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Idol of Meyhem By Morpheus Opening up the crate, Dr. Caroline Marcus looked down with boredom at the contents. As assitant director in charge of acquisitions for the museum, this new batch of items seemed rather dull to her. Nothing of any particular interest. Holding her nose in disgust, she started carefully pulling the artifacts out, not wanting to damage anything. Another, smaller museum had recently been forced to shut down, and Caroline had worked hard to get some of the artifacts sent to her, but she was greatly disappointed, noticing that what she had seemed to be mostly the leftovers or scrap. Still, she didn't want to break anything. These were still valuable antiques and historical treasures. One item however caught her eye as she unwrapped the packing paper from around it. It was a small statuette. It stood just under a foot tall, carved of a dull greyish stone. Examining it, she decided that it was probably Norse. A depiction of one of their great warriors or one of their Gods most likely. It has to be one of the Gods she decided. Probably either Baldur or Loki by the looks of him. But then again, worshippers of Loki weren't all that common, so if it was Loki, this statue might be rather rare and interesting indeed. Caroline decided that she definitely needed to look into this one a bit more. After all, these religious idols weren't that uncommon, but one of Loki would be a rather uncommon find indeed. Most likely though she decided, it was probably Baldur, but who knows. Setting the statuette on the table as she reached for the next artifact, she missed seeing the small statue's eyes start glowing green for a brief second, as if something within had just woken up, after a long sleep. Looking up after several hours of cataloging, Caroline realized that it was time to get home. Her husband Mark, and their two kids Beth and Tony, would be getting worried. Sighing she put her coat on and turned around, not noticing as her elbow bumped the small idol, knocking it into the duffel bag she'd set by the table. Without noticing the difference, Caroline picked up her bag and started heading home, glad to be done for the day. Getting home, Caroline was happy to see that Mark was home too, and hurried inside, giving her husband a kiss, and being surprised to find dinner already set. At the dinner table Mark sat, smiling, a small piece of corn caught in his well trimmed beard, telling Caroline about his day at the office. Tony, their energetic 12 year old son, was kicking his 15 year old sister Beth under the table, much to her annoyance, which she loudly shared with everyone. Just like every night, Caroline sighed. After eating, Beth and Tony were left to clean up, while Caroline and Mark went into the living room. Caroline stopped, remembering her dufflebag, and went to clean it out. She was surprised when she looked inside, seeing the idol lying on top. "Shit," she muttered, knowing that she'd really be in trouble for taking this home if anyone found out. She immediately decided that no one at the museum would. She'd take it right back in the morning when she went to work. Absently she set it on the bookshelf where she'd remember to see it in the morning. Tony ran to his room, glad that the dishes were finally done. That stupid sister of his kept bossing him around, thinking that she could since she was older. That really made him mad. Turning on his TV, he plugged a video game in and started to play, forgetting about his annoyance almost immediately. A couple hours later his mom came in, telling him it was almost bedtime. Reluctantly Tony shut off his game and started getting ready for bed. After he'd gotten ready, and his mom said good night, shutting the light off, Tony waited quietly for several minutes. Quiety he got up, turning on the flashlight that he kept near his bed, and reached under his bed, pulling out a magazine. Smiling he opened the Playboy, staring in fascination at the centerfold. He wasn't sure just what some of the older boys saw in this yet, but he knew that the centerfold was definitely hot. Very beautiful indeed. He smiled, enjoying the picture and the slight feeling of naughtiness, of doing something knew he wasn't supposed to. "Man," he said, "I wish I could get my hands on a girl like that." Just another room away, the idols eyes glowed green faintly, and the lips almost seemed to smile. Getting ready to go to work, Caroline went and made sure that the kids were both up, so that they could get ready for school. Getting Beth up wasn't a problem, and usually wasn't. Going into Tony's room, she saw him on his bed, completely curled up in his blankets. Smiling she grabbed the blanket and yanked, saying, "Get up sleepy." Caroline screamed, seeing a young woman in her sons bed, with no sign of him. The girl had dark reddish blonde hair, seemed to be about 19, and was obviously very well endowed. She was also completely naked. Hearing the scream, the girl opened her eyes, sitting up, looking a little confused. "What's up mom?" she said. Then she looked down, and started screaming as well. "I can't explain it either," Caroline told Mark, who stared at his son in shock. Beth seemed to think it was a little funny, that her brother had suddenly changed. They all stared at Tony, dressed only in his Moms robe, and looking