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I was sitting at the bar in "The" place to be in town if you are out looking to have a good time or just hoping to get noticed by someone of the opposite sex. I would probably not normally have even been allowed into a "happening" place like this. Cool is not usually the first word that people think of to describe me.

I was here because the owner was my roommate, best friend and mentor in college. He's still a very good friend. He hired me, and the one man company I started when I graduated, to be responsible for everything that is computer related in his club. That's pretty much everything. Even the drinks are measured out and dispensed by a computer.

I was only here tonight because there had been a problem with the computers. I've been repeatedly assured by the owner, Phil, that I am welcome in the club at any time. I knew that he was sincere, even if I'm not the kind of person that's usually admitted into this exclusive, upscale, yuppie club. The thing that amused me about the entire situation was that Phil wouldn't be caught dead in a club like this if he didn't own it. He and I both prefer a quiet, neighborhood bar.

That I didn't fit in here was fine with me. I don't enjoy loud, smoke filled rooms and pretentious, desperate people trying so hard to have a good time. That's why, despite the open invitation, I never set foot in here unless there's a problem with the computers or the software.

I came over when Phil called a little while ago and I quickly straightened out a little glitch in his software. He insisted that I have a drink on him before I left. So I was sitting at the bar sipping on a cold beer, watching all of the beautiful people and being thankful that I wasn't one of them.

I was just about to leave when I noticed a woman I knew from back in college sitting with a couple of her girlfriends at a nearby table. She wouldn't have recognized me. We weren't friends. We met, or at least we shared some classes in college. She was a well known member of the in-crowd, that group of people that consisted of cheerleaders and jocks, the sophisticates, members of high society all the beautiful people.

I had no crowd. She had been a popular cheerleader and bona fide A-list member. I was just an average guy making my way through college. I was a lot more comfortable with my studies than with people.

I was not a member of any crowd. I wasn't even one of the geeks.

I don't mean to imply that I was a total spaz. I wasn't a loner. I had friends. But I wasn't much of a jock either. I played on a couple of teams in high school and college. But I was normally found tucked safely out of the way keeping the bench nice and warm.

I was a very good student, but not a nerd. My biggest problem, the one that followed me all through school, was that I lacked self confidence and the social graces. Thanks to Phil I started to come out of my shell in college. Actually, it was more like he reached in and dragged me out of my shell. He is a good guy and he has been a good friend since the day we met. I owe my current success to Phil and the way he helped me mature at school.

The reason I remembered Karen even now was that I made the mistake of asking her out one day. We had never really talked. We said hello or nodded from time to time when we ran into each other around campus. On rare but memorable occasions she would favor me with one of her dazzling smiles.

We shared some classes and she was at least aware of me. She seemed nice, though I knew in my heart that she was way out of my league. She was one of the beautiful people and she was truly, breathtakingly beautiful.

It took Phil a few weeks to undo the damage she did to my fragile ego when I asked her out and she laughed right in my face. To add insult to injury she turned to one of her girlfriends and joked loudly about the foolish thing I just did right there in class where everyone could hear her belittle me.

Don't get the wrong impression. I'm not ugly. In fact, I'm not bad looking at all. I just had a self esteem problem growing up. I have since learned that low self esteem is quite common in people in that age group. At the time it seemed like it was just me.

I probably would have gotten over that traumatic blow to my ego eventually. But with Phil's help I got over it early enough to enjoy my years in college and I have a lot of good memories from those years.

Karen is not one of them.

I graduated nearly three years ago and I still get teased about Karen by my close friends. They even go so far as to keep me up to date on her life. I was told when she became engaged to and then married Rob Stark. Recently there was a spate of jokes at my expense when Rob's National Guard unit was called to active duty and sent to Iraq. Because obviously the way was now clear for me to move in and reignite that spark of love that existed between us in college.

It was just a running joke and it didn't bother me. I have to admit, though, that deep down I have held a grudge against Karen since she belittled me so loudly in class that day. If I had the chance to take her down a peg or two I would've gotten a kick out of it.

I don't stalk her. I don't actually think about her at all except when my friends bring her up to tease me. What are friends for if not to rub your nose in one of your greatest embarrassments?

Except to avoid her I have not paid much attention to Karen since that day. I didn't particularly care that she was here now, close enough to hit with an empty beer bottle. I couldn't help noticing that she still looks very hot, though. I couldn't help watching her as fashionable, confident guys took her out to the floor and she bounced around with them in her revealing little outfit looking sexy as hell.

