Trying To Be Normal11: Starting Someone Else’s Hobby free porn video

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“Could you explain why you want us to go see her, instead of yourself?” Shani asked.

I’d just explained to everyone what had happened at the hospital, and why I wanted Shani and Allison to visit the hospital to talk to the newest girl there, Jennifer.

“There’s a variety of reasons. After making such a spectacle of myself I’d like to keep a low profile, also, I don’t really want to do any more favors for the good doctor until he fulfills his part of the deal, but mostly because I’m afraid that if I messed up and she doesn’t do well, it’d be easier if I wasn’t personally connected to her.”

“Ahh, I kind of thought so. You’re a little afraid of her cancer, is that it?” Allison asked.

“Not just a little, quite a bit actually. But it’s more than that. I’d feel badly enough if I caused a complete stranger to suffer because of a heedless mistake. It’d be worse if I did it to a friend. I’d rather see what effect my ‘treatment’ had on her before I get any closer to her.”

“You know she already thinks the world of you, even without knowing anything about you. I don’t think you’re going to be able to avoid her just because she’s sick,” Cate observed as she gave me a reassuring hug.

“No, I’m not going to avoid her because she’s ill. I may be uncomfortable, but that’s not my thinking. I’m just way too uncomfortable doing medical things to people when I have no idea what I’m doing. I think it’s irresponsible, reckless and stupid, and I’d rather not be close to the recipient of my negligent actions when the decision to do something to her wasn’t really my choice.”

“So, are you blaming Brooke and Rebecca?” Shani asked.

“No,” I sighed. “Personally, I think their method of working our way into the hospital’s good graces was inspired. I just think the good Dr. Moore was taking advantage of us.”

“But he gave you free access to do whatever you wanted, he was willing to listen to a wild scheme, and he didn’t try to restrict what you were doing. Personally, I think he was more than accommodating,” my father said, stating his own perspective on the matter.

“That’s true, but as I said, while I was willing to do it in this one case, I don’t appreciate being pushed into doing something that I’m uncomfortable with. Dr. Moore just kept presenting one case after another, even when it was clear that what I was doing wasn’t having an effect.”

“But wasn’t the bet whether it was a miracle or not? He could have simply argued that what you’d done was due to a placebo effect, not actually changing the outcome of the case, but just making the patients feel better. He needed something that was definitive,” my father argued.

“That’s why I kept going, none of the cases were very clear, but still, it was nerve wracking, and I feel terrible for every experiment I conducted on those suffering people. I feel like Dr. Mengele,” I replied, trying to express just what my own perspective was.

“I don’t think anyone would compare you to someone like that,” Shani consoled me. “We all realize how important what you’re doing is, and I think most people realize that this is all new ground. It’s like when the first doctor discovered the concept of anatomy; that specific things happened in specific parts of the body. They had to experiment before they could figure out what worked and what didn’t.”

“Yeah, I understand all of that, but there’s a big difference between understanding it and doing it. Personally, I’d rather discover more of what’s involved before we start risking people’s lives trying to tinker with it.”

“Well, it seems to me that many of the cases he threw at you were the helpless cases,” my father suggested. “The people wouldn’t be much worse, even if you did screw up. However, they were also the most needful. If there was any way to improve their conditions, it’d be worth trying.”

“Yeah, but after everything is said and done, it’s easy for everyone else to decide to utilize my abilities, but I’m the one responsible for my actions.”

“As always, you have become wise beyond your young years, I think you should seek your own counsel on this. Everyone else simply wants you to consider the other options, but the choices are, as always, yours to make,” Anh concluded, providing the decisive end to the discussion.

The next day, much of the recent buzz over me at school had cooled a bit. I still attracted my share of looks and attitude, but it wasn’t as fresh or as obnoxious as it had been, so I felt it was manageable. I no longer had Mike, Jimmy or Kevin to concern myself with, so that actually made it a bit easier. It was easy to simply deal with those that needed me and just ignore those that were annoyed with me.

At lunch I decided to try yet another new table. This time I approached one of the jock tables. I say one, because the jocks actually took up a couple of tables. Usually the big teams, like Football, Basketball or Baseball would make up their own tables, consisting of whichever athletes fit into that group in any given season. The table I approached, with both Cate and Betty following along behind me, was what I considered the junior jocks table. It consisted of those who were heavily into the whole sports scene, but who weren’t on any of the major teams, the people like the track and field or the volleyball groups.

As I approached, I asked if I could join them, which lead to a wall of silence descending. Finally one young man responded to me.

“What, you think just because a couple girls finally noticed you that suddenly you can join whatever table you feel like? I think you need to consider that a little more carefully. We don’t have anything in common with you, now beat it, you’re bothering me, kid.”

I simply regarded him wordlessly then just shrugged. “That’s fine, it’s your option. Have a good day, anyway.”

