Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 3 Charity
- 3 years ago
- 33
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The aliens were at it again. Schaffer was woken by the obscene sounds of their coupling on the cot adjacent to his. He blinked his itchy eyes to see a mass of writhing creatures, illuminated by the orange glow of the fire pits. They were a pile of shifting forms, their white fur and roving appendages blending into a chimera of pleasure and indecency. Trying to get them to stop would be pointless, they’d be at it for hours and would deprive him of sleep in the process.
He rolled out of his cot groggily, scanning the gloom beyond the firelight for a spot where the alien orgy might be out of sight and sound, and where he could sleep in peace. After a moment he spied just such a spot, a small nook behind one of the large support beams that lined the walls. There was a human-sized hole in the primitive, probably hastily assembled structure. He pulled a couple of the pillows from the bed and made his way over, crouching to duck into the opening. It seemed that at some point, the wall had been near collapse. As a result, repairs had been made by bracing the section with logs. Between the log brace and the wall was a spot in seclusion, where nobody would be able to see him, and he wouldn’t be able to see them. This might even be a solution for preventing the morning cat piles that he so often found himself in.
It was already occupied.
Runt was lurking at the far end, almost invisible in the darkness save for a pinpoint of light that centered over her eye. She was peeking at the mating ball that was happening on the cot, one of her hands moving conspicuously beneath her loincloth.
Schaffer hesitated at the entrance to the cubby, and Runt noticed him, visibly startled. She made no attempt to conceal her activities, it was not the shame of being caught peeking, apparently. Perhaps no such shame existed in their culture and Schaffer had simply surprised her.
He considered chasing the alien away, but decided against it. Let her have her fun, he thought, piling his pillows at the other end of the hole. At least the little voyeur was quiet. He lay down on his pillows, crossing his arms and turning away from Runt, closing his eyes and trying to get back to sleep. After a few minutes of trying, he sat up again. He was angry, tired and now sporting his own bulge beneath his suit. It was as if his ears were attuned to the sound of the aliens going at it like giant, horny rabbits, he couldn’t block it out. Every low moan or cry of glee jolted him awake, jarring him just as he started to drift out of consciousness. He looked over at Runt, rubbing his eyes.
Why was the alien hiding here? Half of the damned pack was in that pile, and they had seemed eager to get Schaffer involved whenever he had happened upon such a congregation. Why was Runt merely watching from a distance? Had they excluded her for some reason? It was impossible to tell with these aliens, but Schaffer thought it unlikely. They were promiscuous to a fault, it didn’t make sense for them to bar Runt from the proceedings.
If there was anyone that Schaffer identified with in the pack, it was the relatively small Runt, and he was curious to find out what was going on. It was entirely possible that the alien just preferred it this way, it was not uncommon among humans, after all. But something about her demeanor seemed agitated, unhappy. Her gaze through the opening was not covetous or lecherous, but longing. Was she too shy to join in? Unsure of herself perhaps? Schaffer doubted that an inexperienced female would be unwelcome among the pack’s males, but maybe something about being the smallest and likely lowest ranked in the social order held her back.
He crawled closer towards the alien in the confined space, and upon closer inspection Runt looked downright miserable. She wasn’t even getting herself off anymore, she was just staring at the ongoing activities.
“What’s up, buddy?”
Runt turned to him, a sad expression on her face.
“Too shy to get in on the action?”
He had to admit, he felt for the alien. Schaffer had his own conflicts where the sexuality of the pack was concerned, and his own mounting frustration likely mirrored Runt’s. It wasn’t easy to live in such a sexually tense environment and not be able to participate, either through choice in Schaffer’s case, or inability in Runt’s. It brought to mind memories of his own fears as a teenager, the shyness, the dread of trying to approach women without really having any prior knowledge of sex or relationships. Runt certainly looked to be of age, even if it was hard to tell with these aliens.
This should be a simple proposition for Runt, however. There was no courting required, she just had to get out there and leap into the pile of bodies. The other pack members would take care of the rest. Schaffer nudged her from behind, gesturing in the direction of the cots.
“Go on, get in there!”
Runt mumbled something indecipherable, but her tone of voice and the way that her ears and tail drooped told Schaffer that she was unsure of herself, afraid. Schaffer gave her a more earnest shove towards the entrance of the hole this time, pointing towards it. He patted the alien on the back, trying to be encouraging without actually being able to explain his reasoning. He tried to make his voice sound soothing, reassuring, but he wasn’t sure it was working.
