Encouragement free porn video

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I guess you could say things were tough for Mom and me for a long time. She got pregnant with me when she was still in high school and although she told me a bit about my dad its not like he was ever around. Still, growing up she never left me needing for anything but we never did have much money. Our relationship was always pretty good, we butted heads a bit but in the end all we ever really had was each other. Things, however, took a great and interesting turn when she finally tried to reenter the dating world.

Let me start off by saying Mom is a total babe. Since she had me so young and we never had much money she really watches what she eats and works hard to take care of both of us. Shes about 5'4" with slightly long brown hair and some fantastic perky 34B breasts ( I've checked). She's also owns the worlds greatest set of hips. They flare out in just the right way and amount which causes her to have the most perfect heart shaped ass I've ever seen on a woman.

Still despite looking so incredible she never really got out to meet too many guys because she's always been so protective of me and because it took all her free time to raise me while still working. She finally started getting out of the house when she felt I was old enough to be on my own even though I thought it should have been years earlier. Still now that she was getting time out of the house I had more time to myself which I usually used to jerk off. We share a little two room apartment ( her bedroom is one, everything else is the other), and I only have the living room as my private quarters. Which doesn't leave enough freedom to jerk off as often as I'd like. Worse still was I had developed what some might say is an unhealthy infatuation with my Mom as the years went by. Being stuck in a small space with a total babe has that effect on most boys I would say.

The night that changed my life started out like most others when Mom had a date. She futzed over everything being ok before she left and gave me a list of some minor chores to do. She complained to me a bit about how all the guys she met were this and that, and generally was staling to go. I helped get her out the door as quickly as possible because I had plans too.

"Finally some alone time" I thought once she left, and waited a good 5 minutes before I started to get comfortable. First I took off my pants, headed into Mom's room and grabbed the latest Victoria's Secret catalog out of the basket. Then I rummaged through Mom's laundry and got a used pair of her panties, a nice pair of plain pink cotton ones. Finally I went and got that picture of us from the time we went to the beach and Mom was in her black one piece swimsuit. I knew I had a few good hours till Mom would be home so I flipped through the catalog slowly, figuring I would take my time and enjoy myself. As I started to get hard I wrapped the panties around my growing cock and enjoyed the softness on my skin. I slowly started stroking myself, imagining the girls in the magazine were there with me. As I was getting more and more turned on I turned my attention to Mom's picture and rapidly increased my speed. I was deep in lust for the images running through my head when I heard the click.

The front door to our apartment was opening!

I quickly tried to cover up and get rid of the evidence but it was way too late. Mom was staring at me flabbergasted as I was stuffing the magazine and her picture into the cushions of the couch, trying to hide myself from her.

"Um. Oh my" She said startled.

I just curled up a bit, dumbfounded as to what to do. She stood in the middle of the room.

"My date didn't show up and... um.. what exactly do you think you're doing young man?"

I just tried to curl up even more. Realizing I was frozen in fear she walked over closer to me and got a look at everything I was doing.

"Oh my god. Are those my panties?! Have you been in my things!?" she exclaimed, sounding angry now. "Answer me!"

"I'm sorry Mom" I choked out on the verge of tears."I'm sorry!"

I quickly got up ran into the bathroom, my cock flopping still semi-hard between my legs the whole way. Once inside I locked the door, planning on never coming out. I don't know what has happening back in the living room but I can only imagine the scene Mom was looking down at. I heard her walk around a bit and mutter a few "oh my god". I sat in the bathroom for what seemed like forever, trying to devise a way to make a run for it. Finally, Mom spoke to me through the door.

"Honey you're going to have to come out of there at some point. I'm sorry that you're upset but I was just very startled. I left your pants by the door, when you feel up to it why don't you come out and we'll talk?"

I was in no hurry but I knew she was right. After waiting around a bit more I unlocked the door and reached out for my pants. I pulled them inside and quickly put them on. After another few minutes I slowly opened the door and walked out staring straight at the ground.

"Would you sit down here with me?" She asked.

I looked up and to my surprise she was sitting on the couch where I had been not too long before. In front of there on the table were all of my masturbating aids. I turned bright red and sat down on the other end of the couch.

"Honey," she started off. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry I interrupted you, its not strange for a boy your age to be doing what you were doing."

I still didn't know what to say or do, so I just stared at the ground.