Just then Cate nudged me in the side, indicating the nearby heavy hitters jock table, where some guy was sitting laughing at us. As he did so, Darrell, sitting beside him, leaned over and whispered something to him. I didn’t take it too seriously. I figured Darrell was a long term project. He’d either come around eventually, or he’d come after me again. It largely depended on how he and Kitty got along I guessed. Still, it didn’t particularly bother me. As I said, I wasn’t concerned with those that didn’t want my attention, since so many did.

Instead the three of us set off in another direction and joined the stoner table, another one I hadn’t sat at before. They welcomed us, or at least they seemed to, since I wasn’t sure they were actually cognizant of the fact that we were there or not. Once we were seated, Cate whispered to me that Darrell had left the room, with several of his pals following him. Again, I had no idea what that could mean, or even how it would impact me, so I didn’t pay it any attention. Instead I tried to strike up a conversation with the people who wanted to speak to me.

I fended off the usual questions about girls who would follow someone without actually knowing them, but I worked it around to my knowledge of other topics, and soon we were talking about other things. Actually, I started talking about how my experiences in a fight, where time seems to slow way down, was like being in an altered state. This was a topic the inhabitants of the table were more than willing to discuss, so we actually had a very intelligent discussion.

Betty still didn’t say much, she was still too much in awe of me, so she mostly just stayed in the background despite my repeated attempts to involve her.

‘Hey Alex, this is Brooke, ‘ I heard as I was walking between classes a little later. ‘I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I just finished speaking with Dr. Moore. He’s anxious to speak with you. Whenever you feel like calling him should be fine. Personally, I think the longer you wait the more you’ll get from him. Anyway, I know you’re busy, or at least you’re supposed to be paying attention, so I’ll speak with you later.’

I’d been expecting to hear from Ryan, but was surprised it was so soon. I’d figured he’d want all of his i’s dotted and his t’s crossed before he’d concede we’d won, and that would require all the various tests to come back, which I knew would take several days. It would be interesting seeing what he wanted.

Later, near the end of the day, an announcement came over the PA. “Would Alex Jennings please report to the Principal’s office? He’s got an urgent phone call.”

I sat up immediately, worried about who it could be. If it was one of the girls they’d have contacted me telepathically. If it was my mother they’d do the same thing, and if it was Cate the school wouldn’t be getting a phone call, so it would have to be either my father or one of my sisters.

The teacher wrote me a hall pass and I quickly made my way to the office. When I entered, it looked like it usually does, everyone busy, but mostly busy doing nothing in particular. I asked about the phone call and the receptionist suddenly became much more focused.

“Oh, yes. It was quite important. The head of the Memorial Hospital himself called, saying it was urgent that you call him back. I’ll get him immediately, if he thought it was important, then—” I didn’t let her finish the sentence.

“Oh, I was expecting his call,” I responded, waving it off. “He thinks it’s urgent, however I don’t. If he calls back, tell him I’ll give him a call when I get home.”

The receptionist looked aghast. “But he’s ... What if it’s... ?”

“It’s none of those things, Mrs. White. He simply wanted to know something, that’s all. It’ll wait for a little bit. I’ll give him a call later. Bye,” I called as I disappeared out the door, making sure I was unavailable to be called back again. I was a little perturbed that he’d search me out and expose what I’d asked him to deal with in confidence. In fact, the farther I walked, the angrier I got with him. Sure, we were asking for a big favor, but it wasn’t anything we couldn’t live without, and I wasn’t about to risk exposure over something this minor. I was of a mind to call him back and tell him to just fuck off!

The rest of the day, what was left of it, went off without any further disruptions. I hurried out, still a bit miffed but having finally managed to compose myself somewhat. When Cate and I got underway, I asked her to give him a call for me.

“Cate, call Dr. Moore for me, he’s been chomping at the bit to get me and I’m of a mind to tell him off.”

She looked like she was going to say something, but apparently reconsidered and simply dug her phone out. “Of course, Alex,” she answered simply, smiling at me.

I had to speak with Brooke again to get the actual phone number, but that was pretty quick, so I gave it to Cate and she began dialing. When she got the hospital she asked for Ryan, but they seemed to give her the run around until she mentioned me by name, then suddenly she was put right through.

“Pardon me, Dr. Moore, Alex is right here,” she responded as she passed the phone to me. One thing about our parents, they certainly drilled the basics, like phone manners, into us at a young age.

When I answered he was quick to get to the point.

“Alex, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. I tried calling your school, but—”

“I know you did. Where the hell do you get off doing that? I asked you to keep this information quiet, and now you’re calling the school I go to, trying to embarrass me? Did it ever occur to you we didn’t give you my phone number for a reason?”

“I, I... ,” he responded, seemingly at a loss to be called to task by a teenager.

