Feeding an addiction A Three way Street Ch 11
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Scarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018
Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discovery
Ask any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.
I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years. Sue, just a few years younger at forty-five, has given me happiness and joy in my life. Things that I never thought I’d experience. Or felt that I deserved.
As I write this, I’m sat alone thinking back over the last four years and looking back even further to a childhood in which the seeds of my addiction were sown.
Sue and I have decided to put pen to paper as we hope our experiences might help other couples thinking about taking their lives in the direction we’ve travelled. Sue and I are as one in the advice we’d give such couples. Tread carefully.
As a summary of our journey, we deliberately chose a title which speaks of addiction and a three-way street. Because we feel these two ideas are at the heart of what most couples experience, and this needs to be understood by anyone out there considering this path. The idea of addiction is pretty obvious, and I think we all know that fantasies and the sexual experiences they give birth to can be pretty addictive. We all get the idea, but until you’ve lived the life first hand, you’ll never understand the strength of the grip it can take on your life.
The three-way street takes a little more explaining. A fantasy is a safe thing because you alone are in control of the dream and fantasy; able to steer and apply the brakes to ensure pleasure, and avoid dangers. But the moment a fantasy jumps into the real world, a second person is involved. In my case, my wonderful wife, Sue. And a one-way street becomes a two-street, where a second person’s needs and desires might steer you away from pleasure and towards the rocks and their danger. And of course, if you involve a third-person in what was previously a monogamous marriage, then there’s a third voice to be heard. A third voice that may well take things a long, long way from where you’d intended at the start. It’s a three-way street, with all of the inherent risks and dangers, to be carefully weighed against the undoubted pleasures.
Forgive our slightly inward-looking introduction. But Sue and I wanted to say these few things before sharing our story.
Growing up unlovable, meeting the girl who changed all that
Sue and I grew up on different continents, in two very different places. She grew up the rolling cornfields of Nebraska, whereas I grew up in the congested and over-populated islands of the UK. We both had normal childhoods, a mix of good and bad. Certainly not perfect, but certainly avoiding the really unhappy childhoods that some experience.
Sue’s ‘cross to bear’ was the acrimonious splitting of her parents when she was just five. Her dad was a salesman who drank too much and couldn’t keep it zipped, and Sue’s mum got to a point where she’d heard one too many unfulfilled promises that he’d mend his ways. There was also a fair bit of pain and domestic violence before Sue’s mum took the kids and quit the family home. Understandably, this left some deep mental scars for Sue, despite the best efforts of her mum and elder siblings to protect her from the worst of it.
My own childhood hardships were mild by comparison, although at the time they seemed deeply traumatic, and they certainly left scars. My parents didn’t split like Sue’s did, but in later life I found out they had their moments when they weren’t far away from this. And in most ways, I had a well-cared for and loving upbringing. But like Sue, I was the youngest of four and it often felt like I was left to my own devices and offered little guidance by two busy but loving parents, exhausted by the super-human efforts of serving the community and raising four kids.
In many ways, I prospered. We didn’t have much money, but scholarships allowed me to follow in family footsteps to elite schools and then an elite university. But my biggest frustration, like many an awkward teenage boy, was how to meet, make friends and court those mysterious creatures known as girls. With a face full of acne, a single-sex school, and few girls in my immediate circle, this proved a mystery too far. Thank goodness for the top-shelf of the local newspaper shops and the various magazines that could be bought or exchanged with friends. Deprived of female company in the real world, those glossy pictures and accompanying erotic stories became my romantic world for several years, as romantic hopes crashed and burned on a frequent basis. And that’s where my initial fascination with the idea of sharing a girlfriend or wife took root and grew.
I suspect that to shy and unsuccessful teenage boys the world over, the whole idea of not winning and pleasing a beautiful woman yourself, but through some kind of transference onto a more handsome and virile guy is a very appealing idea. It was for me, these stories fed and burnished my adolescent wife-sharing fantasies. And I know I wasn’t the only boy with these thoughts, because if you care to do the research, you’ll find it’s up there in the top ten of male fantasies. And for some reason, the adolescent me got particularly excited about the stories featuring white wives with well-endowed black men. Maybe this was something to do with the way black athletes and sportsmen were rising to dominance in several sports. After all, it was the era of Carl Lewis dominating Athletics, the England cricket team being regularly thrashed by the West Indian team, and black players breaking down racial barriers in the world of English soccer. So I guess as these black sportsmen emerged as stereotypes of athletic manliness, it’s not surprising they seemed to play a prominent role in my fantasies.
