Sex With Neighbour Aunty Shwetha
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Beep, beep, beep, beep
Wow, a new week. I wonder if this one will have as many surprises and events as last week. I slipped out of bed and into workout clothes. I kissed my two beauties awake and they were both smiling as they got up to get ready to drive to Shapes. I called Donte to make sure he was coming when they were ready, and we all went to the valet desk to get the rental car. Michi joined us, although he wasn't a workout enthusiast.
Shapes wasn't that far, but it took a little over fifteen minutes to get there. We would be running a little later than I wanted. The girls told me they wouldn't be going with me again, so I parked in the big lot near the front door when we went back to the hotel. I called room service to have breakfast delivered for me and some juice for the girls. I cleaned up, dressed, and was waiting for them to bring the food. Room service here surprisingly wasn't the fastest around.
The girls planned to spend a lot of time with the mothers, and told me to have fun. It's strange, but my job is fun and I was going to share it with Fred. Hideki had left Michi here with us, so Donte came with me.
I rolled up to the office at seven and met Fred as he came driving in. I asked him if he needed to open the office before we left, but he told me that the next person would open up so we could go ahead and begin our drive. It took forever to get back to I-4 at that time of the morning. I would have Fred meet me at the Hard Rock so we didn't have to fight traffic in both directions next time.
Fred had a late model Camry that we took for our visit to Orlando. I pulled the file for Orlando and went over the monthly P&Ls that I requested from the offices while Fred drove. All the department incomes were gradually increasing, and the payroll took a bump up as they began a new development. Everything looked good. Fred said that he had gone there two weeks ago because of a customer complaint about something that he felt wasn't complete. The man expected an enclosed porch, and it was found that it had not been included on the signed floor plans when they were reviewed. Fred said, "I offered to split the cost of an enclosed porch and that took care of the complaint. The guy surprised me and asked to talk to our pool man. We ended up selling a twenty-five grand pool with a cage."
"Great, that's the way to do it, Fred. React to a complaint as fast as possible so that it doesn't escalate or the customer doesn't think you're putting him off."
I told Fred my plan, "We'll make a tour, and then talk to the Manager about his new development and his plan for the rest of the year. We'll look at his advertising folder, and that should take care of it. We'll be out of there by noon."
That's what happened. I used the driving time back to the office to write my report and to comment on Fred's handling of a complaint that never reached the home office because he knew how to take care of it. I told Fred to write a report the way I do, and I would include it with mine.
Back in the Tampa office, I told Fred, "Pick me up at the Hard Rock in the morning and we'll go to the Executive Airport. It's the one that used to be named Brandenburg Airport off 301. It's only about ten minutes from the hotel. Give me a call when you turn off Hillsborough or I-4, and I'll meet you at the front door."
I sat in the rental car and called Kelly. She said that everything was moving along the way it should be. The other offices had reported in and were doing fine. She told me, "Rebecca is already in Salt Lake City, and Yori called to tell me that he was in Oakland. It looks like you're going to fill up your Assistant program. I have Sandy in Finance and Willy in Title with me right now. I took them on my morning tour and will do that again tomorrow. We have a new sales secretary who has all the salesmen dragging their tongues in the dirt. Her name is June, and she has Willy's looks and Joan's appeal; very dangerous. You know that those girls get together and make sure whoever they send will do well in the office. I know the girls and work with them to help all those trying to get out."
"It sounds like you have it under control, Kelly. Stay vigilant and make sure you talk with Georgia and Connie every day. Georgia will hear things, and Connie will see things through the numbers. Call if you need me. I'll be in Naples, and maybe Miami, tomorrow."
I determined on the way back to the hotel that I wanted to get to Miami tomorrow so that I could wrap this up Wednesday, and get out of here on Thursday, maybe even on Wednesday evening. I wondered if Katie's mom and dad would be ready to go home by then. We should probably go back Thursday or Friday morning so that we can take a detour and drop them off in Iowa.
The evening was like the nights before; we had a great supper at the Hard Rock, and then visited for most of the evening. I needed to be in bed early in preparation for a long day to come.
