LA FunChapter 33 free porn video

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Beep, beep, beep, beep

Wow, a new week. I wonder if this one will have as many surprises and events as last week. I slipped out of bed and into workout clothes. I kissed my two beauties awake and they were both smiling as they got up to get ready to drive to Shapes. I called Donte to make sure he was coming when they were ready, and we all went to the valet desk to get the rental car. Michi joined us, although he wasn't a workout enthusiast.

Shapes wasn't that far, but it took a little over fifteen minutes to get there. We would be running a little later than I wanted. The girls told me they wouldn't be going with me again, so I parked in the big lot near the front door when we went back to the hotel. I called room service to have breakfast delivered for me and some juice for the girls. I cleaned up, dressed, and was waiting for them to bring the food. Room service here surprisingly wasn't the fastest around.

The girls planned to spend a lot of time with the mothers, and told me to have fun. It's strange, but my job is fun and I was going to share it with Fred. Hideki had left Michi here with us, so Donte came with me.

I rolled up to the office at seven and met Fred as he came driving in. I asked him if he needed to open the office before we left, but he told me that the next person would open up so we could go ahead and begin our drive. It took forever to get back to I-4 at that time of the morning. I would have Fred meet me at the Hard Rock so we didn't have to fight traffic in both directions next time.

Fred had a late model Camry that we took for our visit to Orlando. I pulled the file for Orlando and went over the monthly P&Ls that I requested from the offices while Fred drove. All the department incomes were gradually increasing, and the payroll took a bump up as they began a new development. Everything looked good. Fred said that he had gone there two weeks ago because of a customer complaint about something that he felt wasn't complete. The man expected an enclosed porch, and it was found that it had not been included on the signed floor plans when they were reviewed. Fred said, "I offered to split the cost of an enclosed porch and that took care of the complaint. The guy surprised me and asked to talk to our pool man. We ended up selling a twenty-five grand pool with a cage."

"Great, that's the way to do it, Fred. React to a complaint as fast as possible so that it doesn't escalate or the customer doesn't think you're putting him off."

I told Fred my plan, "We'll make a tour, and then talk to the Manager about his new development and his plan for the rest of the year. We'll look at his advertising folder, and that should take care of it. We'll be out of there by noon."

That's what happened. I used the driving time back to the office to write my report and to comment on Fred's handling of a complaint that never reached the home office because he knew how to take care of it. I told Fred to write a report the way I do, and I would include it with mine.

Back in the Tampa office, I told Fred, "Pick me up at the Hard Rock in the morning and we'll go to the Executive Airport. It's the one that used to be named Brandenburg Airport off 301. It's only about ten minutes from the hotel. Give me a call when you turn off Hillsborough or I-4, and I'll meet you at the front door."

I sat in the rental car and called Kelly. She said that everything was moving along the way it should be. The other offices had reported in and were doing fine. She told me, "Rebecca is already in Salt Lake City, and Yori called to tell me that he was in Oakland. It looks like you're going to fill up your Assistant program. I have Sandy in Finance and Willy in Title with me right now. I took them on my morning tour and will do that again tomorrow. We have a new sales secretary who has all the salesmen dragging their tongues in the dirt. Her name is June, and she has Willy's looks and Joan's appeal; very dangerous. You know that those girls get together and make sure whoever they send will do well in the office. I know the girls and work with them to help all those trying to get out."

"It sounds like you have it under control, Kelly. Stay vigilant and make sure you talk with Georgia and Connie every day. Georgia will hear things, and Connie will see things through the numbers. Call if you need me. I'll be in Naples, and maybe Miami, tomorrow."

I determined on the way back to the hotel that I wanted to get to Miami tomorrow so that I could wrap this up Wednesday, and get out of here on Thursday, maybe even on Wednesday evening. I wondered if Katie's mom and dad would be ready to go home by then. We should probably go back Thursday or Friday morning so that we can take a detour and drop them off in Iowa.

The evening was like the nights before; we had a great supper at the Hard Rock, and then visited for most of the evening. I needed to be in bed early in preparation for a long day to come.