University came and went amongst the dreaming spires of academia, accompanied by more failed romantic attempts. London in my early twenties, and still not a proper long-term girlfriend in sight. I began to think maybe there was something in me that was fundamentally unlovable, with all my insecurities about the fairer-sex coming to a head in the early nineteen-nineties.
But thankfully, before our story gets too depressing, that’s when my luck changed and this ugly duckling got a shot at ‘swandom’. And the catalyst for this wonderful Hallelujah moment was a move from the old world to the new. Because that’s where I met Sue, this amazing woman with whom I’ve shared my life these last twenty-six years.
I was working in international development consulting and had just relocated with my firm from London to New York, to be close to the UN HQ as the global fountain-head of money for our industry. A colleague, Alan, decided to take pity on the lonely British guy and invited me to a party at NYU, his old alma mater where he’d studied economics.
I’m forever grateful to Alan because that invitation changed my life, as that’s where I met Sue. She was the quietest and to my eye the prettiest, of a gaggle of four semi-drunk nurses. The four of them had just returned from a holiday in the U.K. and so they wanted to talk about all things British. And never being much of a party animal, I was all too happy to have three chatty young nurses, and Sue, wanting to spend the next hour talking to me.
Sue said little, happy to let her more noisy friends do most of the talking, but at the end of the evening I screwed up my courage and just as her group was heading off to another party, I asked her if she’d like to grab a coffee some time.
Her coy smile had my heart racing, and I swear I didn’t wash the hand where she wrote her number for at least a week.
A tale of two loves and a happy marriage
One of the greatest English authors, Charles Dickens, wrote a book called ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, about Paris and London at the time of the French Revolution.
I mention this because Sue often teases me that the story of our romance and courtship was ‘A Tale of Two Loves’. With all of my history of failed relationships and anxiety about girls, I gave my heart to Sue far too quickly. (A trait she advised our only son Donovan against, in her role as mother and romantic coach to avoid his father’s mistakes.) I fell head-over-heels in love with her right from the get-go, whereas for Sue it was a more slow-burn thing. The truth is that after the way her father had behaved towards her mother and family, she didn’t find it easy to trust a guy or give him her heart.
Blessed with a beautiful face, a warm friendly personality and a shapely figure, Sue was always popular with the boys at high school and college. But despite this, because of her hang-ups from her father’s behavior, she’d only had two steady boyfriends before me: Henry, who she dated for the last two years of high school and who was her first lover; and Jared who she dated for her first year at college. Jared dumped her just a few weeks before we met, and I guess that was another reason she fell in love with me a lot slower than I fell for her.
But after six months of dating something changed in Sue and she suddenly opened up, as she’d gotten to a point where she knew I’d never hurt her or let her down. She was still only nineteen and in the second year of her four-year course, and I was an old man of twenty-three, but when this change happened Sue started moving a lot closer to me in all sorts of ways.
Before, I’d always been the one planning for when we’d next see each other. But all of a sudden, whenever we parted she’d be checking with me when we could next be together. And our previous two or three nights a week together turned into five or six nights, with only my work sometimes keeping us apart. And most noticeable of all, whenever Sue talked about the future, it was always an ‘us’ and ‘we’ conversation, rather than an ‘I’ and ‘you’ conversation. As you can imagine, for a guy who’d come to New York questioning whether anyone would ever love him, I was on cloud nine.
We were engaged six months later in November of 1993, and each knowing that we’d found our soul-mate and life-partner we married a year later in November 1994, even though Sue still had a year left of her studies. Sue finished her studies in August 1995 and I was so proud of her when she became a fully qualified nurse, although she only worked for a few months as our son, Donovan, arrived in the middle of 1996.
We’d decided to have kids while we were both still young, and with my career going from strength to strength, we could just about afford for Sue to stop work for a few years to look after the kids before they started school. Those years were happy years, the only sadness being that we weren’t able to give Donovan a little baby brother or sister. The doctors told us I had a very low sperm count and that we’d been incredibly lucky for Sue to even conceive Donovan.
