Karma Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter Three: Blindsided

I laughed darkly at how impulsive and out of character this was, even for me.

Tony looked up from tying on his skates and grinned. ‘What?’

‘This,’ I said, waving my hand at the small crowd of kids and adults filling the rink. ‘What the hell am I doing here?’

My subconscious supplied its own answer. My ex-husbands had been right about one thing regarding me, I was a hedonist. I had a weakness for doing things that brought me pleasure, even when it hurt others. Or me. I liked to luxuriate in pleasure and comfort.

Sex had always been a part of that. So was the cocaine. Perhaps especially the cocaine. Hard knocks had finally shown me that I had to have limits in seeking my pleasures, or else risk losing everything worthwhile in my life.

‘Getting away from Conrad before you do something that you’ll regret,’ Tony said, letting the grin slip away. ‘You were ready to tear him to shreds and, however much you might have enjoyed it at the moment, you would have regretted it later.’

I used anger to cover the shock I felt at hearing him echo my thoughts. ‘They can all go screw themselves,’ I said bitterly. ‘If Conrad ever loved my mother, I never saw it. All he wants is her money and he’ll probably get it. The rest of those vultures care more about their gossip. They’ve never cared about me. I was the ‘failure’ they all had to put up with.’

Tying off his laces, Tony hobbled over to me and sat down, using his hand to lift my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes. ‘I know all about being the ‘black sheep’, remember? Just ask my Dad.’ His eyes grew distant and he smiled. ‘Oh, the things I’ve done to make him pull his hair out. I can’t imagine a nice girl like you even being in my league.’

I laughed with an abrupt shot of genuine humor and amazement. I tried to restrain it, but the laughter took on a life of its own and I couldn’t stop. I laughed until I couldn’t breathe.

When I finally managed some semblance of control, I saw he was quirking a smile at me. I shook my head. ‘You have no idea. Unless you’re a lot wilder than I think you are, I can top your antics on your best day.’

‘We’ll see. After we skate a bit, we’ll have lunch – on me – and we’ll trade war stories,’ he said as he stood up, helping me to my feet. I prayed that I didn’t fall down too often. It had been twenty-five years since I’d last been on skates and I didn’t want a sore butt.

Taking advantage of his help, I stumbled onto the ice and clumsily began to move. He skated backwards in front of me slowly, as though he were just out for a stroll.

‘You’re doing great,’ he encouraged.

‘I haven’t fallen and been cut to sausage, you mean,’ I said, windmilling my arms to keep what little balance I had. Then an eight-year-old menace blew past me at warp four, dressed from head to toe in blinding fuchsia. At this rate, I’d be lucky to survive. ‘Graceful, I’m not. How did I let you talk me into this hare-brained idea?’

‘It’s my smooth negotiating skills.’

‘Hah! You threw me over your shoulder and carried me off,’ I objected. ‘How smooth is that?’

‘You’re here, aren’t you?’ he asked with another innocent grin. ‘There’s an old saying, ‘if it works, it ain’t stupid.’ Following that logic, I think I was smooth enough.’

It was hard to argue with that. Screw it. If I was here, I might as well have a good time.


For an hour, Tony taught me how to skate all over again. At times, he was so close I could feel the heat of his body as he showed me how to move. I tried telling myself that it wasn’t doing anything to me, but I hadn’t been that good at lying to myself since I was a teen. It slung-shot my hormones like a teen-aged boy watching Julie Newmar as Catwoman.

By the time we were ready to get off the ice, I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I’d managed to trade my worries about the funeral for worries about what I was getting myself into with Tony. Every touch of his hands and body made the next touch seem less intrusive and more welcome. I wondered if that was how one tamed a wild horse. Did you touch it until it was used to your hands, caress it until I wanted more? It, I told myself, not I. That was an embarrassing slip to make, even in my mind. Caress it until it wanted more.

I sighed in resignation. This was getting more complicated and I was losing control of where it was going. Already, I felt some kind of connection between us that was nebulous and hard to describe. Disturbing, too, in a way I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

We turned in our skates and walked to the car. The sky was darker than it had been earlier and the snow was coming down more heavily.

Tony took my keys out of my hand and jumped in the driver’s seat with a possessive grin. I shook my head and smiled, taking the passenger seat. When we were secure, he took off in an almost uncontrolled spin.