I saw Karen accept an offer to join a guy at a table with one of his friends. I was casually observing him when he came over to the bar to get a fresh round of drinks. I was more than a little surprised when I saw the guy put something in her drink. Now I faced a dilemma. Do I tell Karen that she is about to be drugged? It isn't like I care that much if something bad happens to her. In fact, the idea of it tickles the hell out of me.

On the other hand, I wouldn't want her getting hurt. I don't know the two guys that she's sitting with. They look like any two guys that are out cruising a club trying to get laid. The room was full of them and they were all pretty much interchangeable as far as I could tell.

I'm not sure why I didn't just finish my beer and leave. It may be that I wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt. I'm embarrassed to admit that might not be a totally honest answer. I'm afraid that the honest answer is that it was much more likely that I wanted to see her get just a little payback.

I ordered another beer and watched discreetly. I saw the difference in Karen when the roofies began to have an effect on her. I suddenly remembered the small, low light camera that I had in my little tool bag. I'm not sure why. But I took it out and took a few pictures as the guy that drugged Karen pulled her chair closer to his own and put his arm around her.

I looked over to the table that Karen had been sitting at with her girlfriends and saw that they had left without her. Karen was on her own and she was about to have a lot more of a good time than she bargained for.

I took pictures every now and then, often enough that they showed the progression as Karen came under the control of the drugs she ingested and the man that drugged her. His arm was still around her shoulders, holding her close as he talked to her.

As soon as he realized that the drugs had taken effect his hand began to rest upon, and then caress her breast. I could see from the nearly vacant look on her face that she wasn't even aware of it.

The man brought his other hand up to her chest. Slowly, gently, he began to unbutton the top few buttons of her dress until it was gaping open all the way down to several inches below her breasts. Even from my seat at the bar I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra. He confidently stuck his hand inside her dress and moved it over her breasts as if he had every right to grope her.

After enjoying the feel of her intimate flesh for several long moments he turned to his friend and appeared to joke about what he was doing. I saw him pull her dress open and show his friend her lovely breasts. He didn't even look around to see if he was being observed.

After enjoying her breasts for a few minutes his free hand moved down and reached under the table. Karen hardly reacted at all when his hand came to rest between her thighs and began to rub across the tightly stretched crotch panel of her underwear.

If I had been able to get closer and use a flash I would have gotten some really exciting shots. But the ones I was getting left very little to the imagination.

I observed the men with Karen getting ready to leave. I grabbed my tool bag and, after getting a couple of pictures of them leaving, I rushed around them and beat them out to the parking lot.

I still wasn't sure what I was going to do. I had no desire to save Karen from a "fate worse than death." I guess that what I did next would depend on what the men with Karen were going to do. If nothing else I suppose I could follow them and make sure that what befell Karen would only be a "fate worse than death" and not an actual death.

That turned out to be unnecessary. The men were guiding her, well, nearly carrying her actually, when they came out of the club. Instead of getting in a vehicle they led her around to the alley in back of the club.

I followed at a safe distance, always keeping a few parked cars between us. I took more pictures as she was undressed and then groped freely by both of the men. She stood there, swaying around on wobbly legs and let them do anything they wanted to her naked body.

It was several minutes before they bent her over a stack of empty cardboard boxes. At first they only continued to toy with her very beautiful body. They bent down behind her and spread her legs. They spread the cheeks of her ass apart obscenely. They explored her pussy and her ass, making one crude joke after another. They were pretty rough with her but they didn't seem like they were doing anything that would damage her.

They violated her that way for quite a while. They didn't seem to be in a hurry. But finally they stood up and took turns fucking her.

They tried at first to fuck her at both ends. One of them worked some saliva up into her pussy and with only that for lubrication began to fuck her violently. The other man kept trying to force his hard cock into her mouth, rubbing it all over her face and forcing it between her lips.

Either he couldn't keep her teeth off his cock, or her lack of response was less than stimulating because he eventually gave up. Still, I got some good pictures before he quit trying.

From where I was hiding to take the pictures a person who didn't already know better couldn't tell that she wasn't a willing participant. She stood on her own, although she weaved around a bit, and allowed the two young men to undress her and kiss her and feel her up. She didn't object when they pushed her over a waist high stack of boxes and took turns fucking her, twice each. Then they just pulled their pants up and walked away, leaving her in that vulnerable position in a dark alley behind a very popular nightclub.