Runt shuffled forward begrudgingly, turning every few steps to look to Schaffer for support. He gave her a thumbs up and waved her on, until the alien had exited the cubby and was on her way towards the cots. Schaffer took up her place, peering through the hole in the wood at the roiling mass of aliens. Runt approached slowly, hesitantly, seeming to grow more afraid as her proximity to her packmates increased. Schaffer’s heart was pounding, why was he so invested in this? Maybe it was a throwback to his days in the UNN, where if word got out that one of the Marines was a virgin, the whole regiment would make it their personal mission to get the poor sod laid.
Come on Runt, you can do this! The alien crept closer and closer to the cot as Schaffer watched with bated breath. He wanted to call out encouragement, but he might throw her off, and the alien wouldn’t have understood him anyway. He blushed as he imagined himself in Runt’s place, a mere meter away from untold pleasures that he dared not reach out and take. Runt was held back by her own apprehensions, Schaffer by his petty human morality. That was the way it must stay, however. While Runt could overcome this, Schaffer must remain stalwart. If everything went according to plan, he might be off this godforsaken planet in a few more days, and all without the dark stain of xenophilia on his conscience. Maybe he was making too big a deal of it. Hell, he had heard rumors about certain personnel on the Pinwheel station who had supposedly bedded Borealans. They were mostly praised as badasses for taking on the challenge, and then surviving it...
No, the only place his cock was going was inside other humans.
He heard Runt speak, a small, mousy noise that was barely audible above the grunting and shuffling that emanated from the bed. The alien looked towards where she knew Schaffer to be hiding, her expression desperate. Schaffer could not provide any reassurance, frustration welling in him as he watched the alien struggle. She looked about ready to bolt.
“Come on, don’t flake,” Schaffer muttered to himself. Runt turned back to the pile and let out a louder call. This one was heard, and the mound of alien bodies abruptly stopped moving. Their heads emerged to see what was going on, their round ears swiveling to track the increasingly frightened creature. Zagza’s massive torso rose from the pile, the veritable wall of fur and muscle eyeing the far smaller alien with his reflective, sapphire pupils.
Runt lost her resolve and turned to escape the intense glare of his pack leader, but in a flash, Zagza had left the pile and had closed the distance between the two. Schaffer’s stomach lurched. Had he encouraged Runt to do something bad that merited punishment? Runt tripped and fell to the dirt as Zagza’s massive, fluffy tail coiled around her leg, easily the circumference of the smaller alien’s thigh. As if he had hooked a fish, Zagza dragged Runt across the floor towards him, eventually lifting her off the ground and draping her over his shoulder as easily as if the seven-foot Runt was a mere toy.
Schaffer’s adrenaline surge abated as Zagza walked back to the bed, where a pile of pack members waited eagerly for his return, practically licking their chops as they gazed at his prize. As Runt’s face came into view, Schaffer saw that her expression was a mixture of fear and delight. It didn’t look as if the alien was in need of rescue. Zagza stopped at the foot of the bed, dropping Runt unceremoniously into the pile where she landed amidst fur and fat. It was hard to make out details through the peephole, but Schaffer spied ample bosoms and thick, heavy bodies as they coiled around the newcomer. Arms rose from the mass to wrap around Runt, a dozen hands questing up and down her torso as they submerged her in the pile, burying her in yielding flesh.
Zagza was sporting a conspicuous, alien erection. Schaffer couldn’t help but look. It was not dramatically larger than a human’s, but it protruded from his fur, red and shiny like that of a dog or a cat. It was lined with small bumps, perhaps some kind of vestigial penile spines, they were felines after all. He returned to his place in the heap, Runt letting out a cry of surprise that turned into a low, sultry moan as the pile began to move again.
With that, Schaffer returned to his pillows. His cock throbbed and ached after witnessing the scene. He was proud of Runt, and he was glad that he had been able to goad the little alien into overcoming her fears, but it left Schaffer more frustrated than ever and oddly jealous.
You could do it too, nagged a voice in the back of his mind. You could walk over there and bury yourself in that pile, enjoy the pleasures of whatever it was that was making Runt cry out like that.
