Occasions Of Sin5. free porn video

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I switched my bookbag from one hand to the other every half block, then every quarter block, then every couple of steps, because the drawstring was cutting my fingers. The walk home felt endless. The whole way all I thought about was sex. I hadn’t figured out much. Touching myself was bad, but nothing ever felt so good. Father Ransom said sex is only for marriage and babies. Then he made me put his penis in my mouth. Sister Margaret Gabriel said it’s her job to mold me into a good Christian woman. Then she kissed my feet and played with herself. Fuck is a bad word, but Sister said it. Then she said she was bad, but I don’t think she felt any real contrition.

When I passed the poster shop, I had to put my bag down and rest a few minutes. The palms of my hands were red, and there were white welts on my fingers. Who knew a grammar-school education could hurt so much? I stood in the blue shadow of the building and looked in the window. They had a new display there. It was a record album on a little tripod, surrounded by some crazy-looking brass pipes were so small they wouldn’t hold more than a crumb of tobacco. The album was called How to Strip for Your Husband. The cover showed a woman holding a long red veil under her chin. It hung down the middle of her body, between her legs. It hid everything, but you could tell she was naked behind it, because you could see the sides of her bare boobs and her bare hips, and, below them, the pale stripe where she’d taken off her bottom. The idea of taking off my clothes for a man made me light-headed. It would be OK if we were married, though. That’s why the album said stripping for your husband. I could take off my bra and panties, and my husband could watch me. Then he’d take his clothes off, and we’d kiss and — what?

I wanted to know what, and right there, across the street, on the corner of my block, stood the way out of my vincible ignorance.

The big regional library still felt new. It still smelled new. I was in second or third grade when it opened. They call it state-of-the-art, and it’s always made me think of the Space Age. It’s clean and modern, all gray planes and sharp angles, with two-story windows that rise from the sidewalk. I used to spend a lot of time downstairs in the children’s department. Now they let me upstairs because I got my adult card this year.

Time to use it.

The information wasn’t easy to find. Once I got inside, I went up to nonfiction on the top floor, put my bag down under a table in the reading area, and wandered through the stacks. I was too timid to ask for help, and I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for. So I wasted time, getting lost among the high shelves, like trying to find my way through a maze, hoping a title would jump out at me.

I was in the section on the Civil War when a voice behind me said, “May I help you, Miss?”

I felt like I’d been caught shoplifting. I knew the next question was going to be, “And what do you think you’re doing, young lady?”

But all the gray-haired lady said was, “You’ve been looking around awhile. Do you need help finding something?” She could have been my Aunt Betty, asking if I wanted a cookie, except this lady was Jewish. She was wearing a gold Hebrew letter around her neck.

“I, uh...”

“Take your time.”

“Do you have anything... ?”

“We have a lot of things.”

“On sex?”

“You mean sex education?”

“Yes, Ma’am. It’s for school.”

Which was kind of true.

“Back this way,” she said.

I saw now why I hadn’t found anything. The sex books were in a bookcase behind Aunt Betty’s desk. I guess they kept them there to prevent kids from sneaking peeks.

“You should find what you’re looking for here. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. There’s also the card catalog.”

She sat down with her back to me and let me look for myself. No questions. Nothing about sin, or the sanctity of marriage, or why a Catholic school would send one of their students to look up stuff about sex. Was that because she was a librarian, or because she wasn’t Catholic?

There were more titles than I expected, right out in the open. There was Sex Talk, and The Sexual Revolution, and Sex: Myths and Realities. There was The Anatomy of Sex and Sex: The Vital Force. Sex This and Sex That.

I picked one called The ABCs of Sex, by Dr. Judith I. Weisberg. It sounded basic, which was what I wanted, and I figured if it was written by a woman, she’d know what girls go through.

I took it back to my table. The reading area is a high balcony that overlooks the main level, with bright skylights overhead. I sat down facing out and started to read. The book was laid out like an encyclopedia, in alphabetical order. I looked up vagina, masturbation, and penis. There was even an entry on feet that said See fetishes.

What blew me away was that there was a word for everything. Everything I did, everything I felt in the past two days had a name. My button is my clitoris. Those incredible peaks are called orgasms, and having an orgasm is called getting off, or coming. When a man puts his penis in your mouth, it’s called is fellatio, or oral sex. It turns out there’s oral sex for women, too, which is called cunnilingus, a long word that I had to practice pronouncing. Cunnilingus, cunnilingus — just saying it to myself made me feel fluttery.