I squeaked and grabbed the dashboard, glaring at him. ‘Tony! You stop that this very second!’

He laughed but slowed down and brought the SUV under control. ‘Yes, Ma’am.’

‘Men! You’re all just little boys under the skin.’

Tony didn’t go for the bait and just drove silently until we pulled into a Pizza Hut.

As he parked the car, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. ‘Pizza Hut is your idea of a romantic lunch?’

He smiled smugly back at me and opened his door. ‘I just said lunch. Romantic is your add-on. Thanks for the insight, though. I promise I’ll start thinking romantically.’

I cursed under my breath as I climbed out and walked slowly to the back of the vehicle. Where had that come from? He was right. He’d never said a romantic lunch, but somehow that’s what it had morphed to in my mind when I wasn’t thinking about it. What was I doing to myself this time?

We shed our coats and hung them when we got inside, then a hostess led us to a booth. Shortly, I had a tall glass of iced tea and the promise of a hot pepperoni pizza to hold my grumbling stomach at bay.

Tony sat across from me watching me intently, as if he expected me to say something. Not having any idea what that might be, I smiled and stared back at him. After a minute, it started becoming almost comical.

I couldn’t take it and shook my head. ‘We’re just being silly,’ I told him. ‘I think we had a miscue somewhere.’

‘Maybe,’ he agreed. ‘I don’t believe in rushing things faster than they need to go, so let’s just forget the word romantic, for now.’

I let my breath out in a sigh of relief. ‘Thank you. I’m not ready for that yet.’ Yet? I winced. What the hell possessed me to add that damned word?

Tony’s eyes twinkled at me, but he let it go. ‘So, we’ve talked about our childhood. What did the next twenty years bring you?’

I snorted. ‘Nothing but trouble. Two nasty ex-husbands, a lifetime full of regrets, and a bunch of people I’ve hurt or disappointed over the years.’

‘Come on,’ he said, frowning, ‘it can’t have been that bad.’

I laughed dismissively. ‘Oh yes it could.’

With little nods and an interested expression, he slowly drew me into talking about college and leaving Tennessee for UCLA. Again, I found myself amazed at the things I told him. We only barely knew each other and I was complaining about how like my father my ex-husbands were. I even found myself telling him about some of the higher and lower points of my days in pre-med, including Rod.

‘So, you’re a doctor?’ he asked.

I shook my head. ‘No. I didn’t really want to be one. That was for Daddy.’ At least that was part of the story. Having seen a real doctor up close and personal, I had finally realized that I’d never had the drive to be one.

Thankfully, Tony didn’t dwell on that. ‘This Rod guy sounds like a real piece of work,’ he said with a scowl, ‘though I can’t throw stones. I’ve had my share of relationships, but I’ve never been married. I
think I’m too ornery for any woman to want,’ he said with a grin. ‘I’m too much of a pirate.’

That grin did things to my insides that I forced aside. I firmly reminded myself that I needed another man in my life like I needed another hole in my head.

Using my confused state against me, he kept digging. ‘So, with all that behind you, what do you do to keep busy now? Did you ever go back and finish your degree?’

I ignored the last part of his question and smirked at him. ‘Don’t I get to ask questions about your mysterious past?’

‘It’s polite to talk about the lady on a date,’ he said piously.

‘Is this a date?’ I asked, my eyebrows rising almost against my will.

‘You’re the one who said it was a romantic lunch. We can quibble about the details later,’ he said, his tone falsely dismissive. ‘Back to you.’

I shook my head but smiled. ‘I do charity work.’ I proudly launched into my list of charities I raised money for.

Tony listened and nodded. The small frown between his eyes made me wonder if I’d said something wrong.

‘That’s a lot of charity work,’ he agreed, ‘but are you satisfied by it? What you do for yourself? You know, to feel like you’ve made a personal impact.’

I blinked in surprise. ‘What? Of course I’m satisfied with it. What gives you the idea I’m not?’

The arrival of the pizza disrupted my rising anger, and I forced myself back from letting the emotion overtake me before I could think.

Once Tony had a few bites inside, leaving a string of cheese on his chin, he continued.

