice, which was something to think about. He would give me strange looks around the house, and I knew he was conflicted between lustful thoughts of my sexy body and knowing I am his sister. I gave him the odd tease, but never quite made up my mind on whether to take it further. I still had my panties, crusted...

3 years ago
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Bundy Triumphant

MARRIED WITH CHILDREN is owned by the Fox network. I'm only playing with the characters Also Murphy Brown is owned by CBS Erica Kane by ABC. Oprah & Gloria Steinheim are creations of my own fevered imagination The story such as it is - is mine (TG Magic & Sci Fi) Bundy Triumphant by Eric Al Bundy, shoe salesman, failure, husband & father - which was the most humiliating title he wondered? They all fit - like a old shoe he thought sourly...

2 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 56

This time, I awoke to find that my Frey hostages were atop me and quite eager to feed me their blood as well as feed off me. I cut myself and gladly fed them, pleased that they had taken to their captivity by now. I seriously considered turning them both, but at this point, I wasn’t too sure if I didn’t still need at least two more humans in thrall to me. “I’m giving both of you names. New names of my choice. My way of claiming you. You’re Melanie and Melissa. And you’re both mine, no doubt...

2 years ago
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OAP Oral sex

Two old age pensioners are enjoying oral sex together… but after a few minutes, the old guy says, ‘I can’t stay down here much longer, it stinks!’ The old lady says, ‘ I’m sorry, it’s my arthritis playing up again.’ The old guy replies, ‘ You’ve got arthritis in your cunt?’ ‘No’ says the old lady, ‘the arthritis is in my arm, it means I can’t wipe my arse!’

4 years ago
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A Beautiful MessChapter 39 Breaking It Down

"Charlotte," I said, swallowing what felt like twenty or so dry cotton balls. I was pale and weak and feeling light-headed. "Huh?" she asked, snapping out of a daze. "I was looking at the wrong side." "What!?" "It's positive. Look." I showed it to her. She looked. Her lip trembled, and then she rolled away from me, suddenly shaking with silent sobs. She cried hard and long and suddenly Stephanie was knocking on the door. I shoved the pregnancy test back into the box and...

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Mom Taught 2

Renee (31) - 5-foot, 9-inches tall, all legs. Shoulder length brunette hair, beautiful blue sparkling eyes, a smile that lasted all day, always showing her flawless white teeth. Small breast, with large nipples. She was best known for her willingness to help others. Folks in the area said she had a heart of a guardian angel. Katya (17) 5-foot, 2-inches, slim, strong, athletic body. Reddish-brown gold skin, long jet-black hair, and the most beautiful eyes any young girl could be blessed...

1 year ago
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America Mein Bhabhi Ko Pattakar Choda

Hello everyone, how are you guys doing? This is flyerking and it is my first story hope you guys like it and it is a true story, which make sit a bit more interesting. If you girls want to message me message me at “” toh shuru karte hai Me 21 saal ka ladka hoon aur apne mami papa ke saath rehta hoon. Hamne niche basment mein ek nahi jodi ko floor rent pe di thi kuch 5 maine pehle, mein tubhi yaha nahi tah mein college mein tha kisi aur state mein. Woh ek 23 saal ki bhabhi thi aur unka pati 25...

3 years ago
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My Bi transition Chapter One Breaking the Chains

Throughout my late teenage years and early adult years, I picked up some of Mom’s bad habits like, shag some chick, get stoned, and forget what I was doing. Nothing changed at College, I think I had fucked several chicks within my first few months there. I was rough and aggressive in the sack, hence why most relationships never lasted longer than a week or two. That was until I met Sally Ann Ringwood, she was the only girl who could handle what I was dishing out. I always thought she had...

2 years ago
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Under the jeans

It all started a year ago, a couple of weeks after my 19th birthday. I was showering after a pretty long jogging session, the hot water easing the ache in my thighs. My thoughts wandered to a girl in my class, her name was Becca. She had the kind of curvy, fleshy body that I loved, with beautiful blue eyes and short blonde hair. We'd been friends for years but I had been lusting after her for months. I imagined those heavy breasts dripping wet in the shower, that round behind glistening with...