"Still, I'm a a little confused... I guess I get the catalog, but why do you have my underwear and this picture of us from the beach?"

All I did was shrug.

"If you don't talk to me this isn't going to end. Tell me the truth young man"

"um.." I muttered. "I guess I kind of find you attractive?"

"So during your... sessions.. you think about ... me?"

"Uh yea I guess. Sometimes"

"Oh my," she trailed off. " well.. you know.. um..." she paused, trying to piece together her thoughts." You really shouldn't be going through my things without my permission!" she said with a hint of anger. "I'm putting this stuff back where it belongs and I want you to go clean up the kitchen as punishment. Not another word about this. Ok?"

I couldn't believe that was all I was gonna get. I started to feel a bit relieved, although still very weird and awkward. I got up slowly and headed towards the kitchen to start the clean up. Mom simply took all of my 'items' and went into her room and closed the door. It took me awhile but I cleaned really well in the kitchen and when she had still not come out of her room I laid back down on the couch to watch tv. After about an hour of watching some mindless crap I was surprised by Mom coming out of her room. She was wearing her bath robe that I like so much that only comes down to just above her knees, and it was tied tightly around her waist. She had her hair tied up loosely in a bun and had her reading glasses on. She went to inspect the kitchen and got herself a drink of water before coming over to me on the couch. I sat up and looked up at her standing over me.

"Can we talk?"she asked.

"Yea Mom. Sure" I turned off the tv.

"I wanted to apologize about earlier. I know that must have been awkward for you"

"Uh. yea. I'm really sorry Mom," was all I could muster.

"No it's alright, honey. It's not like I don't know you have all kinds of hormones and stuff. I just didn't expect to walk in on you like that. And then when you had the picture of me...." she trailed off.

"Ah geez Mom. Can't we just forget that it happened? I won't ever touch any of that stuff again. Ok?"

"Well that's good. You shouldn't be going into any of my stuff ever. Make a note of that!"

"Alright Mom.. alright!" I spit out.

"Don't get short with me young man!" she scolding, raising her voice.

"Ok. Ok. Sorry mom"

"Again, its ok. I understand you're just frustrated."

"Huh, frustrated?" I asked confused.

"Well yea, I mean you never got to finish, right?" she said with a sly grin on her face.

"Wha?" was all I could muster.

"I know how it is, honey. Getting excited without release is tough on everyone."

"Mom.. what are you talking about?

"Oh your Mom isn't so innocent. I was sitting in the room thinking about what you were doing and I have to admit. I was bad."

"Um. What do you mean bad," I asked confused.

"Well I'll tell you a secret, I was angry for a little but then so turned on by the whole idea of you being sexually attracted to me that I had to take care of myself, if you know what I mean," she stated, her smile getting even bigger as I sat there confused. "So it's true then. You get turned on thinking about me?"

I still just sat there not sure what was going on.

"Come on. Admit it or I'll head back into my room and you'll be in all kinds of trouble"

Still not believing my ears I slowly said "Uh... well yea."

"Yea what?" Obviously enjoying teasing me.

"I get turned on my thinking about you, Mom. You're insanely sexy and hot."

Her smile got even bigger. "That's my boy. I knew you had it in you."

"Ah geez, Mom. What are you doing?"

"I'm just talking to my handsome son. Can't I do that? Now, about my other question. Did you ever get to finish your session from earlier? Be honest with me!" she said leaning in close.

"Uh. No Mom I didn't."

"Aww my poor baby,"she said as she started playing with the ends of the belt of her robe. "Would you like to?"

"Y-yes?" I managed to stutter out.

"And would you still like to think about me while you do it?" she asked while pulling the belt of her robe untied.

"Absolutely!" I exclaimed, probably a little too loudly.

"That's a good boy," she said, and with that she pulled the last bit of her belt and her robe fell open. Underneath she was wearing a matching set of white bra and panties that hugged her body perfectly. She let the robe slip down to the ground. She started to give me a little spin and said "Well what do you think? Is this what you think about when you have your 'sessions'"?

"Oh my god Mom! I can't..I mean... you look... holy fuck!"

She gave a little laugh," I'll take that as a yes."

For what seemed like seconds, though it may have been longer, my eyes ate up every square inch of her fabulous body. I looked up her legs to her incredible hips and up to the white cups of her bra covering her perky breasts, squeezing them in just enough that I followed the line of her cleavage up to her beautiful smiling face. To her my eyes must have been exploding out of my body. Of course I couldn't help myself and trailed straight down to the front of her panties, pulled tight against her body and hiding her mound from me.

