ReflectionsChapter 16 free porn video

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I had to chuckle to myself – not in front of Clarissa but as soon as I was out the door and on the steps down into the garage. Her face was priceless when I told not in so many words but still to 'shove it'. I'm getting into this mind game thing. Playing the compliant and obedient cuckold hubby and suddenly turn around tell her in a polite way to f ... k herself. That I was no pushover.

I did things for her because I wanted to. I had a great time yesterday and felt she deserved a reward. She took that as a weakness and it bit her in the butt.

Things cooled down from that point and we each did our own thing during lunch and in the afternoon.

I decided to kick things up and notch and go back to be seemingly subservient hubby.

"Princess, I'm having a beer. Would you like me to fix you a drink or a glass of wine along with some cheese and apple. Perhaps something else?"

"Terry a glass of wine would be great and yes some cheese and an apple would be great. Why don't you fix it and we can sit and talk a bit."

I had to smile to myself as I headed into the kitchen. Got you girl.

I brought the things out and placed her tray on a side table next to her chair on the patio. I grabbed a pad off one of the loungers and settled with my beer next to her in close proximity of her feet.

"Terry, I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I don't know. You confuse the heck out of me. I don't know what to make out of it."

"Princess, think of it as having to take the same medicine you've been dishing out to me. Only you do it in much larger doses ever since you started this cuckold BS. Sometimes it seems you want to turn me into a 'Petey' which will never happen. Then you back off for a bit and the next thing I know you leave me total agony and don't even seem to care."

"I just know that I'm not getting the things that I care about out of this current state of affairs. I want to make it work but you are not making it very easy. Sorry, but I no longer can trust you one hundred percent. Too many incidents where you either blindsided me or just didn't seem to care how much I was hurt."

"I had a really great time this weekend until you came up with all that Domme crap this morning. You bloody well know that I love to do things for you. If I don't automatically, all you have to do is ask. 'ASK', not demand."

"Even Marge says 'please and thank you' when she tells Petey to do something or he's done what she asked for unless they are in one of their extreme D/s modes. She has absolutely NO doubt that Petey will comply with whatever she asks him. She doesn't have to say 'please'. Petey doesn't care as long as she demands things, he's OK. His biggest fear is being ignored and left to his own devices. Her being polite conveys to him that she cares about him, loves him even more than just a simple command would."

After that Clarissa and I sat in silence for a very long time. I could tell, she was mulling things over in her head but had no idea of what she was thinking.

Eventually, she looked down at me.

"Terry would you mind giving me another foot rub, please. I know I screwed up this morning. I'm trying to find the right balance but I guess, I just have difficulties finding it. While you do that foot thing, maybe we could talk about dinner. It's getting close to that time. I don't really want to go out. Any bright ideas?"

"Princess, you know I love to rub your feet. Let me get the lotion and then yes we can talk about dinner."

I got the lotion and myself into position in front of her on the lounge pad. I wasn't keeling, just sitting with my legs under her seat.

"We have a couple of nice sized lobster tails that I could put on the grill, add a salad and a baked potato and we could be all set. Maybe some ice cream for dessert."

"Terry that sounds wonderful. Even though I had snack, I'm kind of hungry. Maybe you could get the grill ready before you start on my feet and when it's time for the lobster tails, I'll go inside and fix a salad. We can cheat and make micro wave baked potatoes."

"Works for me, be right back."

I dug out the lobster tails and put them into water to help defrost them, then started the grill.

We had a pleasant but relatively quiet dinner both of us were still dealing with the events from this morning and our talk earlier.

I had cleared the table and put stuff away. It was late summer and nights started to cool off earlier. Clarissa had come inside.

"Princess, what do you want to do? I could light a fire outside and we can sit on the double lounger watching the full moon rise. We always did like that. Up to you."

"Terry, what I really would like to do is go up to your room and play for a bit. We both have to go to work in the morning. I'm going to try to get in early. I just know there is going to be a ton of crap on my desk after having been away on vacation."

"Princess, I can do play."

"Terry, go take a quick shower and shave. I don't want a 'rug burn' on my inner thighs. You are going to spend time down there."

"Yes Ma'am."