Schaffer banished the intrusive thoughts, shifting his position on the ground and trying to get comfortable. But as the sounds of passion assaulted his ears, he doubted that sleep would come easily.
Schaffer achieved some level of sleep, the kind where you don’t quite fall into a deep, satisfying slumber but rather skirt the edges of unconsciousness. The noises did eventually abate, but his frustration was overcoming him. At least he was alone now, out of view of the curious aliens. Perhaps he might finally have an opportunity to relieve himself without being observed or interrupted.
He undid the clasps on his suit in order access his loins, slipping his hand beneath his underwear and trying to think of something more wholesome than what he had been subjected to over the past week. Damn it, his hand was like a block of ice, the ground was hard and uncomfortable beneath him. Come on Schaffer, it’s just a biological need, get it over with.
It was slow going, but he worked up a rhythm, getting into the mood as he tried to conjure up memories of his last shore leave. Just as he felt as if he might have a chance, he was interrupted by a large, crouched shape entering the cubby.
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, fumbling to stow his erection as the enthusiastic alien shuffled closer to sit in front of him. Runt was talking and waving her hands, too fast for Schaffer to make anything out, even if he were able to speak the language. She seemed to be attempting to relay to Schaffer her exploits, perhaps thanking him for his encouragement. Runt slowed as she glimpsed the erection that Schaffer was trying to slip back into his pants, staring at what was to her an unfamiliar, alien organ. Couldn’t she have waited just another couple of minutes before barging in on him? A fresh wave of frustration overcame Schaffer as he tried to fasten the seals on his suit.
Runt plunged her hand into Schaffer’s crotch without warning, her soft, silky fur tickling the head of his cock. Schaffer yelped as a wave of unwelcome pleasure washed over him, his member bouncing up to meet the grasping fingers. Schaffer pushed the alien away, a little more violently than he had intended, preparing to scold her. Their culture might be different, but unsolicited groping was over the line.
But when he looked at Runt, she wasn’t lecherous or excited, nor was she ashamed or embarrassed. There was concern in her eyes, almost begging to be allowed to help. She recognized Schaffer’s frustration. Maybe it was obvious, maybe the alien could smell his pheromones, but it made Schaffer regret pushing Runt away.
The sensation of her velvet palm on Schaffer’s glans had felt amazing, electrifying, and he was already halfway there when the alien had disturbed him. His member pulsed and ached as it protruded from his suit, the cold air blowing across it. Arousal muddled his thoughts. This was all they wanted from him, all that they had asked of him. To give in and become one with their pack, to give himself over to them and allow them to bond with him in their base, primal way. He realized that he was breathing heavily, his heart was pounding in his chest, and his legs were trembling.
God, he needed this, he needed it so badly. What if he just did it this one time? Nobody would see them here, nobody would know. At that moment, Schaffer wasn’t thinking about how he might feel the next morning, just that he craved release.
Runt seemed to sense his compliance, leaning forward and wrapping her hand around the human’s member like a mink glove. She was careful to keep his claws away from the shaft, stroking gently, letting her silky fur tickle the human’s skin. Schaffer reeled, already sensitive from his fruitless masturbation. This new touch sent pangs of pleasure shooting up his spine, ringing his brain like a bell. He relaxed back onto the pillows, his mind seething with protests and guilt, but overridden by his arousal.
Runt leaned in closer, examining his strange organ. Those of the aliens were pink and tapered, covered in dull barbs like those of a cat. Schaffer’s shaft was smooth, covered in skin with a shiny, blunt head. It must have looked bizarre in comparison.
The curious alien ran her fluffy fingers up and down Schaffer’s length, the delicate strands of fur setting his senses aflame. Her coat was so impossibly downy and velvety, to have it stroking him in this way was maddening. His impromptu partner paused at the tip, pulling back his foreskin experimentally, her feline eyes widening as she exposed Schaffer’s glans to the cool air. A shiver passed through his body as Runt pressed one of her fleshy, spongy pads against the tender flesh, wetting it with a bead of his leaking pre and making slow circles. This rosy, smooth material was at least similar to that of the aliens.
Without giving him an opportunity to protest, Runt pressed her smooth lips against the tip of Schaffer’s penis, her breath warming it. Schaffer covered his mouth with his hand to suppress a moan as she slid her lips over the glans, taking it into her mouth. It was hot and slimy, the alien’s silken cheeks pressing around him as she sucked gently, made slick with her saliva.