Sue and I were obviously sad about this, but we knew there were plenty of people worse off than us, and as Sue’s sister, Jane, was nearby with kids of similar age, at least our little boy had cousins to play with.
And through all of the busyness of work and family life, our love-life developed and stayed strong. Right back when we were dating, the subject of fantasies had come up and Sue had confessed to some pretty normal fantasies. Her two most way out ones being to see what it was like to be with two guys at once, or to be dominated by a guy who’d make her do all kinds of naughty things that a good girl like her could only enjoy if she was given no choice.
I was incredibly nervous to confess my own fantasies. My fascination with the whole idea of guys who shared their wives and girlfriends with more handsome and virile guys. I was afraid Sue would think me unmanly and no longer suitable boyfriend material. But knowing something of my painful romantic past, she was understanding and didn’t think less of me because of these strange fantasies I had. As we discussed them, Sue asked me the inevitable question. Did I want to share her with another guy? My answer was instantaneous and emphatic. Hell no! I’d spent years trying to find a girlfriend, and having found someone as amazing and beautiful as Sue, why on earth would I risk it all by sharing her with a guy who was like the kind of man I pictured in my fantasies.
Sue’s smile told me this was the answer she wanted to hear. Later she told me that she didn’t mind the fantasy one bit, but making it a reality wasn’t something she was interested in. Indeed, as we grew closer as a couple, roleplay and imagined stories based around both Sue’s and my fantasies became a frequent part of our love-life. Alongside more normal and regular love-making, I even bought a couple of life-like seven-inch dildos to help in these nighttime games, one white (which we christened Jared, after her ex) and one black which we named Sean after a well known black pornstar. My own manhood is a little smaller than average, so both Sue and I enjoyed her having something a little larger on occasion. That way we could satisfy both of our fantasies, as we’d use the dildos to pretend that Sue had two men other than me in bed with her and that Jared and Sean were her naughty lovers who she cheated with and who made her do all types of naughty things.
These fantasies of ours stayed nice and safely locked away in the privacy of our bedroom. We never for a moment dreamt of making them part of our real lives. Sue and I were united in this, not wanting to risk a happy marriage. We never did anything more dangerous than me sometimes watching as other guys hit on and flirted with Sue at parties. Or sometimes I’d watch as, confirmed as the World’s worst dancer, I’d let other guys escort Sue around the dance floor, allowing her to enjoy her love of dancing.
We seemed to drift through the nineties and the noughties on a cloud of happiness, both truly feeling blessed. had plenty of friends who were not so lucky, losing jobs or with marital splits or health problems with their kids. But all seemed rosy in the garden for us, and with both of us coming from quite religious homes (with the exception of Sue’s dad) we wanted to put something back. We made a point of volunteering at least once a week in a nearby homeless shelter and soup kitchen, and as soon as he was old enough, we took Donovan along with us, as we felt it was important he realized there were many people in the world less fortunate than him.
Donovan grew up to be a young man we were both very proud of. His school grades were good and he made the starting team for basketball and captained the soccer team, actually making the State team when he was fourteen. Of course, I teased him that this was all due to inherited talent from his super-talented English father. As it was 2010 and Spain had just won the soccer world cup, my unhelpful wife wondered aloud whether her maternal grandmother’s Spanish blood might have more to do with Donovan’s soccer talent that my own genetic contribution. The cheek of the woman.
Empty Nesters, A void to be filled
In the Fall of 2014 Donovan headed off to college, and we were proud but tearful parents when we saw him off on the Virgin flight to London Heathrow. He’d always loved our summer holidays to see my family in the UK, and being an adventurous young man with a great academic record, he’d managed to get himself a place to study Economics and Management in Oxford. Although we knew we’d miss him like crazy, we knew he had a good head on his shoulders and that he really wanted to do this. So although we’d miss him like crazy, we fully supported his decision to study so far away from home, glad that my parents and his aunt and uncle were there for him if needed.
The house was an altogether quieter place with our only child gone, and we had more than a few tearful evenings as Sue let out and talked through her sadness from missing our son. As an only child, Sue and Donovan had always been particularly close, and his going away to study had left a big hole in her heart and life.