‘I hear how much money you’ve raised, but it doesn’t seem like you’re getting much personal satisfaction from it. Don’t get me wrong,’ he added before I could object. ‘Giving money to charities does help people, but it’s not very personal. That always seemed to me like helping the hypothetical needy.’

What did that mean? I let the silence drag on as I thought about it and ate slowly. He didn’t interrupt me.

When I kept running into brick walls of incomprehension, I looked back up and shrugged. ‘I must be missing something. What are you getting at? I’m satisfied with it.’ At least the thinking had derailed my initial angry reaction.

‘Have you ever served food at a soup kitchen or helped a complete stranger because it made you feel good?’

I stared at him, confused. ‘Why would I do that when I can fund an entire kitchen? My money works much harder than I ever could by myself. I assure you that I help plenty of needy people.’

Tony shrugged. ‘Maybe it’s just me. I like getting my hands dirty. Things like the Habitat for Humanity. They build houses for people that couldn’t afford to build or buy their own. My personal satisfaction comes from seeing them come home for the first time. Nothing beats that feeling. That lets me use the skills I learned for work to help others.’

I heard what he was saying, but I didn’t see how the two were different. Instead, I changed the subject by zeroing in on his work. ‘Speaking of your work, do you mostly work around here or do you travel?’

His smile told me that he saw right through my conversational shift, but he agreeably switched topics. ‘I travel every few months, when one project doesn’t need me anymore, I go to one that does. Not just in this state, but all over the general area.’

‘You said you’d never married, but what about other long-term relationships?’ I asked. A part of me wasn’t sure what I wanted to hear him say.

‘Some,’ he admitted. ‘They never lasted, though. We just never seemed to mesh.’

‘I’m sure that one day you’ll find the right woman.’

He nodded, his eyes dark and expressive. ‘I think you’re right. Timing is everything.’

I felt a shiver of something I didn’t understand shoot through me and I hurriedly looked at my watch. ‘Just look at the time! We need to get a move on.’ His expression told me I wasn’t fooling anyone, but in truth, it was already late in the afternoon and I needed to get back to the funeral home.

While he paid for lunch, I went to the ladies room and scrubbed my hands across my face. What was wrong with me? Maybe I should just give in and have a fling with him, because this itch was getting very distracting. Stubbornly, I shook my head at my reflection in the mirror. I didn’t do casual. When the little devil’s voice told me that I should be thinking about making it more than casual, I covered my eyes and groaned. I didn’t need this!

I washed my hands and composed myself. As I came out, the woman sitting next to the bathroom made me stop in my tracks. Or rather, what she was saying into the pay phone made me stop. She was younger than me and very, very pregnant. She was also slumped over the table with her face buried in one hand.

‘I don’t know what to do, Mom,’ she said, dispiritedly. ‘He took everything. He quit his job and just took off with everything. No one knows where he went.’ Then her voice took on a bitter tone. ‘What everyone knows is who he ran off with. Why couldn’t they have bothered to tell me before he left me like this?’

Smothering a dark and knowing smile, I slipped back into the bathroom. I listened to her through the barely open door. I could have told her some places to call to get help, but she seemed too proud to take advantage of them. Her pain bothered me. I didn’t want to leave her in despair.

‘I know you can’t help me very much,’ she continued, ‘but can you wire me just a little? Fifty dollars? Oh, thank you!’ She sounded almost pathetically grateful. ‘I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. I’ve got a week before the landlord comes looking for the rent and that’ll buy me food and give me some gas money so I can find a job.’

I blanched. Dear God, she didn’t need to be working. She looked like she was due any day. She needed to be off her feet.

‘No,’ the woman said with a little heat. ‘I can’t come home. I love you but he’s still there. I can’t live with him. I just can’t. I’d rather starve. Please try to understand.’

What about her baby? Her next comment told me that I wasn’t the only one asking that question.

‘I don’t have much of a choice, do I?’ she said bitterly. ‘As soon as he’s born I’ll take him to the fire station or give him up for adoption. I don’t want to, but I can’t afford to keep him. He deserves better than me,’ she said, almost in tears.

My heart ached. I wanted to help her, but she sounded as stubborn as me. I’d never had a baby and I doubted I ever would, but her plight still struck a chord in me. I thought furiously. What could I do?

