Feeding An Addiction Part 3: Ch 5 free porn video

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Scarsdale, New York: Monday 6th August 2018

Central Park was beautiful this time of year. I looked out over the still waters of Harlem Meer, enjoying the relative peace in our bustling metropolis, enjoying the aroma of my fresh coffee. Glad to finally have escaped from the madhouse atmosphere of our home, finally able to find some peace and quiet to contemplate the future.

In theory, it had cost me a half day’s leave. But one of the benefits of being a boss is that no-one really cares if you disappear off for a half day here and a half day there. They know damn well that you often pull a sixty-hour week. And as long as you get the work done, pull in the sales and are contactable when needed, then they pretty much leave you to your own devices.

By the end of the weekend, I’d felt like my head was exploding. I’d ‘manned up’ and done everything I humanly could for Grace. But I knew this was just the start of a journey, and that the three of us had many long and difficult conversations ahead.

And this is where Monday morning in Central Park came in. It was my first chance to be by myself and really take in the enormity of the news. At forty-nine-years-old I was going to be a father again.

In some ways this was great news. I loved being Donovan’s dad. Every single part of it. Magical memories and a wonderful future to look forward to, proudly helping him through the steps of life. Sue and I had tried and tried, but with my very low sperm count we’d never succeeded in having a little brother or sister for Donovan. I knew this had been a cause of great sadness for Sue. The missing piece of the jigsaw in a life that otherwise she found wonderful and fulfilling. And now, at the grand old age of forty-nine I was being given a second wonderful go at the whole father thing.

That was the upside, but as I sat enjoying the Park’s restorative powers, my mind was more occupied with all the difficulties and challenges ahead.

How would Sue feel as the months passed, as she was forced to look at Grace’s swelling tummy? Swollen with my child, a child Sue might have felt by rights should have been in her tummy. The second child I’d failed to give her.

And what about the practical questions. Would Grace be expecting me to step up and make the relationship between us both more permanent and more exclusive? How would that impact things between Sue and me? Through all of our thinking and talking, Sue and I had both been determined to keep our relationship and marriage as the centerpiece in our life. All the games we played with Francis and Grace just an exciting side order, but not the main meal.

The ten days I’d just spent apart from Sue and, my panicked reaction when I thought she wasn’t at home, had doubly confirmed my belief that my love for Sue was the anchor of my life. But, already in love with Francis, how would Sue now feel about having to share me with another woman, on what was likely to be a permanent basis. As we brought up our child together.

The weekend had been totally focused on Grace. Both Sue and I felt this was the right way of doing things. We felt like quasi-parents to her in some ways, and felt we were better equipped to deal with the shit that life throws at you. We both wanted to make sure we’d got Grace back on an even keel before starting on the inevitable conversations we needed to have about where this left Sue and I as a couple.

As I sat contemplating the need for a refill, I looked out at the calm of the waters and envied the lake’s tranquility. What I’d have given at that moment for even a tenth of that calm in the steaming cauldron my life had become.

I’ve never been good at putting myself first. The downside of a Christian upbringing, where ‘love others as you love yourself’ had been mistranslated as ‘love others more than you love yourself.’ So, after spending a weekend thinking about Grace’s needs, I took this precious time to start thinking through ‘Peter Jones, what do you want going forward?’

I wasn’t so stupid as to think that I’d necessarily get what I wanted. But I knew that me being clear about what I wanted was absolutely critical if I was to avoid being buffeted around, while the other three people in this set-up played things to give them what they wanted.

What did I want?

I took a deep breath and started using an old management technique taught me many years ago. Nowadays it had become a bit of a cliché, but it still had merit. I asked myself, ‘What does good look like?’ For me, Mr. Peter Jones, what would ‘good’ look like in terms of my future life. If I fast-forwarded five or ten years forward, what was the picture I saw in my mind’s eye. What picture of the future would make me smile with happiness and contentment. Smile that things had turned out well in the end.

The human mind is a weird and wonderful thing. Capable of generating and holding all kinds of thoughts that you never knew were even there. The first picture I saw was a case in point, a picture that startled and surprised me and gave me plenty of pause for thought. The picture was of a white picket fence, with Grace standing cross-armed next to the fence, while a little frizzy-haired coffee colored boy ran towards me, crying ‘Daddy, daddy’ in an excited voice.

As the picture came into focus, I saw that Grace wasn’t alone. There was a man standing by her side, his arm protectively and possessively wrapped around her shoulder. And as the picture finally became pin sharp, I saw that the man had James’ face and body. Towering over Grace by nearly a foot and a half, a face that communicated love and commitment.

Just as I was trying to process this strange thought, the picture showed me picking up the frizzy haired little boy and holding him tight in my arms, as he excitedly showed me some metal toy that looked strangely similar to the toys I’d played with as a boy.

Just as I was about to speak, the little boy cut me off by turning to the side, happily brandishing the toy towards my companion. As I turned to follow the toy, I saw that it was Sue who was my companion, with the little boy chattering on to ‘Aunty Sue’ about how great his new toy was.

My gaze moved from the boy and his toy to take in the look on Sue’s face, and I smiled at I saw the loving look on her face. Seeing, the way she interacted with the boy, using words he’d understand and listening to all the little details he was sharing with her. In my mind, she was acting just like a mother or a grandmother would with the child.

As I sat and played back the sights and sounds my mind had generated, I knew this was the future that I wanted. I didn’t want to split from Sue and become Grace’s full-time partner or husband. But I wanted to be there as a father and a friend for both the child and Grace. The thing with James struck me as weird at first, but then I rationalized it that James was just symbolic of a man of Grace’s own age. Someone who’d be a better partner and full-time father for the child Grace was now expecting.

I caught myself smiling as I played back my mental movie for the third time. I knew with total certainty that this, or something like it, was the future I wanted.

But whether or not I could have this future, or a future even remotely like it, wasn’t within my gift. It was something that Sue and I would have to work out. And that’s why I’d booked a quiet table at our favorite little Italian restaurant tonight. A place where I knew we’d be undisturbed and able to start working out as a couple where Grace’s bombshell might take us.