“Class, take out a piece of loose-leaf paper.” That’s what Sister says before a test. I took a piece out now and covered it, front and back. Then I started on another. I could have borrowed the book, but that would be harder to smuggle into the house, and if mom ever found it, she’d send me right back to Father Ransom for another blow job (new word).

The more I read, and wrote, the tighter my panties felt. I looked around. Aunt Betty’s desk was hidden around the corner of a bookcase, and there was no one else nearby. So I lifted my butt off the seat and reached under my skirt. It was a relief to peel the damp cotton off my crotch and feel the air between my legs. I sat down again and went back to my studies, scribbling with one hand and inching my underwear down my legs with the other, one side at a time.

I was jotting down the word “lesbian” when Lisa Della Robbia tapped me on the shoulder.

“Jeez Louise!”

“What, did I scare you?” she asked.


A shhhh flew over from the librarian’s desk.

“Sorry,” Lisa said in a whisper. “What are you reading?”

“Nothing,” I whispered back. I shut the book, with the back cover facing up, and folded my arms over it.

“No, come on, what?”

She tried to peek at the book, but all she could see through my arms were Dr. Weisberg’s face and the words “A complete, uncensored guide...”

“Nothing,” I repeated. “How come you’re here?”

“Looking for this...”

She laid a copy of The Diary of Anne Frank on the table.

“Sister Margaret confiscated my copy.”

I never read it, so I didn’t know what Sister thought was wrong with it, but it’s always a mistake to bring outside reading to school.

Not that I was surprised Lisa did. She’s the smartest girl in class, and one of the two smartest kids. She and Eddie Szywicki have been competing for grades since for as long as any of us can remember. One report card, his average is a point or two above hers. The next one, the standings are reversed. Both of them always have their hands up in class.

Lisa sat down next to me, still curious about The ABCs of Sex. She’s not pretty, really. She’s what grownups call striking. She has dark, deep-set eyes, heavy eyebrows and black hair that she parts down the middle and pins behind her ears with barrettes. Mostly what she has, though, is big tits. She was the first girl in our class to wear a bra, back in fifth grade. She was still wearing her uniform, like me, and she was wearing something else ― something I’d noticed before but never paid much attention to.

“Did Father Ransom give you that?” I asked.


We touched our medals at the same time. We didn’t say any more about them, but they became an instant bond between us. I wondered what she did to earn hers. Without a word, she slid the book out from under my arm, and I let her. Father Ransom’s Miraculous Medal Girls didn’t have any secrets.

“Why’re you looking at this?” she asked me, flipping it open.

“I don’t know anything.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Just what stuff is called.”

“Have you ever done anything?”

“You mean with a boy?”

“Or anything.”

“No,” I lied. I was very aware of my panties, which at the moment were wrapped around my knees. Very nonchalantly, while Lisa leafed through the book, I propped my chin on my hand, pretending I was looking at it too, and with my other hand under the table, I tried to work my panties down my legs, but they were too tangled up, and they wouldn’t drop.

Lisa had the book open to a drawing of a vagina that had all the parts labeled. She traced one finger around what was called the labia, and then down what was called the perineum to the anus and all around again. She pressed the clitoris like a buzzer, so hard the skin under her fingernail turned white.

“I’d never let a boy touch me there,” she said.

“You have to when you get married.”

“I’m not getting married.”

“How come?”

“I don’t like boys.”

“Why not?”

“Because they’re disgusting. All they do is talk about ... you know.”

“You mean your tits?”

The word sent us both into giggles.

“Shhh!” she said.

“Do boys like your tits?” I said.

“They like them too much.”

“At least you have tits.”

“Stop saying tits!”

We pressed our hands to my mouth. The laughs backed up and sputtered out our noses. It was fun, like we were five years old. Sister says bad words are a sin against the Second Commandment. But the Second Commandment says, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” What do tits have to do with God? And besides, she said “fuck,” so who cares?

Somewhere during our little fit, Lisa put her hand under the table and tapped my bare thigh. I don’t have to tell you what she felt down there. Her pinkie grazed the waistband. Then she moved down until her whole hand rested on the sweaty crotch. Her face went blank, and she pulled in her chin and screwed her eyes down. Then she smirked and plucked the elastic like a rubber band. It snapped against my leg.

“Getting warm down there?” she whispered.

I had no answer to that.

“Do you touch yourself?”

