Karma Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter Three: Blindsided

I laughed darkly at how impulsive and out of character this was, even for me.

Tony looked up from tying on his skates and grinned. ‘What?’

‘This,’ I said, waving my hand at the small crowd of kids and adults filling the rink. ‘What the hell am I doing here?’

My subconscious supplied its own answer. My ex-husbands had been right about one thing regarding me, I was a hedonist. I had a weakness for doing things that brought me pleasure, even when it hurt others. Or me. I liked to luxuriate in pleasure and comfort.

Sex had always been a part of that. So was the cocaine. Perhaps especially the cocaine. Hard knocks had finally shown me that I had to have limits in seeking my pleasures, or else risk losing everything worthwhile in my life.

‘Getting away from Conrad before you do something that you’ll regret,’ Tony said, letting the grin slip away. ‘You were ready to tear him to shreds and, however much you might have enjoyed it at the moment, you would have regretted it later.’

I used anger to cover the shock I felt at hearing him echo my thoughts. ‘They can all go screw themselves,’ I said bitterly. ‘If Conrad ever loved my mother, I never saw it. All he wants is her money and he’ll probably get it. The rest of those vultures care more about their gossip. They’ve never cared about me. I was the ‘failure’ they all had to put up with.’

Tying off his laces, Tony hobbled over to me and sat down, using his hand to lift my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes. ‘I know all about being the ‘black sheep’, remember? Just ask my Dad.’ His eyes grew distant and he smiled. ‘Oh, the things I’ve done to make him pull his hair out. I can’t imagine a nice girl like you even being in my league.’

I laughed with an abrupt shot of genuine humor and amazement. I tried to restrain it, but the laughter took on a life of its own and I couldn’t stop. I laughed until I couldn’t breathe.

When I finally managed some semblance of control, I saw he was quirking a smile at me. I shook my head. ‘You have no idea. Unless you’re a lot wilder than I think you are, I can top your antics on your best day.’

‘We’ll see. After we skate a bit, we’ll have lunch – on me – and we’ll trade war stories,’ he said as he stood up, helping me to my feet. I prayed that I didn’t fall down too often. It had been twenty-five years since I’d last been on skates and I didn’t want a sore butt.

Taking advantage of his help, I stumbled onto the ice and clumsily began to move. He skated backwards in front of me slowly, as though he were just out for a stroll.

‘You’re doing great,’ he encouraged.

‘I haven’t fallen and been cut to sausage, you mean,’ I said, windmilling my arms to keep what little balance I had. Then an eight-year-old menace blew past me at warp four, dressed from head to toe in blinding fuchsia. At this rate, I’d be lucky to survive. ‘Graceful, I’m not. How did I let you talk me into this hare-brained idea?’

‘It’s my smooth negotiating skills.’

‘Hah! You threw me over your shoulder and carried me off,’ I objected. ‘How smooth is that?’

‘You’re here, aren’t you?’ he asked with another innocent grin. ‘There’s an old saying, ‘if it works, it ain’t stupid.’ Following that logic, I think I was smooth enough.’

It was hard to argue with that. Screw it. If I was here, I might as well have a good time.


For an hour, Tony taught me how to skate all over again. At times, he was so close I could feel the heat of his body as he showed me how to move. I tried telling myself that it wasn’t doing anything to me, but I hadn’t been that good at lying to myself since I was a teen. It slung-shot my hormones like a teen-aged boy watching Julie Newmar as Catwoman.

By the time we were ready to get off the ice, I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I’d managed to trade my worries about the funeral for worries about what I was getting myself into with Tony. Every touch of his hands and body made the next touch seem less intrusive and more welcome. I wondered if that was how one tamed a wild horse. Did you touch it until it was used to your hands, caress it until I wanted more? It, I told myself, not I. That was an embarrassing slip to make, even in my mind. Caress it until it wanted more.

I sighed in resignation. This was getting more complicated and I was losing control of where it was going. Already, I felt some kind of connection between us that was nebulous and hard to describe. Disturbing, too, in a way I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

We turned in our skates and walked to the car. The sky was darker than it had been earlier and the snow was coming down more heavily.

Tony took my keys out of my hand and jumped in the driver’s seat with a possessive grin. I shook my head and smiled, taking the passenger seat. When we were secure, he took off in an almost uncontrolled spin.