"Easy Tiger. You'll burn a hole through them."

"Oh wow Mom. You are the sexiest thing in the world!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks baby. It's nice to feel appreciated," she laughed again. She turned around and bent over a little bit. Her ass was right in front of my face, begging me to bite into her soft panty covered flesh. I could see just a trace of her pussy peaking out between her legs. As I sat there mezmerized she turned back around and put her hands on her hips. "Well, think I'll be enough for you to release all that frustration tonight?"

All I could do was slowly look up and meet her gaze and nod my head.

"Well why don't you take your pants off and get to it!"

I didn't need any more encouragement. I quickly stood up and unbuckled my pants and threw them down around my ankles and kicked them off. My cock was already rock hard and pointing straight out at her.

"Oh my. Very nice," she said. " A lot nicer then seeing it flop away earlier!" she said, teasing me. "Why dont you sit down on the couch there while I sit on the table here?"

I quickly sat down. She sat directly in front of me, legs together, staring intently at my cock.

"Oh baby thats such a nice hard one. And look how big and full your balls are. No wonder you were so frustrated. Go ahead and touch it for Mommy."

I reached down, grabbed my cock and started pumping it for all I was worth, I had never been so turned on in all my life. I couldn't get enough of staring at my Mom, sitting there in her underwear casually watching me. It was all too much.

"Woah baby, woah. Slow down now. There's no need to rush through it."

"Ok", was all I could say as I let go.

"Now just grab the base and hold it there for a bit."

I did as I was told. She slowly started to run her hands down the side of her body. When she got to her knees she ever so slightly started to spread her legs. When she had them wide and relaxed she looked me in the eye and asked," So what do you think about when you stroke that cock to me?"

"Everything," was all I could muster. "I think about how sexy you are and what it would be like to have sex with you..."

"Mmmm that's nice baby. Why don't you run your hand up and down your shaft really slow for me and look at my chest. Do you like the way this bra holds Mommy's breasts up for you?" she asked while cupping them with her hands. " Do you think about kissing them and sucking on them and biting them?"

"Yes Mommy," I said while moving my hand up and down my cock.

"Maybe if you are a good boy Mommy will show them to you one day. But not today sweetie. Today is all about getting you to release ok?"

"Mmm oh yes Mommy whatever you say," I answered, still pumping my shaft up and down.

"That's a good boy. Now stoke that nice cock of yours harder for Mommy and look down at my panties."

My eyes shot down to her crotch as she grabbed the sides of them on her hips and started to pull them up even tighter against herself. "These are what you've been stealing from my room when you are a bad boy. Aren't they?"

"Yes!" My hand pumping furiously.

"And why is that bad boy? Do they feel good on your cock? Do you think about Mommy's pussy underneath them? Hoping she might be all wet for you?"

"Yes Mommy, Yes!" I practically yelled. "I rub them on me and wish it was your pussy all over my cock!"

"Oh that's my sexy boy. Look at my panties pulled up against my pussy and jack off that cock for me baby. Stroke it good and hard."

I knew I couldn't take much more of this but I was trying to hold back. "Mom! Oh Mommy!" I said feverishly." Oh God Mom I'm so close to cumming!"

"Oh yes baby. Why don't you stand up and jerk off all over Mommy. I want to see my baby shoot his nice hot spunk."

I quickly stood up, still stroking for all I was worth.

"I can see your balls are so tight. Do it! Shoot your jizz on Mommy! Give me your spunk!" she encouraged, her eyes transfixed on my cock.

That was all I could take. My balls tightened and I shot the first big gob right onto the front of Mom's glasses as she yelled in excitement and the 2nd shot hit right next to her mouth and all over her cheek. I kept furiously pumping as I shot more of my cum and it flew and landed right in her cleavage, soaking part of her bra. Finally I kept squeezing out the rest as it fell right down her stomach and right over her panty covered pussy. She had to brace me up the entire time so I didn't fall into her. I slumped back on the couch in a haze and looked at her in disbelief. My Mom was soaked in my jizz!

"Oh my god baby!" she exlaimed." I've never seen that much in my life!" She was laughing and running her hands over herself. Playing with my jizz running down her body. "I'm definately going to need a shower, wouldn't you say?"

All I could do was nod my head.