extremely uncomfortable. He tried to peek down the front of his robe, but Caroline slapped his hands back. "Stop that," she scolded him. Obviously Tony couldn't go to school like this, and neither Caroline or Mark were ready to go to work until they figured out what was going on. Noticing that Beth had already missed the school bus, they decided that she might as well stay home. Reluctantly Tony told them about the Playboy under his bed, not knowing if that had anything to do with his overnight change, but afraid to leave it out. His parents took it better than he expected, not being nearly as angry as he'd thought they would be. They had larger things to worry about at the moment though, so let his confession go by. After worrying awhile, Tony broke the silence with the announcement, "I have to go to the bathroom." Sighing Caroline said, "I'll take care of this," and led Tony into the bathroom, reminding him to sit down. After he'd finished, she showed him how to wipe himself, leaving both of them red with embarrassment at the odd situation. Noticing that Tony kept getting curious and trying to take peaks at his new body, Caroline decided to keep him from getting too curious, and tried dressing him up in some of her clothes. She didn't have a bra quite his size, so quickly ran over to the neighbors, telling the neighbor woman that her "niece" had just ran away from home, forgetting to even bring any clothes. The explanation worked well enough to get a bra loaned. Caroline made sure that Tony was decently dressed, and not exposing too much. He was obviously hating being dressed up as a girl, less so than his being one. That only seemed to make him curious. "Here he is," Caroline said, announcing Tony who came in, feeling rather embarrassed to have his family see him like this. He really felt uncomfortable. He noticed that he was taller than before, but only by a couple inches at most. What was the oddest, besides not having anything between his legs, was all the weight on his chest. His chest stuck out so far, he thought he was going to fall forward, or run into things with those things. Beth was looking at Tony, mouth open, unable to believe that this was Tony. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MY KID BROTHER HAS BIGGER BOOBS THAN I DO!" she whined, making Tony feel better that he was at least annoying his sister still. And he didn't even have to do anything but stand there. Smiling Tony grabbed them. "Yeah, they're lots bigger," giggling at the look of anger on Beth's face. "It's not fair," Beth whined as she ran into her room, making Tony feel a little better. "Cut that out Tony," his dad scolded him, while his mom glared at him, making him feel a little guilty. He shook the feelings off, thinking that she deserved it. He looked down at the protrusions again, and was curious to look at them a little better, but his mom wasn't giving him the chance to be alone or to investigate, leaving him a little annoyed. Beth sat on her bed, crying into her hands. It wasn't fair. Her brother gets turned into THAT, and she couldn't even get a date with Tommy at school. She put a hand to her breasts, thinking how much smaller they were than Tony's. She was average sized for her age, and still growing, but still she felt envious. "I wish I were bigger," she muttered to herself. In the next room, unnoticed by anyone, the idols eyes glowed green for a second then died away. Beth suddenly felt odd. Her bra felt tighter. A grin broke out on her face. Somehow she was going to change to. The bra kept getting tighter, and she tore her shirt and bra off, anxious to see the changes. She'd show Tony who was bigger. Putting her hands to her breasts, she felt them growing, then realized that her pants were feeling tighter too. Curiously, she pulled her pants off, feeling herself getting bigger. Suddenly, she realized that something was wrong. This wasn't right at all. Staring down in horror, she saw her waist getting larger, and her legs as well. She was getting fatter as she watched. "NO!" she screamed, realizing that she had gotten too fat for any of her clothes. She looked at her arm in disgust, seeing the flab hanging off. She started crying again, feeling herself still growing larger. Mark and Caroline heard the scream, and rushed into Beth's room, stopping in shock as they saw their daughter sitting on the bed, which was barely holding her weight. She was huge. Incredibly obese. Between 400 and 500 lbs they guessed. Her boobs were mammoth, and all fat, and everywhere, fat spilled from her body. "Oh my god," Caroline said, unable to believe this. First her son, then her daughter. She couldn't believe this. And whatever it was, was spreading. Suddenly she became incredibly aware that she and Mark were very likely to be next if they didn't figure out what was going on. Horrified she realized that they'd better find whatever it was quick. Mark immediately suggested that they leave the house, go to a hotel or a friends house instead, since whatever it was could be around the house. Sadly Caroline pointed out that they'd never be able to get Beth even into the car, and they weren't about to abandon her. Reluctantly they ruled that option out. Caroline tried to comfort the sobbing Beth, while Mark tried to figure out what was going on, and what they could do about it. Tony stared at his sister in horror. That couldn't be Beth. He saw his sister in that blob of flesh, and felt sorry for her. He felt sorry for all the mean things he'd done to her, and ran to his own room, crying in shame, as if feeling that he were somehow the cause. Tony cried into his pillow for awhile, ignoring the pressure on his chest as he lay on his new breasts. Finally he stopped crying, forcing himself to sit up. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he accidentally scratched himself with one of his fingernails, then held his hands out, to stare at the offending nail. This wasn't right. He wanted to get back to normal, and wanted Beth to be normal too. Finally he just put most of his trust in his father, sure that dad would make everything all right. That's what dads did. Mark paced back and forth across the living room, deeply worried. He'd always prided himself in being a calm and rational man, but this was beyond anything he had ever imagined. Still he forced himself to stay as calm as possible, knowing that he couldn't help his son or daughter if he panicked. Still, it took every ounce of willpower to keep himself from running out the front door screaming. He listened to Caroline in Beth's room, trying to calm her down and comfort her, feeling horrible about whatever had befallen his daughter. He wanted desperately to call the hospital, but knew that they wouldn't be able to do anything about, whatever this was. He tried guessing what it could be. Secret government experiment run wild? Aliens? Or something even more strange? He couldn't guess. As Mark paced, something caught his eye on the bookshelf, making him stop. Stepping closer, he saw the small gray stone idol, and his blood froze. Cautiously he stepped back, getting very nervous. "Honey," he called to Caroline, "can you come in here?" "What is it?" she asked, her eyes red from crying. Mark just pointed at the idol. "Oh my god," Caroline muttered to herself, remembering the idol. She wasn't sure how it was responsible, but knew somehow that it was. It all started when she brought that THING into the house. Mark stepped forward to pick it up, but Caroline stopped him, not knowing what it would do. They had to get away from it. "Come on Tony," Caroline shouted, "we're leaving." Mark heaved, trying to get Beth standing. He grunted, and finally got her up with Caroline's help, but his back began to hurt. "Damn," he muttered to himself, silently wishing that he were only a couple years younger. Suddenly Mark fell, tripping over his own pant legs. He looked around in horror as everything in the room started growing. Beth and Caroline looked down at him, surprise in their eyes. Finally Mark seemed to stop shrinking. He felt himself buried in his own clothes, but try as he might, he couldn't get them off of him. He yelled for help, but only heard a baby's cry. Beth fell back to her bed, hearing it creak in complaint of her massive frame. She just stared at the baby on the floor as her mom picked it up, trying to comfort it, to stop the crying. The baby, her dad, stopped crying, and shivered against the offered shoulder. Caroline held the shivering baby shocked. This was her husband. She desperately wanted to leave, and only held herself back because of Beth. She couldn't get Beth out by herself, and probably not with Tony's help either. She felt trapped, stuck with that statue. She started to reason that nothing happened to her carrying it home, or at the museum. It must be safe to handle. At least that's what she tried telling herself. But then, what about it was causing all this. Caroline asked Beth what she remembered about just before she changed. "I don't know," Beth sobbed. Caroline soothed Beth a little, and had Beth try remembering what happened. Finally Beth was calm enough to say how she was just crying, feeling jealous of Tony, when she started growing. As if hearing his name, Tony walked in, asking, "Where's dad?" then stopping when he saw the baby, knowing where dad was. Caroline looked at Tony, then remembered what he'd said about having the Playboy. She had a very bad feeling. If she was right, they seemed to have a Monkey's Paw, right here in the house. Very bad news indeed. She only hoped that it wasn't limited to the traditional 3 wishes, since they already seemed to have that. She hoped she could find some way to wish things back to normal, without making things worse. If she could even use the thing to wish at all. She still wasn't certain of her theory. "Damn," she muttered to herself, "That thing has got to be Loki." Slowly she approached the statue, almost in tears from Beth having just begged her while she left. "Please mom, change me back. Please." She shivered, determined to make things right. If she could. She knew that the others didn't touch the idol when they changed, but hoped that by touching it, she could control the wish. Briefly she wondered if it only effected the person making the wish, then shook her head, refusing to believe that. If so, Mark would never get back to normal, being unable to make a wish as a baby. Suddenly she froze. She didn't hear anything from Mark before he changed. "Maybe," she told herself, "it doesn't need to be verbal," but not really believing it. Still she had to try. Carefully she picked up the idol, then turned to look at Tony, who was watching her hopefully. She licked her lips, deciding