Off I went. When I got back Clarissa was sprawled in a very lewd position on my bed and my dick almost instantaneously hit the "wall" of my CB but then I saw that the restraints had been pulled up from under the bed and it backed off quite a bit.

I decided not to say anything at that point and just stood at attention at the foot end of the bed with my eyes focused on Clarissa's feet waiting for instructions.

"Babe, focus on my pussy for now. Do not let me catch peeking at my boobs."

Of course in the process of moving my eyes from her feet to her pussy I couldn't resist to take a quick peek, hoping she wouldn't catch it.

There she was fondling her breasts and licking one of the nipples.

"Watch it boy, I caught you. Next time it's the crop on your ass. Maybe if you are on your knees, you can focus better on my pussy."

That was sneaky because it really made it easier for me from that position to just lift my eyes ever so slightly and I had her lovely boobs in my vision.

I think, she knew – there was that wicket little smile on her face.

Thing is, I'm really not that good spending time on my knees do to lots of stress put on them during college sports and they started to hurt very quickly without having a cushion.

Clarissa knew about this and her smile widened a bit as she saw that I started to make faces and trying to change my position ever so slightly.

She made me suffer for another few minutes – I guess to show that she was in charge before telling me to get up on the bed and to take care of her pussy.

I don't know how many orgasms she had had before pushing my face away by grabbing my hair and pulling me up to her.

"Such a good boy, let me clean you up a bit."

With that Clarissa started to lick my face clean, well sort of. It was just another way of teasing me.

"Hon, I want to unlock your CB."

With that she got off the bed.

"Get into position so that I can secure your hands and feet before I get the key. You know the rules."

I just stared at her.

"Sorry Princess but you have lost the right to tie me up with your different betrayals of my trust. There is NO way that I ever willingly let you tie me up here or any place else. I just can't trust you any longer."

"I used to like it, actually still do but I have to have faith that I will be released immediately when I ask for it or it becomes apparent that I'm in some form of distress. You know what you did, so I really don't have to tell you how much you have damaged my trust in you.

"But Terry...

"There is no 'BUT'. You ruined that part of the 'game'. I don't care what you say right now. Maybe someday when you've stopped all this BS and if we get back to the level of our relationship that existed before you got into this cuckold thing, maybe then I'll let you tie me up again. 'til then, just forget it."

"Here is what I'll do, put me into 'mental bondage'. Tell me where to position my arms and legs and I promise not to move them until I get permission to do so. If I feel that you are doing something that I cannot accept, I tell you first. Give you a chance to modify whatever it is you're doing that cause undue stress or pain. Only if you don't adjust, will I move."

"Terry, how can I ever regain your trust if you won't let me show you that you can?"

"You'll just have try in other ways to convince me."

Deep sigh – "Oh alright. Get up there and put your hands and feet close to where the cuffs are and don't move."

"Clarissa, how stupid do think I am? First we get all these restraints of the bed and into a drawer, then we can play."

"You rotten son of the bitch! How dare you? You can forget about any chance of release. I don't give shit what the agreement said. You want to cum. You got a key. Unlock yourself and jerk off."

With that she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Did I push the trust issue too far? I easily could have stopped her had she tried to attach an arm or leg to the restraints. Oh well, too late.

I really did not trust her at this point. So I disconnected all the restraints from the bed and put them into a drawer in my tool chest in the garage. Poured myself a cognac, grabbed a book and retired to my chair in the living area.

Trouble is I really couldn't concentrate on the book. Too much going through my head. Will she stick to the agreement about limiting her nights in or out with a fuck toy that we worked out this weekend? What do I do if she doesn't and what will the next few weeks be like?


That rotten SOB, how dare he question my integrity. Well, I guess he does have some small reason. But this tonight was just too much.

We could have had so much fun. I had been halfway of a mind, letting him have his 'midterm fuck'. I mean what's the difference. He either had to wait for another couple of weeks for it or he gets it now and has to wait longer for the trial period to end before getting another shot to stick his cock into my pussy. I don't know what to do with him. It's clear now that I'll never really break him to the point where I can rebuild him into the cuckold husband I need.

I tried to call Roger but it went straight into voice mail. He maybe with his family or one of his other squeezes.

