Reflections from the Snow Ch 02
- 3 years ago
- 27
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“Let’s get this booty into the house, then we’ll go there now.”
“Mr. Sandusky, will you? I will be your slave for life, and Juana will also, if we are together again. She loves me like a sister and I love her so much.”
“There will be no slaves in this family, though I may make you pretend,” I laughed.
“I love to pretend. Make me do something now, Mr. Sandusky.”
“Get on your knees and suck his cock like I showed you, Monica, make him give you a big load of his sperm and swallow all of it, then we will go find Juana,” Annie laughed, as a joke at first.
Monica was on her knees, sucking my cock in an instant. I tried to tell her that Annie was jesting, but she was determined to do this.
“Tilt your head and swallow Dad’s cock all the way, Monica, let him put his sperm in your belly. Soon he will put his sperm in your pussy and you will scream in pleasure,” Annie told her, as she knelt beside her in the sand, coaching her as she sucked my cock like no one before.
Monica was moaning into the head of my cock and I was about to blow. I looked down and Stacy had her hand between Monica’s buttock cheeks, she was frigging her from behind as the young Spanish woman sucked me to an explosive orgasm.
She did as Annie told her, swallowing until the last drop was sucked from my cock.
When we had cleared all evidence of our visit to the uninhabited beach, we climbed back into the basement through the mirrored time portal.
Annie and Stacy were huddled up, looking on the computer in the den when I went in with Monica.
“What are you two up to now? Got any ideas of how we can get to Savannah, Georgia, around 1840?”
“We looked up the coordinates for Savannah and we’re trying to figure out how we can make them work for us without having to inch our way across the Caribbean to the east coast,” Annie said, as they continued to chart and write figures.
“Monica, where did you leave Juana, was it in the hospital, a hotel, or a home?”
“She was in the hospital; the Doctor Merritt said he would care for her in his home when she was well.”
“Was his home near the hospital? Did you ever go to his home?” I asked.
“Yes, I went there to his offices with Juana. I know where it is, if we can get to the hospital.”
“Stacy, can you find the address of the hospital in Savannah in 1840?’ I asked.
I was slow, she already had it loaded and written down.
“Annie, I suggest we all go at once. If something happens, I would rather us all be there together, than some of us lost in time forever,” I told her.
“I agree, Dad, I would hate to be without you, Stacy, or Monica. Let’s go to the basement, we’ll try something I’ve thought of that may work.”
The women dressed in tee shirts and shorts, I was dressed in my hiking shorts with all my little goodies I felt we may need. Like my 9mm S&W I like enough to have a RTC permit, that’s reciprocal in twenty five states.
Annie had all of us put our heads through the mirror portal.
We were looking at the beach and surf, then suddenly we were standing on a street lined with huge antebellum homes and giant oak trees draped with Spanish moss.
“That was fun. Annie, how did we do that? Will we go anywhere we want, just like that?” Monica asked.
“I think we can, Monica. That was our first trip like that, we had just been to the beach and back until now,” Annie said, as she pulled the short piece of rope over a small limb to mark our portal.
“Monica, do you see anything you might recognize?” I asked.
“No, Mr. Sandusky, now we are just as lost,” she said, pouting.
“We’ll find the hospital, just wait,” I said, as I approached a policeman on horseback.
“Sir, we’re new here, can you tell us how to find the hospital, we have a sick friend,” I said, as he looked from me over to the three sexy, beautiful women curiously.
“Go to the corner, turn right, go three blocks. The hospital is on your right.”
“Thank you, Sir,” I said and left, before he thought of something to say about the way we were dressed.
“There is Doctor Merritt’s home, I see it over there,” Monica screamed, and ran across the street to a huge white house with a sign in the yard.
‘Millard Eugene Merritt, MD.’
We caught her just as she went through the front door.
Monica ran to a woman wearing a long starched white dress with a white pinafore and nurse’s cap.
They were both talking animatedly, waving hands and pointing to the door marked Doctor Merritt.
I turned to look toward another door when a young woman carrying a mop and bucket of water backed into the room where we were. I tapped Stacy on her shoulder and when she looked at me, I nodded at the woman.
Stacy tapped Annie and she looked at the woman. Annie hurried over and began to talk to her, they were having problems at first, then she pointed to Monica. The young woman was in fact Juana.
Annie pulled Juana toward the door by her hand as she motioned to me to get Monica. I stepped up behind Monica and whispered to her.
“Monica, come with me, we’re going to the beach and get naked with Juana, look to the door.”
She looked at Juana, then me, and smiled. I just knew she would scream, but she walked right beside me out the front door to where Juana, Stacy, and Annie were waiting.