But before we could start that conversation, I had a full afternoon of meetings ahead of me, and a decision to make about whether or not I’d accept a request from a certain Nigerian doctor for a quick meet and talk.


“Hi, Pete. Glad you could make it. Do you want a beer, or something else?”

I smiled at Francis and went with his beer option, still wondering what exactly it was he wanted to discuss away from the girls. On the phone he’d been pretty cryptic, but eventually I’d agreed to meet up at the ‘Old Friar’ bar which we’d often used as a meet-up place these last few years.

I was meeting Sue shortly for dinner, having had to promise her I’d tell her whatever it was that Francis wanted to discuss with me.

Taking my first sup of the strong Belgian beer, I wiped my mouth and moved things along.

“Francis, forgive me for being pushy and rude, but I don’t have too long as I’m due at the restaurant in ten minutes. What is it you wanted to discuss?”

Francis didn’t look at all put-out by my ignoring the normal social graces and conventions. He already knew all about Grace’s ‘news’ and I reckoned this was almost certainly the reason he’d asked to meet up. His request that it was just me and him seemed a bit overly dramatic. He must have known that whatever he said to me would be repeated virtually verbatim to Sue in a few minutes time.

Swirling his half glass of beer, he looked up. “Okay then, Pete, I’ll come straight to the point. You and I have talked many times about your low sperm count, and how you and Sue were incredibly lucky to even conceive Donovan.”

I don’t know if I was being overly paranoid (a common condition for any man living our lifestyle), but his use of the word ‘even’ felt like a stiletto aimed straight into my gut, impugning my masculinity with one short word. But I let it pass, giving him the benefit of the doubt, remembering our two years of friendship before things got ‘complicated’ between us.

“Well, given your medical condition, I think it’s pretty damned unlikely that you really are the father of Grace’s baby. I mean, it stands to reason. You spent the best part of twenty years trying to get Sue pregnant. Making love several times a week. And yet Grace comes along, smiles at your sweet face and hey presto, five months later you’re a daddy again. Do the math! You’re a smart guy, what are the chances?"

He paused to let his words sink in, to give me a chance to think.

And the truth is, although he’d used different words and given it his own slant, Francis wasn’t saying anything I’d not already thought about myself. I spent all my days playing with numbers and figuring out the odds. It would have been impossible for me not to have considered what Francis was suggesting.

But I’d pushed this thought to the back of my mind. Mainly because I didn’t want to think of Grace in this way. Or in these two ways. Sneaking around and having sex with some other guy. And then using this to trick or trap me into believing I was the father.

Living and working in the poorer parts of the world, you soon realize that for most women in the world ‘love’ and marriage isn’t some soft-focus Hollywood idea. Beautiful girl meets handsome boy, they fall in love, overcome the inevitable obstacle and then live happily ever after. No, for most parts of the world, girls (even pretty girls) will marry a guy who can economically provide for them, their children, and quite possibly their extended family.

It ain’t romantic, but ask anyone who’s travelled the world and they’ll tell you that’s how it is. Many’s the time I’ve been in a mall in some part of the developing world and I’ve caught some local girl eyeing me up. And I never kidded myself it was because I look like Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling. More likely, it’s that the color of my skin means she sees a dollar sign on my forehead.

But Grace was different. I knew she came from a poor country and a poor background. She’d been the one to tell us how her family’s lack of money had cut short her nurse training. I didn’t want to think of Grace in the same way. Ever since we’d met nearly a year ago in Malawi, I’d believed that she liked me for who I was. That she liked my jokes and the conversations we had. I’d fallen for this girl, and I didn’t want to think this was all a game.

But in just a couple of sentences Francis was causing me to question all of these assumptions. At that moment I hated him for putting that doubt in my mind. Because my gut told me that, once planted, it would be a seed that would grow and would be very difficult to dislodge.

Francis could see the anger and pain building in my face. He smiled to himself, a smile of resignation, and then gave me one final parting thought.

“It’s too early at the moment, but if in six weeks or so, if you want to, I can arrange a buddy of mine to carry out a paternity test. Perfectly safe, totally non-invasive. Won’t do any harm to baby or mother. But at least, if you want to, you’ll definitively know one way or the other if the child is yours. Your call, man. When the time’s right, let me know if you want me to arrange it or not.”

I said a cursory ‘thanks’ to Francis and was about to make my way out to meet Sue, when I felt a burning urge to ask Francis a parting question.

After looking at my watch to judge how late I was running, I looked up at the good doctor’s dark face. “One thing I don’t get, Francis. Why are you raising this doubt? Why are you suggesting I get a paternity test done? Surely you must think all of your Christmases have come at once? If I’m busy playing daddy with Grace and our kid, that leaves the field clear for you in terms of Sue.”

Francis would have to have been a fool not to have picked up on the bile and disgust dripping from my every syllable. But he didn’t react in kind. He had more self-control than that. Instead he just gave me an enigmatic smile and looked me in the eye.

“Pete, man. We both know how much I want Sue. I’ve not hidden that from you, not even for a moment. But remember all the time we spent together as friends, those two years before it all got complicated again. I’m still that same guy, Pete. Still loving dad to Victor, Esther and Joy. Who, in case you didn’t notice, are all about the same age as Donovan and Grace. I may be a ruthless bastard when it comes to somethings, but even I wouldn’t use Grace’s condition to get what I want.”

He paused for a moment, still looking directly at me to judge my reaction, and then continued. “The way I look at it, Pete, I think it would be best for all concerned if Grace gets that test. She can’t hide from the fact that the chance of you getting her pregnant is pretty low. If she’s smart, she’ll opt for the test, so everyone will know for sure who the baby’s father is.”

Having finished his soliloquy, he raised his empty glass and tipped it at me in a mock toast, signaling it was time for me to go.