Schaffer felt his will to resist drain from his body, his muscles relaxing as the sudden rush of unexpected sensation sapped his strength. He sank deeper into his nest of pillows, meeting Runt’s gaze for a solitary moment as she peered up at him, those blue eyes flashing in the gloom. She was so eager to please, Schaffer’s heart skipping in his chest for a moment, his cheeks burning hotter as he averted his eyes and stared intently at the ceiling above them.
He shuddered as he felt Runt’s long, winding tongue coil around him, as dexterous and as gentle as a hand. He had secretly admired their obscenely long, tapered organs from a distance, to have one of them winding around his length and lapping at his tender head made his knees go weak. It had the texture of satin that had been soaked in slime, its somewhat rough surface brushing against the sensitive underside of his glans, teasing him. He delved his fingers into the alien’s hair, gripping it as Runt explored his anatomy with her tongue, slipping the tip beneath his foreskin and sending jolts of tingling electricity through Schaffer’s nervous system. He twitched and gasped, holding onto Runt as if for dear life.
He felt like he was losing his mind. The alien was a natural, the raw, dizzying pleasure contrasted by her doting and gentle demeanor. Every stroke of that wet, hot flesh against Schaffer’s skin conveyed Runt’s yearning to see him satisfied. No human partner had ever been so devoted, was this just gratitude for giving her the push that she had needed, or was it something else?
Stars danced before his eyes, and his hips began to squirm, desperate for more stimulation as Runt slowly crawled her smooth lips down to the base of Schaffer’s cock. She kissed the human’s belly, her squirming tongue wrapping around the entire length of his member like a constricting snake. Schaffer grunted as if he had been punched in the gut, straining to avoid releasing into the alien’s mouth too early. The thought shocked him, but he wanted this to last longer, he wanted to enjoy it. He had come this far, why not let the situation play out to its conclusion? Would he be any more ashamed of himself in the morning if he let his adoring, generous partner bring him to completion?
Runt’s throat milked him, her muscles squeezing and contracting rhythmically around his tender glans as she gulped around it, swallowing the warm drool that was pooling in her mouth. It was as if the alien was goading him into pumping his emission directly into her waiting throat. His member jumped and throbbed in Runt’s mouth, as hard as it had ever been, the caress of her gullet and the teasing of her agile tongue making Schaffer’s toes curl.
Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Shrimp sat beside him, Shrimp and the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had...
Riya played her eyes around the common room, noticing that one of the couches seemed to have been destroyed, as if something large had torn it up and crushed it. The vending machines were empty and had not been restocked, they appeared to have been unplugged from the wall, too. Everything looked old, not necessarily unkempt, but it was obvious that at some point the base had been left to decay for a long period of time without any kind of maintenance. There was old water damage on the walls,...
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
Riya stood at the door of the outpost, looking out through the porthole at the mountains of snow that the storm had deposited the previous night, the air was clear now and she could see one wing of her shuttle protruding from the powder as the vessel lay almost on its side. Schaffer arrived from the corridor behind her, already pulling on his environment suit, fastening the seal on one of his gloves as he marched towards her. He came to a stop beside her, tapping the suit monitor on his wrist...
Once again, Schaffer awoke to a face full of fur. Sometime during the night, a pile of aliens had crept up on him, burying him at the bottom of another dogpile. They were so damned heavy, their oppressive weight squashing him down into the mattress. He was learning to identify the pack members by their unique markings now. Like a fingerprint, each alien had subtly different spots that patterned their coat. He recognized Osha lying beside him at the bottom of the mound, she had one long,...
When the pack had warmed up, they ate again, sitting around the fire pits in groups of three or four and sharing meat. This was more casual than the feast had been, less organized. Schaffer found himself in the company of the two identical males that he had seen at the table during the previous night’s event. Their height, coloration, and markings were all exactly the same. Apparently, these aliens could produce twins like many animals on Earth. They seemed overly curious, borderline...
Schaffer slammed his hand down on the console, frustration overcoming him. He picked up the sheet of paper that he had been recording his findings on, checking his crude drawing of the control panel, what buttons he had been able to discern the functions of labeled in blue ink. Fortunately, the pens had thawed from their frozen state along with the rest of the building. Apparently, they still worked, and there had been plenty of paper sealed in airtight boxes in the storage room for him to...