Juana and Monica had a quick, tearful reunion, then we all ran the three blocks and turned left at the corner. Annie was the first to reach the small bush with the white rope in it. We didn’t have time to school Juana about time travel, we just grabbed her as we all crowded together and leaned our heads through the mirror portal.
Annie had marked her coordinates to the beach in Negril, Jamaica, on the map and in an instant we were standing on the beach, smiling at our first real, time and space travel.
I know what it felt like now, when Capt. Kirk said, ‘Beam me up, Scotty’.
“Juana, meet my friends, Mr. Sandusky, and his daughters, Annie and Stacy. I hope you will learn to like them as I have. They rescued me from the pirates as the ship was sinking,” Monica told her friend and governess, as she stripped naked on the beach in front of her.
Juana looked from Monica to Annie and Stacy, who had also stripped off their clothes. She looked at me and I smiled as I dropped my shorts and shirt on the sand.
“Monica, I must ask you, have you had the pleasure of this?” she asked, pointing at my half hard cock.
“Not as yet, but we are about to soon consummate our love. I have had it in my mouth though.”
“No, you have not. Have you actually taken this man’s huge cock in your mouth? You wicked little harlot; I knew you would become a wanton wench if you ever escaped my sight and had the opportunity,” Juana laughed.
“Get naked with us, Juana, show our friends what a magnificent body you have. We will have to shave your pussy and armpits when we get to the house,” Monica informed her.
“I see, you, Annie, and Stacy have no pubic hair. Mr. Sandusky has more than enough for all. More than enough cock also, I must add,” she laughed, as she stripped naked before us.
Her breasts were large, really large. They sagged only slightly, making them even more enticing. Monica’s were at least 36Cs and Juana’s were even larger, possibly 40DD. Her body was shaped like a Greek statue, with thick thighs, wide hips, and a rounded derriere to go along with her huge breasts, all just waiting to be fondled and fucked. Juana isn’t what I’d call fat, she isn’t even what I’d call a big beautiful woman, she is simply, a very tall, voluptuous woman, who carries her sexuality like a burning torch. She knows what she looks like, she revels in her natural beauty as she walks, talks, and as she moves. Her belly is flat from her ribcage all the way to her pubic mound, which protrudes significantly, before it slopes downward, into the fat lips of her pussy.
I would guess her weight to be 160, but then she is a very tall woman and carries her 160 like Annie and Stacy each carry their 125.
“Monica, now that we’re all naked in the presence of this handsome man, can you please tell me where we are and how we arrived here?”
“Juana, we have been pulled into the future, we are in the year 2010, and we can go back and forth as we wish,” Monica told her.
“Monica, there is no way for that to happen, is there?” she asked, looking from one of us to the other, her eyes wide in shock.
“The Sandusky family has shown me some gold that was found after the pirates buried it, we can go back and find more, then you will know we can travel in time.”
“Juana, first we need to put this lotion on your white body so the sun won’t blister you. Monica, you can put the lotion on her breasts while Stacy and I do her butt and back. Dad, will you do her legs?” Annie grinned at me.
The sun was hot, and the humidity was high, as we greased her voluptuous body with lotion. Her fair skin was glistening in the sun as she began to perspire. I coated her legs, from her feet to her crotch with the slick cream. I felt Annie’s hand slip between her buttocks and rub against my hand as we met at her juncture time and again.
Her pussy was covered in dark black hair, her underarms looked like large bird’s nests made from black hair. I ran my hands up over her flat belly and looked at her pussy lips through her slickened hair. Her lips were fat and puffy, they were either swollen completely closed or she had a fat tight pussy. I was in hopes of finding out. I loved this big woman’s body as much as I loved looking at Monica’s body.
“Juana, you will need to be groomed, as Annie and Stacy have groomed my body,” Monica told her.
“I have never even heard of such a thing, but I wish to have my body done as they have done yours. Does it feel good?” she said.
“Feel my underarms and my pussy, then tell me if it feels good,” Monica told her.
“In front of everyone?”
“Yes, we love to feel each other, see?” Monica said, as she reached out and stroked my swelling cock.
“Yes, I see. I want to be the same as you are.”
Stacy wasted no time; she walked to where the rope was hanging in mid air and stepped through the time portal. She was back shortly with a small plastic bowl of water, a small bar of soap, and two disposable razors. Monica led Juana over to a fallen tree near the tree line and made her sit with her feet wide apart.
Stacy and Annie each raised her arms. As she held them aloft, they started soaping her underarms and shaving her. After they had her clean and smooth. Juana looked under each arm at her smooth, hairless underarms and smiled her approval, after sniffing herself there.