“Listen, if we’re going to do anything, we’re going to have to come to an understanding. Frankly, it would be nice to get access to the machines we asked for, but it’s hardly essential. If you are going to treat us like this, we can simply forgo it all. Good bye, Dr. Moore,” and I hung up before he could respond.

Cate looked at me with an odd expression, but didn’t say anything.

“I needed to get his attention,” I told her, handing her the phone back. “I may very well have just kissed your valued tests away, but I’m guessing he’ll call back after he’s thought about it a little more.”

“It doesn’t matter. The information was to help you. You decide how to use it, or even if we need it,” she assured me. We drove on in silence, but just before we reached home Brooke called me again.

‘Hey, there, handsome, Dr. Moore called again. But he was quite apologetic this time. I’m guessing you had a few words with him. I get the impression he’s quite anxious at this point, so I think your access to the MRI equipment is pretty well assured. I think he’s pushing for something more at this point. Just watch that he doesn’t try to renege on what he promised you in order to get anything else out of you.’

‘Thanks, Brooke, I’ll take that into consideration. I don’t know what has his panties in a bunch, but I’m mostly concerned about his failure to keep our secrets. I’m guessing he’s been blabbing about it to everyone he knows. If that’s the case, I’ll just cut off all communications with him.’

‘Yeah, we understand, Alex. It’ll make our trying to find a job in the area a bit more difficult, but that’s secondary. What’s important is you getting what you need out of this. Remember that. Gotta go now, I don’t want you to get a ticket for telepathing while driving, ‘ she concluded, giggling as she left. Hearing a giggle echo around your skull is an interesting experience.

I didn’t bother to bring Cate up to date, figuring she’d learn as things developed. We soon arrived at home, and both grabbed our books and migrated into the house. It was only after the usual introductions, and after I’d grabbed a snack, that I sat down at the phone. By that time I had a room full of people listening to what I was preparing to say.

“Hello, Alex, is that you?” Dr. Moore asked when we were finally connected.

“It is, sir. I take it you’ve had a chance to think over what I said?”

“Yes, I have, and I’ll be the first to admit that I was getting a bit out of hand. However, let me just say that I thought I had a good reason for my concern. By the way, by this time I think we can dispense with the ‘Dr. Moore’ and sirs. Just call me Ryan. I have a feeling we’re going to be getting closer before everything is said and done.”

“So we’re still on, you still want to go along with it?”

“Me? I should be asking you that. I’m still waiting for the various results so I can evaluate the full effect of what you accomplished, but I’d already agree that what you accomplished yesterday was pretty miraculous.”

“Well, that’s nice, but if the tests aren’t back yet, what’s to make you think it’s not all just a placebo effect? That the people simply want to believe in miracles, and so they respond as if they’d had one.”

“Quite simply,” he responded, “it’s the extent of the improvements. If it was simply that, a psychological effect, I’d expect to see a small improvement, but that’s not what we’re seeing. Besides,” he said, smiling, “it’s hard to have a placebo effect on someone in a sustained coma.”

“So, can you tell me how they’re responding?”

“There’s a lot to tell, Alex, but I’ll try to be brief. The most important, and the reason I’ve been so anxious to contact you, even going so far as tracking down what school you went to, is the burn victim. Carlos Alvarez. I’ve had him under steady supervision, and the orderlies are anxious that I resume whatever ‘treatment’ was used on him. He’s had an amazing lack of scab formations. I think we need to get you back here to do some more of your magic on him, and maybe we can keep him from losing a lot of mobility that burn victims frequently suffer from.”

“That’s tempting, Ryan,” I said, testing out whether he was serious about his, ‘just call me Ryan’ response. “But I’m a bit concerned about time. The hospital isn’t real close by.”

“Don’t worry about it, Alex. I’ll make arrangements with your school to have you excused for the next couple of days and—”

“Yeah, I can just see that. What do you think everyone would think of such a request? They’d either think it was a scam, or wonder whether I was your secret drug connection. There’s be no reasonable explanation for the head of a hospital to consult with a high school student who doesn’t even volunteer at your hospital. No, I’ll stop by after school tomorrow. I may also bring my sister, my other sister that is, as she’s interested in this. Friday will be difficult though, as I already have a prior commitment. We should put off the MRI testing until Saturday, if you can arrange it that fast. That’ll give us much of the day to visit the patients I’ve already visited with as well as do that. How does that sound?”

“Well, personally I’d rather have you here, right now, but I’m willing to compromise. I’ll also let you know that virtually everyone you saw is very anxious to see you again. You’ve created quite a stir, young man.”

“Yeah, about that, let’s kept this a secret. If anyone asks, just tell them I’m an intern, or, if they ask, tell them I’m a psychic nut that you’re humoring at the behest of a contributor. That way they won’t take what I’m doing too seriously.”

“Alex, with the results my staff are seeing, they’re going to be curious no matter what I tell them. But I’ll go along with you. I’ll tell them all to be quiet and try to play it down as much as I can. That brings up another point, though, are you interested in a potential career here in the hospital?”