I had no answer to that, either.

“Come on,” she said. “I won’t laugh.”

“Only a couple times,” I said, like that made a difference. “What about you?”

“Were you gonna do it here?”

“Uh-uh. They were just uncomfortable.”

“How’re you gonna get ‘em back on?”

I could see that would be a challenge. There was no way to stand up and pull them over my hips without exposing my bare butt to the reading room ­— and while we’d been talking, an old guy had sat down behind us with a magazine. So I did the next best thing: I reached down and slid them all the way off. It was a struggle to get my clunky shoes through the leg holes, and I thought I heard the cloth rip, but finally I managed to pull them free and stuff them in my pocket.

“There!” I said.

“You take chances,” Lisa said.

I was smoothing my skirt just as the librarian came around the corner.

“Are you girls all right?” she said. It wasn’t a question. “This is a place for study, and I’ll have to ask you two to keep it down.”

“Sorry, ma’am,” I said.

“We should go,” Lisa said.

I folded up my notes and put The ABCs of Sex in the re-shelving bin while Lisa picked up our bags from the floor. As I passed the old guy, I noticed the magazine he had was Playboy, which they have, but you have to ask for it. I was afraid to look at what he was doing under his table.

What is it with everybody and sex?

Lisa and I went downstairs with Aunt Betty giving us a smile and a nod. Lisa checked out her book, and we were hardly out the glass doors when she said to me, “You gonna put them back on?”

“Out here? Besides, who’s gonna see?”

“How’s it feel?”

“Why don’t you try it for yourself?”

“Nowhere to do it.”

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Her Mom and I help her LOSE her Virginity

I had a nice house but had a small fire one day that required me to get a rental home in a really shitty trailer park here in North Georgia. The place was ok but crowed with young single parent mom's and their equally slutty trailer trash daughters that would hang around all day with no job or anything else for that matter except a welfare check every month, which they used on beer and cigarettes, and their government paid trailer homes.One good thing about it was that since I worked from home...

1 year ago
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Mausi Ki Gaand Maari

Aur jin mausi ki me kahani aap logo ko sunane jaa rha hu unke saath mera honeymoon abhi tk zaari hai..Abhi 2 din pehle hi unke saath poora din vyateet karke aa rha hu… Aaj usi din ke baar me sochkar badi tharak chad rhi thi to socha kyon na apni kahani aap logo ke saath share karke thode maje le lu.. Baat 2 mahine pehle ki hai, pehle to mein aap logo ko bata du ki ye mausi me khaas mausi nhi hai aur door ke rishte me mausi lagti hai mere ghar se kuch 2 km ki doori pr rhti hai kareeb 48 saal ki...

4 years ago
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OverwatchChapter 6

Jonty's crew were in a copse overlooking the road. They could use their night vision scope to check traffic on the road. Not that there was much of it. The target arrived about 21.30hrs in a Jaguar. Both teams were on a special radio frequency for this op, so when Jonty let the ops room know, we could hear the transmission. Derek was on the gun at the time and I was keeping our log so I dutifully recorded the event. Derek and I swapped tasks, (to keep ourselves alert and awake), so I was on...

4 years ago
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OIL ON CANVAS, A WORK IN PROGRESS   The boy stood watching us, uninhibited, as Andrea and I attempted to re-arrange our dishevelled appearances. Only moments before, my friend’s face had been buried deliciously between my thighs. Her lips were still damp and glistening from her foray. My shirt was open, my tits exposed, hard little nipples protruding eagerly. How embarrassing! I was aware of a deep, warm blush flooding my cheeks, this seemed to amuse him. His eyes played greedily over my body...

3 years ago
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Whatever It TakesChapter 6

Josie surprised me the next morning by agreeing to my renewed offer of a restaurant breakfast. "We might as well," she said. "Minneapolis is in the Central Time Zone. We can't call Reggie Johannson or Everett Bell until at least after ten here." I was relieved to see that all my earthly possessions were still undisturbed in my little car. Figuring we wouldn't tempt fate any further, we took Josie's Hyundai Santa Fe to breakfast. Back at her house by 10:30, Josie made the call....

3 years ago
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The Export part 3

THE EXPORT by Jacki Pett Part 3 of 3 TUESDAY - DAY 32 John awoke on his own. It was almost eight and no one had come in to wake him. That was a first. He wasn't sure what he should do after he showered. He knew he should fix his hair. Regardless of what they had in store for him he'd need to do that. He wouldn't admit, even to himself, that he was anxious to make himself look as pretty as possible. By nine thirty his hair was done to his satisfaction, he had his...