Now came the crotch area. Annie and Stacy both knelt between her thick thighs and pushed her long legs wide. I looked over their shoulders as they began to soap her pussy and shave down the sides. They worked quickly and smoothly and they quickly had Juana’s pussy shaved as clean as their own.
I could see her fat pussy lips better now, this was their natural shape. This was a pussy that made me really want some of it.
“Juana, you have a pretty pussy, may I kiss it?” Annie asked. Not waiting for an answer, she dipped her head and I could hear her suck the fat wet lips into her mouth.
“Me too, Juana,” Stacy said, as she leaned down and sucked the young girl’s fat lips that seemed to swell even more and become pressed together even tighter.
“I want to kiss your pussy too, Juana,” Monica said, and without a pause, she knelt and sucked the pussy of her governess.
“Juana, why is your skin more pale than Monica’s?” Annie asked.
“I am naturally of fair skin, because of my heritage. When we were younger, I also loved the sun and kept my body darker. When we came to America, we never were able to lie in the sun and my body became pure white.”
“We’ll help you get your dark color back, you are so sexy. You need to be dark like Monica and us,” Stacy told her.
We walked along the beach as we talked, each of us with our weapons on our naked hips, except Juana, that is.
“Juana, I was telling our new friends of the times we lay in the sun and you told me of your adventures as a young girl. I was so jealous of you back then, that you were able to experience all those things and I was kept from even looking at a man.”
“Yes, but I was a poor servant girl. I was always in the servitude of one or more overly aggressive male members of a family I was hired to serve.”
“Explain this Juana, if you don’t mind. We’d love to hear some of your tales,” Annie said.
I smiled my approval when Annie looked at me. She had seen me looking this young woman over too. So had Monica, and she was beside me as Juana started telling us of a time when she was less than half her present age.
“I was but just barely fourteen years old, when my parents took money for my servitude to the owner of an estate across the valley from our small parcel of land. I was to work for the family for four years, then I would be free to either marry or make my own wages.
“My breasts were large for my age, even back then, and I was never afforded any support for them. When I went to live in the home of the Patron Arturo Felinni, I was made to wear the blouses that were loose on my bodice. When I worked at my chores in the barn and even scrubbing the floors of the home, my blouses were easily overcome by my large breasts when I stooped.
“They would swing beneath my loose clothing until both of them would soon become exposed, swaying nakedly as I worked. I loved the feeling of being naked and would work with my breasts openly swinging until I heard someone approaching.
“The Patron was older than his wife, who was given to fits of rage that caused her to have fits of coughing, until she was in need of bed rest. The Patron was more than able to bring on these fits of anger, to be rid of her and her incessant haranguing. I felt much sorrow for the older Patron, though I was happy when he was rid of the witch and would maul my young breasts until I could no longer do my chores. I loved his rough touch, yet I longed for a young lover that would make my huge breasts sing with the pleasures I’d heard my older sister speak of.
“The second summer came, and his nephew arrived to work with him in the vineyards and winery. I was instantly enamored with this young man whose smile would set my loins afire. I yearned for him to even look my way, but he kept his head to his work and never seemed to notice that my loose fitting blouse had in fact slipped over my swollen nipples as I busied myself with my own chores.
“The second week he was there, the Patron had put his vile wife to bed for the day, by telling her to stop with her vicious verbal attacks on his peasant girl and his nephew. He left straightaway for an appointment at the local tavern with his fellow Patrons. All of whom, my Patron himself told me later, gathered to drink wine, boast, and compare notes on their servant girls bodies and their amorous adventures together.
“The nephew was immediately transformed into a different person once his strict uncle was gone from the estate. He came to me and with his strong hands, lifting me from the cart load of fresh grapes where I was put to cull the spoilt and sourest of them into a pile to be fed to the swine.
“My hands were stained blue from the grapes and I had blue stains on my breasts where I had pulled my huge melons back to look down at the never ending piles of grapes. Before I could gain my footing, he was at my huge breasts with his hungry lips, suckling my swollen nipples into his mouth as if he was a starving baby.
“My knees buckled when his lips enclosed my nipple. My young cunt became like a fluttering moth as he touched me below my breasts, along the valley of my navel and below. I staggered back and he fell with me, onto a pile of culled grapes that was over a cartload in size. In my fall, he reached for my skirts and when I sat in the grapes, my naked buttocks were pressed into the fermenting, juicy, pulp of the culled grapes. I looked between my thighs and my swollen crevice was instantly blue with grape pulp and fermented juices. My young split at the time had hardly any hair and the hot juices seemed to seep right inside the parted lips of my cunt. This set fire to the fuels in my already flaming loins as he pressed over me.
“I looked up from my deep seated cushion of grape culls to see him loosening his trousers at the waist. My heart gave a flutter and my womanhood must have swallowed a good half pint of grape pulp as I saw his raucous cock jutting forward from between his thighs with the ferocity of a rutting bull in the breeding pens.