Still smiling at me she said, "Well baby I hope you enjoyed that release. I think I'm going to go get a shower! Be a good boy and clean up in here yea?"

With that she leaned over and gave me a big kiss on the cheek, leaving a bit of cum smeared on me with it. She got up and as I was staring at her ass while she walked away still in disbelief she looked over her shoulder and said" Now don't ever get into my stuff again. Next time just ask!" With that she gave me a little wink and disappeared into her room.

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I never did go to the pool after Paul fucked me and I ended up staying in the Jacuzzi for well over an hour. I moisturized and lubricated my sore and tender areas and ordered room service for lunch. By the time dinner had arrived, I had slept, finished reading my book and felt much better. All of my welts and red marks were gone, my pussy lips were back to normal and in general, I was doing well. I was debating on ordering room service again or going out for dinner. I decided to get dressed up...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 351

The screech of the tires woke me up as they made contact with runway. I felt good - I was refreshed - and I dressed quickly while the tug pushed the plane into the hangar. When the door opened and the stairs went down, Dad and Jake were there. The pilots handed the suitcases and all the boxes out as we stacked them on baggage carts, including the box that held the Mason jar. We pushed and pulled the carts into the pilot's office and into the vault. In the back of the vault were three new...

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Then You Wear It 5

At Emma's I waited in the car while she ran in and got my stud earrings, concerned that I might have some problems sleeping in the black-pearl- drop-earrings I'd worn that evening. Opie took the pendent I'd worn off and I returned it to my sister-in-law as well. When we got home, Opie was very frisky as we walked towards the front door. Her hand was exploring the rear hem of my skirt and just as we reached our front stoop, she realized that my butt cheek was exposed beneath the...

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JoAnn Part 1

It starts with the collar around your neck. Plain black leather, two inches wide, with a shiny chrome buckle in the back and a single D ring in the front. It fits tight enough that you can feel the rough side of the leather against your neck, but with plenty of give to be able to take full breaths.You stand in front of me. Your hands clasped behind your neck. Your elbows straight out so that your upper arms are nearly parallel to the floor. Your head looks up but your eyes are averted,...

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Drunk And Disorderly

I was jerked out of a sound sleep by an almighty thump sounding from downstairs. It was almost two in the morning and I was alone in the house, my mother was off at yet another party with the latest of a long line of men friends. Nervously I crept out of bed, tiptoed across to the bedroom door and opened it a crack, I saw light shining up the stairwell and heard the mutter of voices. To say I was one scared 16 year old would have been an understatement, but, like a fool, I went to see what was...

1 year ago
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Best Friends

I remember the first time I met her like it was yesterday. She had moved to town a few months ago, I had seen her around over the summer and now we were starting high school together. She walked into my home room late, so everyone looked at her. Two of the boys in the back of class did an annoying wolf whistle at her, at this point I could tell she was a bit shy by the rose color that flushed over her sun-kissed cheeks. "Ah, decided to show up late for your fist day? Take a seat." Our home...

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caught wearing my aunts lingerie

Getting Caught Wearing My Aunt's Lingerie!Since posting the story about how my aunt introduced me to makeup and crossdressing, I've decided to tell the story about my uncle. He was a man's man with the most beautiful cock I've still ever seen in person. Anyway, me and my cousin used to play with his mother's makeup and wore her lingerie while we jacked off and sucked each other's cock. We did this almost every day in the summer months from the time we were around 11 until we both were almost...

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Amelia and GregChapter 4

While Greg and Amelia were having sex, a good night’s sleep, and a trip to see the O’Connells following breakfast, Gunther and Joey were not so fortunate. Ed had eventually arrived in the van, and the cold and shaking pair had been able to dry off, change clothes, and get some mostly warm food to eat along with some coffee that was reasonable hot. When they had finished, Chip had further instructions for them. “The Boss says to take a break until daylight. I’ll keep an eye on the signal from...

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Living the DreamChapter 11

Laura and I woke the next day alone in the bed, to some of the most wonderful scents imaginable. Naltort had brought us breakfast in bed, and told us to feel free to spend the day there if we wanted. "I enjoyed last night immensely, but you should have private time as well," he told us. I asked a blushing Laura if she was too abused for a rematch, and she said, "Well, maybe not. I don't think my butt is up for another visit yet, but I think everything else still works." She turned out...

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Timeless Beauty

TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...