As I hustled towards the door, I felt angry with Francis. Angry because what he’d said made a lot of sense. Angry because he’d thrown yet another factor or variable into an equation I was already struggling to solve. But in barely twenty minutes together in the bar, he’d thrown another huge curve ball into a situation which I’d naively thought couldn’t get any more complicated.

I jumped into a cab for the five-minute drive to the restaurant where Sue was already waiting for me, trying to calm myself down. Just as I finally calmed to two points below meltdown, a text arrived from Francis.

I read the words, and then closed my eyes at the thought of another topic now added to the pyre of issues Sue and I had to discuss tonight.


“Sorry, baby,” was all I could say as I pulled my best apology face and sat down next to Sue. I was now fifteen minutes late and I could see Sue wasn’t happy about it.

“I hope this isn’t going to become a thing. What with your newfound responsibilities and obligations?”

“Was that really necessary?” I counter-punched, my own temper and mood wearing thin.

“Sorry, baby,” Sue smiled softly by way of apology. “It’s just this thing’s getting to me. It’s like we’ve been busy and stressed all weekend, and we still didn’t get any time for you or me to discuss things. We’ve been kicked out of our own house to find somewhere we can talk properly.”

I smiled. I loved this woman. She had every right to be incredibly angry, both at me and the situation. But she was still even-tempered and fair-minded.

I reached out to hold her hand. “It’s okay, honey. I feel totally the same. I disappeared from the office this morning for three hours to sit in the park and get my head straight. What a fuck-up! How the hell did we get ourselves into this position?”

I rarely swore, and very rarely when talking to Sue, but sometimes the blunt directness of Anglo-Saxon words is the only way to get it off your chest.

Sue squeezed my hand back and mirrored my smile. “I couldn’t have put it better myself. Although I could quibble about the use of the word ‘we’. How ‘we’ got ourselves into this position.”

My smile turned to a grimace. “I guess you’re right, honey. I know it’s my fault. I was just trying to get across that in some ways this is all part of the game we’ve all four of us been playing for some time now.”

Sue’s expression told me she didn’t disagree. Changing tack, I pulled Sue’s hand to mine and kissed it tenderly. “After we’ve ordered, I want you to tell me how you see things. And what you do and don’t want to happen, darling. I’ve done a lot of thinking myself, but it’s what you want that’s the most important thing for me, honey.”

For a moment I thought Sue was going to burst into tears. My words seemed to have struck a chord with her. She stroked my face gently and I could see her thinking about what she’d say and how she’d say it.

As we studied the menus, as if making small talk Sue asked me what Francis had wanted to talk about. I summarized the conversation, and Sue just nodded in a non-committal kind of way. The mention of Francis suddenly remined me of the text I’d received from him.

Retrieving my phone, I opened the relevant text and placed it towards Sue in the middle of the table:

Pete, Sue. I hope you manage to get things sorted out with the Grace situation in the next few days and weeks. Just thinking that while you get it sorted, it might be an idea if I keep a low profile. Give you time and space you need. I’d obviously miss you guys, but it might be for the best.

Sue read the message twice, and then as cool as anything she made no comment and just returned to reading the menu.

The food now safely ordered and the waiter dispatched to give us back our privacy, I could see Sue getting herself ready to open her heart to me. I felt like every nerve end in my body was jangling and on fire. The last few days had been like an earthquake, putting a huge crack down the middle of an already complicated marriage. Before Saturday I was pretty sure of Sue’s love for me and commitment to our marriage. But after the last few days I honestly had no idea what she was about to say.

As we looked at each other over clasped hands, my heart was in my throat as I wondered if I was about to hear the words which would end my marriage. That would end twenty-five years of happiness.

Sue could see that her delay was killing me, and so she cleared her throat and started.

“Pete, honey. This is as hard for me as it is for you. I’ve been doing a whole lot of soul-searching and thinking over the weekend and today. When you were with Grace on Saturday night, I hardly slept a wink. I couldn’t sleep, with so many thoughts going through my brain. And what Francis said at the bar, well, that was something that was in my mind as well. Not quite like Francis put it. But certainly, I was wondering about the whole question.”

Sue had said lots of words, but I was still none the wiser as to whether or not I still had a marriage and a wife. And so, I gently pushed. “Sue, honey. What do you want?”

The smile that then came over Sue’s face confused me. “Pete, honey, I can’t fully answer that at the moment. I can only give you half an answer, because we’re still missing a big piece of the picture. Given what we know about your medical condition, we need to know for sure that the child Grace is carrying is really yours.”

She took a deep breath and continued. “I’m sorry if that sounds clinical or disrespectful to Grace, but we’re talking about huge decisions here. And whether you do or don’t have a baby that you made and need to play daddy to is what everything hangs on.”

I was still none the wiser about what Sue wanted. Wanted for herself. She could see the frustration in me, and made a third attempt.

“Pete, honey. I can tell you what I don’t want. I can tell you that I don’t want us to split up. I love you, honey. And I love the family and home we’ve built for Donovan, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to give that up without a fight. But that’s why knowing for certain whether this baby’s really yours or not is so important. If it’s not really yours, then well, I think we both know what that means,” with malice and threat clear in the way Sue finished her sentence.

“But if the baby is truly yours, then that’s a totally different thing. You and I will have to face up to our responsibilities. Grace will truly still be the innocent victim of the game all four of us freely choose to play. And then the number one thing won’t necessarily be what you or I want to happen. It might well be what Grace wants to happen.”

Hearing Sue say this scared me to death, something that was immediately apparent to Sue. Just for a moment an angry look flared in her eyes, the look of women through the ages, having to pick up the pieces after guys had their fun. But just as quickly the flame dimmed and Sue looked at me lovingly.

“Tell me, baby. Do you honestly see it any differently? She’s a girl you’ve been bedding on and off for the best part of a year. She’s twenty-two- years old and living in a foreign country, and trying to complete her nurse’s exams. Are you really telling me that if Grace says that she wants you there twenty-four seven to help her out with your baby, you’re going to say no?”

Sue paused for quite some time to let me think.