Scarface led them down the hall and past some bedrooms that were occupied by piles of sleeping Polars, searching for a free dorm and eventually finding one, thrusting the pair into the room and then closing the door ominously behind them with a click as the lock engaged. They landed on the mattresses that lined the floor, white hairs from previous occupants littering the space, the two bunk beds that were unable to support the weight of the pack members pushed out of the way towards the back...
The stars rolled by the office window lazily as the Pinwheel’s torus spun. Chief of Security Moralez looked up at the readout that was scrolling past on his monitor, yawning as he nursed a styrofoam cup full of dark coffee. It was gritty, and it tasted like shit, but it was all that was left in the pot. His shift was almost over, and he was eager to get back home to his girlfriend. He gave the readout another glance, then set down his coffee on his console with one of his prosthetic hands,...
Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...
Schaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...
The aliens were at it again. Schaffer was woken by the obscene sounds of their coupling on the cot adjacent to his. He blinked his itchy eyes to see a mass of writhing creatures, illuminated by the orange glow of the fire pits. They were a pile of shifting forms, their white fur and roving appendages blending into a chimera of pleasure and indecency. Trying to get them to stop would be pointless, they’d be at it for hours and would deprive him of sleep in the process. He rolled out of his...
Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft’s hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude. This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay...
Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Runt sat beside him, the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had taken a liking...
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...
The snow was really coming down now, and Schaffer was glad to be inside the outpost, the heating system kept them cozy while elements that would kill an unprotected human in a matter of minutes battered the base from the outside. He sipped a mug of steaming coffee, it was a little gritty, but the heat of the beverage spread through his stomach and put a smile on his face. The Polars didn’t like the caffeine in coffee, and their tongues seemed almost indifferent to sweet flavors, but a mug of...
Riya stood at the door of the outpost, looking out through the porthole at the mountains of snow that the storm had deposited the previous night, the air was clear now and she could see one wing of her shuttle protruding from the powder as the vessel lay almost on its side. Schaffer arrived from the corridor behind her, already pulling on his environment suit, fastening the seal on one of his gloves as he marched towards her. He came to a stop beside her, tapping the suit monitor on his wrist...
Once again, Schaffer awoke to a face full of fur. Sometime during the night, a pile of aliens had crept up on him, burying him at the bottom of another dogpile. They were so damned heavy, their oppressive weight squashing him down into the mattress. He was learning to identify the pack members by their unique markings now. Like a fingerprint, each alien had subtly different spots that patterned their coat. He recognized Osha lying beside him at the bottom of the mound, she had one long,...
When the pack had warmed up, they ate again, sitting around the fire pits in groups of three or four and sharing meat. This was more casual than the feast had been, less organized. Schaffer found himself in the company of the two identical males that he had seen at the table during the previous night’s event. Their height, coloration, and markings were all exactly the same. Apparently, these aliens could produce twins like many animals on Earth. They seemed overly curious, borderline...
Schaffer slammed his hand down on the console, frustration overcoming him. He picked up the sheet of paper that he had been recording his findings on, checking his crude drawing of the control panel, what buttons he had been able to discern the functions of labeled in blue ink. Fortunately, the pens had thawed from their frozen state along with the rest of the building. Apparently, they still worked, and there had been plenty of paper sealed in airtight boxes in the storage room for him to...
Scarface led them down the hall and past some bedrooms that were occupied by piles of sleeping Polars, searching for a free dorm and eventually finding one, thrusting the pair into the room and then closing the door ominously behind them with a click as the lock engaged. They landed on the mattresses that lined the floor, white hairs from previous occupants littering the space, the two bunk beds that were unable to support the weight of the pack members pushed out of the way towards the back...
The stars rolled by the office window lazily as the Pinwheel’s torus spun. Chief of Security Moralez looked up at the readout that was scrolling past on his monitor, yawning as he nursed a styrofoam cup full of dark coffee. It was gritty, and it tasted like shit, but it was all that was left in the pot. His shift was almost over, and he was eager to get back home to his girlfriend. He gave the readout another glance, then set down his coffee on his console with one of his prosthetic hands,...