2 years ago
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Didnt meet my friends

Hello I'm Keri I would like to tell you a little bit about myself before I tell you what happen. At the time I was junior in high school. I'm 5' 6", 110 pounds 34B-24-34 dirty blond hair pass my shoulders. It was a Friday afternoon and me and a few friends were making plains for Saturday we all said that we should go to a lake close by to hang out we agreed to meet up there around 1 pm.So Saturday morning came and I got up and started to get ready I picked out a white and light blue bikini and...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming

“Cassie, is there something you want to tell me? You’ve been moping about all day and… well… we haven’t had sex in like, 48 hours.”Unfortunately, that was a new record for us. Well, not counting that time of the month. But even then, Cassie took care of me.“No,” she replied, the anguish apparent in her voice. “I don’t want to tell you. But I have to, and I don’t know how.”I took her hand and led her towards the couch.“Hon, we’ve always been completely honest with each other. Let’s keep doing...

Love Stories
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I hadn't heard Daddy leave, so I awoke with a start when I heard his ringtone. "Daddy?" I croaked into the phone. "Good Morning, Goofgirl!" He sang back at me. My heart felt a little lighter at the sound of his voice, but my body felt like it was weighed down with sand bags. "Still tired from yesterday, my Slut?" He asked me cheerfully. "MMMhmmmm," I moaned, remembering. Daddy hadn't been pleased with the job I had done on the kitchen floor and so he had me do it again-on my hands and knees...

1 year ago
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Just as dirty 30 years later

I fucked a girl 32 years ago, she was 18, I was 22. I wasn't her first but she'd had sex with a couple of guys about the same age as her. I was a different proposition, 4 years older and properly developed down below. I remember the shocked look on her face the first time I did her, as she sat on the edge of her bed, still in her 6th form school uniform, and undid my jeans. It was Friday afternoon, I finished at lunch on Friday, she had no lessons and her mum and dad were at work. My thin white...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 13

"Everyone, you are here for a reason and it is something that has an effect on your lives both in the past and the future," began Brianna as they were all seated around the living room. As the last to arrive, once Matt and Rayne showed up it was time to get started. As they looked around at their children and their spouses, they both couldn't believe how much the boys took after their father, even down to having the same silver forelock now in their hair as well But knowing this would be...

1 year ago
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The Beginning Part 4

All you can eat ChineseKaren and I have been doing the family thing for the past couple of months. When together as a family Karen will dress like how a plump married mother should. In this mode we do visit her mother who always bugs her to lose some weight. I always tell mother-in-law it will take a lot more than a little extra weight before I would leave her daughter. If mother in law would know the truth…… Any way mother-in-law offered to watch the baby next weekend if Karen and I wanted a...

3 years ago
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Camp Trans

May be posted on any non-pay, non-membership site. Camp Trans By Princess Pervette There were eight of us on the bus. When got off, we were greeted by a pleasant- looking woman in her fifties. She showed us to the dormitory and told us to unpack. It wasn't the usual kind of dormitory; there was a wide hall, and there were a dozen private rooms opening off it, six on either side. Our rooms were bright and pleasant, but they looked like rooms for girls, not for boys. In my room,...

1 year ago
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The Family Meeting Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Christy : Part 1 It had been three month since I had been home when I got a call from my brother Jake saying that he was coming to New York and he wanted to know if he could drop by for a few hours to see me. I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear from my younger brother. Jake had just graduated high school and was taking a year off before going off to college. I had not heard from any of my brother since leaving home. On my last trip home the only...

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BangBrosClips Kira Perez Kiras Sexy Vacation Day 1

Kira and her boyfriend decided to go out of town for the weekend. They packed their bags and head towards Key West for a fun filled weekend. On the first day, they check out the wonderful view from their room and then they decide to get a little freaky. After working an appetite, they head into to town in search of a cool destination to eat. After checking out town a little bit, they head over to the pool. There, Kira twerks in the water as other tourists watch in awe. By now it was the end of...

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Loving Alternative Marriage

Please feel free to leave feedback. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions and criticisms. By all means please let me know if this story is a turn on for all girls and admirers out there. Nothing makes me more excited xoxoxo The following is told from the authors perspective. Joyce had a wonderful day at the office. She received an unexpected call from her new Vice President Charles who had just been promoted from corporate attorney. She knew Charles very well. ...