Like many middle-class mums all over the States, Sue filled some of this hole by getting more involved in community work. With me often travelling on business, Sue decided to volunteer another couple of nights a week at the homeless shelter and soup kitchen where we helped out as a family.
And in a way, that fateful decision of Sue’s is the starting point for the events at the heart of our story. Because it was at this shelter that Sue met the man who was to have such a revolutionary impact on our marriage and relationship.
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Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 19th April 2015A secret pleasureWe didn’t have to wait long to get a reply to Sue’s email. The time-stamp showed it was sent just after two p.m., and Sue’s suitor sent a reply by four the same afternoon. Sue was still sleeping when I heard the tell-tale ‘ping’ of an incoming email. For the briefest of moments, I thought about not opening it, but I couldn’t resist the temptation.My fingers were shaking and my body was on a wave of adrenaline, enjoying the delicious...
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Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 17th April 2015A face like thunder, ‘We are not amused’She slammed the door and I knew all was not well. Sue was just returning from Friday evening drinks with a group of girlfriends from the hospital. I wondered what on earth could have happened to prompt such an angry slam of our front door. The doorframe and whole wall had shaken with the force of it.As she stormed into the lounge she had a face like thunder.“Fricking bitches!” she announced, looking at me with...
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Friday 20th October 2017As I looked at Sue and Francis, so close and intimate after their passionate love-making, I knew I’d made the wrong call. I knew I’d let my addiction get the better of me. That I’d allowed Jenny to manipulate and suck me into a place where I’d forgotten all the painful lessons learned. Forgotten just how bad it had been with Brandon.I picked up the phone and pressed the speed dial for Sue. I knew what I had to do. Whatever I’d said and done before, I had...
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Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Saturday 25th April 2015A sleepless night, the end of days?It was six in the morning and I’d hardly slept a wink. The last ten hours had been probably the most difficult of my life. As I enjoyed the small pleasure of my morning coffee, I wondered how a man with so much education could have been so stupid. I’d known Brandon less than a week and I’d been stupid enough to leave my wife with him.When I headed home, I’d expected him to keep me in the loop as things progressed between...
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Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 23rd January 2015Cat on a hot tin roofThat’s exactly how I felt in the ten days after Sue and I took the momentous decision to see if the reality with Francis would be as good as the fantasy. (Only for some reason I could never picture a cat on a hot tin roof, the picture that always came into my mind was Dr. Seuss’ Cat in a Hat, complete with that tall red and white knitted hat. Go figure!)I was climbing the walls with anticipation and excitement. I’d waited for this for...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 23rd January 2015Cat on a hot tin roofThat’s exactly how I felt in the ten days after Sue and I took the momentous decision to see if the reality with Francis would be as good as the fantasy. (Only for some reason I could never picture a cat on a hot tin roof, the picture that always came into my mind was Dr. Seuss’ Cat in a Hat, complete with that tall red and white knitted hat. Go figure!)I was climbing the walls with anticipation and excitement. I’d waited for this for...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Saturday 20th December 2014Checking the temperature, excitedly preparing for the dance date It was gone three when we got home. As we’d been steadily drinking since the party started at around eight, although we were both horny from the little game we’d been playing, sleep seemed a higher priority. But Saturday late morning was a very happy time in the Jones household, as we made out like love-struck teenagers.As we lay recovering, I knew it was only a matter of time.“Pete,...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Saturday 20th December 2014Checking the temperature, excitedly preparing for the dance date It was gone three when we got home. As we’d been steadily drinking since the party started at around eight, although we were both horny from the little game we’d been playing, sleep seemed a higher priority. But Saturday late morning was a very happy time in the Jones household, as we made out like love-struck teenagers.As we lay recovering, I knew it was only a matter of time.“Pete,...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 21st December 2014Two voices, pushing me in opposite directionsI’d had a strange feeling as I’d watched how Sue reacted to Francis as they laughed and flirted in the bar. At first, I’d thought it was all just part of the game we were playing, done for my benefit.But as I’d watched Sue, my gut told me she’d forgotten that the camera was there and that what I was seeing was the real Sue. As they talked and laughed, throwing off a hundred little signs of how she was attracted...