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Wrong Room

The Schaffer f****y was all smiles on this particular Friday afternoon. They were leaving for their annual summer vacation. Their bags were packed, the SUV loaded, and all that remained was for them to load themselves up. Every year they took a weeklong road trip with no fixed destination. They just simply picked a direction and went. As they pulled out of the driveway Amanda Schaffer noticed out of the corner of her eye that her son Ryan was starring at her. ‘Is something the matter honey?’...

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Step Daughters Desire chapter 7

The ongoing story of Master Frank and his growing number of slaves from within his own family. He never would have believed that his step daughters would ever desire to serve as slaves to their own step father. Sandra changed that when she ask to love and serve him along with her Mom. Frank sat alone in the den thinking about how everything is so good with his loving family. Janis and Sandra both working hard to prove their love and loyalty to him out of love. Diann anxiously waits for her...

4 years ago
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Bailee Needs a Man

I met my husband on-line, back before it was cool to date that way. Before there was Tinder and Match and FarmersOnly, there were Yahoo chat rooms and one night I was watching men masturbate in a room when I saw the most gorgeous eight inch cock, wrapped by a hand that looked rugged yet capable of the most tender touch. The cock was rigid and arching and dripping with cum and I was mesmerized. I chatted with him for a while that day and over the next few weeks I watched that beautiful cock...

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CHAPTER 23B: THE HONEYMOON BECOMES MORE…..MUCH MOREWith that Mom picked up her dress and we both picked up our heels and followed Marie to the house. She took us up to a spare suite, not ours. She saw my concern, “Everything you will need is in here or will be brought in.” Entering the suite, it looks like the others only the others didn’t have two stylists and chairs waiting inside. Mom just froze but Marie gently guided us into the bathroom. “Shower and everything else that you need to in...

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Forced to AllFours

Forced to All-FoursGwen was feeling really tired after an exhausting day of volleyball practice. All around her people were milling towards the multiple exit doors around her; she weakly pushed past them all to get to her locker. When she finally made it to there, she found she was the only person in the aisle except for Brooke.        ?Hi Brook!? Gwen tried to say as cheerfully as she could, despite her tiredness.        ?Oh! Hi Gwen! Just the person I was looking for,? Brooke said as she...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 323

Within an hour the extra manpower had arrived to beef up security at KCC. As they came in they were given all the information that I knew and also what they should be especially aware of based on the alert. At 3:30 everything was quiet and there had been no additional bulletins. With everything running smoothly I left for the day. Patti wanted to stay a couple more hours and that made it an easy decision. The ride home was normal so I had the radio on to hear if there had been any attacks...

2 years ago
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Stacy the Asian pharmacist KidnappedPart 3

Held in a cold, darkened room with no idea where she is, Stacy the Asian pharmacist has been tied up and forced to ride the hardened cock of Duke, the leader of a group of horny frat guys who kidnapped her on Halloween. Duke finally blasts his load, cumming deep inside Stacy, who shudders in unanticipated orgasm, unwillingly collapsing against his chest. As his friends cheer and clap, Duke runs his fingers through her hair and whispers to her what a good girl she is. There's the sound of the...

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School days3

My dad didn't congratulate me in front of the principal, but he wasn't mad at me since those two suckers were bullying an asian freshmen, and since I can't stand it, well I just prevented them to put the poor kid’s head in the toilet and I basically just threw a punch to one and shove the other to get to the scared kid. Then after some threats, we ended up in the principal's office and the nephew said I called him a “nigger” which I never used and it escalated from there. After an...

4 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 15 Time Flies

I thought Daddy would have a conniption fit when he found out the Registrar didn’t have a single record of the Fall semester fun and games. Oh, they had paperwork, but it was strictly the papers on the attempted rape and the arrest of the Dean and his cohorts, not a single thing on the expulsion merry-go-round, or our terrible grades because of it. “If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.” I said to Daddy. “What did you do?” He choked out, “You did something.” He glared at me, “I know...

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On the ReboundChapter 3

After Robin stowed her emergency stash in my closet, we had a surprisingly good time swimming. I found Brenda to be a pleasant and intelligent girl. We were eating lunch when Don showed up with the beer, and he seemed to be pleased that Brenda was there. A brief discussion when the girls were in the kitchen, disclosed that he was in no hurry to move on from Brenda. He said that she was not clingy like other girls, and that he had fun with her. I didn't want to tell him that it was probably...