“Pete, honey. That’s not who you are. It’s just not. How would you look me or our son in the eye if you treated a young girl, a stranger in our country, like that? And I know you have feelings for her, just like I have feelings for Francis. You’ve not hidden that from me.”

She squeezed my hand again and gave me a rueful smile.

As we started on the entrée, neither Sue nor I particularly felt like talking. I think we were both thinking. I’d come to the meal and the discussion with such high hopes. But what Sue said was simple, to the point and true. Everything revolved around confirming beyond doubt that the child was or was not mine. And after that, if it was my child, what Grace wanted would be the number one thing influencing what happened next.

Sue wasn’t saying that what she and I wanted didn’t matter, she was just saying that what Grace wanted would be the key ingredient in how we changed our lives to accommodate the new addition.

We moved on from the entrée to the main course and my mind cheered me up a bit as I remembered what Sue had said before, about how she loved me and was damned if she was going to let our marriage and family be split up without a fight. Playing these words back in my mind several times gave me a lifebelt to cling to, stopping me from despairing that it might now be inevitable that in the coming months I’d lose Sue to Francis.

And thinking of Francis suddenly brought my mind back to the text from Francis. I fished out my phone and put the message in the middle between us again.

“What do you think, honey?” I worried I was maybe being a coward, in asking Sue’s opinion before sharing my own. But I also felt that after everything Sue had been through these last few days, everything caused by me, maybe she should have her voice and thoughts heard first and foremost. After all, I’d come to this evening determined to find out what she wanted. Even if the conversation hadn’t quite gone the way I’d expected or wanted.

Sue re-read the text a couple more times, and then chuckled to herself.

“I’ll tell you what I think, honey. I think that, while his intentions may be well meaning, you and I will both need a little light relief in the next few weeks. It’s going to be stressful enough without the withdrawal of my Tuesday and Friday night Francis privileges, and your chance to watch the good doctor bang your sweet little wife on Sundays.”

There was something bizarrely reassuring about what Sue was suggesting. To my overloaded and stressed mind, she was almost suggesting ‘business as usual’, let’s pretend this thing isn’t happening. And this had an alluring appeal to it. I could certainly see it from Sue’s viewpoint, but also from my own. The three of us cooped up together in that pressure cooker atmosphere for six weeks while we waited to see whose baby it was. Not an appealing picture.


Looking back on them now, the next few weeks appear in my memory as a series of individual cameos and a group of remembered impressions and feelings.

One of the first things that got sorted out, and which we thought would be hard, was the question of the paternity test. And we had Francis to thank for this. He offered to discuss it with Grace, suggesting that as a doctor and someone outside of our home he was best placed to raise the question in a way that wouldn’t be insulting or hurtful to Grace. After he’d discussed it with Grace, he explained that he’d pretty much used the same reasoning as he had with me in the bar that Monday night. And that after some discussion, Grace saw the sense in his point. That with my difficulty in fertilizing a woman, it was best for the baby and her that we establish the child’s paternity beyond all doubt. That this way all questions and gossip and snide comments could be killed stone dead.

I’d been the one worrying most about Grace’s reaction. Bu when she returned from her chat with Francis, she was positively chirpy. Happy that the test would remove any doubts from people’s minds.

With this decision taken, it seemed to act as some kind of catalyst. With the date of the test now marked on the calendar, it was like some weight had been lifted from Grace and she wanted to start talking about the future and how things would work out.

What she wanted didn’t emerge in a big set piece talk or anything like that. It, kind of leaked out through a series of half-conversations and semi-expressed thoughts. To be fair to Grace, she was a twenty-two-year-old living a long way from home in another country, living in another couple’s house. I think she sensed that she was hardly in a position to make a State of the Union address, about what she saw in the future for all three of us.

But little by little her ideas of what the future might look like started to emerge. As Sue and I pieced the bits of the jigsaw together. Whenever she talked about the future, she seemed to assume that the three of us would all still be living together, pretty much like we were now.

And the way she talked about it, the three of us were all one big happy family. Living together, with Auntie Sue sometimes looking after the little one. With family trips to the park where I had junior on my shoulders and she and Sue would follow on behind, talking about baby and motherhood stuff. Bonding over shared experiences.

The way Grace talked so confidently about the future of the three of us together, I began to believe that this baby must definitely be mine. If this was all some big sham, there was no way this young Malawian girl could keep up the charade so well and for so long. The more she talked, the more the thought that maybe the baby wasn’t mine diminished.

As I said, these pieces of the jigsaw spilled out bit-by-bit. Sometimes Sue and I would hear things together, other times we compared notes when we had a bit of piece of quiet.

These weeks were a stressful time for me. As well as working out what Grace wanted from the future, I was also trying to work out what Sue’s reaction was to the future world Grace was describing. By and large, Sue didn’t say much. When I pushed her on what she wanted, she went to her stock answer of ‘let’s talk about it after the test.’

But if those were her spoken words, watching her non-verbal clues and body language was starting to trouble me. Sometimes she’d not quite manage to hide her feelings, or when she thought no-one was looking the mask would slip. I tried to get her to open up, but she kept defaulting back to ‘we’ll talk about it after the test.’

In the end I gave up trying to get her to open up and share her thoughts, reconciling myself to a big heart-to-heart between Sue and me when the results of the Paternity Test came back in mid-late September.

As you can imagine, waiting for this impending conversation rather felt like one of those poor blood infantry types on D-Day. Stuck inside a heaving landing ship, waiting and waiting as shells landing all around in the sea. All the time knowing a potentially far more terrible event awaited just a few yards ahead up the beach. Only in my case D-Day wasn’t June 6th, it was September 21st.

And the enemy waiting ahead included a big black Panther tank called Francis. All through these days and weeks he wasn’t doing anything especially untoward. But several nights I dreamt about a big black cat laying quietly in the long cross, just waiting to pounce on me and my family. I didn’t need six years at medical school or the divine inspiration of Joseph to interpret this particular dream.