I squeaked and grabbed the dashboard, glaring at him. ‘Tony! You stop that this very second!’

He laughed but slowed down and brought the SUV under control. ‘Yes, Ma’am.’

‘Men! You’re all just little boys under the skin.’

Tony didn’t go for the bait and just drove silently until we pulled into a Pizza Hut.

As he parked the car, I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. ‘Pizza Hut is your idea of a romantic lunch?’

He smiled smugly back at me and opened his door. ‘I just said lunch. Romantic is your add-on. Thanks for the insight, though. I promise I’ll start thinking romantically.’

I cursed under my breath as I climbed out and walked slowly to the back of the vehicle. Where had that come from? He was right. He’d never said a romantic lunch, but somehow that’s what it had morphed to in my mind when I wasn’t thinking about it. What was I doing to myself this time?

We shed our coats and hung them when we got inside, then a hostess led us to a booth. Shortly, I had a tall glass of iced tea and the promise of a hot pepperoni pizza to hold my grumbling stomach at bay.

Tony sat across from me watching me intently, as if he expected me to say something. Not having any idea what that might be, I smiled and stared back at him. After a minute, it started becoming almost comical.

I couldn’t take it and shook my head. ‘We’re just being silly,’ I told him. ‘I think we had a miscue somewhere.’

‘Maybe,’ he agreed. ‘I don’t believe in rushing things faster than they need to go, so let’s just forget the word romantic, for now.’

I let my breath out in a sigh of relief. ‘Thank you. I’m not ready for that yet.’ Yet? I winced. What the hell possessed me to add that damned word?

Tony’s eyes twinkled at me, but he let it go. ‘So, we’ve talked about our childhood. What did the next twenty years bring you?’

I snorted. ‘Nothing but trouble. Two nasty ex-husbands, a lifetime full of regrets, and a bunch of people I’ve hurt or disappointed over the years.’

‘Come on,’ he said, frowning, ‘it can’t have been that bad.’

I laughed dismissively. ‘Oh yes it could.’

With little nods and an interested expression, he slowly drew me into talking about college and leaving Tennessee for UCLA. Again, I found myself amazed at the things I told him. We only barely knew each other and I was complaining about how like my father my ex-husbands were. I even found myself telling him about some of the higher and lower points of my days in pre-med, including Rod.

‘So, you’re a doctor?’ he asked.

I shook my head. ‘No. I didn’t really want to be one. That was for Daddy.’ At least that was part of the story. Having seen a real doctor up close and personal, I had finally realized that I’d never had the drive to be one.

Thankfully, Tony didn’t dwell on that. ‘This Rod guy sounds like a real piece of work,’ he said with a scowl, ‘though I can’t throw stones. I’ve had my share of relationships, but I’ve never been married. I
think I’m too ornery for any woman to want,’ he said with a grin. ‘I’m too much of a pirate.’

That grin did things to my insides that I forced aside. I firmly reminded myself that I needed another man in my life like I needed another hole in my head.

Using my confused state against me, he kept digging. ‘So, with all that behind you, what do you do to keep busy now? Did you ever go back and finish your degree?’

I ignored the last part of his question and smirked at him. ‘Don’t I get to ask questions about your mysterious past?’

‘It’s polite to talk about the lady on a date,’ he said piously.

‘Is this a date?’ I asked, my eyebrows rising almost against my will.

‘You’re the one who said it was a romantic lunch. We can quibble about the details later,’ he said, his tone falsely dismissive. ‘Back to you.’

I shook my head but smiled. ‘I do charity work.’ I proudly launched into my list of charities I raised money for.

Tony listened and nodded. The small frown between his eyes made me wonder if I’d said something wrong.

‘That’s a lot of charity work,’ he agreed, ‘but are you satisfied by it? What you do for yourself? You know, to feel like you’ve made a personal impact.’

I blinked in surprise. ‘What? Of course I’m satisfied with it. What gives you the idea I’m not?’

The arrival of the pizza disrupted my rising anger, and I forced myself back from letting the emotion overtake me before I could think.

Once Tony had a few bites inside, leaving a string of cheese on his chin, he continued.

‘I hear how much money you’ve raised, but it doesn’t seem like you’re getting much personal satisfaction from it. Don’t get me wrong,’ he added before I could object. ‘Giving money to charities does help people, but it’s not very personal. That always seemed to me like helping the hypothetical needy.’