“Yeah, just how would you explain paying a kid without a high school degree for medical consultations? Besides, I really have no idea what I’m doing. What you’re seeing takes quite a bit of cooperation. It takes someone who can see what needs to be done. Luckily there are a few of those besides Brooke that I have access to. Next it takes the medical knowledge to know what to do and how to do it safely. Rebecca and Brooke have some of that knowledge, but not nearly enough. Then it takes someone who can actually do it. For that I think you’re stuck with me. Finally, we need people to do research, to figure out what’s causing all of this and what it means, and what I can do without hurting others or even myself. We don’t even know if this energy I’m using has any side effects.”

“Good points all, and it shows what a good mind you have, Alex. What if I can arrange a medical scholarship for you? That way you’d be able to gather the knowledge you need while you are actively helping people?”

“Sorry, but with everything that’s been happening in my life lately, I think my dreams of college have been washed away. There’s just too much I have to accomplish. If you want someone to consider for a scholarship, though, I’ll introduce you to my sister Cate tomorrow. She’s a real whiz, and she’s already dedicated herself to trying to learn everything she can about how I can do what it is that I’m doing.”

“I’ll be glad to meet her, then. You’ll also have to stay over for a little while. I’d like to discuss the nature of this ‘energy’ you keep talking about. Maybe I’d be able to judge what effect it may have on the patients.”

“It gets complicated,” I assured him, “there’s a lot we don’t know, and a lot of side tangents as well.”

“I’m sure there are, you strike me as having a lot of intelligent people around you, as well as being quite smart yourself. I’ll see you tomorrow evening, as soon as you can arrange it. I’ll also plan for dinner for all of us. It’ll be a working dinner, so if your parents are anxious to meet me, tell them they can on Saturday. Otherwise I guess we’re done.”

“Yeah, that covers just about everything, and don’t worry about the parents. They’ve raised me well enough to trust me to keep my head about me. We’ll see you tomorrow evening, probably about 4:30 or 5.”

We finished up the discussion and I turned to relay the information to the assembled ensemble. We discussed it, of course, but they all decided I’d handled it well. I told them I’d take Cate along and asked Shani and Allison to meet me there, since I’d need someone to replace Brooke, and I’d prefer another set of eyes, since we weren’t quite as knowledgeable concerning what we saw. They quickly agreed and the discussion soon turned to their encounter with Jennifer today.

Before they could get too into details, I held them off.

“I’m not sure I want any information right now,” I warned them. “I think I’d rather learn the details from her so I can take it all in at once, rather than start with a whole set of assumptions.”

They agreed that sounded reasonable, so they complied willingly, although they told me she was doing well and the small treatments I had done seemed to be doing well. They said she also seemed positive, both from the treatment and in regards to the changes I’d triggered in her. That made me feel better, I could look forward to meeting her anew once I was sure she was better.

The next day passed quickly. On the spur of the moment I tracked down both Kitty and Chalise, and invited them to accompany us to the hospital, telling them I was doing some volunteer work there. I had no idea how I’d explain what I was doing there, but I thought it would be good to see them in an unusual setting. I knew I’d get to see more of what they were really like by seeing them in a setting like that, not one where they’d be on their best behavior. Plus, I could watch the interplay between them, seeing how they got on in a variety of conditions. I thought I could possibly observe any potential problems that way.

When school let out I got out to the car early, so I could warn Cate that we’d be having company. She took it well, simply nodding when I told her. I guess what she’d told me about accepting my decisions had been true. She didn’t make any teasing comments or question whether it was a good idea.

Kitty and Chalise joined us shortly after that. As we got into the car I advised them to call their mothers, as they’d want to know where they were.

Chalise giggled. “I think she’d prefer to hear from you, she’s quite taken with you.” So I ended up on the phone with Caroline.

“Hello, Cutie,” I teased her when she answered the phone. “Don’t tell anyone, but I kidnapped your daughter so we could be together. All I need is to think of a place to stash her.”

“Hey there, Alex,” she answered with a laugh, immediately guessing who I was. “I can think of a couple of places to stash her, although I think she’d prefer in your arms.”

“Well, actually, I was thinking more like the hospital. We’re headed that way now. I’m going to take both girls along as I make a tour of the facilities and do a little charity work.”

“Hmm, I’m impressed, suave, sophisticated and caring to boot. Do you know where I can get any of those for my boys? They seem to be lacking in each of them.”

“I’ll see if I can pick up any in the Pharmacy while I’m there, although I’d have to question the ‘suave and sophisticated’ part. I’m not sure either applies to a naïve young man who confesses to having numerous other interests. Honest, yes; sophisticated, not by a long shot. Oh, is it OK if we’re gone for a while, the head of the hospital invited us out to dinner?”