The girls told me in bed that they had a wonderful day with the two mothers, and included Nobuko by using Skype. They told me that the wedding was planned to be held in two weeks, and that everyone should be able to be there for the event. My mom told the girls that she would talk to my brother and sister, but she didn't know whether or not they would venture all the way to California. Katie said that she had talked to all her siblings, and only one thought she could get off work to come. She didn't act like she felt bad about her family not coming. I didn't feel all that bad about my stuck up brother and sister not coming, but wished that they could see and drool over the home I live in.

It was funny to think how both my siblings thought they had struck gold by finding mates who were wealthy or came from wealth. I'd bet that my personal wealth now rivaled their mates, and that my income was double or even triple what theirs is. The difference was I was living the life of someone well off, while they were still going through the motions. I was deliriously happy with my relationship, and couldn't see it becoming less so in the future, while they seemed to be marking time. Luck has been with me, allowing me to progress with Mooney and be trusted with the responsibility they've given me. Well darn, my arm was going to start hurting from trying to pat myself on the back so much.

Tuesday was our first day of flying to the offices. Fred was used to commuter flights, but this would really cut down on the time waiting to board and all the other slowdowns associated with commercial flights.

The girls, Donte, Michi, and I took off for the gym a little earlier so that we would have more time to work out. I knew that Jules' running and Nautilus time would be good for her in the early stages of pregnancy and that she would soon need some instruction. I ordered breakfast to be delivered to the room for all of us this morning.

I said goodbye to the girls and was downstairs at the door when Fred called to tell me that he was turning toward the Hard Rock. He picked me up and we headed toward the small airport. I called the pilot to tell him we were on our way and should be there in ten minutes. We parked in the field's parking area and walked through operations and out to the aircraft. Fred was as excited to fly on a private jet the same as I had been my first time. It was actually exciting every time I boarded the plane. Sandy welcomed us and shut the door. Donte sat in the cockpit's right seat.

We immediately began going over the numbers for Naples and couldn't see any problems. Their sales had been increasing and their finance department had been selling a large number of loans to outside realtors. They had recently hired two insurance people, but that office hadn't taken off yet. It takes time to get rolling in some areas. The smaller the population, the more difficult it is.

We made the tour, chatted with the Manager, who had no problems and said he would welcome Fred as his Regional Manager. We were headed back to the airplane on the way to Miami at ten thirty. I called the Miami Manager to make sure that he expected us. This was going to work out. It was a long distance between the airport and office, but there wasn't a closer airport in Miami. It took almost thirty-five minutes in bad traffic after the hour flight. We stopped for a burger and Coke along the way so that we wouldn't be hungry and have to take time out to eat at the office.

This was a fairly high volume office, with three developments in three different directions. The Manager was very conservative, didn't like a whole lot of changes, and had resisted the swimming pool idea, as well as the insurance office so far. I showed him the LA office's P&L for the insurance office and the recent one from Tampa on both the insurance office and pool concession after our tour. He and his two fairly new Assistants became interested and they discussed how to house some additions. I congratulated him for increasing sales numbers and for the high volume his title office was doing. He was proud of his office and worked hard to keep increasing sales. We were done by three and on the way back to the airport. The pilot was ready for us after we turned the rental car in, and we made it back to Tampa just after five. Fred had me back at the Hard Rock by five thirty, and agreed to meet me again in the morning.

I hadn't written my report on Miami yet, so I quickly finished that and transmitted both Naples and Miami to the home office. I called LA and heard that all was well and that sales had some kind of promotion going to increase our listings to an even higher level. Kelly asked, "We need to hire our own photographer with the number of listings we're getting. Zillow and MLS will accept each other's work, but they both are really exorbitant. I'll e-mail you my cost projections if we had our own photographer so that you can compare the numbers. Connie helped me put this together."

How about that? Kelly realized that you had to have the numbers to make a decision, and went to the right person to get them. There was more to hiring a photographer than the person's salary. There were all the insurances, expenses, equipment, and housing. I'd be interested to see if it worked out to be cheaper.