“There I lay, mind you, with my large, eagerly anxious, naked breasts loosened and covered only in grape juices. My buttocks had sunken to the bottom of the pile of culled, overripe grapes with juices still seeping into my seething opening. The young nephew of my Patron knelt between my open thighs, as I reached to pull him down upon me. I aimed him to where his huge bulbous weapon was at the door of my womanhood.
“Before he buried his ravaging cock into my belly, the young fool took time to pleasure himself among my swollen nipples with his mouth. I was writhing and wallowing in the grapes and in my own pleasures, as he managed to lodge his tremendous cock at my opening. The pleasures were unspeakable to my tender nether lips as he wormed his way between the never before opened walls of my womanhood.
“With more thrusting and more rutting of his hips, the corona of his cock was inside me.
“The pleasures quickly turned to an intense, burning pain, as he rushed past my maidenhead in his haste to get his cock to the bottom of my fevered hole.
“As he thrust and withdrew his spear of flesh, the flavor of the fermenting grapes filled my nostrils causing me to become dizzy. I was thrashing and he was thrusting, when suddenly he gained complete entrance into the farthest regions of my womanhood. When I rocked my buttocks to discharge him from his reaches, his thick shaft dragged across my clitoris.
“Which by the way, my sister had explained, was the center point of pleasure in a woman’s body.
“I knew instantly what she had meant about the mysterious little pearl that sat so lonely between my pouting lips for fourteen and a half years, before it was awakened by a rampaging young cock. I was thrown immediately into the throes of passion as he managed to keep constant pressure on my newly found pearl of pleasure.
“Though I was stinging from my maidenhead being torn away and the fermenting grape pulp that he had forced into my pussy with his blood engorged, raging cock, I was reaching a level of pleasure never before known to me in my life. My cunt was pulling and sucking on his cock as I moved to meet his thrusting actions. My entire groin was frothy with the foaming bubbly blue juices spraying out to the sides of his hard young cock.
“He had literally crammed my pussy cavity full of grape pulp when he fervently rammed his blunt cock head into my cunt. I felt him swell inside me, just as my body shook the far reaches of eternity, with what my older sister had described to me as an orgasm. I knew what it was as soon as it grappled with my inner cunt and rippled through the taut, quivering muscles of my fair belly.
“I knew also, that I would never rest until I had many more orgasms like the first one that reached the deepest recesses of my baby pouch in my womanhood.
“Now that I am more experienced, I realize that it had to be the fermenting grape pulp in my pussy that kept me from being with child.
“That boy must have pumped a wine cask full of his scalding seed into my seething cavern that day. For three days hence, when I parted my shift from my pussy to piss from my sore cunt lips, I discharged grape pulp and seeds enough to fill a tall wine mug. I smiled as I felt the small kernels skitter between my tender lips and bound to the ground,” Juana finished with her story, as we all sat on a storm bent palm tree on the beaches of Jamaica, sometime in the 1840s.
“Wow, I love that story, Juana. Did you and the nephew fuck many more times, or was that the first and last?” Annie asked.
“We had many more trysts, but none like that first that came in the middle of a cull pile of sour grapes. I did meet with my Patron’s younger brother, and after he and I had coupled in the outermost haystacks but one time, he purchased my servitude for double what was owed. I quickly learned in the haystacks that day, that what I had thought was a mighty weapon my Patron’s nephew used to skew my maidenhead and fork my cunt for the first time, was but a mere toy.
“The younger brother of my Patron had a cock that would make a horse weep in jealousy. Upon his purchase of my servitude, I was taken straightaway to his estate, to be with he and his young wife of six months. I knew why he needed me there; his sweet young wife could not partake of his grossly oversized shaft of pleasure.
“She was the one to show me the pleasures of a woman’s mouth on another woman’s pussy. Thus she showed me, so I could pleasure her, as her young, well hung, animalistic husband, molested my cunt from the rear,” Juana continued her hot story of how she herself, learned to love pussy.
“Did your sexual escapades continue from there, or was that the end of the fun for your youth?”
“That was only the beginning, though I had lost my maidenhead to the nephew of my Patron, my sexual education was but in the earliest stages.
“I stayed with the young couple for two years, before I showed the little wife how to let her man fork her cunt to fulfillment. I packed my poke and left the day she told me she was with child, I knew my servitude was paid in full. We had fucked all over their estate, never donning clothing for days at a time in the summer months and finally she had opened the throat of her cunt to swallow his cock and his seed.”
“Did you ever have more bawdy adventures with others, or was that all you had, before you were hired to be Monica’s governess?” Annie asked.