The girls told me in bed that they had a wonderful day with the two mothers, and included Nobuko by using Skype. They told me that the wedding was planned to be held in two weeks, and that everyone should be able to be there for the event. My mom told the girls that she would talk to my brother and sister, but she didn't know whether or not they would venture all the way to California. Katie said that she had talked to all her siblings, and only one thought she could get off work to come. She didn't act like she felt bad about her family not coming. I didn't feel all that bad about my stuck up brother and sister not coming, but wished that they could see and drool over the home I live in.
It was funny to think how both my siblings thought they had struck gold by finding mates who were wealthy or came from wealth. I'd bet that my personal wealth now rivaled their mates, and that my income was double or even triple what theirs is. The difference was I was living the life of someone well off, while they were still going through the motions. I was deliriously happy with my relationship, and couldn't see it becoming less so in the future, while they seemed to be marking time. Luck has been with me, allowing me to progress with Mooney and be trusted with the responsibility they've given me. Well darn, my arm was going to start hurting from trying to pat myself on the back so much.
Tuesday was our first day of flying to the offices. Fred was used to commuter flights, but this would really cut down on the time waiting to board and all the other slowdowns associated with commercial flights.
The girls, Donte, Michi, and I took off for the gym a little earlier so that we would have more time to work out. I knew that Jules' running and Nautilus time would be good for her in the early stages of pregnancy and that she would soon need some instruction. I ordered breakfast to be delivered to the room for all of us this morning.
I said goodbye to the girls and was downstairs at the door when Fred called to tell me that he was turning toward the Hard Rock. He picked me up and we headed toward the small airport. I called the pilot to tell him we were on our way and should be there in ten minutes. We parked in the field's parking area and walked through operations and out to the aircraft. Fred was as excited to fly on a private jet the same as I had been my first time. It was actually exciting every time I boarded the plane. Sandy welcomed us and shut the door. Donte sat in the cockpit's right seat.
We immediately began going over the numbers for Naples and couldn't see any problems. Their sales had been increasing and their finance department had been selling a large number of loans to outside realtors. They had recently hired two insurance people, but that office hadn't taken off yet. It takes time to get rolling in some areas. The smaller the population, the more difficult it is.
We made the tour, chatted with the Manager, who had no problems and said he would welcome Fred as his Regional Manager. We were headed back to the airplane on the way to Miami at ten thirty. I called the Miami Manager to make sure that he expected us. This was going to work out. It was a long distance between the airport and office, but there wasn't a closer airport in Miami. It took almost thirty-five minutes in bad traffic after the hour flight. We stopped for a burger and Coke along the way so that we wouldn't be hungry and have to take time out to eat at the office.
This was a fairly high volume office, with three developments in three different directions. The Manager was very conservative, didn't like a whole lot of changes, and had resisted the swimming pool idea, as well as the insurance office so far. I showed him the LA office's P&L for the insurance office and the recent one from Tampa on both the insurance office and pool concession after our tour. He and his two fairly new Assistants became interested and they discussed how to house some additions. I congratulated him for increasing sales numbers and for the high volume his title office was doing. He was proud of his office and worked hard to keep increasing sales. We were done by three and on the way back to the airport. The pilot was ready for us after we turned the rental car in, and we made it back to Tampa just after five. Fred had me back at the Hard Rock by five thirty, and agreed to meet me again in the morning.
I hadn't written my report on Miami yet, so I quickly finished that and transmitted both Naples and Miami to the home office. I called LA and heard that all was well and that sales had some kind of promotion going to increase our listings to an even higher level. Kelly asked, "We need to hire our own photographer with the number of listings we're getting. Zillow and MLS will accept each other's work, but they both are really exorbitant. I'll e-mail you my cost projections if we had our own photographer so that you can compare the numbers. Connie helped me put this together."
How about that? Kelly realized that you had to have the numbers to make a decision, and went to the right person to get them. There was more to hiring a photographer than the person's salary. There were all the insurances, expenses, equipment, and housing. I'd be interested to see if it worked out to be cheaper.
Kelly told me that she had heard from both Rebecca and Yori. She said that Yori said it was even more fun to work in the Oakland office than it had been to visit it. He had also told Kelly that he had spent the day in Finance. She said, "I'll swap the two here tomorrow so that they can work in another department. I didn't put them in the offices until after the morning tour. All is well."
I was having a drink while finishing reports and the call. The girls came bursting into the room, with Michi following them. They were excited because Jules had made some unusually large trades early this morning and was still glowing over the profits. I asked, "So what are the families' dinner plans?"