I was tired from all the orgasms Terry had given me. Damn, I surely would hate having to give up the talented tongue. Having to train some other guy would be a real pain.

I didn't even dig out my vibes or take a shower, just crawled into bed fell into some restless sleep.

I had a real nightmare. I dreamed that Terry was with Liza and that chauffeur chick that I've seen having a hot threesome while Julie was tied to some sort of contraption being forced to watch. Every so often one of the two women would go over and tease her breasts and pussy, then get back to Terry...

I woke up totally drenched in sweat. What was that all about?

I got up and had a drink of water, replaced the pillow on my bed with a fresh one and fell back to sleep.

The nightmare returned but this time Terry was tied to that contraption and getting whipped by Julie while the other two cheered her on in between making out and fucking themselves with big dildos.

I must have screamed because suddenly the lights came on in my room and Terry stood there.

"Clarissa, are you OK? What happened. I heard you yell 'NO'.

"Just a bad dream. I'm sorry about earlier. Can I please crawl into bed with you?"

"Sure, come."

Terry reached out his hand and grabbed it and I fell into his arms. He actually lifted me up and carried me back to his room. Placed me gently on his bed and spooned with me before pulling a blanket over us.

My last thought, before going to sleep. He really loves me. Why can't I just accept what we had. What is wrong with me?

I felt like shit when the alarm went off. Thoughtful Terry had adjusted it to the earlier time I had mentioned since I wanted to get to the office early.

He kissed me gently on the cheek.

"Come on Princess, you wanted to get up early. Go take a shower. I'll go and fix us some breakfast. You'll feel better and if you want to talk about the dream, I'll listen."

Those dreams, I really couldn't remember them. All I knew, they were bad. Somehow Terry was in them and I wasn't. But no details came to mind.

"Thanks, babe I'll do that but as the dreams, yeah I had two of them. I honestly don't remember them. Just know that they were bad."

With that I got of the bed and headed to the shower. That's when I realized that Terry still wore the CB. It made me smile. I'm pretty sure if he had taken it off last night to do what I suggested, it would still be off.

We didn't talk much during breakfast.

When I was ready to leave, I gave Terry a hug and kiss and told him that I loved him.

"Terry, why don't I pick up some sushi for us on the way home. We'll have a quiet evening at home. OK with you?"

"Sure Princess, that works just fine with me. We have a staff meeting that might run a little late but I should be home no later than 7:30 tonight. Have a great day. I'll talk to the guys about having a barbeque here this weekend like we talked about on Saturday."

I must have frowned.

"Or did you have one of your fuck parties in mind for that day?"

There was an edge to his voice.

"No babe, not this weekend. I might hook up with Roger tomorrow or Wednesday but that will be it for this week."

"You OK with that?"

"No, but you know that and I agreed that you could. So go ahead. Just let me know if he's going to be here or not. I rather not run into him."

"But you like him, you play cards with him."

"Yeah and I take his money most of the times. That doesn't compensate me for his having sex with my wife or taking her on a vacation. Vacations are supposed to be for the two of us. Like I said, I rather not be around."

With that he turned and went upstairs to take his shower and get ready for work.

I was surprised how bitter and hurt he sounded, especially with that vacation part. Maybe I did make a mistake there.

During the day I got a text from him telling me that he was not coming home for dinner. The meeting would take longer than originally thought and they would all have dinner brought in.

I tried calling him at the office and his PA with a pretty snotty voice told me that he was unavailable. I tried his cell and it went straight to voice mail. He never called back nor did he reply to text that I sent him telling him that I would miss him during dinner.

This all left me very confused. He was flip-flopping from semi submissive to casual normal and then just, I don't know ignoring me. I was hurt that he wouldn't talk to me.

On the way home it hit me. I didn't bother to stop for sushi - it's no fun without Terry. He is doing exactly what I've been doing to him all these weeks. I slowly got an idea of what it must feel like for him. At least he didn't sleep around and as far as I know he hasn't seen Julie and her harem. Only I have been sleeping around.

So why can't I just forget about this stupid stuff? Tell him that I love him and dump Roger and that cuckold club. We had fun living together. Sure we had some rough spots, mostly over trivial stuff that neither could remember the next day. Sex was great and plenty.