Kelly told me that she had heard from both Rebecca and Yori. She said that Yori said it was even more fun to work in the Oakland office than it had been to visit it. He had also told Kelly that he had spent the day in Finance. She said, "I'll swap the two here tomorrow so that they can work in another department. I didn't put them in the offices until after the morning tour. All is well."

I was having a drink while finishing reports and the call. The girls came bursting into the room, with Michi following them. They were excited because Jules had made some unusually large trades early this morning and was still glowing over the profits. I asked, "So what are the families' dinner plans?"

Katie said, "We want to go to the Acropolis, a Greek restaurant in Ybor City. It's supposed to be really good. You might have gone there before." I had and didn't particularly like it, but knew that we might have trouble getting a reservation.

I looked them up on the internet and called. When I asked for a reservation for nine, the person taking my call laughed and asked what day next month would be good. I asked if they had private party rooms and the girl said, "Sure, for a price. We can seat thirty, but the price is still the same." She told me the price, and I asked, "Is that room available tonight?"

It was available, so I asked, "What do you need to reserve the room? My name is Brad Johnson; how much is it for nine of us to eat in your party room. One large table would be fine."

The girl asked, "Are you the Brad Johnson who works for Mooney in Carrollwood?"

"I am."

"My sister works for you. She's always talking about how nice you are. Her name is Delores and she's a sales secretary. The other sales secretary is now some guy named Fred's secretary."

I said, "It's a small world. Fred is the Manager here now that I've been transferred to California. I'm here to work with Fred for a few days. What do you need to guarantee the party room?"

"Oh yeah, that's what we were doing. Probably nothing from you, but give me a credit card number so that it'll be on the reservation."

Katie said, "I didn't mean for it to be a hassle. I guess they are very busy," when I got off the phone.

I told her, "Ybor City is the old Cuban part of town where all the cigar makers used to be and the best restaurant down there was and probably is the Columbia Restaurant that had been open for over a hundred years. It was a Spanish restaurant, but it served mostly Cuban dishes. We'll go there the next time we come down. Now I need to call that limo service again."

The girls called the two moms and told them to get ready as we now had reservations. I kept my suit on as there was no reason to change. I would be way overdressed for Tampa, but that was okay. I didn't think this place was all that great once again, but they had some crazy entertainment. I think that Dad and Joe had the most fun as the two waitresses we had constantly teased them with very low cut blouses that advertised a lot of cleavage. We guys are so predictable.

I suggested that we might try to leave tomorrow evening while we had dinner. I was watching to see if there were a lot of frowns. Mom and Jo looked disappointed, so I suggested, "How about we leave Thursday morning. The plane can drop Joe and Jo off in Des Moines, where you said your car was. It's less than three hours there and then about three and half to Burbank's Bob Hope Airport. I have to go to Jacksonville and Panama City tomorrow, so I might not get back until after six, but I'm hoping that I'll be back here by four since I'm getting an early start. How about we plan on going to the Columbia Restaurant tomorrow night? It's either that or we go to 4 Rivers for some of the best barbecue known to mankind. They used to only be in Orlando, but now have a place here in Tampa. It's always full and you have to stand in line to get served cafeteria style. We're talking great stuff."

I think the Columbia easily won out, because most people are unwilling to stand in line to get served. They wouldn't feel that way if they knew how good the food was.

I was worn out and the girls seemed to be tired by the time we got back to the Hard Rock, so we said goodnight to the older couples, who were having a great time in the casino. I hoped they were being cautious about how much they spent.

The girls were very loving tonight, and told me that they had taken a long, loving nap earlier today. Not much sleep, but a lot of loving. We soaked some towels while I loved the two women. Jules' huge flow seemed to be lessening lately, and I wondered if it had to do with her being pregnant. She still was nuts over the loving we did, but it also was lessening in intensity, and she wanted more gentle thrusting as she experienced orgasm after orgasm. That's one thing both girls never missed out on, as they always immediately began coming when I made love with them and continued until I couldn't do it any longer. What a pair.