2 years ago
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MisfitsChapter 8

"Have we been neglecting you, Orion?" Talis asked me. She often spoke of herself in plural, but not always and it could be confusing at times. "No Mistress," I replied quickly, earning me a smile from Ellicent. She'd been teaching me etiquette in her spare time. We were having breakfast in her private chambers, the Duchess, Christian, and me. Ellicent and Jericho sat nearby, working together as they often did to arrange meetings and audiences, inspections, and all the things that kept...

2 years ago
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TRixies fun

Fun at work.I had been at my new job for about three days and had got the hot for the boss, he was a mature guy with grey hair rather tall and a fair size belly, and lucky for me he didn’t mind me smoking. I had been giving the come on for the past two days with lots of dirty smiles and the odd comment which meant in real terms come and help yourself. Not only that the security guard was also a horny guy and he didn’t mind what he said the dirty sod, I was going to have him for sure. I was...

3 years ago
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Ultimate Pleasure

Hi my dear hot guys n girls… I have been a great fan of Indian sex stories for many years……… but in my life I also got a chance to enjoy the sweet sex…. And I also wanted to tell u about that….. Before that I introduce myself to u…. I’m Rahul from Luck now I am well built with 5’11” I had this sexual encounter there in chd it was with my cousin… her name is Shruti … she is of 24 years…. She has a very nice figure of 34-27-36…. She is of correct weight and she always looks very sexy…. She is...

4 years ago
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Two Girls and their Sex Mansion

Anna is the sexiest girl in her whole school. She is 18 years old and has a pair of DD cup tits and a very sexy figure. She studies in a college for female models and she always tops the class. She has a best friend named Amy. Amy is also busty with a pair of D cup tits and has a sexy figure like Anna. She seconds their class of models and is the richest of all the students. It's the first day of the summer vacation. Amy has a huge new mansion and wants her friend Anna to live there with her...

2 years ago
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How my wife became a slut

I could see the 4th of July sweat glistening on Molly's skin and her wry grin of pleasure, as I rolled off of her. The pool of fluid oozing from her tight little hole was spreading on the cushion between her legs. We were both panting heavily and gloriously as we reveled in our mutual satisfaction. I couldn't remember the last time we both had cum so hard. This night had been a long time in coming. No pun intended.I looked down at my softening member and pondered the shimmering coating on the...

Wife Lovers
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 39

I woke a couple of times during the night, thinking of what Wanda had told me about how Bobby may not be able to commit to a permanent life with me. Bobby was facing me each time I woke up, so I kissed her and she snuggled into me even more. This sent me right back to sleep. At six, I was outside going through forms to my internal music, relaxing while considering the disturbing thoughts of not having Bobby and what that would mean to me. As I went through my stretches and exercises, I also...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 41 A well elaborated delusion

In the hall there was a fairly tense stand-off in progress. Wendy, hearing the whistle and grateful for any interruption, pulled the phone from her pocket. "Excuse me a moment, please, Dr Stone," she said, but the courtesy of these words was belied by the determined way she stood her ground and the fierce glare that wordlessly said, "Don't even think about using this diversion to get past me." Laura paused. Even she was not immune from the strange but universal rule that someone engaged...

1 year ago
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Daddy Seduces His Older Daughter

And he wanders over the memories of the body that had lain next to him all those years, the smooth firm flesh that had been his privileged pleasure, the curve of her slender soft ass, how well their two bodies fitted together after all the years of adjustment, of fine tuning to each other's needs, recalling the soft warm feel of her interior as he had nestled inside of her... His cock hardens in memoriam, and it cannot help but remind him of the soft younger version of _Her_ sleeping in the...

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the glory hole dad

The Glory Hole and DadIt was really the first time I had ever gone to the parkrestroom and sucked a cock through a glory hole. I hadthought about it and fantasized about it, but until that day, Ihad never done it.For weeks, I had been as horny as hell just thinking aboutit, but then again, what 18-year-old isn't horny at least 24hours a day?I'd known I was gay for the past two years. Eversince I started to fantasize about my English teacher. I usedto go to school and get a hard-on first thing...