Francis and Sue were still seeing each other on their appointed T-F-Su schedule, and I often felt a paranoid fear of what they were discussing. I suspected they might be discussing what the future held for all four of us, but tried to convince myself this was my paranoia. That Sue wouldn’t discuss with Francis things she’d refused to discuss with me. I honestly think if I’d found out that they were having these conversations, where she’d refused them with me, it would have broken my heart. Broken it and ripped it clean out of my rib cage. As the summer rolled on, it seemed like September 21st would never arrive. Three days before, on the Wednesday, Grace asked Sue to go with her to have the test.


September 21st was finally here. A Friday, deliberately chosen so as to give us all time to talk over the weekend. I wasn’t particularly happy with it, but the venue we were all meeting in was Francis’ office. It was a colleague of his, Doctor Okafor, who was rushing the results through, so I guess it made some kind of sense. It was three p.m. and we were waiting expectantly for him to run the results down personally from the DNA Lab.

None of us looked at ease. None of us were talking. And then, just one minute after the hour a worried looking man in a white coat came through the door brandishing a hospital envelope. Hospital protocol determined that it was Grace who he handed the envelope to, and we all clustered round to be put out of our misery.

(Thanks to Mr cbears52 for tidying up my mistakes, as ever, RR)


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Feeding An addiction A Threeway Street Ch 12

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 30th June 20172015 and 2016.  Surviving, growing.  A couple togetherThey often say when people push through and survive a crisis they’re closer than they were before.  The whole experience of working together to overcome a challenge melding and forging you closer and stronger than you were before.  Sue and I had often talked about it and certainly, that’s how we felt having survived the whole situation with Brandon.We’d had our fair share of pain, guilt, and recriminations...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 9

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 19th April 2015A secret pleasureWe didn’t have to wait long to get a reply to Sue’s email. The time-stamp showed it was sent just after two p.m., and Sue’s suitor sent a reply by four the same afternoon. Sue was still sleeping when I heard the tell-tale ‘ping’ of an incoming email. For the briefest of moments, I thought about not opening it, but I couldn’t resist the temptation.My fingers were shaking and my body was on a wave of adrenaline, enjoying the delicious...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 9

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 19th April 2015A secret pleasureWe didn’t have to wait long to get a reply to Sue’s email. The time-stamp showed it was sent just after two p.m., and Sue’s suitor sent a reply by four the same afternoon. Sue was still sleeping when I heard the tell-tale ‘ping’ of an incoming email. For the briefest of moments, I thought about not opening it, but I couldn’t resist the temptation.My fingers were shaking and my body was on a wave of adrenaline, enjoying the delicious...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 10

Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 25th April 2015A sleepless night, the end of days?It was six in the morning and I’d hardly slept a wink. The last ten hours had been probably the most difficult of my life. As I enjoyed the small pleasure of my morning coffee, I wondered how a man with so much education could have been so stupid. I’d known Brandon less than a week and I’d been stupid enough to leave my wife with him.When I headed home, I’d expected him to keep me in the loop as things progressed between...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 10

Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 25th April 2015A sleepless night, the end of days?It was six in the morning and I’d hardly slept a wink. The last ten hours had been probably the most difficult of my life. As I enjoyed the small pleasure of my morning coffee, I wondered how a man with so much education could have been so stupid. I’d known Brandon less than a week and I’d been stupid enough to leave my wife with him.When I headed home, I’d expected him to keep me in the loop as things progressed between...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 8

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 17th April 2015A face like thunder, ‘We are not amused’She slammed the door and I knew all was not well. Sue was just returning from Friday evening drinks with a group of girlfriends from the hospital. I wondered what on earth could have happened to prompt such an angry slam of our front door. The doorframe and whole wall had shaken with the force of it.As she stormed into the lounge she had a face like thunder.“Fricking bitches!” she announced, looking at me with...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 8

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 17th April 2015A face like thunder, ‘We are not amused’She slammed the door and I knew all was not well. Sue was just returning from Friday evening drinks with a group of girlfriends from the hospital. I wondered what on earth could have happened to prompt such an angry slam of our front door. The doorframe and whole wall had shaken with the force of it.As she stormed into the lounge she had a face like thunder.“Fricking bitches!” she announced, looking at me with...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction Part 3 Ch 9

Scarsdale, New York: Sunday 21st October 2018Of the four of us, I must have been the last one to see that there was already someone waiting for us in the private room. I was bringing up the rear, Francis up front pushing Grace in the wheelchair and Sue sandwiched in the middle.“James, what are you doing here?” Francis’ deep voice boomed out, the tone of his voice matching the surprised look on his face.“Honestly, I’m not too sure. Grace texted me and asked me to come over to meet you all. I’m a...

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Feeding An Addiction Part 3 Ch 8

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 24th September 2018All of the compliments and praise from my boss’s boss now seemed a distant memory as I screwed up the courage to park my car and enter the lion’s den. Once a happy home, this evening I felt like a poor grunt entering Snipers' Alley. From the cars parked in the drive, I knew Sue and Francis were in there. And to me that could only mean one conclusion to all the thinking Sue had done about our marriage.Taking the deepest of breaths, I left the...

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Feeding an addiction Part 3 Ch 4

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 4th August 2018Hell, I was tired. It had been the week to end all weeks. Wall to wall meetings, clients and colleagues who seemed hell-bent on bickering and arguing about every tiny detail. Somehow me and my number two guy, Steve, had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But it had been a real stressful, roller coaster ride of a week.And now it was one twenty in the morning and I felt totally wiped out. My shoulders ached, my legs hurt from the long...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 19

Karonga, Malawi: Friday 20th October 2017As I looked at Sue and Francis, so close and intimate after their passionate love-making, I knew I’d made the wrong call. I knew I’d let my addiction get the better of me. That I’d allowed Jenny to manipulate and suck me into a place where I’d forgotten all the painful lessons learned. Forgotten just how bad it had been with Brandon.I picked up the phone and pressed the speed dial for Sue. I knew what I had to do. Whatever I’d said and done before, I had...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an Addiction Part 3 Ch 2

Scarsdale, New York: 06:00 Sunday 4th March 2018I don’t know if it was the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee, or if it was just her body clock, but it wasn’t long till Sue joined us in the kitchen. And in a matter of moments, I went from worrying about Grace’s plans and feelings for me to feeling a little like a spare part.I’d forgotten just how much Sue enjoyed having Grace around. The little sister she’d never had. They were soon chattering away about all kinds of stuff. Most of it was about...