to get the worst case first. If it worked. If was such a useless word she realized. Slowly she started. "I wish that Beth was back to her normal self, the way she was before making that wish." Caroline was pleased to hear a howl of pleasure from Beth's room, then Beth come running out, looking the same as she did before, and looking extremely excited, not even noticing her state of undress. Caroline felt a surge of triumph, and hugged Beth, who was crying with joy. Tony looked at her expectantly. "Patience," she told him. She looked down at the baby she was still cradling in her arms, then set the baby on the floor a few feet away. Feeling the triumph from the first wish, she made her second, hoping it wasn't limited to one wish per person. "I wish Mark were older." She realized her mistake instantly, not specifying the wish. She had a very bad feeling about this, knowing that monkey's paws were supposed to twist every wish. The small baby in front of started to grow. She watched, feeling very nervous, hoping that it worked out. Then it stopped. The baby had grown older, but then stopped at about 5 years old. Mark looked up at her confused. "Why stop me here?" he said, sounding like the little boy that he was. Caroline shrugged, saying, "At least it wasn't worse. Maybe I can change you the rest of the way back." Mark nodded, waiting impatiently for her to continue. Nervously Caroline looked back to the idol. Only two more wishes to fix things. One for Mark, and one for Tony. For a second, she considered making another wish, or using it to make them rich, but that didn't sound too good. If this was the statue of Loki, that was bad news. He was a god of mischief, which would fit what was going on. It was like a monkeys paw. The less they used it, the better off they'd be. Steeling herself, she prepared for the next wish. Tony giggled, realizing that it was like Aladdin and his lamp. He looked over at his dad, and his sister, then to his mom. He giggled, thinking that Mom was the only one that hadn't changed. Since they could fix anything with the statue, Tony said, "I wish mom was 12 years old," and laughed at the look of horror that appeared on her face as she started to shrink. Laughing Tony thought it was funny, watching his mom start getting younger and younger in front of him, then shrinking to the same age as him. Or at least the age he was supposed to be, he corrected himself. He smiled, knowing that they'd fix it in a minute, but it was funny to watch, and he couldn't resist. Caroline stared in shock, unable to believe that Tony said that. She felt her clothes start getting loose on her and everything else around her was growing a little as well. Even Beth and Tony were looking a lot taller. She stepped back, tripping over her own pant legs, and falling backwards. The idol flew from her hand, smashing against the floor with a loud crack. They all stared at the idol, broken in two on the floor, in shock. Three pairs of eyes turned to Tony, now the tallest of the group, in shock, horror and anger. Tony stared at his mom, suddenly feeling really guilty. He hadn't meant to ruin things. He'd only wanted mom to change too. To see what it was like. Caroline held the pieces together, and tried wishing, finding that nothing happened. She wasn't surprised, still being in shock. They got super glue from the kitchen, and glued it back together. Still though it didn't work. Holding it in her hands, Caroline stared at it. Then as if to mock her, the idols eyes seemed to flash red for a split second, then the whole thing crumbled into dust, falling through her fingers and being lost for good. Holding her dusty hands to her head, she started to cry, amazed at how easily it all came out. Mark hugged her waist, needing comfort himself, as well as trying to comfort them. Neither of them wanted to have to grow up again, or go through puberty again. Beth shivered, thanking God that she got changed back before the statue broke, and feeling sorry for her family. They didn't know what they were going to do. What could they do about their identities? Who'd believe any of them was who they said they were, except for Beth who was unchanged. They didn't know, but Mark tried to assure Caroline that they'd find some way. Tony was in shock, realizing that because of his prank, his childishness, he was stuck a girl forever. Sadly he looked down at his parents, thinking how small and helpless they looked, especially his dad. He decided that he wasn't going to mess up like that again. He didn't think that he could afford another mistake like that. Caroline wiped the tears from her eyes, looking up at Tony. She realized that they'd all be relying on him a lot from now on. Him and Beth both. Tony was the only one that even looked like an adult, and would be needed for whatever they did. Sadly, she smiled at Tony, thinking that now he'd need certain help as well. She'd have to teach him how to be a woman. Everything that girls learned growing up, she'd have to teach him, and help him to cope with. Clothes, manners, dealing with men, and unfortunately, the birds and the bees as well. She almost giggled at the idea of him having a period, wondering how he'd react. That at least should be some punishment for his thoughtlessness. Slowly they started to make plans for their future, hoping that they'd find some way. The End