3 years ago
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Seeing you again

I love him of course I do. Who couldn’t? He had long light brown hair and brown eyes, he was shorter than me, broad and muscular. Zak had been 23 when we met while I was eighteen. He looked pretty much the same as he did back then, in a way we all do, just in different clothes. Lewis was only a little older than me, by a few mouths. He had brown eyes and dark brown flicky hair, with a beany he always wore. He was the same height as me, but small framed and hairy. While I had green eyes and long...

2 years ago
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Alexas Game

I get back to my desk from the end-of-the-week departmental meeting and see the light blinking on my phone. I have a voicemail. Do I want to check it? I just had a bunch more workload dumped in my lap at that meeting and I’ve got plenty of work to do. Oh, what the heck. Pressing the button, I put the phone to my ear to listen. Just some knucklehead dialing the wrong number and asking for somebody named Pamela. Whatever, it’s his loss. It’s already pushing 5:30, but I’m behind on my day’s work...

Straight Sex
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Joanie and the Whale

From the title, one might think that this is a Biblical story. Wrong!! One connection is that our heroine, Joanie, that's me, practices the oldest profession, the one mentioned in said Bible. Nor is our Whale that Biblical sea creature who swallows a sinner and spits him out when he repents. Here, you might say that Whale and sinner swallow each other. Most people are aware that the word Whale in the casino business refers to an extraordinarily wealthy person, usually male, who wagers...

2 years ago
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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 3

Part 3Kitty must have run because not fifteen minutes later there came a knock on his door. Rick stopped his pacing and took a deep breath. He went to his door and spying through the peephole he saw her. Her hair was down and windswept. She’d worn the clothes she’d had on yesterday just as he’d told her. Rick smiled and opened the door. She stood there, her eyes downcast, her hands clasped in front of her. ‘Hello Kitty.’ He said to her. She looked up at him and replied. ‘Hello Mr Connors.’ She...

3 years ago
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My adopted Daughter 2

It wasn’t that we weren’t sexual people. At least on my part I thought about sex all the time, and before we were married, I sure wasn’t a prude. We thought it better not to talk about our pasts, and perhaps it was thinking we were both so pure that made the sex so bland and unexciting. We hadn’t given up on having a child when Shannon came into the picture. We had just put out name into the pot for adoption when we were contacted, and we viewed it as an omen. She was evidently going to...

1 year ago
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Adam and Bre Go To Miami

Adam and Bre Visit Miami1. AirportFlorida is beautiful. Everything there is lush and healthy. The sweet ocean breeze cools your skin from the sultry heat, the smell of the ocean enticing. Miami...the most sexual city in 'Murika...a beautiful (and dirty) place. Adam and Bre arrive at the Miami international airport just after 2 in the afternoon. It had been a long flight, 2 layovers and a 5 hour delay. They were tired, angry, and dirty. Adam is hungry so they stop at a Cuban joint for food...

1 year ago
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Ultimate Love

So a lot has changed in my life over the past years. A few years ago I was a doting wife. Now I’m doing things with my own son I never thought a mother could do. A mother shouldn’t ever sleep or make love to their children, according to the law. A mother shouldn’t love a child more than any other child they have, but I couldn’t help thinking about how much I loved my own son more than my oldest daughter. My own son, the apple of my eye and the father of our new baby girl.It was hard at first...

1 year ago
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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 23

James said as he watched Josh walk away, “You may need to be careful teasing him, my love. He is already half in love with you.” “Yes, I know. James if we did get a third would you prefer they were dominantly male or female?” she asked him with some trepidation. James flicked his eyes at her and then looked at Josh’s retreating figure thoughtfully before he chuckled. “You are so bad. How about I chuck the ball back in your court. If and when you decide to have someone join us, then I will...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 47

Andy sat down in his seat and nodded to the physics teacher. He had successful avoided everybody that morning – except his mother and father, to whom he didn't mind talking. Regan had finished her study session late and had only had time to wish him a good night – and to tell him that she had something to tell him the next time they had more than three minutes to talk. He had timed his arrival until just before the warning bell and made a beeline for his physics class, staying away from...