What did that mean? I let the silence drag on as I thought about it and ate slowly. He didn’t interrupt me.

When I kept running into brick walls of incomprehension, I looked back up and shrugged. ‘I must be missing something. What are you getting at? I’m satisfied with it.’ At least the thinking had derailed my initial angry reaction.

‘Have you ever served food at a soup kitchen or helped a complete stranger because it made you feel good?’

I stared at him, confused. ‘Why would I do that when I can fund an entire kitchen? My money works much harder than I ever could by myself. I assure you that I help plenty of needy people.’

Tony shrugged. ‘Maybe it’s just me. I like getting my hands dirty. Things like the Habitat for Humanity. They build houses for people that couldn’t afford to build or buy their own. My personal satisfaction comes from seeing them come home for the first time. Nothing beats that feeling. That lets me use the skills I learned for work to help others.’

I heard what he was saying, but I didn’t see how the two were different. Instead, I changed the subject by zeroing in on his work. ‘Speaking of your work, do you mostly work around here or do you travel?’

His smile told me that he saw right through my conversational shift, but he agreeably switched topics. ‘I travel every few months, when one project doesn’t need me anymore, I go to one that does. Not just in this state, but all over the general area.’

‘You said you’d never married, but what about other long-term relationships?’ I asked. A part of me wasn’t sure what I wanted to hear him say.

‘Some,’ he admitted. ‘They never lasted, though. We just never seemed to mesh.’

‘I’m sure that one day you’ll find the right woman.’

He nodded, his eyes dark and expressive. ‘I think you’re right. Timing is everything.’

I felt a shiver of something I didn’t understand shoot through me and I hurriedly looked at my watch. ‘Just look at the time! We need to get a move on.’ His expression told me I wasn’t fooling anyone, but in truth, it was already late in the afternoon and I needed to get back to the funeral home.

While he paid for lunch, I went to the ladies room and scrubbed my hands across my face. What was wrong with me? Maybe I should just give in and have a fling with him, because this itch was getting very distracting. Stubbornly, I shook my head at my reflection in the mirror. I didn’t do casual. When the little devil’s voice told me that I should be thinking about making it more than casual, I covered my eyes and groaned. I didn’t need this!

I washed my hands and composed myself. As I came out, the woman sitting next to the bathroom made me stop in my tracks. Or rather, what she was saying into the pay phone made me stop. She was younger than me and very, very pregnant. She was also slumped over the table with her face buried in one hand.

‘I don’t know what to do, Mom,’ she said, dispiritedly. ‘He took everything. He quit his job and just took off with everything. No one knows where he went.’ Then her voice took on a bitter tone. ‘What everyone knows is who he ran off with. Why couldn’t they have bothered to tell me before he left me like this?’

Smothering a dark and knowing smile, I slipped back into the bathroom. I listened to her through the barely open door. I could have told her some places to call to get help, but she seemed too proud to take advantage of them. Her pain bothered me. I didn’t want to leave her in despair.

‘I know you can’t help me very much,’ she continued, ‘but can you wire me just a little? Fifty dollars? Oh, thank you!’ She sounded almost pathetically grateful. ‘I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. I’ve got a week before the landlord comes looking for the rent and that’ll buy me food and give me some gas money so I can find a job.’

I blanched. Dear God, she didn’t need to be working. She looked like she was due any day. She needed to be off her feet.

‘No,’ the woman said with a little heat. ‘I can’t come home. I love you but he’s still there. I can’t live with him. I just can’t. I’d rather starve. Please try to understand.’

What about her baby? Her next comment told me that I wasn’t the only one asking that question.

‘I don’t have much of a choice, do I?’ she said bitterly. ‘As soon as he’s born I’ll take him to the fire station or give him up for adoption. I don’t want to, but I can’t afford to keep him. He deserves better than me,’ she said, almost in tears.

My heart ached. I wanted to help her, but she sounded as stubborn as me. I’d never had a baby and I doubted I ever would, but her plight still struck a chord in me. I thought furiously. What could I do?

‘Yes,’ she continued. ‘Please wire it to me at the Western Union office down on Main Street. And if you’re going to send him to do it, could you make sure he at least spells my name right?’ She spelled out Williamson. ‘At least he remembered Joan last time,’ she said tiredly. Then she slowly recited her address. I repeated it silently several times while I set my purse on the counter and dug through it looking for something to write on. The first thing I found was the card Tony had given me with his number. That was ironic.