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CRUISIN’This is to be told by Al whose wife Barb just related the previous story Stella Maris to us. Both stories are intrinsically related as this is a continuation of their sexual exploration and adventures together.ALWith Barb’s fifty–fifth birthday approaching I was a bit mystified as to what I could get her. It was a landmark anniversary and she’d been a bit spoiled with most of the necessities of life plus some luxuries. We’d entered into this wonderful period of sexual discovery and...

1 year ago
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Watching You Wondering

I see you began to strip off your clothes, teasing me ever so much. I watch as you begin to reveal your magnificent breasts to me. Next, you slowly pull down your pants, leaving only your underwear. You slowly start to saunter towards me, swaying your hips the entire time. I’m captivated by your beauty. I can’t get enough of you. You tell me to sit up as you finally reach the side of the bed. You pull my shirt over my head, revealing my own body to you. I hear you gasp as you take in the sight...

3 years ago
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Corrupting The Golden BoyChapter 3

The next day I woke up with a headache. I headed off to the bathroom to shower and shave. I felt sick when I saw the dark purple hickeys on my neck. Tara was going to ruin me and I had no choice but to let her. I turned on the shower letting the nice warm water hit my skin. As I showered I began to daydream about Doreen. I missed her and I really needed her. I knew I should have been more careful about where we went, but never in my life did I think my sister would catch us. "Hey mind if I...

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The RescuedChapter 19 SM03Tau Day 0 continued

Steve entered the room where he had awakened, and closed the door. Once he had done so, he addressed the ceiling. "OK, assholes, here it is. You said you'd contact us only in an emergency. We'll I've got a nice juicy emergency right here. I've got a woman on the edge of insanity, because she was pregnant, and now she isn't. I need answers, and I need them now. If I don't get them, your entire species is going to regret ever evolving language skills." Steve knew he had no way of...

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Return of a HeroChapter 4

They both were silent driving in a cold drizzle that was turning into a sort of slush on the windshield with the temp down near freezing. The sun was almost gone the mountains surrounding the gleaming city of neon lights and broken hearts and illusive dreams. Amy was still thinking about her shameful behavior back in the whorehouse that catered to kinky couples. "What could I possibly be thinking" was her own silently worded question to her irritating conscience. First, she had spied on...

4 years ago
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Trophy Wife to Cum Sluts 2

The four woman had been fucking there black boyfriends for 5 weeks, all four joked about accommodating very large cock. They all agreed they all needed large cocks to make them feel sexually satisfied. Tuesday’s had evolved into fuck day; the guys would get to one of their houses by 10. The party would start immediately and end promptly by 2:30. This Tuesday the two cars pulled up Barbara looked out the window, “hey girls they have two more guys with them”. All four women were in hi heels...

4 years ago
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Nasty girl

It was a dark night in the city when my boyfriend and I were going for a walk and as we just walked out of our apartment we were asked by 2 homeless men if we had any spare change and we both ignored them and kept walking. It must have made them mad because we didn't acknowledge them so they said to my boyfriend that they were gonna fuck me when he wasnt around and they ran over and slapped my ass because I was wearing a tiny skirt that was short enough where they could see a bit of my ass. We...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 13 & 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Two doctors agree on their assessment after Charlotte attends a meeting and has...