2 years ago
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Half SistersChapter 2

"Caroline, you're pregnant," said the doctor. I knew I stood there with my mouth open. Yes, I knew that the possibility existed but I had put all that behind me and went on with my life. "Is there any doubt?" I asked the doctor. "I'm afraid not Caroline, you are pregnant. I don't know if it's good news or bad news to you." "I'm not sure either doctor. As I got older and saw the small children and I often dreamed of having one of my own but it was not to be, until now. I'm not...

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Risky Endevors Vol 1

There are a number of things I've always dreamed about doing but never had the courage to try or ask my wife Beth to try. I'm sure most people (including Beth) have similar lists. She always asks me if there is anything I want her to do or if there is anything I want to try, but I usually just smile and say "I love everything you do". Every once in a while my courage level goes up enough to drop a hint or get a little adventurous, and through the years I've found that she is almost always...

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WarlockChapter 22

Bren watched Sophia react to his words as though he'd punched her in the stomach, slumping forward slightly so that he couldn't see her face as she flinched. He came to stand next to her at the table, but did not touch her. Within moments she was sitting ramrod-straight again. "Tell me." He demanded, thoroughly exasperated. It was bad enough that while she was still healing, he was wrestling with a host of emotions related to her presence, the crash, and her recovery. If she was going to...

3 years ago
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The Dark Stone Chapter 1

Sam skipped out of the alley behind the 7-11 and turned onto the old train tracks. Weeds scraped along his ankles. The faint scent of creosote rose up from the weathered wood beneath him. He hopped from one tie to the next. His brown eyes scanned the ground. The weight of his backpack cut into his shoulders. He didn’t care. It was all about finding that next remarkable rock.It wasn’t the most direct route between school and his quiet suburban home. But he was passionate about rockhounding, and...

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BangBus Roxy Ryder Happy Spanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving time, and you know what that means….it’s time for Bang Bros to get in the spirit of giving. After all, #BangBrosCares. Our wonderful Bang Bus driver, Steve, decided to make a bunch of sandwiches to pass out to homeless people on the streets. Of course, that’s a great idea and very thoughtful, but no one wants to take food from the Bang Bros, they want to take food from a hot chick. We drove around till we got lucky. We found the beautiful Roxy Ryder....

3 years ago
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The Bucket List Riley

Joe loosens his collar a bit as he leans back in his chair. It has been a long day for him. The students in the earlier classes are not exactly keen on listening to his orders, making him do more than what his job description requires. Finally approaching the last block of the day, he can let out a long breath. This is his favorite class by far. Because this is a senior class, the students are all over the age of 18. Most of them are mature enough to not blow a spitball on someone else’s back....

First Time
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The Ugly OneChapter 5

I awoke early. Summer's breathing was still steady beside me. After a moment, it became clear I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep. I heard some soft noises from the main room. Slowly, I edged out of the bed. I managed to find my glasses and my bag and put on a clean pair of boxers without too much fumbling around. My shirt didn't seem to be in my bag though. After poking around for it, I gave up. Summer was still sleeping soundly as I slipped out the door. In the main room,...

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Oh how I miss it

Well it all was back right before I got my first car. I had been watching Kaitie for years just wanting to throw her down and have my way with her. My step sister had just turned t****e and man her body was just amazing. Her breast bloomed early so she was already in a 36b. She was about 5' 3" 110 pounds natural blonde hair and the deepest blue eyes you could look into. After school everyday I would ride my bike and pick her up from her school and then we would walk home. Typically we had the...

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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 18

The geometry was wrong. The eight soaring arches departing the column before him neither soared high enough, nor traveled broadly enough for this to be the central column of the building. Before him, at chest height, was set a golden-colored stone, one of eight set with an curved face to make the two-yard wide column. On the face of the stone, in black lacquer, with lacquer removed to let the gold color underneath shine through, was depicted a curious symbol. Eight inches long, it depicted of...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 6 A Chance Encounter

September 11, 1994, London, England “«Доброе утро»,” an elderly man who seemed to be an usher said as I stepped inside the narthex of the Cathedral. (“Good morning.”) “«Доброе утро»,” I replied, then added something Tanya had taught me, “«Извините, я не говор по-русски.»” (“Good morning.”; “Excuse me, I don’t speak Russian.”) “Ah, no problem! I speak English. Good morning. Welcome to the Cathedral. Are you a visitor?” “Yes, from Chicago. I’m an inquirer.” He nodded, “It’s nice of you to...