So I've been reminiscing of late as I'm no longer sexually active, long story, and it frustrates me. This episode goes back a few years when I'd gone to a late night bar which had live music, usually jazz which I effing hate but the club stayed open till 3 a.m. and the talent was lush. It's relevant that this place was predominantly Afro-Caribbean and mainly heterosexual. I was accepted because 'You don't behave like a gay bloke', whatever that means,lol. Anywho, one night a group of fairly...
There's no doubt I love cum. I love cum when it's being shot in or on me. I don't know where I got this love. But I do have it. I do get aroused by the thing that provides the cum. A penis. Any and all. Big, small, long, short, fat, skinny, pierced, etc. As long as it's in my hands, mouth or ass, I am happy. What's weird is I am not attracted to the man the penis is attached to. I don't get aroused walking around and seeing men or boys. I just don't. I think I happened to be...
“Res ... taur ... ant,” Tepin muttered as he read off the Earth’nay text on the establishment’s colorful awning from the safety of a planter. They sold food here, it was as good a place to start as any. Paying shouldn’t be a problem, he wasn’t sure what the currency conversion was like, but Valbara had been inducted into the Coalition’s economic zone. They couldn’t turn him away. He looked both ways before crossing the walkway, choosing his opportunity carefully. He was below the field of...
By the time they had reached the Krell barracks again, the sunlamps had turned off entirely, the torus lit only by the yellow glow of lights that were made to resemble streetlamps. Tepin appreciated the twilight, simulating day and night like this must help enormously with the sleep cycles of the crew. There was nothing more disorienting than not knowing what time of the day it was, and trying to sleep in the glare of bright lights. His time aboard the Teth’rak’s Fang had taught him that all...
Webber walked up the path that led to the entrance of the Krell barracks, her tablet computer clutched tightly to her chest as her heeled shoes clicked on the artificial stone, passing beneath the palm trees and decorative ferns while loitering Krell turned to watch her with curious eyes. She didn’t wear the heels for show, they were not flashy or sexy, merely in order to gain a crucial inch so that her taller colleagues might take her more seriously. At five feet and four inches she was so...
Reid scrambled through the ventilation duct, her knees scraping on the cold metal floor as she rounded another corner, the engineer and her science team in tow. There were fewer branching paths here, fewer places where the little swarm of lizards could evade them. Finally she came to a T-junction, and stopped, looking to her left and right. Damn it, no sign of them. She waited for the engineer to catch up and then demanded to know where these two vents led. He sat down to catch his breath and...
Sousa sat down heavily on a nearby chair, going over the fresh information in his head. At this very moment more of the Krell population could be changing gender, had some kind of delayed breeding season brought this on maybe? Some other environment change they weren’t aware of? Some reptiles and amphibians were so sensitive to temperature changes that an increase or decrease of just a few degrees was enough to radically alter their behavior and biology. The Krell served in the capacity of...
Clayton sprinted through the throngs of people, his lungs burning as he pushed past crowds of human personnel and dodged around the larger aliens. He had to head off Reid, the lives of all the Krell in the ventilation system depended on it. As cavernous as the interior of the Pinwheel’s torus was the expansive space was always crowded with people, either engineers and soldiers on their way to and from their duties, or civilians and personnel on leave who loitered and clogged the walkways. He...
The hauler left superlight, spraying a technicolor cloud of gas and dust as it punched a hole back into reality. Its skeletal bulk drifted idly, the naked frames of its hull housing mostly empty cargo containers, the brilliant residue slowly dissipating as the human occupants lurched back to consciousness. Reid retched into a paper bag, still anchored to her crash couch by her safety harness as the nausea and disorientation of the jump wracked her body. Sousa was seated beside her in the...
They traipsed through the mud, just as the elder had said, the forests here were thinning out. There were fewer pale trees, the vegetation beneath their boots giving way to reeds and what looked like colorful lilies that thrived in the shallow water. There seemed to be no hard boundaries here, no shores, just a spectrum of mud and water and everything in-between. The going was no easier, the damp earth sucked their feet deeper with every step, and Sleethe had taken to swimming through the...
Clayton was awoken by a sound, an intense, low frequency rumbling that shook his bones. At first he thought it was some kind of earthquake, but as he came to, he realized that it was coming from an adjacent recess. They were deep enough to hide a prone human from view, and so he sat up to peer over the lip, trying to work out what was going on. In the gloom he could make out the back and shoulders of a Krell, moving slowly, rhythmically. It must be Sleethe, the mating call was coming from...