4 years ago
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Professor Thornton Part 2

‘All wet hey you might need a raincoat Shape down Dreams walking in broad daylight Three hundred sixty five degrees Burning down the house’ The college fitness centre was relatively empty at 3:30 in the afternoon. There were a few members of staff and a smattering of students. I opened my eyes and spotted Professor Thornton straight away. He hadn’t seen me yet and I watched him with growing interest as he grabbed two 100-pound dumbbells and made his way over to the incline...

4 years ago
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The Workout

THE WORKOUTTerry was working hard on the stationery bike, knees pumping like amachine. Her breathing was heavy but regular and sweat ran down hercheeks. She loved doing this three times per week. It seemed to give hereven more energy after her shower. She glanced at the row of stair mastersand her gaze stopped at #3. A slender brunette had her hands behind herback like an accomplished ice skater and was racing up the imaginarystairs. The girl was about Terry's age which is to say mid 20's...

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Hi friends,i am Sameer Sharma. Ab to aap logo ne mujhe pehchan hi liya hoga. Aap ISS readers ke meri pehli true story “First sex encounter with foreigner girl” ke achchhe response dene aur mujhe aaplogo ke bahut se email milne per main aaj hi aap logo ko apni ek aur true story post kar raha hu. ye bat june ki hai jab mai MOSCOW se delhi aa raha tha. Kyonki mai india aane ke liye kabhi Mumbai aur kabhi Delhi ke through ata hu. Mai 12 june ki rat ko “Air India” ki flight se delhi aa raha tha....

2 years ago
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It Happened In KathmanduChapter 3

Sunday, 21st May (continued): 'Theek hai lakin apna laurda dheere se meri gaand main gusserdna kyon ki woh bahut mota hai (All right but insert your cock gently in my asshole because it is very thick.' 'Of course, ' I said. She got into gaand fuck position. I applied vaseline on her asshole. Then placing my cock on her back door I lunged forward. 'AAAAYYYYYYYIIIIIEEEEEEEE, ' she screamed as my cock was buried to the hilt inside her butt. 'SAHEBJI, I SAID GENTLY, ' she...

4 years ago
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Made women

Tony Mauro sat outside the office of his uncle, Don Vincenzo, visibly sweating. He knew he was in big trouble, the fact that he was forced to sit outside under the gaze of a stony faced bodyguard instead of breezing straight in as usual testified to that. His uncle, the Don, was head of one of the largest crime families in Florida. The Mauro family had a big slice of the drug, prostitution and racketeering in Miami and the surrounding area. Their rivals however were just as powerful and Tony...

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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 28

The adventures of Reggie Starr Book 2.8 The continuation of "The Haunted Clothes" You readers are going to ask how Reggie got this call? Remember the TG groups in Memphis? Lets go back and fill you in. Well, one of our "sisters" managed to go through Reassignment Surgery and was now post op. She soon discovered the problem with be a TS. She could not find work. While she was a really good engineer, she couldn't find a job anywhere. She would not hook or hustle. She did...

1 year ago
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Classic Chat Roulette! Even though sites that offered live video sexting existed even before, this one really kicked it off since it brought everything together to a much more personal level. I mean sure, the site wasn’t meant to be what it is today, but it was quite obvious to anyone watching the site develop, exactly what would happen to it. The site was bound to become this battleground of random dudes looking for hot chicks that they can masturbate to. And you know, most of...

Sex Chat Sites
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Crazy sensation

Hi, this is crazy. I hope you’ll enjoy and have a immediate jerk off after reading this. Send me your comments or wants I came home late again. I had to work late shifts lately just to get ahead of the game. And even though my girlfriend would protest, it was for the better in the long run. I needed to save a bundle so that I could get out of this apartment of mine. When I walked in however, things looked odd. The door was unlocked and left ajar. Someone had been in there and Tracy doesn’t get...