Morning came too fast, although I had been in bed before ten. The girls begged not to go work out when I got up because they were still too tired. They admitted to having been up for another couple of hours pleasuring each other after I went to sleep. I relented and only met Donte to go to the gym. He laughed with me at Michi's reluctance to work out almost every day. We were back at the hotel in time for me to only order my breakfast before doing my personal hygiene stuff and dressing for work. I had made the mistake of having my harness on when the bellhop delivered my breakfast. There was a loud knock on the door a minute later.

Three hotel security men entered the room and stood around me. "Why are you armed?"

I showed them my permits and licenses, and they asked, "Who do you guard?"

"One of the women with me and myself. I'm a Senior Executive with Mooney Corporation. You might remember that someone we transferred here about three months ago was jailed for drug trafficking and murdering a drug dealer."

One of the security men nodded in understanding. I told them not to worry as I knew the rules and laws, and wouldn't discharge a firearm in their hotel unless it was absolutely necessary. I would let them do the dirty work.

I ate my now cold breakfast and made it downstairs to meet Fred who was excited to fly on the private aircraft again. We were quickly up to Jacksonville, and went through that office just as fast. They were on track with a pool builder and had started an Insurance Department. Their Title sales were down, but it was because one of our older customers had retired and had sold their customers to another title company. I was assured that they would build their business back up again.

We were in Panama City by eleven. This wasn't a busy office, but they had all the departments and were a great place for a new Assistant to learn about the way Mooney does business. The only thing I questioned was the number and variety of their inventory homes. I suggested that they have at least six different styles of homes prebuilt so that a custom home buyer could see what could be done. I thought they could sell more inventory homes if they had more built. Logical, right? Although I previously hadn't been an advocate of a great many inventory homes, I now realized that having a variety of them gave the sales force more to sell.

Fred asked me, "Where did you see that about needing more inventory homes?" on the way back to the airport.

"Their sheets said they only had two inventory homes, and they were listed as being the same style. That's not much of a choice. I'll bet they would sell more if they had all six of the homes in that category ready to sell. They should also build a few upgraded homes so the others in the neighborhood's value will go up. It's guess work sometimes, but it should work for you."

We made it back to Tampa by four. I had Fred come upstairs with me to check out my digs. He was impressed, and the unspeakable then happened. The two girls came from the bedroom au-naturel. The poor man sprung a boner big enough that the next county could see it. Jules told him, "Down, Boy. You know I'm a total lez, don't you? The only swinging ah, ah..."

Katie said, "Dick."

Jules then continued, "Right, dick I'm interested in is that guy's right there. Do you know that he fucked a baby in me?"

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Just like Tina promised, a week after the incident with Paul, the 13 year old boy she had seduced, she told me during dinner: "Pay special attention to Amanda and Suzy, both are 13 years old and to Lily and Rachel, both 14 year olds. I overheard them talking about 'doing it' with older men, and they all had you as the top candidate." "Well, after seeing you with Paul and the way it has turned both of us on — I think I'm ready to take the risk. I only hope it will be worth it and that...

1 year ago
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They That Have Power Book IChapter 29

Monday, June 7, 2010 “Tell me again why this 13-year-old boy is driving us home?” Shannon asked from the back seat. “I resent the suggestion that I’m only 13. I’ll have you know that I’ve got an official government document that proves definitively that I am, in fact, 16 years old.” “And how did you get that?” “The DMV gave it to me.” “Why would they give you an ID that says you’re 16?” “You’d have to ask them. I admit that if they were to review things, they might decide to take it...

2 years ago
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Help from my sister 13

"No, that's OK. I know I'm pregnant with Gil's baby, but you two are in love with each other. It's really nice of you to invite me in, but really I'm OK out there. I'll sleep on the couch or maybe I can get a cot or something to use. But I'm already in pretty deep with you two. But thanks for the offer," Connie said."OK aunt Connie. Thanks for your honesty. See you tomorrow," I replied."Goodnight you kids. I love you both," Connie said."We love you too, and goodnight," Judy replied.Then she...