‘Yes,’ she continued. ‘Please wire it to me at the Western Union office down on Main Street. And if you’re going to send him to do it, could you make sure he at least spells my name right?’ She spelled out Williamson. ‘At least he remembered Joan last time,’ she said tiredly. Then she slowly recited her address. I repeated it silently several times while I set my purse on the counter and dug through it looking for something to write on. The first thing I found was the card Tony had given me with his number. That was ironic.

I counted out what I had in cash and it totaled out to almost four hundred dollars. Not very much, but I mostly paid for stuff with my card. It would just have to do.

Now I just had to figure out how to give it to her without her being able to turn me down. I folded the bills up and walked out of the bathroom. She was listening to her mother and still had her face buried in her hand, her elbow propped up on the table. Her purse was beside her elbow. I could see her open change purse inside it. She was probably using the change for the call. I deftly dropped the bills into her purse and walked out.

Tony had the SUV idling by the curb. I climbed in feeling light inside. I grinned at him. Who said I didn’t know how to get personal satisfaction?


Everyone had deserted the funeral home by the time we arrived. All the family was gone,
even Conrad. That made me boil inside. How dare they just leave her like this?

I went to stand beside my mother. Looking down at her, I realized how badly having them leave her here alone hurt me. After tomorrow I’d never see her again. That brought on a fresh onslaught of tears.

I’m not sure how long I stood there holding her hand, feeling like every tear that fell made me somehow emptier inside, when I felt someone beside me. I looked up, ready to chew off Conrad’s head for bothering me again, if he’d had the balls to come back, and only barely cut off my attack when I saw it was Tony.

‘Regan, the viewing is over and it’s time to leave,’ he said gently. Were construction workers supposed to be gentle? They should be tough and decisive, sure, but gentle?

‘I’m not going,’ I said with a willful toss of my head. ‘I’m staying here with Mother.’

I expected a condescending smile, but he didn’t smile at all, he just nodded. ‘I know, but you can’t. We have to go.’

‘She’s my mother and I won’t leave her,’ I shouted, abruptly angry with him. ‘I won’t! She needs me here!’ I waited for him to either walk away or counter-attack, perversely glad for the outlet for my pain.

Following his developing pattern of behavior, he did neither of those things. He instead reached out, pulled me into his arms and held me tightly.

My body stiffened in shock and tried to shove him away but he was too strong. ‘Let me go!’ I wailed. ‘Just leave me alone!’


As quickly as it arrived, the anger fled my body. I felt grief for my loss and a deep and abiding fear of never seeing my mother again flood through me. ‘I don’t want her to go,’ I cried, suddenly clutching him. ‘Please, don’t let her go.’

‘I know you don’t,’ he whispered, ‘but she’s already gone.’

I sobbed and half-broke away from him and started pounding my fists on his chest. ‘Liar! She’s right here!’

He didn’t resist my attack, but it was like hitting a brick wall, except I had a better chance of knocking down the wall. When the tears pushed the anger away, he pulled me back into his arms and this time I didn’t resist. ‘It hurts, I know,’ he whispered. ‘But she’s already gone to a better place, a happier place.’

‘But I don’t want her to go!’

He turned me away from the casket and pulled me along toward the door while I cried and railed against him. By the time he put my coat on me, all the fight had gone out of my body. I just stood there and let him slip it on and lead me out to his Land Rover. I didn’t even object when he strapped me in like a child.

Tony belted himself in and took the Rover out to the street, leaving Conrad’s SUV behind. ‘Left or right?’ he prompted.

When I looked outside, snow was falling heavily and the wind had picked up. I took a deep breath and pulled myself together enough to give him directions out of town and up the mountain.

He didn’t try to talk to me on the drive, other than occasionally to prompt me for directions. I didn’t understand, but I was grateful. Weren’t men supposed to try to fix everything? Not all of them, apparently. At least one could listen without judging. I felt wrung out. I’d lost both my control and composure again, and I was glad that Conrad and Daddy hadn’t seen me. I couldn’t do anything right, it seemed.

The interior of the Rover finally sank into my awareness. Tony had packed it with tools and the Rover smelled like… like him, I realized. It didn’t smell bad, just male. I rolled my eyes and laughed inside at myself. This was just perfect. I really didn’t have the time or emotional energy for this.

Tony glanced at me and smiled before returning his eyes to the road in silence, giving me time to get myself back under control.