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Becoming The Favorite

Ever since dad left us mom had sort of looked to Henry for help with us girls and things around the house. Since he was in college Emma looked up to him as a role model. To me, a nerdy 16-year-old who everyone seemed to ignore and forget - even at home - he was like a star. Even just a bit of attention from him would put me on cloud nine for a week, and that was partly because he never seemed to have time for me. He was always busy with classes, homework, friends, girlfriends, helping mom...

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Dead Write Ch 10

* This is a repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit. * Chapter 10 The sun beat down noonday hot as Sherry and Sam made the sweaty hike from the courthouse to the truck. A good fight had been fought with no clear victory. Fatigued by wounded hearts, neither had the strength to begin the battle debriefing. The truck interior had reached a flesh frying Fahrenheit. Sam opened the doors, rolled down the windows, and turned on the engine. ‘It feels like hell in there.’ ‘Here’s a news...

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sissy baby Jenny is a cuckold

Posted April 13. 2020By sissybabysusie aka babydicksissyCHAPTER ONE: It all started from a phone call from my wife Susie,"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?,.....YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME AN HOUR AGO..YOU NEED TO GET HERE DAMN QUICK..NOW JOHNATHAN ..WE NEED A SERIOUS TO TALK ! ".What the hell is all this about I thought.Susie could be quite assertive if she had to be .Susie was typically reserved ,quite sweet, kind to others,always helpful .Her stunning looks have no doubt helped her promotion working...

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Money needs

Author's note: please feel free to help out. Especially with male threads i don't have a cock so i am kinda having a hard time ( no pun intended ;).) Writing a male line any help will be much appreciated. Thank you: You are a girl/ guy you visit a glory hole in need of money (or to spend it). There is a place that pays girls to help out there clients. They take a cut of what you make. You choose what you want to make and do. Weather just a bj or giving up the pussy. Its your call.

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Exposure I Caught In The Act

Jimmy was eighteen years old, currently studying photography and film-making.  He owned all the best equipment, from top of the range cameras to video editing software for his laptop.  All funded by his loving, and supportive single mother, Alice.Alice had gone to town for the day, leaving Jimmy alone in their beautiful home of a small residential neighborhood.  Jimmy had the day off, leaving himself to lounge around the house, listening to music, playing video games, among other things.Jimmy...

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The Girl Stories Mission 14

--- "Yes." --- said Lilly smiling --- "Don't worry. I just have to tie a few loose ends." Lilly entered the heavy door, and closed the tight behind her. It was one of the sound proofed rooms of the brothel, made for conducting business. There were some books and documents on the shelves, and a big dark desk in the middle. Apart from a computer, which one would expect in such a office, the desk was filled with different implements of rape and torture. Most of them were used on her body...

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Life in the Modelling industry as girls

I watched an interesting documentary the other night with some friend, who, like myself, were just teenage girls, when we were in the modelling industry.Some of the top models, putting a face to the experience, and again like us watching, told of their experiences, at f******n and fifteen, of walking into an office and sitting while the old man, took his penis out in front of us and enjoyed an i*****l blow-job, swallowing and actually saying, 'Thank you Sir, I enjoyed doing that', if you did...

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My first lesbian sex not true story

Hi, my name is Chiara, I'm 22 brown hair, green eyes, nice little boobs with pink nipples. When I was only 17 I was with the most popular guy of highschool and of course he was captain of football team. Me I was cheerleader in this team that's how we've met, he defloured me one night in his car and it was good and every weekend we were together in his car or somewhere else but very far from our ciy because we were popular and well esteemed by community.However this fairytale had a tragic end,...

1 year ago
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My Hot Tight Ass

Watching him sitting in his leather chair tonight. With me sitting close to him sitting in the chair next to me I said "I'm tired I'm going to go to bed" Knowing he wanted my pussy I turned off the TV and he followed me up stairs to our bed room. I was in a tee shirt and a black pair of Satin sleep pants. My huge tits with pointy nipples about 2 inches around and my pussy being so wet with anticipation. He loved to smell my panties after I wear them. Mmmmmmmmmm' he is so hot and ever so...

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Lessons from Allison part 2

She laughed naughtily as her eyes met mine. Her tongue emerged and starting at the base went up the full length of my engorged member, and traced a long slow circle around the tip. An intense shudder of pleasure rocketed through my body, and I sighed deeply. Her mouth wrapped around my cock and slipped down my shaft as her tongue kept working on my tip. She began gently massaging my balls. She stopped occasionally to stroke my cock. I thought my eyes would roll back in my head. I was grunting...