I waited until they were gone. When she didn't move I approached her slowly. When she didn't react to my presence I took more pictures. Using my flash now I got quite a few close-ups of her dilated pussy and the small river of cum dripping out of it and running down her thighs. I helped her to stand upright and got some good full frontal pictures.

There was no denying that she was beautiful. I originally intended to leave her face out of the pictures. But she had a silly, shit eating grin on her face that made it look like she was proud of herself for what just happened. I just couldn't resist memorializing that look.

With the pictures I took inside and the ones I took in the alley I had nearly two hundred pictures. A lot of those would probably not turn out. But a lot of them would. It was a pretty dependable little camera.

I looked around for something to clean her off with. My conscience finally kicked in and I knew that I couldn't leave her here like this. But I didn't want her sitting in my car with all of that cum leaking out of her, either.

I was going to use her panties to wipe that crap off of her pussy. But I spotted a pile of old clothes near a dumpster and used a ratty old flannel shirt to wipe her crotch and her thighs clean. When she was as clean as she was going to get that way I helped her back into her underwear and her dress.

I grabbed her purse and my tool bag and helped her to my car. I tried asking her where she lived. She responded with some incomprehensible sounds. In her drugged stupor she sounded a lot like a new born. She was too far gone to tell me where she lived.

I went through her purse and found her driver's license. I found what I hoped was her current address and drove her home. The address was easy to find. It was less than a mile from my house.

When we got there I used her keys to open the door. Since her keys fit the locks I figured it was a safe bet that she lived here. I put her to bed, fully dressed, and then I started to leave.

I don't know why. I'm just nosy I guess. But before I left I started looking around. I was curious about the girl that embarrassed me so back in college. She made me the butt of a long running joke among my friends so she has had a continuing, if negligible effect on my life.

I looked around the house and noticed that there was not a single book. There were a few magazines, Cosmo, and some of the major style magazines. She kept up with fashion but those magazines were apparently the only thing that she read.

I noticed that her computer was on. Again, more from idle curiosity than anything else I moved the mouse to see what would appear when I woke it up. The desktop told me nothing. There was only the standard Microsoft desktop with only five icons. She obviously didn't spend much time online.

I checked her email and made a note of her email address. There was nothing much in her email. Most of her emails were from her girlfriends. A few were from Rob in Iraq.

I checked out her browser history. The last few sites that she visited were either about shopping for clothing, or about celebrities. All in all, Karen seems to have grown up to be a very shallow person.

I returned her computer to standby and started to get up. But at the last minute I had a sudden inspiration. I slipped a flash drive into the USB port and copied her address book. I put her computer back on standby again and quietly left.

I drove home and checked that I had no messages, no desperate cries for help from clients. I checked my own email and went to bed early. I had a little trouble falling asleep, though. Pictures of the beautiful young Karen being raped in an alley danced in my head.

The next day was Saturday. I got up early enough to have a quick breakfast and do my yard work before it got too hot. Then I went inside and got cleaned up. I poured myself a nice cold drink, sat down in the living room and did some reading, the continuing education type. In this business, you really have to keep up with advances or you get left behind quickly. I read for a couple of hours before my tool bag caught my eye and I remembered the camera.

I got up, got my camera out of the bag and took it into my computer room. I hooked it up to the computer and uploaded the pictures. Once they were all in a file I started going through them. The first ones, the pictures I took in the club, came out much better than I hoped for. They were, for the most part, clear and focused. That was an amazing feat since the camera had been in my lap the entire time and the club was pretty dark.

The pictures I took outside, though, those turned out great. I would have killed for a telephoto lens. But the zoom on the camera brought the action in close enough that there was no doubt what was happening, or to whom it was happening.

It wasn't first rate porn. But I jokingly thought to myself that they were good enough to blackmail someone with.

I realized as soon as that devious thought floated across my mind that I could, indeed, use these pictures to blackmail Karen.

That had not been my intention when I took them. I thought that I might use them to humiliate her the way that she had humiliated me. I considered posting them somewhere so that they might be spread around the net. Or I thought that I might print them off and distribute them anonymously. I was more financially secure than Karen was now and I didn't even know her husband. I didn't want her money and I certainly had no desire to hurt him.