3 years ago
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My sexy neighbour deepa

This is a real story happend . I was then 27 years old .i met deepa ,she is our neighbour lived with her 6year old daughter , (which is next to our house) as tenants . Then her age would be around 33 years and a divorcee. She was from gujarat. She was fair and looks like yester years south indian actress gowtami. The moment i saw her i got attracted to her. As our houses were side by side. We introduced ourselves, talked for an hour she asked my mum about vegetable market and groceries shop....

1 year ago
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xHamster Interracial

If you’re just sticking to fucking bitches of your same race, then you’re missing out big time. You need to sample the goddamn world when you go out and take a horny slut back to your pad. I put up this world map full of pins. I tell babes that these are all the places I’ve been to. But, really, that porcupine of a map marks off the country these girls are from. It’s nearly full at this point. One day I’ll slam some tight North Korean pussy. Seriously though, each of these girls brings...

Interracial Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 4

I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling.  I had been able to fall asleep for maybe two hours before my brain took off like a runaway train once again.  I wondered how Derek was and wondered if he missed me.  I wondered where Donnell was and how he was able to cut off ties so easily.  I thought about how many good times I had with Courtney.  I also thought about how easily she had turned on me - embracing my sexuality one day and then shaming me for it the next.  I concluded she was just...

2 years ago
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Company Executive final chapter

And that was what he did. He removed her top, as she smiled and looked deep into what she thought were his soulful looking eyes, and once he did that he looked down at her skirt she was wearing and removed that as well. The tub, meanwhile, was still filling up with water, and from what she could see, the young man of 34 years of age couldn’t wait to get her into it. She smiled back at him, looking him directly in his eyes while he smiled and of course she too kept on smiling as well as she felt...

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Rita8217s juicy pussy

As Jason trudged across the Arts & Sciences quad at the State University, he mentally kicked himself for getting himself involved with a Saturday morning lab. Here it was, five minutes to nine in the morning on a perfectly lousy, drizzly day, he was hung over from too much beer and a couple of joints, and had this goddamn Geology lab. Jason wasn’t heavy into the sex- drugs-rock ‘n roll college scene of the ’60s, but he didn’t avoid a good party when the...

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Immoral Fables

Cover Image Source Call it an anthology I guess. The stories will likely be short and linear. And mostly about the sex. (And there's gonna be incest. Lots of incest.)

2 years ago
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Shore Dreams

Madison was finally at her favorite place, the beach, but not just any beach, Myrtle Beach, S.C. Her children were nearly grown now and she had promised them a trip to the beach and as everyone went through the hustle and bustle of settling in, she decided to do her favorite thing and walk on the beach. It was late, they hadn't arrived until after 7 and after unpacking and eating dinner, it was now almost 11. She changed into her one-piece bathing suit and grabbed her flip-flops and headed...

4 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 41

The morning after the night before was not nice, but copious amounts of water and painkillers helped, along with several cups of coffee. All three gathered in Stan’s kitchen, listlessly going through the motions of making breakfast. Finally, Stan said ‘Hey, we ought to go to Iorio’s for breakfast. Getting out of the house would do us good, anyway.’ ‘I never thought I’d hear you advocating fresh air, Stan!’ grumbled Anne, though she had a slight smile on her face. ‘He’s probably right,...

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mom fucked by gardener

visit on to see real porn stories like these and newly updates sex gallery videos etcMr. Satish Reddy 47 years of age was popular as a Granite King. Heowned quite a few quarries in Southern Andhra Pradesh. His quarriesyielded best quality of Granite which was exported world wide. Helived in a majestic Bunglow in the peaceful locality of SrinagarColony in Hyderabad with his 43 years old wife Mamta Reddy and 20years old son Jagan Reddy.It was first of week of January 2006. His 22...

3 years ago
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The Holiday that Changed my life forever Part 1

The story begins when I was on a friends’ holiday a number of years ago, there was a group of us who went to college together, ten of us all together, 6 lads and 4 girls, and we were all good friends and had been through school as well together. Anyway as we approached our final exams, we thought it would be fun to go for two weeks of sun before we all inevitably followed our different career paths. We arranged to go to Playa del Ingles in Gran Canaria and split into two’s for room sharing, I...