“Oh yes, most definitely I did. The overdeveloped younger brother of my Patron had a charwoman who lived in the small servant’s house near the main home on the estate. She was but a few years my elder. In her youth, she had become impregnated, and now was the mother of a young lad of only fourteen. Pedro Nicolas Quirino was his given name, I remember him well. He followed me around like I was covered in honey and he was a fly.
“One day when I was sent to hang the wash to dry in the back part of the gardens, Pedro followed me. He was constantly asking me questions about my womanhood and when I thought he might gain the manly gift of pleasuring a woman as his own Patron does.
‘Pedro’ I told him, ‘A boy of your age will have to wait until he has developed in stature and his testiculo will need to drop down in the sack, to be filled with seed.’
‘Juana, I have developed in a manly stature, I stand as tall as you and my testiculo are so overflowing with seed, that I have to drain them daily.’
“Of course, I was not taken in by a mere boy’s words of bravado and scoffed at his boasting.
“Pedro took serious offense at my scoffing toward his manly attributes and his abilities to perform. He straightaway loosened his waist cinch to drop his trousers.
“Dios asistir mi - God Help Me - Pedro had the cock of an ass. I grabbed Pedro’s hand and led him away from the clothes drying lines. I felt it my duty to inspect this young boy’s cock further.
“Behind the stables, I bent to have a closer look at his large appendage. To my shock and surprise, his cock grew to an even larger, more aggravated size. As my curiosity was now getting the better of me, I skinned his cock back to uncover his full crown.
‘Pedro’ I asked, ‘Have you ever put this magnificent cock inside anything other than your fist?’
‘No, Juana, that was why I was asking how long I have to wait’ he answered, as he grinned at me. I was slobbering all over his full crown as I inspected it carefully for any deformity. It was more than doubled in perfection.
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Carissa went to open it, sure enough it was the guy I had seen her kiss down in the lobby. The kissed again before walking arm in arm towards me. He had a shit eating grin on his face. "So that is hubby who can't hack it in the sack. What's the matter cuck? Hmm, not a pencil dick. Actually respectable. Must be quick on the trigger or worse can't get up even with help of the little blue pill." "Stop it Roger, he does just fine in the sack as you so delicately put it. The problem is...
I remember every touch … every word, just as if it had happened yesterday. Even as I sit here alone contemplating all that he ever said to me, I ache to hear more. “How did you first meet him?” seems to be the most common question when I dare to speak his name. And as I try to think back, I can’t really answer. It is as if I always knew him and him, me. We were as one. Those that saw us knew. They could see our paths set in the same direction even though mine was at his feet. We were going in...
So I eliminate names and numbers from my black book. My black book now contains the names and numbers of women 26 to 40 that hunger to be in my lair. These women are frustrated both emotionally and physically with men, they have dated and attempted to have a relationship with. They know entering my lair requires commitment to multiple animalistic sessions, but the results are multiple orgasms and sexual euphoria. After the sessions they are emotionally and physically satisfied, their bodies...
You may want to read the previous chapter before this one. Thank you to Estragon for editing my story and making it a much better read. * The separation and divorce went much better than I had expected. The moving company came the following day and took the kids’ things and my personal things to my parents’ house. I’m not sure if I mentioned that my parents did have servants, but my mother did ninety percent of watching the kids when they were there before the breakup. She loved kids and...
We’re nearing the end of the story. Thank you to those who are still with me. A special ‘Thank you’ to Estragon for his editing and making this story a much better read. Chapter 5 Our time every week was living out a fairy tale. It was like the prince finding Cinderella, or finding Snow White and living happily ever after. I was never a dreamer, I worked hard and expected results. Vicky showed me how to stop and smell the roses. Our time together was full of discovery. I didn’t know how life...
There is some sex in this story, but it isn’t the main focus. Sorry! Thanks for reading – your feedback and votes are always appreciated. ~Rach * * * The scent of roses wafting in through the open window brought a brief hint of a smile to her cracked lips. With a pang of melancholy, it reminded her of the glorious days of summers long since passed. Endless weeks of cornflower blue skies and lazy hours spent walking, laughing, and most of all, loving. It all seemed an age ago now. Like...
As my eyes start to close, I have one last thought, a prayer almost. I pray that when my eyes close again… I find peace. But not the peace of dreams. Please, if anyone is listening… no more dreams. And then my eyes flutter shut. — ‘Hey, Dad?’ ‘Dad, wake up.’ ‘Dad… DAD… we’re there.’ I open my eyes wearily. I was dreaming and…what was I dreaming of? My son parked the car, and reached over to undo my seat belt for me, the arrogant shit. ‘You think I can’t get myself out of a damn seat...