Reid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...
Dubois had been sure that they were about to be eaten when the Krell had stormed the room, ever alert, he had heard their footsteps on the creaking floorboards as they had approached his bed. He had thought briefly about drawing his weapon, but he had brought that gun to kill animals. If he had wanted to kill Krell he would have had to bring a railgun or something heavy duty, one of those Borealan slug throwers would probably have done the job, if the recoil didn’t just break his shoulder. He...
Lena arched her back, Sleethe slipping his hand beneath her to cradle her petite body as she took fistfuls of the furry pelts that lined their bed in her hands, her knuckles white. He dragged his long tongue from her belly to her chest, passing between her breasts and lapping at her sweat-drenched skin, his alien member lodged deep inside her. He was getting close, she could feel it, his massive organ swelling inside her to stretch her insides even further with its wicked, flared glans. It...
"Here's your first assignment, Paul: Filing papers!" Rachael said. It was Monday, my first day as Rachael's 'organizational assistant', and I was in her office getting instructions. "My god, Rachael, I never realized how bad things were!" I said. Papers and folders where piled in stacks all over her office, with a couple of them as much as three feet (1m) high! "This isn't the worst of it, come with me," Rachael led me to the office next door. "See why I need help?" The...
(The 90’s were a golden time for incest erotica especially from the incest magazines.) “With Her Husband’s Encouragement” by Amy Sillinger, From Hot Family Letters, Jan. 1999 To say the least I was shocked when Danny told me that our son was checking me out. I wasn’t shocked by my son’s attention because I was already occasionally teasing him by letting him see me lounging in my bikini beside the back yard pool, or in sexy see-through gowns. What surprised me was that my husband had noticed...
It has been a couple of a days since I've seen Xavier last. I guess I've been feeling some good old fashioned Catholic guilt. After all, he was my friend's ex-boyfriend. Last I checked, most girls were pretty possessive, even over boys they chose to get rid of. Despite any pangs of guilt, I get excited when I hear my phone jingle with a text message: "Want to play some Wii?" He knows I'm a sucker for Mario Kart, so I text him back, "Sure. Be there in a little bit." Again, I get...
I guess you could say things were tough for Mom and me for a long time. She got pregnant with me when she was still in high school and although she told me a bit about my dad its not like he was ever around. Still, growing up she never left me needing for anything but we never did have much money. Our relationship was always pretty good, we butted heads a bit but in the end all we ever really had was each other. Things, however, took a great and interesting turn when she finally tried to...
“I invited the new guy at work to have dinner with us,” Laura Shaffer informed her husband.“That’s fine, dear,” the professional engineer replied. “Where are we going and what time?”“El Felipe. 5:30.”“Alright. I’ll see you there. I gotta get back to work.”Brian Shaffer reviewed the report detailing the effectiveness of the solid waste management program. It feel under his responsibility as the head of the county environmental services department. He had been looking forward to having a couple...
HeteroFlexiblecouple’s FantasiesChapter 1 - Big Black Cock Suck And Fuck Have you ever been with a couple? Well how about a couple where the wife wants to sit and play with her pussy in front of you and her husband? How about one that wanted to play with her pussy while watching you and her husband sitting on the couch next to each other? I bet you have never been with one that sat playing with her pussy while she watched her husband reach over and start stroking your nice thick cock for...
Katy is a teacher’s nightmare. But Mr. Newman is a master of encouragement who’s too stubborn to give up.“You should do your homework at least once, Katy,” he was good at playing a bad cop. “You can’t just play your video games forever.”He walked around her desk as if she was in the interrogation room. There was no one in the classroom except Mr. Newman and Katy – his sixteen year old pupil with long dark hair, brown eyes, and full red lips who looked magnificent in her school uniform. The only...
TeenI stared at her a moment, trying to figure out if I heard her correctly. Finally, getting no response, she repeated the question. "Why don't you dress up anymore? When we first moved in together, and you told me you were a cross-dresser, you often wore your feminine clothes. Now, you don't seem to ever do it." I had heard her correctly, but it had come out of the blue so suddenly, it stunned me momentarily. She was smiling, not like she was trying to start an argument, so I answered...