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 21st December 2014Two voices, pushing me in opposite directionsI’d had a strange feeling as I’d watched how Sue reacted to Francis as they laughed and flirted in the bar. At first, I’d thought it was all just part of the game we were playing, done for my benefit.But as I’d watched Sue, my gut told me she’d forgotten that the camera was there and that what I was seeing was the real Sue. As they talked and laughed, throwing off a hundred little signs of how she was attracted...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 25th January 2015Sunday evening“Careful, they’re a little bit sore.” I felt Sue’s body stiffen a little, as if to prove the point.“Sorry, do you want me to stop?” I asked as Sue snuggled into my body and I gently stroked her nipples, as she lay with her back on my chest as we watched some mindless Sunday evening TV show.“No, it’s okay, just be gentle and go slow.”I smiled as I got my reward, her nipples hardening between my fingers as I caressed them, being careful to...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 25th January 2015Sunday evening“Careful, they’re a little bit sore.” I felt Sue’s body stiffen a little, as if to prove the point.“Sorry, do you want me to stop?” I asked as Sue snuggled into my body and I gently stroked her nipples, as she lay with her back on my chest as we watched some mindless Sunday evening TV show.“No, it’s okay, just be gentle and go slow.”I smiled as I got my reward, her nipples hardening between my fingers as I caressed them, being careful to...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: March to August 2018Hi, this is Sue. Pete’s muse in the story he’s been recounting. I’ve been sitting here watching Pete writing about us for the last four months. And I feel it’s about time I put pen to paper to tell my side of the story, especially as sometimes I’m getting a bit of a bad press.I think the first thing I want to say is an echo of something Pete said a few chapters ago. He used a misquote from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. ‘If you prick us, do we not...
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Tuesday 17th October 2017“Jenny Cell.”After nine hours of a useless blank screen, my phone was now finally re-connecting me with my world back in New York. Only instead of seeing “Sue Cell’ or “Home” or something I might have looked forward to, it showed something altogether more surprising and confusing.I found my anger rising fast, spurred on by the fact that this wasn’t Sue on the line. I let the phone ring a few times. My mind going back to the role Jenny had played in the...
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Thursday 19th October 2017Five thirty a.m. and my iPhone’s alarm was trying to raise a weary traveler from his soft and comfy hotel bed. As the hot jets played over my body my mind wandered back over the last day’s events.After my late night call with Sue, I’d only had six hours sleep before I had to go forth to face the world and the failing project I was here to fix.As the water refreshed my body and helped me wake, I realized my body was physically shaking with that familiar...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Sunday 15th October 2017I looked at my watch. I’d been upstairs for a good seven or eight minutes, trying to avoid the round-the-group inquisition on sexual fantasies that my wife’s friend Jenny had instigated. In front of the full group of four guests, I had no desire to confess my fantasy of watching Sue with other men. Everyone there already knew about this fantasy, but the thought of having to own up to this unmanly fantasy in such a public forum was too much. Fight or...
Wife Lovers35,000 Feet above the Atlantic: Monday 16th October 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fear. Excitement. Despair. No, that’s wrong. Frustration, not despair. And a strange bedfellow. Irony. Do you remember the kaleidoscope toy from when you were a kid? That was the mental picture in my head as I sat slowly drinking my seventh gin and tonic at 35,000 feet above the Atlantic. My mind turned the kaleidoscope’s grip so the prism turned. My emotions tripped between fear,...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 19th December 2014:With Donovan having flown off to college in the UK, Sue threw herself into her community work with a vengeance to help fill the hole left by our only child leaving home. Donovan, Sue and I normally volunteered at the local shelter and soup kitchen on Friday’s, and Sue was now doing an additional two evenings a week, which were usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. And this is where she met the man who was about to have a major impact on our marriage and...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 19th December 2014:With Donovan having flown off to college in the UK, Sue threw herself into her community work with a vengeance to help fill the hole left by our only child leaving home. Donovan, Sue and I normally volunteered at the local shelter and soup kitchen on Friday’s, and Sue was now doing an additional two evenings a week, which were usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. And this is where she met the man who was about to have a major impact on our marriage and...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Saturday 24th January 2015Buyer’s remorseThe morning's first cup of coffee always tastes wonderful and today was no exception to this rule of life.But everything else that had happened in the last few hours was very much an exception. Wholly different to everything that had happened in my life before, and wholly different to everything that had happened in Sue’s life and in our marriage.I sat with my hands wrapped around the hot cup enjoying it’s warming effect, deep in thought....