Katie said, "We want to go to the Acropolis, a Greek restaurant in Ybor City. It's supposed to be really good. You might have gone there before." I had and didn't particularly like it, but knew that we might have trouble getting a reservation.
I looked them up on the internet and called. When I asked for a reservation for nine, the person taking my call laughed and asked what day next month would be good. I asked if they had private party rooms and the girl said, "Sure, for a price. We can seat thirty, but the price is still the same." She told me the price, and I asked, "Is that room available tonight?"
It was available, so I asked, "What do you need to reserve the room? My name is Brad Johnson; how much is it for nine of us to eat in your party room. One large table would be fine."
The girl asked, "Are you the Brad Johnson who works for Mooney in Carrollwood?"
"I am."
"My sister works for you. She's always talking about how nice you are. Her name is Delores and she's a sales secretary. The other sales secretary is now some guy named Fred's secretary."
I said, "It's a small world. Fred is the Manager here now that I've been transferred to California. I'm here to work with Fred for a few days. What do you need to guarantee the party room?"
"Oh yeah, that's what we were doing. Probably nothing from you, but give me a credit card number so that it'll be on the reservation."
Katie said, "I didn't mean for it to be a hassle. I guess they are very busy," when I got off the phone.
I told her, "Ybor City is the old Cuban part of town where all the cigar makers used to be and the best restaurant down there was and probably is the Columbia Restaurant that had been open for over a hundred years. It was a Spanish restaurant, but it served mostly Cuban dishes. We'll go there the next time we come down. Now I need to call that limo service again."
The girls called the two moms and told them to get ready as we now had reservations. I kept my suit on as there was no reason to change. I would be way overdressed for Tampa, but that was okay. I didn't think this place was all that great once again, but they had some crazy entertainment. I think that Dad and Joe had the most fun as the two waitresses we had constantly teased them with very low cut blouses that advertised a lot of cleavage. We guys are so predictable.
I suggested that we might try to leave tomorrow evening while we had dinner. I was watching to see if there were a lot of frowns. Mom and Jo looked disappointed, so I suggested, "How about we leave Thursday morning. The plane can drop Joe and Jo off in Des Moines, where you said your car was. It's less than three hours there and then about three and half to Burbank's Bob Hope Airport. I have to go to Jacksonville and Panama City tomorrow, so I might not get back until after six, but I'm hoping that I'll be back here by four since I'm getting an early start. How about we plan on going to the Columbia Restaurant tomorrow night? It's either that or we go to 4 Rivers for some of the best barbecue known to mankind. They used to only be in Orlando, but now have a place here in Tampa. It's always full and you have to stand in line to get served cafeteria style. We're talking great stuff."
I think the Columbia easily won out, because most people are unwilling to stand in line to get served. They wouldn't feel that way if they knew how good the food was.
I was worn out and the girls seemed to be tired by the time we got back to the Hard Rock, so we said goodnight to the older couples, who were having a great time in the casino. I hoped they were being cautious about how much they spent.
The girls were very loving tonight, and told me that they had taken a long, loving nap earlier today. Not much sleep, but a lot of loving. We soaked some towels while I loved the two women. Jules' huge flow seemed to be lessening lately, and I wondered if it had to do with her being pregnant. She still was nuts over the loving we did, but it also was lessening in intensity, and she wanted more gentle thrusting as she experienced orgasm after orgasm. That's one thing both girls never missed out on, as they always immediately began coming when I made love with them and continued until I couldn't do it any longer. What a pair.
Morning came too fast, although I had been in bed before ten. The girls begged not to go work out when I got up because they were still too tired. They admitted to having been up for another couple of hours pleasuring each other after I went to sleep. I relented and only met Donte to go to the gym. He laughed with me at Michi's reluctance to work out almost every day. We were back at the hotel in time for me to only order my breakfast before doing my personal hygiene stuff and dressing for work. I had made the mistake of having my harness on when the bellhop delivered my breakfast. There was a loud knock on the door a minute later.
Three hotel security men entered the room and stood around me. "Why are you armed?"
I showed them my permits and licenses, and they asked, "Who do you guard?"
"One of the women with me and myself. I'm a Senior Executive with Mooney Corporation. You might remember that someone we transferred here about three months ago was jailed for drug trafficking and murdering a drug dealer."