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What Cums Around

"No officer I'm not smuggling i*****ls, my girl friend's giving me head inthe car, OK? We have a law against cell phones and texting but there's nothingthat says you can't get blown while driving, right?!"************************************************************************Every time I fly into Tucson, the airport gets longer and longer.It doesn't help no matter what airline I use they always wind upat the gate furthest from baggage claim.It's just as well Tommy didn't fly with me to...

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The Checkout Girl

Blip, blip, the sound was almost hypnotic as one article after another was scanned as I passed it in front of the scanner. My butt hurt, my legs were asleep, and I wanted to go on my break which had been delayed due to a rush of customers.“Cash or credit card?” I asked the construction worker in front of me.“Cash.”The fucker took out a fifty Euro bill to pay for a bun and a small bottle of water. The till opened and I looked down at the dwindling amount of change I had left.“Here is your...

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Its Me

If you haven't figured out why I asked you to my house and brought you up to my room, then I'm a bit disappointed. Anyway, as you know, my name is Olivia and I'm five feet, three inches tall and I weigh one hundred and nine pounds, not that you really need to know. As you can see, my hair is ash blond (natural, my mom's family is Scandinavian), it's just over shoulder length, I have blue eyes, lips small enough and pink enough that I really don't need lipstick, enough in my bra to get...

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Young Daddie With A Secret

“Daddy” was in his late 20’s or early 30’s, about 5’ 10” and slim, with jet black, wavy hair and a closely manicured beard, you know, the kind that looks like a three-day 5 o’clock shadow. He had dark brown eyes and a slightly tanned look. He was hot! Swimming was going to be much more fun today. “Good job I’ve got my goggles!” I thought to myself. In the communal changing room, I made sure I headed for the same section they did and I whipped my things off as quickly as possible, so...

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Ghostly Visitor

Today had been different. No one came to the house to see her and only one friend called to check in. She knew this would happen; it’s all part of the cycle. Everyone is there in the beginning, but over time it dwindles down to just those few diehards who really care and love you that remain. It had been a month since her partner of decades had passed on. She knew the time was near, but that was of no consolation when it happened. The two of them were amazing together. Everything they touched...

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Halloween for Life Chapter 16 Timeline 1

Chapter 16: About a million thoughts were racing through Jordan's head as he sat in the car and looked up at Matt Coleman. Maybe two million. First and foremost was the thought: "I AM SO SCREWED!" Here he was, about to get out of the taxi cab at Bella's birthday party, wearing Angela's body hugging too-short white dress, with his curvy breast forms and high heels, looking practically like a hooker on the make, or if not that, looking exactly like someone who wants to make a...

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Slow Pussy Eating

My friend, Jess, is one of the sexiest women I know. When we go out as a group I can't help but watch as she moves about the bar. Her limbs swing with purpose and with deliberate action. Her eyes look at everything and never rest on any one thing for long. When they do, it's because she's found someone to entertain herself with. She reminds me of a Jaguar, but her hunt isn't bloody in nature; it's primitive and filled with slow-burning passion. She has a habit of needing to distract herself....

Oral Sex
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Missing the bus

My job on the other hand is great. I make indie comics with my friend Martin. We make around 8 thousand dollars here in the suburbs of New York. I'm glad I have that money. To pay those damned medical bills that I still have one payment on. About 6 months ago I was driving down the road, my nice year old Honda Civic.. Black, working air conditiong.. That's about all I know that I really like about cars. Definately not a car guy. But, as I was driving down the street to pick up some paper...

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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 012 Hypothetical Villainy

In time I come down from my heavenly, ecstatic orgasm, and when I do, he’s waiting for me… Holding me.  His hands are on my back and I realize that I’m sitting reclined against them.  With seemingly minute effort he lifts his knee and places one foot beneath him, then the other.  I barely feel the shift.  Now he stands and carries me to the bed, running his hands up my back as he walks.  Both of the couples on the mattresses make room for me as he tosses me gently on my back.  As I curl...

Group Sex

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