“The head of the hospital invited you out to dinner? Tell me, why am I not surprised to hear that?”

“Well, it wasn’t just me, Ryan asked Kitty, your daughter, Cate, Shani and Allison as well.”

“Yeah, but I think I know you enough to know that you somehow arranged it all.”

“I’m not completely to blame, Broo ... uh, someone else arranged my meeting with him.”

“And you don’t want to say who? Let me guess, it’s yet another ‘close friend’ of yours?”

“You got me there. Sorry, but I just have a hard time keeping track of them all.”

“Sure, I won’t give you too hard of a time. Stay out as long as you need, but give me a call so I’ll know when to expect her. And don’t stay out too late, I hear she’s got this really hot date tomorrow night.”

“Hey, we can’t have her missing that, now can we?” I laughed as we ended the call.

“See, I told you she likes you,” Chalise told me.

“Do mine next,” Kitty asked anxiously, ready for me to tease her mother as well.

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Our Hobby

 Karen leaned back from her grandmother's sewing table having just finished her modeling outfit. She laughed to herself wondering what her grandmother would have thought about using her homemaking skills to make a slut outfit! The butterflies in her belly danced, creating a smile across her lightly freckled face.It had originally been Pete's idea to take photos of his sexy wife. They, like so many other couples in their early forties, had greeted the digital camera by dropping both their...

Wife Lovers
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Susies Home Porn Hobby

Susie Wellons was a beautiful petite brunette that I worked with at an office building. Her breasts were small but her beautiful face made her irresitably sexy. She knew that I was attracted to her but had recently gotten married. Susie invited me to lunch one day and insisted on buying me lunch. "Are you still interested in me, Arnold?" "You're really cute, Susie. But you're married now." "What if that wasn't a problem, Arnold? My husband wants to watch another man have sex with me on video...

4 years ago
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A New Hobby

One day, on a whim I decided to start a sex blog. It slowly grew and after several months I had over 3,500 fans. I noticed that other bloggers offered incentives to help their blog gain a bigger following. I decided to do the same and opened it up to suggestions for hitting 5,000 followers. Many good ideas came through, but one really caught my attention. It was from one of my first followers. "I'd like to see you fuck yourself with a cucumber and then serve it for dinner." For some reason that...

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Two Married Men Find a New Hobby

The sexual tension was incredible! My best friend and I (50ish) were lounging on his deck at 2 AM over Labor Day weekend twelve years ago. Our wives were asleep a few yards away in the lake cottage. Four feet separated us, several gin and tonics in our bellies and we had just discussed our wives’ increasing lack of desire for sex and how we seemed to be getting hornier with age.We discussed what we each did with our wives in bed and what they enjoyed or didn’t enjoy. He started to tell me about...

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Sexy Sophs 3 Hot Holiday Hobby

So she proposes, after unexpectedly volunteering to do the dishesThat we two would to try catch some fresh fish in the lake for lunch,While her hot mom sexy Sophie starts to light a grill already for us-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mom is pleased by dear doddie doing the dishes: time to relaxSo she hands us some angles, a big bucket and a net as toolsShe has the grill going within minutes and sets up her stretcherHand in hand we walk down...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sophs 3 Hot Holiday Hobby

So she proposes, after unexpectedly volunteering to do the dishesThat we two would to try catch some fresh fish in the lake for lunch, While her hot mom sexy Sophie starts to light a grill already for us-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mom is pleased by dear doddie doing the dishes: time to relax So she hands us some angles, a big bucket and a net as toolsShe has the grill going within minutes and sets up her stretcher Hand in hand we walk...

2 years ago
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My wifes new hobby

I'm the kinky one in our marriage but I wasn't careful what I shared with my wife. At first if I ever brought up the subject of her having sex out the marriage I would get the I can't do that speach . Then one night after a small Christmas party at our house one of our friends had decided to stay over due to being over served. He was in the spare bedroom asleep as my wife and I started cleaning up. My wife had on a nice skirt and a Christmas sweater. Her legs where covered with coffee colored...

4 years ago
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Every man needs a hobby

After I had performed oral sex on my neighbor who we will call Bob for convince. We had a talk a few days later. He had never had someone suck him off to completion. Nor had he had anyone finger his a**.He had seen me out a few times earlier in the early morning when I was going to get the newspaper in what he thought was a dress.I explained to him that what I was wearing was a mu mu. My wife and I had gone to Hawaii a few times before. I saw the women there wearing them. I thought why not a...

3 years ago
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wifes new hobby

my wife, clare, is an accounts manager for an insurance company, standing 5foot 9 with a 36-24-32 figure and shoulder length red hair. she keeps herself fit by going to the gym and swimming 5 times week before work.we're both 45 and been together since meeting at school when i moved to southampton with my parents,and only been with each other we're both career people so we have a good lifestyle and a great sex life, which got even better when we went to her brothers wedding in wales. we booked...