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Saturday 24th January 2015Buyer’s remorseThe morning's first cup of coffee always tastes wonderful and today was no exception to this rule of life.But everything else that had happened in the last few hours was very much an exception. Wholly different to everything that had happened in my life before, and wholly different to everything that had happened in Sue’s life and in our marriage.I sat with my hands wrapped around the hot cup enjoying it’s warming effect, deep in thought....
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017As the sun streamed through the hotel window, I couldn’t get the words out of my head. 'I see trees of green, red roses too. I see them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.’Louis Armstrong’s velvety tones serenaded me into another week. All felt good in the world. The project was still a mess. But that was only work. What mattered was that Sue and I were back on firm ground. We’d spent all weekend re-connecting and...
Wife LoversKaronga, Malawi: Monday 23rd October 2017Sue continued to look at me with that strange expression. I was really struggling to read her and know what she was thinking.Anger? Indecision and desire? Hurt feelings? I couldn’t be certain, but my gut told me she was going through all of these.I toyed with asking Grace to leave so we could talk. I was about to reject this and play some power game with Sue, but I knew this wasn’t the real me. It might have given me some small victory, but this had...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Sunday 21st October 2018Of the four of us, I must have been the last one to see that there was already someone waiting for us in the private room. I was bringing up the rear, Francis up front pushing Grace in the wheelchair and Sue sandwiched in the middle.“James, what are you doing here?” Francis’ deep voice boomed out, the tone of his voice matching the surprised look on his face.“Honestly, I’m not too sure. Grace texted me and asked me to come over to meet you all. I’m a...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Monday 24th September 2018All of the compliments and praise from my boss’s boss now seemed a distant memory as I screwed up the courage to park my car and enter the lion’s den. Once a happy home, this evening I felt like a poor grunt entering Snipers' Alley. From the cars parked in the drive, I knew Sue and Francis were in there. And to me that could only mean one conclusion to all the thinking Sue had done about our marriage.Taking the deepest of breaths, I left the...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Saturday 4th August 2018Hell, I was tired. It had been the week to end all weeks. Wall to wall meetings, clients and colleagues who seemed hell-bent on bickering and arguing about every tiny detail. Somehow me and my number two guy, Steve, had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. But it had been a real stressful, roller coaster ride of a week.And now it was one twenty in the morning and I felt totally wiped out. My shoulders ached, my legs hurt from the long...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: 06:00 Sunday 4th March 2018I don’t know if it was the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee, or if it was just her body clock, but it wasn’t long till Sue joined us in the kitchen. And in a matter of moments, I went from worrying about Grace’s plans and feelings for me to feeling a little like a spare part.I’d forgotten just how much Sue enjoyed having Grace around. The little sister she’d never had. They were soon chattering away about all kinds of stuff. Most of it was about...
Wife LoversFrom all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...
CuckoldI worked for a sexual addiction clinic. The clinic was a spinoff of the Harding Santorum in Worthington, Ohio,Former President Harding’s brother George T. Harding II founded the Harding Santorum in 1916 to provide treatment for people with physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs and operated it on a forty-five-acre campus until 1999, when it became part of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.Doctor George T. Harding VI Spun off the sex clinic and created the Harding Sexual Addiction...
Group SexDisclaimer: There is a lot of sex, but nothing to extreme or to long... So be prepared for it. Aside from that this is my intellectual property that has been submitted to "Fictionmania" and "Crystal's Story Site". I probably won't have a problem if anyone wants to post this elsewhere or continue the story, but ask first. And don't post on pay websites. Synopsis: Amy was transformed into a woman over a year ago, and then let out into the world. Tonight one of the people that were...