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Daring with Amelia

Craig knew Amelia fairly well, she was at his school and had been his neighbor for around two years. Craig was normally good at controlling his hormones, but Amelia broke him. She was a 17 year old brunette with the perfect body, the kind where you just stare in disbelief, disbelief in that there was something so perfect in the world. He always stared up and down as long as he could, before being noticed, awing at her perfect ankles, her perfect legs, her perfect ass, her perfect breasts,...

1 year ago
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Too Good to be True

It all started when I replied to a sex ad online. There was a woman, in her early 50's, looking for someone to hook up during the day while her husband was at work. What was amazing after talking to her is that we lived only blocks away from each other. We exchanged several emails and agreed to meet just a few days after my initial response. I arrived at her house over my lunch hour. She met me wearing just a silk nightie. We hugged and started kissing. She led me to the bedroom. I agreed to...

2 years ago
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The Ride

I noticed her right off the bat. She was sexy as hell. Gorgeous long, tan legs and a perfectly shaped, tight curvy ass; wearing a nicely filled tank top with a hint of nipples showing through, and shorts that barely covered her cheeks.My cock stirs just staring at her.She even had strappy high heels on. I love when women’s toes are painted and hers were a crimson red. Perfect! I was leaning against the wall watching her every movement like a sleek panther stalking his prey waiting to see who...

Quickie Sex
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EvilAngel Scarlet Chase Anal Oil Squirting On Public Beach

This scene premieres exclusively on EvilAngel.com! We see lovely, longhaired brunette Scarlet Chase showing her trim, toned figure on a scenic beach under a sunny, blue sky. Teasing and twerking, she shows her big smile, pierced nipples and fantastic, heart-tattooed ass in a string bikini. The Australian temptress reveals the butt plug lodged in her flexing bunghole. Scarlet kneels before Elic Chase’s ready erection for a blowjob shot POV-style. Her blue eyes make contact with the camera,...

3 years ago
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Weekend GetawayChapter 4

"Should we even bother getting dressed for dinner?" I squeezed Melinda's breast gently. Her nipple hardened in my hand. My face was covered in her juices. Katie and Leah had made similar messes on my cock. "I think we could all use a shower," my wife replied. "And then we need to change the sheets." The three of us snickered. "You need to change the sheets, honey," Leah giggled. "It's your mess." "I think I had help," Melinda rolled her eyes then reached for the younger...

2 years ago
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Cinema the aftermath told by the groper pt4

This is the sequel to Cinema - leads to the seduction of my wife which was posted recently in Loving Wives.It's probably not essential but if you haven't already done so it may be better to read that story first as I hope you will derive more enjoyment from this tale if you know what happened to begin with.Finally, whilst I am happy to receive good or bad comments about my stories please take this in the vein in which it is intended. Luedon finally gets it. I just wish some of you others who...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 72

SATURDAY MORNING EARLY — SEPTEMBER 21 A little later, Caitlin walked into the waiting room. Jeff, Diana and most of the cops stood. As they gathered around, starved for news, Caitlin said, "She's in CICU now. Her nurse has her settled, but I don't have any more news. Joyce is still unconscious. We're hoping that she will wake soon. If she doesn't ... it will not be a good sign. "Since she has been so frantically asking for Jeff and me each time she wakes for a moment, we're going to...

3 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 61

While we worked on getting the houses sold and the Artist Village up and running, I also had a sort of life to live. Summer had brought a new sense of well being to me. I had so many things that needed doing it was hard to know where to start. For one thing I put the trike into the shop. I thought as I loaded it into the bed of my truck, how could anyone who lived any life at all function without a pick up truck. How the hell would one get a tricycle to the shop without at least a pickup? It...

3 years ago
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Spicing it up

It all started when Chellie wanted to try something new. Eric and Chellie had been talking about things they could try to spice up their sex life a little, but couldn't find anything that they could agree on. It was all either way too rough or way too weird for their tastes. They found a website that had discussions on a ton of different things that couples did to enhance their love making. Eric and Chellie did not need these tips because they were attracted to each other; in fact it was...

4 years ago
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First time

Carl knew that if anything was worse than masquerading as a girl, it would be exposure of the fact that he was actually a boy! As Carl searched desperately for his cellular phone one last time, he came across something among his makeup and tampons that he certainly had not put in. Carl held it up between two long clawed pink nails and his pretty blue eyes went wide. Why would have Aunt Kat and his mom put a tube of lubricating jelly in his purse, unless... Carl swallowed, terrified, immediately...