2 years ago
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Anastasia Starts Work

As Anastasia waited for her friend Sophie in the college coffee bar, she was thinking. Sophie as a bright, bubbly girl with lots of friends yet she hardly ever took part in the college social events. She was also from a poor background, so where did she get the money to dress so well? Sophie bounded in. “So sorry I’m late”, she gasped, “Had to see someone”. Anastasia did not mind. “Tell all, what happened last night, did you see him – you look a bit tired?” Sophie demanded. Anastasia told...

1 year ago
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Wizards LegacyChapter 13

Practice was pretty strange. We worked on two separate offenses. Coach explained that the pro set should work pretty well against Trail City, but Whitehorse would be prepared for it. Since they were so much bigger than us, he wanted to try something else. The Wishbone was his choice. It was a different option offense than we were used to. In it, Tim would switch from halfback, to fullback. The two other freshmen, Jake and Fred, would be the halfbacks. It looked interesting, but put a lot of...

4 years ago
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Bailey Marla Daughter

Where should I start? First, my name is Bailey Williams and I am currently a senior at Wilson High School. My family consists of a younger brother Zach and my mom and dad. I feel I need to tell you all a little about myself. I hate clothing. I never liked the way it feels on my body, it is just that I couldn't find the nerve to ask my parents if I could start going around naked. I was worried that if I asked they and they found out that I have been naked around my brother and our friends and...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Gabriella Paltrova 05222017

It’s often said a fantasy is best left as just that — a fantasy. Just ask Gabriella Paltrova and her Hubby. In an effort to spice up their sex life, they’ve really been playing up the “bedroom talk” while fucking. Hubby keeps bringing up “fucking random black guys” while doing the naughty, so, as a couple, they’ve decided to turn a fantasy into reality. Hubby makes Gabriella like a slut before heading to an adult bookstore that has a reputation...

4 years ago
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Black Guard TalesChapter 5

The surveyors arrived in a caravan of rovers and hover vehicles. The Black Guard were already there and had set up an improvised ring of ropes and stakes. Everyone took their places on their respective sides, sitting on whatever they could find. Goldsmith and George came together to set the rules and choose a referee. "This is to be unarmed combat, Goldsmith," George told the manager. "Your man pulls any stunts and he forfeits, agreed?" "Sure, that's fair. How do we know who...

3 years ago
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A Short Swing

"Hey, Eddie. How are ya?" the soft voice asked. I recognized her voice even though I didn't remember the phone number. It was Lara, a woman a couple of years younger than me who worked in the same complex as I did, although we were in different departments. We had dated a few times off and on and even wound up in bed together for some casual sex on a couple of occasions. Still there wasn't anything serious between us. "Doing okay," I replied curiously. "How about you? Haven't run into...

1 year ago
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Reddit ThickLoads, aka r/ThickLoads! For today, I have something that most of you nerds will never be able to accomplish. That's because, for today, we have another special section of Reddit. Here, you'll see something similar to a well-equipped library. The only difference here, though, is that it doesn't store books, and instead, it only has images of thick sperm loads on chicks' faces and other body parts. And, due to how much some of y'all masturbate and beat your beat, you're unable to...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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The DiskChapter 2

I had not intended on doing a second chapter to this story but so much feedback from readers prompted me to do so. I sat there looking down at the tear streak face of my wife, the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on, not knowing what to say or think... I took Nikki's face into my hands and looking into her eyes I said, "Lies are like dominos. One lie can knock out whole relationships, destroy entire aspects of people's lives or even limit their future in unforeseeable ways. You...

4 years ago
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Demigod of WarChapter 74

Day 263/264: Mokul kept John awake for several hours as the man from Earth described his adventures. He avoided giving too much detail about Earth and his life before becoming trapped on this world. But otherwise, he saw no reason to lie about anything he’d experienced since coming through the portals. Dulgan knew almost all of it anyway, and John knew all too well how impossible it was for that one to keep a secret. The Dwimar Huntmaster listened intently throughout, though many of his...