By the time we pulled up in front of the chalet, I’d regained enough of my composure to get out of the Rover and wait for Tony to meet me by the door. He had his overnight bag in hand when he joined me.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said quietly.

He made a throwaway gesture. ‘You’ve done nothing to be sorry about, so don’t worry about it.’

I smiled and nodded gratefully. ‘Come on inside and let’s get you settled.’ I led the way, saw to taking off our shoes and coats, and gave him the same short tour that I’d given Melissa yesterday.

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Back in 1972, my girl and I had just finished a long hot make out session on my water bed. All of our clothes were on the floor except for my briefs and her panties. My hard cock was straining in the tight whitie tidies as she grabbed the waist band and set my swollen cock free. She positioned her self between my legs and slowly suck my cock while her tongue worked back and forth on the sensitive area on the bottom of the bulbous head of my cock. The sensation was intense causing my hips...

3 years ago
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Watching JulieChapter 16 The Next Morning

As usual, we were up before the girls. We were on our second cup of coffee when they appeared, yawning. Not entirely sleepy, however. Their nipples were little points under their t-shirts. That and panties were their usual weekend summer morning dress. I liked the view. Subdued chatter about this and that but not a word about last night. They scrounged, they grazed, they fed. Girl athletes are big eaters. Lee and I were on our third round when they finished, cleaned up, and disappeared to...

2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 1

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * * * Wind and a million naked branches whipped my skin as I fledthe gorilla—yes, gorilla—on my heels. My white, chiffon babydoll offered zero...

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At the County Clerks Office

"Do you love me, mi amor?" said Carol. "More than I can ever show you," said Jonathan Harris. "I'm the luckiest, the happiest, and the most fortunate man in the world; all because you've consented to become my wife. If I can make you half as happy as I am at this very moment you'll be a very happy woman indeed." "That makes me very glad, Jonathan. There's something I want to tell you then." "What's that, darling?" "I'm pregnant." "But that's wonderful news, my love....

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Cuckold Wife 1

I was hard at work, when my officer buzzer interrupted me. Pressing the reply, I said “Yes Miss Fields, what is it?” The voice of my secretary, Penny Fields replied, “Sir, Mister Harrimann wanted me to remind you of the meeting at 2:30PM at the Wright Brothers building, and he said quote, ‘don’t be late, or we will be fucked.’ ” I grinned, that sounded like J. L. Harrimann all right, as I replied, “Thank you Miss Fields, I will remember.” I...

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My sexy neighbour Beautiful mature

Two years ago (18 at the time) there was a hot summers day, a real scorcher, so I thought id crack on with some gardening, I grabbed the the lawn mower from the shed and plugged in the extension and proceeded to mow the lawn. I was getting awfully hot from the heat so I got a drink of water and I took my top off and continued to mow the lawn. I got half way through when I heard a female voice calling my name, I thought for a second, realising I did not recognise the voice, I turned around to...

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Lindas sister

Linda has a younger sister, her name is Melinda. She is 2 years younger than Linda. She is pretty cute too. She has a big butt, little bit smaller tits than Linda’s and a very high sex drive. Melinda masturbates everyday. She told me this, she also told me she’s been masturbating since she was 15 years old.When ever we would go over to her parents house or to Melinda’s apartment, she would flirt with me. She would sit next to me on the couch, she put her hand on my thigh. Sometimes I would get...

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Lifting Hannahs skirt

I had just come in from running when my girlfriend, Hannah, arrived. She had on a short pleated schoolgirl skirt and a simple white blouse. I love skirts, especially the rear view, and Hannah is tall and can, in my opinion, really hang a skirt from her hips. My penis was already a bit hard from the shapely female sights I had seen during my run and because my running shorts hid nothing, I needed to make a quick exit. ‘Hi, I need a shower, I just got back from running,’ I said as I turned...