All the cocks I've tried have either been worse or equal to Terry. Is it just the act of cuckolding him that provided the extra thrill and satisfaction?

Oh yeah, then it hit me – there was Reggie. He was different. Damn if my pussy didn't flood with the thoughts of Reggie's thick black sausage and what he did with it. I'll have to figure out a way of having him at least one more time before this trial is over. Just in case that we settle down to what we had before I got all these notions.

By that time I had gotten home and before I did anything else I grabbed my largest dildo, virtually ripped my panties off and went to work, thinking and dreaming of Reggie.

Eventually I got back to my senses, took a shower and fixed myself a salad, grabbed a glass of wine and settled down to watch some chick flick. But I had trouble concentrating. All these troubling thoughts kept whirling through my head. Terry still wasn't home as the clock neared ten. I started to worry. Then I thought, if anything happened, someone would have gotten hold of me. So I took a sleeping pill and went to bed. Hopefully the stupid dreams would not come back.


It was the first time I actually lied to Clarissa. In the past there had been some omissions, like not giving details of the board meeting or the sale of the business but this time it was an outright lie.

I did have a staff meeting but that was at lunch time. The folks doing the due diligence had some questions and I relayed these so that everyone could prepare their answers.

No the lie was about it running late. I had gotten a phone call from Julie asking me to dinner at the condo. They wanted me to meet the lady who would be taking over from me as CEO. It was an informal getting to know her since we had to work together for a little while during the takeover. Biggest concern for everyone was the customer reactions to the change.

I was greeted by a grinning James as I pulled up in front of Julie's and Liza's condo. Just driving my Mustang for a few hundred feet to the special parking spot was a thrill for him.

"Go right up sir, the ladies are expecting you."

"Thank you James, you know if you are not needed right here, why don't you take her once or twice around the block before parking her."

"You mean it sir?"

"Yes go ahead, it's OK. Really."

A beaming James slid into the driver's seat and off he went. He just hit the lottery as far he's concerned.

Liza was waiting at the door as I got off the elevator.

"Did I just hear the 'beast' roar?"

I chuckled, "yes you did, I told James to take it around the block once or twice".

"Pet, you are spoiling that man. He'll be useless for hours after that."

Then she laughed. "Not that he really anything important to do other than trying to keep some folks out."

With that she grabbed me in a hug and planted a medium hot kiss on my lips.

"Missed you big boy. Come on inside and meet Alexis. I think you'll like her. She is like me but in reverse."

I raised a questioning eye brow.

"She cuckolds her husband with lesbian lovers."

"Relax pet, she is not anything like Clarissa is trying to be. They have the same kind of loving relationship that Julie and I have. Just like me, she gets an occasional need for something 'special and different'. Her husband will be here tomorrow and for the rest of the week. Since he likes to watch, he'll get an eye full when Julie and I play with her. Just like Julie, she is just a tad submissive and I plan to kick things up a notch when we play. Having two subs is something I've fantasized for some time."

"But let's not keep them waiting."

Liza led me into the living room where Julie and a very tall statuesque brunette where admiring the sun slowing sinking behind the far mountain range.

"Alexis, please meet our 'pet' Terry."

I was blown away and had an instant hard on in my cage. The chest and cleavage was matching the six foot plus lady in her late forties. What a stunner. In her four inch heels, she was taller than all of us. MILF was what came to mind in an instant. She was a large woman but there was not an ounce of fat on her. She must be used to reaction like mine because there was mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

I must have blushed at the word 'pet' because both Julie and Liza started to giggle which made me blush again.

Julie came over and hugged me.

"Sorry pet, we didn't mean to embarrass you, well maybe just little. We know you're a good sport when it comes to us playing with you."

Julie continued.

"Alexis, like Liza said this is Terrance Wilkinson who all by himself built that company we are buying and you'll be running from a modest investment to that extremely over priced enterprise he talked us into buying."


"Please call me Terry, only people I don't intend to become friendly with call me that."

"Thank you Terry, please call me Alexis or Lexie. I'll answer to either one with friends of Julie and Liza."

"Someday one of you all will have to tell me about the 'pet' thing."

That made me blush again and set the others off giggling. Not sure how much they two of the had primed Lexie.