3 years ago
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Video fantasy My sister has a hidden hobby

I'm in the 9th grade, and so is my best friend Brad. We do okay in school, but our grades in English suck. But my sister, Beth, is a senior and she is really good in English. She reads all the damn time. Shit, she's been making straight As since kindergarten. She doesn't have too many friends at school, and the ones she has are pretty much as nerdy as she is. She can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. My mom came up with this brilliant plan that Beth could help me and Brad with our...

5 years ago
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Fuck is my hobby

While reading some nice dick raising stories at this site, I decided to share my own sex experience with all. So here I am. I am a 24 year old Chartered Accountancy student; it was the story of my sex experience during my article ship days. During those days sealing was going on full force in Delhi and one of our client’s offices was sealed by the MCD & they have shifted their accounts department to a small residential house till the time they can arrange for any better space. Me and one of my...

3 years ago
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Aletha Grannys New Hobby

Lesbian Amateur Intros, the video was called. Ninety-eight minutes long. Gail downloaded it along with the other pornos that caught her attention. She wouldn’t be able to get wi-fi on her tablet for most of the trip, so having something worth watching would make the whole thing less dull. A road trip with the family. Two days to Grandma’s, and a week-long side trip to Uncle Frank’s house. Three weeks round-trip in an SUV with Mom, Dad, and her two brothers. Thank god for the invention of the...

2 years ago
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Pats Hobby

I have one hell of a weird wife. I know, I know, most men will say the same thing, that their wives are weird to some degree, but how many have wives who like to give hand jobs? I don't mean that she likes to give them to me - I mean she likes to give them to just about anybody. She says when she has a guys cock in her hand she feels a sense of power and control that turns her on and I must admit that when we make love following one of her encounters she fucks like a woman possessed. My wife,...

4 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 4 Beckyrsquos New Naughty Hobby

Becky Davies I felt so sticky and flushed as Tonya and I headed downstairs to eat dinner with her family. I was spending the night at her place while my sister and our parents had there slumber party orgy. I was thrilled to spend some time with my best friend. Quality time. We’d just made love, using little clit vibrators on each other. We had rubbed each other until we both were gasping and moaning and shuddering in rapture. We loved each other while her family was oblivious to our...

3 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 2 Dons Little Hobby

"Cathy, relax!" Tad said that night while we were having dinner. I'd just told him about Louise's mysterious statements at lunch that day, about how there was something about her husband, Don that I needed to know. "Well, if she wants to tell me that Don is some kind of two-headed monster, why doesn't she just come out with it? Why the 24-hour cooling-off period?" "She said she loved the guy," Tad said. "It couldn't be too bad, right?" "The way she said it, it was like, 'I...

1 year ago
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Barrys new hobby

I met Barry at the beach. He was the only guy there wearing a bikini Speedo. Normally, I am not attracted to guys in Speedos...but Barry had an amazing butt. The kind of butt that all the girls would watch. After just a few dates and an hour of passionate kissing, I knew I wanted to be exclusive. Barry said that he did too. He was an amazing kisser, it was his lips that were so soft and luscious. Very good looking with great butt and great lips, I was hooked. After we had been dating for about...

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My New Hobby

I was bored, horny and lets face it, when you have a hubby that sleeps half his life away like mine you get that way sometimes. I sat in the living room and as predicted he fell asleep on the sofa again. I am still young and pretty and need love to keep me that way. My breasts are a nice 34 C and still firm while my waist is a nice 24 and my ghetto booty gets a lot of men flirting with me but I always remember that I am married and never cheat. I headed up the stairs leaving a trail of cloths...

1 year ago
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My Dirty Hobby! We’ve all come across the spammy, bullshit “hook up with horny singles in your area tonight!” ads and links on popular porn sites. How many times have you been tricked into creating a “free account” with a site like this, thinking that maybe, just maybe, it will be legit, and you’ll be boning before sundown? Well, I only hope that you never gave out your credit card information to one of these many scam sites. Because you ain’t getting fucked (well, actually, you might be...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
2 years ago
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This was an incredibly difficult paper to write the research and verification involved came quite close to defeating me several times. Starting a fire is the hardest when you need it the most. These instructions are for times such as that. A calm or gently breezy, dry day makes the job a lot easier! One, it's damned hard to start a fire with wet wood. How can you tell wet from dry firewood? If it feels cool or cold when held against your lips then it's too wet to START a fire with. It...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysKickstarting the Economy

Mark woke up early as usual, went to his desk, grabbed his coffee and went through his morning reports. Afterwards he decided to browse through some news sites, reading news article upon news article about Chinese submarines floating through the air and that they were being beached upon China’s shoreline. Everyone also agreed it had to be because they had tried to attack Atlantis. Of course, several articles started the fear mongering that Atlantis was going to eventually going to take over...