2 years ago
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milf college student

Milf College Studentby Bondagecouple1 ©Renee is a 30 year old mom of 4 working on her master's degree. She has classes every Friday evening. This weekend the grandparents were taking the k**s out to their house so she could go out with her hubby later that evening. It was a beautiful, warm, fall day, so she decided to dress up before going to class and surprise her hubby after class was finished. She left for class wearing her new black liquid nylon thigh highs, short black spandex skirt and a...

4 years ago
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Lucy goes to the Ball Part 2

Lucy put her hands out and closed her eyes as Valerie approached. In a moment, Lucy felt smooth leather around her left wrist and a tug as it was tightened and fastened followed by the same around her right. Then she felt the two pulled together and clipped, so her wrists were immobilized. Lucy opened her eyes. For the first thirty seconds or so she told herself that nothing was different, her hands were just held together. Although she could still move her fingers, Lucy started to feel...

1 year ago
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The Surfer Dude And The Soccer Mom Part 1 of 2

Jake was standing on the sideline watching his nephew Bryan’s team, the Rattlers, play soccer. He would go to the games whenever he could make it, which meant when he didn’t have to work. His work consisted of two different occupations: running charter boats out of his brother’s marina and playing music in the bars up and down the beach. He made a pretty good living between the two, and one of the fringe benefits of his work was that he met plenty of good-looking women.His older brother Fred...

3 years ago
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Cry Little Sister Ch 01

First off, a big, giant, huge thank you to SoCalCynic for putting up with my irritating, enthusiastic ass and editing this thing. This story does share a few characters from my very first story, Casey’s Valentine. The piece does stand alone, so it’s far from required reading. But if you read the first, you’ll probably catch on a lot sooner than the main characters do. The title is pulled from a song off of the Lost Boys soundtrack by Gerard McMann. It doesn’t have a lot to do with the story,...

3 years ago
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The Walk of LifeChapter 4 Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose

That night, I made up the beef, seasoned with Garlic powder, onion powder and a dash of paprika. I mixed in the corn, carrots and green beans after the beef, which I ground up, had browned enough and served it to everyone. They seemed, overall, pleased with the results. As we finished eating, Mother set down her fork. “Well, I’ll admit, that hit the spot.” Mother said. “Good.” I said, setting my fork on my plate. “Yes. You can continue to cook, any time you pay for the ingredients...

2 years ago
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the girls next door pt1

He watched as an older military type of man and a very hot redhead got out of the car and walked in. He could tell the man was definitely military by how he was walking and talking to the redhead that could only be his wife. He was easily 6'4" and ripped and looed to be about 37. He was most likely assigned to the army base about 15 miles away. The red head was gorgeous for being around 30. She was 5’9" probably about 130lbs with what John suspected was probably 34DD tits and a gorgeous...

1 year ago
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Samuel SamanthaChapter 6

I walked, carrying her, to the bedroom. I dropped her on the bed, ran and locked the door. We were naked within seconds. I was inside her, fucking like a madman and cumming like a racehorse as she came at the same time. "Oh my God, that was so — visceral!" Sammi said. "I can't believe how good that feels to come deep inside you like that. I'm sure glad you're on the pill — or we'd be parents a lot quicker than Mom and Dad would ever expect. Let's take a shower then look around and...

4 years ago
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The Baby Sitter Part 1

Simon wasn't looking forward to this job. He had been asked by the family next door to babysit their 15 year old daughter Cheyenne. Normally this would be fine - he had known Cheyenne all his life and babysat her many times before. She was always well behaved and never made any trouble. Tonight however, she was having 3 of her friends round. This would be much trickier! He knew they could be a real handful but he was being rewarded nicely for it so he wasn't going to complain too much. In the...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

Hey friends, I am Shani Singh and I am 6 feet tall and I have a fair skin with well built muscles. So today I am going to tell you how I lost my virginity and how was it a beautiful experience in my life. Let’s start, I was working in a call center, Mohali. Basically I am from Chandigarh and I have had 3 girlfriends total in my life.I have never had sex from the first two, oral only and my third girlfriend’s name was Ankita.She used to work on that call center and she was noticing me ,so I...