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Summer of 93rsquo Part VI

Summer of 93’Borrow HimPart VINatalie positioned herself at the top of our bed sitting up against our backboard with her legs spread wide and her knees bent. The room was pretty well lit up after Nat turned on a second lighting row. The light was pointing right at her bright pink pussy. Maggi and I sat in front of each other with our long legs laying over one another’s. We were right at Nat’s feet each facing to the side of the bed. This was our pre-sex stretch, we found when we did this we...

3 years ago
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My fingering experience

Hi, Friends I like to share my experience when I was in my college. After marriage incidents, my Life changed a lot. I became an addict for some time for such pleasure, Praseed was a support for this, and he always encouraged me. It was not only at velliyamma’s house but Praseed took me to his house, even some cinema theatre where we had fun for hours. However, luckily we did every thing with lust and love. However, Praseed was a kinky person who made me wear his Short Trunks and other...

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Ally turned to focus on Jack, who was setting his laptop aside and getting up from his seat on the couch. After the shower he changed into flannel pajama pants and a worn T-shirt advertising UC Davis School of Law. He’d done nothing with his hair out of the shower and it had dried into a wavy mop. He looked incredible and Ally wanted to shout to the world that he was hers—all hers—but he wasn’t hers. She smiled through the familiar stab of hurt. ‘Are you being protective? That’s adorable.’ Her...

1 year ago
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My Family Part 8211 Part 1 8211 Sex With Girlfriend

Hello dosto mera naam rajeev hai mai mai 20 saal ka hun graduation 2 year mein gaya hun aur mai 6 feet height hai aur jim jata hun regularly so I am quite handsome mere family mein main hun dad and mom mai apne parents ka akela santan hun kyun ki mere birth k bad mom ko complication hone lagatoh dad ne unka operation karwa diya jisse woh phir kabhi maa nhi ban payi mere dad ka naam suresh hai woh 45 year ke hai aur strong build up personality hai meri mom ka naam asha hai mom 42 years ki hai...

2 years ago
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A Ride Home with Santa

“You do know that Santa’s in charge of the North Pole and all ofthe elves, right?” Jason said continuing our playful argument. “You’re nuts. Mrs. Claus is in complete control. The only reason Santa flies around in the sleigh is because Mrs. Claus needs sleep after working the entire year for this one night. She makes him do it and he probably whines the whole time.” I counter. Then in my best mock whining voice I continue “It’s coooold, it’s snowinggg, where’s the hot chocolate, my coat is...

Oral Sex
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Bheegi Nighty

Hi this is reema from chandigarh, i m a married, age 24. Wanted to share some of my best moments with you guys. Mujhe mere pati ko seduce karna bahut accha lagta hai isliye aksar main kuch aisi cheezein karti hu ki wo bus mujhe dekhkar itna zyada seduce ho jayein ki bus mujhe choote hi khada ho jaye. Waise mere husband ka lund 7′ inches ka or kaafi mota hai jiski wajah se mujhe bohut andar lene mein bahut pain bhi hota hai. Ek din jab hum movie dekhne gaye to usme heroine ne white colour ki...

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The Replacement Chapter Four

I followed "Mum" still hyper-aware of the video I'd recorded, and easily I'd been accepted as just another girl. Was I really going to have to endure an entire birthday party as a girl? What would that entail? I absent-mindedly started peeling my nail polish as I entered the kitchen. I wasn't sure I liked what I smelled."Stop picking those nails or I'll have to repaint them for you." my new mother snapped at me. She pressed the *1* button on the control, enough for a short...

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Greed Part 1

Greed, Chapter 1 - "Be Nice to Your Grandmother" By Stephanie Johnson Stephanie arched her back and looked into the camera. The zebra print fur beneath her naked ass and shoulders was soft and warm. The camera whirred and she moved slightly, posing herself with the ease of a practised professional. The hot spotlights lit her chest. Stephanie saw her pregnant wife enviously eye her firm 38D tits. She was proud of her gorgeous feminine body and worked hard to maintain it....