One of the security men nodded in understanding. I told them not to worry as I knew the rules and laws, and wouldn't discharge a firearm in their hotel unless it was absolutely necessary. I would let them do the dirty work.
I ate my now cold breakfast and made it downstairs to meet Fred who was excited to fly on the private aircraft again. We were quickly up to Jacksonville, and went through that office just as fast. They were on track with a pool builder and had started an Insurance Department. Their Title sales were down, but it was because one of our older customers had retired and had sold their customers to another title company. I was assured that they would build their business back up again.
We were in Panama City by eleven. This wasn't a busy office, but they had all the departments and were a great place for a new Assistant to learn about the way Mooney does business. The only thing I questioned was the number and variety of their inventory homes. I suggested that they have at least six different styles of homes prebuilt so that a custom home buyer could see what could be done. I thought they could sell more inventory homes if they had more built. Logical, right? Although I previously hadn't been an advocate of a great many inventory homes, I now realized that having a variety of them gave the sales force more to sell.
Fred asked me, "Where did you see that about needing more inventory homes?" on the way back to the airport.
"Their sheets said they only had two inventory homes, and they were listed as being the same style. That's not much of a choice. I'll bet they would sell more if they had all six of the homes in that category ready to sell. They should also build a few upgraded homes so the others in the neighborhood's value will go up. It's guess work sometimes, but it should work for you."
We made it back to Tampa by four. I had Fred come upstairs with me to check out my digs. He was impressed, and the unspeakable then happened. The two girls came from the bedroom au-naturel. The poor man sprung a boner big enough that the next county could see it. Jules told him, "Down, Boy. You know I'm a total lez, don't you? The only swinging ah, ah..."
Katie said, "Dick."
Jules then continued, "Right, dick I'm interested in is that guy's right there. Do you know that he fucked a baby in me?"
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I've never posted a blog or sotry on here before, so thought it was time that I gave an insight into my role as a porn star and male escort - starting with my later role, focusing on a couple who first booked me to give the small dick cuck of oa guy's girlfriend a truly enjoyable big cock expereince!We have had a number of meetings since that first meet, paying for me to pleasure the female, Ali, whilst the guy would watch on stroking his tiny cock, in awe of how I made his partner cum from...
The next morning Abby, Sereine, Mac, and I were ready to leave. Unfortunately, Cindy was sick. My ladies told me that she would be fine in a couple of days, so I should go ahead without her. I hopped us to Wayside and we got our traveling equipment, then Sereine hopped us to our next stop. As usual, the trip was uneventful. Abby was excited at first, but then her excitement turned to boredom. We did have one dismal event on the way to First Stop. I had hopped us to our next stop, and when...
Randy had joined a gym downtown. He was addicted to working out, the way Josh was to cigarettes. One evening, out on the patio, he asked me if I wanted to go work out with him the next day. I bummed a Marlboro from Josh. “There’s your answer.” Really, working out negates all the good you get from the booze and tobacco. About two weeks after we moved in Randy came home one night with a grin on his face. “I think I’m going to ask out this girl from the gym.” He showed us a slightly out-of-focus...
Curvy beauty Angel Wicky brings her stepbro on a trip with her. Erik Strongholm has a huge crush on his stepsister… Lucky for him, Mr. White is a hostel reviewer and an incredible wing man. They let Angel Wicky enjoy her sensual shower then the wingman steps in. She’s excited to get some of that good dick ’cause her pussy is really wet and horny! Erik steps in halfway through and confesses his love for this blonde, boobilicious babe. Angel is super happy about it and now she...
xmoviesforyouDebbie was working in her studio while Meagan was at school when she noticed that her anti-spyware software had identified several threats. She started a full scan, and was quite disturbed to find tracking cookies from several porn sites that all seemed to have the word, cum, jizz, or facial in the URL. "What in the world? I don't go to sites like these!" Debbie said aloud. Then she noticed that the trashcan icon on the computer indicated that there were files in it. She always deleted...
Mari and Teri were identical twins. Even their parents struggled to tell them apart and they love switching places. As they got older they would take turns going out with the same guy and fucking him. The guy never knew it was a switch. If one twin met a guy that was great in bed she would tell the sister so she could bed him too. It was all fun for the girls. They went to Las Vegas and did several 3ssomes with the guys there. A taxi driver showed them to a strip club and they met the men...