I counted out what I had in cash and it totaled out to almost four hundred dollars. Not very much, but I mostly paid for stuff with my card. It would just have to do.

Now I just had to figure out how to give it to her without her being able to turn me down. I folded the bills up and walked out of the bathroom. She was listening to her mother and still had her face buried in her hand, her elbow propped up on the table. Her purse was beside her elbow. I could see her open change purse inside it. She was probably using the change for the call. I deftly dropped the bills into her purse and walked out.

Tony had the SUV idling by the curb. I climbed in feeling light inside. I grinned at him. Who said I didn’t know how to get personal satisfaction?


Everyone had deserted the funeral home by the time we arrived. All the family was gone,
even Conrad. That made me boil inside. How dare they just leave her like this?

I went to stand beside my mother. Looking down at her, I realized how badly having them leave her here alone hurt me. After tomorrow I’d never see her again. That brought on a fresh onslaught of tears.

I’m not sure how long I stood there holding her hand, feeling like every tear that fell made me somehow emptier inside, when I felt someone beside me. I looked up, ready to chew off Conrad’s head for bothering me again, if he’d had the balls to come back, and only barely cut off my attack when I saw it was Tony.

‘Regan, the viewing is over and it’s time to leave,’ he said gently. Were construction workers supposed to be gentle? They should be tough and decisive, sure, but gentle?

‘I’m not going,’ I said with a willful toss of my head. ‘I’m staying here with Mother.’

I expected a condescending smile, but he didn’t smile at all, he just nodded. ‘I know, but you can’t. We have to go.’

‘She’s my mother and I won’t leave her,’ I shouted, abruptly angry with him. ‘I won’t! She needs me here!’ I waited for him to either walk away or counter-attack, perversely glad for the outlet for my pain.

Following his developing pattern of behavior, he did neither of those things. He instead reached out, pulled me into his arms and held me tightly.

My body stiffened in shock and tried to shove him away but he was too strong. ‘Let me go!’ I wailed. ‘Just leave me alone!’


As quickly as it arrived, the anger fled my body. I felt grief for my loss and a deep and abiding fear of never seeing my mother again flood through me. ‘I don’t want her to go,’ I cried, suddenly clutching him. ‘Please, don’t let her go.’

‘I know you don’t,’ he whispered, ‘but she’s already gone.’

I sobbed and half-broke away from him and started pounding my fists on his chest. ‘Liar! She’s right here!’

He didn’t resist my attack, but it was like hitting a brick wall, except I had a better chance of knocking down the wall. When the tears pushed the anger away, he pulled me back into his arms and this time I didn’t resist. ‘It hurts, I know,’ he whispered. ‘But she’s already gone to a better place, a happier place.’

‘But I don’t want her to go!’

He turned me away from the casket and pulled me along toward the door while I cried and railed against him. By the time he put my coat on me, all the fight had gone out of my body. I just stood there and let him slip it on and lead me out to his Land Rover. I didn’t even object when he strapped me in like a child.

Tony belted himself in and took the Rover out to the street, leaving Conrad’s SUV behind. ‘Left or right?’ he prompted.

When I looked outside, snow was falling heavily and the wind had picked up. I took a deep breath and pulled myself together enough to give him directions out of town and up the mountain.

He didn’t try to talk to me on the drive, other than occasionally to prompt me for directions. I didn’t understand, but I was grateful. Weren’t men supposed to try to fix everything? Not all of them, apparently. At least one could listen without judging. I felt wrung out. I’d lost both my control and composure again, and I was glad that Conrad and Daddy hadn’t seen me. I couldn’t do anything right, it seemed.

The interior of the Rover finally sank into my awareness. Tony had packed it with tools and the Rover smelled like… like him, I realized. It didn’t smell bad, just male. I rolled my eyes and laughed inside at myself. This was just perfect. I really didn’t have the time or emotional energy for this.

Tony glanced at me and smiled before returning his eyes to the road in silence, giving me time to get myself back under control.


By the time we pulled up in front of the chalet, I’d regained enough of my composure to get out of the Rover and wait for Tony to meet me by the door. He had his overnight bag in hand when he joined me.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said quietly.