3 years ago
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The CEOChapter 5

Howard got into the rented car and pulled out of the parking lot fast. He was driving much too fast. He had about ten thousand dollars in his suit that he had "borrowed" from the company. He had to make a score just one time and pay off the casino. He knew that the casinos in Monaco were open twenty-four hours and he decided to try a different casino this time. He was afraid that the casino he owed the money to would confiscate his money and kick him out of Monaco if he went back there. He...

2 years ago
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Tawnis Story

Chapter 1 – A Pleasant Morning ‘I’m awake. ‘ ‘Where am I? ‘ ‘What happened last night? ‘ ‘Why do I smell like sex and alcohol?’ ‘Oh, no. Did I go home with someone last night? ‘ This room doesn’t look familiar. I’d never have drapes like that and this bed feels way too expensive for a college student like me to have. So, it must be someone rich. Ah, damnit Tanya! Think girl, think. Okay, what was the last thing that I remember from last night. Okay, Suzie… Who’s Suzi- oh, my...

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My Night in Room 303

Id heard a lot of stories about The Omni Parker House in Boston. All of them claiming it to be haunted. Now dont get me wrong, I believed ghosts were possible. But I didnt believe in all those TV shows. But I was finally going to get to do my own investigation. I stood outside looking up at the looming building. People were glancing at me awkwardly as they passed me on the street. Probably because of what I was wearing. A black tank top, black cargo pants, a fedora, black high tops, and my blue...

1 year ago
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Priestly Passions

‘Dear God,’ he murmured to himself, his hot breath stirring the fragile fern that acted as his refuge. The collar around his neck began to tighten as his eyes roved over the exotic beauty perched precariously on a sun-beaten rock only a few feet from his hiding spot. He slipped a finger between his sweaty neck and the stiff collar as if it would help to regulate his now choppy breathing. She truly was a delectable little thing. Her long, raven hair, wet from a recent dip in the pool beneath...

1 year ago
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Remarkable Phase

My name is Ruchi and I am 26 years old. I am about to share with you the most remarkable phase of my life. *** It all started about a year ago when Rohit, my fiancée was got an admission from the Stanford University for doctoral studies. He had never expected to get a full scholarship be he did and so our wedding plans were put on hold. He left for USA and I was in Pune working in my dad’s company. Life without Rohit got boring and lonely and so when dad gave me an opportunity to go to...

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RedTails A Night Out A Night In Chapter 5

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter V : Safety BriefingFrelic disengaged himself from his sister, planted a tender kiss on her sweet bottom, sat up on the bed, removed the rose in his hair and put it back in its rightful place up her butt, "Come my little tender hawk. Thissle and Karma are probably just about ready for your night out." He pulled her to her feet and led her over to the table, where he brushed the tangles from her fiery hair, clasped the leash to her...

2 years ago
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Japanese GF number 2 MILF Nurse

It was about four summers ago when I had to get rid of this polyp I got on my intestine.Nothing major. I have a 2mm scar where my pubic hair is and an easy surgery to laser this pimple sized lump in my stomach. It was a hot and humid day and my mother helped me to get to the hospital. So the next morning was the day, everything went smoothly and I didn't feel a thing obviously with the help of anesthesia. Next thing I knew, I woke up, my mother next to me asking if I was ok.I also distinctly...

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Lois Griffin in Trouble

Lois Griffin sat on the edge of the bed. Her wrists had been tied very tightly together behind her back, her ankles lashed together and she was gagged securely with a red ball gag that forced her mouth open. Apart from snug little string bikini panties, she was naked. Her husband, Peter, was in the en-suite bathroom gargling after brushing his teeth.Their children, Meg, Chris and baby Stewie, had been sent to Lois’s parents for the weekend. Brian was on a writers’ retreat. It was just Peter and...

3 years ago
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Stress relief with Sasha

Introduction: While working at the library, Sasha gets a lesson she will never forget. When Sasha was 16 she got her first job at the library reshelving books. She stood at 53 with perky B cup breasts and a nice round bottom. She loved to take her time shelving the bottom shelves so that the men could watch her bend over. When shelving the top rows she would stretch so that her shirts rode up and revealed her flat, caramel colored tummy. She was shelving one day when Jeremy walked up. Excuse...