4 years ago
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Little SisterChapter 4 Kickstarting the Motor

Summer turned quickly to fall. I was piling on hours to graduate at mid-term. To consume the rest of my time, my thesis spawned. There was enough material in my notes to do at least three solid papers. My original concept was a discussion of the impact of shelters and halfway houses on the inner city. A necessary thread running through this was a description of how shelters, and legal aid services interacted with local and state governments. The original topic became my senior thesis, mostly...

2 years ago
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Hurry Someones Coming 1

Hurry!,&hellip,. Someones Coming! 1 &hellip,.Those words sent the adrenalin rush we were hooked on. For 3 years my sister in law Cindy and I had slowly lusted for each other. I had wonderful dreams about her&hellip,sometimes wet ones, right while I was by my sleeping wife. Cindy told me she would wait until her husband went to sleep and carefully slip her finger in her pussy and slowly massager her clit and fantasize it was my tongue. … After a while she would have a twitching heavenly orgasm....

4 years ago
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Someones Watching

My name is Lisa. One summer, my boyfriend and I got a wild idea that for our summer vacation we would drive down to the coast of Florida near the Key’s and get jobs and play all summer. My boyfriend Todd landed a job at a local hotel as a night security guard and I worked as a waitress at one of the local beach bars. Todd was always telling me about the guest at the hotel and their sexual escapades when they think no one is watching. Todd loved to watch. Watching all these excursions turned him...

2 years ago
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Someones always watching Part 2

‘Are you sure it’s not too much?’ I asked my husband as I adjusted my thigh high boots and fishnet stockings. ‘I mean, it’s just a party at your friend’s house. Maybe we should go back so I can change?’ He looked over at me and led my hand down to the bulge in his crotch. ‘Babe, trust me, that outfit is perfect’ I immediately felt the heat spread from my belly down to my center. No point in letting a nice stiff cock go to waste, right? I removed my seat belt and shifted over in my seat so I...

3 years ago
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Someones always watching

I noticed him watching me as I cleaned my bedroom window. The skimpy shorts and tank top I wore didn’t really hide much, but I had a lot of cleaning to do so I wasn’t really worried about my wardrobe. I know I’m married, and I know that I shouldn’t look..but he’s so fucking attractive, that I just couldn’t help myself. I purposely leaned over to give him a tantalizing view of my cleavage (I consider it my best asset) and when I saw his hand rub his crotch over his jeans, I knew I had him...

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Someones always watching The Conclusion

Beads of sweat formed a line between my swaying breasts, my body writhing with pleasure as Will greedily lapped up my pussy juices. This would make the fourth time I’d come while his tongue assaulted my now sensitively swollen clit. They had me laying on the bed, my back resting on the soft Egyptian cotton sheets, my head hanging back over the edge of the mattress, while my husband’s massive erection was being forced in and out of my mouth. The upside down position of my head made it easy for...

4 years ago
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Someones being Naughty

When my wife returned to work after her maternity leave she took the night shift. The hospital where she worked as a nurse always had trouble filing nights so it was easy. This allowed for one of us to always be home with our new bundle of joy. One evening about a week after her new schedule started, the doorbell rang. I was surprised to see one of my wife’s friends at the door. Debbie had stopped over to see my wife about a book club they both belonged to. Apparently Deb had forgotten about...

4 years ago
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A good head on someones shoulders Part 1 Statistically Impossible

Statistically Impossible Imposable is a term used when people are unable to get a particular result and give up. But odds can and are defied this is a story of such. ---------------------------------------- Mark un-Plugged the headphones from the armrest as the flight attendant came to him to collect them. Only thirty minuets till he would be back home from spring break. The fasten seat belt sign lit up as the plane experienced minor turbulence a few minuets later and it had...

2 years ago
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Its a Job But Someones Got To Do ItChapter 2

It was six when Mark stood back from her, he had just filled her cunt for the second time, he watched as Robert held her hair and came in her mouth again, as both of them finished Fraser said, "That's enough, its time for you two to go, come on I'll check you out then come back and untie her", with a last look at the cum covered beauty tied over the end of her bed, Robert and Mark shouted, "Sleep well see you in the morning", she could hear them laughing all the way down the...

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One of my hobbies

One of my hobbies: I have been bi since I was 16 years old. I started experimenting with my cousin one summer after his family moved back to Michigan. We were the same age and hung together all the time. We enjoyed the same sports, the same hobbies, the same girls, etc. It started one night, I was staying over at his house. They lived in the country and we spent the day playing basketball and fishing in their pond. At the end of the day we went in for dinner and then got cleaned up and went to...

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Rich Girls Hobbies

                      Rich Girls' Hobbies                               by                               TGCodes: F/m; nc, mc, BDSM, CBT, torture, extreme, violent.Synopsis: A short novella that follows a Femdom when she       discovers a potential sub and brings him under her control.       It's a character study of what she enjoys in the scene, and       her power to control her world and manipulate others.                                         Chapter 1                   Who is Who and...