He made a throwaway gesture. ‘You’ve done nothing to be sorry about, so don’t worry about it.’

I smiled and nodded gratefully. ‘Come on inside and let’s get you settled.’ I led the way, saw to taking off our shoes and coats, and gave him the same short tour that I’d given Melissa yesterday.

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TGTV WKRP in Cincinnati

TGTV: WKRP in Cincinnati By Heather St. Claire How does an adventure in fantasy become a journey of self-discovery? Well...I guess it happens when your fantasy overlaps too much with things you're dealing with in real life. As you may know by now, I'm one of the charter subscribers to TGTV, a new cable service that allows you to enter any television program, to occupy the body of any female character, and to change the sex of any of your fellow cast members. Neat, huh? My...

2 years ago
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Thy Neighbors Wife

Thy Neighbors Wife Zack remembered how it started over morning coffee with his beautiful neighbor. "Marybeth you have it made, beauty, money, a loving husband and a chance to do anything you want. I would trade places with you in a 'New York Minute.'" Marybeth, Zack's neighbor looked daggers at him before she spat out, "Are you nuts? Zack you are so full of shit. I am tired of being just a woman, the place where Ted empties his dick when he's horny. When I got through college I...

3 years ago
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Restful Sleep Night

Restful Sleep NightBy: Londebaaz Chohan Philip simply hated the hot summer nights, the air would hang heavy making it impossible to sleep comfortably even if he was dead tired from the whole day’s work. The fucking building was old, though it was very nice otherwise but no air conditioning could be arranged and the central air conditioning was just out of the question. He rolled over in his bed, punched the pillow couple of times again and wished he could get some relief. The sheet on top was...

2 years ago
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PornWorld Mia Trejsi Cuck Boyfriend DPs Mia Trejsi Poolside with Stud Masseuse

Mia Treijsi and her boyfriend enjoying a weekend getaway at a hotel spa. After having a morning fuck in their room, Mia heads down to the pool where she has a massage scheduled. Being the slut that she is, it doesn’t take long for the massage to turn erotic, and pretty soon Mia has the masseuse’s cock in her mouth. Minutes later, as he’s fucking her on the table, Mia’s boyfriend walks into the room and joins the fun. The stud masseuse and the cuck boyfriend go on to enjoy a poolside DP with the...

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Ellen and Jim TemptationChapter 2

Fast forward eight years. Eight years of wedded bliss with a man I adore and who adores me. Fourteen months after we married, he put our baby in my belly. Crystal is now 7 years old and a second grader. As for Jim and Angie’s kids, Janet is twenty-four and married to the love of her life. Little Jim is twenty-three and in graduate school striving for a Ph.D. Angela never remarried accepting that there will never be an equal to Jim in her life. Her loss. Angie, I can’t thank you enough for...

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If We Break Before the Dawn

I took the old road, looking down from the high cliffs at the tide as it rolled in. Night was falling, swallowing everything, devouring hearth and home, everything and everyone I loved. In the distance I could hear the sound of static, growing louder with every passing moment. Early warnings of what was to come. Pausing, I turned slowly, looking for the sun, trying to pin down a compass point one last time before everything grew dark. Such a futile gesture. Giving up, I decided to focus on the...

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“I had coffee with Lara on Friday. As women do, we discussed our sex lives. She showed me some pics of her man on her phone. He really is a hunky man with a fabulous, ripped body. He was topless and wearing just a low cut, skin tight pair of jeans. “Then I showed her some pics of you topless in jeans. When I showed her some pics of you naked with a nine-inch erection, all she she could say was, ‘Oh fuck, he is magnificent, thick and hung.’” “Our conversation became much more intimate...

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MonstersOfCock Elsa Jean Goddess Elsa Jean Fucks A Thick Cock

Elsa Jean is a bombshell and she knows it. She has men giving her lavish gifts like cars. While we don’t have a car ready today what we do have is a big black cock. Prince Yashua is ready to destroy Elsa’s beautiful pussy. He whipped it out, and you can tell Elsa is ready for it. She starts sucking on prince’s thick dick. Her eyes water a little, I can’t tell if they are tears of joy or pain. He flips her over and starts pounding away. She’s such a pretty girl it’s impressive how much she can...