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Alfie and Blatt Resurgence

(Back in 2003, an erotic writer named FINC released a story about two aliens, and their sexual exploits with a human female named Becky. It was one of the first erotic stories I had ever read, and it always stuck with me. I adored the concept, and the characters. This is my tribute to that story; and a chance to continue their adventures. Feel free to search for the original story, as it can still be found on other sites.) First, let's describe our two main aliens. Alfie and Blatt. More...

2 years ago
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A Day in the Park I

In some ways, the foreplay had gone on for ages: flirty glances, dirty text messages, suggestive photos. And then today… an ‘innocent’ drink. Touching at every available opportunity, kissing, hand’s sliding up my legs and the moan as you realize I’ve removed my panties… It’s getting late and we should be going our separate ways but the kissing and the flirting has got us both hot and horny, the apprehension is too much. We walk hurriedly as you lead me to a secluded place you know. A park...

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A fantasy part 5

Continue:You looked up at me, smiled.“Darlin, you are naughty…..more?”, you said.“Mhm”, I replied…..”I must say, this is not my first time having a dream like this. And sometimes I just close my eyes and fantasies about similar.” I continued.I slide my hands down against you, took a good grip of your head….”I must admit, all my fantasies are not of the nice type.” I then pushed you down, felt your tounge and teeth playing with my balls and scrotum….I pushed you further down. You looked at me...

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How I became a willing cuckold

I became a willing cuckold long before she fucked the first of many other men. It happened during play and what seemed like fun was really preparation for my cuckolding. The key to making a man submit is to have him relate his submission to pleasure. We had a great sex life even in our mid thirties and we had both been each others first partner but change was coming.It started out simple enough; she would grab my balls while we were playing and squeeze them until I said I give and then she...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 19

“You love how that feels, don’t ya, Miranda? Face it, you enjoy that futa cock in your cunny!” I taunted Miranda Kerr a little, even as her ex-husband Orlando Bloom buggered me with his own long, skinny prick. “God, yes ... and the way that you keep pushing her inside me. Are you really sodomizing her?” Miranda asked me with considerable arousal in her sexy Australian accent. “That’s a big ten-four there, missy. Sorry, that’s CB talk. Plenty of truckers in my once large, now rather reduced...

2 years ago
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Warm Day Bus Incident

Warm Day Bus IncidentJohn [email protected] something occurred that challenged my presumptions as to the innocence of c***dren, a presumption that really I should not have held, given my own memories of growing up and my curiosity as to the all too hidden world of sex and the “hidden” parts of the human anatomy, which being hidden naturally intrigued me all the more.So, yesterday, a warm day at last and needing to collect my wife – she being nervous driving in the crowds...

1 year ago
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I Couldnt Believe That Happened

Our house always has been the "cool" place to hang out at. Our daughter and step-daughter's friends have always liked coming over. They would always tell everyone that we were awesome, fun to chill with, really laid-back, and they could stay up all hours of the night having fun.What the girls have never mentioned, thankfully, is that when my wife would go to work on second or third shift, often times our late nights would result in some drinking. Yes, I knew it was wrong, but I also knew that...

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Carl Naked in SchoolChapter 6

Tuesday Evening I looked at my clothes distastefully. The thought of smothering my body in them was repulsive. Besides, she'd asked for it, hadn't she? I opened my door and stepped out into the hall, feeling every stray current of air that brushed my bare skin. I looked toward her room, thinking maybe Sis was already in there, doing her homework, but her door was wide open, which meant she was probably still down stairs. Taking a deep breath, tingling all over, I started down, my hardon...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Chapter 4

  I was very worked up waiting for Miss Morgan to call me. Her earlier attentions in her office were incredibly hot. She had me on the edge when we were so cruelly interrupted. I was wanting more that night. I dressed up cute for my darling professor. I went with my favorite dress, a short little number decorated with big sunflowers. I put on some nice dangly earrings and my little black necklace as well. My heart raced as I waited for her phone call. My mind was clouded with questions about...

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STRAIGHT MARKY ...PART2Hey guys, WOW, I cant believe all the supportive emails ive received insuch a short amount of time. Thanks to all. So, here's the continuationof "Straight Marky".Ok, after dropping Marky off at his house, i went back home and got somemuch needed sleep. A couple of hours into my "c***", i heard the doorbellringing and knocking on the door at the same time non stop....PISSING MEOFF! I opened the door cussing like you wouldnt believe and there standingbefore me was ....yep,...