Wife Lovers
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Unusual Treatment for My Porn Addiction

From all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...

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Doctor George VIs Sexual Addiction Clinic

I worked for a sexual addiction clinic. The clinic was a spinoff of the Harding Santorum in Worthington, Ohio,Former President Harding’s brother George T. Harding II founded the Harding Santorum in 1916 to provide treatment for people with physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs and operated it on a forty-five-acre campus until 1999, when it became part of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.Doctor George T. Harding VI Spun off the sex clinic and created the Harding Sexual Addiction...

Group Sex
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Freedom with Addiction

Disclaimer: There is a lot of sex, but nothing to extreme or to long... So be prepared for it. Aside from that this is my intellectual property that has been submitted to "Fictionmania" and "Crystal's Story Site". I probably won't have a problem if anyone wants to post this elsewhere or continue the story, but ask first. And don't post on pay websites. Synopsis: Amy was transformed into a woman over a year ago, and then let out into the world. Tonight one of the people that were...

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Fur Addiction

My third fur story posted here. If fur disgusts you read no further. This is not the same as the other ‘fetishes’ in so many ways. Indeed fetish or addiction? That is the question. A Psychiatrist’s fur seduction and Addiction. Melinda is fed up with George and his damned infidelity. She has done all she can but he is continuing his affair with his want-a-be-a-blond secretary only a few years younger than her young 26 years. Nothing she has done warrants this. She has been loving, faithful,...

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Lose Your Addiction in Six Days

Lose Your Addiction in Six Days Saturday She was his neighbor, but Jim could never think of her that way. From the time Kate moved in next door she was a goal for him. He obsessed over her sexy legs and butt, and those tits that jiggled just the way he liked them to. To him, she was sexy as fuck, and he knew he had to get into her pants one way or another. And now he was about to. It wasn't like Jim was sex-starved. He was well above average in frequency of conquests. But he...

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Porn addiction

There seems to be a lot of online debate about whether porn addiction, or indeed sex addiction, is a genuine condition or not. As far as the UK’s NHS is concerned, though, these are looked at in the same light as other potentially addictive behaviours. The explosion of access to pornography has played a larger and larger part in the workload of sexual health practitioners - and, due to the health issues that can be symptomatic of it, it’s now treated with the same seriousness as any other...

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Porn addiction

There seems to be a lot of online debate about whether porn addiction, or indeed sex addiction, is a genuine condition or not. As far as the UK’s NHS is concerned, though, these are looked at in the same light as other potentially addictive behaviours. The explosion of access to pornography has played a larger and larger part in the workload of sexual health practitioners - and, due to the health issues that can be symptomatic of it, it’s now treated with the same seriousness as any other...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 5

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 23rd January 2015Cat on a hot tin roofThat’s exactly how I felt in the ten days after Sue and I took the momentous decision to see if the reality with Francis would be as good as the fantasy. (Only for some reason I could never picture a cat on a hot tin roof, the picture that always came into my mind was Dr. Seuss’ Cat in a Hat, complete with that tall red and white knitted hat. Go figure!)I was climbing the walls with anticipation and excitement. I’d waited for this for...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 5

Scarsdale, NY: Friday 23rd January 2015Cat on a hot tin roofThat’s exactly how I felt in the ten days after Sue and I took the momentous decision to see if the reality with Francis would be as good as the fantasy. (Only for some reason I could never picture a cat on a hot tin roof, the picture that always came into my mind was Dr. Seuss’ Cat in a Hat, complete with that tall red and white knitted hat. Go figure!)I was climbing the walls with anticipation and excitement. I’d waited for this for...

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I live in the Chicago area with my mother and older sister; my father went to prison on drug charges. He’d been in and out multiple times for possession and dealing, but this time he was found with enough to get him 15 years... He tried to cooperate and give up some information, but none of it played out well enough in his favor. Drugs, specifically heroin, were a real issue in my family… not for me so much, but my father sold regularly (but rarely used), while my mother and sister on the...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 4

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 21st December 2014Two voices, pushing me in opposite directionsI’d had a strange feeling as I’d watched how Sue reacted to Francis as they laughed and flirted in the bar. At first, I’d thought it was all just part of the game we were playing, done for my benefit.But as I’d watched Sue, my gut told me she’d forgotten that the camera was there and that what I was seeing was the real Sue. As they talked and laughed, throwing off a hundred little signs of how she was attracted...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 4

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 21st December 2014Two voices, pushing me in opposite directionsI’d had a strange feeling as I’d watched how Sue reacted to Francis as they laughed and flirted in the bar. At first, I’d thought it was all just part of the game we were playing, done for my benefit.But as I’d watched Sue, my gut told me she’d forgotten that the camera was there and that what I was seeing was the real Sue. As they talked and laughed, throwing off a hundred little signs of how she was attracted...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding An Addiction A ThreeWay Street Ch 3

Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 20th December 2014Checking the temperature, excitedly preparing for the dance date It was gone three when we got home. As we’d been steadily drinking since the party started at around eight, although we were both horny from the little game we’d been playing, sleep seemed a higher priority.  But Saturday late morning was a very happy time in the Jones household, as we made out like love-struck teenagers.As we lay recovering, I knew it was only a matter of time.“Pete,...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding An Addiction A ThreeWay Street Ch 3

Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 20th December 2014Checking the temperature, excitedly preparing for the dance date It was gone three when we got home. As we’d been steadily drinking since the party started at around eight, although we were both horny from the little game we’d been playing, sleep seemed a higher priority.  But Saturday late morning was a very happy time in the Jones household, as we made out like love-struck teenagers.As we lay recovering, I knew it was only a matter of time.“Pete,...