2 years ago
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While riding home from school one day

Last day of school! I couldn't wait to get out of these navy blue knickers into my sexy little thongs again. It was a hot summers day and the thought of diving topless into my pool at home was making me so excited. Mum has a new boyfriend to tease too who I hadn't met yet.         I ran to my room and changed quickly.I took the train ride home and smiled sexily at the men who couldn't resist checking me out. I was wearing my short denim skirt and a pale pink vest top. I was braless ofcourse so...

Straight Sex
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Building a Dream Part Eight

Having woken up at about 7:30 that morning I left Jay to sleep and had a shower before making some coffee. She started to stir so I knelt by her and waved the coffee cup around her face letting the aromas bring her to her senses. She opened an eye, then another and slowly sat up. “Oh, my head,” she said rubbing her temples and taking the coffee from me. “Vodka. Why did I have vodka?” I fetched a glass of water and popped a couple of Alka Seltzer in and once the fizzing subsided, passed it to...

1 year ago
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Picnic with Daddy while Mom Takes a Hike

“Daddy, look at the wind blowing my dress up!” Heather yelled from the car.With her arms stretched to the side, she laughed and looked as a gush of warm summer wind swooshed up her legs and her blue checkered dress while she posed.On a blanket on the grass of the forest preserve, watching her with weariness, was her mother, Mary Lynn, and her husband, Caledon. Mary had her mauve shirt and a vest, with her navy blue leggings and hiking boots. Caledon was topless, leaning back on his...

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Lay Ministers Fuck Teen Girls at Church Camp

My wife Kathy and I were forty-two years old and living in the Little Rock area at the time of this story. We had moved there right after graduation from college for me to take an engineering job at a medium-sized manufacturer in the area. I had progressed well and was promoted ten years ago to be VP of manufacturing. Kathy had been able to stay at home to raise our twin daughters, who were now nineteen years old and away at college. Neither Kathy nor I were very religious when we were first...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 12

After breakfast Swarta, Tharin and I found Derwen addressing a few housemaids on the back staircase. The servant women left to go about their business, and the four of us moved to a table to enjoy the song birds and breezy air. Dark clouds rolled off the sea and a storm was certain for this afternoon. I'd had time to think about Katsu and Derwen's comments at the temple. "So the former lord of this house was Katsu's father, your half-sister by the High Priestess. How many half-brothers...

4 years ago
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A Wishbone Tale

A Wishbone Tale Dave comes home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed any more. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived with his mother at 25? Something is weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitches a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes aren't the only ones either. A man's jeans and T-shirt...

Mind Control
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The Impregnator Ch 16

Note : This story is completely fictional! We rode silently to the distant forest hang-out with Sahana at the reins while I absentmindedly viewed the detainees, The dark African Hola and the dumb thai girl, Wassana wondering how to open them up....Hmmm... The place was so isolated that I would never have made my way to it or from it on my own. The Old martial arts center was managed by an equally aged caretaker. While we got down and stretched our limbs, the assassins stood away and growled at...

2 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 14

SAPPHO SEDUCED BY PRETTY PETRA TO A SWEET SEXY TASTY TWOSOMESeeing in her eyes how horny she is, I tell pretty Petra what sexy Sappho longs for most nowAs my great granddaughter was out for an evening of non-stop dancing at her hot dyke disco, IPut my other sexy secretaries to work on some tasks for the sex shop, while I take time to talkPraising sweet Sappho for her openness and dedication, I inform for a daring dirty dream of herHoping her hot reaction will inspire me for an action for her...

4 years ago
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Mujhe Meri Girlfriend Ne Mere Birthday Pe Khush Kiya

Hi friend’s mai ISS ki stories 2 saal se padh raha hu aur aaj mai apni ek real story aap logo ke sath share krna chahta hu and I hope aap logo ko pasand aaegi. Mera naam Rohit hai mai 19 years ka hu aur meri girlfriend ka naam Shama hai jo ek jalti hui aag hai bht hot aur sexy hai uski age 18 years hai abhi humne uska 18th birthday manaya hai. Ye baat aaj se 3 mahine phle ki hai jb hum meri sexy girlfrnd ke sath mera birthday mana rahe the meri aur. Shama ki friendship 1 saal se thi hum daily...

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How it all began1

Chapter 1 I found him in an online kinky chat room, he seemed nice and friendly, his name was John, we got to chatting, and he told me he worked as computer programer in London and spent most of his time at home working at programming and managing the computer network system for a big international company, and was allowed to do most of his work from home. This had left him with two things, a lot free time and more than enough money to build a perverted sex play room in his basement,...

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