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Crossdresser dominated by woman Part 1

In the gym one day a curvy lady passed me by. ‘Nice t-shirt’ I said to her casually. ‘Thank you sweetie’ she replied and kept going. I went to the water fountain and took a drink, watching as her ass moved in her tight yoga pants as she walked away. I continued with my workout and then around 20 minutes later I went downstairs. The swimming area had a communal changing room with individual cubicles, so both male and female users were present. I was about to grab my bag from the locker when I...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visit

Day 1A couple of days ago I got a phone call from my good old friend Monica, that she is coming to Vienna for business and will stay for a week or so and would like to meet me again and if I can pick her up from the airport.I was totally surprised about her visit but excited to see her again after such a long time and drove to airport Saturday Morning to pick her up. I waited excited in the arriving hall till she comes out and to my big surprise she brought her sweet little sister with her....

1 year ago
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Willy and her Friends2

There were a lot of international students at Willy’s school from lots of different cultures. Girls had heard Dixie’s story and wanted some instruction of their own. “Some of them have never seen a guy’s thing, a lot of them are virgins and they want somebody safe to show them. Dixie has convinced them that you’re the guy. I’m thinking we can make some good money off this situation,” Willy said in my room a few weeks after Christmas. “What do you mean, make money?” I asked. “Look, Tim,...

2 years ago
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Locker room storie

A wistle blew.“Alright, go shower and change,” a deep husky voice boomed out. A boy of about 18 swam to the edge of the pool following the rest of his class. He lifted himself out of the water, and headed for the changing room, picking up his towel on the way off of a metal banister.“Dave!” the husky voice boomed out again. “Yes Mr.Baily?” the boy responded.“Can I see you in my office for a minute?” Dave growned, but turned around and headed back towards Mr.Baily’s office. “John, would you mind...

1 year ago
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Trudy Finds Herself

Trudy Finds Herself. My parents were unhappy, saying that Vanessa had not taken care of me and that my identity was now known to the world. I defended Vanessa, explained the whole thing and what had happened with Simon. I had had an innocent summer, and was a little hurt that they did not trust me or my friends. I was soon back at school and after the press had made a fortune out of me with their scandal, I was then back to being whispered about and followed by giggles. I maintained...

1 year ago
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OtherworldChapter 19 Truths

THE PRESENT: We left early the next morning, just after the sun had started to rise. I thought about trying to read further into my mother's journal as we travelled, but I decided that it would be better to keep my attention on our surroundings. After all, I reasoned, with the Magus surely looking to kill us before we could rescue Lucas, it would only benefit us if we all kept our eyes and ears open. When I mentioned that to Val, the dark elf gave me a shrug. "It is funny," she said,...

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Just a Girl redone

Just a Girl Joe just sat there wiping the blood from his nose . He's a somewhat small and skinny kid for a high school senior, with his long brown hair and somewhat feminine face. Mark an over grown football jock. Who enjoyed beating Joe almost every day. Joe never let Mark see the fear he put into him. Mark stands over Joe yelling, "If I ever catch you talking to Cindy like you're her boy friend I will kill your fag ass, you hear me." Mark severally back hands Joe almost...

1 year ago
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Visit the Aunt Aprils House Chapter 5

Chapter 5Consumed with fear and anxiety, I quickly stepped out the bathroom into the hall. Closing the door behind me, I hoped Nicole wouldn’t notice her mother. How long had she been there? Why didn’t she say anything? Would she tell my mom? Questions raced around in my head with no answers. Aunt April stood up off my bed folding her towel across her waist. I was motionless when I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the living room. Uncle Dan stumbled into the hall. “Mikey my man! Whatcha...

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Magic woods pt 2

Sorry for the delay. Wanda sat down between us with our dicks out and we immediately started feeling her big titties as she grabbed our cocks and began stroking. My buddy" scoot" had evidently approached her before, they were making out hot and heavy but she still had a hand on my dick. I figured she would like him better because to be honest his cock was obviously longer than mine and fairly thick but mine was thicker and I was a little fat dude and most women like skinny long docked guys...

1 year ago
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Cum Drenched Stranger

I’d been having a bit of a drinking session with Peter, his flat mate Tim and one of his friends Sam.As we got drunk I wasn’t sure if we were going to fuck again because I didn’t know Sam. He was younger than us , about 20, and had a tight body that I wanted to see and his jeans made me want to tear them off and fuck him raw.We were all well and truly pissed when Tim turned to Pete and I and blurted out “so we going to fuck or what” we all looked at Sam and he said “sure” and with that the...