3 years ago
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She brought a friend

So i called Amy, found out her name eventually. Shes from the unlucky day story, found her attempting to rob my house. She came over with a friend, not the hottest girl, but it was another set of holes for me to have some fun with. She was a little thicker than Amy, brown hair, a fatter ass, but much bigger tits. She did have a slight muffin top, but who cares, the stuff she did more than made up for it. They started out undressing each other and kissing and touching each other, I watched and...

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Horses in the City Ch 05

Emma was too busy to reflect on her day with Luke, although she wanted to. Those kisses, she thought, bore particular reflecting. She smiled at herself. What's gotten into you? Even she knew the answer: Luke. The bulk of the shift flew by as Emma, Millie, and the other two waitresses dealt with the crowd. When things calmed down, one of the other girls begged Millie to go home, and Millie agreed. "Why don't you ever leave early?" Millie asked as she wiped the counter. "You've earned it, that's...

Love Stories
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My Babe Tiara Whom I Met During Tuition

Hey guys this is atharva from xyz city.Now these story is not going to be the usual one about pussy sucking and all that this is beautiful memory that I have in these meaningless world that god has thrown us. I have an upper middle class upbringing , I used to go to a maths tuition in ninth std.It was a good class there was a girl who used to study in cbse school she was in the morning batch I was in the evening batch I used to go to morning batch after some months because my school started...

4 years ago
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Luxury Lifestyle

My wife Cindi is 32 and I'm 34. We both stay in excellent shape. Cindi is 5'5" and 115 lbs. Blond hair, smallish titties and a shaved beaver. I'm 6'2", 195 blbs and fitI landed a great job out of college and life has been greatWE moved upscale to a gated community about 2 years ago and moved into a home with complete privacyCindi basically spends the day either at the country club, tennis, golf or committee meetings or tanning by our poolWe share everything and Cindi let me know she tans nudeAt...

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DaughterSwap Violet Rain Alison Rey The Horndog Heckler

Webcamming is an art, and when one of Alison Reys fans starts to heckle her during her show, she is none too happy about it. She challenges him to come over and put his money where his mouth is, never thinking that anything would ever come of the challenge. But soon he addresses her by her name, which she never gave out. Then she hears banging on her door. At this point, Alison is freaked out, but she cannot help her pussy starting to soak through her panties. Then, when her number one fan...

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The way to Pune

I am 33 years now working as Senior Nursing Supervisor in a leading hospital in Khammam, Andhra Pradesh. I am going to narrate a true incident that happened when I underwent my training in a reputed private hospital in Mumbai. I had moved into Mumbai from Kerala and was staying in the nursing quarters provided by the hospital. I didn’t know Hindi and Marathi then. My sister was settled in Pune after her marriage. The incident took place during the second year of my training, when I was...

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An Xmas Fairytale

All Characters and Situations Fictitious No fabulous creatures were harmed in the production of this fairy tale. Have A Very Happy Xmas & Stay Away From The Elf Bars Deborah Snowdrop was not feeling well. There are few less attractive sights than a fairy with a hangover and for Deborah, it didn't feel any better from the inside. It was always the same at this time of year. She'd go to some bar planning on having a quiet drink or two with a couple of girl friends. Then a bunch of...

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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 13 Shorter Days and a Slow Recovery

I remember putting my hands behind my head on Monday morning, with a bunch of thoughts rolling through my mind. Because of the events of Friday, this had become an extended weekend, but it was certainly no time for enjoyment. I couldn't believe that it was 7:20am, and I had not yet been ordered to GET UP. I put on a robe and walked through the house, discovering that my Mom must still be asleep ... just another sign that it was a strange and uneasy time. So I eased back to my bedroom, shut...

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The Road to Freedom

The Road to Freedom The first thing you notice about the Okaloosa Correctional Institute is that, no matter where you are, it's a long way away. The desolation of interstate I-10 was overwhelming. Scrub trees and billboards. Every now and then, there was a gas station. But except for that, there was just highway. Lilly Newman had been driving for two days now. She had traveled from her home in Fort Lauderdale to Tallahassee yesterday, and she was up early to travel the rest of the...

1 year ago
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One would think that Sex Al Arab is a site that offers Arabian porn, but it is actually an Arabian porn site with lots of random pornography instead. I am sure you will find your way around to the dirtiest of clips, all you have to do is start browsing. Of course, everything they have to offer is free, and that is one aspect I know most of you care for the most, right?Crappy design with lots of content.Since this is a free place, you cannot expect too much from it, but that design is quite...