Wife Lovers
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A Tale of Sexual Addiction

I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption. * ‘Bill does that little cunt from the office...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 1

35,000 ft, Eastern Seaboard, Sunday 04:00 5th November 2017Someone very smart once said, ‘When the facts change, I change my mind.’Four in the morning, still two hours left of my long journey home, and a less eloquent version was, ‘only a fool never has second thoughts.’I was definitely having second and possibly even third and first thoughts. In my case, the facts that had changed were that I no longer had Grace by my side and I’d no longer be eight thousand miles away. I’d be right here in...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 7

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 25th January 2015Sunday evening“Careful, they’re a little bit sore.” I felt Sue’s body stiffen a little, as if to prove the point.“Sorry, do you want me to stop?” I asked as Sue snuggled into my body and I gently stroked her nipples, as she lay with her back on my chest as we watched some mindless Sunday evening TV show.“No, it’s okay, just be gentle and go slow.”I smiled as I got my reward, her nipples hardening between my fingers as I caressed them, being careful to...

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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 7

Scarsdale, NY: Sunday 25th January 2015Sunday evening“Careful, they’re a little bit sore.” I felt Sue’s body stiffen a little, as if to prove the point.“Sorry, do you want me to stop?” I asked as Sue snuggled into my body and I gently stroked her nipples, as she lay with her back on my chest as we watched some mindless Sunday evening TV show.“No, it’s okay, just be gentle and go slow.”I smiled as I got my reward, her nipples hardening between my fingers as I caressed them, being careful to...

Wife Lovers
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My Secret Addiction Chapter 1

It all started with my first girlfriend in high school. Her name was Kaley, and she was a very pretty blond-haired cheerleader. I was just a dumb teen in love, and my naivety blinded me from all the red flags I should have seen. I thought we were in love, and we had plans to go to the same college together and everything. But that all changed one night during a high school football game. I had lost track of her; we were supposed to meet up to hang out with some friends.I eventually found her in...

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Feeding An Addiction Part 2 Ch 11

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 12th February 2018I slept fitfully that Sunday night, waking a couple of times to a mind full of thoughts about Sue and Francis. The thoughts were a swirling mixture of arousal and worry. I loved the thought of my beautiful wife together in bed with her big African lover. But at the same time, I never totally escaped the fears and worries about where this might lead. Playing with matches were the words in my head.During my two spells of insomnia, I thought back to...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 6

JFK Airport, New York: 21:00 Wednesday 3rd January 2018“Hurry up, honey,” Sue shouted over her shoulder as she scurried towards the departure area.“If you don’t hurry up …” before her words trailed off as she bumped into someone coming in the opposite direction.Working out how to respond to Francis’ proposition about accompanying him to Nigeria had been a really hard call. He was a good friend and we knew he was hurting and needed the support of his friends. Thinking it through and coming to a...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 2

Scarsdale, New York: Friday 10th November 2017Friday night is party night. Most guys all around the world were out with their girlfriends or wives. Me? I was stuck at home while my woman was out with another man, thinking to myself ‘how the hell did we end up here?’Sue and I were a dedicated, loving and conventional couple. Twice we’d tried something different, and twice we’d stopped. How does the old saying have it? Third time lucky.Sitting alone in our family home, thinking of all those other...

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My Secret Addiction Chapter 2

We were consumed with our plans for Leah to have sex with a black man. Every conversation, every question and idea was about it. I couldn’t focus on anything else and neither could she. There was a nervous anxiety in the air, it was palpable but also worrying. My young wife not only wanted to fulfill my darkest fantasy, but it was now her fantasy as well.I knew she loved sex, but I never knew she would be so open-minded about this sort of thing. Was it a red flag? There had to be something she...

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Feeding an Addiction Part 3 Ch 7

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 22nd September 2018How had it come to this? Just a few hours ago I’d been spooning and making love to my wonderful wife. Declaring my love to her as she told me she’d always love me. And now, just a few hours later, she was gone. Nowhere to be seen in the house. Replaced instead by an envelope on her pillow, on a pristine and perfectly made bed.Back in 2015, we’d pulled the plug after a weekend of fun with Francis, thinking better of it. We’d survived the horror...

Wife Lovers
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SpunkAddiction Sucking 10 Escorts UsedCondoms Clean

The list: 10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy. 4. Paid an escort to let me fuck her with one of her client's used...

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Sniff Addiction in the Chaldain Abyss

Introduction: Seduced into buttsniffing by the mysterious girls of Chalda leads to an addiction for a noblemans wayward son. The whitewashed walls and brick-layed streets of Sandava gleaned bright in the sun, unlike surrounding cultures such as Mandalva, Trocust and Chalda. Those people managed decent lives but not with the oppulence of Sandava. Shadi was the eldest son of a Sandavan High Judge and if he studied well and kept his nose clean, he was the likely successor to his fathers high...

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Feeding an addiction Part 3 Ch 10

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 27th October 2018As I watched Sue’s tail lights disappear around the corner on that Saturday night, I knew it was going to be a long night. Before, when I’d been walking and thinking about whether to let her to do this, I’d been as sure as I could be that this would be the farewell closure that Sue said she needed. That despite Sue’s love for Francis, after what he’d done there was no real risk that she’d up sticks and head off to Nigeria with the man whose child...