3 years ago
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ChangesChapter 7

Saturday morning came bright and early; Jae was not quite ready to start the day. She hasn't seen Chase all week, when she got home from work on Monday there was a note on her door saying that he had to go out of town but he would be back in time on Saturday to go shopping and he would be over by 11 am, with his sister to start more transformations. He was in for a surprise, Jae thought as she got up to shower. She had already went to the salon and got her hair cut, styled and dyed. She...

4 years ago
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A Sex Lesson For Jessica Part 2

A Sex Lesson For Jessica. Part 2After the gig Jessica came up to me and said, Liam, your coming back with us aren’t you? I smiled and said, “You bet ya”, and packed away my guitar then followed them back to the Villa. Jessica was very bubbly and I could tell she had been drinking but she wasn’t totally smashed. Stacey poured a glass of wine for all of us and raised hers in a toast. Cheers she said. Here’s to a newfound friendship and whatever it brings. Jessica and I raised our glasses...

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AlecChapter 2

The harsh tones of an alarm roused him from a deep slumber. The slender form in his arms reached out and shut it off. The previous rights actions flooded back and he groaned inwardly. “Are you awake?” Izzy asked. “No.” The bedside light came on and she slipped from his embrace. She made no move to hide her nakedness as she stood and looked back down at him. Her nervousness of the previous night also seemed to also to have vanished. He knew he was staring, but couldn’t help it. She seemed...

4 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 31

The pair didn't talk about it, but the fact that Lon and Sally thought Rick and Teela might make a couple wasn't a dead subject, by any means. Teela had gotten it from Sally, and Rick from Lon -- and the strange thing was that they hadn't killed one another, yet ... Rick had been having a blast until he realized where it was all heading -- and that left him more than a little freaked! Teela went over the whole incident thus far in her head and came to a couple of weird realizations: First,...

2 years ago
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Crushing on Kurt Ch 01

When I was invited to my friend’s twenty-sixth birthday party, I met Wonderboy. I’ve never had a guy go out of his way to make sure I knew he was interested. I’ve had guys enjoy my view. I’ve had guys kiss my cheek as if I was so attractive they couldn’t help wanting me. But I’ve never had a guy act like he really wanted to be with me. At the age of twenty-six, thinking I’m never going to meet a man who cares I exist, I stumbled upon his lap. I went to the party sure it’d be full of women and...

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Youth RetreatChapter 65

Orgy, Part II Finally having removed his attention from Katie’s breasts--for the time being--Paul Lindberg was setting about to take her virginity. ‘Katie, ‘ he said to the strawberry blonde girl, between kissing down her stomach and licking teasingly at where her shorts ended, ‘what do you say about removing the rest of this clothing so I can get a good look at you, hm?’ ‘A good look? Well, I don’t know, I mean... ‘ ‘You’re a gorgeous girl, Katie. I’ve never seen anyone hotter that makes...

1 year ago
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Hannah and Julias big mistake part 1

John got out of his car in the driveway and stretched the stiffness out of his back. It had been a long day at the office and he was tired, sore, and in a more irritable state than he liked when coming home. His girls were sweet, sensitive little things, and it was hard on them when his mood was foul. He always made a great effort to keep his composure, so to that end, he took a deep breath as he shut the car door and attempted to soothe his stressed mindset with positive thoughts. He was a...

3 years ago
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College Velaikaariyai Sex Seitha Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil college velaikaariyai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar naveen vayathu 21 aagugirathu, naan Coimbatore village collegeil padithu varugiren. Enaku pengal meethu athaiga aasai ilamal thaan irunthathu. Aanal endraiku kama kathai padika aarambitheno andru muthal naan pengaluku adimai aagi viten. Kama kathai padithathil irunthu enaku pengal mulai meethu thaan kangal irunthathu, naan niraiya kama...

4 years ago
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After Five YearsChapter 6

July 2009, Sudan It was a few hours before dawn when I locked the motorcycle up, next to a shed and hid it behind some rusty sheets of corrugated iron. Then I struggled my way to the back of my home, and opened the lock in the rusty gate. Even if the gate was rusty the hinges were well greased and it opened without a sound. I locked the gate after me and soon was inside the house. For the first time, I really felt the exhaustion of recent events. I forced a smile when my wife and daughter...