You may want to read the previous chapters before this one to know what’s going on. As always a special thank you to Estragon for his editing and making my story a much better read. Chapter 3 I arrived at the airport in France along with one of our financial officers and his wife. Max Riley has been with the company as long as I have and we were good friends. I was the best man at his wedding to his wife Deanna. They made a wonderful couple. They also had two kids, both of whom were also now...
“Who is she?” I ask myself. She looks a little like my ex-wife, though she doesn’t act like her at all. I haven’t seen my ex-wife in several years, but I’m pretty sure I could still recognize her, so I don’t think it’s her. Maybe she is a stranger who has inexplicably taken a liking to me, an attractive face in the crowd. Maybe I remind her of someone. Maybe I am a totally random choice. My therapist tells me this is the most likely possibility, though I am not so sure. Sometimes I think she...
She had wondered and wondered about contacting him, it had been three years. Three long years of self loathing, wondering how she could still want him so badly after the way he had treated her, that last night together. Why after their years together had he treated her so badly, demeaning their relationship? Her mind often, quite often lately, went back to the good times. When passion ignited at barely a remembrance of the previous encounter. Smelling him could and would set her off into a...
Love StoriesIt was a dark night as I made my way quickly down the cobbled street. Figures, the moon would be hidden tonight, hell a full moon at that. Turning I could swear that there was someone following me. Shit, now wasn’t the time to get caught out without my protection. Hurriedly I made my way to the door of my flat. Phew, at least here I was partially safe. I could feel the magic influence and my wards. For a moment just a moment I thought I caught the sight of a female. That was all I needed was...
He once told me I'd probably kill myself before I was 40. When I realized "my god" as he referred to him had indeed forsaken me. We always had this discussion in a bar, mostly as he nursed the last beer he rushed to order as the bartender yelled last call. As we discussed his bleak prediction of my doomed future, his hands ran up and down my thighs under my short sun dress, never quite going high enough for my taste. "You're wrong." I laughed. "You see, God made me disabled so I can...
Taylor Laurent sat in the booth waiting for the clock to hit 7:30, when the ticket office for Cabaret would open. blink Suddenly she was back in his condo the night before---against that very wall; the one with the Edward Hopper painting, New York Movie hanging so crookedly on it; the one behind her back when she enthusiastically kissed him good night. blink Back to the booth and hoping that the first customer, a heavy-set woman with a fur wrap on a 92° evening stood waiting for the window...
“I think we need to lock the place up, turn on the security system and hit the road in the RV. We can have fun, show Juana and Monica the highways, cities, and the open country, while we think of what to do with our loot and if we really want to keep this up,” I offered. “Let’s hit the road, Dad. We’re packed and we can stop to buy Monica and Juana some clothes, at least enough for us to go in places to shop and eat,” Annie laughed. “Will we go back into the mirrors to do this?” Juana...
When we came to the campground at the lake, I slipped some sweats and a shirt on to register. We were in luck, there weren’t many campers during the middle of the week, and it was already time for school to start too. I asked for a secluded spot in the RV section and the young woman at the park desk smiled. “You should have all the privacy you need, Mr. Sandusky. Most of our part time help has gone back to school, and we’re on a minimum detail until we close later this fall.” “Thanks for...
When Linda moved her pussy away from my cock, I felt like pulling her back and fucking her right here in the lake. I looked to see Addy smiling at me, her flat chest waiting to be like her cousin’s and having a fine pair of .32 caliber handguns mounted on it. I waved to Annie and she swam over to us as Linda kissed and sucked my mouth, hunching her slick pussy on my cock until she got another cum. “Annie, Linda wants to learn about girl love now; she and I are going to fuck tomorrow. First,...
“Mr. Sandusky, I love your big cock. I got three cums when I was sucking you, and when you and Kayla got your cums just now, I got as many as she did. I want you to fuck me deep like you did Kayla and shoot cum in my pussy like you did hers,” Kylie said, as she stood facing me. “Get up here on Daddy’s legs, Kylie. We’re going to fuck that sweet little pussy and make it get as many cums as your sister did,” Annie told her, as she held Kylie’s hand. I looked over to where Jared was still...
I went into my bedroom. Yes, I was already thinking of it as mine – no longer ours – to plan my next move. What did my one uncle once tell me? He is a retired drill instructor in the Marine Corps. He said we take a raw recruit, break him down mentally and physically and then put him back together and at the end we have on tough SOB marine. Is that what I have to do with my baby? I don't know. Well for now let him stew for a while. I'm going to fix myself something to eat and a cup of...