Jae closed the door and turned to this man that was inspecting her apartment like it was trash. "Who did you say you were," She asked. "Robert, sweetheart, how can you not remember your fiancée," He asked smiling at her. "My what?" "Oh, honey, I heard about the accident. I was out of town, I rushed right over here to see what I could do," "You've been out of town for a month?" "Skiing in Switzerland" "Okay." "I know you don't remember, it's okay, we'll work through...
Copyright 2005 Introducing Deidre Sanders A Night of Unmitigated Lust I was just twenty-two then, a single white female, living in Vancouver, seeking, something, I didn't know what exactly. I had a telephone, but no television. I had a little single burner stove and a mini-fridge. I had a little CD player and a goldfish bowl, but no goldfish; and books, lots of them. I slept and ate and danced on my futon, and my only chair was a throwaway from the Salvation Army; a folding metal thing,...
Joni stepped out of Mary and Susan’s room refreshed and acting as if she was without a care in the world. She was hoping that she had gotten out all of her Father’s love juices. So she was trying to tell herself that she was happy. She noticed that there was no sound in the house. Which was unusual when there was any kind of celebration. On second thought that was actually unusual for any time of the day. “Hello is anyone here?” Joni called out. She grimaced thinking that she had no idea...
THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH ? by: Way Zim What Came Before: In the early years of both a new century, and new millennium, the people of Earth discovered they were not alone. Planetbound observers spotted what they thought to be a rogue asteroid entering the Solar System near to Jupiter orbit, an assumption soon enough disproved as the object made a series of deliberate corrections to it's already eccentric trajectory. And as both the global scientific community and the...
"Should I expect a similar time with her as I've had with Linda and Dottie?" "I think so. I'm sure you'll like Lindsey, she's quite nice and an excellent cook," he told his dad. "You'll see." So, the rest of Paul's evening on Tuesday was with his son, mostly with the two of them comparing notes on Linda Jameson and Dottie Edwards. They certainly found agreement between them and it seemed that his son had gotten good reports on his father's visits from both ladies so far. The...
We were bored, sitting in my sister’s room on a Friday night, both of us feeling dejected and alone because neither of us was allowed to leave the house. My sister and I stole our dad’s car and went for a joy ride together. We were gone long enough that dad called the cops and reported the car stolen. I had been driving at first but when we got pulled over Jane was behind the wheel so we both got grounded. It was fun cruising through the city but we got a month of house arrest and had to write...
Hi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...
I don't know if anyone will read my story but at the very least it is a way for me to put down in writing the fun I have had. If anyone reads it then great, it will be a massive turn on for me and add to the naughtiness of it all. First, a bit about me.... I am a married, 37-year-old woman who looks quite a bit younger. I am 5 foot 4 inches tall, slim, have medium length brown hair and would consider myself quite attractive. I have a high sex drive and a newly found confidence which makes me...
His dick left my crack for a moment and when it returned, it was hard and slippery. Was he carrying lube in his pocket? No matter. I felt it rub against my anus and I tried to relax and open myself to him. I felt his knob push against my ring and slowly, almost gently, it slipped inside. I live in an Air Force town. It has its benefits.For starters, not a month goes by without a hot little airman moving into my townhouse complex. In fact, it’s usually two or three hot little airmen sharing a...
GayWelcome to Defeat of Superheroines, a story where superheroes get defeated. Shocking I know. The girls can be Marvel, DC, Image, even OCs, whatever your libido desires. Now, which heroine gets defeated?
BDSMWhat’s at Stake over at It’s a little different from the type of joints I typically review here at ThePornDude because usually, the wager is just on how hard you’re eventually going to cum into your old trusty, crusty gym sock. Here, you can bet and win real money instead of just hoping your orgasms are good. Some folks even say that gambling is just as much fun as masturbation and a lot nicer than fucking your fat wife, but it doesn’t take a genius to notice that not all online...