Arab Porn Sites
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Fictional Fantasies

Welcome to Fictional Fantasies, an adult website offering a wide variety of high-tech sex bots based on fictional characters of all types. Anime? Video Games? Comics? Movies? We've got it all, with new releases added every week! Please note that all characters portrayed are at least 18 years old. We also offer services that allow you to change characters both physically and mentally to suit anyone's needs. Browsing is sorted by: Media Type (Anime, Cartoon, etc.) Alphabetical series (A-M,...

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Midget Slut at the Club

I can already tell the music is on point before I ever step foot into the club. I can smell the sweet aromas of tobacco and marijuana as a fog machine from within pumps a foggy illusion through the doors, colored and flashing lights adding to the effect. Once inside, I am intoxicated by the atmosphere and am quickly trying to match the feeling with alcohol, quickly drinking a beer and then another. One cute girl pulls me onto the dance floor and we shake it for a while, but she soon wanders off...

2 years ago
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Promise Nothing

There was supposed to be a wedding. A baby. Sex. Love. Ida McNown was supposed to trade her life, her name for fields full of deer, clouds, and a man who did not love her. But Ida’s mother was talking about lace and babies and uniting two clans. It was a dream. But it was not her dream. No, she dreamed of something else. XXX She pulled on his uniform, tugging the jacket off his shoulders. She untied his belt, pushed his shirt to the side. She watched his chest strain, as if his heart were...

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Tim and Abbie 16 What the fashion show leads to

Abbie’s hand is firmly around Tim’s shaft, helping it get harder and harder.  Tim moves between Abbie’s legs, which are pulled up, so her heels touch her ass.  He reaches over into the drawer of the nightstand and takes out the container of lubricant.  Tim squeezes some over his glans and shaft.Abbie gasps and is wide-eyed, realizing what Tim intends to do.  Tim stares into her eyes as he lifts her legs to be over his shoulders.  He leans and kisses her, then pulls back with a questioning look...

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The true king of the hill

Introduction: Im a big fan of the show so here is the first chapter of a series of stories. It was a hot day in Arlen Texas. The setting sun cast a red glow over the small town giving it a beautiul shine. In the Hill residence Peggy worked at cleaning her home. The heat was making her sweat and her cool green top was becoming very wet. She was bent over cleaning the tolit and her ass was showing. She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled at how she looked much younger then...

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Surviving Dawn part 1

I had prepped for this; I called my short list and told them to go to the meeting spot to wait it out. Word was spreading; people were running from both our building and the mall on the other side of the highway. Whoever was behind this was trying to cause mass panic, and they were succeeding. By hitting the highway, they had essentially cut the entire area in half forcing everyone trying to get out onto two other roads neither of which was designed to handle that amount of traffic. I...

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GangbangCreampie McKenzie Lee G77

Beautiful Brit McKenzie Lee joins us today. There’s something about girls with accents, they’re just so…. exotic. It’s always extra arousing. You’re all in for a special treat she brought a special guest along as you’ve seen if you watched the GangBangCreampie interview. It was her husband, he’s let her come out to play with the Cocksmen today. We get to know a little more about their relationship while we nosh. They seem to be a pretty open and easy...

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Audition NoticeChapter 13

Our final rehearsals were upon us, and the Thursday before Opening Night was Family and Friends Night (free for all, but still age-restricted). Word of our 'explicitness' got out, and we had close to a full house. My Mom and dad were front row right, and Maggie was front row left. Kevin came out from stage right with a microphone in his hand. The curtains were closed behind him. Amy and I were waiting for our musical cue! "Good evening everyone," he said. As a group, they responded,...

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UnconventionalChapter 17

Five months later... “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness these unions between these ... people today. If there is anyone who can show just cause why any of these ... people should not be joined together, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace,” the minister intoned, said minister being Brett, in fact. Several tense seconds elapsed, and then I heard, “yeah, I object!” “Oh, Sylvester, shut up already! Just be glad that you were invited, okay? We’re already divorced and...