There, first seed of 'servitude' was planted. I didn't have to work. I took the team out to dinner. We did talk for a bit about a marketing strategy for a new product line – just long enough to qualify the dinner as business expense before heading home. I'm going to slowly tighten the screws and if he doesn't balk along the line, I'll give him a bit of wank time in two or three weeks. "Hey babe, I just got off the highway, should be there in a little while." Disconnecting the call...
"Baby, why don't you fix me a night cap after you strip. You can have a one ounce shot of cognac but then I want you between my legs while I watch this new movie the girls in the office have been raving about." That's how we spent that Friday night. When the movie was over... "Thank you baby, that was wonderful. Come turn around. Your neck must be hurting. Let me give you a little massage to ease those muscles." After a while – "OK, I'm tired. I'm going to bed. It's OK if you...
I had gotten instantly hard when she came into focus on the computer screen. That outfit was hot but then the erection slowly faded as she sucked on that obscene dildo and by the time she started to berate me, it was gone. I guess I'm not voyeur type – certainly not via web cam. I was pretty sure I could get out of here tomorrow right after lunch. Frank could handle the rest. The customer was happy that I had made the trip and that is all what counted. I just wasn't ready for a...
Terry I was still uneasy about the whole thing and not really sure if I wanted to go through with this. But in the end my love for Clarissa and desire to please her won out. We were ready to go down to dinner when Clarissa walked up to me and embraced me. "Babe, are we good? You know that I love you and only you. It's just this compulsion that I have to try this cuckold thing." She chuckled, "we are a fine pair of pervs. I want to be the slut and while you may not really want to be a...
Terry Wednesday was incredible. I left the office early to stop at the fish store for some fresh salmon filets. The rest of the stuff we had home. I had all my preparations done when the two ladies showed up. Clarissa gave me one of those tonsil probing kisses and Julie a chaste peck on the cheek. Instantaneously, my dick was hard in that unyielding plastic prison. I guess she had not come from the office but from her home because she looked hot with plenty of cleavage. After the...
Terry Luck would have it that in her snit Clarissa forgot to lock the door. So I grabbed what I needed and got dressed. Note to self, move your stuff to the other closet. I was out of the house before Clarissa got up. Work was busy and I wound up staying late. I called the house and Clarissa's cell leaving a message telling her that I was working late and got a bite in town before coming home. When I got home I walked into a virtual ice box. I tried to walk over to where Clarissa was...
Clarissa There I sat on the bed in my hotel room. The sun streaming through the window. I bet Terry is having a great time out on the golf course with that bitch and his buddies. Then I started to think back on last night. The beginning was hot and l loved the way Roger tried to humiliate my hubby. I had to come to his defense but my heart wasn't in it. Not that what I said wasn't the truth. Terry is and always will be a great lover. But this is a game, well not really, more like a quest...
Terry At first it was the perfect home coming. Clarissa was caring and loving in spite of the hell she put me through with her teasing and tormenting. Thing is, the subbie in me liked that part. She was driving me crazy with the need to cum and I lost count how many times she brought me right to the edge. To my surprise I had actually a good time but then we had done this before. The only difference, in the end I got to fuck her and our combined orgasms were absolutely mind blowing after...
Terry I took my shower, grabbed my snifter and the bottle of cognac and started to relax in my new chair, compliments of Clarissa. As I sat there I wondered how much use I would get out of it. If we stayed together and continued with the cuckolding, probably a lot. If not, maybe I'll chuck the old one that's down in the living room. Also I was wondering if I was making a mistake by not pulling the plug. I mean she didn't really say much other than that she was sorry which I do believe...
"My poor boy, I can see where you feel conflicted and confused. Torn between your love for your wife and the need to maintain your dignity and self respect." "You know a cuckold relationship can be a beautiful thing. Let me tell you a story, but first there is coffee in the kitchen. Why don't you get us some. I'll take mine black. Fixings are next to the pot so you can do whatever you want to yours." I got us coffee and Peggy continued her story. "As I told you, my husband got...
Clarissa I was sitting in first class with Roger on our way to Miami for a vacation. Coming to think of it, it was the very first time I ever went on an actual vacation without Terry. For a fleeting moment I was sad and then I remembered last night and this morning. Oh how I was pissed at Terry, the nerve of the guy. First last night after sissy Petey went into full drama mode when Renee tapped his useless balls with her cane. Throwing my friends out and insisting on cleaning up first. I...
Terry I had to chuckle to myself – not in front of Clarissa but as soon as I was out the door and on the steps down into the garage. Her face was priceless when I told not in so many words but still to 'shove it'. I'm getting into this mind game thing. Playing the compliant and obedient cuckold hubby and suddenly turn around tell her in a polite way to f ... k herself. That I was no pushover. I did things for her because I wanted to. I had a great time yesterday and felt she deserved a...