3 years ago
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A BBWs Garage

You’ve got that medicine I need. Fame, Liquor, Love, give it to me slowly. ———————————- I looked over my choice of outfit once more. I was sure I looked good, if not sexy even. Still, it had to be the right one for my plan to work. After all, he’d been slaving away in that damn garage for weeks, and as much as I appreciated the fact that it was my baby he was working on, I still missed my man. So I was going to do something about that. I walked to the front of the house and made sure the...

2 years ago
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A Lovely Train Journey

I was lots younger in those days, on a Train bound for the Royal Marines Commando Training Centre, to begin the All Arms course, known as the "Plastic Commando" course; the train seemed to be very slow, when all of a sudden, a very beautiful foreign girl came into my carriage, asking if I had anything to drink? I think she noticed my short haircut, because as she sat down next to me, she stroked the back of my hair and neck, which made my nipples stand on end, and began stirrings downstairs in...

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Hinata hyuuga ENF

Hinata had a shyness problem since she could remember her father's unrelenting verbal abuse and the extreme training her clan put her through since she was a child only served to, make things worse. Unfortunately , a chain of events was about to occur which would put her shyness to the test Any aditions are welcome, try not to make the characters too OOC or make them do something too extreme, sex has to be consensual

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It was a typical Los Angeles winter night. Raining and cold, Sara looked out at the rain-soaked streets, knowing that she would have to work tonight, rain or not. She walked out of her apartment to the corner and caught the bus 10 minutes later heading off for another night of work. Her new day job was only good for minimum wage and 20 hours a week, so she still needed her night job to make ends meet.She got to her normal area and got off. She then started her normal night work, walking two...

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10 October 2008Chapter 17

Dan and Paul didn’t shower together but did clean the others cock for later use. They enjoyed sucking, stopping short of making the other cum. Susan and Rita soon appeared, naked with a fresh splash of perfume. They slipped on their dresses and staying with switched husbands returned to Barney’s Bar. The two new couples walked through the crowded, music-filled bar searching for an empty table. Passing the dance floor they noticed two women, likely drunk, dancing together topless, offering...

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Trixie Goes to College Part I

Trixie woke up with a start when they stumbled into the room and a perky smile quickly crept over her face. "Are you sure? Are you sure she's asleep?" her roommate's boyfriend Todd kept asking, slurring his words. "Sure I'm sure," her roommate Tabitha giggled, drunk. "She sleeps like the dead. She'll never hear a thing." Trixie heard fumbling in the dark and more giggles as the pair slipped off their clothes and into Tabitha's bed on the other side of their dorm room. It...

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Allure Une

Allure Une By Kachakali Read some captions over on my site: http://nevermoreuniversity.blogspot.mx/ See an anime drawing of this story as well: http://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.mx/ I've heard rumors from the local folk that there was this haunted forest nearby that contained a special flowery nectar. Many adventurers have had mixed luck in obtaining the golden nectar, so why cant I? A little investigation and spying goes a long way. Being a somewhat famous thief and the fact...

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Old Habits

We broke up. I didn’t bother trying to make it work anymore- I knew it wasn’t going to. He was already gone from me; we were gone from each other. But I decided not to throw away ten years of a relationship. If we couldn’t make it as lovers, maybe we could make it as friends. I pulled up in front of his apartment around seven. I told him I’d be there at six but just couldn’t find the nerve to get ready on time. When I rang the doorbell he opened slowly, as if he wasn’t sure who he saw through...

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4 years ago
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Little Arab ButtercupChapter 2

All had gone as planned. I had been able to secretly and discretely get my little buttercup out of her Northern Africa country. I had simply made very special plans with a French smuggler in the port. We knew who all the players were at the consulate. We kept track. We sometimes used them for missions that were not quite kosher, so to speak. I was good friends with the CIA operative in the consulate. His title was Secretary of something or other, but we all knew his mission here. And we had...

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Out of Bounds Chapter 4

Chapter 4:Stefan spent the winter trimester productively but, regarding any sexual adventures, uneventfully in Tübingen. Although he had Irmgard’s phone number, he had decided not to ring. Despite his wish to continue his relationship, Stefan did not feel entitled to hold Irmgard captive. Also, he did not rush back to Saarbruecken. Over Easter, Stefan spent ten days with friends in Provence.He returned to Saarbruecken for a busy final term. His teaching commitments in the Education Faculty...

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