1 year ago
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SugarDaddyPORN Halle Storm Young MILF with Killer Booty

The good news is, Halle was still super tight even though she’s given birth twice. This has always been a fantasy of mine to fuck a younger MILF and I needed to know the tightness. So her ass was amazing & her blowjob skills weren’t bad either. I’d let her suck me all night for sure… and she swallow’s ???? Forgot to originally take my TOOHARD but ended up taking 2 pills during a quick cut break. I felt the difference in about 25 minutes. Glad I did for the grand...

3 years ago
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Tristen My Daughters Friend chapter 1

Jay was an average guy just hitting 40. He was married with 3 kids. Jay realized that the passion he felt for his wife was fading as she got older and her body was not the same as it used to be. Jay's oldest daughter Anna was a senior in high school and she enjoyed her school year as a cheerleader, working part time, and hanging out with her friends in the weekends. Jay never minded his Anna having her friends over. They were always so young and beautiful and he liked to talk and act...

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Female boss at the bank controlling cow

I worked for a bank's retail banking division as a personal banker for one year as that was all my health could stomach. I was bullied and abused by my direct manager as I was the only personal banker in this specific branch. But she had nice tits.They treat their employees like slaves and puts unrealistic demands on them to quantify their shortcomings further up the ladder. They have conflicting goals that only hurt the customer and put sales goals and numbers ahead of customer satisfaction...

2 years ago
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My Sex Journal pt5 Julie and friend

Read my previous stories for this to make more sense. You can find them on my profile page. Please rate and comment, let me know how I'm doing.It was now nearing the end of the summer and Julie and I were still exploring together. We'd had some great times in her shit little car...and on it for that matter. But pretty soon she'd be going to uni and fuck knows where I'd be in a couple weeks once I turned 16. But we made the most of the time we had left together.Around the beginning of July some...

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Watching My Slutty Wife

I am a happily married man. Me and my wife have an opened sexual life. I know that she has sex with other men and she knows that i have had affairs with other women. The thing that makes our marriage strong is that we are always opened with each other. In fact i love watching my wife have sex with other men and she likes to watch me. You might say we are swingers. About a year ago we were having repairs done on our roof. We hired Mike our neighbor to do the work, which was a lot cheaper than...

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The Stepsister part 15

~~Start of part 15~~ I wake up when I feel someone pulling on my balls and cock…It is Becky, she is taking off the ball and cock ring thing she put on me last night. I look down at her. “need a hand there honey?” and I smile… “yes, I don’t want to hurt you, I got your balls out no problem, but even soft this ring is a little too ‘snug’ for you…” I reach down with on hand and grab the ring, and hold my cock up straight with the other and poof, it slides right off…” “and you said you never used...

1 year ago
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True love1

How does one follow that love? Hoe does one follow them along all the myriad paths their spirit takes? How does one give up life for love? # A bittersweet goodbye. Shannon had known it when she smiled and kissed Molly. The two women had known, and loved each other for a decade, and their pact had held. Through bad marriages and abusive boyfriends; through the first tentative explorations of their 'other side'; and now through this. "Never leave your side." Shannon whispered as she...

2 years ago
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Watch Me

Pacing back and forth, my five-inch stilettos tap click click click pause click click click against the tile floor. I play with the black tape covering my nipples, anxiously awaiting my turn. There is no greater high for me. No drug could ever come close to giving me this feeling. Heroin, cocaine, pot ... could never do this for me. I need to be watched. Crave to be watched. How many eyes will be raking over my body tonight? How many hands will reach out to touch me? How many cocks will burn to...

4 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 4 How to Hate Men without Really Trying

Introduction: Three men enter my live. How will each of them hurt me? The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and...

3 years ago
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Sharing a room

Back in the 80's we were invited to a wedding in Melbourne the bride was the daughter of my boss of the time, I don't really know why we were invited probably someone else couln't make it and we were there to make up numbers.Anyway we turned up and having been met at the airport we were taken to the hotel where we would be staying the weekend and where the reception was. Of course we found out too there had been a cock up and we would be sharing a room, no problem as it was a big room with two...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 79

They'd turned my basement into a night club. My basement had three rooms - a laundry room, what I called the tool room, and the whole rest of the basement. I'd been planning to do something constructive with it for as long as I'd owned the house. But honestly, all it was storage for all the things I'd planned to use at some point. Anything you could sit on had been pushed against the walls along with anything resembling a table. Everything else was hopefully still somewhere in the...

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