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A New Universe

"Hellllooooooo...." "Wakey-wakey." The coaxing of unfamiliar voices rouse you from unconsciousness, and as you squint into the bright light around you, you can make out two floating orbs above you, one light blue and one pale pink. "Ah! There we are! Awake at last!" As the you hear the pleasant voice, the pink orb seems to pulse. "We were hoping that you were still alive. Would've been a ton of paperwork for us if you died already..." "Um.. Wha.." You move to rub your eyes but find that your...

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Hunter and the DancerChapter 24

CALLIE SHIFTED ON THE hard wooden chair. Her shoulders ached. She tried to ease the ache but couldn’t; the plastic cuffs were too tightly closed around her wrists behind her and biting into her skin. Fear made her shake. She felt like crying but wouldn’t give the two men in front of her the satisfaction. The plastic cuffs around her ankles were cutting off her circulation, her feet tingling with numbness. Defiantly, she stared back at the two men; one wide and bulging with muscles, the...

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Angelas Nightmare

We had got into financial problems and after discussing with her family they agreed the best way was to take her to be butchered, and the family would buy her meat, leaving enough money to cover the bills and eat well for a few months as well. There was an option at the processing plant to have Angela put on display after she had been butchered and gutted, Five hours and a slow garrotting gave another 2000 in the final payment and so we agreed. We met the family at the processing plant,...

4 years ago
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Feeding an addiction Part 3 Ch 5

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 6th August 2018Central Park was beautiful this time of year. I looked out over the still waters of Harlem Meer, enjoying the relative peace in our bustling metropolis, enjoying the aroma of my fresh coffee. Glad to finally have escaped from the madhouse atmosphere of our home, finally able to find some peace and quiet to contemplate the future.In theory, it had cost me a half day’s leave. But one of the benefits of being a boss is that no-one really cares if you...

Wife Lovers
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Cindy and MeChapter 2

Cindy stepped into her bedroom carrying the red bag, again bulging and hung it on the I.V. stand. "I made this one a little bigger," she said as she pulled another exam glove onto her right hand. "How much bigger?" "Up to the top. This bag holds just under five pints, so it's maybe two quarts plus four or five ounces. Since there's no soap in this one, we're relying on the mechanical distention of your colon to stimulate motility. The secret to a successful enema is two words --...

3 years ago
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False Imprisonment

Having visited a morning magistrates court in one in one of the UK's major cities some years ago. I was a little surprised at the way many cases especially of prostitution were pushed through at such high speed. Thinking back on my visit the bones of this story emerged. I am sure what happened below is surely not possible, or is it? Tony woke up with a start as the cell door clanged and a police officer walked in with his breakfast. "Here you are miss, you had better hurry up and eat, you...

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The Road to ChaosChapter 40

Had I known how much learning to fly was going to cost ... lessons ... for three ... aircraft ... fuel ... insurance ... two minor mishaps (Anything you walk away from is minor. Ambulance is major. ER is serious.) ... annual inspections ... thousand hour majors ... I would have swum. Flying to Tokashiki we splashed down outside the mole, motored in and beached at the fishing or small boat ramp on the north side of the basin. Flying there was a good idea ... I was in time to be advised that I...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 19

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 19​Nord Rhein Westphalia is not the prettiest area of Germany but it wasn’t beauty that Oskar was seeking on his latest mission of spreading the Rhino philosophy; no, he had identified the industrial Rheinland as being fertile ground for planting the seeds of Black dominance over a fiercely conservative white population. Given their history and their latent sense of racial superiority he...

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My First Threesome Experience 8211 Part I

Hi to all you horny ISS Readers. I am Pronab from Kolkata writing yet another real experience in my life. Let me introduce myself……I am a middle aged man, well settled in life, separated from my wife a long time ago, adore women and I consider sex to be the most beautiful and divine pleasures which God has gifted to the human race. I have been very active sexually throughout my life and have had my fair share of women. Thus you may consider me to very experience sexually. Any women from Kolkata...

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Cockatoo Part 39

Cockatoo Part 39 Nikkie Silk I froze in the open door watching Nin and Shane fucking each other on the bed. Nin had her back to me and Shane's hands were on her breasts as he drove upwards into her. They were both grunting loudly and I could see the sweat shining on both their bodies from the effort. Nin arched her back as she squatted over Shane taking him deep inside her. She threw her head back and groaned loudly as she slammed down onto him thrusting up at her. Shane yelled, "I'm...

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