Terry I don't know what had gotten into Clarissa but it sure seemed that old Clarissa, the one I fell in love with is back. But back in my mind I couldn't help but wonder how long it would last. When we got to my room I went to the fridge and grabbed a container of OJ. "Want some Princess? I don't think I've got any fluid left in me." "Yes please, then into bed. But first please wash your face. It's a bit of a mess." We cuddled and kissed goodnight and I must have been asleep...
We decided on going out to dinner. A new restaurant had opened up not too far from us and I wanted to try it. It was advertised as "Asian Fusion" and I was curious. It turned out to be that they had a conglomeration of Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese dishes and everything we tried was quite good. Once we got back, Terry wanted to do the laundry but I told him to forget it this time. Instead we cuddled for a while on the double lounger on the patio and watched the full moon and a starry...
The separation and divorce went much better than I had expected. The moving company came the following day and took the kids' things and my personal things to my parents' house. I'm not sure if I mentioned that my parents did have servants, but my mother did ninety percent of watching the kids when they were there before the breakup. She loved kids and was a perfect grandmother. Marlene did show up and sign the papers. Our divorce was final in just a few months. Evelyn came over to see...
Our time every week was living out a fairy tale. It was like the prince finding Cinderella, or finding Snow White and living happily ever after. I was never a dreamer; I worked hard and expected results. Vicky showed me how to stop and smell the roses. Our time together was full of discovery. I didn't know how life would be without her in it. Now it was time for my family and friends to finally meet her. Max and Deanne were the only ones that had met her. Even they were surprised that she...
This is the final chapter. Thank you for those who stayed with me on this one. As always a big 'Thank You' to Estragon for his editing and making this a much better read. "Why do you want to go to college?" I asked Vicky. I do have to say it bothered me. I wanted to trust her but because of my past, I was also worried. "I'm taking a citizenship test to become an American citizen. I have to go twice a week for the next six months. My travel visa will expire in nine months." "You...
I arrived at the airport in France along with one of our financial officers and his wife. Max Riley has been with the company as long as I have and we were good friends. I was the best man at his wedding to his wife Deanna. They made a wonderful couple. They also had two kids, both of whom were also now in college. I remember asking Max if he wanted to go to France and audit a set of books. His wife's reaction made me laugh. "He's not going to Paris without me!" she said. Actually I was...
Reflection, No way that is me! By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal guy who will turn 18 the day after tomorrow. I am kind of a little small for my age, but I am not a midget. Unfortunately, I am the smallest person in my high school and that does include the girls too. I have long hair past my shoulders and a thin body frame. I once heard my dad say I was petite. My mom tells me I should be happy about having clear and smooth skin, and such a full thick head of hair. Mom...
A cloudy sky blanketed Malibu; the clouds threatened to break open at any moment. I lay in my Reflection hammock, watching the sky and listened as the waves crashed onto the shore with a dangerous vengeance. My daughter and I never missed Reflection day at the end of each month. It had been hard not to push my beliefs off onto my daughter as I raised her, but I had managed to let her find her own way in life. However, Reflection day is something she and I both agreed on. It's an important day...
Note to the reader: This is a seventh in my “Home Alone For The Weekend” series. This story features 14-year-old Michael. He thinks he’s gay. In fact, he is gender-trapped, a female in a male body. He stands barely 1/2” taller than his 6th grade sister Mina, outweighs her by only 2 pounds. He secretly wears her underwear. With the help of some potent weed, a 12-pack of his mom’s Heineken, and his renegade reflection, Michael transforms over the weekend into girlhood. Note that Michael is my...
Anyone who wishes to archive this poem may do so. It's just doggerel really, a trifling thing. Reflection A poem by Veronica Moonlit The Reflection I see is not truly me. I have never liked the image I see. I prefer myself envisioned in my mind, Magical Lady of Moonlight, whose heart is open to thine. Mirrors can't show ones love, soul, or spirit. The things that are inside can't get near it. The Reflection is the shell, not the whole, only a part. The Reflection can't show...
Reflection By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers I can hardly believe I'm about to post my 100th story on fiction mania, so to celebrate a little I decided to go back in time and reflect on how it all began for me. I'm often asked how I got started down this winding path that at first I thought was so narrow yet realized over years how truly wrong I was. In today's internet and social media era you understand right away that you are truly just one of many but more than two decades...
Alyssa and Austin were inseperable from the time they were born, unlike normal siblings they never fight, come to think of it they never argue either. Both like the same things: style, music, fashion, video games, movies, and...eachother. Alyssa is the younger twin: dark raven black hair that cascades down her back, bright blue eyes accentuated by her dark gothic make-up, nice sized breasts, and a slender curvy figure that she doesn't cover up to well with her various mini-skirts and corsets....