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Sheep WarChapter 6

As expected, there was a major attack on the Boyd ranch three days after the attack on the Circle R. This was more than just a raid, since there were 37 cowboys from the Circle R, the Rocking J, the Bar B Bar, and the Lazy M, plus the owners of each of the four ranches. The fight started with the attackers riding as close to the main house as they could get and firing their pistols. The barb wire fence was effective in keeping them far enough away that the pistols bullets were either falling...

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Becoming a Slut

Over time, my mistress had trained me in her dungeon. Every time James entered I opened my mouth and began to suck. I was chilling at home one day when there was knock at the door. I opened the door and found a UPS delivery driver on the step. He was holding a box which he thrust ito my hands, he turned and walked down the drive.My phone chimed, announcing a text message. 'Meet me at the Regal Hotel in 20 minutes and bring the contents of the box'. I opened the box and found a suitcase inside....

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Public nudity

( Credits to the Lamppost and the other creators at http://editthis.info/create_your_own_story/ for the original story and posted with it's explicit permision) We all know the usual Enf story, a girl is going normally in her day, she gets naked for some reason, like an accident, she freaks out and tries to get clothes, is seen by some people and gets humiliated along the way, she finally get's the clothes, and everything goes back to normal. After all why wouldn't anyone want to be seen naked,...

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The Morning Grind

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. Another Note: I'd like to give an acknowledgement to Tainted Sins - undoubtedly one of the greatest TF writers ever, whose utterly merciless, oddly-literary, depraved splatter-punk style influenced this story more than it probably should have. THE MORNING GRIND By Wyrdey The boss-man's name was Graham Masterson. He was exactly as much of a paunchy, stuffy hypocrite as you'd...

2 years ago
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GFs Dorm 3

If you have not read part 1 and 2, please check them out first. --- So a couple of days have passed and Sarah acted like nothing happened. As if her watching me fuck and cum all over Teagan was just a dream. As if she didn’t licked Teagan’s cum off my cock and swallowed my cum while Teagan was washing up. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if it even happened. It was so surreal. Did I just dream it up? I mean, I have fantasied about her - she is very hot. And so, I decided not to tell...

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Pyx 4 VacationChapter 8 Walter Edith

If you have seen the restaurant scene from "Pretty Woman", you have some idea what dining on the ship is like. There were two waiters standing five feet from us, waiting on us hand and foot. I don't think my water glass was ever under half empty. There were tables for two, and tables for eight. Since there were always three of us, we sat at the large table all the time. That was nice, as we got to meet people from all over the U.S. The Japanese passengers tended to keep to...

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Edge of MadnessChapter 6

He had been sleeping for a good solid two hours when he heard something. It jolted him out of a sound sleep. Had he been dreaming? He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. 'What was that?' he thought. Could the old lady be having a nightmare? He got out of bed and pulled on his work pants, fumbling in the dark. He heard it again. It was a blood- curdling scream! No doubt about it this time. Instead of opening the door to check up on old Mrs. Blanche, his instincts led him straight...

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Ginas Retro Tit Torture

                                                                  GINA’S RETRO TIT TORTURE  Back in the late seventies my ex-wife spent a few weeks in the LA area. This was a couple years before we met and were married. Her older cousin had an apartment there and invited her out west, she was told there was a lot of work in movies and modeling and should get there as soon as she turned 18. Turns out the cousin was actually working for a sleazy escort service and Gina found out when she arrived...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 11 Wake Up Call

October 30, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “They’re all adorable!” Michelle exclaimed when she saw my kids and their friends. “How long do you let them stay at the party?” “Until we finish the costume contest, which is usually around 9:00pm. There’s a category just for the kids. It’s been a bit of an issue between Jesse and Birgit. They compete over that like they do everything else.” “Jesse had a snit last year because Birgit won,” Jennifer added quietly. “Jesse has a snit about ANYTHING where...

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Jennys Summer Ch 04

Jenny was ready at a quarter to three, sitting in the living room and waiting for the two boys to get their stuff together. She still wasn’t too excited about sports, but she was excited about the prospect of seeing Steve play sports. Because in this heat, sports making Steve sweat and getting him to take off his shirt wasn’t altogether unlikely. Then, suddenly, the doorbell rung. ‘I’ll get it!“ she yelled and jumped off the couch. Opening the door, she expected to see the mailman or one...

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