Betting SitesLegendary pornographer Rocco Siffredi has a special surprise for rising teen star Martina Smeraldi and busty porn diva Malena Nazionale. The iconic stud’s limousine takes the ladies to a plush mansion, soon disclosing a unique contest: Rocco challenges young Martina to take on the accomplished pro Malena in a crazy sexual competition. Joining the ladies in Rocco’s freaky plan are 69 amateur guys, each harboring hopes of becoming a XXX industry stud! Fully naked and jerking off, the...
xmoviesforyouThe next day AJ announced that he and Frank Jr. would explore the range around them, making a concerted effort to gather more stray cattle into their little herd. The women were left to do whatever was needed while the men were gone. AJ got Bella's rifle and put it in the scabbard on Frank's horse. They might hunt while they were out too. As they left Frank felt like a real man for the first time in his life. Ten hours later he wasn't sure being a real man was worth the effort. His butt...
They were technically step siblings, but they had been living together since they were nine, so now that they about to graduate high school together and had lived together for most of their formative years. They each felt they knew the other quite well and got along pretty good. A commercial came on, so she muted it with the remote. “Can you keep a secret?” he asked. Kim looked at him puzzled. “A secret from who?” she asked. “From everyone.” he answered. “But especially from our...
I have been working at Mary’s house for about a year or so, on many different small projects and maintenance as she needs. The last week or so I have been painting and remodelling her downstairs bathroom. Mary always has a cup of coffee for me and will come down and chat while I am working, then she goes back upstairs and does whatever it is she needs to do.I am just a fifty-four-year-old older guy that is a little overweight so if I can flirt to have some fun why not? Mary was in her late...
MatureSilvia Saige is a tall, slender, yet busty brunette hottie with a big mouth and tight pussy. Dressed in white lingerie she is ready to drop to her knees and give a sloppy and aggressive blowjob before allowing this rock hard cock to pound deep inside. She moans in pleasure and lets her tits bounce as her hole is slammed into. She places on Doggystyle and after that, she turns down with her legs open exposing her cunt to penetrate several times, now Silvia is ready to ride your cock forward and...
xmoviesforyouThings changed when we got home, mum and dad no longer had to hide their sex games and mum showed me her wardrobe of kinky fun stuff as she called it. She also dressed as a maid around the house during the day and in whatever rubber or leather items dad chose for her in the evening. They had sat me down knowing how sad I was that I had left granddad, but they promised that now I was a woman all be it still 11, but 12 in one week they would treat me as a grown up as long as I acted that way. We...
"Seat them in the waiting room, for now." I told her, I could see she was concerned but did as I asked. Within half an hour all 20 had appeared and were sitting in the room waiting for whatever they were expecting. As I walked in I saw they were disappointed, good they were about to learn the hard way not to judge too quickly. I heard several laugh and stand to walk out, many grumbling they thought they were being taught by a great, if not the greatest enforcer of all time. Smiling I...
Tracy and Alex decided to visit one of the biggest amusement parks in the area Wednesday for the day. They were driving on the main freeway through town when a 'poor little rich kid' high on drugs plowed his pickup truck head long into their car. Their car flipped over trapping them inside the overturned car. It took the rescue team and paramedics two hours to extract them from the car and get them to the hospital. In the ER the staff started to work on them immediately. They were severely...
So he let her down....Couldn't get free he said.My girlfriend called on me. I met her in her car.She allowed me touch her pussy only through her jeans at first and then only through her panties whilst she sat and started texting him. Even with him bumping her for the night, she was chasing him..With a sigh and after my pleading, She relented, and allowed me to bend down to plant soft kisses on her mound for a short while, while she told me my cock wasnt good enough for her pussy,, eagerly...
"I have to cancel tomorrow. I'm too swamped. Sorry." "But we haven't seen each other in weeks. You had me paint my toenails red for you today. You made me hold in all my orgasms for the last week, so that you could have all my pleasure tomorrow. You always do this," Alice complained. "Master has numerous responsibilities." "Let's put 'master' aside for a minute. Andrew, I have numerous responsibilities as well. I play 'little girl' with you, but I'm a college professor and a single mom. You...
BDSMThe girls and I quickly got to the corridor that led back to the main room. The far door suddenly looked so much further away. Those foreboding doors that our captor's women had jumped me from lay between us and that gateway to the rest of the world. With my speed I could make it, but Chloe, Carrie and Tanya would be left behind. I would trust Chloe to no one, not ever, not again. That same rule wouldn't necessarily apply to the rest of my women, but they would have to convince me to allow...