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Feeding An Addiction Part 3 Ch 1

JFK, New York: 06:00 Saturday 3rd March 2018I looked in vain but couldn’t see it. The engraving. Sue had suggested that we’d spent so much time at JFK arrivals recently that we ought to have our very own family chair or bench, complete with engraving.“Hey, honey. There it is. ‘The Jones family pew. Stalwart supporters of the airport through two generations. 1852 to 2018.’”My sarcasm earning me a justified punch on the arm. Then a wonderful warm feeling as Sue took my arm and snuggled up to me,...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 8

Scarsdale, New York: Early evening Sunday 14th January 2018Sanguine is one of those great words. I’m not smart or academic enough to know if it really counts as onomatopoeic. But I still think it’s a pretty great word that captures how Sue and I were feeling that Sunday evening.We’d arrived back from Lagos in the early hours of Sunday. This time we were Mr. and Mrs. 8A and 8B for the eleven and a half hour flight. Sue’s three rings safely back on her ring finger, placed there by her nervous...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 17

Karonga, Malawi: Thursday 19th October 2017Five thirty a.m. and my iPhone’s alarm was trying to raise a weary traveler from his soft and comfy hotel bed. As the hot jets played over my body my mind wandered back over the last day’s events.After my late night call with Sue, I’d only had six hours sleep before I had to go forth to face the world and the failing project I was here to fix.As the water refreshed my body and helped me wake, I realized my body was physically shaking with that familiar...

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Feeding an Addiction A Threeway Street Ch 16

Karonga, Malawi: Tuesday 17th October 2017“Jenny Cell.”After nine hours of a useless blank screen, my phone was now finally re-connecting me with my world back in New York. Only instead of seeing “Sue Cell’ or “Home” or something I might have looked forward to, it showed something altogether more surprising and confusing.I found my anger rising fast, spurred on by the fact that this wasn’t Sue on the line. I let the phone ring a few times. My mind going back to the role Jenny had played in the...

Wife Lovers
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Have you ever been addicted to something? I mean really addicted, like when you have an overpowering need to experience something that you know is good. When you want it so much that you risk the pleasure it brings, transforming from a moderate indulgence into craving it. Even when logically, you know you risk destroying it for good, but you just can’t help yourself. For me, my addiction is you. I have an overpowering lust for you. Lust, it’s a strange beast. Sometimes it can sneak up on you...

Straight Sex
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Developing an Addiction

One of my favourite writers on Fictionmania when I first started was Verna Benson, I do not know Verna or if she is still among us. Since its now ten years since she posed anything I have written this as something of a homage to her stories. I've pinched loads of idea's from her to write this and I guess in a way she could be considered a co- author. Developing an Addiction. By Trish. I'll never forget how I met her, the woman who twenty years ago changed my life. It was at the...

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My Brothers Porn Addiction 3 A Weak But Sexy Moment

"Hey, Bonica," she said, walking by with him."Hey, Trica, hey, Joe," I added, peeking at them as they stopped. "So, I've noticed you two have been together a lot lately.""Yes, good call on giving me her number, thank you, sis," he added, coming to me and hugging me.I hugged him back as she kept her eyes on us. Luckily, she couldn't see my crotch or his for that matter. We both shook a bit, but it seemed she didn't pick up on anything weird.After that minute, he peeked back at her without...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 10

JFK, New York: Sunday 11th February 2018The cup of coffee was a life-saver. Strong, black, Grande. Full of the flavors of Africa.There are very few friends I like enough to get me out of a warm bed at six a.m. on a New York winter’s morning. But Francis, especially in his current state of mourning was one of those few friends.But without that steaming cup of Ethiopian black, I’d have been little use to him as I helped him with his bags. He gave me the length of hug normally reserved only for...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 9

Scarsdale, New York: Friday 19th January 2018As Sue’s FaceTime call was cut-off by Mikey I felt like a man in Purgatory. The excitement of watching Sue with her three young, college-age black lovers had been a huge and intense high. And now it was gone. It felt like a huge hole had been ripped in my chest. The blank seventy-five-inch screen, so full of life just seconds ago, seemed to now mock and torment me. It felt as if I could only stick my head in the screen I’d be able to see the goings...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an Addiction Part 2 Ch 7

35,000 Feet above Central Africa: 13:00 Thursday 4th January 2018“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve just commenced our descent into Lagos International Airport. Could you please return to your seats, put your seats upright, and stow any tables and electrical devices you’ve been using. Please ensure your seat belt is buckled up as our cabin crew will now start collecting up the headsets.”To a weary traveler, these words are as familiar as the rosary to a devout Catholic, or as the words of the Talmud...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 5

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 12th December 2017Sue slowly came back down to earth, the tension now gone from her spent body. As her eyes opened and she looked at me I realized there was no hint of embarrassment or shame in her face. I’d thought that now the excitement had passed, there might be some adverse reaction. But Sue’s face was pure undiluted contentment. Fully satisfied and not caring whether the lover who’d pleasured her was male or female.As I kissed her softly and we shared a moment,...

Wife Lovers
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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 4

Scarsdale, New York: Monday 11th December 2017Monday was a catch-up day at work. With Sue’s young Ghanaian admirer now safely back on a different continent, I could catch up on other projects and admin tasks I’d not worked on during his stay. I was just tidying up at work and looking forward to spending the evening with my two women when I got an incoming text.‘Hey Pete, are you free for a quick chat at my place on your way home? I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you.’Things were...

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Feeding an addiction Part 2 Ch 3

Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 11th November 2017 Sue finally stopped looking up at the sky, having finished whatever profound thinking the evening’s turmoil and her conversation with Francis had provoked. I saw her turn and wrap her arms tight around herself as protection against the sub-zero November temperatures. As I heard the front door open and then close, I felt a sense of dread and fear as I awaited the coming conversation. The booze, panic, and sleepiness of my brain combined to...

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Feeding An Addiction A Threeway Street Ch 21

Karonga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017Sue continued to look at me with that strange expression. I was really struggling to read her and know what she was thinking.Anger? Indecision and desire? Hurt feelings? I couldn’t be certain, but my gut told me she was going through all of these.I toyed with asking Grace to leave so we could talk. I was about to reject this and play some power game with Sue, but I knew this wasn’t the real me. It might have given me some small victory, but this had...

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Feeding an Addiction A Threeway Street Ch 20

Karonga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017As the sun streamed through the hotel window, I couldn’t get the words out of my head.         'I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.’Louis Armstrong’s velvety tones serenaded me into another week. All felt good in the world. The project was still a mess. But that was only work. What mattered was that Sue and I were back on firm ground. We’d spent all weekend re-connecting and...

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