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How I met Liz Part 2

Half way up the hill there is a lamp post. It is just after midnight on a frosty October evening, so I know the pole is going to be chilly. My cock wants to erupt just from the 500 yards I have been watching her ass as she hastily pulls me up the pathway. A main roundabout is at the top of the plateauing incline and the club is at the bottom. People aren’t really around so without hesitation I yank her arm to stop her power walking. I push Liz against the lamp post but she doesn’t feel the cold...

3 years ago
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The Trail

Copyright© 042702 The trail crunches under foot as it leads on up through the Gorge. The air is cool, crisp and smells of an early Autumn day. The sky is that clear blue one sees on that rare day when the sun will be out all day, but never gets hot. My feet seem to barely touch the ground as I attack the path. The day is young and I am filled with energy. The forest is filled with the sounds of silence, the only sounds I hear are my breathing and the steady cadence of my footfalls. The autumn...

2 years ago
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Moms Career AdviceChapter 4

I woke early, it seemed the sun was just coming up outdoors, awakened by Susan's mouth sucking me as she looked up seeing if it would wake me up. She lifted up, telling me, "Your cock was so nice lying there on your thigh, kind of soft but still pretty big, I just couldn't resist. I love sucking a guy when he's soft so I can feel it harden as I give it pleasure." "I just wish I could wake up every morning this way, Susan, you're really great." She sucked me some more and I was soon...

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Gay College Roomates Part One

Junior year started out in a new apartment, new friends, new experiences... I was straight at the start of the year, and slowly I became VERY bisexual to completely gay by my senior year. First it started with my batshit crazy girlfriend...Crazy girls are the best lay, and my girilfriend at the start of the year was insane. She was very curvy, huge DD tits, blonde and always horny. Even when we broke up I couldn't quit fucking her, which kept getting me into trouble. My roomates would complain...

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CHAPTER 8: THE STAFF MEETING “Good morning, Abby.” I was bent over small piles of sorted documents for Mr. C’s staff meeting at 10:00. I glanced over my shoulder while remaining in position. I gave him a big smile. I had hoped this would time out like this. “Good morning, sir.” He came around the side of my desk as I sorted the last of the documents in the piles. He pressed on the jeweled end of the butt-plug I decided to add today. “Love your outfit, as always.” I stood and turned,...

1 year ago
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Pursuing Andrea

Mike settled back into the couch as he flipped the remote hoping to find a good tit show. He glanced at the clock noting it would be at least a half hour before Andrea came home from her date. Not finding anything interesting on the set, he threw the remote on the coffee table and picked up his cigarettes. He drew in a deep breath as he lit one and started hacking. “Dammit,” he sputtered as he coughed a few more times. He grabbed his can of Pepsi to ease the burn and set it down when he...

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Concert sex sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! This past weekend my older sister(50),and myself(47),went to a rock concert. Now my sister is a hot,5'1",100lbs,35b tits,long blonde hair,and has a fantastic,tight,bubble butt. She has been divorced for 11years,and dates occassionaly. I'm single, 6'4",225lbs,athletic build,and have an 8"inch cock. We have always been close,ever since our parents split up when we were young. Over the years,we have partied together,and had a few(close)moments . Nothing...

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Just Trying To Help Chapter 3

Molly's story I came from a home of strict parenting but was well loved. I have two brothers who are five and seven years younger than me. My dad worked his way up from an electrical engineer to the executive position. He became a department head and is now plant manager of an auto parts plant in Michigan. As far back as I can remember, my mom was a stay-at-home mom. She was one of those women who loved being a homemaker. She was a fantastic cook and housekeeper. It was from her that I...

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Its The Small Things That Count Part 3

The next morning I woke up very early. Actually, I don’t even know if I slept at all. I checked the time and it was six am. I can’t remember the last time I was up this early. I turned over and saw Rachel was still sleeping. She looked so innocent just like an angel. I decided to get up, trying not to wake her. I really didn’t know what to do this early so I decided to do my workout now before I got ‘distracted’ again. I just put on a shirt and some shorts I had laying around.

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