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Visiting a Doctor with my hubby

During the last months I had experienced an increasing difficult to become lubricated when I was fucked by my beloved hubby. My cunt stood dry and sex was painful and with no orgasms at all.It felt really strange to me, since I had never experienced this before…Then I finally decided to seek out for some professional assistance. I booked an appointment with a well known gynecologist genius.When we entered the surgery, a receptionist asked me to sit in the waiting room, while the Doctor spoke to...

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Drei Freunde II

Drei Freunde II Ricky Zimmermann "So koennen wir nicht nach Hause!" entscheidet Steve. Sie setzen sich zur Beratung vor das Zelt und beginnen zuerst mit einer Dreiviertelstunde des Schweigens, dass nur von wiederholtem Seufzen unterbrochen wurde. Carlos nestelt verstoert an seinem Pullover herum, der die aeusserste von all den Kleidungsschichten darstellt, mit denen er sich nach dem Schock bedeckt hat. Natuerlich nuetzt alles nichts. Obwohl man jetzt bei ihm nichts weibliches ausser...

1 year ago
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The Story

The StoryPart 1Robert Joseph Gender stood in the shower, the warm water pulsing against his nearly hairless chest as he fiddled with the simple device his wife Samantha had controlled him last night and into the early morning hours.  Although he and his wife were not hurting for money, having a small company that was doing fairly well in the computer technology fields, his wife made do often with making her own decorations for the home.  She used simple methods to make both functional yet...

2 years ago
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The Promotion

"Guess what, Honey?" Maahir said in an excited voice on the other end of the call. "What?" Rubina asked with equal enthusiasm "I got the promotion!" Maahir said hardly able to keep his voice steady. "You are now talking to the Senior director of Marketing for the entire North East division!" "Wow!" Rubina exclaimed. "I am so proud of you, Jaan! I knew you could do it. All that hard work you've been putting is had paid off." "I couldn't have done it without you. You've been...

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Learning New Things

I stood staring at the enormous brick building before me, I was so nervous that I thought I would faint, as the Headmistress droned on about the school, and about how rewarded I'd be when I completed it. She talked with pride about how the Wellingston School for the Performing Arts had turned out young men and women in the fields of acting, singing, dancing, and so on. I grabbed my stomach as the butterflies attacked it, and the Headmistress stopped in her speech. "Are you okay?" She...

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Daddys little Princess Part2

“ Did you learn your lesson?” he ask. Her little butt still stinging and burning as she rubbed it looked down and replied “Yes Daddy. I won’t get into any more fights at school.” “Good” he sighed, “Now lets go get you cleaned up.” She bound to her feet, taking daddy by the hand and pulling him up out of the chair, and almost dragged him to the bathroom. As he started the shower, he was reminded how happy he was to find a place that had such a huge shower, with double benches and dual...

4 years ago
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Taking the Jewel from the Bar Home

Michael did not remember the last time he saw a dame like her at this particular bar. He usually came here after a week’s worth of work to unwind, have some drinks, smoke a cig, and chat up the girl-next-door bar tenders for fun was routine. Seeing ‘her’ was a real treat. She was petite (around 5’4′), brunette with hair that reached all the way down her ass. Those big dark eyes made her seem sweet and innocent at first glance, but stare any longer and you could feel them burning a hole right...

3 years ago
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An Effective Punishment Part 1

Wendy could not believe her luck, here she was, a middle aged woman standing in a corridor of the detention house, with her hands on her head and her nose pressed against the wall. She was here, along with about twenty six other women of varying age, but Wendy seemed to be one of the eldest. She was here because she missed her parole meeting with the police, again! The law had recently been changed, in order to deal with petty offences, to allow either a Ma'am or Sir to administer punishments...

4 years ago
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Dr WooHoo and the Sonic Pussy Probe

As soon as he claps eyes on me, though, he lets out a girlish squeal, holsters his blaster and skips to give me an affectionate hug, lifting one foot from the floor as he does. “Hiya Nick!” I brush away the bead screen and step inside the shop. The Storm Trooper takes my hands in his gauntlets and gives me a kiss on the cheek, although the unwieldiness of the helmet hampers his underlying tenderness. When Vader and the Emperor were designing those outfits they obviously didn't put...

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