My third fur story posted here. If fur disgusts you read no further. This is not the same as the other ‘fetishes’ in so many ways. Indeed fetish or addiction? That is the question. A Psychiatrist’s fur seduction and Addiction. Melinda is fed up with George and his damned infidelity. She has done all she can but he is continuing his affair with his want-a-be-a-blond secretary only a few years younger than her young 26 years. Nothing she has done warrants this. She has been loving, faithful,...
Lose Your Addiction in Six Days Saturday She was his neighbor, but Jim could never think of her that way. From the time Kate moved in next door she was a goal for him. He obsessed over her sexy legs and butt, and those tits that jiggled just the way he liked them to. To him, she was sexy as fuck, and he knew he had to get into her pants one way or another. And now he was about to. It wasn't like Jim was sex-starved. He was well above average in frequency of conquests. But he...
There seems to be a lot of online debate about whether porn addiction, or indeed sex addiction, is a genuine condition or not. As far as the UK’s NHS is concerned, though, these are looked at in the same light as other potentially addictive behaviours. The explosion of access to pornography has played a larger and larger part in the workload of sexual health practitioners - and, due to the health issues that can be symptomatic of it, it’s now treated with the same seriousness as any other...
There seems to be a lot of online debate about whether porn addiction, or indeed sex addiction, is a genuine condition or not. As far as the UK’s NHS is concerned, though, these are looked at in the same light as other potentially addictive behaviours. The explosion of access to pornography has played a larger and larger part in the workload of sexual health practitioners - and, due to the health issues that can be symptomatic of it, it’s now treated with the same seriousness as any other...
I live in the Chicago area with my mother and older sister; my father went to prison on drug charges. He’d been in and out multiple times for possession and dealing, but this time he was found with enough to get him 15 years... He tried to cooperate and give up some information, but none of it played out well enough in his favor. Drugs, specifically heroin, were a real issue in my family… not for me so much, but my father sold regularly (but rarely used), while my mother and sister on the...
I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption. * ‘Bill does that little cunt from the office...
35,000 ft, Eastern Seaboard, Sunday 04:00 5th November 2017Someone very smart once said, ‘When the facts change, I change my mind.’Four in the morning, still two hours left of my long journey home, and a less eloquent version was, ‘only a fool never has second thoughts.’I was definitely having second and possibly even third and first thoughts. In my case, the facts that had changed were that I no longer had Grace by my side and I’d no longer be eight thousand miles away. I’d be right here in...
Wife LoversIt all started with my first girlfriend in high school. Her name was Kaley, and she was a very pretty blond-haired cheerleader. I was just a dumb teen in love, and my naivety blinded me from all the red flags I should have seen. I thought we were in love, and we had plans to go to the same college together and everything. But that all changed one night during a high school football game. I had lost track of her; we were supposed to meet up to hang out with some friends.I eventually found her in...
Scarsdale, New York: Monday 12th February 2018I slept fitfully that Sunday night, waking a couple of times to a mind full of thoughts about Sue and Francis. The thoughts were a swirling mixture of arousal and worry. I loved the thought of my beautiful wife together in bed with her big African lover. But at the same time, I never totally escaped the fears and worries about where this might lead. Playing with matches were the words in my head.During my two spells of insomnia, I thought back to...
Wife LoversJFK Airport, New York: 21:00 Wednesday 3rd January 2018“Hurry up, honey,” Sue shouted over her shoulder as she scurried towards the departure area.“If you don’t hurry up …” before her words trailed off as she bumped into someone coming in the opposite direction.Working out how to respond to Francis’ proposition about accompanying him to Nigeria had been a really hard call. He was a good friend and we knew he was hurting and needed the support of his friends. Thinking it through and coming to a...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Friday 10th November 2017Friday night is party night. Most guys all around the world were out with their girlfriends or wives. Me? I was stuck at home while my woman was out with another man, thinking to myself ‘how the hell did we end up here?’Sue and I were a dedicated, loving and conventional couple. Twice we’d tried something different, and twice we’d stopped. How does the old saying have it? Third time lucky.Sitting alone in our family home, thinking of all those other...
Wife LoversWe were consumed with our plans for Leah to have sex with a black man. Every conversation, every question and idea was about it. I couldn’t focus on anything else and neither could she. There was a nervous anxiety in the air, it was palpable but also worrying. My young wife not only wanted to fulfill my darkest fantasy, but it was now her fantasy as well.I knew she loved sex, but I never knew she would be so open-minded about this sort of thing. Was it a red flag? There had to be something she...
Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 22nd September 2018How had it come to this? Just a few hours ago I’d been spooning and making love to my wonderful wife. Declaring my love to her as she told me she’d always love me. And now, just a few hours later, she was gone. Nowhere to be seen in the house. Replaced instead by an envelope on her pillow, on a pristine and perfectly made bed.Back in 2015, we’d pulled the plug after a weekend of fun with Francis, thinking better of it. We’d survived the horror...
Wife LoversThe list: 10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy. 4. Paid an escort to let me fuck her with one of her client's used...
Introduction: Seduced into buttsniffing by the mysterious girls of Chalda leads to an addiction for a noblemans wayward son. The whitewashed walls and brick-layed streets of Sandava gleaned bright in the sun, unlike surrounding cultures such as Mandalva, Trocust and Chalda. Those people managed decent lives but not with the oppulence of Sandava. Shadi was the eldest son of a Sandavan High Judge and if he studied well and kept his nose clean, he was the likely successor to his fathers high...
Scarsdale, New York: Saturday 27th October 2018As I watched Sue’s tail lights disappear around the corner on that Saturday night, I knew it was going to be a long night. Before, when I’d been walking and thinking about whether to let her to do this, I’d been as sure as I could be that this would be the farewell closure that Sue said she needed. That despite Sue’s love for Francis, after what he’d done there was no real risk that she’d up sticks and head off to Nigeria with the man whose child...
Wife LoversJFK, New York: 06:00 Saturday 3rd March 2018I looked in vain but couldn’t see it. The engraving. Sue had suggested that we’d spent so much time at JFK arrivals recently that we ought to have our very own family chair or bench, complete with engraving.“Hey, honey. There it is. ‘The Jones family pew. Stalwart supporters of the airport through two generations. 1852 to 2018.’”My sarcasm earning me a justified punch on the arm. Then a wonderful warm feeling as Sue took my arm and snuggled up to me,...
Wife LoversScarsdale, New York: Early evening Sunday 14th January 2018Sanguine is one of those great words. I’m not smart or academic enough to know if it really counts as onomatopoeic. But I still think it’s a pretty great word that captures how Sue and I were feeling that Sunday evening.We’d arrived back from Lagos in the early hours of Sunday. This time we were Mr. and Mrs. 8A and 8B for the eleven and a half hour flight. Sue’s three rings safely back on her ring finger, placed there by her nervous...
Wife LoversHave you ever been addicted to something? I mean really addicted, like when you have an overpowering need to experience something that you know is good. When you want it so much that you risk the pleasure it brings, transforming from a moderate indulgence into craving it. Even when logically, you know you risk destroying it for good, but you just can’t help yourself. For me, my addiction is you. I have an overpowering lust for you. Lust, it’s a strange beast. Sometimes it can sneak up on you...
Straight SexOne of my favourite writers on Fictionmania when I first started was Verna Benson, I do not know Verna or if she is still among us. Since its now ten years since she posed anything I have written this as something of a homage to her stories. I've pinched loads of idea's from her to write this and I guess in a way she could be considered a co- author. Developing an Addiction. By Trish. I'll never forget how I met her, the woman who twenty years ago changed my life. It was at the...
"Hey, Bonica," she said, walking by with him."Hey, Trica, hey, Joe," I added, peeking at them as they stopped. "So, I've noticed you two have been together a lot lately.""Yes, good call on giving me her number, thank you, sis," he added, coming to me and hugging me.I hugged him back as she kept her eyes on us. Luckily, she couldn't see my crotch or his for that matter. We both shook a bit, but it seemed she didn't pick up on anything weird.After that minute, he peeked back at her without...
IncestScarsdale, New York: Monday 6th August 2018Central Park was beautiful this time of year. I looked out over the still waters of Harlem Meer, enjoying the relative peace in our bustling metropolis, enjoying the aroma of my fresh coffee. Glad to finally have escaped from the madhouse atmosphere of our home, finally able to find some peace and quiet to contemplate the future.In theory, it had cost me a half day’s leave. But one of the benefits of being a boss is that no-one really cares if you...
Wife Lovers