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Someone Who Cares

Someone Who Cares By Efin Copyright 2015 Efin Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Many events and descriptions are taken from the author's real life experiences and changed to suit the story but everything in this book is complete fiction. This...

2 years ago
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Starting life on his own

Starting a life on his own. ?Submissive male student, 18, looking for room, boarding and sexual slavery in Amsterdam? As of September this year, I hope to start at the university, and I am looking for a place to stay. I dream about bdsm, and I would love to rent a room from a dominant couple. I have no experience but I will do anything. Preferably 24/7? Can anyone help me make my dreams come true??Mail: [email protected] sat behind his computer, his hart pounding, his balls tingling with...

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The view leads to someone else

A month after I moved in with them, I had become rather comfortable, both physically and emotionally. They even upgraded their queen sized bed to a king sized bed, so we wouldn't be quite as cramped. Our relationship really had grown. It was mostly physical before, but after I moved in, I truly got to know them better on a deeper level. Before when I came over, there wasn't a lot of time to talk after the deed was done. Then they began to open up quite a bit. We all were lying down on the bed...

4 years ago
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Starting Anew Part 1

Chapter 1 Amy Lee looked over her classroom with jealousy. She was considered by all of classmates to be as one person pointed out "a bitch." Her classmates shied away from her, giggling and pointing whenever she walked by. Amy was an outcast. She didn't want to be but she was the victim of her own creation., one that she created to keep her darkest secret safe from others. Her mother had high hopes for Amy. She believed that she would grow up to be a famous model, actress, singer,...

3 years ago
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My Wife is Fucked by Someone Else While sleeping

My wife and I were spending the weekend at an old cabin with her office mates. About 15 of us shared the small 2-bedroom cabin. At night everyone laid their sleeping bags out on the floor of the main room. It was the middle of winter and with only a small fireplace to heat the cabin the shared warmth of everyone sleeping close together was welcomed.Over the past few days I noticed one of the other guys on the trip, Dan, had been pay a lot of attention to my wife. He was in his mid twenties and...

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No Myth Someone to Dance With

Amiee Penn was happy. She just meet a charming man who prove to her that it was no myth, that some men who went to transgender nightclubs saw the women as just women. Even with being here to find someone to dance with she wanted to make make sure Mike knew she wanted to get to know him better. As she left the bar to make her way to the dance floor, Amiee Penn said to the man she has been chatting to, "I'm here every week, Mike. It was great talking with you and looking forward to chatting...

2 years ago
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Someones Hero

In an age of time when the destruction of modern civilization slowly descends upon us we must look to a future when someone, anyone will rise up and take the reigns so long ago dropped and lift us back to our rightful path. This at least was the thoughts and the most constant staple of Professor Damien’s lectures. He knew that the inner cities were going to hell and also that his student ratio had jumped by 60% over the last few years. At the ripe age of 45 he was still younger than the larger...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 335 Pick Someone to Resurrect Jonathon Winters

Monday, April 16, 2007 (Continued) "I've got a job for you too, Jonathon Winters." He was one of the cameramen. I'd picked him because I'd been able to find out his name and he seemed to have a positive, happy attitude. "What? Me?" he asked in surprise. My not turning my body or head when I addressed him caused even more confusion. "Yes. God just told me to provide humanity with more proof that I'm an archangel. He's unhappy with humanity's unwillingness to divert itself from...

2 years ago
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Starting fisting

Starting Fist 1 STARTING FIST I've always been proud of my body. At 38 I'm 5'8", 156 pounds and have always been thin. It seemed most of my weight was centered in my breasts. I once tried to weigh my boobs and figured they were about 14 pounds each. They are the only out of kilter part of my body. I do love having huge tits but wish they weren't so long. They hang to a few inches above my crotch and should be broader for their length. I suppose that as the rest of me is on the...

4 years ago
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Starting Over

STARTING OVER Dirk Robinson sat on the couch in front of his TV, watching some inane sitcom and realizing for the thousandth time that his life was a failure. It had started out well, but due to his own choices, it had spiraled out of control over the last few decades. He ruminated on those choices, wishing he could go back and unmake some of them. His grades in his New Jersey High School had been overall passing, but not spectacular, because of his own lack of motivation. He had...

2 years ago
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But Hon It Was Only Sex A wife needs someone to c

A wife needs someone to compare you to."But it was only sex. That's all," my wife of almost twenty- five years said for the umpteenth time to me. "I don't love him. I love only you," she said crying as I tried to ignore her while she followed me from room to room. "You have got to believe me hon. I really do love you and I'm so sorry I did this to us. Please talk to me, Steve, will you?"What brought us to this point? What made my loving wife cheat on me? Stupidity, on her part; plain and simple...

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