Some supernatural force took pity on you. I do not know why you of all people, but apparently they felt sorry for you for all the times you got into trouble. You cried out to the universe that you wish you could be praised instead of told off. Your wish has been granted, from now on everything abnormal you do will be considered good and praiseworthy. Not only that, but you can also make it so that everybody will be encouraged to do, and praised for an action, simply by stating that said action...
FetishBen stares at the TV with excitement and nervousness. He looks to his teenage daughter Emily as she slips the thumb drive into the port on the TV. ————— Ben was a fit man who spent his life as a mechanic since high school. He gravitated to it after his first exposure to it in shop class on how to fix small engines. He also like the one girl that was in the shop class, a girl named Jenni Green. Jenni was a fit brunette who had perky tits early but ones that never got too big for her...
*A special thank you to sexnovella who assisted in editing!* * So there’s this girl I know. You know her too, maybe not the same specific girl, but the same type of girl. You know that quiet shy girl in the front of the class, the one who only fails a test if she makes a B, the one who is innocent and pure in every aspect of her young fruitful life, yeah I know her too. She looks so fucking good every single time you see her. She knows she looks good too, standing around 5’7′ with slim...
“Take off your clothes,” she said after letting me in. We’d never met, but for the last week we had been discussing plans for today over email.I did as I was told, as I had agreed to do, and she watched. She watched as I pulled my shirt up over my head, and as I stepped out of my jeans.“Now the rest,” she said, pointing to my boxers. Something stirred in there as she pointed, but I didn’t begin to harden. I was still a bit nervous for that. Nonetheless, I tossed off my boxers and stood before...
The I received a Facebook message from an old tennis partner of mine Matt. After high school I played a little bit of tennis and I was teamed up with a guy called Matt. Nice guy, better tennis player than I was and we would have a beer after tennis but were never super close mates. He was (is) maybe five years older than me and he was married to this super hot Norwegian chick. I remember her coming to tennis to cheer us on. i think it was just as I started travelling and stopped playing...
It was Monday morning in Australia and I was looking forward to a productive start to the week. I was up early, I went for a swim and a sauna, bacon and eggs for breakfast and I was settling in to a big day of work.The I received a Facebook message from an old tennis partner of mine Matt.After high school I played a little bit of tennis and I was teamed up with a guy called Matt. Nice guy, better tennis player than I was and we would have a beer after tennis but were never super close mates....
Gay MaleIt was Monday morning in Australia and I was looking forward to a productive start to the week. I was up early, I went for a swim and a sauna, bacon and eggs for breakfast and I was settling in to a big day of work.The I received a Facebook message from an old tennis partner of mine Matt.After high school I played a little bit of tennis and I was teamed up with a guy called Matt. Nice guy, better tennis player than I was and we would have a beer after tennis but were never super close mates. He...
I am white male 45+ and have always been a straight heterosexual in my life. I have been divorced two times and it was after my last divorce I knew being with women was not working out and not in my future. I always knew my dick was small and not even average for a white male. When hard it only grows to 5 inches; my last wife Roen called it my Dicklit, she said your Penis is bigger then a Clit, but it’s to small to be a dick, and no way is it near being a Cock. (Then she left me for...
Like most masculine heterosexual men, your husband or boyfriend is likely to strenuously object to and actively resist taking the strap-on at first. Just the idea of having something forced up his ass like that will feel foreign and unnatural to him. Treating his tight little asshole like it’s just a hole to be fucked will be abhorrent to him. He will feel violated and abused. He’ll try to talk you out of it. He’ll plead with you to stop because it hurts, because it’s...
Donna and Nellie’s Indiscretion I arrived late one evening at the pub which we always refer to as the Jill and Whistle. I was rather taken aback when I saw Nellie standing beside Donna. This would not normally arouse my indignation but on this occasion I was surprised because Nellie was holding the front of her skirt raised above her waist and Donna was staring intently at the revealed parts. I could not share the view because Nellie had her back to me. Nellie’s skirts are so short that lifting...
LesbianDonna and Nellie’s Indiscretion I arrived late one evening at the pub which we always refer to as the Jill and Whistle. I was rather taken aback when I saw Nellie standing beside Donna. This would not normally arouse my indignation but on this occasion I was surprised because Nellie was holding the front of her skirt raised above her waist and Donna was staring intently at the revealed parts. I could not share the view because Nellie had her back to me. Nellie’s skirts are so short that...