4 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 61

I left the new office and returned to the dining area. Catla told me the meal for my two cuties was read do I fetched them from the play furs area, got them situated in their dual high chair and got to my main job. Once Chiqa had her bottle I started filling up Kita with bites of food off the plate Catla had provided. As usual the girls had tried to keep the two small ones playing before the evening meal and by the time they were fed they were on their way to sleepy time. After giving them a...

4 years ago
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Hot Night With My Cousin Priyanka

Hi, I’m Ram from south india. The story I’m about to tell happened around 10 years ago. My partner in this story is my elder cousin sister Priyanka. She is elder to me by four years. She looks very similar to popular Kannada actress Ramya. It all started when I went to her house to watch cricket in her house. In my house, we didn’t have cable TV. So the only chance to watch cricket was at her house. She is a single child of her parents. Her father is an alcoholic. So he used to come home...

1 year ago
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Oh God What Have We DoneChapter 4 First lesbian experience

The sound of her cell phone early next morning awoke Moira from a sound sleep and terrifying dream in which she was being raped by a dozen sorority girls with huge strap-on dildos. She was drenched in sweat, the bedding was on the floor, and her heart pounding like a runaway horse, when the ringing of the phone entered her subconscious and woke her from a nightmare. It took her several seconds recognize where she was; everything was unfamiliar until she remembered that she was in her new...

3 years ago
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Consensual Depredation

One night I went to see a friend of mine at his house, when I got there and he let me in, we sat in front of the tv watching a movie and chatted for a bit. He said that he was going to get something from the other room and left. A few minutes later he called out to me saying he wanted to show me something so I got up and walked down the hallway, looking in each room to see where he was. When I got to the room he was in, I found him laying naked on the bed, I walked up to him and he started...

4 years ago
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Betty Spanked Again

“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded. Slowly...

3 years ago
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Navy Guy Next Door

About 12 years ago I moved to a small town. I really liked it, but the chance of finding random cock that needed attention was slim to none. Within the first few days I noticed the neighbour. 6'5" built like a brick shithouse and hot as hell. Got to introduce myself one day and his name was Jean (John) he is french-canadian and is in the navy. Married. Damn! That did not stop me from admiring his fantastic body from afar. He spent a lot of time working on the yard and doing renos on his house....

1 year ago
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The Truth Revealed The Convent III

I ran out into the barn and climbed up the ladder and sat with my head spinning. I used to go there to think or clear my head or more often these days to relieve myself of a throbbing hard on. How on earth could Ingrid be my mother? She went missing and was never found! I tried to convince myself. She couldn’t possibly be anyway because the precious lady I had made love to was a virgin. I mean, I was not the most educated in the area of sex but I knew that Mother Ingrid had never been with a...

2 years ago
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Family BedChapter 2

"What is it your brother wouldn't do?" Ward had to raise his voice above the noise of the freeway as he shifted into fourth gear, the sports car running smoothly in the direction of his apartment. He had carefully arranged everything before going to get Sheri at her apartment, and he felt certain the steak dinner and candlelight setting would provide just the right atmosphere for an intimate seduction. "He's young and adventuresome. Does that answer your question?" Sheri was used to...

3 years ago
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Fucking the Forbidden Fruit

I saw her again. She was walking to her dorm and I was walking to mine. Ever since school began, I had attempted to avoid her every day but we still ended up crossing paths. She'd flash a smile and I'd nod politely, just like nothing had ever happened.We were best friends in high school and had a huge falling out senior year. She started being a crappy friend to our whole group and cut us off. When we pressed to talk about it, she refused and said she never wanted to see any of us again.Now,...

2 years ago
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Sexual Night in Paris

One night both Charles and Arlene end up at the Pavillon De La Reine, a four star hotel in Paris France. They made reservations just a few days ago and it’s not for a honeymoon or vacation it’s just a getaway for two people to escape and enjoy their sexual passion and desires for one another. As they are both escorted to their suite on the 14th floor overlooking the city of Paris both Charles and Arlene turn to each other and start to kiss. Charles has been waiting for this day for awhile and...

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